The Huron Expositor, 1907-03-29, Page 8:•7 4 - A 4 SPRING NEEDS -- " For Spring cleaning and garden- ing times you will find our store • headquarters for all requirements. Perhaps you need some of the IlUiller0Ila articles which come in- to use now. In Garden Tools - Hakes, Hoes, Spades and Shouelo we have the very best goods at ° the lowest prices. We have special bargains in Washing Machines and Wringer:3 Carpet Sweepers Whips Paint Kaiser -nine • Scrubbing Brushes Galuanized Iron Tubs and Pails and Step Ladders Sherwin-Wi 11 i a, s Paints are the best and most economical. Call and get color cards. Chesney' & Archibald SEAFORTHI Hardware, Stoves ailid Coale i Dominion Bank allimININI#M#860.11111•1 .Head Office TORONTO iViIstawomiemmowsaNigibeilDIBMIN Savings Bank • fliE HURO1 EXPOSITolts ElifirrEtt 0,ONFECTIONERY.' Fresh,Stack Just Received. : e now Weeiteen manager of the Gree t nn *Ilosdetet .1:ivoaxisrthein Railway and was on "his ".-- ''''' T qp mirn. te Ottawa 0111 latiSiliellaS 'furl ' his company and took a, notioaehe would like to stop oft here and, flee his birth DISTRICT MATTERS. place and hence his vide leis brother, - 'Wilfred is also e reenient oe s'erierte Died In Mennipeg.-ler. John Walk- couyee and 'has prospered thereer, of Roxboro, received the geed in- tee Herald- Thompson-, an of Sheriff telligence a fewdays 'age of tile Thompson, of rat Arthur, who is a death 'in 'Winnipeg a his youngeet student at Trinity college, Port Hope, son, ter. James 'Walker. The sad is 'spending his Easter vaeation ,with event occurred on the 19th, irist. The_ his grandemether and ,aunt, eles. M. deceased was aged 26 years and had and Miss Thompson. -Rev. S. L. Toll, only been 111 a e -w da:yee At firet he of Hensall, will preach Sabbath had neuralgia. Tbis resulted in ins school anniversary sermons in the flarnrnation of the brain wbich ewe Methodist thurch next Sabbath. -Mrs. proved fatal, The deceased was a ro- A.. E. Colson will :receive at her re - bust, active, well doing yOung man. sidenee, Goclerich Street, on Wednea- Ile had been in 'Winnipeg .fourf or dee and Thursday afternoons, April five yeera and in company with an- 3rd and eth, and afterwards on the other *young man was engaged, in fist Friday a eanh menth.-Mrs. Sign painting and they had worked up, Maelangee, of AilSa. Craig, hag been it large bueeness. The sudden news visiting her slater, efre. 13. /3. Gunn, a Ids deathwas a, sad shock to his since the lattee'a return trom Otte-. father and e severe esreavement to .wa.--Birr. Andrew -Stewart has sold his other relettees arid friends here. his 'brick residence on Ithe corner Of Deposits of $1.00 and up- wards received and interest paid, at highest enrrent rates. Withdrawals may be made at any time. Zee. SEAFORTEL BRANCH - A. E. COLSON, Manager X. S. HAYS, Solicitor James Watson, Successor to W. N. Watson t4ORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General Fire, Life and Accident Insur- ance agent, Real Estate and. Loess Agent. Dealer in first -alums family and NifinUftio- . tering Sewh3g Machina/ and Crean Sepavators, viz. : New Raymond and White Sewing Machines, and National and Una eda Cream Separators. Also sewing machine neediee, oil, attaeh. menu:, repairs end eundriea for all kinds of sewing machines. With over 26 years experience in the above businees you enD reab *seated of prices right, square dealhig and astssfaction guaranteed. JAMES WATSON, nanyenne Agent, and dealer in Sewing Moline aud.Bloyeles. Borth Main Week Beaforth. High. end Market streets, to Mr. Carbett, for ee,700.-13he Easter ger- The Late Mrs. Hargeli.-It was with vices sit the Salvation' Array *barracks fgreat sorrow that the ergany friends will be !conducted by .Adj. Orightone a the late Mrs. Mary Magee', relict of London, aseeeted by Captain' Cross - a the late John Hagan, eserned, of mare the new caseate who has come bar intoning away legit Friday atter- froml Windsor to take charge here, norm. 'She had lbeen ibIeseed- with a, and !the other officers. -Previous to [healthy, 3.ong and happy lite 'and at rea.ving London fer Montreal:, Rev. W. e 8eth year. Dom in Fermana,gh, r J. Clark was presented with a gold the time of her demise was in her I- - watch and Mrs. Clark with a silver land, and also -married there, he and 'service as fa,rewell 'tokens *by his late 'ber huabancl came to Canada in 1842, eongregation. Many other gifts were settling for a time in Leede county, also rfoae, (0 mut tb5i vale earepus se-, near Brockville. In 1874, they -came 'deities of the church and the, city, to Huron county, settling in MeKil- thus showing the vet's* -werng plaice lop. Twenty-five yeaes ago they re- hole by Mr.- Clark -in the affections moved to •Seaforth, where she has nOt alone of 'his own congregation, since resided. Possessing an excep- tionally kind. and !genial dleinseitlen, she sreseuniverstilly beloved, and Made halts of trienda. She livede. most de - *heed and chrlstian life and was a faithful rrierneer of the Methodist church for weer seventy=*years. 'The funeral D.ast Monday was largely at- tended. She. is survived *by iWee.Here gan, of Ingersoll, Mrs. Morro*, of the same place e Mrs. Carleton, Mra. Wallace and Jame a Flargan, of Manitoea ; Mrs. (Rev.) Thompson, of Alpena', Michigan; eine. Coutiter and Miss Horgan, of Seatoetti. Six of her igrandsone followed• ter remains' to Their last resting p1a. The whole family has the. -sincerest Sympathy of, a *eery wide circle of friend" HARNESS . Our own make of genuine Rubber Trimmed Harness. It is the best value in Canada. Ask your neighbor about them; , Bells-Trunka-Valises - Suit Cases - Plush and Wool Rugs, Etc. Inspect our stock before purchasing. IVI. Broderick, - OPPOSITE 00MMERCIAk Seaforth 2034 Spring Term Opens Tuesday, April 2 w Local Briefs. -The first- electrical Staren of the season oceureed on Sat- urday night la, but it did not last long and was not very eevere.-The affairs of the estate of Mr. James Strange of Tackerscreth, who le in the asylum' at Landon, have now lbeen finally wound, up. - The work of settling the estate was entreisted to Mr. T. E. Hays, by the Provincial Inspector of Asylums, in behalf of the Government, and he had the valuing ane disposal of the property ane be has completed, hie duties he al man - ✓ very satisfeetory to all the par - interested -Miss Iva Dodds as - sift d the choir of :Willis Presbyter- ian, Church, Clinton, on the occasion a the anniversary services on San - 'oath lase, and 'sang a couple' of solos very sweetly as she always does. -Mr. Melvin Goebert, who has been spending the winter - with his parents in London, spent Sunday with brothers in EgmondviIle.-MSS Dolena Wilson, who has neen attend- ing the Normal school in Londo_n, is home 'for the Eaeter holidays.--Iviris. -T. F. Coleman, who has rem in Chic- ago for several weeks visiting her mother and Other friends, returned home last week. -Mr. Robert *French who has been manager of the Huron House of Refuge ever .ince it was 1, opened and who has 'pr ven. *a most ef_ficient officer, has resi ed his p0 - Bitten with the view of sfgoing to Ed- monton, where his son is. ,The mat- ter will be considered by the House of Refuge commthtee ' at a, special meeting to be 'held for that purpose on Thursday next. -The Methodist Sabbath echool will have their anni- versary entertainment this, Friday, evening and for which • a good pro- gramme has been - prepared. -Mr. D. Grumrnett had the misfortune to fall from- the loft in his stable a few days ago, fracturing a couple -of his ribs and has since been laid up. -Mr. Isaiah Holman, of Berlin, was in town this week. -In the case of Wil- liams vs. Piggott, which was tried at the- spring assizes at Goderich, lest week, and in which the plaintiff was awarded, 4;6,500 damages, Mr. J. L. Killoran, .barristee, of Seaforth, was acting for the plaintiff. -Some of Seaforthes fast horses appear in the liat of entries for the stake recce. at Stratford meet. F. W. Tpor lhas am entry in the 2.10 pace, Thorhas Pinkney has one in the three year old pace and one in the 2.30 trot, and Frank Kling has one in the 2.30 trot. -Mrs. William Sclater, of Lynn conn- ty, Missouri, was her this week vis - Ring 'her trotner, Mr. James Dick. Mrs. Sclater has peen living. in Diff5- sourt for 85 years and thia is her first visit home. -Mr. David Dorranee who is Staying with his nephew, Mr. G. 33. Dorranoe, on the 5th concession McKillop, had the misfortune to fall 'the other day and. injure his rack. Although well up in years we expect to see Mr. Dorra-nee around again wan as well as even -The young men, of the town purpose .givieg a, dance in the town hall on Friday evening -next, the 5th inst.-A horse ioelonging to Mr. Thomas M. Grieve, et Egmond- vele, made a bold d;11 for liberty on Sat urday aftern n last. Mr. Grieve was delving Own Main. 5treet the town hall frightened at a.anding up on of the Com- STRATFORD, ONTARIO. This school, which is the largest and most proberes" sive earnmercial and shorthand school in Western ()aerie enloye the rep.utation of doing the best work inbusinesa education In Canada. Cur graduates are in deinand as commercial te.tohers and office assist- unts. Write for our free catalogu and you will get foil information concerning our scilool. ELLIOTT & Ma eACHLAN Princi pals. BRIDES And th.-ir friends Sbould not forget to look over our reasonable priced., but. guaranteed quality new goods - for wedding gifts and favors. If yon are • Engaged Dorn fi1 t� have a ring the fact, and get it of us. lent of. the citizens ,generally. -Ur. Paul Shaven one of the first resid- ents ofe Seatortig, died., an tWede.eAday night after a, long and severe ill- ness.s-Mes. Honey, of Stratford, Is visiting ,friends. in town. -Me. 'John Cretty, 'recently of the Dominion Bane Staff he, died- on Wednesday at St: JaseSta-hospital,.London. Deceased was a nephew of Rev. Father McKeon, of St. Columbane and had been ill -for Several mon00.-Miss Taylor, of Sar - file, is visiting at the 'home of Mr. S. Dickson. - WANTEDe-Geod hands to work in furniture and sash and door factory. State experience and Wages. The M. F. Beach 0o., Limited, Winchester, Ont. 50- DR, FORSTER, of Stratford, eye, ear, nose and. throat specialist, will be at the Queen's Hotel, Sea - forth, on Monday, April 1st, from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. 1"eirsb Monday in every month. A.2050-1, ROOM to Rent. -Fine loeality-suitablevfor light housekeeping for Collegiate Institute Students. P. 0. box 31, Seaforth. 201 °EGGS FOR.HATCHING.-Parties • wishing to se- cure Pure -Bred Barred Rook Eggs for Hatching, ap- ply to 0. S. Andrews, Post Office Grocer. Prices reasonable and fvtility guaranteed. • 2050-8 COAT TAKEN. -The person who took a coat /rem Dick's Hotel, Seaforth, on Friday, alarch 22nd, be- tween tWo anciiialf past four o'oloek, an overcoat, will please ret;wn the same at once or the matter will be placed in legal hands, 2050x1 • Another car of choice American corn just arrived.- Seaforth Milling•Co. 2050-1 GIRLS WANTED,- Wanted imMedlately, two good girls - one for dining room and the other for general work. Apply at the Grip Hotel, Seaforth. 20504 AY UP. -All patties indebted to Hinehley Bros.. - nd S. Hinehlev, or Hinehley & aleGregor, are notified that settlement must be made, either by cash or note, on or before April let next. Accounts not then settled will be sued without -respect to per. sons. Received at A. M. Campbell's warerooms, Seaforth, or by John A. Ilinehley. 2049x2 When you get our 28c tea you're getting the beat of it. It's never set back on the shelf to try sante- thkig else. It always has a front place. Beattie Bros., Seaforth. " 2040-2 Chatham Incubators, Brooders and supplies for sale. Call in and see them -in operation. J. 121.1041y, Seaforth, Ont. 0 Seed Tie is Coming. Remember our field and garden seeds have a reputation. They are just what we say they are and -our prices are right. Beattie Bros., Seaforth. 2049-2 All that's good in groceries, also choice butter [fad eggs, Beattie Pros.,,Seaforth. 2049.2 MIMI:NT= WANT,KIL-Apply at the Electric Light Works, Seaforth. 2049-2 Building Lots For Sale. -In first-class locality, Bit tutted on north side of Centre street" between dwell- ings of John Morrison and J. Y. Smiley ; also first- class lot on North Main Street, edjoining office of James Watson. The property ia desirable and will be sold on easyterms. For full pardeulars 2a0p417il.yto James Watson, Seaforth. tr Sudden Death. -A very sudden death occurred -at the home of Mr. William Fortune,,, Jarvis street, on. Tuesday last, - when- his daughter, Margaret, passed. away after only a„ day'a ill- ness. The deceased -young lady was 24 years of age and up to within a day of her death, was lee appare-ah good- health. The remains were in- terred he • St. James' cemetery on Thursday. Much sympathy is extend- ed to the bereaved 'relatives. Travellers. -The following were ticketed to distant points this week •by W. Somerville., railway andsteam- ship agent : Mr. Hugh T. Grieve, of McKillop, -to LaMoure, North Dakota, and Maelber Joseph, Plurntree, of Mo- Killop, to Wolseley, Sask. -The following were ticketed by Stewart 'Brats., C.P.R. agents: Wm. O'Reilly, a Beechwood, 'to Winni- peg; J. McLaughlin 'to Milestone; J. T. Johnston, to Swift Current ; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Miller, of Seaforth, to Winnevs. to commemorate We make a spec- ialty of Wedding and Engagement Rings Solid Gold Rings from 81.00 up to tc fine diamond which, run" from $7.00 to !e200.00. A larg,. assortment: of cut glasa. in stook now, A special 8 inch fruit bowl for f$5,00, J.' F. DALY Jeweller & Optician Isstv of Marriage laenses. OARDNO BLOCK SEAFORTH Farmers We have just put in, stock fresh line of Gentian Ainseed 'Ginger Fenngeck Sulphur Salts Saltpetre Etc. for your owe dere. Let us A full line of Sheep Dip and Tick Destroyer Hess Poultry Panacea ease Nene no Zenoleum for See on tette) Give us a trial. Our prices are right. condition pow. mix it for you - The J. S. ROBERTS DRUG STORE W. MoKAY, Manager • esaisroaso "NAME ON EVERY PIECE." IEVitiEra Chocolate Bonbons. FOR SALE BY O.ABERHART, DRUGGIST, OARDNO'S - - - BLOCK lc:32E1.133P C)IR,r1i2EE Agent for ensto.date Trusses, Syringes Hot Water Bottles, Shoop'! remedies, Cook's Cotton Root Compound and Wood's Phoanhedine. A elT - - 21 1O7 -- go through and land in the township ibelovn-Mr. Peter McGregor, who wee laid' up for some days is able to be around again -Mr avid Blair, Who. spent the winter in Hambolt, Sas- katchewan, has returned home. Ur. Blair's beether, 'Mr. Wm. Blair, died there last fall and Mr. Blair went up to look after his interests Be I e greatly pleased with the eountry• and preclictie that Humboldt, which is 1 Jut two yea'es old, will aeon! be a large 'town. -..-e Staffa. Notees-efr. Gordon Iditchell, Strat- ford, is visiting at Mr. 'Wm. Smale'Bei -Una. 501111 Kemp, who has been Vis- iting heri daughter in Toronto, ha tt re - termed home.-'fr. L. Buts= had a; .wood bee Monday, -Mm Miller, oe Seafortie is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hugh NOIT10.-1111'. Dow, of Carling- ford was the guest of Mr. Robt. Bar- bour levet Sunda,y.-Mr. at. M. Herne iltort hate had o, telephone puti in his hones -He and Mrs. Richard }Rehm, of Conetance, are visiting *relatives Ihers -Miss Annie Stewart, a Logan, was 'the guest of ters. Robert Dalton this week. -Mr. *Frank 'Elliott, a 1 Mitehell, bag purchased the Murphy farm for 1$0,000. -Mrs. Beet Kerslake visteed her sister recently, in Ful- lerton.--Uree Jernee Davis, of Harris - 'ton, is visiting her parents, Mr. oad Mrs. Barbour, here., I , ene ibeing a! formerintonian, and Mr. MeTivielh, if net a native( of Seatestit, pretty near !it, Should give Hetronite0 an added interest lee them, and aside from their worthiness Should secuee them a 3.erge .circula- tion, in this county. 01.........*•••••••••••••••••4• Going Ahead. -We ere pleased to notice that another Seagorth boy is distinguishing himself abroad, and is :rapidly corning to the front, bring- ing distillation to himsele and credit 'to his naive towel' and country. A recent issue a the Creamery Journ- al, publiehed. in Waterloo, Iowa, has an excellent likeness of Mr. 3. Elliott, a native of .Seaforth, a„grad- uebe or 'the Seaferth Collegiate Insti- tute and a on of Mr. Williaant El- liott, now of Owen 'Sound, aid for niany weans clerk and treasurer of this town. Mr. Elliott is now pro- fessor of dairying in the Montana Agricultural College and dairyman for ehe Montana' Experimental sta- tion:. Of Prof. Elliott's work the Journal says: "When - Mr. Elliobt came to Montana, three sears ago, there were 'three creameries in the State. To -day there are twenty-eight, the- miajOrity a which are seri sue- cessfu0 Notable among these is the 01111100k creamery, The first that Mr. Elliott Ibuilt he the. State. For the month of Deem -thee latsit thie cream- er'y paid the iptetrons 34c per pound for !butter -fat. At the present time Mr. Elliott has a number a cream- eries in the course of erection. Laset fall, through his influence, a State Dairymen's Association was -formed, Which promises much 'for the dairy industry of the State. Of this organ- ization Mr. Elliott is seereeary." • Walton- • Local Itenns-We have already 'been visited by a couple of thunder stormee ahd theeweather wise look upon it as the slip of a late and backward spring. :However at the time of writing the 'weather is looking quite opting 11ke. - Mr. Roy Jerrayn is spending 'his Easter holidays visiting With trelatives and friends in Lis- towel. -Rev. S. Anderson, of Blyth, and Rev. j. Currie exchanged ,pulpits on Sabbath last. Rev. Mr. Anderson preached a missionary sermon here. - Work has again ;peen commenced on laying ef, the ties and wails on the C. P. R. and the filling of the ground round the \station yard will also oe commenced in the near future. Surely wine fayora;ole- weather the 'coming summer, the road will 'oe completed and we I will enjoy as regular train ;service. • Wroxeter Briefs. -Dr. J. P. Mitchell .visited in Toronto last week. -Miss Jessie Mc- Tavidia is the, guest of, ;relatives in Wingham.-Mrs. T. F. Miller and daughter, Miss Jennie Miller, have re- turned from a two months' visit in Toronto. -Miss Emma T. Irons, an el- ecultionist, will give an entertain- ment in the Methodist church, Fri- day, April 51th, under the auspices of the choir. -Mise Cassie Harris left for Toronto last week, where she has. a situation. -Mrs. Adair, of Wing - 'ham, visited for it few days with relatives here.-Seventyefive panoram- ic Stereopticon views of t, an excur- sion across Candaa'from Halifax to Vancouver', be given in the Peerebyterian church, on Monday ev- ening, under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor. -Rev. Mr. Tay- lor, o Lucknow, occupied the 'pulpit in the Methodist church Sunday ev- ening. -Mrs. W. Thompson, of Tees - water, visited her sister, Mrs. Geo. lasit week. `and when in front o the animal +became something and bolted the platform in froti merciel hotel, where it Was stopped, Fortunately nothing; more serious wee done than the brea,kin,g of one of the shafts of the buggy. -Mager Ernest Parkes, who is attending sabool at Pert Hope, i$ home . for ,the Easter holidays. -Mr. Alex. Scott, of Lon- don, spent Easter with e. his sister, Mrs. John Cluff, and, other 'relatives. -Miss Ella Phillips, .of Hensall, who had been .spending a few days here with Mrs. C. Brodie, ire 'returned borne this week. -Mr. Thomas Bell, of Winnipeg, 'the western manager of the Robert Bell Engine and Thresher Company, wile has been in Ontario for a few weeks, was 'in 'town this week: He left for borne on Thursday. - Mr. Anderson Colter, Mayor of Ingersoll, and Mr. Wm. Bergen, of the same town, were here this week attending the 'funeral of Varna. Opening of Kippen New Store. -The formal open. ing of our new store will take place Monday next, April 1st. We invite you to come and get &share of the bargains, Read our ad. Balfour & Kipper'. 2050-1 Happily Married. -A quiet but pet- ty event took place at the hoecte a Mr. Samuel Reid alt six O'clock oni W.-LA- MA:4y, the 20th inst., the occasion! 'be - lug the marriage of his 'eeengest daughter, Mima, to Mr. George Faee iter„, of Regina, fornierly of 'Varna,. The ceremony was performed by Rev. T. Davidson, in ithleo presence oe only (the immediate freinds of the contract- ing panties. The bride was beautiful- ly dreased he point d'espieit, trim- med, with lane, over white silk, wear- ing the" 'Medal veil-, with orange blos- some and carrsing a !bouquet of white carnaltions. Miss Pearl Reid, of Bruce - niece of the beide, acted the pale of ring bearer and ,waS also dressed'18 whtte eilk. After thecere- mony and tongretualatiedes were oy- es all present partook a the good things prepared for the wedding din- ner. Tt& eeteene in* which the young Couple are 'held by 'their friends was Shown by the- many 'gleeful and beau- tiful presents received' 'by them. Mr. end; Ws. Foster left for their, home be Regina on Thursday of this week. !They caxry with them' the best wishes 'of a large circle' of friends for, a, long and egaPPY future. harming Display aster Time Winery. +444444 Trimmed Hats Untrimmed Hats Also a profusion of Flowers, Fruits Foliage,Molines Ribbons, Laces Two Exeellent Publications. -Canada has Jut cause to 'be nroudI of her newspa.pera, 'botn city and country. There are few countries of the age and population of Canada where news- papers can at all compare With the newspapers of this country. But, hitherto, her maga,zine literature has net attained the signal succese.Which has attended bee, newspapers. The Canadian Ma.gazine, however, which is published by the Ontario Publishing Company, of Toronto, and Which was, for many years, under the editorial management a MT. Rem A. Cooper, and of which Mr. Newton McTavish is now the toretrolling editor, has oc- cupied the field for several years,and half; attabeed a degree a success which, should ;be pleasing to every Canadian. Its • articles are well and earefully written, and are interesting, instructive, and entertaining ; its il- lustraSions are original and well se- lected, and are calculated to incite an interest In the country, while ite mechanical get-up is only equalled *oy the nest 'Ainericare publications. It is puolished monthly, and so long as it holds its present high standard It can not fail to 'receive public favor and aehieve success. In this connection, also, we have to mention the Canad- ian Courier., a weekly production of the magazine order. It was first launched it Decemoer east, by Mr, Cooper, when he severed his connec- tion with the Canadian Magazine. It is conducted with consummate aoility, has a splendid corps of writers and correspondents, is well illustrated and Mrs. Hargan, ar.-elessrs. Stewart neatly printed, and seems to fill a Eros., have placed a handsome hat "t611 want." It is growing in ex - case in their store. -Mr. E. A. Woods, cellence as it grows in popular fav- or Vancouver/ British Columbia. wa:a I or, and it justly deserves the suo- in town this week. Mr. .Woods is the I 'mess it has already' attained. It was second son of Mr. Charles Woods, who about 25 years ago, was a well known .grain 'buyer an 'the market here. The family !left Seaforth to Seside he Toronto, Mr. .Woods has been in the west for several 'years and like mot other Seaforth boYe who go abroad, 'MS prospered. He IS Londesboro. Wedding 13ells.-A very interesting event occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fairservke, ;when their daughter, Miss Sarah, was united in, the holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. Wm'. II. Curning, Blette, bel the Rev. Neil Leckie of LondeSnore. At five o'clocleas the strains cif the wedding march were being played by Miss K. Cuming, isieter of the groom, the bride entered the room leaning on the arm of her father. The bride was charmingly dressed in whtle silk, trimmed with insertion and lace and carried a baguet of white carna- tions. Miss Bertha Crittenden, dress- ed in' white silk, acted as flower •girl, and Master Ernie Stevens carried the ring in a basket of whtie carnations Aeter the ceremony and congratula- tions were over, the guests sat down Ito a sumptuous supper, after which 'toasts weee given by Rev. Mr. Leckie, of Lendesbero, and Mr. Gerry, of Blyth. The evening was 'spent in trip- ping the light fantastic, and other games. The presents were both num- erous and cootie, showing the esteem in which the young couple are held. At a late hour all went home feeling they had spent amost enjoyable ev- ening and wishing Mr. and Mrs. Cum- ing a long, happy life and a sae9 Jou'reer to their new home in the weet, for which they will shortly leave. a new and somewhat 'risky venture, out we believe there is sufficient in- telligence and literary taste among our people to jusitify the predict - lob tIiatf it will net a success& The fact Ithat both these, excellent per- iodicals are under the editorial man- agement of old Iluroe 'bare, Mr. 0001P. For the New Season Are Now First Shown TIGHT The styles in Millinery shown by us are those generally accept- ed as fashionable, yet they have attached to them that refine- ment of tone and exclusiveness of nharacter which. have, every successive season, caused our ,prouctions to be more and more sought. after by maul dressers. If you desiie to have a new hat to wear on Easter Sunday, Saturday will present you splen- did opportunity to make a selection. 4 Dress Goods Chief Thought.- _ After all is said and done, women's fancy and this store's purpose ten uppn dress goods at every changing season. Make it a point to some day sem have us give you authoritative idestregarding this important subject. Imported and domestic Tweed Suitings and Dress Fabric S in a beantifid range 9f; mixtures, fancy checks, stripe's, etc -600, 60e, 75e, el, $1.25 the yard. . All pure wool .French Venetian Oloths in new reds, greens, blues, mown, blacks, in the different popular prices. Light evening wear materials in all -wool and fine silk and wool, silk' em. broidered effests, crepes, eoliennes, taffetas, etc.; a complete range of the dark shades also shown. Black Dress and Suiting Fabrics in all pure wool, mohair, aud niob and wool, ete., guaranteed dyes, all weights and weaves, New Dress Accessories in Vane NEW COLLARS .,. . *--1-7 . ' -'. "--/),___ _----...,......., ....Ai '11111•••---1'. : - -,r- Winthrop The Creamery. -The annual meet- ing of the patrons of the .Winthrop creamery was 'held in the hall on Tuesday afternoon'when a, goodly member of those interested were in 'attendance. The report of last year',s operations as given by the- auditors was a very isatisfactory one, the make netting nearly 05,000 for the six months in which the factorywas in operation. Mr. Calder, the owner 'of the plant, has with commendanlie eateeprise in the intersts of the, pat- rons:and for the more efficient man- ufacturing of the butter, discarded bis old churn, and installed a new and up to date Success combined eleurn and 'butter worker, which together with other alterations. and improvements, will enable him, duelingthe corning season to manufacture an article which will meet the demands and the taste of the most fastidious public.. The creamery will begin operations for the season about the est of May - and we bespeak „ter it a larger and heartier support throughout 'the -sea- son than ever before, as it is a, finan- cial 'benefit to those who patronize it espeeielly, but also to those who make -their own butter., in that they. receive "a much 'better price than they otherwise would were the cream- eries nee in operation,' so havesour cream ready when the drawer calls and give it your 'hearty support. ilrucefield. Opening of Ifippen New Store. -The formal open- ing of our new store will take place on Monday next, April let„ We invite you to come and get a share of the bargains.. Read our ad. • Balfour & Kippen. 2050-1 More Good Onees.-At the recent sale of the stock of the late Mrs. Saltine, near Hensall, 'there .were sold four mares foe -the handsome elIM Of ee,188, One of these, a four year old, was purchased by the Messrs. Black, of Tuckerarnith,, for $455. This mare weighed 1,925 pounds in only fair con- dition. Another of them a 9 -months old filly, was knocked down to, Mr. J. McCallum, of McKillop, for 44230, and competent judges pronounce their) good buying fes these gentlemen. The four animals above mentioned were all sired by Prince of Hurlford own- ed by Smillie Bros., and werethe progeny of the one dam. Netee.-Mr. Fred Tomlinson,. our hustling machine agent e, is going to have a big delivery or farm imple- ments on Wednesday of this ,week. Fred is a imetler and knows; how to sell machines. -Miss G. Marks has re- turned home from a three weeks' vis- it among' friends in Stratford, Shakes- peare and ether points, looking well and much improved by the trip. -Kr. McTavish has 'returned to \the vil- lage for a short time. We are glad to see hint looking -so well again. - There is a big mud hole on the centre of Main Street, nearly opposite tee pestoffite, which, if the town fathers do net have repaired 'pretty soon, some, peep/VS limo 1474 WWI MAZ BINDING • • Leadbury. A New Horse.-eir. J. F. McIntosh, of The Leadbury line, has purchased from Mr, Colquhoun, of Mitchell, the young Clydesdale stallion, Mac of Newfield " (12,677), 'bred bY James Carson, Newfield, Dairy, Kircudoright- shire, Scotland. He is a thick, corn - pact horse, standing on short legs, of the very beet quality of bone, with fine silky hair and excellent feet and pasterns. He comes from the very best Clydesdale stock, hia she being the' a1,000 horse, Montrave Mae, by the renowned Macgregor, by the famous old champion, Darnley, while his -sire's dam Is Montrave Mend, by Prince of Wales, out. of perhaps the most famous mare that ever lived, the unbeaten Moss` Rose. It will be seen from this that Mr. MeIntosh has secured a, horse that should leave the very beet stock, and we hope his enterprise will prove profitable' to bimgelf and benficial to his patrons. - Netes.-The Young Peoples' Circle held their east monthly 'meeting at the home oe ler. Wm. Haekwell. An interesting and enjoyable time was spent by all those preseht.-Me. D. McCuteheon left for Saskatchewan on Tuesday last, His ta,rne 'here is seed- ed down, and being very induStrioas het18 juet the kind of a Man wanted to lhelp irepr-ove the western part of ottet DeinhelOre-Beve lier„, Anderson, of NEW BELTS HOSIERY GLOVES VESTS 0 OR SETS Eandker- °hie and Well -made Ready-to-wear Came SEPARATESAOKETS, SEPARATE SKIRTS, SEPARATE WAISTS, RAINCOATS. You will not Bee elsewhere better made or more stylish garments than othe Ills a gi „kers they ARE of buying they mus b his fac Of crowns One to RT6OODS mm010.1' Birth, preached missionary sermons with the 'fine weather tne al the three appointments in Walton ones will Soon be on the mend. - deceit late Sabbath, His discourse - was eloquent and forcible. The con- tributions were good. Rev. Mr; Currie Summerhill. took NI's. Anderson's work at Blyth. - Mr. Wm. Holmes has purchased the farm of Mrs. Coates, a mile and a half eaget from Leacibury.-Miss Flor- ence Stitt 'has been on a pleasant visit to relatives and friends at St. Marys. -A. nurnber of 'years ago our Scotch friends elaed Christopber Co- lumbus, the discoverer of America, as a Scotchman and :still later when Sir Wilfrid Laurier oecarne Prime M.iniSter, they claimed that gentle - ma etas a, Scdtchrnan from away bek and they said his name was 'Willie Laurie. And now an old chap over near Dundee gets up and says that llvelyn Thaw, the frail young beauty, who is causing such a emanation down at New York, Is his daughter. We are prepared to give the Scotch People all they are entitled to, but seink of them act as If they wanted the whole' earth, as well as tile un- discovered otetfits. Th s Sick.--Thearreany friends of Mrs. Peter Dodds, of the 7th coneessionnvill regret to learn that she is still confined to bed 'th'rough illness, but will hope for her Spee.dy recovery. Their two little boys, who have ale.° teen ill, are now on the mend, Mr. Dodds bas ceetainly had hie shar.0 of thAe. :winter, but we trust that Notos.-Mr. .7. S. Miller had #11 successful wood bee one day week, -Master C. J. Lovett Ilea turned home after a week's v181 Lucknow.-Wallace brothers fa leaving for the west next Th - -Mr. M. Hill is attending the Ifess college in Clinton at pre Mr, 3. Brownlee had an auctlGl of his farm 'tock and implernen Monday lest. -Mr. T. Lindsay lini the frame work Of his barn/ 4 C. Beacom.. -Holy communion le to administered in St. Peter's churl* BaSter Sunday. -Mr. T. Big gine his duties as mail ea. firet of April. -Mr. W. Jord busy lase week 'renovating I tnerhill residenee.-efiss Lily pald a visi tto her sister, Miss, Carter recentlee-Seeeiceis 11'; Peter's chureh are to be change*, !US morning after Easter, and day 'school is to oe 'reopened at hour of ten' ceelock,-etr. 13. Car* moving his farm effects to te near Wetfle1d -Mrs L Nether/ SO% of Belgrave, visited heP Wen, Mr. G. A. Tyner last Mr, G, A. Tyner is not as usual.s-The Mane' friends of 34. McBrien, sr., are pleased to le a her reeovery.-Misses A. and 1 , corn vWted their home in SUM 0112 81.20.10:4 • gilbathtFrael