HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-05-31, Page 30 ME MIRO 0 ITO SL 19074 ISSOMOWSWOWIlilial*IIMINKWOOSIMO eseeainernat tenWeSCtMtarea oN 'BAN pay attention to lass of eniistant SeelleS to be,ve e money. than those who went from five to ten !Years fagot be more desirous of tra,velIieg in comfort. e -1', • . 31f .4 Better Class Going, a needs sornething ite and maintain for nt thedaily dutieiree, is nothing better Ae or Porter, the ind merit of which con attested by physicians and :at the -eat exhi, 'eRT.ANT NOT10Ee. LE. -In Varna, a wagon elm ra,s_e sale. All the buildinfre era scild st one. Apply to -.I.E.— The undersigned has for We Conerion e, J . A. MONTOOMER.Y. 2057x4 t. -The residenee- in Egrnond. tea. Somer. is for Sale or to . Weise and has all neeessary , eistern anti gooti stone cellar. and, Mpiy to It. HICKS, 2057 -ti ustable, radiating duet me thimbles are the lat. o ., clean, safe and dumbiel heat eonveying, raellathlae era They add comfort and save es marerw wed. Orders by whole,eate or retail. WM. B. - All, Ont., Manufaeturer. 2044-tf ALE. -For sate tot 2. CouCkeelOtt real.ip. The farm contains 1.0Ctacrett, en and 'N. .? acres in gran, and the t io a. 'There are on the premises a -:11) ft. ; a frame stable 49 x 26 ft. ;Li and & good frante house 33 x 23 ft., a'•Ited F x 14 ft. Also two wells and Situated 5 miles fromIlen_sval, mile from poet office, Presby xliott.hurhes and 1 mile from 70 MISS; LIZZIE MeALLISTER, Ilit 2057xS FOlt SAI.E.-Por sal =hey, a rennfortable Irriek cottage weechhei attaelted ; also ge5c1 I tor 3 lye -4.s or 3 bead of eattle, hen well and pump4a4e ; had allo ataie of /and, on whieh are • ti of of all kinds of fruit. It is a -.Try for any per eon wanting- . Apply on the preteiSes or ad- , JOHN 31eHtes-ot:11. 2055-tf FOR, SALE. flA1t FoR SALE. -The under- roD4 for eale SPVI31 gold registered twe. month.; old, ales, some II yak pig. Apply ta WM. BURKE, 2053-8. AND SHOBTHOWN CATTLE unclereigned, has for sate sev- 4.1eerter !-hf..ep and Imrham Cattle Aohlrf Benkf:toia lilt P. th, or appy 41T1 u Iti:ERT CHAR 13"M -et STOI'K Fitlt SALE. -The under for salt Oa Lot 27, Coneeien number a heifers and yormg few, 4s.ItrirtIVorn leiNet for un- ^. imported Pr:nee of Banff - National ' thylerate. ter:4;3 E•zo,y, visitor 'lit HILL Ftatla P: 0. lusante F: NAL% -For Kele, the votEd thor0- . .1:ed Ar.4.e.Hu ; brood 41uroit ; a good driving tad. tdrive and will work either e.WJ-e11 eh. r etv-41 or on time., ••-ion Me:Zillop. ROM= crta P. 0. 2443-tf 'I FOIL SEIMCE. -- The un- ,„ forserviee on Lot 24, Conces- l,_, Ttiekersteith, a Thor obred Taut- ;-i.n? parable et time (.4 serviee, with txttleg if neee5:4•.ary. II. HAMILTON, W5.8x4 ----.. . _ r• it •E. -The undersigned will keep• L!, ei Lot 3-2, Core.ession 6, MeKillop, frud Berl:Aire boar, " Tom Winner," r orge Hale a: S014, Mina. Terms $1* p.ze. of returning. J. A. MONTOOMe '. 2058x2 . CATTLE -Seven first.elaes young '-n-i imported crows, for sale at moder. F i (Ili:: tering ; good young cowe and -ale. All intere:;ted are eordially ifl- . t he herd. Farm adlonie town. long IP W farm. Write for catalogue. 11 -0f -ti . - ladle and females of for Lab!, 1.roit t,.‘n dozen to &elec.- le. Herd tirm headed by C.‘"01 0). lie 14 got by the beet te-yrted .-.toeic on both 8i4eg, glossy dark a well -.et on t..hort lege. Tenns:--- • iir-Etr.c1 ; others Ori applicat, 13.1,ILI:, Hensel -1 P.: 1988-ff L decidiug where to loca 'vest, let us tell you about ids. The best wheat fields - Chest grazing Iand-are once. : us for full Jr:derma-Son Opn climate and special rates, etc, 1. representative WA ted iU 0‘ Osgood Signs • RISTI N E BLM.DiNG - MONTREAL SO a. art d 4 ti T =forth Tea Store -Another 15 days' sale to clear ott $1,000 worth of goods. Oetrie nne wine an, and get some of the bar - Six lbs. cooking figs for %2.4o, 4 lbs. Oates for 25c, 8 lbs. best prunes for 250, best raisins 10c a lb., seeded. raisins 10c le syrup 25c a quart, 6 lbs. t B 1C for 25c. 4 pacAtages a Corn h for 25c, 10 bars Judd's soap for „ s of O. K. soap for 25c, three P. soap for 16e, regular price , s:i0 great values in black, green And Japan Teas. Just buy a pound, and you will be sure to come for more. Prices, 10e to 50c per lb. .et'egYee from 15c to 49e per lb. Best flour; rolled oats, eornmeal, ere= of 'wheat, and all ' kinds of cereals, syrup and molasses ; eidbr, malt and white wine vinegar and coali - , °flkinds of cured meats, ham, bacon ' • land bologna. Wanted -Good. fresh Butter, Eggs and Potatoes for which higleest priceis •00U he paid, either in cash or trade. .1•11• IOW:ea rea. a year pr 500 or 59000,000 —they acre all alike. Each biscuit as light as if made by fairy hands, B aked to a golden russet broWn. So fresh, and orisp, and tempting, that just opening the box is teasing the appetite. And you find a new delight in every one you *. on get perfection when you st M0911 Perfection Ottani Sodas GO iS14 - nnaae W.ddle, Ciecoes, 1Whitefish, Maolcere I and Trout. These are very scarce, bit are extra good quality. PEDErA4LE Lettnee,CAery, Cabbage, C&rrota; et Par snipe and Turnips always ort hand.' Fagg HE4r • We buy nothing but the hest quaint 1 Beet, Pork and Lamb in this department. We have extra tine prices. UREO MEATS— Bain, Thaw], Breakfp.st Bacon and polls always Oland - COOKED MEATS— Owned Beet, Head _Cheese, Boiogne, tuul3New England, Ham. ORDOENE8— Our grocery department ie eotrillete. Always "fresh and good, es. RUSE BROPs, 4MEROB BLOCK — PHONE 98. .SEAFORTH. DR. WOOS Tlillifilt PINE SYRUP Stops the irritatinkeotigh, loos- - ens the phlegin, soOthesthe in- flamed tissue Of the hings and bronchial tubes, and produces a ,OOlele and permanent Cure In all t eases of Coughs, Colds, B) Nn- ehitis, Asthma, Hoarseness, )re 4 Throat and the first stages of 'Consumption. Mrs. Norma Swanstott, Cargill, Ont., Writes: "I take great pleasure in recom- mending Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, I had a very bad cold, could not sleep at night for the coughing and bad pains in ray chest and lungs., 1 only used half a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup and was perfectly well again." ?aloe5 cents a bottia. :often it compo n The great Uterine Tonic, an -a t=_Le.. only eate effect -nal Monti:1W - on which 'Newer/ eau depend. Sold in three of etrength-No. 1. ; O. 10 degrees- stronger. V; ale* al. - ter special caSee, Reid by all dru rcpald on p 0 ree pamphlet. .a.adress C-0.,TsgsgrokONT. ifermeele-Wi You cannot possibly have a better Cocoa than PP A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in rObust health, and enables it to resist winter's extrente Sold by Grocers and'Storekeepers ' in 1.1h. and 1.1b Tins. PICtU re Fram ng. Ab this time of Veer you neafly always have a number of pietures you wish fram- ed. But you keep putting it. PM, often be- cause you fear the expense. Picture fram- ing with us is a- t.pecially. and we -entrY stook of frArna4 and mouldings that are cheap an-, neat, pretty but noo expeneive. Let ut frarou a picture for you, and we Will ooneinee you of the truth of what. We say. Try no for yonr next ll'hoto. JACKSON BROS, Seaforth. Stio George's lWdng Powder L best for Biscuits best fo., Calecs--:-best for Pies -best for everything you bake that requires Baking Powder.'.7 “One can to try, Will always make you buy St. George's.'t rfave you a copy:of our new Cook Book? Sent free if pin write National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, 1,1tnited, Ifontreal, tenzermatea Perth Good Reads The Listowei Banner of last Week sayin The Good Reedit By-law, which Wesh -given it first and leecout read - at t repent meeting of the coun- ty 'hoUnell; Was TateTred to the De- partment at Toronto for, their ap- iproval, and we nuderstand that the Department haft gitren its consent to the ,ty-law as drafted. Owing to in- sulficietit notice iti caJi1ngthe meet- ing . the 'proceedings of the coulatY Celina', at Which this ley -law was considered, are said to be void, but this will not delay the matter, as the byelaw can. be easily dealt with at a, later date. The importentthing eaael to secure the appreval a the Government en the form or the 'by-law and this weo understand tea been' done. The comity council, however, met on Tuesday afternoon to consid- er the Good Roads By-law. The vote resulted in a, tie, thus bavbig the ef- fect of _defeating the byelaw. We can hardly Understand the aetion of the county council and 'hope the matter will be reconsidered. Established z9 Whooping Cough, Coup Bronchitis Cough,, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria cresokne IS a boon to Asthmatics Does itinot seetn more effective to breathe in a remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomach It cu,res because the air rendered strongly anti- septic is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat- ment. It15uwaluable to mothers with small chiadren. •Thoseof a consumptiv tendency find immediate relief from coughs or in- • flamed conditions el' the throat. 41/4 Sold by druggists. • • Send postai for booklet. LEEMIS1C;, MILES CO.. • 'limited, Agents, Mont - Canada. 301 'Auctioneers and Pedla.rs.-The fol- lowing is a. list of the licensed auc- tioneers aind pedlars for the county of Huron, as furnished by ithe county treasurer: Licensed Afictioneers, - C. F. trandrick„ Geo. Beckett, Thos. Gun- dry, Jas. Stanley, P. S. Scott, Thomas Cameron, Frank Ballantyte, G. W. Walker, Hetry I3ossenberry, J. G. Mt - Michael, John Gill, R. M. Charles, Thomas E. Robson, Fred 0. lelcDonell, Jas. A. Smith, David D1ckingon, 0. IL Willson, Jas. jones, Thomas Brown, R. Hunter, Henry Torrance, R. IL Giternise, John Purvis, Edward Bose senberry, B. S. Phillips, Joseph White., Solomon Hardy, W. A. Currie. Li- censed Pedlars, -J. E. Harmwell,Dern can McDonald, deorge Vanderburgh, Augustine McGutre, Wra. MoKeown,G, -H. England, W. K. Whaley, Stuart Miller, George Beatty, Anthony Mc- Donald, A. Dolgoff, Jas. Cutt, W. G. Contbes, Henry Hayden, Robt, Shaw, W. J, geOrackere A. eXeMureby, J. E. Fre G. F. aleFee, W, J. Powell,Wm. B hfiel4z87!4- lie ws the kind of Waterproof - Oiled clothing that standitte hardest service Dolimlinow .•404,4tt, H igtklt° Node fol. all kinds of wet workor sport/ SOLD EVERYWHERE 01 1 -, The Bitglieli Cancert.-We inad- vertently omitted last week to make reference to the English. 'concert in, the Presbyterian church under the auspices of the Bible clase, which was held on the previous Friday evening. The concert vvas one of the be of the series. The lecture _by Rev. Mr. McPherson, of Toronto, "Lessons from thet Life CV Gladstone," was interest- ing a*1 instrUctive, and well deny- ereS., afr, Mcparson's many friends her Were pleased to have another op- portamity of listening to him, and the many lessons he elicited from the life of a great and good, man were helpful and inspiring t -o all. The musical part of the programme, furnished by Miss He en Wilson, the organist, and by M$. .W. W. Meredith, Miss Labelle Scot, and gessrs. ;John Scorit ani .Walter Pickard, was very 'pleasing ira- dee , and each one well sustained the excellent reputation they enjoy as 1"011 iced entertatners. The chair was oocjapled by the paeitor, Rev, Me, Lar - k!4 and the programme, elicited, a It rt7 vote of thanks to those Who 'pr4vIded it. The attendance was not se large as at the preceding entertahil- ne nts of the series, but 'thin 'mall be ac oimted for by the fact that a foot.. ba11 match was in I'progress on the re- cr ation grounds the 'same evening. i ____-• , • 1 In The, Olden Days. Interesting sketehea of the early • days of Seaforth and vicinity, • taken froro the files of The EX- posi tor. Seaforth, Dec. 3, 1875. ' igr. .1olar Wilson, of Silver Creek, n ar Seafortn, returned from his t ip to Minnesota on Salturcla;y even - g last.• ) A man named Velland had the two ai dd idyl e m afninegieedrs byefa; ticirsourilagrhtsawhrind 'Leman & Goubiloers saw mill. - _ Mr. Wne Chesney, of Tuckersmith, et with a 'painful ,accident on Wed- esday of last we. He was driving' • ome from Seaforth and when eras - trig the track his horse getfrighaened t an engine. He was thrown out irt• rant of McBride's 'hotel, and had three ribs broken'. The horse was caugh.t in Egmondville: CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS • A simple and effective remedy for / 50RE THROATS AND COUGHS They combine the germicidal value of .Cresolerin with the soothing properties of slippery elm, and lice-, rice, Your druggist or from us, 10a in steropil. 1.rsann0, Mears Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal., Of armers Atterviion. Then it's time to net! No time to study, to read, to experl, mend You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minkte that if your hair ever comes \out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes the scalp. healthy. The hair stays in. ,It cannot do any- thing else: It's nature's wayTho . betlkrvinodoefr stiegra enLasl7 o ; ffilaigg."W, ering 4s connection with the achool. On riday afternoon last the schol- a:rs O-1 Miss McKenzie's department of the ..ublic school, presented. her with. a. 'welting desk, a Bible and a silver card server. . The anniversary services in con- nection with the Presbyterian claurch were .held on Sunday and Monday. The Sunday services were conducted - by Rev. D. J, Macdannell, of Toronto. Mr. Hugh. Bigam has sold his farm, on the and concession a Huitet t, to Mr. Ohristophet Dale, for $5,100. Mr. Dale's son, George, intends coming on this farm. Natio by J. U. Ayer Co.. LoW011. ?.U.M Also nasnufectarore of SARSAPARILLA. PILLS. CHERRY PECTORAL. • I wit pay the kligliest market price for good fresh - -eggs.at• IAA ens' Store, (live ka(rtl, share and oblige, Your patrnnoge ficielted: JOHN, liaAB, Seatorth. '•2057-,tt " N DON LIF _ (A. HOME COMPANY) orm of our up-to-date plans -et 16 payment, 20 year endowment - guarantees $1,000 and profits, notwithstandhag the fact that the last four payments are eliminated. The pot -minim on this new Policy remain identical with those of the leading American com- panies, which call for twenty continuous annual paytnents. W. H. ROBINSON, Inspect', Selforth. " 4 ...p.m.. ;moo Seeforth, De6. 20, 1876. • At the residence of the bride's par - eats, Hullett, on December and, Mr. Lawrence Melville, was married to Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Andrew. Tyreman„ Esq., of Hullett. The cer- mony was performed by Rev. 3. W. Cutler, of Seaforth. • -Mr. Thoma e Stephens has purchas- ed the Downie hotel, Seaforth, and takes possession an the 20th int. • Mr. Andrew Cowan and famiiy,, of McKillop„ left for their new borne in Illinois, OiTI WedlleElda7 I..1.1.••••••.••••. 11.40.* rawma 1•••••• Seaforth, Dec. SI, 1815. At the residence of the bride's fa- ther, on December' 227th, Mr. James O. McLean, of Tuckersmitia was united In marriage to Miss ,Ellea,beth Kerr, of Hay. The ceremony was performed by Rev, H. Cameron., The result of the municipal nomina- tions, were as follows: Seaforthi- Mayor, A. Armitage, by acclamation ; reeve, X). D %Wilson, by acclamation; councillors, --East Ward, D. Me- , Naught, Nrce Grassie, J. R. Wil - llama ,bi acclamation; South Ward- . A. Strong, .1, H. Broadfoot, -At Stew- art and L. Maybee; North Ward -Jas., Beattie, .W. M. Gray, WM. Campbell and A. - Malcolm. Tuelteratnithp--- Reeve, G. E, Gresewell ; deputy,. D. Walker, councillors, Wm, Sproat, Laing and James 'McDonald, all by act. clarnation, McKillop, -Reeve, T. E. Hays, by acclamation ; couneillorsen Ward 3, Wm, Evans, by acclaputtione Ward 2, ;Wm Bell and John Malone; Ward 8, Daniel Campbell, A. Keen and Wm. Morrison, Ward 4, Wee Grieve and John lvfeClure. t This feature of the movement te- warde the west 10 /perhaps 'quite_ aa notable as the ever increasing num- bers of emigrants. It is .not now the broken man wbo emigrates, the man who Ilati come to the end of his re- sources in this country, and yam !hopes that in a new land, far from the oid associations, he will be able to start a new. life. Neither is it the restless adventurer, who is tired Of the monotony of life at home, and ,goes abroad in order. to see the world and in search of a place where he may make a, fortune ' rapidly. The majority of the emigrants from Scot- land tnowadays, regrets.ble th.ougn this in mane respects may be, tine eteady working men, whose ambition it is to better their position. This 'year the largest numbers have gone from Aberdeen,Fifeshire and Ayr- ahlre. From the Lewis and the north- ern counties there have come large parties, 'gathered by agents acting on behalf of the contractors for the new lines of the Grand Trunk Rail- way company. Of late, however, there bave ben very few of this class of emigrant, owing Partly to the lack of accommodation on out going allies and also to sow extent to the grow - log impression that Canada has more • to offer than railway laboring, and that it is better to go direct on to. the land. • Farmers' Sone Looking Around. The improvement in the standard of the emigrants leaving Scotland is il- lustrated 'by another eery interesting 'circumstance. A large 'proportica are, farm Servants, with sufficient funds , to take them, comfortAly across the Atlantic and settle down as 'workers on the land in Oenada, where they hope by and bi to become farmers On : their own account. There sae also numbers of farmer's sons, trained. to ' agricultural nurstilts, who go to the Dominion with the intention -of buying land at once and settling down in their own homesteads. In addition to these, however, a new type of emi- grant has been in, evidence this seen Isere He too, is usually a fannies son; aid he generally has a fair a- mount of capital. Btit he eitigratee not to settle down in }the capacity of either -a farmer or a farm worker, but to spy out the land, to see for himelt whether the pictures provided int the literature supplied by th.e immigra- tion Department of the Dominion 'Gov- ernment are realty true to life, and whether he would be so very much batter off there than at home. He wishes to learn at first hand, betore committing -himself, and if he is sat- isfied he will come back to Scotland a year 'hence' aid then emigrate in earn -4 est. If .he is not salariedhe will have experience for his Money, and he will still have Scotland to settle down in. He Is the beet type of emi- grant that 'llefit yet left Scotland for the Far •Welet. , The Steele term ton the 10th cane* sfon of Tuckersrnith, has been pttr- chaned by Wm. Logan, of Seaforth, - for $5,100. Thistyear we enjoyed the" luxury" • of a green Christmas. The anniversary ,services in cern nection With the Seaforth Methodist &urea were beld on Saturday and Sunday last. The ;pastor, Rev. alS: Buggin, was aseisted by Rev. Mr. Nugent, of Harmony., On Friday evening last the 'teach- ers, of Tuckersmith, waited on -Mr. A. Dewar, school inspector, and Pre- sented Ihim with a silver cruet stand and a silver butter cup and knife. On Christmas eve, a large number of the friends and pupils of Met T. 3. Godfrey, teacher, Egmondvilletmet at the residence of Mrs. Ramsay, and presented him with an album :and ,gold pen andpencil, an the oCCX01011 of his leaving the school. The services in connection withthe formal opening' of Cavan presbyterian church„ Winthrop, took place on Sun- day and Monday last. On Sunday, Rev. Die Cavan, of Knot College, To- ronto, conducted the Setvices. On Monday evening a successful tea meeting was held. •, Seaforth, Dec. 17, 1875. At the residence of the bride's fath- er, On December 8, MT. George Mur - die, ef ateltillop, was united in mar- riage to Agnea, daughter of Mr. Jelin Malcolm„ of Hibbert. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. W. Mitchell, M. A. I • Mr. James Scott has entered into ;partnership with Mr. 0. c. Willson in the -musical Instrument businees. Our ellt er pris.iii.g. townsma,n, Mr. Trott, has commenced the maarteteet 'ture of wooden pails of various kinds. Mr. Donald Rose, of . the London; road, Tuekersmith, has sold his farm to a gentleman from. near Toronto, 1., for $'7,500. The farm contains '100 acres and ba.a On it , ood buildings. * Mr. Jahn Habkirk has sold bis. 100 acre farm', about a mile and aequar- ter north of Seaforth, to ,liie brother, Mr. George alabkirk, for $6,000. On Monday and Tuesday Mr. John; Govenlock, of McKillop, shot two deer on. the boundary between Ale- KilloP and LOgall. ' On Tuesday evening, December 9th, the members of BelgraVe Presbyterian. Bible Class presented their paetor, Rev. A. McLean, of Blyth, • with a 'splendid cutter, valued at $90. e Seaforth, pee, 24, 1-875. At the residence of the bride"0 father, on December 22nd, Mr. Robert Haxby, of Seafortie _ was -united in marriage to Ellen, youngest daugh- ter of Jetties Wattles% Esq., of Stan- • ley. •The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Denby. , On Tuesday evening the scholars In Mr. Rieke', department of the school presented hior with two vol- UM.11B of Shakespeare's works. The teachers also made a suitable liras- entatien Ito Mr. Hicks', Who is say- . Wingbam District .3.1seting. The annual meeting 'of the Wing - ham dieted of the Methodist church was held in Lucknow on May 15th and 16th., Rev. R. W. Milliard, chairman. of the district, presided; Rev. W. A. Finley, of Whitechurch, was appointed Journal secretary, and Rev. G. W. Rivers, B. A.,B. D., of Belgrave. sta- tistical secretary. The auditors' report showed a de- crease in membership fo 150; decrease In connectional fends of $116, and an increase in the missionary funds of $602. Rev. W. A. Smith, B. D.'of the Ash- field circuit, was elected to represent the district. on the stationing commit- tee, and Rev. Jas, Hussar, M. A, of Fordwich, reserve representative. Among the laymen elected as mem- bers of the annual conference are :- John Kerr, .Wingham; W. IL Kerr, Brussels; A. Shaw, Bluevale; T. Nroxeter ; • C. S. Ewing, Teeswater ; H. Hooper,. Belgrave, A resolution was unanimously pass- ed conemendietory of the faithfulness, ability and courtesy ot the retrials chairman, Rev. R. •W. Millyard., and expresive of the hope that he may still be spared for many year st or ac- tive eervice in the ministry, and that In the near future be may be elevated to the chair of the conference. Scotch Emigratioh to Canada. e -Sir Wilfrid Laurier is not exe eected to return to Canada until Well on In July. At the Dominion Day Banquet. at the Hotel Cecil 'it 14SUL don 'he will be itEl ehlef guest• . -In a runaway e tew days Mrs. J. Wright, of Dresden, atteir ed to jump from a, covered wegene but fell and received a fracture' the skull, resulting , in her de tilhor tty after. -The appropriation of the an Legislative grant to the .higb seh and Collegiate Institutes of the vinee has Suet been' completed bY Department of Education set Tor ehthe basis of reports of the work of the schools during the ;pastan ri This year the total Of the pay nts thus made is $184500 in exces. of those of last 'year, and the amottats earned by the various Bel -pole will be paid kr furl for the first time anent 1892' From that date till tbe pre- . sent year the appropriation has f al- ien short of the amount required to meet the items earned lly the histitu- tions under t'he regulations, aril a proportional r eduction was neeepeary each year. Last session lIon.1 Dr. Pyne asked the Legislature to vote $128,000 instead of $115,000, as iti the 'past, in Order to put an -end .to the ex actice. . 1 , go late te, Of ual ola ro- the /Ito Satisfactio or your Money Back. isperreamsagssumems....8.26, The Glaigow Herald of a , recent date says: • ; Prom nearly all parts of the Bord- ers recently large numbers of 'per- sons have left for Canada, scarcely a week passing without some farewell function to these emigrants .having been recorded inour eolumnn. This is in keeping With what has been igoing on in other 'parts of the cowl - try„ and it is stated that the rush of emigrants from Scotland to Can- ada Is yen,' much; larger this year than in any former year, Including •passengers sailing on Saturday, it le estimated that 11,850 -persons have left Scotland for the Dominion since Jan- uary 1. The shipping companies re- port that there is a great derifand for accommodation, and that the Season. is certain to break all ;past records. On Saturday last 3„225 emigrants left Glasgow by different vessels for America„ which is the largeet 'num- ber that 'have yet left Glasgow in one day. The shipping companies are receiving applications ‘for passengers frem all parts of Scotland. Tae great majority are for steerage berths, al- though it is being noted that a far larger Proportion of purely entigrant passengers are travelling second class then did so a few years inee. The foreign emigrants still go almost wholly steerage-, but the purely Scot-. 0 A RaEUMATIO WRECFC. , After Hospital Treatment Falleil Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Cured 14m, eiMm• rimeofflcailf " 1 suffered the greatest agon rheumatism, Leading physician scribed many 'medicines, but wi satisfactory reeults. 1 woo co to go to an 'hospital, but e treatment there failed. Then Dr. maims' Pink Pills, mill to -day 1 am a well man." These words were spoken y Gif- ford Lo Forbes when interviewed at his home in Port Maitland, NIS. Mr., Forbes is a fisherman, and had al- ways been very healthy, until some three years ago, while fishiag off Newfoundland 'he was seized with a. very severe attack -of rheurnatiern. In 'his own words, he says: "1 Wpis fish- ing ea the Grand Banks, In the sprits- of 1908, when 1 was stricken with rheumatism. 1 could n4i,' work Or sleep, and the pain wasi almost Unbearable. My ease became so seri- ous that 1 had to be la,nded„and for weeks I lay In Cape Breto't hospital as helpless as a cripple. The hoSpital dodoes nreecribed different remedies, but they did net cure me. 1 then left the hospital, and was taken home with; rheumatism apparently completely fas- tened upon me, Day and, night I suf- fered Nothing 1 did for the trou- ble seemed to help me, and, 1 became despondent and downhearted. Then a friend- advised me to try Dr, Wil- liams' Pink Pills. I was skepticalibut MY friend praised the pills so highly that 1 determined to try them, with the result you sea to -day e I am fully cored, and have not, since bad a twinge of that. dreaded affliction. 1 cannot say too much in favor of Dr. William' Pink Pills, and 1 urge all eheurnatic sufferers to try theme' • Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured MT. Forbes becausettheystruck straigat tat the root and cause of his crippl- ing rheuniatism. They don't act. on the mere symptoms, like ordinary medicine. They don't act on the bowels. They do only: one thing, but they do It well -they actually =IS new blood. In that way they root out all common blood.diseaeee, like anaemia; headaches, and backaches,, rheumatism, sciatica, neuralgia, and the secret ailmeets of girls and wo- men who suffer.unspeakably when the richness and regularity of tbeir- blood becomee disturbed. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medi- cine, or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or Six boxes for $2,5(f, by writing The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co. Brockville, Ont. from pre - b., un- oelled , -the 'teok 4%54rallow/Meiggrog. • IFRO-GOSS CLOTHING what what goo4 clothes are, eets eeet It I I 444(4EaA, Comes from knowing wL. people want, and in honest- ly providing it for them. That is the way we have built up our clothing bust ness, and that is why it • constantly growing. We know that every m.an wants good clothes ; every man thinks the clothes he buys are as good as he can get for the vaoney, or he -would not buy them. BUT, there a variety of opinion as to - and as to;:what you have to pay for them -However, clothes -goodness is a matter of AOT, not of opinion, and the price is based on the facts, NOT en what you think about them. We attribute the success of our clothing business to he all-around genuine goodness that is in ITOGRESS BRAND CLOT ING A Guarantee for Style An Assurance of Urdu -touted Wear A Gold Bond of Sat sfaction At the lowest pri es co`nsistent with quality. Leadmg Prices -,--S7.50 $10 $12. imain,presas44444,4.44.4•44ry in could only take you into our store. slide up the doors of our two immense new hat cases, show you all the various new shapes and colors for Spring, explain the cardinal points of superiority combined in Xing fiats, viz.. Noticeable Elegance of Style Absolute Permanence of color & shape Superb Quality of Materials and Workis 4•Nuom.41s104-0r....awateonsommEssomivtiwail..4 manship, mosimmissossmiiimagmlw Then you would know for yourself, a our stoc,k is most complete, the easiest shown, for they are all arrtuaged bofore, you, and last—but not -least our prices 'are as RIGHT as the stock. • Soft Hats Stiff Hats 411..00' to - 50- to 25O EWART SEAFORTil *Butterand E2gs taken a3n0