HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-04-12, Page 5eee w'e'eek*Iteeeu°meagalflalemeeePaeleereaelft- IsisratIft-E.:4 I4ng the hients e hoes will end what they Lor in the Walk -Ove Over " Shoes are in a mselvea. The style stays k -Over, and satisfacUon it wear Over" hoea. are popular, eabine perfect freedom shapeliness. Outside iside comfort goes witla avert% bought your new yot, cail and look over Over." t3,5 00 5 00 5 50 pair st 4' SON) een Quality" shot% for shoes for men. A aJmot despatred of get-, x ow, but of late the P been good and a C0n- qunttty of syrup is being thie viellaity--Rev. A- it,fa- D., of Goderich, la expected in St. Andrew's church next Rev. Mr. Urquhart wiP be ure.-The lecnare, glveri 's church, on Friday eV- - laT the pastor, Rev. D., wa a gratifying success in be aechiro is concerne& it of the very unfa,vorabei io ehe roads, however, the waei not as iarge as it ierwlae have been.. Those mit received a rare se who stayed away le. The suit a the lee- ! " The land a Black Bock," Urquhart presented his sub - he magi: intatresting .and a- pects. The choir, under the i o Mrs. J. Balfour, added tioyment or the evening by few well rendered selections, J. B. McLean rendered a as 'thoroughly appreciated. tleafeLean adted as acconee 'he collection was a liberal Andrew's Sabbath school has ent staff of officers and and is doing good work. mernteriffiNiaggPealfrEf6=4/14 SteMelaerieill. Mr.: _and Mrs. James sewn el a. muriber of ;the young re everainx wc er of people attended the inton.-Eastor holidea s every- one has returaed tee outine.-Mr. Da.vid Barr visa W. Brown on Sunday. -Sten - was reopened in St. Pat- ch last Sunday evith a fair. e. -Mr. 3. W. Hill left on er the west. -Mr. Harry Mc - tatted Hensel' friends on Miss Alva Beacom is vieiting parental, roof.-Misa eibente Milverton, visited at Mr,. J. last w-eela-Miss Belle Dra.p- her Easter vacation at home. It, =of thie vicinity, recerstret Or -Se fine gelding to Mesons. & Cudmor e, of Seaforth, He _weighed over 1.700 loa. handsome as he ietg AT ONO ~AN PAPERS? cheap. We have the emething special. We mt and tidy job, and r whether you wish to ICKARD'S, - ONTARIO rpresa Wagons, 8ec. for Ladies YLES. ter length, good materials, ighest expectation of good $10 and $12. ili Prices. by Regebee.and priced at $I an d weight for Spring Jackets, re. rf, 51 inches wide, thorougby of England Erittol Clothe fiat 4ies and Men. natural wool soles, piain greys CECHfeb.14Y FAST DYE," which ion, won't stain, wadi out, turn aaranteed by dyer. We have o. sr fo Mn. by not 2 We present to you th a These goode ars shrunken* id fitters, at per suit $5, $0, be betd. We want yonr cloth- '.x)e and new geods. Two ship- aut ahem RDINER, NNON & CO.) INTARI°' ••.2 • April IL 1901, • EW.1, 70 to ett 70 37 to 0 87 bubCI t O6 to 0 75 - hash a•Wairif b.• 04, 0 44 tO 0 46 2000 to 2000. 20 00 to 20 00 onr, per ton za oa to za es 2 10 to 27 .02240 022 •.•••0•• • • 0 21 to 0 21, 0 14 to 0-1.4 4 „....••••••••• •• ••• • ••••• .0,10 to 10 00 Wa••••10.40re • **** •••01,•f• 7 60 to 750 - * * . 0 76 te 1 00 bui;hel. 06040 0-60 per barrel..." 1-25 to 1 g eerd(1011FA. 0 00 to 7 00 cerd (effort). .. . 2 -76tu S 76 9 00 to. 9 SO •B. ....“1,4W,4 160 to'2 50 Dairy Markets. Aprii9-1iutter--1teceipta continue fight quality unsatisfactory, There le a strong for titmice grades at firm prices. Orearnery tem: solids, 25 to 200 dairy prints, 25 tubs, 21 to 22e. Eggs -There has been a creased consamption at the recent deoline Which has steadied the market to 4ome ex. eeelpts are coming,in freely. Priceare un - t 1.040 htio ; spIi40, in to 14e. Haney - to per lb. ; combo, ase to ae,75 per wearau-, April 9--Egg4--A slightly firmer feeling in the egg 'Market to -day, despite the fact - re vtere the heaviest receipts for at least any his Last the months. The price asked is 17i for new -laid, while 10c is quoted for single redelpta this morning were 2,843 cases. But - en continuee to be a strong steady demand ttor,..though prices are etill high. To -day a atightly easter feeling, and 27c is being for new make. For winter make 24e and 25e asked, while 22 to 24c is quoted for lower Receipts this nioruing were 105 packages. Poultry. April 0 -There Is practically nothing do - a now, and out little in fresh etook ; a ot o iTe chickens are being received, Chick- live,10to 110, and drmeecl; Ill to 13c ; live hens, and dressed 10 to 11c. Seeds - Tomo, April 0 -Prices paid at countr•v. points feeee, 87 to $7.20 ; No. 1, 80 to 96.35 - lea e5.19 to 95.40; No. 8, $4.20 to se.ret, Red orate-eartee, 158.75 to *; NO. 1, $7 to No. e„, $6,35 to 90.50. Thnothy--Firm. Fancy bright eoatedien, nnhtilled 92.40 to 90-85 ; No. 1, 81.20 to *sr hob- ; No. 2. 21-40 to $1.05 per bushel. Gram. eto, , Minot April 0 -Wheat -Fall, -720> 75c goose, eee -• spring, 7140 72e; oats, 45 to 46e; barley, 50 57o= peas, 7640 78e. Potatomi-Otitarlo, $35 to ter% 8fie in car lots here. Baled Hay- imothy is quoted at 91240 813, and seeond- ea $9,50 to 810.50 in, car lots on track here. w-80.75 to 87.25. - Horse Market. Of April 10. -Burns 45- Sheppard at the otaq eav the demand at present in horse flesh Is noittlav for bevy drafts, good expreatsera, and first - •ekes roadsters of good conformation and quality. At ilnir stiles last week satisfactory results were obtain-. ed. On Thursday their annual speed sale was held, Whet abont 70 head, including Dome very feet ereaersand pacers, were offered. The market far -.thatches- was only fair, still, reasonable prices were - rated. They quote heavy drafts, 1,500 to 1,670 ilie; MO to 2275 ; general purpose and express - 048140 to 8175 ; road horses. 15.2 to 10 hands, 2136 to9185. eaths. TIRBHY--To Settforth, on Attie 5th, Mary Demi° n . relict of the -late Michael faurnliee ged 76 Yore FOTHERINGHAU-Iii Tueltersmith, on April Otin %Mem 1Vt1ead3glee1ne Aged 82 yeers and 11, reANNIt---In 01inton, on April 3, Ma:Henry Baiter, aged 81 yeare. • BAY --Irelltilletti on April lat, Jane 'WilsOn, relict of the late Wm, IL Beyleet, aged 88 yeare. - and 10 monthe. HOULAHAN--In Stephen, on Mareh 31st, Pateriek - /loulabemeiged 80 years- ITIt-in Morris, on April 3rcl, Bine Alexander MaebanSmith, are aged 88 years and ft monthe. SRIOKIIINDEN:-In Clinton, on March Nth, Edward Ilrickenden, aged 74 yearn. W1111),DON--In Bayfieid, on Mareh 80th, Mado Charles, eon of John and Mary Whiddon, aged 10 . years. i • . nuno-th Dresden, on March 18th, Robert Rudd, , lOrmerly of Egmondville, aged 57 years. MalaaaVIN-In Ohesley, on, April 2nd, Ames MeGaV. in, a ed 44 year a and 5 menthe, • ' _ Ap ILENDE ON -In MoKillop, on April 10th, George Bendlrson, aged ee yeare add 10 trioriths, LANDS110 ..OUGli -- Al. the reeidence of Mr. and Mre. JOseph Cutiniore, Kenslhgterty North Da- kota, on April lst, Mrs. Samuel Land shorotigh, Sla, formerly of Tuckerstnitia aged 70 years and, 8 mantilla • snlitune---10 Brueiels, on April OthtOlarto Victoria, eldest daughter of M. .and M. J. W. Simmon a, aged 14' yearS, '6 month ii and 2 day. ', ' INGLIS-In Grey, on April 8th, linbeat Inklis, in hie 77th year. A Libre StOOk Markets. Daiwa, England, April 9 -Liverpool and factraion %get ere firmer at 11i. to 1e per lb., dressed weight ; refrigerator beef is quoted at 81. to Sae per . paned. Union Stock Yards, Toronto Junation, April 9 -Receipts of live stock at the Union Stock Tanis e'nea Friday last were 83 car loads. The quality of tit cattle was only fair, a few good loads with many luffehaished green lots. The general quality was ziet as good cm this secteon of the year should coin - mod. Experters-Prices ranged from 85.14 to <-2e,40, the bulk selling at $5,L5 to $5.25 i 'export tulle sold at $3.75 to 24.25. Butehees'-Priuxe piek- eed lots of butchers' sold at 0,15 to 95.25 ' loads ot good a494.85 tosloe ; medium at 24:50 to 14.80; cows, $3,60 to 24.60 ; canners and common cows, &zit to 83. Milch Cows -About a dozen milkers and springere sold -at 280 to $60 each. Sheep and Lambs -Export ewes sold at $5 to 86.50 ; bucks,84 to $4.25 ;yearling- Iambs $5 to 23 per cwt. H unnat Limited quote seleete at 20.65, fed ard wired ; lights and fatita$0010. EL la, Kennedy ,geotedseleete at 86.00, and hehta, and fats at 20.36 Per art. Berveu). April 9-OattIe---Slow -and 10 to 200 lone, while stoekers and. feeders are 10 to 150 higher; prime steers, e5.60 to $5,90 ; shipping, $5 to 25,50 butchers' 24.40 to 25.26 ; heifers, 83.75 to 95.10; cows, aa to 94.50 1 bulls, 98.25 to $4.00 ; stookos and feeders, 88.75 to $4.05 ,• stock helfere, 412.7S to 83.50 ; fresh cows and springers, aetive and 93 higher, at $0.0 tro $52. Hoge -Active and 10 to. 15a Tower .heavy, 'mixed, Yorkers, and pigs, art ; ' nubs, 85.00 to 80.10: etags, $1.50 to $5. Sheep ' andlamba-Active ; sheep steady ; Iambs, 30e hagh- or ; iambs, $5 to $0.25 ; yearlings'$7.75 to 58; wethers, $0,25 to 90,75 ; ewes, 84.75 to 26.25 ; sheep, nixed, se to 96.25. I Motttarana April V. -Cable adviees from Liverpool and London on Canadian cattle were stronger, and noted an advance in prices of le to ee per ib., with, /Ries at ege, and Americans at 12fo to 13o. A fea- ture of the trade waa the weaker feeling in the !mar- ket for cattle, and prices compared with those j of a week ago showed a decline of ict per lb. A big snow dant lastingalt morning prevented intending I buy - mein many instances from coming to the ma.rket. A few loWs were purchased at 50 to Etc per lb. Choice bees sold at 510 to 50 ; good, 410 toSo ; fair,* to 4eo ; and lower grades from 13e to 4e per ily. A stronger feelingdeveloped in the local mar- ket for hogs this morning, and priees advanced 110c, due to keen competition between dealers and 'limp. plfee., &lee of selected lots were made at $7.40 to rao, weighed off ears. Supplies of sheep and lambs continue limited, and as the demand is very keen nom butchers for this class.of stock, priees are ral- ly niaintained. Sheep sold at IA to fie, and year ing laintorat Ole to 70 per lb. A few spring lambs old te4 to es each. There was Lin active trade done in tives, ()Latta% the offerings were fairly large and ries, 54 92 to 98 each. °notion°, April 10 -There was a little better 1, in. (Miry for exporters, and buyers were able to pick' up some choice stuff. The market for export cattle, however, is limited, and the demiod is confined to Very chwee atock. At the prices being paid ifor cat le here, there is little chance for exporters in*. ing any profit. Prices paid to -clay show advances On former amotation. An extra choice load sold to -day at 0.25 to $5.40, and several extra choice tem were reported to have sold up to 20.30. Sales . were also said to have been made at higher prices than tinge. Thitchers' cattle were in geed demand. Picked stock aold around $5.10, with ordinary choice ranging frown 9e.8.5 to $5. The bulk of the offerings eame in the good butcher elass, gelling from 84.40 to $4.70. Choice cows were 84 to 84.85, ordinary 88 to $8.60. Trade in stockers and feeders shows cOnsid- *Table improvement. There are more of them:offer- ing, andthe demand Is fairly good for the right 4lualltr- Choice stockers range from $8.60 to 84.00, lightweights $2.50 to ,S8 per ewt. Much efewe ere steady, with prices showing little change. The run of sheep and lambs was light, and with the exception of common Iambs, priees are firm and higber. Export ewes are quoted 25e up at $5 toes.se; grain -fed iambs show an advance to 87.50 and 47.85. Spring lambs are firm, but With quota. ions about the filtalle. The offerings of hogs were itaederate, but the prices show a further deoline. Se - bete are Si. lower -t ee.05. fed and watered, mith the learketateade at the decline. 81111111110111•11111M11111•111110111111117 • SALE REGIST.F.R. On Saturday, April 20th. at one o'clock p. ni., et the Commercial. Hotel, Hensel', e number ot' Draft Horses, Fillies and Geldings. Theinaet Brown, auc- tioneer. 205242 Births. EBB1-17-1u Gode rie li township, Maitland Con- cession, on Mereh SIst, to Mr. and Mrs. John Tebleutt, it son. PENN1NGTON-In Clinton on 3farch 31st, to 3(r. and Mrs. John Pennington, a son. BIDWELL-T0 elintori, on April 2nd, to Mr. an Mrs. Harold Bidwell, it daughter. - OUNNINGRAM-In Orediton, on March 201.11, t Me and Mrs. A. Cunningham, a daughter. ORTWEIN -At Bronson line, Hay, on. April 3rd, 40 Mr. and Mrs. J. Ortwein, it daughter. OVERHOLT-At St. Joseph, on April 440, to Mr. and Mrs. James Overholt, a son. JACKSON -in Clinton, on April 1st, to Mr. ancl Mr. Tem. Jnekson, jr„ it son. KENDALL-In Wingham, on April 1st, to Mr. an Mrs. George Kendall, a son. CASTLE -In Seaforth, on April Ith, to Mr. and Mrs A. Caetle, a daughter. ' -CRONIN-In ifinbert, on April 10th, to Mr. • an Mrs. jobn Pronin, a. son. Marriages. JOHNSTON E-BATIIWELL-At the rsesidenee 01 the bride' e parents, on April erd, by Rev. M Browietiche daughter ot Mr. John Itathwell, o the Minton line, Stanley, to James Johnstone of flay toenehip. VEPPLIt- LAYT0N--At the residence of the bride' brother, Mr. Charles Layton, on April Sid, b the Rev, W. 11 Kerr, Mary- Layton to Fred Pep per, all of Turkersinith. . - BALLWIN-VINT-In Auburn, en April 3rd, h Rev. Mr. donee, Wm, Baldwin to Jane, younges deeighter of Mre JarnesVint, of East Witwanos EAWDEN-- ilitoCK-In London, on April 1st, the re.idenen of the bridtee father, 681 Itichinon street, Blanche, daughter of Me. George Broek, 40 Joiseph W. Ilawden, fornierly of Ex ter. 800TT-31El4EDITH-At. St. Niark's EpieeOP Churelt, Toronto, on April 3rd, at 7 a. in. 11 -the Rev. Canon Inglis, Catherine' Louise, eide daCuughter of Win, E. Metedith, of Ills Majesty stoms, to Thomas W. Scott, son of Walter Scott. Toronto. 12 r BTRETTON—V01:--In Grey, on ,April 10th, by Rev. A. M. Lang -Ford, Jame Strettenr to Ellie M. rox, both or Br:assets. Western Bank Canada of t. of the world. eta on their times a year what Bank Canada° i 3ank of Canada ; New 11 illainagor Established. by Act Of Parliaraen ' General BankingPlusiness transaeted. Drafts bought and BM on all parts Special attention given to teermereenrovers, i i Advances made to responsible parties own notes, ' Interest paid or compoanided four at the highest current rates. We cash Sale Notes no matter do drewri. 11.7 Branches and Agencies throuL.hout tixems--Great Britain---Royai land ;' Canada -Merchants Bank of York -Merchants Bank of Canada. FRANK MoOONNELL, 0 DUBLIN BRANCH, — , IMPORTANT NOTICES. irloo LOST. -A black, short haired collie dog with 15 long tail, brown around the eyes,* little white on point of nose, two front paws white- with heather eleets on same, ears rather tare, answers to the name of “ Sport." Any_information will be gladly received by FRANK E. STOREY, bleKillop, Sec: - forth P. O. 2052x1 1,110ETTIORNS.-Oholce bred bulla and females ca 1..7 different ages for Rale, bout two dozen to Bela) from.. Prices reasonable. Herd now bedded by • tiountsylvanus" (50900). He is got by the best ootch bred imported stock on both Wee, glossy dark rectin,:color, and well set on short legs. Terms ;,-- registed cow l% $5 Insured ; othera on application Visitors welcome. JOHN =ELDER, Hensel]. P. O. end Station. 1986-4f VOR SALE. Fum FOR SALL-For sale that valuable foam of 176 aarefi, situated on the 7th Concession of Stanley. It Is only a hall ale from school, three. quarters of a mile from eth ist and Presbyterian churohes and post ceileei seven miles frotn Hensall and four from Kippen station. There are, on the premities, 3 barns, one Off x 40, one 70 x 28 and the other 50 x 28, all in gnod repair ; a comfortable 1 frame and log house. There are 22 acme of fall wheat sown. The farm is well fenced -and 100 acres underdrained, the other 75 acres being dmined by the township ditch ruuning through. There Is a never -failing well at the douse with a new Brantford ptunpIng mill, also a never -failing spring back on the fann. There are li acme of good bearing orchard. The farm is in a first-class state of cultivation and 10 situated in one of the best grain growing sectionsin the province. Will be sold cheap and on terms to salt purohaeen For further information apply on the premises or address GEORGE COLEMAN, nub Green.P. O. 200248 ' DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP ............. The partnership heretofore subsisting between the undersigned, as liverymen, in the Town of Seaforth, has been dieeolved by mutual consent. ' All accounts doe to the firth must be paid to Mr. Timothy Cur- bed forthwith, who will carry on the business. . TIMOTHY CARBERT THOMAS Aa BEATTIE Dated April 2nd, 1907 ' 2052x3 ' 130C+: IT... I , the Town of tags for each before the 6th his or her dog with the tag found run - of and the owners Town (Mork, Town of Seaforth. ......_. The °amen or harborere of dogs' in Seaforth are hereby warned to obtain clog from the Town Treastirer on or clay of May, 1907, and shall prevent •, from running at large withont it collar hereinbefore mentioned attached. Dogs at large after the said date in contravention the Town By -Laws may be destroyed may be proeeouted. By order of the Council JOHN A. WILSON, 2052.4 Notice to ,Creditors I In the matter of th; estate of Mary Melvin& Shuart, of the Village 'of liensoelen the County of Iluron, Spinster, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the statutee in that behalf that creditors and all other persons hav- ing claims against the estate of the above named de- ceased, who died on or about the first day of March, 1907, are to send to either of the undersigned expeut- ors on or before the 11th day of May, 1e07, their names and addresses, with full particulars of their claims, duly verifid by an affidavit, and the nature of the -security, if any, held by them, and after the said lith do.3 of May, the assets ef the said estate Neill be distributed among the persons entitled thereto, hate ing regard only to the Wailes ot which notice shell have been given, and the exeoutors of said estate will not be responsible for the said wee* or any part thereof to an person or persons of whose olaitni they shall not then have had notice. . Dated this 2eth clay of March, 1907. DAVID DEW, )e.,ce,„4„e G. J. SUTHERLAND fa" aa""l''"a 2059-3 e • Bengali P. O. / 41•00011•11001.1•100.00000. ( CLEARIIIC-UP SALE COMMENCINGi Thursday, April 1.Ith, .........., 1. S10,030 Stock to be -11u.rnei into Coal - - - in 15 Days. - - -, 0•100 •••••• anent i '4 This is a genuine clearing -up sale at such price r. that will make the people of this vicinity " el up and take notice." Not old shop-worn goodi . but every article in the store, including all the lute Spring novelties in Dress Goods, Prints, etc., gbh) at actual cost, and in many ease* a good deal lei than cost. We need the money, you need the good -let's get together. If you want to fit outithe fan ily for spring now is tbe time to do it at a fraction c the regular cost. We mean what we say. All good at and below cost. Put us to the test and you wi r not find us:wanting. rt will pay yeti to wine 2 : miles to this :Ale. The knife is right in to the hit f and won't be withdrawn until the last dollar's wort , of goodie is sold. All goods marked in plain figure Note eome of our prieee-NeW 12ee Prints, all color a at 10e ; new 10e Prints, ail colors, at Se ; Dye i Goods in Tweeds, Voilles, Henriettes, Arniures, Of - for 390, 75e for 64e, $1, for 78e • Ladies' Skirts, $5- lc et2.49 1 Men'Suits, from $2 to 912 • Boy's suits, frac r 91.27 to 0,75. Men's Underwear -241 and $1.25 f( t 78e • 76e and 850 for 49e ; 40e and 500 for 20e ; 21 - and '35c for 18e. Overalls and Smocks -81 and $1.1 G for 83e ; 750 and 00e for Ate , 92.25aniL 92.60 1 $1.7e. Fine 0eercoals-.$6 to $8 foe $3.50. Shirth ;. --Me for 13c ; 121e for 90. Cottonades-25o for 20 t• 200 for 17c. Ladies' Craveitette5--$8.50 for $8 ; 25. for $0.76 ;910 for $7,50, New Muslins-10e for 7i,.c. .1 flee for 10c ; 22e for 17e. White Wear -41.50 U r- deriairts for 91.20 ; (el leederskirts for $1.16. Dra It ere --00e for 030 • 50e her ;etc. Corset Cover -40e 1 la tit., un.rsor, awnigki-q..711. for 82.10 : $2.25 for $1.e - 4 TRE PORTOR a S THE CANADIAN BANK m F COMMERCE Seaferth Tea Ste8., HEAD (MICE. TORONTO e AT TRE Red Clover, :Aieike, Timothy Seed, all kinds of Mangold 8,nd Turnip Seeds, Dutch Sett Onions, Garden and Flower Seeds, Butter Beansr-Golden Wax Beans, Flour and Cereals of all kinds, Cormneal, Oatmeal, Pot and Pearl Barley. Also Imre Maple Syrup at 2,150 a quart, best Table Syrup!, Golden Syrup and West India Mblasses. have some of the best Seed Potatoes on hand. - Four lbs. good feesh Prunes for 25c ; Si lbs. Dates for 25e ; 10 bare 0. K. Soap for 25c. - .Although Teas have advanced in price from 4c to 5c per lb., I am still selling at the old price, as I bought a heavy stock of Black. Green and Japan Teas, before the prices advanced. WANTED, - Good fresh Butter and Eggs, for which highest prices will be paid, either cash or trade. A. G. AULT, SEAFORTH 7. f !with yr produce. W. J. WILSON'S • Phone 29 Satiafaetory fitore at =MALL. 2002.2 • 1• :1 • ea. ce It °IQ Re 0 rr' •eCa rn eci 0 !a 0 0 j'd3.4 P' eel 15 0 0 cire rze ..rel 0 it o et- P- CIR 0 I on calTi po .5t3 P-4 Itit) Cad cr) 1:$ 0 0 . aeo Oa 0 tate ea, ta' tin t'a 0 ee ree' -0 ee' 0 re t• -•J • et - far' rad GRAN TRUNK"' SYSTEM COBALT OPECIAL Melm•=140.111,1•0111•14• A solid Train et Vestibute Cars and Pullman ' Sleepers leave Toronto daily at 9.00 p. m arriving in Cobalt at 8.45 a. m. ; New Liskeard at 9.16 a. m. Cobalt is the rich. est Silver Mining Oamp inrthe world and is well worth a visit. One 'Nay Second Glass • Colonist Tickets On sale daily until April 30th to points in .I3ritish Columbia, California, Montana, Color- ado, Washington, Oregon. Local and through tickets is- sued previous night for early train at town office. For tiekets and inn informetion oat' on W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent. A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot, Ticket Agent, .4•4001.0410a001 AUCTION SALE et Valuable Pla,ining Mill Property in. the Village of Ilensell, in the County of Huron. B. E. WALKER, President ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager A. H. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000 Rest, — - 59000,000 Total Assets, ,- 113,000,000 Branches throughout Canada, and in ,he United States and England A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED COMMERCIAL AND FARMERS' PAPER DISCOUNTEDI 84 SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Deposits of $1 and upwards received, and interest allowed at current rates. The depositor is subject to no delay •vvhatever the withdrawal of the whole or any portion of the deposit. SEAFORTH BRANCH HOLMESTED; Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager. perators Wanted. Wanted at once a number of oper- ators. Steady work and good wages. W. E. Southgate Szi Co., C4th • PLA.INTO S. 102,00smigiwsramogam ' HEINTZMAN & C05 This is the exclusive Ageney for this district for these celebrated instru- ments. Ask for the little leaflet "Why a Piano gets out of tune," and it will be easily seen why these instruments are so much in favor with the public, both here and abroad. Before buying give me a call. SEAFORTH Ws 47.11.1aLi N One door North of Ricb.ardson & McInnis' Shoe Store. The Executrix cif the Will of the late Robert Pater son will offer for sale by public auction by B. S. Philips, auctioneer, on the premises, corner of Queen street and London read, Heim% on Saturday, the 20th Day of APrils, • 1907, at 2 o'clock p. na, the property known as Patereon's Planing Mill," together with ito maehinery and plant and two - 111 ths of an acre of held occupied by and used JO con- nection with the said mill. The‘milll is a substantial two stoned frame struc- ture sheeted with iron, 76 x40, and is equipped with the machinery and plant usually found in a ersteease planing mill. A good business has always been done at this stand and an opportunity is now afforded of acquiring- a property which oannot fail to prove a paying investment. TERMS OF SALE. -Ten per cent of the purchase money on the -clay of sale to the Vendor's Solicitor, and the balanee within thirty days thereafter, with- out interest, all 1311114mile money to be paid into the Canadian Bank of ceteminerce to the joint credit of the Official Guatdian and the Executrix. The prop- erty win be put up subject to a reserved bid fixed by the Official Guardian. • Further particulars may be obtained on applica- tion to either of the undereigeed. Dated at Heiman this let day of April, 1007. . B. SPHILLIPS, H. J. D. COOKE, . Auctioneer Vendors' Solicitor, • Hensel), Ont. • Hensel!, Ont. 2052-2 Public Notice. TORONTO MGM HOUSE Saving Departmental Store. Opposite the Royal Hotel, Seaforth. ' SPRING MANTLES—We are showing a few linea of Coats ab the following reduced prices : Faaoy Tweed Coats,. worth CO, clearing at $7.75; Rain -proof Coats, viorth $8 for $6,5. WASH booDS—Picit103, Linens, Mueline, Ginghame, Printe, etc., at prices to eta every one. • 1 LACE OURTAINS:—Speoiai value at $1 to $1,40 per pair. &rims, worta 1040 at 93 ; worth ne at le. PILLOW SHAMS, DRESSER COVERS, BED SPREADS, ETO. , WHITE WEAR—Ladies' White Underkirts, Night GoWns, Corset Cloven, Vents LINOLEUMS, ETC.—Floral and Bleok eaireot, at 40e per square yard. 011- oloths, at 23o per square yard. OES BOOTS AND SH — A fresh arrival of Ledies', Gentd Sad Childrell'e fie • Shoes has just been reeeived. We can fib yo a up in style at email wet. JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, ET0.—For & wedding or a birthday pres- ent, nothing is more suitable than a handsome piece of silverware or a pretty ring or bracelet. Watch our window for our new display of Neck Chahar and Lockets. ar r 4 a , Speoi atpf; that when you want a gold arbiale at reattonable prioe WI at e es for ern: °look Repairing, and work guaranteed to give faction.eatia- AND Boos taxes AS (USB. _ tDon't fo o The Toronto Bargain House, Cilth. Paroid Roofing. A word or two about a Roofing that is better than shingles—it is called Parokt Notioe is hereby given that, ill aeeordance with the provisions of the By -Laws of the Town of Sea. forth in that behalf, 1 intend to make application to the 31unieipal Council of the said Town of Seaford) - for permiSsion to erect and operata. a steam boiler and engine in the premises on market streetaimmed- lately in rear of the store at present ocampied by Wm. Pickard & Son, and which application all parties interested are hereby requested to take noe• ice and govern themselves accordingly. , JOHN link, Seaforth. Seaforth, April oth. 1907. 2052-2 _ 4.44,h1+1444444+144.4.4*444.44 With it there is no cracking, no upturned ends to catch the snow or rain, no extra size of raters to carry the weight, and no taking fire froni sparks4 alts advantages are numerous, some of which we mention : We guarantee the roof not to leak, and we furnish testimonials of its use in all climates. Its price staraps it as the cheapest roof on the market. It is no experiment, and contains no tar or corroding acid. Anybody oan put it on. We have sold an immense quantity --we are going to sell more. And we back up every piece that goes on a building. pr Call for samples and prices. G -EO. A. SILLS, Seaforth, Ont. Cushion Sole Shoes A cushion sole shoe is the only shoe for foot comfort. There's no getting away from the Jaen. The secret- of this wonderful shoe le an all -wool falt-ped for the foot to rest upon, whieh ab- sorbs all dampness and keeps the foot in perfeat condition at all times. No more burning or tired feet, and a positive ours for bunions • or corns. For men and women who have to be on their feet it greab -deal of the time the cush- ion sole is, certainly, the best and the only ideal shoe. Good Leathers - Good Shoemaking -Good Styles. Mena - $4, $4,50 and $5. Wlemens $3.5o and $4, irmar.000•00errer Richardson& Winnis SEAFORTH, - Sole Agents for Victoria, Hagar DiamondA. 1 Jubt Wright and Derby Shoes. — — Scavanger- Wanted. — for PASTRY F 0 Corner Mole and Market Smits Seaforib, °Marla. Ickes. • PRIN Millinery Never before have we shown sack, a. =per collection of elegant millinery, and he handrsds of women who ea. me to ozir 'Spring Openin;sf last Thursday and Sat- urday, were enth,asiastie im thzir exclarna tions of _delight as they viewed our exhThi- tion of iit5.7s. soememielmmi.muminsegrianiel0 5.00W "ft - `.02111121801110.111500k fi Staple Dry Goods. Twelve hundred yards of Grey Cotton, selling at 25 per le he regular price • Two hundred pieces hemstitched Pillow Oases, all Eizes, at 25 per cent. 1638 than regular prices a Seven pieces Oxford Shirting, regular 121c, for 90 Twenty-five dozen pairs Towels, very special, at 25c:"' Ten pieces of Towelling, regular price 7c, for Sc Twenty-five pieces of Ginthams and Prints at 5c a yard Great collection of Remnants 'in gingham, prints, flannel perettes, cottonades, etc Mantle Department 1. Our SprinF display is now at its best, complete with eeythi new in women s apparel. Those who prefer something quite out nf ary, will have no trouble in selecting frora our collection of Om{ Raincoats, etc. Below we mention a few specials : Ladiea' short, highly tailored, 22x24 inch •fawn 'covert jackets apecl values at $5 and $7,50 each Ladies' Short Tweed jackets 24, 26 and 28 inch—box back and semi - fitting, special values at $7 and $8.50 Ladiee 46 inch Tweed Coats in black and white cheeks, rnized tweoda etc." special values at $8.50, $10.50 and $11.50 • 0. A large assortment of Ladies' Black Cloth Coats, in short ieugth�, box and tight fitting, from $5 up Also 45 said 48 inch Coats, fine Venetians, et heanifUi1ured, ecial values at $12 and 314.25 See our range of Ladies' Silk Capes and Coats agonamMIMINIM=111111111111111111111111MI Ladies' Summer Dresses Tailorsuade Outing; Suits in blue zephyrs, nicely made with tucks and Pipings, special at $3.75 Fine Organdie and Pe s n'Lawn Suite, special value at 15 and $7.50 Tailor-made, White linen Pieter Pan trits„ speeiabat $7.50 and 18 Beautiful range of Ohlldren'a Wash Silk Coats, also Linen and Veivet Coats just to hand. each Royal • 1 Rosel High Grade Manitoba Wave 1111 le Crest — for — FAMILY USE Clothing Departmen Finding the right place to buy clothes is a highly important rnatter*n nowe-to get ceereet styles, handsome and honest fabric and first-class woJt manship at the right price. See the following specials: Our-, Our Km, $8 and $10 Oravenette Coats Our Boys' Suits at $3, $4 and $5 Just to hand, a large shipment of Tweed Pants at Odd. Vests at 750 each 1 Town of Seaforth •Applications will be received by he 'Board 01 lio.lth for the position of seaecinger fOi1 the TOwn ea Seaforth. For further InfOrrciation in nIreof the Irin• deitlignedc 301IN A. WILSON, Secretary.0 1_'n 1 Seaforth 111if 2oriza $10, $12 and $1.4 Snits. elVe0sfYWAAAAMANVVVVIVIN1100 Hats - Ready now with the choicest of ne Spring headwe e .. men. ar shapes for the coming season are -here in great variety Three special/lines at $1.40, $1.65 and $2, all shapes an&shadee 4444.14444441144L404444401Mil Highest Prices paid for Butter Eggs and, Wool DRIED APPLIES wi Opposite Min Bulkilogt Corner a