HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-06-07, Page 5C, TIIE ON 0 ITO a Cana( +++4441444++ Wished by Actof ar liarnent. mogitoffg-o Banking Business trans - Vee �f Sh witi give yo dryehionab e uly the moat fashiona r prices are always eri s Wear gerd% i 'Erupt. !, and "Queen 'n price from t $3.50 and Pater SON) n shoea fo &wee for ne grounds�how the tte- of 'the pastor, Rev. Mr.; - • magnificent crescent de of -tulips Le Much aclieired. !tin Petty, of this village, is her dwelling property at ,(Side of the track by raining nutting a good cement faun - (der It. -Mr. Arthur Blah - [o adding to, the appearance ellzng at, ti10 west endby up -a nice veranclah.-Yery pay is felt "tor Mr. Cox- tiG of -his hotel, The by re on Wednesday night veek, as the lose le a very as he was .6ffere4 over $G - ie within the pest e rain e of the past week ked theecrops geeaaly, partie- the pasture fielsis.-Mieet no has been in Toronto for attending college, Is 'Warne ivacallon.-A football match '.ed here on Monday evening 13rueefle1d and Ilensall re - a score of -two to none in .Brucefleld.-Mr. G. T. 'malty engaged with the ce- ndatfOrt of Mr. Jae. Beira e on the London road. -Rev. h, of Carmel church, •left Thursday last., to attend the sembly at Montreal and at ree visit his mother who Hawkesbury, 210ta f ar trona ..--Pror. Patterson. of Len - conduct the services in Car - next Sabba,th.-Revdie. Tole Who were attending the 0 held at Goderich returned irs. Robert Bonthron left E week to visit her daughters and,. Barrie and relat:e.TS hi -Mr. Wm. Stoneman le hay - !.e Verandah added o his Ung -!�s Carlile, of this eho . has been carryine- on Og for a number. of IdarS inde4 'giving up businese a- nd this mouth. and atter' of her outfit 'or furnishinga business, fritends taking a to the wed,' where he has ; of relatives and friends.- esides has added to the ap- . and contort of his (level- erty on Oxford street by hes of cement walks. -Dr. of Hyde Park, has •pur- hat are well known as the ring Mills near ICippen and the same moved down to on -Phe' Ladles" A.id of the church, held a. meeting at of Mrs. H. Beek on Wednes- ' Mr. James Harburn, of as here last we,elc her, WilIlam.-Mr. Coliv here this week for. Wood - re he has engaged with a. ge earwax:tar as ao painter.- ratet.ear t returned front week accompanied by. miss Beasie, who grad- ' it at the Toronto School. 'APR. -Mrs. Toll retarned from St. Marys, where shea -felting lae r mother.-atr Ratftwell, of Varna, visited 'at week with their 'laugh- ' James johneton, of Willow .ploommorision000momirmoOM Beechwood. p Or t .-- The foliose g are obtained by puplie of school 5, WICillop, for the month er. Klein 87, Joe 1.N -incept DillOte 57. Jr. m stoan 5v may Noun 55. ian 35. r. H -Loretto Cur- gSee haver 70,WiU 10 Crordori 59, MarJorle ery Sloan 56, Flossie Ken - mine' SIoau 25. Jr- IT -- Ion 69, Tonerny Purcell, '56, edy 56, Owen Giviln 55. .ny Kerr 58, Johany Lur- as 1 -Agnes Curtin 91, vlen 67,, Georgia Kiein, 59. 4 •rson, Teacher. • s. u ng the *3.00 eat ADA. 'WARD'S, ONeA • Wag ; bought and sold the _world. all parts attention given to' farmers, rs te. Advanceesniade to reSportetble pea, V %i on theie own notes. \ Interest paid or compounded four lbw 0. year at the highest current Tates. we east Sale Notes, no matter on eniat Bank drawn. 117 Branches and Agencies through. efeariaela. peeNkERS -Great Britaid-Royal k of Scotland, Canada. Merohants k of Canada, New York, Mer- Ijanth of Canada. igANK relcOONNELL, Manager DUBLIN BRANCH, MARKETS. Brusecuteue June 0, 1907. ..$0 t to $0 86 el .... e. 0 to 0.70 ttahal • / 1* ..... *11,111,•11- II.. 0%0 to 060 ton.........„. 22 00 to 22 00 Greelerloori peon 2 60Q to 25 00 per 109 lbs. e. 2 3 to 300 ,No. 1, loose........ - ... 0 It to a ett .. 0 10 too 018 . 0 111 to 017 60 to 65' zaa. ... ir t -as• -***10 06 to 10 00 7 50 to 7 50 Ira A`• .11,..•,11. 4, .4...1 0 75 to 1 00 aet. .. - c 50 to 0 60 , tail) per barrel.; . .. ,. 1 25' to 1 35'. Per 'eortl(tooS) . ... ...... 6 00 to 700 rd 2 751 to 8 76 .. 9 001to 11 00 - 260to 350 Live Stook Markets. , England, June 3-Liverpoo1 and 'London ar firm, at lli to 18e per lb., dresied Weight ; beef is quieted at 9c to 9to per lb.1 June 3-- John Rogers & Coo Liverpool, att steers "III to 140 ; States i steers, e Trade skew but firm. June Srd-Edward Watson & Itildhle re- cut 617 cattle ex -Laconia on market. l Ebaro exi,erieneed, Top steers, 1.21e. ; secondaty, 11 o , 1 z 0 t , bang la to 1010. . 413ntra(Q, Arne 4—Cattle—Active , and gOneritily majgher ; stocker% end feeders stow and 10. to 15o rime steers, 46 to $6,80 ; shipping, $6.76 ... utohers' $5 to $5.86 ; heifers, $1;26 to 7 cows, $3.50 to $5.25 ; bulls, $4 to 1$6.50 - Eooker8 sed feeders, $8.75 to 0 $4.86, alesv a .05: ;p iou theifera $3 to e185 ; fresh cows and ring- euersiow t $2. to 0 lower at $15 to $52. , eats-- eteetiveend eteady at $5f,,o 16,26. Hoge-Aative and asbede higher ; heavy, $0.40 to 8.60;6mixed and YerkerS. 60.60 ; Pige, $0.00 to .70;$0roughs, ', $5.40 to 5.63;$stags, $4.25 to $5. Sheep and lain:lbs.-a Mika and higher; Iambs, $6,50 to $9 ;'sone! load (de limey, 40.26 ; yearlines, $7.75 to 08 ; weetiere, *25 to$7 , °wee, $5.50 to $6 ; sheep, mixed, 0.8 to *:-25. ' - Momsee, June 4. -The strong undertone ivhieh ltomPaliatohreeetrthilde:sit:14imeetitiotofni4ileaentadonptiirieticupeesegrttptiqoisub:indto,brn:iiindigatilli4ecoireied: i bee prevailed in the market for cattle duriog the lone at present are that they will go dill higher' in. the near future. The high prices are solely Olt 'AO:0=V Of short supplies here and the soarmty of eed to choice stock. 3:Melee beeves,sold to -day at t5etoOu; good, at 6,2e to Go; fair,. at 61 tni sbc 7 inilkreen'e etrtppers, st 42e to 4e, and lower gradFs at 40 to 4,1„0 per lb. There was MI further change in the hog eituation. Supplies were large, with lever 'J00 on the markt, but a number of these had been contracted for by packers last week. Sales Of se- Iseted lets were mule freely at $7.75. Cable adyices vet -Saturday from Liverpool and London on Comedien lama were etronger stud noted a further advanee in eiesfor bese selections of 1 per cent, but NOW O4b1os, for the same were cagier and 28 lower thafl the me. Prices to -day were lc per Ile lower than Previous week. Receipts of sheep are cornme cing to inco a week ago. Bales for export account were made at 4i to 5a per lb. The demand for spring tempi; is, , palatal to $6 each, and an active trade contieues in calves at from $2 to 38 each. . . TOWnritf JUNC-XION, June 4. -The quality of e rt cittle generally was good; the beet of the sateen, natio, there were more finished cattle than bas been ° oh the noirket at any one them than for months, bet the mune cannot be saki of the butchers, as there were not as many good to choice in this elaskain comparleon with the shippers. Trade was lid& W ithyrices fully 25e per cwt. higher than on ony preview market this season. Exporters.- Piece ranged froni 85.40 to $5.00 and one lot of 14 eetra eholee well finished, at 446 ; the bulk sold at $5.50to V..70. Export bulls sold at $4.6(1 to $1.85. Butch is. --Prime preked iota sold at 35.50 to $5.65, and ono lot of 8 extra choice sold at 86.85; Wade olgookl $5.25 to $5 60; medium, e15 to 85.25 ; common rnid lots, 4E4,75 to $4.96 ; coma 63.85 to $4.85 per t ,t. Hitch COWs.--A few milkers and springers sokl at $40 to$62.50 each. Veal calves. A limited numbee of veer ealves sold from $4 to ' $6.50 per cwt. Sheep and iambs. Report sheep, shorn, $4.50 to 65 ; len. thorn, $5.50 to e5.7.e ; rams, . $4 to $4.60 ; spileg krehei $4 to aU.50 each. Hogs. -- Market easy, at, 47.10 or welch., and 80.85 for lights rid fats. TORONTO, june 5 -Export eattle ioId briskly, lid ree-ti telier.ed from 20 to 26e higher. Recentng- w cables showed little fropeovemert, and it s c ifil. 'cult to see where ex ort Marketettee high enough to warrant the pieces that are being paid here. 1 is saki, however, that the high values are being ge en, not eo much on the basis of the present condition of tUC trade in England as in the hope and expeotaition that an advan-ie 38 earning very shortly, and that, ' therefore, by the time cattle bought now are shipped plea will be high enough to return them a profit. The export trade at present is on m very speouletive bade. The bulk of the choice export trede to -day ranged about $5.50 to $5.60, with picked lots report- ed as selling up to 336. The export demand is • still Reified to welatinished Accra medium and conimon 'quality finding no market at all. The run of betch. - er eettle WWI exceptionally heavy for a Tuesday tnerket, but the deinandlwae strong, and everything sold well. Prices were firm at the recent advance, mad, but for the heavy offering, would probately bave hewn a comfortable improvement. Top quelity old from $5.25 to $5.50, with choice lots selling. from If to 0.20 ; choine/pows sold at from $4.23 to $4.75. looker and feeders were compariseively quiet, !with A fair demand for good heavy stook. Mitch cows iwere firm at $35 to $00 for choice, and $25 to $30 for 'com- mon. Veal %Ives slightly lower at 3 to file per lb. Sheep and lambs eteady; with little ehange. Iii 08 were expedite; a decline in hog prices, but (omen/ -. held baek their etook,with the reinilt that quotations Were unchanged at $7.10, fed omd metered -.Dairy Markets. Teamero, Jane a -Butter -The fnarkek is very ease' and further deelinee are expooted (luring the Week' Creamery prints, 20 to 22o ; diary. prints, 19 tO 20e. Cheese -713 to 13te for large, and 111,1c for twine. Ettee---Wenner weather is expected to remelt 11, lower price% Quotations as yet show. no change. st-17e to 18v, 31°NT"At. Joffe -I -Beei-e-18 to 10o. Cheese - 'Western, i2e to Lela natter -Choicest creamery, 20i to 21e. • Grain. et. TORONly, June 4-Wheat--Onteselo, No. 2 white wInter, No. 2 red, or No. 2 mixed, 880 bid, OW Asked. Manba itoe heat. -Lake .elurts„ , 1 hard, V8e No. 1 nmkt orthern, ; No. 2 northern, 94o. Oats -No. 2 white. 40ec to 47e, °Weide •, No, 2 ed, 4440 to 15o. Bren-e21 to• $Z2 ; shorts, 822 to 1123toutelde. Putatocie-From ; Delewares, $1..25 to V-80 In ear tote on twit here. Ontario are quoted at 61.16. Baled Hay -Firm at $13 to els per toe for 2.10. 1 timothy, and wee' to eta 50 for secondary grades in ear lots hero. Baled Straw -e0.75 to 87 tier tOtt in ear lots here. • Rorse Market. Tonoxeca June 5. -Burns & Sheppard, at', the Bo. Vetitotli, Toronto, report horse trade pretty fear, Ivith good demand for expressers, heavy drafts and carriage homes. Prices are keeping 1009,0, but they say farmers are asking rnoreefor honiles in the country than dealers cao give and make; Money on. ,Gettletge hones, Round 5 to 7 yrs. old, sell et 8175 to roadsters, sound, weighing 1,200 !bee $150 to 22a; heavy drafts, 1,400 to 1,600 ibs., $17e to $240 ; servieemee. sound v(orkers and {Iris -ere,. $50 to $126, wet cheap eoceres at S40 to $60. • EVIIM.E.Eramtvoussopipm thrties, Iri trowlek, on May 27th, to Met and Mee. Joan Brown, it daughter, .1, - Mullett, on May 26th, to Me. and Mrs. Oryant, it daughter. ,LIVINGerONE-In Exeter, on May 26th to Mr. and alra Charles Livingstone, a daughter. esoWNEY-In McKillop, OD June 2nd, to Mr. and oe Mr*. Joeeph Downey, a eon, 440NES-In Fort Saskatchewant Alberta on May 26 to 11e, awl Mrs. S. O. Joneeeb, 8013. eaJOIINSTON-At' the home ef the held mallet, he Stenley, on May 22nd, by Rev. R. II. Sewers, Ell, second daughter of the late Mex. Johnston, to Mr. Metcalf, of London. ILVEEN-WRIGHT-At Penetem,,o, on May 25th,, Bert aloilveene of Toronto, eldest son of Mee Frank Meilvech, of Clinton, to Miss mane Wright. ICEItit-BROWN---At the- hem of the bridete par- ents, Bilesselam June 4th, by Rev. A. O. Wish. ard, B.A., Mise- esife Kerr, of the Blyth Stand- ard, to alio Lottle, daughter. of Mr. and Mre. George BroWn. LA0E1E-MOR1USON-In Waighain, on May 26th, by *v. .T. Boyle, George Leckie to I.,etieha, Mop' rieon, all otWeeexeter„ eLEAN-D'UNDAS-At the blettaxlist ohne:111,0as. forth, by Rev. R, J. Currie, 8,A., assisted Rovde, A. K. IIirke and R. S. Baker, on'the 5t insta Rev. George A. McLean, of Coekeville, nnd Alice, daughter Of John Dundee, of MoKillop. Death. Bruesels, on june 5th, Barbruu W. Sinitla! relict of the late Alexander, Straoho,n, aged 69 yeare, 6 months o.nd 19 days, NVIIITIPIELD-In Grey, on May 20th, MerY MAW% second daughter of Teesdale and Ruth Whitfield, aged 20.years, 8 months and 19 days. "LOGAN-00 the Parr line, Stanley, on May 28th, Chrirlee Legate aged 87 years. ANDERSON --In Wing -ham, on May 20bh, Leonard B. R. Anderson, aged 22 years, .5 reoiatis and 14 doe. MoICAY-In Port Colborne, on June let, D. . Me.' Nay, aged Eiti years, father Of W. M. WMcKay, of Seafortb. MM-:.-1111_,..fanliimmiii3O••••••••••■••• LAWN MOWERS In these 'we have an offer worthy of your consideration. A four.knife, 14. inch cut lawn moxvere 'thoroughly guaranteed $4•2 5- for . . There -are none. like it in town. This is just one. We have a fUll line with prices ranging up to $8.00. Screen Doors Fran the perfectly plain to the hand. some panel design; Screen windows, all width, 20 bents to 40 cents. Rohertsons Pure Ready Mixed Paints, $1.50 a gallon. GEO. A. SILLS, SEAFORTIL For Chea . June Millinery ' GO TO THE New Millinery Store 0 o o OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE CLINTON. Our Ladies' and Girls' Ilats and Old Lad es' Bonnets are new and include some New York Designs. Onr Baby Bon eta and Small Boy's Tarns are up to date. Satisfaction guaranteed, Miss Centelon & Co., Clinton. A learing Cash Sale now going on • AT Tag Se4forth Tea Store I Nowisthetimeto get cheap goods. Te • earis salmon for $1, cans blue berm s for 25e, 8 cans of pumptin 25c, 8 can peas 25e, $1 can corn 25c, best toma • es Mc per can,4 packages starch 25e, 4 packages corn starch 25% 3 lbs. baki g soda 10e, 8 tumblers leaking pows er, 25e, 8 tins baking powder 250, best aisins 10e lb„ ()lbs. cooking figs 25c, lbs. dates 250, maple syrup 25c a quer , 10 bars Judds soap 25c, 12 bars O.K. soap 25c, 3 lb. bar ILP. soap 25e, 25 b s Cornfort soap $1. Some first- class Labrador herring 15e a dozen, 4 doze for 50c; 40e green, black and Jap n tee 30c a lb, 6 lbs. best B rice` 25c, lbs. prunes 2hc, Ingersoll cream chee e 20c a lb.,1 year old dairy cheese lae Ib., purehoney 10c a lb., Clover Lea salmon 15e a can, white beans S. lbs. or 25c. ordiaf invitation is extended to all •o call and get some of the bar- gain:. anted - good fresh butter, eggs and potatoes, for which highest price will be paid either in cash or trade. 6: AULT, SEAFORTH F rmers' Excursion TO - THE On erio Agricultural 11•V•1•11..MOVIO Th annual excursion to the Ontariogrioultural 00111 go at Guelph, under the auepices the West and „outh kturen Fanners' Institutes, will be held 0 Friday, 'June 21st, 1907; lapeelat Trains will be ran for the aceommo- dation of exeursioniste as follows Leave Tin* Fare ; Adult Child Goderloh 1 Ilolniesville 17.'4507 a. In' 1311 25 ..(36 00 Clinton 8.05' 1 20 .e,0 ISectforth- 8.20 1 15 .60 St. Columban . 8.80 1 15 .60 Dublin 8.36 1 10 .ve , Belgrave - 1 25 .66 Blyth 1 25 .06 Londesboro• 1 20 .60 i Centralia 0,45 1 20 .60 Exeter 7,00 1 26 .05 Hensel] 77;2103 1 25 .05 Kippen ; 1 25 • .66 : Brumfield , 7.30 1 20 .00 , Ciiiiton 1 7,45 .00 Arrive at Guelph at 10.00a2.()m. ,. Exoursioniets from Relgrave, Blyth -and Londe.s- boro will leeve by the regular morning train going eoeth, eonnecting with the exeursiou train at Clin- ton. - Returning to:dm/will leave Guelph at 5.50 p.m. .a special train will meet excursionists from La/Wes- tboro, Blyth and **rave. Tickets will be good go - •Ing only on excursion trains, valid to return the fel- lowing day. Exoureionists inay return on, any regu- lar -train. The train from 0letioh Will COMM of i eight ears, and the cipeolal !rem Contralto,* tett meg. ?Threes returning on -Saturday, via Litoom Oneelifig, : shbuld leave Guelph at 2.s0 p, 10., and those by • direet itnest 6.55-p. In.. The Women's-Institute:I , f West and South Huron also will )(An' the extursio... Committee of ,Arrangen ents-Thomae McMillan, Seaforth ; Wm. Bailie, Dungannon ; R. M. 'Young, Carlow ; R. Gardiner, Farquhar. a 2010.2 , r 01 For Niagara G. T. R. Excursion to Niagara Fails FRIDAY sand &15ATURDLY -- Under the auspices of the Canadiarr Order of Foresters The above orderbas esoinpleted arraogeoWnts with e Grand Trunk Itailivay to run nn Excursion to lagara Valle, Ontario, on the dates named above, t eluding all stations between Goderielt atid Scree - ford, at the,following testes ; Station Time of Leaving- Fare Goderich(3.45 a. m. $2,15 Ilohnesville 7.01 .05 °Hilton 7.00 Seaforth • 7,26 Columban 7.82 ,Dublin rt 7.38 Mitehell 7,46 Sebring -vale 8.00 Stratford $.16 Ctiiiclren wider 12 years of Tickets may be prooured from 2,05 2,05 2,05 2.05 2.00 1.80 1.ob age at bait price, the G. T. R. agents A epeolal train will leave Goderich at 6.45 o,. in. on June 14111, and arrive in Niagara rans at 11.16 a. in„ 0,nci return the flame day, leaving Niagara, Fells at 8 - o'clock p. m. Tickets one good only on epeeist June 14th, and returning on special the saroe nieht, or any minder train June 16th. Goderieh tiokete good returning -June 1711I. Special train aecomodar Ron is being provided, in order to insure a pleitstint and comfortable outing. This will afford a splendid opportunity to vie ,v one of nature's wondere and at the game elm see the great works coinpleted by man for the transmiesion of eleetile tamer to all parte of the Province. The wonderfully rugged ecen- ory along the Gorge ROUtO 113 alone Well worth the trip. If you have nob yet vieited the Falls, now Is your chance, and if you have seen thorn before, an- other vielt will only serve to make their grandeur more impressive, espeoially et this season of the year when everything in neture is ab its beet. Come and enjoy a day's outheg. .Don't forget the dete-JUNE 14th. 8, T. HOLMES, 0. R. SPEARE, Ree. See. , 51 CLi pt.:4 1•9•1 ;I a eeiT- ce cD CY" res - pe-eUt2 CD erg um)of) CI!) 'V iiwk4 Cji HE CANADIAN BAN OF COM HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO B. E. WALKER, President ALEX.: LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches ESTAI3LISIIED 1807 Paid-up Capital, "10,000,000 Rest, - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 13,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United -States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND, FARMERE' PAPER DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 91 Deposits of $1. and upwards received ; interest allowed at esurrent rates and•paid quarterly. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. SEAFORTH BRANcH. F. HOLMESTED, Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager. Big Sale of Ends. From Thursday, June 6th, to "Wednesday, June will set at a Corner Main S SEAFORTH d Market On - aria. r- • we I Low prices on Ladies' GREATLY REDUCED PRICES IWhitewear All goods, consisting 'of ends of Woollen, Cotton and Linen Goods.' yo/u. will get bargains in these goods, as we wish. to clean. tup the stock. EICash paid for Butter an,c1. Eggs. POPLESTONE & ARDINER (8IICOESSOR8 TO MESSRS. MoKINNON te CO.) 131ANTIly IN la ONTARIO' 1 :OOMi 01 DR. M. S. TAUBE The offering is a v-ery unu ual one. Vire place on sale 51) dozen Ladies' White) Lawn and IsTainsook O3zeet Covers,. worth from 35c to $1 each. On sale at 25c. A number of White Cotton and Nainsook Gowns, worth from $1,50 to $3.50 each. On sale yoir choice for $1 Colored 'Silks very special prices Ce..eee$eee.e43-4-ee-o-te-eeot-+ee-to-e-eo-*-+-o-e-4-e-+-ee To the women who are planiiin very speaal costumes, we would suggest the careful perusal of the following extra values : Special he a plain Silks -all shades -0a flab this week at 45c. 'Fancy Stripes and Chicks and all fancy shades-apecial at 50c. • Of Taube & Son. Eyesight Specialists, of Toronf,o, will be at Wash Goods FEAR'S Drug Store, Seaforth Specials !for this week On Monday & Tuesday, June 10 & 11, If there is anything 'Whatever wrong With your eyesight, do not , negleet this opportunity of having your eyee properly attended to. Come early, as you may require a second examination. Alleevork absolutely guaranteed. CD The new Tailor Shop. FLOU Made the mill your own 'peal town takes second place ,with no four manufa4t'a Seaforth Milling_ Co. Odd -...166.11"111r Stiecial Soinething _____-and Rich Is our lines of. Doulton (Alma A fine , collection to select from. Get in early and have first choice. We also have a fine line of PurseF—Gulian 8a1e Leather Goods Co. make them. The J. S. ROBERTS DRUG SORE &KAY, *maw •-z We have just placed in stook a large quantity of Tweeds and WorstPds of the latest styles and patterns, and our tailoring department is concluded byethe best of workmen. I • CYO-E2en T...eMeek.IDIR, - • .• All Scotch-TWeed Suits made to your order, regular price $20 to $M- Jur price $15 to $10. English Worsteds -lowest prices. TRY US FOR _ YOUR .rtBxT SUIT.' Fimuliro Zupo B?vgirWe,e'Rains ENTtiANOE ON GODER1011 SEAVORTJEL 2059.8 HEINTZMAN & CO, This is the exclusive Agency for this district for these celebrated huhu. meas. Afik for the little leaflet Why a Baal gets out of tune," and it will be easily 806a vley them; instruments are so much in favor with the public, both here and abroad, Before buying give me a call. II WISEAPORT One door North of Richardson & McInnis' She Store. Oxford How about your Oxfords This will be the greatest Oxford sea- son ever. Black or Ulna in splen- did variety. It will be a queer pair of feet we can't fit and please, with Oxfords in button,•tie or blucher styles -----,all good leathers. The manufactur. ers who made our Oxfords under: stand their business. We've Ox- fords built for style or built for comfort, There's Oxford satire faction here evcry time. You'll not have to pay too much money here, eith.er. Ours are just right prices. Women's Oxfords per pair...... $1 to $3 60 Men's Oxfords per pair... ....$2 to $4 50, Good quality is cheaper here than at some stores. Richardson& M'Innis. SEAFORTH, Sole Agents for Vietorie, Hagar Jtat Wright and Derby Shoes. • Stone Wanted. filim.••••=ammexemel Granite or hard head stone wanted for street In Seafortli. The Street Committee will pay 60 cents a yard 'for stone dellvereri at the Toil% 1441- NO stone taken larger than eAn be easily IWO by a man into a wagon. I GEORGE MIJUDIE, 2000.11 Chairman of 81. Cenunittee. IMPORTANT NenoEs. STRAYED -From Lot 6, Con, 4, about feo weeks ago, 4 red yearlings, 3 steers end 1 heifer ; 1. steer with white face. Any information wilt be glad- ly received by WM. SPROAT, Brickyard, Eginond- vide P. 0,• 2080x1 WOR SALE. -By private sale, a quantity of house- hold furniture, sideboard, sewing machine, kitchen utensils, etc. ,also house and lot for sale or to rent, Call at residence of MRS. JOIIN STEM, Egmonclville. 2059.11 FOR SALE. -A diso harrow. need jot one year, alao a Deering mower, 6 foot out, latest im- proved, never been used -Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. Apply for particulars at the Exeomerat office, Seesforth. 20004 arSEACTIER WANTED,-Vor School Section No, 5, Hibbert, holder of a ,first or esecond dims pro. fessional certificate, Duties to commence the Nth of August. Apply, stating salary,to DAVID 011TM. TIE, Russeiciale, Ont. 2004 fretlifWORTII BOAR FOR SERVICE. -Tho un - 1. dersigned has for serviee on Lot 24, Conces- sion3, 11, 8., TOickeritinith, a Thorobred Tam- worth Boar. SLOO payable at tine of service, with privilege of returning if necessary. IL HAMILTON", Seaforth. 2058x4 GRAND TRUNKRSAILW" YSTEM itomeseekeris Here s Excursions to a „ tie Manitoba ..... Money Saskatche'an Saver Alberta... _ $32.00 round trip to Winnipeg $42.50 round trip to Edmonton Rates to other points in proportion. Tickets good for 60 days. 'Second class fares the same from all stations in Ontario. Leave Toronto June 18, ;Telly 2. 18,80, Aug. 18, 27, Sept, 10, 24, Summer changes of time in effect lath of june For further partaculars see nearest firand Trunk bcket agent, or address 3. D...7 McDONALD, Union Station, Devout% Ont, W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent A F. PHILLIPS, Depot Agent. 1 The new stripes, cheekand floral desins are she bundance. Come and secure these apeclal values. and white Pongee, 45 inches wide, at 25e a yard. bladk nirvana at from 12i- to 50e a yard. Fancy mUne at from 10e to 15e a yard. Cotton Voiles at 12i -e. Faney- Veetings at from 15 to 30% Two specials in Cotton crepe de Ohene at 20e and 25e. New Display of Lace Curtains e , The latest and ;mast talked of Lace Our heavy corded and Fish net Curtain. deeites of many of our tustomers have iri large stock of the above goods in Arab Ecru irices '82,60, $2.85, $3.80, $4.35 per pair. 4;04.4414444+.41.444: 444++.4,114,44 Everything that Men and Boys wear 4144++++++++++++++++++ Many extra good things will be found in the Clothing De- partment this week. Specials. 300 pairs of Nen Tweed Panto, sizes 32 to 44-4 patterns. On sale at $1.25 each.. 75 Ken's Suits in Fancy Wonted's and Tweeds, all a from 34 to 44 -worth $10. On sale at $8 snit. new style of Fancy Worsted Suits, all the latest metal from $10 to $14. 50 odd suits worth from $6 to $9. sale at $5 each. New Patterns in Men's Shirts That " Variety is the spice of life is fuUy vouched the extensive showing of new Spring Patterns and Designs found in our assortment of Negligee Shirts in the Men's Furnishing Department. Here you see all the dainty hair line stripes, checks, dots and figures imaginable, as well as a complete showing of popular solid areas. Th.erse geode are as good as ean be 'bought for the money - 80c, $1.10 and $1.25. 44+4444++++++++++44444444 Highest Prices paid for Butter Eggs and Wool. tinimmit***“..44 Op dte To Buiidlng, Corner Ma* end X