HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-04-12, Page 2- - -
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General Merchants for the People.
nunom Expotwron.
Ay O. — anna , no-na o A O
ma 'moan a an a .. •
1 1 Clarence Parke- . ••Nober on. the roll,
47e average aittendance, 88-F, je1.
gt anpl.tty, frea•Onar.
The following is tile ;report of the
illaelter *couty 'pomotion exaeninatioriss.
the 'names being given lo order of.
mrit: Sr. III to Jr. IV -Winnie Mc-
Neil, John, MNeil., Laurie Curre, Wil-
ur .Erwin Edna, McG'
ee Cora Tur-
ner, Thos. Braiclon, Haroiti King, Jr.
XII to Sr. 111Eveln Pollorek, Mag-
gie MLeod, James Warnsiey, Andy
turgen; :Willie Murroys Sr. II to
Jr. III -Lilian King, Irene Ros,
George Little, Ilarvey Currie, George
Turner, James Linday, Lulu Xing,
Anna Wbeds, Floy Edwards, Annie
lliott, Frod Fowlie, RuSSel Erwn.,
Willie Townend, Harrold Brandon.
'E don't boast of our long business career, but we
believe -as results show -that we are giliving
our customers good value a t rghC prcesP, and
we also feel that we are to the front ih paying good rices
for first-class prouce. Our Glimmers' interests and our
own, from a businese standpoint, are mutual. What is an
advantage or bcrtefit to one, is likewise shared by the other,
ceries —
We have the reputation established, which we deserve, of
firstailass Groceries. Our Teas show quality, strength and
flavor, as report from Inland Revenue Department proves,
Try our Japan. Tea" Our Boston Coffees are delicious and
Spring Prints -nice patterns, fast colon, Graftores make.
Thirty-six inch Flannelette at 10e per yard.
Union Grey Flannel at 15e per yard,
• One clozenaBoya' odd Caatsi size 32 to 33, to clear this
week at $1 each
Two dozen Boys' odd Iresto, sizes 30 to 33, to clear this
week at 50e eaoh.
Two dozen Men's Tweed Pants, all sizes, this week $100.
Successors to B. B. GUNN
Zhe Pul* expoottor
The Laborer is Worthy of
.Etis Hire.
Mr. George P. Grahame the, leader
of he Opposition in the Ontario Leg-
ISlature, who has been °Tiered anti
refused a salary for hisi services as
leader a bier ;party,: ha.s this to say
On the subject; Theoretically 1
think the arguments _advanced; a-
gainst the payment by the country or
, salary to a leader of an OpPosition
are not weighty, but should the con-
' .ideration of accepting touch salary
becomea. personal matter -Well, I
'ould net think of accepting it, that
is _
Mr. Graham is entirely too modet.
There would be nothing wrong in his
accepting from the public a reason-
• able remuneration for his services to
the publicsuch remuneration, _ot
leat, as will shield him from person-
al loss. .An ative, -well organized and
ever walchful Opposition is as essen-
tial to the good government of the
Province as a good Govermert. Such
an Opposition will assist metateelly
in keeping the Govern-ment good and
honet. Such an Opposition -c.n not
be maintained unleee there is 41,thor-
oughly competent, up to date and
ever watchful ileader. To be such a
leader requires tnot only natural a-
bility, but ineeseant attention, hard
labor and much study, all of which
•consumes valuable time. Men of ore
dina.ry means can not affordf to de-
vote this time gratuitously except at
a great personal sacrifice to them-
selves and their families. No man
should be aeked to make this sale-ri-
flee in the interests of a •pubhie a-,
bundantly able to pay hitfor his
ervices, So far as leg lenown Mr.
Grabeen is not a rich man and is de,
pendent upon his daily toil for his
daily bread, Ile „ ought not, therefore,
Ito be asked to injure himself• or- ne-
glect his private duties for the sake
of the little, honor attached to the
position of Opposition leader. No
perms would advocate that he should
receive an exhorbttant salary, such
ELS woold induce any person to aspire
to the sosition for the eke of the
salary. But he should receive such
!remuneration as will Justify him in
devoting such time, energy and ef-
frt In the discharge of his official
duties as to efficiently fill the posi
tion without pecuniary loes to him-
self. More than this is not reeuied.
Dees than this will not be profitable
to any pereona It is a proper act and
one which the public: will Justify, foe
the Government to propoee such: re-.
rourieratioe and the Opposition lead -
r is not doing euetiee either to
himself or the public by refusing it.
Ile Should reeonsider his desision.
A Better Way.
Now that it has 'eectime the fixed
policy of the Ontario Government to
doaway with bite county Model schools
and to .require all candidates for the
teaching- proesion_ to spend one year
at one -of tne Provincial Normal
schoolsthe people are commencing to
look aoout as to howthey can provide
the ways and means to conform with
this prescribed rule. The deputation
a municipal :reprezentativee, who
waited on the 14ielster of Edutation,
Babies -do- not cry for the fun of it,
nar 10 it atways because they are
hungry as so many young, enters
think. Nine times out a ten, a,by's
cry indicates that his little atonable
is - out of order. Mothers will find
inetant relief for their rsiiffering
tle ons Ip Baby's Own Tablets. A few
daseW will cure the most onstinate
cadee ot contipation, indigestion or
'vomiting and a Tanlet given 'now
atnd then to the well child will keep
It well. Meg. Mary Pollock, Gawa•e,
Ontario, 8&70 "Baby's Own Tablets
!have been a great benefit to my
baby. 'They have made him happy,
peaceful and contented, when before
ihe used to cry ell the time. I have
more comfprit with him 0inc0 giving
him the Tablets than I ever had be -
foe. He now sits •andi plays and
laughs while I do my work.- What
greater praise 09.31 I give Belay's Own
Tablet." Vor sale of druggiSts or
by mail at 25 cents a box from The
Dr. .Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont.
afew days ago, suggeSted that a Go- A Word of A.ppreciaition, - lin the
death of the late Mr. Peter Comp-
otment grant Should be given so that
the children 9f poor parent; who can one ot its most -worthy citizens. He
net afford th additional expense thus will be 'greatly missed in that circle
of' friends who knew him; best, Mr,
imposed, may not 'De barred from the
Campbell was a teacher profes-
rtwsion. The Toronto Farmers'
Sun, while approving a thechange
from the Model to the Norrhal schoele,
also approves of the suggestion of the
deputation of *the •municipal repre-
setative. It says;
bell, the township of Stanley has lost
The solution of the difficulty, of-
fered 'ny the delegates, who waited
upon Hon. Drs Pyne. last week, name-
ly, 'that the Government *Dees a por-
Woo, but teething did not agree with
his health, consequently he did not
follow it very long. For thelast 23
years he has lived with his two maid-
en sisters on a. farro on the Bron-
sn Line. He was strictly Just and
hnorable, and of a happy, conten-
ed dispesitione He had „always a word
of cheer for everybody, and the neigh-
bors liked him. He was particularlY
at home in his sallies on his friends,
tion of the cost of taking a Normal whom he often "took off" before they
knew what was coming. His sallies
course, seems to offer a way out of
the difficulty. In order to prevent an iverb always refined and in gpod taste,
anuse of such help it might he in. the nothing vulgar or offensive about his
form of scholarships, or graded ac- Jokes. He was well read rand, could
cording to the standerd of effici-
ency got at the Normal. This would
leave the door open to all, and at
the sarne time make 'provision' for that
talk with ,ease and to 'edification on.
the current topics of the day. He
wes not what one might call an act-
ive worker in the chureh, but ihi otho
most essential part of a forward ed- er respects he lived aetcOnsistent Chris
ucational policy -the proper training
of 'teachers for the work they pur-
poe undertaking."
A !wetter way still would be for
the department to loan to students ap-
plying for it, a proportion, say two -
'thirds, of the cost of, graduating at
the Normal school, the loan to be re-
paid In quarterly instalments as the
teacher receives his or her salary,
with interest at three or four 'per
cent. .As security for the repayment
tan life. Unless something aunueual
prevnted, he was always in his pew
cli.Sabbeth. The "Bok of Praase "
was the last thins hei held in his
hand when death came to him. He
'tried tard to keep up to the end of
the service and he .succeeded. Those
pitting near him noticed that he was
acteng strangely, but did not realize
that he was seized with a paralytic
troke. At the close of the service
he was moved to a house near by,, in
the hope that he would rally and oe
able to go tonne after he rested. But
'he seen la,peed into 'unconsciousness
of the loan the full certificate could and grew weaker and weaker until
be witheld and instead a permit is- the end came about four o'clock Mcw
piled and terminable at tha expire,- day morning, Feb. 1.8th. The funeral
tion of the loam, when if the loan is teak place the following Wednesday
paid the full certificate could te
sued and in case of default the certi-
ficate could be cancelled, except ex-
tenuatingcircumstances could oe
proven such aa would 'justify the de-
partment in extending: the time for
repaymeot. This would- permit all
parties to avail tb.emeelves ofethe most
efficient equipment for the preifese
sion ; the matter oe expense. would not
be a barrier to any and. hardships
would be inflicted on, none. Besides
=this, it would -engender a spirit Of
independence ithe recipients iby in-
ducing them to earn and pay rem
their earnings for their own educa-
tional equipment. It -would he mach
better than a system: of scholarships
such as that proposed by the Sun. A
istrgein might take a „sdhohership • and
prove a very indifferent teacher and
a, very good teacher', might faii to
take a seholarehip, •
Our Sehool.-The following is.the re-
port of the Bayfield public school
for the month of March based on at-
tendance, demeanor and 'general pro-
ficiency. Senior Division. Class .V. -
Mande McDeugai, Harry Cameron, 0,
Galpin. Class IV -Ford Xing, Hilda
King, Clifford Pollock. Sr.
McNeil, John McNeil, Edna McGee. Jr.
III -Evelyn Pollock, Maggie McLeod,
Cecil McLeod. Sr. II -Lillian King,
Irene Ros, Harvey Currie. Number
on roll, 40; average attendance, 84.-
T. H. Brownlee, Principal.
-The following 40 the 'report for the
junior division: Sr. II -Lulu King,
Annie Elliott, Harold Brandon. Jr, II
Annie McNeil, Willard Sturgeon,John
Turner. Sr. part II -Albert Leitch,
Kenny Currie, Isabel :Woods. Middle
part II -Katie Little, Bessie Elliott,
Lorne Wamsley. Jr. part II -Lilian
Ca.tling, Frank King, Alvin Towni-
land. Sr. part I -Wilmer Blair, gut -
rice Bron. Jr. part I -Sid Castles,
Exc1usiar6177. *mood in
Moniton o:tece has
tot _r rti/oyed dicanet fen
as ono of tan .inost
0 vanced musical. institn,
tion71z CantidA. Mr.
..,4„ Vg;, Vie 1-1:fnted
Conductor of th,:
dh.s.ohn Choi ri orzanis t
and choinn,i3cor Jarvis
Street Ii.wtta Churh,
and pzt e ininer it;
ma, the Director of
144;4 in Ca; college*
and lies insect zte.1 with
hini on some of
tie b.tst kniin fattitts
and con fLtincii in. Cana-
dian in usir4
t*).*.,* ft/ 7f 41 Pianos
each fitted with: Die
ittimitaZile (wok R4.t
ete171Zr 4.t.tinft ztr:it used
excituivety in t zreat
seat of masc.:at learnin.
Wrife its for Free Booklet "B" containing photos of leading
- rausicat celebrities.
The Bell Piano Organ Co„ Limited, Guelph, Ont.
• „*._,Ac • • •:t
These Famous instruments are for Sale by
IL II PECK Si CO Seaforthi
and was one of the largest ever seen
In Bayfield. The service was Con-
ducted 'by Rev. John McN,eil,-- who
preached an appropriate sermon from
the words,- "Our Petered, Lazarus,
Sieepeth." - A NEIGHBOR.
In The Olcten Days.
onoom Amnon am.
. .
Interesting riketohei of the early
days of Seatorth and vicinity,
taken frem the files of The Ex-
positor. '
Seafortte A.,pril 16, 1875,
Mr. Thos. Knox ha.s sold out his
hotel lousiness to Mr. 'Edward- Hicks,
of Mitchell. Mr. Hicks takes possess-
ion on May lst. t •
The new salt 'olok of lessrs. Cole -
Main & Gouinlock had a narrow escape
from deetructiee by fire on Monday.
A partition caught fire from the fur
oaree, buiwas noticed before any seri-
ous dame was done. •
Thos.__MeMichael, of *Hallett, one of
the pioneer residents of Hurn, died
on Sunday morning last. Deceased
had been in Seaforth the Thursday
previous, and although he complatn-
ed of b Gin gh unwell often gettihg
hom-e, nothing seriou' was anticipat-
ed, and he was aole to be about the
next day. Friday night he grew
worse and erysiollas sat In Causing
his death. Ile was a native of Scot-
land, and was in this, 54t1a year. He
had :resided in Hullett Rime 1840. For
12 yeass Mr. McMichael occupied the
pcsition of 'mere of Hellett. He leasee
gt widow, three sons -and, seven dough-
Seaforth, Apr. 28, 1815.
Mrs. McMillan, of Tuckersmith, the
Mother of Mrs. Donald McKinnon, ore
old lady 00 years of age, a few weeks
ago, dense -8d the £t
re ‚reelat har
granddaughter's wedding,
On Monday evening thh int., the
teachers of the Brueefield Sabath
school waited ou the superintendent,
Ivir. Miller, at his residence, and pre-
sented him with an addres, accom-
panied by handsome a,nd useful pre-
uite for hemseif and Mrs. Miller.
At the Irisbtown „church, on April
6th, Mr, Angus Me-Kir:non. of Cul-
• Bruee county. was united in
inarriag-e to Catharine, eldest daugh-
ter of Denald McKinnon, Esq.. of
Tuckersmith. The ceremony was pr -
formed oy Rev. Father Lamont.
Mea -see. Thompson and Currie, of
Mitchell, have purehaszd from Mr,
F. Seermilter his oatmeal mill site,
near the railway, and intend to COM -
=nee thc erection of a new mill at
Jam -s Johnston, of Grey. - died
at the residence or her huecand on,
Arloriday last. Eryelpiles was the
cauee of death. Th l dec.:carved was a
daughter of Jarn:e. D'eleson, Esq., re-
gistrar of Huron, and was 22 yeassl
of age.
Wm. Alexander', a resp-ected resat;
dont of Tuckorsmith, died on Wed-
nesday as the result of an aacidenb
the previous day. Mr. Alexander was
In Wilson & Young's store and not
noticing a, cellar stair fell down it,
striking on his head. He was 64
years of age.
Met hoeliSet parsonage in Wighak on
ritleat latt, ftred i -al years. Deceags
red had been in ,the Methodist Minis-
try for 18 years and had ,servd on
the circuits a Londesnorce Ludknow
nd Wingharre A Wife' and child are •
e Purieell, lately of Str tord,
left. =
has lasedand taken pOSBOSSIOTh t the
Exchange Hotel, Seath
r. Samuel jahasson has exch nged
the house end lot which he iretterall
purchased from Mr. Leatherlandi with
with Mr. 11). J. Speling,' .fot the
house recently occupied ley tWi S.
Robrtson, and three acres of llid,
Dr. Munro for ma:2W year s a rai-
dnt of Bruefielci, has moved with
his family to :Detroit, where he will
practice ihiS profession.
At a meeting a the Seaforth 04k -
et Club, held in the Terrapin sloon,
on Tuesday eveninz the following of
fiers were elected i President, H. W.
C. Meyer, ; vice Rreident, ;:31,. "nrcoe ;
secretary and Ttrepurer, O. aiirMa
tecereg; committee, I. S. Roberto; J.
G ieves, C. Dizzle, John Currey, an0
0. Nilson.
A new -postoffice has lbeen estan-
Bolted in Tuckersrnith, to ibe known
as Chisaint, .and, Mr. Wrh. Moora
has been appointed postmater.
A had aceident occurred at the saW,
mill of Mr. Andrew Govenlock, in Me-
riop, on Friday lat. A men named
Andrew Calder, -got his band caught
between the cheAn andthe revelving
eylheder used for drawing .rup !0.cees.,
Be Wage 'being wound. aroundithe
windlese when it was thrown oext of
gear. The bones of his a.,rrni below the
elbow were badly cruSheet and the
bone wag broken between: the elbow
and Shoulder. .
or.amonaaorwanalwarot raw..
annonAO-AArtAx Ao—n•—na on>
WPM alma
Seaortii, Miry( 7, 1875. -
At the residence of 'the 'bride's par-
ents, Mr. Noble T. Adams', eldest son
or Mr. Thomas Adam, of Seaforth,
• was united in marriage to Mary,only
daughter 61 MT. Isaac Miller, of 'Her-
purby. The ceremony waserform-
aaDiiora.y. B
davioe.rva. L, Mill. Iliram
the draying fousiness of Mr4
Mr. John Campaell has purcha,eed
of Marmara, 'ha s4 opened
a new drug and grocery store in Car -
Michael's block.
The annual meeting of tlae Star
baseball club was held on, taturday
evening last, when the following of-
ficers were elected: Patron, M. P.
Hays; president, H. W. C. Meyer;
vice, J. Lamb; secretary, D. Minn.
A joint stock company has been:
formed for the purpose of erecting a
public hall tn .Wroxeter.
The New No Pure Drugi Cough
Cure La* would be needed, ft all
Cough Cureriseweree like Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure is -aid has 'been for 20
years. The National Law nowrequir-
e, that if any poisons enter into a
cough mixture it .must be printed On
the label or package. -
For this reason mothers and others
should insist on having Dr. Sboop's
Cough Cuee. No poison marks on Dr.
Shoop's labels -and none in the medi-
cine, else it must by ilaw be on the
labe. And it i not only cafe, but
It is said to be by thoee that know.
It bet, a =trul' remarkable cough
remedy. Take no chance, •particnia,r-
ly with your children. Insist on!
having Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Cern-
pare carefully the Dr. Shoop -packoge
with others and see. No poison marks
there ! You can always be an the
safe side by demanding Dr, Shoop's
Cough Cure. Simply refuse to accept
any "Other. Sold by C. itherhart, drug
gist, Seciforth.
-Mr. Edward Robinson, one o.0 the
oldest residents of London township
died an Wednesday of* last week at
the age Of 88 years. He had been a,
:resident of the township sine he was
24 years of age and b.ae filled the po-
sitions of tax collector, assessor, de-
puty reeve and reeve.
-Fire recently destroyed the tstoee
of F. C. Kng, alt, Iowalta, Alta. J.
Kinley had arranged to ,purohaise the
tore, and, Mrs. Kinley was alene in
the houise at the time of the conflag-
ration, In attempting to put the
fire met on the 'roof her clothing caught
from flames 'burting out below. her.
She saved her life by jumping into
the snow, though she was severely
turned. The mail and emelt office
supplies were saved; but, withthis
exception, everything was destroyed.
issnot often a man rernalme con-
tatly in the school teaching pro-
fession until he becomes 69, years of
age, Tis, however, is the reeora of
Mr, Adern Fergus lifeDoald, who
diea id- Toronto a few days ago at
ethe age of 71 years. He was a native
of Scotland and taught school there
for some years before coming to Can-
ada. After cornins -to this country
he taught for some years in Mark-
ham 'public schobl. He then came to
Toronto and again engaged in teach-
ing and for the past 27 years has
been the principal of one of the ward
schools in that city andi only retir-
ed two years ago. He wasa street
disciplinatian, but was beloved by
his pupils. His school was recogniz-
ed as the leading one in the car, and
his active interest in things athletic
is largely responsible for the Many
• trophies which now deoorate the
'rooms cif the school. He evai keiown
as on excellent 'penman and math.ein-
atician. He took -great 'delight in
out door .sporte and kale an enthus-
iastec sailor and' currier,
Seeforth,, Apr. 80, 1875.
li•ev. Henry Kellam died at the
anaff aninI1M1111WMOMMONM14
1111=10 01••110 AIMS
I -
Iona. a... amona
Mr.. Wm. Wilson, of Craigie Villa,
London, (Ont.), the inventor ot the
Wilson Fruit Case, now adopted by
the Canactian Government, tells an
interesting experience which .hows
the healing and antiseptic value of
Zarn-Buk, the herbal balm. He
says: "I had two poisoned wounds
on. MY leg, which were very sore and
inaaeneci. They caused me much pain
and suffering, and although I tried
soCeral ealves they refused to heal.
Zarn-Buk was recommended, and I ap-
plied some. It acted splendiclInaid in
a very short time healed the wotnds,
"At another time • I sustained a
nasty cut. Zam-Buk took away the
soreness Altravt instantly, and soon
closed and healed the wound. I have
also used Zarn Buk for Other injuries,
and I have no hesttation in expresing*
my high opinion of its value, It is,
without doubt, a, splendid household
balm !"
Zam-Buk cures blood poison, cuts,
bruise% ,old wounds, running sores,
ulcers, *boils, wine eruptions, scalp
sores, eczema, itch, 'barber's rash,
burns, scalds, and all skin injuries
and diseasesskit druegidts and otores
sell at fifty cents a bo, or from the
Zam-Bult Co., -Trnto, for price.
-Remember, it is purely, 'herbal
Miserable All The Time?
rittuileadacha---ek. ahes-low spirited -bate
the sistitptefood-don't sleep well -all tired out ix.
tele mo neusno heart forsvork?
wili malie You well
Your kidneys are affected -either through over-
wcrk, exposure or dseee. It is the Kidneys that
arc making you: feel so wretched. Gin Pills cure sick
kidifey---make you well and strong -give you all
your old time energy and vitality. Cheer up -and
take Gin Pill. eoe. a box -6 for $2.50. Sent on
receipt of price if your dealer does not handle them.
The past is
ead. We live in the present
0 -
Work without worry usually tends te
prolong life. On the other hand, wort,,
with or without work, is fatal, because
't uses up what the Doctors call
"Lecithin," a phosphorized fat whic
is the chief constituent of the brain an
nervous system -a waste which, if nee
stayed in time, means complete ner.
vous wreck. The evident moral is
"don't worry" -advice easy to sive,
and th these days of stress and strain
practically impossible to take. The
alternative is find some way of re,*
placing the wasted /Lecithin-te
phosphorized fat. This absolut
essential element will be found
its most perfect, palatable and assinu.
lable form in
is for progressive men who want—not
the clothing that was best 20 years
- ago but the clothing TI -TAT IS
BEST TODAY. Do you wear
an emulsion a Cod Liver Oil an
with Iron, the recognized blood builder
-makng FERROL the ideal nutrientit
claims to be,
For the prevention or treatment
nervous prostration FERROL is
'Meier unequaBed-it is safe, sure
The, formula of FERROL is freely
posed, consequently
" You Know
what you take
• ,,
If you will write
for our handsomely
for 1997,
-we will slio*
you how you can get
superior SHEFFIELD
• CuTLERY with cellu-
loid handles and Ster-
ling' sliver DIOUD.t6.
We could get plenty of agents
toJake hold of a proposition like
this, but we Prefer to glirn teed
buyers a chance first.
Our Catalogue and Guide Book
gives fun inforritation of this and
other Special Offers, as well as full
details regarding new and standard
twigless:1 steds,PlantsandBalbs.
Write at once.
-- ,
' I
EED PEAS FOR SALE, -Pot sate a gaunt*
i•-3 June peas for seed ; clean and tree from be,
Apply to ADAM DODDS, Mehillop, adyourpig Sere
forth. 00x4
•'1ATTLE FOR SALE -For sale, six 2 and a.seer-•
ea old steers. Apply on Let RD, Concession
McKillop. WM. SCOTT, Leadbury. eomee
-DULL FOB sALE-The underggroed has for salt
a thorobred Jersey bull about II. months AIL
from good taking strain. Apply on Lot 23, Colmar..
felon 11, J.:fibbed. ROBERT HOGGARTH, Creating
P. O. 20itia4.
-1- WISER FOR SALE. -For sale, eedar shingle*.
„Lai hemlock and all kinds of lumber. Barn,r010--
fere,' cut to order. S. MOORE, Bayfield P. a
a &reigned has for service en Lot Pil-, Cordes.
sloe 3, H. R. S., Tuckersmith, a Thorobredt
worth Boar. 51.00 payable at time a serice, eritk
privilege of returning if necessary. a HAMILT'ap
Seaforth. , 20434
VOR SALE. -Two ponies due to foal May Ist, tee.
_L blood colts sired by 3t Ihuze, coming 1 Itiet
old. ROBERT -CLARKE, Contance. 20174
.„‘ \t 1;1,:
• s
S ore Overflowing
wealth of atylieh furniture for borne keepere-almost
reesonabie to expect to sell -ao unrch. And yet, if merit ir
• furniture, woxkmamebip trod inicoi will appeel to low and we
are bound that it did, you'll emtainly inflect tier Spiendid nee., stocir
before investing elsewhere.
Promptly attended to night or day. Night ond Sunday calls answered at the
residence of 8. T. Holmes Goderich stieet, oppoBile the Methodist ' church,
8, T, HOLMES, Manager.
as June
and it is more vital that it
should be good than any
other food.
WHITE CLOVER BREAD is made of the highestquality
of flour and other ingredents, and Milk is used instead of
water. These are cornbined by the highest baker's skill, and
the result is the PERFECT LOAF. Its crust is light and crisp,
its texture fine and even. It is healthful, nourishing,
digestible, and TASTES COOD. Do not any longer be content
witi the old dr -y crumbly bread made of cheap flour and_
watbr, but insist on having
The Best Bread That Cart Be Mde.
. 24
FOR SAIX.--The undersigned has for sale sev-
eral Thorobred Leicester Sheep and Durham Cattle
of both sexes. Address P,gmondville P. O., or apply
at farm, Mill Road, Tuckesmith. ROBERT CHAR
TEM 45:, tiONS. 372.tt
signed offers for sale on Lot 27, Concession fi,
Bibbed township, a number of heifers and young
cowwith calves at foot, 4 Shorthorn bulls fit for im-
mdiate sender' sired by imported Prince of Banff.
Tne above stookare all registered in the National
'cock Records. Prices moderate, terms easy, visitor
sre„4:ionn- . DAVID HILL, Staffa, P. O. 1996-x52
iAT'I'LE Felt MALE -For sle, the noted thorn-
-bred Aberdeen Polled Angus Bull ; brood
rare in foal to 'Lord lioron ; Mao a good driving
horse, safe for !ado to drive and will work either
single er doobe. Will sell either for self or en time.
Apply on Lot :9, Concession 2, MeRillop. ROBERT
O. MURDIE, fleaforth P. O. 2948-11
BULLS FOR SALE, -The undersigned has for
sale on Lot 2, Concession 4, 1L S., Tooker
smith, tour thorobrol Durhambulls, all red In color,
and ranging In age from 12 months to 2 years 4)Jct, all
prize winners at the leading fairs in the county.
HERBERT °RICH, Seaforth P.O. 201211
IIIORTHORN -CATTLE-Seven firstrclue ystat
nulls, 2 from imported cows, for sale at meet -
ate prices and on easy terms, good young cows ai
heifers also for sale. All interested are cordially
vitad to inspect the herd. Farm adjoins town, io
dikance telephone to farm. Write for eatalogg*„
H. SMITH, Exeter. 19334.
Q RED GRAIN.--Thoe in need of good Med giliCt
of the following varieties : Sew Danish White
Oats, menehuria Barley and Potter Peas. cap getthe
same on Lot 16, 0-meession 2, Hay This grain
been .gron from selected seed, thinly sown on goml
ground for a number of years, ane are all greet
vielders. JOHN ELDER, Hensall. 204641
IXT001) SALE, -On Lot 5, 0:ler-vim 4
• McKillop, in large or small qltAntitiesto eat;
purchaser. Ct.ar posts eight or eight and a DO.,
feet long, anchor postsany eine. Any person re*
quiring barn timber would do m'ell to inquire dny.:
For further particulars apply to JOIIN MePTIERSONk
Lot 7, Concession 13, ftlelilliop, Leadbury E
WANTED AT ONCE on Salary and Expeysm
one g)od man in each loaaiit.v with rig
capable of handling horses, to advertise and I
duce our guaranteed stook and poultry -Weak**
experience necessary- ; we lay out your work for
you, 825 a week ana expenses POSiti013
ent. Wzith "W. A. JENKINS, Manufactarmg co.,_
-ondon, Ontario. M. . feLEAWS adustabgle, radiet:84
B 3
• and fireproof stovepipe thimbles are the lat-
est in that lie, economical, clean, safe and durable..
u well as behar a beat conveying, regulating era
ventilating aparatus; They add. -comfort and awe
expense in filet Best material used. Orders bv
mail promptly filled, wholesale or retail. WM.
MCLAN, Mensal], Ont., manufacturer. 294441.
Some Items
of interes
spetr,inl-, No.
have 7 veelaaave#
for Anchor Fence, Clips, Fence._
Book, Staples and ail Supplle--_--
Neidle a fail fine,
Peerless Woven Fence, -an
Poultry Netting.
• Orders are now being takes
for Famous Saugeen Brand, ettk.-
dorsed by all cement workers*.
Chic It g o Flexible Shafrp,
price within the reach of every.
One, Mind Clipprs, Singer*.
Curry Combs, Etc,
on Building Materials, Have -
troughing, Plumbing and i-rurA-
nate Work can be had for thee
Farm _Labore's:_
riavz beep Neera.s v Iree. 1)0mi:eon OoreTe-
me it lo Owlet 111411 Mc Unite()
in po.it lontt Of; 1ir2311:tborev•iizd di niestle eervard
Any per*on reirir:ng t-ettth. h. -'p fibrr:;11 32(4,4 me
letter statim, folk; nm e hind os lit ip iequired, whM
WAWA and the wagim offral. Th t: numbent _
ing myna. bit hintieient r tipply all requet* r`v"
very effort wiU Inn -1t rThvidat Zn1it"."3014'
With help requirol.
(ilf,611 31URDIFI,
2042,13 Seaforth.
'Ate o,„„ aa.; mpoivr of rot
arties for stile or to ant. anitlilt.: mi." -it is a goca
nilding lo, t.e?..'f*.•1 'a -t flair f Twp Lot 14-
15ta.st Waril, f teorg.; Spav tlurvey Seattaill,
winch will be sold t-ni reasonable teria. sheinreOer
efteetep, debt*, (01;CCV?,1 MO Duni ntalle on satiate. -
tory seenritl at rncnnal*Ilt ra'tn.„ Call and Wt.
and be 1 Late 1 ru;,.lran 1 irt 061m
forth . 20"
Cook's Cotton Root Com
The great Uterine Tor& ass
ede• sato ell'octual Trtiltar
Cgujatorou which womeaoas
nde Sold in three do-''oF
etrengthe-o, 1, 41; No*
degrees atronger,_*3; No,
T. special cans, f_5 per
-by all drugista, pr tiegeU• -
paid, en recortrt ox Pico"
Sere. 4.erenrii
# g
pamphlet. droest.
Att. this time
-base 0. number
45,1 Bat, yea k
you fear t
with us its a
die -aka frames
kean and near,
. Let oe frame
will oonsiuee yc
Try os for y
taw :IOWA
--snii. Not, r
limbs of
row lAt'k to n
'0,4 I tar. now 611,T
1..tth% deplorable di.
z*DarZEtedt -I
which Dr. Shoop
4a, perfeeteil. delm
ithat lact ilngrn
'semi emes of Mt
ito-rmly euros all
4wasiV, found:rill;
41nd pass .i>w,:tyui
ifreely Lis dfier,
„•• end thu. whe3
ftr4y rt3 !min
labounure_rn is IS
ria1ned-0 ae.'
:gilt help. We Rae
4 a high
'Civil Engineer,
spartment rail°
Venial* or
-Sewerage or Wate
Ite-enforeed Cone
have been a
snent to pi= int
in -positions asta
AMY PePall requi
letter, atingrull
waited, and the w*
may not be -
every effort will ht
with help -reuired
The If
*rid 2`Totit,
- good
Lettue, Celer
snips and To
We lmy not -
Port and
extra ri2
fresh ATA g
• a
A dejidous
food. Fra
boxith, and
PesaeOr id th
BReeersa R
great Plea
d as an In
the comma,
Branch,' it
teaxionai c