HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-06-07, Page 4UR -ON- EXPOSTrPOR JUX E 7, I Own - %ftd 100144 T hey arivd. Suit- Gregrdy. haa paigodd hit tin Vxamin. 'in ito *ver Sunda.-Xr. lamm effily I* make room, for the comin SHOE STO RE, wa SICAFORTHS'LEAOING Woloft. ation, Oagoode fHall, -Tor- 111e molds Of 011,dtan , S-anda7ed in crop, -alltboUgh 1grave -tftrA fV0 vesi, dw af ternow ,b t tbr6e 'in law at OU JUNE, 19,07 but! n wn. 9 Who WOUt to Ized- nMg Ithe farmers lest Tb;ey - a sk i A f0mr., a .6eat, o 4 of,- onto, standifitt iourW In a, Urge class. [to ii.R, -Gieubor,6 x coulol of weeks 'ago 'to Should not. The much -room required; the men WiDuld- glToe up a,. aedt The Mr. Gregory, hap been a Towwrkably T W Y S, lauda *re iulit and oiderly,- clever otudenti Itakig !W # roolt at see We daughter Who wajg verY low, -but - we (trust : that yet with f a6table u: - but e lexamination, turaied Ihome1adt week. His daugh- :weate lthe y ;may be a eealy dIg:- T eekers, ea#: abib, t 800 Ant, the OK7, ver. - hr the courna': and. ro gr 0 0, for ktb tbo rj 'ravof liquor. er we -are pleased to -report, Is -now, ted. -A garden PAKY under te sboe wo being -the winner of three sehola;r0hiIps. Xppoty *4 The mjorlty are t armer.s. and boAa,: A young um- v withiach, a record- can' t of danger,-Vx. James Heftroa auspices of -Sit. Georgels church was + Ile 4 -7 2 3 -fide z settler. They come, * from ' 01 hardly fall to make, big mark in his has gone inta'partneiobip with his ]held on Mr, Christopher's on C9171444t 1profeS01011 and come rapidly tb. the brothor In, 'the butcher business in Moday bvening Ithis - weeic and 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 over the United &takes 2M lot front.- He igraduato otiChe la" Richard Somer's isAul -was well wRended and all rep'ort a aNsbed. 16 17, 18 19 20 21 and there Is a mixture f Ita ana ktd Ever d 0 Y-0. -1 .1thig we k attending the eaJoyabbe evenlug.-Ur. 8.. 1 11a other. forlgneia. ' office of HiMbro. Gladman & WanburYi '0*tr0a and Gen ral Assembly of ii0bert,Gard1ner, of Farqhar, vistl 23 U 25 216 27- 2 29 1 - of twis'town,. where he' reedived hia e the PreuYter- 0 treli roubding,-What trntilit 6hurch.-Miss., Ida Heywood, of [this week with hiff brother, Mr. Alex. Lake le 6. . P b very ser ous of fair oc. Clinon' Isited- her friend, Mrs. Gardiner.-OuT young T-earults are a - :Bank Beeeze ulte a, number, from thsi lob 6-eneral :r4w ADvERTIOwENTS. a. uiteT ve, v une is a particalutj busy month wil us— cqrr6dpr0on Thursda yW last.week. McElroy, the agit week. -Mr. C. Bar- way to. London, attending military vicinity atended. 1the, funeral of the? AS the children were dispersing fro -W rd, *110 '.bag been, visiting In the- v1- drill this weekw its the month of the cool, comfortable low shoe, lae, UT. Alp%. Laird on Saturday, 'to Tlie figure between the parenthesis after each the !public ad-hool al four 'olclock a, clutty. of Brucefield, ' h"' eltum-ecl. otherwise'known as the. Oxford 'Shoe') With the a-dvtnt of, warmer weath hou the Y. b d, dwictes the 3: h of the paper ou which the GorrIa opmetpr Mr.. Laird , e- Sri Ig leA, by a, young an, t. Javmea th4 rtiaelue nd cow, bein j10m6.L"*r McCrelgirt. left last 90 Constance- The. Oxforl Shoo will glvt came VOW411 some time ago and a' d. week for Dundas, Where he has se- your feet willemand lighter foot catering. wiraged and charged in'to kbe, -crow Lookat This -Reid witson-5 cowpllcattot !, of diseases was more Sad Deatn,-kr. -and Mrs., Jas., Rap- the foot comfort yon desire ad', besides, are always reBsy a -ad fash-lo -Way con- Seaforth Broderiek-1 -thah. ;h1s *yst6m1;coq1d.wear off and it caTrjo Olt ,bdy for A distance OR; cured a position in the -rail an Oxford Shoes—Itlohardson &,XcInniR-6 both Jhoins -: and threw, WM ito the 'IStru61tion going on there.' 12 Son,. of near Const ce, received a If you buy your Oxfor4s eit this st6re you'get not only the moat fa,6hionable Exeturelons-W. Somenill" caumbed,"on, T#uisday last. He message an Md4da7 last tatating that cround, Fand, thev -pinned. a 12 year-i models,'but also the most dependable leathers, and bar pnees are always with- S Millinery -0-McFaul 00, was one of kb# ploneers'of the Itov mi- -their eldest'son, Rev. Alex* Risco, Big &-de--Pop Zurich. b lestone & QuAlaer d. a qnan highly res ected In old girl'. named Welahe to a fence. 'had een found In an'unconscioi4s con- reach of every pocket ook* tiesvn their 0" idhi an p The lhor w, Oxf zds—W. 0. Vilfls--4 however, escopedher body, -9 0 f neighborhood. -About fifty iTivit N6tes,-Tb e Zurich Zubllee Silver dItIOA on, the prairie, In tile west,, r -aA- a'j en, 16 1, - it paid P in, rftc endede 'but iihel ft rok i;9- r)ie cow adi-es t n &A r-l ed. igixesto -most'lly' rela;tiw4,%s At Band have been Inited to Brussels, and had 'been taken.' to the hospital', rd .8 L a1r, wag owned by Mr. T. n. Hamdford, **me$ year at! Auotjojj$id,,-­Archftiidd more-$ file- cqf tominim- D&I,-" o assist in the ut ad never regaified- c6iisclousneo ge of Miss. Lucy, ecomd g taken from. Mr.* Hak- FarmeW B.-worsion, to Guelplx-5 amnd' bein tangi T iter of -Mr E- B. Rut!t=., and, colebration. The fame of, our Band to -died Shortly after being found. -e carry a arge Assortment of Ladies' Oxfordv,. ng haprae froj r Wool-JAwes Beatt" bles to the 4tation% to be -ship- . - w neylo -at and W we cash Sale far and wide. -Mr. HemOU He 1had been burled l somie two'weeko in these ate the Bmpress -hiia Qu Potatoes, ete.-4-Beattia N6&--8 Mr. Mllto)ft J. of Bluevale6 'W apreaft peo to itoba. 3 was got back to q, $3.75 a pair. Included the thorno of the bride)s arents 16th Quant, one of the pioneer re6ldents Of before "Ithe friends -here -,were aws-re For Sale-2-L 0. VanEgmond--S concess 2rxd the jjtaj je Without doing f krthor the 14th concession of died lasti of Ithe sad occurrehee, he belxig two quality, now so -popular with all wemaiikiad. -S ion, of Howiek, 'on the F. DATY 6nd an1mal was sdIn Llut For Sale-Fxpodtor Office -5 ult. 'The, ceremony was !performed ving reached the good- age of 'hundred miles fioni is bGlne and 'his - OXFORDS FOR MEN—& nice selection, to eh o0sel froti ^at $3.60 WA, stone Waqted G. Atrdie-5 t 14 itia Lpqlage. near 1&nted te'Rev. Mr. $n-Ath, lot Woods oc 8C years.-gra. Otterbein, from wife not being aware Qf what had $4.00 R'pair­genuine patenolt. Tewhery -D. 'Christie on ce BANX -9 Wanted- th ao broter of the',9rdom. A 'pleasa0teveh- Blake, havifig purche"ged the resid Itaken TUde, the frieds here were ent, bi, tue iruobs. The recently occupied y Mr. A.l Zetltl, not otifled. Purt OXFOBDS FOA GIRLS—A big variety iu Dongola Kid and Eye and FAr-Dr,-Bubl Inir was up her ps-ttleul4rs are patent of S cotlam k of I eyniooh r Goderi 'Youn Juua'Weddings, .F Daly --- 8 Rev. J. It. c6ter, bout is ur qn0yed to town. -Mr. Ed. Kab- 'not lo tand et" mr­ it so, I ills--& I g. tpeople, after an, qxtended han- ( has T j Oolt st $1, $1,25) $1.50 And $1.76 u pah. iuk Itake utp , ousekeeping -ne Conference. In his fleladh and family. 'have remove . to w t ap a du en West from, 'here Seve.-al, years May we show jou our new stvles Oxfords I Osenci, on Sunday. evenhig, MT. R. Zetrolt, Where d to rAgide Cantelon-a ere Ithe. est wishe niqAry. Blueva4e, ago and was engaged In -the, ml ClearMg Side --A. G.Ault­-6 he veople in this 11101nitY Lewis occupied Ithle pulpit, in the In future -I. -Mrs. A kelcb, Of Ule 14th Much and sincere sympathy IS 'ex IMANX 190A A sad deWth, occurre Mothod dt churchi-Mrs. J. H. Hazle concessloA,-Ihas come to reside Inwn. itended to the arents - azia b- others I d ' Ithe B, line, Howick, oxi'the. 2kill th Ult., Wood, 011144 Jundtiod, Is the -Mr. Fred Hess, or,, hais been. aliend-, and sisters here In ' eir sad a:nd'un- 0 Nay ''belovd 'Wife of John guetit IN Mij. jWj,-'C'L Hazle- Ing the Lutheran Synod in Pembroke, of 7,r and looked for bereavement. The deceaisw Gowdy.,, was Called o 'her reward. Up Wood.-, MT. 11'. Hepburn, of,' ing during the ast"week. Rev. and Mrs. ed had & Wide circle of fr1exids here tin r: weeks revious Ito her de Ihat% Ithe vfllage 16AA ThursdaT.- Siphuelke hav Also been'at Pembroke and 1his death Is-regratted by -all. 'B look _Mrs -.0 am "AFORTIlt IFRIDA-Y, June 7, -'190T-. mf66 iiho.as a "hearty, robogit 1L. L vell, d daughtel qsole on, the Sarno isslork,' and, az a con­ Ndtes.-Mlss 'Ethel Proctorj of Sb76- ing,,woman. After a.ghort, ill-npss tho leave ithis webk jfoj a via with; refa- seq was no servIce In, thei shOne, Idaho, arrived home, on Sabi& Woods S.outh Huron Reformerw, dodtors, decided to operate, be% two Reevt Harris to :Lutheram church here;last Sabbal.th.- da7 las for a visit. It %5FAFOR. /1 a several r Reform ku"Mors 19m. n. Gode- Mr.- Jdhn LEupor er attending the county p W again, r ou friends d Whe. -appendix' -war'e re -z council I te ,, of Dryodiile,- has. years since She waa-home.- Slit isen- b GuInn, of Clint'an, r ch. (t" week. *X George Lackie, -a gone ito t: It, 'ba ind the -UCOESBOR TO R. WILLIE SON) S.Outh Huron 1 Of ner Cb4jV-ehtIon, m7ed by Doctors o -ebt,. t9 g1wged In school. teaching In Idaho. hd Agnew and MODOOJA, of Wii 9- '901)ulalp 70ungbushress men here, and visit 'his 6 and See . what -the Master Leo -Sitephengon,L Son of fty -AjotK per tG. a id n to be idd: mi on! Frida,,; next,- 13, 13ole agent in Seaforth for the 41 Empress and Queen lam. For hree days: after the opera -1 Mies Ldtfda Morrtwn, oldedt daugh- 'country looks like. His many friends Step tienson, IA we Tare, pleased to "'and Walk-ove ishoes for meri, 14th Ina., at 11 Welook, i)r the careful and skilful ter -of Mr. and Mrs.- JdtW Morrison, In this victalty will wiai4 hirn a -0 a- Y, mu - be ter -a b -ad the U6aj, under 1(he -lea sa, ch t He h a eeA u er women, and the Slater of Vhj "Place, nited tir marria -a or- I Ahe doctor's care w1th *a sorell s3-,l 1purpose of seleethrIg candidate nursing 'of M'SS"Hagan, she vppeared Were ge ant waid ate return and al will,hope I Ito be, doWg well, bid dho took a I re- la;dt,Wedn6sd9,,y evening, in Wingliami ths4t 'he ml not become so enamored ee.'-Mlss Kate Jamleson, of Mr. 0, Ea ,per 'PairliamentasT Urquhart b de it -The ma'aise groultels show fbe.-taXt- ithe - Dowiiam I lapse and itwo days after -breathed by lvfi Retv. J. Bolle. They have com- of ithe co r as to desire to leaNe jixr t g und r to is VISI in the arentkl, Ith- a few OaMs of the great ques ioxf. It is very desirable ho t ever,, aud care of ite vm#tbr, Re r -aoa A he r st- us and erhove there. -The band gave i' W-Rev. Mr. Elford, Of Ch'sAll-WI-Aldn, and set t th, Vert, lorcibly t and -A' magnificent crescent laOt. he funeral nlenCed, h0ulse-keeping in the, re was, conduct- or a, ed f tpolling sub-divialm i, the: Riding ed-by.Rev. Mr. Radford, of Relmore, dence above,Mr. Lackie's atore. Tir their :first opeii air concert for ithis 1Xertrict, -preached an effective sgr , e "Progrelsolve 36gisla).tiOn -and f kundreds of tull hex ps Is much lbadwL WaSL a avery la:rg* one.. many 'friends xtend congr9gulations seaeDn in fbe iark on Saturd T even- mon 'here Sunday last. Mr.. Eiford- t 0 this 7.411a Is effectly-ply dealt wit-li , he liquor traf- --oirs. Jdhn Petty, f rew mr Um ighoud be full Tefpresiented. it is. and five children 'have and good. wishes. -Mr. Geore Fr- hig -in-law of John Willia a, for- f le and also -it-he neceeglt7 for agrs- imploving ther dw-tIlIng Mtoperty 4 v . . . . . . It Mon.. Mr. Ayleg- The bluabamd -ft The evening'was a little chil am ni also expected tha ndisp for the si k&LaR) mcere Sympahy of oged of Ito property n Howick, -'standing around, but still rnerly of. -this. place. -Mr W&A 1*r6rd W. B. Q>Qk 1.1ale work m !the part of temperance -the weat side ox the track by ..... . daugh;. 'he 0 MV. J. R. Glbs( r, Who jiaa slncq* there wa;q quite 0, nurnbr out. These contemplaes a visit to her orth, infater of Justice ter t b6- Ithe communilty In, their irrepaimble e Er - - given _ by L te it Up a nd putting veop10. Choruses weie good cement GrWtiav, aid: Kra. Adam Scdbt left sbldl',, Ito Mrs. Nokes, of Howick. Mrs.' mlnim,. and Hon. George P, Iosa,-Mr. w6eklY:concerts were very pop tljr 'ter, Mrs. 'L. H, Lowe% ot 13kamdOXX, Division choir, Isted dXtjoh Mbder 'RM lafj- ass bj Miss Pearl r _& 'ht the fkLrrft last week and are now, res- A. Michael, ar., 'has also i9old her la4t Sumer, and, broirg- ft a M he Ljbkr'alLjeader -In Lie I . Thomas A4 rd I 44 o, stc Ov. In 'the near future. -Mrs ise and 'edloa were rendered 7, to a addlag -to he Lowloh, residnce doubt they qr6w, of Gorrile, -is ideuts oi.,Fot 10 d to Mrs. H. Arm0troi1g,,-A of country 'people, nd, no ture will be ,present and de;aver ad-, ia 'he w at & -b Inelphew of Mr. Lowlsh,* of- 'the, p Foresters afteded Be MISS Wisei and Miss Mary McDonald, of big dwelling: I t e ft a tvlee ID will be looked- on WItH.,equal favor daughter, Mrs. B. Stephenson at -t-ables Which broight forM bearty applause. putting up a nice V drj&rktor beef, Wind drepoes. It tshould e. a grand field l6ii cmqeislon,- WqhQ a, year aio, GorN-on Sunday afternQon. --Mrs' F. this ear, wheRL the weather becomes 1preexit.-Quite a, number o omers, In Wo usual h -Y is fel t for U&i day for Liberalism. from' Ungland to VISILt hIS visiting with. relatives more V-- T much jeympah -A imeting of the attended the garden -party. at Walton 'Worth in the 1<00 of hie h came over favorable. otel, The Wone Trade slow -he uncle, left for 11home lat week. hi way, officiated as cbalrman. and at at Met". -be 'held 0"- -n Keetim7g Siboidd le Zurt -A mirmber from h0e, con- -business -men and otber',,Intereste4 ot Monday evening laol: and report a the close of ithe Ing 9. hearty QueeWa, by fjj* ojj­Wedjje -here -he n-4de mam.warm friends -who Otiectd with. the Sunday school of - the was 'held in; aulaHiytel, on Tusday sday i4g - - - - - - - - lig.. 'SU good ime vote of' ftanks was tendered the of I Aot week, as the 10" is a Verr b -divisions In he re- A remoinber bim --owing to 4 will. ever Presbylterlan.-chuch, vlalte -' Erin- evening, t4 arrafge -for the civic =,ably, of0etWe municipalities on 'the pre- he 4terling qdalltles, he poosessed.- sels ,aat Frid speakers, Ithe "010te ah d the choir. hea. U 'Me Lao 'he was offered over -M toll ay af terhoon.-The Brus- 'holiday and Ithe annual 1picnic of the Staffa. bulls 10 C Pert ect jlarmon7 prevailed 4 through- '000 -for the property within the ton zst., the M' r JAth 'I sels. 4Unlor foutball t -tam we e defeat- vious LWIedesday to elect on- FrId&jL JUhe school,-Releve Peter Lamont has been -womehs 1ndUftte"-The­ StaffaL Wo- out 'the TneetIng and altho4h. t e t- a ra of g, L the" .1381PIMlo, bp -e W t L k I d' ladt Friday ey a ye r 'Tile In's the vaef wee open delegates to Ithe Conve*on. enin acoreI at Goderich this week atItending the mft),s Jugtitui Ill 11old an, endance was ndt as large as Itmight h&vP,,:hejWd ithe crops greatty, paxt!04 . ower; v ers of McIntosh choir assembled at e e" tfie,hoTne of B- nttan; 16th standing one'Ito !none it- favor of" County Parliament. LReeve Lamont Is Tntetlng In 1the tOwn hall on June 'have een' 'Yet the temVprauca cause ularly zo, he 1 sture, field' er. comeessloh', and reseVted Wiss, Lucy -WrOX, t The Spoet's, CoMmittee dhairmaik of the County Public WOr4 Ath. A meelting will be ',beld; in the c&njnctt fall t6 receive West Huron Liberals. a. great Impe- Davis, Who bas been -In, Toronto -for' wlth a eaultiful ring and a band hav'i jue't aboult completed '1 rrange- CbmTnittep, and Is" consequevtI7, a at ternou'ri a)t 2.30 for ladies only. moo us In Brucefield a)jd vlcinll y as a Some ittine ttendit- college, Is -ho`.'W *to* hdflOm wto 4. Tile Liberals of We%t Huron m4t in pa4hted plalltq. - Miss Rutan 'had ably meVtS f0i the first . ot July 1 demon- ' busy mad during cInty council week. G. Gray, T0iOVtO, Will give wo de-' result Of IthO MeeGingeo-COM. -naut* V stration there, and, accordinklo'pres-' ajoling va-caion.-A convention at Gode;:ich, on Monday' 0sloted ithe choir, beffi g orgaitst for as 41W 0 S: 10 en't &rr 1. 'Inblistraltions, one oil meat - d the awas 1played here on Monday- e Itime and. on the eve of her empenta, 'have got together Brelst, for Ahe selection of a, 6andidate other.. on vegeables; also an address -daily's spoita [ever 'held- 'btween '13 -their ap- her Co one of lVhe be6t rucefteld aud H a_Singers. hus !showed W-rn, Purves, Cadombue. All b Ito Tepresof the In, tje neXt -here, Died.-Aftft W 111hwo extetdinF ov- tioll Pf ha faithful oervlce. J. AIMOng. Itbe many, alttr"tions 19a ' L a More *f two -to non`e 11 -ladles Interoted' er several ears, itbe apirlot Bar.- i BarrisWra, Eto., atIffen gitrong, they ave secured Is (the f a Will be made wel- GLADMAN S A0 ve and Dominion eledtion. Tbe conveutioij J. Greg$-, W`rm: Wallace, W. 1 Mous Lou- 6voi of 'Brucefteld.-Mr. G. T. Ift- come. There will also e ala even- Tflesdctys, Th, Saturdays. bata . Smith, rellet of the late 'busily -engaged was.largely uttended, eUt A. Laird 'and Joseph McLachlaii are d0n News - BoyW Band. 'This, band, 2021 Kay Is ltji the voi !&6 Stradhan, took its flight on Ing meeting at Which a o6rdlal i ga a, second hact, a:nd Al ex. nvi- For side at a bar On, in their of Osbawa, Mikad I o bugp-, nearly -withobt doubt,' ls, .one, of the bst ag- nient foundsition of Mr. jae el 4aving telephones indtalled t new, wndpractieal- greXq CA-na-da' They a 'he London ro 1te spirit m zlfested. augiirw,well tor ea. It comes via Fdrdwich. -When Jti0hS Of its kind In Wednesda;y mormitg f his week.-- De- atl,0 1 IS given to the gentlernan.'as IvAs good a7s new both to appearanceaud condition. 'new on t i hom ell as o 'the ladies. fte redeeming of the, r1dijxg cessed 'had been a vem patient, suf- W- A splenlid Apply at the 111ensall P, o. xeykffed in t it - the I smal, places , like 'Soklogbamk eid will $Ialy for a week duirLqg Toronto 2059,1 Mr. Smith, U Carmel church, It& put tbre0*00is AM 1: musical 'Programme will be given. by xhibitioh, and! ate booked for a tthree ferer for I a long jklme, 9. nervous trou . 'bete m Thursda,,y last to att n8-Xt 01ctfon. There was but, one Beinbre ban have elephone conner-- Briefs.-Aong.tfie walatg of our vil- ejad --fla It= Of the XA"V" 0. -11, for lagef in a sood fire alarnt b Awl the-,adjohiinir towns, . sure- days' 1-celebra1tion in Montreal. ble beitt he case, The hlisba11d. of 'the members of th13 Institute'- during ' and At, lot vAvxace 61 4o There Gimieral soambty at gmtreal Won as to who the candidaia shiild Ition wfth decea-sed di 'U 20 Years ago. An which ithe tWo'sipeakers Miss.G., Gray at IrAe tilhi of the fire _last week, I like are th-Irty-tive, members tn -the Raind, the same 'time visit his mother -wbw ly a thiving -alp' o date town, a bou -nee Mr. adopted daughter Is - left to mour and Mrs. -Wrn. Purves will give ad_ The and Ile Robt. Holmea, ex- Lakelet will not long remain In t he and no dou!Vt 'they will 'present a d when s large a structure 'As the resides E t HaNikesbury, not, farr=-,­ isort i!4pi resses- (:bmle lad s was the ImEallmous C hoiee, no lUreft.-Mr C46chlin Arojmth, splendid appearahce.-On Thursday ev- -her demi0e. Ifis. ftachao nen a p eaeaat Moritreal.-Prof. -Paftbrson, Of ood to ohclm, #Mv- of Molesi enin Queen's Wbel was destroyed, a' --very 9. The annual meeting -of the -to 40 ; -rood, A -1ij bhe 'itownabip, was in etnibg June Mb under the la;rge nmber or our villagers never -al other Iname -having bee,'mealloni d, engineer for auspices Ithe 60th 'YeaT ofher age. Te fluneral ev on, will cdftduct the services In to, ate 0.-V -takes laces on Friday afterno branch, was beld'on Wednesda last mel church next Sabbtth.-Revdao T1 :M. 2W Lakelet on, Wedned mle gin a- of the literary club, a deb heard 4by alarin' and dd.not know Mr. T101mes accepted tile nomriation and 1the officers were electe.1 for hael aitteh-ding it ;rard on a ditch. 0. Bentley, -.of the "Asialle Inftnigratlon, Wlll be give -a' from- Itne restilence of Mrs. Rac and Haft, Who were of 'the fire until It was all over. -Mr. tl ion. 80 wid it the Convention IS? an'y- :index of _M10011, Ci1th eftmuffig "ar as follows,- Presi- "M 05 the Inaket$ N. betv ,e6m. K 6gsrs, 0. Spoitten and Cf. ThO airble street, With Conference ifteld' vt -Go6erleb. retujied, - rAllister, medical studaut, burg, was Nhe aplicaUlt dento Mrs, Jaes Hill; vice -prest- At Lbur a eople In the e Workman, of Wlnglia;m, and Messrs. whorn she had bee making h r home of ItAe fe6lLqg of the has, secured a good situ We week. -MTs. Pkfbert Bacthron -left lota" In dent, 1 Miss Vinai Tuffin; secirp-tary- as ghtet* --m. Tiding he Should be elected by W. P. Ddbson- and A. Munro, of Wrox- for ithe past year or more. here this week to, visit ter dail Live 86 good treasurer, Miss M. Prin school Iteacbr in the -west during the Weal programme will. also go. -Ira Gerry, of Fort Wil- gle; df' ,ectors, oter. A mu Jbittin In Erin and Barle and rfttlV Timiority. The Conservative for this Mrs, John Saler, Mrs. John- Pell, long oummer vacation and -left this for, . se"01 ,End Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. he furniabed. liam, Is spending a few days at the The r9ceeds are, Ito be week for E6teviwi.-))uiJn,g the fir,on th Tiding 'has not yet been velected, but North Toronto.-­vr. w1ro w Joe Worden, Mrs. L.* Jdl-ai Jarrott, and daughter, Mrs. Ed- -divoted to the 'public, library. - Mr. omq of his aents-in town, -L. S. iQ 1k. , A 1 there is no 6 ht th t'Mv. E.N.Lewls, Mrs Butson; Thursdwy momIng o Inc -a -neat verandau a b Win Jonea, attended 'the funeral, I ate Pd.ter of Hamilfbn, Ia. spending Dunford and Wm. Griffith, are as- au&Ors, Kra. F. D. Hutt f last weak a he presevt PU MTS. T. NJ. I-jamll,tn. The. seerle- of two . . . . . . 4 week w- #Wes lor relp lve, will be ch'n`8011 number of, buildings on ithe West ide new week of the. lalte James Fitzgerald, it, Itwo: weeks' b lid d' big home slating the 83rd Regiment band of that Ithe chol of ithearty.1 'n this event brother .0 a ail of Ithe rack and along., it, ca4g#t TIURV Who h2s bOM lb. Th _in Goderlah, 1p .-H. W. taiyla report dhowd very of Mrs. Edwin Jones, here,. -Mrs. Paul Reid, d Luelmow, at cam ' InPLondon. 2ood itt #1F zod -eldkk, 4 Mr. Holmes and. 'he; wrll have ainother Who died - at Victoria Hospit 1, Londoig, fire"ibut fortunatel wef6 quickly put :dressAWK for a uraber fOPPOrtunitY Of trying - toncluslons. A vialite-d 1her scoi, Mr, W. Reid, lat Varrow, mail clerk, .--Igbeaft Sundayat !profitable Year had bM spent and G-Ut.-MiSS Ida, Coulter Is in Brunner hre In'bands !giving vp -busInes! 9, good, work Is being. done. Vistioral jus mlox) J full report of -the mieetlng will be' in, 1his. thirty-nizath year. Nkek.-Edltor Cirr spent severaldays 'his 1paren-tal home heie.-W. A.Grew- er, Sauel,-We thaftle smewly VMS, rtion of the brain was th6 cause- of a., W. C. Smith ana - A. W. Smith, will be made wel visiting - her lbrdth iwUe Ithe -end of this month' ond found in anoth TcroVto recently. -Miss Dobson, of, come at any meetinf regret learn that Mm Hool Me er cohim, n. in during he Year. The re gular';- d Is poolng 4of her ojifit, Or f vhiav that there w -deah. Deceased leaves a wife a*iid, Fordwich, visited over Sunday witli are away Ithial week on a holld1y mqu dilc 'A. Ing da;y la he lao Ite ill. -MT. George C. petty, with for tthe 1bufolness, - WWads t an.! The funeral took *place to Mount Miss Edith Harris. oulting',to Buffalo and New York, -Wednesday of trip btit. to the west, WAere -s)W he town 'hall, during,,. tends raising up he dwelling the pi 44th we, 6ach movIth, In his sSpirit of enterprise, In- I - a -Ths'Land Hunger -in tba, West. I pleaant' cemetery, London. Sincere e 'on kues- a laumber -of reIttiveo and f rlmds, sympathy, is felt. forthe bereaved. -Mr. day by special train for London$ whore summer inonths. ar- Mr. biteoldes has Added to Oxe SV -:4 peoei lany chased' from Miss WrrIng, the Xf, rd b bdV)$ ihal-Ahe hunger Blyth. 'they ga into camp tiIstyea;r.-V., S. 1wevio" , for land- 1V 'the James' Fitzgerald and Master James,. Ce _it of dW, yet b.ee fbnt 'idtreet and tputting &good W Campbell, of HepworLh6 spett, S no from *&tq to eat !has ot satiated, but bi London, are vtsIti g at Mrs. Fitz- ling 4property on .Wedding Bells. -Two of our 'V;oung, 8rucefteld. ment foundaion under It and re- as !ba8 exald'4 arents, Mr. and Mrs. Jdhn, day at the home of'Wrn. Pryne'.-,Our UjItA Septeinber isb th wslks.-Dr Is still aff k ever It. wiff men went o neighboring town ruce 'painting the buildin :-Mr. ad Mrs. f Inb I treftch0a -Of e t a ts e Sorereign 13an , B Jarrott's of Exeter' NorVh-. . . . . . . 'fbeen vellit -the- past i week Ito Ot 'Young ladies for h6l-b Junior football team drove OV r W fleld,'will op n %Vedncsd y fivenings, MQ to 9 p. n). Miller, of Kippm, ap &7 -;her.e Cecil Ross, f Hyde, Park.1 as 1pvr - proven b jj the e a of cut a 4 Biefs.' young maint Vaa, findd Wroxeter last Friday e'ven! and H. R. Laird, Manager, 20054-10 has as - 'Ya in 'the town Yorkton and maites to Share their " lot to life. recently W'Ith their frlen4e,-Mrs. R. ed wha:t ar well kno; vo U and costs by, thd I I W few d sr of, layed a; game with. the boys L f; four dollars. 3- 0j e as. Mr. J. L. Kerr, e0tor of- of that Notes. Wjt. qdhh 13611 Flouring Mills inear E:Ippexf so ii, Ket6hen Is in A. Tate, of -White OAk, -has - been, via- Prince Albert In f1he Proviceaof 9as.. j traes one 11aly fdat week for Ithrow- fj, j .4 tl towm. The home team were victorl- T4n.,rn41+^. 4invinir Mho "nd%,triaii 3WW60w&­A Ri X ML w won urarried luvs- r son, Rey. Bey- favilmr, Nix, A.nvmau no -7 o- S2.50 tadh. vesi I kalchew "Kiboot" an some of the horses ous.by one goal. -The date of the Par-, tba wan. A portio .q of 'the D, IT g wn, p3t R dies? Aid of 'real eaves -sold Oo : oukho- day morning Ito We's Jean Bro erley Ketelien and fam117,-,Mr0 i obt. ertson, of Tuckeramith.-Mrs. Xo4dph near LOD4011--Th-o La In the parade On the 24th. it a- I Institute -excursion to 0116101 McCartney Wd his .:fhS- Wthodist church, d e t AM-lonbs. Exportib erved me" thte ride in Brussels, Son, Mr. George PInk-ney was Inz Seaf6riji, du ata 4L I)* tini IL ring wali a verY tbotrglft- -1bors haytig refused Ito abmdon 'thel the ho -me of b hi r4lht, as it Mod6l Farm along this line IS - an- McCartney have ted thei YaAt Week spending a ithe bome, of MT*. R. Dook ow Wedtjes - and on Wednesasy Rev, J. L. Small r f arm, in, thorn S5 6a to 86 IF -5 sys tem of 'herdbrig In villa JeWL snd cruel act. Some of t1ha aml- nouncW for Thursday,' June 27th.- ,h few q&,yg with Imbi #t to ges bf d&Y la-stUr. James Hafburx4 at e M,005 Jaw was unIfid In 'the h017'bonds oil mat- e di9t let, md lnt jid re- her tparebts.-We are pleased to se2 e and at mals, were made almost orazy by the I Stim It is said that enough money has been tur-ning to e0 of lociting on 'their bomeateads C6 jj­ To, 0- rimony Ito Miss McD an Tuckerami,th, and, will. Mrs. Thomas Peatt, after being onbfld Cromar Y, *as here la*t wft k -lb pain occasioned. -Mr. Wm. Dew, 'Privalely Subscribed for the purchase sett Uff required by -the rules of thel land' a" able !yotitak lady of Auburn, in tho 16 down dh Mr. McCartneyls- farm f Ined Ito her. room XDr jjuj jefj -blai ibrdl-her, Wlltiamvmr 0AW 4 i'm ranged froml 20, old Usborn e boy,'and IbroViier., of Kra. ol the lot on the corner of Turnbe Abhimhowod littj department Ithe Govern j­rtttendi weeks to Hudson left 2ift he Preshyterlim church at that -place, by r -'dn the Mill Road, On 'v blch they through illness, -able re this week pj"W-001& tosee w r t me'n't have cm- John HiMter, Is in this vicinity, via..:. and Mill -Streets. The lot will b 90 a- a e vmnkut thi -located their again.­ Xr-- George Todd returJ14 f homeatead Rev. Dr. MeLean,.df Goderich. The 'Pre ted t the Library Board on making extensive improvements Mr. b011t stock Where he bao tugaced w1th- Alvl- 9 and have Iting friends 'and renewing old associa- ev church old cW1_ McCartney, Jr., bas -here most Of Ed recently from-, Hichl large,. carrla e eampany as that vu 0 which to b tot oo vivah in the bal thrown themr open for aatual settle- tiono. Mr. D6w,--1s I cated tn. arlundyl. was filled gild the -pro-posed Carne been; gan wbere he fte tfthe In EnZjand p -3tr. -Mrs. D Urquhsi t retnme& Iowa, and Ifie 'has a, latge of Mr. ftd tqeh Waiting his braithers. T-1: Centre, gregatim,.- also . few frony 'Mre gIP- the --winter, The many f riends library. -At Blr o'clock- on Tuesday. MCC-artne men The lands thus forfeited a ast - 0 this week d t- -be, de '-Wm- Elder, =QompAnie , - drove o ,qr Ito witness the ceL6-dny. y in tblS vicinity will th" an advanie is 0onj re ot Tuekersmltjj I Tftkit theWoi% 1 y fbe time r Mios Bessle wt f arm there, and, is one of the early. morning of - this week a very pretty lighted to 111 deliveredl fine e an of hea her daughte to vMrF A In the vleLiltT of 'the towns named It Is Ithe, Mtention of Mr, IuO' Mrw,. m bac1c 'jnong week, yer ne set ers of the district. He purchaaed wedding 'took place at the Central them, a.,g,.ajn. 'the Totont 960* Kerr ito 'take a trip to St-ratfoltd, To- A meeting of the -direct4. horses Ito a bu' ar Stratford, for utted lalit Week at 0. 'The ex -P, the bome -ort trade k f ahq amount to several !thousands of 'his land chea:p when 'he wen't there, rw-to and Other places before taking hotel,- of tfie bride's par- ors of the of Expressloft.-Mrso 'TOU r*UT"W--1-..--­ Ls, South Huron, Agriculturaij- which be received $600. It certainly bASI& Thebil opezie 0 P.P- ab9uV*5,5o to urday. herb Jft­z ...-: or 'nor ter of Mr. and Mrs. George. Brown, Re: says, 'there is a congidef- A maelfing u acres., The lands were d t mid could now sell It for $7,5, an acrel ap housekeeping. in the home rebted, 611 when Miss Lottle, third daugh- Society was 'field here on Sat P9.78 Ito raise good borses.-Mr -A. t1w, 8 week f rom. St- Marys w e. plicants at 'the. land 6ffices In York- by [the groom from Mr. A. McNally, on On account.'of dhwYges in the Agrleul-; MeMorran, of Paisley, is In ths vil- had ibemi visiting her to N -quj n marria MU able -migration from: bis district to the Dinaley street. Rev Mr..Small and we's -United .1 ge to J. Leslie tuTal -law, this Society Will Indt be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tOn- and Prince-- Albert on Monday Canadjan Northwest, kerr, editor of the 131-yth Sts ndard arbl lage ithis week visiting, relatives and and 3fTs, Itathwell, oT varna, ma.7yy selling bride Intmft ltak ng a three weeks' e to Join with'any of th friends.-The Reform- Converf.tj one da.7 .1aqt Week wYth their daagb-' W" VX00 e local so , on for e last ­for the first"time. The rush fori thl1r. far m fOi these large prices and and only son.' of Mr. W. H, Kerr, of low Arlp before vOttlimg In the manse cleties this year for the purpose of SOutll I-Turon will be held in thei op- ter, Mrs. James idbhotm -or Wfl Market, but the them Is thus described in despalches!. removipe, to 'Western Camada,, bold where, here. Their maby friends wish both the Brussels Post, The 'ceremony holdIng a, fail show. The Soclet' era, ba l on Friday atternoon of neyt Hall Farm,,., and, butforthibeavy e and cheap land. -Dr. was 'performed,by Rev. A. C. Wishart, bowever, hey ' eduples much, Joy In Lhelr6new State. will ----continue hown a tomfofttbIj from these two, places. A despai cfi, t -get m6f, the annual Week, the 14th', to choose a(stvadard 'A., W the presence of only the Im- Xalloy now [has his office located lv B. Old ftm 45 26 -to 45.r,( from. York On dated June 3rd, But it "Is. rather bard on 33dechwood Spring Show bere, aftd will put. forth bearer, Hon, tMr. ATIeswort.k. amon 't 'U ' young nfediate f riends of the bride and 9 *5 to F$5.26 ' 90,7s 'his residence, on ,Andrew street, th6 ladies t 't the marriageable young. every -effort to make'lt larger, more other prominent speakers, Is expect- School Roport.-The f ollowbng, ave Alid ieederi I There are now a bout 50 men stand- residence formerly ed by Dr. '*cupl groom. After a sumptuous wedding re towtw for ;their brides' ed to be present to add SO the meet- V -he marks 611talhed. by -pupils of safoa-, , men leaN breakfast the newly married co useful and more 'popular than ever be-, in 4 ALIV demand lorv.vx le g._Jvjrs. John ffimota5t, $00-1 Ilig On the' atelps of the land', office R01-14n(s. -Mr. T. B. Carling had the Mtes--SacraMM-t Vas dispensed' la UP fore. -Mr. James. UcDfarmid.,ieeve of McArthur and Section No. IS, ant* bull.ding, who remained all Saturday misfortune. to lose a, f avorite bl lef t On the early train for a MaKillop-, for them ack the Presbyterian dburch 'here last short Mon. Vesl 4, ai j hee I P 41) ITS inight, -all day Sunday, Sundaynight Toronto, I-ramilVon, Niagara --A d lambs e iad cockerel !spaniel dog -on-'the ,24th. It trip to StM167, aInd Mr. Robert Mckay, Yeeve daughter were in tbb northern -part or Mxy.- Sr. Ill-Anule Klein I Ed Abbath. Rev. Mr. McKinnon :pre of Tuckeramith, are in Goderich. this lein 66, Vintent Dillon 51 i ach- of the county during the past week K d until Monday morning to Stand a7id other- places, On their return, iiald badk their *;toa J - Is au*pposed to. have got 1011t hil the ed ithe preparalory r 0 Vv­ jermon an Friday week, attending the co Visiting Telativea.-Dr. Cauthorpe, 'Of --Makgie- gloan 46 1K a their cha;ncb of securing a quarter crowd, and followed some stran ke up , ay Nol U Mr. and Mrs. Kerr will t L house- unty council.- gers. aft&rnoon. There were 13 new. corn*_ drove of very good fjie ,Vy, horsss Jonesville, Zexag, and forn ejjy of Francis Nolan 39. II -Loretto Co..— of the coveted land. Upwards of. 206 -Two pQpular' 7oung' people of t. I n keeping In Dlyth,.,- followed by the I's Minicamta which Is Very creditable passed through here from Blyth, for Hen'sall, Is 'here this week renewing tin arrived on ay and an army !of good wishes of 79, George Seehaver 701# Sund vicinity werelkappily married on Wed Ost of irlends In I to ithe new mitiater.-Rev. A. A eter on S homestead nde'r- alturda)r. Tn-ey: had been, acquaintances. -The onjon. crop IS Kerr 64, Lillie 44ordon 69, Dai seekers - 500 !3trong­arp (neEiday. T Walter g. this neighborhood, for. their f uture hey were Mr. son was aftending'" Conference at g very 'promising In it e lia I aT 10- -66, Tiow on the March from Ganora ;p rchased by. Mr. Jr. E lookin Bayfiam. Ad Miss Willm6tt, daughter Imppiness a -lid su 'MSFJ. that 'Place and 'wete f.0 h v! Xe No an. 51 X y S an Flossie: Goderich )the pot week, In consp- ahjpm nt to a:dd vicinity and there Is a larger nedy 31, jimmy S 6. J other polnts on J andford of and furtber decline"ff the C. R. Some of Ur and Mrs. Samuel Smithi of the Vrftmery prin T loan .2 queme ithere was no service In the acreage than ever.-Mlas Atinle Pap- Normaq, Dillon to, the west—MT. CfiVkles, Mustard left Tommy Purcell, 14'r t4 -en, but London Road. Soutfi.-While engaged C S n a'y Ch Are driving 'horses., some ox -Melthodisf hurch u d evening. -A bere last week for his summet field Ple has beell In Toroxito for -the past Gordon Xenne A the vast maj tity e on foot. Olt ar In 9, foot r aca, at the sports an tfte Walton dy 56, Owen GIVIfti 1,11111t irwik weath load of 'youTig people drove overto of labor In-th-e Provkir wle0k-()r 'two visiting relatives. -Our Part 11-johnny Kerr 68, Johnny jaur*- t n ,,e o;, Saskatch- The livery stable men are, majd,- g 24th, Mr." James. Sweet, sr., had the. 0 171 to lee Goderlch' unda;y 1to hear soNe of the ewan. He, went by boat f teamsters -have been more th * bua 'Y 60 I Local Brlefs.-SacramolitaI service' 'a zmal fortune by charging $10 a misfortune to'fall a!nd received a bad MeiLbodiffit p e -1E6NNTRVAL ' a rom, Owen an y ra: - Class I-Ag-aes Curtin f1t day to P achers, , Nyho occupied were observed In Duff's Presbyw.-Ilan Sound to Fort -William. And.. from during the Palst week between draw- Tommy Moylan 267, Georgle Klein, 50* 12410, 2DJ to .11 who wish to drive Ito and ehaking Up. He did [not f ,,el th2 ef- all the 'pulpita.-Messrs. W. Campbell, church on Sabbath last, and were there by rall to Saskatoon. At thl Ing matdrlal and cultivating gardens. Pearl -R. Amderson, Teacher inspect the lands. Those com. Ing from f ect's mudh at -the Fti e, but af te' wirds r A.- Cam T. Brovon a id W. W. JRob- largely Wdtended, Rev J. 1@. Maulad- place %he will have the -north have hispected the. lands had to lay -up for ma couple of days. to purcb a, a 'a Insoh eftended the nomimating, 6oa- era 'b6cupled Itne pLilpii in the Metho- Pony, which will be his close' Com - TOWN" -June and are atter the choice qumAera. He Is now about all right, again. -Mr. ven t*i of Wedt Huron for the Do- didt dhurcb, tin the absence of Rev. R. panim for the summer, and storing It rained off and on all day Sun- Coleman, the cohductor of the wwter, mknlon House, got Goderich on Monday, J. C4rle, w1ho was Wtitending the -meet- 'his goods a-nd chttblS hi a grain XAAW day, and those standing In froxit. of cart, bad the misfortuneto apraln;his .-Mr. and' Mrs. M., Campbell, withfita j bn Cie at Goderl'oh.-Ur. bag the pony will pack It and himself the land office have stood the heavy I g of C feren -0. 1 no he foot iby Jumping- off the cart, -Dr. Rol- mo F.00TmPALLS, `04tg--V . 2 *-h ther, -brdther and, sister, vloited John Smillie Is vlatting ithis week InU!pd. He -will be sixty'mlies i dinvnpour for hours at a time. from 44 -le fo 4ft All -linfi, -formerly of fthis place- buft 'Who In B.-ayfleld a few days of 'the -past with relatives and friends in Zor a the nearest rallway atwtion the hotels and boarding houses',pre- 'is n9w.practising r. and half In Raymond,Alberta, Outside. :Cilled completely, and the Znterprliae hi* co -Mr. W. J. a nd AoUt. that distance from! 1t;he nearest'post- $LBO tn leat lots on week.-Renve Milne attended -county ond -Woodstock. mpanyAvith Dr, Rivers, formerly aouncil I SL16. 'Balm luy n. Goderldh this week' going Shortreed left on Tuesdx:y of this week b jlce. Charlie will enjoy thJs kind -NO- ltlnlothyy and'* !has. been f1tted tp &a &huge sleep- of Crediton, 'Ila's not- forgotLen 9Xe- and retur tng' eyery day with his on an er' ended trip to th Northwest, Of life for which his athletic xper Ing room with thirty, doutle beds to ter., but, with big; admidtomed gener- NuAea in ear loto b at"tomobile.-Mr.- Lewis, of Berltp, The new --r mported D'rect from the Manufac- laccommodate the visitors, who fill osity, sent to Town -Clerk Senior,,9- spe-vt Suhdal in toWn' with f riends. Nfr -esidence, being erected by lences admirably fit bim and' it Will per ton in mr I . ots thestreelts-jof th town -from moming, few days ago, a cheque for $50, Vagborn, IS ihow 'nearivg give 'him :strength' f*r his next, wia- o -The dtorR visited 6e home of Dr. completion, -and presents a very neit terS -studies. In college. Ron- kp rX ftm, 1moi.-I til .be added to the'cemetery fund, tkie tn- G. E. Ldqg Sunda)r morning and left aAd 'tidy a:ppearance..-;--The f rame work Temperance'Reeting.-A publictem- turers' in Glasanw,, POEltorn Tormto, rej A 'Special despatch from Prince Al- terest from, which fund goes -to ald a fine ba y'boy.-Mr- Xreighling', -o-ft On ddition being bu,41t on ivtr. iperAnce meeting under -the auspi ew of e a good dew4nd for bert dated Sunday e In mUntaining this Inatitutl on --Mr- Berlin, 'his silter, Mrs. T4 James H. FultoWs barn,ywas -ra ohs -of %tri4e horms. rr veninr,, Junlu, violted i.sed Brucefteld Division of the d, Who has been suffering from Brovm. over Sunday, coming up in On Nf-dnda)r last,. The carpenter work Temperatee was held In *the Ptesby- than H: Goul a cut fodt, received by an adz wittN A farge cansi gnment just ree ved, il2oluding th toun4y dealers The rush at the land Ills .90itomobile.-A- number of t14 of- was dune by Mr. J. R. WIlIlamsoh,xnd Iterim ch-urch'Of this place o1i'Mon- el. Office Is which he was.. laying a, floor In! the ficlEis 0%1 'the 0, P. R Inspected. ft"Icie boraes foup the e enrthlng Went together 0. IC. -The day even even greatfr than -on Saturdg'y after- Commercial Hotel, is-irnproy AUg last, and wbm a decided Ing, amd Celebratia McKeehni e Match Ball -at $3.00 -eak jine itbrough hoi 0 on Tuesd9,y,-D1S- Grey-ftownghip council Intend to make success. Able., Inst uetive, I r Inspiring, t*Dn. Land seekers 'took up their Is again able to got around. triat Deputy Rollay paid = OfAcIal t"embly tiound John Johns, of V11mville, who has beeyr vial't Ito the Masonic lodge. here last' concession, W I h Ive ed 04ition an the top atep,and have'- been exteaTsive Toad repairs on. the 17th and enthupf'%stle addresses were de- worerks at there ever. since. Those,on thel6-yVer Ill for. so -me time, Wag taken. to. ClIf­ will, no doubt. I r I W. H. Johnston and THE BEST VALUE IN CANADA. Tuesday -evening.* The lodge ',here in., fl -11 a lozg feft,.W It Rev. D. steps give up ancl go aw y, but their Mt. -The allan it art, of KIppeg, and E ton Springs, N. Y., IoLst -wee4 for Iplaces are at on6 takerl. T on treatment. She was accompa:aied by I Itialted two-,mem bets, ;af ter which they cars axe agafti 'back to our village, were itow.u- i to With the, closest at - the top row ar 'Partook. of a:supper prepa:red 'by Mr, and the Itlillans arle'now busy making 'tentioll by all present. Mr. John - the lastjIft on the track. --Mr. John, 0t0n sp6ke Of the lerxcou aglnjr out - al for McDqnald 'has finished 'this aeason's, look Of 'the temperance.rAoyemeiit and Wm- t"Unt- 'Ant, P - women, both w dows, mrs. L g$taff covery.-Mrs. Browm andlittledaueti- the padt two weeks, bag returAhed out of saw logo, and will set an 1. "o, L 0 itaying right with it. Dr. Amos, and her many friends will J. Stolthers.,-7-MIss' Agnes. Ba bb,' wbo- 10 "Among the landseekers are twi) 'hope for her complete and speedy -re- bag been In the Londorr hoarptt =d Mrs. Peak, from Dakota. Xrs. 1 ter, f romi Rho for`th' M=7 cold, hard facts and ALEN-/--* turn-- his attention to ths, manufac- figures showing clearly Ithat. the DO AR Mende In town Ur to gaining ON TARM tends In Clinton. -Miss Kate Iner and men 'have been busy during day and that it will .&-ques- S"11 seeking a quarter section, She -Herbert Greo y, Son, I wlt-fi. f r G., E McTaggart Spent ture of lbeadlng,­ Mr. Peter B.. 6ard- movement 161-yun'te 4 day by SBAFop Is last week. -MT. Lud, lh And noman. Mr. Thomas Barr, of Goderidh visited 'her sisters )the ipast week preming hay In this vl- tion of 'time Until piolilbitidiv shall Agent for Gendron Baby Carriages, Exp gulte elderly. Mrs. Peck Is y6ung -Of our. worAiy tow only be f ress W*gMj &C Vancouver, british Colum 'home, feeling a, greal deal bette(r.- FIRST DOOR NORTH OF PICKARDS jangstalf bas -a son, who -is also, bla,- vere visiting, f 0