HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-05-31, Page 8— - i•-etterte 4 TR 111:111,0N EXPOSITOR smilax Santa Barbara, Mexico; Chan Orient ; Ayr,o ane lames, Wi11 and ugh Grieve, of Buffalo." 4.e rdware - We awsys en4eaver to keep our istockc1e8aatiPt01alte. It Is no asounle to fellow goods and ase will it be 'beaten. in price or sualtti.1 . I. Let us quote 'you prices On Bideree Tra'rdWfire• of all kinds, Nails, ,Gless, 'aper, ,Patet 'and Linseed Pao 7 Cleveland Coiled Spring Wreati *2.85 eiert hundredi /4e t • • Poultry Netting all .width foin 2 teat to fefeet. • The Patheing 1Seanon is swing land we are selling/ nire of -Rherwanneirilliams• paints • than ever before., They are guaranteed, I Chesney ct Arefii aid, SEAFORTHI tlardware, Stoves and Coal. James Wgttson, Successor to W. N, w *WIRTH MAIN ST., SEAFORT General Fire, Life and Accident 1. since agent, 'Real Estate an - Agent. Doider in firet-class family and B4nufao. tering Sewing Machines and 'Cream Separators, viz. : New -Raymond and White Sewing Machines. end National end eine eda Cream Separates!. Abe sewing machine needles, oil, ttaoh. meats, repairs and sundries or , all kinds of sewing inachines. '• With over 25 years experience in tb Above busineferyou Can rest seemed oft pricee right, square dealieg and eateefaction guaranteed. ! -Mon t; Ineur- Leap DISTRICT MATTERS, Bast Mx Teadh.ers.--The school teachers of t e Beat Huron Inspeetorn ate held the r annual convention art the Agricult ral College, in. Guelph, on Vednesd: . and Thuradwy a last week. %Phe rollege -authorities ex"- tendedt hem a very ',hospitable welcome, and gave them a !pleasant and profit- able time. We have 'received the of- ficial report, but, owing to the crowd- ed 'state of our columns thisrweek, we are forced to delay its publicaltien BA* til next week. Travellers, - The following were ticketed to distant points this week by W. Somerville, railway andateam- eine agent: Mta C 11). 00413, to New York; Mr. Wm.Irelantl, to 'Brandon; : Mr. and Mrs. lex. Roes, of Bruce - field, to ; Len burg, Nova Scotia, where Mr. Rossj will spend the sum- mer its euperl tendent o Govern.- enent works,. -The f011owieg have been ticket- ed to distant parts by Stewart Bron, agents: Miss Horan. to Ken - ore, Ont., where she goes to vieit her -brother James, who has been there for several. years, MurrEiy to Wineipeg, JAMES WATSON, naulanoe Ageni,. and dealer In Sewing ,Maehine and Bicycles. Northilsin greet. Sesforth. • STRATFORD, 9NTARIO, Vo s established twenty years ago, and, by itti thorough work and honorable dealings with iita pat- rons has become one of the largest -and most widely known Conuneroial Colleges In the provincle. The demand upon us for commercial teachers and offiee asaistants greatly exceed the supply. We assist gradtmtes to -position& Students are ente rig -reach V -wit. Catalogue free. r El .I4-10111 & MOLACHJJAN Principals, HARNESS 0 Our own make of genuine Rubber Trimmed Harness. It is the best value in Canada. Ask your neighbor about thein. BeIls-Trunks-Valktea- Suit Cases - Plush and Wool Rugs, to. Inspect our stook before purchasing. IYL Broderick„ opposITE. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, SeafOrth. 2034 $O SHOES. .....___e_te--... The 24th.-Victorlit Day ceetion, 'so far as weather' goes ttede spring. It was -bright and delight- fully warm and; as•sEt coneectuericel, *as one of .-pleasute. A ,great manY people went- oat of 'town, bin many spent the day pleasantly at ,:norne. The big 'attradtion was the football match, and it drew an iMMenSe ,crowd, not only from town, but from the eur- renteding couttry and towns. The bowlere had their first !game of %lie season,- and ',held a •tournament a- Mong the lope_ players. Tee . first prize was woit• be T. Riehardsonnt rink, cemposed of Kt M, McLean, A.. E. Orelson, J. Steee, and T. Rieha,rdson4 The second prize is still to be played tor between R-,. S. Hays, W, a Bright, end J. M. Best In the evening mane. ipeoele oelebtted with fire worksSSO they could 0 seen going off in all 'parts of t'he r. :Ernest • as an ex- Deed:: of1 Mr. John: Steet,-Mr. John' Steet, Who :had been ill for some weeks, lilaSe=4 Peacefully " away on Friday laet. Heart trouble was, the et;t1Eie Of death. Mr. Steeb WO the s cond iota of the late John Steen of Bgnsondville. He was 'born in Eg- snondville fifty years ago, and, 'has re- sided in this vicinity nearly all his life, and 'hes been engaged. in the mer- cantile euelness. For a great many Veers he has been salesman in the E. Meresti establishment. He was a rifest ,genial, kind hearted, obliging man, and was very popular with the entrees Of the House, and was a uni. versa favorite with all who knew thini, and mew will deeply regret 'his demiseHe was never Married, acid resided 'with his mother, who, with; four brOthers and a sister, Mrs. 1. V. Peat, snrvive hire. The funeral took plate on SuedaY afternoon, and tete re - mans *ere laid 'to_ reed bn Egmons ville cemetery, and, despite !the very wet and :unfavorable weather, was very largely attended. Tihe deceased was a member of Britannia; Matacnie _ledge, and the membeein of the lodge attendedthe funeral in! ,a body, and it was eonducted under, Masonic aus- Our claim to your savor - al entirety upon the char - actor of our DRUGS AND MEDICINE S. We ask your trade because we know what yoet buy here will never prove disappointing. We have earned a rep- utation for sellin pure drugs at xnotl erste prices. That reputation was not earned. without yea son. Caustic Soda for making soap, 8 lbs. 26e; Helle- bore; fresh stook, 30e a lb. Zam Buk, the great healing salve, 50o 1a box. We have every- thing usually kept :in an up -to -date drug store.' Come in and see is. 1 1.11111.1"1. - Our $3. 50 Shoes will shine n. any society. They'll shine wh n you compare them with $if or $1.50 ehoes. It's hard to tell them fi om, shoes costing twice the price. Three -fifty is a popular price for Daell and women's shoes these I days. It'e always the best—or 'kne— e& this store, and so we Bloomed • the hest Patent Colt, Vidi Kid and Gen Metal Calf—ext4me'or moderate etyles, high or lolw eat, lace, baton and Blucher the best shoemaking. Everybody endorses these $3 50 shoes? ,=ISR.M11111•4•11- • Richardson& lit'Ipnis SEAFORTH, sole .A.kents for Victoria, Hear Jun Wright and Derby Silos. • - Every:one' who buys • DIANIONP- from. • us • Feels that he or she has s a good bargain. We that every one shall fe way. Every gem we sel be right in quality, col( A Rueavta Roxboro, b very serieus ening laf3t. long Goderic ton. ,-Mr, John Scott, of d a close call f rom ccident on Sunday ev- e was driving east a - street in a co erect buggy and hen.' opposite the res- byterian chutice the front axle of the vehicle broke allowing the front part4 of the buggy heels, fright to rue away to fell on the( horses Ing it and 'causing it -When _ opposite tee Methodist ch reh the broken end of the axle .str agatnet the sidewalk the impact cuing the baggy' top and seat to fall clear off, carrying Mr. Scott with it, This is what saved tem 'and allowed! 'hint to get free from te.e buggY. The horse .centintied on, ceming le contact , with a tie post in front of Dr. Burrows' office and breaking it tee It then ran -to the ,corner of Mr. M.. :Williams' lawn, where the buggy got fast on a tree aid the horse got ewer, bet was soon cantered. Me. Scott had Ms knee hurt but otherwise he was not injured ani was able to be out -to town to look after the wreck the following morn- ing. 'Had the top not Parted With the begge and caeried, ler. Scott _with It tee consequen.ces might have been, meetz more serious... The horse WaS .,ent end lamed but its injuries were net serioue either. C.ow for Sale. -A Dtirlitun cow for sale. It is a firsticlass eew arid lin calf to 00WIlleti bull ; also an eight monthie old alf off the same cow and bull. Apply to John Pow 11, Seaforth. 2059x1 • Remember the date of Taube &Son's vieit to Sea - forth and if your eyes bother you in any way do not fail to confreit them at Fear's Drug Store on Monday and Tuesday, Juno 10 and 11, 2060-1 arett and fancy ices In -brick or bulk for wed- dings or parties, Nell's Restaurant, fipeelal pries In large quantitie's. • 2050-2 86 per tient. of headaches are the result of eye strain. 'Proper fitting gla.sees will give permanent relief. If you are troubled that way cotton% Taube & son at Fear's Drug Store on Monday and T2u0e5sdo.y, June 10 and 11. • Money totist.-Lost Seaforth, on Thursday, :May 231d, 8100 15 bills. The finder will he liberally rewarded on leaving it at TIM Exeosrron, Office. 2050x1 When Tanhe & Son attend to your eyes you get the benefit of over 35 years' experience. Call and Consult them at Pear's Drug. Store ou Monday and Tuesday, J tine JO and 11. 2060,1 Wool Werited.- Any quantity. Highest prices, Also large quantities of butter and eggs. 0.111iing,. 'Winghatn. 2050.1. Football. -The game between the Hilton's and the Pa.n7Americans, of Fall River, Mass., cm the 24th, drew fully 2,000 people, who were treated, to one of the best exhibitions of foot - bell we have seen here for some' tirpe. Tee game was fast and clean. freer the start to ehe finish. and- g eve the • spectators full value for t in money, h/ Fpr the first half the Pam- rnernaes heel the better of the game, nd scored two goals to the Huron's one. It was in the second half that the Heroes came to themselves and merle things more than intereettne for tee Arnern. COS. In this half they made another telly, 'tying Ole score. Anceher one was put through but was not allowed ae the referee claimed off side. Dur - leg tee entire letter part of the g-ame Fell River were hard pressed and it yobs only by the best of luck 'they were able to save their, reputaAloni. On the whole the Hurons played the better game and as a teem showed up better than the visitors. The following was the line up of the Hur- ons: Goal, Middlemost ; becks, Han- ccek and F. Sills; 'half backs, C. Sills, E. Murray, Chas, -Stewart; forwards, T. Vstard, W. Morrow, H. Chetten Darnell, end C. Mustard. The gate re- ceipts amounted to over $375. . ,-Berlin and the Hurons played on the recenation grounds! on Tuesday elrentng before a. fair . sized crowd. 1 The game, however, was tot at all omitting, as Berlin was an easy mark for the Hurons, who had prac- tically all of the game. Tee score was three goale to none. , . 1 -.The next home •garee will be on Tuesday evening, ,betWeen Stratford ahd the Hurons. : 'Died In Dakotae-The deceased lady referred to in tee following para- graph which we take from a recent Dakota paper; was a niece of Mr. H. J, Grieve, et. Egmondvitle, and the iannouncernent of her death will be read with melancholy interest by many friends and, relation(' in this vicinity. The following is nee quota- tion referred to: e erre. Margaret Marshall, wife of James' Marshall, MOW living two and a half mites to tee eouth of Ayr, but who until re- cently lived but a, few Miles north of Buffalo, passed away latato Saturday, at the family home, of acate Bright's disease. The deceased bad ,been 111 only about a week and -- her death eerie' as a thock to her Many frien.de In this vicinity. Margaret L. Grieve was born near Seaforth. Ontario, on August ,, 19th, 1873, end was at the tirrte of her death 83 -years, 8 months and 23 days old. In 1880 deceased moved with her parents, Mr.: and Mrs, W. T. Grieve, to this vicinity and had spent her girlhood days here. On February 24, 1891 she was married to James Marshall and to this union two children were born, both of whorn survive 'her. _Mrs. Marshall was a member of the Buffelo Presbyterian church and her devout Christian erpir- it and 'gentle clisposition had endear- ed her to her friends and neighbors In a, way that caused the Jose to be moat keenly felt. Those left to mourn.- Of Toronto, was the guest of Mrs. ,eas, very properly; issued a notice to 'her sad and sudden demise are her Robert ell over Sunday. -Dr, George the ownera and operatore of trac- mother. Mrs. W. T. Grieve, a. loving A. Dew r, of LGIen coe, an 'old Seaforth husband, two small <children, two boy, wa in town on Friday. The doe- ligii Einginites that they meet not un r eng es over the pevementron sisters and s I X brothers. The sisters tier was one of the early members ot - are Mrs. Jelin Scott. of Ayr; and llers. the fam iMein et ' Glared intend 1 thEI, mus r, en and price. We have 50M beau ties to show you. Oar apecial Diamond - - Engagement Ring $25 is extra, good value Wedding Rings $3 to91$8 J. F. DAL Jeweller de Opticieri 1 Issuer of. Marriage Licenses. $3.4,RDNO BLOCK SEAFORTH The First Step Often 'neaps so much. It has meant success to thousande of young people who wrote for our, catalogue as the first step toward a, g000d salariei.:. posi- tion. Take the step tp-day. (11 .ess . . . Central BusinesS Coilege 395 Yonge St., Torontn. 11, SlfAW, Principal, 2048-52 as of EYesight istworse than loss of fortune. -No ma er horn small your eye trouble may lie, have it correeted. See Untie and Son at Fear's Drug Store on Monday:and Tuesday, June 10 and 11. 2059-1 The Canadian Order of Foresters bast; made or- rangementi for an excursion to Niagara on June 14 and 16. For rates, etc., see bills, also ad,on page 6 of this issue. 2059-1 Age your glasses right ? Vision changes an all things do. See Taube & Son at Fear's Drug Store on Monday all Tuesday, June 10 and 11. 20504 - Tenders or Booths. -Tenders for the booth privil- eges at the:Seaforth races -3 days -will be received by the Secretary until Friday, June 7th. M. Broderielc; Secretary, •2059-2 Coat Lost, -Lost between SLColumban and 13eecb- wood, 4 black ' oloth 'nat. The finder will kind!), oblige by leaving- it at es se notiande, Beaohwood. J. J. Ityan,"St. Columban, 2059-tf ' For ale. -4-A, firat-class aecond _hand buggy, has had good & Wil ut little use, and le newly painted. Also a et of!rubber mounted harness. Apply at Reid Seaforth. ' gore Mar Warited.-A reliable Protestant married man for farm wOrk. Good wages to an agreeable, om patent, sultaide couple, Address Dr, J. Bell, corner tith and North St. Harrisburg, Pa., or call on James • Boll, ar„ Henson, 'Ont. 2068-2 Int:Portant Notice. -All parties who are interested in the liarpurhey cemetery are requested by the un- dersigned to kindly contribute funda for the erection of rt• new fence surrounding the skita and rear of the cemetery, also for the: purpose of employing a care- taker to keep the grounds in proper order. Contri- butiolie for the above purposes may be paid to any of the undersigned, who have been appointed as Committee to take the matter in hand. As the com- mittee are anxious to have this matter attended. to as early as possible it is hoped all those who are in- terested will respond promptly and liberally. James Watson, Seaforth ; John Wilson, Seaforth ; William Aiteheson, liarpurhey. 2058-2 4 Boys wanted. - Parents desiring their boys to learn good trade and have steady employment, would do well to call at the Seaforth Shoe Faetory, Boys wanted'f roll' 14 to 20 years of age. 2057-2 Farm Gates. -14 inch spruee lumber ntakes the best farm gate obtainable. N. Cluff & Sons, Sea- fOrth. - 2058-2 Pang' man, of Toronto, was here over- S'endene-Mlie Clem Case lett . on Thursday for New. York, to resume her. dutiee as a profeselonal nurse. - The Parks and John Street 'played a tie ;game ot feotball, three goals each, on the recreation grounds Wednes- 1. day evening. Lorne Pethick acted as referee and Regle Reid of the Parks, was the star player of -the game, The Parks Fourth beat the Pen Am- ericans in two matches, one hyeight tok none and again by two to none.- epsers. McEwen & Geiger beet° re- voW several fields of flax on account otnthe plant haning been killed by the frost. -The W. In Willis Shoe Co. bee been organised with the follow- ing directors': George Sills, W. T. Box, George Cheerier 9.71Ci Bert Cluff, Sea,forte, and F. King, Toronto, Mr. Sills was appointed President and. Mr, W. T. Box Vice President, -Mr. Pt it, lrecKey, of Wilkerbarre, Pennsylve ia, epent the holidays at the paretin home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter eic I ha Tuckersmith.-Mrie W. a Fair, of. Clinton, was here thie week visiting her sister, Mrs, James Watson. -The members of the Ladies Bowling Club will :have their -first game OM the green on SaturdaY afternoare As this is the opening of the season it ilif desired that asenany members an'pos- Bible be present. -Rev. F. He Larkin will speak next Sabbath evening on "The Reconstructed Life, or the Sec- ond chance." -The London Confer- ence is in session hi Godericif this weelte-Mr. W. II. Kerr, of the Brus- sels Post, was in town on Thuroday, rin 'his way to the cenferenee at Ood- erich. The probabilities are that Rev. Mrleirlost will be removed from Seas forth and stationed in Askin street kbureh, Londen, 0. ABERHARIT, DRUGGIST, OARDNO'S - — 131,001C 3ZI.A.Y1 OET 1Agerit for up-to.dote TrUssee, Syringes, Hot Water 13ottles, Shoop' remedies, , Cooke' Golitnn Root Compound and Weoci'4 Pbesnhedine. Miliinery hat is Not xpellsi e 7 *Miter will find it to their ad -vant- age to attend the bazzar in the vacant' store in Caranidhael's block, under 1the tauspicies of the Ladies' Aid of the `Presbyterian church to -day and tO- 'morrow, High tea will be served this nivenhig from five to seven. - The ,many friends of Miss F. E. ICirkwooq, formerly of the Collegiate Institute staff here, will regret to learn of the death of her mother. Mrs.,. Kirkwood died at 'her home in Brampton on May '23rd. -Mies Dore Smithers, who has neen cashier in the E. McFaul Co.'s ,store, has ening-nee here 'position. 'Miss &tethers will le very much nissid ,by the 'patrons of the Eltore, 'for her good business ability end ob- liging manner had rna,de- her a general 'favorite. -Mr. C. Sperling came up from Aylmer to spend the 24th holt- dans with his family here. -Mr. Silas -1Eyre of Hareurhey, - has •been off 'work' for the- pint three weeks with t ;a sore leg. -Mrs. T. Wren and little ton, of Acton, were visiting recent- ly at the home of Ur. Silas Eyre,' P. G. Sperling, of Wingharn, was 'in town on Tuesday. -The court for Abe revision of the 'town Lessem- Iment roll was held on Tuesday fore- noon, There were several eppeale, but tnot many of 'hem were sustained. The 1erincipal business 'of the court WW3 In. making .changes where propertieshad 'changed ownere since the completion of the roll. The court adj untied until 'the 10th ef June. -Dei 1yeeateek and backward 'master Dickson has pe 'son's growth in his gar of which measure elev inches lir length. -Mr. Joseph Taylor, of Har - lock, While in town on Thursday of last week, had the Misfortune to lose $100 in -bills. He had drawn the money out of the Bank that day. -As if to make up for the beautiful spring weather of Sunday moreing, Old Bor- eas gave us a squall and a thender- storth Sunday afternoen, followed by a cold Noithwest wind, and a flurry lof snow an Monday, May 27th, but we 'have been favored with nice weather since the -Miss Dobie, who av,as pursuing her musical studies in Ger- fn en -Y, nes returned te 'towe, and is now visiting her sister, Mr,S. W. D. 'Bright, previous to returning to 'Brandon, Manitoba. -Mr. D. Andrews bas purchased the residence of Mrs. Alexander, tor $800, and will occupy. lit. -Mr. Ernie 'Murray, who has grad - 1 uated from the School of Practical Science, Toronto, has gone to Ed- i ,monton, neer which 'place he will be ;engaged On a -railway survey for the I summer. -Mr. Thomas Wilson, •son of 1Mr. D. a Wilsori„ who has been prac- tising 'his 'profession as a dentist in lefohow, India, for the past five years, now On his way home to Canada, to I visit his Id home and friends, and 1 1,intends tO wend ehe sernmer here, - Mies McD aid, of Woodstock, and Mr. P. A. Mak:nein of Detroit, spent Sun- day with their sister, Mrs. R. A. IScott.--Miss Margaret McQuaid spent the eholidays with friends in Stret- ford -The town of Clinton have just placed an* order with The Robert Bell Engine & Tbeesher Co., of this teem., . for one of their celebrated Acme Steel 1Stone Cruskers with elevator, revolv- ing screen and portable bin, also one of the Beall Coes rollers for rolling the. streets.' The .Clinton 'people are bps oe i congratulated up n their choice. They 1 Will now 'have t ' terdate crusher !prates in the Crich 'has sold li MANGOLD SEED. -We have the leading varietie in mangialds and sugar beets for stook also all kind _of garden seeds. W. R. Smith, Seaforth. 30554 Clevelano: Coil Spring Wire -Just arrived - a oar load of the best Cleveland High Carbon Steel Gal- vanixed Coll Spring Wire No, 9. Price 82.85. Also a supply of Anchor Fence Stays and Clips, Geo. A. Sills, liettfort. 2059-2 a brow pounder belonging to tt mortar. Reward at Lost -On • etoria St. south of 0, E. Parkes2'0h5o0t-ilse, Toronto Bargain House, Seaforth. You may see well, but If the. eyes pain and ache something' is wrong witich will tiltimately reduce thAt visionary keenness. Protect 'this priceless fat. ulty by consulting Dr. Ilarvey at Daly's Jewelry Store, Seafdrth, Thursday, June Oth. Hdura 10 to 12, to 6 or by appointment, 2050-1 • Houtelmepers will find Campbell's Varnish Stains most excellent -for staining and vornishing floors and interior wOdwork. These stains dry hard over night and never become tacky, Reid 6.7, Wilson carry a full line Of ail ;cetera. 2059-1 Rug Fon id, -The. person who lost a good 'buggy rug or blanket on Main street on Tuesday afternoon may have the same by caning at Tim Emmen: Office and eying for this advertisement. 1 'Laundry temoved,-The Seaforth Steam Laundry hoe been moved from North Mein street to the more wont °Moue premises on, Market street, first door west of Win. Pickard &Co's. store. With the • Wormed r oin and additional faeilitielt we will have for timing out work we COM - promise our patrons even hette service than in the past. Prices reason- able and w rit satigfaetory. .1. P, 13e11, Prop, 2059-2 New 31111 nery-Mrs. E. Neil bdgs to announce to of Seaforth• that she has just returned to with the newest styles of spring and Riflery, which may be :seen at • her show ain street, onedoor north of Reid & Wil - 2059 -1' the ladies from Toro summer 10 rooms on son's, Seaferth. 0, Lawn Mowers -A complete stock of the best goods In that line, See our 4 -blade 84.25 'machine. Every one gua teedi Geo. A. Sills, Seam th. 2059-2 e Local Briefs. -Our old and worthy townsmen, Mr. James Leatherland, celebrated his eightieth birthday on Friday last, VictorieeDay, and he is Still as spry as many a youth! of fifty. May 'lie have many more Years of neefelness before hien.-The Ep- worth Leauge of the Methoditet church had a very successful and pleasant social le the basement et the church on .Tueeday evening. In addition to th.e rehieshments, there was a good musical1and literary programme -Mr. R. Be pe,vis, of Toroeto, was the guest of Mr. .V. Fear during that past Wjek.-The regulate meeting of Brit - a eta Masonic Lodge will be held In the lodge room. net Monday evening are three andel- for.-Mr. -Walter; loyed for the sea - pavement on Main street. -Mr. Paul Madge, of the Thames Road, In:borne, was in town on Mon- day. -Mr. Wrn. Steen of 'the Pieton Times, and Mr. George Sleet, of Sag- inaw, were .here this week, attend- ing the, funeral of their brother, the late John Steet.-Miss Sutherland has been in Itown, renewing acquaintances for several days previous to going to Woodstock, where she intends spend- ing the isummer. Miser Sutherhand was accompanied by her 'nephew, Mr. Me- at 8 O'clock. There ates to, be ballote Kemp 'has been em son to attend to th .the cola season, Post- s of this sea - the stalks _Death of nIrs. Fanson.-Our Citi - WW1 were eurprised and pained: on: Fridley last to learn of 4the death of Mrs. Robert Farisoreof Seaforth, which occurred en Timrsday at the residence of Mr. Paul 'Madge, Thanies Road, reberne. Mrs, Fanscin had not been *ell all winter: and about a month ego 'with Mr ".4 B10.718011 went to Mr, Madge's on viSit wid 'the hope that the cliange might prove benett- else.. Their hopes, however, were not realized, .as despite the beet of care and nursing she nentinued to grow weaker, although the last call came Suddenly and unexpectedly. Mrs. Famesn's maiden name was EliZabetil CtilinninS. She was twice married, her first husband bebtg Mr. eherbrook Of Exeter, She had been rna,rried to her now bereaved husband about 20 'eearee She :WAS 76 sears of age. She *as a good, kind, exernplary wo- man ',and a, consistent member of the Methodist church and although of a 'itomeavhat quiet and retiring- dispoel- tion,Inad many warm and sincere friends. The remains were interred In Eeetee cemetery on Saturday last. Mr. Panson intends residing in Ex- eter,: with his -daughter there. e best wee moat -up- and road making an- country.-Mre G. is residence on South Main istreet, to -the Misses McLellan, of Tuckers/111th, for $1,300. -Mr. .Wil- liam Ireland, who -has been a. 'member ot the gat Of the Seaforth Millingi Company for a. great many years, left on 'Wednesday for Brandon, Manitoba, 'where he' has taken a 'position with, the ;Western Milling Company 'there. Mr. Ireland is a thoroughly compet- ent workman ,and a, good man in every respect, old our citizens will be -sorry to lose himself and Mrs. Ire- land from the town. Mr. Ireland's IPOSition, there will be taken by Mr. James Reid. -Mrs. J. M.. Beat ane Miss Verde ern in Toronto this Weekennlent cash !procure work at good wages on the 'sewers, to be constructed on Gode- rich end North Main streets, and 'should apply to the Mayor or Mr, George ,aeurdie.-Mr. H. 8, Robertson, df the Stretford Collegiate Institute, 4was calling on old friends here on Friday last. -Mrs. Joim McLaren, ,of - Toronto, formerly Miss Ewing, was In town on Monday' last. -Mr, Geoege Chesney, of' the firm, of Chesney & Archibald, has purchased tne brick residence on John street, at 'present occupied by lee-. John Finlayson. -Mr. J. K. Riefuledson, of St. Marys, w -as Kinney,' of Berrie, who spent the holt- town on Wedneeda.y.-Mr. James Weir days in town. -Miss Annie Laird, of and family have removed from their Godericli, was in town last week, late residence, on Chalk street, -to the visiting her father, Mr. John Laird. one recently purce.a.sed by Mr. Weir -Miss Cowan,- Miss Gillespie and Bert on High street. Mr. Patrick :Welsh, Archibald and other Toronto students are hone for the holidays. -Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Willson, a Detroit, spent Sunday in town with their daughter, Mrs. W, G. Willis. -Mess Boavvorth, who recently purchased the residence Ivacated by Mr. -Weir, has rerneved here frena Beechwood and himself and !family are comfortably domiciled in their pretty new hornet -The. Mayor reet when they eau Just as- s Huron football club and well use aside street, on Which there We H. Lakel. of Buffalo < The broth- 'he came here from Clinton to eee the ,is no pavement. -Mise McDougall and, ere are 'Mat. Grieve, Who now resides club 01 'his youth play with the Pall !Mien Sutherland visited friends in! in liVaShingtons Dr. Robert Grieve, of ItIverii-The ladies 0! the town and . . 'MINIX On iKed,neodaYst... 0.! A., le. . . * • (414IAN ---TA. near, Barristers, Etc., at Henson Tnesls, ThuraZys and Saturdays, 2020-tf , Al and Feed. -Just received ear of High Grade •,, . There are many women in Seaforth and vicinity who are looking for 'Moderately priced • Are You one of them 1 'if so, we believe our stock ill interest you, el, We give epeeial attention to hats, ranging in price from $3.00 to $7.50. These hats are right in. style, making and material—they are as good as many hats you would pay double for, and even *better, if you procured them. from florae city stores. Our hats are worth seeing—it posts nothing to satisfy yourself, and it may mean quite a saving, 0 when you -are ready to buy summer millinery, be sure a trip is made to our store. Uanit ha flour, bran mut shorts, also two ears of eorn.1 All kiwis 01 grain wanted and highest Priees paid,1 Urquhart, Henson Oatmeal MIPs. 2058x2 Por sale at a bargain, a s'eeend hand McLaughlin, of Oshanst, Mikado nearb new, and practical- lyas ewe as new both in appearance and condition. Apply at the Henson P. O. 2059-2 ! Hotel I3urned.-The Queen's hotel building owned by Mr. W. Coxworth and recently vacated by Mr. Byte, hurried to the ground on, Thursdire Mornting. The fire was first *noticed netween one,erel two o'clock and had gained -such headway that the build - hag Could not be saved. The .rst that could, be done was to pre at the spread of the flames to the adjoin- ing buildings. The hotel bee eeen yacatit for some time and the °risen: Of the fire is unknown. The less -to Mr. ceaxwerth will be considerable as there was no insurance ' Britain -Mies Dulma,ge, dI Tolerate was here this week visiting eer sin- ter, frL Hopper. -Mr. David .Wren, Who is studying for the ministry and intending tne University' in Toronto, ts•'heme for vaqation.-Rev, Mr. Shaw and wife, of Lyons, formerly of this villaee, visited in Hensall and vicin- ity this week and Mr. Shaw was also inter ding. ttie conference et Gode- rlehr-Quite a, number from Hensel' end ivicanity atteedee the concert held in the Hills Green Methodist church on Tuesday evening last and report a, very interesting programme and en- enecfea,ble, evening. -Mrs. E. Pierce, Of Fewest, lwas here last week visit- rs. J. Suth.erlandneDistrict Dep - rand Master Bally, paid ;his official visit to Zurich and Hen- Maeemic Lodges on Thurscley ev- lent when, there was a large dance of the brethren and at lose of the lodge' a. fine sapper, gottr up by Mr. Thomas Parlmere et the Mascot restaurant was much enjoyed and a pleasant social time was spent. -Mr, Roy Neelands, of the Review office, Paris, spent the holi- days with his parents here. -A eine- bee of the new cement walks avill eoen be in course of construction.- Censiderable 'grain is being brought Into market and meets with good 'Prices as do also hogs, -As Mt. and, MTS. ttephen Troyer and son, George, were driving home frem church a Sanbete or two ago they hed quite an adventure. When about a mile west -Of ntee village their horse wnich had hot been often driven single, "took fright at a covered buggy which was paroling them at a rapid Tete Jame dashed Into the ditch, upsetting their top buggy and throwhig them net, the horse at 'the -same time jumping through a. barbed wire fence With its -front feet, Fortunately by this time Mr. Troyer and les sot were on their feet and got the buggy righted, arid the 'horse under control. There was no serious damage done. -Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Murdock and children were -recently 'in Winghamt visiting relatives end friends. -Mrs. F. Coleman was in Exeter reeently visiting. -Miss. Jessie McEwen was home from Landon during the past week ependbig a day or so at her father's, Mr. Duncan McEwene-Our bowlers enjoyed the firEit game of the season on the 24t1n-laftse Jean Dick has returned from, Blake and vi - chitty where see had, been spending e =pie of weeks. -Mrs. Bennett, of London, was in the village this -week visiting her brothers, the, Messrs. McDonelle-nirs. D. Urquhart is ape:Kl- ieg a week or so in Toronto with her -daughter, Miss Bessie. -Mr. William Stoneman is adding to the appearance og hie fine new dwelling by levelling the ,grounds and nutting down a cement walk and intends shortly ere eating a neat fence. -Reeve Geigiar, Clerk Steneman, Reit. Mr. Toll and lames Oexworth were in Goderich 'on leondel itt eotnection with the iocal option appeale-Miss Billtegs, of Wirit- Mr is visiting her brother, Mr. II. Bil- lings, manager of the Molsons Bank, --tMiss Mary Carlisle and slate; Mime Annie, were In London this _week -visiting their Orothere4-Mrs., Mapans l'etY f trot *rail eane site the • Werin4444414444:4;e1444_4444 4+F. Parasols and Umbrellas from Abroad We now announce our readiness to show you supreme value nef.'s imported unibrellas and parasols. A neat parasol is con • ed by persons to be an adjinct of the costumesinext in imp to the hat. The imported parasols we partieularly refer- *zit to range in price 1 to ++++++++4.44+44+++++++++44 The Dress Goods Stpck at;'it is now • The newest, the best, the cleverest, the cream of the market Is now represented in it. With an eye singleto your most - tritieg taste we have made a selection for present sellin'g vrhich is ibe peer of any that we have had lieretofOre. Come any time and see the list. Here are some leaders • Fancy Green Tweed, extra value at . 2. Cream Boating Serge, special value . 3. Two only Light Fancy Tweed Suit Ends, worth $1.25 the yard.. ** ..... . . .....,., 4. Black Coating Serge, just received for Suits and for ***** • dr o• a** #1,S***.i, or*. •••••• 4 • • .4).4. *i¢; • • • New Flowered Louisine Silk, $1.25 Dainty Laces and Embroideries Hand 4.11 hand go laces and embroideries witb wash goods. great variety of the latter naturally calls for a corresponding etok of the former—and we have it. We have never had a more ei tensive and desirable one, and it is brimful of good values, are worthy of immediate recognition. Dress Accessories in Plentiful Supply :NEW Hoisery GI oyes Veilings Ribbons • Trimmings Vests Corsets • OLL WOIa ••---neeenereesen- Tailoring arid 6 ).4)ggiaae_ y BTO . regula Fine Ma $25 Fine al $2-14 an Offiriglittitdd Good Val u es Throughout ,01 swoRTn. ilnd granddaughter, -744-arim,Bengough, e 24th withener p spent -the ' were in Exeter during th,,past. week and Mrs. R. Welsts-The e spending a few days /tenth Mrs. of Carmel enerch recently Mann's son, Gor&m.-Mr. Galati, of 8125 towards the China fal London, was 'here recently visiting This le a, very liberal re his sone Ur. A. Gaule, superintend- . the appeal, particularly ent of our foundry. -Mrs. Elder, of the fact tha!t. they nad only T this village, on account of advancing ceetly contributed liberelly years and ill health, has sold her mission causer -Miss Emma neat lwellhig 'property on Queen -end her eniehe wee Nichol street to Mr. Peter Moir, etre of the in Brusseis during tee past township a tleborne, who intends' :et; dila(mu:litac'er,0fMrifu.e4:mit vie," Mrs. Andrew elter, of the township moving into it Shortly and Mrs. ' mianse during the past week Elder vtill reside with her daughter nallnie.is having bis p s duwt afr eliiriee of Vsborne, with whom she 1119.13 been ed, -Mr Thos eis living for some time and while we boiler In his electric plant laist . ' always. regret losing good residents MrWelsh, is always up wi like Mrs. Elder from our village, we' tinrP- welcome Mr. Moir and family, who her and who will be s at home wan` - Neeesetelesors, Jose it tend Watkins had a successfu1 r Sufamerhill. ;ere already well and favorably known so y of their relatives' &id friends. : -Mr. NV. Geiger, medical student, is home from Toronto fipending the ve- _cation with his parerea.--Mesers. W. Phillips and M. Brown, Henseli boys who are holding good 'positions in To- ronto, spent the 24th at elfeir nomes here. -Miss ,Nellie Bell, of Toronto, spent the holidays with ber, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jae, Bell, sr.-Mias Ma- bel Sparks, of Centralia, and lier. W. Pult , of Landon, were lisre visit - Ing t eir narents.-Mr, Moser, of Mythspent lain Friday , with Mr. and Mrs. G, F. Yungblut.-Miss Ag- gie Shirray was in London during the peat week. -Mies di, Hart, elocution - 01 Glencoe, was at 'the 'parsonage this weekvisiting her parents, and took part he 'the concert at Hills Green on Tuesday evening, with eredit to herself and pleasure to the audit epAgeAmlee 0.1111/7 E0.011# eri Imelex the Bo An day lest weee.-Mr, Will Be hag been awning on the lake tme, tbas returned horne. Scott, of London toweshile 5tt_- T. W. Scott and daughter, -- spent Sunday at -the home of A. Tyner. -Miss•,- Zeno.. Wee Londeeboro, spent the 24th e Mies 011ie Waite visited at Mr. C. len Sunday last. -Miss Lillie Ca the 24th With' her Meier, Carter. -Miss Annie ,John has been ill with pneum to be around a.gain.-Sead the order of the day, -Quite ber from round 'here attended menstration in Clinton on NUM Elva Beatorra le visit borne.-Severel from rout tended the acvial near Fridax evp14n8i •.: 4