HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-09-13, Page 1II'7 IF 'IDAY h 1 07*! BROS.,; Fdb el* 1
rear gorments NU39131M. $V -a Year 2sQ SEPTEXIE�ER 139 1
.74 rts to mat4 Inft In Mee, R)nd was piroceed toll his 'new field 'A II 10 T, IN YANOWYER. dren. The funeral took place under is aw praftice akhool of the
of labor Wo atwitumn; So4ne *eek%J Ivorsity Btu Our Merfs tba 23rd reglineUt be- military
ill lbe $11$ s.&v he epame Ill froiz iUttazk V 0.0 er b an&I thim g baea weTe tie it -Tem axe Disay and
-GR Ing *,it ody. Mbis- regPnr-ntaa "the Aense 111W R,., t .0 '41 typtwid f AX J*1 a of 0 band plaled the -Dead March" from
rieh a: Ot Ur t R 06 mplete SUT-pr to h6- muzet who his late home to the cemetry. The Md omt for hIs ecbver r, �hel ouccumb
b)rp o' 1'. a&te,S*U1ri a"y- �Iijght last, taial' ver for Watch ed to the 1'rnalady. Patios 1,0 added to e TM40 api -at, �,ivute pall -bearers ' I
wer" 00"'ne, Y`0=91 ,of b6 the sadioccurrance it 1.3 learn- haum Vancouer tb a i0ow ce Wenew. Goderich. Lieute-061. Varow, Carlow-, ea t 'Was. pxy was
in the 11Wndo of . 0 *h1ch. At -V tie ha the 7ouns ud -'
.1d a ow 004b( k! Ist. ()f SeAgL-Uiar Shaw, Clinto; Captain We make a splbbf e0med 4, M tot all ,that . . . . . . e4ga,ged tO inarTle ft� a -ftw, d In -its 1A.r i a twrio n by MeFfiall, Porter's Hill; Lieut. WhiJ- the a Rld�= d, B;�*rs, th� number we Fj doim, Ba7fluld ieut. R-andall 0 ow dboat five Ode +-Dr. sa ich rich. anceto oNV a4 dtij uit not'lleture. I o6k th 3 Stratord '**', Mr. B3rtro bad -ch 1 eg ital have �Ufadbirets thist Sam ju;t bitchad ,up 1h' Uirse to go �zlto 6 7 —Mr. JOaas Rsi-tlal, witbi his ac- t1he WL who -im ell rar of
v vromwr- poirticola OF ge and, is 3mlfable. W6 $ , V tch4l and oh, i )getting. into 'the -ad enterprise, bw alre
Of Rev. r. St watch custom 00 ady co-
fOr alwa Chmefle iffcti�n 09 the ofty as In le 'I ,eaity 0 �Jlege, wtmi* a sho- Vhe' anlfival� took bright mad g and plan Vulho, op e as V. ble! t' e- menced. preparations -or, -.the - robuji--
e turned quleXly� croun tftr6w�ng the eper, and we wa Ta4i I to JV9 ot hist brick blockAn- Dauishwood, Not g tol el��, )the terocti-Y, of ee� misslic.nary of Manit6bat died In 71W WiU Im Tighk dr �ver orat the OWVle w all. our customers as a, go6d ser- which was TeceatI7 destraed by fire, tho Gener#1 Hospital i, tha city ort
these rrageii -cr6wU of wj4i, has pifty afglemom last
M,. Buyers waa edriously InJured. Hie viceable watch, iii a 'nickel and to hopeo to have it ready fdr, St,
Vver ilee�,!%; fiaev i Va4a6miveo. recel"d s�"bad cut: M- 00 aide of hbg screw case, tem, iwWd jind the occupanck of ble tenaints before lawart W" 24 yeaTz age. Mad 4*4-1 ere a- ite the fore- ble -raised. set. We also'halre igher the izlosee of, the 7eat. Mr. Tleman Jubt 0ohnipleted, a ha �d and his lbiack , was mudo b. t�Q,49 Orr tb# fbix' crated Orlen'Lslls - -What rat beran; -his eaeer hoase isur- 1 you Vwt -ght hpo,bew a,'serlous and lower wicea w4tches, will resurne bualneas w" a com- -eire With t1le. -forocDtyll 'of ibeastis. �Wa_a orn, at Killarnel, 31V w pocially plete neW stock of lmrdwae, coldga. occurred, ax th MonLqon but this one vvd a and will '-e Ota!b- and in- sl3tt of P occupy the Hoffman stare In the mem t c ky 1 c ese f1i to 6�0 &y lalat week. mention as go9d ve
Durl;ajl tbA a of tho milk �aalc�m, had, jQ3t timQ, Mr. Gwirge Edighoffer has ala6 the leader Of the OppositLaw TTV ht MT& if E elkafg 16 tlpath� to- ItVi corn,,m,� at ted Aw,''horoo with & aclad -at of !resumed a shoe busiweoO, in P"11 aim tot proceeded far. -ha& X Krott's shop. liI ahs,4 lb*r VrawlnT ;_d6z - time anel axle of lhb� wagon The formal opvlTw of the Wing- r klarme im'. the frwV vtrl
feaed � for wontha. kq, 11andlu canst aLnd Whey In the nul hwn high, school was Wd oini Friday, drim" - at �Chathan% Ow eh Sound Co- W trolilhlb has bow do' n g? T _4� 4 .J. S�tuird a.y the 1,41 arrese e3ideAlts held lbourg, ar.4, other, placm. be meqt- a I'ah aind -di-hUng gome of the cans Jewefl,er, e 4�;b r t b. August Soth, ini ii; t*wn hall and stration and 1hundzeds of ln*gs� Wert �w Al attended and ld, Ber- fl�.t. Fortrnateby I't *as. not. the Was a gmt "weeas In every respect.
D.au aguea. , i ,
4nth1.x--3Iast* call* �o�elved b
L W10U.14 have t baea -he board _,0 different places to ake tlzr In. It, 1h M`
their 1611ow cou0tr,yni,eiT,� cam0i from k or UA loss' Marriage-Liee I Dr. Wllaam thalman, -of ider. was upled ere his r. Borde-it goca from !�o ier. the. chair. ddTeaws w 'the' � ev4:r, Ing a, mee * g of whites watcg onta�i� Tte Coast 1".d � will to to PT, ristor of, t1W A-1- lyxegemto td Rh, -W. 0 wr la,� ee niga, in the lt�y 1ha otst sga"4 witoagh. the itoirrti#Y of Mr. A. gien 'by T.'P. Do%,ney-, X� P. P., of
'hold lia t I 1 dress a s+rlts of m'
Hdn* Dr. Western r�*vinices. d m"rialzing Ila which h�a C=08 ClUb, and a Brown B
and resolu- b t 'thestre, r ldcDonald, Principal Muggrove, Arch. the Orienal. IramilTatloix W6�dpnber;ger, pv.b nr. chisoim, M. P.3p
ck , -3 _e �p 0
e T -t let t G�,
St'ittord, itbe. InmWteg tea service the gif
Inc's 0 every Aioa *re.adopted, of tho Vfouzo of Refuge Were guests at etty 'bea Rielop, M. P. P� and W. H. Kerr, of —The b6hvn. of or"ll Fe4eral,lGovelin t a stop fori- t developme�ruL
-ment to pu to It special fa�--Iitlez the, con* -g o; the If Vr eadtorners. t performance to" the theatre the pot mounted wItU the bride a 0- Brusfi�ip. vieve were also rims it Ott -gram in, slAy-9r, from FlOrew Night- Inusic ot electrl a os seltatilm g, -1y, �n he k'an ugly mood ler af t&mqm. ;-*r. BrAhdesyberger 0 Vt _ d t pres_ j a r p T11-3 to -on The -c*'-owd I was -er all w t 1 Vi edi veveraA czlis ��dl the Inmates Ingale Chaplet of' DaughteT, Of 'the antation of d1plomas, certificaset ., Po'w` an
-the and in- dispeizing gy gathered in will mak0 a profit this 7L.Ar iaf mine WJE re riveift Jo, tli# thestm, where Empie. f I to the successful pupils. After the thoumpd 4611ars fzora ts 401t I'M 0"Ont Of: thO City hall, '2 000 stTOng, thi i.y ere ivⅈthe ib.efit- Iseaffis in —Mr. Fkala.7 Andarson, tre 'rer of 6xerclaSs at thO, town liall A banquet power Pi d AOL AM o 4M Uhat cerm andburned Ueut.-Govern�or Dunsmuir tj, h TlbL-,,y �-khdroagU134 ezjoyed the tovrnship of, EwAt iWaw4niv allraydaue from In - effigy. rkhla fxrrther� aroueed the ouse was giveta at tha� Naltionil HOW. Intlading Water th� mance shd thaAk Mr. Brzn- abking for tende= for, $3,000 V. -.r avornes. orwow d a, march for, the Japanesa lborget for ffid luxury. ,cent, de!btenturee o , that 11-01W Works, is thbety-four u0sand fiva I
Canada. 'h=�"d d&11ars. quarto was e9mmedoed.' The 2,000 7eard. T�#d- .,The r. elptki and �ex-
olrio edock, on ThUn3da.7 of" tunnT19 f0, t", nty avound, the dtoreo'of the lut Veek, ap dhop"1% isudden death ers' will bo receivd uhtil t� e I I -A f "F. Bodiffax, of Vonda., Sask.. shot peftid1tvreS1,hot the Waer worIciv: Ae- _ad hV atJ Mq.rya. UML W. J. SepteMber. Mr. Andere6WZ P and killed h1e; three 7ear ld boy the �Oto".', nift and r bh*lok� f5lew f wst va '141 ow 0 partment U4t sit -oat �ba,]&%*e -sleep in other night. The hild was a —MazIt4ba and North-%- :n w nin Who has lbb=, In Ill health for B*vrave.I V& I i WAR a."lu irn D -
time auddeWy expiged atter eat- Era -est Davll% WO tt r..S. for this: Is etaxt.,-, to Tftve, Th Japs weeel� 01 I pre and f46r the hired irl mistook him for a wild tat. _V&1d oevm corelght lbor dinze; lleaxt tallure wsa tbo Davis, of Clinton mid, ara P� wheat have
in fact, d app rently lbeen ew*rt, the aTTITed thl- wtanipe attack . —Cbntracts Uvel em, -lot t
c The deeea;Wd. w7how maidw Scott, grazddagUter of, Ur 0r g. weports iah have -0 1w, iated wtth rectbm of a, $60,000 additton. tiol, the - - a -well Over an Vret M was nalwr, McKague was Faummer, of thei eame, town wdre irallway ,car shopa In, London. Th �thzt harvfIftin" J -a 4hower of a�hd b en,bottles. _t<) T r". tt; now fam- m bi madlito R" and th: in Yard In ! or 6401 1e 1174 -be -leaves uld J. =led to Moron h allr4 Attiow! qu= they � used their tho' W;4 capacity -of the Landon-,. ewr shos 1)09rtem- �rh*e wheat- !t Of Alfe I ibewc Davis 'ha$j. lbeM It vIV9 i urvixeO 'by- 'her )wIll be tKiearly do-zibled by theexte* Thirteen t xodsaind- Imite% One bffective mowis' to. repel as f wheat
the Met. Is SaWg intoi the stalow r7�,, was a n*TdW-xl e hodtt roken Wt- islor. f, _ we'Je 'Irleted -in' me Ijab :. b rim 1 g7 ob *4 te.maV was to a ift jr6h. f aacy ZC4)ds busln.aw in To. 998"I f ti [it face.. by bush0 of 1 ther ;gratn -re. - —Mr. J. C. 'StavenW, tb:rough Wkmlpeg on mdaday last, e5o to __U Walter til wIf6 a Prof. first dhr of mew wheat p TU erie ve!rpoweri,4- by _14ree t0JrA*r I - t 9, VT�t 0 0 Due i4s of whei3�t
-j of thel Uhl: dralty of Ev"rs- clintmi, now living ef, e Libb aamil te Tioi,ns; 'the Stratforck hos- Ifomla., 1%ftently reeelylt$d September Oth, consigned, to tbo Lako m 27po pushas 0-f oth�.r, 4+alu U'U�* e have several at 2� W IAled 4 sp e I " Of ftle -Wobdix Wilivig Ca m-- any. The beo, rl=b ted. W"eu al: oo thel evedo agal qj�l g of August 29th. plowa Wi ps!rebamen from the Wr
gat'le rd er �bad- gample wA-a eco-Wdered a 'Very 1-ood
mi. Two White men wi &I at LD6r� l Sdclet7, miakiz 0 NO. 1 wothem. _Waster
U deased wo the deot daOW of Cmads Bi e"4
,ed, but were With a good atbat�d l In ca,�eq for by &h� cm rK ada, U to ChIE( ftinle n . and Was a, . year "a:ra me -ovee sho meretary Mad —so M. and Mtia- 9 Tiov life nientbe, bMorary to far this eear no fewer than 120 fte Xhtbits have. uftprrl�dof Strat nd e gre U011111tv
d attradi p 0 n ispace 3stsi h,VbOet t _tgrlc4tural societies Uroughout, the a ia (b,,df algo. her hus- =-etr tm 'tho cataom� PrOvInce 1have -applied for expert r yar I 000 to 010.40, .1 Ut ag, th mob - tbinned' out, at� a pren tu", In'. all t �9_ T Abit,60 I - 4' 'had beeir W were'L f -1b tof soine nocloty, JUd'gea at tMk fall f These Judge.9 �n. I I In! 0 ti &� the tgeE Wt, -9JAd- rs. —A elrloUu runa&Y-RCC�iat e Ouildings. The, c f Ight LW I -4 are Sent ut 'by the Depa:ztm M�t f i0jim evera,l To Dreect to of 0 -of t. IV -t to-
gham the othai t oug th-0. W%Y1 the; otiitioa with Tr ow.- Ato. Lib lftveg = inftnt red iv iWln� .!t �P4 wfa Merit gric4ture. Mr. 7. Xxlekle _d oc -9 to Ur. Opt ry IM Ma Majority Of �tht� J:"� - tWr ir ed, 1b; a aceedded W lznd�
SOT. The funerr �k, place. on he a fWr",b6loVg1h H, a. state# that this was the largest guni. ........ ...... 6 bree4era ax tng th& TL loW ho death. ma, of Marris took frIght sAd ran I a� Ontart Sa tu!rday CK and PAUL= Ur of applIeWo.w *n- Tecord - --,- . 6 : heIreamt d�spatd'i fr.dm10tt4W&,-9ays-; and Way. kWliew. the Wroe ' Te 1h, he Od' The a ttondamice sic Who
-Mes I De C;oUT4§61 total mviribor of axge, l -h the plei, derstand t ha ekotiations. are naglas- Soinja of 1 -to prize rallwa 'bridge It thr 4 —Tho a i ew it seff -as I
gim, were w0ak w attended fte Turoftth( EYhFb1tIdn th the? vlstorz 4�rZ AM lyrakredis lbetwe6n the. Cgn-� s;nd fi6 11 to he tors Marred, 30:1
w n1afto I%t tW, �ndddfirlsl EthlbV 1bUggy love!r the, aide -�yoar let lglven A 70000, lbalng 50,0001, sowo deogr_,et, by the Ilret to gl�ves, v6ix to 4111:� �dveriim&�t an tha Japqne aul camlip'nal ti, out of 17, C UoV3 Wrdund Fortunately as heater -WhIte Tnare tha2i 'laeit :ye4T. BuL Inotwith- i a Grayl�ck =d the loaNdy Injured. %utho I les to* aFni ogreement to limit it olviv by. Mr.. Dpoauvwy be. earried' not 1"r 4th standing the large Increbse tile n d ed It of 14- yrizeis, q*1 fllrkol oat �Ovd, ednesday, .Sepulm wr 80 J.- 5(uh1govan or t
te idanc one Aerate it *, little and a; blo t 0 VW total- igste T16Cdipt's for t
lbto -Canaft to ff x lh=dred iieciands and m4mrirlage took place s U6 Of of the lbd
fou, t I % r k%TAE� 'ttl6t -9 0-- . , hiv� �L h clivas Mr. afta Mrs. Jamm lw�U I Of xrueter � r daks them -t" But even, to no 80POL, TeROOLN Yea:r 4hettwr lt�W Y- eqw� rom. �'b ree thtrda. 11 er thakr year. ,h a Very blesl- gloyft in 1spasi: iffreet or. f *0? diOd- X(m vr zl#� n i0i , r,'quarter Slone also took Vingbam, wheh thei See dN be i'�W thsit thV b IDdIUM eleme,Lnt have. _T tug factories hQrstrigeV1111 me t rGraylook at tha &_ la�rgo ber of prlz�*. Mri 'J.J. ter, -1dims 3thule -ec ftIlly. gUafatteed. 4 as youth. UP 'thiti Th -,i �IWO uuae(l ir' Slow -i ut Iflie dffficulty� Woolacott of aame t6waship, car- AlTie 'Flemling. -The -eere' BA'y of Qut%ta Ihsve had- a poor season. lbf sYs PUW'U.g J*)i I ouz W glfe C103ed r will ssf u.11 and most of them gy sacoo will faly oobbri be anged' wit&. l6tf etx; prizeO for Ijbiqeo3ber a1ftee performed ,by Rev. W. y edited a whit&.O� The. Pau- in- d 447 Ott] xrl�. soon. do so. There has ibee'n. a blg -H0 -wav Q8, of a large, f4 otit f ather dldtufbamop.� Tr%
hl"esi to Pul I 0t, foue see, a:rid two thirdis. absted; 'by Rev. T. Boe, he I it and we'rrw ustrious P. shortage, In, the 7yield f -corn and. to- f
AS - & an the I waff- r4in irea -they, ettled d in'black amd whiter. A W so G. S. ptas-aAce bf' thO Immedipbe, Te -at Be's :'led of the d bance, a, Cabr Inatoes, and the taniners will 0 tbopt-, Perth county. D.� latu!r C1 I 'Pto wo dAyb* 'up of the Urlde avd groom. able to fill thetr ,conItractff. An Ad� has In Or rage; le the' lr", Olds, w4w was byrh Ila of e govon fk�hnat ethig Wi%L held 'ire n beeln! voting I M st-feet. when neatly —Lester Vance in irned goods may 4P MeMaig JL . I I the )a;teb of follor wkfg -eazirrl4et worlas, Qoderlch azd whosef �re ovor 20 W;m 91 kid gloves' PTU—ML TRADu-1 M_QL it e Lowry"o pa"T, 1i rt ow aIbe 400kd fori d, Wlth�. ed Aoidor �bl(X f0rV t"be t M.a1yor of- arid I to 4 Vancouver - His frIgAt tu. d,;brew well known In that ItOW I �_Iftl . GJ P. Gtra%&-m, thel.new D d 0- far. L de isfutory ae;iial- hi- bi of C611bornel., was,kil* hia lan, Xlnlst�er, was tundgrA-6 a corn-
igo.od DY the virtue of our well -made. I at, I oul I d With, �he -.xe4ret f'- 'I ed I lit he 11�0x. -alty iaew- ad o=tr 72'y W -DiArq1t. et rmoto, 1haar eadaro-d. to tl�w of which plimentary address 1by the people.of
Constituency, tcongra�nlaLt d Ignitieff ';�'n I G olothes, our choice stylps ia'Hata_ ni 'Ptn-ni hings, thei I i W�a7 tomp bvakemm on the Orand T -W k ten of Tc
mr of rushad Ott a, aAd':s1iW4 ra, a4i that suibjec4 olf Ithe I Vimp of'itte QVId while coupllvg Bimirville ffects the Do- at allned from the! W" of aH ortia.. Ing b1m MI his sCiaegsolon to 24 -811180 ta prX Of U14 'MsJ- H� Y 'wai3 linimeot. ly takm. 014 vao 24 Texre of -a to -friend W� rkd' all wige 02 -a- AM to $ wr -he' ur -: V L
8 -b v the. VICUM3, d7 n1biom Owbinat- T etig was at : I in King 'b I V W Ddi sa ad. proct Ped. Nd bo -nes we mve bem mazTbkd to a De, xa t'14 eeti - - Ineotim. m c tanded! and the address was signediby tho W will be ibi,okev, bu I! ew 43 mAd t pie4ce fial." I _y IWI burldl�%g 'ouilty ireapec- - es t It 8 found tw. the t WOM I men- lof ed a, 1041 ad W !�i:t4 said offe, 0^1 w1e,1_ f affinal colu�z I ad) Wu~ -Am% Uebr 'Cole, a for t1ye of party pe-dilidlons. 4) ilfrid Laur�. --t.,. giexter or 1�ssft extftid. Tile hV0'Y?* reside dh nt of Hjdlett'L pu! d4hed._ - 91 le. this bill _r, a to us. It UDL _TRA_ — -1 I : I , - I E P Varsda; -the !reeelp a*b on' Id Prompt h ast d of $61,000 k".' -r r Some Idistance, plah tovmtship, but *,ho WboequieftVi Rapid River Hichican, t, e past at br e6a Uave oe- 6r ig KI 10t i Uiltd-
t , 4md wab Immediae to n ht of last week, the Vxr of James t McMillm oh thei 4th line /�o
'600 0 0. M -r, ten!nox i24 AT-
elebi d 'a "here "S irears z, 1 attem erecoatly ,c township,,- Wellftfigton **i1itY Was -_at! inin.� Deo�jsa that col I bles ciurre I except ths 1 a pt. wail", h -Itho#lt .doip.g ftfr- f0t:r In* wag 0 I 1 t adh Jb7o'd t rAft c v Monfty evenhigi �o oat 11re, le by to mode ith if h0,-. -the I to 4 Ji iponeffe isek 'health and lo, able to I 'a i, D, get ille j6e� mi f. 98rd birtKaY' at -al an strUck d' t arned,
b"' him elin; hat hleL wMider lonUm-t he 4
hing at a right pric, —an rt 91111 "mme
the,91!oUnA, -with some twenty tious Of whole right t e a he ui'binder, _,o&ghteen some of grairr
Hurolt Note& I - —The lobalosion 0 -0ho wad _120r,
r0enam.ent,4 to the It7 ebarter or -aoderichi, �Iodd -ScUlol, class dM. to. - a V 4yel, real, oof *111 Jdblml Loigan, was blIMbers thity-five tlilmatrear. �Kr. Jdh'a Fraver, 'Of S901 In- gt that kit eo ae&-A .$2640100t. *akofi hiff ofher day —Tae HiAoi Old Boo, of Torato ttiids'lleaing about the lal ee Istrock the b&IW on, the'farra of Xwal WE -PU TRAD aftemoda lightning LL kt error has Juist v9d alnedl savOaaa c n of $50 Ito, the October for -tho Soo,distrl to 'b, Who Iivft viba Tkvlatock. The
andbrulow. iii -v setai a doh�lio �J 8, Ida, of mi"Onj Work Un un Te
-in hoopltOli 112f i X
ftchall, -Who, *JnVha go last load of the -cmpa wais vttfll oft the r r6uple oago tm -CIO woul-wil I* Ph _--never - er, -rind, -of the winghain pleeff bf th h1telof AAAAMAA nUr bllSiUess, meltho s swe A& work . e Pres . I 1.� Vs�.W-ob-i" rr, -, u�s , � from MCI a-
:fOr In.- 'a p miltion in soboa etaff� has lbiwad the boue Frasdr 'hei -b � M' by thal e o, ee6 SaJ041 1 work -one W a $8 -covered b JISIPPIAntede .1 Ill 1 000; partly - z , Mirt. Djn4ley. tefe 60. and It' ra pauvwrf., Mobitebm iftently vccuple4 itly. ir here to '4 a patron to- be dissatiofied or 1i lasuranto. It As onl five Weave �_Dr. PXed and Mrs. Thbiinkson, 'of bo' i lgolpg idnian extended *Iefulnos for 9; W pArpos Mr. ErN waWned. a sindlar f Ibd 10t, t er. plamet to Texas, -are iobluding their viali Salarifieft worker :llkd M i Wt low. ..with wife or, no he I rord JP �ft A lady V#a- 11
MaJb coMpantd 11 b Itil ft, fahe, —Mias al Callender,, dar%ghtft of, He Will ibe *c In, Tormto, the
V fr T am, 1 in, Kit the ate 10ho, Callender, of COMM F.raoe�r in D the pr le� to Mr. Water —Firb oirf. 9 as, ve�ing a prominent )bus' ess man of the city, T t I WE PULL TRA__ 'oin -mt - h a -city oklected he � 'aX from All-
ri opr �as ntezrIed I.0 don ft�ke le a1ttendiug, one t OF the ed lost 'her watch whl acd :
%-t c 110A, it, weld Int the house Ow *0MV9M1e% Including fvr ltba Cbopelr,'of UL ity last week. Rev. of ore is righ, In the foun- 4ed nuniber of bpr frJgn&_W Ana,1614-it,because this A UwO dout to�'Ift. groest performed th9 ceremony, . Mr. jftiur Cadtalon. Of 01 oAd Of the dwrkeved tent howis ai the life eomVsaiev.. 1but the life Oomp e, aI part� en FrIdar lad:,*o r. H. rrA st�. exhibition midway. ne timeplede, bive 1SOt (into the ongs4on, tbe ftw. -1kir _WbJor W fd"M)031� LAI the _-XIsa Stewa!rtl,, -B.' A. - dattghter f -adcup ed y d� W1U Dr. Ste*a# - , of -has ter 'b ?A re &r- ggood datiopo Clinitm, ills furnitur6� which Is onardste4 with dtaniOndtf, &,�d Thav-d"ImFide a demtim_ o�gmp� t6 Toron;0. -4'ja�vIlag 'accepted a at*& to, mvh 41a-� to Is worth ux"- tb= the I A dent lim -9 her f ather-In- d. wedding �Vraoient fron Ifttedt aft the legal adylget-m 6 JAL
Iflon it, Miss; edhool, M
lef-4. on. nfty to; SUM, $1,000- It als-al vft fOr a4ft"vad
4o f w"400 tazeg
I at Vor 300 zlldkw� one next day., Q*ixider KeIr- -1 ----- ------ .0 WAS on P -,-d - nr friends 1A. law M4 greau As 4-1 V city Uve advised,' the o( =_ca to D
S *d �df fte I r 7 a vwtl -aleading !laAleW collego in, prope ty lbefor i t he re Ir - ir-771 _t tri 61ft Vtlgh was wrec ear done '� to tht -,_We!re now Pulling for your. *67 le�- Foftdmte he w. aA 4W.ety. was �xtingu;fiahed 'bet' the GOT& L n, -gat Rev. Detv� 0% Afttr #I -x U ? —O- -utft7 V y
dier iLe - d lescap0d''Inu: Wednftlay n*ftinig. Sep- was maveil. NO onswRB IV th� hoe
Cmm-i6r, .an a;ged! priest of 'Kingatorr aMd ;;;.el, ontbo ,92 have it t promknoMt temb!yr Uh, Thai Edwad. Elliatt, the time. ot he filro.. - p" At d -r d Ox may we - T( LL -to t am Of Mr., Ell Elliott.' of —There 'wax a_Vrtt3r1 - - 11 " h TO M481 Of lit, Louis, Vo,, hal Tum.borur, .1 V Tyendluxgx, was. WickeiY with Apo- la �ronto, -on Wnday --,wmln;g� D. Warwick. r6t, Tbongloomil, -of was mvrried- lid �Sj.'Faqllq st.'dlng afty, Im. I -d d, on Sunday marn Feet. He purchWA Wig I Alea T J. ; - : plexy, and le 00 age <Y4 52 YeArs, -He leeY(O a Wid
ft 1. The y( -Mt. in, VbWftam, ;by Rev.. T. Boyle, to - at the e Of Mr. and MI'td 1. I Deeeavbd w" aVed 82 Iexre, ad was d* VAd tftg- Dece"od W*ip
when) GO I h lux JG, pit "of t1w Miss Grets, CaTeM, of WITIbI&IM. borAe n thet torn itV no was over 60 tora in X S., -bAre b -
ICwwstw,� of whvh4m, x. Loulse. Urt A. e a w - a -to
i e Adies V '1882, leavft9l the 442TItilue 4dwa. Was[ renewing vo*, ib-- *h6,f6r thei past iyearsauff�md U. S. XITIT bil, the -priesthood WavIVC been �or ottaWS. athe aided till �
Province After; a' �ajces in tow -n for seeral.&OW who ot he service r M . d contestA bride ordained 1n Xtbgstoa, te ar- toui, P. were, t F Ak :the ,Te eat str ord,% a Otroke of the cast o . ft their 2178161, -Ze from. the effect of tWint zMn fdrd�_S'�jft Laibor day W. nto. d,-- oV Sundsy. 19epten*#r was w0lated bY. liti. low a : thd week.—Will Blow The1l&n. #OJOW% _'caits, I)&, in eaj 0=0 tIM6, iMMeitC. em -They '*ere, JolmOd alt the -let. 1: Decease- A -1bative' 0 Gwen�ddline; 'Mi.. atup olm usky !ydunlg FaLl.1 atig - Nil op 'hw1dred h .-m -Ovmt 1XVID100311= ri lid the J&)W 004 , Ut -i dU311ar party from ham,�-asnd had -11ted t#dre the rea whoi. b"L cio Wt ft UOft111 *W011, IV -MOtMtO TOronto b T 1900. He was a ii
aM for er of t" ride, was ally A'ad
Our FaU now st.�� . . . . . . not 0 _,Vft*1 , �� M women tuer life, 0 of lye . V _ Coats f0i 0 Misei" Neille still F "tere of '&It 2 c?cldcX oW, -ThWafty of tibb week,- tbor and Wrote, volunfto4 men a pougid fafr tbel wheat fields of the
a holl4y trl —Al he ;b�.- 1% pdther. -or Mr. B. theridio, were r1bbotigirls. ais- ist& es for. boys, appftr- I )f tjil. -�rl (146' —X, H%rk Me. father fto C' PL It' ftaVf eat- .04 for th hWXt p"t L wha hao beelln emVIOO"_ t ..V ch, orthwest, brought 6ut tor ol�, Tfortit *r t Bd�' -0, ii6rnkag Cole,-, of Clkxtark';. reel.mtly celebrated -ft
fGr this seaso miade 6f L sm, feature -c them were OW 'n e Mr. Hazw, peA Iletim dMit ar.017 Itm - mr, Hi tere for the last r efw ex urtow. Ammg re a) -an many wnaa eta a few dbliften, the Can [ucknaW terials tailo'reitins eking. if9ishio, C1 fini the- fted.'ft.- ble 98rd birthdally Mr. Cole wamfor Rev. ,T rae d went to'] tri of the 4th laidi, kJ ad,= If% and; WAW ff t it 00 gu 06 of MI* '4ver 00 7eaa i tahAlleo at oonrd of tW MeW
b a6d advenwer, It was In " g3pwial ed s SIM ants. D Bedi* !h�iom to. ia'r6eldetnt oU CI%A6n nMY. 'Aaryt. tratford. Re inity but for the past four dn! situtdo yi, bt
'he 'has. Decur death -A tea mn. of iv., 10mvle IIJUMN, tftd, to seftle-int the great 0madlan Aid a 4 m6Wum tivr, Yugo i e.-4 c- ft
beatd triMMinga 3at :�obbjy garm Mor. 4Jh omas 3, , pa� ;.Ti 74SWIrs thaw. Me or Cd UpIdo;. Slat if ter ihem I gre f ranknaw In". 1whar W"lle Junior foOt 'n, wu W-ftt- Ultd C�Q�Idkal eclj!� 60& �-.A tanductor on the G. T. the. 10m, Egmoudv sap* R. was 1pranolls &danonef of. tho =ws a;3 virtues t*ft,
81'r - afternoon &ikirldN,'was. Jurprtsel -!-Mr. FtO Platt, cme of Louddlile bed to
fbied $10. alncT cm0s tho otbek day-� In b�xldftts of Go �Wlth th& imtors of kit, so ble train vitand- dn tW L Ap t of 0.0 late Olin for thavinig- to mill., aef VrevkA is -on d pwalber -01tizene. cued, 'on to %el re"tvd be Taesda,7 =MIWC at the lot. Us old wo of Mr. V-1 AfiY uT, t e'. Dick -ton
--Good Dresser wy P'lle RN"4 rrl� Grali St, Marys, was -Ing - ou thO croang of the LoondoU atlpar..entl I two teot Of ro MP *as od tho skid. B �,'Ya b 3-0.- dA 5- Wag _gyfleld adm: e co latut �,bowlfni creten. at the
_4V_ the tdr000n, S:ge of 82 Platt C, spent Von i 04 oo ti late ��ty, tv IV -to 20 fodt well It; ,,-n, of Godert h, vVeb- vok',place an! .wajs r.- Shaw Who was day d I i . . . . . . . . 44-i i 1 1 1 1 4W, bY 0 elee7aiO4' wa 'Yea".
Yad er Se 91 17 bW the W48 150M lit fta, �on -THoweer Wft halk I - ��Mlon. W.Art - in start Ltb*. DST. kept alt Wt , the crosilng.tor with alcutel BrW)% dim OM- t st OVW quwIrter Of. ala - hpur�, day cal"
f 4 ly I Thai week lie sud -to F V r ew Way frobt ithat r 19ac4ougall.! of Bortewes 1"Wr aftemoon 1W the eaTtl4el %UXWW With -we hro- f 4mily. ell 0 $9 be
'O to, 012 [a, develojed -to LM4W, **MkUgX wber, 11r.. Blikin and last' rims from 1"n Ud P 'LL I+ I �Md t oft( 1 M -2kired it left for that ilm an weal slined w tit, fourtN �pl t-, Franoto Jor'dan, walip t tw 'WIM ace, te: tral
them e` &Boni f r,* ends- *1 , sh our gamen Mar"- 'toid do 1, About 25 Irealm V90, Mr. 10t. lftvft i1snka CL %124
W. 1 . Diid U9101 rA t am i
10' Wfll h*keL has ta. for more r a nJon F. X. U 'widmv, dm moo and a daiVifter. a6vm A� e w druggist 6 riklred removecl tV d ha -m in, pe0a a "Vftv U11 *to= In, U straolig a lbeam, *W --U I wa*�Ihe loser of 'Thia .In�ftk eve SIT tatters. head h*. well ame her -e --let two f*l half
aipextaxie aradn�K, the towei�rtq ago, sin, On Thm- *daly of. 1 _19t week, thore �e thel separa;tor. bno TE distance ,men 'In'On- the h,�d live as, aa falas. d retired. IN E sk W*5 a was a drawV di t 01 be of the( Deace landed �n go I � Vh1hitdIlk 6. -er 1�e_*wcon placepea,U3 Justi t-0 L .- - I- - I tel �w Wh4 ta!lqo Wd tb:st bl� two 11 fwt of waker. The e #2 ce track here TO 11 , I T� .6 pay- Weys, township, -Wellifttoir wuAy o rl, od"A U W
DaY did $02, L " - — d a lqotn-'g i
'hbroa� expQQ Jdr hilMr I res mi nt masti* vt ttw 3, L cert Co
UeFgI �te ad 0 dther W�4eaj ain of t -te vral —A -pretty SePtembO We4d]"'Waff n*w$er It U. L Vent C*Ti. turnips and mangles N alked V 943 0*7 missed about live moil to f611)W. lhsbeeC4 It "w Of -there w ere� f hk lmow toil w,
three etarteral ler' v w& -e darna:i1ed, �vindo*s wa- e brokm 4id his father WAS
it iftir. aiid teal tntotbe barn- 'FhA 614*Aed ist Th Tleriidence ot BOaid, add at 'his death left It
Ig Its mTs. In hou*" , and, fruit daina:gtd. whw e we naLe MA dbout twOle feet, brea In Reaq�Prlce�'Glodbrldh, E at hI*W rAwrnW& Wr Uft-017 4 t ty 11 ther horsas lu#ca. Ud Tbiet ftll wuld %e vatbeared. Mr. Robe# WeQua&fl-
UL Urts Septe*Wr Srd 0 u Was a iebtur of V n Taiaftyl tbe lift 4� Ift
of 13 and �Wrl% Brute ain the Old- well 17th. Lo�k SocletY, the shovelf als ext nwrnfug. The 4�.Th) Be SaIr: Ur. -*b0%X ber Moo aelfts, Dara, -Ung Vomo low- it U4�� Rod _W�&Ted $�ha ferred ;Q to Stri t, ODU 'race theTe 'Were Amly wa# also bftyy, fw% ot *b4w It
cItT pliblic school Md. WqAter Scott: .,T. uMqouli, U. D,. wvkv waw trah4l p,. 1:tcezell's and G_ East Side Main Bet, one door lSou, i:of t h, J Rtm seal St rt from-, Wore tto d in) I#alT- W thued iesUttle Mw W -bo wax AW it=, SUVcalvott - n6tice, 4e. The core- -alrd T-Oad Can�vshy. h� eTM tw TO M _Rev. Dr,
SUDWAAnd, Of Tormte, dib- eet -ralneb Of t1lit fnVftZt 8 appot7itna0ut to the dW'r of Rizeti.:M. A., pastOr'of X&M i6tr b was V, jai P-000 W01 mdry &t OWN%& -met hodlet buftff. br. Mrs. 1YM d 1W1838 id Dominidu Bank QtA*n�s' bf tbe W* Adl
*lveltdIty *,,my Was pw''Tumciby Rv. T.—Robert Thuell, Iseldretaw Of tile Vorelvi X1WJi0U4_ so UP aram, th
�ed Ln a tot AR i- kff of- the Xetbodl* 0=4, h are-: �nelr deaeeniied,� f tWa ek- tot, jlof�W ob ik. we 4nV't6 ed 'headind ar ew daya edzv d word. of dea;JU� iot Claude 1[6W awsaa* h bal J,ru-mbafi_ left the t 03PU aid! met Ode' in t Of ,�� a to IV Ixt V4D: Whs wekW wedding trip., orf the eon*le- tbw_ cie, bd 4Ude:rIdW 1� I 5i it -Vul"J96g. 'Dr. tAz% bilt tiv t *e�A *f Qa th7jer at �� - 11 - - ---t town about or Ot M�iv
Uppo a, bteh appodut- Tile i6i ad & WNW fb;ely Wal Hi rheit p4ce foi 'Butter and Zgj 19 -fin;cly sasimn t V-1letaftVI Odddrlcb� 'Aninuig fter _ma&r, be%%�ti�,dl As wl"Ivtid b7A a, v%dow aW two Vbfl- cd Bileffic&I IW-Agohalrr Im 14 CMDOM;ItI