The Huron Expositor, 1907-04-19, Page 8, l•-•••• 111E MYR Posrroit. _ -"' SPRING NEEDS For spring cleaning and-garderi- ner times you Will find our store )leeadquarters for all requirements. Perhaps you need some of the numerous articles which conee in- to use now. In Garden Tools -- lakes, lioes, Spades and -Shrivels we halter the very best geode at the lowest prieee. We have special bargains Wa king Machines and Wringers &civet Sweepers Whip8 Paint Kalsomine Scrubbing Brushes Batuanized Iron Tubs and Palle vord Step Ladders • ShorwithWi lame Preint s are the best and most economical. Call and get calor cards. esney & Archibald SEAFORTEL, - Hardware, Stoves and COW. James Watson, • Successor to W. N. Watson NORTH MAIN ST.,,;SEAFORTH. General Fire, Life and Acoident Insure fence agent, Real Eatate sad Leer Agent. Dealer In first -elan family and Manatee. tering Sewing Itacbines and Crean Separator*, vsz. - NewRaymond and White Sewing Macilines, and National and line ed a Cream Seporaterse AIao sewing tnaohine medial, oil, attachsen% repairs and sundriei for all kindof seleing machines. With over 26 year experience in the above business yon can rest seemed of prices right, square tiealieg and esteefa,otion guarantee& JAMES- VVATSON, la mance Agent, lied dealer In Sewing Machine and Bicycles. North Nein street, Sealer*. STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Was established twenty years ago, and, by its thorough work and honorp.ble dealings with its pate ramifies become one of the %gest and, most widely known Commercial Colleges in the province. The demand upon us for commercial teachers and office neeletante greatly exceed the Bupply, We &Heist waduates to poeltione. Students are entering each week. Catalogue free. ELLIOTT & MaLAGHLAN Principal'. About Diamonds Of course you know that dia- 'monde are higher in pricethan ever and the prices are still go- ing skyward. To priespecteve buyers I would suggest early purchases, as the right sort of stones will certainly go in for another advance. a I have at present a very choice selection in all the lat- est designs of settings, includ- ing the beautiful Display Tiffany which shows the stone off to the best ad- vantage. Prices range from po to $15 J. F. pALY - Jeweller & Optician • Ismer of Marriage Licenses. /3ARDNO BLOCK SEAFORDI HARNESS • Our own make of gmtittine Rubber Trimniecl • Barnes& It is the beet value in Canada. Mk your neighbor about them. - Suit Casee- PhIsh and Wool Rugs, Ete. inspect our stock before purchasiqg. •Ms lEiroderick, OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, —.mow Seaforth. $03-1 British Oolumbia Red Cedar SHINGLE • Large Car Just Received 441,••••,......••••1 - As Red Cedar. Shingles will be scarce this Boman on account of railway blockades we would advise custom- ers to lay in a supply early. We also have a goad brand of New Brunswick White °eller Shingles to offer at close prices. N. CLUFF & SONS • Planing Mill and Lumber Yard • SEAFORTH 205$.13 Farmers • We have jest put in stock fresh line of Gentian Ainseed Ginger Fenngeck Sulphur. Salts Saltpetre Etc. for your OWII condition pow, dem Let us mix it for you - A fall line of Sheep Dip and Tick Destroyer Hess Poultry Panacea (Maims Hone Lay) Zenoleum (for Mee on Wee) Give us a trial. Our prices are right • The J. S. ROBERTS DRUG STORE W. M. McK4Y, Manager e Vositati DISTRIOT MATTERS. Itemember the Spring Show and Seed Fair at Bruce - field on Friday, April 26. &yellers -Tile following' were tier ketM to distant volute this weekby t Somerville, Railway. teed Steem- ship agent; Alexander 'Forsyth, of Tualltersinith, to Binscarth, Mani- toba; Harry Bruxir, Dublin, 'to Seat- tle e Mr.. and Mrs, A, E. Gibson, form- erly` of Seaforthe from Toronto to WinriPeg. • '---The following were ticketed by Messrs. Stewart Brine, 0.P.R, agents : Ackert Robinson., efeeCillop ; to Cal- gary, Miss Maggie and Mr, David Davis, Hilebert, to Caron, Sask. ; Lacrosse. -The executive committee ehe C. L. A, have arranged the dif- ferent intermediateend )unier tearrea into districts. In both! aeries Sea - forth is_ leidistrict No. 2. They are composed of the following:' misliatel-Alerts of St. Marys, Beav- ers , of Seaforth, Hurons of Goderich, !Wiaghare, Clinton Mitchell, Strat- ford, Junior,-Irlibet;e11, Alerts of, St. Marl's, Beavers of Seaforth, Clinton, •Marathons or Stratford. •This is on - a peeliminary draft for tile Junior series and the correnittee with meet an •April 26th to make a final draft. • Nob no Bad This Year: -People are complaining bitterly t.hie year about the cold, backward weather we have been haying during April. But there has been worse weather, many 'years, 'and we have always had both spriag- time and harvest, and "sae will we yet." Mr. A. W. Stable, of this towo, rembids us that on the let or May, 1815, he drive 'to Roxboro with a sleigh and there was plenty of. snow for good eleighing. The weather also continued cold and bleak all 'through May, but for all _that there was a Most 'bountiful harvest. During the previous March, however, the weatie eV bad, been delightful and springlike the ;roads were quite dry and farmers Were plowing, during thak month. 13owlIng,The annual -meeting et! the Seaforth lawn beveling', club wee 'held on Monday evening last, in the Commercial hotel. There was a good attendance and 'bowling -promises to be as popular as ever, it not more so. The dates fixed for the annual tourna- ment were Tueseay and Wednesday, July 9th and 10th. An inovation has been made this year. A motion was passed permitting ladies to become Members or the club, and setting a- part certain days for their play. The following officers were elected Pat- •rens, B. B. Gunn, M.P..; H. Ellberf, •14.P.P., George McEwen, ex- M. P.; president, • James McMichael; . vice- preeident, G. E. Parkes; sacra tarY- treasurer, .W. D. McLean; executive committee, J. M. Best, R. 5, -Hays, J. C. Gaels', 3. C. Steele, .W. D. Bright, A. Wilson, W. G.:Willis; skip, G. F. Rogers, J. C. Greig,3. C. Steele, J. M. Best, W. Ament, W. D. Bright, A. Wilson, W. D. McLean, We Ballan- tyne, W. G. WilltS, W. Pickard, T. Riehardson, R. S. Hays, Jaynes Scott, G. F, Colling; referee, W. Ballantyne; auditors, R. D. Black and G. F. CoI- IIng. iliotee. The other thardware gore le now eiSed: as a Warehouse teid Store mile for the present", Bustiegsa is camel en !the iceete Oyetene and the evade it is -ale doneeby elie couponsyeteme The 'farrnees, !.give theta Mete for a cotillion' !book and pa Se real •Itlfro igeatte With thee eotepone, while no entereet is elearseideeMtil after meturity_tn the .fall, her are :the notee 'negotiable, Busbless ie very fair, .aithoughthe Speeng Is -very "baeleWard and We have bad itwo :bliezards this Week, and the trains ateeblocked age:ILO Death of arra. Lower:-Qur citizens -learned, on Tieureday afternoon, of last week, with •feelings of de..p regret, of the death on that day of Mrs.roseph Lowery, one of the cede,st and most highly :respected residents a this town. Mrs. Lowery bed net been en- joying good, 'health during the win- ter,, ,but wad able to be around, at- tending to her household duties most or the time. On Thursday she had prepared the ,noon -day meal for the family, and with: them partook of: it, and seemed, to enjoy it more than • usual. Having completecl the meal, and moved flack from the table, she !threw up her hands and expired al- most instantlar before aid could, reach ;her. Heart disease was, undoueted- ly,, the cause or death-. Mrs. Low- ery's maiden name was Jane R-uther- ford. She was a nativ-e of 'Kelso, in.. Scotland, 'nut came to this country when quite young-. She wag mare ried to hdr now ?Bereaved husband in Lobo towash.ipoMidcliesex county. Soon after they removed to Clinton, and re- sided at Stapleton for a time, but they have Been residents, of Seaforth for over thirty years. Besides her husbaind„ she leaves a family of three sons and one daughter. The sone are _John-, in Calumet, Michigan, • and Alexander and GeOrge In Seaforth. alre. John Powell, of Seaforth, is the only daughter. She Is also survived iny a slater, Mrs. Joffe -phi Hudson. Mrs, Lowery was a consistent mem- ber or the Preebyteria,n church, and, • while .her health permitted, e hen- stant attendant. She was moirt afniatle, •good living, Christian lady; a kind neighoca* and true friend, and yeas deservealy :neloved •and respect- ed 'ny all who knew her. Her death is a. severe 'oerravement to her hus- nand and a. sad loss to her family, as she was always the wise and lov- ing counselor og Progreesing In the West.-Seaferth boys seem to be' in demand Tor the responsible positions in the west. • We have !pleaeure this week in noting the advancement of Mr. Prank Hat, - kirk, of Cartwright, Manitoba, sore of M. john Hatekirk, of Seaforth. In /*hewing his subscription to The Ex- positor Mr. Haokirk says "1 have wen 'promoted to manager of Depart- ment A., of the firm of Merchants, Limited, Cartwright, which took over the 'business of six of the Cartwright stores on the first of February. It is quite a new venture for the stores of a town to amalgamate into a jotnt !gook company. Moore and Hills, my former employers, of course, are in- cluded in it, with Mr. Moore as 'pres- ident and Mr. Hine as secretary, and the head office of tae company is In Department A., our. old store. I have only been in the employ of Mr. Moore one year and now draw: a salary equal to any of the officers of the company, of which I am now a !slia:re- holder. 'received my promotion on April let„ When we branched out in Crystal City, having purchasedi a stock there and will run it under the same bead as here. Our stock he • Department A. consists of general dry goods, and ladies furnishings, tame& fuenishings in the Shape of wall paper, !blinds, carpets, curtains, lin- oleeims and oilcloths, lanipa and crockery and chinaware in all lines. We carry a stock • of about $15,000. Department 33 ter general hardware alone; Department • C. le groceries, flour and feed and seeds; Department D is confectionery, 'fruits and sta- tionery; Department E. is men's !turn - Whinge) In all lines and 'boots and • ViSitors,-Seatorth %yea honored on iWedne,sday by a visit froth the fol- lowing . leading officiate of the Grand Trunk 'Railway: .T. D. MeDoriall, District Passenger Agene,, Toronto; NV. 13/. Du:pee-ewe Tra,v*elling Passenger Agent, Toronto, Mr. Nixon, Train DIRAC% Stratford, and lir. Cram - 'hie, Masten of Transportation, Lone don, These !gentlemen ,were on a visit of inspection over this section of the road end stopped off Ito spend an 'hotie In Seaeoreete on their way to Goderieh, Wiles° they remained over night. Mr. Wei SonierVill , the local out.side ag- entii Showed t em around town, They 'all .expresee , themselves delighted with the lint iness and busy appeav.; alma or tte 'Placa fend were ,grefetIe Italee,n with. the 0 avement and walks an ,Ifain Street. They remarked that Ethel did not leriowl of ferry 'toevn the size of. Seaforth that cbuld 'boast of swan, a nice, well kept ,leheiness street. They also met With several, of the leading business men while here and rnotre'anxious to learn if anything mare Is required 'to im'prove the rail- way !aervice and we have- no denleti theie visit will be behficial to taern- eelves and !the 'town. • . • We have Cleveland collect epring wire, woven fen' cling end all fence builders' supplies at lowest priceic, Give us a call before buying. Chesney Se Are115131. 111, Seafortn. 20 Butter, Eggs and all lands of produce wented at the Maple Leaf Store for cash or tracle. P. Dill, See- -tolertOhR. • SALE,-Pige, nine small once, live ove2:51-.3;iiree menthe old, 84 (moil; One bl'00(1 sow in pig, 80 ; one good }Jersey cow, see, L. G. VanEgmond, Hertford), - 83,000 Private funds td loan on good term ii2e0o513i t:ly. . Apply at Tim Exvornece Orries, saatortb. 20584 . This cceason we are piving epoolal attention to gal- vanized roamg and siding for haloes and barno, Let ue give you an estimate on your work. Chesney el _Archibald, Seaford). • , • 2058-1 Seed Season is now here, and Ho are we with the Beasoree needs in clover, timothy, etc..- the kinds we're not afraid to recommend and at elebt Prices. Beattie Br08„ Seaforth. Worth comireemiles to see the window at2°A"i er's Drug Store, Seaforth, next week. • 20534 • Hand Made filmee.-We are now prepared to fl 1 any foot with hand made laeed shoes or long bootsin Canadian Eip, French Hip, or Calf, We have them in stock in three width, Itotet Willis; opposite Ex- positor Office, Seaforth.. 205-34 The best wall finish is ""filicresco." Try it. loor eale only by Chesney 4 Avoid bald, Seaford). 2053.1 • no not feed any old thing to your chefs and let half of them die but call and see Purina Chick Peed Pat. thieli,MsaepalteortbLf Store, and raise all your flock. When you are thinkitel- about paiet, renc5313):11)er that Sherwin-Williams paint stands for the vary best., There is satisfaction In using a good, thing and one weal of it isthat our eaten aro largely inereater • egeh year. • We carry a large stock. Orcesn5e33.- Secluoald, Seaford), m1 AIMTGA$11 Ilateic CMINT$ItY.--Parties olvnillg plOtS In the Maitlandbenk Cemetery may have them kept in good condition on payment of one dollar a- year and sending their name to Walter G. Willis, Score- tary-freasurer Cemetery Committee, Seaforth. • 202 A Lady's Divide, Dunlop tires, for sale chea52;cit Aberhart's Drug Store, Seaforth. 2452-2 If you want a cheap and good roof for barns, sheds. 'etc., call and see our Brantford roofing-pric2e0,5:2-.140 per square, templet° with nails, eta. Chesney & ,Archibald, Seaferde • , live you called and examined my Prints, Ging- • ham, Emeroideries and Laces? If not; do not, (hear. • It is a pleasure to have you inspeot them. P. Dill, Seaford). ..... 2053-1 FOR SAlail.-A domfortable frame house containing nine rooms'on the Main street, Egmondville.- Apply •ter William Aberhare, LAWN MOWERS.-th Parties desiring 252 e0:lxa3wn mowers slutrpened or repaired can have them prop- erly and promptly attended to at Robert ),telntoshie blacksmith shop, Goderieh street, opposite Royal tlefoedtcl staidee. Charges moderate and work 2g0u5e2r.2a1- . aaly with the longest and most beautiful hair in the world in the window at Veer's Drug Store, Sea - forth, next week. • Peeferred Stoelc.-Cnstomers tell us ehey20p5r3e4fer our 28c tea to aoy other line on the market --that's why it's called preferred stook. Try it. Sold only at Beattie Bros., Scoforth. 0• , Mt. C. E. Masan is Dead. -Many of our readers will regret to learn of the death of ,Mr. Charles E. Mason., formerly of Brucefiela, w'hich took 'place at his home in Saskatoon, Sas- katchewan, an Friday last, April 12th. Mr. Ucuson had 'beenill' about a. week, suffering from an•attack oft pneu- monia. It was at fleet 'hoped that his ratust constitution would enable tern to;survive the attack, DLit :these hopes were not mailized, and he !sank very rapidly !towards the last, and passed aava'y with, a:pparently, • very little suffering. lir. Mason was 87 years of • age. He 'had Dean a resident of Tuck- erernith nearly all his Wife, and resid- ed on the- Mill road for Over 35 year,e. About two years ego he sold his farm !there to Mr. Jadnee McGee whonow oecuplea it and! soon aeterwards re- moved Ito the Northwest, settlbeg with his family in the, rapidly grow- ing town . of Saskatoon, Where company' with, his sans, he engaged in the hotel business, Few men: were better or more widely known. in these 'parts than Mr. Meson. He Was one of the first to import beery; araught stallions from the old country' and for many 'years eh'gagea extensively In that business. He usually crossed ;the Atlantic himself and; aerbernallY selected 'his impartations and there are few men in Ontario Who have done more for !the !promotion of the horae breeding induetry than Mr. „Mason. Frequently 'he met with heavy losses but these seemed only to inspire him wtth !renewed tottrage and determina- tion to succeed,' He also purchased and :shipped large turnaers a horses to the old country and the Northwest. He was a .genial, good hearted man, Who had many !friends awe few en- emies WWI his deathwill be deeply !regretted by 'his many old friends end associates among our readers. He was an -ancoropremising Conservative in !politica and was an; active - and • valued worker in the -Conservative ranks a elections, but he never el - lowed 'his 'political convictione to in- terfere with his personal or lousiness friendshipe. lee: leaves a widow and grownup: family. The remains were laid to :rest in the cemetery in- Sas- , katoon aol Sunday. - 0 • The Snow Bound West. -The follow- ing' extract from a private letter written 'oy a gentleman in! Dauphin, Manitoba, .onripen 8, will give our readers some faint idea of the con- dition of affaine in the west; the dif- fichlties the. railWays have to con- tend with arid the hardships which :settlers who rushed into the cquntry too early in the season have to -en- dure. He -gays; According to the cal - lender we ahould be having spring weather but our weather and tae cal- endar seem !to have about e.S. much t In common as a Canadian! N rthern Railway !train fina the time table. Speaking of the Canadian Nothern, Pier' are Worse off now then. in the meddle of whiter toe =they have -six lerainel stitek between Humboldt and Bettleford end for the past two weeks s ng ood judgment is what keepe our usineee growing. You know that you never find any shop -Worn or old goods here. You know when -you need Drugs • that here is the place to get the 'best. Our goads nee always ' mod- • crotch priced just now 'more so thine ever. Formaldehyde, 25 cujd 60o a Bottle Garden Seeds, 7 Pa ages for 260 - flair Brush and Oo ) 86o for the pctlr • e price*( one) _ Math Camphor and Tobacco Snuff for putting away the Furs • Give us a cale. We are pleased to see you whether you buy or not, 10. ABERHART, • DRUGGIST, 0A.RDNO'S'• BOOR Agent for neetoslate Trufsea, .Syringe. lifot Water Bottles, Sboop's remedieo, ' Cook's Cotton Root Compound and . WootV4 Phoouhedine. most of the trains have come as fat an Dauphin and then turned bock. -The settlers have beenjust Ipour141 In . and all the company can, do is to gather them at the divisional points and 'pay fee their keep until they eari be moved further on. At both Kam. sack and Humboldt there are eome sIx or eight hundred people strended andnow lberth -those towns have run out of lsupplies midi the passengers have been put 011J one mewl a day. Leidy they have ideated baeldng up !the trains from. these towns and eat - Ing out °every place where they can find any !grub. Last Frida,y night a, train came in from, Wimiipeg with 15 coaches and three cers or suppliee and I never eaw a. train so crowded: inray life. We triect to walk through, to see !how nal it was, but •couldn't make more than two' or three leers and at that time nearly -all the men were up town foraging for supplies. It Is; a rn:ystery Wherethey stowed themselves afterwateds. In - one of ;the cars we saw the smoking 'room was liberally tilledwith youngsters /remabout two to six years old. They were on the seats and the Win- dow ante and ofeethe floorand those that couldn't find 'room to alt down had overflowed into the 'passage way. They •held that train here until the next 'morning and only went on then because They had to take two or three ears dr provietons with them to re- lieve the towns up the line. We are lucky he're because Dauphin' la the fiest divisional point weet of Winnie ark and the 'train's have to come this 0 . . Local 'BrIefs.-The second annual meeting of 'the Seaforth Rink Com- pany will be theldi at Dick's hotel on the !evening i of :Wednesday next, the 24th hist.,at eight o'clock. -The marry friencle of Mr. Hugh 3, Grieve, of .0g- mondville, .are 'pleased to s -ed that he Is ,8:13,1e to be out again, °after his :re- cent :Severe 111ness.-Mr. Harry Edge has alreolly tgOt the excavations for the two iewt residences 'he intends er- ecting on th Johnson property, well under way. '- On Monday •evening, April abb.,. Mr. Joeeah We I3urgard, a Egmandyille, and Miss Lucy Ellen, daughter - or Mr. Michael Flannery, of Tuckersrnith, were married; at the Peeebyterianmanse, by Rev. P. H. La/eche-err. J. 0. Itose,, or Guelph, spent Sunday with friends in Itown,- Mr. Douglas Wilson, Who his been In tbe Dominion Bank' ar WIngham for the past three years, has been remov- ed to Montreal and was in town on Monday on Ails way itn his new- ap- pointment. Previous to leaving' Wing - ham, the young men's club, or that 'place, presented hint with a handsome club bag and a gold watele cheem, -Mr., 'Wm. Kemichael has purchased frotn Mr. 0...W. Papst the 'residence at !Present occepled by' Mr. W. II. Heoderson and •will eceupel it hire- sele ; Mr. Henderson removes Ito the Carmichael residence, an John street, inow occupied 'by 'Mr. H. Jeffrey ; Mr. Jeffrey remores to the residence oc- cupied. by Mr. J. F. Daly, Mr. Daly removes to .the Burnett residence, on North Main etreet, which he eecently •'purchased, and Mr. Toor, vvho oc- cupies that residence 'removes to the pottage of Mrs. RObt. Hogg, on the opposite side of thestreet. - James Cowan, of near town, has been lield up for .0everal, weeks With a sev- ere attack hr :bloodi 'poiscuiing, :re- sulting from et small cut am one hand, which was 'thought little of at firSt, but Which developed into every serious case. We are pleased!to learn, however, that ehe is now, recover- ing. -The W. H. Willie shee factory resumed operations on 'Monday, and • lthere are not likely to as any more suspensions. All the leading credit- ors have agreed to, form themselves into a. limited Joint stock company as at first !proposed. A charterhas been applied for and as soon as that is procured the permanent company will be formed, the works taken over and run, and we expect before many weeks this irepertant industry will be on a 'better and ' More prosperous footing than ever. -The celebrated Pall Riv- er football 'team:, of Fan Itiaer,Mass., inten.d !making a tour of Ontario thie spring ani are scheduled to play with 'the H ons at Seaforth, on, May 241.K.-Ths entertainment and lec- ture advertised for Friday evening last, under 'the ausplees of the Bible Class of the Presbyterian ch-urch, was :postponed on acconat of Rev. MT. me- Pnerson, of Toronto, rthe lecturer, be- ing ;unable to come, owing :to Illness in eels family.-Mre. Coulter, formerly of 'the Pablic School etaff here, under- went a very critical operation 'in the !hospital in Buffalo oti Saturciaat last. Mrs. Courtier was..accorapahledf to Buf- falo 'by Dr. Borrows, who was pres- ent whenthe operation was perform- ed by Dr. Roswell Park, ain eminent saecialist of that city. Her son, Mr. Anderson ohlter, of Ingersoll, was also spresent with her at the time. Mrs. Coulter's friends will 'be pleas- ed to leash. that the operation was quit successful and subsequent in- fo:relation is to fhe !effect that she is gettiug along admirably, -Mr, John Bulger, Jeweler, has taken the agen- cy -for some of the leading' makes of 'bicycles and will handle thane this mason in addition to his Jewelry eels - Mess -Rev. Professor Bowles, of! Vie - torte, College, Toronto, will preath Ed- ucational sermons in the Methodiet church next Sunday morning! and ev- ening. Professor Bowles is °tie of the most alele of the younger men of the church and we are sure he will be greeted by large congregathatre 'next Sabbath. -.-The Mai tl an dbank cemetery h has !pasaett intOi CO rol Or the Met110dt therth bare, h Jen "placed Abider the management; er cOntelitteee consisting Of Mr. 3as, Mee WIlehael, Dr. Burrovitee afri Main. Har -- try and Mr. W. G, Yt1:11.110, secretary end treasurfne Ale • 'parties deeirlage Ito arratga about lOtet or other but - nes 'Connected with the cerneterer should comet with leer, Willie, the secretary.-- Mr, Jebel Torrance, or Clinton; licenee irspector for South Huron, was in 'town on Wednesday. - Mr. &gm Lowery WRIif here ehas week from Calumet, Miehigan, He came on arccouht a the death of hie motb.er, Mrs. Joseph Lowery, but veate 'enable ito Teach here 'before Mondayi II -Writ- ing, the funeral having occafred on Sunday. -While working at gr. W. Ainent's saw mill, John, eon of Mr. James Cooper, met with a painful ac- cident on Friday, resulting' be the loes of one of his fingeta.-eA telephone gang have been here off aind on for a couple of week, erecting new prelate and wires and installing new instru- melte. Mr. Fear, the agent Informs us that' there •are over fifty instal- ments and changes a lastruments vv-aiting to be made, This looks as if the. !business in Seaforth! is :rapidly extending. -Mr. W, .A. Crick,/ has been away for the past few days, one' bulness with 'pleasureeaAe bout twenty members of St. Thomas' chu.rch Yoting Peoples' Society drove to Clinton lest Tuesday evening and were thoopitably entertained by the A., Z. P. A., of St, Paul's church that town. A number from the Mid- dleton branch were also preeent and a social and very enjoyable evening was spent 'oy and Mrs, G. MclCay who apent the :winter in Scot- -land, returned here this week. They had a very enjoyable visit, in: the old land,.out; complaithi considerably of the unprecedented coldweathec theree. They Intend remaining in thie vircinity and would 11k to settle down in 3Seaforth or Egrnontiville 1 they can procure a residence to suit thet111 aand we are sure their many old .friends Would DO dellgiltedi ;should •they decide to permanently locate here. -Mr. R. A. Wilson, lately of 'the Bank of Commerce, Belleville, Wa5 here thee week Visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. :Wileon., Mr. Mil - sea Jim ;resigned his., position In the foal* with the view, of joining! the' 'permanent militia forceta-Mrs. A. H. McPherson, mother of Bev. H. A. McPherson, of Chalmers' chorea, To- ronto, and formerly assistant in the Presbyterian church here, died at tile 'residence a her son in Toronto on Tuesday last.-arte D.J. bleCallurre a the Seaforth Milling Company was in Toronto a couple of days, this week on 'eusiness. I — • Varna. A Good Horse. -Mr. Johrf Dennison-, of Varna, sold one of hi.s horses last week for the handsome sum of $350. T.his horse is rising rive yeare old and weighed 1,750 pounds. He was mired .by Blaisdon William, which was imported and owned' by Mr. fla 3. Berry, of Heneall. A male 'makes no mistake in breeding to Mr.. Berry's horses. Tuokersmith. ' Notes, -Mr. George Troyer and sis- ter, Miss Christina, of Hills Green, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coleman, in Tuckersmith.--The little daughter of Mr. and airs. !James Stroog, or the 4th concession, L. a. s, fell a •victim to a complication Of extriaq, gehe egg ekeputejtetZoseseeeap little girl of 7 months. The sym- pathy or. their many friendle will be extended to Mr. and Mrs. Strong. Loncleel3oro, Note. -The sawyer at the saw mill had the misfortune to break the large saw this week. -Rev. Mr. Jones, of Aunurre gave an interesting address to the League on Wednesday evening. -Mr. and Mrs. Elarkwell, of London, :returned after visiting at the home of Mr. Hiles. -The Epworth League met last week for election of offi- cere, when !the rollowing were elect- ed Hon. President, Rev. H. E. Curry; president, Miss C. Huston; lst vice, 0, Henry, 2nd vice, Miss A. Bell; Seel. vice Miss C. Carter; sec- retary, C. Watson; treasurer, D. Cartier' • ' organist, Miss Whitely; as- sistant, Miss A. Brigham. - What makes MT'. .W. Lyon 'arrilie thisiveek It is a daughter. _ Hills Green. Our School. -The foiloiving is the fresult ot the Easter promotion exam- inations in our schools. The names being given in order of merit: Sr. V --Bessie Cochrane. Sr. IV --Wesley Caldwell, Wm. Gram, Wm. Willson, Maggie Wileon Sophia Farquhar. Jr. IV -Annie 90irane, Maude erfeAllis ter, Repert Green,. Robin.' anc,AVister, Ada (Ram, Anna May; Love, Orville Taylor, Milton Love. Sr. III -Gore doll Love, Annie Wilson, Arthorlieich- ere Arthur Porterfield, Jr. III - Margaret Porterfield, Mary 33. Con - BM, Myrtle Taylor, the Johnston, Hazel Reamoncl, Percy Gram, Bert Redmond, ,Da,Vid iroppfer. Sr. II - Eldon. Jarrott. Jr. II -Harry Dietz, Edison ' McAllister, ;lames Foreet, Pearl Corlett, Kuepfer, Addle Green, Caste Troyer. i Part II, Jr. - Solomon Kuepfer, Lucy Redmond, Ce - oil 30huston. Part Itair.-Marion Por- terfield, Vista Greene •Gracie Love. Get ready for spring and get se)..te of our new prints. '.stings, embroideries, dress goods , Greys are the popular oolong. We have a good' selection and invite von to Bee them. P. A. Edwards, Bay- flekl, 2053-1 •1 Breezes. -A. Falccmer, E, •and V. Weston, Chas. and Wire Ferguson,- and Capt... Ferguson have left to 're- sume !their 'positions an the lakes, Editor R. Holmes, of Clinton,preach: ece in St. Andrew's church last Sun- day Morning, end Rev. Mr. David- son, .of Varner in the evening, -Don't forget the social, under the auepices of Trinity church Guild,. on tis ev- ening a St. George's- Day, Tuesday, April 23rd in, 'the 'town Stalker and Mre. H. Jones, of Toledo, Ohio, former: residents of Bayfield, are; guests of Mrs. w: Dopee.-Rev. T. A; Steadman, wife and ehildt re- turned 'home last week, from a pleas- ant ftp to St. Thomas, Wyoming and Sarnia. Co pstance. Corranents.-We are sorry to learn of the continued. • illness of Mrs. S. Pollarde also of 'the serious illness of Mr. Jame Dodds. -Miss Nellie Suth- erland has gone to reside with. Mrs, Enunerson, of Stourevillee-Mies M. McDonald returned on Sunday last from yisithrg Staffs, friends. -Mrs. T. Pollard and Mies Katei rificalarrn easent Sunday with Ethel friends, -Mr. Jno. Riley le 'engaged 'to work for Mr. Wm, Thompson during the surnmee months. -Mr. George Dale purthased a fine teara or rs hoes on Monday last. -A nuMber from, here went to Clin- ton on Friday last to 'ban the cease APRIL 1 `emeee e You -n ...F4r -Enough. a WA+.44444410444i4;441;444444444, tr T is an Anglican fault to skim over thinge, to read ow I the surface and. digest on th.e fly. We read a book_ iw an evening, a newspaper in ten minuted.; an wIvert , ment—at a glatice. How much we lose I Take this column for instance. Those who 40 think far enougb may not appreciate tothefull ektent the fact that the g majority of the most stylishly dressed women that are seen in Seaforth pro. cure the things they wear from us. And one thing we wish to impress is that The Success of This -Store is Oonolusive • Proof That Goods of style and Quality Need Not Be High Priced. aws••••••77osookielor,$••••••••••oossiessiwwwwiffaisow. New Dress Fabrics for hem') JN• our eirhibit of Spring Weaves the, choice entire gamut -of dressdom is run : from the soft ing, graceful materials which adapt themeelves. so ad ably to the prevailing fashion lines, down,to the modish, s serviceable +weeds. The stock is 110W at its best and price in •ihstance represents value that is noteworthy, BLACK -GOODS SPECIAL 1 Black French Wool Taffeta...4....0. 2 Embroidered Black Crepe/the...—. 8 New Silk Finished Lorenta...... 50c 150 00 COLORED GOODS SPECIAL ---"mmilr 1 New Shades in French Wool Taffetas 50c 2 Wool Crepilles in Popular Shades.... 60e 3 Extra Value in Tweed Suiting& 50c & lbe Regarding ilinery it is not so much. because OUTS that we think the M ery we sell is just a of better variety and at ioi prices than styles shown e where, but more because of favorable cbmments we hear pleased customers Our Hats at front $3 to are worthy of Special APMMIIISMINNOW ale The Best Ready -to -Wear Game At The Prices Raincoats.... Jackets.... Top Skirts.... Waists....... • S • * 0 0 • • 11 • ow es* .In The Trade 5 3 -$ • • • oeessevee ••••• es** ea • -a 40001000 soot* • * • Is 0 0 0 4* • • • saes:fie Our Variety of New Gloves, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs •-Veilings, 'Ribbons, Bel s; Ties, Eto. Will Please AINEINME5319i119039E3.9NOREIRPIENE,J 427E16.3==ER==.11 That's a use peop thau the 11 much mor priced spit towards ti being tried between James Perish and Wro. Morrison, also a suit be- tween James Parish end, James Stan- ley. Ur. Stanley and lAre Morrison won out. • Brussels. Briefee-Jellen Beattar of Chesley, was _a visitor in town over Snnday. -W. H. Kerr has been laid aside from Active duty during the past week !hat is somewhat improved; a,gaire-Mr. and Mrs. Th Nicholls were at Hensall on Th ay a this week., attending the eral of a relative. - Robert Andersen, a former Brussel- its, 'has moved hack to town from Shakespeare. -Our townsman, Thomas Maxwell, still !remains very low and there is very little hope for his re- covery. He it about 81)! years of age. -A meetbig of tha creditors of the Kelly estate was held in Barrister Meedorield's office on. Monday last and there were quite a eanneerein attend- ance. The liabilities amteml to a- bout $9,400 apart front the mortgages and trie akEISIASWin be under $8,000. Direetors were appohited for the dif- ferent eatatear and sales arran:grad for to tee* 'plane on April 24th, 25th and 26th. -A special meeting of the COUrk- r cil was held on Tuesday cuss the Carnegie litirary the plans, etc., havind arri Architect Ireland, of Stratford. eoasideraale discussion the :rebel ter .was handed over to lee dealt ny :the public library board. The 'Art' Shoe for Women. - /For Vanes went something good and stylish in shoees Ivo fa* getting a. newshoe called TheArt'„priee, $2.$01bEre - It will be here within the firet two weeks in my. - nowt 111111s, opposite Expeteitor Office, Seafortle. • unvittnelasthed movn 184tteo'*--nc-We erndr. announced to take Ea.stern Netes.--:-Mr. T. OLOuI disposed _cif a five Tear x)Id, Mare oentey for. $225. -Mee Frederick Ecke ert recently purchased a. heavy drat:0 Mate frets Jahn McMann, Seaf eiayeng '.fdri it $260.-bere and -Michael O'Loughlin were " visitor* t Mr, Wm. Burks, El: purchad future.-Sarnes Shea. Dublin es the tie and iftris are ing:liaelbyeneilline:eurtegnmet41 in 611.- village.-Large for shipment by the ft'Veral buyeree nt 7,0,4 thi er stO The k in §Prit