HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-04-12, Page 87
ring cleaning and. garden-.
ing times yen will find our store
headquarters for all requirements.
Perham) you need some of the
numerous articles which conee in-
to use now. In Garden Tools—
The preSeritee Were numerous WOO etiate
ly, ,innterg- them was a. ',book of Berne
rpoemnegiven try the girlie Of -•tile -Bax-
gOWIll *WS pale gra, grey hat Wan
;plumes and pink roses. Mr. end Urea-
CoVenleele left on the afternoon train
on their honeymoon trie, •endl .a large
ex• tend to them coogratulationo and
bell, fern -terry of St. Joseph, who
writes frornr Milestone, Sessksachewan
On April ist The sun -
Sect of !give/teat interest out there at
present le the 'weather. •Tbere is a-
bout giO'foet of Snow. on the level here
yet, lout a -few dale like to-dey Will
Make it diseppear. ft pas been a very
Ilford; winter met here on the farmers
and Wetness niers are Well. It Is
clainied that there ere- Wooed one
'trundled thoueand toushels wheat
loetng !held, iby the fattener* around -
Milestone end, Ito be 'marketed. They
on aecount of !the aack of ear accomo-
dation. This has made money /scarce
end both ferntere and business Men
elrle 'hard. run in consequence. ;Wheat
is gelling at 60 centa per Ibutaiei end
tax at 0.14.
Rakes, Hoes, Spades and Shovels
we have tho very best goOds at
the lowest prices.
We have special bargains in
Washing Machines and Wringers
Ca:pet 8weepers Whips Paint
Kalsomine Scrubbing Brushes
Galvanized Iron Tubs and Pulls
and Step Ladders
Sherwin-Williams Paints
are the beet and most economical
Call and get color cards.
Hardware, Stoves and COW.
James Watson,
Successor to W. N. Watson
General Fire, Life and Accident; Insur-
A3saler fir/a-class family and Mandate
turing Sewing Machines and Crean
Weetats.ymond and White Sewing
Machines, and Nstional and
edit: Cream &painters.
Also sewing intiCthille needles attach.
kinds of sewing machinee
Wita over 25 yens experience in tbe above
Isusiness you MU rest assured ofi prices
right, square death's{ and satedaetion
Asa/ant* AS eat, sud dada is Hewing Machine
on& Bin Neat WI: stook Sesiodh.
Dominion Bank
Savings Bank
In future interest will be paid
four. (4) times a year, viz : Jan.
lst, April lst, Inly 1st and Oct
Moving UP,— Harvey Hame
Mont eon amir. Knee Ed. 1.10,111e.
1110114 MilmiliPeg, SO1110017 of Sear
forth, has been- eppointed !to the re -
tart -to- the divisional engineer a the
a P. R., with headquarter* at Bran-
don. We' consentulatte our losing friend
on his promotion, and !treat that he
may still tirther advance.
English Cencert.e-Come to the Eng -
list] concert .tundet The auspices- of
the Bible Cla,ss in. the Presbyterian,
e luttrch 'thin, Friday,. evening e;ti eight
Chalmerar church, Tarento,. Who is so
well mid fevoratly known= here will
assist in the 'programme, His sub-
ject is " Gladstone," A good musleal
and literary programme will Mee te
given. Silver collection at the door.
Everybody welcome.
Death of latidsboraltgli,—The
nranY friends of the faintly inethis vi-
cinity will treg.reb to learn a the
'formerly of Tuckersinith, which took
place at Kensington, North. Dakota,
on the ist of 'A•pril. Dana Landsbor-
ough died at the home of Mr.. and Mrs,
da•ughter. Sher was 76 vans and
eight months' of age. The remebee
were hiterred in Park River cemetery
on - Thursday, April 4th, thet funeral
fleirilees having been held la the Pres-
pathy of many old f'rleeds hereaaoutte
will be extended to the aged and be-
reaved= tanband.
Travellers.—The. following were tic-
keted to distant points 'this week by
W. Somerville, Railway ana Steem-
ship agent: Boat. Newell, Chisel-
joenson, to Sall 'PrelleifICO ;Paul, Boa
and ,_Saantel Sanders, 'of Chiselhu.rsts
to alalerilte, Seaga. ; Mr. Farnham, of
littliett, to Shoshone, Idaho* R. J.
McMillan, Hullett, and John' Temple-
ton, -Tuckerantitle' 'to' Glasgow, Scot-
land, per steamship Cassandra, of
tthe Donaldsoo Line 'from , St. John,
on Saturday; Matthew Purcell end
XiSEI ' Mary Purcell, of Beechwood,
wee established twenty years ago, and,. by its
'thorough work and honorable dealings with its pat-
itonalas become one of the lergest and most wklely
'known Commercial Colleges hi the province. The
demand upon us tor commercial teachers and office
assistants- greatly exceed tee strpply. We assist
=dilates to. positions. Students are entering eath
Abort Diamonds
Of course yooknow that dia-
monds are higher in prieethe
ever and, the prices are still go-
ing skyward. To prospective
inwers I would suggest early
purchase's, as the right sort of
atones will certainly go in for
another advance,
I have at present a very
choice selection in all the lat-
est designs of settings, includ-
ing the aaveautiful
Display Tiffany
which shows
the stone off to the best ad-
-Prices range from $10 to $15
J. F. DALY t
3 -ow -eller & Optician
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Our own make ei genuine Rubber Trimmed
Harness. It is the best value in Canada. Ask
your neighbor about them.
Bells—Trunks—Valises — Suit Cases—
Pin& and Wool Rugs, E'tc.
Inspect our steck before purchasing.
IVI. Broderick,
OPPOSITE Commsaam, nom,
1034 -
We have just put in stock
fresh line of
Gentian Ai rt seed Ginger
Saltpetre Etc.,
for your own condition
ders. Let us mix it for
A full line of
Sheep pip and lick Destroyer
Hess Poultry Pan\acea
(Makes Hens Lan
Give us a trial, Our prices are
A Good Horde Sold.—Mr. J. BerrY,
the well known horse impcirter,
Hensall, has sold that well known
Shire stallion, Prior's Hero, tc4
W, T. Smith, of Maple Creek, Mani-
toba. Mr. Smith has on hand over100
wood= mares. He "keepenothingbutthe
beet sires for his mares and wilifind
Prior's Hero -up to the merk in weight
and quality and an excelleat !stock
horse. Prior's Hero stood for three
seasons at Mr. t•Berry's startles, in
Hensall, and each season was most
Successful to his owner and, also to
those who used the horse.
tri, RcKAV, Manager
Congratulations.—The following par-
agraph -vshich . We take frOm lithe
Sturgeon Falls Advertiser Will be a
interest to many of our readers here
and Mr. Murray's many triends
Join The Expositor an extending con-
gratulations to himselg and. Mrs:
Diurray: A quiet wedding 'took
place at North Bay on -Wednesday,
March 27th, when Mr. James G. Ivlirr-
:ray, of Seaforth, and Mrs. H. Reourn
of this town- were joined in holy root -
simony :by itsev. Mr, Johnson, pastor
of North Bey.. Mr. Charles Wood as-
sisteid the ;beidegroorn while .alts: j.
parties are well known in Sturgeon
Falls, and a host of friends Join in
wishing ethe young couple. a long,
happy and, prosperous gife. Onla the
immediate relatives of the aride and
'teidegromet were present at the, cer-
A Presentation.—At a meeting 'held
at _Guel,ph, reee:ntly, the mem-tees, Of
the staaf of dairy instructors 1or
western Ontario freseruted an ad-
dress and a beautiful. chair Sca -their
former chiea, Mr.. George Et, Barr,
who has recently been appointea chief
of the dairy division at Obta.wa. Mr.
Barr made a very sleet response, ex-
p•ressing his, regret at, leaving west-
ern Ontario, out trinating that in
his wider field he would be- able to
do more effective work for, the great
dairy business. The manY_ friends of
Mr. Batr among our readers will be
pleased to note this mark of esteem
on the part of, his former collea.gues
with whom he had co-operated so har-
moniously for' several years and to
express the hope that he will be even
more successful in, the larger sphere
to which he has been called. than he
-has been in the smaller.
Missionary, Address: — The address
given by Rev. J. T. Taylor, of Indere,
India, in the Presoyterian church on
Monday evening was a most interest-
ing one and was very, specially ene
joyed by those present. The pity was
that the audience. was net as darg.e
as it shoold have 'been or as the
!speaker rnerited. Mr. Taylor spoke of
the great national epirit that, is oe-
nig awakened in India and of their
talk of 'home rule ; the awakening of
the native church to a realizetion
their responsieility in evangelizing
their own country and of -the Indian,
National Evangelical Association,
which„ has 'peen founded for thts pur-
pose. Mr. Taylor also spoke tiO the
great religious revival in Ind).a. a-
mong the churches and 'morel especs
ially of that in the boys' school. 'He
has been spending, the meter, part
of his furlough in *raising money ,for
the school and college which are do-
ing euch a good work in Indor.e, Rev.
Mr. Larkin occupied the chair and
the choir gave twa selections which=
were much appreciated. '
Matrimonial.—A very happy event
was celeerated an Thursday ell la.st
week, at " The Maples," McKillop,
the home of the =bride's parents,when
Margaret, the youngeet daughter of
Rev. M. and Mrs. Barr, was married
to Mr. RObert Govenlock, of McKil-
lop. The ceremony was performed y
Rev. F. H. Larkin-, assisted by the
venerable father of the bride, and
was witnessed try- about sixty guests,
relatives and. friends of the :young
,couple. Miss Jennie Barr, sister of
the bride, anted as .bridesma,id. The
groom, who was supported. ey his cou-
sin, Mr. VanEgmond, of Thessa.lon,
awaited the brad° under a: Sower
bower of w-hite tulips, marguerites
and snow drops. The bride entered to
the strains of the wedding march,
played tty :gra. Wm. Goveniock, of
'real, made of snow drops, which hung
from the bower. She wore a pretty
white silk gown, and carried a bou-
quet of roses. Iler tulle veil was
arranged on a small wreath of orange
blossoms. Atter the =ceremony. a, sum-
ptuous wedding oreakfaet was served.
in the Maitlandbank Cemetery may have them ept
in good oondibion on payment of one dollar a year
and sending their name to Waiter O. Willis, Sore -
A Lady's Bioycle, Dunlop tires, for sale oh2W0e5a522-p-22at
Rooms TO 10017.—To rent, four rooms oxer vacant
store In Campbell's block. Apply Willfiim Camp*
Drop In for an oyater stew before going hotreUSia't-
boll, North Main Street, Seaforth.
urday night. The season will soon be over you
0.itirss von ilits.--The undersigned will have for
sale at the Gammerchil Hotel, Seaforth, on Saturday,
at Clinton on the following Wednesday, April It
April 18th, atri2 o'clock, a load of good ealv2e0s5,2,a1nd
George Chapmen, Atwood,
Bowling' ArriisTioN. —The annual 'meeting of the
Seaforth Lawn Bowling Club will be held in the
Commereial Hotel, Seaforth, on Monday evening
next, April 15th, at 8 o'clook. A full atterulanoe of
all old members and others interested in bowling is
requested. James. McMichael, president. 2052-1
• WANTICIL—A. good girl for general housework.
Apply to Mrs. Wm. Byrne; John Street, Seaforth.
FOR SATilL—A comfortable frame house containing
nine rooms, on the Main street, Egmondville. Apply
to William Aberharf. • 20052x3
There'a nothing. too good,for the farmers around
Seaforth and vicinity in Seeds. See us about the
brands of quality. Prices right. Beattie Bros„ Sea -
forth. 2051-2
LAWN MOWERS.-- Parties desiring their lawn
mowers sharpened or repaired can have them prop-
erly and promptly attended to at Robert MeIntosh's
blacksmith shop, Goderich street, opposite Royal
_Hotel stables. (bargee moderate and work guaran-
teed. 2052-2
Widow wishes a position as a housek4Per. Apply
Chatham Inoubatorg, Brooders and .Hupplies for
Hale. Call in and see them In operation. F. Daly,
kleatorth, Ont: ' 20i0.4
EGGS FOR HAT6HING.—Parties wishing to se -
urs Pure -Bred Barred Rook Eggs for Hatching, ap-
ply to 0. S. Andrewa, Post Office Grocer. PrIcea
reasonable and fertility guaranteed. 2050-3
" Clover Seed as Rood as you sold me last year
.will do," That's what.our seed customers tell ue.
If you have not called, think it over. Beattie Bros, •
Seaforth. 2051-2
Leivx Mowtias.—Now is your Owe to bring along
your lawn mowers to be sharpened by our ideal lawn
mower sharpener, E. A. Sperling, Beaforth. 2051-2
Sound Advice. Get the sugar and tobacco where
you like, John, but don't bring home any more just-
as.good tea. Get the original 2Se Tea. Sold only at
Ile.attie Bros., Seaforth. 2051-2
Gauntlet Found.—On the Worth Road, a ladies'
black far gauntlet, The oivner may have the same
by applying at ZEE EXPOWTOK Orrin, Seaforth.
Married In Toronto.—The gentleman
who took the leading 'part in the pleas-
ant event narrated below is a ;native
of Seaforth aed a nephew of Mr. A.
.W. and Mies Stale of this town. The
Globe of Thutsday Fast week says :
The • marriage of Miss Katharine
Louise Merridetle. 472 Dovercouraroad,
to MT. Thornas W. Scott, son of Mr.
Walter Sara, Crawford street, evas
'solemnized at St Mark's Episcopal
church yesterday, the Rev. Canon In-
sglis officiating. The ;bride, who wore
a 'becoming 'tailored :suit of blue broad-
cloth, with hat to correspond, was
ati*nied by her 0, sister., Miss Lottie
Meraidetle while Mr. Harry Y. Scott
suPP011ted the groom.. Atter 'the, cer-
emony Mr. and Mrs. Scott left for a
shmit strip through the western
good itidgment is what keeps our
business growing. You know -
that -you never find any -shop -Worn
I or olcl goods here. You knew
when you need
tha• t here is the place to get the
best, Our soods are always roOd-
erately placed just now More 'so
than ever.
Hair Brush and Comb) 85o for the pair
Moth Camphor and Toba000 Snuff for
putting atuaffihe Furs
Give tie skean. We are pleased,t0
see you 'Whether you buy or not
Agents for up-toed/Ito Trusses, Syringes
got Water Bottles; Stoop's remedies,
Cook's Cotton Root Compound mad
Wood's Phosnhedino.
!rick Reaney, Vire, Peter afatthenes,
Mrs. Jetting Wocide, Mee 'Johns Mc-
:Qrath, Detroit; Mts. Denlit0 And-
rews and Miss Margaret, of Seafaitts.
All the eons 'and daughters wore
home at the funeral except Hugh, Who
was ttniablet to be 'present. The de-
ceased was a kind heatted, generalise
Mettler whose 'memory will- long re-
maht green to the hearts of those
nearest and dearest to =her. The fun-
ere.a took place on Monday from --the
residence of ter clon-inelew, Mr. Den-
nis Andrews, the services being con-
ducted in St. Jarnee church lby Rev,
Father Corcoran and the remaihs be-
ing laid to rest in St. Columban cemee
tery beside those of -hies tio whom 'She
had 'been a de•voted helpmate ;fed ao
nieterY years*
the reeidence of Mrs. Halpin, Gode- ' pring fif
rich Street East. The large popi r , ASX 0 Mai ,... t -,..
mar es
Anent 1Vonien s Attire
levee, Which were planted. there, y
the laite Parlek '14alpint 85 years ago,
came tO !their doom this week, by the
Axe of Mr. Wm. Keeler' and his as-
eisitant.—Isfre. McPhee has 'purchased
-the re/3idence lately owned and oceu-
pied 'by late Alex, Smith, on Lease
street, and intends occupying' 'it.— -
Mestere. Stewaat Brothers; C.- P, R.
agents, this week Beketed
=Wm, and Alfred Dennis; of :Walton,
to Moose Jaw.—Maitlandbank came-
IterY is now the tproperty of the
Seatorth Methodiet church, that body
IChaving 'purchased it -from the late
owner. — Rev. Mrs. Wiggins, a Tor-
en* and 'her mealier, Mrs, Wm.Ward,
of Brampton, aro vieiting at the homes
of Mrs. Thomas Ward, of lilgmond-
✓ ille.—Mies Maggie Fenhal of Bala
field, is ;visiting. her aunt, airs. ;Ward,
of 144inch-idyllic—The electric -lighte
are being- installed in the Egmond-
Ville church, in !the manse and in
Mr. John Beattie's residence,—Mr.
Horton, who has 'been Mr. Soinere
asslitant in the express busi-
ness 'here for some time, left OD. Wed-
nesday- for Winnipeg, Where" he bags
aecured a 'position with the Dominion
Express Corrtpany. Mr. Horton le a
elev_er, isteady -young -man and wilt
make his° mark in the weet.—Mise
Graze McFaul, leadet of the Freda/
Wien chuech _choir, entertained the:
members of the choir very hospitabs
ly at hers borne on ,Wednesday even-,
In.g last and. ft goes without 00114:
that all present spent a most enjope
purehased the 'team of, general pura
emee h ewe 'that took ifirsti prize
Minton fair holt week 4144, DOW. hetll
ahem sr work On Ithe dray, They ,are•
e, fine Ieoking pair eadt as .good as
they loole—Mr. Robin Meantoeh hoes
had •platead in his blacksmith Shop; on
Goderich' -street, a new and novel de -
Idea to be used when shoeing vicious
or troublesome !aorates.—The concert
to 'be 'given under the tinspicies of the
Young People's Association of Ste
Thomas' church, in Cardevals hall, on
Friday evening next, should notb
forgotten lby our citizens. It is aurae
- be one of the beet entertainments,
!Patronized.: The young pemile deserve:
this. -on acconnt of the =excellen't tale
ent they have sectired.—Mr. Jas. Ber-
gin, !representative of the Benwell-
McGregor Fence Co., of Walkerville,
whose works were reeently de/Strayed
by fire; sae that the company has-
Sufferad no inteerimairon in their bus -
thew by 'the elisaater, buQ ire at-
tendink to the. wants of their custom-
ers 9,B soma—air. Duncan McMillan
is it primer& confided tei bed by a
seier attack of pleurisy, put " we hope
he will eobln 'recover.
, Local Etriefisi.—Dr. Mal -hints is hav-
ing an office and surgery erected in
connection with his reeidence ea Best
William street.—The following teach-
ers in this vicinity have- gone to re-
sume their 'duties in their reepective
seine:Ills: Miss Sultise.rland, of Con-
stance, to Maekhans; James Love, of
Tuckeesmith, to Scarboro; Was M.
aetzmeyer, to Parry; Sound ; Mise Rae
Govenloca, McKillop, to Ingersoll.—
of Heiman, spent hip Eastersholliays
in town with. Mrs, Wm. westieott.—
Parkes, of the Bank Of Commerce,
were in Toronto this week' =trying to
arrange =matters with the outside
'creditors of !the W. H. Willis Shoe
Company with the ' view of getting the
affairs of the com'pany wound up as
ispeeally 'as possible.—Mr. and Mrs.
John Wilson and family, late of Me-
Killop, have now got comfortably lo-
cated in the home which they recent-,
la. 'purchased in town.—Mr. and tire.
George II. Barr spent Sunday with
friends in this vicinity =andi left for
Ottawa on Monday, where Mr. Barr
assumes his tnew duties as chief of the
Domi.nion dairy depertment.—The last
snow storm Of ',the season this week.
—The anguler rneethig of the town
eouncil was heldeon Monday evening*
bet there was not much business to
wens ease so seneuelse ens e 132U9
fathers. The 'principal busine.ss done
was the 'passing og atcounts an the
final •pessing of the amended dog by-
law.—Miss Sutherland:, who had eeent
spending the Ea.ster holida•yel with
friends in town returned to Berne,
Bruce county, this week. She s ys she
likes Beryls ;Ma there is no pl e so
Beattie, Who have been in partner-
ship in tbe ',livery nusinass here for
some time have dissolved partpership.
Mr. Carbert' continuing in the: pusl-
!nem. Mr. Beattie 'has taken the west-
ern fever And intende tgoing out there
to look around this spring.—Mr. Adam
Heys has added three very nice horses
to 'bis livery :stock. He purchased
them in the vicinity of Petrolea.—Mr.
Harry Edge has purchaeed two verr
nice building lots front Mrs. D.. W.
johneon and intends erecting a couple
of. nice 'residences on them this sum- -
mer. Mr. Zdge is e an enterprisieg
Young man who has well earned the
success the has achieved in nusiness.
—Mr. George Buxton, -until eeeently,
'proprietor og the .Waverley `hdtel, in
Clinton, died in that town on Monday
last. Previous to coming tto Clinton
he was proprietor of the Colborne
hotel, Goderich. He had been Ill sev-
eral months. He was 64 a•ears 1 age.
rd of
be a
Sudden Dee:the—Mr. Oco. Henderson,
who lived on the Govenlock farm on
the 3rd concession a McKillop, 'died
VerY suddenly. ori -Wednesday last.
He had been attending to his dutiea
as usual- during ethe forenoon and d.
bout tben, o'clock the cum into the
house and. complaieed of feeling cold.
Hendenson made than a cup; of
tea, ancl served some lunch of which
he partook with apparent relish, and
went out to continue his work 'about
!the barn. Alt dinnei time his son met
,hina coming from the barn and he com-
plaited of feeling Unwell. He was as -
slated into the house and soon went to
the doctort but before he got away,
itr. Henderson areathed his lest. He
did not seem to *suffer much and. pass-
ed away qutte • pea;cefully, within a-
bout halg an hour Irons the time he
entered the hotise. He was- a strong
aobuet man, about 57, yew* of age
and 'had apparently, enjoyed good
:health up to this time. Heart disease
was, no doubt, the, cause of death. -
He was. an old resident of- the town-
salp and was an boneste industrious
then and his sudden death is a very
ateirere bereavement to his wife and
aamily. The funeral takes place to-
day, Friday, at 2.30, to the Maitland -
b an k .cemetery.
Notes.—Mte. Ed. Brine ha.s been
Nicoodstock.—Mr. Norman Bo has
visiting Mrs. Richera Nocholp
been =enga,ged as teacher in! a school
near Chatham and 0.eft for' that place
aast Saturday.
concession, who had the antsfor nal
toahave his barns '-burned and ale& re-
ceived bad personal initerfes, wishes
through thisi paper to thank the many
sisted hisn by contributions ef grain
Death of ' Mrs. Murphy.—Another , of
the worthy, 'pioneers a this district
has 'been removed from; our midst.
street, East, =died at her home in
-Sea-forth an Friday morning inlet, hav-
ing 'reached the good ege of 75 years.
Mrs. _Murphy had, been ill, for about
three. ,tveeks from inflammatory rheu-
,matieni and a few days ;before her
'death she was attacked by pneumonia
and her weakened constitution was
unable to bear up against the ravages
of this disease. Ws. itilirphY?t3 maid-
en name was alaty Denn-on. She was
a native of cteuity Meath, -Ireland,
and =came to Canada whent but 13
years of age and the family 'settled
on the 'third concession of, elclaillop.
At 19 yeans of age she was married te
Mr. Michael Murphy and they took up
their residence on the fourth conces-
sion oc McKillop where theyi lived
'happily, sharing together the JoYs and
searovvs and surmounting. the difficul-
ties of pioneer aire, until the death of
Mr. Murphy about nine .yeare ago.
Two years ego they soldt the farm to
larnMichael McArdle and came to re-
side le Sea...forth, 'purchasing the com-
fortable home on Goderich. street,
East, where deceased resided. Mrs.
Murphy had a family of 14 children,
eleven of whom su•rvive her, four sons
end seven daughters. She easo had
27 grandchildren. The sons are
Thomas, Frank and John. of Detroit,
and Hugh, of Seaforth. The daughters
—Three years ago on the 2
April there was still goodt sle
—The clover, plant in 'this
has teen badly heaved by th
and it looks an If clover woul
la:rtes.—Mrs. John Cummings had a
very successful auction sate on Wed-
hesday laet.—Mr." Holmes is this week -
Visiting friends in Meaford.—A tailor
shop has 'been opened np. here this
week. •We ',Nigh our new tailor 81.10-
cess,—Rev. Mr. Swan, of Holmesville,
took the services in the Methodist
church here on Sunday, while Rev.
Mr. Currie took the Holmeeville ap-
Short crop" again this year, b tt the
fall wheat is holding ite own! well
so far.—The delivery horse telonging
to the Seafoteth Milling Co., -took a
run to itself on Tuesday afternoon,
but • no damage was done.—The bowl-
ers are teeming to think about
getting on the, green, The , annual
meeting of the club, will be held in
tile Commercial hotel, on lVfonday
night at eight o'clOck. Bowling prom-
ises to 'be more popular thana ever
this eeason.—Mr. Joseph Lloyd, lefho
has been a salesman in Stewart1"Bros.
store, left On Tuesday for the west.
—The young 'people of the town had
a most enjoyable dance in the town
hall on Friday evenin;g laet.—Miss
Hope Cheewright, of siaarlkerton, has
teen visiting Seefortile friends ' for
well to consult a notice in! anotheici
column by The town clerk and 'to gov-
ern themselves accordingly. They now
have to ge to the town trea.eurer and
nay the tax whereas aorrnerly it was
collected= from them by the policeman
when he called.—Mr. Wiltse. whose
tarns on the London Road, neer Clin-
ton, Were burned by lightning a phort
time ago, was in town on Tuesday,
to 'receive from 'Mr. Thos. E. Hays,
treasurer of the McKillop Insuranee
Company, the amount of his insurance,
some $1,700. This will do little more
than half covar his loss.—Mrs. Jobn
.Weir is in Toronto, visaing her broth-
er, Rev. Dr. Welsh.—The Collegiate
Institute ands public schools 'resumed
work on Moeda'y, after the Easteid
bolidays, Mies Teskeyeathe new teach-
er in the Collegiate, has teken up
her work there—The mann friends of
MIV. Joseph Sproat, of Egmondville,
who has been very ill, will be pleas-
ed to learn that she is recovering.—
Miss Honey, of Stratford, is here,
the guest of her aunt, Miss Ilutchine
son, of Notth Main street.—Mrs. Sohn
Killer' an returned on Saturday, after.
spending a. few weeks in Atlantic
City and Toronto. An old land -mark
A Good Horse.--afr. F. McCall. de-
livered to alr. James .Archtbald, Ise
Seaforth, IMO] week, a very fine mare
for which he 'received $a05. This an-
imal weighed close tO 1,800—pounds
and was sired. ny Sunlight. Inside of
three yeaes. Mr. McCune; has - sold to
the ,same sbuyet four horses, all his
own 'raising, Which brought [hirni the
snug sum or $955. This iptoves Mr.
McCune, to te not only a good farma
er but a most successful horse raiser.
in Raincoats
In Jackets
in Skirts
In Waists
TN the fashioning and ma3tin
1 of women's attire, millinery
gnd dress goods, there is a contiu-.
uali evolution going on. Newness --
that is the keynote—and thus fash.
ion -originators must be inventive,
must continually produce sbmetkin
to captivate the fancy of milady.
Our showing of
Raincoats and Jackets
Skirts and Waists
Millinery and
Dress *Goods.
is representative of the best thoughts and;
ideas of the most eenowned feshion designer&
It ie) therefore, international, embracing the
cleverest' conceptions and products of both
European aud American raakers. The mod
popular prices are :
$5 to 15,
4 to 15
We have exercised special endeavors in the production of hats
anywhere in price from $3. to $10, and to say that our hats at abot4
$7,5. and 8101 are the peer $ef our best ast efforts, expresses -the thing
Notes.—Utss KeYs and Miss:
Johns were spending Easter with'
Mre. J. Beattie. — Miss Swallow, of
speeding Banter with friends in
Veal, le visiting her mother, Mrs. S;
Leadbury, visiting "her friend, Miss
Dennisonso- los Ida, Bothwell was
married an ,We esda.7 of last Week.
—A/tri John: Deneison sold a, horse for
the handset -tie sum a $959.
auction sale of heroes at 'the steck
yard's here, -on Wednesday of last
week, was =the pest sale held in this
section fe•r a long tin -ie. The- stock
was good, _there was a large attend-
ance and most who came evidentlY
wanted to buy. The bidding, there-
fore, was bristle and the auctimieler,
Mr. Thos. Broiven, or Seaforth, made
the 'neat of the- favarlable. opeortun-
Ines and ingerously drew forth the
last dollar oW every., animal sold.
Horses og different eget; sold' for high
prices, and the proceede of the whole
sale amounted to over $4,100. Mr.
Matthe-ws, the eraerprisimet proprie-
tor was well satisfied with the re -
We want every wprdan interested id Dress Goods to see our
llere are a few values above the usual
Lana Purchased.—Mr. P. J. Ryan,
who resides on the McKillop -Morris
'boundary, near here, has ruralised
the south peat of lot 20, on the
10th conceasion. of .alorrie, from Mr.
Angus McCualg, paying for it $1,400.
The pur-chase comprises 34 acres and
lies en the opposite side of the road
from Mr. Ryan's home farm, and will
be a. convenient and valuable addi-
tion to it.
Local Notes.—Mr. and. Mrs.
Morrison, of Milverton, were 'renew-
ing acquaintances Walton this
weeks Mr. Yforrison is engaged on' the
engineering etaff on the sionStruction
work of the C. P. R.—We are pleased
to state that Messrs. Girdwooct and
Bert Oolclouch are both much improve
ed health, The former has been
suffering from hemorrhage or- the
=lungs, end the latter with pnettneania.
:We trust that soon they will/ -both re.
gain their* -usual state , pa hea,lth.=
Rev. Mr. Stephenson ceetipied the pul-
nit in Duff's Presbyterian ehurch last
Sabbath, in the abeence of the pastor,
Rev. A. afecNainThe infant son of
Several pieces of Light Tweed.......
Special Creani Boating Serge. --
Full variety of colors in Wool Taffetas and Orepilles......-600
Special Black Sanamss, silk finish-- . . 750
Black Armures, Taffetas and Lustres, good quality ...,-- .50c
will please you.
Saturday evening, from an acute at-
tack of bronchitis. The funeral took
Taace on Tuesday afternoon, inter-
ment 'being made in Brussels cemeterY.
—Contractor Mean, with a large,
gang of men, Is irlow, busy puebing
the work of ballasting ose, stile C. P.
R., 'although the weather during the
past week has 'been very unfavorable.
Arrived Safely. ---Thi many frienis of
Mrs. James Scott and Miss Mary Scott,
formerly of the 8th line of mores,
will be pleased to hear of 'their safe
arrival in Metliciee Hat, where they
intend to make their home. Mrs. Scott
and daughter will be grea•tly miesed
their former home where tha vitro
Notes,—Mr. MI Sanderson, of Ilow-
ick, lute purchased. Mr. D. MartinSs
residence and we understand will
move to the village shortly,—Miss E.
T. Tronsan„elocutionist, of Toronto,
gave a good evening's entertainment
in the Methodiet church last Fri-
day.—Editor Carr returned frons To-
ronto on Monday, where he had smeat
several days.—Mies Sinclair, of Brus-
eels spent a. day lagit week with her
friend, Miss L. Rutherfor&—Mr. R.
Black has neon „hid, up for several/
days, 'having had Ills arm hurt in the
dale, is the .g-uest. ef his parente here.
Briers.—Chris. Zilliax, of Toronto,
was calilng on old friends in town.
for a. daY or two this week.—Poter
Ferguson' left on Monday for the west
ce• tt, of thi".3. Metropolitan Beek, leaves
next week fer Banff, B. C., where
'bane of benefitting las beelth.—A new
branch of the Farmers' Banld of
Canada has been opened at Ilawketone,
Simcoe county, with Geo. Thompson;
eon of our towesman, Ma. G. Thomp-
son, as manager. He was a former.
member of the etaff of the Metropolle,
tan Bank heve.—A meeting. of the
cradltors connection with the Kelly
estate, of Morris township, -will be
held next Monday, in the law office
of A. B. Macdonald, in town. There
ace ela different estates to be wound
up. 10. S. Scott is the assigneee-14
the spring fair, alt Clinton,* last walla
edS =two ftret eriees for their to
warded Met prize at =the Myth 4001114
—On Wednesday evening of thie-weela
James B.. Stream]. and Miss Effie aL,=,
Fox, of Brussels,' were united in mart
riage, at the -home of the eride's
tie, James 13Ird, on the 12th. eon -tear
sion of Grey. The ceremony
place at eight. o'clock, and was
formed soy Rev. IL M. Long -For&
and Mrs. Stietton tonteniplete Vera
ing shortly to the .west,—Claris Wee
toffs, the eldest daughter of Mr.an
Mrs. .1. W. Simmoes, passed away
.Tuesday eventng of this week ate
Bogeying illness from consume
She was in .the fifteenth Year at
age and. was always a bright IWO
girl. , The funeral took place toBteass
eels cemetery OM Thursday afters
—RoDert Inglie, all old
Monday 'terenlng after; a few hour
nesse Mt, Inglis Wee enjoying
usual good health instil a.•fasel he
eaten his ereakfast that morning wharf
he se -as seized I;vith a severe yore
leg fit and pain in his stomach tram
which he never recovered, He wee IT
years of° age, The tuneral will tate
day aaternoon,
—E. J. Meafillan, a well known! 4
whose parents end family ;reside at
Stratferd, Ontario, was run oved
the midnight express in. front of the
a P. R. station in that City on Tueivre
diy night. Both legs wete tura gAe,
and the unfortunute hien zuccurtice4
to his iniuries a few houre later. fie
formerly was a medical etudent
Toronto University.
—Mr. J. 1-1, MeGee, a Toronto lore
yet, has purchased from Col, Denuisoli
the old Denriison farm, eistuated sr
eout two miles east of Weston, near
tains atiout 110 acres. and durla
the war of 181e it was mcupied 01„,
the grandfather of Col. Dennison, Oa%
family ever since., The oulidingstn0
were nn it at that time have alm
must, De understood as the pure
idea of the value of a good farm
to the city of Toronto.