HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-04-12, Page 6E InTRON EXPOSUOR
life. A neighbor, living le 'quarter of with a WineheStet rifle e It appearii (Pala 'mix leers In the wafit. Xr. Pan- . struck 14nd -Considerable damage was
lint° ,pthasef.iinibugilditinhrowg. gliThetheel,eebatrime
. 'eahinIEliblg4wthaalre soil:Wall:Inge .silv,taa°11113wreRiangd. theornea't Pt(sinintea,h anhadd!ettlb=le wreqrurkinnilig°9'lito":: ::ton 'ha
euell"t =otlgosttrtee fatre lb°rfidUe4 placer-. Ld°13:11t6
1 ran over and tried to get the mad found teweiouse had been burned down 1 lentil; ihome,. where the /Dung couple,"-.. killed. four hose and vgix head of exe
seemap. of.fp iimit tailed. Running to ane We fiwn117 in had straits.. -This f will commenee housekeeping. I cellent fat * cattle end destroyed a
the house he got Shantz' rifle and, adverse tura df leek worried- Igml , -A.fter an absence of six yea,rs in nernber of calm; of milk. Fortuna„tay
, • ' - - • i
gter three shots, succeeded. in kill- considerablyt -and he became despond-, the west, M. Percy, P. Davis, now i the. barn did not take fire.
ing tthe animal. Shantz was badly ' out Decea0d, was 40 lyearis 0.0 eget extensively engaged k br the jewelre I -/Mr. T. J. Paluier .gave a farewell
Ibraieed,b ut not seriously injured . ancl leaves a wife and Seven eieldren,l linesinees in Seattle, la epending e recital in St. James' Church, Strate
-The Methodist and Presbyterian i ' ' — < !
people living in the Weldon- district,
tire Ycku of 1. YoUr l`ndifferehce. feW ranee northweet Grenfell,
The Canadian )eablie has had fer raanY years such bad tea foisted( ni
Ii settled - a well to -do cuss a
are arranging to union
p eoh this eummer at an estimated
them, that it is no wonder they are diffet ent •about tea Al we ask that !.cost of f$1, 00. This - .is One of the
you give SALADA. " a trial. You will iiealize in a minute its g4odness !growing dieitricts about Grenfell and
and• all-round deliciousness.
by •
I !. ;people. f
Lead Packets Only. 25e, Mc, 40e, 50c a el 60c per Poimd. At All P-rocers
MO BENT in Brussels by February 1st, 1907, 80 x
irt block 2nd door from American Hotel,
lately oecup,ied as talioring, readymade clothing, etc.
I EY, Brussels. 2.041-tf
BttIpHLIG LOTS FOR SALE. - For sale two
Essb William St.; Sea-
forteelP4,„01britigaiyrigi° edmand planted with fruit
trees' APP1Y MRS. M.
dle ROBERTSON, Seaforth. ,
Apply o
• -The baby cityor Wetaskawine
' s till iaPrrmits
*anitoba. and Northetre4 Note I base aLeteady been issued for the er-
i-Mr. T. Hill, IA RusSe14
yfaini- • elution of over on ehundred residences
'tette, leekee a eoquet of panels from during the coming summer and blocks
hii,gairden on Saturday, March 30th.
They looked, ibright ‘03141
-A large cold Storage warehoase,
te cost $.40,00p, I to lbs elected, in
Moose Jaw, this corning summer, :by a
company of local. capitalists. They
Ihave pirrehased w good site. -
ARM TO RENT. ---To rent, Let 28, Con. -Jarrlegt 'Grab:anal a. well-known: and
Killop • Ica acres choiee pasture land- 111011 regefedted - farmer CrE Ste4nleY
igeneral hospital, goosomin, on Sun-
, dee*, as the reeuit of inflariarnation of
elDROFEETY FOR SALE. -The farm and town the,
..I.. property belonging to the McGinnis preperty,
'by-law will be submitted to the
not having been. disposed of hy auction, the same (
eau now bepurchmed by private sale. For further rare -payers of th etowar of North Bat
forth. 20i8-tf , penditure of $100,000 for Naterworks
' system, lights -and se,wer's.
ri,RAZING FARM TO RENT.--eTo t for the
keT season for grazing purporen
ses, the old Hickson ,1 An important 'event the his -
farm at Roxboro, MoKillop ; plenty of water, good tory of the village of Oakville, Men-
pesture and good fences'. Apply:- to JAMES LOCK- itoba, and district, wao the formai.
HAE.r, Lot 24, Conceseion 4, lila:shop, Seaforth
- 2049-4 opening
of the handsome new school
P. o.
13-91*SE FOR Keil/B.-A comfortable frame house two departments and two teachers.
on James street containing 4 bedrooms, sitting - Murphy, a farmer ot the
roo, and puler. ft good stone miler ail under the
house, and a good stable. 1/ not geld by the first of Fithelt0A. Saskatchewan, district, has
elt mile through it ; clotte to Seatorth. dietrict, near. • Mossoinin„ died in the
e premises. MRS. F. CASE, Seaforth.1
rtieulars epple to R. S. HAYS, Barrister , Sea- tleford, asking authorization for am ex-
• recently completed, there. .There are
April will be rented, It 'is at present occupied by ibeen, removed to Prince Albert hoe -
Mr Alleford,. 1,01ICHALL2017-tfSea- 13 al with his feet badly; rozen, hay-
forthO. Apply to -JAMES •
• •
trig lot les- way on the trail a, week
TO LET -The undersigried will rent his faun ago.
-The effect of the entrance a the
the Lake Shore to tkiftood tenant for a term of
five years. The farra corselets of 21.0 sem of good Great Northern Railway into Manito-
laud nearly ell under cul at and in good WTI -
r . b is Ire d felt The have reduced
dittos'. For full terms and gartieulare aPPlY at 000- a • a a Y • Y .
line on Bret dew freight the re-
peoereee FOR sit...tr.-For sale cheap, st most
DANIEL SMITII, St. josep P. o ' the freight rates considerably on their
desirable house and lot, situated at. the corner duotion amounting to le write, pet ly of Gelicions. This is true of •the
of property that were bought for $200
•an are laSt fall aee now changing
hands at $500 Per are.
e -A.- despatch frotreNorth Portal, Sea-
ketchewen, dated Meech 29, says.: The
immigratien rush bee fairly wet in,
sixty cars ce settlers' effects "arriv-
ing Ito -day. The average for the
pat week has been 3o. 041E1 daily.
The eassenger traine are loaded, and
fictive/all Tun two - sectiens. -
-Harry 'Davy, of Clareeh,olne Al-
berta, was thrown from, his ret
cently and teu'ffered a. broken • a,rm.-
David Stokee of ' the same district,
while leading a: pony let° town met
with eery !painful accident.PJhe
pony tbeCEtIlle unmana,geable and: the
leading rope, in the tuisle, wound
'tightly around' Mr. Stokes' fingers
with the result that hie thtlmiDi Wae
torn completely off. •
=After the ‚rather severe winter it
WEIJO a welcome change to see the fine
hetede of tattle which have been .ehip-
ped from Ponoka, Alberta, 'during
the past few day. Townspeople and,
even Iseme farmers could, scarcely be-
lieve. that such, fine Istook e was in
this vicinite. The cattle were all
fitted and were !grown,' and fecte'by
fawners of the districti
eelt -,Very prolmeele that! lew
people are aware of 'the fact that Man-
itoba has a council composed; entire -
of Isabella and Railway streets, in the Town of lfillitldrece weight.
- house le a good frame otte, with brzelc cellar muter- In eircAlley, Saskaitchewa,n, last week
;math. There are two lots in connection, nicely ee,
situated. Good well. Foe particulars apply at the 1110111 itne ea.st, and, were eagerly snep-
rural rnunicipality of Stuartburne in
Seafo th the property of Mr, James McCann. The -A carload of fine berms arrived 'the seutheaatern Pertloxi of the pro-
vince. The members of the council
booed are: Jelin Blonsky, reeve; 3.
Probezensbee Nicola Hawiyluk Was-
syl Sider, Nicola. 'Humenuk, council-
lors; Theodore Waelma, eecretary-
treasurer. Mr. :Waelyna, is the only
reeidence of 3nts. JAMES KE110E, Seafottle 'ped by the farmers of the com'mun-
, 2000-tf ity. •The prices were very good, sev-
eral pg. ithe test of, them bringing as
•...._. —
ed der sections of 100 entaCh fia4 $250 and. better. .
acres each at from 8Y, -Le in per annum. Only firse -Mel. Shantz, a young /firmer. and member of the council who is feral-
inone, on pr
mortgages taken. Ample security given. Terrens sen of the pos,tmaster Di/Wintry, iar with the English langeagee wed
tie System le perfect. rone S300
ece he lent miFor tureen Alta., reeding e mile Trani that the 'business is, therefere, caerle.d.
aiPUp ean on
on farms wort rom ,
partiettlare write to me. J. A. 'JACKSON, Barris- `WWII, fOlIght a mad buli recently for
ter, etc., Ponoka, Alberta. 19504f* thirty minutes, receiving fearful In-
mem setae a comfortable frame house he Bg-
mondville, with three aores of landcellar -and leading the animal when it, suddenly
aim etatThe house contains 1 bed,
juries. lt appears that Shantz was
room, par- 'attacked him. • Fortunately, he held
•for dining room and kitchen downstairs and two
[the ring and „,._ jumped' from the horn
In a, foreigri Itreegete.
The satiers a the 'district twenty-
two miles! north of Watson, Sask., re-
ceived) a )Ahock on S'aturday latat, when
it was lea:tined that John Pontah,
• bed an pstairsThere p en y
well-known. and respected farmer of
of hard and soft water. The ProPertY le Olesetotioth , the other hand, and fee the that distric#, heel committed suicide
rooms a rge hail u. m
church -and Reboot, Will be sold cheap. 4ply to whole thirty minutes held; orr for hie by shoetinglilinself throu'gli the heart
JAMES S. BROWN, or box 357, Seaforth P. 0.
ARM FOR SALE -The subscriber offers for sal
his farm of 103 acres,Iteing lot 31, 3rd eonces
Skirt, 11. R. 8, Tuckersmith. Ail cleared and under •
cultivation exeept 3 acres •all but 18 acres its grass.
-Frame house, bank barn, hay barn and other out- ,
nuildinge, bearing orchard, good water, schoolhouse I
on the premiseIt is within six miles of Seaforth j
and five from Mitten. Will be sold on easy terms.
WHITFIELD GRIM. Clinton P. 0. 2009-x8tf
- WARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 24, Concession 2,
A' Stanley, containing 100 acme. Ninety acres are
mares and m a good state of cultivaMon *, there are
10 acres of good hardwood bush, The farnt is all
well undenhained and well fenced. There is i two- The Acme of Corset
storey brick house with slate roof, a first -clam farm
honee. Bank barn, 4014, x 8014.3 cement silo, pigpen
drivestg house; There are two- never -failing wells:
and an acre of orchard and small fruit. This excellent
farm is three miles from Brumfield and five mites
from Clinton, with good gravel roads. For further
particulars apply on the premises or address,ALBEELT
NOT% Clinton P. 0 1948 -ti
4.1tM FOR SALE -For sale, Lae, Concession 14,
1. Mullett, contain me. 120 acres. The farm is all
cleared and in a high state of cultivation. It is well
drained and well fenced. There Ise large two-storey
brick house with woodshed and-kitehere There is a
large bank barn and two smaller barns and drivine
shed. Two good orcherde. There are two new;
falling springs on the farnewhich make it an excel-
lent one for either sweat t aropping. There is also
a pump at the barn, with windmill. This excellent
farm is two miles from Harlock P O., four Miles
rota Blyth. Terms to suit purchaser as the prop-
rietress wishes to leave the farm and, if not sold, I
will be rented. Thie is the farm of the late John
Mills. For further partieulars apply on the premises
addrese, Ilarlock P. O., MRS. J0I1N MILTS.
1 ACRE FARM FOR.SALE.-The undersign -
I 7U d offersfor sale Obat most desirable prop-
erty known es Lot 6, Cofteession 1, Township of
Blanshard, Perth Countyle'There are, on the prem-
ises, a good brick house 82 x 24, with kitchen attach-
ed, 16 x 20, both in good repair ; n large bank barn,
70 x 70, with good stone stabling underneath ; one
first-clase cement silo, 12 x 37, and other useful
buildings. The farm is well watered, both in front
and in the rear and is adapted both for grain and
stook misting andis in a high state of cultivation,
which is v ell known from the fact that the propriet-
or hieg resided thereon for nearly fifty yeets, being
one of the rnost successful farmere in the township.
It ie centrally !mated, being near both church and
school, and Niritbin easy rest& of a good market. For
further partiettlars address JOHN SUTHERLAND,
Kirkton P. 0, 2009-41
FARMS FOR SALE. -Lot 15, Concession 2; Lot
15, (Toneession 3 ; S. 4 Lot 14, Concession
and S. Lot 15, Concession 1, Huron Road Survey:,
Township of Tuckersmith, County of Huron, contain-
ing WO acres, situated within two miles of the thriv-
ing town of Seaforth, one of the best markets in Wes-,
tern Ontario. This farm was awarded the gold
• medal in the farm competition of 1888. The farms
/me been all pastured for the past ten years and,
would now he in excellent shape for general farming.
Soil fa?od Nay loam -two-storey briek dwelling house
and lotehen ith briek woodshed -hot air furnme-
hard and soft water in kitelien-fine grounds with
shrubbery, evergreens and esdar hedgee-orchard
meth spruce windbreak on west, and north -good
haute with stone 84ahling-80 acres of hardwood hush,
maple and beeeh-well watered with spring creek
nod river, Will sell altogether or would divide pro-
perty. No beta Pr property in the Couney of Huron.
JO/IX T. DIClia0N, Settforth. 2020-t1
at,' The undersigned offer for sale Lot 10, Conces-
reon 1, raexerstuith, being pert of the estate of the
- late Benjamin Smiltie. This farm coniaists 101)
II epees of geol heatwood liesh and S5 acres cleared,
fenee I, thoroughly under drained with mite and
iean eeeelient etate of enitivation, , consisting. of
.w -re' of el:eat. e stem orchard, 30 aeree ploughed for
and the. remaining 45 ares seeded to grass.
• There is, on the premises, a good large brick hottee
gith large kit,...hun and excellent new batik bars, fifl
mkt a 0eret.0 Mn, a pig pen and driving shed.
Tie.re are thrg never -failing wells. This is a. very
tit..4410de prop -rt:.- and k situated one mile north of
th- -% lege of WI LLIAM mna .k ulN
AK IN FAceutors, Herman P. O.'
-1.7.1ItAN V0R SALE; Olt TO 1-1,ENT.-Lot 14, on
.1,E(t(„%zweAliort, and South Half 14, 4th Oonces,
=ilon, in tie- Townsinp of II ullett, are offered for sale
or to rent. They .onsist, of 150 acres, alt 1,, grose ex -
12 acresitt iinsh. A 10%1 twb storey frame
bottse, good lank barn, 5(.1 x 70. with 'power mill, a
olrivitt.•:r shed, :;t.; ;;0, and sheep house, 90 x 30. The
Jaime ts well watered by a spring, a drilled welt and
the river. It is situated 3;1; miles from Clinton and
ig well'adaptedlor etOok or grain, Also Lot 19; on
the Gth Conression, consisting of 100 acres, twelve
a,!re.i. bosh,the keet seeded down. A never failing
spring 1 with the wind mill for pumping!. These
farm:5'10U be..sold together or separately and on
terms to snit the pitrelever, if not sold will be
related. 11, .I. 311.1,!..1ft, box' 25, Clinton. 2040-1-f
White Cedar Shingles
for Sa1i Rooficg or
Patching now in stock.
platgrig. Mill and Lumber Yned
, For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Rave Always Bought
Beare the
• Perth,. Items. -
St, Meree is- to have a ladies" IV4Wa-
Lug club. -
-k $4„000 organ he to ie ,purchased
for the Methodist church, 'Mitchell.;
-A board, of Itrade was recentte or-
ganized, in the village, of Wellesley.
-e4.1Tc 14. F. Keeitner, of Sebringeirle,
'recently ishippede 40,000 -pounds; of
Dutch -set onions.
—Mr. Sainuel Gerry, of Mitchell, cel-
ebrated his 86th ,birthday on! Good -
sent on the occatsien
Friday. HIS lex dallitere Were pre-
-Mr. J. F. Elliott, of Mitchell, has,
purehateed the .Murphy 'farm int Hie
!pert, neer Staffa, for. 0,000. Mr. !Ell --
'sheet vaeationt maw: lee ea-reets
-Mr.. T. L. Patten, feriterler of the
Metrehfints' , Bank stan, Stratford,
has (keine to Montreal, where he has
been given ,a; position in thee. head
office. Before leaehrg he was pre-
sehted eby the members 04 the staff
with a gold mounted unierella.
-Mes. Pate, ,wife of Rev. Dr.
Potts, the well known: Methodist di-
vine, died at he rt home III Toronto on
Tuesday -atter a brief Illness, She
was a, native of Kingston and was
67 Yeare of ege. Besides her trudband
ethe is survived by, two sons toot two
'feed, fWednesdaye "ening; April
ar4. It was one of the finest ever giv-
e'n in the city. After the recital Mr.
Pmer was preeented with a purse a
'gold Jby the congregation. Mr. Palm-
er goe$ to Teronto.
-On eWednesday, Meech 27th, Miss
Minnie Steveneon Wat3 married, to j.
M. °vane at the home of her father
in Elma townShip. Rev. A. McVicar
performed` the ceremony. The laellesof
the missionarY society a Atwood
Preebyterian church presented Miss
Stev,enson, a few evenings prior to
her marriage, with a handsome s:olti
who liaee been residents cie Listowell locket.
-Me. and, Mr. Jane Armstrontge
for a, tnuniber of years are eoing to -,Mr. Fred A. Keys, of Exeter, Who
Vancouver to reside. A nurriber of ,'es to manage the Billevalel cream-
Itts. Arinatrougls friends belonging ere for this seaSen has just pa,ssed
to Knox church, !presented bet with a filightt erSditable examination at
a handsome. gold. brooch one evening the Provincial Dairy school at Stratb-
last week'roy He ebtatned 90 per cent on the
-C. A. M'ayberry, a A., L. LI total and the higheet mark on loutter
B., 'principal of the Stratford! Col- making ever taken in the school, get-
legiate Institute has -been elected ting per tent. The Blueeale peo-
vice president oe' the classical ease- Ple have secured a good man.
elation, a isectiOn of the College and -In a. recent fire in Indian? Beg],
High School- Department of the
On- , tWhera.'10Kth6
illc'entrelles12,141r4reBy*, King, Morf.
liett 'heel moved mil the farm. -tale Eklucat1ial
-,.The Evangelical ehereh or Se- -Mns. Alex. Wilson-, one 02 the ; McMichael, of McMichael Bros., came
beingellbee are tob ruildi- a new, per-- oldest tresidents oe 1na. tOWDElhip, near meeting their awake. The form-
sonaige this summer to cost/ in the died recently at the age of 80 years. er was limy badly burned that he will
i Assoocl
neighborhood of $8,000.
-Mrs. George Deltrieti, of Milver-
;ton, was taken ill in) church one Sun-
day recently and ori the way home
Was 'seized. with a paralytic Stroke.
-Mr. Francis Elliott, o2 Mitchell,
has ^sold his holm) and lot, north of
the high st hool, to Mr. Jobn Boerne,
of Elma. Tile price paid was $580,
-Miss Malty, B. A. of Stratford,
has 'been eleeted a. Member a the ex-
ecutive committee of Queen's Alumni
Aosociation of Western Oetwrio:
-A tehipment -of. 4,900 doz. egge left
Wtehell fay express one. afternoon
lfelt week. The train wad delayed a-
bout 3.5 minutes in ceder to get them
%George Maitland, formerly of
the Herald, staff, Stratford, Is at
present in New York eeporthig the
Thaw trial for his paper, The To-
onto Sta,. -
-Miss Rebecca Ea,sson, of Stratford,
died 'recently atter 9, short illness. De-
cea.sed was a daughter of Mr. Ate
draw Hasson, who died a, week pre-
vious 'to that of his daughter.
-On Wednesday, March 27t11, 1907,
marria,ge took place at the bome
of Mr. add Mrs. David Adair., iceneeg-
slot 16, Legan, it being the marriage
of their Totuhgest daughter, Miss
Alice, to -lir. Albert Penton, former-
ly of that neighborhood, but for the
Deceased had been ill for some time. a, a Lip I01 ome ..
Her labdband idled in 1878 and she l es he is able to t'ravel he is expected
leaves a ;amity of one son and four home.
daughters. .
-The by-law granting a loan a,
$6,000 to Weir and Weir tie extend
their :flax industry was voted on at
St, Marys on Monday, and failed fay
about 88 vote's to carry. The by -/awl
Ito grant a, bonus of $5,000 to Strauss:
'andi Bow to etart a Imittin.g factory i —
also failed by -about 80 votes.
_ Harvey Pridhane of Mitchell,
has gone to Sasketchewan. He took
With him a, car load og settlers' ef.;
teas: Mr. •Pridharrt has two !brothers 1
in the west. He was accompanied by
Master Irterg. Timms, Who intembi to
work 1.11 the west.
-During a very severe electrical
storm which 'Reseed oven .Logan one
night recently, e, 'barn belonging to
Mr. Wro. Selmou, conceesion 8, about
seeint miles north Mitthell, -was
Absolutc ..Cure
If the skin or bowels are nyt.
healthy, they won't throw ale
enough urea. This urea fa
changed into uric acid--
carried by the blood to the
nerves—and causes Rhea-
ivit-a-ttkes surety cure
t'heumatisin and &tat' 'cal'
because they act directly on
bowels, kidneys and skin—
and so strengthen and invig-
orate these organs that
there is no urea and uric add
retained in the system, to
irritate the nerves and bring
Sciatica and
‘Truit-aetives are intensified
fruit juices with torics anet
intestinal antiseptics added.
50c. box ---6 for S2.50.
:Tot mere oandy, though they are
dellcdons,-s cure zweli. and o sure
relief for stubborn coughs, ods, and
* throat nut of alt kinds. Doctors us7 thme
44' couth drops 4re all right. Demand the
saaaameffeageseregaieg gmaaaaesasaelaariasealsoorepasimeite
Now is the time you should be gettimg
into your Spring Clothes. If you have not al-
ready ordered them, call on us and see what
we can do for you in this line. We carry all
the best lines of Tweeds and Worstedsl and.
our reputation as high-class tailors is unrival-
led. There are many other spring needs, such
as Spring Underwear, Spring Shirts, Ties, Etc.
Let us fit you out for Spridge
IVI 1° 1r 0 ATIA EAO:B
CO in S
Excellence. The following letters confirm all claims to their
Igive tlirm their due we must say that all the goods made by th
' Corset Co., which we handle, are very superior in quality, a
most favorably with the best American products in the same lir
their prices range from 25 per cent. to 30 per cent. lower.
Such is the confidence in the quality of their goods that th
Company replaces, free of charge, any article that does not co
guarantee, yet we seldom have to use this as Crompton Cor
please the purchaser.
Gentlemen,—You ask us our opinion of the Crompton
Your obedient servant,
d compare
e, although
e up to its
ets always '1
05714.15:P9 Ilvs Sri Ckrp!iateii,koots StAlloq Sr coif mon)• .
Agents Crompton Corset Co., Montreal.*
Gentlemen,- -
. "
We are pleased to be able to state that the romptoni
Corsets, which you represent here, give es the most entire sat sfaction ;1
the up-to-datedness of their models, the perfection of fit and he excel-
lence of material employed in making these Crompton Cor ets have
made them the most desirable of their line.
We may add that since we have kept in stock a complete assort-
ment of Crompton Corsets the sales of our Corset Department show a
notable increase.
Yours truly,
superiority Manufactured by THE
York Street, Toronto, Ontario
-St. Cathetine St. Mon tat
Representing the Crompton Corset Co., City:
Gentlemen, -,Your favor of the 22nd to hand, and in reply we would
say that we are much pleased with the Crompton •Corset. in looking!
into the sales of our Corset Department we find our sales to be away
ahead of any previous year, a proof of the satisfaction and popularity of
the Crompton Corsets.
For some time we have given a special ,guarantee that should the
corset break or prove unsatisfactory we would cheerfully refund the money
to the purchaser.
It is our pleasure to say that it is a rare occurrence when we have
been obliged to do so.
We always try to give our customers the best possible value for
their money, and we believe the Crompton Corset to be the best of all
Corsets made in Canada, and equal to imported goods at much higher
Wishing you every success, which we think your push and enter-,
prise deserves.
Yours truly,
John Murphy Co.,
Dear Sirs,—We have much pleasure in testifying to the increisine
popularity of Crompton Corsets.
During the last two years they have rapidly advanced to the front
rank. It is certainly a gratifying indication of our industrial progress to
find corsets made in Canada, such as the "Crompton," competing suc-
cessfully in style, fit and finish with the celebrated brands manufactured
by the great firms of Paris and -New York.
- Lastly, its medium price brings within reach of almost every one
a high-class corset, with all its manifold advantages to health and grace
of figure.
On the whole, we consider Crompton Corsets the best product of the,
Canadian market.
Yours respectfully,
#0„, stem
eike GPS -11
nukfir3-P1 STati
Ireafort h.
rearristir, ;
sneer, •Neter,
the Canadian
Keney to ke
toe in eoott
Soh, Ontatic.
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