HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-04-05, Page 3tPEIL 5, 1907
e Sovereign Bank of Canada
NANDOLPII MACDONALD, President. A. .A.i ALLAN; Vice Preildent.
D. M. ErrEWAIrr, General Managpr,
Capital and Surplus over - $5,000,000
Assets over - - $25,000400
`Deposits of $1.00 and upwards reaituad. Interest paid 4 times a ycar.
hat e people up.
Live pretty Ivell up t th
of thew powers, and so lg
Thu'. goes smoothly that
reutly.all fight ; but a "jot'
ar" in the shape of business
es, domestic anxieties, 'or a
f La Grippe, Pneumonia"
r other nesting disease
sn y reveals the fact that there is
lack of reserve- force to meet
contingencies and the result is
ften fatal. A wise man will
tt) that his system is fuliv
Led ainst sudden attack. To
tbis result nothing is so stare
fact has en fuliy established by
xperience. If, therefore, you
eau are not in first-class shape
eally, do not fail to take a course
ROL at once. It contains Cod
Oii, Iron and Phosphorus -Aust
you need, it is easy to take, never
and you
Vhat You Take"
%AS PM SALE.- For sale a good sample-
ue pm for seed. Clean and free from.
Iy to GEORGE HILL, Brusteffeld.
3AI.—Two poneq due to foal May 7st, twoza
tod oolts sired by St. Blaize, coming 1 year
BERT- (It ARKE, Constance. 2047-tf
PEAS FOR SALE. --For sale a quantity of, .
e peas for seed clean arid free from bugs -
ADAM DOVDS, 3ielullop, adjoinpeg sea- •
rent, Lot 23, Con.
acres choice pasture land.
hrough • close to'bertforth.
FALASE, Seafortkt
205O -
ER FOR SALE.—For sale, cedar 8hingles-
:11'1°0k and all kinds of lumber. Baru m..%,
to order 53100RE, Bayfield P. 0.
rsigtied has for service on Lot 24, Comes
. -
f. R. S., Tuekersmith, Thorobred Tam.
icor. -$L00 payable at time of service. wirth
t of returning if neemary. E H.A.AULTON, _
F.I.RM To RENT.—To rent for the.
Lien for grazing mimeses, the old Dickson,
Roxboro, MeKillop ; plenty of water, good
tild !rood fences. Apply to JAMES LOOK -
Lot 24, 4`orice*sion 4, McKillop, Seaforth
GRAIN.--Thaie in need of good seed grain.,
o following ‘arieries : New Danish White • •
nehuria Barley and Potter l'ea'. can get the
Lot 16, C'ineession Hay, This gram hait
wn from selected seed, thinly sown on good
or a. number of years, and DAV all great
. JOHN ELDER, Itensall. 8040-tf
OR k4ALE,—On. Lot 5, Concession 1.
Mitop in large or small opiantities to suit
Cedar posts eight or eight and a half
anchor postsany size. Any person re-.
tta'rti timber would do well to inquire early.
par,ticiiiars apply to JOHN MePHERSON,
meetosion 13, McKillop, Lenditury P. 0-
TED AT ONCE on Solar:, and Expanses,
ne gyjt man in each locality wityt ng, or
,f handling hones, to advertise and intro -
guaranteed stood, and poultry specifics. No-
ce neeeto‘ary ; ue lay out your work for
7. a weoli and e‘ponses. Position perinea.
it W. A. ,TENKINS, Manufact_iring
Ontario. 20484f
'IL M. LEAN S radiathar, du*
;tot fir' proof stoit pipe thimbles are the lat-
ia ceonoinical, clean. safe and durable,
s I.o.M..; a heat &gm% (*Mg, regulating ard -
.:g Iftroratie, The% add emofort and save
fuel. Bop,* materld Orders by
aptly tilled, wholesale or Mai/. WM. 71..
Ont.. Manufacturer. 2044-tf
ded •
an P,cot CoM
The great Uterine Tonic,
on1y• sato effectual Menthir
Itegulator ou which, women Cam
depend. Sold in three d
O f strength—No. 1, ft
10 d.egreci stronger. $3.; Nesse
for spcoial co...-qm, 0 per bees
ltIoll by all druggists, or senti
prepaid on receipt of Pric°••
rree v.mpldet. Addresi TRE:
Nft,17.,TDR0NT0,0IIT. (formerly Window,
IDeath of 'Another Old I-Inv:mite.- r-
B.Onert Row, .for inane' 'Pero a resi-
dent of Brussels, .ataci Who was well
known in 'this comity, died at Gsielph,
on Friday night, March letli. He had
na Seen enloyirt.s good[ !health for
VSOme time, 'nut was able to go around
until within a few days of his death,
when e complication a diseases set
in, and he w removed to the hospi-
tal, but; despite the very best treat-
ment, his3 weakened constitution sooii
gave waY before the istrain. Mr.
Ross was a native of Tain, Scotland,
and was about -70 yeare of age. He
came to Canada when only a young
. man, locating ht., the village of Ayr,
, ;Waterloo County, where he was mar-
• tried to Nies Anderson, who presde-
- ceased him several year ego. He
followed the occupation of a plasterer.
,About .thirty years ago he removed to
Brussels, in this county, where he
continued to. reside until about nine
years ago, whert he moved to Guelph.
, He is survived by a funny of eev-
'Oral eons and daughters all grown
up. He was a quiet, unassUrning man,
t 0111L, was a good and useful citizort in
e'very s.;nse of the term. The rethains
were taken to Ayr for iriterment in
• the cemetery there.
died very suddenly On Wednesday
Morning. Stee retired to ed as usual
on Tuesday night. Abou 12 o'clock
her father went ftst her I room; and
Lound her very ill. She diedthe fol. -
lowing morning.
The Nevee-No Pure Drag Cough
Cure Laws would be needed, if all
Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure is -and has been for 20
Viers. The National Lawnowrequir-
ea, that if any ,poisons enter into a
cough mixture it must he printed on
the label or package.
ror this reason mothers and others
should insist an havingtar. Shoop's
Cough Cure, No -poison Marks -on Dr.
Shoop's labels -and none in the medi-
cine, els?, it must by aaw be on the
label. And it is not only safe, but
it is said to be by thoze that know
it best, a truly' remarice,ble cough
remedy. Take no chance, particular-
ly with your childrere Insist on
baying Dr. Shoop' s Cough Cure. Com-
pare carefully the De. Shoop package
with others and ses No poison marks
'there i You can always be on the
safe side. by &mending Dr. Shoop's
Cough CuTC. Simply refuse to accept
arse Other. Sold by C. Aberhart, drug-
gist, Seaforths
urP Framing. I
IS time of year you nearly always
saber of pictures youwish fram.
you keep putting it off, often be-
lt fear the expense. nature tram-
* with at is a specialty, and we- cares a
eteee of rframei mad mouldings that Lore
assep and neat, pretty hat no expensive.
lot as frame a-pieture for you, and we
' convince you of the truth of what V70
efor yonr. next Photo.
Grand trunk Railway
Rallssay Time Table
esiasiaave 8e4forth as follows :
For Clinton, Goderich %gingham an
Fax Clinton said Goderioh
Fax Clinton, WIngham and Klima!
For Clinton and Goderleh.
For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto
Orilits, North Bay -and points west
Belleville and Peterboro ,ad
For Stratford, Guelph, overdo, Mon.
*real and points eon.
Fax Stratford, Guelph and Toronto.
London, Huron and Bruce.
La' s Nor.va-
Loudon, depart- watt
friposn-, 4-4 ."!
- - o
"Irxfshara ..
1501r10 ---
galenite, depart.... ..-
Beigrave... Ad( Ad ad OiO AP do Ad
BlYttLo ow.* Ad to Is mor•LOO.
440rAleitb;r0..#0. tO O. doo
atatitOndo do O. od
arucefield744, -O. Ad It • 04
RIPIPAoff 044*** Ad
"E[eneall000lk4,.•, do do dor 1. • k • MP
afirliett. 111. •.so, ...
i •
Facseng or.
8.15 4,50 r
9./& 5.43
0.30 5.54
0.44 8.05
9.50 6.11
9.58 0.19
10.15 0.85
10.80 0.52
10.88 7.00
10.50 7.13
11,10 7.35
6,40 A.m. 8.80 r.
6.52 3.44
7.06 8./.6
7.14 4.04
0.05 4,39
8.22 4,52
, 8.85 6.05
8.46 5,15
0.45 A. it Ale
".PalrnerstGrt and
(Wig NORTE.. Sias.
hateareten......,„ 7.55 p.m.'
Ethel.. 8.41.
- 0.15
WM Bourg. Pass.
.. 6.52
.. 7.05
•Pam Mixed
12.4.f pan 5.10 a.m
1.84 8.20,
1.44 9 10
1.66 920
2.08 • 111.15
Mixed. Pass.
10.40a.nt 2.40 p.m
10.55 249
11.25 8.02
11.46 8.13'
Talaierstori......., 8.03 • 1.20 4.00
Farm Laborers and
Ibave been appinted by the Doininion Govern -
:Ment to place irartligmnts from the United Kingdom
positiOns tuf farm laborers and domestic servant'
An person requiring such help should notify me by
letter, stating fully the kind of help required, xvhen
• vatted, mid the watres offered. The Muni:ere arriv4
Ing -may not be sufficient to supply all requests, hut.
'every effort will be made to provide each applicant.
'with help required.
JOHN SNIDER, Brucefleld.
The New Store
For New Goods
FISH - •
Mimeo Middle, Oiscoes, Whitefish, Mackerel
and Trout, These are very scarce, but are extra
good quality.
Itettuef, Celery., Cabbage, Carrots, Beets, Par
sniPs and Turnips ahvsys on hand.
RE8if MEATS-- .oetoom
We buy nothing but the best quality in Beef,
Perk and Lamb in this department. We have
extra fine prices.
elii?ED MEATS-
• Ham, Barton, Breakfast Bacon antrntolis always
4 hand.
Corned Beef, Head:ChceseaBologne. and3New
England Ham.
gar grout-ry department is complete.eeilways
fresh and good.
Yon cannot possibly have
a better Cocoa than
•A. delicious drink and a sustaining
food. Fragrant, nutritious and
economical. This excellent Cocoa
maintains the system in robust
4 health, aud 'enables it to resist
winter's extreme cold.
Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers
1 -lb. and I -ib Tins.
You have heard of biscuits—and
read of biscuits—and eaten biscuits but you don't' know biscuits—until
you try-Mooney's Perfection Crean.'
;Sodas. They are everything that
the ideal biscuits shoula be.
9 The air -tight, moisture -proof
package brings them to you fresh,
crisp, inviting.
Practically eveirgrocer in Canada
as MOONEY'S. Yours will get
them if you ask. In r & 3 lb. pkgs.
se' ILI
't _
nmigsT STORM \
Clean Llqht Durable
Guaranteed Waterproof
Low in Price •
KINDS wxrcotraoor
1."" 447:nr CU"."‘"
. 0
1 'Death o1 ldrs. •Walthr Cowan.2-The
following, which we take from the
Times of Pauline, O'Brien county, in
Iowa, of March 21st. refers to the
death, of, a forther well-known resi-
dent of this vicinity, who will still
be remembered by many of our read.-
'ers: "Agnes Phorson was born, at
suerum, Roxburghsbire, October nth,
1830. She was the youtiest child a
. Robert and Jean Gray Phorson.
When about -seven years old she went
Ishire, where she spent the remainder
with her family to Dune, Berwick-
' of 'her life in Scotland. Hss- father
was for years Steward of the Prim-
! *rose Hill farm. On the eame farm,
4.employed sas _shepherd, was Hector
• Cowan, and between the two families
sprang up -a life-long friendShip,
Strengthened by the marriage of Wal-
ter Cowan and Agnes Phoreon. In
1852 Walter Cosea,n went to "Canada
to seek a new tome, and two year
he was joined by her he had
chosen to be hie wife, Until • 1875
they ;remained ,,on the original home
they had cleared and built up in the
Canadian •foreat in the township •a
'. McKillop, 'near Seaforth. Seven More
‘-' years were •spent at Peotone, Illinois,
after ,which they removed to the pres-
ent home. Mr. 'Cowan died in 1890,
and in November, 1905, the eldest ads-
, ter, Jean Gray. Was called euddenly
away. Except for a few years' resi-
, deuce of the brother Robert in Min-
nesota, the nine surviving children
have spent their lives-almosf within
•sight of the old home, held: together
by the -mother's insistent affestion.
Mrs. Cowan united with the Dun%
Presbyterian church at _an early age.
She was a, charter manber .of our
Pauline church, and also of the Sea -
forth Predbyterian church, incikw one
of the strongest in Canada. She was
the last surviving mernbler pt both
her own and her husband's Ifamilies,
• and *although bound by the grongest
ties to her rernaining children and
grandchildren,- she had long 'ago had
her face turate*d homeward, yearning
always for "the touch of a vanished
hand anct the ishund of it: voice that
is tstili." 11er- faith in God's Yid
A/1(U wiadom was completeenabling
her 'to meet the sorest trials with
calmness and fortitude. Frail in
!body and retiring in disposition., sir,
held to the end her place as mother in
her garge family. She died March
17th, after . a few days' struggle, Si
rally front an attack of is, grippe,
on the seventeenth annivettary4 of the
day her hugband was laid to r et!' '
a— • 1 i
Does Your
Digest ?
When the food is imperfectiv digested
the full benefitls not derived from it by
the body and the purpose of 6, ting is de-
feated; no matter how good t e fOod or
how easefully adapted to the wants of the
body it may be. Thus the dyspeptic often!
beconies thin, weak and debilitated, energy'
is lacking, brightness, snap and vim are
bit, and n their place come dullness, lost
appetite, depression and langour. It takes.
no great knowledge to know when one has
indigestion, some of the following sytaip-
'ems generally exist, viz.: constipation,
our stomach, variable !appetite, headachq
heartburn, gas in the stomach, etc.
'The great point is to cure it, to get bad
bounding health and vigor.
is constantly effecting cures of‘dyspepsia
• because it acts in a natural yet effective
way upon all the organs involved in the
process of digestion removing all clogging
impurities and making easy the work of
digestion and assimilation.
Mr. R. G. Harvey, Ameliasburg, Ont.,
writes • "1 have been- troubled with dys-
pepsia, for sove'rel years and after using
-three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters
was klompletely cured. I cannot praise
B:B.B: enough for what it has done for
me. I have not had a sign of dyspepsia
Do not aceePt a substitute for B.B.B.
there ia nothing "just as good."
A simple and effective remedy for
They combine die germicidal value of Cresolene
with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico.
rico. Your druggist or from us, 10c in stamp&
Lannniu, MILES CO., Limited, Agents, Montreal. .4or
T. in liam
is a high grade Commercial School s-
Thrce Courser:
Commercial Stenography - Telegraph
J. Lewis Thornas
cm! Engineer; Arehitect,eto Late Dominion De`
pertinent Publio Works. Consulting., Engineer for
Nitinic1pa,1 or County work. Electric Bail roads
Sewerage or 'Waterworks' Systems, Wharves, Bridg,es
Ile -enforced Concrete. PIIONIT. 2220,
2028-51. • LONDON, Or.
T I 190G the. London Life Insurance Compatiy broke all previous records
in the amount of business issued. In even,tigures the total amounts to'
against $2,360,000 in 1905, or an increase of -44 per -cent.
This rEcord is all the more remarkable -insview of tbt. fact that, as a rule,
coxr,pariesaxe showing little or no inerease in,NeW Business' this year.
W. H. ROBINSON, Inspector, Seaforthi°
•For Catarrh let me send 'pia free,
jusit to prdire merit, a Trial size, 'box
of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy, tt
a 'snow w'hite creamy, healing 8.4r3-'
eptic 'palm that 'gives instant r lief
,Catarrh ot tbe nose and theoat.
Make °the free test and flee. Address
Dr. Shoop, Racine, *.*Wis. Large jars
50 cents. -Sold by 0, Abeehart, drug-
gist, Seaforth.
Briefs. -The many friends of Mr. G.
A. K. McLeod, w:ho has been quite ill
for some tirrie., will be pleased to
learn that he ief. 'now nearly recov-
ered, -A well 'has !been •sunk at the
damning factory and al good supply
Of water secured. The foundations
'for the main 'buildinga are now be-
ing coneltructed.--zMr. Gordon. Manna
'has removed from Hensail wird tak-
en up ehist ;residence in Exeter. -Mr.
Frank Sweet 'has: gone to Regina. He
was accompanied by his beather, Rob-
ert, of, ciinton.-Mr. C. N. Cr Bea
has been engaged 8,5 caretaker ' of
the cemetery. He had been employ-
ed With Mr, Henry Smith, of Hae. -
Rev, D. M. Railway, pastor of Knox
church,- Ottawa, was here, recently
calling on former friends. Mr. Ram-
say is an old Exeter boy. -Mr, R. M.
Taylor had a close call from a very
serious accident a few days ago. He
was sharpening a circular saw in his
factory, when by some 'means the
saw was set 'going and he was 'thrown
so as to come in contact with it. For-
tunately assiatance was at hand
and he was 'removed beeore any ser-'
bus injury resulted. although the
saw cut a reef in the leg of his over-
alls. -Mr. L. McTaggart, of the North
End, has dimmed of his store, goode
and business to Mr. Cobbledick, of
Ansa Craig.-Misa Late Ross, thy
daughter of Mr. •John Rosa. formerly
of this town-, was married at Ed-
monton on the 20th of March, to Mr.
James McLean, of that city. -The par-
ents and friends were entertained at
an At-home in the school hall by the
students and teachers of the high
aehool department 'of the •school on
Wednesday ellentng o ladt week, and
a very pleasant time was enjoyed. -
Mr. I3enja,min C. Case, a former resident of the London road, North, who
'now resides in Theesalon, had the -mis-
fortune to have: ‘hist residence there,
together With its entire contents,
destroyed by fire recently. The fam-
ily barely escaped with the clothes
they wets wearing and grit. Case had
her _hands and.hair considera,oly
scorched. In addition to the furni-
ture and clothing destroyed there was
over one bandred dollars in money°
burned. The loss amounts to over
ewo thousand dollars and there was
not a cent of insurance. -Messrs.
Rowe and Atkinson, the furniture men
and undertakers, have purchased the
old Maisons Bank 'building and Pro-
perty, near their own in the South
end. -A good many Went from h.ese
to attend the concert in the Thames
road church on. Monday evening and
all agree hr saying kt was a most
enjoyable entertaintnent and was
The old cold goes; a new one
quickly comes. It's the story
of a weak throat, weak lungs,
a tendency to consuMption.
• Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
breaks up the taking -cold habit.
It strengthens, soothes, heals.
Ask your dOtor, about it.
The best kir(t of a testimonial—
" Sold for o er sIxty years."
Made AbyaTo.ra0.ati.nutiyeler Ottlor.,014moviro#11, Mass.
We hallo no emote 1 We publish
t' formulas of all (Mr SIOdlainee.
KeOp ; le boWels regular with Ayer's
Pills, iust one pill each night.
largs-y 'patronized and a complete
aUcce0o1,11 every way. Whateser the
Thames road people undertake they
always do well.
"Preventics" *ill promptly check a
cold or the grippe when taken early,
or at the "sneeie-stage," Prevent -
Ica -cure seated cads as well. Pre-.
ventics are little candy cold cure
tablets, and Dr. Sheep, Racine, Wis.
will gladly mail you samples and a
book on Colds free, if you will write
him. The samples prove their merit.
Cheek early colds with Preventies and
stop Pneumonia. Sold In 5c and 25e
boxes by C. Aberhart, druggist," See -
Iii ;The Olden Days.
Interesting sketches of the early
daYs of Seatorth and vicinity,
taken from the files of The Ex-
• positor.
Seaforth, March 5, 1875.
Mr'. D. Robertson, of Bright, has
been, appointed G.T.t. agent at Sea -
forth in place of Mr. R. B. Moodie,
At a meeting et the council on
Tuesday evening the 'following tav-
• ern licenses were granted for Seas
forth: James Weir, J. and D. Curry,
Mr. Dawson and James Ross. Six
shop licenses were elf3o granted.
° The consecration of the new Mason-
onic hall of 33ritannia, lodge, took
place on Wedneaday evening Imet. The
ceremony was 'performed by Right
Worshipful Acting Grand Master, j.
K. ICerr, of Toronto, assisted by sev-
eral disttrict ,deputy 'Grand Masters.
After the labors ire the lodge room,
a sumptuous supper was served at the
Commercial hotel..
•Seafoesth, Match 12,18T5.
Mr, W. T. Hayse has opened a law
office in Seaforth, in the rooms, over
Mr. Kidd's store, formerly oceupied
;by Mr. 13, L. Doyle.
On Sunday afternoon last a little
(laughter ot gr. W. S. Robertson, of
_§kettfoethe eseti about four years, was
'aerfulaing herself, attempting to cut a
String With a, Jack, knife. She was
pulling the knife •towards her, when
the blade slipped and; igtruck her in
the eye, cutting it So badly ae to en-
tirely destroy the sight of one eye.
Mrs. James Martin:, of Ilullett, moth-
er of Messrs. John Martin, -of gate -
forth, and James Martin, of Tucker-
• small, died on. Moliday larit at the
age of 77 Years.
Seaforth, astrai 19, 1875.
Mr. David Joimsaa hafl 'purehased
the residence of Mr. 5. P. Kendall,
opposite' the PresbYteria,n,,chureh, Tor
Mr. Jorseph Brownell is( opening a
new grocery tore in the Dominion
block, opposite the post office.
The town council has purchased a
hook and ladder truck, fully °equip-
ped,, and has sled decided Is purchase
a: large size Fire Xing engine at a
coat of $2,250,
On the ;night pf he llth inst., the
botsse of Ur. w, on the Huron
Toad, Tuekerstnitb, vas burned to the
ground, together with most of the
Mr. David Moore, of Tuckersmith,
recently sold 'a two year old Lord
Haddew heavy draught entire colt
to M. G.Tetren, of Stephen, for
Seiforth, March" -26, 1875,
Jarties R. Ross has. sold his hotel
prope ty, on Mainstreet, to Mr. Robt.
Heysai of Brussels, for Se2,700.
_ Mr. !Alex. Robertson has sold his 60
ape tgrm,, on the ICippen road, Tuck-
ersmiqh, to Mr. Peter Moore, for $2,-
375. _
An 41c1 resident of Stanley, Mr. `John
MeEwen, died at his home, on the 8rd
concesifion, on Wednesday, 17thi inst.
DeceaSed was born in! Perthrshire,
Seotlaticl, in 1799, and had been a resi-
dent of Stanley since 1850.
Mr. Wm. R. Poseell, son of Mr. S.
Powell, of this town, has passed his
final examina.tion at the Philadelphia
College of Pharmacy.
Seaforth, April 2, 1875.
Mr. Daniel Clark purchased ths.
house and ldt, inEgrnondville, ownsd,
by Mr. Gordon Mesadam, for $405.
At the close of, a ,ssrlea of prayer
meetings held in be red school bourse
Tuckersmith, Mr. pan. Clark and Mr.
John McKay, on Menday evening le
on behalf of 'the friends in the neig
borhood, 'presented Rev, IL Cameron,
of Kippen, with the sum of $30.
The farm of tbe lath Wm. Muir was
8•chool. Reports.
No, 10, Tuckersmitia-The following
Is a report of the standing of the
pupils of Sehool Section No. 10, Tuck-
ersmith, for the month of March,
and is based on the reeults of the re-
cent promotion examinations and' gen-
eral proficiency: V - Harry Horton,
Wilson rvIeLea.n. Sr. IV -Willie Mc-
Lean. Jr, IV -Willie IvIeKa,-y, Annie
Eyre, Ross McLean, .Willie Slavin, -
Lorne MoNaughton. Jr. III -Peter Me -
Naughton, Henry Bird. Sr, Its -Sadie
eicCloy, Gladys Tremeer, ..Oric Mc-
Kay, John Jackson.- Ir. II -Jennie Md -
Lean. John Tremeer, JOsep4 'Fisher,
Roy McDonald, Ida, Slavin, Earl Kilts -
man. Part I -Sheldon, Eyre. --.A.
Gregor, Teacher.
No, 14, Hay. -The following is the
result of the promotion examinations
held on March nat. and. 22nd e in the
school in section No. 14, Hay: Class
V -Total 765 -Nell McArthur 629, Eliza,
Mulholland 495, Sarah Petty 458. Class
IV, Sr.-Tdtal 600-Ellza Thomson 460.
To class IV, Jr.e-TOtat 680 -3 -George
Mulholland 563, Grata Ivison 619,
Laura, Fee '512, Sidney !McArthur 4513
Clarence McConnel 405.1 To clesra
Sr. -Total 660 -Maggie !Fee 409, Wil-
lie Petty 3/9, Emily Ivlson 366, Clar-
ence Datars sp. To Class II, Sr.-
Tcital 442 -Orval McConnel 272, Rae
McArthur 266, Elmore Deters 259.-
Isassel Thompson, Teaener.
No. 2, Uatiorne,-Tee ; following is
the report of the prordotion examin-
ation 'bold in, School Section No. 2,
_Usborne: 'Entrance class, total 900._
Anna Allison 797, Wm.; Monteith 786,
Flossie - Passmore- 629. ; Promotion to
Senior, Forth Class, paz. 450,--Etbel
Ilunkin 693, Garnet Pa*more 660, M.
Desoh 611. Juniors Forth Class, pass
400 -Meryl Snell 565., Presse Coward
• 481, Kenneth McNichol 434, Percy
Stone 327. Senior T.hird Class, pass
400, -Annie Turnbull 679., C,oursey
Rrown, 642, Chrissie Biley 609, Charlet;
Allison 523, Milton Hodgert 514,7101a
Hunkin 484,, Wm. Jeffrey 481, Lind-
say Pollen 351, Stone 229. Jt'
Third Class, pass 330.-Joanns, Mon-
teith 492, Jean, Allison 487. Senior
Second Class, 'pass, 286.-Llewelland
Stewart 438, Jessie Hodgert 368.
PercY Stone is to be promoted. Jessie
0, garnilton, Teacher. "
• -The horn 'e Of Mr. Woods, neat'
Blenheim., Kent county, west struck
lay lightning, and burned, one, night
last week. • Wheit !neighbors arrived,
they found Mr. Woods, I who was alone
in the absenee of his wife in the
States, lying in tne° doorway, Amon',
scious from the shocks and he would
,certainly have perished if help had
not arrived.
-During the severe eleetrieal storm.
Tuesday of laSt Week, lightning
fatruck the big barn of Edgar E. Bir -
rill, who lives about a mile north of
Norwich, in Oxford cemety. Inimedi-
a;thly the whole structure was in
flames. It was totalli censurned, tee
gethor with 25 head of cattle, five
valuatee bores and 49 pigs several
tons of hay and! grain and nearly a
'farm implements. ISo rapidly d
the flames spread that not even. the.
doors could be. opened l 'to allow the
Struggling animals to get out. The
only things Saved in tao entire struc-
ture were a few hens, which flew out
thrOugh an open windew.
-The unprecedented eetion or a.
pariah priest leaving- $0,000 to. the
town in which his parish Was situated
because he felt be had -secured. the
money in 'taxes from the people, WEI49
taken in the will of Rev. Father Des-
a'ulniers, the late •parisle prieat of
Stanford, in the county of Nicola,
Quebec Province, He left the muni-
cipality. 500 s,hares of the -gook of ,the
Richelieu & Ontario Navigation Co.,
and he makes the People of Stanford
his legatees. The clause states that
as the 'people had given him • the
money in taxes he was 'returning it
to the people.
Nature Nerds Assistance in Makin
New Health -Giving Blood.
Spring is the sewn wisn your
system needs toning up. In the
spring you must have now blood
just as the trees must have new sap.
Nature demands it. !Without new
blood yoU will feel weak and! lang-
uid; you may have twitches of °rheu-
matism or neuralgia, occasional head-
aches, variable appetite, pimples or
eruptions of the skin, or a pale, pas-
ty complexion. These are sure signs
that the blood is out of order. A tonic
is needed to give new energy. Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are the inst tonic
In all the world. They make new,
rich. blood - your greatest need in
spring. They clear ,the skin, ,drive
sold by auction ors Wednesday last, to -out disease and maks tired, depressed
Mr. Samuel Oriels, of Tuckersmith, for men and women brigit, active and.
0,020. steonse. Mrs. John McAuley, Doug -
A few evenings ago, the teacherle-WOWn. Que.. proves ' tir gre it value
the Presbyterian Sii,bbath school. of' or Dr, Willie/tie Pink: Pills in '191111d-
-this town, waited ,[ on Miss Bessie hie up people who have neen weakest -
Scott, and, on ,behalf of the friends of cd and run downshe says: "Dr.
the Satbath school, preeented her with Williams' Pink Pine have men of
allied ,by a hand- great help to me. My- blood was
weak and 'watery and. I was badly
-run down, But through the use of
musical servicesthe pills My health was Silly restor-
the Sunday school. ed. I always eocommand them to my
' MM McDougall,,wife of Mr. A. G. rricide• who maYi." aning:"
McDougall, Setiforth,: died last week, There are fraudulent imitations of
A meeting of thoia intereeted in the Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and to pro -
formation of a fire -brigade was h?..l.d. .ier..t yourself ire that the full name
in the town hall, On Thursday evee- "Dr. Williams', Pink Pill e for Pale
Ing last, When the following offi- , People". is p rieird on the wrapper
cers were elected: !First officer. Tho 3, 1 around each PDX, -Do , not takn any
Bell; 2nd officet., John Curry; 3rd of -sl other so-#0,11ed pink pills If your
fiter, Dennis Hon, secretary, Wm.! dealcs has ere: got the genuine sena
Hill; treasurer, ot. 1Willie. The. to the Dr. WilliaMedicine Co.,
company is comp()s
d o4 fifty members. Brookville, Ont. andms' get the pills by
Miss Agnes Mem Ilan, eldest dangbe mail at 60 cent a nox or six boxes
• ter of Ur. Jain MCMillan, of Hullett, for 1$2.50.
an address, accom
some work box, li
$56 in gold, as :a,
which was about
recognition of her
connection -with,
6 fq
aticfaction or yo- one, ac
Every dealer in "Progress" Brand Clothing jS
authorized to guarantee eaoh garment bearing the
"Progress" label to be free from imperfeotions in ma
terial and. workmanship, to be sewed with pure dye
silk tailbred by skilled workmen. and -made of depend
able oloth, thoroughly sponged and shrunk. Should
any "Progress" Brand garmetit prove unsatisfaotor
and not ag b9yQ repro/39MA it VA'b r011;49d OEWI
MOW pail for fittlIte will be rganded.
There' is only one ga
That's the guarantee thates with every suit beating
labe- 1;4
°Money Back if Not Satisfaetoi
This is the way we prove our faith In Progress Brand Olothing.
dissatisfied *with one of our suits, you have only gat to say so, an
money back. Every suit ib sold with this understanding.
The modern methods of making Progress Breed, incorporating as they
do the designing, cutting, and shaping of garments to such finely graded sing
as will fit every conceivable fig-ure, make it unnedessary that any one ab.oul4
wear poor fitting clothes.
We cannot all be judges of clothing, but any one knows whether er not
Itis clothes look and wear well, and we pin our faith on your ability to dis-
tinguish between the westing qualities of Progress Brand and that of inferior
clothes. All the individuality, style and eharaeter that men who follow the
fashions demand in qaeir apparel is incorporated in Progress 331an4 Clothing,
and the price is just as low as other makes. Leading priees—
ee worth considering wjie
o is to nothing.
Progress Brand -
get your
$7.50, $10 .and $12
The average bey go through more clothes than the rest .of the en-
tire family, and while we would not have them different, still we wish some-
times that the clothing might be. Our Boys' Suits are DIFFERENT, and
by that we meaa that the wearing quality of the material put into our bop'
clothes is such that they will stand the linait of abuse. We have them in a
variety of patterns and styles for alt4ges and sizes.
Prices, $2, $3 $4, $5
to—•Butter and Eggs taken as .../a3h,
Canadian Pacific Railway
Every Tuesday during March and Apri
Leave Toronto at 9 ,p. m. for settlers taking live stock.
Special Coast Rates daily, )(Tamil ist to April 5—Seaforth to
Vancouver, Victoria, Weatminstvr, B. -04' Seaal Tacoma
Washington and Portland, Oregon.
For maps, folders and tickets, apply to
0. P. R. Tickets, Telegraph and Dominion Express.