HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-06-07, Page 6Ifl ,Catiadsi eleetrie stOrin -Sandal he scheol house at -Orwell, -bieleit building; , by lightning °and 4,001f fire. 8 lett is the Walls. • i rovincial Government has to establish agrietetterale - the High Schools ate Col - Galt, elilesex Centre, .-Peetei, toed leindsaye , Haddow Pell ties 'been eV - riff a teartitoulin in age - the late Sheriff Jaelteon% Who died a short Mete ago. Dr. Fell' is a denti t at Gore Bay end was the Conservetive candidate for the Legis- lature in 1898. - -The a.rehottee belonging to J. F. Cairs, in Saeleatoon, Sask., andstock- ed with nierchan of .all kinds, to tile valtt of $4 ,000 f0. $50,090, was 'Wiped • t completelytlionday• after - neon, together with is contents, by fire. Thpr was but little insurance. ! --Zepira, a musical production, was last week -rendered by a number -of the citieens oe Strafford. The per- formance :was 'One of the most beau- tiful Opectacles Over ,Witnessed let the city ated was gotten up by the Ladies' Aid of the Hospital. Over two !hu 'dred tpeople took part. 113 1701111 altiEVE, S. Omer, rrs:deate of Ontario Vet- erinary kkilege. All diseaeee of Oomestie Anieuals treated. Calls Vremptly atbanded to' and charg moderate. 'Veterinary Dentistry eipecialty, Office and. eesiden.oe IleAtrieh st met, one 'door elele Soett's office, Sort. ° clitAitauRN, V. 1 Ilonorary graduate of the Ontario Weterinary College an Honorary Member of the MeLcal Meociation *f the Ontario Veterinary College. greats Owens of all Domestic Ulm.% by the Most modern prinoie blea. -Deeteetry and Milk Reeler a Office opposite Dlok'S Main street, Seaforthe All left at the hotel will reeeeive attention. 'Night •vans re - 1871 -52 the offie#. eAME•S 10MORA.Nt .Verlstit, Solloitor, Noteity teePub- , eto. `Money to loan. In Seaforth tf,rondayst Ridden and Sat ardays. Of - 'tee oe every, week 4-ey. Over, tokird Store, Main beet, forth. • 19 04 •B. 3. ITAYS. ' Barrister, Solicitor, 'Conveyancer read 'Notary Publich &elialtoror tiaa Deminien Rank. OfEee-In 'rear et the Dominion Bank, ,Featorthe Xoney to loan. •1288 .3". M. BEST, Barrister., Salieitor, Coneefenee rind Notary Pablice Office weitair ever Fear's drag store, Mein street retsforth. 1327° . E. HOLMESTED. -Solieitor,• Don, y Notary 'Publics, Solleitor ter nadien Bank of Cameleer° ey to lean. Farms for sale. Q- iI% Scott's Block, Main etre • rth. DIONIeTSON & GeRROW. , Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Gods- , rich, Ontario. E. L. Dickenson, Chas. Garrow, L. U. B. 1.833-tf •••••=A41••••••• J. goDGINS. Graduate ef Royal College o tat Surgeons of Ontario. Sucees Lo Dr. Tweddle. Offiee-Over Young's grocery store, Main str ileafortb. or A. t, MEDICAL. •DR. X3HN MoGINNIS. Office and residence Victoria feaforth. none 78. DR. H. HUGH R • ' Graduate of University of Toro to geoulty iof Medicine, member of 0 o - lege of Physiciane and plargeons of Onterip ; pass graduate amuses In Phis:age Clinicae Sobool, of Chioagle; Royal Oehthalmic Hospital, London, ignglande University ' College Hos- pital, Lendon, England. , Offic - Over Stewart Bros.' stored Main St., orth, Phone No. 5. Night cans enswered from residence, Vittoria lilt zee t, Seafortbe 1890 DR. ID, B,URROWS. Offiee and Etesidence-Goderitth etreet, cue of tho eletbodist ohurch, Nea, forth, Phone No. 46. Gorpeer for the °panty of Huron. 1386 DRS. SCOTT- It MACKAY. etederieh etreet, opposite Met p- ilot chareb, Seaforth. I 'J. G. Soott, graduate of Victorl ia d Ann Arbor, and member of the ario College of Physicians end e egeons. Coroner or the eounty lit Aaron. le, Mackay, honor graduate ; of la' ;inky University, gold medalist of oinity Medioal College. Member of Zollege of Physioians and Sur- eeeeens, Ontario. 113 ADOTIONEER.S. erneern, ear St. Artie 11 that The ecided, our5O11 ingwook orrisbur _ pdluted Cellifiten -Tho. Longboat, the Indian cham- pion r „ner, is likely to looe the sight of one erY0 as thee result a a burnele 'took 'port in an athletic tousnament Caledonia on Victoria Dayetiettene was being carried around on the Mors of Ills enthusiastic admir- , a lighted cigar wes accidentally, ed into else eye, causing a pain - wound, -At the reei& ce of Mi. and Mrs. P. W. -Gunthen Milverteee on Wed- nesdey, May 14, • the .ma,rria,ge of their daughter; Clara,: ItoMr. B. le Heere.rt, of London, took 'place. The ceremony was performed by Rev Mr Blunk, assisted by Rey. 'Mr. Spence, of Milverton, after whichethe guests .sat down to lunch, and were enter- tained by songs, ;speeches, recitation,s and duets until he departure Ofe the happy couple vello left for a moth's trip to the Mar time Provinceeketelso to Boston and New York. t -The body of Miss Jennie McKie, aged 71„ was found in her bedroom at Bright, Blenheim township, -Oxford. County, on- Saturday aftereoon, and that of her SOile War. tic _Ionia an -- other room, with a bottl !partially filled with chloroform n ar by. The double tragedy was disc r red by a. baker on his rounds, and has greatly shocked the whole conimunity, where Miss McKie was much respected. See haduelways gone hy her mall. name. The efon was fornierly echo I teach- er at Bright. Financial troubles' are suppesed to have ca,ueed the :eon to ad- minister the drug to this mother and, then to commit stilcide. • -Mrs. Dr, sing, residing with' her .husband a Short distance east of the eity of Belleville was nearly cremated in a fire which totally destroyed their valuable 'eorne early Sunday morntug. Her Ihusband • was else badly burned. They, were awakened. by , the blaze coming up through the floor of tie .room, where they slept. The nueband Is deaf, and in the 'excitement tie did not notice his vette. The latter, is supposed to have rushed through the flamed, as eho was found outside in an uteonsolous" condition, , with near- ly all leer clothes burned off. Both arms' were nearly burned, through, and there were other serious bums. Tee eouple are about 60 years of age. N ""' Thursday, the 23rd. Inst., at thigh noon, at Maple Arch Farm, the !product of the prairie provinces. Down home, a the ,bricie's father, Mi. Wm. East, en the Maritime Provinces, the Stapleton, of Wejilburn, Was the scene demand for a first-clase fldur lues led of a, very pretty', and fashicinable wed- ding when his youngest daughter, Leetha Jane, became the bride or Mr. Wro. McEwen, real estate broker of Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Rev. George Cooper, B. A., of Wellburne !performed the ceremony. After con- gratulations the company partook of a dainty wedding breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. McBwen. left for Toronto and [points east *119re they will spend' a. two weeks' 'hoheymocm •before leav- ing eter, their future ' home in the west. t -While Mr. W. B. Barley, of Kitch- ell, and a friend were trying to board a moving tallyho in Toronto, last week, 'Me friend's foot interfere ed with this getting oa the step and the wheel ;passed over both 'feet, ,breaking/ one bone in the left foot and severely; ;injuring the right. He walked a few/ steps afterwards, but • THOMAS BROWN. the feet became very painful, atnd af„- ! ter :they were dressed by e doctor he er • Ideal tor Children c., otliers carrnot be too eliTefid in. what t ey give ebildren.t0 'move the bowels. Caloctnet, cascara.,'s na,. saltS, eatliaitie pills,castor oil., and purging niin-ral :Waters 'irritate the bowelS-4set the stomach, - and: -eventually lead up to. chronic ,non -action, of the bowels-Constipatiom • • ort MIT LIVER TAOISTS) are the finest medicine in the world for children. . It is just like giving the little ones apples, ficanges, figs and prunes ---,:because " Fruit- a- tives" AXi.lt, the j uices of these fruits -but so combined that the medicinal action is in- creased Many times. Fruit-a-tives arp perfectly safe /for the Children. Keep a box , always in the house, pg s0c.,a-bOz-6 for $2.50. Sent on receipt of price, if your druggist 4oes not handle them. Fruit-a-tivcs Limited, pttawa, rosif 'dipping or teachinefee Water and I -en. The water in th3 Oleftgort woe 4W:tilt flee feet deep, Mrsoleneg 'wits e ,aleout 75i Or 60 year o of ado, and was linOW11 sand highly respeeted by ; the citizens :of St, Marye. Oilbeit. White Met. ;with j rious accident oti43 afterneion .012,031.1 week. Xe was --,itaging ele florae bY a, halter When the animal sudeenlyeelip,.. ped and tell on Wm.' A. bone of gre iNielte's right ',leg etas dislocated and, the ,ligamento et the limb dieplac -Mrs. David. Murray, -of Monkton, died on Monday, May 27th, after a. short illneee, her 88th Year* ShA I is survived by her husbandi, and three. .children, the4oungest bang less than two weeks The deceased was ittthuegitili.ter of Mr. Andrew Byers, of -Mr.. Nelson Balkwell, 0,011 of Mr. James Balkwell, Rat:mock, Blanshard I...township, nearly lost the sight a, , one of his eyee by the exIoelon of fire - 1 crackers in St. Meryl; On May 24 -Both; of his eyes were eeveredy burned by the tpowder. -Martin M. Grimm, a well known resident of =Norton, died suddenly' , on Sunday morning, May 26th, De- ceased was in his 75th year and had been a resicknt Of Mil:verb= for 10 years,- having lived as a retired fare mer, Before removing to Milvertori he had fanned at Roseville, near Gait, in. which district, he was widely known, A 7, a wild dastil for lown. After speed - ingest a terrific rote -for nearly a mile and a half, the corner at Kr. Durkin's store was reached when the animol fell i Cete the stone crossing, throwing the two -occupants of the rig on to the street. Those who wit- nessed the iipset thought they were killed, ebut When; they Were picked up It was "fotied that Miss': Thompson es - coped with i an injured arm, while her companion was unhurt. Their eSeape was mirticujouss - --.---t---- - ,, .. (Dun* the last len Pokers the great milling hidhstries of 'Oho , , eat hays beer so extensieely adeertieed in, On- tario t'hat Many fanners have given up raising wheat. The farineat who formerly'it, lped to make "a market tor r his. home-grown product to -day bdye the weste flour for family use, and thus war! utes to weeterniprosperity, instead of outting money ineci his Qw.t1 poekets by i patronizing an Or' terio in- dustry. - -Ontario millers have been unable to r hours a cle 'Trice Of br twenty and as ooipared with the former prices of .twelv to fifteen in the Palmy days , of wheat growing in °neon°. .' This cote:petition of the western wheat landIs e, tremendous feet; in the aggreate the decline tee the mar- ket .in Ontario br the flout manufac- tured in this Province has ameueitedl to a .lose qf millions to tee farming ceramulity.! : No proof ee • needed to e011V1nce the general ;public that the western flour is "stronger," thatiferieher in gluten than its 0-titer10 rival. Bert that the flavor and i color of Ontario flour is euperibr must be coriceded even by those moist Interested' in pushing the un more than eight or ten y, and as a result the and Chorts hee riders to Itwenit4y-t-Wer dollars a ton, geeoessed auctioneer for the omen- carne home on the evening train. Mr. ylea of Baron and Perth. Orderer Mc %end met 'him at Stratford and he Oft at A. M. Campbell's impierrient and others assisted him to his tom re -rooms, Sea.fortb, or at the Although the feeet are badly swolie positor Office, will receive prompt It is not expected that the kijuri s entioe. Satisfaction guaranteed or wilL detain 'him from his business for o charge, itTete rnwry days. • •: --One Of the !pioneer residents of geMES G. MoMIOHAELe Stratford noosed away on May 22nd, Liman sad auotionee.r for the 0 RD- in he townehip a Downie, where he eyof Harlon. Sales attended te in was virliting his niece, in the person 'ay part of the oeunty at moderate. Of Mr. Issetc Dobson Rigg,, aged 74 eates and satisfaction guaranteed, years. The late Mr. Rigg had been prders left at the Seaforth post a.°Tiesident of Stratford for the oast office, or on It 2, neeeessiee 2, 66 !years, and was one of the most Hullett, will receive prompt ; at- tenteon. e18324tf 13. S. PH1LMP-S. 1 Licensed auctioneer for the °pun - lee! of Huron and Perth. Being a etractieal farmer and theroti kly nnderstanding the value of arm 'his. businesa associates. Ile sat for stock and implements, piac.e me in 20 years in the city council, was an better position to realize' prices. Chargek moderate. faotion guaranteed or no pay. eirderce left at Hensall post , er at Lot 23, Cioneeseton 2, Hay, will Mr. Rigg had been in excellent health be prompt ly attended. to. e 1709-tf until a few months ago. About Et week ago he .was attacked with line11-, month. which resultedfatally 6 widely known and highly, respected citizens. He was a native of 13eith, Ayrshire, Scotland, and come to Stratford,. in 1852, where he had resid- ed cOntiertlOtietter since. that time. While In the city he was engaged in lum- ber, dealing' ailed contracting oaicl lie waft 'held In the greatest esteem, by oed original member of the Stratford Rifle atis- „ Company and a veteran of tief Pee- ee4t1 Ian raid. He was also the first cap- tain of the Stratford fire company. FOR SALE. s'-1lIIORT11011.N. CATTLE --Seven ersteelass young • ,finhiM, 2 from imported COWS, for Hale at ate priers and on easy terms ; good young co heifers ale° for vale. MI interested at cordi ioder. S and. Ily in- vited to inspea the herdlearnt adeoine tokn1 long diaotitee telephone to farm. Write for ertOalogue, IL SMITH, Exeter. 1093-tf "f EicESTSR, SHEEP AND SIIORTHORN CATTLE .14 FOR SALE -The undersigned has for sele Bev - end Thorobred Leicester iiheep and Durham Cattle of both sexee. Address Egmondville P. O., or apply at farm, 3111I Road, Tuckesmith. ROBERT CHAR nits 1.1 SONS. 13724t "Ere EG1STERED STOOK FOR SOM.-The under .L.V signed offers for sole on Lot et, Opnceitsion 8, Ilibnert township, a uMnber of heifers and youne CAW with calves at foot; 4 Shorthorn bulls afar kn. mediate service, sired by imported Prime of Banff. Tne above stock are all -registered in the National tock Rewrite. PriceModerate, tenris easy, visitor ; wee:time- DAVID HILL, Stella P. 0, 1��4x5'2 CATTOE Wit SALE —For gale, the noted thoro- -bred Aberdeen Polled Angus Dull brood neare Meted to Lord Huron ; Also a good (Wyllie; horse, oeete for lade to drive and will week either single or double'. Will sell either for cosh (mein( time. Apply on Lot 30, Conceettion eoitene G. MUlti)-IE, eeaforth P. O. 40484f e„et, IIORTHORNS.-Chefice bred build and folnales 01 different ages for sale, bout two dozen to selw. front. Prices reasonable, Herd now heOded by d• Countsylvantre” (56000). He is got by the best Scotch bred imported stook on both sides, gloesy dark red inOeolor, and well set on short lege, Terms ; regieted cowe 85 Metered ; others on application Visitors welcome. JOHN ELDElt, Hensail P. 0, eead Station. e9804t • •SAFE Y CHILDREN. •••••• 41•1•11t, Baby's OW11 Tablets, contain no opiate, no narcotic, no poisonous drug. The mother wliO uses these Tablets for her children has the guar- antee of a government analyst as to the truth of these statenelents. Thee medicine can therefore be vsed with absolute safety, ,and it always curee suele troubles as indigeetion, our sternach, constipation, diarrhoea, and colic. The Tablets cure simple fevers, break up colds; destroy worms-, end make teething easy. Mrs. W. H. Young, of Roslin, Ont., stays: "I have used Baby's Own Tablets as needed fee more than a 'yearend would not be withodt 'them in 'the 'house. They are ebet the ‘thing for teethteig babies and other minor 'ailments," The Tablets cost only 25 cents a 'box and may be 'had from medicine dealers or by mail from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. • • -Then. liiitchell Advocate of last week says e When coming to town on Friday Miss Rene. Thomps=, of IlollymOunt, accompanied by miss to. McDonald a Stratford had an ex- citing experience. The buggy ran On the Jhorse's heels, the brute malting to the bleeding of the efisteen and western' wheat- in such proportions. that enough &tan is added to the Ontario ,prOduct,to bring it up to the strength' of *Worn flour, while re- taining t'he delicate and tasty quail - ties fie. which Ontario floor is fam- Ickge. • Considerahle ;progress has been made in flour blending in Ontaelo,and after nearly ten !years of experirrient on the part of expert millers and bakers, the strperioi quality of the blended flour hag; been demenstrated by he demand ated„ I 1 a to be every reason ,tn Padoption, by ;the, people e the nee of suohl a (lour; in the Milling of Ontaelo ns an enlarged ina,rket and he farmer's 'poeket. If the or of the blended,floure were merely in the experimental stage, arguments in favor of its use gener- ally throulghout Ontario might prove ineffectivel ,but now that some of the largest eit olesitle bakers In Toronto are ,entha %al° about itthe increased saaes of bread made of blended flour, for °titan people, it is surely worth while to purchase an article whin, meana increased :prosperity all over the Bann r Province tee the Dominion, ---e--,--•, PertI1 Items. -Two eases ofl soutilepox were re- cently discovered ein Stratford. -DeeR kin,- of Stratford, is ito, re- ceive the leiberal nomination. for/ the C,ornmons in North, Perth. -The serva.tivea 'placed 24 names on the ro 1 at the Logan court of re- vision, a ainst four Liberals. t -.A. lit le two-year-old lean of Kr. Samuel Iline, of Fullerton, was kicked by a colt on the forehead, onej day last week. He was unconscious for an to r, but is now d Mg nicely. -Mr,. Fred Kibler, the 'well known shoe merchant of Listowel, has pur- chased the residence he lives in from the Armstrong -estate foe the sum of $2,240. It is one of the nicest res- idences in town and Mr. Kibler has etecured a genuine bargain. ,--kiss Theresa Leslie, the twelve year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W, Leelie, of ' Stratford, deed of dip- ° theria, last weelee A fourteen year old daughter in the same family is also 111 with the same els-ease -Mr, Arthur Blair died at his home in Stratford on May 80th, Deceasedi wee 60 years of age, He was bone in Greece and had lived in Stratford for a number of years. -The Elma cheese factory whichis recognized as one of the beet fac- tories in Canada, tea installed a new refrigera,tor plant, et a weft of , $1,250. ' -Mr. James A. McDonald, of Ross - land, B..0,, Who is leader of the Lib- era.1 'part'y in the British Colurebia, Legislature, spent a few nays re- cently with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. James McDonald„ of Stratford ; -Mr. James Davidson, one of the old residents of Wallade, near 1.40 - towel, died at his residence on the town- tune eaet, cm Thursday, May 23rd. - . -Mrs. Long, Of St. Marys, met with a tragic death by drowning in a. well one day last week, She mysteriously diemppeared teen 'her home, and upon a. search being instituted by Chef •Young, he was found dead he the c - terh at the rear of the house. The old la.dy's Shawl and spectacles were foundenear by. It is supposed that she already cr Therese favor of t of Ontario an increas wheat me money in maned aetu ler II -On Tuesday reor,ninge May 28th, an old resident of Ste Marys, and one who :was held in the highest esteem Vs -Med quietly away in tLe person of Mr. Robert Smith. The deceased Nitta troubled with rheumatism and lately had pneumonia. He was apparently reDeverlits 'from. the attack when he suffered a relapse to which he sac. combed. The deceased leaves • e wide ow and 'grown up family. Mr. James Balkwelle who roe sides at Rannoch, Blanehard town- ship, about two, Miles west of St, 'Marys, met a horrible death Monday afternoons, Miry 27th, at the Long Crossing, about a mile west of the town. He was driving' home in a, single rig alone, when ee was struck by the noon train and died shortly af- terwards.- It was snowtog hard and a very, 'strong northwesterly wind blowing, it is thought -that this, come blued with t he feet that, no doubt, the unfortunate man thought the 'trathe had passed, were the reaeons of him meeting with such a, 'horrible death. As far as can be learemed. ne one etecept the fireman and engineer were 'witnesses of the fatal accident. The train, was stopped and the teein- meet found Mr; Balkwell lying some hundred feet from the scene of 'the occurrence ,ind the horse about one hundred and fifty feet away. The mile mal was instantly killed, -II, T. Miler, one' of the beet known newspapermen of the past half century, passed away at Strae, ford, rather unexpectedly, from acute inflammation of the brahe on Fri- day, May 24th. He was born in Sus- sex, England, In 1844, a win. of Col. Butler, of the British Army, killed In the Indian Mutiny. Deceased came to Canada with his uncle, Robe Lovelace, and settled in Stratfoid In 1855. In 1858 the entered upoe his -career tee la, journalist, working on th,e Beacon un- der the late Wm. Mowite and remain- ed there, except for a short time'Un- til 1865, ,'when he went to Ottawa, Returning in 1872, he commenced nub - Itching the Stratford Herald, continu- ing at this 't.wo years, When he ea-. tablished the Times, which was tsub- sequently ;bought by the Herald. Lat- er 'deceased eeta,blished the Sunewhich only lasted a short time, Mr. lautier was in Owen Sound and elsewhere for some years, subsequently going to Stratford to reside. He was mayor of the city in 1888 -ft, having oleo been reeve and alderman for a time. widow, .five daughter b and 'one seer earvive. Deceased was a ' Conserve. tive and was very familiar with the early history of the comity. i00104410 EEAL ESTATE FOR SALE.' CNV Would linport Ruesians. The Prairie is a weekly paper pub- lished at Calgary, not without some 'vigorous views and breeziness Of ex- pression, A contributor called "Au- gustus" proposes to settle the coal strike by importing 3,000 Russians. These Russians are to be treated In a manner which will make them feel that they are still under the Czar. Confiscation of all his property and deportation are among the wild pun- iiihments to be inflicted Wien any usian Miner who joins the -union. e editor mildly says: "Augustus has Opinions on the coal situation which he airs in this number. You may not _agree with hirre; but Ms remarks are at leant arteesd:pre blie." What "What is the goal? 61W°Itaantsis itthat site, who call ourselves Imperialists, really have in our minds when we talk of 'the consolidation of the Em- pire,' or 'Imperial ueity,' and so forth? It is, I take it, nothing less than this: that the several States of the Erripiro, however independent in their local affairs, however, dissimilar initsome of their institutions, should yet constitute for certain purposes one body pantie; that in their relation to the rest of the world they should ap- pear, and be a single power, speakihg with one voice, acting and ranking as one great unit in the Society of States. "It is the colonies, -in this instance, or at any rate some of them, who are making the. limning. And that is all to the good. rif the Canadian Gov- ernment still regard any proposals for organized and permanent consulta- tion between the states of the Empire, as calculated to .'inteefere with the working of •responsible government,' is better that Mr, Deakin and Sir Joseph Ward should convince them that this is not the case than that any Englishman should attempt so tee convince them," -Lord Milner, in The National, Review. Dr. Oronhyateicha's Grave. Extraordinaite precautions have been taken to guard the body of the late Dr, Oronhyatekha from gretete- robbers. The grave is made as secure as possible with cement concrete built around the shell in the grave, Sus- picious persons were seen harking around the "mortuary in the Deser- onto cemetery for nights after the body was taken there. Reports have boon circulated that medical students wished to get the head of the late ch o C --.124514611414,43611415444121514.74C PATERSON'S •Of oAocia.t oidwo .0q� pogn 1uutil s 74;7.4 .eor OA W01.4 eV; 1111°91 ee UrGee103 duxneu a 11:40004441200000021000 Helpless &at When Rheumatism gripserou-when you can't walk witixout entichree-owlien every movement means agony mg been tileposed of by au Ion, the •.skav optty elonngrnig to t nerrorettirthtre, and Ulm relater, thee wiz* now be purcluesed ey priers pertieulars foiple to R. S. 11AY , fotth. TaKe Gin Pills They Cure Ftheisinfttism Itis wonderful -the way Gin PillAakeseaty pat -strengthen and heal the kidurTi- sad care Rheumatism, Sciaticeened Lumen° to sty awed. 'Ay Gin Pills on our guarantee that they =V or money !Sack. 50c. a box -6 for eeno. ett draggles or by mail. SOLE DRUG CO. WINNIPEG, MAN. NS URNACir NO BENDING DOUBLE AND POKfleG, AROUND THE ASH -PIT WITH A SHOVEL TO GET THE ASHES OUT OF THE SUNSHINE. The Sunshine is furnished with a good, big ash -pan. All you have to do is ,to grasp two strong, firmly at- tached, always -cool, bale han- dles and the large, roomy ash - pan easily comes out. A minute or two is all it takes to perform the operation. All the ashes are in the pan, too, Because they are guided into it by means of ash -chutes attached,immediately below the fire -pot. Sunshine is the simplest, easiest -managed, cleanest kind of a furnace. You don't have to wear overalls and a smock when attending to the Sunshine. If your local dealer does not handle the "Sunshine" write direct to us for FREE BOOKLET. cClaiy1 LONDON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, ST. JO N. N.B. CHESNEY Oz ARO OBALD Agents, Seaforth Operators Wanted. Wanted at once a number of oper- ators. Steady work and good wages. W. E. Southgate '&7 Co. C4th A wise dealer vral always Show his honest desire to serve you by giving what you ask for. RUA ma Plerso at an deals* 1Oad2S�41 eat. Teething Babie are saved suffering -and mothers given rest -when one uses Nurses' atid Mothers' Treasure Quickly relieves -regulates the bowels - prevents convulsions. :Deed so years. Absolutely safe. 4,rug-storce, 25c. 6 bottles, $1,25, Natiohal Drug & Chemical Co., Limited, Sole Proprietors, OiontreaL 4 JOHN BEATTIE Late Division Court Clerk, has as number of prod ertiee for sale or to rent, among 'which is a good ouildIng lot, the South Beet Hair et Town Lot No. le, East Ward, in George Sparlinses Survey, Seaforth, which will be sold on reaeonable terms, Ineurance effeoted, debts collected and loans made off satisfac- tory eecurity at reasonable rates. Call and see, end be convinced. Late I/104°n Court Offiee.Sea forth 20184! J. Lewis Thomas Civil Engineer, Architectreto 414rte. Dominion D r pmement Public Works. Consultie.g Engineer lo Municipal or County work. Eleetric Bali roads ;Immo or Waterworks Systeme, Wharves. Bridges fle.enforced Concrete, Viiezin„2220, C 0 U G R DROPS j21128.tf. toNnoii. 5» one when ion feel tbe cold oozing 0% -We out whoa Vitt cough troubles, 1 MAIIWORTH BOARS FOR SALE. -rhe under- -t give tbroq comfort and they otoruenclbu by the molsel pro. I signed offers for sale seven good registered len. Ask fOr trio tbree4oruersd sine TrAnnVOrth Boars about twa montb 014, alff0 Borne rod and yellow box. 6 good grade sows with pig. Apply to WM. EUREE, T BEY WILL CURE' St4fra P. (-)* N53.3 1 Is the FOREMOST MEDICINE of the DAY. It is a, purely vegetable compound pose sessing perfect regulating powers over all the organs of the system and controll- ing their secretions: t so purifies the blood that it enres all blood humors and diseases, and this , combined with its unrivalled regulating, cleansing and purifying influence, rendoe , -it unequalled for all diseases of the skin. Mr. Robert Parton, Millbank, writes : "Some time aito I wan troubled , with boils and pimples, whiclekept break- ing out constantly. After taking two ; bottles of Burdock Blood, Bitters I am ; completely cured." ARRLIP,°Paei9,a:smALElitr, ;r;;ITtai rig ifilt"c„ctrels°atifelear.- ell "fenced awl -veil undeniraittn,1 good bun od brick bowie. A first•cla.a,s fm.,n in evft.y nL 0 Lt4Eritp7p_.Boxtlsi°,:ontial:0:tihnd,efseter,p13:,t1 elleu the Lake Shore to a gond tenant for a tem) of ars. Vim farm coniists of 210 acres of goot n , nearly all under cultivation and in good cor. dition.. For full terms mei outiculare apply at,„ones. DANIEL, SMITII, St, Jos F. 0 131 t4 xr1011e08mAikrt.;10 frUnfimeriv1)11106et oltrilEmagtninet4t,iliae, h;f14: distance south of the church, ace apied by Mrs,John /Wet. Tho lot oontainu one half are of land, with excellent fruit trees. The home contains 3 bedroom, parlor, dining mom, kitchen, eteo with good swot cellar. There is a first-elsres well raid. eement Osten; also ‘voodshed, etc, Apply on premites or to Fig. inoadville N.). MRS. JOHN STEEL .2453•It illpoloKITABLEt INV.ESTMEMTS. - 1 m lina L money on improved quarter sectionis of lea iteree each at from SO to 10X per annum. Only One mel°tIrtiefi,stee8m141kes pne'rfettrn.PlersglirietOrYY 11.17-canThe°r lent : on farms worth from 81,000 to $2,40). For further ter, etc„ Poneke, Alberta, BSAL partiotelars write to me. .1. A. JACsK:llv ONirs ricv o a sterile lie Worm collie, fed room] di , we. . E, mondville fortable e berme In hr'Piz land, ee 1-0p-tt r, dining room and kitchen beu rooms and a, large hall upstairs. There is p ot bard and soft weter. The property iseloseto Inch and eehool. Will Im sold (.heap. Aoply ti JAMES S. DROWN,, or box O57., forth 20-28-tf FARM FOIL SAT.E.-For nele Lot gs, 8, Hay tewnfibip, The farm eontains 25 acme unbroken and 22 aores in grass, and tegi rest under cultivetion. There are on the prelniaos* frame boon tie x 40 ft, a frame stable 40 x eei ft. ; g: Bhed 114 x 82 11. ,• and a good frame houee 3 x 23 fts.` with kitehen attached lo x 14 ft, Also two wells met miles from Kippen. O mile from pest, office, los. Ay aero ore.hard. Situated 5 lace front lien2000:7_1`e.se torla:arn.(01 :1,10etahtod, churches and 1 mite tem school. Apply to MISS LIZZIE OfteLLIOTe; o 110 t.rA•• "•••••/j.... ESIRABLE PROPERTY 1?03t StiO.E.-For Ale Ilarporhey, -a eraforistble tirlek eotfgi kiteten and woodshed atiarbed 1 go -1 with room for 3 boreee or 3 peadof eaetle, fen linnse and pigpen, well and pump Oe feeble; hut d soft Water ; also 3 acres et ;Aoki, on whieb aro t)lechoideet varietlee of all Muds *how it feel st deilirable property for fany porton waning -comfortable home. Apply dn the In'emiGeB or Ade dress, Seaforth P. O., JOHN efeDONOGLI- marku ARM FOR SALE. -For elle, Lot Di, Cone 4, Hay tp„ containing 100 acres t--,'03 odes ara cleared and 10 ac,r0 of good hardwood bueh. The farm is in a fts ad state of eultirazion arid well under,. - drained end well fenced. There Iwo on tire peones :or atlofaragnioeadbainirai,D4e0hxou6Os,e,a.solsexavfriaume4 stiedeedanioitus oben. 1 acre of orchard, also 2 never failing wel% The farm is situated shout 2 ioilesfrom the villarof Heneall, and if milea from school. ; For further pw- tieulitre apply to MPS. TILOS, 010K, N Iteneall or 44 913 JOHDICK, Clarksburg. 15-trf FARm FOR SALE. --For sale, Lot 24,,,,o{memiont, Stanley, containing 100 Acme. hinety wares ara ieared and in a good state of cultivation there toe 10 items of good hardwood bush. The farm le ea tell underdrained and well fenced. *There is g twee storey inlek house with slate roof, a firetolesefi house. Bank barn, 4011, x SOft„ cement 01104 pig pe, Iriving house; Them are two never -tailing wee% Ind an nem of orchard and small fruit. 'This excellent farm is three miles froor Brueefield end nviamie miles from Clinton, with good gravel roads, For farther' - partioulare apply on thee remises oraddreesAteen -mere Clinton P. 0 rIARM von SALE --Por sale, Lot b, Coneteationte, cont,ain ng 120 sereB. The farm is iJI cleared and in a high state of cultivation. It is Well drained and well fenced. Them ie n large two - brick house with woodshed lend kitchen. ThereIs - large bank barn and tsvo entailer haens and dri shed. Two good orchards. There am twe failing prings on the farnewhielt make it an lent one for either etock or eropping. There 1 a pump at the barn, with windmill. This ex farm is two miles from Harloc'k P. 0,, four from Elyth. Terms to suit purcluieer ite the &stress Svishes to leave the farm and, if not, will be rented. Th ts is the farm of the la Mills. For further particulars Apply on the preressoof ov eddrese, Ilarlock P. 0., MRS. JOHN MILLS. I 1101VIESEEKERS CANA DIAN PACIFIC 11 All Ye r ISCCONO0CLASS ,ROLINDTRIP CXCURSIONS TO MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA - - DATES Exeureions leave Toronto Tusedst June4,111;July 2,16,30; Aug 13, 27; Sept 10 Mid 24, Tickets good to return within sixty clays from ;going date. • IIATE8 • Are the same from all pointa Ontario: , ranging from 132.00 rounct-talp 40 Winomeg to $42,50 round -nip to Ed- monton. Tiokete to ail points in the Nortk-weet. TOURIST SLEEPERS A IbIlteed numb*? °f T meet Steeping Owe "u besun On rub •excursion, fully equipped. bedding, ot40,, smart porter in arge, Berth* must be wane' and paid for through local agent atleastelads before excursion leaves. ' COLORIST SLEEPERS pr-1;12.16,'-'imbiri bar thy, pawnor, saPPlYing thslr awn beddlics, toe ae used as tee as possible in plaee of ordinary macho& Rates and full information 'neater/04 In fres Homeseakers' pamphlet Ask neared CAM agent for a ear y, sr write te Os L FOUL District Puss Agts Min Took t I STEWART BROS., .A.geuts, 0 P R • Settforth. •=111.111/11=0. I OA ACRE FARM FOR SALE.- ed offersfor sale that most ti Idmleof 8175431looxi7folg,61'biiigrtteodeblekleourk5ocuormin!,eys:rixpaTigilhitien,r;wgleas.10:Irtinerg,d .ko,ieternnbbeteh.•07h= erty known as Lot 0,,eondereion 1, Tow:, finit-class 'cement silo, V x 37, and (Ober buildings, The farm is well watered, bath in front and in the rear and Of adapted both for grain ifeA stook raising and is in a high state or eileraese, which is Is ell known froM the fact that the p or bee resided thereon for nearly filty yeale, helM one of the mon sueoessfel femme in the siirRookti ntiP. centrally dow.Iteahinta'eessbe• real"gehnoefaar gb°reedintheahuronr further particulare dr JOHN SUTH Kteih ARMS FOR SALE. -Lo is. Concession 3 • S. and 4 Lot 15, Conees'ision Towneliip of Tuckersmith, Count inso300 soros situated Within two Int ingtown of Acarertb, one of the hest tern Ontario. This farm vas awrLr tnedol lu rhe farm eonmetition of WI The have been all pastured for the past ten yc. would now be in excellent shape for general fermi* Soil good -clay loam --two-storey brick dwelling hones and kitchen with brick woodslwd—hot air furnace— hard and soft water in kite -hen -fine grounds with shrubbery, evergreens and cedar hedg with spruce windbreak on wt and non bons with 14tonestabling-00aeresofhatelw naple and beech—well watered with sprit end river. Will sell altogether or Would di e.mer-tli TN. °D-bIttli.SOter rNr°13e, Seartfottnht.he emntY 01 3re. FARMS FOR SALE OD, TO RENT. -Lot 34, 3rd Conceselon, and South Ifelf 14, at len, in the Township of Ilullett, are offered for n.4_ r to rent, They consist of 150seres, all in grew -te- mpt 12 eeres in buelo A good two -letorey ;11-4,C.-; houee, good bank barn, so x 70, with power driving shed, 30 x 60, and sheep houeet 20 x 36. - place is web watered by a spring, adrilled wee end the river. It is sittieted Si Miles from Clint -on eog is well adapted for eteek or grain. Also Lot 12, tt the (;th COneerfsiOrt, eonalsting of 100 acres, ttreftw acres buith, the rest eeeded down. A nem St514 spring with the wind mill for pumping.Tha farms will be eold together or separately &mutt° writ the purchaser. If not sold will rented. J. MILLER, box 25, 'Clinton. O0464 ARM FOR BALE. -Por We, that valuable fornt of 175 acres, situated on the 7137 Cone ott anloy, It is only a halt a Mile from sehool, uarters of a mile from Methodist -and l'resbytemt churzhes and post ellice, seven miles from Mina and four from Nippon etation. There ate, Orr premises, '3 barns, one 09 x 40, one 70 x 9 aosi . other 60 x 2S, ail in good repair ; aeontforMosta frame and log bailee, There are 22 otreo ot feel *heap flown. The !anti 10 weli fenced and 00 wove underdrained, the other 76 nerve Wine, drained Iv the townehip ditch running thrtorgh, Them_3t 1 nevcr.failino even at the 'tense witha new Brantela pumping 1)411, also a iiever-faili.* spring hack Oath* farm, There are le acres of go M bearing The farm be in a first-class state of cultivation situated in ono of the best emit) growing feetitiN e province. Will be wed elueep and en fm`nra purchaser. For further infotination pretniees or aeldrees GEORGE COLEM Green P. O. .'Weset -IMPORTANT 'NOTICES. riect RENT in Bilusseis by February .1st, A_ 22 ft, in block 271d r front Ant-ere:en lately oecupied as tailoring, readyinadeclothi DR. McICEI,VEY, Brusseis. 113ROPERTY POE VArrik a wagool ilres and two houses for sale, All the buikliffgeswo frame. Will be sold at once. Apply to et Purdy, Seaforth. 'DIGS FOR SALE.—The undeesi I on Lot 32, Conceeeion pigs of extra quality. .e. A. MONTOO throp P. 0. 0.•-•••••••,.... • • MUNI SALM-House and two lots. A eintre A.' ten roomed keine house, with all mama fruit trees and good garden. Ale° hoiise3,O1jeK coal, cook :and fleeting stoves, kitchen utenst Must be sold'at once. Apply to W. K. Irelente William St., fieaforth. :or Vale or to Bent, —The resideme 171 E1771» - vIlte, owned by Mrs. Souter, le for Fak .It. is a good frame 170150 and las all ner.4**/*- com:011ienCeS, a, good cistern and good stone. etse,,,e. There Is ham acre 0! land. Apply to It. F•gonondville. W57 44*4081404444,41MEM et, a Jan Mr erecul Lee d her a. of his lookin stationtily. •44No, Lady •Tfeur tharM • ;She will get Lle,Canto ove fatim *ht she had jt her haute. ut be ;vulva invahon -rood dee "She. es he id Sir --phrase wit ;Addicted to t Ology spieed. own. ith her -n Nor Atter all , chil& lee a matter tke 'that Van tell me.,41 He fumble wenet of his 0 * scrutiny Oi "That is answered ra "Then," of Ids gio iazcbt to he athat din let Prided one-knowin they were •"Son of th 'Sod of tn "And whf 1.1'n4v?" "Ile got 41 been shootin ono eise's "What do , haN 1 Tour fair The iglu, before, 4tuy by his.at Might 13 enable( Wry %Vette eonim - "I feel Oscgrd as "You must c ace no Ton ea M10, $trotier th be 5 Iva end it 1 11 of olr. • and that line, eeono reflsshelng a be ve flitting simsretos. nee in feel. Beef mat nem tly filled, wholesr L N Henai1, Onto ifo3