HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-04-05, Page 7fen- TY
red- „tie
the Ave.
aldrw Advantage
intensifea degree. Inneft•
anti internal ante -
and the whole presser/
"Ieruit-a-tiv" the won
Tale ate you hear eo muten
hee-a-tives" cure the moot
taf non-aetien of tbe
t••nere. headaches, sleep-.
mese -. kidney trouble,
st irr.••.1 and nettra'igia.
- ere:, t et be -soil purifying
tett tearid, while tbeir aet-
ten in elearing and beautee,
rensleenan.I tiothing sleorld
r Ask your Ortentiet or
6,e t and see that you ree
e box, G fer rr.50. Dy
ham Fruit-a-tives Limit/en
aernere as the Best 'mate
ft has- tee Capacity, ejee
ket There, -which others lack.
1 for making egoo d Seftst Bed
ing Corn or Boot Ground, or
job. Its the beet by far. None
out tho name "BISSELL."
ecuts. Manufactured by
for Booklet "E."
T 11 • SORL,
sores, ringworm,
En Montreal recent' 7-
r an epidemic of itch
p sores, itch or ring -
Lets on another's hat.
iron make possible, the in-
ected. Mn J. C. Battle, of
dem out witle sores on face,
3, aithough. 1 tried various
eBak was for skin diseases,
d Wee the children's sores..
;en to heal- Although the
r tried, in one week Zara -
eve not a pimple or spot. or
1 have Zam-Buk to thank."
------: i
, faee This. coupon, the
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and name of this paper cures
s and sent to the ',rem-
and a 1 cent Stomp
ogle Belt tn., Telenet,
ts se wili obtain for eou
L CO., a free trial box.
50. Don't delay.
eq 7; 3
01 want
e St. George's
Raking Powder."
I never in nty life
saw an article make
i•--et(is. like St. George's."
eems as. if every order I
for this Baking -Powder."
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eeend pure -it keeps
e.•:••.t-r dartiToints-but
, I encring this genuine
APRIL 5, 1907
i 010001044040040
t hackhg cough continues '
Because your system is exhausted and
your powers of resistance weakened. 0
Take Scottfa Emulsion. 0
It builds up and str.engthens your entire system. •
It contains Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites ,o
prepared that it is easy to take and easy to digeist. 0
0004641oLlai981;44:;;;14°010, 0 0 0 1:4114
IPars. Pinkham's Advice Saves Many
Froth' this Sad and Costly Expe-
Oontir graduate of Ontario Vet-'
ereary College. All diseases of,
nneemetio Animals treated. Oalls
gromptly, attended to and °bargee
isoderate. Veterinary. Dentistry,
oneelaity, Office and 'residence s
ontearieh street; one -door fess,.
WitiSoott's office, Seaforth.
I E. RifARRURN, V. S.+
Honorary graduate of the Ontarlo
Neterinare Oollege, an Honorary
aseetraber af the Meclioal Asseeiation
et the Ontario Veterinary College.
treats dieesses of all Domestic
%Tamale by the most Modern pe:A
nnie. lbsntletry and Milk Rover a
sisecialty. Office opposite , Dick)!
Merin street, Seaforth. Ali
iprotc; lett at the hotel vrill-treoeive
attention. Night calls re-
st the office. 1871-52
)3orister, Solititor, NoterY Rale-
y*, eto. Money to loan. In Seaforth
liiondays, Fridays and Saturdays. Of -
flees Open every week day. Over
Flekard'e slops, Main Street, Sea -
forth. 1904
1 R. S. HAS..
Nurrister, &elicitor, Conveyancer
old Notary Public). Solicitor .!or
tbw Dominion Bank. Office -4n rear
St Owe Dataieliion Bank, Seaforth.
Stoney to loan. 1285
21, BEST.
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer
ry, Pubile. Office up -stars
sindverNatFeagezi drng store, Main etreet,
Seaforth. 1327
BarriSter, Soileitor, OnnVe
*Deer, Notary Public. Solieitor for
the Canadian Bank of Commerce.
Money to loan. Farms for sale. Of -
nee in Scott's Blook, Main street,
Barristers, Solicitors, etc., Gode-
Vieh, Ontario. Z. L. Dickenson, Chas.
13 -arrow, L. N. B. , `18334f
Graduate of Royal College of Den-
tal Surgeons of Ontario. Successor
to Dr. Tvneddle. .Office-LOver A.
Moung's grocery store, Main street,
leaforth, 1975
Office and residence :Victoria St.,
Beaforth. Phone 73,
Graduate of UniveOsity of Toronho
tenuity of Medicine, member of Ole -
lege of Physielans MKT fitirgeons of
10:ataxic ; pass gra ',ate comes in
Sihicago Clinical • a a ol, of Chicago ;-
Royal Ophthalmia Hospital, London,
Ragland; University , College Hoe -
nit al, London, England. Office -
lever Stewart Bros.' otore, Main St.,
Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night calls
entswered from residence, ;Victoria
'knee, Seaforth.
Office and Residence-Goderieh
attest, east of the Nfetilsodist ohnreh,
Illeaforth. Phone No. 46. Coroner
for the °panty of Huron. 1386
tioderioh Street, opposite Meehoe
Aist obiarenn Seaforth.
J. G. Scott, graduate of Vieboria
Ann Arbor, and member of the
aria College of Physicians and
:gees's. ,Coroner or the county
M a o kay, ho nor graduate( of
Yrknity University, gold medalist Of
reality Medical College. Member of
Oellege of Physiolans and Sur -
ons, Ontario. 1483
-paom-As BROWN.
edoessed auctioneer for the omen -
rota of Huron and Perth. Orders
saft at A, M. CarapbelPs implement
re-roaries, Seaforth, .or bhe
xpositar Office, will receive Prompt
eftentiou, Satisfaction guarenteed or
40 charge. 1.708-tt
Licensed auctioneer for the coun-
ty: of Heron. Sales attended to in
ann part of the county at traoderate'
rates and satisfaction guaranteed.
tdrders left at the Seaforth post
office, or on Lot 2; Cloned:mien 2,
Ballet t, will receive prorapt at-
tention. • 1832-t f
Stops the irritating cough, loos-
ens the phlegm, soothes the in-
flamed tissues of the lungs and
bronchial tubes, and produces a
quick and permanent cure in all
eases of Coughs, Colds, Er )n-
chitis,.Asthma, Hoarseness, _7 re
Throat and the first stages of
Mrs. Norma Swanston, Cargill, Ont.,
writes; "I take grese pleasure in recom-
mending Dr. Wood's NorwayPine Syrup.
I had a very bad bold, could not sleep at
night for the coughing and bachpaine in
rey client and lungs. I only used half a
bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup
and was perfectly well again.'
Price 25 cants a bottle.
ApIr Nurses' and
r Mothers' Treasure
-safest regulator for baby. Prevents
colic and vomiting -gives healthful rest
-cures diarrhoea without the harmful
effects of medicines containing opium
or other injurious drugs. 4
25c. -at drug -stores.
2 -lathe -nal Drug & Chen -
I Co., Limited,
P0PERTY 'FOR SALE. -The farm and town
property belonging to the Metlinnis property,
not having been disposed of. by auction, the same
can now be purchasted pritate sale For further
partioulars,apple to R. S. HAYS, Barrister, Sea -
forth. 20484f
CATT'LE FOR SALE" --For sale, the noted them-
-bred Aberdeen Polled Angus Bull • brood
mare ie foal to Lord Huron; Also a good driving
horse, eafe forlad,v to drive and will work either
single or double. * Willsell either for cash or on time.
Apply on Lote30, Concession 2, MoKillop. ROBERT
G. MURDIleelieriforth P. 0. 204344
la- ULM k'Olt SALE, -The undereigned has for
saleon Lot 26, concession 4, H. 8. Tucker -
smith, four thorobred Durham bulls, all red in color,
and =ging hi age from 12 months to 2 years old, all
prize winners at the leading fairs in the county.
HERBERT MICH, See.forth P. 0. e.4043,tf
Licensed auctioneer for the (spun-,
%ea or Huron and. Perth. Being a
eiraeties.1 farmer and thee/mealy-I
understanding the venue of farm,
Meek and iraplements, places nee in
a better position to realize good
p rices. Obargett moderate. Satis-
faction- guaranteed or no pay. All
erders left at Hensel], poet °Moe
or at Lot 23, Conoeseion 2, -Hay, will '
be promptly, attended to. 1700-tf
mmorsennammusictoma titzunosom= ear-acmizz=rilawsrxn-
-.Mr.g. (Dr.) Burritt, o tritchell,
has prieseerted the primary 'see of
the Methodist church in that town
with an organ.
-During the oburee of a severe el-
ectric storm Tueaday elight of lest
week, lightning struck the tarn of
Mr. Thomas Boyne, lot 11, concession
4, Downie. The barn was etruck at
3.30 p. tn., and: within a, sheet time
nothing remained eut the stone foun-
dation. Nothing was saved a the
stock and contents, so quickly did
the fire spread. The lose will De nine
SO5 ; covered ny insurance.
.1 FOR SALE. -The undersigned has for Nile tiev-
eral Thorobred Leicester Sheep and, Durham Cattle
of both se.xes. Address Egmondville P. 0., or apply
at farm, Mill Nadi Tuckesmith. ROBERT CHAR
TERS & 8011S.137241
HORTHORN CATTLE -Seven first-class young
.oulls, 2 from imported cow, for sale at moder-
ate prices and on easy te.rins ; good young dotvs a.nd
heifers also for sale. All interested are cordially In.
vited to inspect the herd. Farm adjoins town, long
diettnee telephone to farm. Write for catalogue.
H. SMITH, Exeter. 199344
QtrORTHORNS.-Choice bred hulls and females ot
ei different ages for sale,bouttwo dozen to selee
from. Prices reasonable, Herd now beaded by
• Oountsylvanus" (50000). He Is got by the best
each bred imported stook on both sides, glossy dark
red ineeolor, and well set on short legs. Terms :--
registed cows $5 insured • other e on application
Visitors welcome. JOHN' ELDER, Hensel' P. 0,
end Station, ,198041
signed offers for sale on Lot 27, Concession 8,
Efiboert township, a nuniber of heifers and young
cows with &yeti at foot, 4 Shorthorn WIN fib for im-
mediate liervier, sired by imported Prince of 13auff.
Tne above stook are all registered in the National
'cock noon's, Prices moderate, terinseasy, visitor.]
eeheenu. DAVID HILL, Staffa P. 0. 1990-x52
Notice to Creditors.
(Concluded from last week.)
As they stood *a the tbreshold Brock
epoke with a vicious !sneer, "We'll re-
port your answer."
A_s the door closed behind them Ray-
' mond turned to Kelly With a look of
great solemnity. "Matt, this means
war for us."
"Munro will tand between us and
the union." -
"I -doubt it, Matt. His power will
'vanish the moment he goes against the
wishes of the miners. He couldn't
feed his men and their horses without
the union. Ile is in their pay, for all
his boasting."
Kelly looked thoughtful. "That Is
"Matt, you better take the wife and
babies down to the valley."
"I've spoken of that, but the little
wife will not go without me."
"Then you must go. It Is not eafe
for them here. The peoPle below are in
deadly earnest. Tbey're coming up
here with an army next time. You bet-
ter take your little family and get out."
"I can't do that. I can't leave here.
Do you take the wife and the boys
down to the Springs while I stay here
aud see that the work goes on."
They tossed this duty to and fro,
, each arguing in favor of the other, till
Raymond said, "Very welt; let's leave
It to the wife."
As they stepped out into the night
Kelly cried out: "klere comes the snow.
Munro's pickets have a hard night be-
fore them."
Kelly's sons were fast asleep in their
bed, but the small mother still sat at
her sewing, her head haloed with lamp.
ligbt. •
"I'm glad you've coven" she said.
"My heart- Is lonely without ADD. Do
you think she'll ever come back, Rob?"
In the matter of the Estate of Robert A " Scott,
&mused. -
Take notice that, pursuant to It, S. 0., Cap.
120, Section 38, all persons who are or elaini to be
creditors of Robert A. Scott, late of the township
of Tuckersniith, in the Couuty of Huron, Farmer, de.
ceased, who died on or about the VW da y of No
ISO, are required on or before the 10th day of
May, 1007, to send by pest paid or deliver to Jean
Scott, the Adininistmtnx of the estate of the said
deceased, addressed to Box 353, Seaforth P. 0., or to
the undersigned, full partioulare of their olefins, with
their respective names, surnames, addresses and de-
And take notice that after the said date, last men-
tioned, the said Adininistratrix will proceed to dis-
ribute the meets of.the said estate, among the parties
entitled thereto, having rTard mily to the claims of
which she shall then have .otice.
.Dated this 25th day of January, 1907.
W. (I. eleKAY,
. •• 10 King Street, Vent, Toronto,
2048-4 80110itor for the Adadmstreerie.
Many Women Suffer
Very often ley think it is from so-called
"Female Disease." There is less female trouble
thaa they think. Women suffer from backache,
sleeplessness, nervousness, irritability, and a
dragging -down feeling in the loins. So do mea,
and they do not have " female trouble." Why,
than, blame all your trouble to Female Disease?
With healthy kidneyn, few women will eves/
ha ve *Veinal() disorders.", The Isichieys are eo
loeely connected with all the internal organ*
tee t when tho kidneys go wrong, ceverythime
?trona, 'Much distress would be saved if
...en would only take
f reetatel interval&
Price 50 cents per box or Mires boxes for $1.25,
all dealers or sent direct on receipt of price.
The Doan Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont.
It is a sad but
true fact that
every year bring('
an increase in the
number of opera-
tione perfortned
upon women in
• our hospitals.
More than three-
fourths of the
tients lying on
se snow-white
beds are women
and girls who are awaiting or recovering
from operations made neeeesarij by
Everyone of these patients had plenty
of warning in that bearing down feeling,
pain at the left or right of the abdomen,
nervous exhauetion, pain in the email of
the back, pelvic catarrh, dizzine.ss, flatu-
lency, displacements .or irregularities
Ali of these symptoms are indications of
an unhealthy condition of the female
organs, and it not heeded the trouble may
maze headway until the penalty has
to be paid bya dangerous operation and
a lifetime of impaired usefulness at 'best,
while in many cases the results are fatal,
The following letter should bring hope
to suffering women. Mrs. Robert Glenn,
of 434 Mane St., Ottawa, Ont., writes;
Dear Mrs. Plnkhexa:
"Lydia E. Pinkhart's Vegetable Compound
is so well end widely known that it (lees not
teed my reeomMendation, but I am pleased
to add it to the many which you have in its
favor. I suffered untold agonies from serious
female troubles for nearly three years, and
the doctors told me that I must undergo an
operation, but as I was unwilling to do this,
I tried your Vegetable Compound and I am
only too pleased that I did so, for it restored
me to perfect health, Having me the pain of
an operation and theimmense bills attending
the same. Pray accept my hearty thanks
and best wishes."
Just as surely as Meet Glenn was cured
of the troubles enumerated in her letter,
just so surely will Lydia E. Pinkhain'e
Vegetable Compound cure other worn,en
who suffer from fenigle troubles, inflam-
mation, kidney troubles, nervous excita-
bility and nervoue prostration.
Mrs. Pinkham invites ail women who
are ill to write her for free ad.viee.
She is a daughter-in-law of Lydia E.
Pinkham and for twenty-five yeare has
been advising sick women free of charge.
Address, Lynn, MSS
"I hope ao," he replied, but his voice
had no, heartiness of convietton in It.
'I'm glad' she's away -just noW,"
said 1eIiy, .coming straight to business,
as usual. "And'Itob thinks you'd better
go dowu toile Springs fileo."
' "And leave, you here, Matt Kelly? I
will not. You'd be sure to get into
trouble at_once. If 1 -go, you go."
Kelly looked at Raymond with a
comleal ilft of oue eyebrow. "That set-
tles it -we *ay!"
"There's going to be trouble," warn-
ed itaymond, "and you ought not to be
here, Mrs. Kelly."
"The fightlin will not be on the hill.
• You said so yereelf, Matt." -
"I did, and 1 think so still, but at the
same time 'twould be safer fax if you
and the lads were In the Springs,"
"What has happened tonight, Matt?
YOU were not so blue when yeti Went
out." -
told lier quietly while she rocked
tO and fro in hee-low chair. Slid seem-
ed scarcely to ilsten, but at the end she
said: "You did right. 1 tun heartsick
of these deinkint carolushr miners who
go about making trouble for others.
The :nest of them have no one but
theneeeves, and they den't care what
they au, If Jaek Munro is the man he
boasts himself;,to be all the time, bell
come in here and protect his friends,"
"Jack is up against e hard streak ce
weather. He's either got to stand in
with the union or put up the money to
feed; and. take care of his men and
horses, and that' e no small item when
the snow ig have covered the grass. If
he should join us, his power would be
gone. He can't"-
A- knock at the door brought a smile
to Kelly's face. "Talk of the devil:and
he's lit your elbowl Comer
Munro entered. the room hurriedly,
like a man pursued. His collar was
rolled high and his bat pulled low. He
shut the door behind him quickly, but
when he turned » his usual devil-may-
care grin was on his face.
, "Boys, tile Is on the g t. 1 mustn't
be seen down here any more. This
neutral game is up. They're ping to
make war' on you independent opera-
tor, sure tieing, and I can't hobnob with.
you. Oh, but they're wild up the street
11:0013110 EMS;
.4frtglisit Remedy,
.gorates wbon
makes new,
• eeins. Cares Nervi.
gni „cy, , 4..PraLvn, Worry, Des- _
poroi ,8exual. TVerigness, 47714881,071,44
inatoeraten, a,, L Agivrts of 4 btu,e, or Excesses.
Price ;1 per box, six r $5, One will please, srv
will cure. Sold. by all druggists or mailed in
plain pkg. on receipt of WW1. ,New ,pcenwhlei
mailed free. The Wood Medicine Co.
Verrinerly Windsor) Toronto:0mb
room, Serge:nit Poole,"
A tall young fellow In cowboy's dress
drew a big revolver and, using it as a
sort of baton, impassively drove every
one but the preSident, his secretary
and Raymond froth•the room.
'Munro put Raymond's proposition
before Carter in a few words. Carter
turned white with fear.
"I can't do it. They'd kill me, They
hold me responsible fer everything
that's been done here. The governor
hau wired me to meet hini, but I dare
not do it. It's suicide to do it."
"Then I will go alone," said Ray-
mond, in vast disgust. "Give me a
letter saying you would like to meet
and confer with the sheriff to prevent
bloodshed, and. I will present'it."
Carter was shaking with exqltement
over the responsibility Ahruit upon
hien. "I don't know what to say."
"I'll tell you what to say," put in
Munro, "Tell, him we are fully organ-
ized and heavily armed, but that we
desire to avoid bloodshed and to that
end invite him and the president of the
Red Star company to meet with us
and Raymond in the presence of the
governor of the state, in the hope of
arriving at a compromise."
Raymond was pleased. "That's the
liret note of sense I have heard uttered
In this whole row."
When the letter was delivered to him
Munro said: "Now, Carter, keep mum
about this., If it works out, you can
have all the credit for it; if it fails,
take the kicking."
The crowd in the otter room were
consumed with curiosity as the two
young men came out, but Munro said:
"Get the reeruits all together. I'll be
back in half an hour' and 'put them
through the paces." '
Mounting their horse, they set oft
down the trail in the thlek falling
snow, guided only by the dim lights in
the valley.
"It's a tough night to be out, Rob,
but you're less likely to be interfered
with on that account. If you meet any
of my pickets the countersign is 'con-
tact -porphyry -and slate." _
-enis neutrai dodge of yours won't
work. I can't do ranch for yeu, but
anything I an do to keep this little
home undisturbed I'll do." He bowed
• to hirs. KelTy. "But,' as you said to-
day, I curt naahetain my men without
the help of the miners, and, besides,
boys, I believe in organized labor. La-
bor is an arbey, and diselpline is every-
"Why don't you inaintain it, then?"
Tire smile dropped from his face like
mnek, and a sinister, older man faced
them: "Give time, What this earap
needs is a little -Napoleon -the -whiff of
grapeshot It needs a dictator, and I
may be able to --lay- my hand on the
scepter yet."
"It's pure anarchy now," said Ray-
"It was till I entered the game. I am
,hi control of the situation tonight. If
I -could command $1000 to take care
of iny men I'd brieg order out of ehaos
or hang about forty of these hoboes."
"If you'll make this camp law abid-
ing, Jack, you will be one of the great
men of the state. Even the valley will
.prnise you. It's hp to you this minute,
to show your power."
"Yes, but there are a whole lot of
oilier considerations. I can't afford to
play into the hands a those cursed,
on9 lung dudes. If it were a question
Of men like you and Kelly here -but
- it dint. The Red Star company is
mnde up of a. set ef pirates, who bat-
; ten ten labor like a lot of turkey buz-
zards. They have no regard for any
u man rights"-
' "These howling dervishes up the
street are not concerned with rights,*
I not even their own,"
' Munro was in deadly earnest now.
"That's where you are wrong, old man.
In -their blind, fool way they are fight-
ing labor's battles."
"it's a queer mixup," said Kelly,
witb a sigli. ."I have a hatred of them
, dre:teda meself. They want to run our
food of the county and their own too.
rime,* despise a workin'man. They
adage 'im as if he were a polecat."
"This neutrai game is up."
tonight! The report is that the sheriff
has started up the old stage road, and
the lads are crazy to do 'em up. I've
een: tee e„ -e detente e eanyon and see."
"It's another false alarm. The sheriff
Isn't going to sameele on thie camp, even
.with 10,000 deputies."
. "Anyhow, that's what they believe up
there, and then're hot against you.
eflin delfP Cf) Wt. X eft. 0
Bears the Tho Kind You HaVo AlWayS Bought
Raymond rapped on the table. "Now
wait a moment. You're confusing the
jury. The immediate question is, 'How
can we keep that mob of deputies from
coming up here?' ril tell you what I
will do. I will volunteer to go down
and. meet the leaders and try to stop
their advance."
Kelly rose with a spring. "Go, you!
I believeyou can do the trick. Bar-
nett is your friend.. The slaeriff is
mine. I would go with you, but I -dare
not leave me home."
."Never mind me, Matt," said the
small wife.
"You're both taking a big risk," re-
marked Munro. "They may arrest you
have no fear," Kelly said, "but I
dare not go -just how."
"I will go if the executive committee
will authorize we to treat with the op-
position," declared Raymond.
"The' will never do that, but 'Carter
may. You might take him. He's
seared itiearly out of -his skin, but he
might he. willing to go. Come with me
and we will see."
In the headquarters of the organ-
ization Raymond and. Munro found
Carter and his staff loudly discussing
measures and. answering and sending
messages. Dolan, the friendly report-
er, was there, and Also the representa-
tive of the Bozle Nugget. They were
both deeply trusted, and their advice
was most carefully considered. Upon
seeing Raymond with Munro, Dolan
rushed forward. "'What's the mean-
ing of this? Have the .independents
come in?"
Munro said quietly: "Boys, I want to
be alone ;sale the. president (gear the
CY Ate21. X -arse e
ears the The Kind You limo Always Digit
RAYMOIND'S descent of the can-
yon was singularly uneventful.
He met neithet the invading
army nor the patrol. Happily
the Storm lessened, as be descended,
and. by dawn he was Once more trot-
ting with the cairn, cloee adhering seat
of the cowboy.
Ile had planned to go to a 'friend's
house in the lower town, but with the
coming of light and the blooming of
the rose of the morning he resolved to
ride directly to Barnett's. "My errand
Is an honorable one," he argued. "Why
should I sneak into cover?" .
The housemaid who let him Into the
house smiled- 'upon him in a most
friendly fashion. "We're glad to see
you, sir. Shall I tell Mr. Barnett you
are here?"
"I 'wish you would, and tell him I
wiSh no one but himself to know of
my presence."
Barnett was in bed, witli a pot of
coffee and SOM0 toast on a stand by his
side, reading the morning papers.
"Hello, old. man," he tailed out when
the door -was shut. "Pm mighty glad
to see yu, but r don't know what to
do about you. What's the row, any-
way? Have you come down to see
Raymond took a chair near the bed.
"Not 'exactly, but of eourse"-
"I. understand, and I• don't blame
you. She came back from up there
looking like a rose of Sharon. Of
course you haven't had breakfast.
Have some coffee, Touch that bell for
me and we'll have'something heartier."
"How is Airs. Barnett?" .
"Never better, I've got her locked in
there." He pointed at an inner door. "I
had an idea you were coming with 1131 -
portant news from the front. I don't
know about your being here; the peo-
ple have' got you mixed up with Mun-
ro In. this thing, and I've had the
devil's own JO to convince them other-
wise. I'm not a bit sure they won't
want to arrest you and hol(i you as a
hostage," '
"That would be a nice job."
"Wouldn't it? nlut thePve lost their
heads completely. You see, these 'red
neckers' bit us on a weak spot -they
broke loose just as we were trying to
float our biggest Issue of stock :Ind
flattened out every deal till it looks
like a square yard of nothing. Natural-
ly were all red beaded as -woodpeek-
- ers, and were going to open thee
mines. We've got to open them or ge
broke. By the way, wben did you
come to town?"
"This minute."
."Ride! In this storm!" Ile rose on
his elbow to survey him. "Great Scott,
Mall, throw off those horrible boots and
put on some dry socks and. some slip-
pers! Tumble the things out of that
bottom drawer; you'll- find all kinds
(To be continued.).
Pal Ale
Prejudiced and unscrupulous vendors raay suggest others, but compare it nay
way you will-ourity, freedom from acidity, palatableness-Labatt's Ate is $11rInSt3»
ed by none, equalled by few -at about half the price of best imported brands.
With a pox of Be,by's Own Tab-
lets on hand I feel just as safe as
tig. I had a. doctor thl the house." This
is the experience of Mrs. Jno. Young,
Annum, Ont. Mrs. Young adds; -
"1 have used the Tablets roe 'teeth-
ing and ether troubles of childhood
and, have never known them to fail."
Hundreds of anther mothers are 'juat
as enthesiastie in their. praise. Colic,
in d 'gee -time diarrhoea, worms, con-
stipation end other little ills are
speedily cured by this medicine. It
Is absolutely, safe -always does good
--cannot paesibly do harm, and emu
have the gua.rantee of a government
analygt that the Tablets contain no
°plaits or poisonous soothing stuff.
Sold, by medicine dealers or by mail
at 25 cents a, box rront The Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company, Brock-
ville, Ontarie.
On cornmeal fences the centituoue
wire stays are sure to bend and the locks
to lose their grir, -under continual pres-
sure of your borses or cattle. And once
they do, tbe top wire, soonfollowed by
those below, will sag and destroy the
efficiency of your fence.
Nothing like that ewe happen to our
Dilion Hinge -Stay Fence. The abort,
stiff hard eteel wire in our binge ztes
cannot bend when the lateral wires are
"weighted down, owIngto their being so
shore and jointed at each strand lora.
Pressure of a horse on the top wire brings the "hinged" In tbe stays into action
and prevents them from bending, and when pressure is relieved the fence :Swinge been,
into place again.
The -lateral wires are Righ.Carbon Hard Steel and coiled to provide for
expansion and contraction by heat and cold, and aro also crimped at the intersection
of the stays and strands bo prevent the stays from sliPPins sidoWaYs-therafern no looks
are needed.
Buy the Dillon Hinge -Stay Fence. It's "twice as strong." Twice as good an
investment, Catalogue free.
The Owen Sound Wire Fence Co, Limited, Owen Sound, Ont.
" C
Store Overflowing
wealth of tylish furniture for bousekeepere--aimost sums un
reasonable to expeet to sell so much, And yet, if merit in
fuiniture, workmanship mad prices will appeal to you, and we
are bound that it dui, you'll certainly inspect our splendid nes• stock
before investing elsewhere.
Protoptly at ended to night or day. Night and Sunday calls answered a the
residence of 6, T. Holmes, Goderich street, opposite the Methodist chnrein
S .."3 -AL -P 0 PIT ME
S. T, HOLMES, Manageri
dFarin Laborers-' and
Est4blisha zB,
Whooping, Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
cresoierte is a boon to Alltbrnlitiee
Doet it not seem moreeffective to 'breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach?
It cures because the ait rendered i!nveglyanti-
septic is carried over the diseased surface with
every -breath, giving -prolonged and censtant hut-
ment. It is Invaluable to mothert with mall
Those of a consumptive
tendency end immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions of the
• Sold by druggists.
Send postal forhooklet.
Luereata; Mites Co.,
4eimited, Agents, Monte
Veal, Canada. a 307
nave been appeented by the Dominion Ooverne
teas to places immigrants from the United Kingthrin
In positions he lam laborers and domestic termite.
Any person requite/wallah help ebould metify me by
letter stating fully the kind of help required, when,
vented and the wages offered. The numbers early.
ing maynot he suffelent to supply ttU requests, hut
very effort will be made to provide wile applicant
with help required.
2042-18 Seaforth.
Notie,e to Creditors
In the estate of John MeIntooh, late of the Township
• of Tuekertfrolth, in the County of Huron, Far-
mer, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given pureuirtit to It. S. O., Chap.
12e, Kee. S8, that all -persons having claim againet
the estate of the saicrJohn McIntosh, who -died on the
1st day of February, loot, are reqdredt on Or before
the 8th day of April, 1007, to send by pest prewdd or
deliver to jolm Beattie, Seaforth, Ontario, Exevutor
of the deeeafie4, their TIMMS and addressee, full par-
tieulare of their claims duty verified, and the nature
of the security (if any) held by them.
And notice Is further glyen that niter this eMd
date, the veld Executor will preteedtodistribute the
, aesete of the said estate among the perrsons entitled
thereto, having regard only to the claims of which
' he shall then have notice.
Some 'items , a°113.4 BSEAaerortib,Onttaxteitouawt.
- of Interest this 19th day of 3farch, 1007.
.VT 1:113;
Don' forget, we have Cleve-
land Coiled 13pring, No, 7 Stays
for Anchor Fence, Clips, Fence
Rooks, Staples and all Supplies
for Fencing.
We handle a fell line of
Peerless Woven Fence and
Poultry Netting.
Orders are now being taken
for Famous Saugeen Brand, en-
dorsed by all cement workers.
Chicago Flexible Shaft,
price within the reach 01 every-
one. Hand Clippers, Singers,
Curry Combs, Etc.
on Building Materials, Have -
troughing, Plumbing and Fur-
nace Work can be had for the
Town of Seaforth.
Notice Is hereby given that petitions for the on
etruction of CEMENT SIDEWALKS millet be
handed in to the Clerk by April 15th, 1.0e7.
; Pe By order of the CoUneil.
204b4 Town Clerk.
Late Division Ceek Clerk, lute a number of prod
erties for sale or to rent, among which is a good
melding lot, the South East Half of Town Lot No.
15 Ent Weird, in OeorgeSpieelinees Survey, Seaforth,
which wM be sold on reasonable terms, Ineuranee
effected, debts collected and loans mule on satisfac-
tory security at reasonable rates. Call and see,
end be convinced.. Late Division Court Office, Sea.
Store to Rent.
.The west store of the Bell Meek, in the Village of
genets% Thili is suitable for a general .etore, res.
taurant, or any business requiring a, large, well.
fitted building. A coinfottable dwelling above thr
store. Possession ean be given a onee. Apply to
ROBERT BELL, Seaforth,Oet. 20te•tf
rhe facKillop'Ainttua Fire
Insurance Company..
B. McLean, president, Kipperd
P. Om, Thomas Eraser, vleeeprtuda
dent, Ilrueefield P. 0., Thomas ,E,
Hays, secretaryetreasarer, Sear:eras
• William Chesney, Sesforth ; l'oha
G. Grieve, Winthrop.; leer:ge bate,
Seaforth John Benneweis, ;
James Evans, Racialism ; Johle
Watt, Huriock ; Thos. Eraser, Bratlee
field ; John B. McLean, KiPpele SeeSe
gonnolly, Clinton.
Rebt. Smith, Harlexle ; E. Hinche
ley, Seaforth; James Cumming, Ege
mondvilie ; J. W. Yee, Holmesville
P. a; Geo. Mardie and Goo. Stephs
MOM additors,
Authorized Capital -1,000 Shares ; $100 eaeheeleemere.
For the purpooe of taking over the
business and plant of Memel's, D. Da
Wilson & Co., in' the town of Sea -
forth, remodelling and fitting up
the said plant as an up to date Me-
chanical Cold Storage in aecordance
with the requireir.ente of the Do-
minion Government before they will
grant a subsidy, the above Ccirne
pany has been organized.
A limited amount of stock is of-,
fered to the public at par. No pree
ference stock or bonds. All share-:
holders on the same footing.
The situation is very favorable for
the business proposed. The 15 -action
of country is large and unsurpaseed
for the produetion or Eggs, Poultry,
Butter, Cheese'Meats and Fruit,
also handling Fish for distribution;
should be a profitable part of the
The Government has passed a bill
granthig Et, subsidy of 20 per centof
the cost of plants such as Is proosed
to oe established which showis the
need of ouch an estaolLehment. The
a peospeets are excellent for a large
and profitaDie business -which will
he of great benefit to the producers
and handlers of perishable products
in this district. For further inform.,
slim inquire og either of the under,
Provisional Direetore.