HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-04-19, Page 519. 1907
31 tS On tO
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saureele relieved the fence springs back.
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BoIes's Preparation of Priesee
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APJiIL 19 190r
Wroxeter MARIKETS.
s Miss .Allee the
Welest. a friends in Steutteille.-Mr.
,TamePanlin, ere leaves eta the
Welt this week where he will be .em-
ployed with has lerothers -Mr.
plain, of Treithernes ManitOria.-Mes.
George Dale, of Hainilton, called, on
geriend ln the village last weeks-.
Wes Ada. Janson; a artiesobi,
ttzi at her home bue Over Situday.-
tisir. Charlett Hindes spent Sunday eIn
liffigaii4414RE00000iN004:1MSAVO -
Having a Good Time.
he Colonial Premiers, who have
anserrieled in old London: to attend
P24 C0101116,1 CO/lb:Mende, have been
given a very warm- reception ny the
nuthoritiee of that great city. They
:were presented with the freedont of
'the city at the Guild Hall Wednesday
seteenoon, and 'subsequently were en -
*tallied at lunch ey the lord mayor,
Sir Williaen Treloir, and the cor-
poration. Each of tile visitors receiv-
ed letters patent as a freeman, in-
eloeed in a. gold casket.
The 'premiers drove In procession to
tthe Guild Hall, General Botha, the
lerreaesVaal premier, and former Baer
leader, as the BenJarnin of the
Brotherlsoodea riding with Sir Wil -
grid Laurier, ehe Canadian prime min -
titer. The decorations of the streets
ahroughowhich the procession passed
twere net, 'pretentious, but the visit -
Ors 'received a, hearty welcome frorrr
large crowds, a :people.
The luncheon at the Guild Hall was
• 'arilliant function. It 'was attended
by the Archbishop of Canteraury,
Premier Campbell -Bannerman and oth-
er cabinet ministers; Field 'elarshal
Lord Roberts, who cracked Jokes with
General Botha about their experiences
taai the veldt, many peers and mem-
s a the House of Commons, and
military and naval men inunifortns
isparkling' with decorations, while the
women nreeent were dressed in the
Most elabo'rate costumes.
The Boer flea., captured by the City
Imperial Volunteers at -Jacobsdal,
(which usually ornaments the ban -
;Eluding hall, was removed on this oc-
caeloa so as not to attend General
Beth& and his party.
Fall Wheat..
SuAFoitTli, AprIl 18, 1007.
*0 70 in 0110
Oats, per buqhel ..
Pees, per buehel , 8 fi75 to° 8- g75
Begley, per Welted . . , . ... .• • ... • 0 45 to 0 40
Brea, per ton., .. t 20 00 to 20 OG
Shorts, per ton.. . ..; 00 to 20 00
Lw Grade Mtn, per ton itee 00to 22 00
Mar, per 100 .... .. 2 10 to 275
Batter, No. 1, loose..... .. . . 0 21_ to 0 28
Rueter, 0 21 to 0 21
KV) Per dozen,. . aga 0 14 to 0 16
110 to ' 05
. Ile. perton- . ... 10 00 to 10 (10
I Hide per 100 lbs...
• iinee,„ skins . -************** 7 S° to
7 r4
1 , ....... .. * a " to a°
Potataes tes
0 50 to 0 00
Salt, retail) per barrel.............. 1 25 to ,1 36
Wood per oordriong), . 6 00 to 7 00
' wood per cord (short) 2 75 to 75
Clover Seed. •• 7 00 to 9 00
Timothy Seed 2 00 to 3. 00
Dairy Markets,
Totem°, April 10 -Butter -Market holds very
steady, with little obange in the •pneee. Oreametv
prints, 27 to 29e ; solids, 20 to 27o : deity prints, 25
to 20e ; tube, 21 to 28e. Eggs -16 to 17e ; spline
Ilia to 14o. Honey -The market is firm, with strain-
. ed honey quoted at 11 to 12o per lb. ; combs, 82 to
$2:60 per dozen. Oheese-Steady, at 14o for large
I and 1411. for twine.
iv19NTitnan, April 16-Bnaer--A great seareiby of
receipts obaracterizes the market for butter. The
demand is steady, and prices. for fined creamery
-have advanced 2c. Quotations for finest, 82e, while
for winter rgake sp to ette is being asked, Eggs-
1.1eamy receipts. stall characterize the egg inarkataod
the price is Moderately low. There continuee to he
strong, steads demand, and the price of new-laia re-
mains unchanged at 17 td 18e per &gen.
r s -Messrs. Jan and. Pied Hanson,
Of Fullerton nave purchased the Jew-
elry bussiness a Vanstons and Co., St.
e -Bev. Wm. Grants missionary in
Mat, son of Rev. A. Grant, ot St.
3larys, is expected to sail -foe home
early in May. He comes ley way of
arancouver. It is about seven n -ears
obice his former visit home..
- -Mr. Itoger Raerts, the well-
known musician a Stratford, fell
slown the nether, steps at his music
etore one ,morning last week and re-
ceived slight -ineueles. The shock was
et nevere one not no serious results
are tosticipated.
-Mrs. Arthe.r Colquhoure of 'Mit-
Civil, died atter a short ilenesS at
Ithe Stratford hospital, on W-ednese
'day of last week. Deceased had gone
fto the hospital for an operation and
xedy survived it a, few hours..
e -Prof. Manly Baker, of Queen's Un-
Iversity, son of M. Heery Baker, of
Stratford, accompanied .by hie wife,
sailed la.st week tor Germany,/ frome
New York. He 10 'going ltes Heidel-
berg where he will take. a course ire
elcience this comeng eurnmete
-Leslie Harris, a fireman on the
Grand Trunk Railway, who has been
a resident of Stratford for some time,
was arrested hist week on a charge
ot tilgarny. Harrier -has as wife and
on in Pottage la Prairie, Man., and,
lwas married on February ats laat to
a. 'young girl In Zorra.
-The town or St. ma:eses is 'talking
ea 'buying a. blood, 'hound ' fort their
noliceenan. rt .seems that wood piles
god coal bins In that town have been
Ideated by sneak thieves and no trace
bteen found of the, laitter.
-Rev. R. Martin, of Knox church,
Straleord, has wo'n the degree a i3.1).
at the recent examinations ae Knox
College, Toronto. On 'his arrival home
ltrorn closing exercises of the col-
lege, Mr. Martin was presented: 'by the
eadies of his congregation Nita the
Knox College B. D. lhood.
• -The pupils of the. Listo-wel. high'
esehool, 'previous to the close of the
erehool or the Easter ,holidays, pre -
Wetted Mr. .W. Raensay, classical mas-
ter, with a. handsome writing desk
and. an address. Mr. Ramsay has sev-
ered his connection with the setheol
niald gone to Smith's Falls;
-Col. W. C. Moscrip, of Stratford,
lhas received notice from atilt: Hill,
• .the R. C. R. School at London, that
Lieuts. W. 3. Hanley, A. cBeth and
• J. Doyle, Stratdord, and George E.
1Wh1tworth, of St. Marys, all of the
08th Regiment, have .paased their ex-
aminations for the 'rank of captain.
-.evils& Effie Moore; Who ' left .St.
IsittaTs about a year ago 'for the West
tend daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jame
!Moose of that town, was unIted in
enatTiage to Me. Arthur Weeding, of
iDawson City, On March 2ard. The
‘eremoriy- which took'place in Win-
nipeg, was performed 1,7 Rev. C.' W.
-As st memorial to his deceased
Von's memory, Loraine, Mr. Walter
Thomson, of Mitchell, presented. the
library of the High School with six-
lieen volurnee of, Encyclopedia. Amer-
ican. The work will the a valtiaisle
'addition to the library and the gift
la highly appreciated by the staff.
le -Mr. Ralph Donaldscm, caretaker
bf Knox church, Stratford, met with
la serious accident -the other afternoon
In the new Sunday School 'building of
Knox church. He was standing on
the ground floor landieg and happen-
ed to lean bank on a hand rail, which
Was p 'area temporarily at the side of
lthe landing. The rail gave way and
he was precipitated to the cellar; fall -
frig beekward on a trestle below. As
la result of. 'the faIl two 'ribs Were
Ihroken and teree fractured.
-One efternoon last week is team
stif horece oelonging to Mr. August
Ahrens, of Logan. were standing in
trront of a Store in Mitchell, fastened
e c ment tie block which weighs
.nearly 100 peends. In some way one
a the horses ,got its foot fastened in
the rope and„ Oecomiag frightened,
the team *lashed forward over the
aide walk and the pole of the wag-
on smashed in the plate glass window
the efore on:Ivied by Miss Keeler
as a boot and Shoe store. The plate
eons was insured and no turther
damage was done.
Horse Market.
Towle re, April 17,-aressrm. Burns & aheppard at
the Repoeitoty and II rime Exchange report that
prieee ail lerind are good ilea now, and horses that
are up to the mirk are bringing exeellene returns
right alonire The prevaling prices are as followa
road -4 en* 16 to 10 hands, 8150 to $170 ;
einele cola andearriage horses, 15 to 16.1 bends:
naafi to glee ; metaled nein- and carriage horses,
15 to 16.1 hand, 8.100 to 3500; delivery horses, 1,190
10 1,200 pounds, 8150 to *100; general purpose and
express horsee, 1,200 to 1.350 pounds elm to 3180
draught borses 1,854) to 1,750 pounds, 3105 to 8S25
teryleeable second-hand workers, 850 to 3100;
Serviceable second-hand driven!, 050 to 390.
Tonotrro, Anti! 10 -Demand ik quiet, and prices
are generally nominal. Chickens, live, 10 to 110, and
dressed, 12 to 12o; live hens, 8 to 9c, and dreesed 10'
Grain., etc.
TOROXTO, April 16 -Wheat -Fall, 7310 74o; goose;
67 to &So ; spring, 71 to 72e; oatse 44c:. barley, 00
to 57o; peas, 764. Potatoes -.Ontario, 35 to 1100 ;
eastern, 95e In oar lets here. Baled May -The do -
/nand continues strong, and prices are firmer itt
$12.50 to $13,50 for No. 1 timothy, and 810 to $11.50
for secondary gads in cog lots on track h,3re.01
feting's are somewhat light. Baled Straw -Market
is very steady at 37 per ton in ear lots here.
Tommy°, April 16 -Prices paid at oountry points
are ;--Alsike, fanoy, 37 10 37.20 ; No. 1, $0 to 36.85;
No 2, 36.10 to 35.40; No. 3, 34.20 to $4.50. Red
Clover-Faney, 83.76 to 39; No. 1, 37 to 37.25;
No. 2, $0.35 10 80,50, Timothy -Firm. Intney bright
Olunallara unhulled 32.40 to $1-4.05 ; No. 1, $1.20 to
32 per bush, ; No. 2, $1.40 to 31.65 per bushel.
Live Stook Markets.
Lomane, England, April In --Cattle are firmer at
111 to 12ao per lie, deemed weight ; refrigerator
beef ie quoted. at 0 to ino per pound.
Livalnioot, April 16 -Canadian stem% 12ic Unit-
ed States steers, 12i to 13e. Trade is slow and the
market weaker.
Cloaseow, April 16 -Slower trade, especially for
emendate quality, Cattle -Prime eteers„ 12o ; ex-
treme top, 1210 bulls, 10 to 100 per pound.
Union Stook' Yards, Toronto Junction, April
16 -Most ofthe cattle were of good quality, and
trade was brisk. Prices of exporters ranged from
34.00 to $5.40, with a couple of choice laterite selling et
85.60. Export bulls brought *3.75 to 84-.40. The
best butcher cattle sold readily at $5 to 35.26 ; fair
to good, $4.40 10e4.85; cowman and Cows, $3,00 to
$4•40; Veal ealves brought $8.50 to 37 per 100 lbs.
MOM owe ranged from $35 to $55. Export ewes
were 86ao $5.50, 'yearling lambs $0 to e8, and spring
lambs! 84.50 to 87.50. Select hogs brought $0.50, and
lights and fats $0.26. Wm. Levack bought twenty'
carloads of rattle, paying for experterg 85.25 to
$0.40, and for a couple of load of extra ehoice,85.55;
for export balls, $8.76 to $4.40 ; for the best bath-
ers', $5 to 845.26,
Beeeeto, April 16 -Cattle -Prime and shipping
steady ; others, 10 to 25c higher prime steers,
05.00 to $6.10 ; shipping, $5.20 to e.5.60 butchers'
84.76 to 35.50 ; heifers, 34 to e5,85; cots, 23.50 to
$4.65 ; bulk. $3.50 to $4.76 ; atockere and feed-
ers, 83.75 to 84,75 ; dock heifers, $3 to $8,05; fresh
cows and springers, active and $2 to 38 higher, at
$20 to $55. Hogs -Slow ; pigs. steady ; others, 10
to 15e lower ; heavy, $7 to 87.05 : mixed, 87.05 to
nee ; Yorkers, 87.10 10 97.15 ;V.15 to a7.20 ;
roughs, e5.00 to 30.10 ; stage:84.75 to 35.25. Sheep
ancllatmba.-Active ; Meg and mixed theep steady ;
others, 25 to 30c higher ; lambs, 35 to $9,50 ; year -
lines $7.75 to $8•25 wethers, $6,76 to $7.5 ; ewes,
$5.7d to $0.50 ; sheep, mixed, 83 to $0.50,
hIograneggApril 10. -There was no actual change
in the condition of the market for cattle, as compar-
ed with this day week. The supply was somewhat
larger, but, as the average quality was generally, up
to the standard, prices_ were well maintained. A
feature of the trade WAS the improved demand from
exporters for (ARA e steers and bolls, owing to the
combined strong European adviees, which induced
shippers to' operate more freely, and they paid -$5.25
to 05.40 per cwt. for a number of deem, and $4,e0 to
84.75 for bulk,. Choice beeves sold at 54e to rao ;
good at 4Ile to 5o; fair at 40 to 40, and lower
grades at 3o to 4e per lb. pigs -Owing to the con-
tinued liberal supply of beige coming forward and
the discouraging advices from foreign sources on
Cane/lien bacon, which noted a deeline on inside
prices of Is to 20 per cwt., in the .Livergool, London
and Bristol markets, a weaker feeling developed in
the local situation, and prices declined Ifia per cwt.,
as conmared with those paid lad week, but the sales
of eeletited lots were made at $7,25 to $7.36 per oda
weighed off cars. Sheep and Lambs. -The market is
strong, and prices have advanced fully 0 per pound,
with sales of email lots of (*heap at 540 to 0c, and the
Iambs at 7e per lb. A few spring Iambi; were offered,
wbieh sold at $4 to $6 each.
TortOnO, April 17 -Export trade continues quiet.
A fetv cattle were offering, but they were not ea top
quality. One very fine export eow, weighing about
1,400 lbs„ brought $4,00n Quotations are unchang-
ed and generally nominal. Butcher cattle were In
brisk demand,andthe light offerings forced prices
higher. • Judging from conditions riding, there is
every probability of prices advancing still -further,
and keeping so for some time. High prices in the
countr.v oontinue, and many drovers say that, unless
price levels adeitnee on the market, many of them
will be forced out of busioess. Bales to -day were
made ate5.35, which was abOut the top price for the
market. There were only a few brought this price,
and they were of extra choice quality. Other sales
were made at $5.30, with more ranging from 85.15 to
$5.25. The market for choice cows continues firm,
a number of sales beingmade to -day at 34 25. There
1.1 118 little common mid inferior stock on pale to -day,
the great bulk of the offerings being in the good
ordinary bntcher class. Stockers are in demand,
and prices- are firmer. The offerings to -day were
light, however, and trade was quiet. • Choice stock-
ers are quoted higher at $2.75 to 34.25. Milch emit
are in good demand, and prices ate firm. Prices
range front $30 to 850, with very choice bringing up
to M. Sheep are firm but unehameed, and grain-
fe 1 lambs also hold firm. Common lambs, however,
continue slow, with spring lambs steady at slightly
lower quotatione. Export ewes, $5,50 to SO ; grain -
fed lambs, $7.50 to 48 ; spring lambs, $.1 to $7.50.
Hogs are weak, and quotations 25e 'lower, at se.4e
for selects fed and watered.
WHEELER -In Seaforth, on April 1110, to Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas 'Wheeler, a son.
LOCKEIDOE-In Senforth, on April 4t1'1; to Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Lockridge, a son.
MARTIN -1n Hay, Babylon line, on April Sth, 10
Mr, and Mrs, Soloman Martin, a daughter.
WELLS—In E.xeiier, on April Oth, to Mr. and Mrs.
Fred 1Ve1ls, -a daughter. -
VEAL -In Exeter North, on April 410, to Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Veal, a daughter. •
BRECKENRIMGE-In Turnberry, on April fith, to
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Breckenridge, a daughter.
SALTER -in East Wawanosh, on April 50, to Mr.
end Mrs. W, G. Salter, a danghter,
CASEUORE-ln Morris, on April 7th, to Mr. and
Mrs. John J. Casemore, a daughter,
eiEACOM-In Mullett, on Maech 2410, to :gr. and
• Mrs. A, W. Beacom, a son.
CAMPBELL -In Orey, on March 2811I, to MT. and.
Mrs. 'via Campbell, a daughter.
WARD -In 8 Wiley, on April 710, to Ma and Mrs.
Charles Ward, a son. •
nurtr,Ann-FLANNERY--At the ,manse, in Sea -
forth, on April gth, by RCA', F. A. Larkin, Lucy
Ellen, daughter of Ur. Michael. Fialinery, to
James W. Burgard, all of Tuckersinith.
IIACHAN-MeLEAN--At the amuse, Oranbrook, on
April 3rd, by Rev, D. B. McRae, Cleorge Meehan,
to Franeee MoLean, all of Grey.
STEDELBAUER-ELLIOTT--At the residence of
the bride's parents, on April 3rd, by Rev, Mr.
Burnett, Julius E. Stedelhauer, of Fordwieb, 10
Inn, Margaret, daughter of Mr. and 3Ire. iameS
Elliott, of Grey township.
WILTSE-BAWDEN-At the Ontario greet permit,
age, Clinton, 011 April Oth, by Rev. W. E. Kerr,
Mr, Wm. Willse, son of Mr. Leve Witte°, to Eva
Grace Damien, daughter of Mrs. C, Ikewden, of
JOHNS -FOWLER -At the Methodist parsonage,
Benmiller, on April lird, by Rev. S. G. Yellen&
W. H. Jeanie to Mary alklowler, both of Colborne
IIR1EN--In Ripley, . on April and, at
• the home of the bride, Arthur W. Knight, dent-
ist, of Cadillac, Michigan, to Mebane Mc:Brien,
eldest clauganier of Thos., and Mrs, Meiirien, of
ALBRECHT-OOLOSKY--At the Lutheran par-
• sonage; Zurieh, on is *di Oth, by Bev. E. Soh-
euelke, Lameda M, cetight,er of. Mr. and • eti•s.
C. (lolosky, of the lerontion line, to John Al-
brecht, of the 14th (-en.
ELL-TRW/TR.-At tne residence of the bride's
• parents, in the towuship ot.litty on April 10eh,
beaRev, S. Toll, Mr, Albert Bellt*,fourth eon of
the late Robert Bell, of the London Road, Tock-
ersmieh, to Slim Eine Jane,- third daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Troyer. -
LOWEBY.-In Settforth, on A.prit rine
Itietherford, wife of Mr. heel* ',Twiny, aged
08 year'.
STRONG -In Titelterainith, on 'April 15th, Della
Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Strong,
aged 7 moaths teed 28 dart,
31ASON-In Saskatoon Sasitatehewan on April
12th, Charles E. ani.4on, fonuerly of *13ruceflold,
1-7,1aged 67 years.
VANdTONE-In Gederich, on April Ona Lulu_ E.
Varaitona, aged 18 years, 2 menthe, and 6 days,
JOHNSTON--In SaltfOrdy on April 7th, Alex. John -
don, aged 78 yeare.
Goderieb, on April 71h, Bridget Judge.
BUXTON -In Clinton, on April 7th, George Buxton,
aged 54 years and e months,
swim:seek-on the tendon Road, Tueltererrtith,
on April 7fai, Oeorge SWinbank, aged 81 years.
pc:menu-In Witigham, 011 Aele 5, Win. II.
Campbell, aged 63 years.
On Saturday, April 20th. at one delock p. at
the Coromerend Betel, Hensel], a number of Draft
Horses, Elides and Geldings, Thoinas D
• rown, +auc-
tioneer. 2052-2
On Saturday, April 2010, at 10.80 otolaek a, mg at
Bossenberry's Motel, Brueefield, Property belonging
to the Estate of the late Neil MoOihl. Thos. Brown,
auctioneer. . 2053-1
On Saturday, a/ay 410, from 10.10 12 a. En, and
from 1 to 0 p, rn. at the Queen's Hotel, Henson,
'foothold Furnitureand Hotel Fixeures, Ezra Bice,
proprietor; 13. S. Phillips, auctiormer.. 2053-3
Western ank of
Established by Act of Parlianaen
General BanitingaBusiness transacted.
Drafts bought and sold on all parts otanhe world.
Special attention given to Farmers, broom, etc.
Advances made to responsible parties on their
own notes,
Interest paid or compounded four Mines a year
at the highest current rates.
We cash Sale Notes no matter on what Bank
drawn. -
117 Britnehes and Agencies throughout 0 ailed%
11SM:en-Great Britain -Royal ]lank of Scot.
land ; Canada -Merchants Bank of Canada; New
York -Merchants Bank of Canada.
FRANK 1111cOONNTLI., Manager
rrAmwonTri BOARS FOR SALE. -The under-
-L. signed offers for sale seven good registered
Tarinvorth Boars about two months old, also some
good grade sows with pig. Apply to WM. BURKE,
Steno, P. 0. 2053-4
01/ SALE. -A nice hems and lot, situated on
Gottinlock street, Seaforth. The house con-
tains six rooms with all necessary 0011Venienees.
There is also it splendid stable ou ehe lot. This pro-
perty will be sold on reasonable terms, Apply to
M. MoPHEE, Seaforth. 2056-1
WARM FOR. SALE. -For sale, Lot 18, Concession
X' 4, Hay tp., containing 100 acres; 90 acme are
cleared gnd 10 mires of good hardwood bush. The
farm is in a good state of cultivnalon and well under -
drained and well fenced. There aro on the premises
a good frame barn, 40 x 00, also a frame shed, 18 x
40, also a good frame house, 20 x 24, and frame kit-
chen. 1 acre of orchard, also 2 never failing wells.
The farm is situated about 2 Miles from the village of
Hensel), and la miles from echool. For farther par-
tiourara apply to MRS. THOS. DICK, Henson, or to
JOHN DICK, Olarlcsburg. 2058-tf.
The Treasurer will be at the Couneil Meeting nt
Winthrop on Tuesday? ApriI.80th, p, ni„ to refund
to the Ratepayers entitled thereto their share of the
Winthrop Drain nalance,
2053-2 MURDIE, Clerk,
f ,";'' :c..".2:4440 .v49.11
' 44.0:iffar.i,;`:,. . ?''' '',`'‘$)7):'..','&:VYAS j'•Set
W3X)ekaVA44): K. ' ',. 0 ... ' ' ',.. ' S• 0. ..'; :-.‘zeriev..44-1,
frowitmlleen, ' • . - •:- . 5 --.4,-Ar.w•-,%AvisW,`. '
. _... ....__........._
You will save money and get a
better roof by using
Slate colored -contains no tar-
eastly laid -a rooffing kit free.
Spark, water, gas, heat and cold
proof. Lasts long and looks
well. Don't take an imitation.
Send for a free sample.
— For Sale By --
Seaforth Tea Store
Red Clover, Alsike, Timothy
Seed, all kinds of Mangold and
Turnip Seeds, Dutch Sett Onions,
Garden and Flower Seeds, Butter
Beans, Golden Wax Beans, Flour
and Cereals, of all kinds, Cornmeal,
Oatmeal, Pot and Pearl Barley.
Also pure Maple Syrup at 25c a
quart, best Table Syrup, Golden
Syrup and West India Molasses.
I have some of the best Seed
Potatoes on hand.
Four lbs. good fresh Prunes for
25c • Si lbs. -Dates for 25e :, 10 bars
0. . Soap for 25c.
Although Teas have advanced
in price from 4c to 5c per lb., I am
still selling at the old. price, as
botight a heavy stock. of Black,
Green and Japan Teas, before the
prices advanced,
WANTED, — Good fresh Butter
and Eggs, for which highest prices
will be paid, either eaeh or trade.
A G 9
A solid Train or Vestibule
Cars and Pullman Sleepers
leave Toronto , daily at 9.00
p. m, arriving in Cobalt at
8.45 a. m. ; New Liskeard at
9.15 a m. Cobalt is the rich.
est Silver Mining Camp in the
world and is well worth a
One Way Second Class
Colonist Tickets
On sale daily until April 30tili
to points in British Columbia,
California, Montana, Color-
ado, Washington, Oregon.
Local and through tickets is-
sued previous night for early
train at town °nice.
For tickets end full informetiots call on
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent.
A. F. PHILLTPS, Depot Ticket Agent.
B. E. WALKER, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
A. IL IRELAND, Superintendent of
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,00
Rest, - 5,000,000
Total Assets, - 113,000,000
Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England
Deposits of $1 and upwards
current rates and paid quarterly.
delay whatever in the withdrawal
the deposit.
HOLMESTED, Solicitor
received; interest allowed at
The derositor is subject to no
of the whole or any portion of
G. E. PARKES, Manager,
P ter than ever and bigger stook than beforia Prices range from 3e tirigle roll to
25o. 'ear stock of Wall Paper excels in patterns and qualities our previous year. The
desiaps are artistic and deoorative, each pattern showing a distinctive idea ii4 the mind
of ths artist. This season brings out new ideas in wall paper decoration that have
never been shown heretofore.
Wall Papers at 313, showing a neat pattern of floral dodge, with ground work of
broken cbeck. Bordering and ceiling to match,
Wall Papers at 5o and 63 fine glimmer, also gilt papers. a aplendid assortment of
designs and ccdoriege, }Fluted' on good stook and easy hangers. Bordering- and ceiling
ttt ma tob
Wall Papers at 7o li.nd 83, beautifni gilt and silver glimmer papers, with 9 inch and
18 inoh borderIngs, very decorative ceiling. These papers are suitable for any room of
a. house.
Wall Poore at 100 and nice dimity, silver, gilt f and embossed papers, with eeii-
Jogs and borders to match, Tees° lines consist of florets, set ,figures, eleeent stripes,
also conventional designs. An immense range et these prices.
; Wall Papers at 151 and 20o, heavy embossed gilt papers, also silver tinted and
heavy ingrains, in all shades popular in wall papers, suitable for libraries, balls, dining
rooms. etc/
Wall Papers from 103 to 20o, tapestry peens, suitable for dining roornahall, tir-
ing room, bedroom, parlor an i sitting room eeeners, in light shades of oree,msiblae, nile
green, pink,, outlined in gold and plains, exceptional valve) in each paper. A big stook
at these prh3es.
LINOLEU MS in 2, 3 and 4 yard widths, best Scotch make. We carry only
Nairn's goods, and oan recommeed them in you. They are an exbra beevy grade,
always uniferm in quality, and outdo to stend hard wear. The patterne this season
are new, end will be popular, as they are of fine medallion tile design, handsome floral
patterne on neutral baok ground, neat lea and fierat °lusters, also wood, mosaic block
design -4 pieces of 2 yards wide, 1 piece of 3 yards wide, 3 pieces of 4 yardS wide to
select from.
Eighteen new:pieces of English fweed Dress Goods, at 60.3 per yard.
-.713 firiCir
This is the exclusive Agency for this distriet for these celebrated instru-
ments.. Ask for the little leaflet "Why a Piano gets out of tune," and it
will be easily seen why these instruments are so much in favor with the
public, both. here and abroad, Before buying give me a call.
One door North of Richardson & McInnis'- Shoe Store.
Corner Main
Market Smote
CoNi erin
and Clothing
Concerts in
Fiver Countess
This season we have forth°
already comprehensive stoo
As an inducement to prospective
Brussels Carpets, we are offering:
piece. Engllsh Brussels.
for 95 cents a =7
easet., our
the above
Tape,stry Carpets are moving fast this neinth, and we hre in a
ter position than formerly for catering to this branch of the tra oar
patterns are exceptionally bright and cle ar.
In this line we ace offering ;
Ten pieces of Tapestry Oarpet, regular 65e to 75e, fot 50e a yar4.
We have offerings in Wilton, Velvet, Tapestry, Woo
Squares of all kinds and sizes. See these goods we have som
terest you.
Piave a large share of interest just now, and owing- to reee4 arrangammtg
made for buying direct from the largest makers in Scotland, we have now ia
stock about 3,000 verde of the best values we have ever offered, which were
bought la,st Fall before. the advearce in prices. I -tending ;purcheeers-we ask,
Saving Departmental Store.
- Opposite the Royal Hotel, Seaforth, Draperifs
SPRING MANTLES—We are showing a few lines of Coats at the following
reduced prices : Foamy Tweed Coats, worth $10, clearing at $7,75; Rein -proof
Coats, worth $8 for $6.50.
WASH GOODS—Piques, Linene, Muslins, Ginghams, Prints, eta, at prices to
suit every one.
LACE CURTAINS--Speoisl value at $1 to $1.40 per pair. Scrims, worth 10ao
et 03 ; woith 9io at 70.
WHITE WEAR—Ladies' White Unclerkirts, Night Gowns, Corset Covers, Vests
s—Pioral and Blook effect, at 40o per square yard. Oil-
cloths, at 23s per egears yard.
BOOTS AND SHOES—A fresh arrival of Ladiefe, Gents' and Children's fine
Shoes has inn been received. We can fit you up in etyle at small cost.
JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC.—For a wedding or a birthday pres-
ent, nothing is more suitable than a handsomepiece ot silverware or a pretty ring
or bracelet. Watch our window for our new display of Neck Chains and Lockets.
Special prices for Watoli and Clock Repairing, and work guaranteed bo give satis-
faction. inr13-0TTER. AND EGGS TAKEN AS CASH.
VI' Don't forget that wheu you want a good article ab a reasonable price enil ab
The Toronto Bargain House, Ci4t.a.
'.gaticie to Creditors I
Ithe matter of the estete of Peter Campbell, late of
the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron. naneannineteneeeleaganea
' Yeoman, deceased.
Notice is hereby given, pursuant to the revised
Statutes of Ontario, Chap, 129, that all creditors and
others having olitiins against the estate of the saki
late Peter Campbell, who died en 0r about the 1810
day of Mach A. D., 1907, are required on or before
the lst day of .June, A. D., 1007, to send by post pre.
paid, or deliver to James Campbell, Bayfield P. 0,,
one of the Executors of the vitae of the said deceas-
ed,.thir Christian and Sir names, addresses and de-
stiaptions, the fell particulars of their claims, a
statement of their accounts and the nature of the se -
=IV, if any, held by them. Ard further take
notice that, after such last_ mentioned date, the Ex -
matters of said estate will proceed to distribute the
Mints of the deeeased among the parties mita
tled thereto, having regard only to the claims of
which they shall then have notice, and that the said
Executors will nob be liable for the said assets or any
part thereof :to any person or persons of whose
claims notice shall not then have been received by
them at the time of such diseribution.
Dated at Goderich, this 17th day of April, 1907.
Solicitors for the Executors.
ageaLEARING AUCTION SALE of Household Fur-
niture and Hotel Fixtures. -B. S. Phillips, awe-,
tioneer, has been instructed by Mr. Ezra Bice to sell'
by publie auceion at the Queen's note), }tense% on
Saturday, May 4111, from 10 o'clock to 12 o'clonk a,
in., and from 1 to 0 o'clock p. in., the frallOWinir
property, viz : Household Effects. -I3 iron bedsteads,
6 wooden bed eteruis, 18 bureaus, 18 dreseers, 18 wash -
!Amnia 1 lounge, 19 bed springs, pillows and bidding
for the above, 1 walnut parlor suite, 2 clothes cabin-
ets, 1 mewing machine, 4 dining room tablet', 4 kitehen
tables, 3 centre tables, 12 arm chairs, 24 dining room
chairs, 24 bedroom chairs, 1 Empress range andeook-
log utensile, 2 wood heaters, 2 coal furnaces, 1 box
doveagatform boles (1,2001bOnangelavriting deek,
8 large mirrore, 2 sideboards, 4 cupboards, wardrobe,
4 Will ashes, 3 dozen -knives and forks; 3 doz. spoons,
15 chanter sets, /0 pieturee, 12 spittoons, 1 bag
truelt, 8 bedroom carpets, $ pieces matting, 30 win-
dow blinds and poles, 14 window awnings, 25 window
00100)10, 11 screen doors, 1 large indeboatell quarter cut
oak, for back of bar, 1 hot water urn with gnsoline
burner, 50 Yards oilcloth, 1 pair enamel wash basins
with bmkets and pipe, 1 eet electric belle, electric
light miters. The most of these artieles have only
been in use for a !Mort time, Terms. --All mums of
810 and under, Antall; over that amount eix months
oredit will be given on furnishing- approved joint
notes. A diseoune of 0 per cent. 'per annum allowed
off Ifor cash on credit amounts. All teill positteely lee
sola as the propridtor is eking1314naL
up Eh
BICE, Proprietor; 11. S. PHILLIPS, Auctioneer.
High Grade Mantoba
There is a vast difference in the lines from Seamus pub. Everything
that is smart and fashionable, that good taste and trained judgment suggest,
is in our present showing in plain and colored madras, musbn, scrunnet,
door panels, &c.
... '
F.47.44 . e
Men's Clothing De
Glance through the clothing advertisements, and you. win doubtless melte
that each and every clothier clairas the exclusive agency for Canada's 1.lowt
clothing, hats and furnishings, that his stocks are larger, his prices lower,
and many otb.er wild and extravagant claim% Any merchant, no matter ho'
small, can buy newspaper space, but his statements ate very often exaggera-
tions and mis-statements. Any statement we make we are prepared to back
tip with the goods. Something new in high grade clothing for the scorning
season that sill defy competition.
in Biz from 34 to 44, h $ 0, this
Twenty-five. Men's Worsted. Suits,
season's price $8 -
Blue black and fo,ga„icy Qin Worsteds, nizes from 31 to 14, a0
, I
Another shipme# of Men's Tweed Pants.
Three specialetn Men's Raincoate at $3,50 7,00 aad $10.00.
ng ,o Orde..
We ha-ve black and blue Worsteds ilia Serges, guaranteed sp
yarn and dyed in the wool before waving, and are sold upon the gaaranbee
of manufacturer and ourselves to stand test of stm and salt sea air not to
2. We ask comparison on the above $2turn white at the edges, and sold at the same prices as ordinary go
RO, lines.
Se We have many novelties in Faney Worstedi3 -direct imports- $'/.7
-- for --
almond A.
seer.. Mee,.
F A S -rf
th NilIing Co.
We present to you opportunities to bay new Hats, Shirts, Ties and
Hosiery -Each values as you have never before known.
Unmatchable Opportunities -Om Floxmon Shirt, all linen, at 31
Our Puritan Shirt, all double back and double front, guaranteedfagt.
colors, fulz
1 eiaessnevery',ifor75e.
Men ,8Ht
known shape at $1.25, $1.50 and $1,90.
Our " Regal" Hat, the bit of the season, at $2.00
Highest:Ines pald for Butter, Eggs
and Wool.
Opposite Town uilding,,Oorner Main and_Markst Streati,