HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-06-07, Page 3.W0110.001.191063.7.4
• - - _
t Account
posits received
auches at best rates
ent with conwrvafive
it paid4timesayear
iings Deposits.
nte -e
D en'fczt4 we have Cleve
4d Coiled Spring, No. 7 Stay
Anchor Fence. Clip'
s Fence-
)oks, Staples and all Supplies
We handle a fial line a
eriess Woven Fence arid
:entry Netting. Wa.1
Orders are now being taken,
L' Famous Sangeen Brand, en -
reed by all cement workers.,
Chicago Flexible Shaft,
.ce within the reach of every.
• Hand Clippers, Singers,
,rry Combs, Etc.
Building Materials, Eave
pughing, Plumbing and Fur-
ee Work can be had for the
tmer Complaints
been used ill thoutande of ho
etet eiete-two years and
rieen satisfaction.
home Slieuld have a bottle a
Sly in clue of emergency.
i345 ceate irt all druggists and
Do n
- me uneainci
into taking so-
;trawbefry Corneound. The
Dn. Foy:am:ea. The rest are sub -
G, Bode, Lethbridge, Altste
"We' have used De. Fowertee Pet
a great remedy for_Diarrhoea,
Complaint aed Cramps. e We
ot like to be without it in the
Capital -1,000 Shares ; $100 ear:la-5100AM
purpose of taking over the,
and plant or Messret. D. D.
Se Co., in the town a sea-
erhoclelling and fitting UP
plant as an up to date Me -
Cold Storage in accordance
he reqUirerr.ents ot the 1304
Govern:bent before the/ will
a subsidy, the aboee QED -
been organized.
ted amount a stock is. ore
the public at par. No Pred
ock or bonds. All share -
on the same footing. •
tuation is very favorable foe
ss proposed. The seetleig-
ry is large and ansurpassed
production at Eggs, Fouler/I
Cheese, Meats and Fruit,
'Idling Fish for distribution:,
be a profitable part of the
overnrnent has passed a bill
a subsidy of 30 per cent at
of plants such as is proposed
stabliehecl which shows the
such an eetoolishrnent. The
s are excellent for a large
le -business- whichtrill
benefit to the producer*
Mere of perisha.ole pro:ambit
dietrict For further inforro-
quire o either of the urilere
=nom •••••,••••14
• NILsiiN' Provisiona Director&
• 2004.
• On Root Convoys&
The great Uterine 'Ton/0,104
3\Only sate effectual 2401104Y
Regulator on which wonaerAcan,
depend. Sold in three deVerr
O strength -No. 1, V. 3; °'
10 demos stronger
for k4pP6 ccial oases45- 1
Sold by all dru8ta or °—
paid on rebeipt. a Prince-
eo parophlea.,Addres5e
0.,TOROKT0,ORT. Omer./
re to Rent.
eimmi tesist
ore of the Bell Bloek, in the Village
.5:s euitable for a general StOM ter
ny buSineSs4 requiring a large. NIT:Tr
:et A comfortable dwelling above DPL -
can be given at once. APP1Y
•ELL SaYorth.Oit. • 2 fi-t-t
4 time
a year.
For New
Ho.ditte, Ciseoes, hitetish, Mackerel
t. These are very scarce, but ar4 extra
• BLE-
, Ceery, Cabbage, Carrots,
id Turnips alwayo outland.
Beet, ,
We buynothing.but -the hest quality i A Beef,
Pork and Lamb m this department. ' have
extra One priees.
ii,hand. •
Breakfast Bacon andIR lei
486CortiKEDedgBeEeilt,T118e-ad„Cheas.n, Bologna aildiNew
Ingland Ham.
• Onr-recery deFkrtment is complete. Always
•fresiand good. ••
Mooroy's Pafeeden Cream
Scxias are crisp. squares
of vlAiolworne murithment,
They are the food that
builds str and muscle.
They are as easily digegei,
by the child anti, invalid
as by the gunly• workman.
I contain ALL the food
01' of finest Cana,
dian whua Roars in a form
that d the appetite.
Always fresh =4 h
the moishtme-czoofpackages.
At all gooners 1 soir
3i Pound packages.
Ilra. Hiram Revoy, Marmo Ont.,
Vitas: "I was troubled for give years
with my back. I tried a great man
remediee, but all faded until was ad-
vised by a friend to use,Doare KIDNEY
PHI& I did so, and two box s made a
-complete cure. I can heartilymown- 11
mend them to all troubled 'yeah their
hack, You may publish this if you ti
' Price 50 cents per box or SI for$1.25,
st all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt
ef price by The Doan Kidney Pill Co.,
- Toronto, Ont.
-Pbpaiar Stallions
T. J. BERRY &a F. BENGOUGH, Froprietare.
Monday, May Oth, will leave his OWII stable and
'proceed east to Thos. Venner's for noon ; then north
to Chieelburst and east to (len. Y. Wren's for night.,
'Tuesday. --East to Centre Road, then north to SOAR
bad for noon then west to David Rills for night.
Wednesday. -West to Hugh MeMillmisrcorner, then
south a mite and a quarter to Win. 110ggarties,- far
neon ; then west, to Kippen, to Robt. Cooper's for
night. Thursday. - West to Hagan Bros., Hills
Qreen, for noon ; then south to Zurich Road, and
west to Johnston's hotel, Zurich, for night. Friday.
...-.F.ast to James Green's for noon ; thenod to his own
table for night. Saturday. -West to 2nd con: Hay,
atid south to Rodger Northcott's, for noon ; thence
east to London Road, then north to his own stable
Where he wilt remain until the following' bloty
.-sorning. .
BERRY & BLAIR, Proprietors.
Monday, May oth.--Will leave 'his own stable.,
lialf a mile south of Brucefield, and go south to Kip-
_ ten and east to William Workman's ],0th Coneee-
on, Tinikertimith, for noon ; then east by way of
Cromarty, and south to Farquhar, at Temperance
House for night. Tuesday.-Enst to Russeldale for
oicioa.; then north to Mitchell, at ti# Rieke - House
or night. We tnescla.y.---To Dublin, at the nomin-
fon Rotel, for noon; then toSeciforth, Dick's Ro-
tel for night. Thursday. -To LeadbOry, at William
MeGavin's for noon ; then by way ' of Walton to
Blythr at the Mason Ilouile for night. Fride,y.-To
liondesboro, at, the Temperance HOMO for noon ;
, then to Clinton, at Graham's Rotel for night. Sat-
Urday.-To own stable, where he will remain
Until the following. Monday morning.
The Home of the
Draurtfht Stud
0 •
• The extra well bred. Clydesdale
tJ Stallion,KING-THOMAS (12025).
The splendid, Shire Stallion.
The celebrated ' Shire St:alien,
SOUTHP01.7 (20011)
• wet stand for the improveinent of steek
this season at 1
"T can take you to a luilldred
hem es, right around my store, in
St. George's is used."
"You can ask those, 3,vlaci do
Cie baking, what they think of
• gallig Powder
"And every oneof theitundred
'will tell -on the same - that
St George's :stands every test
'and newer lies its strength."
Wrde for fr rob, of our Cook Book.
'National g & Chemical Co. of
Cctuada ted, gontreal.
Picture FramIng.
rtItlf4e1111- Fell Fay.- A nkiting of
the Illast Huron Agriculittiral -.I.ocietY
wreJ held in Brussels, on pikturdwy,
May 25th, to arrangepreliminaries
Or the Well-known E .Huron Vail ,
Vail% which will be 1101 In Brusselee
Thursday and •FiridaY, October Srd
and 4th. Conimittees were appointed
as tolloWs : 3. Leckie and Illex.iiitew.
art, to oversee Jame • work at i the
"Palace," and let the e.tettraet of a
line fence between the Agricultural
Park and premises of tr. Bone, JOitta
Smit'h, and Thos. MeLachlin. The
fence will be wire. Hon. Prelident
Ferguson, President Speir, and Sec-
retary Kerr will- wait en the annual
Meeting of the Farmers' Institute,
relative to the excursion to the Model
Farm. !Messrs. James i Slier, Thomas
Miller,' 0. Eekrnier, and W. N. Kerr
will look atter special attractions,
band, etc. •Two judges Will be secured
for each class of live stock. The large
and comprehensive prize list was gone
over and changes Etna aditionsma.de
making it better than 'ever and the
lista will be printed sh.ortly for dis-
tribution. East Huron fair for 1907
wile out do any of its preclecessoos if
the plans of the direetors are real-
ized. .
The ntiroh Assizes. -The non-Jurs
sittings of the High Court for the
• county -of Huron, were held iT1: Gode-
rich last week, Chief Justice Sir W.
R. Meredith, presiding., The only
case that went to trial was the suit
of Ivers v. the township of Colborne,
for domes -es sustained through :the
death of b'the late William intki, of
the township of West Wawandsh. Mr.
Ivers, it will be remembered, met his
death on October 8th la.04 by a loa,c1
of lember he was taking( i out, from
Gocierich being 'upset upon him. The
night wee' dark and a defect In the
road, as alleged, was the cauea of
the upset. Judgment. was entered for
the 'piaintiff . for $1,000 with costs,
the $1,000 to be divided, as follows:
$500 to the widow; $60 to each of the
two elder children and $100 to each
of the four younger children. It is
stated that the township will likely*
appeal to a highee court a,gainst this.
decision. The case of Campbell v.
Tilderi. was settled out of court/In the
case of Quaid v., Hamilton au order
was I made at Osgtiode Hall during the
• week Setting .abiele 'the natice of trial
on. the motion for the plaintiff. Scott
• et al, v. Smith; was an action. brougHt
by tbe executors of the will ot the
late Wm. Scott, of West: Wawanosh,
for legal distress of goods and chat-
tels. Judgment was entered _ by con-
se.rit against the defendant for, $380.-
10, he to have the right of action, a-
gainst a %hied party. This -closed
the busines/3 of the court, which
lasted for part of two days.
The , loate Donald McGregor. -We
made brief reference last week to
the death in elletnesota„ of Mr.-' Don-
ald McGregor, brother of Messrs.
John, Duncan acrid Archibald • Me..
Gregor and Mrs. Thomas Robertson
and Mrs. Grace 'McLean, widow of the
late Duncan McLean, all of Tucker -
smith, which. occurred Con Sanda•-ye
Meer • 19th, The following additional
'pa:Alegi:ere we take from the Ma,ple-
ton • Enterprise. It says: 4' One by
one the sturdy pioneers , -who first
settled this seetion of the country
are bef g called, to their long, porne.
untOn S day afternoon. Donald, Mc-
Gregor" of Graneland, Passed quietly
away- !after an illness which has con -
tinged for a, number of weeks. Mr.
McGregor was one of those rugged,
honest Scotch characters Whom it
was an honor to know and who en-
joyed the respect and confidence of all.
He was 'born at Cromarty, Scotland,
(Ai -the llth day of June, 1829, and:
Was therefore nearly IS years of age.
iWhen". but a. boy he left his nitrite
iheine to follow the life of a sailor,
and for nine years he faced the mast
onj Vessels Which plied %the wa.ves of
the' Atlantic, visiting many ports and
enlarging his knowledge of the world.
He then came to America, and for,
three years followed the- Life of a
sailor on. the Great Lakes, and while
thus employed was shipweecked. on
Lake Erie, and was given up for lost,
tnet luckily was picked up by a Iife
heat. He then returned to his native
land, only to find that his family had
moved to Canada, and he soon follow-
ed• to Ontario. In 1858 Kr. McGregor
came to Yfinnesota, taking a home-
stead, the firm on yeketeh his soot Alex.
new lives. Later'.: he removed to
Varibault county, *here he continued
t reside until the day of his death,.
e was married in 1862 to ' Marth.a,
La,tourell, and Was the father of
t ee eons and one daughter, John,
lexander, and 'William, who live in
this community, and Mrs. 'Belle Cor-
liss, of St. James,:There , are a.Lso
two ,step -children, Chas, Latourell,
Who lives on the home pla,oe with his
Mother., and" Mrs. G. B. Turner; of
Fulda,. The deceased was a man who
Was held in high regard, and the best
tribute teat can be 'paid to hisi, honor
Is that he was an holiest man, He
was of •a quiet, home -loving disposi-
ition„ and of late years very e3Idero
[left 'his\ own fireside, preteritas •to
:spend his time in readirW and look-
ing after the little duties which me
;considered 'Ms own about the -!arm
,home. In his 'younger daye he bad.
'seen the woidd in all its allurements,
anti was satisfied and content. that all
the world round there was no place
that had more true enjoyment than
the tome itself. Mr. McGregor was a
brother of the labb Franzier McGregor,
and is sureived. by his noble wife, be-
sides three brothers and two platers,
Who reside in. Ontario. He was one
of -a family of ten children, alibi early
learned the lesson. of fighting his
•Owie battles. He was a. good manager,
steed during his long life aecumulated
Surficient of this world's 'goods so as
to be able to spend his declining days
in coinfortbale surroundings."
At this time of year you nearly always
have a number of pinholes you wioh frarn,;
ea. But you keep puttit g it off, of he. n be-
eause you jfear t expenst. Picture fram-
ing with us in a specialty, and we carry a
atook of frames and mouldings that are
cheap and neat, pretty but nab expensive.
Let no frame a picture for you, and we
will convince you of the truth of what wo
Try us for yanr next Photo.
•' ale and Exchange 'Stables, Ilensall,
NAME BROS., Proprietors.
Monday -will leave his own stable, Lot 18, Con. 3,
NeKillop, and go to James Henry Campbell's; for
noon ; then to Thos. O'Laughlin's, Con. 10,for nignt.
Tuesday -To George Steinbach's, Con. 12, Logan,for
noon ; then to Louis Lotigway's- for night. Widnes-
-day -Ry the town line to Jacob Wolfs, Con, 1, Lo'
an, for noon ; then to Joseph O'Rourke's, Con. 6,
Relilllop, tor night. Thursday -To, his own stable
'where he will remain until Friday morning. Friday
-To Wm, Flannery's, (Jon. 2, Tuckerinnith,for noon;
then to Peter Jordan's, Ribbed, for night. Satur-
day -..Te his own stable where he will remain until
theiollowing Monday morning. ,, 2069
_Notice ib 'hereby given that owners and operators
10! traction engines are forbidden running their en-
gines 0Vdr the pavement on the Main street, Sea-
torth, and are requested to take a side street when
IPuseing, through town. Parties transgressing this
/order will be proseeuiudInd the 'town officers have
been instructed to take the necosoary proceedings to
• that end.
.20594f M. BRODERICK, Mayor.
Cure Tour
with KendalPs
Spavin Cure-.
the one reliable
cure for all
Bone Diseases,
-Swellings and
Out., May 3 '06.
"Tliave used kendall's Spavin Cure with
great success, and think it an excellent
remedy for Spavins, Sweeney, Sprains,
etc, WM. 1.41141DSAY.
A,ccept no substitute. $1 a bottle -6
for $5. Write for free copy of our great
book -"Treatise on the Horse." 28
Dr, 6. i. KENDALL CO., Enosburg Falls, Vonnonf,U,S.A.
Every packet
will kill
thereflies than
300 sheets
Pof sticky paper
' SOLD BY ---
106. per packet, or 3 packets for 25c.
will laet a whole season.
• • •
McKillop Directory for 1907
JOHN M. OOVENTi4001C, Reeve,
Winthrop P. 10. ,
JAMBS. 30WAN, CounCillor, Seaforth
P. O.
JOHN VcDOWELL, Councillor, •Sea -
forth P. O.
Nearly every one likes a fine
air dressing. Something to
make the hair more manage-
able; to keep it from being
too 'rough, or from splitting
at the ends. Something, too,
that will feed the hair at the
same time, a regular hair -food.
Well-fedhair will be strong, and
will remain where it belongs —
on the head,,not on the comb?.
The best kind of a testimonial —
"Sold for over sixty' yea."
e oTz.e. Ayer oo.,
4. co manufttatUrora or
Part 3 --Anita 'Graham 247, Doris Gra-
ham :0, Jeatil Ivison 210, Frank Mc -
Cerny I 209; Litzie Thomson 184, Part
Thomson, Edward Datars,
The:councii.....6.t the last meeting of
the Turnberry council the reeve re -
:parted in favor of granting $2 to
Peter D. ICling, for tile for road alt
Iowance. The olerk was instructed le
notify Alexander nestle to remove all
his t ces off 0, line btffore the firit
of jul'y. The council decided unani-
mously that no action be taken on the
proposed county by-law, respecting
good roads expenditure under the
Ontario Good Roads Act. The next(
:meeting of the council will be held
on the 21th of June, at one o'clock.
The Council. -The Stanley council
met as a court for • the revision of
thea assesoment roll on Monday, May
27th at the township hall in Varna.
There was only one appeal from) the
assessment, that of Mrs. ' Purdy,
which was dismiseed and the pro-
eeedings of the court were speedily
terminated. The five tenders for 00-
rhent work were considered and the•
contract for Diehr,s bridge was a-
warded to Luby and Nagle, of Dub-
lin, at $5 per ouleic yard. The cement
abutments of Snowden's bridge on
the Sauble line will be built by James
Spackrnan at $4,60 per cubic yard, and
the drawing of the gravel for making
cement tile was 'let to John Ward, of
Varna., at 49 oents per 'yard.
A.- Fire. -The residence Of Mr. Jas.
Spackman, on • the lake road, east,
near Bayfield, was completely dee
stroyed by fire on Sunday, May 26,
In the afternoim. The fire is sup -
.posed to haye started from a spark
falling on the dry shingles At one
time it seemed they had the fire un-
der control but the sucker ef the
pump :broke and they had to carry
water from a. nelgh.bors. Mr. Speck -
man was away from home and knew
nothing of it until he returned.
Obituary. -Another of the early set -
tiers of this township has taken...his
departure. Mr. Charles Legan, of
the Parr line died on Tuesday even-
ing- of 'last week. He had reached
the age of 76 years. He had been, a
resident of this 'township for half a
century and is one of those who
helped to make the wilderness blos-
som as the rose, He was a quiet, un-
assuming, well doing man and by his
uprightness and probity of character
won for 'himself the esteem and con-
fidence of the whole community. -
Another sad death took 'place on, the
Parr line on Thursday, May 23rd. This
time it was a man Le the very. 'prime
of alto who was, called away in the
person of Mr. James Keys, after an was 'held on Wednesday last, when
illness of about a month, at the age the following officere were elected;
of, 45 'years. Mr. Keys was a native Jas, Landesborough, president, Robt.
of the toweethtp and had lived, bere McMichael, vice president; Jno. Han -
all his life. He was an upright, good nab., secretary, ,Wrn. Logan, trees -
living man and was deservedly' es- urer • directors,-Tuokrsmith, Joseph
teemed. Ile leaves behind to mourn.
his loss and cherish his memory a
widow and interesting family of five
children and to whom the sinceresti
sym•patty of the entire community is
extended. He' was an .active and. con-
,sfstent member of • the Methodist
church and a Conservative hi poli-
tics. He was a member of the Can-
adian Order of Foresters and the
members of Varna court snowed their
respect for their deceased brother by
attending the timers:A in a body a,ad
taking part in the ,solemn service. A -
ALEX. ROSS, Councillor,,W
P. 0: -
JAMES RYAN. Councillor, Beecnwood
P. 04
VIICHAET.4•MIIRDIE, Clerk, Winthrop
P. Od
G. K. HOLLAND, Treasurer, Beech.-
Inspector, ',Winthrop P. 0. -
A simple and elfec..lve remedy for
They o6mbine the gem Hdel value of Clresolene
with the soothing propertki of slippery elm aid lico.
rim Your druggist or from us, 100 in stamps.
lAntituns, filtur.ts 00., Limited, Agonts,,Montreal. 40x
est, from the bridge
thecorpor alert; bfr, son -s
a , which was VerT carefully stud -
d out and adinirable presented, pro-
vIder3 for the construction of the walk
during the fpresenViteason, and pay
merit of the same to be met by com-
muting the statute; labor of the pro-
perties fronting* on 'the street, for
the period of twenty years. The ne-
cessary by-law will be presentedl, at
the 'next meeting, Which will be held
In Seaforth, on Saturday, June Skid,
at ten o'clock. -A. G. Smillie, Clerk.
In, The Olden Days.
Interesting sketobos of the ear
days. of Seaferth and vioinity,
taken from tbe files of The ax.
posito ro
PAM ylmi,
Seaforth, Jan. 7, 1876,
The municipal elections just closed
are the first which have been held
under the ballot System. The im-
provement over the old system is
even more marked than the most ar-
dent advocates of • theballot. hoped
Akt the -residence Of the bride's fath-
er,. Decemlyr 29th, Mr. John Gev-
enl'ock • was united in marriage to
Elitabeth, eldest daughter of Win.
Hall; Esq., of near Bayfield., The
cerernmy was 'performed by Rev. R.
lira, of Goderjele • .
Durtng the recent aemiversary ser-
vices of the Presbyterian church, in
this town, Mr. J. H. Broadfoot took
advantage of the occasion to present
to the congregation a handsome and
valuable circular table for use in
front of the 'pulpit platform.
Durins, the past week several farm-
ers in this vicinity have been plow -
sing. During the first days of this
year the weather was as warm' and
pleasant as it usually' is in the lat
al -
ter 'part of April. We so learn that
Mr. Thomas
during the :past weeee
Govenloek, of McKill p, waS busily
engaged in making iaplP sugar, and
the sap ran well. •
iviiss Hall, late Of Gotlerich town-
ship, near Baytield, ',)and now Mrs.
Govenlock, Winthrop, '; wag agree-
ably' surprised on eller redding morn-
ing by a 'present of 1,a set of hand-
some 'vases and a beautiful letter
ease f rom tbe Sahbath school class
which she 11.e.d long taught in con-
nection with the! Presbyterian church
at Bayfield.
The pupils' attending school in Bee-
tles'', No. 4, McKillop, prior to die-
persing for the Christmas holidays,
'presented their te'acher, MT. A. G.
McLachlan, with an a.ddress ,•ancl a,
g1handsome family bible. The address
was signed on behalf of the pupils
;by, Sarah Hender.son, Lizzie Kerr,
Kittle Cowan, Euph,ereal Grieve, Ag-
nes Grieve and Janet Hen.
•••••“teiel Aim*
Sealorth, 'San, 14, 1876.
The first passenger 1tratt ob, the Lon-
don, 1-luro1n and Bruce tRailroad left'
Loodon at five roleintes :peat two onMonday and went through to Wing -
:ham:, returning the following day 'to
London Where a banquet was 'held.
In Georgetown on January by
Rev. Mr. Ewing, Mr. Robert Lums-
den was 'united in marriage to Miss
E. Guthrie, both of Seaforth.
At the annual meting of the Sea -
forth fire brigade on- Monday even-
ing the following officers were el-
ected: James A. Cline, captain; D.
131ogan, let lieutenant e W. H. Cline,
.2nd lieutenant); George Stile, secre-
tary; C. Arrnstrohg, treasurer.
t Mr. Donald pose, of the London.1
rdad, Tuckersmith, who recently- sold
his farm has purchased the houee hil
Seaforth belonging to Mrs. Die, and
will come • 'here to 'live. The 'pride
paid was $1,200.
On Wednesday eveting of last week
a number of the bachelor friends of
Mr. Wm. Rehill entertained him at
a complimentary supper • at Rose's
hotel, prior to his deserting' the
bachelor ranks and entering. the state
of matrimony. The chair woey;„00-
cunied by Mr. J. I. Carter and the
vice ehair by Mr. Robert Logan.
Tte annual meetiog of the Tuck-
ersmith, Branch Agricultural Society.
4 ( Satisfa
For Quality and -Quantity ask your
dealer for the new big plugs of
Bobs," - "Stag," and " CurrencY'
Chewing Tobacco.
• SChool Report -The following is the
report of school section No. 14, Hay,
from April 80: to May 24th; SOO marks
are given- each class for ge•neral 'pro-
ficieney, bet:avail., etc.: Class V -
Eliza, MuLhollaad 276,, Neil McArthur,
264, Sarah Petty 249, Class IV Sr. --
Eliza, Thomson 222. Class IV Jr. -
Laura Fee 289, • George Mulholland
272; Credo Ivisim 267, •Sittni3y MeAr-
thur 201, Clarence McCornish 98. Class
Ina -Maggie Fee 288., Emily IvisOn 280,
Clarence Datara 187, *Willie Petty
185. Class. II Sr. -Elmore Deters 225,
Orval MeCortnel 201, Rae McArthur 187,
Class II Jr. -Anna 'Datars...,28G, Janie
McCoy:lel 174, Samuel Thomson 164.
Atkinson, R. Charters, anti John Mc-
Lean ; Hallett, Geo.1 sr att and John
Warwick; McKillope Wm. Grieve, er.,
and Samuel Scarlett; Seaforth , D. Ho-
gan arid NI. Y. McLean.
MT. S. Hicks„ foroeerly of Seatortie,
has been. engaged as teacher for No.
9 -school, Tuckersmith, in place of
Mr. Gray.'
MAE'S' only one way to make clothing that will
PERMANENTLY retain its shape, and that ie
he way
is made. The above out is a true picture of the inside of
a Progress Brand Coat, showing that there i an exception-
ally large quantity of canvas interlining, and the best pal-
'ty of hair cloth obtainablee
Yon cannot put permanent shape-retenton into a suit
by mere PRESSING. That is why ordinary readymade
clothing quickly loses its' shape, and disappoints the wearer
Seatorth„ January 21, 1876.
• The annual meeting of the South
Huron Agricultural 1Society was held
at ICipperi, on Wednesday last. The
mong those from a distance who at -following are the officers appointed:
Iviessrs. Albert and Alonzo Redmond, Geo!? Anderson, ,preeldent ; . Dr. Cole -
tended the funeral we may mention
of Marlette, Michigan.
' Tuokersmith,
- the Counill.-The council met ire
Seaforth on the 27th int., as a court
for the revision of the assessment roll
for 1907. The only appeal presented
against the asseesments was one by Exeter, Jas. Pickard and W. ±.0� -
Mr. James G. Cnesney, owner of lot gins; Seaforth, At Y. McLean.
22.1 concession 3, L. R, Se who ap- The by-law granting a bonus of
'pealedagainst an assessment of $5,- 000 to the new fonndry in Brussels;
ot said;lot, as being too high. The was carried, on Monday last, by a ma -
court, however, each member of which jority of twenty. a. s
had examined the farm carefully, was At the last meeting 'of the McKillop
unable to see the ma,bter In the same council. Mr. John Malone was elect -
light as does Mr. Chesney, and die- ed deputy -reeve.
man, lst vice ; Wm. Bell, 2nd vice,
S. Smillie, secretary,t G. E. Cresswell,
treasurer; G. E. Jackson and Robt.
Brown, auditors; directors,-Gode-
rich township, Wm,: Wise; Sta./110T/
Th.os, Simpson; HaY, Win. Wilson;
Tuckersmith, Geo. Sproat ; Usborne,
John Hunter; Stephen, We;
Progress Brand Clothing
Is not only made to look attractive when new, but it
made to RETAIN its attractiveness, giving thorough sat
faction to the wearer. Every Progress Brand suit is guar-
anteed to be made as, above pictured, and guaranteed to
give absolute satisfaction or your money back.
missed the appeal. ID the ,matter of
the appeal of the trustees of Roman
Catholic Separate school, No. 1, Hib-
bert, to secure ,the 'school taxes of
Messrs. Thomas Devereux and Mr.
IticQuaae, for their richool, which
had formerly gone to the Seaforthi
Separate school, it was decided •Lo al-
low Mr. Devereux to remain in the
Seaforth, School, and place Mr. Mc-
Quade in'Nee- 1, Hibbert4 A few othen
Ohanges were made in the roll, where
preperty had changed hande since be-
ing assessed, and $9 of, dog tax re-
moved, The roll as thus amended was
adopted as the revised assessment roll
for 1907, unless feather amended by
the judge.
' After the close of the court of re-
-vision the council sat for general
aueiness. The Jobs of gravelling, ad-
vertised by 'posters, were'let at prices
slightly lower than last year. It was
decided to re -paint the following steel
bridges during this season, viz.: The
. Sproat, Flgmondville, 'Broadfoot,Stew-
art, Gordon, Rouatt, and. Pothering -
ham bridges, .Mr. J. D. Stewart, own-
er of lot 6, concession S, L.‘ R, Se
was appointed inspector of concrete
• .work, to look after the intereste of
the corporation, during the erection of
the new bridges.. Mr. 'George . E.
Jackson, of Egrnondville, presented a,
petition .bearing the names of 46 rate-
payers on Centre street, Egmondville,
'praying for the construction of ce-
ment walks on both eides of said
Leading Prices
0, $10, $12.
. Seaforth, January 28, 1876.
, Mr. John Leckie, reev,e o1 Brussels,
has been elected Wardeno of the
county for .the current year.
At the last meeting of the town
couredl, James Hatt was appointed
collector, at a salary of $85; Edward
Ca,sle assessor, salary, $85; J. Dun -
cab,,' treasurer, salary', $50
Mr. Richard Carter has sold hia
farm, lot 33, concession 1, Tucker-
amith, contaiining 50 acres, to M.T.
Samuel Wise, for $3,100.
( -Finlay McIntyre, a yonng man. 22
years of age, was killed near Ox Bow,
Manitoba, svhile plowing with five
hOrses and a sulky. The horses took
fright, and young mantyre was drag-
ged under the plow for Sorra distance
. -
He died Shortly afterwards. He carne
to Ox Bow three years age from:
13rockvilke, Ontario.
-S. L. M9.11/1., liveryman, of St.
Thomas, was 'seriously injured while
milking some cows on his farm about
B., mile out of town by being a,tta,cked
by his Jersey bull. He made a des-
perate fight, until John Hall,- from an
adjoining farm, arrived on the scene.
The bull ° then turned on Hall, and
would probably leave 'killedbotb men:
but for a collie that Mr. Hall brought
with Uma. whim fearlessly attacked
the bull. MT. Mann , may recover.
Hall's injuries are not smriouls,
As its name implies, s at the herd o
others in style and manufacture and abs
intely bristles with good points. Our stock
is coniplete in every style, size, shape and.
color. No trouble about getting a be mil
ing hat, as we' have the quantity as well as
the quality.
stiff Hats
Soft Rats -
Linen Rats
rE),...VikfiT. SRO
utter and Eggs taken