HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-05-24, Page 84 • Gio*d Hard -Ware On(leavot 16%0 out eau and tee to date. It le- no Ahem goode and we Will ten / price et, quality, 'quote' You Otte0 Btaldbrai OA all Riede, Nalls, Oleets, UnfiePd Coiled 000 and we 'ahe selling More o EherweWillittnes paints than ever ter Hon it to Mita Tuesday e Worshipful s et Deputy Grand paid his first oilticial Masorile lodge on .ribi,g last. Britannia th," -Was represented 7 by faster Dr. Berrows, and besides p, tar att elence.te the merle - hers of ehe ocal lcidge."‘There wee a/ gooe idea of trict Deputy ed the nem and efficien labor' all re Want for ,re of hours • we The Seatort their prense Brother Ent of the Mitc kInd tend ho they enterte et he Hnrons elayed their =la Su tfie senior eerie arne, Ione. a. spectetors , was rather tame. The teem, but showed lack te, due no doubt Ito leek caused by the 'backwara , 't they will round into ave ev ry .appearance of teem. uelph were leek- stron oppotents foe the teller , hut: the score did not impress elle ale as li ttrons of to ver te lct time ney ArchMaid„ SEAFORTHI Hardwaret Stoves and qui. • James Watson, Successor to' W. N.SEttson 14011TH MAIN ST., SEAFORTt General- *Fire, Life Sid • Aoolden Immo- *nee *gent, Rea neste and leap Agent. r • tering Sewing Masohines end! Creme WiwRaymond and White &Wing Machints„ and National 'end Une eda Orem Separators, AboO sewing =whine needles, o$ attach- =este, moire end sundries ! ler kinds of sewing machines. k . - With over, 2,5 Vete experience in the above business you can rest esetued Of -prime • tight, .square drams. and satiudaotion JAMES WAT sentence Agent,- sad dealer et, Selpriii. was. established twenty years ago, and, by its thorough work and honorable dealings with its pat- rons has become one of the largest and niost widely known Comaferdial Colleges in the proVinee. The demand upon us for comfnereial teachers and office assistants greatly exceed the supply. We affsist 1,-Taduates to .posItions, Students are entering each week. Catalogue free. HARNESS 'work one, etrid the Die- ers on the very accurate manner in Which they eir several Tarts. After ! re/Anne to, and a- couele e trios agreeablY spent. Neel; thee are louct in of ight !Worshipful tt and he Other membere ell locl 0, ter the very liftable manner in Which first honie with Mete winning by none. The point of vie HurOns ham champlandhi of col-0111sta of, era.ctitie, ape end ed en as th ehateploriehi _on Fritia,Y Aloe -of the ;ratty, that evenin enthusiasts ely to carry off the cluttept their comine genies the will have rounded into shape l*put up a first close a.rticl tball, and against the R in, to -day, Friday, "will Show form. . -The net game in the senior series id in int . Tuesday ev- -The H rons Went to Geelph on. Tuesday, to' play t e rehire -"fame with the Royal City t One lOwirig to a °duple of t e best players being laid oft on "ace mit of Sickness, the teain organized, s is ti own by the score, four to one in fa,v r of Guelph. 'accent/S-10410mi are graded; I, eections,_ :happily bet two or three where the echool. acconeueidan. tient/ ere had thie grant reel fall as lout - $5. The SUMO tilUS lost will go to those whools where an -enlight- ened 'public opinien US ttnabled trus- tees. tO keep school prerniees and the settee houses eh to the twentieth! and aerate schools of• the Provinte will recelee a grant of $5 ten an li- brary' heeks purehasee between July ist, 1906 end July 1st 190/, providedi OBE'', Ine_pector, Beet aurae - Good Cattle, -Mr. A. G. Striate, of on Mtmday last, 'four 'head of cattle, ;which were as fine epecireens as any thet have beat ehipped from hern for. a long time, There were two steets and twe 'haters all. two years old, the steere weighing 2,710 Ibte, and lite heifers 2,890 lbs. They were all raised and fed by Mr. Smillie :himsetfi end they are ereditable to him. Thett were. dad; to idr. John O'Keefe, fori 5 1-2' mite eer pound, thus inettine ithe nice ellen of, $280.50, or an aver- ege of $70 eadie They were weighed here :after having been driven from slear }lateen, Mr. Smillie le on the eight track. What tanners . 'and :breeders Shoulcl dry to do is te breed end feed, animals that will realize as .much at two years old .as the ordin- ary anitnal win -nit !three, an.d the toeing of a leer's keeping will make w big profit. That 'MIS. ean..be done Is ithoWn. by thel 'above. 1` Mr, Smillie also Old a thoroughbred Shorthorn! heifere two yearse old, to, Mr. Gilbert 560 line hoe the deaf aro made to hear.- M. D. Tugend. haftathe eelebrated eye and ear specialist, late of 1 New Yoekleity, will visit this town, and will be- l_t_t the Commercial hotel 9n the follOwIng date Thurs. day, May 40th, one day only, fs:', which time' he will demonstrate his wonderful Patent Invisible Ear made to h ar as well as ever. Thls is no 'idle boast, Drum. Apy person afflicted with deafness on be In the p t few years there have been -several ear is drum our a, end not only have they proven defect- ive, and o no use in' restoring the hearing, but n ere ' aIso clurasY and could be seen in the. ear. The In- ' visible Ear Drum of Tugendhaft's io entirely differ- ent in this respeetl Not onlY will it restore the hearingbnt it is entirely invisible and cannot be seen. when once introduced into the -ears, Mr• Tugend:- haft -was i once deaf' and after squandering a small !erten° in different remedies and on so-called inven- tions, finally perfebted his new drum within the past few yearsj In every cue where his drum hail been used it hab effected a complete ewe. See the cele- brated specialist at °nee and be oonvineed. No drugs used or no operatien neceffoary. These drtuns slop stop all r nging noises and neuralgia pains in the head, where the camels from deafness. The price of the ear, drumo is within the reaoh of° all, and any Perron afflicted with deafness 'need not be so any Imperial, Berlin, etc. A few Second hand wheels taken an a few for sale. John Bulger, Seaforth. Ottr own make of genuine Rubber Trimmed litanies& It Is the best value in Canada. Ask yourneighbor about them. Bells--Thuske-Valises- Suit. es - Plush and Woolf Rugg, Els seaforth 3.50 SflOES. et Our $3 60 Shoes will shine in any society. They'll shine When you compare them with $4 Or $4.5O shoes. It's hard to tell them tom shoes costing twice the price. 'Three -fifty isa popular price for men and woinen's shoes these days. It's always the best—or rierie-:- at this store, and so wi secured the best Patent Colt, Vici and Gun Metal Oalf--eXtreme or moderate styles, high oil.low cut, lace, button and Bluchers—the -best sheemaking. Everybody endorses these'83.60 shoes, SEAFORTHI Sole _Agents fer Victoria, Itagar Just Wright. And Darby Shoes, Every one - who buys DIAMONDS frorn us Peels that h# or she has secured a good haroain. We intend that every one shall feel that way. Every gem we Sell must be right in quality, color, cut and price. W'e have some beau- ties to show you. Our special Diamond Engagement Ring $25 is extra good Value Wedding Rings $3 to $8 J. F. DALY Jeweller & Optician Issuer of Marriage Licensee; .We have opened. our Ice Chleam Patlor for the season, andlinvite all our old patront4 and many new ones, te call and -see We use oniy pure crearrk: and the purest fruit juices and' crushed and. sliced fruits we can buy,,, and feel confident we% can _give you something Ice cream in bulk or . brick for weddings and parties our specialty. ' The .Tow Counc I.L.A special meet- ing of the. town ceuncit was beld on mente for the dr tiling, curbing and Main etre s. As our readers know, the first 1 tentiont of the council was to use evh is known as tar macadam( for this w rk, and a byelaw was Welke' ed for that •purp se. On eurther in- vestigatin into th merits -of this ma- terial., h ever, i. P was found not to it -had be e used, and the 'difference in 4ear etween it end - the plain Macadam as no such as to justify the increa ed cos . Consequently, it was eeeld d to a amble the : tar -ma- cadam an to adopt plain macadam change - be g le ally made, a peti- tion -from the property owners inter- ested was necessery. Title 'petition was iproc red, and en Monday night the netiti was received by the coon - cit, and t e Various by-laws author- izing' the: trek co,mmittee to carry on the work, , and ehabling the council to raise the name for the same, were 'Put narou h. Th work will nowt be ma• terials can be ' procured. T.be first work to Acme is the construction' of the se era, and that will likely be comme ced next week. There was ditty- one. ender received for the con - of teassrs Edge & Gutteridge, the price ,bein the Elaine as last year, 10 1-2 cents eer toot, and that een- Illness f Ur., ituxton.-A despatch; from Wi ipeg, d ted May lath, says: best kno new paper men in 'the west, is s rionslys ill, He was strickt en with e ralysis at the Commercial Club last night, and is now in a critical c nclition He founded the Free Pres tt Mr. Luxton will be re- membered y man of the older reada ers of The Expositor and all will re- gret his 1 Imes. ',In the early days Mr. Luxt was ''ditor- at a 'publish- er, of 'The Expos tor end went from: etEPrted th Free rese': which he con- ducted wit mark d e- energy and e, - from eouten lism a me Years ago And has 'since een - in the !employ of the of !public institutionse-Sioce the a- bove was 1 type e regret to learn of the deet of Mr Lunton winch oc- curred on onday , night. Mr. Lu x ton, located in ort Ga r or what is now Winnipeg 1 1870. e acted as west- ern corresp dent- pr the Toronto' Globe and aught actiticil there for two years. He the started the Win- nipeg Free Press e a andll weekly end *lee has s ce developed into sat in the anitcib Legislature or did much to mould Ithe eolitical sen- timent of t.li west. He was about 63 years of ag sad vas a netive of Devonshire, Own , but came to this country When uite a young Lae afid hoed his own ro from the start. Previous to engaging in the 'news- paper bushing. he teught ochool In Middlesex c. inty and before corning to Seaforth as connected. with the Strathroy Ag The First Step Often. means so much. It has meant success to thousands of young people who wrote for our catalOgne es the first- step toward a g000d salaried posi- tion. Take the step to -clay. aiddress Central, Business Col 395 Yonge St., Toronto lege -w. fifi A W, Principal. 2058-52 0. ABERHART9 ROW lifitirehd g his home abont the middle or lune and Gifford has tact his residence., en work was done 'by Meth Brothers's An old frieed heard From. -The Ex- reelitor is always pleased to hear frone old friends who have left the old }W- ean home to sleek their fortunes in other lands. The following As alum- ele of MAY similar letter's which come to haind from tithe to time. It is an extract free» a private ietter, Writ- ten by Dr. -D. Hammel, of Detroit, an old Hullett bby, Who many years ago went to zeek the wider fields 'and greater opporteMities offered by, the United Statee, and who has done iiiimeelf and Ms native coutrny erect., it abroad, but who still has vvarmi elace in Vs heart foe the old home and; the associations of his early Awe. Dr. Hammill says: "I have read you constantly and regulaelyi since the teglinning of '68, and wher- ever ge you fellow me. I was one ef your " valued! correspondents" in the_ carry seventies, when Wall quite a 'young man teaching school in old Huron. Do you know that some of t'he incidents of thirtY or tfordlyi Years ago, Which . yon brIn'g back to memory in •trour "In the Oldeet Days" cbluntit I gee to be frail in my own memory as that ot yeeterday. Mr. Govenlock's narrative was well worth !your eprice for a whole year. I had often !heard when a toy of his won- derful journey aind adventures, and it watt a real treat wham yeur. col- s/erns furniehed it in cletall from Ms Illot Water Bottles, Shoop's remedies, Cook's Cotton Root Compound said , the Meitlendbank cemetery. Mr, Mare Shall ware5.9 etears of age, and he had been. in feeble health for **veva rnentlis. In his miter doers he was an setive and enthusiastic :me/1*er Of the Orange Order, and his death will be tegeetted by tawny Who knewthim. .reTtie elate for the grand Trulnk exr Canaclien Order of Foreseers, 'from all stations from Goderich. to Stretfora, inclusive,:!has been arranged for Fri- d ay,. June 11.4th. hthe fare for the round trip front Seaferth is $2.05. Excur- eionists return Loither . the 'sante night or wait over ter. the next day. -The gentleman referred to as "W. A. Rae, of nit/Mouton," in this column Of !hie, who is also re,siding in Ede inontoreesMiss Cowan, ef Toronto, was 'here this week visiting her isister, Mrs, George Dorranee, - end other, friends.--sfilix Englieb immigrants ar- rived 'here on ltioliday and were book- ed to Mr.. George Idurdie, immigitte tion agent. There was a. moo wnd his wife and two sons end. twosingle men, Mr. Murdie has, got them, all good 'sitnations end could !place a geed emeny more if ' he had them. - The scheol teacheee in the' Emit Hur- on' Inspectorate !held! their Inetttute itneeting at Guelph on :Wednesday and TitursdaY. :As a consequence the schooie Were closed from iWedne.sday until 'next Mendtty and a large nume ber of the. teachers went to Guelph, where we, have no 'doubt they but ale e'rijoyable wed 'profitable meeting. - Newspapers are becoming almost es numerous -in the new, ;brovinces of Sa.skatcbewan and Alberta as rosee in spring. ' The latest -candidate for !public favor in this lhie is The -Times of Sinteluta Saskatehewan the first very .citelitable Sheet It is, contilderl leg the: .size and age of the town. - ..Word has been ' received in. town of the ideath in lielena, Afontana, of Mr. Francis D". Pepe, who: was, in the. hey and was employed there with in Harpurhey he was nyarried to Miss Hannah Copp,. a niece of ehe late ....J. P. Brine/ He left here in 1.865 for Cal- ifornia; and . afterwards located in Mont/tea where he has resided for a 'great. Many , years, He will be re- membered by some of the older resi- dents of this vicinity.e-On Thursday last a nuinber of the membere of the .Worneies .Missionery Society, of the Methodist ctrerch here went up to Olintott to attend the District meet- ing ot the Missionary Societies. -Mrs, Allan -S. Bend, ofs Winpipags is here. visiting her parents, • Mr, and Mrs, James Beattie. She accompanied Mr. Bond,- I who came ' to Toronto on bus - !nets, i and they return to Winnipeg on Saturday. --Mr. William Hills, of Egneredville, Who bas been laid up for two weeks is now. stitticieetly recovered to be up. and around the &rah; south of Egmondville, was, on Thursday .morning of last week, pros- trated by. a ery severe attack of ap- cessary. Thursday -evening the operation were performed by Dr. Gunn of .Clinton, assisted by Doctors Bur - tows and McMinn's, of Seafortii. For a. few days he was -in a very -critical 'proved although not yet past tbe danger Itiarlc.--The many friends 'here of Mrs. M.! A. Coulter will be pleased to teem that she Is recovering 'nice- ly from the .eetects of the operation Which she enderwent recently in the Leagtie of ttte Methodist church will hold a, .eocial in the churdh next Tues- vulley frozn -the overhead track at Mr. Jack Kennecly's teach the other day, butting it 'so badly that several stitches had to be tett in by -the doc- tor. -Mr, John kale is spendtng the 24th holiday; with friende in London.' —Mr. Collie Kennedy tas sold his fine tea.rn of roadsters to Mr. Samee recently 'ocenpiee by Mr. Wm. Hen- derson, which he .pureharted a short time agee-Mr. 011arles Boole, who has not Steen in verylgood health for some timee left en Wenneeday 'to visit his jed o Nome Funds ediate g Needs Consuleratio oieums Matt Cu Drapert Etc 1:11 OB7 and raadymade Clothing Man AV nted,-Areliable Protestant married man for farm ork. Good wages to an agreeable, oom- Potent, table couple. Addreos Dr, J, Bell, corner sal and nab St„t Harrisburg, Fa„ or call on James 20684 Campb 11's Varnish Stains are the original Varnioh Stain& he manutaeturers offer 8100 to any - one who can disprove/ that claim. These Stains are better th n other varnish stains because the 'nuskere have iris roved them efuth year since they Avon: fird offered o housekeepers, Mule in ten ;beautiful glades. For sale by Reid & Seafotth, 2068-1 You c n't tell a perfect eye from its appearanne, but the erviee it gives, If uncertain let. Dr. Harvey put you ht. If not as good as thev ohould be he will mall hem ao good ao they oafs mfule. Con. euffaio at Daly's Jewelry Store. One day only- Thksrorla June fith, Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 62, 0o58r4by appoint fent. Impor ant Notiee,-All parties who are interested dersign° to kindly contribute fundo,for the erection of a ne fence surrounding the 'MO and rear of t,he 'cremator also for the purpose of employing a care- taker to keep the grounds in proper order. Contri- butiono or the above purposee may be paid to any of the undersigned, who have been appointed as a committee to take the matter in hand, As the com- mittee are anxione to have Ole matter attended to as early no poosible it lo hoped ell those ssho are in- terested will refspond promptly and liberally. Janieri Wats" Seaforth ; John Wilson, Seaforth ; William Yon In buy glasses anywhere and get experienee, but den ing with Dr, Harvey brings satio2fortoctsi.jon. One day only -Thursday, June Oth. Daly's Jewelry Store, &Mortis. YOUNG MEN WANTED.-Slx young men wanted between 16 and 20 yeare of age. We have good.open. Ingo for young men who deeire to learn a firstolad trade. Apply at once to the W. H. Willis Shoe Co, Seafort 2058-2 grants to t rural! public Behools will, it futu , be paid in two instal- ments. The first /instalment, Toed some time • af er August 1st, will be ma e up as ()Rows: First, a grant of -20 to all schools, whose teacher '1101 s a First or Second class certif.. icat , and 2ndl a greet of 40 per cent. on the emu. t of salary 'paid ever $800,, for the year ending June 80th, 1907. Schools having assistants will receive $40 'pier cent. on. amount of salary 'paid °tier $200 There are cer- tain grants ,given to ,school seetioes essessed at $60,000 or less; but Eant Huron receives none of these a,s the lovvest assessed section is No. 11, in Turnberry, $60y975. The highest is stainrent, .paid 'sometime after Decem- eer 1st., will. be apportioned en the basis of equipment and accommoda- tions, viz, 10 per, cent. on value of equipmeet and a't feast $80, where the' that ma Sees- da e cream and lee cream - sodas are the kind e you syntot, an encore, Ever tiled it 7 Was - 20394 Laugb and Grow Fat. -" The King. of Trairme." which will be et Cardno's Opera Bouts on May 27th, io a Yanacee Doodle comedy in four big ado, expertly acted, 'Staged with tade, elegance Of tone, above the average mimes audience be laughter, Olean, tuneful and lively, designed for laughing purposes onlys Parade at noon. " Mal. Wiggo of the Cabbage Patch" says : 14 What yer face needs is -smiles." In u The King of Tramps," which come to Cardno's Opbra House on Monday evening, May 27th', there is noth- ing but pmiles. The sort,. fAsat, comes from honest merriment, caused by irresistible enthusiasm, from following the oontintiotio moving panorama, of com- edy atultmusio which tor three hours floats merrily Church, Seaforth, will hold a bazar in the vacant pioWbytxrlian along IN front of you. Bazari-The ladies' Aid of the First store in Cardno's bloek, on Friday and Saturday, May Sist, and June lst, afternoon and everibig. On Friday afternoon there will be a sale of useful and fancy articles, oandy, do., also aftbrnoon2toersu.a2nd supper. ; On Saturday -sale of home-madei cooking and afternoon tea. Supper, 26e ; afternoo# tea,10e. I3oys sistnted. - Parents desiring their boys to learn a. nsod trade and have steady employment, would do svell to caJI at the Seaforth Shoe Factory. Boys wanted f von' 14 to 20 years of age. 2067-2 best farm gate pbtainable. N. Oluff & Sons, Sea- forFtahl:m f:tiateo.-14 inch spruce lumber makes the 2058-2 Gravel Boxes. --2 inch spruce lumber for grave boxes alwaye IT) stock, N. fluff & Sons. 2067-2 ; (the old Coleman homedead), where she will teach Drawing, Ohina, Oil and Water Color Painting. Mots intending to take lessons will kindly no2toff5youal once as tbe classes are now being formed.. Wanted. -A woman to wash, one day a week in a private faluily. Wages $1.25, Apply at t2h0e67.1.11 x- MANG LD SEED, -We have the leading varietie in mango ds and sugar beets for stock ; also all kind of garden seed& W. R. Smith, ffeatorth. 3056•tf . Locale Briefs. -Those having ear trouble Ishould consult a tnotice in an- other column In this issue. -Mr. ,Wen. Sclater ',has finished a large new coal warehotise, with ,a, cement basement. This will enable "him to handle tliis a,nd adviantage to 'himself and his son, of Galt, were here title week. , son le Elm Creek, Manitoba, We hope Mr. Fin &yam was on his waiy to I the cbange and test will be benefice Rhgina, Where he intends engaging in 4 !al and that 1r, Soele will conle the' grocery business with Mr. Wm. l home quite resto ed to his usual good Sciater, lir., but Mile Finle,ye.on will , health. -A telegram was received here eemain here with .her !parents, Mr. t on Wednesday, 1 stating that Mr. and. Mrs!. Wm, ' Sleeth, until he has i william Wilker,1 a son Of Mr. Jelin hard trek several mornings thia 1 British Columbia. -No further par- e -home erepared for 'ner.-There was; ' Walker, of Roxboh, had been shot in week, .stifficient to make thick ice, 1 ticulars Of the sed affair have been. but vegetation is net yet far enough ; received up to t . time of going to advanced; for anything to be seriously' 1 'press.--eir. Levi awrence, of Tor - injured -Me. Walter Kemp, who spent , onto,, Who was t have taken one of the wint r with his daughter in Pe- i the services in t e Methodist church trolia„ h s returned to towe for, the ' here next Sundaye has been .prevented sumenertteMr. and Mrs. Andrew Turin . from' doing so, b t hopes to be here bull, of Grey, and Miss Smith, Mrs. , in a few weeks' lare.-In addition to Turnbulltd sister, were in town on, the usual bonds, travel, Mrt Wrn. Saturday,' the guests of Mee arid Mrs. Somerville, Grand Trunk town agent, A. W. StOble. Mr. and Mrs:ITurnbull . this week ticketed Mr. Wm. Finlay - leave thie week for Manitoba fund the son, formerly of Galt, to Regina, and West, Where they intend! 'to sp/tul Mr. Alex., Gillatly son-in-law of Mr. the summer, ziald. where they have tato Isaac Langstroth to Whinipeg.-Mr. sons and:a _daughter. The eldest 'sonr Keith Fear is home for the holidaYs is an eetensive land owner and lead- from Toronto Medical school. -The ing busriess mat in Manitou,Manitoba, _Bell Engtne and Thresher Co. have and the other 1301): is a, succeseful got out a very hendsome illustrated dcotor, in Winnipeg% The latter is a catatogue which they are sending to greduate of the Seaforth Collegiate In- their cuetoleers and others, -The sub- stitute. -Another .of the old and well Jed ,of Rev. P. Id. Lerkin's sermon known residents of Seaforne hr the next Sabbath evening will be "A bus - person of Mr, Joeeph hlershall, 'Wed, !mass mat's rastake."--Mr. Robert on Monday enornitig last, the funeral Armetrong is here visiting his daugh- . 'taking 'place Teeiday afternoon, to ter, Mrs. N. Ilartry,-Dr. H. H. Roes, Brussels. Died in the West. -A deepatch from! Neepewa, 'Manitoba, dated tday says: N. H. Cox, a railwaty and lumr her contractor, working with the Mc- Donald, McMillen Co. on the Ctrand Trunk Pacific died; in the hospital to -day of: tepietict fever. His patente reside at Brussels, Ont. He was 44 *years/ of sige and leavea a wife end three children. • Blakti Notes -Quite a 'number of our Sab- bath echool teachers attended the convention held- in Hensel' on Mon- day last. -Rev. Mr. Robertson, can - was here Sabbath last • and-. addressed the children. He also' took cbarge of Mr. Geo. Douglas has added to the op- siew fence erected. XT. Doeglaet has also placed lightnieg vide on . both ,hist- barn and house. -.XT. -and; Mrst Turner, of gills ,Green, wereegueste fat the latter's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sherritt, on Sunday last. -Mr. Ohrie. Bechler has purchased a teaming out- fit and wilehnow be able to lay in his supply on tuel,-Mr. Chas, Meyers hes completed the stone fouedatton under Mr, J. Gingerich's :housenvieehl he ;purposes erecting, • Died In The West, -Mr. Peter Rob- ertson, of the 12th concession of Tuckersolith, received the sad 'Intel- ligence last week of the death of his oldest sent Robert Robertson, which took place ine Foam 'Lake, Saskatch- eware on Sunday, May 18th. He bad been ettacked vvith pneumonia and de- spite the fact that he was a strong( rugged Man, he succumbed- to therav- ages of ,the disease. The deeeasedi was a native of Tucketennith but had resided id the west for severalyearee although he had frequently peen home in the interval. He was engaged 'n- aming there. Ile was unmarried; and was 48 years of age, The re- mains were brought- home itnd were interred in the Hensall Union cem- etery on Sundey, the funeral take ing 'place from the residence of his brother, UT. JOhn Robertson, and 'tile large umber who attended; amply manifested the respect in whieh the deceased was held by his old- home friends .aind.the sympathy felt for the bereaved relatives. The remains were accompanied home by Mr. Aegus Roberttion, a brother of the -deceased who was associated with hiln in the • From The West. -Mr, John Tayloe who left Chiselhurst a few Weeks ago to reside in North Dakota, writes front' Xitnor, on May 14thi as follows: - ,"We Derived there all safe and sound' The epringtis very cold and backward!, hed about four inches of snow last night and frost nearly every Inigfht. .Seeding is very slow end backwerd. I have 125 acres in and about as much more still to sow." Mr. • Taylor's many •friende around the, old home• will be 'pleased to hear of \ the sate arrival or ;himselt and family' and that they have got com- fortably lecated in their taw borne. • Housecleaning tin3e Oman& new things for the home, and we are ready to egoist persons interested by showing them a very stock of new goods', such as they likely require. It is advisable make selections without much further delay, because the briek.bus1= mess that being done here will tend to put the variety into some- what ota broken condition betore long. It is not too much to ,say that this year's stoek is more interest- ing than the one of A year ago,- inasmuch ao ta• broadens in VA * has a wider scope of pricing, and an eventetter range of color' We axe exceptionally strong in lace curtains and offer -many va that surprise. Lti OF SUPERIOR "QUALITY. A pawn is impressid favorably or otherwise by knowing some- thing about the kind of linen that is uoed in any home. To obtain linen of unquestionable quality should be the desire of every house- wife, Jiist the proper kind to produce the most satisfactory result*. ie assured by allowing no to eupply your nee4e.,-, Notes -Wm. Wray ',Is in. Sarnia this week on business. -C. McClelland hap 'placed 50 hea& of 'cattle ors his -farm near Blytle-Patterson Bros. are butty putting up cement walls for George Lantrence, of ,Ayr, Waterloo county, are opending a Week with friends and- relatives around Bel - graves -The 'Methodist Parsonage true - tees are putting up a new fente &- hound the parsonage property this weeke-Miss Bella Sproat was* the school debenture. There were four - There Was quite 'ant exciting time in Belgra,ve last Monday 'night about 10 e'clock, When the Wingheen bus team came :sailing through Belgrave- with- out as driver, evidently en their way to Clinton. The tearn had been left standlng at the Grand Trunk railway station at Wingham while the driv- er Was attending to some passengere he had taken to the station and made • datitt for liberty before the driver could regain control of them. They passed through Belgrave and were stopped and captured by a man who met them when they were ascending, the hill about two miles to the north of this village after having run a, - bout Seven miles, There was little or no &image done but the horses were pretty wen winded after their long race Whieb, although. perhaps as good time was not made as at the Wood- bine le Toronto, the distance of the heat was greater. Varna. Soodai Sermon. special service will be held:in Varna Vresbyterlart church, for the benefit of Varna lodge, Canadian Order O Peresters, on Sun- day; June 2nd, at seven o'clock in the evening. A sermon- suitable to the occasihn will be delivered by _the Pas- tor, Rev. Mr. Davidson. The members of the local lodge and visiting breth- ren win attend the service in a body, and will meet at their hall at six o'clock, and march from there to the churn. A large attendance of Vite have excellent veneo in the following BLEACHED TABLING RED and WHITE TABLING RED and GREEN TABU RED EMBROIDERED APRON LINEN TABLE CLOTHS BROWN STRIVE LINEN SUITING FIVE O'CLOCK SEMI -BLEACHED Duns LINEN NAPKINS DOYLIES BLEACHED DRESS LINEN pIDEBOARD COVERS BLEACHED and UNBLEACHED TOWELS DRAW LINE FRONTING LINEN TRAY CLOTHS * LINEN LAWN BUTCHER'S LINEN STAIR LINEN' *ash Goods in Great Van White Goods PERSIAN LAWNS INDIA LAWNS VIOTORIA LAWNS WHITE DUOKS DRESS LINENS DIMITIES PIQUES , EXTRA VALUES SPECIAL TH NGS FROM 12 e to 25e olore Goo me jusicanent 14* PRI T ONG MUM ORGANDI BATISTE LA CHAIM ETO. Three imp) an a for Saturday Black Taffeta eilk, worth 50c, for The new tan shade in .50c plaid mohair Black Chiffon 'Voile, our -60c quality API the rut Members le desired, and the pres- denia,clelet°1:erclotmildtbre.threni *111 be c°r- Donkire who residea meai here, is at .present On 'a eroepeethig tour through the- cobalt milling diitrict, He will likely 'visit the Laeder Lake aid other districts and If he sees any- thing good lee Will probably Invest and his rnani friends will wish him luck ,and that he' matt Make a rich find. He WaS aecompanied by his_ brother, Mr. John Dnekint who is al- ready well acquainted with that re- gioil and lobo has been very fortun- ate in intestanente lie made there. A Good Purchased. -Mr. An- drew Iteid pf. the Parr linee recently • Purchlaned from Mr. Herbert Crich, bull, "Sir Wilfrid," from Kr. A. Eicoat's wen known stock bell, "Chancellor Boy." Sir Wilfrid is a eice red; is 18 months old end was at the 13rucefield ahow , this spring and took first at the BrUsqeits tale laet tall. He 'is. an animel Of splen - addition to Me. Reid's herd ,ian wen a greet advantage to the tele), lost one of its most : izens, In the 'person ness of but nine days. Deat to a complication of p eleurisy. Dr. Rhos wes Lieut. -Colonel in the ri la first class rifle ebet, t ler, and holder -pi xnany ucational ;positions. Dr. been praetleing in Deed twenty five years, coming ect17 upon finishing h course in England. He wee of age and is survived hY and four children. Professor A. be Soule, s Wentworth coukty and a in 1893 of the Ontario AS ccoege, baa lust been an take Charge of the a,gricul of the state of Georgia. A cultural college is being Athens, in that State, end riceltural bigh Echoes, Eine State grants and local tent., been started. Evers' one sch.00ls has been Well equ regard to beildings and bave an &Meal income of ad All one WHigh