HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-07-19, Page 1"aaaa.
ould not keep sho
eehre neW tang
hi not keep, givieg these
A !due ler their, teen,re
-aid fed that etra
dr, good*
4,4t4 Mem
' -12 INA:UR:ED.
et! most apa1Iing dLsase
.history of LondoA. ii -
tar se ed about four o'clock on
• y ternoon. *hen the. b d-
in ccujc1 _by W.- J. Reid & Co. on
id st eet. conepsed iwithout a
et's• aietttng, -acadntornbea a
of eple. At least eight per -
ere killed and man* seri°
.Inured. It is hardly prObitabie, how -
that the tall Aist ot natal/ es
wil knownuntil the debrW
is 1eared! away.
he call psed buildings are gu g
h oldeet istracturen in. Lendoro .90
le I Tact that thee are 1 d-
* rtcs ite oldest resident. T ey
sthiF'hight_ situated on;
aid IVACIRIS‘ street. half ay
, Richmondand Cla ee
T liWyre crystal Halt:: end H tes
nd :Lang- & •Co.'s stores were ne
Tche lee* -building, with the r
p -divided. the larger Spice. ba.l WeeShIrds, 'behtg vend by s he
Re d 3ornpany. McCallu•mid photo, el -
le land rewster's 6 and 10 c nt
Et' e Were in 'another •buildlng, p-
ar te fro Reld's by a 10 foot len.
W Reid s building collaPsed it op-
- Orth toward the 1,street !and
ea i acr the lone knocking elver
Mc ?alum' and -Brewster' s 1St f3.
,build g to the east of Bretr(.
fui ate1 is ma& newer than he
doomed et Untues, and ceirseque tly
wit hatotod he, shock. '
The Cause.
dress tuff::1, to be sure.
And now linen an ij
uetior of dainty, cool _mae
'ter' wear. Linen ie liked
effect it gives. We et
Staiets or cost
30c the yard
'ble fold
Oc the yard
uela eaughi after,
.4 Lawns
na Lawns
neztjoned he enleith)
and shfrt-teaa
rill 756;
Orders sitor
.• •
Wilt be taken at
big discount orx
Ware going tb
a '.goodly mut
-8etae-day:1 and yoii
them if You need y
y interest
Peciple 011
1 be anloPg
=Min= sense styles of suits, with a variety of -colors and patter
tefials that will meet any fancy ; sizes, 33 breast to 44 breast, and
lar price of theee suits runs from $10 to $13 50, and we must tell
there is not a man within each o1 our store, if be -stipreciate0
If you ,Can't get in ourself,
some ate to look for YOU,
will pay well even if
have to break -away from w
get in early. There wil
pieced before you ,
One Hundre
EttitS ever eloven in Seaforthnee resenting all. n
The can of the accident is a
ed to n ve*-been the alteratio
igres hich were to I transf
the Reid ib ilding into a bowling
bil lard Palace for the Greek Lir
Sm ries & Go." • i
et rom all aspearances the_ east
he Reid 'building was the Pra
give way", and falling out ; with
nieidoiie force went acr& the I
sespa, ating the buLiding I
er aph gall I wheret
o the five and ten
letely- dernolis g it
3 the phot rapt), gall
just"on moved hito
. ,
AT, JULY 19,
of the g lapsed. ennead -late-
ly there was a cloud of dust, and
the rulns were laden froi view.
"There ere owe won* walking
a 4few -y id ahead of me." said Mrs.
Martin. T ey were appter 'alp ter. One wIalkin-g a t 7 feet a-
head et the Iothe when the mall fell
and. theit mos one- : engillted(
-.In that 1! d brim before the eyes
of her e'
an was erossing thestreet
in he carriage and ./es-
ly •cies.
with ,a
st corn
let ing
wh ch !had
.Ortunet 1.7 'tiredid not add
her ors • to the tollaesee !
ad tills dread feature :been, ad
to ne .ho r or -the extent of it Wet
lia e beezj ar **rse. and Many m'
liv s m1gbt have •beent
he can of the disaster to gi
.sant tote, been the weakening
-th r centre veall on the second 13,t0
Th eteel, ban, are said to have
'tea weak eird snapped. allowing
brt kwork ind masonry to gtve.
an tall lik a mighty avalencbe .fr
'th, west' wall towards the e
,sw ping- tbwards the other to
an carry reg down an " sencirin
we ght et.xnaaoary- and creekerY t
th Crystal Hall. •
I The Work of ,Rescue.
will not miss this c
of a choice suit front this spleildid lot at
and go d,
iln 4
tie re
yoi gar
'd red Silk! Bonret
orod Muslin Bonnet
Patterns and
rtS. toms are eXce
en s and Boys* Strawrilats
Men's and Boys' Linen 1 Hats
Men's Fancy Lisle Tictrela-id S
Men's Fancy Cashmere
Men's Fancy 9otton
Men's and Boys' everyday
Boys " Stockings
n's Wollen. Sox, 2 p
en srCool Underwear
en's Fancy Silk -knot Ties
en's fancy silk. 4iihan
Oys'. Overalls
Men's Summer Cap
Boys' Summer Caps
Iloys' Knickers, sizes 2
ireArotage..0 ,
clothe'e, and she was So bad
that she died the f0lloW0
was .t3 years of age, and Was'
:emplary and much belay
snare She was a meratterOf
°dist church, and took an
terest in the work of • the*
'the had been in London thracr-
e ears, and had made v
ende try her bright, winni
and her never -falling co
I for- others. Besides her'
be is survived by four 9iste
t brothers, as follows ee
Creditor" - Mrs. Marsh
'Mrs. R. .d. O'Neil, tondo
Kittrick, ,of Wetaskiwase
J. Lamport, of Flint, Michet
sf Hanley. Sask., and WeaI6
ton. The remains
-re for interment. M
is felt for the berese
nd relatives.
-The lawn soch
uage grounds T
'grand succesa. lIIie
(rave- some e,zceflent
Purrie, of Toronto, (sol
t.sr part. The proceeds
to $114, - Mrs. FloodY,
gut of her parenteete
Bell was the guest Oftv
els this week.--e-Mrs.
etrforth, -is the guest
dr. J.Mehrtiles
suffering -with, re.
soon as the dust cleared a ay
arge eroved ,of willing and anx us
kprs were on hand and the dIfl-
and d eraus work of met dg
tr.:0'€X1tO4 bed in the mese of br ck
-ar- and Aron work commeneee nd
wa contin ed well on into the ni ht.
In the et ti Inge heat . men. toth ich
anu or • orked through •the irt
in the hope of saving a life, and re
in them nxious hours many. th 11-
intide ts occurred.. -
el4ting t gh mud and ooze. 'itb
th r hand a eerty of ten men m de
th most onderful rescue of lift en
gir s who ere 'imprisoned under h
av lanclot It was almost a hopel
ta. k when the in started:. "but 11-
1141 lert-the se/latched and tore at
th debris ith a terror nein of ge at
andetf, ramie:41aand struggle for ite
or fort- :Pat thee went . under he
c el will with nothing , to g ide
t. •Im hut e means of ma.ybe a dy
issic ine Th work was not in • v' in.
for 1. a 91 ort space of 'time in re
th doz girls emergedi from the
d th 'dun on in 'perfect vafety.
114i hie wife ande,child, F. ges er-
so o • St. tahn N. B.. wee shop nig
In Hainnt & Long's store. The rio
t' ram underneath the cou ter
ire eediatel in • rant of them, T ey
e Amer! fled' for -natty two ho ra.
Ev ry' now and then Air!. Pete on
*o 14 sh t at he top otehis vc ce,
anI the ea nest orkeas *mid s 3IVe
ha der. Al wer taken out in saf ty,
U 11
r, ,Steve
ion' fro
at ry:
at t
-ut 7.
vel e *hie
die 'ieguish.
ho eaer,
ww ereltitehr:r
rn Sic cam
of a ming
" ea ere I/
Remember the price---
The above is only a partiallist of
tables._ Come early and make -fir
First picking is always the best of
ods on the
t selection
las Bla;
,of 1ipIotgr
he tinges-
tie,a high"
st tirse roo
froh1 ern
gr 'bb d ,to
on o
nre e jnot
wa led
to Ju
et n at
et ng f
East Side Main, Street, one door °nth of Ith
Doininion Bank,
Ilgrelilighf3st price for Butter 'and
i From Dying
son., who with
was'elose to t
the start. told a net
e ws down: meng.
e rea end of the buil
o'clo k when he near
Lor a time he cou1d
He _followed the
d Really came to p
Nies .a looseness, d
hat te worda. or at
. It cemed to be th v
man. and he was i
y Go to Thee "Nearer
Itort' was made to ige
but it was ne-xt, te
task, and the Strati s
ynin BoOn died away.
che •Westlake. clang
.pher Westlake. Ilur g
tips ,for several - • n
cattald. She WO in
.whect the floor ISTas
there Like a pas
the first suppott in
.f1 piece of wood
6 wail. At first he
ard' but in a Min te
Byetantlers called t
he, did and -wak eate h
. She was t k•en
one shock, hut ill re
The Killed. I
knovrn killed are W. T.
Fre k Smita, b
rs eonof Di. CI S. Ta
oserh Long. Clara Ati lin
°nett Mrs. Tantum Etowilt
nva in allege.
w, -Woman Kill
In. al King. Suet
g collaese. ' M . tinl
g the'Advertiser ,lat e.
n '
ti. wrenching or - e re"
Etaltail -,a0`.t.tr. yhedj,, f ilt :
er •
ng ng
'. We gi e...lowl the name of the
succesful andi ates at tt&e recent
Entranee E arninaUon heldl at the
Huron. ,. th.nea4rhol6eellit in Est
were yeey f ir,_ a though the literature
paper or , ritten; reading: ap it is
, relIniTeisd greater .mpaomateenritray
o _
ed lby chi dr n of thirteen. he names
are arra; g cl, in two etas , honor.
and pass, opi.saeaihii a te meet
obtain 390 inarks out of possible
660 and for honors 487. T e certifi-
cates of Isuecessful candid tee, and
the marks of those who- X' iled were
sent out 'eat week.
Honore,- rni e Andereo Bertha
Brodgen. E va rowns e Flag -
lend, Frank Fin land, ja es Watt,
Pass, --Est er ell, Haze Bennett,
Verna Brattlhwatte, Kezia, Brown,
L. Clarke ay Cowan, Roy Crawford,
Kate Craevford, Gladys Cut , Cepha
Lottie Jackson, LI lien Lee,
Errima Leit4h, Elsie Mille , Ralph
Monro. efeepe Nicol. Mary Petersen,
Thos. A. Rc.dger,, May Ito on, Al-
bert Sketto , Frank Straug an, Bar-
acliff ;nem y, LLUIe Watel. es, Flor-
ence Watson. Bessie .WdllsL R-uesel
Hon.ore,- orot 'y Ball, Cail Diehl,
Qrlgg, Ai. Ir in, litturr 'S ,Jack -
eon, Harold err Jennie.Ma tin'Jean
MeTaggart, ra cGuiree E Rode -
Paae,-Ia once kndersonl Annice
Bartlitfa 1Y1a1ys tante1on,. Al sert Coop-
er, Howe d' trlch Leonard le, Dela.
oward Farquhar Wilbur
Ford, Ch se Govie , Eliza. M. ray, Ed-
ward G1 , Kat1 Gunn, W le Mail,
H4ovr, elen Hee , -1Eles4
redline, Iofla»d Elva La a Elsie !
Lobb, 011 110 bb Myrtle edit, Bert ,
Millar; G e McGregor, Je le Stev-
enson, N tti Sieclair, Mar Smith,
John ur' y; iWinnie nderhock,
'Elizabeth asylol-, Myrtle Tiplady,
Edna Turn , WM. Wesel n, Leslie
eVtira.sman, Hr1jert Witte, R by ;Wise.
pHaoanso, r
Ashton, S
Gregg, Ial
ford McJu
Glive te
averence Magui
chea Arrnstron
eph Butcha.
Ma.r• rie Dobs
lla Hargrave,
Andifew johns
cly, . Verna M
ug lin, Andre,
. Hnors,k4nna j Bell, Arth r Birks,
Jean Car al, rank , Olu Mary
Oowan, F arquharson; Istfl elle Hab-
kirk, Wqfr4d Ic rr, May tIcGnegor,
Susie Mo n, ry Biley.
Pass,-oIL Allan, Mary Bruxer,
Sara Canrb 11; Ila Ca.rter, 'Alice May
Chesney-, H gh • Chesney, Mary Cur -3
tin,' A.rtfi r Dick Archie Dickson, T.
3. Bicoat tree. Freeman, Win. H.
Gauld, Eva Gtaires, R. R. Hammett,
Norma lr4ry,' c hartes Hays, Edith
M. Hoag, R na. olman, 31 anguerite
Horan, P4ueei reel, Ber le Kyle,
Eva LovEf, lificha 1 MeCatd1 , Loretta
McCormic , .Elsi MeCuthc on, Mae
MeGeoch, F./orert e IfIcKay, • Margaret
BlreiCay, ltu,gh McKay, Ma y McGee,
Anna, AlMce in, Were eacLtia Fergus
Mesen, NV . McMillare :idon Me-
Nevtn, a harine - O'Keef ,I Dalton
Raid, Res Roberts, Phil 'Sr Rotas,
Robert S ttS-- Dawson Smith Gertrude
Smith, I Orenc e . Soole, ' Florence
Staples, ar Storey, Wm.trong. E.
E. Troyer, ertha. - Welke , Irad 11.
W lker, J ck ;Warwick, Penelope
7 rden. .
°rote, lane e Bann t,' Edna
Bis 1, E4tt1 Buebanan, V.e4,na Dick -
in -1 , Ernn Fo syth, •G:Gddee. Joe
Ha sld, 1rrank qtuespie, Aa Haines.
LIZ ie J Er est Lin'kl 'ter, Hec-
tor Ilflit Jo»n Mitch 1, hien
N hery, fllto4i Roadho .se, Mary
lait hie, Ian 03,5, EnaJ Swarts
PI ence jh3ggltt, Mary St wart, Ada
Sp nee, iuna Stewart, Ito •TurreY
don Ylouhg, Milton :Whit Andrew
W - 'lace, 11-lelen Willett%
Plass,- °nude,Arnieur, 4..-..,.. An.-
der n, Aitken? Clar Eteorner
Mi 'Ilie B4r4mn,''earl Cart -right, _Et-
ta Cure , rtiej Currie, e :e ee One
rie, Sele Fora , Russell Fixture -
Lit Gra, 1ary Gibbons, corm= M.
Ge des, ben Heade - In, , Fred
Jo e sten, Brtha1 jones, Ge... Jacques
Ed a JO on, Alex. Ker, Cecil
Kir x, A1aMeD4,we11, AU n Pugh
',alioar,'S taw, H ward Stew rt, Orvel
t:.# ge ITervit, thel Tip -
lin , Els e "Iglitman, Leal Wight.
(mon 011ie Nash, W . Elliott,
Pas- " arr. F. Edger. J. Edgar,
Go don adglii, prge B11 ott, Elva
Hu'ter, N spprie binson, R 'e Smith
GI clys ttinsame John Wai GOrd011'
-Wr y.
, Hilda
t, Noble ,
n, Harry
on, Clif-
r Speers,
tenors err' Ament, K te Ament
Y a ale ,Nellie E an, Addle
Gr nt, 3 hn Henderson, Min rva earaes
CI ore lltic -ree, Jane ..."McLe nan, Del-
la cLarty, Charles McMillari, Adeline
Ro b,en Sekt, Alex- Speiran
r -
Ma; gle Steenson, Verne' • alker,
P es,- oe Ar raeg, 1r ae Berk-
ley Wm. Bell, .Tames 13rem er Frank
Br ans, I enc . Clark, • m. Cun-
n ham, C est Dane, r oy Eck -
mi -r, Ma:ryForreat, Core orbes F.
S. rry, L yc Hall, Irene eath W.
HI -lop, Lis, e rittover, NitHoover
Ma y Ireine, Maggie Jelin on, Wni.
C. King, George King, bk, Leckie
:AI tesenn Meggle M -Alvin.
Mc Cecil efeltarty, Lavin McLeod
J. F. MeNaieght,, Denial 'Toole, E.
Pearson, • ViCtOr Spar1ing,1; J hre sir.
For the
We have a, very. reliab e an
-suitable boys.' or g Ps' watch. at
. _
The case is itht gold filled, of reliable
. make and warreartatl 25 year,
The -Works are a -ver* g od grade of
Waltham and We arrant them
Cases are fancy engravediewith fieWer
patterns or lain,Swith mono-
- gram of initi
JeWeliere -
M641.1040 Licences ed,
.Annie Thompson, Elveh Thompoo
Wilbur E. Turnbull, R�bert Young,
Dora Watson, Rene ejrer, Beatriee
4 The following is the I t of candle_
dates passed by tb.e board i of examin-
ers for West Huron, with the
marks obtained by each. A card giv-
ing the marks awarded hae been sent
to each pupil. The certiAcates w11 be
issued before the re -opening of the
schools. On account of ehe difficulty
of the literature paper the pass mark
has been reduced from 896 to370. The
highest marks obtained in each sub-
ject are as follows
Reading -Elsie Goebel l5
'aVVriiteinDgis-aCer,43. or_aWashington and
- Literature -Marjorie Gunan, 82.
Arithmetic -Anna Al ison, Aggie
Gemmell, Mary Nixon, Garnet Wan-
less, Edna ItioEwan, .18 Ede Geiser,
Herbert Mitchell, Mil n Haugh,
Edith, Treleaven, Tena Buckhigham,
Jennie McNair.Harry Trelliner, yrtle
Stinson, Willie Sillery, lop
Grammare-Oral Stoddart, 91
Composition -May Redmond, 86
Tota1-2Mpy Lacey, 523
Harold 1Aitken . -..... „ - 432
Sarah iteacoxn .400
Fred Bennett.NellieBlack j . .. . -425
Ella Brimicornbe- . - ,..3923
3 Conrad Carey.--- n-370
Adeline Clark . 460
Mabel Doty :„...... ,.., „ 426
Marga,ret Galt. . - „ . . . .,.. .471
Elisniae GoKeerrbel, .. „ . . - . . e . 6
- 417,
Isabel Matheson...... t....
1 Hector McKay ' 432
.` Annie McKinnon .........413
Angus MeNevin.... ... . -888
PercyPaIllin... .. . . , .370
Garwin Prang
Percy Ramsey.. ,431
Alex Sauaders .477
Stella Speiran-. . ... ....448
Oral Stoddart.. ... . .......49a
Elizabeth Stogdill..... —47(3
Ruby Stothers a .. ia . . -391
Alex Straiton . . .. . .. . . .....371
Watson Straiton ..... -403
Mary Sutherland... - . . .433
Lillian Thornton.. - .. ..381)
Cora 'Washington-. .
Ernest Young.. - .......- .
Harold Young ..,...
William Doyle - ......462
• Russell Fox. - . = ..47
Mary Lacey.. - ..., .523
Winie Phalen,.... .. ... .. 870
No 1 -Howard Jones .4
Stephen Wilkes
Iteta, Wise.- . n
' 2 -Lorne Moore. , . -
8 -Florence Young
6 -Edna McEwen.
Ella McLean.. I.. -
Mary McManus
Edna Sands
0-1-lume Clutton ..
Mabel Young . . .
. 1—Oarrie Graham
2-11a,rry Haacke...
Ruth Thorripsoia
• .:402
5 -Ehiaa, Betties .870
Luey Marshall ....46q
6 -Roberta Johnseien 428
resersees. ntrsato so:Lome
Wen. R .488 •
Pea,r1 Drysdale.., .. 4 a ..448
Arnold Habkirk. • .....,.418
James H.
Luella Ostweine..4........1.408-
. Irene Pope- .
Harry H.MoArtlur
James J. McArthur...
Liiy Youngblut
eater TOWNSH P.
.2 -Bertha Munn..
3 -Maggie 11, Wilson ... - .434
• Wesley Caldeven.- - .411
Wm. Gram...].- 415 -
Wm. R.
10 -Wm. R Elder. 370
Alpine lticEwen..c.). 442870
14,1thza, Tho
. 7 -Claudia Cochrane ......376
14--AMgunrreasitaMewm.eernkes.11eue.,r.........:450481 .
remainder will be eh next
Jamesj. Jaarott....442
Rena M. McBeath,.e.370
Oars* a
• r cut tor June
Britilaththe t
• -Tb,e
e ched 340,000.000 feet, June alone
b s 89.000.000 with nrcea.rly every
I behind in their or rti.,
-One or the largest iralnigrant
t eine reached Toronto en Saturday
ht. There were over 390' on board,
the most of them sjtere ticketed
gb to the West, Tey were of
rims nationalities.
-The Lindsay co.unterfeiting case
L gradually widening - eut. It now
in that although thete is no eve
ence tO phew that _1are arnounte
o the runtreuittrfelt me4r ave b
carried w for aejerat yea1s.
dy. efts six or fp.een idents
of tbe town have been I arrested aijd
all iave hitherto been consiar d
well to do and respected reeleen
The arrests have occasioned inten
i, Ienxgcitnnunementtryi,n atniede3ttonwe noannedr:iurrrneealinn
1 is : 'Wbo Will be the I nextf " Sen
satimial developments ;are expecte
1 when the trial comes n..
-According to officia returns o
ver ride!). Columbia during t
I er 1.100 Japaneee landed at Vaneou-
moirt of June. Ali or these e es
the 'United States.
200 r mined in Britieh. Columbi the
latie.i. being destined - or poin s In
-The farm -house and conten
Mr. • Arthur Napier, in Ennis ilien
townehip. Larnbton county. were de-
stroytel by fire on Su day. the `oc-
eupan s only saving what they tore,
$1,5001, with a email eance. 1 The
Tb_e aridly were ail at church hen
the fire broke outs The loss is about
cause" of the fire is unknovrn.
-Sir Wilfrid and Lady Laurie • are
expected to arrive in Qaebee on Fri-
day. where a public reception is to
be an ded them, in the evening. The/
will ko to Montreal on Saturday and
remain over Sunday. arid on Manday
they proceed to Ottawa. whets they
will a tendered a public rece tion
by city. Thiel latter is a non-
partisan 'demonstration.
-(Sencluctor R. Thom
sentenoed to tittee year
v1nclat penitentiary, on
shanre in a railway aeci
on, who
n the
t whk
h oe-
at Gourlock, ncar Guelph, has
ardoned b7 the eimister or Jus-
tice and was even his liberty on Sat-
rday! His home is in London. It
will be remembered he was aaleep
In the caboose attached to the. traln
when Ithe accident took place.
-The little six year Old on of
hn IfeWhinney lost 'his lite at
rathroy in a mese diaLrsing an-
er. Mr. MeWhinney had a load of
lather hi hio barn yard and the
boy Was sitting on.
One Of the, horses,
ened et sonesthing, st
throwing the little tell
wagon,and one or the
over his ahdo' me
ven-The niOirliituatrel: /Govern
lnted a eonnnisaion
he roblem of prison
ion Will consist
y, M. P. P. for South Wel-
vele) will be 1 s thairelare
G. Matdiarntid, o West Elgin.
terge Pattison, o South Wet -
The commission will vis t a
of the largest and best e alp -
d Stat , to
t the ye.,
t Sthetere.M" .
• Rrports
t:heasastt th
weptcamps aizroe
els driving all betore t ern.
fueh Sive stock is reporied to be oat:
Between the Soo' and Newberry h avy
(Manage has been clone by tires W dth
are still burning in the weeds. The
Whole country is as dry as tinder and
crops are suffering. •
' -Willa driving across the C. . R.
tacks at Streetsville Junction ith
wagiYri and -team on Saturday te m-
g, 'r *ohms McCracken, 'a farmer liv-
ng in Strestsville, was thrown rom
s seat and killed. ne of the
horses: was dragged al rig 130111 -60
yards and terribly mangled. The other
Was thrown into the al* but, ese ped
with a alight cut. The wagon .,-- was
Completely demolished. Mr. afeCr ck-
a 03IIY bEell ina,rried 18 ino ths
end 1 aaitee n wife and two small
, -ea Durry-an. a farmer of Norttl
umfr en nix miles from Gait was
arrest d; a few days ago, charged
ith erious erineea. and taken to
the wity jail. Duringpast 7 -ars
he fa niers of the district have • een
sorely tried by -vicious outreges, and
they 1 elleve they have the perp tra-
or. he men arrested 1.1s about SS
ears age and, learner led. Th of-
tencee charged against bene are
irzg d mutilating -cattle and
ncl. tomenittihg outrages i on buil aa
Mid eiops.
-Rd e F. M.. Smith, retired and
IV of the most highly
tiwas one -
eapec eft mthe of e Meth dist
Shure , died at Kincerdine on S tur-
iday. he deceased was i 761 yea
ge, of
es 41 men in the coxnniunity.
as born in 0a,kIand, Drant county.
nd - .eted the ministry Of the M filo-
st-Bpropel Church tifty years ago.
For t e, last thirteen years he 1has
been ' the superattriu ted list. j He
as ried to Mi.vo athburn, - of
Blenheim, 48 years ago and she r-
ives ihhn. .
Mipe Mabel Aelewell :stenograjher
the Canning and Preee. rving 0o. at
rathreiy, had a narrow escape
net= death OA Saturday afte
hadi gene to the working d
t o get some green peas;
eteried, forward her hair! -became e -
Rag' ' in the thaiting above .he
ead nil W,a13 D1011114 tightly around
he shaft. Her screamsbrought a
employee, to her rescue who qtick
y threw off the belt and
her. A few seconds ' more an
top of , lle.
edaning Altht-
ted Budd y.
w under the
rear wheels
He died in
.r. J.
ped pisns of the Ifni
gather information abo
ems which are in 70
-A despatch from San
ated July sayer: -
every dieectlein tell of f
eport from Ra'ber Haele
Lake Lumber Conmanf
been destroyed as w
farm houses. Flames
nt has p-
in.vest gate
labor. The
of Mr. J. P.
. A
yo ig wire clungto him devotedly,
alt ough stories 04 cruelty were re -
from Parkhill. Ont. Bald erone
Chi ago. where they lived for Short
er eds. A • few weeks ago Seeerlata,
we.t to the home of Leak einpioyeeot
the Grand Truna •-. uotive Worka.
t Huron_ ani Mteropted enurdei
h a raver as a, pewit_ of a -queen];
ove money Sca.rlata, had borrowed..
W.g.'S held for attempted murcleri,
kis wife disappeared at the time
carlata, -vwas sent to Ionia Reform
y for rive years. The girl's pare;
ent attempted to locate her. but
Thiding of thebody wis the fret in-
ation of her tragic end. It is pre-
auiied that her mind gave way. and
she took ter 1 ife. !
Perth tit nas•
11, cueteens °Ulcer of
en, has had his eelary raised to $150
per year.
Out of 118- who tried the high .11
Schl, aroinatior*: at St. Mates, 74
we e succeeeful.
. John Ingram' has sold the old.
Ste art tavern proPerty, Mitchell, near
the G.T.R. depot, for $550.
and Mrs. ;Stone:Tian, of Mi
ene eently celebrated the
an eversary of thzir wedding day -
Mr. F. W, Ithpeen, the new orga
ist f St. James' thurch, Stratterd,
riv d in that city from England, last
we k
ro . W. 3. Greenwood, of Whitby,
w e playing tfilnif3 last week, in
Mit hell, broke one or the small bongs
in his leg.
s Daisy Heriburt, will; has
bee e4cleing in 'Saskatchewan, is
spe ding the holideys in MItenell,wlth
her mother, Mrs. H. J. Hurl:hurt.
-The ptublte school board ot St.
Marys have this Year given an in -
of $35 a year to eeven of their
a4hera and an e.clvance of $e0 to one.
Emma Siegel, who is train-
inga- nurse_ in the hospital at
Bat Michigan, is spending a
Af week e wita her parents in
Mc*: 1.11 lirel.1-
-Thoinas ,viivipa, of mown,
112.$ purchased three park lots in the
west end 04 the torn from the Laing
estate. They caste n twenty area,
- in
t pra
• to
• -
. -
the pries paid 'WS,B $1,01.6.
II Oki resident of Downie passed
y last week in the person of Mr.
Bell, aged 88 ere.ars. Deceased
a native a Pettis-, Donegal, Ire -
and was widely known and re -
he 'township.
ansen, machiniet
shope, Stratford,
nted thee! most
tett throtighoaf
e Grand Teem
vei he has
tical airahip _atta,inableMr.
en warits. to 0)14autz.) a company
netruct the ship, which will coat
$6,000. -, .
- large .barn. - as retard en the
ee Mr. Thorna 33oyes, near -the
I in section.. N . 6, Downie, last
The etrectu e teok the pbece
he one- nestroy d by fire 'in one
al storms Of, the
e first ,electri
Irt. jay. NItewace eoatiaMndLoritc.hesan:o
il, who
ths, is expectedl home ehortLy. Be
un over by 4 bicyclewhile in
w Zealand to,'vn on his way -
e, and win IS -er from the ef-
for tee= ,mo ties to corned
quiet but p tty- wedding took
plac at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Cim les Smith, in Fullerton when
thei only daughte , Miss Ella, was
united in marelag to Mr. Edward
and highly re -
0! Fallarton.
ve, 'of St. Marys,
lithe ago set sail
a Scotland to
turned to Cana
-cured a good po-
nd choirmaster of
• enurele To-
edy, proprietor a
✓ d home lent Week.t
d in health. -He
Lor the summer 1
irn'to California 1
the winter.
quiet wedding took please on July
t• Trinity Methodist parson
11":11, a prosper*
specjhr t.Eihs41a;n7a 7:?ei far le a n
Ir. A. Rona
tak tousle, -has
aria Mee 'Love has
sItipn *rganist
St. Mee Presbyter
Marys our
ev years, err
as mum .1m
, wit probebly .
but -expects to
Al 8rd
Stratford, when Rea. J. H. Kirklan
fjOill In marriage Miss Rosa NeIlese
Joni . daughter of r, and Mrs. S. 4. ,
Nel es, Stratford, tol Mr. John F. Nutt
Stratford, ;formerly 1 43t, St. Meryl!. ,
-A young girl Jo Logan wI
as -
°alight, -.t.0 other day-, stealing froiu!
the milliaery depattrnent Of /lemma r
Cou It and Schnei er of , Mitchell.
, i
She had a kelgpoie, which she ran 1,
t gli a window and Snared hate, i
p 0 of ribbori, ete: As eh.e was so '
en ent and retuened what elle had 1
stol n, there was- pr,oeecution. 1
The lemma' la, , 'social, lender the ;
lans 1 oZ the Me i$t churcleMit- I
held on the lawn at the
,s. Sohn Squires., the other
During earlier part of ,
ball match, be -1
:Willow Grove,
in a walk -over
o none.
A. Wilson, a the I
Indere, psn- ;
r ough at prees i
-•rela,tives at 1
leon was the first 1
hurch, St. Marys*,
d in mission work
at twenty YearBr
urging., in October.
athorne ' and Mra.
Alberta, has
tly with Mtes.
Mr. Man -
the schools at
e. Canwroh, a,
cbairman a
. Maathorne
end the Do -
4 -`4 4 elation, They'
weeks in the
provLnee belore 'returning
ell on t11eir way to their tom
Francia Elliott, who had been!
he s
wetuld have been 1trnfro
She ifultere4 Veert.en:'stPr aprhky-
the bowling tterrneznitisanal Ntiat-
the Lake on 'Saturday the
Irma; of To-
e was a
latter by
41 Mrs= W
a, ere on
f KnIcsx
f which Me. Jt8.
Own newspaper
be Was s•Ttfk6Lone8sktJr1.1);IJi. ••
and'anifidlect result was in dOubt lintl
from be g to
Williacin tad played hie last
which wiggled t
bowie and landed near - ieekt,
Ing t a! Canadas three -
MO, Which Was justl ou h to wifl
by, as Warren was titre up w h
anal end began. The ;adore w
T lamely of the unknown ve man
the St. Clair Biver. at Port
' week ago, 11a been id nti-
tively by her Parents • a
raja young lade. Miss hel
Eddy. who last suermer married elk
Ses$ t a young Italian. Miss dd
evasf- yaw 18 years of age when sh
riAerlied.; and the union was
itse her frien&e. and became tree-
hvragliett cruel' S atlas. The
for two znvat
, in Mitche
7th. Dec
and came t
is -when
es lived
died at the fame
on Sunday morel -
aped was 'born In
this country vial*
boat twelve yearee
Logan' for a atm-,
.the past 25 learg -
of Alitchellee He -
and until the
ra attended the
held hs that
he leave.