HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-05-03, Page 8THE HURON E POSIT° PAINT NOWSWF' USE tiok se gee nothing ing than here, end yoa can tter or real good pint. SherWin-Williams' Prepared PaintS. Tney ere mede from the purest ma- terials, and are more durable for either outside Or inside nee than ally pane on the market. Also being ground very fine by 5pecial naaohinery, they will cover ernore surfeere thau or- dinary lead and oil mixed by hand, Thi e alone mate them most, emend - oak We carry a large stook. Call for -color cards. hesney if Archibald SEAFORTH, HardWare, Stoves and -Coal. James Watson,. Successor to W, N.,NAtton NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORT14.• General Fire, Life and Aceident aflce agent, *teal Estate and LOSP Agent. - Ostler in firet.claas family and Manufac- turing- Sewing Machines ond Cream feeperea6r4 viz. NewRaymond ond White Sewing Machines, and National and Una oda Omani Separators; Also sewing machine needles" oil, attach- ments._ repairs and sundries for all kinds of sewing machines. With over 25 year experience in the above bushiest you can rest assured of pr oes right, square dealing and eatesfaction Messrs. Kruse, the 'enterprising pro- prietors of the Egmondville 'brick and tile works have added, to their already very complete and. modern plant a, new boiler and engine from the Bell Engine :Works, Seafaireh.—We nottee by ;the Regina Leader that Mr. a W. Hoffman, of that city, and a former Seaforth they, has passea his second' year exam -halloo 'before the Sas- katcheevan Law Society, standing at STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Whe head of his class for that year. eves establiShed twenty years ago, and, by its ma, ,we A, Rae, Or Edmoniton a form- ,- thorough work and honorable dealings with its pat- , „_ „, _ vans bee beecnne one of the largest and most widely DrI fftver*-141.0P WY, Inas also passed known Commercial Colleges in the province. The the -mane examination.—Rev. MT, Lar- kin Waa in Chathallif this week demand upon 1.18 for commercial teachers and office aesistants greativ exceed ktim supply. We amid 44.• 2 ,3/4•Ang old _friends there and attend - graduates to positions. Students are entering each -Mg the annual meeting of the Synod; week, Catalogue free. ELLIOT-IT & McLA,CHLAN which is 'being held 'there this week. Principals. —The Regina Leader, of a recent date says George Barr had arrived in the.city from the easet. on a short bus- iness. visit. Mr. Barr proposes ;build- ing a $12„000 ousIness block cee Ham- ilton street this summer, the ;plans Oueown make of genuine Rubber 'Trimmed for Which have been 'prepared. He serneraIt fe the best value in Canada. Ask aiio Intends erectingeaa residence' for your neighbor about them. his own -use." Mr. Barr is a former t WOO spolittni DISTRICT MATTERS. Mrs. P. Swett, of Brussels, pent Sun - dal With Mrs. S. P. Rene sand °O- der friends in Itoevin.—The young. Peoe !pie oa the tassel, *tend haviriig. a so - - dal dance in the tOwint hall on _ the evening of, TherreclaY, gal the Klee— B,ev.. A. K. Wks will 'take for,lie subeeet In the, Methodiat church next Sunday • evening, "A Bad Bargain."— Mr. Rego:Wilson, aeft• on We,dnesday for Stanley Barriveks, Toronto, where he enters On his Military course.— Mr. Thos. Hills, of leigenondville, has reeently 'purchased from a well kriewn breeder another thorobred Ayrshire cow. Mr. 11111s is an ardent admirer of tale breed of cows, and noW hare !three as Tine animals as can be seen anywhere—On Sundaxt,May 6th, at 4 aclock -p. ma Right Bev. Bishop McEvoy will administer the Sacrament of Confirmation to a class of 'about forty candidates and .preach •in, $e. Janes' church, Seaforth.—Mr. D. Cantelan, reeve of Clinton, was in town on Tuesday. The Clintpu councill ,are considering. the 'propriety of Jouteehasing a atone crusher or t e, purposie of 'making 'material . for tt e on, their Istreete, and are InoW n goitiating - with 'the Bell lengene for the 'purchase of a crusher.—The was ithkk Ice on the water on t morning or May 1st, 1907.—Trout fi ing season opened on the i first - a May. Dr. Cooper and Mr. Sarnee.Wat- son :left for the North on Tuesday night, so as to . be first on deck on Wedneeday umorning.—Mr. William Sclater, of Brandon, and M. Wm. Finlayson, of Galt, have purchased a :grocery 'business in Regina,' and wila :pitch their tent a In that rapidly grow- ing and 'prosperous city of the great Meet. They time iboth Seaforth boys, and their many friends here will whet), them success in their new ven- ture, and 'health and fortune in the future.—ear. B. J. Asslin, .Provin- cial erganizer of the Catholic Order a Foresters, will deliver an ad- dress in the Separate school hall,'in thts town, on the evening of Tuesday, May 2lect, in the interestsof the Or- der. *hitch he represents.—Mr. R. E. Janes has 'purchased the house on Goderich Street, at present occupied byelefiss Grieve, from Mr. Rem Beat- tie. --Messrs. R. H. Peek & Co., musi- cal instrument dealers, of this town, leave, during the past two months, sold two car loads of -Hell and Mason & Etch 'pianos These pla,nos were all of the highest grade. The follow- ing are a few of the 'purchasers: Mr. Elder, Kipper); Messrs. W. ,Oke and Men Murray, !ruckersniith ; Mr. Jervis, Clinton; Mr. John Green,13a,1- 'Mid ; Mir*. W. Holman, .Egmond- villa ; Mr. Beattie, Harloek; Mr. R. Robinson, Varna; ale. Thos. King-, Bayrield and Mr. Scott, Seaforth.— Rev. T. S. Eloyle,-M. A., B. D.,-Irecttior of - Wingtam„ will Ipreach en St. St. Thomas' church at both services next Sunday on -behalf a the mission- ary society.—The collection in the Predeyterian church, ' taken up the paet two Sundays for the Cieinese famine fund amounted to $140t—The many friends of Mr. Jcihe Steet, of the E. eacFaul stem, will regret to learn that he has !been' confined to his 'residence for a couple of weeks 'by illness.—Mr. E. Dawson is remov- ing 'his liquor' store .from1 Kruse's :block Where it 'has been for many years, to Helrnested's !Pamir, 1; the 'store recently occupied by the.. Chin- ese laundry Which has been fitted up fur the purpose —Mrs McCulloch and daughter, of North Main 'street, have returned froin a. pleasant week's visit with relatives in Clintan.—Mr. Bert Muir, of Regina, spent .Wednes- day with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Thomp- son.—Mr. Dan Devereux, wife and family, of Chicago, arrived here Fri- day evening last, Mr. Deve.reux re.. ituraed on Monday but Mrs. Dever- eux and family will spend the sem- mer at the parental home of Mr. and MTS. RAM Devereux, sr., Huron road ea:ea—Ivies. Alex. Melaeod Tanen-eel borne from Victoria, 'Hospital,' Lon- don, where' she has been undergoing treatment. —Me, and Mrs. Thomas W. hompson, of C.healey, were here via - ng their uncle and aunt,„ Mr. and re. J. S. Welieh and! other friends ver Sunday.—Sheriff Thompson., of ort Arthue • Mr. Arthur Thompson, ot Orlllia; Arthur; Gerald Thompson, of :North Bay; Mr. Russell Thompson, or _Montreal, and Mr. Falls, of London, were here attending- the funeral of ehe late Mrs, Thorreason.—Kr. J. P, Bell has sold- his residence'on North Main street, to Mr. John Best, who will occupy it. The price is $1,000. Mr. Bell Intends Mang up the build - Ing 'now being 'used as a laundry, for a, residence for 'himself, as soon as „he ✓ emoves his laundry to Market street. -fr. George Baldwin, of St. Thames, was in town this week.—The "Rub - here" at the Furniture factory went' out on strike Thursday morning, for higher wages. They were 'oeing patd $10 per week and they ask $11.—A little daughter of Mr. Geo. Marshall, of James street, was 'badly burned on Thursday -Morning. She was -plall g around a bonfire when her cloth' g caught fire. She was oadlY burned dn one side of the face and Mrs. Marshall had her hands ourned in her endeav- ors to extinguish the flames. For- tunately the child wore heavy cloth - Ing, and this undoubtedly saved. it Trom much more serious injury. •-- _ Travellers e- The following Were ticketed to distant points this week by :W. Somerville, railway Eindsteetan- shiP agent: Misses _Elizabeth. end ,A1 - ice Bell, of he London) road, near 'Hensall, Ito Saeremento, California; efts. Marquis, mother of Mrs. Net). Sb.aw, Egmondville, to Salern, Ore- gon; Henry Kra,uskoff, Logan, to Santrancisco, California; Mr. Hirtch- Insole of 'the fueoiture faetarer, to Newark, New Jersey, where he pur- ;poses realding and to Which place' his family Will follow bim shoraly. Good aliererea.—At the, Clinton Spring Show, on- April 4th, the Standard bred "Wilkabarre" impo'rted. troin Kentucky by his preeent owners, •Mesere. ,C4ovenlock Brothers, of Sea - forth, was awarded first prize- in the class a Standard bred etallices, 16 auteids and over.' Of hia firati crop of colts, one took first prize in the road - Stir class., and another second prize in the carriage Glares at Seaforth far last. Taal. Mr. W. C. Govenlock, one of the owners of Willee'heme 'also owns eae good, sirs Sid( Stanton," sire of the winner of. tile first p rize for the !best single driver at the same show, and in this class there were competitors from Blyth, Godee :ride, Clinton, Stratford and :Peva. atock.—Corre .Local lariefs—Messrs. A. K. Gif- ford, of Wink:hem; W. Alkenheaa, of Rrucefield, ,and W. J. aSigpley, of Clinton, have ',passed their !anal ex- aminations at the , London Medical College. W. Savors, of •Bruces 'field* and, Mr. NV. Gillespie, of Seea- forth, -have 'passea their thleca aid second Year examariations res,pective- ly at the same institution. The guaranteed. JAMES WATSON, it.IIVISUO. Agent, and dealer In Sewing Machine and Bloyalea. North Main etreet, Seaforth. HARP4ESS BelLs—Trunks--Valises — Suit Cases-- Plueb. and Wool Rugs, Eto.. Inspect Our stook before purchasing, M. Ittodericity Seaforth !boy and is a nephew of lvfr. and: Mrs. Wm. Pickard, of Seaforth, a -Any person who still- doubt s the ef- t 'fleecy est advertising would. 'have been c nvineed of the error of their ,. belief ' ad :thein y been attending this o ) rice for the past few weeks. A small advertisement was inserted _in The 'Expositor by a ,housekee.per who dersired a position Etqd a,nother-Dy OPPOSITE CoMMEROIAL HUM, Seaforth. 208-1 Wedding Cifts Lilac Fla Will No Injure PIO tines UR OR FAB The latest ocientific prep tin for .ta destruction. the moth pest, MORE EFFECTIVE LESS EXPENSIVE THAN MOTH BALLS. Onceused always used, in- - parting a most agreeable 4nd lasting ordor to the fur's and • clothing. For sal e by 0 a - of ABERHART,o. ,_ DRUGGIST, I re OARDN'O'S — BLOOK • desiring a situaticin are house - meld. Since etre appearaeace of- t'hese. advertisements we 'have bean fairly .e-- deluged by aoplIcations hotti 'person - Tee event may be a few weeks away, but ,ar. and, :by mail proving' , that adver- it is a good idea to look around early. We itisements are read a;nd. that there is market n that generous ssortment whi have the choice new things of the jewelry Et, great shortage in this 'country for iaeh is found in an up to4nte steak. • the kind of help advertised.—The Tuckersmith ston crueller will com- mence work for t is season in :Pottle e,ringhaan's qua,rr May. The cruehe emclec the manag Tyndall- and a be dent manager co Silver Plated Ware 'home ,f1-Mir1-3rOrn13*Ot7a,uWit on Saturday hay- ing completed 1).1 Parliamentary la - We never. had so many nk‘.thin show you. gs to tors ehere.—The regular meeting of A $pecial Baking Dish at et 60—Is worth Britannia, Masonic Lodge will be swing. held on Monday e ening ex e on which occasion the lora; will a visited by - Right Worshipful Broahe .S. H. Hal- ley, DiStrict. Dep ty thfan& Master. Thie will he a 14k occasion and the aus What there of membere.—Ti Bros. -have remov d the idence out nea, to th are adding to it end: Ira as to make it a ery nE Teritable bottle fo some heavy, soaking r ins o have)come In goo seaso the Termere. Th Y will ttation; help to rejuveu Wheat and clove and It 'recently sown ,goott was received' death or Ma. A. home at Virden, tuared on Sun Deugall was on iness men of Sea with his 'brothe Laidlaw, 'he was ea,n'tile ;business Seaforth had an years also he town and Wag ices of 'the Pe oe for this district. AbOlit. 20 Tearer go he( moved to -Man- itoba and settle in Virden, where he has since resid .d.—Mr. and Mrs. R. ast on an ex - Cut Glas Always good t te as a wedding present,— Artioleo of par oularly nice patterns from $1.60 to $10 each. about Is ag ment o ter o ld not ,M. the _8th of in 'this year Mr. Harry more eft!, be_ 'procured. - returned Wedding Rings The Correa Styles in Solid Gold 10k, and 18k at $2.fk to $8.60. J. F. DALY Jeweller & Optician Issuer of MarriageLicensee. OARDNO BLOOK SEAFORTH This is the Family Shoe Store. There's many a family in this town that never think of buying or looking for shoes elsewhere' There's a reason for this-rwe've been teated long and 'we've been tested often, and our re, cord shows that we've never been found wanting. Ilfretn *grandfather down to baby, one and all, come here to satisfy their every footwear want. People are con- stantly (king to this aloe &tore. By the way, have you seethese epecial value?'? * Our Men's '$2 or $2.5t shoes. Our Womenat Shoes at $2 or $2 50 Our $1.50 6-E• $1.75 Misses' Shoes Our Boys' $1.75 or $2.25 School Shoes. If you'll take a look at these shoes, perhaps youll see in a measure why so -many homes make this the _family ehoe store. We're as ready to show assto sell. Richardson& Drinnis SEAFORTH, Sole Agents for Viotoria, Heger Jut Wright) and Derby Shoes. T he T uckersmith B tone Crusher Notice lehereby given that the To Acorainith Stone Crusher will commence work in Fotheringhain'a limo. omit the bth of hla,v and will 'remain there until the work is completed. Patilmaaters desiririg mat erial this Rusin' ehould call on the manager there and make arrangements. 14 TYNDALL, -Manager. ' peeially: laiteriesting officers are desir- e a large turn out e Mes rs. Caccia° ld! Otall res - street and roving it ao at and corn- person.—The 'this week for most ot assist vege- ate the fall ve the grain start. -Word O Ithis week of the G-. McDougall at _his Maniteta,, which oc- ay lat. Mr. 'ele- ct the 'pioneer 'bus- orth a, d; in company -in-slaw, Mr. J. C. engaged io the mer - in Her urhey before exiaten e, Fer many as assessor of the e oft the first Just- Fanson left an tended visit to itowriAtp , Mrs. poor health for some time ahd they to chan-ge may !prove s. D. T. Hep - t Sunday with Charles A. lex, Stewart, s over Sunday. ated in Port- land, Oregon, here he has a re- sponsible position with a. large lum- . Sten art has been, time visiting with her and Mrs. Wrnt Mc- graondville and other ngements hase been 'bowling club to - per - to use the green, and reeted the forma - Ing club are request- meetirg at the home Black, next. Tuesday three. — Mrs aughter, Mary, trip to North- ew York.—The Presbytelelan In the school May 8th, .tea x, --airs. Falls, ent with Miss rid tri de in. Usoorhel Fareso.re has been in 64. expect that tit beneficlat—efre and M burn, of Wingh m, see] Seaforth frle ds,—Mr. Stewart, son, cf Mr. visited with hi paten Mr. Stewart is now 1 ber firm. Mr here for sorne parents, Mr. Dougall, of friend. .Arr -made with the mit the ladies all ladies int lion of a. ibow ed -to attend of Mra. R. D. afternoon at 'half pas w. P. esteLea and left. on Tuesrl y on a arapton, Mass. and 11 Ladles' Ala or th church are to aye a t room on We neaday, served ,frorn !or te s or London, le at pre Thompson. Spa ling st eet. She came last Thursday to see her sister, Mrs. Thome= who died Monday morning. a hen in his labd -an egg' s 'the 'One way and wee -ring d Mrs. James end istr. and —Mr.. P. Vol flock which measuring 7 1 and 8 1-2 the 6 1-6 ounces, A. Cline, of sted ha ently 2 ineh other, Mr, a: tratfor 10 .A33' 0 Ba' Agent for up.te.dalle Trusses, 1ffot Water Baden, Shoop's r Ormies Cotton Bdot Oompoun Wood le Phosohedine. ear loads ot reek' elm square ttrdbe were Shipped rfrom Eelgrave etation this' Season. It is marvellous where it; all ccanee Irene. A goodi rock elm tree no* a eitela is worth a. lot of monple-Work 13 !progressing favor- tably for our new .,sehool: !building. The ,eXcavationia finished, and as the rhaterlal is being laid On the ',grow:Ids Me, !builders will be at work as -Soon, as lite weather conditioni wlla per- mit.--Mr,-!and Mrs. BrYdges had an exeiting texperieneea fewdays ago. As they were turning the corner, at Sproat's store, the horse :got fright- ened and made ae 'holt for the side of ;the !read, nearly upsetting the buggy, but Mr. Brydges was able to get the animal unde'r control !before any dam- age was done.-Davicl Irving, of Mor - met web) a heavy lose on Sandal last, by the death a his Ilacimety! Stanton, Maxim, which he valued at $2,000. Indigestion is said to have been the, cause. Syringes, medies, ad theld.alt bee Satehome, on Wdsday evening, aIti eight o'clock, !al the 'remainswere taken to - Simcoa Friday Dint were laid to 'rest 'beside *hose dfher huSleand azud! liferp ter -Men Of earlier. years. The sincerest aym- patthyo many will' be extended to Miss Thumper:4h who hadialWaiS re- sided with her mother, -and, 'who had been ben close attendant azia devoted nurse in tier latit1 illness, andi was the only imerriber of brie fa,m$bil present when . the close of ilife cairns, and who will Teel the Severance of. the tie most keenly. rea,out Ola Englaind,-We are pleas- ed, to be able to 'promise oixt. readers another sera* a very ' Interestlin,e letters, -the "first of which will a:p- 'pear text week. These lettere are from the pen' of Mr' John. Aliardyce, a 'former resident of the township Ilullett, but Who left here abieut 20 years age, returning to Scotlentlatnd who now !resides at Edeh Dee,, Cults, Aberdeen; Scotland. Mr. Allardyce re- cently spent a pleasant holiday in the ,South Coast of England, andi these ,letters 'are descriptive of Ma coun- try, ,asi4 we are sure they will be found deeply interesting to all. After leaving Canada, Mr. Allardyce con- tributed to The 'Exaositor a series of very' interesting_ letters, Which will, no doubt, be remembered by some of our older readers,. and, we are de- lighted to know that he atilt keeps The Expositor ana its readers in re- reembra,nee. • SEED POTATOES.—We 'have the following early varieties Crown Jewell, Buree, Ohio Galt and Bover ,• also several late varie lee. W.` R., Smith, Seaforth. Give us a e.all for spades, shovels, spading f2o0fi r5kftaInd alt ge,niening tools. Chesney & Arohibald, Sod( rth. 20 It is your butter, eggs, etc. that Is wartedatt5-tlhe Maple -Leaf Store,. where you get the either cash or trade. P. Dill, Seafor MANGOLD SEED.—We have the In mangolds and sugar beets for stoc of garden seeds. V. It. Smith, Seafo .. Would you like to see the nicest prf town ? if so, call in at the Maple Lea you aljvays get big yalue for your mo Seaforth. .Just arrived, a ear of American :Eil sseterie "inning Co. FENCE SLATS, --We invve a few "k; Fence Slats for sale at a right price, Sons, Seaforth. A COMING VISIT. --Dr. Forster, of •Stratford, epecialist for the eye, ear, throat andnose, will be at the queen's Rotel, Seaforth, on Monday, May ate, from 10 a. ni, to 4 p, m. Pure Manitoba Flour, $2,25, Seaforth 311112in°g55-01o. 2055-1 We have poultry flatly all widths, at closest Any one is plowed with our Royal Rose, Get „ our prices. Setiforth Milling Co. 20551 A SPECIAL MEETING of St, James Court, No, 1408, Catholic Order Forestere.—Mr, 13. Aosalin, provincial organizer, will hold an open meeting in the Separate &heel Hail, Seaforth, on the evening of Tuesday, May 21s, at 7 o'cloolc, and all members are requested to attend. Friends and acquaintencea are also welcome and hope Mr, B. J. Assalin will ad- dress a large meeting as he will be able to give a full explanation of the working of the order. 20.1.5nes McNamara, Past Chief Ranger. A splendid heifer ettif 4 weeks old, for sale, from good stook ; also Black Minorca Eggs tor hatching. The Mlnoreas are the best layers and are »ors setters. My stook is the best ; made clean weep at Seaforth 1 special, Eggs, $1.00 -per 13, Wm. liartry, see. Polar( ellow, took 10 prizes on 0 entries. 10 regular, WrItYheal. hin; Mac- hines, Clothes Wringers, and Barrel Churns. On the above three lines we have special priees for the Spring trade. Reid & Wilson, hard- Onr ear of faney flour has arrived. q). or b2Oreba6(.12 is ware merchnnte, Seaforth, good bread, beeanee we buy the beat flour made fn Canada. No adulteration in our bread—it is made in the old fashioned way --the kind of oread that made the early settlere of this cpuntry fitrong and 'heal hy. For good bread and good flour, try QV - no highest ice, h. 2055.1 riding varieties ; aleo all kinds 8055-11 ts and lanes in Store, where icy. 1', Dill, ' 2055-1 Dried Corn. 2055-1 Hensall. MADMAN & STANBITRYt Barristers, Etc., At 'Hernial Tuesdays,, Thursdays and Saturdays, 2029-tf Not to Hand.—Oter usual interesting budiget 01 local (news forl Hensall tail not come to hand this week, °W- ing to illness in the home of our eoirresponderat. Death! of Mrs. Thonepson.—Another of the old and esteemed. +residents of Sea:forth has been 'removed from our 'midst. Mrs. John Thompson, whose 'sudden and serious alters from par- alysis, we mentioned last week, dted alt her residence, on- Sperling street, an Monday forenoon la.st. Mrs.Thorep- son's maiden name was Margaret Boyd. She came to Seaterth with her family from Simcoe, Norfolk county, over thirty-five years ago, and she 'has been a Continuous -resident here ever since. Her 'husband died in Sim- coe. She had reached the good oldeage of '79 years, Until her recent ill - ,nese, altheugh not enjoying her ac- customed good 'health for a year or more, she was, a, remarkably smart, aative woman kr her age, and from her appearance, one would judge her to !be a much younger 'person. Mrs, Thompson iwas of a bright, cheerful, kindly and hospitable disposition, and Serest 1 the affairs of lite. She always -too a deep and intelligent in - had a large circle of warm! extend% by all of whom itie was highly"- es- teemed, while, by her own family and relatives, she was much andt deserv- edly ;beloved, Her death, despite her long and 'useful life. will 'be a souree df deep grief 'to many, and she will . 1 Rook Elm N. 010 and 2055-3 prices. Cheerio & Arehilai Seaforth. 2055-1 Bornholm. Dolts.—Mrs. James Carmioell, of Hib- )aert, is visiting her min, Mr, George Oasup'oell for a few days this Week. F'ernie &pins iS holidaYing under (the !parental recta—Ms-0 Gat - de bah!. IS Viettill'e 11E14 :grandpar- ents Mr. and Mrs. H., Victore—Mr, and MIS. R. Mawr/ray, Mitthell, spent Sunday with friends in this vi- cinity.—efr, :Wesley Scoins has 'put" - chased a new, gasoline angine.—X1100 Sadie Bannerman spent a. few days last week the guest oft tee friend, MUM Lottie Hills Green. Notes.—Mir'. and! Mrs. C.Troyer spent Sunday in Zurich, visiting their daughter, Mrs. G. I:mile-Miss Mar- Igaret •IVfeAllister, has xettirned to Hamilton, to resume her clotieg as deessrnaker.—Mr. John and W0,5 Mary Hagan attended the "bop," given in the opera house, -Hensall, Monday evening.—Mr. 3. Cameron spent Sun- day ait ;hts -home int Bayfieldee-The smallpox scare keeps- Hale Green :people from going seuith.—!The farm- ers in ithlie vicinity have almost com- pleted their seedbeg• and 'report eX- cellent weather for it.—Mr. Thomas Farquhar is :busy ;preparing for the erection of his new dwelaing.—Mr. Jake Nu'rne spent Sunday attire home in ZteriCh. W have a large etock of housecleaning require - men ros, Seaforth. s carpet sweepere, carpet whips, brushes, pails, step icidders, self -wringing mops waeliere and wring- ers, Our prices are right. Cliesney & Arehibald, Seafo bh, 2055-1 }1are you set that hen yet Pure Bred Barred C. 0, :A2i5u154rxe2ws, Rock Eggs, the kind that hatch, at Ike Pat Office Grocer, Seaforth. Prices reasonable. A arty Hit With lirieks—nobody hurt, in fact all 'very moh pleased. It was asocial party who re- COIY a shower of those lovely ioe oz brioks from Stms Ws Kandy Kitchen, Seaforth. Wodeliver them to any part of the town. • Londesboro. Nol es.—Rev. Mr- Kerr, of Clinton, deliv ed two excellent sermons here last Sunday,—Rev. Mr. Currie is at ;ores t taking a week's holidays, Rev. Mr. Green, pt Clinton, will take, char e Of the services here' during' 'his bsenice.—Quarterly meeting ces vices will be administered ire the Meth dist thureh on Sunday next. May 51.h.—eft. and Mrs. Martin, or Seater th, vieited friends here this week. lefre and Mrs. likKenile who are v siting friends In Blyth. spen Sunda with the latterse sister, Mr Brund on.—Mrs. Kerr, of -Clinton, 1 this eek the guest of Mrs. Crisp. A:rthu Brundson at •present as stein the station agent In Clanton. • Belgrave. Note been Mr. Ha attendl terian has Ire Geddes of mao There ,—Mrs. J. T. Brydges, 'who ha ery -111 is recovering.—Ret. tie was in Chatham this wee g the Meeting of the Presb Synod.—Miss Hester Ilrefydge urned from Detroit —W. r. recently received i50 'gallon syrup from Lanark count hould be a adt of eweetn.e he long end kindly remembered by all 1In, such a consignment —Mrs. F. Nee - who enjoyed her acquaintance, She or, srhad the misfortune to fa 1 was a, devoted member of the Presby- and fra tura her hip last week, A terlen church, and, until incapacitat. She Is well advanced in years ah ed. by the infirmities of years, took will lik ry be laid, up for some tim an active part in -church work. She -The ethodist quarterly sacrame Is survived by a.. family of one son !tat iservIcee will be 'held. In the brie and two daughters, Sheriff Thon19- church tett Sunday at 10,30 e. nt. Th son, of Port Arthur, Mrs. M. Itquarterly official 'board Will me t Counter, of Honolulu, and. Miss Jessle in.Bel at home. Two eons, ,John, of Orillia, day, M and Georage, or Toronto, the oldest Thee and the youngeet, died. only. Er. rem, Beigrav year ago, ne .rpera,1 service was ilear ere MAY 907 Limited in Price, but nyt n tyie and Beauty A Rus A like fine painting, derives ite chief value from beauty In conception and deftness in execution. The measure of a millinery department's popularity Re reputation for making or selecting hats which have smartness of style—a certain indefin- able dash to them, Me trimmed hats we sell have a style and beauty that speak of this work of talented desipers. The prices are es low as any persm woUld ordinarily have topay 'for very com- monplace, plain and not very attractive hats. There .are many reasons for our millinery department- being SO decidedly popular and busy all the time. Kippen , Your Attention: for a moment, -:You can have that buggy of yeti% made to look like a new one. Repainted and triinmed at the old Ripper, carnage shop. The making over of tops a apeelalty. Also collars made to order, A trial witched. Alex. Me- Notes.—Nir. George McKey, of205t5114113 Kenzie, leer en, village, attended the meeting of Synod at Chatham, -this Week as an elder, representing St.. Andrew's church.—Mr. W. M. Finkle from New York State is enjoying a pleasant vise it here with his sister, Mrs. Phillips; and other friends. This ie Mr. Finkle'e firtat visit to Canada and he says his experience Is 'that the peo- 'pie are as good as the country and the country is one of the beet enthe world.—Mrs, John Paterson and sons, Who were visiting :friends in town during 'the 'past week hose returned to their home in Wandsor.—The heavy -rains of this week have somewhat re- tarded seedIng operations, but work was well advanced and a few days of ,good weather will put farmers on easy street—Kippen is now a dry itoWn. The local option - .law came into force on .Wednesday last, . but `our veteran hotel keepers Mr. E. Schaffer, says be intends keeping' _right on serving the public with the best meals and accommodation. as of eieire and the Kippen hotel has long, ? been famed fa and wide for its ex- eellent Tar Sacramental services ;will be Jheld eln St, A'neirgiv's church on Sunday forenoon pext, 'serske at the usual hour. To-cley, Friday, the preparatory services evill be eon- -ducted by Rev. Mr, Larkin, of Sea- Iforth.—Sucker fishing.has 'teen keep- ing many of th.e 'big and little boys .buy for several days and 'the var- leas streams have been diligently, pa- trolled from 'morning till night. But , .it would seem that a, week oa six days ;Le not long enough fon, the youhts of !some or 'the neighboring villages and khey also invade the Sabbath. If t parents of these youngsters can n .Tesitrain .them from violating the -Sabbath; the stron-g arm of the law rehouid step in and inflict !righteous i'Dttnishment on the law hreekers. , wee...a.-- Wingt Notes.—Mr. J. -Button has 'remov- ed his faintly Lucknow, where he has -secured an interest in a furni- ture business—A `promising young man in the oersen or Mr. Rooert Louis Hall, died at the home' of his father here on Sunday last at the age of 23' years. .He had' aeon ill iritil consumption for some time. HeIeaves a widow and one child. MIS is the second death in the family within a little • Oyer a_year, a, sister having died.—There 'promise of a :ouilding '000min town this sammer. Three new -ousIness blocks are to be built 'ceeides a handsome new 'home for the Canadian Bank of Commerce and aeout N new restdences.—Mr. Abner Cosens, one of ciur most oushIng and d real es- a,cquir- James H. lIONNOMIP. New Dress Goods of Every Kin enterprising insurance re tate agents, 'having rece ed the !ousineds of Mr. Chisholm has now Zorme a partner- ship with Mr. John Ritchie, an old and well known insurance and real estate man of this town and the new 'firm will toe known AO Ritchie gG COBeng. They will make a strong eeam.—Rev, Mr, McQuarrie, a former pastor of the Preseyterian chnrch 'have, and who has tech -pastor of a congregation in North Bruce, has 'resign.ed 'his charge there and In- tends !removing to Toronto, where he has purchased' a residence,—Dr, A. K. Godfrey is 'being congratulated, on having paitied his graduation ex- amination, taking honors in several subjeets, -at London Medical College. —Rev, H. E. Allen, of Toronto, has accepted a call from the 'congeegation of the Wingham Baptist chureh and preachea his 'first sermon .as pas- tor next Sunday.---eWingliam district' meeting of the afethodlet church will be held lo Lucknow on 'May 15th and 16UL-ell:ay. Mr. Lowe, c)f London, a former pastor will • preach missionary sermons in St. Paul's Ch.urele next • Sunday- Last Sund-ay evening in the eame church Right Rev. Bishop Wil- liams received into full communion eleVen candidates by confirmation.— The following' are the officers recent- ly elected by the Wingharn Branch of the Women's Institute : Brest. -dente, Mits. W. Efts; 'vkei 'president, t Mies Waddell; secretary and treas. aye Methodist church on Mo y 6th, at 2 o'clOck P. ill be service as usual Methodist church next Su Ing at seven o'clocit.-Elg TJIUE coming warm weather season promises to be olce of the busiest and most interesting ones from the standpoint of dress materials that Seaforth has ever known, and this hag encouraged us to make unusual pre- parations for the things women will need. This particular store is ready with an ample showing of — Dainty Wash Materials -- Fine Wool Dress Stuffs Aeautiful Colored & Black Silk cME SPMCLAMS Imported Ginghams in Checks and Stripes, 12ic & 150- 2 — Dainty Colored Dress Muslins, 12ie & 150 3 — Black Lusires„ Taffeta Cloths and Armures, Oe Az 75c 4 — Tweeds, Wool Batistlis and Orepilles, •500 ik 60c 5 — Black Taffeta Silk, 43c 4; 500 6 — irttney Check and Stripe Sas, 50c Ak 750 -11•11 Extensive Showing of Ready to Wear Garments E 'wisb it understood that oui gaimentet come dir- ect to as irom best manufaeturers. We pay cash for them and take advantage -of all conces- sions where quality is maintained, consequently, are in a posi- tion at all -times to quote lowest prices. All Our Garments are Out, Trimmed and Made Right Raincoats.. Top Skirts.,.,.. Under Skirts Dainty Waists 0 G G66008060 4 4 • 0006660.40 ******** • e * II 4 it 4484 * 4 e es $ 5 to 1-5, _4 :to 15. 3-..- o 10 •...•., •••••,. 40 4! 0 lb *AI • .4 . 7,i5L t too . • * .* * e * • . 0 • 0 0 0 it* House Furnishing Debartment Very Active These Days tie New Housefurnishingi are meeting with great favor. We believe that we an supply saiifatorily your needs in any of the following goods; CARPETS -CHINA MATTING -8 CURTAINS , BED,SPREAD$ CARPET SQUARES LINOLNUMS DRAPERIES to, to, MATS FLOOR _ OILS TABLE -0OV) Eta; Etc. Big hal °War 32 icier, Mrs. Gillespie; directors, Mrs. H. B. Elliott, Mrs. (Dr.) Ken- nedy, Mrs. John McCracken, Mrs, J. :W.. Currie, Mrs. W. F. tinkle:ter; 9.110tOrs, Mrs John Wilson, Mrs. J, Hewer, The Institute has made great progress during the last year, and now has 39 flanks on the membership The meetings are Veld the last - Thursday of every month.—Wingbam has a very active and successful Ep- worth League society, the annual business meeting of which was held Monday evening. There are 133 mem- bere on the roll, 94 active, and 39 asswiate, an increase of 23 over the - former year. For 'the Forward Move- ment for Missions, the sum, of $254 was raised, an increase a $50 over last 'year. Wroxeter* - Notes. -Mr. Gorge Leckie was un- der ;the weather for several days of this week. --Miss Alice Hamilton has returned from a few weeks' visit with friends 14 Stouffville.-A very large gathering sit the Independent Order of Oddiellows aseernhled in the Methodist chureh, On Sunday after- noon .last, to hear REV; 3. H. Oster- hout ssreach his annual sermon to the leretthren. He took'', for his text the motto of the Society, "Friendship, Love, -etc."—Mr. :97, Adair, of Wing - ham, visited relatives here 'over Sun- day.—Miss E. Henry was a visitor in Hariston (M. Sunday, ---Me. O. 0,Steve- art, a .Woodridge, le opending a few days in !the rillaze.--Mrs, W. Reid: liras !returned from Lucknow, where she had ibe'en for several weeks. es.Xis Tist Thonspeons 0,t. Hamilton, res new -ed ,acquaintattes13 last Wednesday, Chiselhursts A Correction, --Mr. -Editori-My at- tention' leas been called to a news, item In your paper from Chiselhurst, of some weeks ago, dae gcriptive of a contest It checkere, „ which the writer credited gr. Leta with being a better player than ahe Fitzgerald- As a rule the chain.- PlellehiP Of ani genie Is decided kt favor of the winning Wei in th contests, Mr. Leitch and Mr. PIt gerald played' three different ILI during- the season, and.1 arix told, good authority, that Mel' Fitzger- ald wee; winner twice out of thettiree times, and on one occasion. got sovem igarnes out of eight, while Mr.Letteb, by tactics contrary to the rules or - scientific ,san succeeded is -win- ning the thtrd time by one game, 50 that your correspondent was scarce- ly !air tie Mr., Fitzgerald in Ida it', part. Perhaps be was misinformed. But whatever is worth reporting at ali, Is worth reporting accurately'' ONE INTERESTED. Constance. ; Presentation, -Mrs. Robert Reg son, on retiring from the poiflon organist In the Methodist eiturchh was presented with a purse of mo Dy the members of the Ladles' Ai In ;raeognitioe of her faithful ffielent services. It was B. graceful and well deserved tribute and re- flects credit on both donors and re - *Wee, ; freleameseeeee-siewe.