The Huron Expositor, 1907-04-19, Page 2' . . Purcell r-. ivirch.ants 4)-- the. People. Groderies - Best qualities arvraye in stook, Choice Teas and sole , Co Christie's fancy biscuite alwaya fresh and in stock. Canned Goode—Tomatoes, Qom and Peas, best brande, as Aylmer, Bed Feather or Tucker, at three for 30e. Dry Goods Thirty.six inch Flannelette, assorted patterns, were 12ic, at Oe 'per yard. A few pairs of Flannelette Blankets to clear at $1.00 a pair. A few pieces of Wrapperette to clear at be per yard. Clothin Men's Tweed Pants were $1,50, to deg. at $1 a pair. .A. few Boys' Odd Vests to clear at 50c each A fest Boys' Odd. Coats, sizes 32 and 33, to dear at $1 each. aka 'We dle Grafton's English Prints, fast colors and select patterns. Sea our Carpet assortment before purchasing. We can give you anything in :Union, All -Wool, Tapestries or Velvet Squares. Oil Cloths and Linoleums, either Canadian or inlaid, from 41 up to 61 widths, Ve pay high prices for 6rst-class Produce of all kinds. WILLIAMS and PURCELL to B. B. GUNN SEAFORTEt Successors CORNER STORE - expoite FORT FRIDAY, April -1.9, 1907. A Dad, MoVe. Soros years ago the Ontario Legis - attire 'passed, an wet settingeapa,rt one denial% as a fund Ito aid la the Improvement of the reads in the Preninee. !This law 'proved =work- zatIle In niany of the counties in vie* '14. the fact that the work !had to he done under !the supervision a :the teunty Gouricil and -the roads so im- proved had !thereafter to be maintain: en as comae Toads. liany a the counties had abandoned the county Wad Vetere and relegated the main- anneutee of ;the ;roans It O the local anunicipalities and rather than% re - un `to the old system( decided to forego their share in the Provincial 1 appropriatiot. The law also did not permit towns. and imorporated vil- lages to participate in the 'benefits et the appropriation. In order, 'sto overcome these and either, detects in 'Mae I a,w and Ito enable them to .partic- Tate in the government 'grants the county of Middlesex had a speeial by law passed stipulating for the expena iture to be made undee the direction' of the local municipalities and leav- ing 'the maintenance of the, roads so Inane with he menicipalities 'under whose direetian, they were constructed, ahus obviethig the necessity oe the connty ;reverting to the discarded COUntY road eystent This by-law was • legalizede by the Legielaeure. ' The cwanty or Perth passed a similar by- law and made application to the Leg- islature at the present session to have tt negalized and the, cc•unty of Huron has similar ley -law on. the Way Which, if ea,ased, proceedings will be asked for at the !next asession of the Legislature. If we Mistake not, the county a Perth were Metaled to withdraw there_ 'oill on the Strength of a !premise from the Government that they would, have sassed at this session an amending Act covering the deject attained: bit Middlesex end sought by both Perth end Huron., This Dill has .been! in- troduced ny the Minister of Public tWorks and while it. is net ossiole to spea,k definttely of it without a perusal of the whole bin as it has been finally passed by the Leglsia- Lure, yet if we can at all judge by the newspaper reports of the discus- sions which 'took place In the ,Legis- lature when it was going through its Tinal stages, it still comes • very far short of what was ineeded in order that justice might be done to all comities alike. The following is th.e newspaper report:* " Hon. Dr. Reanirre's 'measure for the i mprovement of the public high- waYe was taken up in committee. It ehables -county councils, as.now con- stituted, to enter upon the cometnic- tion of, county roaklaystents, without having to refer the neceasttry by-law back to the township councils for approval. It also enables incorporat- ed villages and towns to take advant- age of the act. While erovidhig for the county to establfsh the system ot roade, the till set forth that when constructed it could be handed over at once to the townships for mainten- ance. Iloa. Masers. - Graham and Mc - THE HURON EXPOSITOn decide to con* ou Ing he. bill to suit themselves. ,Witat would be more general* ad- vantageous would be 'to make the law so that either a eounty or - loeal municipality could participate in the grant .providing they furnished the ftioney- and !built the road,N, What dif- ference should it make Avhether road is Ibullt and maintained under the direction of a county council or *a township. eouncil t The main thing is to seettre road intprovement and it Should be open to anY. county, township, tenet or village to !participate in the grant sre hang is IMO could furnieh the -money necee; nary and provide the _kind og,.,road re- quired by the law, , Ittienalllsecat Kay heieg that the ecountlee Should be responsible for the maintenance, :which was a, very vital con:Side-ra- tion. The Prime Minister and Minis- ter of ;Works e 'admitted the strength of :the contention and a - 'evaded the !bill to read that the county Must maintain the nystem for lea•st three yeara aefere turrani any of :the roads over, to the town- . According to the above, 'the amend- ing law, while cutting of some of the unneeesearY circumlocution re- quired 'by the old law, leaves it very little !better than it wee; .before. The lew may 'be all very', well for the !newer and more beckwaid counties, where good roads are scarce and where trade has not !become local- ized, and -one or two large trade cen- ters do the !business, 'fon the whole county, and only a few leading Toads are reetered. Such a la,w 'would have nuiten the county of Miro' and other comities situated as they were thirty years ago, 'out it Is entirely inappli- cable to the situation as ft exists to- day. Owing to the roultiplicitY or railways :trade has 'become localized, and there are now at. dezen le ilino :trade centres, Whereas, In the days of the comity roads there were only three Or four. The roads, leading to these centres • were very :generally -used par :the whole people and it was quite -fair that the whine cotenty shbuld 'be taxed for the maintenance of 'these eew, leading roeds. But now there are eo many trading centres that it would be impossible In most municipalities to selecia roads to Im- prove which the whole county would agree to be taxed unless under a sc.herne of such 'magnitude that no county would find it profitable, to "enter upon it. Bet theae are few 'single municipalities that could not select a poetical* a Toad the per- manent improvement of which would 'De generelly beneficial, eprovided the improvement were done 'under the di- rection of the local municipalities (themselves. But it would lie !repos- -siele for a county council. .W pick out such sections and a,ssurne the con - et -ruction and maintenance of • them ettirely disassociated from the local muticipality and to assume these sections as county roads. The thing ie aesoltxtely iraprantical as a,pplied to madly of the counties In tb.e west- ern and more enterprising parts of the Province. And es the counties will have to contrieute the larger portion of the million dollars grant- ed oy the Province -It is a gross in- justice. that the law is so franied that 'they can not take advantage of it, 'out must 'help others 'while:they are not allowed 'to get any foe thern,selves. Had the I aw 'own left as Dr. Reautne introduced it the difficulty would have 'peen partially overcome, but the amendment Winch, it would app,eer, has been adopted, completely nulli- ties the advantages which` the orig- inal bill proposed to. give. In so far 8,11 the towns and villages ere cone cerned it will be equally inoperative. We would like to see the county cotm- nil that could, be induced to give a county -grant to im:prove a street in .a town or village unless an equiv- alent could be 'procured for the rural municipalities. County councils are not built in that way. It is surpris- ing that some og the western members of th.e Legislature were not able to size up the situation better.' and. that they should sit dumb while the east-' enn and nerthern members were fix - Government Commissions Goirernment Commissions are Very expenstve affairts. Sometimes they are necessary and in the pualle interests, but more time we fear. they are de - designed to give Soft mans to use - u1 -supparners then to ac- complesti any Teal. good to the coun-, (Ley. Aid sometimes they are ap- pointed to do work which should be done and which could be done better! leY members of the Government which .a.ppoint !therm !We mentioned last week that the Insurance Commission !coat the country $75,000. In 'this, as ft !now ;0eems, we were her below the !mark. As explained, !by the Minieter of Finance in the House a few days ago, the *genre cost a the Commis - slat wilil foot up to $1611,000. This Commission, 'however, was called for lee' the puelic and the woe* which it did could mot be done by the Gov- ernment, As Mr. Fielding explained, the allo,wance to the Commissioniers wee $30 a day each. with moving ex- penses, and $16 a...dayi 'for the ttetary with moving' expenses. Mr. Shepley, the leading eolicitor, a,r- rangemtn with the Department of Justice, under the late Minister,' re- oeived $100 a day, and moving ex- penses, and lie expected 'to 'receive in addition a general fee in proportion Ito 'the extent and :responsibility of the work. Mr. Tilley, assistant sOliCit- -OW, was allowed $60 a day and moving expenses, and payments to actuairies amounted to $7,041, and thel stenog- rapher had received $8,955. ftiegoll9BaliMaggeglat Chamberlain's Salve. This salve is intended especially for sore nipples, burns, frost bites, chap - hands, 'telling piles, chronic sore eyes, granulated eye aids, old chronic sores, and for gdiseases of the skin, much as Utter, salt rheum, ring worm, seald head, -herpes, lbarbers' itch, scab - lee or itch •and eczema. It has met wfth unparalleled succees in the treat- ment of these diseases. Price 26 cents -per box. Try tit. For eale by all druggielts. with her huWaandi and family, came to GkAdireln Stree,m thirty yearo ego where she livedhon the. ClaYton. home- stead, Inittil recently, when sho and alaYton left the farM to reside in town, Alt. the titne oll,, her death Mire; Clayitm was '70 years of age,, and bait she lived a few. monthei longer, would, with her huliband„ sur- vives her,. have celebrated boil gold- en 'wedding. —The Shoal Lake board og 'trade in - fiend advertising' the lake this suirx- met! ao. a tjuinmer resort. They are Oen ItrYing arrange for the build - cit a large lboait house milers boots can be hired. —TYfr. John the touinder and one of ;the oldest. residents of the pretty town, a Killenneee Manitoba, died at that place. last week having - reached the age of /8 years. 'Mr. limns, previous to settling Int !deal- t -Om in' 1882, !resided in London, Ont., Where he was engaged in the whole sale drug _lbeenness, He was one of the lea.ding prometers of the, London Huron and Bruce —A very unique wedding itook! place at the home of Me. and Mrs. McColl, Swam Gladstone, tfanitebs, a few da ye ago. Their eldest daughter, Maud, Who has ibeen deaf 4.11,d dumb ever since rehe was three years old, the result a mime childish ailments, was united in 'marriage !tot RAM Hare ron, vehe is also a mute, anal lives bear IVfoose Jaw, Saskatchewan. Miss 11.0061 McColl, Who is an; adept an the( sign language and who 'acted as bridesmaid for her slater, interpreted the vows, Ithe contracting 'parties as- Centing to the various questions of the sacred cerernonYi St del f b ft zwalirmszivriunutegaria=anonNans, built to Lest a Lifetinae. MIte, W. NORMAN ANDREWS Principaleef the Brantford Conserve. tory of Music, -writes: "Alton, nuo fo congratulate you upon the excellent merit of the Belt Piano, Having used them in the Conservatory for the past twelve months, I speak with confidence of he superiorworkmanship,douch, action, singing tone and other qualities which are essential to a first-class instrument." Pris,,:inal Brantford Co*Yatory of Maas Conductor Brantford Musical Society ; Organist and Choi/ Master Grace Church; Teacher of Piano Playing, Conirositionss ctn. Write as for Free Sooklet "ii" contain, ing photos of leading musical celebrities. The Bell Fiano- & Organ Co., Limited, Guelph, Ont. These Famous instruments are for dale by PECK & CO. Seaford. He Receives Hie Sick leenefitge—A ca.se of considerable interest to mem- bers of _Mutual Benefit -Societies was. dealt with in 'the Covets, at Toronto, last week. David Errington, a farm- er of Huron county, 'near ,Wingham, claims that in 1905 he was a merribier of • Court Douglas, No. 27, Cenacilan Order of Foresters, and !through ill- ness ',became entitled to $14.14 for sick benefits. The court disputed the elairre and Errington sued ie. the di - Vision court eit.,Winghtem. The defend- ant gave no evidence, nut moved for a non -suit on the grounds that Er- rington bad not com,plied, ,with cer- tain ay -laws. Judgment was given in fa,vor of Errington for the full amount! eine, etas It must by aftw be on the of 'his claim and costs. Covet Douglas) label.. And it is not only safe, but 1 Itheeettpon move,d !before Mr. Justice ft is said to be by those that know Riddell, in Toronto,ffor ate order for ft ;best, a truly' remarkable cough. 'prohtbiting the county, court judge 1 remedy. _Take no chance, particular- froni proceeding furtner. Hie Lord- ly with your children; Insist on ship has now given judgment dismis- 1 having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Coma sing the cottet's • application with pare carefully the Dr. Shoop package costs. So What Mr. 'Errington will with ()there and see. Nd poison marks likely 'be paid, )14 'tsicW benefits, de- there I You can alweys _be on the spite 'his failure to comply with the sate side by demanding lee Shoop's etrict letter of. the by-laws. , ....._4-emeemeesennieerne. Manitoba and Northwest Notes ada, but they said as 101'4 ao they could fet loaf of ;bread. they would/ !remain where they were. At lverne when ; was there We always thought it a great 'treat if we get a Male 'better end 'leveed for tea on sunday Tlietit the- faxen 1101tetta. 'We fartn hands tried to call it _butter and scrape, for it :some ;Places they pia the 'butter on one 'piece of ;bread and therLserap- ed it off and pet It on another piece, !soup uYbevou. cian5toiuddgesotmehe Itohticanvt:ess torifanthaes th.elt in farm houses ne Canada we alwilies,- tad tne' butter on the table Wed every pereMi was Tree to 'help Weasel( to ell he wanted, They could hardly 'believe this, Some • men from near My hcsne tame to Canada- about tite 'sante Aims I did, 'but they did not remain long enough to see what they could do Urn, and on their returntileY gave the country a very had name and 'rum they are living on their par- . eras some of whom can hardly keep ithemeelvea. There are SO manycome out to °made Just because they will mit work at benne end 'because they cam not get along without working here they 'rah= and mlacall the country for everything that lei bad end these discourage other good and irolustrious Inert,,, from coming Who would do well here. From mei ex- perience r should sky that any man eorning 'to Canada Who le able and willing to werk will get along here and do far 'better than he could In the old: country and have many morel comfonto and in at few, year 0hou1d be able 'fo lget a 'home of his own. We lead a very nice **titer in York - Shire When I was there. There was about two inches of now, but no sleighing as they never use sleighs [there.; Hy home is atBiie. It fa a- bout nine miles front lIoresee and 11 from Hull. It is a very nice part of the eountry but the wages are too_ low. My ,father has lived he the same house foe 14 years and worked for the Tame tem and his Standing Wage is eighteen shillings a week' and board himself. The place he had be- fore that he got 15 shillinge a week and had to walk two and a ball' miles to work and 'home at night. On that wage he had to keep Toter of a family ;besides nirneelf and nay mother and paid £25 a year for 'house rent. We —A very !sad and fatal accident oc- atter), 'bad to go to school with -treacle curred near Arden. Manitoba, - and 'bread for breakfast, dinner and which Alfred Reilly lost his life, 'brv' tie- 'pper. lao 'you wopder I came to !being ernothered wtth sand in a wen. Callaa and like it? Ti' Reilly and his son were down in Perhapssorne Canadians will won- & well fixing the cribbing, avhenthe der why 'so many of us Englishmen lower portion of the crib dropped leav- go horde for our wives. Well, if we ing a space of about 'three feet be- left them therethey might have to tween the lower and 'upper. portiorts -spend their eeclining yettea in the and through !this opening 'the and f Reilly. Hie work nouee and we 'prefer bringing loured in- 'burying Mr, them out here to help us- meke a good on wa miesculoesly saved with his home and an Independent fortune as need only above the eand, fits father so many h ve thltne before tis. Besides having evidently hoisted him as high this, whit callioa bas rualry, things as possible. As soon as possible men itpette'r tha Englattd, the same cat were limeily engaged excavating Itbe not be said about the ;girls as the victims. The well was only' about English girls can hold 'their own in f,our feet in diameter and the sand etry part of the world, Canada not Poured lii :gm" Itorne time( Ebt'citit as excepteti. evigene parents live fast as as ft could ;be 'hauled out. A.ftell bout two miles from tnY old home about two 'hours work the eon was, and her name was Edith Kirkwood teem, out alive. The father W9.41 . before 1 changed it. She, too, ie de_: brought to the surface a corpse, bav-: ligheed with . -thie country so far. Ing been butted 'nearly' three hourae When we left the 'old home on the The News—N.o Pure Drugi onnetennne Cough 7th of. March, 'the farmers were 'butler ploughing, We were eleven dale on the water and had a rough voyage Cure Laws vveuld :be needed, 2 all and I w• ai tilankful where we came Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure I1 -and has been for 20 171 bight Kineen again - •i - years. The National Law now requir- es; that if any poisons enter into a BABY'S FRIEND. cough mixture it ,must be printed on !the label cal Ipackage. - "Before I got Banyas Own Tebletre For this 'reason motber0 and others my baby 'Wee !troubled with colic and should insiet on having Dr. Shoop's vomiting, and cried night enn4 day, Cough Cure. No poleon marks on Dr. and I, was almost won aut._ But Shoop's labels—and none in the media' ewe giving -blen the TabletS fOr a, few days the !trouble disappeared,and You would not know It was the sa,me child he is so healthy; and good- natured now" This is !the grateful (been -mode/ of ale. George 'Rowell, Sandy Beech, Que., and it tells oth- er -mothers who are worn out caring fon trees, sickly children* how they can being health nal the! little one, and ease to themselves, Banes Own Tablets promptly cure the Minor- ail- -ments of Attie one, and there are ino Citeil, sickly children in, the homes where the,gablete are 'used. Sold by 411 medictne dealers, or tryernail ab 25 cents a box from The !Dr, Wil. liams' Medicine Co., Brocktille, Oen Lpr —Adolph badel, a artier, .ai ou o mile freer Bethune, Sasketche- , in the Regina _eltettect, was found dead in 'his shack ` by Rev. Mr. Tomlinson, a •minieter, living in !tie neighborhood. Stadel was supposed to 'have left for Gerrnatel last De- cember, and, When he was not seen about it was inferred that he .had goneete the old: countay. It now ap- pears that he went 0 spend 8, last night in his shack on his claim, and was there frozen to death. The body' was frown etiff, and had remained :there, it is ,suipposed, some four months. itel.N.WINErftl —Hon. C. W. Crois, Attorney. Gen- eral for Alberta has !gone to Eng- land and while :there will undergo an opPeation for throat trottele. —Instead of an electric street real - way system the citizens c Calgary nave established a line of mated ,bus - ;sea and find them very satisfactory. —The Episcopalians ot Lethbridee have ,clecided ito erect a new stone church to cot $25,000 -mica they have increased the salary of !their rector eto $1,550. —Storie's take shop and confection- ary and a Chinese laundry in Em-' son were deetroyed by fire and it was with difficulty tnat thel fire wa,0 p-revented from 'spreading tv other parts of the town. —One ot the 'best known a old 'timers of, Regina, Peery Williams, dropped dead on the street in. that citY a few days ago. He was a pioneed citizen! of Regina and a leading real estate a,nd employment agent. Williarns,who was 65 years of age, was a Wielshe man by birth. —At the time Oak River, anitaca, nuilt the new school, two districts corribtneci with the object a running a consolidated school, • but since! it has been 1 ,operation tti w found that 'the expense In connect onI with the conveyance of children rain the country was too great, with the re- sult that it has !neeh disc ntinued, _ad !the rural school dist ict has withdrawn. —A serious outbreak of d paitheria has ,occurred in a vilia,ge mei far from Rosthern, Saskatchewa Sever- al children have already ecurneed to the disease and the gef far part of it is the indifference e people towards ;teeth the droadJre Its and the prevention of the fuher —A string of freight ca's r :Pdroewad ing of the disease. n- and killed Burrell Adams, a 17year old student at .Alberta • Coll4ge, Ed- monton. Adams lived in Be ley, Al- lbetta. • He ettenipted to board a moving freight train flu a thrown !beneath the cars, -three of w ich pas- sed over him; cutting 1n c•urplete., ly in halves, leaving Jkb hor ibly dis- figured !body across he rail in the I. C. and R. 'yard at the, foot of Second greet. —A despatch' frone Napink arena, Itc•ba, as late as April 3, sa a: Na - oink& is paseing through a C al fam- ine as severe as at any 'tim4 during ;the whiten the only differ nce be -e Mg that the weather is miler. Not a pound of qoal on a stick f wood is availanle, the last havin been sold on Good Friday, while cal has not been an the: market for nearly two weeks, 1 —In the deaith of etre. Wr4. Clay-) ton, sr., which occurred Glad- stone, Manitoba, 'recently, ano her gap has 'been made in 'the rapidly !hinting ranks of the pioneers of; Ith Glad- stone- district. The deceased lady Cough Cure. Simply refuse to twee& any other. Sold by C. .A.berha,rt, drug- gist, &aloft.. momsfavarusismawarawair About Old England, The following letter, which was handed 'to us for 'publication, was written 'by Mr, Charles Dinsciale, a nephew of Mr. Thomas Dinsdale,, of Stanley, neer Inippen. Mr. C haries Dinsdale left his home In Eng- land about fotir years ago and has !been_ living in, this country' ever since, and is now located in Kippere He is so well 'pleased with .this COUT1- 'try, That he •pald a. visit to his Bng- Usti home this last winte*rf and re- turned a few weeks ago, 'bringing with him; a bright and pretty young 'English lady as his !bride, His de- seripticni of !things and people as he :saw them' in the old land will be in- lteresiting and amusing to many of our 'readers. He says: I lett Kippen on the 7th' of Decem- ber and Halitax on the. ath for the old 'home. We hied a very pleasanD voyage and got to Liverpool on the 16th, and I Teethed my old home two days afterwards. i dirt rick see very much change in the place in the four were I !had, (been away,. but I noticed quite a difference in the way of do- ing 'things !between there and in Can- ada. The weather when I got borne was somewnat disagreeable, being foggy and damp, but till the farmers were able 'to plow. I would not like to work on 'the leanie scale now as the farmers at 'home do. I was telling some of- them that when I was in western Canada one man wtthl four horses would plough six acres a day. This amcle their eyes twinkle and they seemed to think I was romancing, for the sake of showing off. I went' to a place to see them threshing, but enter seeing the western ways their threshing is a painful wearisome pro- cess. They only -thresh about 400 'bushels of wheat per day and there are two men on elle grain eback and two an 'the ,straw stack with two men. to caery the chaff from! the inachine‘. Besides 'these there is one to cut rands and one man feeding 'the ma- chine all the time, while 'it requires two 'men to carry the grain from the machine an -place it intol the bins, carrying it about forty yards and then up two Fieep ladders into the barnj and in four' bushel sacks at that. •I asked some at 'them if 'they would not I like' to some to Canada where they would only 'heve to carry one buehel, et a 'time, but they said they prefer- red their own way 1 was !telling one farmer thet the Canadians never used straw earriere but stacked the straw !With wind, - He 'replied he thought -the Canadians were nearly all wind. So that is all the good I did him. There are Jots of villages around where my -home Is and there were from two to twenty men in each vil- la.ge out a work nearly all the time mil they were all good, farm hands and just get odd days work now and again. 1 tried to Induce some of them Sovereign Bank ofL Canada ANDOLPH l'ACia0NALD, President, A. ALLAN, Vice President. STEWART, General Manager. Otapital and Surplus over Assets over - - - Depoeits of $1,00 and upwards recalled. HENSALL and amiesielieniennmoNli - $5,004,000 $25,a00,000 - rest pedd 4 time LD —The foundry in Mieehelf, 'formerly occupied 'ay the BardillEngine Co., as an engine factory, anca now occu- Pled oy Mir Wine Kelehon as a fount, dry, has neen sOld l)y Mr. Donald McLachlan to Messrs. Joseph Weisene loerg it'd L. .Wettlaufer. It is 'under- etood that the purchasers intend to operate tt as a aoandry on Elmore ex- tensive scale than at present. —Charles Rankin, of ,Wzydiatidre; near Barrie, died very suddenly! on the t'rabt between Barrie and Allen- dale. His death- is supposed to have Ibsen due Ito acute inalgestion. Phe deaeased Was in 'Itis 70-thi !Year, and leaves a *Wow, and nine children. He was one or -the leading farmers in central Simcoie, a well known breed- er, and dealt extensively id cattle. He was an elder in the Presbyterian churct, a Liberal and a Mason. %MO MOTHE a's, MEISSA.Gill TO 1110TEIERS. WHAT ZAM-B-1317-DID FOR HER CHILD. - .1•111161•1111111.1=10 "If ,this- statement Is the ineans cf leading some another (to introduce Zarin -Auk to 'hen home I *shall be very' glad." So says Mrs. K. Watkins, of 26 Forgue avenue, Montreal, and con- tinues: My boy Walter, (9) while at- tending school attracted some sores. These spread, and became so bad that some of them on ..'the • heel and, ankle made it almost impossible for hien to walk. I used various ointrnenta, .but ;the sores persisted. One day Zam- -"Buk was :recommended, and we got a aupply. it seemed to take -the, sore- ness out of the 'place to which it was applien right away, -and the wound% began to heal. In about s week's time the 'gores, which had. defied oth- er treatment, were completely heal- ed, and there is nowi not a trace of sore on his bedy I 1 belle,ve Zam- Bu.k to he the, nest* balm ever pro- cluceat."n Nira mdther rubs on to the deli. sate skin of dhildren a balm of salve, she needs to be as careeul as If she were giving a chiid ani internal re- medy. Zarn-Buk is ,pure—free from the animal fat ana a1L mineral me- ter, and may 'De Wttbs Wol1F- derful benefit' even. to the akin of the Iyoung bee. Zaro-Bult heals "sores; cures .eczema, spring skin eruptions, ulcers, ringworm, -itch, barber's -rash, blood poison, bad lee, salt rheum a- brasions, abscesses, cuts, burn!, ,scalds, and all akin inJuries and Ms- ; eases. At all Stores and druggists at 60' cents, ,or from Zam-Buk Co., Tor- onto, for price, six, .ieoxes for $2.60. Baseball plaYers and athletes find it the 'beet embrceition. n is known by the clothes he wears, just as muc;-:, as by the company he keeps. You are well dressed—YOU KNOW it everybody else KNOWS it—when• you wear et ro ess Suits and Overcoats STEWA 74T BROTHERS eo A sal% Or -- ou'rLdaRve FREE semr) narenna Our 1907 Catalogue will tell you how to get, Absolutely Free, a beautiful Carving Set of SHEFFIELD STEEL* with Celluloid Handles and Sterling Silver Mounts, enclosed in a handsome plush and silk 'lined case, The outside be- ing covered with leatherette. Our handsome Catalogue and Guide Book is richly illustrated and is free tq everyone rite asks for it and cant ns details of other special offers, etc., also gtes full details of new and standard varieties of Seecis; iPtetody Plants aritld Bulbs. vi DARCH & HUNTER SEED CO.,urnited Camacia ifo ASE YOUR YIELD_PE ACRE Store Overflowing • WITH. FUIINITITRK wealth of Ptylieh furniture for boutekeepers—aalmost wins . reasonable to expect to fsell to Much. And yen if merit ' ftwaituree wenkrealiship mid pricee will 'appeal tofy,a, via vc are bound tbat it did, you'll certainly inspect our splendid new ste balm° urvestmg elsewhere. romptly attended to night or day. Night and Sunday 'calls enswered at Th rbsidence of S. T. Holmes, Goderich street, opposite the Methodist di Seaford). BBOADPOOTI BOX & OO S. T. HOLMES, Manager. Sweet as June Meadows - IiEAD IS THE ST OF LIFE and it is more vital shoild he good than other food. WHITE CLOVER BREAD is made of the highest of flour and other ingredients, and Milk is used instead water. These are combined by the highest baker's skill, the result is the PERFECT LOAF. Its crust is light and crisp its texture fine and even. It is healthful, nourishingf digestible, and TASTES COOIL Do not any longer be content with the old dry crumbly bread made of cheap flour and water, but insist on having The Best Bread That Can Be Made CRICH BiRidg7T DoG- 0.11-;1:2..‘ I ; Town of Seaforth. L The owners or harborers of dogs in the Town of 8 aforth are hereby Warned to obtain tags for each dog from the Town Treasurer on or before the Oth day of May, 1007, and shall prevent his or ler doe from running at large without a collar with the tag hereinbefore mentioned attached. Dogs found run.' ?ling at large after the said date in contravention of the Town Ily..Lawnmay be destroyed and the owners may be prosecuted. IIV order of the Omen 2052.4 . JOHN` A, WITTADowNa,cie k. Public Notice. ' e la hereby given that, in accordenot the provJioxu. of the Dv -Laws of the Toon of llimintellipaatile)eohuarnie'iilallnttehride Rilt°idmakToatl'aVniali*kill41' or permission PO erect and operat4 aBLOM d engine in the premises on marIcetstred:ito_._ lo• b. in rftrw tbe abotv at present occoPlod ru. Pickard lb Son and of hich application parties interati.d at; heftby requesfrx1 t, ta'ke ice and govern themselves accordingly. JOHN BELL, Seakortb. Seaforth, April Oth, 1007. SA £beTregyafdysbafifonactrelyyne4) ;lay. E fjtb. -y Mae, ,we nere, neeee,:er , :more th, ese nvol *.-11; at ngth.lrs; it 4-;. 012 V7022141 Zegi.OU4iftZenrea Irebeln rIO=tikes No rinusn Ifidd and Trout,. good quality. IYMETARLE— neenee, Cele saps Ana Tis MESH MEAT We bUynothin Perk and - Wass -Rue CURED MEATS HUM Bacon, n bin& COOKED At comea Beef England -00aERIE8 Our fresh tOOL Fr conomica . maintains t bealtbf aud 2 Bee se Power of th Inanageme Bwrrsu R great Prude ed as nu Ind the eotmna 13raitch," fessional el