HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-04-12, Page 3-
he Sovereign Bank of Canada IIttipsi*
D. M. STSWABT, General
Capital and Surplus oVer
Assets over -
!Mout worry usually tends
de. On the other handworz
without work, is fatal, becau
what the Doctors call the
a phosphorized fat which
Lief constituent of the brain and
system -a waste which, if not
'.11 time, means complete ner-
recle. The evident moral is
worry '-advice easy to give)
hese days of stress and strain
11 - impoesible to take. The
eve is: find some way of re -
the wasted Lecithin -the
prized fat. This absolutely
ti element will be found in
perfect, palatable and assimie
rm in
f Co- Liver Oil and
es(phosphorized fat)together
the recognized blood builder
ItROL, the ideal nutrient h
io be.
'on ortreatment of
tion FERROL IS aanc-
d 't is safe, sure and.
rmula- of FERROL is freely ex.
"You Know
hat you take"
be,„ -Two ponies clue to foal May 1st, two-
(.0nal sired by st. coming 1 yea.t.
ERT CLARKE, Conseanee. 201.7.-tf
.',..7;A5 FOR SALE. -Fo s1e a quantity or
le-cae for seed ; clean and free from bug -a,
WAN DODDS, Meliiilop, adjoimog Sea -
".` FOB SALE., -For sale, 2 aid
„eere. Apply or, Lot 29, Coneeeaion
IN M. SCOTT, Iadbur:,. 2051x1
7011 BALE -The undersigned bee for safer
a,ohretl.letew bull about 11 months old,
milking strain. Apply on Lnr--23., Comes-
bbert. ROBERT HOGGAETH, Cromarty
at FOItSALE-For sale, cedar shingles -
Mock andall Linda of lumber. Barn In*
!!0 orde MOORE, layfield P. 0.
• D134cox
frli.TH DOAR Fi.li, SERVICE. - The un-
!igned has for sertiee on Lot 24, Conees-
, R. S., 'Ivekersmith, a Thorobred Tam- I
mr. $1.00 payable at time of service, with.
returning. ii necessary. H. HAMILTON,.
EIORN CAr.eLE-Seven first-claea yonng
. 2 from imported cows, for sale at meder-
and an easy terms ; good young cows ante
o for sale. All interested are cordially ie -
pt the herd. Farm adjoins tnwn, long
ephone to farm. Write for catalogue._
EY...eter. 1003 -ti
ie need of good seed &emirs
arietiee • New Danish White.
kehoria Barltet anti I'otter teas. an get, tile
I -nee -Alm 2, Hay. Thie grain
,.11 from seleeted ed. thinly sown on goat
‘r a number of t ears, and are all great
• JOHN ELDER., 'Hawaii, `2040 --it
FOR SALE, -On Lot 5, Concession 14,
elifilop, in large or small quentitieato gait
r. Cedar poste eight or eight and half'
; anchor posts any size. Any pe re-
ctal timber would do well to imi • e
partieulars apply to Joi .N" aterifERsoN,
neeseion i McKiIOp, Leadbury P. 0.
1) AT ONCE ce, Salary and Expenses,
1,- glad inan iu ea(lt locality with rig, or
handling lir-es, to adt erase and intro-
hi.aranteed stoek and poeltry speelfics. No
E• ; e kty out your work for
,a te,!-. an,1 ie.pense•e Positien permute.
_nf W. A. JENKINS, Manufactaring
jetarlo. 2,24841
r:. M LEAN'S ilea aide. radiating dustt
id fireine.of stet eptpe thluOJies are the at
r Ise kete,aenti. 'lean, safe and durabIe_.
••• in-_ a ht_ conveying, regulating- fwd.
▪ apparatea. Tlaa. add eomfort and save-
fu,..1. BA-. D. -feria used. Orders by
whole -ale or retail. WAL B-
ee -ail, Ont., .Manufacturer. - 204441
e items
of interest
Dorr -rise-et, Wt.
nd Coned. pring,
Anehor Penite.
loolie, Steele:- anti
iir eieine.
• Vde lertelle a
er iVoven
riI•y Nett init.
have Cleve -
NO. 7 Stays
Clips, Fence
all Supplies
f.11 line of
idt.nce an
IM .14e N n
- holeis ere now being taken
denoue Saugeeri Brand, en--
hy ailaaaient workers-
,. (iPEitS
(* c• Flaxibla Shaft,
vi 1ir. t k reaalt 01 every-
, . FtuI 'llepore. Singers,
4 '1'V (
ither. liteathing and
\\ :L eir. en he had for the-
- r
ee a
`*--; iv Ore rS and
• or., ca,tern-
f 1 Iiiirg.(10TIr'
t r vents-
- me by
• whew
eet.e'of.rs arriv-
* Lt: • art
Sea forth..
I. C.
• • y, Staforthe,
-. insurance
..1, k
and Hee,.
The faa-c:at Uteaine Toni-% res&
- e --- effectual Montlar
1. tor on whiell woman cans
falai, Sold in three de.
,-feengtia-No. 1, i ; Ne. le
, dogreei etronger, $3.; Z�
:car apeolal ca,wa ?,,5 Per bOX
teal be ail druentste, or mine
prepaid on „receipt of prieree
Free pew:nide. .A.ddresa lose
0.,T0liOtiT0,0lit orriferifilfindsorP-
A. A. ALLAN, Vice President,
- $25,000,000
f $7.00 and upwards reoefued. interest paid 4 times a gear.
Platt' re Fram 1 ng.
his time of year yon nearly always
mber of pietures you wieb frann
yen keep puttieg it off, aeon be-
au fear the expellee. Picture tram.
g with us ie a erectility, and we carry, a
4ktook of frarnee and moulding.] that are
p and neat, pretty bat hot expensive.
fast us frame& picture for you, and we
convince you of the truth of what iv°
us for your heX0 Photo.
JACKSON BROS, Seaforth..
There foun.d a. teed and tested cure for Rben.
Net a remedy that will straighten the
4.0storted limbs of ehrouic cripples, nor turn bOn7
:gmwtha Lack to Beall twain. That is irciposSible-
lint I am now StIrely kill the pains and pangS of
!this dePlOmble dis?ase.
'•in Ge,rmany—w:th a Chemist in the City' of
inarrnstreit—I found the last ingredient with
;which Dr. Shoop's Ithetnuatic Reniedy was made
perfe,eted. deparakthlo pzeserintion. 1 Without
testis -1 ingredient. sucon-gully treated menY.
-many of 1• matis4 but now, at last., itnni-
iforraly cures all curable cas:• of this heretofore
'Meath dreaded i - at'. sancl-hke grannlar
iwastes, fotaid in Rhea:static Mood, seem to dis:,olve
• laud a-,e;ty tutler the actionof this remedy as
des suga7 when e,dded to pure water.
• 1.1..rid then. whe; C.io1ved, these poisonous wastes
fre1y pass from the system, and the cause of
etunetiera is gone forever. There is now no
-.mimed—ma actual excuse to suffer longer with-
nuthelp. we sell, and in confidence recommend
re Shoop9
!Rheumatic Reined'
• nuSinefig13
h a high grade Commercial Schopl
Three Courses :
Cieaimercial - -.Stenography - Telegraph
J. Lewis Thomas
Civil Engineer, Arehitect,etc Late, Dominion De
ment Publie Works. Consultinr, Engineer for
nicipal or County work, Electric Rail roads
feweraere or Waterworks Systems, Wharves, Bridges
Be -enforced Cencrete. PUONE 2220,
2023-tf. LONDON, Or.
Farm Laborers and
• Domestics.
have been appointed by the Dominion Govern-
ment to place inunigrants from the Uuited Kingdom
in positions as farm laborers and domestiaservants.
Anyperson requiring such help should notify me by
• ktter, stating fully the kind of help required, when
wasted, and the wages offered. The numoers arriy-
ingmay not be suffieient to supply all requests, but
every effort will he made to provide each applicant
• with h4elp required.
• JOHN SNIDER, Brucefieid.'
2044 .11rap,
The New Store
For New Goods
roman Haddie, Ciseoes, Whitefish, Mackerel
and Trout. These are very scarce, but are extra
geed quality.
Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Carrot', Beets, Par
tulips and Turnips alwaye on hand. , ee
We buy nothing but the bbst quality in Beef,
Pork and Lamb, in this department. We have
extra fine prices.
awn, Bacon, Breakfast Bacon andjitolls always
rt hand.
Corned Beef, Head:Cheese,lBologns, andiNew
England Ham.
Our grocery department is complete.2:A1ways
fresh and good.
im 14104tY fi..ferf
When "sweets"
lose their sweetness—
and " substantials ,"
their charin—there are
always MOONEY'S
coax back
the appetite.
know how
good they
Our Population. -Tho population o
The diflerent municipEilities in the
county of Huron as -shown on the as-
sessment rolle of 1906 ite as follow,a:
'Astir/01d, 2181, Colborne, 1605, Gods,
riele township, 2494; Grey, 8121; Hay,
8448; Howick, 8675; • Hullett, 2517;
AieKillop, 2330; Morris, 2272; Stanley,
-1946;• Stephen, 8797 ; ,Tucketsraith, 2,-
121 ; Turnberry, 1996; Usborne, 12056;
E Wawa/web:, 1696, W.. Wawanosh,
1883. 13ayf1eld, 467; Brbeasels, 1612;
Blyth, 943-; Clinton, 2436 -Exetan 1,-
576; Goderich, 4416; Hensall, 828; Sea -
forth, 2206; Wingharn, 2247; Wroxe-
ter, 421. When Seaforth -takes in Ege
•'inonsiville it will stand tsecond in the
tif towns hi point of population.
.About one thousand of our people re-
side in That Isuburb.
IDeath of an Old Conductor. - Mr.
•'Wellington Smith, who for abouti 40
;years aerved on the Grand Trunk
Railway as conductor :between God-
. erich and Buffale, died. at his home
• at Brantford on Friday last. On ac-
count of ill -health he was obliged to
sever 'his eonnection with the, road
last June and since then he ,hitis Jbeenf
,gradually failing until an alitack of
'paralysis proved fatal. He Ny as a -
•bout 70 years of age. He wan of a
cheerful, genial, obliging disposition
and he was well known, to and nop-
,ulais with travellers on this end of
the Toed for several generations. It
was a fine treat to have a e crack"
with the old man, and always made
a -person 'feet better and, more e011. -
tented -with life.
You cannot possibly have
a better Cocoa than
A delicious drink and a sustaining
food. Fragrant, nutritious and
economical. This excellent Cocoa
maintains the system in robust
health, and enables it to resist
winter's extreme cold.
Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers
in +-lb. and i -lb Tins.
ttl AND
BLACK OR venoei
Perfect Protection
.Longest Service
Low in Price
Solie Everywhere
TIVOLO CS.A C0.1.0”1 -11r,
too owl, CA,*
Thousands have' said this when they
Caught cold. Thousands have neglected
to cure the cold. Thousands have filled a
Consumptives grave through neglect.
Never neglect a cough or cold. It can have
but one result. It leaves the throat or
:sags, or both, affected.
Dr. Wood's
Pine Syrup
is the medicine yon need.. It strikes at
the very foundation of all throat or lung
complaints, relieving or curing' Coughs,
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Sore
Throat, and preventing Pneumonia, and
It has stood the test for many years,land
is now more generally used than even It
contains all the lung "healing virtues of the
pine tree combined with WildCherry Bark
and other pectoralsemedies. It stimulates
the weakened bronchial organs, allays
irritation end subdues inflammation,
soothes and heals the irritated parts
loosetus- the phlegm and mucous, and aid;
nature to easily dislodge the morbid ac -
.cumulations. Don't be humbugged into
acceptingan imitation of Dr. Wood's Nor?
way Pine Syrup. It is put up in a yellow
wrapper, three pine trees the trade nark,
and price 25 eta
Mr. Julian J. LeBlanc, Belle Cote,
writes: "I was troubled with a bad cold
and severe cough, which assumed such an
attitude as to keep me confined to my
house. I tried several remedies advertised
hut they were of no avail. .As a last resort
tried. Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
anct one bottle cured me completely."
A simple and effective remedy for
They cembine the germicidal value of Cresolene
with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico-
rice. Your djaggiet or from UH, 100 in stamps.
Lumen Kass Clo., Limited; Agents, Montreal. +a
,Died In Toronto -The Grey corre-
spondent oe, the Brussels Post last
week makes the following- - reference
to a severe bereavement which has
befallen- fanner well known artd, re-
spected residents of eSeaforth. It
sarye "We are eorre to record the
death of Ethel Louise, daughter of
Loftus and Mrs Stark, of Toronto,
vvhieh occurred Thursday of last week.
The bright little lassie, whoi was
nearly three years old, was only in
60 hours. The deceased was a,n un-
usually clever child and will be
greatly missed in the home. Mr, and
Mrs. Stark will be accorded the sin-
cere sympathy from many friends in
their bereavement. Mrs. Stark and
son, Wesley, tame backto Grey with
Mrs. Marsden Smith,• the former's
mother, and wile spend a few weeks
•—andSlope, andand arell'Itorrych..
aMakes puny babies
plump and rosy. Proved
• by 50 years successful
use. Ask your druggist
for it-
Nursa' and Mothers' Treasure
—25e.4 bottles $1.25.
s & Co., Limited
I Montreal.
Store to Rent.
Vestry Meeting. -The annual meet-
ing of the Vestry of St. Thomas'
Church was held ire the Sunday school
room, on Tuesday evening, April 2hd,
the Rev. J. Berry 'presiding. There
eras a .good attendance or members.
The report presented by the Wardens
showed a • conelderable increase in
the contributions for church purposes
during the year, a new furnace hnd
'ben put in the church and neceseary
repairs made in the buildings. A cor-
dial vote of thanks was gassed to the
choir and the other 'branches of church
.work for their efficient zea,'i for the
church. Messrs. Parkes and Holmes -
ted were re -appointed church Wardens
and delegates to the Synod:
Best and Coleman, auditors; end Mr.
Peters, vestry clerk. • The sidesinen
are Messrs. H. Bullard, I. Langetrath,
H. J. Hodgins, H. -Town, H. Edge, A.
Case, R. Parke, S. Scarlett and .W.
Tiernan. At the tonclusion of the
!regular 'businees Mr. Parkes was cal-
• led to the chair aril an expreseion of
• appreciation of 'the rector's work was.
proposed by Messrs. Holmested and
Neelin and passed by a standing vote.
Rev. J. Berry in replying expressed
his gratitude to the congregation for
the kind way in which they had al-
ways received his ministrations.
The treat store of the Bell Block, inthe Village of
PI email. This is suitable for a. general store'res-
t aurant. or any business( requiring- a large. well-
fi tted building. A comfortable dwelling above the
store. Possession can be given at once. Apply to
ROBER.T BELL, •Seaforth,Ont. 20454f
Because the Industrial. Braneh is a valuaiele aid to the profit -earning
liower of the Company, as it has to contribute its share to the expenses of
enanagetnent, and is an important factor in enabling the London Life to give
BETTER, RESULTS than companies confined to one branch of business. The
great Prudential Life Insurance Company, the largest in Great Britian, start.-
-ed as ar: Industrial Company and. now operates both brew' ies. By reason of
the commanding financial position, secured largely thrall -'n its Industrial
Bran.ch," it has become the Company par excellence for tioi business and pro-
fessional classes �f the British Isles to insure in.
• W. R. ROBINSON, Iuspecior, Seaforth.
If you are suffering from
impure blood, thin blood, de- ,
bility, nervousness, exhaus-
tion, you should begin at once,
with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the '
Sarsaparilla you have known
all your life. Your doctor
knows it, too. Ask him about it.
Unless theta is daily action of the bowels,
_poisonous products are absorbed, causing head-
ache, billousriessi, nausea, dyspeps14, and thus
preventing the Sarsaparilla from doing its best
Work. Ayeres Pills are liver pills. ,Aet
all vegetable.
Ned° byT. 0. Ayer ere, Zoweli,
Also ausnuttaturero of f
N7-1 have no deorets Wo publish
- formulas of all our meclicinea.
• ^Mat tfa, arr.
. ,
cided co go West, but this time hot
to A.eertie, but to Milner, North Da-
kota, the latter being an improved
section of the country, and 'cetter suit-
ed to the present impaired condition
of his health. MT. and, Km. Taalor
started for their new home on Tues-
day, the 2nd Met, and will be greatly
miseed by their many triends in this
cordminlitY, Who will wish them a
pleasant and prosperous (life in the
domain of Uncle Jonathan.
For Catarrh let me sed you free,,
just to prove merit, a Trial igin box
of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is
a 'snow white creamy, healing antis-
eptic oalm that gives instant relief
to Catarrh of the nose and throat.
Make the free test and see. Address
Dr. Shoop, Raelne, Wise; Large jare
50 cents. -Sold by C. Aberhart, drug-
glet, Seaforthi
North Side Notes. -Mr. J. M. thews' recent auction eiMe was a
very successful one, and as Mr.
Matthews always keeps good stock,
the best 'prices were realized. -Ma.
Dan Cronin left, last week for Winnii-
peg, where he joined his broth
Dick, Hi a many fiiiende here wish
him success in the west. -The many
friends of Mr. Joseph. Atkineon will
be pleased to learn that. be is re-
etiVerin g. -Misses Lizzie
Matthews were calling
Seaforth last week. -MIs
was visitiog in Mitchell
• •
Death of a Former Huronite.-The
gentleman referred to in the following
obituary ;notice - was, at one time, a
Well known business man in the south-
ern part of thls county "Mr. Wm.
Grandy was 'born in 'Canada., near
Toronto, and died suddenly at his
bome In Deckerville, Michigan, early
Friday morning, March 22nd, 1907. Mr.
Grandy W INS married, to Eliza Pol-
lock, and to the ni were; born nine
children. One girl‘i died 'young and
the eight children \ now living are:
Mrs. Gilbert Temple, Albert B. Grandy
and Mrs. Walter Hurley, of Deeker-
ville; Rdbert H., of Croswell; Jeitin
W., Wm. W.,-11. Ftndley and R. Ed-
win, of Detroit. In 1894 MT. Grandy
-was married to Miss Albite, Gram, of
Hensall, Ontario, Who with the child-
ren, mourn the lose of a kind hus-
band and a thoughtful 'parent. Mr.
Grandy, after leaving Huron, lived
in Michigan; fir& near Port Huron,
and in 1887 moved Itco Deckerville,
Michigan, where he made a comfort-
able home and where he contin-uterd
to reside until his death. The funeral
was held in tlep Presbyterian churnh
on Simday afternoon, aind thei •re -
remains interred in the cemetery
the're. Mr. Gra;ndy's life was of, a
thorough Cleric Lien character. He
Was a man of even temperment and
kind ways, and was a life-long mem-
of the M. E. church. The com-
munity looses a grand,, good old man,
and the family have the sympathy of
the coromunityd?
"Preventics" will promptly check a
cold or the grippe when taken early,
Or at the "sneeze -stage,"! Prevent -
Ica cure seated colds as well. Pre-
ventics ,are little candy cold cure
tablets, and Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.
will gladly mail you samples and a
book on Colds free, if you will 'write
him. The samples prove their //Seen
Check early colds with Preventics and
retop Pneumonia. Sold in Sc and 25c
boxes by- C. Aberhart, druggist, -Sea-
n.d Kathleen,
n friends in
Annie Roach
last week.
Our School. -The folloa lug is the re -
Inuit of the Easter exa inatione, held
In puelie scnool No. 8, ri cKillop,• with
50 per cent. pans, and 76 per cent.
honors: Sr. IV -Maggie Eckert 66,Ed-
die Benermann 67, Leo McKay 62. Jr.
IV-Lizile .Eckert 51, Annie Eckert
46, John Murray 59, Willie Houlden
59. Sr.III-M. Beuermainn 63, M. Eg-
gert 63. J. Murray 65. Jr.
R.egele i56, 1). Pitz, 52, C. Pitz 57, R.
Eggert 51, M. Kistner 68, L. Ktetner
68, Lillie Keohlar 58, Carrie Keohlar
49, Melinda Keohlar 48, Willie Man -
le -y' 18, Charlie Deitz 50, Johnie Deitz
65'Joe Eckert 53, Johnie Eckert 56,
Joha. Benermann 62, Eddie Metier. -48,
Sr. II -Ella Drager 62, Vella Rapein
54, Annie McKay 85, Vera Eckert 74,
Leo Murray 51. Jr. II -Leslie Bener-
-mann 54, Eddie Steurnagle 52. Part
II -Katie Eckert 65, Lydia Keohlar 62,
Elie Fitz 60, Eddie Regele 65, Eddie
Keohlar 32, Dave Beuermann 40. Part
I -Camila, Murray 60, Martha Benne-
wells 67, Maggre MsLaughlhi 62, Tena,
RaPein 64, Em'Ma, Kleber 40,, Annie
Kistner 60, Jeihni Kistner 65.-B. R.
O'Connor, ;Teacher.
Why ;give graWbs to some anU, none
to others; a grant is supposed to be
given where there is a, neiressibe
Some county councils seer"' unden the
impression that a grant should not be
given unless everybody gets the _ben-
$ick 'headaches results from' a 'de-
rangement of . the stornaeh, and is
cured by Chamberlain's Storna,ch and
Liver Tablets. Sold by all dru,ggiste.
St. Columbaie.
Easter Exams -The followhig is a
report of the pereentage obtained by
the pupils of school Section No. 3,
St. Colurnban. For honors 60 per cent.
was necessary and for peso BO per
cent. Clase V -Louts Stapleton 10. Sr.
IV -Wm. Matthews 28. Jr. IV -Ethel
Roach 65, Louie ',Atkinson 51, Wm.
Heffernan 47,, Samuel Boisrnier 22.
Sr. III -Oswald Crotty 63, Thomas
Holland 61, Lizzie Roach 46, Minnie
Carlin 20. Part. II -Loretta, Roach 64,
Carl Stapleton 54. Part 1 -May Ur-
quhart, Emily Downey. The follow-
ing pupils absented themselves from
some of the exams :, Joseph, Roach,
Samuel Bolan -der, Wm. litatthews, Min-
nie Carlin. S. L. Purcell, Teacher.
School Report. -The following is the
/apart of the pupils of. No. 5, Hie-
oert'for the month of March. It is
based on regularity, punctuality, good
conduct; general proficiency and week-
ly examinations. Glass V. -Nellie
Dow. Sr. IV -Andrew Hamilton, Neil
McKellar. Jr, IV-Ethele Dalrymple,
Agnes Hamilton, Lawrie Hocking, W.
MeKellan, Stanley Dow, Edward Hock-
ing, Sr. 1II-Annie Christie, Mamie
Scott, Jennie McGill, John Hocking.
Jr. III -Margie Grabarre Roy Dow.
Sr, II -Hugh Dalrymple. Jr, II -Stan-
ley Hocking, Roy Hocking, Malcolm
Norris. .art II -James McKellar, E.
Scott. Fit Juaior-BeSsie Dow, S.
Graham, Graeie Scott.
The Couricia-The Hallett council
met on Saturday, March 30th, when
ltender a • were reeeived for the con-
Struetion of two bridges, 'Messrs. Nei-
gle & Looby were -the successful firm
for the concrete work, and Messrs. A.
Hill & Coe of ',Mitchell, for the iron
top and cement _flooring for 'both the
bridges. At a former meeting of the
council a proposed county by-law, to
soL apart a sum of, money not to ex-
ceed $20,000 annually for 'th.e, im-
provement or highways Ln the county
pursuant to the statute in that be-
half. This was su:bmitted for the con-
sideration of the council, and, as it
seemed desirous of Sharing be the
said gum of money so set apart, a by-
law was introduced and 'passed desig-
nating eeTtain portions of the public
'highways in the township -for per-
manent improvement, accolding to the
provisions o , the said proposed; coon tei
by-law, that/ is to say, commencing at
the norther y Ihnit of the 'Huron
Road, betweeh lots 5 and 6, proeeeding
northward, a distance of 33-4 milee ;
also from the northerly limit of con-
cession road 12 'and 13,- along side -
'road 20 and 21 to the Blyth corpora-
tion, 2 miles; ale° from! the limit of
the Clinton icoriporation, on side -road
25 and 26 e Itirtivvxrd tO the village
of Londeeibo , 6 miles ; and from the
sodthernly limit of Manchester along.
the 'base line -southernly, a, distance
of 2 miles. The question of the pay-
ment of teachers' salaries quarterly
Came up for, coneideraticai. Several of
the !tioards of trastees were present,
asking for money for the 'purpose, but,
as no 'provision was mad e' to meet the
emergency, the council was undecid-
ed as to What course should be pur-
sued, the ground being taken that, as
ho money bad 'been raised for :this
purpose the council could not make
these payments without borrowing,
and the opinion of the township solici-
tor tsu-staires them in this view, as it
appears, the council hale no power to
otirrow money for fhis purpose until
0311011 time as the annual estimates aye
sent hi. The council adjourned until
Monday, May 27th, the same day as
the court of Tevision.-JAMES CAMP-
BELL, Clerk.
Chamberlain's Salve.
This salve is intended; especially for
sore nipples, burns, frost bites, chap-
ped hands, itching .piles, chronic sore
eyes, gTanulated eye aide, old chronic
sores,. and for diseases of the skin,
tench as Utter, salt rheum, ring worm,
scald 'head, herpes, !barbers' itch, scab-
ies or itch and eczema; It has met
with unparalleled, rsuccesa in the treat-
ment of these diseases. Price 25 cents
per box. Try It. For isale by all
Eadtern Notes. -The auction sales of
the Messrs. Walsh and Flannery were
largely attended and thigh prices' were
realized for everything, horses es-
pecially, -The roads are almolt in an
impassable . condition too dTive over. -
The spring 'birds are reminding us :ief
of the renal' of apring.-Meesrs. Gor-
mley and, Ryan were ibually engaged
a,11 winter cutting wood and SEM
logs and delivering there at the
flag station foa shipping purposes in
the tear future. -The following land
sales have been made in this section
within six months: M. O'Loughlin
from John Eggert f ifty acres, $3,-
400; Fred Eckert from JOhn. Eggert
50 acres, 2,500;$John Eggert frora
Fred MeSsersmilth 100 acres, $7,000;
Henry Kaholer from Fred alessersmidt
50 acres, $2,600; Louis 13a,kee from
Fred Messersmidt 50 acres, 2,500;$ L.
Bennewies fr :orri Louie Baker, 40
acres, $2,000; A. McKay from J. Ken-
nedy 3 acres and 'olacksmith shop .$00,
comprising in all, $20,600 in an aljea,
of one mile on the 8th and 9th conces-
talons. Also :A. Hicknell from John
Shine 100 acres for $560O; W. P. 0'-
Ri1ey trom 'Patrick Walah 100 acres,
$6,500; 3. Murray from A. Ilicknell
50 acres, z,600;$A. Krauskopf from!
J. Maloney, 50 acres for i,000; ag-
gregating in all $28,100. Not a bad
showing. - Telephone communication
will soon be an eetablished fact; the
contract for erecting the 'polls having
been given t -o Mr. Gribbons, who, no
doubt, will ensure an excellent job, -
The saw mill in the southeast is cut-
ting an :immense etock.-Dublin, the
home of the inventors, ia a 'booming
little town! The money has gone up
the farmer has to except three
peT cent, for his over -plus from the
different banks. Some chartered banks
are compounding interest quarterly.
The difference 'between compounding
one thousand dollare half yearly and
quarterly amounts to the eum of
eight cents in favor of the quarter-
ly pay-rnene. But any littles make a
muckle.-The 'people of The nerthertet
of McKillop are Still in hopes that the
very intelligent 'body of men compos-
ing the county council will see their
way clear to give some aid in open-'
ing a roadway leading to the flag
Staititm. I, as a scribe, can not see
• why an intelligent 'body of men as
composeghe county council of Huron,
would hesitate one minute An giving
them aid in rentstructing a roadway.
A Good Sale. -On Friday last, Auc-
tioneer James Jones, of Mitchell,
who, in the exercise of his preroga-
tive; 'brings out 'the bide as if by
eingic, conducted a very successful
sale for Mr. John Taylor, of the 10th
concession of Hibbert, 'near this vil-
lage. Although the weather was very
unfavorable, a earga and enterprising
crowd was in attendance. The etock
wer,a of superior quality, and the bid-
ding was orisk and 'high prices re-
alleed. A matched span of general
purpose grey mares nrou $400,while
high grade cows gold fromi $66 to $75.
It will be remembered that Mr. Tay-
lor had an auction sale- of his stock
and implements last fall, with the in-
tention of moving to Alberta, but, ow-
ing to a train of unforseen cincune-
sterecee, be gave up the idea of going
West, and, to the delight of his friends
a,nd neighbors, he decided to remain,
on his farm, and was not long in a-
gain having it well atoeked and
thormeghly equipped. In the mean-
time, however, his health ITO •not
been of the I)est, andt he again de -
Coughs, colds, bearsanesa and °Mar tined
oilmimta are Mile* relieved by °resoles,
Valets. ten cents per box. All druggists
'Satlsfaetion o
o Ba
—M -r. Howard' Farrant, Of Mitchell,
who has been attending the Normal
College„ Hamilton, 'has aceepede the
position: of Associate Editon of the
Mortimer Publishing Co., Toronto, at
an initial salary of $1,000.
--ltfr. A. R. ,Williams, formerly of
the Thomson Williams Co, Mitchell,
was married ler Toronto Tuesday af-
ternoon, Mardi 26th, to WES C. E.
Baker, -eledent daughter of Mr. and
ars. I. Baker, Stratford. ; The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. Dr.
Griffin, in the ;presence , of the im-
mediate relatives ,of the 'pride and
groom. The couple ODI their! honey-
moon :will go on a BuroPean trip.
Many People Weaken Their Systern by
Dosing. with Purgative Medicines.
A eip'rIng medicine is 1a necessity.
Nature demands it as an aid to en-
riching the 'blood and Carrying off
the impurities that have accumulated
during the indoor life of the winter
months. Thousands of ipeople rehon-
nizing the necesaity- for a spring
m'edlcine, dose themselves with harslt
griping purgatives. This is a misa
take. Ask any doetor rind he will
tell you that the use of purgative
medicines weaken the System and
cannot p oesibly cure disease. In the
spring the system needs 'building up -
purgatives weaken. The blood -should
be made rich, red and pure -purga-
tives c annot do tide. What is needed
is a tonic, and the best tonic- medi-
cal science has yet -devised is The
Williams Pink Pills. Every dose of
this medicine actually makes new,
rich blood., and this new blood
Strengthens every organ and every
part of the body. That is why 'theee
Pala !banish " pimples and =unsightly
skin eruptions. That is why they
cure .headacheis, :backaches, rheu-
matism, neuralgia and a .host of
other troubles that come from poor
watery blood. That is why the` men
and women who use. Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills eat well and eleep well and
feel active and strong. Miss Mabel
Synnotte Lisle, Ont.,. says :-" I was
pale and weak and suffered -greatly
from headaches, and I . found nothing
to help me -until I began taking Dr.
Walloons' Pink Pills. These have
completely restored my health, and I
bless the day I began taking them."
But be sure you get the genuine:
Pil18 with the full name, Dr, Wol-
Dams' Pink Pine for Pale People,"
on the wrapper around each box -
all Other so-called Peek pine are
fraudulent imitations. Sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mall at 50 cemte a
illiaared . Brockville,
anboxttt or, si,x bt.oxes for $2.60 from me
ABE your boys hard on their clothes?
- Instead. of blaming the boys, why not
get clothes that will gaud tie abuse,
t"hPeraRgaGliFriggSbli,MauAdWpwill bmoayiepraonof Iothes will ifire
boy " go some" to wear them out.
The standard of our boys' clothes has become -
so well known throughout this vicinity, that each
year finds us not only holding all our old customers,
but reaching out for new ones.
The new boys' snits are ready -now, and
reach an even higher standard of excellence than
last season, They are without question, the great-
est values in boys' clahes offeredSeaforth.
You will find that more cloth is used in
them than in average clothing. You will find
that the shoulders and collars fit better. You will
find the suits have an air of refineraent. You will
find that the good tailor work means permanent
shapliness and long wear.
For Boys from 3 to 5 'Years.
Beautiful tweed and, velvet Brownie
and Russia Blouse Suits, patent leath-
er belts, wide bow ties, with or with-
out brass buttons, large folio!! collars
Price $2 to $5
For Boys from 5 to 14 yrs.
To no branch of our business have
we given more study, or of no depart-
ment aro we more proud. Any boy
who cannot be suited among the doz-
ens and dozens of elegant :suits at his
disposal here, would indee& be hard to
please. You have got to see them to
appreliate their real value.
Price $2 to $5
Boys from 9 to 14 year
Three piece Suits itr all cthe newest.
weed.overplaid effects, made the same
as our men's Progress Brand suits,
which means perfectly.
Price $3 to $7
For boys from 14 to 17
Youths' long pants Suits. A boy,
at this age is hardest to fit. You
should be sure to buy a good fitting
brand—Progress Brand fills the bill—
fits well, wears wel!, lookwell--all
the latest patterns and styles.
Price $6 to $S
Boys/ Kmeker
We have just received a special Bus
ef high-grade knickers, made of very
finest tweeds and worsted, lined thru-
out, all. sizes.
500 to 75C
STOCKINGS—Boys' heavy black Cotton and Casa ere Ribbed
Print Shirts, new patterns
GAPS �A new line of Bays, Tweed and Serge Oaps
OOLLARS--R.ubber end Linen, Eaton, Turn Down a
BRIOES—Boys' Leather and Mohair Ends, strong elas
to 50o
and Ot
• gs c to 2e
c to 25e
orButter and Eggs taken