HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-05-03, Page 5MAY 3, i9O7 .,„40E. STORE GM Shoes L ib I e Ox. ford : hers, 00 and, $3 75 26 to 275 „ 2 25 and 3 00 1 50 to 2 50 FORDS FOR, GIRLS. Kid _ $1 25 Iolt, Bucher - 1 75 ,TE & SON) Queen Qaalit ulacem over " ehoee for men. aura pneumonia, Ls now. glow - Ms Hagan,. of Gurues is engaged as nui--se for ss Brown, of Myth, who has itrall the guest or her niece, ia Graham, returned home on last. — Miss Jean Mustard nay at the horne of Mrs: Clinton.—Mrs. Buscn, spent Sunday at the hone of t, Mrs. James Broa.droot—D. h has returned from visiting. near Stratford. He has A his return to the west ow - :11 health, but is _improving e favorable weather. — The in this part is pretty well and farmers got their grain nod shape.—There was a geol., te town on Priday last, Spring- ay.—Mr. Robert Murdock is a- kaged with Mr, Thomas Col - Has manager for the season et new imported horse, "Pal - Murdock has been with quhoun for a good many years ernPloYer knows his rellaoll- 'value or he would not intrust th such 5 valuaole animal. L sad bury th School Opened —The gab- nooi at Bethel church, 1,v1fich bsed during the winter", will_ pened on Sunday next. , May one o'clock. It has bean at - to have it a, union and unde- tional salad, and all the f in the vicinity are heartibr c. A !picnic will be arranged the surnmer. Staff's,. Ada. Dalton is us ting in the vilIage.—Mr. =holm, spent Sunday dmother, Mrs. C. Wor- ery Kemp, who sick, is getting better,' who has been visiting - r some time, has returned. - Dorothy_ Hutchison its gatn afterspending threg- vtith her aunt ire .. Thomas Brook, of Esmond - Rh his daughter, spent last eth Mr. Brook's sietbr, Mrs'. en.—Mise Garry, of Tucker- -as a recent guest at tho House. APER Ti T T SONT ICICARDTS, - ONTARIO. Wagons, &c. olid Rather Boots, standard last, -a good show for little and walking Boots, mede roni e� good durable wear, per pit rt. Boots, D.ced, very wiia fit- . 75. is box calfskin Boats, laced, heavy Men's very fine DongoIa Booboo a or business wear, per pair for gentlemen, laced hoofs of ex - Goodyear welted, with alight ex. t rnen'a wear, in blaok, kid ertfine ed, handelewed, Goodyear welt, $t- roeu's high grade patent oaltskin tout, flexible, Goodyear welted, inaing its ehape, at per. Pair rt Shoee in making, material "0faotton, and to -day we hsve big deniaud for a good artiole. D P ...) ARIM 19 Canada. city WthzUpag the !population of that city being' an biereae0 10,000 he year. city of London have granted: year exclusive franchise to. ele-phone Company, the corree, g t'..hre city $4,000 a year ome of Thomas Brornlet, ttler, near kluMbolt, Sas- was „Ihurned afew days r with all his effects and fes well as a quantity, • ' Rrothors disposed of tean ported Clydesdale stal- Di* in London a.aa week, by auction. The average 'price paid, wag ar,Dotzt xoeing $40 lower, 'than at a 'previ- aimilar sale by the same ,parties. an evidence of 'the =Mous cost I the recent severe winter, and ow blockades in the west has oiled the railways there it is d that at Iiimeolt, Saskatche- .it mat the Canadian Northern ay $6,580 to feed -the passel-48re -ere snow bound there and this ly one instance of the many e nature. Ruddick, Chief of the dairy of the Department a Agri - is to ta.ve a hice trip. He appointed. Canadian, delegate bird Interna4lonal Congress International bairy Federa.- iVilich meets this year .in Sep - at The Ilague, Holland. Mr. nddick will also a.ttend a health con- tien in Brussels, ' at Which the tion a the relation of dairy sup - to health will ee discuseed. —Oitt of the 59 young' veterinary *iefrgeone Who were sent from various ta of Canada to Chicago during xee past winter to take a course In liAat inspoting in that city, 68 have patted the examination atter one at,Slittilet study. The; deJect of the Waite was to qualify the students to *cD as meat a.nd food Inspectors un- Asr the new wet passed this sessione re Is erpeCted that some 40 of the Witcceasful candidates will 'De ap- pointed 'aya the Government to cover 'food inspection throughout the Do- -A despatch from _Winnipeg( Mani.: tete, dated April 29th, says : Reporte Mn various dletricts ofthe province ljtate that seeding is becoming.genral lAt Hun-0301dt seeding has commenced, elaNd 'oe general in a few days. eports from the Baldur district ate that the fanners have com- Oeneed seeding, out it will be next eeoefore much is done, and thin 11 depends on the weather. Plow - ;tug is nearly completed irk the Tre- Wee district, and the faimers are ; ady 'oegin their seeding. Only .or three In that neighoorhood Jiave attempted any seeding yet. !e1- jft the snow is fast clisap- ;there, and the farmers will work on the land. in a. few, at Board of Governors of Tor-, University 'have at length de- ed upon a principal for. that insti- ftution, and from SO applicants have *looted Rev. DV. Falconer, M ka( 03. D. The salary offered le $10,000 a. T. Dr'. Falconer is at present tray - g abroad, but the appointment was leaded to 'Wulf, and Ea favorable imply received. The new principal, at present president of the rPreieYterian College at Halifax, ltion of the 'present Moderator of the Freeeyterian General Assembly. He ketelved 'hie early schooling while re - Whig in the Island of Tilnidad, fin- b• ing his gdueation at Cambridge and 04iniburgh. He also took courses at Iths Heideaberg and London Universt- Ities. In 1892 Dr. Falconer Joined: the Istaf,f o fthe Presbyterian College at lialitax, as teadher of Greek. —The- Bureau of Census and Stitt's- lies at Ottawa has issuea blue -took, iiiving Statistics as to wage -e 'rams In Canada by occupations, accrdIng • the figures of the last dec unial tensus. The statistics with 're rd to 'tthe Iv:la-ries !paid :to school teachers _ttl,re especially illuminating. The e.V- arage salary for wale teacherS in all 'Canada la $486, and for female teach - Ws; #245. The average by provinces Are a foliows: Britisih Columbia., angles $616.84, females $553.08 ; Mani- itaa. $487, $410.22; New 33runsw1ck, W416.52, $227.61; Nova Scotia, 4;384.03, $287.66; Ontario, $537.85, $807.75; Trines Edward Island, $246.15, $180.03 ; :Quetee, $450,13, $188.44; The Terri- ttOrteS, $498.12, 1428.82. Feniale'tboUSe- r keepers, laundresses, nurses, mid - cher and washerwomen and Oextone are 'eater 'paid than fernale leachers in Quebec, while -ranch fare- , sTa011, farm .superintendents, garden Ittud nursery managers„, hotel employ- ees and 'foremen in many trades are r.ltetter paid than male teacheri4 in - Onsolaammomormommaim - SALE REGISTER. OnSaturday. May 4th* from 10 to -12 a. no and ees • • •-•-m1. tog n. m. at the "Queen's 1•Iotel, Henson, Household ?urn' timecard Hotel Fixeures. Ezra Bice, proprietor ; B. S. Phillips, auctioneer. 2053.3 MIIMMIREOIFSIMILMOMMIIIIMMIN.1 MARKEITS. Fall Wheat SHAFORTII, .iley 2, 1007, Oats, per Iniehel $0 70 to a0 70 Pei, per Imshel . 0 381to 0 38 Barley, niche! . .... ......., 0 76 to 0 75 per ', B, per to ... 0 50 to 0 50 Bran Reds, per tou . 2a 00 to 22 00 Plena per 100 Ib. . 28 00 to 'Z'a 00 2e 00 to 22 00 Low Grade Flour, per ton Butter, tub . 0 20 to 0 20 2.10 to 2 75 . .. 0 '21 to 0 21 E kgif , per dozen . ... 020 to 0 20 Vere .... ' I * . Oa to 65 alsneleeeti Hpkeirn,1,,,00 Dm . e 7 510 00 to 10 00 0 7 60 to per ton . 0 to 00 Potatoes per iniehel 75 1 Wood per eoriltioned.. • . ' 0 50 to 0 00 Salt retain per barrel.. . 1. 25 to 1 3 Waod per cord (short) 5 (linter Seed.. 0 00 to 7 00 ' Timothy Seed .. 3 7 00 to 30 00 0 7r; to 3 75 2 50 to 3 00 letter, No. 1, loose. Live Stook ,Mark.sts. Limpoi, England, April 30, -There has been an -Wier feeling in 11i market for American eattle, and prices ehow deetine of i3 per lb. mince this day lkekteales being. made to -day at 124e. Canadian cattle are }steady at see. levierroot, April 30,- The market' for Canadian -aattle shows little change, sales being made to•clay at aoseow, ;10, --Trade reported sharper and eiricee firm ot : a top quality, 1:ol to 124e ond, in some clues more ;huth. 10: to 104e per lb, Union Hoek Yards, Toronto .1 unction, April :30, he quality of tat eattle WaS fairly good all round. Tradeiri shippinr cattle wile dull owing to shortage S)lflCC on wee% boats. Exporters. -Prices were er, ranking from $4.00 to $5.15, the built selling 2445 to $5.12-4 per cwt. Export bulls sold at $3.75 to Butehers.--Trade in butchers' cattle wait fairly good L.I. following quotations : prime picked Ids sold a high as $5 to $5.25 ; fair to good loads *old at $4.75 te al.e0 ; medium at $1.50 to $4.05 • c0wl:ate:L:1e to 84.50 per cwt. aliloh baited imniber of intik cows and springers ead at $40 to teici easel. Veal Calves. ---The supply of af ealvets wati larger than inmal at this market and Etlea ranged from a3.50 to $0.50 pc er wt. sheep _& bs.--A few sheep and lambs Hold as followex- Part ewes at. r0 per owt. ; yearling lambs at $7.60 Ter cwt. Bogs, --II. P. Kennedy reports selects at a0.40 and liglite and fate at $0.15 per cwt. Mmerneti„ April 30. -Trade teas fair, but the price af cattle hail a downward tendency, a few of the hest beeves srllirig up to 6ec, hut they were better !hall those whiter sold at equal rates last week. Pret- „ freed cattle /and at .le to he ; common stook at 8c to el per 11,. 310eh. oows nold at Sea to $66 each. _sea:Weal/old at from ni to $0 eaoh. Sheep that were wort/ sell at ale to 4e per lb. and the unshotn ebeeP M about (14e per lb. Spring lambs sell at $3.50 to • to,70a0,25er tbe.ach. mod lore of fat hogs 1101(1 at about trate, April 30-Oatt1e-00we, bulls and feed- teedy ; others' 10 to 20e lower ; prime :steer% 45 to $0 ; ehipping, Ill1.25 to ae.ea; butchers' S5.40 ; heifers, K25 to 46.86 ; cove,$8.50 o -76 ; bulls, $8,50 to $4; stookers and feedem, 88,85 to 84.76 4 stook heifer , sa.eri to ON ; keen cows and tiprin ers, in g 'demoturond steader, at $20 4,0 06. treItl.A0t1v0 and steady. at 915. to Iloge-skatirly Wetly ; pigs a shade' hi her ; others Se to 100 lower ; heavy, 0,76 to ett.00 -; mixed, 0.90 a Yorkere and pip le to .95 ' ro.uihs, $6.90 to SO ; tngi, 81.50 to$5. Sheep and Litihb.-Mtive ; yearlings 4nd mixed sheep steady; th re easier : lambs 35.15Oto 47.80 ; yearlings, $6.75 to 57 sheeP,;14n.elatbetler,84$6tot$6441). '25 em”‘ 45.5t) tc' ".75 ; i - Toiconm, May 1-Clattle Wore all Hold early in e day, and many buyers ere unable to get enough to supply their need, and a yew got none at all.; Export trade is dull, and o sly ;very choke - quality wIll find it market. A load f exporters of 1,400 lbs, Is reported to have sold at 0.40, and a few- _light- weights., that will probably be turned into the but - °here" trade, sold arotred $4.90. .Butcherte cattle solki briskly, and • the ecareity of- thein strengthened prices, although few quota/ e advandes Were made. Top prices -for good ordinar to choice quoliGy rang- ed trout $1.75 to $5, few sal 8 going above the latter price. A sirioll bunch of t e finest" quality on- the market sold at $6.25. _Po are in demand and. are the firmest spot In po t mar et.. Choiee are quoted a , kforttlesold tday at trOiti $3.76 to $4 e from $3.75 to $4. ; comin n to medium, $2.75 to 03.25. Trado 1 stockers an feeders ,is quiet, and will continue % until the at* ass start,s to grow more freety. A few °home, and lightweights or rind Oa. Miloh oews are stelicly and unchanged at eei to 850 for (Mateo ond $26 10 $30 for common. Oh 'Op and grain -fed lames - are firm, but common Instill continue slow. Quoba- tionswaarteernend.ehange. Hogs re .steady .aa 86•49.1 leo? alw Dairy M rkets, Toaoicto, April 30 -Butte -Market is fairly steady at the recent etall declines Oreamdry prints, 27 to solids, 26 to ' 20e : dairy pante, 24 to 25e ; tubs, 21 to no. Cheese -Firm at 14o for lora°, and 1440 for twins, in job lot here. leggs-alarket is steady at 17e ; splits, 14e, one3r --Pails, 13 t)12 per lb, ; cotribs, $2.50 to $2. 5 per dozen. AtOniteAl., April 30 -Oh me -The priee Terriablif firm and tiliohanged, at 11; !to Ilac. Butter --The market for butter remainrrn, and prices are fairly hih, at 251 to Saie,abe ng one cent higher thin last week. Eggs --No chon e in local market ; re- ceipts libeml,,• demand goo( ; price unobanged at 17,1a, though a few sales are everted at 17e. Gram etc, Toacno, ApriI80-Whea -Fall, 73 10 140 ; goose. 07 to 08e; /3;014, 720 ; oat , 44 to 415o : barley, 56 to 57c; peas, 75c, Potato e -Ontario, 35 to OM ; eastern, 9,5c in ee.r lots h re. Baled Hay -Prices are ilrni at $1.e.50 to $14 p ton for No. a timothy, and $11 to $12.50 for sdeon ary grades in car lots on traok here, Baled Str w -Firm. nt $7 tea 08 Per ton in ear lots here. Tontmeo, Aprli 30 -Prices poid at country points are ;-Alsike, faney, 1 to $7.20 ; No. 1, 80 to $6.35,• No 2, $5,10 to $5.40 ; No. 3, $4.20 to $4.50. Red Clavere-FaneY, $8.75 to / ; No. 1, $7 to $7.25 ; No. ;SOX to $6,50. Tim thy-Firro, rangy bright Canadian, unhulled $2,40 to Sten ; Noel, *1.70 to 02 tier bush. ; No. 2, $1.40 to $1.06 per baehel. • Elorse iarket. Tonorro, April 30. --Thi :market is hardly so brisk as it hasbeen, In fa t, it shows an unexpecto ed falling off. Values ean •ly be quoted from $6 to $10 below last week's q °talons. Potdes are in brisk demand, Shetlands 1 partioular being' enquir- ed otter. Other types ar hardly the average at this seasori of the year, an certainly no inore. In reality the slump in some es is ratber pronounced, although gord class horees find reada sale for speou- eatiOn. Drivers fetch dm nt-aprices, if sound, but ally draughters and heavy delivery can alone be de- pended upon to comma d anything like values. Carriage horses are a drag. Farmers areanaking,the beet of it backward ohilly season, and contradors are tell supplied. A disa pointing feature of the Spring tradei has been the ght purchasing for the Northwest. SSMOMVM4 Western Bank Of Can da, Established by A t of Parliament. General Bati16ngaBus1 lesetransacted. Dmfts bought and sold on all parts of:the world. Special actention give to Farmers, Drovers, ete. Advances made to res nsthle parties on their own notes. Interest paid or amp° nded four times a year at the highest current rat re {Ito cash Sale Notes »o matter on what Bank drawn. 117 Branches and Ag notes throughout Canada Mamas -Great Brita n-Itoyat Bank of Bed' land, Ormada-Merchant51 Bank of Canada ; New York -Merchants Bank of Canada. _ FRANK 11000NifELL, Manager DUBLIN i!BRAN014, Births. OARNOCHAN-In Tucker mitn, on April 271h, to • Mr. and Ma. Charles 13. Carnochan, a son. Brii,sel, on Ari1 301h, to Mr, and Mrs, Fred. McCracken, it Ma McGUIRE-In Clinton, on Aptil 2010, to Mr. and Mrs, McGuire, it son, MoTAGGART-In Clinton, pmi April 2410, to Mr. and Mrs. M. D. MoTaggark a daughter, FIXTER-an Winghtun, on pril 22nd, to Mr. and Mre. 11. Fixter, a daughter. , JOHNS -In Elimville, on Aptil 2011m, to Mr. and Mrs. John John% it SOn efoNENZIE-In Brandon, ou April Oth, to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mc/Kenzie, f rinerly of Tuckeremith, a -daughter, I • latIFFItagell• 8UTIIERBY-011E8NEY--- t the ;Inane°, Egmond on May 1st by Rev. N. Shaw, 13. A., Nelson Herbert Sut,horiy, of Clinton, to WIlhel. mina Margaret Chesney of Tuckersinith, HENRY-afeN1111,-In Stanley, at the borne of the bride, by Rev. Mr. So ere, of Brucefield, on April 24th, Win. Henry, if Egmondville, to bias hella McNeil, daughter of the late A. McNeil. HOGG-FRAIN-At the residence of the bride s. Armstrong, James G. Hogg 3,0 Julia A., daughter of parents, Grey, on Miti 1st, by Rev. E. F. Arm tro eta and Mrs. lorenzo . Frain. MAOPIIERSON-DOWZEI-At the Church of - the Transfiguration, Now York, on April 181.0, by Rev. Dr, G. O. lioughtoln, Annie Elsie Domer, - t° Donald Stuart 'deep erecno,both of Olintoro BAKER-STODDART-At the residence of the bride's parents, Goderica 00 .April 2410, by Rev. Jas. A, ,Andorson, B. A. William John, eldest son of John end alre. Baker, to Margaret Ellen; oldest daughter of D.W1t1 8. and Mrs. Stoddart, all of Goderich. FRENOH-aloNEIL-In Bilandon, on April 24th, Agnes McNeil, formerly 01 Clinton, to Mr. Itoy • lereneh, BOWERS-ItICIIARDSON In London, on April - 22nd, by Rev, Father Tobin, Wm. I. Bowers, of Calgary, to Hester Ann Itichardeon, of London, formerly of Hensall. Deaths. THOMPSON-In Seaforth, on April 2930, Margaret Boyd, relict of the late John Thonmson, in her 8010 year. ROBINSON-In Olintonaoni April 214, Win. Rob - insets, aged 81. years, FOSTER -In Clinton, on April 22nd, Kitty Fodor, aged 70 years. SHARP -In Clinton, on April 22nd, Mrs. Jas. Sharp, aged 26 years and 731110111118. BURROWS -In Goderich, 031 April 1910, Win, Bur- rows, aged 78 years and 2 mouth% MORRIS -In Caxierich, on Aprih 20t0, Mary Clan michrtel, reliot of the 1iUt Joseph Morris, ' • DUNFORD-In Clinton, on April 20th,Brittna Small. don, wife of James Dun ord, aged 89 years land 5 months. RUTTAN-In Morris, on Ap111l 24th, tteorge II. Rut- ter), In his Olet year. KLEIN-In Zurich, on April 2310, Miss Catherine Klein, aged 66 yenta a,n 2 days. ROEHRIG-Io tray, on Ap il 21st, Mrs. Casper Roe. hrig, aged 54 years, MUIR-In Exeter, on April 17th, john Muir, aged 00 years and 8 months. GORVETT-In Usborne, ori April lfith, Janice Gor- vett., aged years. CLARK -In Tookersmithr to April 1630, Mary E. Nieholls wife of Lewis Clark, in her 20th year. 13ROADFOOT-In Gladetone, Manitoba, on April 2710, Jean Walker, wife of Mr. R. E, Bram:Hook formerly of Morris township, aged,84 yeas. IRA I LW AY SYS'T E LOW ATES to Norfolk, Va., daily until November SO ofi account of the .3 am esto wn Exposition, Choice of routes. Lee I and through tickets istued jrvioUS nt tits for early train t Town ee. , — For tickets and full h rmation call on W. SOMERVILW , Town Agent, \A, F. PHILLIPS, Oepoe Tieket •geuty OMNI ••• ON P THE CANADIAN BANK FCO ERCE nE,AD OFFICE, TORONTO B. wAratug, President ALEX. LAIRD, General 1.genager A, E. IRELAND, Superintendent of 13ranclies ESTABLISHED 1887 Paid-up,Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, - 5,000,000 Total Assets, 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in the United Stales and England ••••12,•••.1. A: GENERAL BANICING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL ,AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTED SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT 91 Deposits of $1 and upwards received ; Interest allowed at current rates and paid quarterly. The depositor is subject to no delay whatever in the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. • SEAFORTH BRANCH. F. HOLMESTED Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager, WfliktfiAlEsMigikRatiMigiitifatriAMS HEINTZMAIV & 00s - Thie is the exelusive Ageney for this dig' tat fer these eelebrated ments. Ask for the litt'e leaflet; "Why a P in) gets out of tune," and, it will be easily seen why these instruments are so inuell in favor with the public, both here and abroad. Before bayipg give me a call. .▪ 7/31'11 SEAPORTH TALLiriz One door North of Richardeon & McInnis' Shoe Store. Ladies are ' Deligghted with CAMPBELL'S VARNIS H ISTAIN for re -staining and finishing Furniture, Wooci. work and Floors They Con do the work t.hemseives; with excellent results For Sale )3y REID & WILSON SEAFORTIEt IMPORTANT NOTICES. TIESIRABLB PROPERTY FOR SALE, -For sole J.' In Ifitrpurhey, it comfortable briolt cottage with kitchen and woodshed attached ; atm good gable with room for 3 horses or 3 head of cattle, hen house and pigpen, well and pump In stable • 'hard and soft water ; also 8 sores of land, on leach are the ohoicest varieties of all kinds of fruit It is it most desirable property for any person wanting a comfortable home. Apply on the premises or ad- dress, Seoforeh P, 0., JOHN MoDON0(411. .2055-11 A U0TION SALE of Horses, Cattle and .1loge.- 111, Jas. ,Tones, auctioneer, has received instruct - bus from the undersigned to sell by public auction at Bornholm, 5 miles north of Mitchell, on Friday, May 10th, 1907, the following ; 70 choice steere 8 years old, 80 choice eteere two years old, 20 choice steers 1 year old, 0 good milch cow% 50 store hogs, 2 sows in litter, 6 heavy draught colts 1 year* old, 8 heavy draught colts 8 years old, 4 goon working horses. Sale at one o'olook sharlit Terms. -6 months' credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved pint notes. Three per cent off for cash. No reserve as the proprietor has given up one of hie 100 acrelartne, ,This will be,rare opportunity of get- ting some choice steers for the gime. PETER NICHOLSON, Proprietor : • JAMES JONES, Auction- , eer for Perth and Huron. 20554 ormaldeity' de for 'Smut Germ on Rye, Oats, Wheat and Barbey 25q.and 50c 17. Bottle FRESII (STOOK IN THIS SPRING Full Line of D. M. FERRY'S GA.RDEN AND FLOWER SEEDS Hrsecleaners' Friends, e CAUSTIC SODA SHINOLA. FURNITURE POLISH Spring Disinfectants ZEIsTlYOLEUM" CHLORIDE LIME COPPERAS • CARBOLIC ACID The J. S. ROBERTS . DRUG STORE W. M. MoKAY Manager Great Clearing Sale AT THE , Seaforth Tea Store 15 Days' Sale to reduce stock, Great Bargains will be given. Six lbs. cooking figs for 25c 4 lbs. dates for 25o, 8 lbs. best prunes -for 25c, best raisinil0e a lb., seeded raisins 10c a package, honey 10c a Ibonaple syrup 26e ii. quart, 12 bars O. K. sye up for 25e. Although Teas have advanced in price from 46 to ,fle per lb., I am stilk selling at the old price, as I baBght heavy stock of Black, , Green and. Japan Teas before the prices ad- vanced. Seeds of all kinds, inangold and tur- nip seeds, Dutch sett onions, garden and flower seeds, butter beans, golden wax beans, best variety of early seed potatoes. Flour and Cereals of all kinds—corn- meal, oatmeal, pot and pearl barley. Wanted—Good fresh 13utter and Eggs, for which highest twines Will be paid, either in cash or trade. _ , irammomo Oats, aimamomm, T 1r Royal Rose High Grade Manitoba Wave H Crest F.A.MILt 'USE Diamoid ••••••••• for PASTRY Seaforth Milling C so 'can' len Wegkinvel".V4x sanaran„aneatt &Wats:can vr'ef5.24(049'dq- tweetzWkl'.;60, Von will save money and get a better roof by using PAROID. Slate coloi-eci—contains no tar -ht easily laid—a rocdEnekit free. Spark, water, gas,heat and cold proof. Lasts long and looks well. Don't take an :imitation. Send for it free sample, ' FM. Sale By GEO A SILLS, sow ORTH SAPIPLE itEE Notice to Ceeditors I In the matter of the estate of Peter Campbell, late of the Township of Stanley, instho County of Huron, Yeoman, demi:wed, Notice is hereby given, Pursuant to the revised Statutee of Ontario, Chap. 129, that all creditors and others having claims agaiust,the ,estate of the saki Otto Peter Campbell, who died on or about the 18th day of Mareh, A- D., 1007, are required on or before the let day of June, A. 1), 11)07, to and by Peet Pre- paid, or deliver toslaines Cianpleell, Bayfleld la na., one of the Executors of tile estate of the said decem- ed, their Cihridian and Sir names, addreesee and de- scriptions, the lall partieulers Of their claims, a statement of their amounts and the nature of the se- curity, if any, held by theta. Ard further take notice that after such last Mentioned date, theXax- contort; of said estate will Proceed to distribute the meets Of the deeeased &Mont the parties enti- tled thereto, having regard weth e to e claims of t which they shall then have °tide, and that the said Executors will not be liable- or the said meets or any part thereof :to 0.113 perso or persons of whose claims notice shell not thenba.ve been received by them at the time of suah diatribation: ' Med at Goderich, this 17111 day Of April, 1067. PROUDFOOT, HAYS & aff•ard-,, , Solialtore ftlithel Executors. 1- 2053-3 TOR ,Popular Stallions GOLDEN CROWN W. B. ALLAN, Prop. MONDAY --Golden Crown will leave hie own dable, Lot 10, Concession 0, Hallett, and proceed out as far as Fowler's school bowie corner, to John Carter's for noon ; from there to Royal Hotel, Seaforth, for night. TUESDAY -Will proceed on North Read to John Scarlett's, Leadbury, for noon ; thence to J. Long's lintel, Town Plot of Grey, for night. WED- NESDAY -Will proceed to Walton Hotel, for -noon ; thence to Allen 14ros., Harloek, for night THURS- DAY -Will proceed to his own stable for noon, where he will remain until Saturday morning. SATUR- DAY -Will proceed out to Mr. Gordon'e, Sunshine, fornoon ; thence by way of Myth hoineovhere he will remain till the following Monday morning. 2054 PRINCE of MIDLOTHIAN. . WAL A. ROSS, Proprietor, a Monday, May 1810.-Wil1 leave hie own stable, Lot 10, Con. 3. Stanley, and proceed east to James Dallas' for noon ; thence to Chat Laytons, West End, for night. Tuesday. - Will proceed to Neil McGregor's, for noon ; thenee to hie own stable for Malik Wednesday -Will proceed to Varna Hotel for noon • thence to W. Elliott's, Goshen line, for night. Thure'day.-Will proceed to Haan , Bros., Parr lame, _ Stanley, for noon ; thence to his wan stable, where ho will remain until Friday afternoen. Friday After- • noon. -To Brueefield, then to hie own stale% where he will remain until the following Monday morning. '4°55 CLEN DRIB. PRINCE. N._ J. W, NOT.; Proprietor. Wednesday. -Will leaveshis own stable, Lot 90, Coneesslon -, L. R. fa, Tualcersmith, and go south 2, miles to the Mill Road, then met along the Mill Road to Geo. Aherhart's, for 000n 4: then to Sea - forth, then west along the Huron Read to G. O. Dale's, Jr., from 4 to 0 o'clock; then north to Thos. McMichael's, Hullett, for night Thureday.-West to Fowler's school house, then south tb the Huron Road, then West la miles to Louis Orieles for noon ; then by way of Ransfordal side road to hie own stable for night, whom he will reanain until the fol- lowing Wednesday meaning. 2055 ELECTRIC B. BERRY at BLAIR, Proprietors, . Monday, May 6tho -Will leave him own stable, half a mile south of Brumfield, and go south to Kip. pen and east to William Workman's 101h Conoes- sion, Tuckersrmtb, for noon I then cad by way of Croniarty, and mutat-to Farquhar, at Temperance Mouse for night. Tueeday.4-Eacit to 1fuss-chit/1e for noon.; then north to Mitchell, at the leeks House for nightn Ivelnesdo.y.-;.-To Dublin, -at the Domin- ion Hotel, for noon • then to Seaforth, at Dick's Ho- tel for night, Thursday. --To Leadbury, at William 1 McGavinai for noon; then by way of Walton to Blyth, at the Moon House for night. Friday. -To 1 Lendeehoro, at tho Temperance Houee for noon ; ithen to Clinton, at Gralianiat Hotel for night. Fiat- urday.-To his own iambi% where he will remain 1 until the following Monday morning. BEST MAN. JAMES MINS, Proprietor, Mouday.-Will leave his own stable, Beechwood, and go 'to P. Wood', Logan, tor noon ; then to hie own Stable for the night. Tuesday. -To John Mur - ray's for noon ; then to J. G. Grieve's for the night. ednesday, To John tittle's, Concession 8, for noon • then to his own citable for night, Thursday. -To Dominion Hotel, Dublin, for noon ; then to , Joseph Atkinson', Hibbert, for night. Friday. -To Martin Curtin's, Huron Road, foe noon ; then to James Dorranee's, McKillop, for night. Saturday, - To hie own stable foe noon, remaining until the fol- lowing Monday morning. CLAYMORE. B. 13. STEPHEPON, Proprietor, Monday, May Oth, will. leave hie own stable, Oonetanee, and proceed 214- utiles south, then east to John MeDowellea for noon ; then cub to Roxboro, then north 4 nine% then east to Jas. Dorranee's for night. Tuesday. -By way of the North Gravel Road to John Grieve's for noon ; then to Allan Braga, Ilar- oak, for nieht, Wednesday. At Ids own stable. Thursday, -North la tulles, then west to Wm. Stew- art's for noon ; then west to Wm, Bali's, Bee° Line, for night. Friday. ---By way of Base Lino to Anne Cornislas for noon ; then to Jas. Iteynold% Lot 82, Concession 4, Huliett, for night. • Saturtlay,-At his own stable, where he will remain until the following Monday morning. • LORD WOLESLEY, LIVINGSTONE & HORTON, Proprietor. Monday. -Will leave bus own stable, Skala, and go west and north to Charles Gormley's, for noon ; then to Patrick Connors', ard ooncession of Ribbed, for night Tuesdays -North to the Huron Road ad ease to Dublin, at Weler's Hotel, for noon ; then south along the Centre Road to hisownramble, where he will remain until the following day at noon, Wed- nesday Noon. -South 10 Cromarty, then east to Alex. Dowel, Fullerton Town Line, for night. Thurs- day -South and 00.111 by way of Mount Pleasant, at Alfred Rose', for noon ; then eouth to Kirkton, at Taylor's Hotel, for the night,. Friday, -West to John Delbridges, Wineheleia, for noon ; then west to Robert Sellery% concession 4, Usborne, for the night. Saturday. -East itt d nOrth to the ert boundary, aeshames Ballanterne, Jr., for noon; t4mcn by way of the Centre Road to his own stale, where he will remain until the following Mon morning. WILDER LEE. _ . JAS. BERRY, Prop. Monday. -Will leave his own stable, Lot 8, Conces- sion 5, II. It 8,, Tuekerstnith, and go to Hibbert Boundary, then south 3! miles, then east to Albert Rycleman's for noon ; thence to Oro/arty, then north to Carlin's Hotel, Staffer, for night, laresday. -Then north DO Weberai Hotel, Dublin, for noon ; thence to Seaforth, at Dick's Hotel, for night. Wed- riesday.-By way of the Mill Road, to Bossenberry's Hotel, 13rueefield, for stool* ; thence to Varna, at ICook's Hotel, for night Thursday. -West to Gosh- en Line, then south to Wagner's corner, then to NieholsOn's 110tel, Blake, for noon ; then south_and eat to Itau'e Hotel, Zurich, for night. Friday. - To Hefferpanai Hotel, Hensel}, for noon ; then north along the London Road, to Thos, Kyle% Kippen cor- ner, for night. Saturday. -13y way of Krong's Ro- tel, to his own stable, for noon, where he will remain until the following Monday morning, 'B R S R. GOVENLOCK & ARCHIBALD, Proprietors. Monday, May (Ith, -Will leave his own stable, Lot 80, Concession 12, MoKillop, and proceed to It Dodd% Lot 22, Concession 6, Meltiliop, for noon ; then to Dick's Hotel, Seaforth, for night. Tuesday. -13y way of the and Concession, Tuckersmith, to Thomas Coleman's for noon ; then north to jorieph Daynian% Lot 1, Concession 2, ilullett, by way of .Alma, for night. Wednesday -North to Henry Tay- lor's, Lot 0, Concesaion 11, Mullett, for noon ; then to his own stable for night. Thursday. - Will go east ito S. Forbes', Coneeitilon 14, efeitillop, for noon ; then north to Oliver Turnbulre, Conceal -ion 10, Grey, for night. Friday. -West, then north to afr. Bird'e for noon ; then north to the American Ilotel, Brussels, for the night. Saturday. -South to James Bolger's. Concession 8, Morris, for noon ; then to his own stahle, where he will remain until the following Monday morning.. 2055 omit bbillo *WWII FLA.SHWOOD'S LA3T. THOS. DICKSON, Proprietor. Monday, May eith. -Will leave his own stable and proceed to 'Photo :Melody's for noon, remaining there until 6 o'clock ; thence to Patrick Morris' for night, Tuesday. --To James lieltay's for noon ; thence to John Armstrong's for night. Wednesclay.-To J. E. Ball's, west end school house, for noon ; thence to Arthur Dale's for night, Tbunday.-To Jim Dale', west of Milburn, for noon, remaining there until 4 o'clock ; theism to John Rapson's for night. Irrida3o, ;-To Hugh Alexander's for noon ; thence to Wm. Mature's for night. Saturday, --To his own stable, Seaforth, where he wilt remain until the following Monday morning. 2055 LORD HURON. THOS. DICKSON, Proprietor. Monday, May 6th. -Will leave his own stable and wooed to John Dales, Huron Road, for noon ; thence to ltueben Graham's, Clinton, for night, Tireeclay.-To Edward Wiseei for noon ; thence to Wm. `,eolcioughao for night. Wednesday. --To Geo. Hudie's for noon ; thence to John Torrance's, Por- ter's 11111, for night. Thursday. -Will proceed down the Cut Line to Ilohnesville, for noon ; thence down the Huron, Road to the 1010 000008810n, then 'north to Burt Murphy's for night. laiday.-ro Geo, Far- quhar's, Mullett, for noon ; thence to Win, 11. Far- quhar% ard concession, Mullett, for night. Satur- day, ---To his own stable, Seaforth, where he will re. main Until the following Monday morning.• 2055 • MAC OF NEWFIELD. • .L F. McINTOSH, Proprietor 's MONDAY. --Will leave his own Stable, Lot 8, Con- cession 12, McKillop, and proceed to Wm. Morrison, jrato lath Concession, for noon I then 10 3. Shannon's; 12th Oornieseion, for night, TUESDAY. -West to William Mill's, Ilullett, tor noon • then to Mason's Motel, Myth, for nights 1VXDNk8DAY.-Weet. to Jelin Preffer's for noon I then to J. Higginhottorrae for the night. THURSDAY. -To R. OsealcGoevanais East Wawatiosh, air noon ; then to W. Phelan's for night. FRIDAY. -To Wm. Sholdlee's, Grey, _for noon ; then to -.Jamas Houston's for night. BATOR- DAY.--Iforne to his OWD 'stable, where he will re - 1110.311 until the following Monday morning. 2055- A•••• 1 GatASS FARM- TO I/BK.-To rent, Let 17 Con - erosion 4, MeKillop,100aerasin gram. WflI he rented for a term of years. . MORROW BROS., Seaforth. Corner Main end Market -Spoof" Soatortk, Ontario. ard CIithln Cancer Four Count! IRR NG A --IN ALL— PAR The greatest store and the greAest business in Seaforth have risen here on the foundation of pub- lic satisfaction, with the best service, the best as-- sortraents and the lowest prices. We never have permitted, and never will permit, any one to under- . sell us, or to successfully dispute our supremacy in any branch of our business. Departmen Twenty dozen Corset Covers, nicely trim ed with rows of lace and ins, - tion .with peplum, at 25e edeh ' A big sale of stylish Shirt Waist to hand, latest desigus and t` biggest range ever shown in Seidel prices from 50c to $3 75 S , and ee our beautiful net sta 'point &esprit"0 ) prices $3. $3,76 each Also the celebrated L- Mosha Wash S lk—Iapanes $6.50 each Ohildren's Russian Coats in silk, velvet and cashmere, navy and green, beautifully trimmed ;, prices from $2.85 to $3,7 Special bargains in Ladies' White Petticoats of fiambric, some wit ruffle of lawn, others with numerous rows of valenciennes or torah= Is deep flounce of erabroidery ; prices from 75e each to $3 each A cord Torchon Lace, containing 6 yards, a1 lSo each editnill1111111111112111111111111.11111111111111111101M8 Children's heavy ribbed Cotton 11;ise—yJack and Jill brand --s school wear, special values at from 19e to 30c Women's Plain Cotton Hose-e—seamless—warra nted fast for 25c Ask for our C. M. 0, Hose Supporter for ladies and childi A complete stock of the newist in Ladles' Waeh Collars and Belts Also a new lot of 'Dresden Ribbons for Oollars and Belts at 3Oe a Yar4 0 iteffilt*****410.4.441 .040******11 • Ladies ackets :NEW SPRING :.S'TYLESo New Spring styles in Lathe Jackets, Raincoats and Skirts at speoi prices .See our range of Ladies' Silk Capes, with the most fashionable trimmings Prices from $6 to $15 ea..1 10401tAtA0WAMAI*01~~~stows. Men's Clothing Department If they didn't, our store wouldn't be one -qua ter big enough. We don't claim that every man who doesn't buy here makes a mistake. But if he buys clothes at the same price as ours, or shirts or hats or any article of men fur- nishings, and buys elsewhere, he does make a mistake. Values is our ory. We are independent buyers—buy from the best makers only—not bound to buy from any one manufacturer. Our stock represencs tho best of seven. Just to hand. a large shipment of Men's Fang Worsted, Suits newest style, heavy weights, dark shades, all sizes, from 34 to 42, at $8 OUR $10.00 SUIT. At this price, as at every other through this stock, you will find qu ties that are different from the usual clothes to be had at equal priees. Large shipment of Men's Tweed Pants to hand, all $1,25 . A pile of Men's odd Vests—all sizes—at 750 See our Floxmon Shirt, all pure linen, extralarge s' • ze a bargain at Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs and, Wool. WILPICKAIIIII Si 80 Oppolito Town Buildlng, Corner Min MCI Marko ,MPORTBRO Mgt