The Huron Expositor, 1907-08-09, Page 1t ..... ... .............. LJZW 19 Iiii, 16 XOT4 %P14 Uo .............. b" IT astomem have le."n- 8 AFORTH; RWAY, A, GUST 99 1 I a YeI. in axon Iclaim that it 000,000 to �e tl tj ia-t In, brilef, th4% Brothe It Is estll� 1w- El wa; to bettd r I Ahd,' so It came was unders oA bit -s' of the Plalus gh tood bet a t ile Sli�perl there cai, be iotill ree to thi t In 1982; step - were 1aken nd efly to bargaina. FURS -The nramj&a, Sun, hae Issued-, a� xapkert of. th e orde and Premler Whftaey ten n -All In, gold fromheae i v- cor�Aeted Ithot ln� July that awme edition colimmemor- thA certain outplt or Rio qftlal u3trdted and, Hon. Dr. Pyae, Minater of Edulca, els, raakijRg e T.L - and yei -v IuMhered our. beautiful city 1P Eyesig t ye ot it fta. 2 5th . annivorsuiy of the gravel gold,i ove tion, that the. Brothrel would have a fron� the Yukon r$( Elt Uri,. f ithat place. It igives K eater anaratelbi-lingual i4ormal, school 600, -edeUtO. AND it -crov mied Id Acope of ouregul en" &In 'tio� the .yowngeA and falreot ae.% 06*ni t*ftr x1to of the leading -cit- in -Robe -a thid' P. establishinedit T*z tbeM� in which they rt R. Crinan, Ib�ui a n1ta 'amnig the �dltles: of Caada. lZe" of tho all brwftbas of would take a, course� 1prea-rWtorY to inedibal atudeUt at lllar4Mto �L be; Vera iMotbing ved in" BrhmdoAl .gmt I U Test F ING$ enteivIrlee wad abeo'ViewO of 'the lead- We hae, at considera ex�einse, ';aa-silaig th'O MIDMSSar� examinaitiobo, Isity, realdpnit. ot that ity', vrea worked Xor her* The mist _a akes, LTW. �Vubl I private buildings not and made a -year's enga e)nent with pi4vided, and the drowned at Por4 Ca'r1Lq.9, MUVko.�M, of the beadl:and ndt og But Itfils wao not Mr. Walter-Bellsham o has had have 4Cn*aVttn F 4v le of th6. leadiag 1bu '4 leave �Ottawa alto- oh-MandaY.. He wAA spEedin,9- Ma IIbI and every citl4eZ wis aiv decided, SQ-U.AMOM MMA -T -s over a quartei- Of d�ay, L-�s Iness ob e 9 they wera 25 'Years, tury Of ex- OtbrA holidays tbeTe. The same !in some of ago IAn I ronto, 8&. and' as are - now. All thist perience in eye wOr -During a severe electrical torm A=1a Alurr-hy, ot. To 1 was the wwtchwb�rd and an 1, and the#argest cities in En',,',l ' el �aa Thursday night of I&qt week, Mr. g�apher In, the off let of Mr. B. RI goes rial propiewl �SM land, activity fte 1p-kaetise. whbich t C has madp the 5townshi of tol, M- P.. or ithat city, was drow ied ain ��;Llg. the I �htte wore; lato-oculist to the ISRAool'Bpard George Ferguson, or Tk days, too, the a;nq' andSurgica-AidSoci&y, ot Sim- O"Id&, a�bout two 41es from" bay- t.t Wind401Tmere, uskoka, wex*--ahe TPASt qua, r E had thb the growth b0c ,crasib-tbe'l&rl *osts W -these i Bandoh. Is. simply, il- 06RI and" other derland, England. Re will have ,uga, had his barus otruck by llgtkt- as spening her hol -ment, NE W-1 lustraI,tivb her towlas ,all hir da:y, charge of our optical depait. ca;noa with two Toroab� 0.1 "En n!ng and tdtallj deL4royed, togetheil out hV a tro itbe and all 0 -13 'tlemen, �Me student at. Kn4 (01- and Ill 108 L of the country gen- andweInte-ndto 1k o it� very with My tng of h a;nd isavi= lef heir impres�, lb t 'Clurage was u f wheat in! the straw, one horN -ifte, whe the caoa %�pset an(Ir, the V Ing the "Portraits, give-I.We. thel ing sPec- loads o strongly this year, m �d buyers Of tixe fo aa�wg i *ad It fight was 66tice jjr al. countenanbe of 'Al- alty of ehildren�s e e =owl RE ]RIE 8 �nd, all Implements.! 'Mr. Rdbbin% was drowned, the ou great ptice-cuts ers �eter This should sive our u Id 11, ani old Hidlett. boy, oil wItfi 'her suteb near Canfield, in) the' township of, caping. She was about 24 yegrz or ave - -aow%- -ad mess, courim, we are- - Who, It contin satisfaction than the ap tr I Oneida, about six- -, &ieg from Ca�y- age, and �wag much re,�pected. go-- he lingpeople, now in the Zus ye L -40 -at that a. this a, -.On ly, Ira -tit. efty council- for twenty, IUA, also hadi his, q3arns dstroye.4 -One� of thO most destructl -;re mid* a mdryument to as he will be here 'al t - the time. -Le eame idiorm� in �,years. tpAused -over Strathroy wid i bave to carry the W, adom and #0 -coutiaze of the We Will say no morc t t during tb i0i over, YOU. 11-1 �a resen enty-siz hears aV W, _On the bmieoteadl of Jdhn Slack, sd 6. of ua for sacli W m. As 0d] d IW40 laR lihe fouaft. except that we, believ 3 lbows surrounding �oountry on Thur- �y go, the evalftei the'ette near Cara, Sask., his widowed slsi� ening ot laat week. The haildtonelel th tions on. which' 'their succeawre ave his busm�ess and ca'n do, e ork. or filits efty, gave u his clalmi 43 ter, Mrs. ReeqoT4 and'her four year which accomTmnled- toe utorm, w. to ,the bul Lenses manufactured Is of - 0 �5,00u It tructure. rticul -r - y. pa C, P. -for. S would Iold am were drownedi Friday after- r- a arly la ge, and' m&n OR NCE take Ithit 1 a,mol rnt, of money o�-day to on the premises n. The little fellow, was carry- glaaa; were, lYroken in busineaL S nw Perth tem g*t tbeie qn, of tweinty-five. feet of I water to a small 13all amd on Niorth olithe town the storm w -as at It . X1. Doi, of Mitch-. r. and' Mrs., J �Rosser avenue In the his 11belng missed h14 eight -year. old Its worst. Fields of oat -a, barley ell, hav on a trip 'to the Pa- I Centre Of th Ity. ch or, h1m* T t: �F �brother went In sear Aa� buckwifeat are lyig Slat om -he .iGwered Pr agi In man lie!d8 o Little - ot =rvlous is the ��cliflm :cDast. John B ;idl and' h1a kat were -seen flowtL ground, while the c= ge Forbes t -o -V rn_ --I fr, and igrs,! Goor Of -wrought In. E. 1b mo been Tmdear he limize, a:nd wea wa cut ta tece�. Warwick "Seaforth On the Texap,! 'have �beev vWtIng. with Mrs. it Jeweller, the midther waEr calleoahe dashed Into ship and, vlcinity� suUerd � porhaPs the quai r of a'ce�itury� that has most qtorov. Brandon 'under c fivas en on, Ustcwel. 1 Uses ei Yaod -;sed, , dne X the water, which yvas iseve eet more than any -other oection "d the aeia e5 rs Marriage Lice r "air Wa I a In pora city, u4c6m FjergusI mechantot deep, and Sank. farmers rejort that thousands of ftl- Stri. 4 rd, 'has . Te&ntly r M -Harry A. L. Finkle, son of Jud;e larEe worth of grain will, be a: to �.al to dreis goo& The� at 'yoWq Ve here the,11 ordy'- T t6neers Oitched eturned fro Dien you now th hl -to aitu Canada. 11) sineps tr�Vj �o Ruroo. 1�—piim� For example, their 9 -in 1881 and 180, the t 'Finkle, -of Woodstock, Ontario, Com- loss. One farmer livIng nine int LOB Iftrz de- B.41n, =-elderly lady -,rEarly e- stands d;ty mwgnUice-ut atructures, .1 Ir i. J6 Tuesdxy m 4 I'r W1101 year to get 4 �er c M 'in, a -mitted aulelde,, Ini Mntreal on Mon� north *.'I' Strath oy, states that I as w stryed the ferry, shedp ai id the terry. -which In �dwy, 1by cutting his throat with a the, moat �degtructive - etorrn, h� had ate a solid, qubstantia and '4,ppplxy, while rallk. ILI t Lgi to the S banko Wv Pospe, -cit �Where a, few hail., w 149 hadt beenI for some time known in slxty� ye?�Ts. in v e strol g razor. lie d, 'badly COWS- ron to Ferry coxovanIr, �'an �a sufferer trom rheumatism an had -'The, Education Department 4aa is le to" �eat dred Jwred o eetabliah a, 06� I I e s var r, D. L. J Kel y, of DaUnville ha damaged, the whait. 11 i �otal loas annoancerneirit in cantre, t elve thousand eople, now �Ibeeu compelled �to glire 'up nis position -stied ani Iml:ortant. im . .. .. �h 'bank W'- e time... ex going-, c ed, and ken pooseaMm- or Is betweev $40,000 aAA $1 0.1 -ni Do the '�69 1buyer in the -Canadian Rubber connection with the- eorga izat Ipi e., r the ry Pus eta of 1 Mr. J. A. -Malcolm McGregor, as old TV- Here, doed, 10 i Wonderf 41 111tt's-1 dead In- a 'I Oomparry th I t Jalnuary, and go and Consolidation of continuatloalcla3s- Ive Un- Tu: uii, Llotow.,61. ot 'Elgin county, I -e f rAl I- 1he yard... tratl og 1% ck�y. The Into a hoapl�t; �faor treatment. ji; is' es 01 the. tirral ischool-9. 2The I w< lk- to g you. an OPPO OfAt. I vJoido- b4yn,eld, adjoltinig V1 'W' Har4,0*, Qr# -A lthV f th ploneers, -coul4' a I 16,b6m furlough T thwghtAat the motive of' his rash I in, futuie be divided Into t1wee to wake, 33 or torass, 1"t -Friday, symptome of a re_ bich will be fitux- r. McGr was carence of hl&* illnea,�. He WaIg Only ;recojn:Ized; fby the D -m ar as despair Eut ach -of vvv Sui 1 2 ard ve dt X od, A fir the brief d, I P visiting1blio roAher,.Mrs, (ROv.) I;itchlug ha.y. M born act- w qua: -ter' of a century the an epar =Z at. near ...... Grant, Of St. MaIlrys Mapleton, 75 yearo said -had 0;' thM elty. ft Thp equipr4ent -must Include libracry, Ih 9 ad shacks wokitd give �thlrty` !years of age. ce Ill a sin e er r. M on of Mr. A4 of C Fred A pla e. t-6 ttw anificeat structureip �The districts of Sinclair, Mkito, scientific, agppratds, - aps, c hai to,. 'been ap- Vears4 of a pro 6s -ve, tadustr ....... d st lal ad corik, IRestn, Ulnetta, Niverville, Manit6ba globes, etc,, aI ldy,wlug Models. TO- Ia We"Vinm1peff -The Governor 'tre 'head n%adter. and tarty �Such- -as that which to and other ToI were visited by 'the wa7do this equipmoen't the t a�� atiary of $�,100 per ve ireceotly Tdturae.� ttaa I the ywd., b jWhool 9. al ; . I -will -- d I sever ment. P here t6,4a;y-. , ' I . . -1 est 'hall. 'otarlku for m9ny ;yearia. ment grAdt Um 'Per 1.4 from P, ver av ei ft sucewWul,; 1 Aim* V 4he storm occurred, on Mond Bfindon. iecelvPd Its.name we r. and lrives 10! -the,inorth L' . len, grailts of from$1750to$350 I:ar i = im, YOU A N DO IT BY'SIMPLY Petna:,4 who big trip to the 0 - 3�0 ifii.g. Thousands Of INVESURGAT PUA blue-blis' whl'h lie ten nAtI69 9I 6f acres isplendYA. will be madei to 'these classes. A -graut have been re As 4E *rnholm for sb*ft oA tbO St. La;Z�c V?-rl The. made when the , ; ter Years *fare i. tfie North �WAst Fur L 1.180 toutids ��CrOrs a;re completel demolished of $10 Will ac thell. ffab�, ranging 10; tX Olt IS,4�t y 23 y ears, ha ov'd to Mb froml Cbqnpan3� IntrViureUthe nZine, �havWx I b. wo miles wide anq the ltiffth has the minimum quallifical Tbrehased a Nv.ere killed bY, six t tJteJJuUCtJon of tl,)� . a," Ile thpyi Te a vrobat Zi a post Awlnt� Iat. Treselnit writing cannot be wsceo dditl6aal wt the Lsei. , *e4ght being � ip It4iged, 1bt It' Is not lAss than te1V standing Is Tilgher. 'The mew lied Bran- r fiolue gtAd.'Sou Is rivers, fr I 0- wind inul, ou 1� the 't-remias ot -Imd Stra?thwna, inerl u: nr e: fews - 'yer 'miles. The istorm was a-ccoIed tions :Igo in orce at D -,e an I fr� H6us of the ide were still by a, g -wind, VLod tbere Is bairdly a R. 1. Cowley,.-Provincla Inspe,Aorof FABK -ruin he I jotorrra now, od, was in Ott don Y16, tocki a ago, the Mm M H." ucinty M.� P.. of St. D4*xald A. Smith, IS ContinUation olas&og w1ii to point. e, whi f etl that- Mar. ch has ib vedi: t Iv, the �rack o learano L' to e 4xy* ago. e whole 1palni C19 glass lor Inan Y, lif t�bal from its with ithe PTernier a Xe* yovrg of thl tim h, : schools at thei beginning in 01 e trail or the tr%L i , -loedum to and landed �cr the fence dur- Hlls 9.81 yearw or age 1bi Oerts crossed hivt term SORTMENT. ere, and libixffal -hun w base -The 11 --year old' 4�,ugbterfjose off Q' about frord' i;lacq t a PI Ce as inij the. i# of I& w�ek flit IS now fh� sito of, Brandon afte�rtod-, Blacker, IblackernIt, of Orillia, wa§ ­�`By dropping -a lamp whtl (omng, es, Ie Muslins and other c Iar lkgb�- -.Monday. might 66.i - under pe- down�i aMMA Al � while b ing'the Aosint),oine- a -few mil mit t, wee riskly a�s ayouth-- lbiirned to dowth Saturday, 43tal InIc k -t I wt lers, Mooge Iorle, the; Ith gran&; stand i and, h Mountalm! , i cullarly sad, .-- -eirsumstances. �Wjitle Friday ev"g� miss Nellie to ith Au r ftiee, old. da -he Ottawa Ex -ounds was I r. an hibitioli 'IrA mei �be ind Milk, River1he loneeris te f 'M , � MjS.' U Fdthertnr, in t I h tbia lighting a gas. stoVe her 4 JUrJ L btagy FeasI selling wenda, clothes - Ottawa, was 0a ;rrightfu-1 gr �Ad. q 1106, you -will. surely -be h- Y. 6f afroiforci Was �,Playiug with destroyed 11hy -fire, to Ahq w came - igited. She TW 146talrS and thWt Aight bopetz are entertaInad tor their way. tc he% her gilt, ire. The tickot, off ice', experin-&-nf 61 arm. ..build- alad chilAre's adits a:nd tried' 'to get Into the room where 'her her recovery. Mi All men' and boys so . O'BIeri 4, t, OIL b a. -The .0. P., 1!yndlcate offeLtbd� 'the fi, m M were �0)00 6xtfirgulehed, but log, dining Toom, wrt Br 'for mother Jay Ill, having been conth-94 young lady of 24 -y -tars -of'aV, 0 Shall. �pvjiislte, of n sale on June otf ore, itho hIld- 1was badly barn- W. Q. 1. buildin. TT .1 tot 10B,J trousers axia of all'. sor 'we �, I I I I T. V I2nd� ano 3rd I 81,'and lots were sold ed, I led, two days before. The zursa tak)[41 a drink or �'watar down sta Im Ife �ire is; ad to about I ar right the -aide. Is $60,000. ,T. now offer for a; short period at, vehted her eatrance, ad� the child Tan to,�her invalid when, ish, � U LP Rk "�ery 'high, gu"O.'L . , C. lormerly a have ibeen c9asedi by 9% Pt at OM ­-J&mes Smith com J t down airs, -followed.."'b the 01�rae, edL'on her skirt. She wa-3 thp.ve 6r; om the 11-remefidoua' disdouixt o !ProIt" g ithose, -who isqwd- d - ulcide teac r out [I he, arys C61legiate k 'Who caught her -and i3ticoeeded in ex- -four �sterk-s. from,'the!-ibottom an'd 'ano home eaded. on the avaloblo Qttl�Tv i I tute, st& Im the farm. his Y,: aA Igned' his po, last wee M 0 'land th Ighboibood was Joseph, tiguishiang b `bdrning DIOU9119. The to the floor. A laurp she was m O Wtr tr M alti as rel, cMaofer U- W111law, of Glandfqd little Irl wasr 'Mo Injured, tbat. Ing. brolke azd lnstantly� the I r-s- t4rward of ford ounty, b I 6 '-,Wbod� rM owner.'of the �ba:rig' InBelf Di to acce# tha ivc r ty, Tordniti vo after- ll.-Ilooded� the -Parpet and her rtfib Woodwortill and hWtory In Cal- from abeam 10 the she Aled sc ME stq�r of classicig the .b� iespocr* 11 llaote: 'I Cal eath broqg d for aid, S ler al -D h a IbieWs'stink wag 4gnited." She creame One tbird off the re' ar,� 1pric furth ga L AI dency and worry over !h WM. SplLers, a� farmelt yo=ger brother rushed to,,pxthagAx,':sb1 M, Ity_SIX tile fate of Mr. ra 9Jgd Brandon, now Lo lb A cau Two rea e little four, �.yeaxlold son, of condition is ibelleved 1� living near Woodstock. Mr. ftlers the, AlthougW -be me home fr -of the moikt trogressive and with Ml�. Wm, Zfit bq Iroost eautiful. little. s ce. dne esides ear Smith ca Ime before he— was Worlilng In the field on Tuesday bravely It Wars o4ome t Z on Ot the _st Marys, as: ace deritally k �ouj,ie f yearti 4gQ# afternwl, when he. felt a sting on wuld teax off the burning othea. ------ A, AL, -k I k - cities ws;.s. unknoA, and -on the sidd <If d one aftern f the ood I 6pen in very� ipoor heal h. is wigbt farearm. 'the Youn g 'V ro­� [IRY 6900's feked c re Ti�ed up. In about = The lower ortiont of It owned!' hy his -Fifteen, coal cars VV Ar loIX0 ishack on a lone recently, 1by a hour the arm became very -sore and manis bod 3 charrd and ate a 1f, rrat 0 was The - � do0tors, all -a r d 6t betiayed; buma ln,� attendance on the, Grand Trunk ra: 11. w- a y, i a; y v t�rollen, and he eased the., wouA, feredit excruciating Vai. Ve loy -4a-bitd im. to thA �af*90r-by- [d ut,,very', 8�11I 1hopea -for the Grimsby, on Saturday mlghli;, aiiO tra-! S lying turpentine. The arn% got was -badly burned ba his -effbfts to- -or t L Err�glou W y"11 eckwex Y. For years t dout I ,S-EAF01RT,ff-* Our chief work -etti-ig eady' �bo al hotITE1. Al'r Low is 12, as -known lie 'was held -al) for Seve I nd no better, and n Thursda �.tedtcal y help br. Zer Tet-overy .is tful. only U) in4gratilig, Indian bands and daughter oI broken Tall ditched.1the fln�d car, aI bad s 01he Mackin ana e- w fid -1 and winter business and e ham rmu e' aid was summoned, d everychtn -The town 'Of Hudson, a:y . voyage to the whose, Mr. WIM. M ,a;tro-rd, amd, Miss in a moment the whole train! waE ' the P course wastward, -had or long years M16y.Mccarfe aug er of'MT. Da'a- smashed togc posible 4olne to illeylote the suffer- cullar expprience one day thtV we k- �r nIfiesp, The coall Aparen ly ifttl.& Could� 'be done The towm atam; --rolle broke't away r-ut I gh ff oil tho floor- �bei il everything if; sold, �Omp 4B. ri e city's .181 �OCaffe L Lee took their was scattered, far and.��Wlde. 9§mrA Pw bruised and, Ishakeiv '47 ner or s n uggli: S: reben I alfte. W13 f) -No one ... .. .. pectin gfeat val Th "O J :1g. lai �a mI 130uth of h _ ell e�traa 0 the Order, care and, ]his inereW(k �So quickly tile large CaSi were. totally t nqonsclotm at one rwn; roller., 171tr that he ;became caught Ifte f Loi with the truth here.- The old 0, fic k -i- 1 Irairle of txe,.9Wter3.of' to,�, at Taronto. was injured'. lis- wonted-healtbi and P, T%e* ridges oh t L�.JeTt.!b t apa 1;g Itratkid ed R1 ee�k. The �jf w�,)J.ibe know -crow we" g rm as ister IS ly exc bear �4, t a t Hoover, a I wo- Ell rts deim-*ed nd fburmiK� fiercely for hair on ho ir, the ]LM ki er carts la, t reat-i tims- He idled Sunda.#, tAn gr could! �ba heaTd for mil as, n -Saturdaymi eta are IlDn'th —take o oi Ahird.�­ 'during their mm turi�q, otAravel - to a the la lied, �by a. In the! Marga:re a aud: Mrs, P. e goods` t p P )f Teronat-GIL- axa vialting bw M.%?.q residing ,nezr ellad, aged 34 the -flameg ishooting tbove the tfle-, 19Vnig d. R-ev. s;SI bear L ma A I 'was tir.. 7L,- �4 I - i� V , hat hwent -recently et flTe to her fath- grr 1gag that?s all 'there is toit oiil li beloi ' atill 'be i f,,0 q4ter I [6r Dean' 6teets t Ottaw t years, Red I ford c mae-9 -jeocaT. a ad skiter UtIl h wires util Beet, '.iver civet and T-ony,, M(.Gael, of Straft elebratd- ed- from the midw' of the sum- nd or's barn, which was completely dt- k -off three miles away. The ToU er,.' andi the -loads of I cozoiectlor ! thl he cereman. C&rnival, cleared Zen a Indian driver n� mer ars ls� Y. " the tents. Since r stroyed, iclud][ng 60 'valued at I faar thousand doV V a kins, i 11 Ifae 1hraCUIOL escaTe of Mrs. Went hrough hef a Is !all hOI 10, n -'s Raincoats bu lo 6 t 10 . ,.I r _ . . . tons 6f bay, a qua;nItity Of -.gratl and badly wrecked,- as- It was imporml n -A I of Strxt- ddy makers an& Shopper Greent and, rag,qed, away, an I -L now the a Fre �tiutw re .4 Sunday -she to njovp_ 1% from the Lire`Wh1c'1 S."Ne y or a 1bull., The previoup dear. -c4t into Che fertil a and -the ftr d during I* I uri;l"yls, severe consternaltion everywher-,?. A Tart suit 'heal-, or putt the !I re 4 Pienk, �o e lo m: Me S eTrt-I n!PS Tin d e' ear iblue htils a rical. aI Mr tried, to II the house,' but wag PIW-- a fiere kut. 011 3r turaed, o]X. �'Fhe, anA are lef t, 014 -�iruthera oc- animal trainers chakd, him ev br gas was '[aC& ban mu qi3e i many -a atirrin-V �" Apart 3 he old Strat- uall.y to -a obed, and Ichant vented. On ithe %011�wb* day 41he imtil the� IS I - took avab!tage of thp. la�bsence of the Me t churell, �by, a i4o, -all- light weights .60 1131 t� to fte re tbodja e al ,birthdaY Picnic cu amd ro �n ,the history of ford hotel., The 1 eb 14r could-oot to he !Perf�rmlnk ci 4S n the, fields and set fire to mught firek a%d was umsed Idi men I the 11 be en- this 00a;t n, Of Tb 115 oll op, � md were mo on ro1 4&, and. - Blue Hil - -Assistant. Fire Chlek Altki d.,lon r I e a the bed -m By the itinw th6 Qarm was .8of Bosom F aficy men ous, of bar ineer f the Tolkr as also Vc, rs tely.1 Iandon,had anxrrow ealmle W be-! he companY will. r v gr .4 named maidy de- ro )r, I to- ithe i k c Immedla given it was In st-ble to saveany:- ly injixrod, 'The -churdh was t 1e I eades an were known then, as af-ervards a t Of g e.-rter- kvg killed,. at We home im gout 3, Lon -1 lightnin ting. 'IF bile ittentkoi was directed e -t it oLgtin- and we wish 90, a in Athe toWn -and, its loss ill to Bit ed now ft -b dest!oyka ur,ntag ba; � �he again tried �bout $15jooe. It 1ja4 Je, been� ec; -P -may ha V�y auty-a veri- edroDip, the ZI don, on Friday, Wh.= j6uli(t di -T-- - e to the -b M, M- a sea of ture, di nittires. charged from a- Flobert rifle, by a� IT anniversary. Itable" 1131 ioraA In �n to set fire to the bu-pe, but 'her ef4 Pletely TbdecoI anill TAMW4 t d d it-; Imbed prairie and p In. -0n Weddaday i �ornlng of la;st boy In, thef next yardi �.fort was fruidtrated,' xTense of two Athousand, (101 ral an e" 8 na!We haA rked a head �ad Iw t f eld ------- ron* Fromi all, ti n m mi . r i Park, Inspedtor of public '16 t a :Opwilng services were , i -Robert tug, hl lb tr ri tic w h tts� vas lvertom whic 10 ked aff ic his head. The �boy waf i Kezolt and Chat w - Zunfty 10t, this Tqgf(M t, -undulating, at Iof fanneisr nees h I lVrr at t et a lie itime, �Ibolvg I meaP; 310 01 t�: Ischools og Vest and fektile and it, I beauty :fo - past:!angers with aTifle, City, died'W Ch M 'August 16th. alba on Saturday af- 'of- B*ery, &! the site of a cit y Of hid �tor e sedt E�roun d, Guelph and Mr, Atkin. ternoI aMr a, short Illness f r0r1i e. ig Palmerstorf. III ,aC( Brigntle disease. He:waa 55 yewre of Vor-ere Llst�-TI i was t , j;ranary ITAWL 7 om -en s, ht Cvixts- Con 1, T 101- t . its ealA to -A woman a;nd two ac�otrntl of -an EV ni open InIK raspbarrleI3 In, � a Ech. rtown"T, wa flist Pa"Mok �o�IdO � (Prato TJw Advanc,0-) a IT for en4iD hi vA OucurfO� aMLd W&A fbor. Liver;ool, N. office 07g the oth'a. r Crowning the fron1t of the 6outhr' SNrlfch, -onel frlghtl train Tulaning JaI[e, inear Peteekl- ro. o�e day age, g td Chwtjja;iA at an :.sarly Notes.7--For iU* excursion o uiz- st contains: d t US bea comin thA� ern �bi ink of Oe -Assinib6ine Just ondthei�, A IVVTe10lUV'k outfit wa-3 last week, were chxsel age, and settling, down Ili Raleigh. cardine on Civic holiday, TWrsdis op- 0 lbe'a�r !c6ml f, these 626 are An occasional cool evening or GXT reminds, 1iove the �Ol t 1 where the . C&hallan: In n't alb I once fr(�m ,StrAtford. to The wman heard- the when a ,poI man he lear-ned the last week, hero were '4282 tickets thildten' ifid bs-� that ri-er, c r,I ltiack-�ftt �11 the morning 6nd ra:n with 'the trade or &TV trom moulder, and nev sold -at ,WlAghabi; 121 ait WhIt,ok Pacific Railwiy � crosses lea -ed of a lifyht 008,ta� Evi3r electiona 1118 9X one of the ne- the Cki was T.laceO To the esat iw )bb ca xcelled. Caged Injury, but 'the be. cf- was Close a student dur- chur6h; 275 �'at Lucknow and 1001, at a The attended s school als lie. U:,� 00ats at S. MacKi 4y Was on Tues- on 'her life. ldhroragh; -private ipley.-Tire rate 1014 UZ41M or �h% woman sl-- ould have o and, *es� lay, 'the vVqt R- beels. Ing Ats wbol-0 0 Sweeps of the There tre 494 ul� 'Sot surrounded ch and i M- beautlfql v all v of, it -he AslniboL-ne, day, �r h� in� tidted Into the id and �P0 beeU xed st 20 nAlls on the $6 and $7 sh interest study 'he secured his �teadhers'and in- 74mT ihas on There I hou Spector's oertif re as jurom to ltho'lhoutb t le blue b,111113 from which 1pastisite of w'tjie' Pre ;byterlau -church,, shot 'the animari some: T0 after -1 1 z'44 $21,002 ba4; to -be . -8 i - I � 11 icates. He taagt stic- ddllaI The auTa tp ilti wto to tako its name, lw�ile t 11ov., Mr. Mordw. of St. war4a. alsed *W: the Pglowlng -v IB e ou if you're looldngor somet g.,dress 4T rv, ly in schoolo In Morpeth, Chwt- T VU a b rL oae� 14 AlvivAo:31 two y fea Irte, in cenale to the north ay the, limit -s vra arys, rftched�' Rey. Mr. -Thom-psm-, -A Colder0le inerdw Bham Collegiate, Goderich Modelachool,. Couifty rae,, U073- tgqUIle -schi-ol, not too expensive,, ddftmmi ed e m1nister, teiance of he Toronto'N'01, 'al '1100, thrm 5 and eAv*QM r�n , � 'to, and with its frkage of tlnib6r the TC tratford,,.& to indicate and IS years; ago,becane Insp*etor f $3-161 !hIgh dlEtt sI S2,6-42, 6te_ ance leading away -to the dSnor. MT. Stbwa:1 t people. At- durig the all Wrm d by -Sig-,695.-O, Th4rada W r. i1s, In Reechh-wavood, C.0 ,ow Int Oe valley ductt6n 19, I cheon- waI the ar-plications received ui' t'- and Mrs. A. Gemmill W ]E�idlhg 1 Mdunti ns. t r i the In -will ave aludus and, elowly -mpioerL- s4ri�ed on the Ila --am M113- Ithr- All the M6V*-ft* churdh present. Over 180 p pile- lay the -The, xc,611ent -roade In Odta;rlo were drivinginto ovat a1mg the B.- It 49- -0 mo -W- big.' AgsinibI its! b6mkal,' Xiingd, ic al aud lifer )TO :amTrve Was be iprovided'fair, and thle n11Mb,er MY Toronto, -via Iwo, their. horse ook Irig4t al, a pile, �'ry ( between Windsor 9'r- pplifttlan of the: a a seamded I IIV-It, In th6� Chu rch durlVg the reach 200 wbI tile Yet, -188% al gn d. The buggy p -s Iin, itleents evening� ducceselul. candidates at trl�.� recent de with majestic om S! ndered� -bet re rmdon, and *een �Wlndsor and of lumber by tbR roadside, and 41Tu4. by� , 3h-. -scow 14. 1 ihis MP6 wrilbI6 (3WL Niagara Falls via Lon don, says The quickly aroun and lbid -out bOw JhAerlta -;rom� the -Wm. ConI of Har,rington, East, 1:artmedtal exainations vre all ln� rne work fdr at Advertiser, Tesult irm, mmi automo- set, an4 bsAilt motIp -that 1 HA.S, Half ri. ad do so, [the toot 1 of a N.scourl, and Jame I d while The largest attendalam W re, and ties Dasstag' through thf fall, they ralgWIL have 1 bile g:ar !white %an, had never-itrod iwhaIt are slJogling-the roof q a Inewly e - co ded was' that of last rI whiAch .ad, if hia answel-l" rect il Forest City. The r2jet week some sonw distamw. As IPM - 64 Mr. George r UP very :fine ca;rs were qeen in the CRY mill wag badly ghalvm V =d rui'*�d,. tri. reeve e e to -day r b,sy an 1 the 4; fvri I an to. M. Ma ay ry -but XortunatolY, 'd. � —A meeting was held 17i him. On motim Men's Straw Hat Chil4imn' Straw ow �f L ft le, of St. a. q4e or themeLug worth as m -a4% as no. bones brok- /But ri, ttere W�as the J'tr6ad 4) wnded by Mr. ColwW41 Already lbozi4s f '4arO vv Do k, igot scuff g on the roof. 'Ives� of the! 80mo The on Monday, of the exec* A of� Iom. She ao'brought. to t orrA -waa thaV of Ar settler. a:r Ig ahead and e Ic thel IMr. D. M. Kauffmann, of ,Wnv. Bill S 11 Sa their way r grip: bot'h were pr CO-T�servativ- 1pa:rtles 1!�' Oe flve� rld� $6,000. Bplemdid, ear Men' Linen ats ors JV6 g"T aterlOO, I Md North Detroit, who ber brother� cott,� al ered- to, be rpaid, bofit to come. Here 0 t Indi � 30 feet be in of. Perth, V .1 - - ated t spent Sunday in London. Several low daya Ole -td be aroun, ag. of the mighty W" )rd. 'Mr. Ca rties ,spent SUnday in differ- -On, Saturday might the stem, -of TI South braa�ch WInt there a�t Scatt d Interval are i4 Iw Mr. CIonway ad,- his left aI Ox�c other ips. ind e Boys' Straw "a-ts Chil ren's Linen t,,,;rt t' the sod b -6, ev, and thl h fraletured' oriaI rot Ontulo, was mber had At� MIlle was entered by prybig lopeir iance can be eow� the isidwy ent hotel$- at liandan. A nu -hack the squat er. a id was a L�a 'badly., ,er, G. K. bruised in the T,,ho -Inernbers Vrell�mlt conferfed gasoline, and they were the cellar door. The goo* fial ihe id r. Mr. obd 914 very much perturbed When teYfoud store 4o, not appear to Uve beea As- s the� , � and to uo Uters TelaWg tO the ;P�ty Beechwood', to. t1le Boys' Linen Hats Sa, .1 �4ouo 'having no ma Now. the 7,ee and mpro horse, in t 431ow way 0 thlo dat.Ow e is v-qr the b m:,% bj:�;k�, the Tldftf-g, WAII a VI-VPW tO thereto, ..from ftjar�d, Internailyl ving! of tW garages open for buid- turbed, but all the loose sil r Wt Ii 'the f ler, rfess rned,�- 13004 and, now- -A AH-arbet R ' orgaulzatida, and ftaking� t Ahen adiou -.ront A -S a consequence. they were in the till. cai Saturday night Vaz ISSOIU-,l Mr. JotL,� ijainst a suddenly atmoudced id the rt f0I sis �i , 1i London, taken. Not even r --a are rIn.throvP I -t L ail -the - I compelled to TeM&II1 over L -tbe oar -w ta, d 'ear. tt "y ho "' - 110 cxl uxust 23rd, world ve w- 'I a at Me 46 Oil- t, lbail I until �thq following ds;y. larti-Durring tbe e*& le stymn 01r co*6��fror i ildin -the tion'. 0.� yo and let I q� Mr, Wim I Porei,%��r, vatrous 114 o -the �-GRDTE, Clerk. rour C ving !f Huroil -A very dis Itarlo, r There IB i3till sigolden barveot Thursday afternobn laott d her)D w and of to 4ralt Mr. out ai U. Ba;y. do#roylag a a east 4.4. Mucto 11, last Friday; in North ne, Barn.-' week; ch cost him. two large usinese bloc her he gravls of struek't-ho,bouse occupied �by J. Ht- jb� a -mile mm. township, near 'L P on -7- and, A *c dent la0t xnd valleys. The II amd, familY ed I the KI-ondyke hll][a ]Piz ,I 1- 0 the ful ke ;be - bored fromI near the m-plefted the erep never. 1tr c mil , the -1h He' w at 9 an op ot buildings.' The fire, istaet n the enta -re& -a com-pleted an exam- bricyard. T410 i8laatric fluid' ,.nk barn, 4. 4er d-*he're f had i aehe� OX100, 22" forenoora 'about 10.30 eclock In' t1Ie � Governuient ha densely sittle mot Silo, Wbldh L a heigh he gold tbear- by the chlrVaeY, rm down'the and survey f t Lie foot cemenit wall. 00 the p6or are: erba*led- ou and coMe I eard ef, ortion oT taylor s1wp ot T'. H. mpbll and InatiOn y six - lug grg-9113 iof both ithe 'high a;nd low pipe, and followedt the w1m to the 19- �to U the squ an, the igave. WV r 0 unfortu-nat spreI with ad-iointng the b an�idx r g rapidity, were shatbered thd Oci6ck. The levels war wind, mil grass kre fre andl i kn was not dheI On4 0 It is esti-mated that n, the colliAg. Te 911pes l or where one's, Ilt- to it lbel W. Some W131 -Ir OW -M to. a tat lying neI 4ho etorve was ayffig water wahl 10 C tie. maly e o yth i, lowed ling fire drigi-aa.ted from gaS&Ipie -used bi nel911burbOOd �'he f Fite Vemenit tallt -W-rsmg iut-t barn, maklag I't Most -C To -d y a �-p airleItorr W 1, city c nal inju Sleanini garnumts aud! cam­v�. exist and frond . w gold to the staIntly klUed'. CMF I -ii ­ -The' GUitu LOT valu; 04 .$94,15 000 " as Uen, taeu by' room xelt t-10 shock, owAcIally -one h. INceakii bell was qerlously� burned� hLS Cloth- �r w9tering Nu wmi BAM in 18911 re t "si received- more of- the electrie ks I 1 � i et s4 there remalus, boy, who I ,ind Brandy was it Si Ing being Ignited. crude rclacer :stablejF�L Th6quia"s a Is! to -day I IQ 7ad e :� in 1 thi ry, for ar- than, tbe( otberis, I [ore tho men tvio Fear a4o� lived, with -The ftaat, h�ie, latest =CnUyst UP 'East Side, Main Street, one door puth o F the made �f - 181. In - them P, schoot 80a:rdl of Ot- $68,642,620 WI =,-Y be recovered 9t Current vrds of y tb= It CM IbO hydraulic minin, dredgkfir quickl IO2 thel3rd ccnA ces.. lbo dik its work, aud was ti to vigor �,and, the COU'rage of o 1, -nkakln it one of tawa, to a elgh- a T.r0f it by- go D6miniou Bank, teen e teacbem 'in i SerteTber. And' other advxaced1 rftho" of old, ligutning ;Ionoerr, str0114, to , endnre­ am"d to Moir of 3NIJartda., mor The eatini0A does m6t cover its escave from the roora -by P Yno and 1"' mt b9. -01tub the Country; It I I ­ i . *- These aye td .,replace durwian! rOCOM auo�, md With 4ha Io4 amid wracking the windovr frame 94id ,ompleted- 46*p t I m that spelIA'Suc The �contiad& 0, I b0 'GuelT.h and Brotherig, wbo are leavinki -0t.tawa -a i the crooks onA 11the Indian River ,-Alol3ej nZ a bole in, the -noor. It Vlas S.I 1L 0 t t the WWCbL have %:roducW gold to the tr ieL certair " the !hung G oderich Railwa�y ex. �!ect# �D have con.. a veimlt Of ftbelr MfuVal t ' ac�eP In - 17' agg 0" lut -Luvyl W1 and I h. Value of $24.36% -makIng tba tot -al 4Xceeftwly Marrow ex0ave IUle di wribW build- a I� iction, fint6hidi ft I finei farmt sad 1K �Veek. Da�r toonditidna affer0d ithenil �%r valif y- Yukon district $11-9, stasit de4b., Tor au in the Tor M. -Highest Price fo ines CO r* -,v�ax. These. mwt k� oght g ate A w4rk dn. rtj *as( 4gt l 11ho �mtrst" W WZ diatio r Butter ancl Rg R,Osgy; of 3re, Sig-, I