HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-08-16, Page 24-
'Op ly
2 cansi Red. Salmon for 25c-
3 tins Fresh Herring for 25c
Our 30c lapan Tea for 25o
38 inch Flannelette at 10c per yar
Cottonade, regular 25o at 20c per
Wripperette goods,regular 8c ab
Special line of Men's Tweed Pan
at $1 per pair. Special - line o
overalls to clear at 65c per p
boys' oda cede, sizes 32 and 33)
Best prices paid for choice butter and egg
per yar
O de
k bib
ear a
SuoCessor to- B. GUNN
iSMAFOBTlic, FRIDAY, Aug. 16, 1907.
!Municipal Debt
The last report of the Bureau of
Industries in its " Statistics of On -
Aerie Municipalities " shows that the
ensinicioal debenture debt of the prey-
iilee of Ontario increased by over $38,-
40k000 from 1 ete to 1904, unwards of
$16,000,000 of the increase haviug tak-
en place since 1895. This is a very '
large mcrease and under ordinary
eireurnstances it might be calculated
to cause -alarm. Still more is this the
-ease when we discover that this .very
large debt rests' almost exclusively
on the urban municipalities. Between
1895 fild 1904 the total liabilities of
township municipalities, -including
floating debt, increased by only $31,-
000. In the same time $9,000,000 was
added to tnetabitities of village and
town municipalities, while the indebt-
edness of city municipalities was in-
creased by $11,000,000. In chnsider-
ering the iimiaort of these figures it
must also be borne in mind that the
population of the townships at lea.st
towns and es combined. It will
°owl to theviratatien of the cities,
thus be sem t t the mhan
panties Itave been going at a knotty
fast paee, while the rural mumemali-
ties have been much more cautious.
But, tinder the circumstances, and
even -in the face of what seems to be
au unfavorable ehowing, we do not
think there is much. cause for alarm.
The country at the 'Present time is in
what we might call a transition state,
and the changed conditiorts are felt
more quickly and more keenly in the
urban than m the rural rannicipalities. Tit for T
We have no doubt but much of this
increase in debt has beep incurred in The Windsor Reeord
molding or substituting permanent thet North Essex sho
or temporary improvements. For present representa,tive
instance, within the last ten or twelve .
ion Parliament and
years, owing to the scarcity' and dear-
ness of limber, cement has had to be
used indeed of wood for the making
of sidewalks. The first cost of a ce-
ment. walk is, perhaps, three times
what a wooden walk used to be. But
the life of a wooden walk is about ten
years, while a cement walk will last,
practically, for all time. The wooden
walk was paid for year by year out of
current revenue. The cement walk is
paid for by the issue of debentures
extending over a period of fifteen or
twenty years. As it Ls with sidewalks
so it is with other street improve-
ments. Instead of placing a coating
of gravel ousts street every two or
three years and paying for the cost
out of current revenue year by year plunge North Eseex
-as the work is done, mAny municipali-
ties are putting down permanent turmoil and cost of two
pa,vernents Which will last with but that " it w uld be
very little iexpense for fifty- eiears or gracious act tout- 'both
more and cre issuing debentures for
Sal ainoillit about eq
formerly paid for rep
ary improvements.
on•his burden will be ea
being increased as the
the permanent *work
every- year and at the e
iod he will have the wo
detional cost and will h
and benefit of it hi
So that, after all, 'nude
stances the rapid tincr
benture debt of urban
above pointed out a
much" bemoaned by
oause for fear or tioubl
simply an indication t
of these municipalities
their methods of avorki
doing ate securhig addi
fences and comforts for
little or no additiona
really plachag the en
spite the increased cleb
financial position than
were. Tbe reason also,
inerea,se of debt in t
that they ha,ve not
changed methods to th
as the towns and villag
.in maiiy instances it w
to do so, we have n
more permanent impro
pay in rural -as well as
alities there ie lit
w ere permanent' imp
undertaken it is only
tha,t future generale
made to pasr their just -
`the whole burden shou
the people of te-day.
say this we do not c
gance or imprudent pr
mon sense and caution
in the one case as w
And where these are
is no doubt hut the
provement is the mos
the long run, even if m
borrowed to make it.
ture at the next eleetio
tion, and thus save the
and expense of an elect
hag.- The Dommien p
Hon. Speaker Sutherland,
and the Provincial 0p
Hon. Dr: Reaume le a,
The argument of the
both gentlemen, ip t
spheres, have brought
honor to the Riding a
fore, it wouldatot be
part of the people " to
even flow of politic
-acclamation? ,To this
the payment of the same. So that,
iu this waalthongh the debt of the Stratford Herald reid.
unicipahur cir is being rapidly increas- The suggestion of t
the h en et the tax -payer is not graceful one and worth
really increased because the tax -payer the Liberals of 'Sent
taw pays annuarly in interest and case of Hon. Nelson
ainking fund for the permanent works has won much credit b
d tempo
t of
me le s
f the pe
ean tim
e circ
inthe d
and o
sett es t
and e
orator y
ay the
an in
net fall
ity. Co
sed the e
y has to e
e Dom'
the It
is Liber
r is th t
on the
upt the
he hea
tions," a
s vial as es
go i
ble discharge: a
Mister of A
ionor to his
ion by acclaatio
e . %user.
regarding , our po ul€ -
st,. needless to . Mate
eop? a uni ue ha its
e-u:p. Tis *dear's
so far has sure ssed: that
t fifty per ent. ' The
dome from, the nigh -
1 eptibh , and from the Bitish
e errrany, Austria, France, Italy,
Fini d, Scand: made ; in fine, from
est every 1: nd and cli a the'
oreigners flock in to avail fl em eves
f the bounty f the Canadian , .Gov-
ruribnnt:. 1
Free homes • s are still avalable
ad will be f i r some time to. n ome,
hi -e land can be bought f in. 0 to
per acre, r gelated by uali; y of
oil end 'pro :i mity to th .i railroad.
put With all th = tremendou influx of
ett ers dura g ecent years, the West
s not full y t ; fax from it.
When We oo on Manito a, aska-
chewan an A berta as eac cos ppr'is-
ng a tract f 1 nd over 500 ile: long
n the same,. _width we mai suc-
ee in a�rriri •'g at some hin of a
comprehensive grasp of th a anse
of t ese weste i wastes th t o he -
toil er the, new comer. The a ate said
$$ be'soinethin like 85,000, acres of
ha 1e land, an a I think :I am raking
conservative - stimate wh n I!tate
;ha fully. Ain =ty per cent. of s is
Tet virgin: soi s. thereany ne of
ciently f: reaching sionl that
u d• portray t 's glorious land fifty
rr `hundred. ears shence, when the
en re of avi y ofthe hu an race,
alo ly but stir .Iy endinges ward,
'1 be found o these western • tains
w ming with•their miilior s f hu-
ia souls ?
qat •� rise ;min
f Driesuery ofthsri ay readaers isin :the " Whatds
la, s of Work en and work omen
e in dennand the West ." 'bads
would anawe that I kne ` few
rolfessione or classes of lla : r for
Rh ch there ins of keen de an In
the Het below j a e some but (not all of
the various de rtnaents taken from
he " help- wa 3i ted "i colu ns of our
resteen papers :
:eful eecognition a , c ed woa
ublic, and nnoreer, tvoui
ve, harmonize with thee dis-
of hundreds .of good South:
es, ut that is only on side of the
ible + What about th . other side
ich ti e'.Fierold does n t mention 9'
Me ntyre is the 'tor tentative of
South erth in the Demi 1 ion Parlia-
ment. (j e is a Liberal an • Mr. Mon-
teith i • a Conservative, : Mr. Mein
tyre, e,, hough he has no yet attains
ed Cab net tank, as, in is particular
sphereP served his con-tituency as
faithful and 'air efdci ntly as Mr.
Monte th has and we :-e tore to say
to -as ea` Advantage to he country.
oul a the Herald and t e .Conserve -
t ves o South Perth be , illing to per-
it M Me ntyxe's electi on by accla-
atio o pr viding the iberals are
illin _ to do what the = erald say's
would e a " graceful ac " in permit -
ng . Monteith's i onteith's elect • by accla-
usatio f. As the late Th arose Gibson
ed t say "•What is - : uce for the
ose, houl 1. be sauce fo } s the gander
TUE FXPoeroon, h:: nb a!thor-
i .y to. •euk for the Libor Is of South
girth, • u we have no do bt were the.
onser • olives of that rid rog to make
prop sition similar to that of the
inds'r Record, and"•hich is so
warmlapproved. of by the Herald,
t e Li 'erals would be ju vified iniv-
a g it try careful consid ration. But
t ey w uld be very situp e toermit..
r. M .� teith to walk th plan un-
olest d and then have t . e Conserve-
t ves p down the planand make
t e tea - r€aiis plunge thro gh the deep,
cpld a y ' uncertain water : of an elec-
t on. • o test. That woulbe a dis-
a* o magnaminity of -Bich we do
t bel eve even the Libe Ws of South
erth : re ' capable. M .Monteith's
s voice : have not been of such a high
order •. _ to jnstify any h sacrifice:
hat ' oes the Herald s: a. ?
" Bobs
en e
titre ti
nd in
he m
a yl
e Si
the f
'With its Illinsitale
insisted. upon 1137 Dr. le, -•
"Haviar tested for a year in the liana; o onserva7
tory of Mule three Bell Pianos eontaini y u lilititit-."
able Quick Repeating Action, I -hot d a order
eitht, but I insist upon having- this Pa ion in
all of them. Kindly haw them •delive ae C n-
setviatory here not later than' 20,0 Ana 1
c e.9„,
Conductor " Harris Orchestral Club" Examiner Mimic, Toronto Us Or
Conductor "Hamilton Cboral Society" Member Advisory Board, 'many it nue
Organist and Choirmaster St. Paul's Presbyterian Cburch
Write us tac...fre<__2_L_teoklet 'IV' containing pkotos di
musical celebrities.
for the new b
Metes on Alb
of some years -1
t a few remarks
g and possibly
our eastern co
perhaps, to th
trued ve to those
erroneous ide
es of Western li
een subjected to
an in regard o el
of the fact tha
cl. to between 60
zero (Farenheit),
el at ease an pro
king use of noh
that we do, here
fact, Men of sei
s that such a pro
" Sunny Albert
bows itself clete
1 disposition and
terners. Be this
the idea not one
consider the di
e. True, and Ias
peculiar to Al
linen lives were a
ritime provinces,
een frozen to
and even in parts
s, then we do not
ilar cases that
e out -of -the way
o not warrant th
or inclination it i
, nal making c
e matter of crepe
on we would si
our nevi/swipe
believe that a
t our crop§ are!
n on the corre
pinion. In reali
anything but
will bring our cr
er" one. The
ce of Alberta for
nter Wheat...
ts 40
TER. Silak.
ter to resi-
ight be in-
structing to
sins. Inter -
who heve
ess -prairies,
ho have en -
of the differ -
spect has the
severe meth
Mate. But,
the spirits
last winter,
sting that I
in Alberta,
nce pretend
usion of sun-
" is blessed
ental in the
it ma,y,and
evoid of rea-
winter was
everity, but
erta and
we consid r
Wally los t
that people
ath 111 Ger-
of the' Brit -
feel that the
ave occurred
laces in the
se whose in-
to berate our
hal on this
or the com-
ply venture
s are doing.
ld • have their
the present
ther advanc-
pending date
conform to
I can't see
n extended
ps to perfect
West had a
no means a
✓ acre in the
.14 hush.
Dakotas and Mill
en lopked upon
but, whereas the
have given an, av
ten bushels pier a
iof years, yet We
itoba,. Alberta an
as given An ave
le nineteen and t
same periled. It
es to some of my
that a sample of
eat, grown in th
400 miles north
t prize at the
ery discouraging
e time, is the I
market, and als
es. Despite the
eir fine graded a
this Fall: yet
the outgoing gra
ects are as yet
o the urgent and
nesotat have
choice wheat
age of some
.re for a long
tern Canada,
age yle a of
aAers when.
No. 1 North-
Peaee River
• Edmonton,
oild's Fair.
feature that
stern farmer
k of a good
of rallrodd
aet that the
hopes to
far as Ed-
e meane of
Fe arid
the non -exist? e of proper
lances at the pee sary points
one. In truth, s completely,
zed was traffic, at the Rails
ommission were titioned ha;
ne, with the we Opme result
e C. N. R. was onipelled to
n rnany•of her se mes for ex-
on her brendh hies, and to
increased rollin stock and
power on the 'pea. &beady
ce paid at the evators for
The Conaraissien as .held ses-
various centres t6 inveetigate
eged t'holdeuiet7 of the Stock
,ge in Winnipeg and the Lake
e diseloeurett we made, yet
eras nolikehhood of, any radia
rebythe preduce will benefit
ingrowers' Assoc' times, Sono
have demonstrat beyond a
he value andjusti ill demand -
Tailore -Walters
nal,ISO pain ers Butcher
Plas ere
Since sity re arks have been eon -
7 featu es of lberta's ca ital would
dmonton he capital ity, is the
rai waer, do menial, educe. ions 1, ag-
th Provike o Al er a, which has ao
ar 6f 1, square reiles4 The
lat years ati he notoriety she has
w n in fa -off nds should well nigh
min for er th title 't Mecca " of the
weetern or d.
trading post o centuries awe it was
onl organize as a city inl 1904 and
ra e capital, of Alberta in 1905. It
ha a pep a ion of 15,090, end Iast
ye r an aSse ent of $17, and
t rate Of 1 mills on the do ter.
he is 1 practicallir und lei with
li ite coal an is over 2, feet above
se level.
El ctric Li Franchise mad the
d 'c, Music, locution. dee), ith an
en ailment of 20 students . l • e has
hcluse (clear TI $1100%000 er week),
he has 30 holesale firm • shipping
er• (' 2 daily ev rang papers 4 'Weekly
w lks, 37;nai of plank sidewalk, 16
miles of Wet r ains, 14 miles of sews
er , and cover an area of cres.
he control the wholes& e e for
1 nfilesito th south, 150 flee to the
ea t, 200 Miles tothe west, and 2,000
he has 111c al mines in operation,
pr dqeink 890 ons per day a d this
to the va tie o $801,000. I 1906 they
amounted ,t $1,900,000, and or the
1..‘hus an n biased iscrueny of the'
sitnationi can et but ce yin e the
ti s that we* t to the 'making of St.
Pa, Minnea *ohs and Winnmeg, ' all
ceMbine in vi e : ng out for the met -
El? J. Laleautrict,
i4 ws Notes
tracks. ugh, hilt eobstitu 'SOY with-
out doiiblingi - dr a -sin le pallet
rite willsure y go above' he clothier
tato the city 0 Brandon ugnst
orth of Bran on. The w eat meass
red 57 inch ,' and was lendid
aMple. Ther are thousan acres
of ueh wheat orth of Bra don.
igh Court of the Cenadian Order of
o esterie th e hundred dollars was
is year th High Court d ubled
hat the ! ne Australian- tar will
ratably he hi her than the p sent
riff, witlith result that Ca adian
rade with An tralia will suffer
—The ruing horses of IFee e, the
as when the andida,tes th t rried
he white. an blue spots wo more
thaio,,$225,000 for the fine eie ' but
this year their winnings wili e far
above that alai unt. So fa,r the have
gathered in ab ut $200,000, an with
some of the ri prizes that re et to
c e his total will surely r aeh $300,-
'' This is. yohenomen s ie for
New Orleanit
urishment from.
She took Scoit'4'
hp gained a pound a day in weight.
! , ,
ALL DRU 1St 50c. AND $1.00
-swenojitimlux.Y*gistIAIVIRAvictlant:.,ZD.,:Es-q. 15. 1 77-ire-P-Prresale-.
49 1
'Savings Ban eparhnent -
1.1e.reit at best dareateiles paid lite.
Henson Ertmell Awl' old,
Bundled d email Torrance,
and guars-ntees
perfection in
every detail.
Looit for it
Any who has the " determin* fa,vorable ienpreseion on an employer
tion can come a good penman 1 than the neatness and legibilitT of
he or ehe intelligentlY folio*, an applicant's hanclwriting.
'our instruc ions and ptactien an hoq Write for ourlarget illOstraird free
or so a day for a few months. , catalogue. It explains our Business
Perim hip is of far greater int -1 and Shorthand Courses in detail.
per -fence t an most young peep* Shows the vilue of an education in
realize. . a school which is a member of the
We *to from intimate acquaint- Business Educators! Aasociatillm.
artce with business men that there The demand for gindiiates
isn't anyt g tha.t creates a mbre greater thau we can supply.
Moieties -4' of
I As
It is nature's specific for
Dysentery, Cramps, Colic, Pahl in the
Stomach, Choler& Morbus, -Cholera lee
fantune Sea Siekttess, Summer Com-
plaint, etc.
Rapid „ and miabie in' its action.
Its effects atel marvellous, and it
pleasant and hannless to take.
It has teen a household remedy t
sixty-two years.
Refuse substit tes. They a.
Mrs. Wm. Fiewelling, .Arthur,
writes : "I clad it much pleasure.
Vihrin &man+ as a,vanil care
Summer complaint: My little
year old, was very bad with it, and a Iry 4
dines cured_ him. I also used it on my
other sit child, for entwola
it too inuch."
y? Because the Pandora always has a nice bed
oals as a reward for checking off the dampers 77/
efore retiring to rest.
five minutes after
n the drafts she will
ood, strong fire.
uld she sleep
ree hours ionger
al there will still
ready for ,her.
e fire -box, flues
mpers are so
ally arranged
Pandora can be
ART 13
regulated to hold a fire
from 24 to 36 hours.
Pond or a owners
never have' their sleep
disturbed w` ith dreams of
making a new fire in the
; morning.
If your local dealer
does not handle this most
perfect of ai2 ranges, write
direct to us for Tree Booklet.
you k
h us is a
of frames
d neat,
Tr us
!daft') Directory for
fortif P. O.
ALEX. ROSS, Canneillor, ivoriaro
IraPeadtt *Whitbrop P., 0.
ibition the people all like to a4nd
And. full list of attractions, with pfenty of music. Fireworks
e rogramme each . eVening, emaciluding with that wand dis-
Reduced' Rates on all Radroa
Send 0 the Secretai7 for Prize Lists, Programmes and all
M. EMU, Sezre
T. 6 to
Me his
exion th
ly in
es, trysip
DP' and Lumner
r sale by
quest -