HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-05-03, Page 3• 0 tzon to 1003c -ii by .1-er.t Dante. ger Can • W A keen discussion is being e. bv some of the be scientists artd "erime" of kissing, IPA Sonera Health Offieer of Au- \ty, and Dr. Nalpasse, of th,* ed ie uley of Paris, They el2etv4 e kiss spreading ,c,frippe Rearm • lation no subject, lima O f notices in railway sera and ether pubnit hey say it would be us, hem on verandah ,, i* ‘s.7 hes, s'hacly noekc ni‘N-nilit lawns. They ols-6 propose rnpulsorv legislation for !methods of • !pet ion of the mouth and pm.; *he breath 4,SpeCittliy veith a view the protection of the innoe.eut habit* so are particularly subject to inlet.. au. The greatest and most effective irifier arid germ destroyer known. to,. °akal. science for the mouth, throo id breath, as well as for the bod °mach and lungs, is Psychine, iumph of the medical world that tracting almost universal atterrtke .eause of the wonderful results inding its use. One of its recent tii.. mph% is told as a matter of experee ce in the following brief statement* e. sloe= Co. I an sending' you photo,and teatirtioniat h=r. ith for yoill• great reinedy MCHINE. your medies did wonders for me. 'et' it$ AbO 1 t 2gOr Lyea.. of age when 1 took MCIUNE. rat XO Jud given nos' as en incurable consonip. vs. My Wags and every orb -allot the body wera disw-qed and wasted. Friends and n nat6onglit I'd never gpt better. But PaYr, oreed me2 My lunge nave never bothered az% 'Ad EVeline. is a twinetneat cure. ' MRS LIZZIE GAMMA w 519 Bathurst St., Lendoteeste , Psychine pronounced Si -keen, is adi itted to be the moat WOUderfill Of " use and germ -destroying agents -a,' tor building up the ran -down, system" nd curing all forms of dome& rouble, and diseases of the, chest, hroat and lungs Or head, it is s . • . napproachable. Ir, is a reliabl fitment. For sale at all clruggrar,s, Oa and $1.00. Or Dr. T. Slocunim -t,44a nit Kin West, no (TS meaeles, 1liumP9. whoop n;c1h, typhOld fever, diphtheria, er e•ia,;9, meningitis, tuberculosis, a Firer infectious ,.tin diseases. They IMPORTANT NOTIC ENT in Brussels bv February lst,.1 t., block 2nd door from Amen copied as tailoring, readymade clothing, clilaILVEY, Brussels. • - (TEERS WANTED. -Wanted, to buy so year or three.yeanold steak steers for :parties having such for sale will ;Trite me :giai1eee them. W. OOVENLOCK, Seel° FIAMWOILT11 BOAR Pelt SERVICE. -The sin - 1. dersigm.el bas for servi(:e on Lot 24, Cowes, [on 3, It. R. S., Tuckeremith, a T.horobral "ettir Boara1.00 payable at time of service, ai rivilege of retutning if neeeseary. H. BAMIL 5aforth. ANTED AT ONCE on Solara' and one rod man in each lomlity with le of handling hordes, to advertise and we onrgliaranteed block and poultry specifies, e Beces.ry ; we lay out your work far oa. $25. a weak and expensee. Position peretea!-- nt. Write W. A. JENEINS, Manufaetaring , ondon, Ontario. 201..54 11. Mt LEAN'S adjustable, rad'iating and fireproof etovepipe thimblee arethe ht= in that line-, eeonomical, dean, safe and dumb* e well as being a heat conveying, regulating ard ?ntilating apparatus. They add coinfore and ewe rpense in fuel Beg( material used. Crane ISY [ail promptly filledwholesale or retail. WM. Rs i-eLEAN, Heusall, Ont., Manufacturer. .EARING AI-C.710N SALE of Ifousehold L'Aare and note! Fixtures. -B. S. Phillips, s- eer. has been instnieted by Mr. Ezra Bice to MO , -.:. nubile anetion at the Queeiee Hotel, 1leniaH a - 4tirday, May 4th, iron 10 o'clock to 12 orelo I,. ELIA from 1 t9 ti ci'elock p. m., the foil • .fpl)erty, viz : Household Effeets.--13 iron bedetes4 a. widen bed steads, la bureaue, la dressers, lil wags 'amis, 1 lounge, la bed staring% pfilowel and Us'art k' the Arose, 1 walimtparlor siute, 2 elothes egibin- 1,:e. I sewing. maehine, 4 dining room tables,4 Web,* Wee, a centre table, 12 arm chairs. 24 dining nem airs, tia bedrooni chairs, I Empress range andeook- 4' utensils, 2 svood heaters, 2 coal furnaces, I bcsc - Viee,platforrn ecalea (1,200Ibe.)mangel,writing ,rge mirror -,2 sideboarde, 4 cupboards, wardrobe! dishee, 3 dozen knives and forks, 3 doz. spouse, : eliamber sets, 20 pictures, /2 spittoons, 1 her •le, K bedroom carpets, a pieces matting, BO win* • blinds and poles, 11 window awnings, 26 window' ens, 0 screen doors, 1 large sideboard, quarterea or baelt of bar, 1 hot water urn with ner, 50 yards oilcloth, 1 pair enamel wash i hubs irackets and pipe, 1 set electric bells, elee'als_ .ht fittings. The most af these articles have -en in use for a short time. Terms. ---All lame, I and under, cash ; oVer that amount six in -- teiff be given on furnishing approved Pi* 1. A discount of 0 per cent. per annum alloirtel r cash on credit amount% Ali v,-illpositir_elYbr • • as the proprititor is 'dying up liminess. Pl*Aaw CE, Proprietor ; B. 3:1-1111,14PS, Auctioneer._ - MDR SALE. nwru BOARS FOR SATZ -Thee signed offers for sale Neven good re worth ,floare about two months: old, 5530 with pig. Apply to WM. B 17 .S FOR SALE. --The undereigned has ler le.on Lot 25, Contatssion 4,11, R. S., Tue.kes*- tb four thorobnal Durham bulls, all red hi eelere nging hi age tram 1Y; monthit to 2 yeare old, OW inners at the leading fairs in the eoUntYe UT CRICli, Seaforth P. 0. 2043d CESTEIt fel MEP AND SHORTHORN CA 'Olt SALE. -The undersigned has for sale' Thorobred Leieeeter Sheep and Durluun Cstas,. rot h setea-. Address Egmondville Da 0 I, Mill Road, Tuckeeinith. ROBERT -tS & OONS. 1177241 VISTERED STOCK FOR SALE. --The signed offers for sale on Lot 27, Coneessiree ttert township, a ritlirlber of heifers and poet taith ears es at foot, 4 Shorthorn bulls fit for • st rt lir imported Prince of saute eteek. are per registered in the Nap 4 Reeoria. Prices; moderate, terms easy, 'Maori (ate latVID IIILL, :Raab, P. 0. 1990-%0 VITLE Ft it a kW For 5,ale, the noted the i•rk #1 All. ale..n. Polled Aw4-us .Bun ; ri f ni t', •I! 11:tron ; Also a good drsq31P-* • f..r lady 04 chie land will work either" or bit% iiI sell either for cash or outline- . of, Loy :;ti, Crawes.ion 2, McKillop. ROBWr •Itl II E, :,..eafortsi. 0„ 7 2.604342 "Olt Volt "ti k. I,ot 5, ConcessiOn el, leas, in large or -quail quantitleate haq#•-r. dar po,.0. eight or eight and : anchor postsany size. Any person 16--" • barn timher uould do well to ingAre C� • i,# -r part ie•alarn apply to JOHN MePH / 1;4 Leadhury P. 0, 05,0 failultti -Seven ilrst-clasa young - hes imported eowa, for ore at • and en ease terms ; good youn,.% Cows alor tor --. All t Pro0 .4,1 are Cord/alb' t he le rd. Fara: adjoins toWn, if Tel.,10. farrig. .Writv for eat* "ill. ieseter. 1 P_TIP il:Ss.- 'Lase bred bulls and ferna/m sera neat agee fie. male, ;sett two dozen to sac, n wee:able. Tient now'beetled (.:!s.), i1, je got by the an• t ittaeirted etas* on both indelt g10,)51 rOcil won %et oii short legs. -.Le _ _ e hi -tired ; others on applitet .r. ELDER, Hensel' - 1936-fr - f"' • vtore to Rent. tore of t hr. Bell Block, in the View . a eases for a general stow it, Iv any business requiring a. large, taildires. A eoinfortable dwelling a Poeseasion can be given a once. A EDT L'ELbe Seaforth,Oat. AVINGS intcrezt pai 4 times Toro un quest I mad Y. and beyond any doubt vto.frlt of tho no." and throat can be cured. %washing Dationtti through dnigirlsts.,sinail Ten 1 Boxes of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Coro. Ido this t.,,cauvli I am so ettrtabi, that 1)r. Shoop's (atarli Coro will bring itettial aubstantial hem, Notil;ntr e .rtuinly, is so convincing as a physkm test of any artY.,of r..r I, genuine merit. But,tbut 1,ua5t 1elrivs4 true merit, else the teat coml.-at:a rather than advance it. Dr. Shoop's °gave.' t'uro1.ft MOW Wh,:itt% atr081)Titie' uam. LAU:Up in beautiful mekel calmed giiml 3ars 1St E-t3e. Such soothing age its as Oil Enealepius, stymie. Menthol, ete.. are incorponeed.into YelYetY. (Team 111:c Petrolatum. imported by Dr. hoop from Europe. If i'atiarrh of the nOs0 on I threat bite extended to the stomach, then hy nil means alsouse Internally, Dr. ShoOn's RoStorati vv. .storoneh dbl.-roes. a )8.Clc of general strongth. bloating, belching, bilionsness, bad tasto, etc. surely Call for Dr. Slinop`e Reetbrative. For uncomplicated catarrh only of the nose n rid _threat nettling e15e.howeve.r, need be uSed last Eads bixtrk as light as if made by fairy hands, Baked to a. golden russet brown. So fresh, and crisp, and tempting, that just opening the box is teasing the appedtc. An -d. you - find a ne delight in every one you eat. Yon get pafeetion wh= you get AS. ABURART. The New Store For New Goods FISH - Flamm Haddi-e, Ciseoes, Whitefish, Mackerel and Trout. These are very seam, but are t3xtra good quality. tEOETASLE--- Letttlee, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Beets, Par solpsand Turnips always on hand. FRESII MEAT— We My nothing but the best quality in Beef, Pork and Lamb in this department. We have,. extra flue pricee. CURED MEAT8--- Hain, Hawn, Breakfast Bacon andlRolls always n hand. _ COOKED MEATS— ' Corned Beef, Head:Cheese:II/elope andiNew England Ham. GROCERIES— Our grocery department. is complete. z:Always fresh and good. KciUSE BROS., ...AMERCE BLOCK —7PHONE 96 SEAFORTH. DR. WOOD'S - NORWAY PINE SYRUP I Stops the irritating cough, loos- ens the phlegm, soothes tho in- flamed tissues of the lungs and • quick and permanent cure in all ; bronchial tubes, and produces a cases of Coughs, Colds, Br )n- ehitis, Asthma, Hoarseness, Throat and the first stages of Consumption. Mrs. Norma Swanston, Cargill, Ont., writes: "I take great pleasure in recom. ending Dr. Wood's NorwagPine Syrup. • had a very bad cold, could not sleep a.t `night for the coughing and bad pain a in 'My chest and lungs. I only Used half a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine 'Syrup and was perfectly well again." Prices 25 cents a bottle., Wingham Business Col ege is a high grade CoMmercial S hool Three 00 se Commereial - Stenography - Telegraph *rite GEORGE SPOTTON, Prinp You cannot possibly have a better Cocoa than A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and economical. This excellent cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers in arid i.lb Tins. Sodas 90 CANADIAN PACIFIC IRRIGATED FARMS IN SUNNY ALBERTA Before; deckling where to -locate in the West, let ue tell you about these lands. The best wheat fields -the richest giazieg land -are in this Province. Write us for full information about orops, climate and special railroad rates, etc. Local representative wanted in each county. Telfer & Osgood Bagels &OW heats 245 CORISTINE BUILDING MONTREAL ? I You rnay be able to ,get along without a KowEks.. 141001 '03itsRato WATERPROOF SUIT OR SLICKER But caii you afford to? THESE 1GARMENTS ARE GUARANTEED WATERPROOF LIGHT-COMFORTABLE-DURABLIE LOW IN PRICE SOLO BY Mi. RELIABLE HALM ;roam CAr•aNfre• CO LOAM). 501 I :ronorno. 0,44. - CRESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for OR THROATS; AND copons They conabine the igermieldel value of Cresolene withlhe soothing properties of slippery elm and lico- rice. Your druggist or fr tri us, 10c in stamp,. Lamina, Mums Co., Lin2iteit, Agents, Montreal, or Nurses' and , Mothers' Treasure --safest regulator for baby, Prevents colic and vomititig- tves healthful rest -cures diarrhoea wi hout the harmful effects of medicines ontainiag opium or other injurious drake. 42 C1.1 res W. -at nig-stores. National rug & Chem - Diarrhoea' outreal. In The Supreme Court of the Northwest Territories. Judicial District of Western Assinibola In the matter of the estate ofiThornas McDonald, de- ceased. Parsuant'to the order of the Honorahlel‘Er, Justice Newland% dated the 10t1) deo of April, A. Ds 1007, altpartiee Wing claims againet the above estate, are required to send in the aaid claims together with statement of security (if any) eld by them on or be- fore the 1.5th day of July, A. D.. 1007, to Mew's. Balfour & Martin of the City f Regina, Advocates for the Administrator, Dated at ItegIna the 16th day of April, A. D., 1007 - BALFOUR & MARTIN, • Regina., 20544 Alvoe tes for Administrator • a LONDON LI E CIL HOME GOIYIPA.Nif) One of our up-to-date plans -a 16 payment, 20 year endowment -- guarantees $1,01J0 find, profits, notwithstanding the fie f. that the hist four payments are eliminated. The premiums oi this new Policy remain identical with those of the leading Ain rican com- panies. whielpeall for twenty comtinuous annual payments. I I .. W. H, ROBIWBON, Inspectot, Seaforth, u1011 OSUMI I TRIOT MATTERS. Hum Licenses. The Lleenee- CoMiniesioners for Beet Der= 'have 'granted the 'following aiqUor licenses for -the 'present year: Belmore, 3. Kirby; Fordwich, Hem' Otto; Gore tie, A. G.- House, George Cook ;Wrox- eter, A. A,. Baty, W,, a. Currie three' months extensicei; Jamestown, T; W- EI/Vete, wine and beer; Bluevale, J. C. Johnston; Beigrave, 111, Rill; Brus- sels, George Brown, ,T, querin H. James; :Walton, •Wm. Emigh; L. ;Wolfe; Crantrooki 3, Long; Ethel, 3. 'A. Klunep; Molesworthe Mrs. It Seehaver. There are 15 licenses Is sued 'this year, ;being Due less :the last year. There •. are no shop )114en see Wetted in East- Huron, West Huron Licenses, -At a meet ing of the West Herron Cottentn. Ssio ers held et Auourn for the perpos or granting liquor Ileenses for th current year consideraole interes centred around the question, wheth er lthe commissioners would Brant license to Jonathan Miller; or the Carlow hotel, which rule not had license for many years; A Stron deputation of temperance workers pre ignited a petition against the issue o the extra. Bemuse, and. Mr. Under' application also was backed up by petition. The license was ;granted This makes two licenieed ;places i Colborne). township, - instead of one a heretofore. Thefollowing license were issued: Clinton -C. W. Brown of the Normandie; J. Weir, of th Commerdial; R. Graham, of the Gra hem Houee; A. Robinson, of the Rat tenbury; George Stewart, of the •Wav erley. Blyth -3. J. McCaughey, Ur Mason. Colborne„ 3. Miller, W, Glaz ler, Dungannon, Mrs. Mallough, Ntountaln. Port Albert, N. Pierson Alex. Young, of Kintail, was givel !three months to put his piece In re - ;Pair, The Goderich and Wingliaan 1- censes were 'to be decided upon at sitbsequent meeting of the eomini stoners. -A Sad Case. -We made mention holt week of the death of Mrs. John Mut, of Exeter„ and daughter of Mr. ax4U, Mrs. Joseph No'ole, of Seaforth. 0 Exeter correspondent, in his notes, aJL- so rea,de veer reference to the death of Mr, Muir, which followed. ,a, few days after that of his .wife. The Exeter. Advooate' make S the followieg 'reference to the sad eventrt soya The eireumstances are indeed sad, at least the taste are pathetic, out lit is hard. to put on, paper seeh a 'burden of pathos be a, way :to make martifeist the ifull weight of the trouble which elle, irarnediete 'relatives have been subjected. Pneumonia was, the cause of death, the same disease from which hie ;beloved wife had deed just fivedays previous, and of which tie had !been afflicted onlY a short timIS. From the early steps of his affliction his case' assumed a serious nature, afid he immediately gave up all hopes of 'recovery. Mr. Muir was a native of Scotland, having been' born in Cree- town, in ;the year 1887. Fortyethree yearslater he came to Canada, and took up 'hie !residence in Exetor. Re- maining only; a ;ehert time, he ,went to ;reside in Paisley, in Bruce county, Where he stayed three years, And Olen returned -to Exeter. Being • a; weaver for many years he conducted the wool- len mills in Exeter until a. few years ago, when he was compellee 'to re- tire, owing to declining health. .Ite his private life, business manage- ment and occupation of public of- fice, he won golden opinions for hon- esty, kindness, usefulness and mor- al worth. He was among the few whe spend years in a locality. with- out engendering the ill -will of some - 'body. Last fall, accompanied; ;by his son •Will, 'he roade a trip to. the Old: Country, an enjoyed greatly 'his re- eurn to 'les 'native son. He sat for a DISITitter of years at the council board, and be - will lbe eerreemberee III 111,13 municipal career as having zealously 'triad unstintingly given hernself to the 'servece of the town's welfare. He was a member of ethe presbyteriare chorale and; in •Polities a Liberal.. He waOv s ice 'married, and leaves to matfrn 'his dea,,th. four sons and; two daughters, Retied, of Gewantla, N.Y.; John, of London; Mrs. B. Making, of Exeter, all, by the 'first, wife; and William and Bert by the second.' Piles get quick and, certain' relief _from! Dr. S'hoop's Magic Ointment. Please 9n.ote it is fnade alone for piles, and its irtion is positive and certain, Itching, painful, protruding or logind piles disappear like magic by its use, Large nickel -capped .glass jars 50 cents. sold, by C. Aberhart, druggiet, Seaforth. ' In The Olden Days. •••••I OM. P.M, Interesting sketches of - the early days of Seaforth and vicinity, taken from the files of The Ex- positor. -- Seaforth, July 2, 1875. On Sunday last, Willie= Torrance Have Esq., Wed at his reeidence in. Ceoderich, of congestion of the liver. Deceased' had -teen • in ,poor health for some time. Mr. Hays came to this country when five years old, his father settling in the township of ,Melrillos, He was a lawyer by pie,- feselOn arid for four years represent- ed North Huron in the Ontario Leg - t islature. In -1871 he wee appoint .d registrar for the North riding of Huron, which office he held' until te abolition. 1 Seaforeh, July 9, 1875. Dr. Burgees, formerly of Lucan, h loca,tecl in Seaforth. In the prize list of the inhisumm r examination at the Academy a the Sacred Heart, London, the names r Miis Annie Downey awl Miss Louis Campbell, of Seaforth, appear in highly creditable manner. In a baseball match at Listowel o Dominion Day, theStars of Seaeprth defeated the Red Stockings of tha town by 44 runs to 12. The gam was for a aver cup and; the cham pionSeep of elle counties of Welling ton, rPerth, Huron, Grey and: Bruce. •••••Ii... am* Seaforth, Jule. 16, 1875. The trotting :mare. 'Lady Dufferin, as been sold to a gentleman in God- erich for $60e. At a rneeterig" a those connected with Duff's church._ elelCillop, who :reside in the vicinity of Winthrop, it was 'resolved to Proceed with the erection of a. new church at :Winth- rop at once. At a 'been raising on the farm of John Walker, concession 12, Grey, on Friday afternoon, a neighbor, John Calder, fell from the top of thebuild- fug Ito the, cellar., receiving injuries oe our eatt Beat Yea. 100,000 times 'each! day. Does it send out good blood or bad blood? You know, for good blood is good health . bad blood, b d health. , And you know precisely what to take for bad blood — Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Doctors have .endorsed it for 60, years. Ono frespient came of bed blood is a isluggish liver. This prodUeete eantttipation. Poisonous substations aro then absotbed into the blood. Keep the bowels aponl with Ayer s Pills. a" 't' 3:vr?4,1:777r4Esats,0 HAIR Vi0011. 7 liffit ACil/E CURE. 0...7 CHEW PEON th We have no cecrets Wo publieh, the foiniulati o all mar medicines. from eirlich he died early .the follow- ing mL3itlg. Seafor• the July 23, 1815. A _eon of Mr.George Weiland, of Egmendeille, fell from a 'swing the - other day and fractured his right thigh loone. An old :resident of Ilullett, in the pe'rtson. of Mrs. Roperi McMillan, died at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Gileert onl Tuesday night last. She had attained. the great age of 94 years. Deceased was a native of Scotland and, came, to Canada 88 years ago, Seaeo▪ rth, july 30, 1875. Mr. .A.11an MeLean, of The Exposi- tor left Goderich on Sunday last on hes way. to Colorado, whets ehe pur- poses staying for a time in the hope of eienefitting his health. On .Wednesday 'night oft last week, the Collector of Inland Revenue for the county of guron seized an illicit Otill in the village of Wingharn. Searoeth, Aug'. 13, 1815. The town council have teeelveoll proposition from Messrs. Coleman & Goulnlock, to esta•ollsh foundrer and machine shop here. -They will in- vest .about $25,000 in buildings and machinery and ask a bonus or $10,- 000 'and exemption from taxation. The 'promenade concert given under !he auspices ot the Sealorth Meehan- ks' Institute, in the drill shed, on Friday evening last, was a grand success. The musical :part of the erogrenerne was provided! :by the Missep Johnson, Miss Campbell, Mies Scott, Mias Downey, Miss Fisher, Miss O'Donoghoe, Miss H, Carmich- ael and Messrs. Routledge and Cline. Seaforth, Aog, 20, leee. -Tenders are being asked, for, the erection of the "new Preenyterian cheerth alt. Winthrop. A *mere belonging Ito Ur. 'Charles Dodds,. of Marillep, met, withl a strange andident the other day, It was 'hooked in the mouth by a tow, Which -caused a wound from- which it nearly bled to death before the ser - vines of a veterinary were secured, M11. Gardiner, an esteemed resident McKillop, died on Saturday lase, aged: 82 years. Deceased was a na- tive a Scotland, corning to Canada 22 years ago with his parents. He leaves a widow and; two children. SeaSorth, Aug. 27, 1815. At the annual Chess tournament of the Canadian Chess Association, *re- cently held in Ottawa, Mr. George Jackson, of Egmondville, made the 'best play. Mr. Jackson won seven, lest none, drew two, equal to eight games. Despite the hard times* Seaforth is ,still spreading out. me, John Beattie is having a brick 'resilience erected opposite , the agricultural grounds ;• MT. ;Win. Shaw is ereeting a brick resideince on this Peoperty weet of the pdblie school; Mn. Frank Spat -1- 53 erecting a brick residenee. ad- joining Itlie agricultural park. Mr. John Shaw, Mr. E. Caeh, Mr. James McCartney and Mr. S. Stark are efech eretting frame dwellings. Burglars were busy on Wednesday night. The vesidenees of Dr. Cole- man and R. Fisher, and Mr. A. Card- not's store were entered. An attempt was also made. on the, 'residence of Dr. Gouinlock but the burglars were ,rela:s.eee teelep off. ConsideriMle dleY and jelry WIn ere !taken at thes pie On Tuesday or last week, Sire Robt, Govenloek, of McKillop, had a narrow escape from a serious!, accident. He was drawing in 'barley; wheel; 'the rack broke and Mr. Goeenlock with - ;past of the grain was thrown onto the tongue. The ho'rsesj ran away and Mr. Govenlock was berried round the f ield several times in this peril- ous 'position, but managed to escape uninjured. Perth Iteina —Mr. 'Alpe Davidson, of Mitchell, has purchased the one hundred acre farm owned by the late Michael Collins, of Logan. , -Mr. John White, of Stratford, has moved on to tb.eef arm in Hibbert, of his late brother,! Iespeetor William W111tei: -M. and' Mrs. -cenirlee Wilson, at '\. Stratford, celebrated their golden wed- ding on A.gril 241h. They were mar - :tied at Niagara Falls, and have lived in Stratford for thirtyl-five years. -Work has been co1Inrnnced on the conetete foundation fo the new Nor - 'mal School' at St'ratllord. It is es- timated that 900,000 brick will he re- quired for the .buildirig. —Mn. Lindsay Malcolm', of Strat- ford, has 'been granted the degree of B. Sc., in -civil engineering at the re- cent graduating exercises at Queen's University, Kingston.. -Mr. Aloert Scarff, son of Mr. and Mrs: F. J. Scarf!, of Stratford, was married on April 25th, to Miss Gert- rude Dunlop, 'of Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Scarf will reside in Montreal. ev, R. J. Wavelet, M. A.,, B. D„ p lpal 'of Alma College, St.Thornas, preached Educational sermons in the eMeintetheslulnalleyt.hodist cherish on a, re- -On Thursday evening of last week Mr, Isaac Buchanan, an old resident of Mitchell, who lived alone in his house in the west end of the town, was found by one of his neighbors 1Y - Ing on the floor of leis bedroom in an unconscious conditioti. Dr. at - Wilson was -called, and found that it Was a case Of uremia. He did I not recover consciodsnesa, and died I en I turday rineening. He wae 76 years of age. Deceased has a wife and daughter living in Toronto. -Mr. and Mrs, Richard Babb, who sPient the winter in the west have • e - timed to Mitchell. Mr. Bacb has ; urchased one and a half sections of land in Alberta:. -.At the closing meeting of the reading Club of Knox church, Mitch- ell the other evening, Mr, 3, p. Mor- row, B. A., who has acted as critic during the winter Was presented with a set of. BulfInch's Legends, in three volumes. Wes Margaret Clifford., of Downie, has received a speciae degree in Eng- lish and history and ,also degree of M. A. with first class honors at Quee,res University, Kingston. -John Roadhouse, a well known resident cie Ellice, died on - Monday, April 22nd, at his home, lot 8, conces- sion 1. 'The ,deceased, who was 44 yeare, 1 month, and, 8 days of age,has 'been failing in health for the past t*o years. Two years ago the famile Moved from Bianshard 'to Ellice. 'Ilion survives .to -mourn his loes a. widow, three sone and one daughter,. the eldest son being about eighteen years of age. A very pretty house wedding took. 'place OD April 25th, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Alexander Fergueon, of Setringville, when their • daughter, Nina Alexandria, beearne the •bride of Mr. Williern Young Wallace, of Sim- coe. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr, Dey, of Sirocoe, in the.p res - once of only the immediate friende and 'relatives of the bridal couple. Mr. and Mrs, 'Wallace left on the ae- ternoon train for Washington. -One evening last week Mr. Jas. Barnett, town clerk of Mitchell, Wa.S trying to shoot a cat with a rifle. In some way when the 'rifle was dis- charged -some of the -powder was blown back in his face. One eye gave him considerable trouble, but The iniury was not serioue, and his medical advieer expects that it will be all right in a few, days. -The /South Perth License Com- rnissionete met at the Collison House, Mitchell, pn atu'rday, April 20th. A.pplitations for licenses were ,pre- sented -by Inspector` Creighton; and those granted in the vicinity were as follows: Mitchell -Hicks House, A & R. Davidson; Royal Hotel,/ Hedley Cook; Collison House, Elizabeth Ciir- lison; Gardner House, Philip Goia- ner. Shop license, J. J. Gormley, Ilibbert-Francis Carlin, Stara% ho- tel; Dublin., Jacob Weber, Dominion Hotel; shop license, JosephWeber. Biernholne -- Beery Victor, hotel li- cense, Sebringville-jobn Hayes, Ar- lington 'hotel. Three months' exten- sion, to dispose of liquor, Waft given to Ludwig WettIaufer, Grand Cdn- .tral hotel. - -Miss Ella, Gardner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Gardner, of the third conceseion o.0 Logan, was riar- ried in the Lutheran. church, Mitch- ell, on Apv11 23rd, tie Mr. Henry Querengesser, a 'prosperous young far- mer Of Brodhagen. l'he :bride Was dressed in white silkolene and car - a. bouquet of white roses. Rev. Mr. Bloedel, the 'pastor, officla,ted and the :bride was attended ,by hen sister and a sister of the groom, The latter was attended ,by Mr. A. Quer-. engesser and Mr. F. Jpoola of Brod- ta,gen. After the wedding ceremony was over the 'bridal party drove to the residence of the bride's parents, where a sumptuous repast wee serf - ed. The 'presents were many and ;showed the esteem In which the young Teeple a,re bele by their friends. ' * Let me send you free for- Catarrh, Just to prove merit, a Trial size box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a now white creamy, healing antis- eptic balm Con.ealme such healing; ingredients as Oil Euealiptus, Thy- mol, Menthol, ete., it gives install and lasting 'relief to Catarrh of the noes and throat- Make the fres test and see fon youreelf what this 'pre- paration can and will accomplish. Ad- drese Dr. Slipo'p, Racine, Wis. Laeee jars 50 cents. Sold b•y C. Aberhart, druggist, Seaforth. 0 --Robert' Sutherland, whose par- ents were menebers of the Selkirk settlement of nearly a century ago, pateed away at the residence or his daughter, Mrs. .W. J. McComb, at Brandon. I3orn in Kildonan in 3.830 Mr. Sutherland was one of the earl - lest Red 'river freighters. His Red river cart made regular tripe ne- tween Winnipeg and St. Paul, usu- ally taking out fur loads and bring- ing ;back food stores. It was in St. Paul that Mr. Sutherland first set eyee'vpon a railway train and a, postage stamp, and when one of the latter was first put into his heeds he was quite at a loss to know what to do with it. After having given the ibest part of his life to the Red 'river carrying trade Ur. Sutherland moved to Headingly, and from there to Burnside. In 1882 he homesteaded) south ef Griswold, where he. spent the evening of his life. - WOMAN'S TRIALS. Can by Beenidhed by the Rich, Red Blood Dr.-Willietnee Pink Pills Actu- ally Make. Wawa ...ow... The health and happiness of grow- ing. girls and women of mature years depends upon the blood supply. Theit is a cedsis in the life of every woman when there are distressing headachee and ebackaches; when life Beenie burden, and when some women seem threatened with even the loss of their reason. It Is at this period that Dr. Willianes' Pink Pins prove a 'blessing to women. Every dose increases the 'richness and the redness of the blood eUpply, and this new blood strength- ens the organs, enables them to ithrow, off dleease and banish the headaches and baekanhee and dizzi- -nese and secret pains that leave made life a 'burden. There are thousands and thousands of growing girls and women in Canada who owe their health and happiness to Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. Mrs. James Mc- Donald, ofSug-ar Camp, Ont., is one of these, he says; "I was badly t an run down, 11 very weak and had no appetite. I ffered from; headaches and backaches and a feeling or weak- ness. I could seaveely drag myself along., and felt tha,t my condition was growing worse. I decided to try Dr. :Williams' Pink Pills, and got a dozen boxes, but before they were all, 'used I had fully vegained my health, "slid was able ito do my housework without the least fatieue. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills have been a. great blessing Ito me." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People from any mei- cine dealer or by mall from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brbckville* Ont., at 50 cents a box or six, boxes for $2.50. If you are weak or ailing jive these .pills a fair`trial-they will not diseppcdn.t you. Satisfaction or Your Money _ *A:Ala • That no other c oth mg can be made as TfROGRESS,BRAND -good as CLOTHING RtMA-RESs BRAND Bet we do claim that no, clothing is US good, dollar for d ,lar.. If the others are as good, they cost wore. If t cost the same, they are NOT as good. There marvellous about this. It is simply a piair ness`proposition. It is a known fact that Pro the largest clothing company in Cana a, and th business done- by the Progress Brand people naturally puts, them in a position to buy materials cheaper, brings thorn. In contact with the best old country weavers, enables them to manufacture in such quantities as to reduce the cost to the low water mark, consequently placing their clothing on the market at a prioe which defies competition. If you can afford to pay $.15 or $18 ---(that is made-tto- your-measure price)—for a readymade suit, then all well and good. Bat if you, want to get the best possible value your money, you will find ;t to your advantage to see our stock before you buy. nothing nest bttai- md enormoun Leading Prices -i-047.50 $12. KING Ree A man's hat is the most mprtant—beoanse the mosip conspicuous—part of his dress. fie should be careful, there- fore, to get not only a shape adapted to Ms faze, but a hat that he canedepend on keeping'that shape. King Hats are made of a wear -residing material of un- iivalled beauty and durability. It is as honest in the seIe tion of the best material and most expert workmanship, as it is on the surface and, owing to the close and firmer tex tures, it is less affected by constant wear than any other hat fabric, and, consequently, will wear longer and keep its shape and color while it is worn. Men s ,Sox s 0 ..es. Men's Union, half wool and half cotton, 3 pair for Men's Cotton Sox Men's Cotton Sox 2 -eta"- - F pair for A.FORTH a'Butter and Eggs taken as Ciah.