HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-05-31, Page 5EggetIn540,910.'"4"r"I"'m7#IWAV-9 we eld, and quote( Veal calves were quo Lambs -Export sire per owt foe ewes, and Woo Iwo worth from0 to 7 cauh were quoted est $7 per Mt for kIeLt 5 for lights and Int% Drovers reported nourL try p olio as being $0.76 foe the farmer, or WA' b. ea nb country points. Bee Ate; May 28 -Cattle -Active and strong at I high() ; prime steers, $5.40 to le ; shiPPioe'l 55, -0 to *5. 5 ; hoteliers' $4.85 to e5x,-5; heifers, e4.26 55.50 ; cows, *160 to 415 ;bull $340 be $5 ; stoo wad feeders, 04 to 05; etoele heifers, 3 P0 84 ; fresh cows and •springers, $2 lower at P0 $54 o her,rit $5 to 44.2 Ho liairly cmtivo and 15 to 2to lower v, hcu 88.26 • $0.45 ; mixed *0.46; Yorkers, $0.45 $0.50 ; pigs, e0.50 to il0,05.; roughs, 85.40 to $5,0 Sheep tisi Lambe -Active lambs and wethers .25 higher ; bmbe, 0.50 to e3.60; yearlinge, $7.25 t $7.50 ; wetherta $6.50 to $6,75 ; ewe, $0.25' to $6.75 eheep, mixed„ $3 to 86 • TOR NTO, May 29.-Cattle,-Exportere-Feve wer offer 1. Prices ratiged from $5.25 te,-$5.50, but onl. one len •said at the latter ptiee. Export bulls sol at ) $4,60. Butchers'a. Prime picked lots ar worth 5 to $4.25 ; loads of good $4.80 to 95 ; me item a $4.60 to $4.75 ; 'common, mixed, $4.40 I $4;60 • 11 iy th a aai These r cs by the elves ts of bbo wori& $4 00 CO 450 375, 400 re SON) sea d shoeu -for 'giving to Cottnt in the eeed.: tfl :folinston, from 'Thron- ing in this neighborhood. a of Mr. W. H. SohnOton, • Stanley. He Is a studerit ,TInversity and Is horaefor r holidays. BesideS being Sa 1 successful student in his niversity studies, he is his musical studies, and is xi progress. He evidently making good u02 of iriff nits when lie is yoUrkg and way to reach the tokot ! success in the sterner': re - life in kf ter Years. mreseimmireacallarrill~ Wrozeter Maud Stewar, visiting with Mr -C. 0. . R. Lang, Nesbit and rned on Monday from a telt in Toronto. -Mr., Gam- leitham, who xisited Arita Mrs J. H. Osterhouiti licia-.Y, sang two Very ate. solos in the irethomst nday evening. -Mr. J. Ne the 24th in Toronto. -Miss ena of Brum-els Is spend - days at her home here. -t ceived h?re oneefonday of in Fre3port, Waterloo IfIr. John Knutson. De- i in Ilia 88rd year and had ' dining health for a num- a so that des.th was not un - by hie relatives and many rtr. Knutson was a native Coming to this country g man, he spent a few' 'rilitkprilie, afterwadi MOY- ex eter,. where he conducted lop tor 35 year untiL his Eng him some five yearS ted to Freeport, to be near cr. Mr. Knutson was lik erling qualitieswho was J5r all who knew him. The 3k- place to the cemetery ' uesday at ernoonl the 1'er met at the ;'. Bluevalo a Dumber of tetcl friends d, and the Masonic lodge e was, a member, and under picee the funeral was held. and two daughters; Mrs. of Duluth, and Mrs. Del, Fre:Tort, eurvIve.-Mrs. ' 7r is the guest et relatives this weeke-M. A. H. amily spent the holiday --".'tilre. Robertson. of Wing - ad in the village this week. ry Wade was badly kicked ?. In A. Paulin's livery last 'vening. The fall on the ter rendered him IITICC01-' about 24 hours. He 15 re - 'slowly and is still vgif", , GeOrge Ross. of 13rusiiiS ltor in the village on Fe - May Davidson spent sev- of last week in Winghard. trice Howe attended the Convention in Guelph last O. S. B. Smale, who has wLnter in Montreal ae- ' y her daughter, Mre. 0 - Mobile, Ten,nesee, has re- Rer borne -ire for the Burs- piet 4nrcnt look place at Of Mrs. A. McMichael last .'-ese rang at eight o'clock daughter, Miss Elsie, wag Mr. George Paulin, the . Osterhout performing the Aft( r spending seversI friends In Stratford arta r. and Mrs. Paulin return -. village on Monday. where ee-L1.0 their homf . The besh the many friends of the ple ftrn ext( ncled to them. 1-nd Monday May l'eth and the daye of the dedicatory the fin n new organ, whicti :installed in the Methodiet t. Marys. LS. Lhe Manufar- lgow. • ancluding th 41 at $3.00 e CANADA. , 9 neK ARM, ONTARIO. Tress Wagons, 86e. a tr, All ' Outer] tte beautiful vicinity eon d had parts of hie urn fractured, end a peceing over the level hn tbe lake front at, y being run into by • Thisdeath. trtp Was entirely unpro. d there Waa only one light at it, although neople were eontinuelly creseing to goats at the wbort. of Orangeville, M. P. P. for Dufferin ryariddenly at the Queen's Hetal, in , at v hour Friday morning. Ile had Toronto with Mrs. Lewee, to attend the oming Itluring tats Matt, he died. be- • °mild reaeli him. Heart (Becalm Was tb. Ile was a strong, robttet.looldbg • rs of age. He had been a member elataire during the Present term, and was_ r ef the Whitney Gov;nment. nem sale of thonabr Shorthorn cettle ,on the homestead farm of James L•David. ire.Onts Forty.eight head were &epee: , ben:weaves. The whole lisle realized or ari averege of a little Geer $211 mob. The emged $234 each and the 38 -females LW - ear''. The highest indeed female was y Thee. Jobnston, of columbus, Ohio, for e bigheet priced Minas, leyear.old, pur. J. T. Gibeon, of Dunlield, for $010. The he animal was Village SeereL There were • , viz: Col. Bellows, of Alateysville, Mon. . T. Dobson, of London, lind Geo. Jack - orb Perry. •rtible tragedy was enacted in a farm house a trent Killarne-Y,351anitelen, on Thuraday of 0-4,. John Brown, a young farmer, lived with r. Georgina,as housekeeper. On the af ter - lie day in flyestion be went to Killarney- on leaving lug sister in her room, dressing, wary to going to 4 neighbors to spend the tag hired m n, Lawrence Goma ating after dinner. On his return he Was etas man- bad. not taken the team out, to on looklng for him foud him lying on his mein with 11.0ish in his throat. Not see. ter about he went to the neighbor whore posed she had gone, for her.: Not finding hor hie suspielons were arousedLand in company witittlie neighbor he returned to is home and feting bie sisters room found hee ith- her thr at and quite dead. After Mr. Brown had left for .ealteriesy, the hiredman, Gowland had broken into the piing wanurree room aed after assaulting her bed -killed her in ehe =Mier n med., The girl's /gob were bedlY out and there were evidences of a *ere struggle, The deed had been committed with a mot ,which Was found near by and broltere After ow the girl, the murdf3rer got a butoher knife alei tried to ena.bia own life loy'enitting his throat esee the Wound did not prove fatal end he is likely en recover to meet hie death on the gallows. Gowlatul irst s former Bernardo bay. Ile had been In the eleoatry four or five years and badbeen working eda*Mr. Brown for nearly two yeees. . • M John Chappell, ok Blansha.rd; ice, Moteday, May 20t at :the age 0e'Irears. Mr. Chappe if wo..e a na- tva Who ea ,- to Canada wore .boy and bad spent the greal•-• ar "e.rt of his lite MI . Blanshard( ' 1" . t.. _The 50th annivereirry':of the `plaith... . . .byterian, church vv 1 ,be" elebrated• on Sunday and Monday, 'gum 2n0 and. Srd. itev.i Prof. iTC11- latricik, D. D, ot KlioX polAge, iliyill Patch on the SundaY,, estern Bank of 'shed by Ac't of Par 'lament. itggiffii.w.cagrOm " General Banking. Business Acted', trans- Drafts.bought and sold On all part of the world. , Specialattention giveni to farmers drovers, etc. • a Advances made to resPonsible par ties. on tueir own, notes, • ; Interest paid or •componn ed four times a year at the,,higheeti current fates, t , We Cash Sale Notes, 4 matt., or . What Bank drawn. I 117 Branches and Agenles through- out Canada-. ••••.40.1* AY. BANKERS -Great Britain -Royal Rank of Scotland; Oanadit. Merohants Bank of Canada, New York, Mer- chants Bank of Canada. ' •Oemq 'Emile MEN. FRANK IVIcOONNELL, Manager DUBLIN BRANOH, MARKETS. coma $8,50 to fe4.60 per .cwt, Stockers an Feed's! s -Harry Minty reports that there were lig rliceip II of stockers and feeders, but dewed hi go t for fee ors of goon quality. Milch cows -About milkei and springers sold from $35 to*60 each, V Calve Veal °elvers sold at $8 to $5.50 for the bul !lilt a 1 w choice ()elves sold ashigh fie N. per °flit Sheep ndaa„ning-Export owes sold at eI6 to, $6 pe owt ; ins at $4 to $4.50 per hive ; yearlings, • 80 50.75 ; spring Iambs, $8.50 to 86 each. Hogs -M Ilearis quotes an advance of 20e per oevb ; selecte $7.10, nd lights and fats at $0.85 per mt. 11111111111111111111=11.1111=1111111111111111111 SALE REGISTER. -On F iday, May 314, at 1 o'clock p. ni., at th residen e et ales Ferguson, in Egeriondville, 2 doom south the Woollen Mile Hougehold Furniture. Bliss M ry Ferguson, Proprietress ; Thomas Brown, Audio eer, 2058 • Births.. nun Stephen, on May 2001, to Mr. an. Mrs Stones Dearing, a daughter. CIOLL (IWOOD.-Iti Exeter, on May 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. John Collingwood, a daughter. ELLWO THY -In Usborne, oa May 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellworthy, a daughter. ODIN In Stephen, on May 19th, to Mr. and MM. W Robins, ft. SOD, BRII E,..---in,Stooloy, on May 17th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rol ert McBride, a son.' MILLE In Hay, on May 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Sim n 5111b3r, a daughter. mcOL1 0111EfeeIn Stanley, on May 20th, to Ur. and Mr ober6 McOlinchie, a son. SETS- r. Wroxctei, on May 26, to Mr. and 35•4 O. R;., & daughteia raw Wheat SaArOarif, May 30, 1907. Oats, per "bushel-.. $0 85 to 90 86 Peas, per bushel ...... 0 46 to 0 46 , , 0 70 to 0 70 Barley, per bushel ,.. 0 50 to 0 50 Than, per ton Shorts, per ton . . 22 00 to 22 00 22 00 to 22 00 Pow Grade Flour, per ton , ..r.... , 2 500 to 25 00 Flour, per 100 tbs-. .. - .... ......, - 2 35 to 300 Batter, No. I, loose...-. ..... . . 0 18 /to 0 18 Butter, tub.--... - ...,. .......... .. _ - 0 18 to 0 18 BR's, per dozen .0 17 to 0 17 , Com . ,... .... . .. 60t0 05 Ha. per ton . , ... .... . .. .... . .... -10 00 to 10 00 Hicia• per 109 !ha .... - - ... , .., 7 50 to '7 50 Sneek skins, .......,.. ..... ... .., 0 75 to rr 00 Potatt,es per bushel.................. 0 50 to 0 60 &It, retail) per barrel1 20 to 1 86 . Wood per cord(long) 117eod per cord (short) Glover Seed . ' -.........02 0075 ttoo 78 °°75 Timothy Seed , 9 00 to 11 00 2 50 to 3 50 Marriages. , SUILY POWELL-On May 18th, at Trinity Meths,- disb olinroh, Toronto, by Rev, Or. W, $. GARP., FUO s et by Rev, W. P. Wilson, pastor of the chu oh, Ethel Lillian, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Powell, formerly of Brussels,' to Owen Ar- thu finely, all of Toronto. CLARK TEVENS.-In Forget, Sask, on May 15th, by ltcv. Mr. McKenzie, of Forget, John R. Clark, of Regina, to Eliza M. Sevens, third daughter of Wm, Stevens, of Clinton, formerly of Hutlett. WEIDO RUIIMEL-In Zurich, on May 15th,' hy _Rev Mr. °Whim., Jacob Waldo of near J)ash- W004l, to Annie Rummel, of Zurich. PAULI a'aMeMICHAEL-At the residence of the brid es mother, on May 22nd, by Rev. J. H. Get Aleut, B. 'A., Elsie MeMiehael to George Paulin, of Vroxeter. Deaths. STEET Entered bito rest on Friday May 24th, 1007, jobiti Steet, in his 50th year. FASO1-1n Usborne, onably 28rd, Elizabeth Om. min , wife of Mr. Robert Faison, of Seafoith, age .76 years. FOSTE-At South McAllister, Indian Territory, , on May 2nd, Joseph 'Hamilton Foster, to erly of Goderich townehip, aged 50 years : and 0 months. -_ WURM In Enda, on May Itith, 'teary Wuenaaged a 97 y ars, 5 menthe and 26 days. 'MORRI -In Colborne, on May 20th, Win. Norris Mot is, aged 61 yore and 11 months. KNUTS N -In Freeport, Ontario, on May 27th, Joh Knutson, formerly of Wroxeter, in his 88rd Year, r Dairy Markets. TwaN76, may 28 -Butter -Tho market is easy at the recent decline. Creamery prints, 21 to 220 ; 4417. prints, 10 to 20c. Cheese -130 for large, and 18 -lo for ti,vins. Eggs -Prices are steady at 17,1 to 180 dozen. lioney--Pails, 11 t ) 12e per lb. ; combs, 51.30 to $2.60 pordozen, according to quality. __Moinsizat, May 28 -The butter market is quiet. no full grass butter has as yet been rnade, but it is :4APeeted tht4 sonic will be made this week, if the 'weather gets a. little warmer,. Warmer weather Should result in lower prices. Choice creamery was quotect this morning. at. 20:I to 21e. There is a fairly , -active business pf1/4141 ng in eggs, and prices are ateadY (11 23 to 1.0.: for No. 1 stock, and 15i to Itio for No.2. Grain, ete. TORON'To, May 29 -Wheat,-Faill, 00c;_ goose, roc. , epring, 70 4080e ; barley, 50o OflUt 50c t, Peas, 76 tO 70o, Potatoes-ririn ; Delawares, $1.29 to 81.26, in ear lots on tratic here. BAled Hay -Firm, at 418 to $13.50 per ton for No, 1 thnot hy, and tame o$12 for secondary grades in oar lots on track here. Wed dtraw-Steruly at $6,75 to $7.25 per ton- . In car lots here. Wool -Unwashed wool is quoted linabangect at 13 to 14e per pound. Ho -LI For Niagara G. T. R. EXCUTS/011 to Niagara Falls, . FRIDAY and. _Tim n A gr. SATURDAY, raf "La 4A1 " Under the auspices of the Oi,nadian Order of Foresters The abo e order has completed arrangements with. the OraiId Trunk Railway to run an Excursion to Niagara Ils, Ontario, on the dates named above, includin. all stations between Goderich and Stroo. ford, at he following rates : Nation Thne of Leaving Fare • G4iderboh C45 a. or, $2.15 7.01. - 2.06 7.09 2.05 7,26 2,05 7.32 2.05 7.8$ 2.06 Mitchell , 7.40 2,00 SebrIngville 8.00 1.80 - Stratford - • 8.16 1.05 ' Children under,12 years of age at half price. Tickets may be procured from the 0, T. R. agents, H breiseille Clinton ileaforth St. Columbian Dublin a - Live Stook Markets. Lossoic, England, May 28 -Prices are firmer at 111 to 13e per lb., dressed weight ; refrigerator beef is quoted at lit to fito per lb. American cattle, eld per pound. Livicaroor., May 213-Canadlans, (id 40 (id. 0,-tAsciow, Mc* 2b-rPriiiie steers, OI to Old ; 61 to 63d, Trade 01 shn.rp. Moirrasat, May Zi-Cattle-Iligher prices prevail- ed all round, which atined 0 i1os trade. Prime beeV05 sold at 5i to OU per lb ; pretty good °tittle nt Atte Re, and the common stook at :5' 40 440 per lb. 3 Ilitinen's strippers sold at from 31 to near 60 pea Calves sold at from SI to $.8 each. Sheep sold at 0 to fiie per lb., Iambs at 83.50 to 35.50 each; good lots of fat hogs sold at about 'tic per lb. Union Stork Yards, Toronto Junction, lifaY 24- iCattle-The (plenty of fat cattle Wm fair to -good. -While there were quite a rrtimber of good to choice tattle, there were many more that were unfinished. Theretworc more good exporters In 'proportion than lxitchOs,) only it limited number of choice butoliers offeredi, !Cad these were readily Voked up at good prices. •,diore lots of buthhers would bave sold. Porters-2.111iee5 raeged front $6.20 to 96.00, with one or two extra prime Iota brought, .60 to We per tiwt. more. The bulk of shipping cattle sold at i1 bout $5.80 to 85.40. Export butte, St to -$4,60 per_ owt. Butehers--Primo picked butchers sokl at from 95.121 to 85,26 ; loads of good, i61.90 to $5.10 ; med- ium, at $1.70 to $4.85 ; roughs, Mixed, $1.40 to 10,60; orms,12.00 to 84,59 ; canners, 82.60 to Miloh -Cows-A limitec1 iiiimiser of milkers and springers • A epeeist train will leave Cioderieh at 0.40 a. ni. dri June 14th, and arrive in Niagara Falb at 11.15 a, iii„ ami return the same day, leaving Niagara Falls at 8 °Week p. m. Tickets going good only on spook! Jnne 14th, and retiirning on special the same nieht, or any regular train June 15th. Goderich tickets good returning June 17th. Special train acemmoda- tion is being provided, in order to insure a pleasant and comfortable outing. This will &fiord a splendid opportunity to view one of nature's wonders and at the same time see the great works completed by num for. the transmiselon of electric, power to all parts of the Province. The wonderfully rugged scen- ery along the Gorge Route is alone well worth the trip. If you have not yet visited- the Walls, now is your chance, 0.11(1 11 you have nen their" before, an- other visit will only serve to make their grandeur more impressive, espeesially at this season of the year when everything in nature is at, its best. Come and enjoy a day's outing. • Don't forget the dete-J.UNE-14th. • 1• S. T. HOLMES, C. It. IL SPEARE, Rec. Sc, Meeting of the Huron County Council. The Council of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in the Council Chamber, in the town of Gicderieh, at 8 o'olock 08 Tueeday, the ath day of June next, All aoconnts against the county, riequiring settleznent, Must he placed with the Clerk before day of meeting. W. LANE Clerk. Dated May 2040, 1907, 2058-2 NOTICE TO ,ENCINE OWNERS Populat Stallions ,e4a tai warm azART. eirwarn =mow, Proprietor. Will otand for the improyeinenb of etook this 144110. at Morrow Bros, Livery, Seeforble • 2056 TA.REINTITIVI 21795 WM, 0.. CIIIARLESWORTII, Preprietor. Will stand for the Iniprovent of Stook this season Nr 1118 OWN STABLE ne somorrovruz, and. warateameat WOOS by appointment, 2057.8 The Standard Bred Ttotting Stallion, IDOL BRINO, No, 40520, American Tiottilig Register, Will stand doring the season of 1907 at Hia OWN STAIndo DatiOnFinn. J. MeINTOSII, Proprietor, •2057' NWILKS HA Me GOVENLOCIC BROS:, Proprietors. Monday -Will leave his own stable, twie miles north of Seafortleancl go to Dublin, at Weber's hotel, for noon : then to Carlin's-hotel, Stalin, for night. -Tuesday - To Strong's hotel, Tuekersinith, for noon ; then to hie own stable for night. Wednes. day -Will proceed to Clinton for noon, at the Com- mercial hotel ; then to liolinesville for night. Thurs. day --To Goderloh, at the Colborne house, for floor) ; then to Aridrew Young's, Colborne, for night. Fri. day...To Auburn, at the Auburn hotel, for noon ; then to Myth, at the Commercial howl, for night. Sattuelay-To Wesley Beaeomb, airlock, for noon ; then to his own citable, where he will remain until theiollowing Monde) mornieg. 2057 • . SID' STANTON . W11. O. oovsnoog, Proprietor. Sionday,-Will leave his own stabea; Eginondville, after dinner, anl go to Walton, at Sages Hotel, for night; Tuesday. -To Cranbrook, at Long's Hotel, Mr nlon ; 44011n tO Brussels, at Brown's Hotel, for nightie IVeideesday,-To Ethel for noon ; then south to Lot 20, Corr. 14, Grey, °A.M. Patterson's, for the night. ,Thursday. -South to H. Benneweis', 5 miles east of Leacibury, for noon ; the home for night. Friday. --At his own stable. Saturday, -At his own 'stable for noon ; then at the Itoyal Hotel, Seaforth, from 1 p. in. till 6 p. tn. - 2057 Salmi is hereby given thtit-owners and operators of traction engines art forbidden running their en- ginee over the pavement on the Main street, Sea. forth, and are requested to take it side street when passing through town. Parties transgressink this order will be prosecuted and the town °More have been instructed to take the necessary' proceedings to that end. 20.59-tf M. BRODERICK,'Mayor. odd ---4-11161r Something Special and Rich Is our lines of. . . Doulton Ohina A finec011imtion. to select •from. Get in 6ar1y and have first choice. We also ,have a fine line of parseS—Gulian, Sale Leather Goods Co. make them. The J. S. ROBERTS _DRUG 4.4TORE W. M. McKA Y, Manager COLONEL GRAHAM T. J. BERRY & BRET:MUCH, Proprietars. Monday, May nth, will leave lb own stable and proceed east to Thee. Venneres for noon ; then north to Chiselhurst and east to Gee. Y. Wren's for nights Tuesday. -East' to Centre Itosiel, then north to Staffs, hotel for noon a' then west to David HUM for night. Wednestlay.-West to Hugh Me/Milano meter, then south a mile and a quarter to. Wm. Hoggarthef, for noon ; then west toKippen, to Robt. Cooper's for night. Thursday. -- West to Hagan Bros.,_ 1111113 Green, for noon ; then 8004)1 to Zurich Itoo4, and west to Johnston's hotel, Zurieh, for night. Friday. -East to James Grouse for noon ; thence to his own stable for night. Saturday. -West to 2nd oon. thtY, and eolith to Rodger Nortboottes, for noon ; thence east to London Road, then north to his own fetal& where he will remein until the following Monday morning. : 2050 lommameglor RILIIICTRIO B. BERRY & BLAIR, Proprietors, 31,1onclay, May leave his own stable, half a mile south of Brueeneld, and go south. to Illp. pen and east to William, eVorktnan's 1041i Como - Hien, Tuokersmith, for noon ; then east by way of Cromarty, and south to Farquhar, at Temperance House for night, Tuesday. -East Russeldale for noon! then nod)) to Mitchell, at the Hicks House foe night. We Inesday.-To Dublin, ,at the Boutin - ion Hotel, otel, for noon ; then to Seaforth, at Dick's Ho- tel for night. Thursday. -To Leadbury, ab Willlarn MeGavin's for noon ; then by way et Walton to e ; Blyth, at the Mason House for for 1.10(150 for noon ght., FrIday,-To Londeeboro, at the Temperan then to Clinton, at Graham's Hotel for night. Sate urday.-To his own stable, where he will remain • aintil the following Monday morning. PRINChl OF liURLFORD. SMILLTE BROS., Proprietori, MONDAY, May 18, will leave his own stable, one Mile seal) of Brueeneld, and proceed to Varna for noon ; thence south by Parr Line to Ralph Stephen - sone!, for night. TUESDAY. -Be Parr, Line, to Jae. Love's, Hills Green, for noon ; thence by Kippen to his own stable, for the night. WEDNESDAY -At his own stable, THURSDAY -By way of- 2nd Con- cession, to Alex. Sinclair's, for noon ; thence be, 4th Coneeestoo, to James McIntosh's, Mill Read, for night. FRIDAY -By 2nd Concession If. It. S., to Appelton Eicoatee for noon ; thence b4 2nci oonee6- 0on to his own stable. iilATURDA -To his own stable. *A.A. The Home of the Draught Stud. The extia well bred Clydesdale StallioAKING,THOIVIAS (12025). The splendid Shire Stallion. GILLIBRAND ROYAL, Vol.28, The celebrated Shire Stallion, SOUTHPORT (20041) • Will stand for the improvement of stook this season at T. J. BERRY'S Sale and 'Exchange Stables, Hensall. 2050 • SEAL AND PRINCE. NAS1f BROS„ Proprietors, Monday -will leave his own stable, Lot 18, Con. 8, MoKillop, and KO to James Henry Campbell's, for noon •, then to Thos. O'Laughlin's, Con, 10,for Taeeday-To George Steinbach's, owe 12, X..ogan,for neon ; then to Louis Longways for night. WCtinea- doiy—By the town line toJacob Wolf's, Con. 7, Lo- ggia for noon then to Joseph O'Rourke's, Con. 6, lifhIelllop, tor night. Thursday -T6 his ONVII stable where he will remain until Friday morning. Friday To Wm. Flannery's, (ion. 2, Tuokeremith,for noon; then to Peter Jordan's, Ifilibert, for night. Satur- day -To his own stable whir° he will remain until the following Monday morning. -2059 LOUR Made by the mill your own local town takes second place with no flour manufact'd Seaforthliiilling Co. Roaro ME CANADIAN B A INT K F COMMERf1T 11) 1E4)7 A.A.,•##### LIEAD OPIUM TORONTO ESTABL A. E. WALKER, President Azp.x. LAIRD, C-eneral Manager A. tt. IRELAND; Superintendent of Branob.es Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - - 5,000,000 Total Assets, - 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States? and Engignd A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED .1 COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 91 Deposits of $1 and upwards current Fates and paid quarterly. delay whatever in the withdrawal the deposit. SEAFORTH F. HUMMED, Solicitor received; interest allowed at The depositor is subject to no of the whole or any portion of BRANCH. :Ge. E. PARKES, Manager. Do You Want a Real Good Suit .for the Money? 0 I,. Suits are sewh with linen thread, shrunken •and well-taifored. If you le.y- Suit from us for a.•boye young man Or a gentleman, you. will be sure have good wear. ' . 1VIAN'S SUIT FOR $7.00—Man's Suit, made of Pattison'st,onaestie Oloth, of strong fabric, in dark aad light brown mixed effect, splendidly lined, and a snap at per sub $7.00. . MAN'S SUIT FOR $9.00.7 -Man's Suit, made of extra heavy weaves, also fine cloths, in 'dark and light faney•overchecks, plain cloths and. mixed effects, double or single breasted, extra fine linings, at per suit $9,00. MAN'S SUIT ,FOR 810.00—Man's Suit, made single and double breasted, in fine worited finished tweeds, smooth and hard, in brown and Ox- ford grey ground'', with, fancy dark oe light overohece Also in stripes, in dark shades with light stripes, well tailored, at $10.0b. • • Long Silk Gloves,in white and cream, at 75e, $1 seed $1.25. Long Black Silk GJoies at per, pair $1.Q0. Cash paid for butter and eggs. POPLESTONE & GARD NE R, (suconssoRs TO MESSRS MoKINNON & CO ) BLYTH, 74 al ONTARIO* 3772.77 COMIINTG-1 vomPowlmillelmW4 DR. M. S. MUSE OfTaube & SOU, Eyesight Specialists, of Torout will be at FEAR'S Drug Stores Seaforth On Monday & Tuesday, June 19 & 11, 4 - , If there is anything whatever wrong with your eyesight; do not neglece this opportunity of . having your eyes properly attended to. Come early, as you. may require a second examinatien. ' All work absolutely guaranteed. The new Tailor Shop. ..••••••••••••••, . We have just placed in stock a. large quantity of Tweeds and WorstPds of the latest styles and patterns, and our tailoring department is conducted by the best of workmen. 1:71:31 zsm_Am EJR All Scotch Tweed Suits made to your order, regular price $20 • to $22 -our price $15 to $16. English Worsteds -lowest prices. TRY US FORFarnularo & Zu& Purcell's. po Over Williams YOUR NEXT yurk. ENTRANCE ON G0DERI011 ST., SEAFORTH • 1‹.A.131.E.A..1\T Will sand for'mares at his own etable in BRUSSELS at a service fee of $25 to insure. K APLAN won four tiro prize this Spring at stiillion shows. His colts ball° been winners at all the local shows for the last three years. Ic.splan's breeding is of the best blood in the, trotting horses of America. Kaplon's/411 brother, Kavalla 2.07a, was the fastest four year old etallion in'Amerion iu 1902. Ws sire, KTUMiiI3, 2.07t, was 011ahl- pion stallion of the world in 1902, hie grand sire. ,Lor4 Russell, was full brother to Maud S, 2.08:? ; his dam, Almirs, by Kelituoky Priaq, le- the dam of six in tho list : his grand dam, Alma, 2.28t, by Haml3letonian 10, is * Okoducer of speed ; his great grand dam, Clara. by American Star, Ilse her blood in more 2.10 totters than any other mare ; in 1906 2 10 trotter, 11 out d 83 :merle i* her blood. Pasture furnished for mares. All accidents at oviner'Sriek SCOTT & WARWICK Brussels Ont. 5743 Conner MainAnd Market Sts okard -s .SAFOR 14 Ontario • Low prices on Ladies' Whitewear 044444÷.4-6404".44-.6;04.+47.4-tr IMPORTANT NOTICES. QTIEEP LOST. -Strayed from Lot 4, Concession 2# leD MoKillop, on or about April 80th, 8 ewes and four Iamb& Any information about the same will be suitably rewarded, John Kohn, Dublin P.O. , 2059x1 Veit SALE,-liouse and two tots. A comfortable ten Moped fmnie boine) with all conveniences; fruit trees and goad garden. Also household effects: cosi, took and heating stoves, kithhen -utensils, et.O. 14fust be sold at Once, Apply to W. X, Ireland, Eaat WW= ISt., swarm 2059x2 1CISTRAY TURKEY, -Strayed or stolen from Lot J2.1 22, Huron Road,,Tuokerstnith, on May 22nd, a, 1arg6 bronze turkey,well 'narked. Any person found bar ring it will be presecuted, or any person re- turning 14 40 the owner will be rewarded. Mary Ann Carter, Seaforth 20504 SALE, -House and 104 40 Egmondville, The .1? comfortable frame hOuSe Oh Main St., , BhOrt dietetic° south of the church, occupied by Mrs.John Steck The lot contains one half acro of land, with exollent trait trees. The house contains 0 bedrooms, ,parlor, dining room, kitchen, eta., with, good done cellar, There is a firsteclase well and cement eistern, also woodshed, etcapply on _premises or to Eg- mondvillo P.O. MRS, JOHN SUET. 205941 GRAND TRUNK V:(1.4-7EtZ The offering IA a very unusual one flee e dozen Ladies' White Lawn and Nainsook Oozseb worth from 35c to $1 each. On taale at 25c. A number of .White Cotton and Nainvook Gowhs, worth from $1.50 to $3.50 each. Oa sale—your choice for 00+0410+•44.446-4-•-•44-41-9144,-4011.41-014-11. Colored Silks very special prices 0.414+0-4.4-++4-11-40 To the women who are planning very' special tostum would suggest the careful pesueal of the following extra values Special line of plain Silks—all shades—ore ealethis week at 45c. Fano/ Stripes and Cheeke and all fancy shades—epecial at 50e. 041-414-0-044-4,-fri-t.-•41:-.4,44-4.4-0-41-4 4-44. Wash Goods Specials for this week) Oetoii.1.44..ereeer A The new stripes, checks and floral designs are shown. in bundance. Come and secure these special vgues. -Colored , and white Pongee, 4.5 lilacs wide, at 25e a - yard. Fancy blaek muslins at from 12i to 60e a yard. landing at from 10e to 1Bc a yard. - Oetton Voiles at 12e. Fan Veatings at from 1.5 to 30o. Two specials in de Ohene at 20e and 25c. New Display of Lace Curtains : The latest and most talked of Lace dui heavy corded and plain. Fish net Oaths= , deshes of many of our customers we have iniporte large stock of the above goods in Arab, Ecru and prices $2.60, .12.85, $3,80, $4.35 per pair. y. is the the a Everything that Men and Boys we 4.444 1 I 44.44+4.4.4-elelolol.44+44++++++++ Many extra good thiu� willbe found itt the Clothing De partmeut this week. Spada's. 300 pairs of Men's Tweed Pants sizes 32 to 44-4 patterns. On sale at $1.25 each. 75. den's Suits in Fancy Worats and Tweede, all sirea— from 34 to 44—worth $10. On sale at $8 ee suit. Ste our new style of Fancy Worsted Suits, all 4'.p 'dest materials at from $10 to $14. 50 odd suite worbfrom $6 eo $9. On. sale at $5 Gull. 1New Patterns tin Men's Shirts The Tourist Beason Is now on, and a chance. to travel is offered to those who spend the most part of the year on the farm, or in small settlements. No state or Prov- ince has more interesting resorts than Ontario, The charming Muskoka, Lakes, Georsien Bay, Lake of Bays, Teme- alne Algonquin Park, Lake Huron Beaches, K. awartha Lakes, St. Law- rence River, White Mountains, Sea Coast, Jamestown Exposition, etc. Homeseekene Excursions to the Canadian West, Fares ranging from $82 to $42.50. Juni) 4th and. June 18th, and hl -monthly during the summer. For further particulars, call on W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent A F. PHILLIPS, Depot Agent. q-1-1-4-1-1.-1-4.-1.1”14444.-1,44÷4414÷ +4, That Variety is the spice of life " is fully vouched for in the extensive showing of nbw Spring Patterns and Designs found in our assortment of Negligee Shirt* in the Men's Furrdshing Department. Here you see all the dainty hair line stripes, checks, dots and figures imaginable, as well gi a complete showing of popular _solid. effects. Theael goods are as good as can be bought for the money Oes I IQ and 81.25. • 4-1 Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs and Wool. ettlf*********************$ 11111„PIWKARD Opposite Ton Building, Corner Mu DIRECT 111 ThIPOItTBES d Market Streets, Seaforth Pa..Aa\TO imialmatmespxoneumminas HEINTZMAN CO* This is the exclusive Agency for this district for the eeelebrated instru. ments. Ask for the little leaflet "Why a Piano gets out of tune," and it will be easily seen why these insteutnents are so MUCh itt favo; with the pablie, both here and abroad. Before buying give me span. u filiEshaiee 81:0e. RTH One door North of Richer At -