HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-04-05, Page 8.444 SPRING NEEDS rim* spring cleaning and garden- ing times you will find our store headquarters for all requirements. Perhaps you need. some of the numerous articles which come in- to use now. In Garden Tools- Ilakesa Hoes, Spades and Shovels we have the very best goods at the lowest prices. We 119,V0 special bargains in Washing Machines and Wringers Carpet Sweepers Whips Paint KaIsornine Scrubbing Brushes Caluanized Iron Tubs and Pails rind Step Ladders Sherwba•Wi Mame Paints are the best and roost economical. Cali and get color (cards, Chesney , ; Archibald SEEFORTH, Hardware, Stoyes and Coal. °minion Bank ,Head Office bRONTO •••••••••••••••••••••• Savings Bank Deposits of 0.00 .and up- wards received and interest paid at:highest current rates, Withdrawals may be made -at aRy time, ado SEA -FORTH BRANCH A. E. COLSON, Manager 14.& HAYS, Solicitor James Watson, ME HURON EXPOSITOR. 11 Cliathiths; Re,. .,Stephen and Mrs. Anon das Bond, Atwoods Miss Riedin, St. Thome a0; Mies Gibsp on London* Miss Price Goderiche Sties Russell Fingal and Um 'H. Phillips, .Torento; Mr. J. 13. Adeses, Pittsburg." Call Accepted. -At a special Meeting E bert 'Eta/Ia.-The following pas - 0 the Preebyte,ry Of• Huron held .1,n, sad the Easter EiaminationS held at Clinton On Mandel, Rev; Mr. Smalls the Collegiate Inatitute: Forel IV of Asiburn, aceeptelt the call to St: Parts 1 nd II -11 Whittaker. Part. Andrew's church, Blyth, aind his in- . 11-W. MITItTOill, B Haiitry Y1 H. duOtica to the charse will take place 131r1es, A. Camp'oell. Form 8B, ROX1'r C61. Idle 18th inst., at one &tie* p, ors -J. Buchanan, lvf. Johastora Pass us., Mr, Leckie, be preside ; Mr. Ur- J. -J. Dickson, A. dehnston, .A. Archie quite*, to preach; Mr. Anderson,. to 'bald 3 Caster, A. . Somerville, M. address the minister and Mr, Smith Dodds, J. Purcell, T. Anderson. Com - the peoples -DISTRICT MATTE I I •mercial Forrre-M: Chesney; T: Jar - masa G. Thomson, L. Faulkner, D. Weelding.-A quiet wedding. was ,sol- Taaraaaaa emnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Francis Beet, Nest William street, on Liverosse.-The annual :meeting of Saturday afternoon last, when their 'the Canadian Lame:Asa Association daughter, Charlotte Isabel, wag un- -was held in poronto on Good Friday. itecl In marriage tel Mr. Harry HU- The following officers were elected : lier, of Hamilton: -The ceremony', Was President, H. S. Cameron, Beaverton ; pernsrmed by Rev. F. IL Larkin in let vice, Je NJ Wahine, Arthur; gnd the srenente 0 onlyi the immediate vice, T. F. Dciyie, New Market; sec- relatiree. Mr. and Mrs. Hillier, will !eatery and treasurer, t.W. H. Hall, ;reed' de in Harnilltrin. Wendt° ; together with: the council. Mr. H. M. Jackson was nota °midi- MissiOnaeY keelting.-Rev4 'T. T. date 'for the council, this 71311ir. One Taylor, a the Preelbyterialn Mission 'hundred and twelve tides were vepres altIth;ivi, India, at present home on seated!. The principal amendment wets 'furloughse , will deliver an •addreon the raising of ,the age limit ist the his work in the Presbyterian church junior' ;series from 24 Ito sear,s, on. Monday evening net. Theme - --e ing l under Ithel 'auspices 0 the Oudden Deatin-MalnY aril1 regret to Wornellt0 .4mtssion! liana or. the sudden death Of Mr. bands. Mrs TaYlon ihaa beep! moatmoat,,Elrd, father of Mrs. .A:, K. Birks, .successful in his ,wOrk, especially in of Seaforith. The 'deceased was one of that of the industrial school lea bat!, the old residents 0 -the vicinity of and ht e address stemless Ito Ine Holmletiville. He had "beers spending , most interesting one • - COneert: The A. Y. Ps 'A. of St. Thomas -charch have made . arrange - the winter here with Mrs. Birks, and await week went to pay a visit with some 'friends at (Linwood', Perth coun- ty. On. Monday lest he was a:pparents metes for a cencert Ili Cardno's Op- ly in his 'usual health, but at supper( era HOUSB, On Friday evening, April, time ithrnPlained a not feeling th 19, :and have Secirredi fcir the ocean- and 14y down on a couch. He ion the -following well known talent : seemed to *revs' worse, although no - Donald. McGregor, baritone; Harry i thing SarlOttS wasl anticipated! end in- Berrnett,t comic vocalist and Mies Lois a very few minntes was :dead. Heart fWitlow, cellnit. Plan of Ine,11 open! dieease was the cause 0.death. The to subscribera on Friday, April 12, sympathy of very many friends will altAberhart's drug store, after that the -extended to .those who have been date it viill bet open to the public. thus -suddenly bereaved. Those wishing to seture_ 'reserved seat tickets !before tne plan opens WANTED. -Good hands to work in furniture and maj. do so lby applying Ito Mr. T. F. flash and door factory. State experienee and, wages, The M. F. Beach 0o., Limited, Wineliester, Ont. 2050-2 We have a splendid wall finish in "Muriseo." Try it, For hale only by Chesney and Arehibald, Sea - forth. 2051-1 Chatham Incubators, Erorxlers and suPplies for Call in and see them in operation. J. F. Daly, EASTER.... • •CONFEcTIONERY.._.., Fresh Stock Just Received. CoIe,man or. lto 15r., Hodginis. - • Sunday School Annivertsery.-The annual erctertainment by the scholars of. the Methodist Sunday, :school was given in the. church on the evening Seaforth, Ont. N of Good Friday. The chtireh was well Enete FOR HATOIIING.-Parties wishing to • se N ' 8 uccessor to W. .Watson filled by an appreciative a:a-fence. us Pure -Bred Barred Rack Eggs for Hatching, ay. -WORTH- MAIN ST, SEAFOR'TH. The programme was a long One and PlY ic 0. s. Andrews, Post anteedOffice Gr2050-3 ocer. - Prices reasonable and fer,tility guar. contained many interesting andpleas- General Firee Life and Accident Intim- see 'numbers. i -The children were, ninSatiOrwin W.Illiains Paints are as good as can be once agent, Real Rotate and Loan ' s. They give satisfaction and are economical. Agent. e aye a arge or color can a ea- perfornied 'their :parts in a •rnost plema nay and Archibald, Seaforth. 0051-1 turing sowing mashilisa and cream insg maanner. The entire ;programme " plover Seed as Rood as you sold me' last year en... Will do." That'S.what our seed customers tell us. aleider in first -Class family and Manufas- was tnoroughls enjoyed _end ,the Separators; viz. Now Raymond and White Sewing trained by Miss' Doty, of London and w k II f1 Oh testament throughout wast .gra- liegourtitire not called, think it over. Beattie Bros., Machines, and National and otherwise. On Sunday 'special chit- servant. Apply to Mrs, G. F. Rogers, John Street, frying eneCeBB, financially and egltVANT WANTBD.-ImmediateIy, a good general 2200:1,x-21 Une eda Ciream &parttime dren's :services were teld, which Seaforbh. meats, repairs and sundries, fer ali -were conducted by Rev: S. C. Toll, satesnonan to take hill char of oorset de rt- Warrs.D. - At °nee, , a thoroughly experienced Alto eewleg machine needles, oils attaoh. kinde of sewing machines. Hensel. With over 25 sears experience in the above business you ean reet manned of prices right, equara,dealieg and eisteefaction guaranteed. . JAMES WATSON0 - merit. R. McKay & Co., 55-63 last King St, Iram-. _ilteni. 2051x1 Honorhig a Former Iluronite.-The We have all sizes following despatch froro Winnipeg dated in poultry netting at •el t prices. Che,sney and Archibald, Seaforth. 205°116 nromi lit resident onda.y last, roefferishiato ea once our ha,inghems t , P TherPer'sinntoil: tug about the L.Prices right. . Rea tie Bros., Sea- tleip ations rwoiliowin gel isr.CitlhleYddHetre:pa;.t1:81111-'; . firra:shl.oa fagroulavallib,Ys.‘-sow is erour time to bring Wong 2051-2 4 also, Mayor a the itiegwhnaman. ; Wawrzo.-A. first class saleswoman for house! - eral years represented the town its Wiling department.. R. McKay & Co., 55 -03 fatilit .hthies fortune goes. to enJoyinitthe. west a Yourtracie, butter, eggs, etc , are wanted22Zhe haa made King St„ Hainilton. count's?' council Ile Jin the sumay gictath an n°w Maple Leaf Store. P. Dill. • end the wishes 4 ft old _Huron Flijoosi/ Soherwin William -is paint for ainting fi oirielmaknd enprfoory staining them. A little nione°v friends will rhbea;th;t hi i: hrighteist an- a big il ement. Chesney and Archiba21,10,51S4eeat'- •‘t.heren., jamThe your lawn mowers to b:. sshpaogsned by our idealB.elawn _ istarwneodi theposition Iposisotionn, who re-eerstly re-, chief ins ec . mower sharpener, E. ilinirM108 Agent, and dealer In Sewing Machine and BD:Wales. North Main street. Sealorib. HARNESS are now ready for in- guaran- re ous west Mr. aunty. spection. Call and exigin°•' teed, at the Maple Leaf Store. Fast colors ilson was a merehant, private bank- . P. Dill. 2051-1 w y to :going tc, the See rmers around vielnipy in Seeds. n the neighbota '3(f liarfrin„g" it0Wn of Wgi el and ;bank rria.na e seat th d ;ea too good for the fa Our own make of genuine Rubber Trimmed Harness. It is the best value in Canada. Ask your neighbor about them. Bells-Jtrunks-Nallses Suit Cases - Plush and 'Wool Rugs, Ete. Inspect our stock before purehasing. M. Broderick, OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth. 2034 Spring Term Opens Tuesday, April 2 STRATFORD, ONTARIO. This school, which is the largest and most progres sive commercial and shorthand school in Western Ontario enjoys the reputation of doing the hest work in business education m Canada. Our graduates are in demand as commercial tetchers and office (Mist -- ants. Write for our free catalogue and you will get full information o:nwerninr, our whoa ELLIOTT & MoLACHLAN Principals. Farmers • We have just put in stock fresh line of Gentian Ainseed Ginger Fenngeck Sulphur Salts Sa.ltpetre Etc. for your own Condition pow. dern Let us mix it for you - A. full line of Sheep Dip and Tick Destroyer Hess Poul try Panacea (Makes Elena Lay) ZenOleUrf (tor Lice on Cattle) Give us a trial, Oar prices are right. • 'The J. S. ROBERTS. DRUG STORE V. MckAY, Manager 310,(if 000 it,t,trxf:fxril 'Herbert Philips, Toronto, and l "Dr. wide "'brim, droopieg -both front and Think In Hundred Millions A. A.. Hicks, Chatham. The groom's back, with large soft flowers in, l gilt to the (bride was a. hoop of shades of brown and, a trimming of lanposeible, Isn't 1. ? Seaforth. 2051-2 ;bliaerei itforheOnBteleart, pairs of Dorothy Dodd theshoeesr,ecieni'vec11. few sample Californal, f Alfas: seerhge,--ws box of Hamilton' Pie it gre-risaevest :extawheredOxfords and Patent illt'ieci pair from 'tititensde .e.wd-nreso • 13efore his depa,r :301.41;18,1,c t it stnds rematnine foe" sis inp (3% toorderyou a or 1 1 ample pair. Samplerirn (t)olilitinoiCieishoot,Y‘f°i!ldeoantY1.211Ritovheer% or vi ri was waited upon by 'a nruemetterht; . vlit is, opposite Expositor th 051.1 a .04tLeeti bank staff and presented elver' loving cup, , suitably cheYsePhs:voehaesfoeow. second-hand cook stoves for sal y and Arehibald, Seaforth. 2051-1 e Lase_ _,. ri beind,.,6 and. a handsome travel- you like, Johnic,eimt don't bring home any more just - Sound Atli,' Get the sugar and tobacco where ;years in 'the 3°11 service of the Bitnr.Itc 2o5f. 'Beattie Bros.,S f has been as -good tea. .G4t-the original 280 ea orth. . • Tea Sold only at Dag ease. VII*. ,Wil 2051-2 Hamilton„,' ' . rzo.-A capable saleswoman, at once, to take • full charge of ladies' underwear and hosiery depart- ;Bond-Boattie.-A very *pretty wed-amiton. l• meritl: Apply A. McKay 00., 55-03 East KgrixStt., Ht- I ding was solemnized .in the Seafortis Poise Fouxo.-Found on the North Gravel Road ' Methodist church, en Tuesday, April on Saturda•y last, a purse containing a sum of too- 2nc1i, 1907, at 'high' noon, when Ade ney. The owner can have the same by calling at the Louise Beattie, eldest daughter. ea Exposes'. °rase, Seaforth. 2051-1 Mr. and-' Mrs. James Beattie, was FOR SALF..-A good calf ; to be sold at ones. united in Marriage to Allan Shepleyaforth Apply to Mrs. Andrew Calder, near the2051x1 public school, Se, . Bone, assidtant C. P. R. solicitor in • • the firm of Aokens, Robson & Co,, of Iviilliriery Openings. -In order that Winnipeg, a‘nd aim 0 Rev. Stephen, the Easter botrnet might be. readyour and Mrs. Bond, cif Atwood. Prompt- ly at 12 o'cicok the oride came up the aisle 0 the church on the arm of her father, who gave her away. She was attended ey her .eister, Miss Minnie Beattie, while her little :cous- ins _Miss Margaret Kellam, of Niag- ll 'el little Miss Dorothy F ROGISTEROD • "NAME ON EVERY PIECE." ovitiErs ,Chocolate Bonbons., FOR SALE BY O. ABERHART, DRUGGIST, OARDNO'S _ - - BLOCK kile..A.P 0 P.'1113 Agent for up-to-date Trustee, Siminges Hot Water Bottles, Shoop'e remedies, Cook'. Cotton Root Compound and Wood's Phoeuhedine. r have had to 'play on the borne grounds i ' of the holders of the cup. In 'future and a, series a games will be arrang- ed each 13130.SOIL to, play off for this lurerih7., Easter , Visiberse - Among, those uNirtifilliED mil LINit Ey 'home fort Salter and vatting with friedda in town during the vacation, we noticed: D. T. Kennedy, Bank of Comine,rce, Toronto; D. D4 Wilson, Dominion Bank, ;Wingliarn; '5V...! McKay, berristers Toronto, Miss Ada Sienna Petersburg; plies Leila; Best. and. lase Jennie Forms, Normal CO1.- legs, Hamtitori; Miss Bella Ballaaas tyne, Naterlon; Hugh Welsh, Hama, jlion ; Miss C1IIS Pickard, London,, Percy ToWn, • oodistock; Miss Cowan of Toronto Uzi veraity; Keith Fear and Gordon Go' re Toronto School of Medicine; F , Philips, alo& or Practical Scleaels; Mr. W.. Brine, G. Kale and Mnes ;Steve"-, Hamilton. ceiling is all finishedand it does 'add so much to the t appearance a the eitore.t, .The hew mirrors and! Shelving and the extra :coat of paint have made a well appointed store look lbetter thaz ever. At Pickard's too,, there has been aln extra coat 01 paint, and there too, as at McFaul's, there are new frocks, readynto-wear and in the piece, Coate, honsefurnishings and all the 'novelties that delight the eye of the shopper, these bright spring' dais. Travellers. -The following' were ticketed this week by Stewart tiroe., C. P. R. agents: Mr.. and Mrs, James Roes wadi two daughters, of Clinton, to Calumets, Alberta, Mr. 3. Miller, of Dublin,. to ;Winnipeg; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hearne Mies Flora. McClure and Miss K. Neelands, 0 Hallett, to Herniate', Man..; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Adams and daughters Lilian) to Rocaitiville, Sask.; Mtn ;Hannay of Tuckerstnith, to Milestone, Sask. -The -following 'persons were tic- keted to distant 'points tide week by W. Somerville, Railway and Steam - Ship agent; James Ward, niigmond- vine, to B;riundon ;' Daniel Hughes, of Beechwood, 'to North Battleford, Sas- kaJtchewan ; R. E. Coates, Seafarth, -and Dr. Warwick, Brussels, to She - ;Shone, Idaho,and lreturn ; Charles Riley, Farquhar, to Grand Forks, B. .C.; Richard" Van lEgmoncle to Sault Ste. Marie; tirs. Moe, Anhure, to Rochlester, N. Y. ara. a sr an Newcombe, also of Niagara Falls were flower girls/; The groom was in waiting at the '-"altar, having as groomsman, Mr. I. B. Adams, Pitts- burg. The ceremony was 'performed .by the bride's grandfather, Rev. Geo. Buggin, aesieted by Rev. Stephen Bond., father of the groom. As the bridal party passed up the aisle, al double quartette, from the choir of the church of, which the bride was a, member, sang the bridal chorus from "The Roe Maiden.," Duringthe:singing of the register, Mrs. A. A. Hicks, oil Chatham, sang "0 Fair, 0 Sweet, 0 Holy." The bride's dress was eoll- enne Over taffeta, triMmed with pearls and baby Irish lace: She carried a shower -boquet of lilies of the yel- 1d hit Th b ide' eil. was her mother's; who wore it 24 years ago as the first bride in the church. The bridesenaid was attired in •white point dlesprlt over whitetate bow of Dresden -ribbon alt, the back feta, with picture hat, and carried a and the other one of green and white baguet of pink rosea. The little flow- ribbon. Both had that indescribable er girls wore melt over pink silk, with something that 'makes a hat look 'picture hat, and carried; baskets of striate. Another hat that was much 10U,00,1,000 100.0011trui° sweet peas. The 'ushers were Mr. admired wan a large chip, with a ey an w roses. e r sv merchants had. to have their Open- ings a little .ea,rlier this season. Tifusiday and Saturda,y were:the days as Friday was a holiday. Busy days they were too, especially in the mil- linery departments. Both afternoons the show TO0MB were crowded end the late ones found the .prettleat of the hats had ibeen marked as sold. The mushroom shape seems to be the pop- ular one this *season. It is shown in braids 0 all colors end in Leghorns 'and chip hats. Of course there are ;Aber shapes, hats' that droop a little alt the front and' beck and other's *turn - us at the side Or caught up to make a !toque er !turban :efeect. All are trimmed with a profusion of flowers and 'ribbon, ;some lovely 'plume's too, are shown. Brown is the fashionanle celer end one finds a touch of it in some ehade or tone on very many of. the hats. The flowere are exquisitei ndth in shade iund quality. -There we're. two' hats in the McFaul show room. a. who ,mushroom eiha,pe, one in Leghorn and the other in a cream braid, that were much aBrnired. Al- though lboth were trimmed. with flowers, they were 'quite unlike in the *general effect ; one had, a pretty Yet Are You Aware Luring the cll. the balance of our watch makes 157„1.3.-.01.0t) revolutions. Think of It? Oki oil gums produces frictionand nears the delicate bearings, destroying their hitdi finish and perfect fit, thus ruining an aceur- t ate time-piisle. An ordinary machine is oil- ed daily. \-nir watch should be oiled °nee a year. Let us examine it ; an honest opin- ion from no will cost yOu nothing. J. F. DALY Jeweller & Optician Issuer of Marriage Licenses. C..14ARDNO BLOOK SEAFORTH *pearls, to the. ;bridesmaid: a locket, to ' velvet of the same color. There was the newer girls a,methyat *pins and a. lovely hat in Copenhagen blue, which to the groomsman and ushers 'pearl is ju.st5 tne,W name' for Aliceblue, cravat pins. After the ceremony, the turned up at the side and a 'beautiful wedding breakfast was served, at 'plume. at the 'back. The trimming a- ' Brinleighr the residence of, Mr. Jasbout the crown was aleo of the same Beattie. The *bride's mother, Mrs. shade. A hat in shades and tones of James Beattie, wore a gown - of strawberry, with flowers isid vel - pearl Dresden silk, trimmed with old vet trimming, in the mushroom shape, rose, and. Mrs. S. Bond, -the groom's shown in Picka,rd'a, was verypretty . mother, wore black silk. The sires- indeed. Another in the • same esta,b- ' en:ts were numerous and. costly, in: lishment in blank and white, in a silver, cut glass, furniture and china, .sailor ehape with a stylish trimming's and included a. substantial eheque was m-ueh admired, while a ready to from :the bride's parents. The brirle's weer in blue and one in black and going away coetume Was of gray white were as stylish as coulld be. check tweed with hat to match and It would te folly to try to tellabout feather boa. After - a 'short visit itn, all the pretty hats one must Just see Ontario, Mr. and Mrs. Bond will 'bei them. A new millinery estitblishment1 at home at 540 Balmoral Street, Win- has opebed in our town and Mr$. Neil nipeg. Among -the out of town guests the milliner, hats some stylish and were Dr. and Mrs. Eldridge. T. Kele 'pretty hats to *show 'the ladies of the lam. and Mine Margaret, of Nia,g- town and victnity, ,a;nd no do'ullit She ara, Falls; Mr. and Mrs. W. H. New- will :receive e liberal ipatnena.ge. As conibe and Miss Dorothy, Niagara, usual the 'stores we're: 'prettily decor - Palle ; Dr. and Mrs. A. A. Hicks, of abed. At McFaan's, the tnevv metallic , Death of DT'. CampbelI.-Dr. John M. Canspoell died alb his home in Brooklyn, New York, on Tuesday. The doctor had loe-en in ,poor health for some time and spenter a part of last simmer with his old friends in this neighborhood in( the ho,pe that a change would, prove 'neneficia,l. litut though he was known to be pooely, the news of his death came as a sad surprise, 'to his friends. Dr. Camp- bell was a. (native. of Usborne town4 ship, in this county, and ' was 69 years or age. In 1869e When Sea - forth was nut a small hamlet, the doctor comme'nced the* practice 4 his p'rofession here. On May 14th, 18'12, he was married at Haysville, to Miss icoaird, of that 'place, who, survives lin, ;together with two; eons, Dr. haeles, of Brooklyn, andl William, ho is Studying foe a. doctor at Jeff - e n College, Philadelphia,. Their e dest son, John, died a. numlber of ars ago, while a stiadeht at Jeff - ern Medical College, Phila,delphias ADOUt ten 'years ago the (lector gave stip 'his srantice in ‹Seaforth, and went t Brooklyn, Where he has ishice lived. r, Campbell War& a clever., well read an, and Was a :great admirer of Bobbie Burns," and his works, and 'hlad quite, a, wide :reputation as ain 4ithorlty 'on the works of Scotland's stational bard. The. rerna,inte were 'beought to Seaforth, anct the funeral t le place from the residence of Mrs. oodley on Thursday afternoon, in- rrnent 'being made in, the Maitland - Ilk oemetery. . • ootball.-The 2811 annual meeting the Western Football Aseeciation held. at Stratford on Good Fri - Ya and; was the best attended and most successful hr the history of association. There were 'preeent ut fifty delegates.1 The meetin.g opened by Mayon Gordon,, who ended the welcome of the citizens the asaociation. Seaforth has en - ed teams in the senior, interrned- , junior and Hough Cup; Clinton ;the Intermediate andi the Hough ; Brussels in the, intermediate, following officers were elected: . -•preaid'ent, R. C. Cheswrighi, onto; 'president, L. B. Duff, of Hand ; hon. secretary, D. Forsyth, lin; Sectetary-treasuren, S. Litz, lin. Mr. Frank Sills was elected President of Huron district, and _G. F. Rogers, Seaforth, for the -gh Cup. Mr. J. L. Killorart, See - was also elected a -Vice.-Pres- t. The Executive *ill 'be assemN on Aprii 15tli to make the group - Among the various -subjects dis- $t. TiSomes Church. -The Easter ser- vices on StiliviaT last were vThil at- tended. The regtor, Rev. Mr. Berry, preached appropriate and Instructive tarrincins and the 'choir, 'under the leadership of _Yfrrs. H. Edge, exzelled therreselvea in their Easter musics arid was ably supported by Mra. Cone, of Edmonton, and Ma... Middlernost, who haer recently returned front a trip te England. -The !young 'people held a isocial !time in :the Sunday school TO0111 on Wednesday evening, 'when ain en- joyable time VMS spent in rnuSie, etc., after Which refreshments were. serv- ed. -An extended report of the vestry meeting will be given next ,week4 Local Briens.-Mr. and Mrs. ;W. C. Sheffield. Ileft On Saturday; levet for Toronto, where theyintend to make their home. Mr. Sheffield has dispose ed: of his 'residence on Wilson street to Mr. ForSyth, his successor at the furniture factory. -Mr. anSi UM. W. Acheson-, of Goderich, spen't Friday, and Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Greig, --111.0. (Dr) Burrows and' children are visiting with, filends London. -Mr. Robert Wright, pro- prietor of the Seafortli dray, has been missing a, :Sore leg for 'the past weeks the) result of a kick trolls a. horse. - Public school re -opens on MondaY, April iith: ,Parents whenhave children' Starting itt. the infant rooms are re- guesitect to send them ea the operee ind day ig poseible.-Mr. George Sinithe ere, who is working with Messrs. Gateridge & Edge, at Goderich,spent Eadter with his family in town. -Good Friday passed over very quietly. The weather was warm nut damp and the roads were lin Very 'bad shape. - Wised. Gultteridge & Edge have °pen- t ct an office In the Scott, block, and, have engaged, Mr. Erneat Box as book keeper.---Ivressi's, 'John ' Stegdill and George Bell have gone to Orillia, where they ha,veeputehasedi a laundry nusine,ss. TheY are -both good men and Should make things go. -Mr. J. P. Bell intends moving his laundry from. Werth Main str4.et to the 'ouild- big on Market street, in the rear ot .W. Pickard & Son's( store. -Miss Anna Bell .Sadier, of Staffisi spent her Bas - ter holidays at the home of Mr. John Hankirk.-Miss Maud Bryan, of Strat- ford, spent Easter 'holidays inth Mr. 3. N. Campbell. -Mr. Dere Hillen, or London, was _visiting at the home of his 'patents in .MelCillop.-Mr. _Chas. McGregor, of Wingham, was a! vis- itor over Sunday at the home Of Mr, Golding. -Mr. A. B,. Crel. Mon, 11 I • VI th th ab Wi et .to te let in Cu Th Ho To W Be Bet rMic e. Ho foet ide _ble ing. cus-ed was that of the Dundee Sen- ior hampionship of 1996, which wa,e bro gilt up by Mr. Feank Sills, of Seaf. rth, who explained that, accord- ing to that association'a rt1es, the refe Ws decision is final in play. In the inal game betsveee Neeforth and Dien as, Referee Brown 'hadl decided that o, certain goal was not scored by 1 uncles, although, as Mr. Brown adm tted at the _meeting, he could not be eetain whether it was or not, and was 'taking the.werd of the goal, *umpire. This was protested 'by Due- dass, Pro act i ing eVicie Dun.d askin, ly itt decisi deeisi game given Tied given champions for 1906 and of which they rongfully -deprived 'oy the Pro- ommittee. The mode of compee , or the Haugh Cup was chang- the past; all challenging teams - and, according ;tea the rules, the -St Committee had Ino 'right to the case. This they did, hand- urt a, decision alter cengideriagt ce hi the case in the favor of . Mr. Sills made a: motion, (since 'the referee was the on - n 'having thel :right to give a n) that the Protest Committee's be rescinded and 'that the and championship of 1906 be Ito Sealorth. The niotien car- nci Seaforth, learn have 'clean ;their aightful Position' as the were teat titian ed. I of St Marys, has been appoin cense inspector for South Pert successor to the late .Win. W Mr. and Mrs. Shannon-, of . MlltchelI, spent Suuday with Mrs. D. Dotirance. -Meat. Peter, Daley and Mies 'Daley spent Eaate'r with friends. in I Lon- clon.-Mr..Win. Miller, a Berrie,' spent Basber with his eister a:nd nephew, Mrs. Robert &netts and Mr. Marshall - Smith. -Re -v. Mr. Ferree, of Wi4gbarn, with his family, :spent Sunday with Mna. Perrie's nwither, . Mrs; lenechtel, -Mes. Ashborough Went theholi- days with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. A. J. Bright. -The ;telephone men are here Just 'now, installing a number, of new 'telephones arid channihg the old instruments to long' distance ones. A :continuous -service sv.as intatttuted d H- as ite.- on Monday, so tha,t now we wi a telephone service thighb an and all day Sunday. -Mr. Ru R. Johnson, who has been in field, Illinois, for ;the' east co years, is spending a few de, his rncither, Mrs. D. W. Johnson. He is on his way to San Francisca, where he has received a- responsiele position. -Mr. A. P. Dunbar, a former 'member a Ith-e' staff oft the Dominion Bank, Seafortie died at Haileybury nMolt-- day, from pneumonia: On leaving Sea - forth, the deceased left the _service of the :bank and- evae( engaged lin the lumber -business with; his brother. - Among the graduates front the 0 -net teak) Veterinary College this' year is James Andersoa, Brussels. -Mr. Wilson spent Easter Sunday with bis scin, Mr. R. A. -Wilson, of the Batik of Commerce, Belleville.-efeeers. IL i M, Jaelcson, Chas. Stewart and Frank Sills have -been appointed official re- ferees ef the Western Football Ai- sociation.-Miss L. E. Campbell, of Hamilton Normal College, is: visiting Neal avait.Mrs."`Freeman, games :Bt. - P. Freeman, of Nataws., visit- ed friends in town this week. -Last week we mentioned the winding up of the estate of Mr. James Strong by Mr. T. E. Hays. It should have. 'react Mr. John Strong. The, MECtf$ 'friends of Ur. Strong will 'be pleased : to learn that ...he is insprovinge-Mrs. -J. Law- rence, of McKillop, has returned from Tara'where she had been for two weeks, nursing her -brethere who had been suffering from heart; trouble, winch resulted in his death on March 301:11. The :remains were ieterred in the Clinton cernetery.-The, lecture" in the Egmendville ;church, by .ev. Mr. Ross, of London. on "Nextittiern was an 'exceedingly interesting one. The lecture was under the auapiees of the Women's Missionary Society, and there was a very good audience. - Mr. Ilikelyi'n SCOtt, of Listbwel, spent Eater Monday: with his parents here. -Miss Jean Hawlcs.ha,w, :of Exeter, spent theeEaster holidays at the home of Robert Joharstore-Mr. _Wm. Kidd, of Middlesex, Vermont, is. home On a visit tO his father.! Ur. Thos. Kield-Mr. W. T. Box, who has been ma:nager of 'the furniture factory ever since !the formation of the Canada Furniture Manufacturers, has se-vered connection with the factory, and Ur. J. 11.-Reicil has been made .factory 'superintendent Mr. Box 'hasbeeneon- meted with the fuenitu're factory in Seaforth.for over' thirty years, and it is due -in nal small measure ;to him that the business has increased to its present large -dimensions.-Miss Mar- ian. Wallwin, of London, Spent Baster' at the home on Mr. I. V: Featea-The Bnglials concert, under the auspices of the Bible elasa of the Presbyterian church, will be held in Inv; church, on Ffiday enening, April 12bli. Rev. H. Macpherson, of Chalmers church, Toronto, will take part in the pro- gramme. The latter 14 also to con - 11 have 3. des' 11 E. pring- file of a with Place Special Orders for Hats As Soon as Possible fl - UR EXHIBIT of Spring Millinerv is meeting with wonder.. ful appreciation from the ladies of this town and The hats are beautiful s all women of goo taste already know. The great variety of styles this season affords every won.aan opportunity to obtain just what she is likely to consider her :deal, hat, Large al3gortment and reasonable prices are 1m - portant factors in con . - motion with our Thii ery business. We Will Do Our Ut- most to give Them ibecial Attentio Woniene Ready -to -Wear Carat RAINCOATS !JACKETS. SKIRTS WAISTS 0 an.d reafedr-' Clothing Women cannot do otherviise than talre pleasure in wearing garments suit as we sell, because they are stylish and have been smartly built. They. have what might be called clever air and hang to them. Being cleverly constructed, they meet wit the instant approval of many paricular buyers. SpringDress G New features, new designs and shades i3uake our dress goods stock vaferially more attractive than ever, Only the worthy kinds of dress goods are here. In the plainer fab- rics no shade is missing - no right shade. Prices are, in ,every instance, most reasonable New Panamas New Fonle-Cloths New Khantonas New Venetian CI° h New Tailleurs New Cable Cords Etc - Etc. A Serviceable iflaist Material Is the New Rainproof Silk in WE HAVE IT Islet of liferary. andt 'musical selec- tions. ----Mr. Ryan' and two: daughters, of Mitchell, spent Baster at the home of Mayor Broderiek.-Mrs. Fred Von - Stone, of Stratford, was an _Baker - visitor with Mrs. H. Geie:-The Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto will :run their annual* excursion to their native county on July 6th. There he two special trans, one run- ning to Viringliarrs and the other to Goderich.-Mr. John Beattie spent the Barker holidays with his daughter, Mrs. J. H. Pyres, of Ila,rnilton.-Miss G. McPherson, of Areona. Is visiting lailtie athlete and took a Veal` terest, in and was an expert foetbalf players One of Clinton Collegiate. Peat. The funeral on Monday largely -attended. The 'pall be were James Cameron, HarrYMaT John Bailey, Arch. et:masts:Mg/ Smith and Alex. McLeod. Impreinifee - Services were conducted byiittiv McNeil, of (the Presbyterian chum", breees.-G. 11.Hewson was I Mtn Over Sunday-MiesEthel` who went to Oberline, :fore Christmas, returned last ;her cousin', Miss Belle Paterson She was aecompanied home I137 brother Harry, who has spent ilis 'three years in Colorado. -F - wards was at London during the 'ter holidays. -Mrs. Little and den& ter Kate visited in London over UP* ter. -James Sanderson, of Torre°, spent the holidays with his pa _ tere.-Georgie Little wan at MOO and Ford King was et Gederlett the holidays. -Mrs. M. Ross WaS London last week, pureha,sing and 'purposes having her aniline' tablishment open on Saturdane Donald Mannis, of Exeter, spent Sun- day here with Mr. and Mrs. Thos: Rictus -dm -is -Mr. F. a Sperling. of Wingham, WaS in town on Thursday. -Mr. Joseph TYermeo ha..3 purchased the house now occupied by Mr e Noble T. Muff, on Sperling' Street, and in- tends fittleg it up fee his own re- sidence.-Mte and Mrs. HJ S. Welsh, of Hamilton, spent Easter Sunday at the parental home a Mr. and MTS. 3. S. Welsh. -Mrs. Robert Mctrath and Mr. Joseph MoUrath, sister an ne- *phew of Mr. 3. S. Welsh, visited here 6th. Her store is the one for over Sunday. • Occupied by II. Dretunann.-The T it eh.urch Guild purpose haat% isil the boy z ter -the time, and Path at yo Boys The social in the town hall, on the ev Women's Insititute.-The regular ing of St. George's Day, April monthly meeting of the Women's In- Dainty luncheon will te served fititute will be heIdt at two o'clock, a good programme rendered - Thursday afternoon, A.prIl Iltin at teachera, Mr. T. 1-1, Brownlee the home of Mrs. James Campbell. The Bliss F. Stanbury, attended the surSeet for discussion will be n. gard- era' Convention at Toronto.-- ening.'P Leod, principal of the Zurich Sad Death. -Again it is our sad school, and James Cameron, who duty to :record the death of one or ba near Hensel', were home for our ;entwine After a lingering vacation„ -Miss Nellie Biggar w netts of nine 'months there Deviled a- Toronto and Barrie for Baster. way, en Saturday, 8rdi Inst., to his sister* Jessie returned with her. Sternal home Mado Charlea, Whid- Hunter, of Hullett, Is the don, aged 19 , 'years, second son of Mr. Jas. Donaldson.-eirs. Gree Mr. and Mre. Anal: Whiddon. Deceits- Mts. Wm. Elliott and two• ed. was an exemplary young man. He were at Detroit for the holid was a good: Othelari atAc/ an enthos- Rouatt was „et London over 4