HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-05-03, Page 6-£.
4.- 4d, -.I Male"
bv inc
8trengthen enfebed
asing their flesh and
provides baby with the necessary
neral food for healthy growth.
ALL DRUGGISTS; 50o. AND $1.00.
404/00 0444
rk coarouree ",sYlo.TP sARSAPARILLA, 'Po
MICtfilts,k0 well, and take in tea-
spoonful, doges after meals and at
• aedtime. •
The above preecription trom a well
known ph7stcian, is said VS the "lie
eure for kidnap or bladder !trouble
any kind, relieving' laheuinatisin,
. Neuralgia, Sciatica, Larne •Back, al-
20w- Skin, etc., in a short time, mid
-41" curing permanently in a few weeks,
If directions are carefully followed
This mixture hes a !peculiar- action
upon the eliminative • tissues of the
kidneys, assiating them to filter
immosismespe from the blood every partiele of
poison, swell ae uric acid, uriaa etc.,
which, it allowed to remain in the
43Ystem, very aoon .showe itsela in
the form of one of the above diseaSeti.
This simple preseription ie one
whicb can ibe- naked at home if de-
sired at very little cost, arideknotving
the ability of the iplaysielan and the
good :results 'he has had from it, we
do net 'hesitate to *recommend it to
auy sufferer.-11oronto • gd.
11-01,11LDING 0 A For sale; two _ 1
forth, pleasantly eituated, and planted with fruit
.74.3 good building Tots a Willkon St., Sett- ti 1 s y
treee. Apply te. MRS. M. ROBERTSON, Seat° rth. el (
2040-tf ,
ROPERTY FOR S iLE. The fartn nd town
property beIongin'g to the MeGinais rif°party,
particulars apple to R. . HAYS, Barrister, Setae'
.0t, having been disposed of by auotione e urns ,
can nowhepurobased ,y private sale. For further •
lath. 2048-tf
FOR 8,11—For $ale, Lot ID, tfuron
Road, Tuckeremith, contains 100 acresell clean-
ed, well fenced and vett nntierdrained ; good barns
and good brick house. A lint -clue farm in every
respect Two milee feom Seaforth. For farther par-
terculars apply on the premises, or address amnia
NOWLER, 11=101, Seat:nth. 2054 ti
rF'O LET—The undereigned will rent „his hunt on
the Lake Shore to a good tenant for a term of I
ever& The farm consists of 110 urea of good ;
land, nearly all under cultivation and In good con-
dition. For full tering and particulars apply at once,
DANIEL email, St. &aleph P. 0 108 tf
-TOROPERTV rOR SALE.—kor sale, cheap, a meet
desirahle house and lot, situated at the corner
of Isabella and Itojlway streets, la the Town- of
aeaforth, the property ot Mr., James McCann. The
house is &good frame one, with brick cellar under-
neath. There are two lets in connection, nicely
aftliated. Good well. For particulars anply ab the
residence of MRS. J ,MES ICEHOE, Seatorth.
-money on improved quarter sections of 100 -
. acres eaeh at from 8.; to efee; per annum. Only first
rnortguees taken. Ample securiey given, Torrens
aitle System Ls perfect From .:$$00 up can be lent
on faring worth from $1,000 to $2,001. For further
partienIare write to me, J. A. JACKSON, Barris-
ter, etc., Ponoka, Alberte. 195941.
'VOA SALE, a comfortable fraille house In Eg-
g' mondville, with three aere8 of land, °eller and
also a Stehle. The house contains 1 1.ed room par-
loredining room and kitchen downi;tatr anL two
bed 'rooms and a large ball upstairs. There ie pliant
of hard and ttoft water. The property is close tabot
church and school. Will be sold cheap. Apply to
JAMES 8. BROWN, or box 357, Beeforth P. 0.
OR, SA GE, --The subscriber offers for sal
hie farm. of 103 awes, being lot 31, 3rd 04:111004
Ir. It. 8, Tuokerstnith. Ail cleared and under
vation except 3 wren ; all hot 18 mires in gran_
?tame home, bank lean, hay barn and other out-
nuililings, hearng iorchard, gewa
ed ter, eohoolhouse
on them:6118m. It Is Within six miles nt Seaforth
and five from Clint.m. Will be sold on easy term'.
WHITFIELD CRICII, Clinton P. O. 2009axStf
WARM FOR SALE.-eFor sale, Lob 18, Coneessien
X' 4, Hay tp., containing 100 acme • 90 aeres are
cleaved and 10 acre.' of good hardwood bush. The
farm ie in a good state of cultivation and well neuter-
dreined and well fenced. There are on the premises
a good frame barn, 40 x 60, also a frame, shed, 18 x
40, also a good frame home, 20 x 24, and .frame kit.
chen, 1 aere of orchard, also 2 never failing Wells.
The farm N situated about e hello from the village of
Henn% and 11 miles from ochool. For further per-
tieniare apply to M11.5, THOS. DICK, Henson, or vo
JOHN DICK, Clarkeburg. 2053-tf.
ARM FOR SALE.—For este, Lot 24, Coneeseion 2,
Stanley, containing 100 acres. Ninety intros are
eared and in a goad state of cultivation.; there are
in acres of good hardwood hush. The. farm is all
a ell underdrained and well fenced. There in a two-
gtorey brick house with. slate roof, a first -clue farin
house. Bank barn, 401t, x 80ft., cement alio, pig pen,
driving house;
There are two never -failing wells,
end an acre oforchard and small fruit. This excellent
farm is three mileg frem Brue,etleld and five miles
from Clinton, with good gravel roads. For further
p_artieulars apply on the premises or address ALBERT
NOTT, Clinton P. 0, 10484
WARM FOR I:SALE—For sale, Lot 5, Cencessfon 14,
flullett, contain ng 120 acres. The farm is all
cleared and zn a high state of cultivation. It is well
drained and well fenced. There Iso. large two-storey
briek house with woodehed and kitohen. There is a
large bank barn and two smaller barns and driving
ehed. Two good orchards. There are two never
failingepringe on the farin,which make it an excel-
lent one for either stock or Jropping. There is also
a puntp at the barn, with windmill. This excellent
farm is tem miles from Harloek P. 0., four miles
front Blyth. Tertns to fruit petrel:weer as the prop-
rietreg,s wisher to leave the farm and, if not sold,
will be rented, This is the farm of the late John
Mille, For further particulars epply on the premiees
er address, Ilarlock P. 0„.MRS. JOHN MILLS.
I 0 0 AeedgoEffrriffr4t2ithSatrnfo.s—t Tho narid
. prItolp-In
erty known set' Lot 0, Concession 1, eTovemsnap ot
Blanshard, Perth County. There are, on the prem-
ises, a. gad brick house $2 x 24, with kitchen attach-
ed, 10 x 2(1, both in good repair; a large bank barn,
70 x 70, with good stone stabling underneath; one
&at -class cement /filo, 12 x 37, and other useful
buildinge. The farm is well watered, both in front
and in the rear and is adapted both for grain and
dock miming and is in a high state of cultivation,
which is eel1 known front the face that the propriete
nr has resided thereon for nearly fifty yeais, being
0110 01 the most successful ferment in the township,
It is centrally located, being near both church and
school, and within etes,v read' of a good market. For
further particulars address JOHN SUTHERLAND,
Hirkton I'. 0. 290941
FOR SALE.—Lot 16, Concession 2; Lot
-15, Coneession 3 ; 8. e Lot 14, Conceeslon 1,
and S h Lot 15, Coneession 1, Huron Road .Survey,
Townehip of Tnekeremith, County of Huron, Contain-
ing Mt acres, situated within two- miles of the thriv-
ing town of fietzforth, one of the best markets in Wes-
tern Ontario. nig farm Ve0..9 awarded the gold
medal In the Atm competition of I883. The farms
hue been MI pastured for the past ten years and
would now be en excellent shape for general farming.
Soil ;moil Nay loanuatwo-etorey brick dwelling house
and kitehen with brick modshed—hot air furnace—
hard and soft, water in kltehen—aine grounds with
shrubbery, evergreens and cedar hedges—orchard
with spruce windbreak on west and north—good
bailie with stone stabling -30 acres of hardwood hush,
maple and beech—well watered with spring creek
end river. Will sell altogether or would divide pro-
perty. No better property in the County of Huron.
JOHN T. DICKSON, fieaforth. 2020-tt '
X The undersigned offer for sale Lot 10, Comes.
sion 1, Tueltersmith, heMg part of the Wee° of the
late Benjamin Senfilie. This farm coeiains 100 acres,
at aeres of good hardwood bush and 85 acres cleared.,
well fenced, thoroughly under drained with bile and
in an excellent state of eultivatioa, coneisting of 8
acres of yheat-, 2 UM orchard, 30 acres ploughed for
crop and the remaining 45. urea seeded to grass,
There ig, on the premium, a 'good ;large briek house
with large kitchen and excellent hew bank barn, 60
x 70, also a eonerete silo, a pig pee and driving shed.
There are three neverdailing. wells. This le a very
desirable property and is situated one mile north of
tee emega ra skeletal, WILLIAM mom 214111:EN-
JAREN SMILLIE, Exeentors, Helvetii it 0.
3rd Conceseion, and Smith Half 14, 4th Couces-
eion, in tie Township of Mellott are offered -for sale
or to rent. Th es coneist of 160aores, ail in gram ex-
ept le acres in bielle. A good two - storey frame
noose, good bank barn, 58x 70. with power mill, a
sidling rated, tie x 50, :eel sheep bowie. '20 x 30. The
place 14 well uatered by a. spring, a, drilled well and
the river. It 14 hit 1141141 31 miles from Clinton and
is well adapted for Knelt or grain. Algo Lot 12, on
the tith Coneeseion, consisting of 100 acres, twelve
aeree bush, the ma. Heethel down. A never failing
epritee with the wind min for pumping. These
farms will he gold together or separately and on
terns to :quit the pzerehaser. If not sold will be
rented. It. J. 3111aLlelt, box. 25, Clinton. 2040-tf
--For bale, that valuable farm
FAItal Foie mem
of 175 aores, mituted on the 7th Coneesslon Of
Stanley. It is only a half a mile front sehool, three.
quarters of a mile from Methodist and Presbyterian
ohimetee and post entice, seven miles from Heiman
And fonefrom Kippen station, There are, on the
premiseS, :1 barns, one x 40, one 70 x 28 and the
other 50 h., 2s, all In good repair ; t comfortable
frame and log louse. There ore 22 aeres of fall
wheat hoWn. The farm is well fenced and WO aeree
undentrainecl, the other 75 acres being drained :by
the toe nship diteh riming throagh. There le a
never -failing well at the lone with a new Brantford
Pen/pine mill, also a never -failing epring back on the
farm. there are 11 acres of good bearing orchard.
The farm is in :z 11:ea:less state of cultivation and le
situated in one oi the best grain growing seetionn in
the inveigle( . Will be sold cheap and on terms to
sea purehaser. i For further information apply on
the premises ifir athlre., t;I:.01ttiE COLEMAN- Hills •
Green P. 0.
J Lewis Thomas
Civil Engineer, Arehiteetatte bate Dominion I)
pertinent Publie Workg. Consulting Engineer for
Munleipal or County work. Electric Rail roads
Sewerage or Waterworks Systems, Wharves, Bridges
Re -enforced Concrete. Pitosve 2220,
2028 -ti. LONDON • ONT.
Field Peas have sold high for severe,
years, -75 and 77 cents a bufebed last
year. This year'aexport demand will
• be keen,—profit there for shrew '
Two profits ina pea-crop—the pea
and • the vines,—rich cow -fodder
valuable green, manure, high in nitro
gen, Now' that the pea bug has qui
business irt Canada peas PAY au
Pay BIG,
Easy crop to handle,—quick-growing
—doss well even on tared' land, --au
aSIIRE MARKET atprofitable price
for all you can rOiSO. Plant pe
early,—April and early May is beet
soon. wim
01111 ISMS
Director of Record Foundry 44of
Hon. C. W. Robinson, until re' entiy
Speaker of the New Brunswick egis-
lature, and wIlio, a few week ti agoc, was
sworn in as a megiber of Premier Pugsley's
,Cabinet, is, outside of 'his political linter-
ests, associated with some of -the largest
manufacturing concerns in his Province.
Among the principal interests 1 with
which Hon. Mr. Robinson is connected is
the Record Foundry and Machine Co., of
*Moncton, N.B. and Montreal,
manufacturers Of the celebrated "'Penn
Esther" ranges and." Admiral " and
" Calorific " furnaces. 'In this corn any,
Hon. Mr. Robinson is a large stockholder
and a director. , _
"It's simply astonishing the way
SL George's
)alit owder
has taken hold of my customers."
They say it mikes lighter,
tastier, finer -grained Biscuits and
Cakes than any other they ever
Send for our new
Cook -Book— free.
National Drug- & Chemical Co.
23 of Canada, Limited, IVIontreaL
Some Items
of intere
Don' forget, we
land Coiled Spring,
for Anchor ienoe,
Books, Staples and
for Fencing.
te.We ohrindle
Peerless Woven
Poultry - Netting.
No. 7 Stays
Clips' Fence
all Supplies
full line of
Fence an
• Orders are now being ta,klen
for FAMOUS Saugeen Brand, n-
dorsed by all cement workers
Chicago Flexible Sheft,
price within the reach el every-
one. Hand Clippers, Singers,
Curry Combs, Etc.
on Building Materials, Ea -
troughing, Plumbing and Fr -
Mice Work ca,n be had for the
The Treasurer. wifi be at the Council Meeting' at
Winthrop on Ttiesday, Aptil 30th, p. in,, to relined
to the Ratepayers entitled thereto their share of ithe
Winthrop Drain Belem:0.-
2053-2 M. MURDIE, Clerk.
Manitoba and North West Notes
Farrell has ben appointecit po-
live magistrate for Moose atiox,at a
Salary a 0,090 a year, -
—The wife of liykola laaetko, of
Sifton, gave birth to triplets. .laist.
. week. All are reported thriving.
1' --Davidson, Sask., board of bit*
offered exemption from taxes emir a
free site for the .establiahment, of a
The new Presbyterian church at
Macoure Sask.,was tormally opened
Mat Sunday. The minister in charge
Is Rev. W. Lockhart.
—The ,West hotel, Main
ye010 of the eubwity,has been sold
Lo Frank Carrie, late 'proprietor .of
the Palace Hotel, for 025,000.
—gem's: B. V. ansle M. 0. Hedley
have sold their &rm. of 800 acres,
near Carrevale, Manitdba, for $21,-
000; the 'purchase including' the stock
and implements with the farm.
f....The Calgary 1Vii11ing Company's
new mill will 'be ready for operation
by the time the 1907 crop i 1104Yeatati.
It wfli 'have a eaaaelty of 1,000 barrels
par day.
N. S. Edgar, of Regin.a,, .sustairied
a, double traeture of hie leg a few
days ago,' while out riding. His
horse slipped on thepavement and
fell on him,
—One of Wetaskiwin's most prom -
!nett 11:11:3171001a men, A..E,Gityter,
'g'Ist, passed away suddenly 'ark week,
atter a few haus' illnesstale de-
ceased leaves a wife- and three chil-
dren to mourn tea loss.
—While digging a well on the farm
Of Mr. Stewart, wfio lives about seven
miles eaSt of Salteoate, Se/A, a germ-.
tity of wood; was found at a depth,
ot 41 feet, Cinches, .The wooa was
covered with searkling and,, aria is
in a fairly good state of preservatio.n.
—Walter Davis, of Burnside, Man-
iteba, sustained the aoss of the Lin-
gere hie eight handl by an acci-
dent. He was working et, a grain
arusher for a farmer marked Allier -
dye, When his fin -ere were eaught
in ithe rollers and erushed to pulp.
—Nearly 200 .head of 'beef steers
were weighed at the Initiate% Al-
terta,, ,scales oneday last week.
They comprised what . was practically
:Lhe lack of the district, and includ-
ed cattle from Little Red Deer, Knee
Hill- Valley, IVIilnerton, and Hill land.
—The -death took pine at -Portage
1a Prairie, Tuesday ,evening, of
Frank T110111S011, eldest son of R. S.
Thomson, manager of the Lake of
the Woods mill, at the age of 24
years. Death was due directly to a,
hemorrhage of the lungs arising from
tuberculosis. He wee a promineat
aockey player.
—Rebert L Qllleland, rocer and
china merchant, of Portage la Pradrie,
and a well knowo oldi timer, died
very suddenly in 'that place. He
*rose at his usual hour and fell dead
in, 'his room. Tbe deceased came -to
the Portage in 1880. He was high in
the Orange Lodge an& was worship-
ful /taster of -the local lodge..
—wears. Faxes & Lane.of the Bar
aurae ranch, oe High River,' Alberta,
which is ene of the largest horse
ranches In Canada, have recently fin -
vetted sixteen pure bred Percheron
stallions, for use on their ranch, to
cross with native mares, which they
find. very •satisfactery, and to pro-
duce an animal that has proven very
satisfactory in the West.
—Fire in Carlyle, Sash., destroyed
the Red Cross drug store,- the
Herald printing plant above the drug
store, McVerty & Geddes' livery barn.
G. A,. Marsh's furniture store, and the
Masonic hall. The fire is supposed to
have etarted in the rear 'part of the ;
drug store. Nothing was saved in the
drug store or 'printing office, and the
'horses with difficulty were ,got out ;
of the livery tarn. -
—Phe,grain elevator, lumber yard
and coal ausinese, that has been own-
ed end operated OY A. D. Chistolm, at
Griswold, Manitoba.,- for the last fit- ,
teen years, has fieen sold, to Hitch -
co* and Hart, Mr. Hitch.cock is
large farmer., south of the village,
and Mr. Hart is a son of Sir Israel '
Hart, of London, England, who has
teen looking around for investments
for the last couple of years, Mr,
Chisholm, the late owner, now resides
in :Winnipeg. He is an old • IvIcKillop
—Never before in the history of
immigration, has there teen such ii,
lumber of nprospective settlers in-
vading Alberta, They. are corning
from 11!parts of the globe. Ameri-
cans are .largely represented, repre-
sentatives cif every state in the en -
ion joining in the great trek towards
free or cheap ladidrs and; wider pos-
sibilities. The, arrival of an- immi-
grant train is a strange sight. Stal-
wart tatEers, weary mothers, and
little children, all alike travel stain- •
ed, yet hopeful, alight on the plat-
• —The Winnipeg -Free Press says:
One of the striking feateres in con-
nection with the arrival of colonists.
from the United States to Canada this
year is the exceptionally large num-
ber of children bang brought in by
the eettlere. It is no exceptional thing
to find travellers at the depot of the
railways with, seven or eight children
and families of ten or twelve children
are not unknown. These 'children are,
utiformly of good health and fine ap-
pearance, and usually make their
presence knowo about the waiting
roorpe 'by the strenuous activity of
the -games they play.
—Thirty-three cars ot settlers' ef-
fects, destined to Wawata, Saskepass-
ed through Winnipeg the other day,
front Illinois, In tile party were sev-
eral former employees of the city
street railways of Chicago, These
stealers were all the sons of Illinois
farmers, who went into Chicago from
the farms of Illinois, and who are
nowdesirous of getting back on the
land. One of the men in the company
That- in add
ing Mre. P11401011
you. are confiding
your private ills to a
W-010411 a WOnlart
Whose experience with
W011101198 diseases covert
a great many years.
MTS. Pinkie= is' the 1,
daughter-in-law of Lydia
E. Pinkham and for
many year under her
direction, and since
her ilecearie, she
has-been advising
sick woraen free
of charge.
Many women
suffer in silence
and drift along frorn bad to wonie, knows
in full well that they ought to have im-
mediate assistance, but a natural modesty
impels them to shrink from exposing
themselves to the questions and probable
examinations a even their family physi-
cian. It is unnecessary. Witholit money
or price you can consult a woman whose
knowledge from actual experience is
Mrs. Pinkharn's Standing Invitation,
Wome11 suffering from any form of I
female weakness are invited to promptly
communicate with. Mrs. Pinkbam, at
Lynn, 'Mass. fill letters are received,
opened, read and and anewered by
women only. woman can freely talk
of her private illness to a tvomate; thus
11119,. 1)0011 established the eternal confi-
dence between Mrs. Pinkham and the ,
women. of America which has oever been
broken. Out. of the vast volume of ex-
perience which she has to draw ink),
it is more than possible that she has
gained the very knowled e that will help,
your case. She asks not.hmg en ret&rii
except your good -will. and Ther ad
has relieved thousands. Surely itny'
woman, rich or poor, is very •fooliah if
she does not take advantage of this
generous offer of aesistance.
If you are ill, don't hesitate to get
bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound at once, and write 1irs.
Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., fofspecial advice.
When. La medicine has been successful
in restoring to health so many woMen,
you' =not well say, without trying it
"I do not believe it will help rue."
comes into Canada with twei've horsee
and a corresponding outfit. He wars
in 'the country last year, and secored
eight hundred acres ot land, oe *WO
he (broke up two hundred, acres last
—There is a great scarcity ot hay
in Griswold and vicinity, and, utilese
it can be procured at calve from out-
side 'points to oupply the farmers, they
will 'be greatly inconvenienced,88
very few 'have enotigh Ito' see hem,
throulli seeding.
Letl me mail yoth free, to arove
merit, samples of rnY Dr. Shoop'st
Restorative, and my (book on either
Dyepepsia., the Heart or the Kidneys.
!Address me, Dr..Shoop, 'Rubino, Wits.
Troutles of the Stomach, Heart or
kidneys, are merely symptoms of a
deeper ailment. Don't nutke the com.
mon error f treating symptoms only.
Symptom treatment is treating the
RESULT: of your ailment, and, net
THE CAUSE. ,Weak stomach. nerves
—the, inside nerves—means Stomach
weakness, 'always. And. the Heart
and Kidneys, as wela have their
controlling or Inside nerves.' Weaken,
these nerves, and you. have invari-
Maly weak vital, organs. Here is
Where Dr. Shoppfs Restorare has
made its fame. No other ee iidef even
!claims to treat the " insides /nerves.'
Also for 'bloating, :billousnaissi bad
breath or complexion, use Dr. Shoop's
Restorative. Write for my • free nook
rrow. Dr. • Shoop'a Restorative is
sold '07 C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea -
Fisheries Might Be Greatly improved
by importation of Stock.
A correspondent of The London
Times calls attentions to the namay
neglected trout streams ill Great
raeaning the smaller tributates
of well-known fishing rivers. These
brooks are overlooked by the angler
chiefly because the fish are smell , a
condition 'which den be easily remed-
ied by building occasional small dams.
In the ponds thus made the fish may
lie in hot weather, and every such
expanse of water is a catch -ell for
and actual producer of food for the
trout. Such a policy, with proper
stocking, would vastly increase the
amount of fishing water available for
the modest angler. These observa-
tions apply with considerable farce
on this side the water—not so much
in the way of improving the smallest
streams, which, the Canadian small boy
—more enterprising than hie British
contemporary --annually fishes to
death, but rather by way of suggest,-
ing the introduction of trotit into
waters now given over to awns fish.
Rather few waters are 'adapted to that
fastidious aristocrat, our speckled
trout, but the brown trout will thrive
in almost any northern stream iot
hopelessly polluted. He will ev n
maintain himself against the per h
and pike kind, but, not for long tiara st
• the omnivorous bleak bass. Tli re
are many streams• which now affo
only a negligible kind of mixed fie, 1-
interhat would nrovide tolerable trollt
sP.t, that tJy fag
noiochng a valtah1trUlity; ilexa '
that, since uie day o1 aur apkodisit
wilderness trout ie it is time
to Consider the claim of the front of
Icivilization, the river trout of Europe.
It is not given to all of us to fish
1 the great lakes and streams of Can -
1a, a
1 ads but little thrift would nrovide
plenty of fly-fi
i , - -
s g warn a hundred
miles of home. And with the brown
trout will presumably come also stich
engaging sophisticationas the chy-
f1•37, Which go far to eompensate for a
light basket at nightfall.
Threo Flying F sh Pursued By Flu
gry Bonito Bump Steward.
The steward of the barque Savoia
engaged in tb.e timbei business had a
queer experience the other day.
It was at the close of the day off
the Bahamas, with the wind from the
norieast and the barkentine on it,
making a fair picture, with square
sails and fore and aft cloths all set,
Ile they had been all the passage, and
eveother dierPpwiany.gand recovering to
While Capt, Fernandez and the
mate were at tea the steward,, who
has had a heap of experience with
leaping herring., went forward to cool
'hid brow in the fresh, smart, breeze.
The air was clear • as a -bottle of gin
and the nor'east breeze pushed up
the uneasy surIttee of a semi -tropical
sea in regular pyramids of green
edged and capped with white.
Like Fox and Hounds.
While the steward gazed and the
breeze caught his hair a -tragic pro-
cession, one of nature's, dog-eat-dog
exhibitions,•headed, like the flight of
fox and hounds, for the bouncing
barkentine, distinctly marked in the
red glare of the sinking sun, at which
time pursuing fish are the blast vo-
In the van were three flying fish,
which had sprung from a rising-evave
about eighty fathoms to windward,
the impetus of the sea, their own
jump, the wind and their poised fins
bearing them in a graceful curve for
the ship. Indeed, they had seemed,
previous to their final jump, to have
put their tails hard over in order to
steer their flight for the Savoia's fore-
deck, there to seek safety.
Chasing the flying fish was a huge
bonito, some ten fathoms astern and
gliding down the descending roof of a
struck the steward with mighty fOrCe
sfilewave,opfelltwhe :Inglty0s side
ee c oe fivt fathomsehe hvee r o .s e overt4andrn
the bulkwark and the three of them
on the breast and face, bowling him
over up6n his back, while the bonito
of the hungry bonito was a still
hungrier shark keen for its preying
Kept As a Trophy.
As the flying herring came on, the
the shark, disturbed by the onward
rush of the barkentine, dived and the
bonito fell to windward of his enemy.
The steward picked himseli up un-
hurt and gathered up his flying fishes,
. which he varnished and rnountea up-
on a placque, where they are to be
seen in the cabin of the Sa.voia.
A NOVEL 1t10.
Robin and Sparrow Keep Houe With
a Rabbit.
A sparrow, a robin end a rabbit
have lived -peacehelly together in an
old hollow log all winter and seem to
be the best of friends, They took -up
housekeeping in the same abode to
keep warm, and apparently have
thrived without frietion ,sinee the first
snows came. The rabbet hardly need-
ed feathered eompanions . to add to
his bodily comfort, as his kind are
well protected by nature, but evident-
ly he lodged for companionship.
George S. Maori, on whom. tarin
the happy family. have been aharing
quarters, says that he has frequently
seen the rabbit occupy the end of
the log on cold days m order to keep
his _companions warm Within.. Some-
times he would keep his poet for forty
eight hours without food, appare
for no other reason than to be sure
that his pals within were sbielded
from the winter blasts.
Went Foraging.
When the weather was agreeable
the rabbit, sparrow and robiui would
go foraging together, the former piek-
ing up a, living by gnawing tb.e bark
of poplar trees and the latter by delv-
ing about for what - edibles they
could find. Several times MT. Hixon
has observed them trailing along back
to the log in Indian file. On these oe-
casions the birds either hopped be-
hind the rabbit or fluttered close to
the ground.
"I went out one morning after a se -
ere storm to place food where the
family could get it and found the log
entirely covered," said Mr. Hixon.
"As I neared the spot there was a
disturbance of the snow and out hop-
ped the rabbit. After him came the
sparrow and robin, The birds looked
.nbout in a dazed kind of way and
then nestled close to their furry com-
panion. At -my approach they flew
to nearby trees, but as soon as 1 had
retired all three assembled for the
feast I left."
The Cough Drop
That Cures
Demand the threc-comercd
6 kicd in the red and yelkw box
A Chicago chef has just died from blood poisoning,
following upon a nip from a lobster. Zeori-Buk applied.
immediately after that trivial accident ;would have saved
that man's life 1 Zam-liuk is just as fatalto poison and
disease germs, as these are fatal to us, land a little more
so; because while we sotnetimes get germs into our
system and 01111 live, when those germs pget Zam-Buk -they
give up the ghost without a struggle, 'One of England's
leading' analysts, has proved this. Write to us for his
report. Meanwhile, when you sustain a out, a burn a
bruise, a scratch, or any injury, just apply Zam--Suk. Two
processes right away—cleanses thesore, thus preveuting
A H.
Astable, full of
he virtues of lrialt
• and hops, and in
parkfing condi-
tion, is the ideal
ben ciwmists announce its purity, and
its merit,
a need look- no further.
New Big
at away down prices. Second-. 1.Ate Division Court Clerk, has a number of tryA
Hanel Bicyclea all in good re- mtitel3far•n41° jar t° ren, "Mg which IE a - * -
pa1r Alland s o Accessoriesr teofBicy c: I e alti seo- /IT, klaNiirritle'rdth. Le18"GOothrgFAJPar iliLlnifecaluTt",e7, Seal'14 tart
Bicycle torydbeeecouriont telt sea/301;1:1Am% raisiteson. 00110411 oeffitte,
forth WIEstf.
done same day as received. A
Bicycler; and repairs at very
low 'prices.
.1110KAY and., -SHAW
Many Women Suffer
Very often they think it is from seacraltd
"Female Disease." There is less female troulek.
than they think. 'Women seer from backaches
sImplessnees, Isere/outguess, irritability, and a
dragging -down feeling in tad loins. Ws do men:
And they do not have "female trouble." Why,
then, blame all your trouble to Female plume V'
With healthy Iddneys, few women will eves;
have "female disorders." The kidneys are NO
•elosekoonnected witl2 all the 'worm.% organ*
thatwhen the kidnerz go wrong, eveasythihe
goes wrong. Much distress would be saved S
women would only take
'ewe& Intervale.
i‘f Price 50 cents per boxer three boxes for SIM%
all dealers or eent direct, ea rocsiPt of.teriees
The Doan Kidney P111 011., Toronto, Ont.
Tenders for Dredging
MENDERS addressed to the undersigned and en -
elle domed Tender for Dredging," will be receiv-
ed up to and Including Monday, !tray Oth, 1007, for
the dredging required at the following places in the
Province of Ontario during the present year : Belle
River, Menai Goderich, Kincardine, Port
Elgin, Port Burwell, Point Edward, Port Stanley,
ltondeau, River Timone Wisrton, Blind River, Sy-
denham River, Beaverton, Drente, Bracebridge, Mee -
ford, Owen Sound, Thornbury, Toronto, Waubmt-
ethane Wingfield 13asin, Nigger and Telegraph Ie -
land, Harbor and Dark Channel, Penetang-
uishine, Midland, Hamilton, Ochourg.
Combined specilleation and forin of tender can he
obtained at the Department of Publics Works, Ot-
tawa. Tenders nuist inolude the towing of the
plant to and from the works. Only dredges -con be
employed which are registered in eftelede et the time
of filing of tender,. Contractors must be ready to
begin work within thirty days after the date they
have been notified of the accieptance of their tender,
Tenders will not be considered unlese made on the
form supplied, and signed with the AMAl signatnree
of tenderers.
An accepted cheques:az a chartered bank, payable
to the order of the HrnottrabIe, the Minister of Pub -
lie works, for one thousand dollars ($1,000) Mgt iso.
company each tender as security deposit in connect-
ion with the dredging to be performed. The cheque
will be returned in ease of non-acceptance of tender.
The Department does not bind itself to accept the -
lowest or any tender.
By Order,
Department o Public Werke,
Ottawa, AprIl 17, 1007.
Newspapers inserting this adeertieement without
autharits, from the Departnient will not DO paid for
it. 2054-2
Are a, True Heart Tonle,
Nerve Feed cud Bleed Enricher. They build
fop and renew an the warn out and warted
tigStieS Of thobody, end restore perlootbeditb
and vigor to etio oral ro eyetem.
Nervousness, Sieepleoeuesse Nervous Prosd,
tretion, Etrairk Frage Lack el Vitality, lager
Effects of La Grippee. Ammenia, Weak and
DIzey Spells, Loss of flenufry, Pelpetation of
thelleart, Less of Bnergy. Shortness of
Wealth, etc., can ell be cured by iising
Milburres Ire&rt a..114 Nerve Pills.
Prim fft. a box or 3 fee $1.25—M1 dealers or
THEM MiLiauazi Co., Liturrali, Toronto. Out.
o RRoo ucepz
Co-ok's Cotten Root C-ompoo
The peat Uterine Tonic, sal
safe effectual Idestidy
Wren which womon-
vend. Sold in throe
of strength—lie. I,
10 degrees etrenrcr.
D Pao- • FAIM
Authorized Capita1.1,000 Shares ; 100 eabb-*1fXt
oFr the purpose of taking over tIW
business and plant of Messrs. D. D.
Wilsox & Oo, In the town of Sea -
forth, remodelling and fitting up
the aped plant as an Up to date ff
chanical Cold Storage in accordan0
with the requirements of the Do-
rainien. Government before they will
grant a subsidy, the above COM,
pany has beep. organized.
st, limited amount of stock is
fered to the public at par. No pre,
fere-rice stock or bonds. All share-
holders on the same foeting.
The 'situation is very favorable for
the httalness proposed. The sectim
or country is large and unsur -
for the production of Eggs, P
Butter, Meese, Meats and
also bandling Fish for distri
should be a profitable part of
The Government has passed a biit
granting a subsidy of SO per *ext. 01
the cost of plants such as is proemial
to. he eatablished- which shows tbe
need of such an establishment. The
prospects are excellent for a large -
and profitanie business which writ
De of great benefit to the preducerm
and handler� of perishable producte
in this dietrict, For furtber inform-
ation inquire of either of the unieri
0.110 IRMO
D. D.:VH.501i.
3140. A. NILSON —1
Provis a :Director*
blood poison and suppuration, and commences to heal.
Incidentally it takes out soreness. 14oreness is not neces-
sary to Nature's healing processes. See free sample offer
in adjoining column. ,All atoms and druggists sell at
fifty cento a box. Nothing like it.
Magistrate Perry, of Goldfields B.O., believes in mak-
ing a good thing known, and we do not blame him either.
Writing of Zam-Buk, he says : "After a very fair trial
have proved Zam-Buk eminently satisfactory. In my
ease it cured a skin rash of five years' standing which no
doctor had bftr.t able to do any good for, 1 would eer-
tainly encourage any person to keep Zam.Buk in
home," He is quite right. Every home needs it. Is
in your home? If not, why not? 'All stores and drug.
gists sell at 50 cents a box.
Test ZamoSts at OtZr Expense
We appreciate the position te,ken.--by,.the man Dr we
who says to us ; "if your preparation is what you dal
you should have no objection to letting us try it beim*
spendingomoney on it." To every pea son taking this view
we say, 4 %IVO agree 1" Send us one cent stamp (to
return postage) and name and date of this paper, and
will mail you a free trial box of ZainiBuk.
..,,,_;4111.6114)&t""•• 111411,•••••••••"•7
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