HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-05-31, Page 47-- V 4 V �7. 7 M -?v —W N- Z, JL 4 JL.L OT A HUM Dunf9M1n`da1 otarted to work MondAY SHOE: STOR SEAFORTH"S LCAOING big $36 frl -reed, which Total hotel here. _n I �enda T'�Olao,-The, 1momy I &TA of this b, waig d as Clark, to the comm'a ''P. is 8 taw! b y t h ............. 4hich is. now: Conducted by 190�7 of MaTch asid which +14-i t1le pxrpi�, own frie4do, Of H vaid Sa . Mr. Pa*fharo herei� Will V.ed on the'lot -The christian ftdeay-or -here on - sed to hu he g! MAY,, oces U1 be kl , ea W now for' mon0y) 6ed the.00detY IT -0 ft the 11' arrived outo iIveigbo :80 pounds. This 111- the tarto, om Welton 0 of. PXeter. H4 wis iq -of lambo to talffe 'Tuigdo:1 evenjug of this week- :haviug -6, �t -his chosen calling nid at the laWe 11f Sbo.ahone, I Nahoo 0* the 16th, of kind,' h(MVY 14 W asent favot0ly, of iiiakera. Odd- 1N !I 11-N q t1.8 fit'. IS I'M T r 8 %ifte- gained OW 900( 111 and high IAdt moixth � I a vdrf vie lection of FAP e0rim atephonso 1, ". IS a of town had their e Ifatftrili Of 411 Who Imi w h0o,. -R,6 was the C 13 e e Zurioh, e0day -avatillng ot this We imA 11tfC0 and a 901167 . , u !- on Tu QLibrerar In po . nd ' r. t1le. cto�torS' Otte w%ft 'a, GOT officers -b will Men_ - -- ­ -- � t �M�Z er Qf -WO h0p0i n0thtft rrh� Nurm, - Week iwitit the following r7sulta: N. & hiaNd t, 9� 10 11 dist In religi(m, bel eye. Late Henry ' -t ifihig aiifl y1k 7. the )@.Itm* urch.; result- Ge go is a general favor-� 14alnes; V. G,, A. W. Robln� ADVANCE., I- ­ -1- 7 "AY n 6 6 4t week the Wei lite ell tioned in 01686 notes I& rA, 10 r0p., Mi -,D.1 Of ite 11161 a Hhad a real allow OtOrni r, Henrl-y -k; Tecordingi oeoretary, F, A. An- Iiis- deati IS 14 .16 16 17 IS I -30hrin Cra,wford death of M UrM, 1,sr, The Box W" 12 f In an 16- 26 §UIA-p 9VIn4 on Monday last wbldh cial secretary, Mr.. Me -3 24 pelle, Sask died, Ur with bigh tate W 431 t6nowliv additional 'particulars which d8r80A there Ul" 114 9; 20 21 22 MAP Dr. lasted all da&, -Mr. Robert R�gerhdn- lierald concei'll- .-Taggirt; treastirert Mr, Cutt.-Ur.andri: women who appreciate really" oat itown a khoft, 1 1 W190. Are. worth League Ing the Ali �k the OP101aft the Up rth of �this worthy Mrs. -Roplest or" 26 17 28 29 30 .51 we glean from The one, spent the 24th w To An Martin was a stud t of God -0109 life and W6 grant footwe we re- liewill, o4oning laat.-Mro* Dale al$o, Mrp Smart -a eleg os -w 09-0 iars ago, Tueoctay f riands in 'Exeterf as did -nd died vaY Auddf le old dive e- 0, -As tirly Collogia, stitifte .. few, ye _pioneer will �e of Intefe4ttO =07 fri 001A bol Is visitin eing In )Past Waw endis of our -readers: The late Mr. Wurm (;ardAnor* mend the exten NEW AD. VERTISHURNMR. I I P -1 1 �­- -== th6 to Torolito IV1170 1 Wpww � Viiiltechurch.-t�, He � afterwards d Qoderloh, fto�wnshlp at present.- Blie6rotj Heose bairtn- ra sflowingg in was born in 4 0 xfords we a et511 Boots an kAbWffling III i now, g;ble to be out Wit �7, k, a medical course- and had com- Mrs -r S. Pollard id oould 2' -00 stadt, Germ&07, On JbhA 20th Of No- 3ty,leS Jars. -Mrs. 0hubb, W-hor has been a-drd laitt -the �w the page ot the paper on which the I re&. 0 figure bewden the parentbeils- afte . -Ile. a long 11 less. i Notes. H aenced- practise ate. E1AppA A.; at ter a ven1ber, 1809. in. t1he 7ear 1838 he I various ne 43 palt Of 13" fit ii found. rout three , i6 he conitracted', �mon-tlla VI8-- IN f weekS. a*iedi and 'his partner tV awl'i for thO 'Past' 010t' bove A others for Severat ed In.to pneU as m, favors Queen QrUalit. A, Great gat -Greig 010thing co. -I he grip, An -4 'it develop �predeceased III m about 15 Jears. &got 1ting. flier daUghter, Mrs. shoes a Q suppo#wr r the Will' aality rr n their 4 sons—o-ne is their . ou sale ol Far in Advance-W� G. NVIlli 41onlA, 'resulting fatally. gis, fatheyt 1-16 -emigrated to Canada., In 1837 and ftexible -fit. Q18 Detroit- hag raturned oWe 1140pa-Vi f - lizowd Byesight-Dr. NAL'S, ThubO-6 amint went froar Nau�ftton, of Chicago, a - -flexible Yoni'Moneyra Worib-T, Pickard & 00-5 ra, Martin, and N4 Ut 1, Brief a.- 8 ith, Of Ross- lived In 136rlin d Breslau. Until Is tile gaest o' . otly with Al et, 1W. , m -so they fit perfe I At R"fin, onu whitec - - 1 - laitr With 'her stister, , Mrs. A. 6nginal elegance beosu AIM" hurefi. to Ote#d filni- b were "an4, 13. C., ftfrj'here V 34­0j�"Mj ­Mpkrall 00, on the - spring- Of 1855, 'When! hO CAM tO and Still in_ *d- Cowlor,%le,-John Powell-$ al I V HIS re-, Walter Smith, and the. town r and lIvW there 9 in tioa$1 meritl or ".3verage *11 not, In time 'to lope #r mother, �Iri ship of NQ 61)ougall, wb6,haa been Clerking fit. Anotherreagon is their exe,9 as -),m Can Were 'ok-8 . broulgh� to his f xther'0.. hq�led until t;he ttime of hls,40'alh. He w Mr. 'F. D - 1-lutchinwkils ! ore -tot -AV, T-ende-va for.800ths--1.1, BmIon -t' leadershIP In 46911t other friendo� 11fe was aCcOMP 8tyle * T he�e TaS,50115 ex- j�Av, �h. residence and interment Was made In, from Winnip�g by 'his sister, Kra. Id co-nold- -the -paort eight years, has TOISIgned other reason -Iis th IT Coat lmt-4. J. Ryan a, carpenter by tirade and d rly, Ng V VotCt Forket-John Dalgerm-1 ithe Wingboan camebory. Ji, an.d,jo4r children, who will arable work In. that lin�, In, the ea and 'purposeo 'going wbot in JIL1111-- pl, i why Queen Quality ohoes arre in a class by themselves, an4 -the lyfurp ;y, 9au T�ourl9t,8eaaoa-NV- Somerviller-5 t the 24tn' 7, T. Wbso 1 -Tile Olinton Nowi Era. of last -week NIS of t�jie Village Of ZUkloh and, It iso, opend 's�mp time ftere.- -,miss Susie MorrIson -open r a Mias 0, d ts of hill World. w; %CUMfon--a I in Ze;at�beihuimal�A - C. 0. r -onfan who recently re- jyjairrprize, 0 list as attested b low their enormous.84'es all Wool Wanted"G. E. mag -78 Clint _%i the FreAdii Progress, to said that he buil't the f welling in TOTOnto,-Mr; Roterham went �0 Office -8 W fit, tells'.how. he for T- UeQ150ni jijon(-y L(At--Ek1loiAto-4 turned from the. spent ieverj4 da- In town-,, during New York the 24th.-Mlos V,,61r, IS house in Berlin, Ontario. Of Utehe Prices as follows 'Ice Ore kith apd�.Mr- and Mys, Woods, am -0. tbe past W&k.-8. B. Sm holuo his daughter - !got a prettY bad Be He -had been-., vale is home fha of Lon- g made bis W at, �0�10 b ------ �out weat of he &as Mrs. H. ,W-urmi dix t1he old doN ato th4 guests Of Mir. Daziflue- $400- 10hene where Estray Turkq-P-Mrtry Ann CArter-5 b0g, and On bio from PenetaalgU 0.... leg frb-m Rfllarml� * return to ithatt' city, found a Bab nlBoots per pair.. a steet--6 very been em hor V For Side -MM., Joh E �ploy4d foi severad 'months adatead, wbbre he received the' Dougali.-Miss L. Ciwmlchael 0ent 0 we Itest-C. .06 hakt�-& lVh aioilaa-h1s. neck, and a- 75. $4 0% 4 W, &L, As -r - -"W1 atteutfm V16tortla, Day at -the",home, of her gar- - i I Oca oarked r ipaot.-Mrs. John an has leatsodher rWst kind and , assiduouo ipo his 44#00"A* Ha! for M=-G -A, K-0 Ila# Lacedr Booft per PaAr... 3iojh - gf� I Idag the ba�-k of hio liamd4 Pea -ring, In Tur�aberr 4p(treet to John, Deopitle entg heye.-Mr. -Leonard Butoon, %flor hop-Katularor & zupo-5 home y during.1wo last flineso� New I C WOO& Ir - -7 Ahe use'of -Toroata Hargairt Houw�-s that .:he had elther trae�4d small- 'Fergusow -and will remove -to Toron- advamcqd age he --'bad, all purchased Mr. Charles -Young's tarm�- $3 00. 3 25, 375, 4 Oxfords per. pal iiiimufffy tro going i see ivell-.L F, Daly-s� 0dr yt h, sp on b Nr -It 1pox In SOM-0 WILY, !or to Where she will- re'side with her li-to laeulties to a reasonable egree -Mr. James liamiltont of 131 :Re dk'Tar0t5h-.Re144 Wilsron-s Ibe taken to ak a MR Up tot1he itime of his gIckness. Ile was the� recent- iholida7a with 'his la"ther Ir this disease It It wast dxaghteri� Mi4. She Sold in Seaforth'�only bad Xotlee ca Engine Owner"-[, Broderlak-5 ggle IDY 'he - the 0411 ek frdm steem6d by W,*k "d on 1001-1119 N K. diomveyed by t,110 Xuthoritles, ' and Baeker &rrive& honle-this we highl).r 6 aill, who -know a7pq brotheri it our V111*90 Mb S1 Rug IFound-Expositor Offlee-9 would be quaraztbiedi,, ft', hunched Wiunfpeg� where. she -has spent the b1m, and a B6�cher op truer f ri-ond W1 1W 1111 his Too: For Sale -G. J. Butberland-8 that years. -Among 'the Vic- would U hard 'to find, In ralbdoll himself down Into his eo ohdv- past three Tackeramith. & ed hii bands, Into lblo'pocketis Where toria, -Day vialtors in; Brussels we he was -a Lutheian, and In 'politics a West End Notes. -A large numbe'r tbere his s, 'haotened fthey could noticed t!h6 following: R. K. and. lifelong Liberal. ffe Is, ourvivtd ts e re �ot= *eyk and. _ p t E tbe rp Mrs. 0", a en mplre Day at Clinton, -enjoy- F- warc. medical Ronald. Sin- -&%d one' daughter; -w his isleters A 19. groat Ing the aports.-Miss C=.U1'Ugh&Jn4 04 pig 11 pwip ate de#A. -Al was muz aftil 4t -,h4) : a �E,��tJJ4' rash clair.of %Ikerton; .L 9&nd Mr' grandchildren and t Sunday with, r& t1vto V 3H I, ftpooftjor home , of Ltstow6l one aon 48 grand man.there,- eelle a- Children Catiow-, open 1 3 4 one .�great great grandchild. `W M probably caus ld by his, ufsInig Im- Callan, of. *nerkip; Henry Ball and u ans r t1i her in th Iftere.-Mir. Chas. Parrett, 17 --h ge -Kyo. Robert Johnot -L soap, and thi Ire was no damger, am, jdtm, ou wad of revision, for, d SBAPORTH, PRIDAY'r K!2'1 $lat, 19OT. IT d v re Note �The court 'ved. t. e too;7n- hip who has. been visiting here, returnb abd he felt great.7 reli6 k�� George Halat, wife and. 801,1, Of iWilrig- of Hw will bebeld In! SEAFORTH were bvAly C boine on kouday.�-Mrs. Peffers, bf Joyas 4=ggde. d South Huron Reformers. ham. -, amnd B. and Ure. Gerry r 8111d' the torwn, ball here on, Monday neXtir Millbanko is visiting, her daughter tafrue vhigh Was fmin, rdpire da,)r was ob- ucoESSOR To it & SON) W, the dhildren, Of BJyt1h.--,;ThIs week Sadie the 3rd of Juhe.-E WILL" k.0W -the gi Perth itei�ip hor, " . sawyer to' end blio a. Next -Sunday Rev. T P,4 Forbes a from Winnipeg, I.verved 'tie e -as a general holiday, but id file& AdidroV the -3-�rd will preacri at'Turner?a church. Miss the 61 Empris b 60 W01111 A tbrivention of t1he neformers of , TO ved 'homle r and 11 Qu6en Quality Awes f00 -.:.A n'umber Of farmarg W tit Ithe electoral. district - of South 11U, - 6onces y of Where she bas spent several lnofithk !aB there Waq no�celebratlon here.our Sole agent. in Saafqrth for Ot t sion, Logan', had a, quan Ttirner attended ithe -teacliers? con- ii; Walk.aver" -shosslor mea. JeWrVertlij _I 2 'r Stewar,,t Ferguson, the little citizefia spent ithe day as i3eemed to wo.aienj sn'd the Slater aww vw% 10ML TOM, as Constituted for Dordn-10� grain stolen fromi- thalr granarles re- 'Past, vention at Guip �#h last week" iour or fire -many remained at 4S in -MeDoneli'a Ce;fttl'y. son of D. D. Ferguson, acc0XdP&'n4e& them -beet. A good Notes'. -The Enterprise, of Maple- C==== $0,11! lift Does[; will be held of 1her.-J. P. Warwick has disposed of ed, While others more -Mr. Midbael Schellenberrgery ihome end rest t -ft,, Blue Earth cou-My" M esaftal, L tified receiltly of W- deoffli -by drown- sYstOM9tib -giving ftO -ODWIt 1'U theftL itn Idaho a;nd returned ep other towns -Tom ime, Hernsall ML has _Ny. Fireeborn. Jolmston, -f I Fullarton, 4 colt wtth nine 'his ranch tO -adventurous' W 11"t, to of 9% .0pera, Ho 7 24 cofitainno a -length otica TO]r0aw rugsels, 0 Ing -,held# conteniplates -going, to where celebrations were be d McGreg�. ivc of a. grandson mr Tdwi chi June l4th, 'at 11 o'clock a. m., for lthek* t,6 an Its four lfedt% It Is isaid, 'to B e- the 'dea,th of Mr. DoAal ad W4 is- y1siting In this; neighborhood T Alberia, In uly.-Rev, A. C. W1ohart. The track on the 'ditAng park Is. He. tobert MaXWell Of the Blue"Ie rc date U b7 -i imt Curiosity. On, one Of the sturdy ,pioneers, What -his we .be B� a, sion. Of XT. W. a. Johnsto Vurpose of selecting a candl R, 9T SCOR's;4: t ek* , T He 1. T4 section 'IdegW 4nd Who . . . . . . . Mr. Thomas punselth, of Strwt- will itten ithe. Presbyterlain Aooem Ing put In -shape for summer. driving first settled in that leaves for Ircle teAche't of Stanley to a be a ;contest �tha riding ily �tlle Reforra In4 Yieirt week. Rev. Mr. during the -evetingo, good: Wi9jiell of a, very large c He f is y6aro. W jaye �of Lrtnglotd ford, a� former r;esIdent of coil P�,ez- bly at Kon real and Willi died on the -,previous -Sunda;7. The Ae- follow at -f�;,onto UhviersMr and Ishoweim"'. B. Aylesworth, K ieron Will OCCUPY. the pu*tt -here !Place for Pleasure and amiuwampnt for JOUN. Of friends and Acquaintance& terests� H*n. A ceased was brother of Messrs., -nome land.- the summor , =4� aim 7,, Downie, a;ppointed bolid Besides being t 1*7 Im .�oh his .. I ?Lte go, 8, 'a Carr b ;-Rev. E, G. -liowell am'd many horsemen and others. -The flax visit to bee C., Minister of Justice for Calnsda�t- asste City,. next Sab� Mrs. h easful studcUt In vf:-� sanitary Inspecto the Cl D4,nean and Arch. McGregor and 'relict diligent and succ W. 11. Ker are. at h�r hoWeL '.Tegul� Qoderfe1ithis Week mill compalif jig having their build- Ttes. Robertson and Mrs.- Giace, Me- Mrs.�- Janb' Anderobo ay '. U_ ve�yoity die eLean, a St.. Marys ni is expected tp be -prdsenit and to det- -Dr. Charles ea Anders Stu al lbe 14 r afth �Mn attendi a horoughlY over Mfth� We Shall Pub� afternoon, A boy, son of, %IT. Gilleaz McLean, has ng 11 Affilthodist. confOrencei- ings t hauled and re- LOM, of -Tuokers late J m on., aled -at ;Prosecuting bis uYusical istudibof' and ft -address in the cement foundation to be.- on the 6th zMeession of, TurllbeyrY�o liver an of Brussels N011 celebrate Dominion Day palred. A liali- additional particulars of ihe'llfe 1"x a d been pppointed. to 'take - charge making good V Big. He ev rwell Pr A Me 4%f flAlaffxtes n 4.m6 yaav frrw which prenarations are 1-n inlaned undAr the main ball4ing on� the - 2fth Inot. Mrs. Avders6nwa,3 rogre arffu VIL or une aeceased next; week. t believes In maUing 'U the �uew. Red Crazo. Hospita, a JJe- gow ft 01: beng -Made. Barkle has Com- and it -he r0of and. sides are being metal niLtivel of -Scotland aiid was al Mrs- ire- eren-Ath council met in Seaforth,.as a spare moments when he Is ydhabg -and. 'principle 'trolt. '7 s. new dwell- ager, 1 e friends of Liberal n(!t I got of hi rprisim towns TheJunoral was 40 -e Our ente 86 Ye Tfienced th. covered slon amd for the Itfaus- 1 -queste4. Meet a will be eld I# -The degree of D. D. has beenicon-- c court of revi at Is the way to reah t t019 the con- cemetery, cqj Wednesday f t, y, . edtoit Ing'. It wil emnt. Ur. C. Hartlelb has Wingham sfemer ferred oa Rev. IV. J. MCK& actlon, of general business, on Xon- tua S i L and lapt Weak and WaS c0ndu awh municipality. on- tiract for ork nly mer - a m4lderablO i aliftes of, life in Utter Years. Wednesday, bf te Cazadlan Baptig�' for 17 (the melts.1 w -The. con- day. There was o one xppeal eted 'by 1her the tree of success In the eight O'clock 'P- M, for tract for buildin- a c all of hich .Mtbr, 0 W -Rev. W. j.* est, ff. A - June 12t , at pastor of,'the B ptist, chureN Strat- It- was not, sustained, 1pxeter length, of cement sidewalk in, the Vil- delegates. PU106;r ford� sp6aki-W611 for the skill aTid Ahe election of good 1 0; 1 � lage 'has been to Mr.. cleiorge Wroxater. eh In - Mrs. (Dr.) judgment of the assessor. The several Kippen. end fuller particulars aro Civ. ell, Of Saginaw, Bjlefs.-�fje cele))ratlon 'here on Fri' aarded d9T, Was 4 gratif Ying success. Ther# 'oef9re the bu�y time 'Michigan., is at resent Ithe guest of, T. MeKq�y, Of Kippen. T he� price 10 jobs of graelling advertised were a- JkuftlernepWring.-,(word to all who --need oeuf- wotea,-Mies Maud W he lbills. 1per square foot and the to -have them it, 1B h 6 14 cents flers tepaired russels, Is visiting wit' C. 0. Mrs- 8. M. Edwaids, of Mitchell. Dr. must bav6 �been abOUt4 'two Ithousand in, warded at rices slightly lowr tha, '1 .01 wagon alefl, tongues, bolstem A FIOW HU Stewaytg-Mrs. It. Lang, Nesbit an4t Ruron rne�i town authorities do a;ll he C, of. the BuggY shaftV whij Tom- ast 7ear�, My. eopl t:he- al The Reformers, of- West I Cornell was a t aclier In' the Mtch- op - a In. towO, and verytbing f leaing t1he bed readY for t Nellie returned on MoWXY from fat - Go-derld-h for W like purpose -the fire -works WbI.Tt 3rd coac6sololit-WaS 8PP0Inte4 Inspect- Ileti,ees, j;po;ces And all 1 bogjrV repairs of t e bU ell high school Tftis ago-, the 'procession to "Zurich as a population: of B09 and r9j qualf�y of tiniber. Plow rePifting Mud �O Of the concrete work �t'tfte aeYe few days visit In Torrinto.-Aft-. dani� U110 8rd. ­�On Sunday, off in, first-clas' e gate re- Mnday next, 1 NO l9th, te new style. Th is bc4dinig its own better -thalf, most All linesof xpadCy Shovel an&tork han( O� ited wit* Of g b lone on the I wage of Cliatham, who X18 brid es to b& erected.- A 'ipropooftloiv C11-8111� - All kinds of imysinithlug 4 -Sutd,9,7 school of, Knox., church, Strat-o etpto 1n, te after -,loon amounted to J. 1A, villages.2-Mr, WesliOr 0. -Schelllt has The- people of' to ad gellis, Riven. his. sist ates ford was qpeped. Dr. Milligan, of To- wn and vicinity frolmi Mr. Ged H.'Jackson., of ftma. -, ohorw8t notice. Thoin r6o N $265.' radu4ted In' dental'surgery wt' -the r - Ru both church ser- Schal ville,, for the erection of cemfwtoide-i -1 Mrs. h"* Lan- Over the holldayi, -sug two very als- Tonto, prea difte that In' 'helping their �V� to�ro.-Xr. an dhed,* A to g etrolt Medical College. Dr. formsIly opened on Friday, MaY -�Wlngfiar vices on Sunda;1y' and lectured In the seeny D walks on each! 'aide of Main street, S&nilac 00=ty, in propriate solas In the Met h1a new,postoffice is to be agOcultu ithey are, tending derb, Of 3farlette, r I Ciet7 _ . I t.g is a, am -of Mr. and Mrs. Gedrga 'Egmandville, was favorably consider- re church Sun#a 41r, owh -pros: inew school roord.on M9nd&,y.`ev&hhlg. nd e and litt daughter, we of Westfield 'nereas; perilty a, Schelligr of the Gosh line, south.- lhg I On, Tuesda,�y eventad a social was' to -..their own Interests. -The the counell.and tlie,n"esaary Alluji,opmt the 24th hi Tbronto�-Aff dred . aere..g advance ed by e , during the past week -vial has sold the south of " Mrs. C. Hartlelo and daUghter Ofletffb e -% Johnsork of Brussels, U SM& 'held &t which a fage number of the following ladvertisement appeared in aw will -be submitted at 'the next A�n- Ad r, Urs. John W. Hardlaty forf the 'holidays with friends In Mr.o. �,andersl. nlothe, his farm to A mddting,� to be `h I d the 22n dals at her homo hert congregati, r% preset, Mhe t!he dvoc Ae of last Week "A man! 4 of der$01) and other Iriends. Thia Is the Intr a. fp�w ford and Sebringville.-The old. Luth- ep�o(rttf the proceed- Word about f IftL .tL new IiLiil derv� and well about f Ift The full re was received here, on M Vt- abouut fift years OT lage, resideift in 11001 Jute first �Ilna, Mr. Landers, has been in, -0-n 'Hon da -r,, Ma;y 20t`14 'occurr�d- equipped a 'havig some eran cemetery near the publiese Ingo will be published Inext' Week. y the dea in Prepor-4 aterloov.. General Ban]4 of Vol borneo w0l. e ntry Knutson. -D e - Of has resided In c0untl. ,nd cost In the neighborhood a neigboring Village, this part I., , has been improved in appearance by Of the death,, 'of one -he 'person pf $16,000 mano, w.,dhes to communicate with having 0. new fence pected. around it* Cana oTHe bEV9 krxoN�In- rdsidentsi in t -ka'ster Ernest Davi Whoselpq- a. lady of 'about the same &M, with a BlueV&10. Michigan.mOst -of life. eeaW was in his UrC`year md InA _The Yountg peoples' Asoodlation Rai- about been in declining healith for W1111a Norris a, after t 9, Dmfte M`91rrI onto reside In Stra;tford4 elt. v�,Jth �-s vlew to mi�rrlage. Communl6ations tine., 'farm of 240 acres within '17 Day was observed last Sabbath that desill Illness. engt4 rainful accident one day V -Week, with, at, enclosed, sehlb Ito"this of- ening'In, it'he 'Evangelical church. X6tes.-The Scotch social held in ne , mi e n o . ber of years 00 wao nutub of the wor hhil e I I f ball a i Be oo I -To Poiesters' hall on Tuesday evening, a native of Stan- looked for b�k nd mhaIr T. H. CaII&I'der, son of t at, hi f tee; Wii iecelve, confidential and his rolAtives a ol tihe Fieebytprian church, was a, Special, e4enth Mrs. Landero Is was a. 40if on, Mid 'PItils ea to punt Ithel-ball, era on 'Association -work were 'givemt under the auspicles of late Mr. Callander, �of Clin the Ladies' Aid Mr. Knutson - lowered Our advice to the joy, and was bora on the Did '-home- of Mr . 8, . DavIE4 of fhat b�y­ prompt atiteb1tion." by Mrs. c, Heyrook, Miss Lydla, F aust Ine weot f of llorwwy. Coming to ftdo 0on- amd at te Itime AMidther Marriage ble ladies is to have 10th- stead farm on the to" I jtov�n, has recently bo4i4it, the PoultTy and XIa Et-hei Williams. These ex and largely. kicked at the bill. Young, Davis re- Ing to do, wit'll, this fellow. Any ma f Irst class affair attend- this - village. She is delighted wita When 70=9 M dvocate of Petrolea. ellent edntribultiono -were i,nter- Ad. - �The-ladlesl'are to be Congratulaed A ceived the kick his*e.Yb. Although. Who Iplace so much value on a post- Th Michigan but still has. a waymblace years- In SM*hTIl1e4 at ter-ward,13 WW- gelections. vies oil: theh, 07WA icon rn, Methodist circuit -has an, persed -.by-, musical S1 on Its But eo d hom Ing to Vroxeter, where he du -Aubu I th, above and below -Y� would starve a goodj,wife At enjoal)le and c s. Rev. W. J.Wieot,.M.A., n 'Air affections for the 01 age-atan refs Id I :-mbersillp Of 60 during occasion -was a It h increase In m4 ar for 35 7ears -Int - W . era Thte 4 1W tffie 1past 4n increase of $50 -yet the eyeball Itself was ask�,,d the waj3 chalrn�Au., A good _programrae and. its assoelatl00% Mr. LaTid in- P. tailor obpp yu?#. .-:- i . - the eye, In a, ye abdulcy havt 1profitable one,-Xesars. F. 11 -ass & was 1presented by Mr. S. Gracey# of uB -that most of the ,gettlers a�- Ifealth f ailing hi= -some five Iell to, -the paofr Aot inJure lts successful lady to pay for tba adver- forms b," been 'g sonfi, the well knd". 1 carriage build- Wlnghanit and Aliss Maggie Anderson, I are Cwia- ago fte moved to Froepor4 to be, neAm are expectitd. tiserrot-lalso.-Mr.' Ja;mPS BdlythyOn, -round wbeft theY live $52T.55- for missions. era repontly complete Air. J6h R, Go�ttler, Vropridto'r io apen the hollUkA here in Scotch readings; Mr. R. Maxwell, re from the -his diaughteri* Mr. 'Was t1114 Tlarold, f Tbront very' hndoome, vehicle for a, gO,'ntle- -dia,,ne and many of them a] 1 --.,.On Satiirday, XWY 18 of Wltgam, Miss Jessie Grey and most man of. sterling qulitle% W10 wax -we ie"h, -sale the 1port&blo chopphIg and sawmill wjf� -.,his ileters, Mrs. Collins and 9169 anl6y md HaY the econd sm. of Louis and Annie of man In London which, for dppearxn- townships of St 'n Wn go deluied could ot be; Mrs. Alex. Moffatt In Scotch songs; Of tile m b &ve, been, there tor -good respie-ated Uy- all WhO knew 1111n. T -h-6 Vhs Bank 4� Y, a the 12th concession of FullairtoTr The to w 14011inger, 10th concession- Of Gr c1e a am d worknlaIship Mlefoes Jessie Moffatt and Ina 'Bry- It funeral took 1place to tbs �,Cemqtwl recently received mrord-from Motana with lady, and - gentlemen school each- %To a -Ad, are � doing, well. died ged 9 -Yexrs. The bay had a, excelled by' the �est city estalish- vns� Instrumental selectionsi andMiss era .On TuesdXY afterzoon, the *Sv� at4ecting t e that bio sono Ernest, WhbP W&W, & erg , on. edinesday and'' Thurafty o in, he sa;ys, a very fine farmiligeOu'a- 1h bealing, iear,. the trouble' i e1*11 -engineeri bad died of ty-photd, last week. They, wei ments. Davidson mains, 'beln ain reaulting in 'his de e attending th I Wroxeter, gave two Scotch try and the fams and buildings are met at the Bluev*w Mr. *G.oettler left on, ed- eachersl� 1�notltute metting, Which recitations In excellent style. A - nieli - f ever. atlon by a numbei Of Did frienft nov� as good as thY are In' the COU'n- st -For � excellence In -sc-1101a;rOhItpi nesUy for Montana to bring Ithe re- e f the most successful beld- 81vth., Scotch lunch of scones, oat cake, cur� ty -of Huron, While In Some respects of the deceased, and the be -k *f -S�Oflxu J&mes, Reid Robertson., M. A,, a, f 01 truilt, eakeP, of whic h lie was, -a mem i�; sud UMNA "0 1" 'Y 24th was -they ars ahead of us hainS cOnveni- W,711:- mains 'ji-orne and to sefItle, �t�p fhaf- ia%t ectorake.. lit was a subject spent ery rant buna', short- bread, �er resident of Ethel, ha1% been a p -Auk was, served after -the e'ouspices the- f ulnera-1 . w" tea'and coffee, 'do indt'yet enjoy. 70Z whos a mounti;g fairs of 'his bo was a real es- of ig erE�l, remark., "What a fine, quietly In town, qutte a number leav enm th*t We ohmts Bank -a IAeeh return- v4 A widow a' two dau nd uteW, -ed &,graduate scholarship tate , owner in thwt Stae. Deceased 'of oung Tnen Ing for Wllogha Cl -nnne,-Mr.' exaple they have- rural oali dell R deparitmin t ' , a intelllgr� looking Idt Inton, Exetar progre ha lived' In Mautana atx years and and W" 'they were." RemSilling aind Seaforth, while th6 guln club at- ed hOmO last week froml Florida, erk and the mail matter -1 athbuin, of Dulut:b;- ivad Um Dot: deltver� of the UniversitY 'at Chicago. Was 24 ears of age. He was a ne- num- where be spent the winer.-Work day bid Weiler, of Freeport viv IN ANK 'here ovr night- evidently, some of telided the shoot at 'Auburn. A at. the farnh 'houses every M a C. Ut h We- a;b1tis I W. H. � Carr 10 t -The fine, new bar or the has cowmenced on tearing down 'the a- �gllest ot rels 4yft phew of Mrs. Richard Harris of the them d rooming (accommodation' ber wer on the bowling green f the rural telepborie system,, en on's, Goderich township, was r I' d Id Viresbyterian, church preparatory in Toronto VUSL electric IlIght Aftaltin, Mitchell. somewhat 10carce, but the h6tels did first time this ear and Others f4pent 10 every farmer w -ho desires It to ha;Ye ays ago, The d1imenal -Y -spiult the; holider ta few a Mr. Henry 14offmoi, well kno!mn their bestitp, -provide room,. - Over foet it on the river with the rod. -Mr. -Mc. to building the now one...- large- a telephone in. file reoldftee. Mof f it a -ad tamily the ibuilding are 8OX50, with' 18 f t V---' Of the cedling fell on. Tdesdaoy, 'in A7t*n,-Xrs. R-oberts6n, of W -14 - 'Alvin Jfte% ao, Milverton's oldest Inhabitaut, at- were domiciled at the: Celftral, 6m.d the Who has been running a Notes. -My, and Mrs Donough, 1he I r-ae is-! a 06mplete r wfek-- Lposti, aa, visited In the vIllagi wo bost. ter 9, brief Illness, assed aa!y on- rthT a4id - hostess oi Itbat ex- saw mII1 a few miles f 0m town., in but 'fortutstely tao, one was on the, of London., spent the 24th Wtthe hOMS ture of 'good timer and good work- o W" badly Wkid- Monday evening. May Nth-, at th cellent haf lery did 0eir best East WXwanooWo is at -present neffo.: -spov.,at thaft time. -MT. Tbog. 014 -ver, My -Mr. ITarry -Wade MAndhip, amd everything went Ito. 0,.'vA1Ite'd over Sunday at of jaum Jones, of Staney.�Ulrl by -a borse In A.( P"11079 Every lm* - yea, thdMas comfortable -as ossible. Of TOyOnt Alex, MaKenziev of this V1112ige, was ripe, old age of 92 -To andl some milk t1gting with, the town. to open a fac- e Igether In first class i4tyle. )t house Mr. Jolm'Buirgesa'.-m-Mioa -Wilma, Bick- Tuesdk evening.1 The da; street waltering. tor-� 'here for the in Goderidh, this eek, comblabi-K ys. Mr. Hoffman was a native of -The old cart, 'hav makilyg w a Tryin, da.48�hter: 6f per oshel ... -miss Marth le, of Hamilton, vlsJt6d-,,B1ueva1e and b Mr. Wal- cement floor rimdered him unew Robert Irvin. formorly� of qrmaYiy and.. immigrated to Caada Ing. outlived Its usefulnqea, th.0 coun- turfiiihings. It the town gets tblo It usluess WIth pleasure., Ithe late, selous for about 24 hours. He passed awa,)r at In'. middle.life. !He: was the father of Wllniharn�frlends last:4week.-Mr. and ter Palrbafm to the went Of Nat ell fhave �purdhased and 'have now, hr, wil be a good industry aind wilt the alowly T"wer Winghl-,M, -four daugh- use a- vory V1eat nd ivpparently ef- keep Increasing In ca�paclty.-Mr. L. Mrs. Hugh.. Johnston, ro.' Ernest and imd to "B t sa family of four sono mid lage, had the misfortune 'a few. dayar c9Verin q mu, per t6ft­.. -ftO V", pet t4jii -him. 'He f Icient' rihkler of Grand View, Manitoba, the,�'rnodt modern, Hill bas. his new planing- mill about Mrs- 13, Sxults, of Goderich, visited ago to lose a fine mare while !Oal- Weak. -Mr. George -aged 32 years, after Gride Viou ve be, ake. It wal The loss an Illness of 6ev- ters, 9,11 of Wflom. survive was the'gra�father of 38, children, m a purchased In Land6n., o 'has ost very IiUtl& their, brother, Mr., JObnst t4is lng, The foal. in, also dead was a visitor ln the Village m ef completed May Davidson speat oral mdaths with consumption. Th tract. week'# -Mr. Keyes, buttermaker, was Ing the da7.-Mloo 84 i�deacendants,,,:-Iv all. MT. k0f fm:au for $2W The dontract for watering time in filling 'his building cc" will, be a, one comider deceased Toung lady went West some Me- called away tis week owing to the. wa;s regarded i as aman pright in Main atr-6et from -the 'hill BMW Of iames Dodds, one of G6rdc 13rIce of twroes at -the preoentt ime.- eral days 6t 14st week' d The re na w6re top -few Tears ma the soulth bounftry of a-Ia tyVoted an'to, Vis- death; of a bkother.-Rey. Geo Baker b h bom he the lbrioge, to K �-:rRev- MT. .1 spent the 24th In! -MISP BeatrICO Howe, hi dealings those wit anliployees, Tor brought to Wingham for Interm-0),lift. 'to confirbncie thisl Iftel0h:100 -r , tm� , 'the cor oration, and StWtIo1r, street, ifted -'his* mother. a, few da7a of 'the Tovialthig frlends.�Mr- ThQP- Hs .e goes e came In cont week an int teachOre * convention Thomas 7,ohn Elliott - -0 mal his absence Mr. Robert Shaw week. -Mrs. S. 13A e* of he Nile, W Will 'has beeh awaded to Mr. W. Nell, -for past �eek.-Mfss Zella Carder, of Mellis, ace ta#led by Into daughter� idled Gn Satu- a rda'Y, the 18Lh, at ter wn !preach In the: Methodist Church next ruc 12.50 per week, bil tender bet g the London, visited 'her father over Sun- V,4e 241th in HoWiCk and pent Ae Winte -, in montre g over &year. and a, cefteld. $ 7T Mrs. Illness extendi 'elated ithe Sunda7.-Mlss Caldwell-, teacher,opent Nellie enjoyed 8, companled b --her daughter, Bank, lowest of fMr.-An.excurlan to,NI- day. -Mr. Robert MeKa;y lie Turnberry. MT. retQ11) pe ptember�l t t1l ir bo half. De6eased was born ffi Gode.rtch ilia the 'holidays at her in Durham, -yed Inew.livy.evertings, agare, flel(L N011 open; %vef Palls, under )fhe ausplices 01 9t, Thomae'tearn In a game of la- ipleasant visit at the hospitable hom-e McLean, of Mobil TiftnMeej, t Wood townshtp 67 -years ago and hap :1 2054-10 the Fore -be run, on Thurs- -MlBo Burroughs, of Leadbury, vLsit- d to 'her ome here for the 'Wxd per milk%h 11. Tt. Laird, analger. sters, win' Crosse an. the 24th and received 'great of T. Robt. Murray, of Gorrie, a tuine 'his whole iffe,in I- iuron county.� A APOveer 8ved' i - day June 20th. Tickets for Ith To d 'praise for 'his gpod playing.-Migg B. ed so Mary Aitcheson lazat week.-, t, I 00k 'y g West. -Mr. Chas. Mustard, e un 1 know - I m0r­ A quit i8vft t PISM Goin former wel n and much respect he was mrrle�d to Umt- bout 40 years ago Mr. Clamay, station agbnt 'here, was here. oor�, of -Mr. Alex. Mustard, . -is 'home tfip, -good' for three da: hroo efitcealdent of'Tuckeromith, near )re,, from- Exe- I-jamilton -visited friends In -Stra;t, - y Rebecca RlacR, who survives hlnr� to- transferred to- Cargill ozv Monday. M 1qrra,-y lit very comfortably Phu- !­Wedn,,w461 levening at eight f ro%- Knox College, Toronto. Mr. ter, are. $2.30, -Mr, David Gillis met & tew day -past week.-Messirs. T p of the 1, 'hen ter daughter, Miss Elsie, WAO anp very 'popular liere.- a.ted in Gorrie, and says w gether with a family Of five !9ons Mr. C1 y was Mustard- leaves shortly. for the wek wi�hr a painful accident a few da;ys H Gidley - and D, Waler spent tile thait -the peo- and one daughter, ut Mr. m. Haney was. married Tried, to Mr, George pal IN -14*00 av�ng been a0pointed by the Stud- 1�go, WhIlb drawing ashes. lie W a 8 24th in Lofndon.-Mr, A. Sim' people 4. a spe ple ot t?hat c triet are a Jine tbe recent"i been hornas Nairn, ho has 10 to i -Mrr T -Wednesday 6f last week to a young bo ' - o a mis- a and frl d --- �41ryprl 446 c ent" Missionary Society getting Into lehe w%go6 afid sli,ppedg the holida,,yowith relalive en 0 to live alwng, but -be still has many --Rev. J, H. 0sterhout perlo Ing. aTLy ther, Charles in Goderich for * In the � grocery business with ht3i bro- a'n, lady of Wroxeter vicinity. Mr. a;nd- ecollectlors, of big nurmr- ceremony After spen on, field in Sas](achewaln. He will. faing between the wheels, alnd -the Jn PI-attsville.-Mr. and Mrs. Wa;too Mrs. Haney were married very quiet- f*sant r speild the summer vacation In �the 4horses startivg ithe hind Wheel 'pa -5- left last Wednesday�. afternoo for ous friends In Tudkeromith.-Mr. and di�rz With.7frien-dr, in ILIW t .2. leaves that 101%vn shortly, to 4oi 13 ay --5 work - there. Hie ff-old Is about 013vtY Bed over him,' bruising 'him consider- Glenboro, Manitoba, on receipt of 0, ly and' took a trip to Torono. They Slmcod, Ur,,. and Mrs. Paulin ret=Tk*� 6ping in the'houVe open xip a grocery store in Mra. Wm,. Moore, of Chlo village, pent -telegram 9t0flng Uha if My. Robert Milo from a railway, her likes ably, but.. fortu'AWtolY 'the Injuries, al- t their daugh- will begin ouseket- ed to the illa$p onMoURy� the 24th at the bomie o VXV10ne ville. :At a meetl4g of th,� 1, 0. 0. F. -West, was vbry Ill. Word at te station lately vacated by Mr- Wput- they will make their home bow 'I tone 'him though!p' ter., Mrs..ft. Kettle, in London. Was Ma,99TO hwe ioneir Work and it wU 4inful, werenot aerlous.-Thq he w a a preaented ivith IM sup *Ysically ater the straln. ot the resldence� of th late Jdj%n Muir, on, 'has been received since that she bo Casemore.-James � asters has been, Wishes of the mny friends of reguJ6 in son also visited Witt frlewf4 in, Lon� oddf ejlorN�a Past Grand 1 Map 1114 :wInter'Fj study, Main street; 'has been purdhased by don. -St. Andrew's Sabbath school is improved considdrAbly and 'her mj�ny re-&ppolnted station ageat, a post- 7oung couple are, extended �to UWM presen- tawn i e r F F, Lawrence made flie r Mr. Simon Campbell, of Usbor'ne, lie& friends 'here w1IJ bB glad; fo Jaear that tion, he was forced to give up some Waking a creditable record for Itself -at is to 1 W-,4 4 at ton. mont ago an accoUt of ill -health. -Sunday and Monday U&7 13th 4.0 Farquhar, for $1,175. It is, a neat there Is no' hope of heir recovery.- this -year in cont' MIS- �A 13uEiness Men 2; Associr.tion b Hills Green w ribuing for of -An excellnt cut of Mr. It. R. Par- l(yj,70. They take comfortabile 'home Ad will make a Rev, Mr, liolmes,.,a former pastor o, collection for that 20th were the -days of the ded bcon organized in Clinton. The ob Notes.` QuiLe aumber fro. n this nice lace for' Mr. a�nd Mrs. Cpimpbell the Methodist ch4rch here, but now" rowt of Ottawa, togetheiwith an ac� fpurpohe -the Jirfft lgabbalh of each services of t wOrlg= Jec of the AE(ao6latloin Is to promote ylc'lnit)r spent the 24th in Se-iforth �TDROM 4ay 24 t this Count of his romotion, -appeared- In when they feel disposed to recore from of Dorchester, spent Tuesday of a;nd are very enthusiastic In has fbeen Installed in thp, metholh* the Interests and welfare Of thP-tOwn. and Clinton. -Mr. James Cameron,'of m. on the Thames -road. week visting old frienda'-Mr- T. W, ftturdaylo Gloe. Mr. Farrow Is a, month t6 7AM, r zc�hool section 'No. 34, att ded -the their fine far I the ood cause. 'There is nothing like churdh, St. Marys. wes--A The fallowirg, officers we e'e.jected: Bluevale bay and his many friends In ftr 10to on trcit -0ne eVenig last week a number of Scott and brother drove Up f rom, near e, Dr 15 h &w teachers' con will be 'pleased to 'hear of his, succe-3s. Fresi4ent, R17'1101rrfes; vie vention held al Exe- the neij�hbors -of Mrs, George Rook, Lortdon on Thursde and spent a few W, Newcombe ; ex0cu- t,er last woek;-Mr. Herbrrt Wock- days wit the former's family. -There. -Mrs. King- and Mr. Thomas War. 'tQ 412 for worAftry ho bas left her home near Eden., in tivo, NrefiFtre. F. R. Hodxe ns, F, Jack- man a:nd Ister, Miss Lillian, spent T-Tsborne, and taken, up her midence wick 'have been v1sItIng a brother a:t 10to f I0. N�7"Pll, T1. T. RanCO3 C- E- the 24th An Hxeb�r.-Mr. Wm. Ja- was quite a fall of $now 'her 0'.1 Smith's Falls, who hap been Wo 3c In EXeter, waited an kh3r &L her old gondoy of tid 1week. It ma, to 14Z other ot our young men In the -person, Dowding and Dr. Tho,, rott, -of thd Norma.1 College,' Londoill, hon6'and prosented- her. With a com- kes peo- FOOT' 'LLS9 ple think spring Is ever coming.- -Xr. Rd. Driggs, a former resid speot the 24th- visltin,g his moth -or of XT, Milton Smith, was married on plimentarY address expressive of, the Rs r the effect that as the 41efeat-� here.-)v1r. and Mrs. 'RiefialIdson, of St of Brucefteld, but. who w Ten t- Weduesky of. last,� -week. The bride et felt at hor leaving the neigh- one of our young bachelors has regr ed Roblin canidate frr D Mr. a.,nd wils he' at Tilbury, accompnled: by Miss Ruttana, of Lakdlet and t borliood. and lehing. her well In her ed a bouse - a.hd Is goling to bring a ne, has been Mrs. Veale mid Miss Ross, of Sea - the' lte NlanjtOba elre'10 dding 004�, placo� at he home of beif jig �uotjqi at ft tn new -me. The address was accom- bride from. E� neighboring town to we reward,:�d 1ith the appointmmt of In-! forth. spent SLmday the gueats�of Mac 4d PU pound. p1,4,nIed -py axadaome� mantel clock manage it for 'him. -Dr, G, E. Long her father, M. Bennett Ruittan. Elate Imported Direct from., the hotels, at �a salary of -4;1,- 1 Mrs. Ja mikoor,. May apector of mes Hagam., sy.-We are sorry for �. rs� Rook and a gold chain for. attended the Denta Convention in Gannett, of Bluevale, -niece of tho� 800 � year. This Is better th#t bf,-; to report the d Illness of. Mrs. groom, was flower girl xid was tu re ra in G I asgomv 'her em 17ra:nk. It was a kindly nd Clinton on the 24th after which" tie a inember of a Local Legislature James JarroZ-The, masons have tily dre-aaed It White milk. Mr.. and Nommi, may grma ul! aA amd- speaks well for the drove over to the irooLball match at and his old frieunds in this county will started the foundation .''on. 14r. Thos. - Mrs.. Smit spent their honeymoon in *4 Jai n4ild, wMeh < est6em; In' -which this estimable lady Seaforth.-Mr. Hartle and 14188 rbe picascd to knoNv tha�, h--, is �rovid- Consitt's ew house and when fin-, is 'held 1y her neighbors*of a of Wo&d- sold'a .0 r, 0 In an Y Brigham attended he Iteacheral con- WOOdstoeX,-Rev. W. Smith, ve Po ed for. Ished Mri Consitt will haver one of the stock., attended the wedding of his bro- A large consign ment jud recef d ineludi g the yeats, She 'will be -very kindly wel- yemtjon at Guelh. last Wediiesday ive in her Milton last. week. ----Kra. ulde;'r an old and n the Parr line.- t -Mr. Robert ITIckg. finest dNvelllngs 0 �d by the peope of Exeter,-K-uch -ad Thured fr 0ome, come ay their Too at 5 to 4ej %highlY rl�spected resideM of U Mrs, Gear'ge 1 -mals, of Zurich, spent 0 of Michigan, Is visiting her mother, 1 - regret wa:s felt 'here on Friday on closed. -Mrs. 'A. Babb and daughter, Celebrated MeRechnie 'Match BaH at, $3.00 0& *,lit boo,_ 0 nvil-le, died an Frlday� ay a few days visiting her arents Mr. Mrs. John Collie-, who is now recov- near Elil Union swpk rs and kra. Charles Troyer. leaxnIng of t1lis death of Mrs.' Roberb of Meeswater, visited 'her parentry ity 17,f.at the aL-,e of r- Yea Faflson, of Seaforth, which occurred here. on. the 24tb.-Miss C. Tucker, of ering.-Mrs.' Sanderson came upfrom ilu! ali�ntfs. I-'-( Wi4s 87-ayinr, with his onto foi the 24th. -Mr. and Mrs. THE BEST VKILUE IN CANADA. therp kv the. 1p�evlous 'day at the residece of Wtngham, visited friends I to n Tor tau' e, thv�-a wer o in d,,tughter, rs. John Andre.'vvs O the -va ast 'Imia were loom goof", onstaiRce. Mr, )�aul Madge, on the Tharnes road, this week. -Mr, W. Reid %pnt a few F. B, Scott spen!t a few da t�m6 of. his Ideath. 1-vir. Hicks had 'tchem OUT �en ailing morc, all "Winter Note6.-Henry Cole, of 0AIIIii, ad Usborhe, where r. amd Mrs. ran- - ds,7s of the pist week In Tq)rozAo.- weeli with, Seatorth frIendo,-MT. J. b --mVen-4, b'ut fi; death not ad ot been enjoying uff.�­Xlaa Ids 0 e 0xpected. ', Two, prtiviouslY he week. It was fitty 'years'sinca they� Mrs. !F9WM `h dress making .,establishment in tho with Clla:�'ton 1) F7 T If Oftc Or tWo Rxtm prkibi "Ift. Tar born, of Toronto, .,pald p, short Wait 0 I ", blk in th�-, least his brother, Wm- Cole, a visit last Lot bad been visiting for some weeks. The Misses Stenhoff -have tarted a Petch., t LWowel, spent 'the 24th best of heath. for, so-raf) time,, but 11L front shop of Urs. Youtg's residence ALEX iguffered a stroke of paralysls.r Mr. had een -each othnr and both ar Blu t her death came suddenly and' unex�* a er h6me on t evae nd -we ave -no �oubt but Ithwt they to h road.- av- now aged men-. - George Taylor lef Tilake togrether with his now oere IRST DOOR NORTH OF PICKARDIS, 24tif,. pecte4ly. She *as well advanced In will eat with good aucceso,--Dr, The Presbyteria dongregation held Fi- ml��rated to this for Vancouver, 13. C., on the -ftw ed Wife and C, aceld t ito -his their ervice ForebbersO hall t6 1"&� years,, Mr. Paul -Madge of the Milli' met w1t1h, an en SEA740R1!Ht country flom Devonehire, about 24 after aying a visit to his par&nts e re Thinjes road, Usbor* bas goneaome- automobile last wee�, Tnaking I't ne- on Sunda,� last an, ,will co6tin'uetheir George says - b Ors9the At.50 Drears. ago, settling, first In : Blan- here. Agent for Gendron B"y siges, E xpress WA. 9 -OAS, extensively Into he br '4kpert from T - services tberq u he new churen Whati eeding o where ho romalned �aboii five climato of ancouver � to ours,-Hios cessary to birbafg. an 0 r d r t and needing Alex. Anderson was no - hen he moyed to the f arm Jen;nie Love� he 24th wfth her of'Lincaln sbeep. He has rmto to repalr It. -Mr. R. Sands, ot I spent t !years. w