HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-03-29, Page 6•.-
P s iVely the Most DeliCiOns Tea Grown.
Le•id Pa kits Only. 25e, 30e,_ 40e,.50e and, 60e
rT'O INT i:: Hoist:els by February lett 1007 80 x
to1 ft., ot tok and door front .Amencan
.etiolts1 la tailoring, ree,dynutde clothing,
)11. aloKlaLl Brussele. 2041.tf
ailontogoi , 'TS FOR SALE. - Ear side, two
.13 aoad hilaotiot. lots, on East William St., Sea.
forth, p:easafi, sitoated, and planted With halt
trete. ootpt. t MRS. at ROBERTSON, Seaforth.
my teen Foe e.tee.-A comfortable flame house
Ai. on amt.- to red containing 4 bedroom, eitting
MOWallgl lar;-,", It good Istone cellar all under the
bons o 1 a table. If not eald by the first of
April -oat to oatt•sla lb at at present minified by
Mr, Ain:Men'. Apply to JAMES licalICHAEL, Sea -
forth, 1,, .., 2047-tf
Fro'LET endersigned will rent his Wm on
J t. tate. sartre to a good tenant for a terrn of
five years. The toxin coninsts of 210 acres of good
land, nearly all .teder oultivation and in good con-
ditima Fer 1.11' •erms and partioulare apply at once,
DANIEL SMITH, St. Joseph P. 0 108 tf
.I. memo- tei improved quarter -sections of 100
acres tolai at from $g to 10X, per annum. Only first
mortentota Atripie security given. Torrents
sitle Se•ttfen k n -Ilea. From 4300 up can be lent
on farms •v'- feetriatt,000 to &ZOO"). For further
oartiailaof wro eW me. J. A. JACKSON, Raarig•
ter, et ;a. Alberta. 10594f.
-0011 S 1.1.". a comfortable frame house in Eg-
ntoraM:1-. with three aeres of land, cellar and
woo tooto.i. VIhouse contains 1 bed room, -par-
lor, dining roam and kitchen downstairs and two
f rooms an•I a large hall upstairs. There is plenty"
1-1 of hard and aert water. The property is cloth to both
. chureh and w•h-ril. Wilt be sold cheap. Apply to
JAMES s. Dir.inal, or box 857, Seaford.. P. 0
-ENATIM fin'. :4 I.LE.--The mbseriber oftersfor eta
hi x farm ii•-• tea acre% being lot 31, 3tal Conces-
sion. H. R. a. T tekersrnith. Ad cleared and under
eultivatioo exoeot 3 acres*. all bat 18 aores in gram
Frame lerise, balk barn, fay barn and other out-
oraldina... foat; orchard', good water, schoolhouse
on the twelniao. k Is within six miles of Seaforth
and liv.t royal cnot,m. Will be old en easy terms.
WIHT171111alt Clinton P 0..72009.a81f
"4-4 SALE, se.fer the Commercial- Hotel, Bay-
field. The Ito.1 is a two.storey-and.a.haif hriok
eatitaloing 4 Jorge double bedthouts, and
9 single rooms, I.:side s large dining room, sitting
rbonk, ere. 7' owe is also In eonnecUon s large
stable. A --lot Irtsinesale done both in summerand
winter. ata of totuista every milliner. The
hotel k Pent -title and pleasantly situated, Good
reason,. for -oaf. -. For further particularsapply on
the premis o. .tadress Bayfield P. 0. IIARRY
IaltiLot. II. 2043x8
-1" Alta 17 Vft't TO RENT1.--To rent for a term of
Je v-4 4, e•ni ore farm, four milenorth of Sea
forth, to 1,Vo7 i afeliillop township,- Huroo C.
Moot 4 r. .4 Wowed, 16 acres stubble, 70 aore-s of
hay aft I tOO'41"...tmttire lands. Arraogements would
be nevi - 4.1 t -let in respect th breaking up pas-
ture tot 1 lora I to 14. Wind mill and plenty of water
on prent e..„ tool barn, 60 x 80, with good stabl-
ing, un iera • Also other outbuildings and
ood boata fr.' n ionise. It. D. GOVENLOCK, Win-
throp, norio. 2047x4
TIAR%1 Vint s k1.E.-Vor Hale, a splendid farm in
th. re. noiai of Tuokersmith, being Lot 5, on
the 31-41 ' aloe. a and containing 100 acres. This ,
farm 1., firai it every particular. It is well
drain:. I .to I ha: t'lege beak barn with frame base.
merit, ; -.a a • v Mean- house and stone cellar, al -
•so a aer 1, good orehard and a good well.
This for e oi. zila (tauter miles from Henson.,
one of th h ni •kets in the county. School on '
the (Tooth.. . • a For further ptsrtioalars apply
ou the premix...-. or address J. 0. WO0D, Hensail
' 2047x4
FARat F,0FORSot..-For sale, Lot 24, Concession 2,
Sotioey. c• root ning 100 tiorea NinetY acres are
' feared an -1 in a trl-el state of oulavation ; there ate
acreor toe 1 hardwood hush. The farm is all
well wrierdrainel and well fenced. There is a two-
storey haat: hens - with slate root a fireteelass farm
house. Mob. barn. 40f1, x 8016, cement sato, pig pen,
drivino lie oat., T roe are ftwo never -failing wells,
laud an re -re of otr,'11.rd and small fruit. This excellent
farm i.3 thYee mi1e4 from Bruceileld and fire milea
from taintoto whit good gravel roads, For further
apo' o .1 the premises or address ALBERT
mere centee e. 19484f
la1A11SI V•1 -For sale,- Lot 5. (lance -ion 14,
X . i'tv`./' ng 110 aesem. The farm is all
oleo:rot 1,41 in o '0i state of ealtivation, lt, is well
drained I‘ it IOU f et ad. There lea large twtostorey
brick hoe wah tabbed and kitchen, There is a
large b loaf. .1 ;I ttv0 entailer taros and driving
shed, Two tre,i .:hards. There are two never
fallino sonata. .1-1 ofarnowhich Make it an excel.:
tent oti.. for tattle- azalea or „trooping. There is also
a paw a' the Irtro. with windmill. -This excellent
farm is tit.) rialto fonn Harloqk P. 0., four miles
from -114,11 'note suit purchaser as the prep-
nietreso g-khe-1 1-••Lre the farm and, if not sold., it
will be r aite 1. Vas, is the farm of the late John
• l'•i• taa: ho • ttorticulars pply on the premises
adtbose, 11 .a P. 0, MES JOHN MILLS.
nil .1.1 It a l'Aaal FOR SA LE. -The undersign.
of Ur Ar .4 }7 sato that moet desirable prop-
erty know: a 1. ft, Coneesaion 1, Township of
Illanshot 1. lo f• oity. There are, on the prem-
ises, gs 1 loioa ke 32 x 24, with kitchen attach-
ed. It; x 1. I":1 1 md.repair ; a large bank barn,
• I, 4 .' ne stabling underneath ; one
:I et 4:10, 12 x 37, and other useful
buildhla o ;.••• r is well watered, hoth in front
and ie 111.. rear a I 1 is adapted both for grain oral
titoek r 1 `4 1,1 a high state of cultivation,
whieh 1.- k I 1 trout the fact that the propriet-
or hal re -i 1 .1 t • • -,r7 for dearly fifty years, being
one of th - • .ssful fitrmers in the township,
. It ot • tot a being near both ehureh and
I419ra, reach of aaood market. For
furthor 1, irf•-.1: oadress JOHN 8.tartzERLAND,
Kirkt to la•••:1900-tt
a 1 01: ••• ttoneeasion ; Lot
(. 0, • •-• ; R. a Lot 14, cOneesaion 1,
rind s L 1-, • t , • oseion i, Huron Road Survey,
lownal d toT.o, • onith, County of Huron, contain-
ing tett a-.- - • 1.- within two miles of the thriv.
ilia tee e 4.s • • -•. one of the beet markets in Wee
tern onotaft. • • -' farm 'WM awarded • the gold
medal 1.1 1o • toro. •• :petition of 1K12. The farms
hay. been or ato _oat for the past ren years and
woold noa-Ta io • -lent shape tor general farming.
8oil goal at I • • two-storey brick dwellina house
and • o -v. oo ". , vvootiviied.-hot ear furnace_
hoot ,t; e ••t kitcheo-fine. grounda with
. and foliar hedges -orchard
entli op- eo• t, to 1• •d on west and north -good
x L 11 1; -30 acrett of hardwood bush,
Nat'l.- 1- '7 - 11 •watered with spring creek
root to. ttao .othaether or would divide pro-
p r . a:o-1 e terry in the COLIIILS of Huron.
JOIIN T ;I: '.; • • 2020of
• .rerersenoete FOR SALE.-
. i offer for sale Lot 10, Cannes -
in o partoof the estate of the
• -. Thai farm ronnains 100 acme,
; olott bush and or. eeres cleared,
.. .7 . tinder drained with vile awl
ot mita at conaistina of 8
itcharit,,3,7 sexes ploughed for
4 arms seeded to grass,
a parcel lerge britik helve
excellent new- bank ham, 50
• a pig pen and driving shed,
viling wells. This im a very
• 1 i SitnatUl One mile north of
. • eitora, 111 10111 P. 0.2033.
': Ti) RENT. --Lot 14, on
' 1 • • o old Sonth Half 14, 4th Comas.
Wool, 1 •s • - ° Hallett,- ere offend for tale
or •1 - all in grams ex -
rift A ao..ei two . storey frame
au x 7i1. with power mill, _a
..el iffieep house,- 20 x 30. The
-. a sprino, &drilled well and
1 31 miles from Vlinton mid
- -it or grain. Also Lot 1.2, on
•4vting of .1110 neves, twelve
. led clown. A never failing
HIM for pumping. • These
• -. ether or separately and on
Inn.; I .a.••
• .
tin: r. • L
• . :
the nth
a -ri • ,
spriti„, .
faruk k.
•'iaser. 1101 IOW will be
ranael. it . . box. 13, canton, 2y4eof
Cook's CcA-01.1 Root COMP011fid.
great Uterine Tonic, and
• • .- safe effectual Monthly
:water on which women can
. rid. Soldin three deg-rees
.!'ength—No. 1, *1 ; No. 2,
,• grecs stronger. 43; No. 8,
'''111;,;111e4g13184et,s,Peorr 14t
• r•-g.ic. on reompv of price.
...-t• pamphlet,. .Address: Ti
(torintriv Windsor)
per Pound.
At All Grocers1
that COD LIVER OIL and IRON are
beyond question the greatest medi-
cines known. Then why does not
everybody take Cod Liver Oil and
Iron? Simply because most people
cannot take the Oil and few can digest
the Iron in any ordinary form. These
difficulties have been entirely removed
by the introduction of VERROL, in
which the Iron is scientifically corn.
bined with the Oil, rendering the Oil
palatable and the Iron digestible.
is manufactured from the best quality
of Cod Liver Oil (the whole of the Oil)
and is richer in oil than any other
emulsion, and while it contains just the
right quantity of the bbst form, of Iron
and Phosphores, it is so scientifically
prepared that not one person in a thou-
sand finds any trouble in taking it,
end infants digest it without difficulty.
Moreover the well-established value of
the Oil and Iron is immensely
enhanced by the process of manufac-
ture, and as the formula is freely ex-
posed it is not to be wondered at that
physicians everywhere have fully
endorsed FERROL, and used it largely
in their pmctice. FERROL is invalu-
able for the treatment of any kind of
Liirq or Bronchial troubles, while for
wasting diseases it has no equal, and
'You Know Know What'
You Take"
• Estabasized 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
-Clough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria
Creso ene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not seem more effective to breathe in a
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
than to take the remedy into the stomach
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti-
septic is carried over the diseased surface with
every breath, giving prolonged and constatt tieat.
merit. It is invaluable to mothers with small
Those of a consumptive 1'1.5 Ve
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions of the
Sold by druggists.
Send postal for booklet.
iffaimited, Agents, adona
treal, Canada. 307
Baked sweet swim with some people, bring
arompt relief for Constipation. With others,
coarse all -wheat bread will have the same effect.
Nature undoubtedly has a vegetable remedy to
relieve every aihnent known to man, if physicians
can but find Nature's way to health. And this is
strikingly true with regard to Constipation.
Tho bark of a Certain tree in California -Ca&
eara, Sitgrada-offerill a most excellent aid to this
end. But, combined with Egyptian Senna, Slip-
pery Elm Bark, SOliti Extract of Prunes, etc., this
same Cascara bark is given its greatest ,possible
power to correct constipation., A toothsome
Candy Tablet. called Lax.ets, is now made aethe
Dr, Shoop Laboratories, from this ingentups and
most effective proscription. Its effect ort 'Conan
ration, Biliousness, &Mr Stomach, Bad Breath.
Sallow Cotaplexion, etc., is indeed prompt and
No griping, no uilliklaallitt after effects are ex-
perienced, and Lazes, are put up in, beautiful
Uthogmpbqd metal boxes at 5 cents and 243 cents
Per box. •
For something new, WO% eeonotaieal and
edective, try a box el
are mild, sure and safe, and are aperfect
regulator of the system. 1•
They gently unlock the secretions, clear
away all effete and waste matter from the
system, and °give tote and vitality to the
whole intestinal tract, curing Constipa-
-tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dyepep-
sia, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath, Jaun-
dice, Heartburn, and Water Brash. Mrs. -
It. S. Ogden, Woodstook, N.B., writes,
"My husband Ent,d myself have used Mil
burn's Laxa-Liver Pills for a number of
years. We think we cannot do without
them, they are the only pills we ever
Price 25 cents or five bottles for $1,00,
at all dealers or direct on receipt of price.
The T. Milburn CO., Limited, Toronto.,
Town of •Seaforth.
Naive is her eby given that petitions for the oon-
struction of 0EMENT SIDEWALKS nowt be
handed in to the Clerk by April 151h, 1907.
By order alt he Council.
2048-4 • Town Clerk.
I\leWs Notes
-The estate of the late Timothy
Eaton, of Toronto; eontributed over
*100,000 'to the Ontario treasury un-
der the succession duties law,.
-An Arneelean mail tag the con -I
tents a Whieh were -valued. etap.
proximately_ *100,000 has 'been stolen.
The theft' oecnrred either on 'board a
steamship lemming !between, New
York and Havre or between Heine
and Paris, Fromm .
-During theehtorro last week, Done
aid MeDonald, while orossing the riv-
er on the iee 'bridge, opposite the
Canadian' Soo, -tried to 'recover lite
hat, which blew off, but broke through
the Lee a.ncl was drowned. S. La.re
son went in to try midi rescue Mee
Donald, and was swept under the ice.
He came up In another hole, •atter
it was faupposed he was drownedi-ro
crawled out =seenand went to his
boardheg home.
;-When arraigned before County
Judge Chisholm, at Beelin, the other'
day, John F. Duncan, ex -manager
of the Bank of Coramerde eib Ayr,
Waterloo 'county, pleaded guilty to
three 'Charges. The first count* a-
gainst Duncan is that he altered ny
forgery, a bank voucher for L1 90 to
8,011.90; the second, that he tom.
ed an adeice note froin She head of-
fice of the hank in the seine manner;
and the third is that in January a
1906, eehile in; the Gait branch, he
stole a blank draft form, No. F.
44688. He did not use thls until
March 1th lait, 'after having been
-transferred from Ayr Ito Stratford.
Thenhefilled it out fori 012,000 and.
preeented it Ito the teller. •The •draft
purported to come from the ;Windsor
'branch, signed by E. P. Gower, -the
Manager there, as well as by the ac-
countant, and was made payable to
Duncan. This is ell a forgery, Dun-
can drew $1,800 and deposited:4200 to
his -credit. It is thie money he bed
on 11111% and Which formed pert of
the 0,650 he handed, over to the !Dank
authorities when he wan Et.pprehended.
After caShing the draft, instead, of
'burnieg it ancl thuts deStroying
•traces, he 'tore it up and threw it in;
the waste 'basket. The pieces were
hunted up and pasted. together', and
now are iti the Crown's possession.
Duncan was 'remanded until March 80
for sentence.
"I always tell my neighborng who
have children, how kood I have fo d
Baby's Own Tablets," ryas Hrs. t.
Reville, of Gawas, Ont. Mrs. Reville
fu,rth,er says: "I would net be with-
out 'the Tablets in the house Cor X
know of no medicine that can equal
them in curing the ills from( which
children so erten suffer." lit is the
enthusiastic 'praise of mothers -Who
have used the Tablets that makes
them the most popular childhood
renclicine' in Canada. Any mother
using Baby's Own Tablets 'has the
guarantee of a govennment analyist
• that this medicine does not 'contain
one pertiele of opiate or harmful
drug. Sold by medicine dealers' or
• mael at 25 cents. a box froln the
Dr. ;Williams' Medicine Co., Brock-
ville, Ont. ,
Mantoba, and Northwest Notes
-A 'new five storey business
Is to be.erected in Regina during the
comIng summer, for Mr. F. N.Drake,
frtf a cost of $100,000.
-Prince Rupert, the. Pacific ter-
n -tenets of the Grand Trunk Pacific
railway, will soon be cannected with
Vancouver end the outside world iby
-wire. A telephone line is now being
-Over 500,000 'bueihels of grain have
been already marketed at Yorktore in
Sask., and there is as much more a-
waiting for Shipment. It will take
twenty cars a, day for a, month to
relieve the situation.
-Archbishop Langevin officiated at
ae rather remarkable • St. Patrick's
Day service tn St. 'Mary's church, in
Winnipeg-, vehen he re.oeived into
Roma.zi Catholicism 48 converts to
that faith from Pretestantisrn.
-One of Premier Rutherford's
farms, adjoining .Stratheona,, Alperta,
Which was purchased some time ago
for *22,000, Sias recently 'neon dis-
posed of, Ini nlocke at an advance of
upwards of .00,000.
-General Booth, of the Saavaalon
Army, Who arrived en Winnipeg on
Felday last, on his v/ay to the Cowen
from whence he will sail for Japan,
was received on his arrival; by Mayor
Ashdown and the civic reception com-
m land, was tendered a magni-
• ficent reception by the citizens of
-Wilber Thompson, a brother of
Dorland Thompson, a farmer who re -
SWABS eight miles south of Carnduff,
Sask., dropped dead while walking
from the house to the Aerie on his
brother's farm. Death is attributed' td
heart failure.
-Samuel McCurdy, o-ne of the early
Settlers of Carberry elistriet died
in thee •town last week. POT many
years he farmed in the Pleasant Point
district, but has resided in tha
town during the' laeit three 'Years. -De--
ceased was 52 years oe age, andla
survived by -'a widow. •
-While driving in a sleigh along
the C. N. R. tracks, James Andersen,
and John McLaughlin were run down,
and killed by a backing engine three
rhilee east of North Battleford. The
men were going home, driving on
'the track to !escape the snow block-
Aded trail. The men were on neigh-
boring homesteads and both were a-
bout 45 years old, married, and
withlarge families.
-Wheat at the Tate of about three
thousand to tour thoueend bushels a
day continues' 'to arrive in Smite,.
toon, Sask. The price for No. 1 North.-
erxi was 56 cents. Farmers are dies, -
jug 'grain in from great clistances,anle
in spots experiencing Some difficulty
with the toacis, bwing, to too much or
too libble snow.
' -David Hindman, an old gentletnan
from Kentville, Ont,, en route to
Vancouver, Was taken from the C. P.
R. train at Medicine Het, recently, in
a hopelessly demented condition. He
had over Liel.00 in cash and a letter
of credit for $460,000 on les person.
He is neing held by the mounted police
until his son-in-law, 'Wm. Cresey,
arrives from Howard, Sask.
-A. P. Curry, one of Pilot Mound's
oldest and most successful business
men, passed a.vvan- at his family res-
idence On Match 14, after an illness
extending over a long period. Mr.
Curry was 'born at Hungerford, On-
tario, on December 21, 1860 end locat-
ed at Pilot elpund in 1890 and became
a member of the milling ,firm of Dow
• - •
/fade by an old restos that has cared
toughs and colds for two generations.
110 Approved by doctors as surely remedial
for all throat irritations. They please the
palate tee. Demand the threa-actruered
Itind in the red and yellow box. 2
val Troubles
Liver pills, cathartics, miner 1• '
waters, often make Constipti..
tion worse. They meeely ,
irritate the bowels and force
them to move—stop takin
.purgatives and the iaowe s
beconee "tight') again.
4 rait-a-th)es" are the one
certain core for Constipatia,
because their action. is nro i
the liveri "Fruit-a.tives" are
a liver tonic, They stimulate
the secretions of -bile by the
liver, this bile causes th
bowels to move in the naturac
regular way and, completel ,
cures Constipation. 1
'Friiit-a-tiyes aro fruit j tile,
with tonics and antiseptic's,
added. In " Fruit-a-tives '
one atom of bitter replae s
One atom of sweet in the fruit
•jalices, forming a new com-
pound which is Many timen
more active, Medicinally, than
• the frtit juices could possibly
• be. eoc. a-box—Sze') fee
• 6 boxes. At all dealqrs'.
teak Curry. He continued, in- a,ctive
life 'erntil two years ego, wheni he
was compelled to :retire on a,ccoulet of
ill health.
-The fink annual Provincial Seed
Fair for 'Alberta was held at. Edmon-
ton, nialich 6 to 8. :The fair was a
decided 'macaw. A latrge Inuriebei .04
farmers from the various districts of
Alberta, weee present The compe-
titions were very keen and in some
cases the Judges had. a good deal of
difficulty in deciding on 'the awards,
• -Mr. L. E. Richerdice of North Bate
tlefo'rd, Saskatchewan', a wealthy Eng--
U106mm, who recently bought the
Grand csantrai, 'hotel there, sJad has
Invested considerable money in; loeal
town propekty, hes 'become 'so exile
thusiestio over the prospects of real
estate and of the farre 41,11d0 of the
(lege& that be has gone tack to the
motherland, to form a ee250,000 syndi-
nabe to invesit further.
-During the recent cold spell itwo
•men named N. Prole., and Charles E.
Loiselle were returning to Weyburn,
Saskatchewan, from their homeetead,
about 45 miles away, and night over-
taking them they, lost their way.
Loiselle left Prolx ' in charge a the
horses and en 'foot tried to locate
the road. After being away a • few
minutes he was unable to find Prole
and the horses. Leiselle managed to
get to a tatalale, where:he spent the
:remainder oe 'the night. Re was bad-
ly frbeen, but when dayilight came he
secured 'help tend search *an made.
for Prolx. unfortunate man was
found frozen to' death irt the, rig.
-While Mr. Peter Wallace, an old
resident of Lakeland distelet, near
Gladstone, Manitoba, having lived
there aeout 15- years'was 'hauling
straw, he 'met herd of cattle on:
the woad, whith crowded the team off,
causing them to bolt. Over -balancing,
Mx. Wallace fell ;through the rack,
breaking 'his leg and striking his
head on; the reek,. causing congestiort
of the brain. Unconscieusness fol-
lowed, front which. he never rallied,
',..dying the same evening. He leaves
a wife and three email childree, the
oldest ;six 'years old.
Some Sensational Proofs of Its Heal-
ing Power.
mops gde,
Every they brings interes 11n..
stances to light of the wonderj1 heal-
ing power of Zam-Buk, the herbal
'balm.. Mr. .Wm. Snell, a Le-enburg,
Sask., farmer says "1 seemed me"
arm by usiatg Zarn-Buk. I , had a.
tetrit3le scalding accident and the
arm after the injury took the wrong
way. W -hen, I started to use Zara-
Buk it was all swollen up and•
colored, and I feared it would have
to come off. In a few days Zern-Buk
killed the poison, reduced tlier'swell-
ing and finally healed the arm com-
• Eo20111a Cured. ,
M. J. E, Cusick, of 849 Wilton St.,
Hamilton says: "Every ,winter I us-
ed to have eczema on the ''eack Of
my hands. Last winter I was espec-
ially bad -so bad that I had to be
off work for three weeks. While
fluttering auctely I was advised to
wa;s advised to try ZanneBuk and did
so. I could not have believed any-
thing could have, healed so quickly.
It; jut seemed to dry up and clear
away the sores, and in a wonderful-
ly short time rey band e vveret quitPIles e
Mr. Nell Devon, of Webbwood, Ont..
says : "For eight years 1 tried. all
kinds of 'things for piles, 'but • got
nothing to do me any good until I
struck Zane-Buk. That quickly work-
ed r a complete cure."
Zam-Buk 'heals all skin diseases,
cuts and bruises, eczema, scalp sores,
ulcers, chapped places, spring pim-
ples, scrofelous ailmente, poisoned
Wounds, swollen glands, boils. .As an
embrocation 11 cures rheumatism, sci-
atica, etc. All druggints •and stores
sell at 50e, a box, or .from Zam-Buk
Co., Toronto. Six boxes for $2.50.
Send le. stamp for dainty trial box.
-A 'baby boy was born to DM im-
migrant couple on the northbound
train On Friday •si,t Aylesbury, San-
katchewan. The mother was given the
emoking, department in a first olaas
carriage. Servtes volunteered by lady
passengers we e availed of, but the
couple refused Ithe assistance of med-
ical men. The parents and child were
removed to the Immigrant Rail in
Saskatcm. The reeve of Aylesbury
oefered the father of the child a town
lot if he. would locate there, as the
boy was the first male child born in
that village. The parents are from
Russia, and came to Saskatchewan to
settle. Passeagers on board raised a
purse of money for the infanta .
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tbe
Signature of
-The seveneyeateold daughter a Mr.
and Mrs. P. la Garrett, of Reid Hill
diettelot, near Nanton, ,Alta.„ met With
a„ fataloccident The little eel fell
into an open well, 82 feet deep. Her
father ,went to the rescue, and let a
rope down which the little girl geasp-
ed and held on, until within a few feet
of the top, when her hold slipped and
ehe .fell bank. Mr. Garrett than tied
the rope 'to a. stake in; ;the ground and
Went down the well hand over
hand, when the stone, curbing caved
in burying the unfortunate little girl,
-Knox etarreh, at Weyburn, Sask.,
WSi dedicated on March 8rd, ley the
RCY. Saneuel McLean, B. A., of Moose,
Jaw. The chnechis of English Gothic
cruciform denign'ount a cement blocks
and finished he co sst fir. The nasee,
trient contains three clans rooMe, lie-
rary, kitchen and furnace reeves, all
of which open in, 41., large lecture
room, thus providing a perfeet place
for effwtive Sunday school and En-
deavor, aits Well as for the eocial
oide of chute% life. It has a seating
eanaeitY for over 500, in addition to
a' beautiful elioie alco.ve. The post es
$0,000, The windows cost $1,000. The
furnishinge, ineluding Organ, were
provided by the Ladies' Aid, and cost
'over 1/1,800. The pastor is Rev.R. S.
Leslie, B. A., a native of St. Marys,
-At the Methodiet parsonage, Har -
• to in on 'Wednesday, nlarch 18th,
Miss Mildred, daughter a Mr. ;Daerld
Torrance, a Listowel, was married
to Mr. Albert Wilson, one of eforn-
iugton's meet proeperous young far -
ere. The marriage ceremony ware per-
formed ny the Rev. T.1. Atkin. The
bride was dressed he navy- blue lady's
cloth with hat to match. .After the
ceremony they took the ;train to
Teeswater, where a. few days were
spent with the groonfe friends, On
Their arrival home tn Milyerton on
Saturday evening haat, a 'reception
was held. at Feervieve Vine, their
fatthe borne, one mile north ot the
village, where a nuniPer of immedi-
ate reletives had gathered, to extend
Imperial Service Medal For Letter
Carriers and Light Keepers..
The London Chronicle in a recent
issue says : An interesting -h.onors list
appears in last night's Gazette, the
recipients being retired members of
the Colonial Own Service, who had
occupied quite humble positions, such
as letter carrier, lightkeeper and mes-
Upon these the King has conferred
the Imperial Civil Service medal,
which was instituted by hie Majesty;
for the recogrdtion of long and meri-
torious service in branches other than
adniinistrative and clerical.
The following is a list of those upo
whom the medal has been bestowed;
Bonner, George, lightkeeper, Point
..Aconi,.Province of Nova Scotia.
Currie, George, Iightkeeper, Isle of
Coves, Province of Ontario.
Cusson, Nareisse, letter carrier,
Montreal, Canada.
Fran.cia, Robert, coxswain, Harbor
Master's Department, Saint Helena,
Roy, Joseph, messenger, Attorney'.
General's Department, Province of
Short, William Stephen, letter car-
rier, London, Province of Ontario,
• Tremblay, Dorilas, lightkeeper,
Portneuf, Province of quebeo.
Our Best Investment.
Hon. H. R. Emmeruson, Minister
of Railways and Canals, recently was
the guest of the Canadian Club of
Cornwall at a dinner. Hon. Mr. Erne
merson spoke at considerAble length
on Canada's national railWay, the In-
ternational, He related the history of
the road from its inception to the
present day, and claimed that the
building of this railway, linking the
various Provinces, had cemented the
'bonds of confederation. The Inter -
colonial had opened up trade between
upper Canada and the Maritime Pro-
vinces, and Ontario got the greater
share of the benefits. It had brought
the people of the various colonies
gether, and had 'helped to wipe out
sectionalism and make Canada a na-
tion. He claimed that the money spent
on the Intercolonial was the best in-
vested money in Canada, The interest
on it came in the development' and
prosperity of the country. in this it
was like the money spent on canals
And ,subsi 'de /1"1"4
English Society.
Cockney is rapidly becoming 'tbi3
arrrrent dictum of the best English so-
ciety. A ,well brought up young lady
was recently heard to call across the
table at a .shooting lunch to a man
with N.Velliaigtonian nose and dome-
like forcheed, "N o w, then, bird faece,-
MAW 111n bhit fOrA Fair.
POUND= 08 THE traCOIlD votneeor.
Reproduced above, is a portrait of the late
Mr. C. B. Record, the founder and original
head of the Record Foundry & Machine
Co, of Moncton, N.B., and Montreal,
Previous to Mr. Record going into the
snanofacture of stoves, those used in
Canada were almost wholly of American
manufacture. The character of the work
turned out by the Record Foundry ne
Machine Co., at 'once gave their stoves a
standing, and as a result a very large
business soon grew up, largely owing to
Mr. Record's untiring industry and per-
severance against many obstacles.
Although Mr. Record retired from active
business as far back as 1879, the solid
basis on which he had established the in-
dustry, has resulted in its growth from a
sturdy pioneer into one of the largest stove
manufacturing plants on the northern half
of the American continent. With two
large plants, one in Moncton and one in
Montreal, the Record Foundry St Machine
Co. are known from Halifax to Vancouver,
and their " Calorific " and Admiral"
furnaces and "Penn Esther" ranges
recognized as the standard of .Canadian
That in addressing Mrs, Pinkhami you
are confiding your private ills to a woman
-a woman whoee experience 'with wo-
men's diseases covers twenty-five years.
The present Mrs. Pinkham is the
daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham, and
for many yeers under her direction, and since)
her decease, her advice has been freely given'
to sick women.
Many women suffer in silence and drift along front
bad to worse knowing 'lull well that they oug t to
have immediate aesistance, but a natural modesty
impels them to hrink from exposing themselves to the
questions and probably examinations of even 'their.
family physician. it is unnecessary. Without Money
or price you can consult a woman whose knowledge
froin actual experience is great.
Mrs. Pinkharn's Stitnding Invitation:
Women suffering from any form of female weak -
nese are invited to promptly coranannicae with
Mrs. Pinkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters a.
received, opened, read and answered by women .
only. A woman can frly talk of her private
illness to a woman; thus has been esta,bliehed
the eternal confidence between Mrs, Pinkham
and the woraen of America whieh ha a never
been broken. tOut of the vast volume of
experience which she has to draw from,
it is More than possible that she heel
gained the very knowledge that will help
your case. She asks nothing in return
except your good -will, and her advice has
relieved thousande. Surely any -woman,
rich or poor, is very foolish if she does °
not take advantage of this generous offer
of assistance. -Lydia E. 'Pinkham Medi-
cine Co., Lynn, Mass.
Following we publish two !etteTs
from a woman who accepted this
invitation. Note the result.
-First letter.
Dear Mrs. Pinkham
"For eight years I havesuffered something
terrible every month. The pains are ex-
cruciating and I can hardly stand them.
My doctor says I have _a severe. female
trouble, 1 xnust go through an oper-
ation if / want to get well. I do nOt want
to submit to it 1±1 can priibly help it.
Please tell me what to do. I hope you tan
relieve me." -Mrs, Mary Dinamielt, D9th
and E. Capitol, Sts., Washington, D. C.
Second letter
Dear Mrs. Pinkham
"After following carefully your advice,
and taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compqund,I am very anxious to send you
teshm • miner
ire and what: y,ou. have done for Me.
"As yon know, 1 wrote yen
doctor eaid I must have an °pennon
could not live. I then wrote you, telling
you my ailments, I followed yotn•
and am entirely well. I can walk
without an, ache or a pain, and o
life to you and to Lydia E. Pinkhatte
etable Compound. I wish every
werPon would read this t&elimo
realise the value of vrnn
your remedy," -Mrs. Mary •
and E. Capitol SLeseb, Washington, D
When a medicine has been
in restoring to hcaltth so many womi
whose testimony is so ungneetionsbits
you cannot wdllsayj without e*
"I do not believe it win help me.It
you are ill, don't hesitate to get a Ixtile
of Lydie E. BRUM' '0 Vegetable Cern..
pound at once and Wrili4 Mr*. Finial'
gnu, Masa, peaiitfr
and always hel
Short, stiff,hsrd, steelivirestayamake a"hinne-like"
joint at every lateral- wire on the Dillion fentva. -
These "Hinge -stays" give our fence a grw.for degree of
elaeticity-enablo it to withstand greater drain. They aot
like, and really aro, hinges--roake our fence swing or spring
back into shape after reteiving a heavy blowoor tho unusual
pressure caused by a furiou abull or other animal endeavoring to
push hie waythrough to freedom. Catalogue tolls more shout
this! "twice as stfong"fenoe.
The Owen Sound Wire fence Co., Limited,
Owen Sound, Ont.
BISSELL 3 Drum Steel Lind toiler
They stand up Against hard.
• isf it. Tense rods *stiffen titie
'too Sate in all
Closer Stveted Titre
atrmtttl3Ly.a 1.c
sampIr rAraluine withal* .
name '131188Eldle" XiflUIactured ar
Waitas or booklet "E.."
Store to Rent. 1 Notice to Creditor
The west store of the Bell Block, in the Village of
'fennel!. This is suitable for a general store, reit-
tauten t, or any business requiring a large, well.
fitted bulging. A oomfortable dwelling above the
store. Possesolon tan be given et once. Apply to
ROBERT BELL, Seaforth,Otit. 2045-11
Late Division Court Clerk, has a number of prod
3rtie8 for sale or to rent, among which is a good
ouilffing lot, the South Eat Half Of Town Lot No.
,6 Poet Ward, itt GeorgeSparling's Survey, Seaforth,
Which will be sold on reasonable terms. Insurance
effected, debts colledted and loans made on eatisfaeo
tory security at, reasonable rates, go and see,
ond be convinced. Late Million Court Office, Set -
2 01841
• Limited
Authorized Citpital.3,000 Shares ; each -$100,000.
For the punkse of taking over the
tusiness and plant of Messrs. D. D.
Wilson & Cos in the town of Sea -
forth, • 'remodelling and fitting up
the said plant as an up to date Me-
chanical Cold Storage in accordance
with the requirements of the Do-
minion Government before they will
grant a, eiubsidy, the above Com-
pany has 'been organized.
A limited amount of stock is of-
fered to the public at par. No pre-
ference stock or bonds. All share-
bolders on the same footing.
The situation is very favorable for
the business proposed. The section
of county is large and unsurpaseed
for the production of Egg -s, Poultry,
Butter, Cheese, Meats and. Fruit,
aisoshould- be a profitable part of the
butitinehasanFish for distribution
The Government has passed a bill
granting a subsidy of 80 per cent. of
the cot of plants such as ie proposed
to be established which shows the
need of ouch an estaullehreent. The
ptoapects are excellent for a large
and profitanie business which will
be of great benefit to the producers
hdandlers of perishaPie products
in this district. For further inform-
ation inquire of either of the under -
Provislonat Directors.
• 204641
In the estate of -John McIntosh, late of tbe Tow
of Titekerstnith, in the County of Huron,
iner, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given pursuant to R. 8. O., 4.11114a
120, Seo. 38, that all persons having claims egairta
the estate of the -said John McIntosh, whodiedontke
IM). day of February, 1907, are required, on or before
the 81h day of April, IRO, to send by post prepaid or
deliver to John Beattie, Seaforth, (intaxio, &meter
of the deeesaad, their names and addretiaes, bItWA
Oculars of their olaires duly verified, Attfl the mane
of the security Of any) held by them.
And notice is further given that after the .41
date, the Bald Executor will proceed todietrioutotha
�88011J of the mid estate Datong the persOns entitled
thereto, having regard only to the olaims of triti
he ehall then have notice.
Seaforth, Ontario;
Datod this 19th day of Morel), 1997.
Farm Laborers a
nave been appointed by the Dominion 0
'tient to place Imp:agoutis frotn the United
in positionsas farmlabortra and domestic
Any person acquiring such help should notify
letter stating -fully the kind of help required
wanted and Mw Wages offered. The numbers
ing maynot be sufficient to supply alt regnesto,
very effort will he made to provide each applioad
with help required.
2042-13 Seafort
The McKillop Mutual
Insurance Company..
=me IMINNIWI251.11.
U. B. 'McLean. president, ippi
P. 0.; Thomas Eraser, viee-pr
dent, Bracefield 23. 0.; Thernae
gare. secretary -treasurer, Sealt
Williarn Chesney, Seaforth
G. Grieve, Winthrop; GeeXige
Seaforth te John Benneweis, D
Jame e Evan-, Beschwood;
Watt, Harleok ; Thos. Eraser, Bre
field; Johrl B. McLean, gielImU
gehhollle, Clinton.
Robt. Smith, rlook ; E, Hip
ey, Seaforth JamCumming.
thendville: J. W. Teo, Holm
P. 0., Geo. Meirdie and Gee.
.,on, Iiinditotif*