HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-04-19, Page 3• -•*••••‘ 1 PRIL 19, 1907 ee-seses---ee _ Canada X. A. ALLAN, Vice POsident. fana,e;er. - $5,000,000 $25,000,000 Iterest paid 4 times a gear. 'OEFIEL 7 - • „,- ;•.; ON OSITOR s.7 F,71 e e "es -see cps. • TT 'D▪ oc y you ,,7197 PROGRESS BileaNie CLO'BIISIG FREE ,te- will tell lately Free, 3et of • with e and tenets, isome 'rifted le be- wette. '..alogue and strated and asks far it :ler special offers, aew and stindard i Bulbs. ' r. '1ED CO.,Limited Ir!-.tseS`4H1 iN ITU RE. housekeepers—almost seEms ttn% much. And yet if Merit in prices will appeal to you, and -res invrect our splendid new stock T<TITG-- and 'L.-unday calls answered at the' op! °kite the Methodist chunk,. I ''4,44#11134 ITE LOVER , BREAD' READ IS THE NEE OF LIFE and it is rnore vital that ie should he good than any other food. ade of the highest qUalitY Milk is used instf.?ad of I highest baker's skill, and crust is light and crisp, is healthful, nourishing, ot any longer be content made of cheap flour and Cart Be Made. e- • AFOR'211 ublic Notice. • is. berent %Wen that, in accordance leitIL istOre4 Of i:1•4,AWs of the Town of RV' " ttlat bc•110.4.1 intend to make application to Itnietpal 'onneil of the said Town of Seafnras Err ereet and operatA steam boiltr I:4MP in the 1)ren3ises on inarket street, irenteu, • re:.r (#17 *Le store at present ocaupied Pieliard &In. and of eihich miplication intt•rested are hereby requestedio take not"" thentselve aueordingly. JuUN .BELL, beaforth- " ferth, April 901, lien. 206E4; :pays special attention to 'SAVINGS ACCOUNTS, Interest paid 4 finites' a 1/4var SEAFORTH BRANCH. COLSON, - Manager. •••••••••••••••••"*....."'"..... Rcture Framing. Ai) this time of year' yea nearly alwaye beve a number of pietures you wish 'fram- ed, Bub you keep putting it off, often be- ams you fear the expense. Picture fram- ing with ue is a speelalty, and we carry eseok of frames end mouldings that are ehesn and neat, pretty bat not expensive. Lel us frame a picture for you, and we OM convince you of the truth of, what we swg., Try us for your next Photo. 2 untawvir wistscil iAnvoim DivIO Seaforth. Heart Strength, oHeart Weakness, meens Nerve .oglangth, or Nen-t, Vca,kness—uothing more. Pos- itively, not one weak heart in a hundred is. in It- gelf, actually diseased. It is ithrevt always a bidden tiny little nezve net ,retwilv Is all at iatit. This obseure nerve—the Curdinc, klearb Nerve ...simply needs. and rauAt have, morol.lower, more reore controlling. VICIZO governing strengtn. Wititcut that the Irea.rt must continue to fail, and the $tomach and kadlleYs alsa have these Elm.; enr.tr&i:tiz nerves., This clearly expl:-.ins why, as n. medicine, Dr. boop R.,_•itoroti‘ LI,;•t in the raGt atrac., t.o mh for week and /Itearts. Dr. Sher.» „ought elle cause cs; ai; ens, pa; sufirt'et- Ing hca3 distr. Dr. Shoop's R1.'7.71114 tivc—this reedier erescensam—is alone directesi to these weak and Nvt*,sting- nerve center.. Ib buiid$1, it sti'eu..calrus; it t-thrs real, genuine heart help. _ If you would lave stroee, Ileart.i, strong de. ,aestion, strengthen these nerves re-cs-tablieb Ihem as needed, with Yon have heard of biscuits—and readofbitcuits—and catenbiscuits— but you don't know biscuits—tmtil you try Mooney's Perfection Cream &xi= They are everything that the Meg biscuits should be. The air - tight, moisture -proof package brings them to you fresh, crisp, inviting. Practically every grocer in Canada has MOONEY'S. Yours will get them if you ask. Ini ea 3 lb. pkgs. 103 ENNIO' _ I - Kobi.ttV giSCUIT CANDY 6P r.SiltATraltilt cAwAsil CHAS. AEERHART, Viringhani Business College ie a high grade Commercial School Three Courses : Commercial - Stenography - Telegraph write GEORGE SPOTTON, Prinp j. Lewis Thomas Civil Engineer, Architecketc Late Dominion De ipartment Public Works. Consulting Engineer for Ainnleipal or County work. Electrio Bail roads -Sewerage or Waterworks Systems, Wharves, Bringes Ba-enforeed Concrete. Puma:2220, 20264. LONDON, ONT. The Ne W Store For New Goods • a/madam. FISH — Finnan Freddie, Ciseoes, Whitefish, Mackerel , and Trout. These are very scarce, but are extra • good quality. • PEOETABLE— Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Beets, Par snips and Turnips always on hand. ,FRE811 MEAT We buy nothing bat/ the best quality in Beef, Pork and Lamb in this department. We have extra fine prices. CURED MEATS -- Hain, Beam, Breakfast Bacon andiRolls always n hand. COOKED MEATS— Corned Beet, Headrheese,3Bo1ogna and3New England Ham. • 000ERIE8— Our grocery department is complete. I:Always fresh and good. • KRUSE BROS., CJNIMERCE BLOOK ---(PHONE 96 SEAFORTH. Scavanger Wanted. Town of Seaforth Application& will be received by the Board of Health for the position of scavenger for the Town of tieeforth, For further information aquire of the un- dersigned. JOHN A. WILSON, Secretary. You 'cannot possibly have a better Cocoa than A delicious drink and a sustaining food. Fragrant, nutritious and, economical. This excellent Cocoa maintains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. COCO -Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers - ini-lb. and i -lb Tins. T HRH TIMESIN A WOMAN'S LIFE Theta are three periods of a woman's life when she is in need of the heart strength- ening, nerve toning, blood enriching action of MILBURN'S HEART - AND NERVE PILLS • The first of these is when the young girl is enteeing the portals of womanhood. At this time she is very often pale, weak and nervous, and unless, her health isi built up and her system strengthened she may fall a prey to consumption or 1*0. weak woman for life. The secend period is motherhood. The drain on the system is great and the ex- tansted nerve force anti depleted blood require replenishing. Milburn's Heart and Nerve PliU supply the elements needed to do this. The third period is "change of life" and this is the period when she is most liable to heart and nerve troubles. A tremendous change is taking place in the system, and. it is at this time many chronio- diseases manifest themselves. Fortify the heart and nerve system by the use of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills and thus tide over this dangerous period. Mrs. James King, Cornwall, Ont., writes "1 have been troubled very much with heart trouble—the cause being to a great extent due to "change of life." I have been taking Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills for some time, and mean to -continue doing so, for I can truthfully say they are the best remedy I have ever used for building up the system. 'You are at liberty to use this statement Lor the benefit of other sufferers." Price 50 cents per box, three boxes for $1.25, au dealers, or The T. Milburn Qp., leiraiterl, Toronto, Ont. CESOLENE ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for CIRE THROATS AND COUGHS ; They combine the germicidal value of Cresolene Wi,th the soothing properties of slippery elm and lice. riee. Your druggist or from us, 10a in stamps. Lisammte, Mum Co., Limited, Agents, -Montreal. 4ox Nurses' & Mothers' Treasure —most reliable medicine for baby. Used over 50 year. First compounded by Dr. P. E. Picault in 1855. Makes Baby Sh'ong Restores the little organs to erfect health. Gives sound sleep, `thout resort to opium or other injuriou dregs. 44 At druggists'. 25e. 6 bottles $1.25, National Ding & Chemical Co. Ltd., Montreal The YOH SHOULD INSURE JN 110=01\1DIPEiJ - Booakse the Industrial Branch Its' a valuable aid to the profit -earning Power of the Company, as it has to contribute its shere to the expenses of Management, and ls an important factor in enabling the London Life to give 33ETTER RE,SULTS than companies confined, to one branch of business. The great Prudential Life Insura,nce Company, the largest in Great Britian, start- ed as an Industrial Company and now oper4es both bramehes. By reason of the commanding financial position, secured largely thror th its Industrial Branch," it has become the Company par excellence for t.ta business and pro- fessional classes ef the British Isles to insure in. • W. E. ROBINSON, Inspector Seaforth. - TO xgositori Diermar mATTERS. -The Brucefield Spring Fair.—Our readers should' bear bi anindl the Spring Stock- and Seed Fair, to be held at Brucefield, under the auspices of the South Huron Agrrcultural So- ciety, on Friday, April 26t1i.- A slifee- id effort Is 'being made this year to make this Fair more successful than ever before. Very 'Morel- 'prizes are offered for bulis, and, &Moue% no prizes are offered for horses, a very liberal allowance is made to the own - of 'horses- entered end shown, to ald in paying their expeinses. The Fair offerf3 an excellent opportunity for horsemen to show, their antarais to the !ref:bile, and it affords an equ- ,ally good- opportunity- for in bending breeders to see and couriers the mer- its of the best stook horses in the county. The Seed department la add - • this year for the first tifne, and I will . afford, farmers an opportunity of showing the public what they can do ha thief way. It ,will pay every home - man and farmer to etteod, this Fair. A day can not be better or more profitably spent. School Report.—The following is the result of the neater .promotion exam- inations, held in School Section, No. 2, SfeKtIlop ; Class V—Tota,1 marks, .730—Ethel Kerr, 596, Class IV—Total marks, 700—Brenton Kerr, 655, Percy McMichael 472, Samuel Storey 469, Ai- aten Scott 452, Frank Hunt 4,45, Ho- rner Hunt 480, Jean McMichael, 410. Class III, $re:.-Totaa marks, 780—Omer Anderson 496,sWillie Storey 462,1dima Doimage 482, 'Robert McElroy 418, Jes- sie Wilson 91, Lorna Elam, 390, John Durie 70. Class nr, Jr.—Total maxim, 600— abel Dorranee 411, cur - ford Hunt 54. Class Ili Sr.—Total marks/ 630 Ethel Harn, 284.—Helen MeMilla,n, Teacher, 0 , For Catarrh let me send you free, just to prove meriti, a Trial size oox of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is a- 'snow white creamy, healing seette- opt° ;palm that give a inetent relief 'to Catarrh oe the mese aid throat. --Make the free test and see. .Address .° J -Dr. Shoop, Racine, +Wis. Laege jars 50 cents.—Sold by C. Aberhart, drag - glee, Seaforth. In The Olden Days. mammy Interesting sketches of the early days of Seaforth and vicinity, taken from the files of The Exh positor. : Seaforth, May 14, 1875. At the :residence of the :bride's fath- • cyn May 12, Mr. Jehn Sidney Brown- ell, of Seaforth, was united, in mar- riage Ito Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. :Wm. 'CaSh, of, McKillop. The ceremony was; 'performed, !by Rev. C. Lavell. • Mr. seehet Murray, who hes oCCupi- ed the Mamelon hetel foe the past tw:o years, has refired froro the hot- el 'bust/lees and has removed to Ham- ilton. Mr. Cermicheele the proprletor of the block, has again resumed pos- seesion ot the hotel. Mr. W. H. May hes, Sold his sad- dler establishment to Mesers. G.. E. Henderson & Co Me,ssrs. Thos. Bele and ,Wilter Scott 3ave;purchased tW he ingh mt cabin- et ad tory. Phil will neces Hate the removal of, these gentlerrien from Sea- ferth. We very much reg eq. losing such good citizens. • The council o4 Tucketai ith have -drawn tame thee .Ontario oovein- mart $14,000 of the aa, Loan Futnd due to the tOwntehle; d have inveeted the whole of this a cut in herrn 'mortgages at 8 'per c t. There is still to draav about 0,600. 0.••• .01•101•01111 Seafor0, May 2, 1875. • At the residence of the brid 's fath- er, Roxbero, McKillop, on M 19th, Mr. James Grieve was united in mar- e -lege ito Jessie, fourthdau:hter of Mr. James Scott. The ce erne was leerfoemed by Rev. M. B rr. Me. David *McNaught has ptirchesed from Mr. Thos. Bell the liver steele property and 'building's on Mai street, paying therefor 1;2,100. • M -r. J. R. Williams, of the eafortle pump factory, has taken int part- nership with him Mr. Noble tuff. At the annual meeting of t e 'Sea - faith Mechanics' eld on Tuesday evening last, 'the fo lowing officers were elected for the ensu- ing 'year: President, .Dr. Co emaal ; vice president, David 4ohnson; sec - eatery, Wm. Hill; aesiatant, Ches. Arnestrong; treasurer, - A. G. Me - Dougal; commW ittee, pe Gray Wm. Campbell, W. N. Watson; D. s. Wil- son, R. Lumsden Wm. MeC Thos.- Kidd and dr. Vereoe. =WM /men MIMI Seaforth, May 28, 875. In Seaforth, on Mey 24th, Mr Root. arleVe, 'or McKillop, was uni ed in marriage to Miss Hannah: Dora y, of Seaforth, by Rev. M. Barr. While driving in /vIeKillop the other day Dr. and Mrs. Coleman bad a un- pleasant experience. Their tea, ran away and botki were thrown ou and considerably bruised. Rev. W. Creig, of Woodstock has been appointee to the ineemben y of St. Thomas' church, Seaforth, 1 the ;place of ,Rev. •W. L. Mille, wh has men appointed rector or Sr. hes, Quebec. The 24th of ,May was celebrat d in Seeforth. Despite unfavorable w eth- er in the morning', there was a gorid trowd -in town. The fire 'arige,de a,de their first public appearance in Lhelr new unieorms. 'Horse races and; ath- letic sports' made ip tae programme for the dey, On Sunday afbern-oon lest, as Rev. R. Reynolds, Methodist ministet on the Kippen circuit, was drivin to his charge at Lumley, the wheels of 'his sulky got into 'a, rut and he was thrown off, his feet catching in the ir011e in front of the vehicle. He was dragged about 200 yards and was so 'badly injured that lie Alert in spout khree hours. Seaforth, June 4, 18 Mr. Thos. Bell has disposed o livery stock to Messrs. David Naught and Matthew Morrison-. • Mr. Walter Scott 'has disporie his eatenet factory a.nd stock to John 11. Broadfoot. • Mr. Thos. Adams and Miss Ad of Seaforth, left on Thursday trip to th.e Greet Isle. Messrs, Beattie 4-,Ideblulkin,, who have coaled on a large tnercantile business 'here for some years, htend selling out and goirig to Tor rito, where they will enter into the w ole- Beletusinese. 5. his me - of Mr. ms, n a aVe have this week td, recerd ./he You can trust a medicine tested 60 years! Sixty years of experience, think of that! Experience with Ayer's Sar- saparilla; the original Sarsa- parilla; the Sarsiparilla the doctors endorse for thin blood, weak nerves, general debility. But even this grand old inedicine cannot do Lt s best work if the liver is inactive and tbe bowels COnstipateil. Pox the best possible re- sults, you nimuld take laxative doses of .Lyer's Pllla taking no Sarsaparilla. Made by 3*. 0. Ayer Co., towalL Mae& Also Manufauturera or 9 BAIR VIGOR. 40 re AGUE CURE, " 12tuOr ClIERRY PECTORAL. orei4; bsve no socrots ! Wo publish formulas of all our riodioinoe. #_#a*MroulPar.... delete of another of Huron's oldest and stoat esteemed residents. Ur. Jas. McDowell died at his residence in Mc. Millop, on Monday last. Although he had been in poor health for some time, Mr. McDowell was able to be around mail a feww dars before bis death, .when he was 'taken with a severe at- tack of Jetflarnrnation of thel lungs. Mr. MeDowell was a native of Scot- land, and was in his Ord year. -De- ceased settled in, McKillop in 1837. He leaves a widow, fou e sons and one daughter. , Messrs. Wm. MeGeoch and Thomas Gemmill, of Tuckeramith, left on Wed- nesday on a 'trip to Scotland. • " Preventics " will' promptly check cold or the grippe when taken early, or at the "sneezeestagie."! Prevent - 1c fe cure seated colds as well. Pree venties are little candy cold cure tablets, 'and Dr, Shoop, Rutile, will gladly ma,i1 you sampler; and a book on Colds free, if you will write him, The samples prove their merit. Check early colds with Preventics and stop Prieutnonia. Sold le 6e and 25c bceres by C. Aberhart, druggist, Sea- ,...••••••••••••••••••-•••••••.-ra The Blyth Spring Show. . The first Spring Show, under the auspices of the Blyth Agricultural Societs, was 'held in the village of Blyth, on Tuesday of last:. week. In. Industry Hall, Mr. S. Rennie, of To - Tonto, gave a, 'practical addreesi on "Eradication of weeds," and "How' to select good seed," after which he ans- wered many questions. The follow- ing ere the .prize winners: Horees.—Clydesdale Stalli, Leiper & Moen, Hullett; Jahn .Wells,• Hal- lett. Percheen Stallion, Fred Davis, Gioderieb.; Blyth Perelman As t 'elation. Carriage Stallion, James Mcefll, East Wawanoeh; Fred Davis, e *erich. ',Roadster Stalliott, Scott & :Warwick, Brussels; Wallace Allen, 1Hullett. An rittgifiteved Stallion and 'three of his 1906 colts, Howson Beadle & Co„ Auburn. Sweepstakes any class, Fred Davis), Goderich. Special Clydesdale, i:Virro. -Gray, Hullebt. • Cattle.—Shorthorn Bull, Joint Barr, Ilullett ; R: C. MeGwaose •Easti •Wa,- wanoshe ,Polled Angus Bull, under 2 years, A. MCEwing, Helock. Grain; Seeds, Etc.—White o ts, A.W. Sloan, Blyth; J. E. Ellis, East -We- wanosb,. Black oats, A. W Sloan, Blyth. • Two -rowed barley, C. W. Tay- Fdrdyte ; Fred Austin, Hullett. Six -rowed barley, John Barr, Hullett ; Fred Rath, Bast Wawanosh Field 'peas, C. .W. Taylor, Fordyc ; Fred Rath, .East Wawahosh; 'pot toes for general crop, Philip Williow, Blyth, Solving the Servant irl Problem. ,Torcinto News says: lThe men, Who last year in diligent co petition. 'haunted by night fend by day the itn- migratiOn depa'r'tment of the On- tario Government at U'fliOflL Station, Toronto, have this season rivals more keen titan their 'fellow, legislators, county councillos or agriculturists. The ladies have entered tee active arena. They are taking the 'personal initiative in ;seeking to solvess tbe ser- vant problem, and maids and women zeriving from the old land ere now Ib as great, it ndtv greater,1 demand !then their ;stalwart 'brothers and fathers. There are, of course, fewer 1 sales than lads alt the inenigrationt adquarters, and 'the ladies entered the corepetition for them with a zest and a zeal which would do credit to, the !bargain counter. • Heretoroze 'the ;girl arrivals have been 'promptly tranaferred to the home mi ;Wellesley street, where Miss Fitzgibbon •superinatended their allot- ment. During the past few days, however, the far seeing' ladieri have planned a first selection at the point .of arrive' and it is net an uncommon occurrence to find 'them hurrying in to secure early choices. Net only ao but every now and, these a carriage drives up 'to the entrance and, if the applicant Is successful, the maid: is immediately 'borne off in triumph. "You have no idea of the difficulty It is tOesecure maids," one 'lady told the News. "I have been a,dvertisinee for nearly three weeks withoet suc- cees." The ladies charged the scarcity the criumtber a girls employed; in .the stores and fattories. The Importance of Drainage. Editor Expositor,—During tee pest two seasons the Department of Phy- sics, at the. Ontario Agelcultural Col- lege, has :been endeavoring to em- phasize the importance of underdrain- age, and arrangeraerrts have been made Wh,ereby our services are avail- able 'to anyone wishing adviee •matters relating to drainage. We have full -equipment for drainage sur- vey work and-, when trequegted, visit man's pleee, survey his land, ,:givei 'him a, map showing lelevtions 'parts surveyed, together With loca- tion of drains, their grade, depth, etc. There is no charge made. for thin work, except the -travelling expenses of one man, consisting' of railway fare, meals and cartage, of 17112/trU.- mente. These expenses are very light, as arrangements have been made with, the railway tompeelea, whereby we can trivel at one cent a mile each wrier, 1. e., a /MIT living Cif tY miles from Geulpli would have an outlay of, $1 for railway fare and; 25 • or 50 cents for cartage; one living 100 miles away, an outlay of $2 for railway fare, and. 25 or 50‘ cents for cartage:1 and so on. Last year, together with others, 7011 were kind, enough ta make an- nounteinveritp or this .plan, andlnai ,saplicatione for aseletance either, in; waY of information or eurveys result- ed therdronr. I beg to thank YOU. Ern kyw.ouilri tratinkitadiceneSsro:ratitdionto oatekthil (roars verY IN/VM. H. DAT, Lecture -0 in Physics. coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other thrett eilmente are quickly relieeed y eresolene )ablete, ten cents per box. lelldruggiste Teachers' Seeariee in Waterloo • County. The Galt Reporter says; Talking, a- bout 'the Provincial 'GoveteurSoest's come mendable effra't to raise the wearies or our rural ;beachers, we find the aCera,ge for ladies In Ontario for the year 1005 was $298. Foe theconti- ty a Watterloo, $805. For male 'teachers in the rural sece time of Ontario for the same yea,r, ithe average wee $265. ?Waterloo's av- erage was $451. All sections in Weterloo are paY.- tug the minimum salaryl ad :provided It y the Government. Bven before the Department took attion, to relieve the situation and make the profesion 11101V enticing to young women, Ws county had may one schoolsection in Which the pressure frora •Toronto was required, The Repor ter - rather liket fer to the fact. Here we have a mixture. qt population, a laage German element that has )ieen, unjust- ly accused a being slow; ;to see the advalaegee of a -thorough Public School education. Yet In ieectIOns in which it predominates the rural tea- cher hes ;been pale at salary that helps! 'to bring Waterloo's averageup Ito a point $67 he excess of,thet paid bi the Province as at whets to fe- males, and $86 higer than the male teachers' average. Good I • Canada. Han. John Charlton, of leyndech, Norfolk te01111ty, the well keoevn Can- adian politician and luneoer king, was married last week to Miss Cora Janet Owen, also of Lendoeli. —A woman named Charlotte Here !beet, has .been committed fort •trial at Brantford for bigamy Ties woznan it is said 'has had three oands, ftwo of whom are living le Brentford and the third In Englend. Mensome- times !get into -trouble of this kind neat it la oomeWhaa rare for a wo- 11141:—The' representatives of the late Thomas PuddicombeS of New Ham- burg,. Waterloo counter, who was kflhiod leet summer In the accident on ;the 0. P. R,, neat Sudbury, while on, hie way to Nannette, have settlAdi with 'the C. P. R.. corapeary fee $10,000, 1the widow ;receiving $2,000, the two adult children $1,000 each awl the three infants $2,000 each. . —It iney be interebeing tot note the amounts spent in 'buildinglastyearin Canada. Toronto contributed $1;3,160,- 388 of the total value of erected, hieing the locality in'' 'which building was the moat actiee In 1906. The lefty of Whinipeg stood , escond with a betel of $12,760,4,50; Montreal, Lard, ,with $8,600,300, and Valicotrver 'fou,rtli, with $4,288,910. The ereretain- ing eitie2 in which tbe value .of 'build- ing during 1906.exceeded $1,000,000 were; Port .Artitur, ,Ont., $2,094416; Hamilton, Onit., $2,124,815; Edmenton Alberta, $1869069; Ottawa, $1728975; CalgarY, Alberta, $1482984; London, $1200000; Fort ;William $11.52240. --Smith H. GerMan, a, well Ito do fermer from Southey, Saskatehewan, 'met with a sad disappointment CO ar- riving in Hamilton, about 'two weeks ego. German is a widower, ate a few months ago he advertised lir e !bee of Sedan' papers for a beide. Among the answe'rs he 'receivedj one from a Hemilton woman. It looked: good !to hine and hei opened up a co-r- tresprindehee with the woman, and was led to Ibelieve (that' ifi lie ;mane to elemilton She would !become Mrs. Ger- rnai. Saskatchewan man. ttirrived he .mondtain etyl In due ;coulee, bat the woman be expected; tb make his !brad%refuised. !to have, any,thing more \whaitever to do -with htn, and claimed that ;the whole affaite was a joke. 'German had spent about $400 le, the trip, and he consulted. Up local Ito else howl he could; get his money ?back, but they could de noth- ing forl !hint T,het disappointed lover! twieleit Watra ' (Weeitelm home, gadder, Tooter, ;but ,bsd, itherefore, eet.urn to 111:;71 ,11.11. A SPRING TONIC). I Dr. Williams' Pink Pills •Mak: Rich, Red, alealtgiveig 33,141. Cold winter months; enfercing close coefinernent in the over-heatedi badly. ventilated roans—.in the horee,In itive hop one In the school—sap the vitality oZ even the stiongest. The blood becomes clogged with irn,puri- ties, tb.e liver sluggish, the kidneys weakened, .sleep .is not trestful—you awake, juet as eared as: When you went to bed, you ere low, spirited, ,perhaps have headache *and -blotchy skin—thet is the condition o4 thous- ands of p eople every spring.. It cornea to all -unless the !blood is en- riched by a good 'tonic—by Dr. Wil- liam& Pink Pills. These .pills not on- ly banish this 'feeling, •but they ,guaed against the more serious ail - meets that usually follow—rbeurnat- ism, nervous debility, aeseenia, In- digcstion and kidney trottele. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are an Ideal pring medicine, Every dose makes new, rich, red -report. Every ' drop of new 'olood helas to eitrene-then- the overworked nerves; overcomes weake nem, and drives -the gering of disease from the body. A thoeough treat- ment gives you: vine anti energy' to trestet the torrid heat of the coining summer. lters. Ja,rnes McDonald:, Su- gar Varnp,'Ont., eels: "I was badly Tun down, felt velar ;weak, and had no appetite. I could scarcely drag myself about, and felt -that my con- dition was groevIng worse. .1 decid- ed te try Dr. William& Pink, Pine end oefo:re I had -used a dozen boxes I was eis strong as ever. MY Renee - 'petite 'returned, end I an now able to do my house work .without feeling woreetota. I think Dr. .Williterasi Pink Pills the 'oegt tonic there is. It le a migtake tot take purgatives tn 'spring. Nature calls for al media cinc to build up the wasted force— purgatives only weaken/. It is a, medieine to act on. 'the biood not one adt on the boeVele, wnieb is niicessary. Dr. Williams' Pink Pine are a .bioOdt - medicine— 'they make pure, rich, red !blood and. steengthen every organ of the body. See that the full name- "ler. Williarhe Pink Pills toe Pale People," is printed on the wrapper around. each hox. All other 'so-called pink pills are fraudu- lent imitations. Sold ay medicine' dealers or 'oy niafl at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from! the Dr. Medicine Co., Brockville,Onti • Satis a don or your Mo cse ss - a eS When We Started n to tell the hundreds of -fleL this vicinity that PROGRESS tx. was the best ready-to-wear cloth ing on the rasrket— When we kept everlastingly at week after week, making the strongest kind of positive claims for the quality, fit and style of these clothes,— And when we stake the success of our business on the ability of these clothes to give absolute satisfaction, Wouldn't it be a reckless thing for us to do, unless were sure—positively knew—that Progress Brand Clothing would substantiate our strongest claims for it, and that every suit would demonstrate the truth of our statements. To explain the style, fit and. variety of patterns is 'possible. The main object of this ady.ertisero.ent is to im- press on your mind th,.e, superiority of Progress Brand i:1�1IIg over ordinary readymade clothes, to make you FEEL there IS a difference, to invite your CONFIDENCE in our state- ments and to convince you it will be to YOUR advantage to calf and see our immense stock before you buy. Leading Prices -147.50 111 4444444.44+44.1.4. Whell you iluntin for o Clothes The task of trying to find exactly what -on want will end riLt here We've fitted out so many boys, and have had so much boys' clothing experienu that We've Learned the Trick of having just the sort of clothes tlie boy *ants, and the sort his parents want him to have. Single and double breasted suits Two and three-piece suits Norfolk, Buster Brown & Brownie • tay $3-: $4 or S EWART ROS • .• SEAPORT pi -Butter and Pggs taken Ci3h.