HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-06-07, Page 811 X OSITO ga.•11•••••••••••,.••••••• t ; • -Good Hardware We always endeavor to khep our ntoelt clean and up to date. It is no U4oub1e to show goods and we will riot be beaten in price or quality. Let eta•quote you )priees on Builders' Hardware ot all kinds, Nails, Glass, 'aper, Paint and Linseed - ` Cleveland Coiled . Spring ;Wire *2.85 per Inendred r ; Poultry Nettitig all widths fro4 2 t to 6 feat. TheTainting Seescee is in hill win g and we are selling more of, --akerw in -Williams paints than ever • be,tore., They are nuaranteed, Chesney. cf Archibaki, SEAFORTH, Hardware, Staves and Coal. IOT MATTERS. **dm Liberals Attentioe. A me ting of the Liberals of Seaforth wiiji be held In the council chamber on.Wednesday eve Mg next, Jitne letle, a 8 o'clock for the purpose- of -selecting delegates to attend the convention at Hensall the following Friday. 4 full at - dance of all. the Liberate in town s particularly desired. • - r New StorY.—This wee e we com- ce a nkw story, "N th Edged T ba,” by that well. Imo end pop - u ar author, -Henry Seton Merriman. T s tory a one of dee intereet. Getting a glimpse Of. socie Lon - the reader is speedily urried off Attica to follow the dventuree two men who are ,:pla'y efor, big akes, the hand of the o they love. Neither 14ng of The ther's attaehment, the einconscious ivals enter, into a .business pnrtner- hip and become fast • fr1eids. The tory carries a moralfor every co- uette whose vanity leads her, thoughtlessly it may, be, to pla.y with the affections of . her admirers. JamesWatson,' sieccesor to W. N. Watson NORTH MAIN .ST., SEAFORTH. Vietteral Fire, Life and Auldent Insnr- egent„ Real Estate and Loar, A nt. D.slerJ n first.olass family and Manufac- turing Sewing Machines and Crean Separators, viz: Waw.Raymond and White Sewii3g Machines. and National and Une oda Cream Separators. Also sewing machine needles, oil, attach mute, repairs and sundries for al kinds of sewing machines. With over 25 years experience in the abov busineee you can rest awned of.priee rieliti square dealiee and satssfaetio guaranteed. JAMES WATSON, vlirarauce Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machin and BicycleNorth Main street. Seaforth. ColvriP STRATFORD, ONTARIO. was established twenty years ago, and,: y thorough work andhonorable dealings with iVs pat axmis has become one of the laygesb and most widel known Commercial Colleges m the province. Th 'do:inland upon, us for commercial teachers and ofge ilasistants greatly exceed the supply, We assist graduatee to positions. Students are entering elm week. Catalogue free. ELuoirr& MoL.A.OHLAN Principals.* ' liARNESS. Our own make of genuine Rubber Trinun Harness. It is the best value in Ganada. A k yourneighbor about them. , Bells—Trunks—Valises — Suit Cases— Bush and Wool Rugs, Ete. Inspect our stock before purchasing. e women mit Broderick, 2031 OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL -mem, S\eafort The First' Step Often, means so' Much. It h meant success to thousands f youLg people who wrote fpr our eatalogn.e as the first st p tewarda g000d salaried poi- tion., Take the step to -d y. Address . Central Business College , 395 Yonge St., Toronto. W. SHAW, Principal. 2058-5 For JUNE WEDDING The invitations are out for ni:in- erous June weddings, and viith them brings up the question: of ST.J,ITABLE .6111111111N• WEDDING ourrs. Our superb collection of Siler - ware isnverflowing with dozens of articles that.would be acofmt- able presents. Algoid lined Oake B sket is leader oh „ with .us at 40. U f *TO :are invited to pay us .a visit. Weclding Rings $3 to $ J. F. DALY Jeweller & Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses. OARDNO BLOOk SEADATH Auction OF IMPORTED 50 PEDIGREED CLYDESDALE Sale Fillies The Bazaar.—TheCtazaa, der the auspices di the Of the Presbnterian Chursh, ternoons of Friday and Sat was a complete successin :sped. There was a- lam ;handsome, useful and orn 'tides for sale, and most of Vhern were disposed of. On bothi. -evenings stip-. per 'was served. .me ladies of thin congregation responded meet gener- ously to the call made oh thero, for supplies. The tables- were neatly spread and ,bountifully pr tvlded w, it h: the very best, while the I entrortege was most liberal. The ladies werk- ed -hard, and they, well deserve the success 'which attended their effort.: The iprocrds amounted to trine $200. Football. -L -The Hurons , !planed in Berlhe On FridaY evexiink last,-, de- feating that teado by a sore of one goal to nem. The game Was a close and hard one and judging by re- norts the boys- had rattier ft. rough time of ,it. Berlin team was conside- era.bly stronger than when they !planed. 'here al week ago,- and put up big fight to win out. :—The Intermediate team 'played their firrit game kri Clinton, on Friday even- ing last, and were defeatedby two goals to none. —The Stratford -Hurons • game, to hive been 'pla'yed tat Tuesday even- ing, was pcietponed, en account of wet -weather, The London Conference —The Lon- don -'Conference . of the ',.Inethodist church, held in Goderich„ closed on Tuesday afternoon. The reports from the several departments showed the work of the, church te be 'prosperous' and progressiVe along all lines! The membership is now 5,460, being an -In- crease of 135 during the pea year_. The Stationing Committee_ just com- pleted itts „labors Mandan night. There are very few Changes of peahens to this district, 'and the original draft. of ' the net -mitt& was 'pretty rigidly ad- hered to. Bev. Mr. Birksea-Seaforthf, goes to AEtkin etreet. chereit; London, anti Rev. Mre Rodgers conies to Sea - forth. The:Conference meets net year in Janne street churce, Exe- lier. In -addition to Mr. Birks' ap- pointment, the following are of in- terest to our readers : Rey, John Hen- derson; Dthell Rev., W. MAUS Gor- rie ; A. L. Russell. Wroxeter ; R. Milliard, Vitoria etreet, Goderich; T. J. Snowden, Holmeeville ; A. 3: -.Currie, Walton, and C. P. Wills, Centralia. The following have been appointed dis- trict ChaiTITIen,— Bev- B. W. toelcie, Kincardine Goderide—Rev. G. N. Hazen, Gocierich; Exeter.—Rev. ;A. H. Goeing,- Exeter. - , held lin- adies' .Md on the af- rday last., every m• array of mental ar- • •••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••- receined the congratifiationd of their Many admiring friends. About 50 sat down to a. Mikity and daintily eerved dejeuter 'after whith the happy eti- pIe took 'the 3.30 train for points edet amid the beet wishes of ii/1 present, The bride was the recipient"Of'alarge nUtriber of beautiful and coliftl'S gifts. • - Seaforth Itaees—We would draw atterrtion to the Beaterth races on June '18, 19, and Thiel yea,r the Association is giving e three day meet instead of two da'ys as On 'p re- vious years, and a good programme is pro4ded for each day. In addition to a nurriber of stake reels, Which base a big entry list, the other reces Ipromise to be well filled. .The track -is being put in the very beet . 0haP11 and fast time is sure to be -made: Don't forget the Wee, June 18, 19 and 20. Tra,vellers. — The following Wen ticketed to the west ont the Herne— ateaders' Excursion on .h.716 4tift, by Stewart Brea, a P. R. agents: Alex. Smith, of Harlock, to Brandon'' kart., nod Teturn ; Alex. Sinclair, ofKip- en, lief Edmonton, Alberta', and re- • turn; Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Carter, of Brussels, to Carlisle, Sask., and re - „turn. ; WM. J. and Robert EL Short-' reed, of Blyth, to Karnsack, Sask. and edurn. Also Miss Jessie Thomp- son, of Seaforthi, from Toronto, to Port Arthur, Ont, via C P R. ilteara- er,, sailing from Owen Sound, I re—The following were 'ticketed •to dfstant ;points this week eby W., Som- erville, railway and steanlehip agent: Mre. McNaughton to her hcirne in Chicago. She was accompanied in' h9r niece, Miss Violet Carter, of Wal- ton; Miss Emily Drysdale, a Hen - td Liptcen Saskatchewan; Miss Bessie •Gemmell, Egmondville; to Re- gina; Miss Mary, Gemehell,, Egmand- ville, to Kamloops, B. a, and Rev. • , 9 Neil Shaw Egmandville Jas Gem- nickeretnith and James Hil- len. McKillop, to Montreal to at- tend the Presbyterian General As- sembly. . • Improved ,Train SSrvice.—On June 16th, the Grand Trunk COrnipan'y will vet into force a new time table,Which will considerably improve the sereice at this end of the line. Although the bxact naitute of, the changes cannot be perfectly understood until a time table is to hand, the tp-u.rifort of these changes are as follows: A neve train *ill leave Goderich at 6 a. m., 'which will bring passeng-ers to Toronto at 110 a. tU., hi:Stead of 12.20 noon, as now, lel:though' 'the Y will atilt .be able to use the latter train. A double daily 'parlor car service rl1l be ope-rated between Toronto and: Goderich, Guelph and Stratford. Train No. 1, . which leaves Toronto 'an this line, at 7.20 a. rn., and train No.2, that arrives: at Toronto at 7.50 pa m.., will have one of the latest high-grade buffet parlor cars, -Which will give travellers lii this section the benefit of the Grand Trunk dining car service. The supposition is, ittrat the train whictl now reaches Seaforth at 9.40 e. m., 'will be held In Stratford to connect with No. 1, which will enable ITienento 'passengers to reach Seaforth , about Lan o'clock. The train which is due in Toronto at 7.50 p. nr., and' on Which will be 'the parlor car servicp, is the one due to leave here at 3.30 n. m. These changes will be a great con- venience to the travelling public at this end of the line, and the Graricl Trunk are 'to be congratulated on 'the iniProved service. Tbere will he sold by public action eat Archibald & Cadmore's Sale Stable, Seaforthnon Tuesday, June 25th, Sale to coenreence at 1 o'clock harp, 2 fillies 4 years old, 19 fillies 3 years old, 30 fillies 2 years old,e8 fillies I. year old. These fillies have been carefully seleetM and are . the best collection ever imported to Huron ;County*. odd a win be of considerable interest to the horse , tireeders cf tide county, as a number of these fillies been prize e inners at some of the largest horse shows in Scotland. Catalogues furnished on anon] -cation to the undersigned after June 18th. Tefins of sale made known oh day of sale. , MeMILLAN, ARCHIBALD pol&rCirDie3t100r0.RE, T. Brown, Attotiorteer. 2060-3 DR. BUTLER, London EYE, EAR and THROAT 'SPECIALIST . 1V111 be at . . • the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 12 JUI.:± 10 r,)0, tested for glassee and prescriptions promptly filled by local dealer or the Tait-I3rown Optical Co., ;LI MMUS St., London. nours-entee A.M. ; 6 Pall - 2060 -1 0 ••••••-• 5 Wedding.—A very pretty marriage was solemnized at the Seaforth Metho- diet .church, last •Wednesciann at high noon, when Miss Alice Dundee, daugh- ter of Mr. John Dundee, bf became the bride of Rev. Geo. A. Mc- Lean, Baptist minister at Cookeville, Ont. Rev. R. J. Currie,• B. A., of Walton, assisted by Rev. A. K. Birks, L. D, B., of Seaforth, .and Rev. R. S. Baker, M. ke of Ansa Craig, the for- merepastor of Walton, tied the ?nuptial knot Mr. J. P. McLean, of Hamilton, brother of. the groom, acted as beat man,, while Miss Hattie A. Sibbin, of Stratford, was bridesmaicr Little Mine Alice Knechtel did her 'part well as flower girl. Messrs. Neil, of liVaeton, and -Maunders, of Brussels, were complimented on the ability and grace with which they performed their duties as ushers. A large !congrega- tion was present to witnese the cere- mony notwithstanding the unfavor- able weather. Precisely at twelve o'- clock tne bride, leaning on the airm- of her brother, Mr. George Dundas, en- tered the church and met the groom and .groomsman at 'the altar,„vvhile. Mr. Harry, Stevenson gave MV excel- lent rendering of the wedding merch. The bride looked very charming in white silk with 'point &esprit lace and wearing the usual bride's vell.and orange 'blossoms. The bridesmaid was attractive- in white lace over pale blue. After the ceremony the princi- pal parties retired to th vestry where the register was spied and they then proceeded to trausser's restaurant where the groom • Wool ! Wool ! For forty years we have helped to make SeatOrth the hest market for wool and grain. We invite all our old Patrons, also new ones to No. 6 warehouse. ' You Will be sure of the highest mark- et prioe. James' Beattie, Seaforth. 's 2060x1 Turnip Seed.—Sisw an extra acre • it,, looks' like a gOod move. Those hayfields look deliCate—we keep the good seed. Beattie Bras., Seaforthl. 2060-1 Cow for Sale.—A well-bred 'Durham co* for sale. It is -a, first-class eow and is in calf to Cowan's bull -, also an eight month's old calf off the same cow and bull. Apply to John Powell, Seaforth. i 20001 Remember the date of Taube & Sbn'sviait to Sea - 'forth and if your des bother you in any way do not - fail to consult them at Fear's Drug Store en Monday and Tuesday, June 10 and 11. 2059-1 _Potatoes Wanted—Must be of good size alnd sound, we're particular about "quality" in.- everything we handle. Top price. Beattie Bros., Seaferth2.060.1 When Taube & Son attend to your eye..s you get the benefit of &ex' 85 years' experience. Call and consult them at Fear's Drug Store on Monday and Tuesday, June 10 and 11. . Cheese made in the olden days "—a limited sup ply at 25c a lb. IVs 0. K. Beattie pros., Seaforth. . ' 20604 '.Bioycie.e.—We handle the -celebrated Recycle. and Berlin Bicycles. Prices the lowest_ Coine in -and see thein . J. F. Daly,..Seaforth. 2060-2 Ice creoan and fancy ices in brick or bulk for wed-• dings or perties.. Neil' si Itestenrant. Specia2l05polee in large quantities. ; 85 per cent of headaches are the result of eye strain.- Preper fitting glasses will give permanent relief. If you are troubled that way consult Taube & Son at Pear's Drug Wrenn Monday and Tuesday, June 10 and 11. b '• 2059i1 • • • 1 7 . Rock salt satisfies stoolt :Let us sell 3triu same - soon. Beattie Bros., Seaforth. . 2060-1 Intending to give up' my dresSmaking business a- bout the end 4 this nionth, any' person desiring to Stirt herewould do well to all arid see me as I have a number of articles specially designed for the busi- ness that I would sell cheap: Apply to Miss M. Car- lisle,- Davis block, Ilensall. . 2090-2 For Sale, an Empire visible Typewriter, only heen in use a short tine, $40 ; also a second hand Rem- ington machine in good order, $25. L. G. VsfiEg- 2 Mbna, Seaforthr : 060x1 Loss of Eyesghtis worse than loss of fortune. No mattee how small your eye trouble may, be, have it corrected. -See Tauhe and Son et Fear'cl Drug Store on Monday and Tuesday, June JO and 11 2059-1 Fin' Sale, chi* one heifer calf; one heifer seven months old, undone good Jersey cow., L. 2060x1 G. Van- - Eamond, Seaforth. I Theyele repairs and sundries for sale at J. F. Dely's ' Seaforth. 1 2060-2 . House for Sa19.—The comfortable an convenient - situated residence in Seaforth, owned and occupied by John Kale, ou Huron street: Also a small Taylor safe. 2060x1 Wanted.—All parties having our bags will please return thein at once as we wish to use, them. Sea - forth Milling Co. 2060-2 An your glasses right? Vision changes as all things do. . See Tanbe &. Son at Fear's brug. Store on Monday and Tuesday, June 10 and 11. 2050-1 Coat Lost. —Lost between St.Columbap and Beech- wood, a black cloth. coat. The finder will kindly oblige by leaving it at G. K. Hqlla,ndiS, Bee2c0h5wtio-tiod. J. J. Ryan, St Columban. For first-class second lihand hukgy, has .20A57P-11Y 4) had but • tttea le use, and is newlY' at Reid & Wilson's, Seaforth. • • _MANGOLD SEED.—We hose the leading varietie in marigolds and sugar beets for stock •, also all kind of garden seeds. W. R. Smith, Seafoith. 80554f tenet:am Coil Spring Wire—Just arrived — a car load of the hest Cleveland High Carbon Steel Gal- vanized Coil Spring Wire Nee -9. 'rice $2.85. Also a supply of Anchor Fence Stays and Pips. Geo. A. Sills, Seaforth. 2050-2 Laundry Removed.—The Seaforth Steam Laundry has been removed from North Main street to the more commodious premises on Mar17t street first door west of Wm. Pickard, &Co'c, sore. With the increased tooth and additional facilities we will have for turning out work we can promise our patrons even better eervice than in theaSast. Prices reason- , able and work satisfactory; J. 1'. Bell, Prop. 2059-2 Lawn Mowers—A complete stock "of the best goods In that line. See our 4 -blade 84.25 Machine. -Every one guaranteed. Geo. ASill, Seafoi th. 2050-2 From the West.--Tne following is an extract from a 'private letter re- cently' received front ,Mr. . C. Kyle, formerly of Stanley, near Kippert. Kyle 'has many friends a un.d the old, 'home Who ev3.1j be very .ple ed to hear' from him. Mr. Kyle is located near Strome, Alberta, a small town on the C. P. -P., about sixty miles east of Wetaskawin. The letter was writ- ten an May 27th. He says: "As we have been thinking for e. long time that we should let some of our old friends in Huron know just what kind of a winter we have had up here tri .Alberta, I take this opportunity of writing a., few lines to The Expositor, w'hich is as to us' 9:43 a half dozen letters ry week.1 Our winter' set in on the f ret day f November. We never -sew the ground again until the first of Mey; at leaf* we had to use ehe sleighs for that time. The thermometer registered as cold as fifty-six degrees below Zero, and an that day my son wentl tevanty-four, .miles for coal, of which fuel we have • abundant supply and lit is,of good quality. There was not a day this winter but a load of Coal lei% the mine, which is on the banks of the Bei le River, twenty-four miles south of 4trome. Seeding is in full swing. Some are almost finiened: Wheat that was sown two weeks ago is nicely nip. The weather has been lovely for ihe past week, and yeeetation has. tarted nicely. We finishedseeding on the twenty-fourth, ictoria. Day. We 'have a good up-to-date school half a mile from us, taught by a Mr. Cook, Acton„ Ontario. We ere very for- tunate in being so near a railway, as we are only three miles from the town ofeStrome, on the C. P. R. This branch is being built on through 'to Saskatoon, forty miles past of here. They are building a railway' bridge across the Battle River, which will 'be completed by the -end of June. ehpuld have told 'you that it took our folks two elays to Make ths trip to the and bride 1 coal mine, but there were good stop- -s, e Rest Pur claim to your apPrOV• eel entirely upon the char - cutter of our DRUGS AND NEDICINE-S. We ask your trade because we know what you buy here mill never prove disappointing. We have earned a rep- utation for selling pure dregs at mod- erate prices. That reputation was not earned without rea son. Caustic Soda for making soap, 3 lbs. 25c ; Helle- bore, fresh stock, 30e a lb. Zam Buk, the great healing salve, 50c a, box. have every- thing usually kept CD in an up-to-date drug store. Come in and see us. 0. AKRHART, DRUGGIST, OARDNO'S - - BLOOK Agent: for up-toelate Trusses, Syringes, Hot Water Bottles, Shoop' e remedies, Cook's Cotton RoonOomponnd and Weed'i Phosnbedine. .111.1107 and a Place for :himself in that 'new la.ind, and if th.e-Rainey River district Is given a, representative of its own, AS it is likely it will be bi the near. future, Dr.'Bethtme will be the malt, aa the mbvement which he is now aid - 19 said to be warmly sUpported by Reformers and Conservatives alike.— Miss Kathleen -Roberts is visiting friends in Toronto. — St. Thomas Church Sunday School le changed to the morning during the -summer triOnths, commencing next Sunday at 9,45 o'clock.—Bev. Neil Shaw left on Tuesday afternoon for Montreal to attend the General A.ssembly of the Presbyterian church in that city. It is hoped ,lvfr. Shaw will have a good holiday. He has Just completed the fdirrteenth year of his pastorate in Egrnoodville. 011 the evening of the 23rd of Ma*y* the Ladies' Aid a the Egmondville Church celebrated the occasion 'by 'having a, very successful literary and =steal entertainment. No .pastor could have done more for a congregationethan Mr. 4110.1V has clone -for Ws. He is most nennifish and untiring in his work EtIn011g his people and it is good to know; he is -appreciated by them.—Mr. John, A. Nilson spent a, few days in Termi- te this week.—Mrs. John B. Goven- loek visited Toronto friends a few days this week.—We would again re- mind our readers of the Fdresters' 1 excursion to Niagara Falls on Fri- day next, the 14th inst. This will be orte of 'the moat enjoyable trips a the Beason and should be well patron- izecl. tFull particulars. as.,to rates, etc., will be found Ott'page 5.—Rev4 -Mr. McCormick, of Essek eoulity‘ Preached in the Methodist church on Sunday last in the absence of Rev. A. K. Birks at Conference in Gode- rich.—Mrs. M. Y. McLean is visiting friends in Toronto. --The regolar meet- in'g of Britannia Masonic lodge was - held On Monday evening, when Dis- trict Deputy Grand Master Halley was present. Two candidates were given theie Vast degree and atter the conclusidn of the lodge work re- freshments -were served. A most eleasaertevening was spent.—ailas Southgate, of New Tork, is visiting her parents, MT. and Mrs. W. A. Southgate.—Mrs. M. Smart; and het daughter, of Sebrhigville, were in itown On Wednesday en their way to Hensel' to visit relatives ad friends, —Rev. J. Weelek Cosens, of Wallace - burg, visited his father-in-law, Mr. Robert Govenlock, et:hie weele.—The ain- n'ual excursion tie the Wet and South Huron Farmers' Inatititte, to the Model Farm, Guelph, will be held on Friday, June 21st.—Messrs. Thomas E, Hays and James Scott were on a fish- ing -trip to Bayfield oi Tuesday, and succeeded in -catehing a fine Itit of :perch.— Mrs. K. Neil 'w-aa•in Giede- rich on Monday, attending the wed- ding of Miss Goldthorpe and Mr. Myer L. Oldfield, both of that tow iping places on the way down. The price of coal per toil at the mine Is one dollar and fifty cents. We 'read of 'people .being frozen in Manitoba and Saskaldhewan, but we - did not 'hear of any in. this vicinity, although It was very cold day aftereday. The cattle pulled 'through fairly well but 'have tnot seen any that: were, fe& up beside a wire fence. They either had a igood Shelter or stable to -protect them. Land has doubled In value M the last year and isnow selling at from fifteen to twenty dollars per etre. 1Wiehing to be kindly remem- bered to all Huron friends, Tours,— .W. C. KYLE." University -!Exwinitiations.—The re- sult of the University of Toronto ex- amintetions as publiehed so far show 'that the e -pupils cifi the Seaforth Collegiate linatitute' are keeping up their (past record. In Arts, Mir. John A. Gardiner receives the degree of M. A. with honors in mathematics and 'physics. Mr. Gardiner gradogled last lyear with thei degree of R. A. and taitsince been Fellow in Phy- nics in University College. Mess C. M. Knight has 'passed the' third year with honors ite Classic, English and History. allies E. J. Cowan has coin- eletedelher second year with honors In classics. Miss'B. W. McKelvey has passed the secorid year with lion yrs in Modern Languages. *Mr. George -Buchanan has also :passed the second year. The results in the Honor De.- Partments of the first 'year axe riot out yet but Miss M. A. Gillespie and M. H. F. JOhnsten who obtained scholarships at Matriculation last Year have passed 'the, first Year ex- kninations. Their staleling in their honor courses wili be geblished next week, ,along with the ielative stand- ing of those in the second and third years. In medicine Robert Davis and W. K. Fear haveecempleted their sec- ond and first years respectively. 0 y that nuine Appre Kind We Sell Local Briefs. --Mr. and Mrs. James Murray and little daughter, of Lon- don, spent Sunday with frietnds in town. --Speaking of the nackwardness of the 'present neason, Pia. D. liecre- gor, of Goderieh street, says that in the 'IsprIng Of 1848, the second year after his father settled on their farm. tn .1-lellett, he. remembered going te a 'neighbor's with a sleigh for a load of tan to feed the cattle, on the 24th of May, and th.ere wassnowenough to make good slipping, but, of, course, it only. lasted a few 'days. Although' there ihed beem fine weather -before that vegetation was not stifficiently advanced to furnish outside feed for the animals.—Mrs. A. Oke was vialt- ing friends in. Exeter last week.— Mrs. George Duncan, of Noodetink, Wan in town over Sunday.—Mrs. (Rev.). :WgIvehn of London-;ewas in town last f' Mr. and Mrs. W. orthern Stars and Ile foetball kickers le on Thursday ev- suiting in a score Troyer, of the John .the Star game.—• Sent ed Britannia ecurnseht lodge meet - on Thursday ev- . It was the -occa- of the district de- , and, the brethren yable and profit - Marquette Repott- anitoba, has issued ddition, which con - he -town from away 'present time, also he present hand- huilding, together week, the guest D. Bright —The John street juyen liad a pitched bat ening, the match* of 1 to 1. Purein street club, play Dr. Cooper rep Ma,sonie lodge at ing, in Stratford, ening of last wee elan of the visit puty to+ that lodg spent a most en able evening.—Th er, of Rapid City, a. special school tains a 'history of back until the 'photogra,veurs of some 'public sch with other public' buildings and pri- vate residences, leo 'pictures of 'the leading business men of the town. A- mong the latter -we notice an excel- lent likeness of our old friend and fellow townsman, Mr. D. McNaught, exeM.P.P., -whose ehadow neyernieems to grow less.—Mr. John Weber has had his barber shop greatly_ improved by the 'papering of the walle, painting and graining of the woodwork and other fixing up, gliting him, a, very neat and tidy shop.—Mrs. John Mc- Kinley and Miss :McKinley left this week Oft a. visit to Thornhill and Port Arthur, after w Ich they will visit with Mrs. McKin ey's daughter in Edmonton.—Mr. Th. M. McKey, of the J. S. Roberts dru store, was called to his 'home 171 Pi rt Colborne on Sat- urday last, owing to th.e death. of hie father, Mr. D. McKay, of that fown. Although Alr. McKay had been in per health f • some time, the end came rather uddenly.—Mr. A. R. C,olthorp, who ha been laid up for some Weeks, ha now 'sufficiently recovered to b bl to walk out,— The volunteers ett into camp at London cnt Tuesd yea -Mr. Henry Wil- lert, of Dash,wos , reeve ef Stephen, spell% Monday ni ht in town a guest at the Dick Houee. Mr. Willert was on his way -to ti -t county council at Goderidh and ha4ig business here he came this way. he special commis- sioner of the Globta to the Rainy River district, which is Said to he the storm centre for the se ession movement, in a letter respeetin the agitation says: "Phe secretary 4nd one of the lead- ers of' lthe more ent is Dr. r, H. Bethune, 'of Brno . Secretary of the District Conserve: ive Association." Dr, Fred Bethune la, an old Seaforth boy and it ie evident:0 is Making a name 1 Tuckersraith„. A Complete Outfit —Mr. Ja sole one of the veteran -the this -township, has just place der with The ,Robert Bell Thresher Company for a..new% 'Separator, with Ruth Bleeder, stacker and traw cutting, Ment This is one -of The s1 Com- pany's lateet productions in ling machinery; Mr. Hudson wil no doubt be able to 'please th critical of his patrons. He is 'to have the best and be up, t every respect, end we are farniers of .this township will ate his enterprise by very lib eerei. Liberal:4' Attention. — Meetingfor the election of delegates to the form Convention, on the 14th ofe.teb in Hensall, will be held in the' ol- loveing :places, on the leth of June; at eight p. m.: . PoUlng division No. 1, Cumming's !hall, Egmondville; NO. 2, Egmondville school; No. 3, West End school; No. 4, Mason's school; No. 5, White school; No. 6, Stro.ng's hotel. —G. S. BLACK, Chairman. • Oromertst.. (Teo late for last week.) Notes.—.fr. Jack Nichols, of Lon- don, spent the 24th at the home of Mr- A. Wright. —Miss Jennie Butler spent Victoria, holidays at Harriston. —Invitations are out for the wed- ding oe Miss Alma Kerslake to Mr. Richard Colquhoun.—Miss Belle Simin son spent the 24th at he ' r stister's Men. W. McLaren, also the lases Ethel - and Bessie MeLaren Spent the holi- days with, their uncle, Mr. George, Stacey, -St. Marys.—Mies Jennie But- ler, who has spent the last couple Of months at her home; interned to Berlin last Friday.—Miss L. Gillee- pie, teacher in' school section No. 6, Hibbert, took advantage of the cheap rates to.. Seaforth last Frida.-y.—Ice cream is the order of the day.—Mr. 'J. Rivers, *cello has already a supply of ice has 'purchased a freezer .and will make les dream for people provided they supply the ereaare 'Don't forget to make -use of our enterprising farrn-- er.—The grcrwth of crops is somewhat slow lout be like our western eartn- ere, don't grumble. • Sibbert School Report,—The following is the report of school section No. 7, elfin bert, for the month of May; Class IV—Alla Hoggarth, Maggie Habkirk, Thomas Wren, Walter O'Brien,. Sr. 3rd—Wilfred O'Brien, Thomas Smale, .Annie Westlake, Win; Brintnell. Jr. 3ed.--01ifford Brintnell,Cuthhert Wren, Russel Me.udeem, Arthur Parker. Sr. 3rd—Bella Brintnell, Jas. Broadfoot, Pearl Ryckman and Florence West- lake are equal, Wesley Vennere 13er- tha Melick: Jr. 2nd—Rae Horton., Roa- d Melick, Gordon Wren:, Neil St -tale. Part II—Cecll O'Brien, Ruby Ryek- man, Jdher Swan. Sr. I—II:haste Bread - foot, Frank Stnale, Arnold- Westlake, Wm, Melick, Eldon Miller, Wm. Far-,. ker. Jr. I—Austin Hoggarth, Verna Melick, Helen Miller,—Phemia, , Gov- enlock, Teacher. ' North Side Ndtes—A special meet- ing of the ratepayers of separate school No. 1, was held an Saturday last at 10 a. m. It was decided by a large -majority of the supporters to ,erect a TIONV, modern and up to date seheol, on 'the site occupied by the present one. The trustees were auth- orized to borrow the money necessary for its construction by debentures and to conduct negotiations with a view to a commencement of the work im- mediately after the dose of the pre- sent echool iterme—Mr. John Pethick had a very successful barn raising on Friday last. A large number of his neighbors cheerfully responded to his call for assistance, and ,ere the summer sun 'had set in 'the gioriou.s west, the structure of a large but:1E1- ,471g, 66x40 towered high in full view of the surrounding country, present- ing Ito the eye of the observer, some faultless geometrical figures. Tne frame work is being done by Mr. Owen Hart, of SteColumban, and the raising operations were conducted by Mr. James Finlaysqn, of Tucker - es Hud- shers of his or - gine & imperial Wind attach- brash - now, moot bound date -in e th.e appaeci- ral 011 thIn impressed with the exhibit of both trimmed,and IN favorably iVISITING OUT Millinery Room, you cannot he otherWiee tintr med hats. And on -very short notice we can turn out new styles that ion. form to every whim of fashion. • • A strolik feature at; present is the attention given to; Milliiiery for June, brides. The prevailing ideas—shapes, materials, coloripgs,etc., find exprot. cmioaninerthe productions a our -workroom in the most finished and artistic nn. No. millinery �rder entrustej to us will in any way 'be slighted. detail will be satisfactor3r. Prices in every instance will be the very for which goods of ential merit,,can be obtai ed. Beautiful White Lawn Waii In Women's' Waist% there iv no questioning ths fast that white has call for favor. And among the summery weaves, the somewhat sheer; imma- culate dainty law.as and mulls itake precedence over all others. It's really ib- freshing to look over our range of White Waists, ranging in price attywiiei from 75c to $4.50 the Came Embroidered Shirt Waist Fronts, and -material enough VI make .44 to match the fabric used, are in, strong demand. • We have variety of patterns in these to show at the most popular prices. : Wool Dress coo suina Tempting Tri Three attractive offerings,jea of which hints at the possibility for mak- ing a most charming summer &NS, at a considerable saving on thA midst price. I. Fine Wool Batiste, Navy and Grey, 46 inch material, reg- ular 603 quality, for .. . . 2. Shadow Check Mohair, Navy, Green and Brown, 40 inch goods, regular 50c stuff, for..... • . • 3. Blick Armure, 45 inch width, this 45c quality, season's importation, , lc a . • -• • i •,,,..)...).kce• ++44444.4.++++.14+44444+44.: Rush forIlelicate Cotten Wash Fal Most *tiredly we will get warmer weather from -now on. This �D active sellifg in our wash gooda section. Anil we are ready,too, for a huS. tling juns trade in prints, ginghams, ehal1s, muslina, piques, ducks, la* drills, sateens, etc. Great variety of stuffs at frons 10e to 25e the y Qualities . . and Pries. to Please YOU in LINO OURTAJ !smith. in the eVening a Most en- joyableedance was indulged in and continued far into the night That Mr and Mrs. Pethick and family may be long Spared to enjoy their com- fortable surroundings was the sin- ceee wish of all; as they bid farewell out departed for their homes. ry Usborne. A Good Filly Purchased:—Mr. J. A,. Ratcliffe, of the Thames Road, has purchased from Mr. T. 3. Berry, the well known and successenl horse im- porter of Hensel', his imported filly for which be paid a handsome BUM Tills filly is two years old and Ls said by many of the leading horsemen to be the best filly of lwr age in On- tario. She has four ri•gistered dams and was sired by that famous horse, Gartly Gold. Mr. Ratcliffe has pur- chased this rine animal for breed- ing PUrpmies in which line Xe has hitherto been very successful Ids success is largely dtte to hiot fOrta to always breed from the If he has good luck with Mr. B. filly she will be a money maker him and his enterprise deserves *WI Thames Road Notes.—,,Mr. Barri derson lost a, valuable 'cow 13, ening last week.—Miss Janet ton, of Cromarty, this neighborhood barn v,teelt. Cant spent part of -this week ronto,aittending the Wand Council the Chosen Friendi—irfr fII1d- Fred Hern and gamily, of visited relatives inthis vicini Oently.—Road work Is the order of day at preserrh—gr. Cephas Pyrs _ a good horse through inflammation, cently.—Mr. Sylvanus Cann has tturned-frem Berrie, where he has spending few weeks With relatives - Thomas PASS1110Te is buei modeling bLe barn. wove wbi�a o It you w than. you them over Sen. the n's 3 do 4 do Fx you. the