The Huron Expositor, 1907-09-13, Page 2-FIT t 7 7 777 A j P7- F _7 Y K J J XMIR ON Y"M 7 - Al P F`3� F___ ^_177 F i TO 81. QXPT _W�w 1W _�w 0 C61ivalesce 0100 Ut'T"' Pa'� "(V *h ed tau was, 19 to -k t 0 0a & ILL !:A is I svtreign Barvt 0and Cana 34"t JIM -VAd �Wfiq, nj-#k0,,d 4j, the 190 etuily d' st eA i,* tU en ral 'Merdh" r tt% i661 OF�102. G e t -fo t ali eew eim lriah- lat. tq*0 - §ed tied 0�qi le Otkonf-Aff" powel -a- iW,G .$bns Ment ODC d c te j7A3kV' .8, XSQ., oq*nlory Oft, ;W(M biid Kletobb have 00CII and mscle without sit. - 19'k It'makes bone, b�l 'Sil 11b ee 07 W. on rt,* Ho of f am gala to RON. D. flie raouad putting, any tax onL the jigesfi6n, ife Of AL is 5 C. AND $1.00. wititochaal l4tij by S"� A alith- L DRUGG TAI th�r',flhe of&,t day with 0, 6. polter AZXY_ Bavell, i4sq y�_e It 'the �Wel no Ir for 001110 vul Uft W of. Mi. proilndb f Igore lnqljk&A'g - 6d! 7- 17i ft J�A f DoYla Taaadpae�v th -to � , ' . V� at A�t _jbA wIto tM.Jei, JL. '060 y tem -0 t ro u -h a Vre two. f ra W Mr. H, A&- aft� Uri 'bo th -but-'iwav asJ' WaL of, w ful on arunmr to t Wd M11117jig Co.,,o xt W - .19 TM 1MMO vali 10 tho ftoe, W JUUco. Cho rs f loon* io bmt =r=1 Zatez P*&,qaq%* ,-2/2, Branch If. Aniold, -jam Were T lien" J� Tf'el* wa$j U' 01M fbilggisit! iia Iblt �iu Mr RUA ek! )xot :!tyata he 33tucefield Imuft-h ,.H, orr=ee, -bleftery of 11M. klair. 17o ba. a: mpadtty & slbn�j _df M. :L dt i1bout 60 000 bushel to ttotl 'd of idlainked to MO. meis:*11_1 aim f dr i -1jo -thow fdrM lilt- "t 0 Ito $81 for 250 00 J rs ievelk!, am one for ana jtea- mon i their Ifiri 13ullo�.k :9f, .0how hm, S Of !,add- Gre la te, The Principal, of olir Shorthati4 ad., F* V the flour, "mill Rail to We, teach the a t* k - Hrring for 26- About a�vj.E6ij he I , . trom Cry 1 IM0 J dl they dn e of -_ tjj�d jjtW ,Wext 'it & he &j,001 were --staitki-091. , AM , Shorthand tecause we 0 gr4duated tinder th author Jul em o -*x ."Vy 'I n: Tea for 250 pr %esi; —rj* re6liftw id. o0d tem, and her two Our 30c J y 4W -Y, Of the Gregg sys iWilirclate Uf "d. fair Fdjho 9 -'aref eTftt.i* - -at teleplfto line:' is -Writ n istants are graduates of the Busi- 0 cdh� It inlone straight lin YQU W7, Caw A Ireis woreli largel re- fhIs,7ea!r, �Vli bleet with, i6x- �ihd based the movement re Wired I iiO�s Educators' Association. tbhJn16o it-Plidt X 7lie(re Vill bg to Write or ary in Sri w 00, sli btly ssured of- the very best tuition longh' C re- '.are Twilkaft all G�00 S ited, Tt olie &ve diftV�, bad lWdw t1* 4eq�, 4bo*w Did tW quires noF s th '1H;T r. d03 men are hard AN� A" r nfA WAX, IbmrJ prp, 1C. slant's or our -large AN at 100 per-yar- Other lbe�f T*6 al --to ore information in 36 i0oh l"1101 --w alne. rea of : I oxides-. vertic s d 4'sla�kej ing Illustrated catalogue, w1tich we would the F&led,.A0g'*U' aTid boia to tim hUmb of' ffvo� or rom6mber require at 20e -.per Y0 4 WAY W-e1lJre0 set:itddo' 7Jbq1dIv*. 4 -11h al to Irtake: correctly. 7 b Cottopade- reg f maWar 25o like to mail you free. Firit lesson V to ormect Up- ces Gregg sent jolighl r in, ces *�Jth the B 'The - ,tho--ta,.un*0rs rk is thus easier 16 xa,." free on application. plaim erette goodsvegular per y hr( .41, a4i win pobh, Gre lit falf -an A speedy, 4ep te. greater demand for our gradu- ring, was fair. of, Ra* rite and 8 'grades tht, stenographot is the result. owdrst -filre ltr� 0- ht%l ory m than we can supply. Excep OrsElt"w" attadftadtO Griewolcl, ota;rted! about FOWLVERPS e tbW -&,hkp 4in. ac... the idther nte -yl� a r REST C BUSUNEW COLLEGE 4 Cwt- SpeCial Hne t of thd 441- disolar 'of Ca's UXIrR AkOT OF _of X oil's Tweed. P -anti 0 614 t. r- edt4ti& (ffl. not 411 1hroeds rdaia'a hy Ccbpei- Nept ewls, -ed4trolled iiXt I d 1 TaT- %blaok �:b are 4t Tele Unt 1% -at $1 per pair. Specied lineL of Jor? har.dw e, f 11 Imp- to W4 all t4a U!hi LU offic Do AWBE per pmr.,.. A !P6 Ularl-ty _'R ovefalis to olear -tit :Wc SA -4hired meem tO ow n p Of try�stl*e. Dd 41 barber shop' -1 0 ate.,, iWbert X_ 1-140V sol d - b -I 'his Im- -gell1w, jo -very. Ib aorf, Hatticks har- wing STMirMEOU 1* boys' odd ceats sizes 32 and 33- Store 0 e- ef bleto the fair. iiess. Of I h % each. Pfie, Cota 6 4, the and I,f ee Mir"hireis, �he W* ov, Oxfofds d W wre stranffs, store, Uln I occ d WOW Jd 'be n ,It 3bd '416di tIlt ire ��O It hu been uftd in thoumn& of lwm yral pba* o 13 -v�ete ­jihown, $ev M -sets fj faital. laft I�M b f With 'I ba - ve row 1but s0ab ot ibeoa would' i - - to! a n dol- and j�* --c e bufter and egg$ lbatter alt at least "Sol far as *,,the 'Ili partly coj -es paid fori hok tming the past'sr'.ty4wo W= Best'pric coa 43U d' the I id's epraalton, to 0 1 red 6y ln�, ivealth of stylish! iniit for housek-eepes�41most sefml, fiatisf acuon. itroo, of Un i4way's give -Paul 'AssiritWdsOn ee, too I so. ! 1 "Wadve, reasonable to eip uch.. Aud ypt, if merij: Ever home have a bot­t� A* wo an ship d'; prices will appeal to Y0 "11 d hare were: *a. of rkin urni e, ft. The pir� hla!na, K46�, WE a. Ohot I&M W W 1 11 11A nciI, of, ai ft cam Df emezgoncy- re hogs. Tvr�lugbvt inSAY' ternbon, rebelving aal thJuriet. Not efore investib'- elsewhere. Price 35 cents i Oiigh- te bdomeW t10 other at- are boundithat.it did, youll. cer inspect our splendid ue-*' at 'ac v f SUGI ock C0836tj to L B. B. GUNK fUh1n7,_reM9irk@- and enquiries from rettxM-njn,,C at drug&b joid was ones Who. ba4 hi t hea;rd 6t this 1b Do not %t iome uzqW%c�p� was Wr nt hey - are aj 'k White t�WDWer-*ii&Yni clot1s. body, ait.Ithe*4 humbug _�A VORKER ST010i r6ed, rdad'P, abid, til� d &U9& You kvt� UX4 10 �oul tied a whot' wulij, While MdW1u.g, and From tly attended to nighb or day. rry d-Lorls. It 10 r1lmedl- thiat. C _P 4y talls answered at t1le i0oMpr Xigbt aud Sund Wa13 8; is f rac- -he bacoo residence of S' T. Holmes, godeekh st�ee% opposite the Mthodist chureb, t" He ,grasa iA" usual' t Mon Mal . 4 lence. �Gr6at Tork- oo side to Maralli 'Seaforth. she -a stri d L keg, a4cl drIve i,poc =d f# th paot shlrea res and -Ta, the yexr, BP & C Wt. Areep Ide an4L about ffir gang 'n and v0W With bh# T, �jnla f crax� -than 9,7fv -brow04 yalow, 01,. IF.ft ee 7eatr� ago He Aft G. podell Uffikidir, Wk Wa"ORTH, FIRM 10 _c I ineals _j�! quie 0i AY; Sti 19, 1907. bl thE t It Chestd'r :W hite JIF AD F20 AU -here ki g. fe, Rigi Whft feVj 0 L the ftad� dn ftrthi cotra&D WaIg a Vd0! W80V but Was! I idue ioug. 4r6we rg A. I I bav*- und Da.. w. al-ge 0j It. -All the 0 ao Wlfe iWal ft mselves English aintS ard CL iglish! i OTR U 7 TE -1 were cdr4l _r �W lack. pt �res WL0 the bill 'belt k bfanito W1lite, Ye]Ro* and BI -own. Bay 1his an othora. -.ronit 8. T. HOLXES, Manager. b*, to raec '"Nack," W IAq bist page aOlcle, in Wrm�rs! re !not all 1kockral- t Wait: the, Insurance hod 4 far are *X 'T.4e fruit and �gataVe gi-oweis. Were SaturdaY :!i*ht tackles the al '_ :that -the otheir madh troubi.e. lawl 1 1' ten 'y kno* t1lbelt, lrJ WW; or a' �s P Sam verY'pTe4sR4t!Jr9 the Inew- Jbull lab& pToblem Which Is, sudh &'barn- going to ot Thein6 ibipt t&9mor"Out ot his 4qsurah a. ome ,- The ithe.brtledtara,,hall. 0MV0 pp d _bUn and the :we:it ancl p�� 1of he -late -f Ither 4A4rit Ohio to ip&�- mod rdak M eS )no h Cdlu at the pre ;7a riZ ]=Ist On al "to -in Dri d cea -a Ing I*Me d rights *thaftz Are IM 01 the es LVra -a 221 id a414 adopt �tha t�ho ry weahl? were *hille others Se Yo boX tbeor7 Vhat ktaeja I 9-W� e4dea o jkt Y; Te el-krivy read W the -o as imp, 10. J, I t1mg od WhIcU Is -liketr oDcb to tam forclad to. -strike they Mail and late ils 0�f the andt , 'frults. xhlbiion makin' Usua.1111, Tairmto , E the. Ingenuity ot our Cg;nadla;a jdate�-, nuxtied all tbon . atM M*tltl _tb tY'Of Vnde at , the finds titia 'Clapp" 9 aff F&TOM6, peaT too -Tar dama TH or 0 etdc� it in.' is ahl rate, account foat, It I�As IT 3 are hued ta wea;M&O sattill- r1PeI&ed to how well.' fbIL-1his Yar ge d&e� If t*m 1 CLOVER F, 114POP-TD they zaved lie -thle 1911 one el"s of ins ;factory- to, all or bf a wo t6t Will railway -C&trctoro - -a. few. speclMSITS re f1pe :hg:t balls _aj, ion -% coats I _h td I for, luivestigaItit" cow- im , ff iuTdbers of !g1lift and P le. Cly ate St ook� I empting to the Amve sertouw trodble. -Hepeake of it men, 1b ce.1119- strift 'sftUld- .'be, prohibite fro a IL e Apples wee, Ismall bf 81*, atfi 'riot lecting prernhimEt u?fi 4�'W. 01�19 D PXY first 'fiand po�nt of vlew-a;ad progress 'at !any e the.losses w extra Wall, 001QTd. 1we quo _LT4 inakes -aj i preferre d.. -�Isual_ eaches weve a, Borry re I.. -J%11maM,' of ftrta�ge Pinns, Moukhdbormx, It calaiMty, occita.. te froln a article- �e *0 OU A R the Pern ties a the . i*tuat &'dd plumIs Were r_.; -While W. H. - 'cm very explat-nid. �r than a fatil%�'Xabltoba, waa� dirgagea- in at at the 34al. k- -Ss7k%�- -th t looking 10t - geillf 'rally, airid to V!� told L IgglIng jbd�tom 6f, - andh abor- Is- cheape?- av ft Will be at 11 E I avil el ;,ht 9 BREAD IS THE STAFF d.for. $1.0,broaght 1001 watOt-Worke trech', thosid4gatta- e 39�1' there that four IbOkelt3 sol 0 _�e race-prejadtco 111sh- Often it,tief. t, t tour vislon,§, of, preaddivVd peaches -to jeldly caved JnL god, the tjnfo� iLgainat the 7ellow, ainit !brown -men to alwi-ya surer. Orgamm 4ell �bbr i OF LIFE end. ------ COVL 'Ma 'r ;U SEAAL IRIT-H Jf the tr P. Ir Jmt thOr6 IFJ & laboring antip- -te Pacific Province v it TrA . I Th6 XCL ook ult As and it is more vital that it - i Organlzedl Ukiorr mak-6s axehift'd,, tile rescue party an, Wo r -,o e I - lathy to thow d play, x 8�*w d O�P_t 4 tor'Sal were ths ge'nersl collections and (ri6ate TallmaW from. is p u W shoutd be good than any 'Hfndoo� 'Pan d T� erIlo s po- Saturd' ef this Its[ igreat -fight. Yet it sur- the I on. lgedie,%j ex 30 mor* 4 bw I xh, e bits boxidt, frlilts. lik tth-s lat- - - `r I a i . f om 4j aled TrIses the eas�teM mew to discover aailinatjo� re $no 'White labor I other food- ier t�ere were'tiur,i.exhibita, all f �ood. the tact Ith that there In a mure -Meral object_i ope. in a c The Wt te viettra dt ithel accl-� Of Each We�bk Unfid Fur- ther Notice. 'IdIng, and UM to the Japanem� than. tjj�6 Chinese situated as It 10, .,Vhv� _t: '014e, atd, -it Is arEd -made of the highest quality t e f rditmoo gen�raI17 were en- ef� "broken TI, and ount ch 0 1 L t hadj� su; er er !fffaw bul 4 --not among �Whlta lah0rerfl, for they MtIY 'isuccedd In, ai� I - the* hWHITE CLOVER BREAD is 'dL �. ; 6117. vehe�M P0114tD. -prialsed the � diractors iXntgt1_nt rftsl bbJect *with equal Mee arth about is Aft 21, *hj m of thel OGK �PIOHIBALD, Propv, imk v ternal ogm= a lvaw Z4 Urla. He Ice 0i aa� remove Al of Woatal 'labor of ony 'dom-stic mr th�� Z08t­ di play bf fruit. Ibbi ger dy 'has caue&ln Wringing 11 and- Milk used ins-ead of to Vhe Few white WdmaV -m Npxt y6wr' hey, PT00hesy, a., f. flour d oth/ nts.' GOVEK -But *no mitetq with many .78t the worX'-must be !to the bospit an er ingrelie ni lt� Will Chief McNeill, of Ottawa� ..compil- 'ent. f1w ireat- water. These are Combined by'th -hest baker's skill, and he Oil" VeTHMS who OJL7 that the Chinese are uiot do to oppo 88 thE In -mented. the, )0rhibitore 'on t the^ result is the PERRECT L AF.' Its crust 'is light and crisp, awra 'hoziest tha! 'the Jalis, that ithe all Iftda of. la!b 19 roller 001) ope or--soi ae kind lab ILS Extt+r. Improvement !bor packb ,do class �ot labor no white mau *111 sbe yrMght 7�8 to -R.s -L-4nd, werg dibs�rayed its texture fine and even. �T task of jifiliglin -thl t is healthful, nourishing, s 70ar was AbY f fro tihe� ot day. 7,1*, start- do!l, andt Willin to keep on J fire whiew sp boRr Do Anot 0'4e, for ie fruit d. artr lept ffw!fd 5.30 P. L. digesible, and USTES ONE any ionge, be conten,� throughout 111fe. They enter, utad was jeserve mn�h ar �dit. The Toronto Ex I iM. iih)6 Iba tfiedig 'donWRIO service add aie - extremely w � b ree ir d made of e-himp-.0 JI vil- r—A dilry "bull Itarg wafA a dtt", wheh lxt 4tftjdg oiaome with- th old dr -P 1j _=. The 44 t fat belb ROYRDL ;W-hM a family has lh�d a 'rhe Tdrmto Exb1lbit for the fair. All 'dairy po- Mal* on' h ery w wpj I re-,, 1. r N61 cook and b%9 taiight bim &11 Canadian National EV1h9fb as ft ducts and. Mach er ust eSelLped from6a. dust edtlectoi., Wa water, but insist on havi thatFiQs expected of h1m, that family _�,,Toronto pa-pers 1like! to, all, [ft, 'I contact witi6l ia a4inItern, prreBont6d. I c FM S.&LE .te or woman J,q�osed another year of. i ta 1 kgtof al'rYIT4 cm�sed it to red A -rdftn vex e. in- tAd R -Itchen, again. ITe IB tile 00 The Best Bread Th�,t iCan Ei� Made. I A.Id despite'awn-, imfaci able. wemA_ Tiubd w4o iba-ACU17 U13- In, fo4 -to Lmd� 1-1 moutbliklient, efen tempered and ob- er, it- was *a, tetord em &AVES, LITTLE LIVE8. 81 and scor hed. A large quait ama, abbw 9, ty of or IYADElISY -a el -creatures.- e' is 0 H al- that 00tar1o"s greatoat 4ho-,41- -grow In, toulr, etc. WAS fly the !he in always the:,%pbt in To"airity. The most at t eltimle?. bue4h.9 amaka, peop Ilk' crawl [a. o qWd IcInes agivirtleed to belV0 130 leme aargi r I13 e UTS -st0nfadhl a0i I bowel - t IRIGH SEAFOR'"-r-'r 10rg" i Wthing that.: ha, -s once IV attem[daglee, we lroubles,azd WUlld not Jbe saved. A Urg beian t Lched wa!mhouse, tm Is JrWxrly Included lu. the routirie of than ever aaicl a xiot a ananor tomplalots, contair, oolates,. -Whein the, q- Ole it e I torkig lot1r, 'e:c-, was witN eat difficutir ic aved. Odtiak]Tts of Vic?- the wazidanee w er as tlw are. d .1 he, a AUCTION SALES. tortap I 4ala T". I n gives B401 U*n Tabilets -to hei OIRS le- albout u faTmlarls wife aAd, tier American, visitbwe rewo Ith $22,QOO, Partly, co.v- Yo Owe p .1 1 3� e. edl idaujHY6r,J08AvIng 1nto.the_ejty In a tle one � hp:s( be 61' Imsurance. keen Intelreit they, ake In Jgmu�— tee or a - During a itILPARMG OUT 4VOWON SALE of Farm Stock aW0 _g#Twit a couple- bVt -orImpbt'. ijnal�,st . MA� thlIq m,,dl- eavy elect'irld-al e torm -Thomas grown has been i Ot that to ther J. 31olyneaux to sell by public Anc. not car taln. one; par n,- CURE ALL I the istde-- I 'dication, of the ta ' 6 last; week, th& residence of structed by T. EY TROUBLEL of cans of milk everythta4 This to I One does �_/ and ImplemenW. vbUff along ticle of Oh it -to or z6.vcotic. Thiiaref6re., she t.10n on. Lot 26, OofteWon 2, Hibbert, on Tuesday, alt- lioi�aWjdked 7ioW' trotted their trie bariers built two), Atkin, of -dwrberry, �Vas rack Uyl ft�,ghth Self, Septmber 17tb 'Chi 6a& f e0l that,' Mim Hirnin AMJWV� Wiion the ibugg-r atopped, I 1countries 'by M.eV 'her little .0 ea fi, LITY9. 1, 1 7 at I oWoek p.m., t"he follow- "g,!j.WU8S the China, to keb There is Lao btfim. - dle tly, Iran i '0081 the stove 1pio% ed or f -hint, 'a! v z !0Jdarfies n Vhe bolt CaMb do t nA, lue- i;D� ;ZeC� c our 1hgPrDPert_V, I Xnare, 110 years old rit" hem &part,' nature Is ao Vi& py back. I I u rhade t:canne tion? eldinp rising 2 years oil I p1ding rialfig s6e�ri E�kbry's; Own! etg "in h0m 2 Y*Rrq old, brolin,i a t]Mr6 to -draw. a quii et, 11 . _ : teartng. thm doWn 8TX!n tQbelnJ09t0FlMhWood 1horse 6 years ed a tt of self WAd he two peoples a: 1prevetit ng throUhi Waal, 01 , I driving ged team, ftmedlai but all fafled to 2Z -1 ph" Ire Jq%fts Na attid deliver It' and bat surely ;gTiDWWgj elfte 7- 1 t 6 er� ICOMPla s. or c ring then It With thel i Ifele old, 2 sping colts, I OILV Vised by a friend to o. 64 �tewrjgg it In't0f kind 5n leavy I was- plill-ed -up at the both fall felelale "and 111taf )Ejt" -they come on' su. Idenly. Keep -a il ox, lng Woodi' and sqw by Isunugut, i any, general purpose cullturd Ist9i. and.- III _, Zg PHX& I did so, ant. two boxim ma& Iftex I Of TaWlets &I on haVd-they n �ay AT Cie[ Point' It evidently *e-nIt Into, A m wn c an Y"rS.- (AttJe--Qneoow due to cave let of with 'his itirejess4can- prom fh& iagTj 1 Iva 7ou-r life, I cow BU14M ter Jfta lif rea;&Iiess to a the Uttle girl play point, Aso, tho ishow � i, C. E. W413 0sleep ed to be incaNinevr1yealied =qle e c m hea;tfly W of _n *W When lbolt Ifirst ond,- Al w, .1 'arrow cow, 0earling beffero, 1. pair of two -h Vvir it t t em. t;,. I roubled ever, YOU MkV ptlb'fiSh thfi; if 91 kinds of huiijblo em- success thab, qsays: en- justice even to hi old belfera, -1 sWer 3 yearg old yerling steers, The;,wA6 tftelz, back Ai&d iby white men Jo ',have* U964 Ral Y"s Owhrf '13 ahq lher Ibled' w 'in sanguine bx Tablets 0 r.. pectatidag lhavi� 11 as win, with 3 re 2 years old, 2 rx" of fy go It Sp din ",isapposed t store plp, I Wish!" serves with fidlity 'readhea. The dispU-y "Olt.. d, #iPes and IIUAtor,' 1but'foirtuhate low se 0 sin o be her post. and swinet waIgot alwa", I asp! t*beestt �id al *,eple U'red, at e=. Anpiements-- n In e with he 'WaS In'Ut nJ T.hfA ve of tho,! Cam- rjan�Md'rill PH09 56 cents perlboxr 3 for-SI.M. ed nc bf at !revAt,4 So A by all medic 'an were ye�ry, '*Zke amwrt'waltevs po .117 -1 bw * C1, I i I ZjW1.rkWQJ" I A. ai% It :, I . for passing fanr �JQ 00'ring PMMM, I I t I U=Well all dealers, or mailled dimd on __ 14 titlad, kee r x1eh Wi�wer, I disc ham,,w I s If rom: *edi r at 25 W- id -4991 -AW -VA Wx ere o1i !brj, To ond harrawo, I of b Wnthtr4g, one to jorje! hoa�rt,. 8,fi x, frWhtelhed, This fig -flid Iseeftd? tline, a* I much mop yvf,=Ig low, I Mt pulm I fanning n1ill Ud 0.1 yeara t,hat his Mr, 3- rack wavn, I buggy, I road carb, 1 cut - but Itbay thave uo tar ain4 nestr, even. f the Dr. -W`11 ltaMEO' Me -WIthW thei past J,��d ey from atcloe - I ac gas ne IvMe. hao, bee cract an PW rauk com. n Int er- bouhdairy, were eager to.. at The wo Lild I naure u _tC rY f _r �or Werg, �?jmeqkts. Thay a:dmit no in- jtjdZnwUjt ga boat, I wheel �a"w, lop Dirte, Will amount 0 otheir mumt I 9MV01 b a joxt"cfedZn1P_e ffibeat� 3 from this tr t out gr1nder, se barnea, I seb �Ingle 19 440*9ruld be raher Inellin- gal parts. 1bffl tow' feria- hWeat 1� o -$200, woppled - co fort bit -hem, I ", t robe, 1 pmr of Jklanke -a f 0;I thlo Manitoba and Nor' M -an t% 1 tfln 0 ed to ­84-perlority to nt 2 dozen grain -bacs, whiffletiee�, neokyEolesl GOV* ot c44ni0rks, shoveis, etc. -Te - JOHN rms.-All r-reney -'F, are! a people who, find eta)b1o;- room at 11th-ef Th e ete Cu 00 ntment In h ai* IDYer that mmut; 12mont1d Over MO ftftdrecl �brseO t�o� d "George S 36n SMS f 85 the Ug -balrn at Glilut TrIpl 13C bs d under, cash 'Wilitbmip P. 0. as struck y 1 mi Vallcey g oid 14sq crodit Ve 1ta9 Chewing Tob advance.d. er AU aid cows pigs and g&eep f Colunibia, W, lage other pons � wem- filled'to ie . xccoes, n notel A discount of 5 p JAM00- OWAN, )1W t oftber, Md -c Y48alses cent. Xow'94' f0?0m`sh on credit amounts. Wo re. 11ain., clan, together, would T .Quality alww_vs �the Isame. P. 0. f sefy, as the proprietor has 60ld his tam- T. J fr. in -OM totally, d JOHN accolmmodaticav in' MOLYNEAM Proprietor; T. BROWNAuefloneer. e e- Into' this white na- while Crosbyr 'aind St ey good polcy,, and dirive vised troyed.. Came SM4, .—Afw J)b ni guo Gr4ht 9-o7s.2 forth P. 0. tjon#rn tents. Dr. Rlthettordl, D6 at oll vet- f Htgh. Bluff, M Val li b 19,' 'Of Pieursoh, Xattdba, wm You ne6d only *to p- R4AYear they' are UndIng on erInary - Y Wa wais ltug Wheat i to think quietiy abou ROSS, vaspector, oZ fir endl - �cuffle, Mr. D v. ow tuttl A U ishiploads and: dis- Vresent at variouts tj teniber ftfg P. Q� is ad Oliel. the ift 3)10. 1 _tsged *40 ild ar ago, lmd al Julppdr t hu� biteerlor tG off staok. He to Vrdbabl' fh�e ithle to admit. tha en- Od' thal the dlsVIa;y Of 111or iatlei; irdt, t AMB9 RYAN, Cou�_cnlor_� W-110 ibrdkea. constructfun and t t Binder Twine Pi, bin 12, Hl" he best hei- had se -16 .'Ns- bf MR West to flutah., % lu Ae Vcft X rorninent: Implem nt is a;nt -would Im befter,to Ind 11 re ?%Ierpris6isii A new 'Idt of Pectall-k In' the thdrObied .1-1 aO -d1dj HUranite vvwdw 40co VICHARL MURDIE1, Clem*, wifft" Jim n 6 er a r -y tmaji. -,of S&M M-11*191 can)e down the Yorkt Yn," the Tdadster aWdt carriage lor was 111 6 � 196wo we�;� for Iwo 6rw In fo P. GO r a Sstem I Niner from Eww1uJu, the, the groweas CalraWlaon well other takin' a a K. HOLLAND, rer, Boch4 tot hl7welf tdroug)i the h(ad_ -DrI Ig 'hMael atterl Of da7, HA 11ved W of —AND— b ee pror "d inveetme� V auch -lie Wamy morreare estaWlMed. Ulto: Toronto h wood P_ 0. ai af terwa rd4. The George At- Ah Lt I cauw 811PPqied . rPstriction The vales of severa�l bree 'he �klns6nl 28 yea" ld, Stablee shbotigi,,go jig wkino, ra "LOMON JL P-, sanItV7, Nn. OUp &pan Ou the - taumbor.9 In the doniyr Resisov.-Dividen -l"UtIalt'lig �l of L&Wbtat� Mills w0j% tha. -Ernest Lx�Xi 14 KiPlt!ng !%ad the betw�awr .,-tf& itate, rowt 141 ght Uv� * fuel, _81ile �IntO Camaida in,a4Y the.OtYUr of -the aveage drl je aot bave had 1�helrj. eo =d wint. miefdrtunia lo1ose is b-ouse )by fj)re, !Yt6. ee arvest Supplies, so Ul AUg evaded In a *a, Ing lblog�rd P0110168.0rovildes y Or- The val-Ity to gettitnt1be MY- this wagon 1from the kIt0heLa -sltoye. USN Iveni w ich caught Notice t' r i &o o 43 edL ris M7 Japamege. Should eiVallij. sefat and I . 1. JaTame4 9d VhA bloin -,-ckjjjj as I DW "refUredthe rjg&tolaQd,, Jnj thef eatUe i a OtTong Wind was Wowing at the tyrokMy por� - TheSe-pollejes Co exhibits my! ithree-quar-ters an knows what dir e in. of tj�i as e, aady7 hour 1hf i wag 1hdd In ihis it P(U3rba& to' sav*' In the matter of the -estate of J 'A people, stIn oble se thl-� MWIJ osit on pries a Life Rate quencea would fol- ShorthdrV, W416h cordbin- ac &11�a An' uhfdrt01gte-. th% hdM, 1%tood V. 'Ra;n, of the'rownshiP of Mic- a 261 Mop, it the !�J% still ia:bieto n low. FE d nrtlr British Columbla. ni a0eldent occurred dra:g a;g0jV owme IlItY 10' sUdU p6rifedt home fty Ttle., further. 1 �'e - Va's -stona CQUair at the Stemwindq Fax -mer an at _I -Y of Hur014 ac - at 1alboreve uraje�ss J1149lng TIV9 *as crowed.: wAb ioec4 mine, i fulAd de' nt'Llfe Ratd le Buyer� Insd- w avd horm ad 1by: 4. that Ching, and t&tora 8 Qe ch W-fi�! Milk of 'fh'-Q' Je`MVjoNYUea0bS..' JaeligAbor. The besb i -durkk, axhlblt,' eapest. vent,. iahidl 'ad 'ba e" -TaPFA 0,Te -corning In' ty of toord 00-W4 ij�)g see4" (U3 siilajiho a 70OWment,, a 2091 otice is kerebY glien tha the above nm As. ed because tey -Wro want_ the rjtller 't, -!by ent tio vae -under thik NEI FOR mAchinary tat. it wan f- di V� "n has maU ade thoir 41, =r payntenit 25wYeall. ,es 147 1 t for. ltaftway don, y to PrOvMons of ehapX 4VI, ffl- 11 raudmawd- H.-F. - W ! lue Ribbou 11 44 -rand, B eo�; in contrac- -amce. Kn T. G4* - The bld 1, Scihat My 009gest, Caldwell Of Daitwn, Endowmen , n r% J Ing Acts of all -his -astate and i for the 'that viras th;o judge. Ho: is M ta 15 d al 6M1.1"re Manilla, Twine, Wk1 feet to the beneft of hls�credltors. n teetjng of the creffitocr Hundre& of Studolats of the %lWaYS light, oat - three aym and the price t Wig Mo I - could 'be brought man; hais R!" I I PT,& br a& Shorthon, pplilid, is said esla-t-_ ip berot Y onvened and will DO, Z 8; millta:ry Jbft an' W C 41 n If. But, Sealcrtb, 6P THE held ut the Law01flee of J. and -,under contract tiD hl he Imp6rteQ fronj VjtZ r, d' appea�rahce that points of OjIt wo )r ear13 a a�o '()an an get Your suPPles, the 10 Uem Der, IWI, nR work is.-inot and axIo t ndowm6nt, coverin Die, IZM-Y workable rather t4an' Sedtilsai, ft :�OPUla;r �nd Suc , felt, cessfal e afternoon, for, hepurpose -of 11-spectoks - i�� C � fart 11XX argau the f&,,Ct that j* had - T a athirrols Wera cifted by a-, tra,11n, n , . . I i I Vvepy 1b U=n TWO i pose le a;nd the idnjr of direetionavaW e&ri the,C. N.,R. just V ioym. i:_ d wreek the politic 'est of I Kerence to the: dis L I( r T110 said ed-4wa, AN wared the said ebtar ot hereby re� al 1qv the. .&rrrl,,, in Sdatn, Best MAUilia and 11ty e it xrswov" Pe ilk dk,red set aside the, alien day receid Y. Ang Keft-met Wire Cable. Hay creditors of julred U &W Ropes, Uay Fork pullp - -k Me their claims with my S011(itor, j. x� BeS4 (vdth *dUld be thftW0&.aj If bi in, _ys _Hdo I,h' a Painful; .4c ra-lident Ouch WW, an(j thol the eattluje Laven- vouchers yeri i0ithelin, Wei" V -w -i 9s, g Attachments. ledbyaff!davit) as alble, so AM no rallway c' rk 'On' thel C4 N R -h oixtractor T%ey were jot, 6pd, ais­ stam dr' e date 0�sweetir &r. Ln " oil LIV9 last yea�r QrX IV. -8. treigUt. ar who JOHN RAWNE 01 e Aadsom w6tad try to band tr th be C as alddg nd t Ibt&t Best Xiehine Oil aud Oilers. J. 7,1.,UEgT� Sworm solloltor for and telhovel ba" raw. jkt liel he c Ir. aki Kerr W&O th, big f e ot, ed �ihfs Yeai' iDemand Dated 30thf 20" 110 in ag wildernessi, The takthlg and wasclentlou Off 4 Maye secur -po 'g -lar gr"t-er Viiw tk* SuPPlY. FAUcate for r fifgang woum 'be a log- Ell In, fallirfg 'brol two ;I;&. t them, Ito bet rrwAol! pr to, te 'but th6L Edue"Jon lq- b6L -The ad�ejqjor I ;"rg, ftMj11es5P0dW0n,4-&U4 you wfl r r 60-fo*, the 'first pick evinced upoh Ible, !f1b- __ m"i ba' MU$10 RUZOILS Used- They tell me ifims in tbg agacj I latest �`hdmw of -,be pMrohidff nil, le Studefitp 0notifted ra an -wait. .Wrib to"Y' for Imudome oktftne. 11avvIo3 away frdmhome class, so tat Otham'. opl]�Ioni Q) diffe lti, f&l­td:tU8 lot' )f JMMjjjjage&bj6 Men tnL WIM tha IMVdrtgI . K Allbint IGF -0-A A. SILLS� mialda 1foltoft U prepam to take a number ThOT. _M do lerA3 wor�k, Ur Cot of CorneiiYonge;andAlexaudej Streets. uku�� pup&, hlv#Xs -Uyo*w I d o-141te ; eXVftteCj that, Gdvemor Genj r8aw I �r �bp lvm�, Owen V, up" Pre D. 4 - W. J; 11��%L 19TTf,prifticipal. Itudlao -at Thom] SEAFORTH, V -hu where applicwow m Amt ftafojrt�61 - - ------------- L