The Huron Expositor, 1907-03-29, Page 4safe' a!**
12 13
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26 27
aataa *aka., •ta Oa
ThP sire between .tbe parenthesis after each
ad, tl..v et the page of the paper on whichtita
ad...121-C!. merit is found.
If Vi,r. Knew. -Stewart Bros. -3
New it...end-W. IL Robinson -3
l'4.11 ttp.., Ete.-R. II. Peek &
Soritaf 4 -tits Ready--Ortix Clothing Co . -I
tagt.i m..iiinery-E. ?florin' Co. -8.
Don't. AZ: trome at Chiee-Alex.
%W? "mee-W. G. Wil1is-4
Wan I' mer-Popiestone & Ciardiniar-4
Fateld toting -Geo. A. Sills -5
;!Ipere--Reid & Wilean-6
I.*nitwear-Richardson & McInnes -5
If Vole es Are Sound -J, 13irlger---1
Item- •.; Interest -Geo. A. Sills -6
Spit; .t.,c,cis--Toronto Bargain: liouse-5
1.4ealul1 T ,nders-Fred Gellnas-5
Awn Saes -5
Wfmkt-i -M., F. Beach Co. -8
- lter
4'iuto tn itent-Mrs„ F. Case -5
roe.-rly or Salr-Urs. Jag. Kehoe-5
New ;v. -we -Balfour & Caldwell -8
Rent -8
$r.tgi ' ;4 for Sale-Geoge II/11-5
Seer: I- 14 for Sae-Adatn Dodds -5 Si-Andrew8-8 \-
Coat 'fi-8
Corn-Settforth Milling Co. -8
Notis Creditors -G. J. Sutherland -6
Fat.w, Itent-Tobiss Nash -6
Git44 wented-Grip Motel -8
Sp" eeedie-Ohesdey & Arehlba1d-8
rh*gitVint enicgittOV
SraFORTII, FRIPAY, Idat, 29, 1907.
heft had been .4254,000,000 expended purse tepleniehed. With one OITA, of
on oapital account on theletercolorn there he purchaaecl sotto necessities
lal Railway and Of which . Mr. Etn,-- ter the hem, and the remaining • del
era= had met taken iteeount in lar he gave* for reieeiOnee hasing been
'sting et surplus 'tied that duringappointed to caelvasee his. netellboillood
the past year the tountry had Seent and ho headed 'the lbet with his last
over three millione. of dollars Mt the mitee It is 'not auprising that sueli
road Over and above .lts. bareingsand a 'man has. proOpered.
theaged it to capital- accOunt. In re-
ply to this it is oiled that the canali
have coat vaeit sumo ;not only,- feretheir
eonatructien but t for their male -ten -
ante and that the Country -do not re-
ceive any revenue from' 'teem ;Mit
for all that n� person will say that
tthe canals do not pas' the country lib-
erally for all they cot and eh it is
with then i soit isewith the Pktereo
lonial Relleva,y, the country; Or that
pert of the !country which it serves,
profits from; it to a muele greeter
extent than its cost amounts to. Per-
haps, as we shaere the Intercolenial
Railway and moat beep it as long as
.Confederation, 'endures, thie Is. acorn--
fortable way of looking' ait the eitu-
The Dominion ParhaMent..
It is Still an 'unsolved problein as
to when the sessiort will close. The
Hmeen adieurned on :Wednesday until
:nest Tuesday on account of the, East-
er lueldays. But 3101tVirithatandlatt this
break appearances seem to indicate
that prorogation might take 'place
during April. The Government meas-
ure*Fa those not already passed, are
well advanced, 'but no peeson can telt
whim some trifling 'Metter mayispring
'um the diecuszelon of whieh may con-
aurree a couple at days The Opposi-
tioe. every 'DOW and again set to
work to ventilate Wale particular
menial and although :it does not a--
meent .to anything in the lighti of
protor explanations, it gives them an
opeortunity to _make a, noise and
melte it appear before the public that
wheeze 'there is smoke there mwit be
some fire. One Of these *as discussed
for a, couple of days laet week. It
seems the Government having guare
ante -el the bottle of the Grand Trunk
Pacific Railway in so ter ete con-
strection is concerned, have to pass
In review the accounts of that corn -
natty to See that items ;are not
cherged to. construction account which
shoeld be charged to some other ac -
The ,Ontario Legislature.
Although there was a good ;deal of
work done in the Legislature during
the past week, there was not touch
that can be outOrnerized into readable
shape, mesit of it being of 9/ 'routine
but usetur na,ture. The House ad-
journed for ,ttte Easter holiday e from'
Thursday until the following Wed-
nesday. On account of the illnese of
Speaker St. dehn, which is eeferretl
to elsewhere, Mr. Mhos. Crawford has
been appointed tempoiary Speaker, and
Will 'likely act fon the remainder of
the session. Most of the committee
work isdone and the signs point to
an early prorogration. Latest ac-
counts say Speaker St &eel is; mak-
ing favorable progress with good proa-
peets fon his final and, coMplete re-
-COM -Ty. '
Bieozes.--Sinee lea Writing two
marriages were sceetnnized .In thie
,vielnity., Jew, one at the home of Mr.
„lames; Bells on the Oth inat., when
hiS daushter, Miss Ann J., became the
wife of Mr., Wm. Reidt; the other one
on the lettht at the home of Mr.George
Rainey, When his daughter, Effie, be-
arne the bride of Mr, Wm. Scott. -
Many here' have *tapped their tree,
and Ithe run -of dap ha S been good thief
year. John Mentgomery, of .near
Orangehille hale, 600 trees tapped.-
tweeze the two wspapers of • our
There is quite lively ;wrap lbe-
toweughip, the GOrtie Watt and the
Fordwich, Record on the one aide, feed
the township councit and the ,Wing -
ham Advance on the other. 'The coun-
cilgot the .Advance to tender for
the Howick printing, and, as its ten-
der was lower than ,either •of the
others, it was accepted. The Rea:fed
and Videete claim that the Advance
is doing tree work for Eloorielc at
rates much l 'reduced from that of which
it is doing the work for its own town.
The weekly comments make interest-
ing treading, and thole far (the edi-
tone of our little :towns are 'holding
their own with their big contem-
porary. -Mrs. M. Haskings, ot ,Hunt-
ingfield, had an sefecion sale on
Thursday, of this week. Mr. ;leery
Torrance, of Clifford, ,was 'Met _sue-
koneer.-Med RObeet Perelman ihiPPecl
16 heavy steers from Clifford last
Settarday, to the Union Stock Yards,
TOronto. The market on that date
was not 'a. very strong one -and, Mr.
Ferguson would not make any too
good a sale. -Robert :Candle, of the
'burg will build the Wall under Thos.
Inglis' 'barneMany of the farmers in
this vioinity are going to try to gat
along without- the services of a man
this tarnemen, as hired men are ask-
ing such high wages and are hard to
get even then. -Miss Maud Birsbfield
of the Wingiunn high school, Sunda,yed
at hornet-SprIngbank butter factory is
not going to run tide summer. The
proprietors claim, they men it at a
loss aast ye* end did net Show up
this spring. lt• is too bad as the fac-
tory is well equipped and in! first
class running order. -Mi. J. .7. Gregg
is expected home from the west this
week, whither he went with a car
load of horeves.--Me. Wade, assessor,
Is 'going ihis rounds through' the
township. - Howick's economical
council, is the way the Pordwich Re-
cord writes re our council. We trust
they may practise econozne in many
things and not administer the whole
dose 'to our lowndhip editors.
A meeting of the Reform Aseocia-
tione a South Hume, as Constituted
for Dorrilnion and Provincial purposes,
was held in Hensel], on Tuesday lasst.
Considering the very ilaa State of the
roads, there was a fair.. attendance.
The object of the meeting Was to -con-
sider the propriety of amalgamating
the two Associations, Whieh, *hither-
to, have had a, separate existence.
This was teceseary uinder the former
aerangement of the constituencies,but
now that 'both conistituenelee are near-
ly the Same, amalgamation .was
thought to be desirable. The presi-
dent of , the Provincial Association,
Mr. T. G. Stanbury, .barrister, of
'Exeter, presided. In a neat address he
stetted the object of he .meetiper„and
clearly defined, the eituation. .After
a thorough MaCWISIOn a 'resolution
was unanimoesly passed agreeing to
the amalgamation. After -this the
meeting , proceeded to organize the
amalgamated -Association. • Mr. Alex.
Mustard, of Bruce -field, for many
years Oesident of the Dominion As -
sedation, and ler. Stamburymeho had
filled a similar dposition for the Pro-
vincial Association, 'expressing their
desires to be relieved from' office,
Ur: Henry Smith, of: Has, wais. ap-
pointed president of the amalgamat-
ed Association; Mr: Alexander Mus-
tard, let vice president; Mr. 'James
Watson;' Seafoeth, 2nd vice presi-
dent, and Mr. Jacob Kellerman'Dash-
wood, 3rd vice president. Sir Wilfrid
Laurier, Sir Richard Cartwright, and
Hon. George P. Graham were appoint-
ed honorary vice presidentc Mr. J.G.
Stanbury was appointed secretary, and
Mr. John Murdoch, of Stanley, treas-
urer. The following were appointed
municipal chairmen for their respect-
ive municipalities; alcKilles, John
_McDowell; Seafortte J. le. McCallum;
Tuckersmith, George S. Black; Stan-
ley, Wm. Murdoch; Bayfield, John
'Fraser ; Goderich township, John Tore;
ranee; Hay, Charles Fritz; Hensel',
Dr. MeDermid ; Stephen, Jacob Holtz-
man ; Exeter, S. Martin; Usborne,
Eckert Gardiner.
The constitution was -revised, cor-
rected, made applicable to the amalga-
mated Association-, and adopted. The
Matter el fixing the date for the
Domini= convention. in Juno, and ar-
ranging ifor the' calling of" a con-
vention to select a Provincial condi-,
date, were left for the executive corn-
enittee, *filch is composed of the of -
leers of ;the Society and the munici-
Pal ch,alr(men.
count. It seems that a batch' of ac-
coar.ts were sent in by the compeller
and of these some $1160,000 were of
a nature that according to law they
shoeld not be charged to construc-
tion. They were missed by the aft-
cere of the company and ;by the Public
-Works Department of the Government
but when they came before the 'Fi-
nance Departrneet they were thrown
out ane payment was refused and the
a:coulits were returned to the corn-
- pany. The Opposition wanted to get
these refused accounts to see what
tbey contained and moved a vote of
censure on ;the Government because
tee et were returned to the company.
Tile Government replied that not hav-
inet paid the accounts, they ha,d nee
theng further to do with ,them and
COnsequently the onlyj course for
them to pursue was to ',return; them
where • they belonged, which. ;they
Oid. If the trailway choseto make
improper expenditures of their own
meney thee was their affair. So long
as the Government properly scrutine
ized .the payments for which theie
eau:etre' is responsible, and did met
permit any „improper payments on this
aceount, this is all that is required
or them. This view was ttaken by the
majority, and so another Opposition
scencial vanished into tbin air. The
Oprosition would fate better in the
lone in if they would. leave the
ecendal business alone untn they got
a real scandal to work on. This call-
ir g of Wolf, Wolf, when there is
tr., Wolf, only wastes time and serves
to discredit them in the country.
The Government measure for the
fmilitating of the settlement of dif-
_Oa-allies between employers and em-
poneed, has been finally passed both
in the Cormnone and. the Senate. It
waa mare eva.rml,y. received in the
letter body than in the farmer, and
-was commended by membe_re On beth
sites. Sir Mackenzie 13oweII said he
hes given a good deal of attention
to the measure and he (noticed that it
reae 'not entirely satisfactory to either
tee employers or the employeee, and
ti' took from this that it most be a
eery_ fair measure and equita,ole to
c coh. Several members of the Senate
et :rated that it did not go further
and provide for compulsory areitra-
t:on. This would ,s-emn the\ indicate
the old fellows are lisecernine
sere pregreegive and democratic in
tem ir ideas than their brethren of the
'ire Emerson. the Minister of Rail.-
v.-ays. delivered his annual speeeh de-
meiptiee or the werk done on the Ine
tereolonial Railway during 'the past
yz ar and its finencia,1 condition. Mr.
For.ersotes speech was a a very en-
couraging nature, and had. Its ef-
fcct not teen somewhat spoiled by Mr.
I-Ia.ggart, who came after him, the
public might assume that we are 'corn-
leencing to emerge from the woods en
ee far as the affairs of our national
nellway are concerned. On the past
year's operate) 9 Mr. Emerson shows
a serplus of e, 2,000 between trevenue
and ordinary expenditure, while the
'traffic, both passenger and freight
bed largely increased and he pre-
' meted a much better showing next.
year and he strongly - advocated the
cetension of the road at leastehs far
es Toronto and hoped that it would
ultimately be extended to the Pacific.
He further showed that the 'rates oh
the II'S:zealot-eel are metch Sower than
on either the Canadian Pacific or the
Grand Trunk. He sixongly deprecated
tont propesitions looking towards' the
disposal ef the road to private corn-
et -Ides and declared it =St ever re-
main the property of the country. Mr.
I F. eggae t. who followed, somewhat
took the gloss. off Mr. Emerson's finei
e:cture by showing that since 1897
$$6,000.-W. David Duactun and
11,74 of Ilaborne, left la*, Weeor
their 'new home in Grand COulee, Sas-
leatchewan, *here 'Mr. Duncan has
perehased a large farne-Last. week
three boys who pleaded guile" of
throwing fatale eggs at the residence
door of a worthy citizen, were fined
$110 and coats es,eh by Jusitices Pier01-
en and ICay and in .default a pa,yenent
to spend 30dayin Castle Getffin at
,Godericii. This' will be a saluta.ry, les-
son to them and will probably deter
them and Others tram indulging tn
like "!un" in the future -Our cite
tenni learned on Saturday with feel
lags of deep and sincere regret' of
Tho . death of afra. Richard Delbridge
of -this place which occurred, that
mcyzthigUr.s. 'Delbridge had not
been „i3njoying robuSt !health foreorne
tinlifY and henself and her hueband re-
tired from the farm in Usborne about
a ''year ago. and came to reside in
town with the hope that the Test and
change might prove, ,beneaicial. They
also event some months in the North-
weeit, lest summer with the 'same hope
but although there ;seemed to be an
improvement, the deceased: never. ful-
ly 'recovered and ;the end came !some-
what totidderly, the Iresult of some
form of heart trouhle. Mrs. I Del -
bridge waS .randh beloved by all. who
know her. She leaves a husband . and
family, all ,grown- up, to mouthy. the
loos and cherlah the imemoryi of a.
devoted wife and loving mother, and
coun�ilor -Mrs Riehard Luke, en-
tailer much tespecthd resident of the
town, also died on Satu'rday. She had
been in ill 'health for some I time,
The funeral took place on Tuesday,
1 • Greer
Another Wedding Anniversary. -An
old and highly respected couple of
the, leth concession of Grey' cele-
brated ;the fiftieth anniversary' of
their marriage on the 19th of Febru-
ary. On the 19th of February, 1857,
Mr. and Mrs. Lakhlin McNeil were
married at the residence of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Lemont, -
in this township, the ceremony being
performed by the •Rev. Matthew Barr,
of Harpurhey. Mr. McNeil was a nat-
ive of the township of Dalhousiee in
the; county of Lanark, and settled on
the 14th concession of Grey, in 1858.
Four years thereafter he was mar-
ried to his present worthy life part-
ner, who was than Miss Sarah Lamont,
daughter of Mr. John .Lamont, of the
7th concession. Mr. McNeil had to
travel on Met from his home in Grey
to Clinton, to procure the necessary
license, and which then coot $af On
his return trip he called on ths, Rev
Mr. Barr, of Haapurhey, who is netill
living; out very frail, and arranged
with hire to come to Grey and; 'per-
form the, marriage Ceremony. This
ne, did on the leth of February, mak-
ing the journey on horseback, as 'there
were no 'buggies in those days and no
roads for them, to go on. Mr. John
_Lamont, a brother of the bride, who
!still -resides on the old homestead, was
groomsman and Miss McNeil, 'the
sister of the 'groom, who is now lefra.
Logan, was the bridesmaid. Mrs. Lo-
gan is now a resident of Montana,
but is visiting in Grey at the present
tine. After the ceremony and accus-
tomed festivities the happy bride and
groom were driven to their home in
an ox sleigh. The home then was a
small, hewed log shanty and there
wala only a, clearance of a few acres
on the farm. But from that modest
beginning Mr. and Mrs. 1 McNeil have
lived to have a fine homestead of
three hundred acres of as fine and
fertile land as ;there is in Canada and
the log shanty has long been -re-
placed by a handsome and commodious
brick residence. Mr. McNeil is now
his 75th year and his worthy wife
Ii 70 years of ag-e but both are still
hale and hearty and enjoying good
health and it is the fervent wieh of
their boats of friends that they may
atilt be spared to each other for sev-
eral years to come. As a character-
istic of 'Mr. McNeil we may ndtethat
atter paying for his marriage li-
cense and the inhere:tel.'s fee his cash
'on hand wa.s nearly exhausted and
he had but teyo dollars left and o
immediate prospect of having his
Briefs. -Messrs. Nes. Harvey and
;A. G. Hamden have gone to the Vest,
the former to -Winnipeg and the lat-
ter to Vancouver, Bethel Columbi
From thence Mr. Bawden flambe g
going to Prime Repeet, the Pacifl
tern) ialla of the Grand Trunk Pacific
Railway and which will in a few
yeas ;be a, second VancouYer. Mr.
Bawden expects to be joined, at
Vancouver by 'two Other Exeter boys,
Mervin goustcm and Verse Hardy. We
hope they may all 'become leading'
capitalists in that prespective West-
ern city. -Mr. Charles Cann and fam-
ily have gone to reside in Cryietal
City, Manetoba„ whittler the good
wishes of many friends will follow
them -Mr Francis B. Durdle and Miss
Annie Blanche, daughter of lers.Geo.
Rook, two respected young 'people of
our 'town, were married on Wednes-
day. -Mr. .Win. Taylor, of Zion has
purchased a aot in town, and itends
erecting a residence thereon. - The
Canning Company have purchased tbe
old hotel building alt the atationethd
are going, to remove it to their prop-
erty and `use it for a warehouse, and
they are calling for eenelers for the
erection of the factory a;hd other ne-
cessary buildings. -The Ross -Taylor
,Company have purchased from Mr Mal -
lot the property north of their fac-
tory, with the view of enlarging their
yard room, which is somewhat cramp-
ed at present, in view of their rapid-
ly increasing 'business. -Me. and Mrs.
John Mitchell, of this town, celeerat-
ed the fiftieth anniversary of their
marriage on 'the leth inst. It is the
wish of 'the many friends of this
worthy couple that they may 'oei lon,g
spared to enjoy each other's company.
-Dr. Sweet, who has a pencheant tor
curiosities, was delighted, a 'few
days ago by the eweist from his old
friend, Mr. Thomas Trick, of Texas,
a former Eketertte, of six horned
toads of a very rare .speciera-Mr. B.
Making, who has carried on a, very
successful laundry business here for
some time, has disposed of his'business
and plant Ito at, Chinaman. Exeter will
hereafter be potting on city airs with
a washee, washee.-Mr. E. H. Fish is
preparing for the erection of a, cou-
ple of mice 'buildings near the mar-
ket scntere.-Mr, John de,
Brentford, a forener 'rest lent of Exe-
ter, 'died at Brantford ia week. He
,had resided there several eafs.--ker,
Silas D.. Balkwell, "an oid esident or
Exeter., (net who has resided in Kingav
ville for the paeit thirty years, diad
at that place on the 4th inst., at the
age ofe 75 years. His wife died in,
January last. The deceased was a
brother of Mrs. James Pickard and
Mrs. James Snell. -One day laezt week
a very pleasant afternoon and evening
was spent at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. John Welsh, of tie London road,
north, when a numbe di- ladies be-
longing to the Women' Foreiga Mis-
sionary Society, of th 'James' street
Methodieet church drove out and were
joined in the evening by otherefriends
frone the vicinity ,and from ;Exeter.
The company was most hospitably en-
tertained ;by the worthy host and
heatless' and a delightful musical and
literary programme was 'given in
the evening. -The directors of the Ag-
ricultural Society met 011 Saturday af-
ternoon and toneulted- further as to
the proposed celebration on the 24th
of May. From arrangements already
completed an excellent programme of,
sports is assured for that day. -One
of- our Exeter boys, Mr. Herb. Greg-
or, has been again distinguishing
himself. He recently woe 'the silver
Medal given by the Young Peoples'
Society of the Metropolitan Methodist
church, Toronto, for oratory. This is
a new line for Herb. to bloiesom out
in, tut it is a valuable accomplish-
ment and one particularly necessary
in his choseit profeseion.--Mr. -A. E.
Pym has purchased the property in
the 'rear of his blacksmith shop and
intends erecting. another residence on
it -We undennand that Messrs. Mur-
ray Miller and A. Robinson, two for-
mer residents of Exeter, have pur-
chasedan hotel property In Saska-
toon, Saskatchewan, paying for it
consult With the Ungava, syndleat
.W. Phillips, of • Duelist', visited
with his family. over Sunday -Mies
Jane McGowan is at present on the
Welt liege -The by-law loaning 'Os.
Hill 4i9,000 to build , a new planing
Mill WOO voted on On Tuceday and
carried by a vote of .156 to -8, show-
ing !that the citizens are bound to
have industrie,s Imre. It was a good
day's work for the - town. -Mrs. R.
Douglaso is to have a Sale of hen
household -effects next Tuesday .-es she
intehide 'taking & trip out west and if
she Mee the ;country intends anakine
her home with her son alt Regina or
wherever he may 'be -Stationed.-The
invitations b.tre. out for a bali hi he
given in Industrytall on the llth
by -Mr. and Mrs. Jern,es lelcMurchie.
The, Anniversary Services, -
Presbyterian church held their 20th
anniversary services on Sunday last,
under the direction of their popular
minister, Dr. Alex. Stewart The.
preacher of the (ley was Rev e A. D.
WineheSter, of. Toronto, who was
greeted with large audiences both
morning and evening, and, his ear -
mons were 'highly appreciated, The
cho1r4 under Prot "Campeell, end as-
sisted by- Miss Iva Dodder, of ,Seaforth,
rendered choice muteic suitable for the
occasion. A liberal collection was
given to pay interest due, ,ancli it le
the intention of the congregation to
make a special effort in July to re-
duce- the smell debt, which Amounts
to ithe,500. •
A Serious Fire. -On Saturday night,
about eleven o'clock, during the rain
Storm, which 'then prevailed, the barn
On; the farm of Mr. 'Levi :Wilts% on
the 'London toad, neer here, known
as the McTe,ggarlt • farm, wasstruck
by lightning and 'together With the
entire contents was consumed. The
bon was a new dhe, Which had been
built as* summer, and hate 'under it
atone Stabling and wa's fitted up 'with
all modern conveniences. In, addition
te the 'barn, 28 head of cattle, all the
irhplements, feed and Other •property
were destroyed. Ten of the cattle
had 'been sold at five cents a pound
and were awaiting delivery. A $500
team of horses were rernoiredfrom
the building. . The owner did ndt 're-
side on the farm, .but co a farm near
bye and the; • fire had gainedl. sue%
headway before any persoticould get
to it that it was impossible any-
thing but the horses couldl be got
out. The loofs to Mr. Wiltse will
be very heavy. There is au 'flour -
mice of *000 on the property in
the McKillop Mutual, Which will not
half coeer the leala-Ancither barn on
the Huron road, a;botet two miles
welt- of towle was also struck &tout
the same time and burned, This be-
longed to Mr. Samson., who keeps, a
market garden.
..YOUR 'Ng1.8ALEA4
Wingham. ,
Ncibes.-Representativee o atnew re-
ligious movement have appeared in
town. They cladm, that they have re-
ceived.the " gift of tongues." When
the ,gilt manifests itself they babble
incoherently. -Mr. Wyles, of Wood-
stock, has arrived in town, and is in
charge of the electric eight depart-
ment. His ealary is 41,000 per year
-Mr. .Weeiton, C. a. F. organizer, -of,
Brantford, has decided to make Wing -
ham his headquarters, and moved
his family 'to town laet week.-Tne
annivereary services of Wingham
Methodist Sunday Bawl will be held
on Sunday, April 14th. 'Rey. D. Me-
Camus, oe Listowel, will ;be .the
Following the prevailing custom, no
doubt you intend to have something new
for Easter, probably your new Spring shoes.
Many people do, and to these we wish to
state our display of Eaoter Footwear was
never so attractive. We have the choicest
creations that could be obtained from all the
best makers of Fine Shoes, Handsome'
Lace and Blucher styles, and all the new
ideas in Oxfords. Choice leathere, comet
styles and skillful shoemaking combine to
make our shoes worthy of your best atten-
tion. And as for prices, while our stand-
ard of shoe quality is high, we only ask such prices% as you'll be perfectly
ing to pay. May we have the pleasure of: showing you our new
NOtes.-Mise Mina, Rogers, of Mount
Forest, is spending a week at leer
home here -Miss Downey has tend-
ered her =resignation as teacher, in
Bruise's public school. She has held
;the _position far the 'pest 13, or 14
years but owing to 111. health
rtott return to her duties after the hol-
idays and last week forwarded her
resignation to the board from Chat-
ham. ---1. 0. Richards has dieposed of
his boot and oho° business to John-
oton Carey, of Toronto, who ' has
moved it Into the store in the Rich -
Reds block forznerly used as a, Shoe
store, and. will conduct a slaughter
sale for the next iceeiple a, months.
-Thursday of net week is the date
of the last monthly horse fair of the
season.-Messts. Muldoon and 'Gal-
braith lost a valuable heavy drat
mare' on Monday of . this week from
inflamailetien. They had just , pur-
chased her the Saturday previousiea7-,
hug 1000 for her . --The much telked:
of by-law (to dis-establish the -peel
sent town hall and markret equare
for the purpose of erecting a = Car-
negie library building on the site was
vebed on, on Monday and: carried by a
majority of 11. We hope this will
settle the matter and the council', will
immediately get to work on theit pro-
posed scheme, which is the erection
of a library and town then, combined
aelt well as a new fire hall oft the
site. -Dr. W. J. Be Holmes, H. Holmes
end Ed. Spetraaie of Goderich;; A. -J.
Towick and Feed A.danes, of Fordwich,
and, J. L. Kerr, of Blyth, were here
on MondaY.eoting on the ty-live.-The
funeral of •Williaart Easton took place
from the residence of his cousin, R.
Henderson, Mechanic street, on Thurs-
day of this week. Deceased wale a
resident ot Naltdre but owing to ill
health he went to the General Hospit-
al at Toronto a couple dor weeks ago
for treatment) where he died on
Tuesday morning. He was 62 . years
of age. Interment was made at Brus-
sels, cemetery.
Briefs. -Rev. Mr. Leckie, of, Londes-
Oro, preached two splendid sermons
In the Preebyterian church last Sun-
day and, Mr. J. L. Kerr aseleted the
choir in the evening by rendering the
beautiful solo "Galilee," in a, very
pleasing manner. The next two Sab-
baths Rev. Mr. Locheatt, of London,
Is to occupy' the pulpit. -Rev. Mr.
Currie, of Walton, exchanged pulpits
with Rev. Mr. Anderson on Sunday. -
The ladies of town wore a, pleasant
smile east Friday and Saturday even-
ing, the cause being that the weath-
er was pleasabe for the millinery op-
eningt‘ and as usual there was a
good crowd in all the (Stores. The
milliners had their departments look-
ing very nice with the latest fash-
ions and were quite pleased with
the orders 'taken,, all of which indi-
cates that they are going to have a
busy season. -Mr. Golden, who runs
a gents' forniehing. store also hact
display of hats, 'trimmed in the latest
fashion. -Mr. Kernick, accompanied by
his wife , and daughter. of Neepawa,
Manitoba, are at present visiting rela-
tives here. They had, to come to
Goderich last week being plaintiff in
the ease against J. H. McClinton, of
Bait Wavvanoeb., who sold the farmer
a horse which was not as represent, -
ed so he was allowed 000 and costs.
-Mr. P. Gardiner was on the ;sick.
Hist for a few days of the past week.
-Mr. J. Bloer was in Walkerton' ,this
week looking at a baking business,
but did not purchase. -Mrs. Charles
Pietilton, of Ripley, is at ;present
relatives- in towns -Quite a
number of the farmers in this vi-
cinity are engaged in ;the maple
syrup 'business and the yeareia fever -
able. -Mrs. James lecalurehie was vis-
iting in Clinton a few days off the
past week. -Barrister McDonald and
W. F. Morgan, of Brussels, were in
Blyth on a business trip one day
ltust week. -Mr. W. Bell met with a.
serious accident last Sunday morning
while in the box stall with one of
his horses,. The animal kicked him,
knocking him down. He was unable
to get up but his criea were heard
by some men who came to his assist-
ance before_ the horse did him( any
more harm, and helped him into the
house where he is getting along as
well as could he expected. -The peo-
ple are expecting a large crowd in
town at the spring fair to be held
next Tuesday, April, 2ncl. Don't for-
get ,the date and come and help to
swell the crowd -Mr., and Mrs.
Brunsdene of Loxidesboro, visited rel-
atives in town over Sunday. -Quite a
number from town attended the wed-
ding of Mr. W. Cummings to Misa
Fa.irservice last Wednesday at the
bride's home in Hullebt. The happy
couple are leaving for the west this
week. The btst wishes of the com-
munity go wfth them totheir new
home. -Mr. W. Johnstone is preparing
to start a butcher shop in town. Ile
has _secured a first class butcher
from Stratford and intends rUnninigi
an up to date, shop. Although there
has only been one shopI here for a
great many years there ought •to be
TOM ,for two, especially- Whilethere
are so many railroad men here. -
Quite a number from town drove ,out
to Mr. H. Craig's dance Monday ev-
ening of this week. -Mr. W. Sloan
left for Ottawa Monday afternoon to
Sole agent in Seaforth for the " Empress " and "Queen.Quality" shoes far
-women, and the " Slater I/ ant. " Walk -ver" shoes for men.
Mr. McNeil. Miss Richardson saag
Ort,_ the dear little and re-
eelved such applauese she came back
and gave' an extra. A mixed quer--
tette, Missies Richardson and Arm-
strong and Masora. A. Annetrong and
Robert, Reid, sang that beautiful old
soag, "Dear little, Shamrock," and
f woe back to Erin,'" age a, chorus,
st rre dthe hearts of every one pre -
event Whether Irish or not. "God
-sive the King" closed, another' sue, -
maul evening for the Ladies' Aid.
Dr. G. Manning Smith occupied the
chair and !the ;genial doctor makes a
splendid chainteme MTS. James Fer-
guson, the pre/4101A of the Society,
presided at the_ organ.
We take this opportunity of thanking our many
customers for their liberal patronage in the past.
We appreciate your loyalty 'fa Kippen and to our -
series when engaged in buelness in the old store.
'Now that we are in our new premises, we .trust that
we shall be able to give you better satiefaetion by a
quieker service and an opportunity of seeing our
stook. It b; our desire to m.tke this important event
in the history of Kipper) interesting to the residents
of the vicinity as well fis to ourselves. Monday, Ap-
ril 1st, our bargain tables will be laden with snaps in
all lines ot goods. This is no April fool. Come and
see and you will /* convinced. Lunch will /reserved
from 2 p. mi fa 8 Ir. m., Mondays, Wednealays and
Fridays for the first two weeks. We invite you to
come and see our newstore Inspect our Btkell and'
ehare in the bargains and h'ave a cup of our famous
B. & 0 blend et tea, specially hrtported for our trade.
Balfour & Caldwell, Kippen. 0504
PLOWS AND Isuemisrire.-T. Me1Iis takes this
opportunity of reminding all that he Is again the
busy man among the plows and farm implements.
He hay tew equal; and no superiors in this line of
work. All Work Intrusted will have the beet atten-
tion. A general stock of plow and gang plow repairs
always in idaek, also plow handles and wagon and
implement t)ngttes of the best timmber, wagon axlew.
and holsters, spokes' buggy rheas of the best mater-
ial, long harrow doubletrees and wagon doubletre '
also a linFe stock of all kinds.of handles. Thoina
Mellis, Kippen. 2049-81,
Ndbes.-Chi Friday evening next,
Baylield. •
Breezes, -Mrs. P. Camlleell is in To-
ronto this week. -Charles Martin and
Miss Lily Martin, of Toronto, who
were here attending the funeral of the
lalte Mr. P. Campbell, returned Mon-
day. -Commencing next Sunday and
continuing during the summer., ser-
vice at Trinity church will be held
in the mornitig 'beginning at 11 tern.
-On Eater Sunday there will ,i3e a,
special service in Trinkty church com-
mencing aft 10.45. Sacrament will be
adminiabered at the came of the ser-
vice,--aliss Nett, who has conducted
a successful dress making esitablish-
ment here hats decided to move to the
Northwest and leaves for there short-
ly. -J. Sfailebirry, of Exeter, wasein
"town last week. -Rev. T. Steadman,
wife and child, left Monday for Wy-
oming for, elle, Easter holidayse-We
are pleased; to see Mr. Samuel Moore
around again having recovered from
his recent severe illness. -Mr. Thos.
Elliott has moved to his farm on the
lake.eoad.-RobertRouatt has return-
ed; Bayfield and has opened his
shop for repairing and", tinsmithing.--
Mrs. McKay, of Pineonning, Michigan,
with; her son and daughter, has been
visiting her parent,s, Mr. and Mts. T..
3. Moorehousa-The fisherznen are
busy getting nets 'ready for spring
fishing. Very few fish were caught
during ;the past winter.
Social. -The Irish social under the
auspices of the Ladies' AM, held; in
the 'basement of St. Andrew's church,
on Friday evening,- March 15th, was
a decided success success. The church was
nicely decorated. with bunting, flags
of old Itsland, myrtle and a prolu-
eion, 0. potted plants, conspicuous
rnong which were several pots of
real Shamrock. The entertainment op-
ened with, 'the singing of some good
old Irish choruses by 'a choir or 15
voices, after vv-hich a bountiful sap-
per was gerved. A lengthy and varied
program followed and was heartily'
applauded. -by a large and attentive
audience, whieh listened with de-
light to Irish ;songs known to Irish-
men the world over,. The programme
contained_ tb.e following; "Erin, the
home of mer childhood," by full voiced
chorus; "Barney O'Hea," eoto by
Mrs. J. L. Geddes, Belgrave, whose
appearanee is alwaye heartily wel-
earned oy a Bayfield audience. Four
little chaps-, Johnnie McNeil, Kenneth
Smith, Jack Jowett and Jim Ferguson,
sang "Bridget Donahue," in,' splen-
did Style. Miss Laura Richardson
sang -Rory Darlhe" Riga Rich-
ardson's 'singing is so well known
an,d Oighly appreciated 'that we can
add libtle to whaenhas already Deem
said,, onli we cannot hear her too
often. Rev. Mr. Steadman gave quite
an interesting talk on St. Petrick, his
birth, good work, etc. Mixed guar -
tette, "Because we were poor,"- by
Misses Flossie Startlers- and M. Por-
terfield, and Dr., Smith and Charles
Ferguson; solo, ".You'll soon tar-
get Kathleen," by Miss Ruby Whia-
don, ill her venial good form; "Paddy
and Michael McGee," a comic duet by
Dr. Smith and Charles Ferguson, By
special request Mrs Geddes sang
"Three leaves .01 Shamrock." Mrs.
Geddes is the possesses of e splendid
3/0140 and has stich a clear enuncia-
tion that each word can be heard in
any part of the 'building, TX -10, that
fine old song, "Believe zee if all
those endearing :young chattel's," by
Mese Richardson, Miss B. Armstrong
and Miss Ruby WhicIdont A ,good talk
on St. Patirlak end Ireland,, by Rev.
fa • Ore the :third concession.
Ste art has got tefiants--
,Wm Selaten, of Lynn Count:- -
sou * visiting at the le
her father, Mt. Thos. 1)1'
Sol ter went to Missouri
and 85 years ago and re
visit home. She no •
c •ges here in that time tr.
T • rtipsete to the south c" vill
is wearing bright smr- 4.eese day.
the cause being the anneal of a lit-
tle daughter to ,briglitca the isoneea
NI Wm. Cudmore, who has tor tome
t not been enJoying good health,
is spendhig a few weeks in London -
ire the hope that the change willow%
be eficial. Her many friends hope
visit will have the desired effect,
v. D. Urquhart and Kr. John Bale
/to visited with Rev. Mr. Crantoi
Cromarty, on Monday "eat.
weather of the past few days i
lug our s old people, who were -
d up all winter, a _chance be get'
and we are all the better far *
1 front -them again,
tang of Ripen New Storz -The formal
of our now strap will take place Mona
I let. We itivite you to .00111e and get
-4,140138, Itead Our ad. Dakar Oildw
*err Sold. -Mr. Isaac Hudson hi
posed of his farm near bets
neighbor Mr. Andrew Dove,
f rrn contains 125 acres and -wi
p rebased for- .}$4,500: Mr. Love
w the owner of two very fine fa,
is home farm 'being Mt of the be
ih tae county. Mr. Hudson, boweY
tains poseessime Ter a year. He
tends taking tour to the newly,
'.41wn provinces during the summer
11 he _likes the tountry he s will
April 5tle, Rev. D. Urquhart will give. -ably take up bad there with
a lecture in Mt.' Andrew's church,
taking for hise subject The **and( of
Black Rock," This will fIX3 a,*elastic
eceouret of a, missionary's 1110, lin the
early days of -tbe Kootney Conntry
in 13ritish Colunibia, -The -lecture
commences at eight o'clock, and will
be in; aid of eta* library of the Sab-
bath sehool. Every person( *ill be
welcome.. A cellecnon will be taken,
-Mts. Peter Daymond, of the 8rd con-
cession; of Tuckersinith, has been ad-
ding to her farm by (buying the 50
lave of becoming a permanent
lent of that great and -growing tome
ammumis ormommign 1e
Beechwood !_
Nates -Miss Nellie Evans la
ing her slater, Mrs. Jos. -Atkinson
Ilibbert.-Miss Margaret Shea *
this week, visiting vthg e.
slater, Mrs. D. Crawford. -Mie
s18Lynch is spending a week in 01
ton with her slater, Mrs. O.
nolda-Mr. John Flanigan, of the •
acres adjoining, from Mr. John Day- line, had a, very successful wool
mend. This now :gives Mrs. Day -1 on Monday la*. John is a popti
mond a farm of 100 acres. :The price young nuen. But, but, but, ise-Ye
know, John, it is not wipe for rnan to
be alone -Mr. M. Doyle will be pleiwe
ed to have acquaintances, and those
who are net, call on him with their -
wants in his line. Special attenaket
&Non to liotstshOeing..--The notiee is
out, aSkinlr for benders to dig the
paid , was $,2,500.-R, B. McLean and
son will , have an auctien. sale of
horses and -.cattle Friday Aa
the "Wears. IdeLean are among our
best farmers they will have soine-
thing good In the stock line. -The
heavy traction engines wri having
hard. luck In these parte these day boles and erect the poles for eleetw,
Two of them are stranded up to. the 1 teen miles of the rural telephone t
fire box In the mud, at the north of here. -We regret to hear of the mire: -
our village and will likely ham to deatie,of Mr. John Crotty, nephew tit
Stay there for some days. -Mr. John d the Rev. Father McKeon, St. Col
Workman, of the second concession of, ban, and formerly of the Domi
Tuckeneanith, and his brother-in-law,! Hank staff, Seaforth, vehicle
Mr. Archie McGregor, have tented, place on Wednesday, at S. Jose
for five years, Mr. Peter Stewart* Hospital, London, -
5 toa
Inv, -Mani
oek. Ordinate
; geese, to
TOWN'S% eh
to 72o; No4 2, a
No. 1 har4,7 CA
lake ports ; o.
3814e to 82e outekli
Maketistren nt
410 for No. 2 In
Straw -P.75 to 1
are t--41
2* #5.10
21*0,35 to
Lognes, arch
-Jane, 42s 101d
, foto
ntri. ALI 003 -VIM.
We have thousands of rolls to clear out cheap. . We have the
newest samples to show you, if you want soraethm" g special. We
lave a paper hanger who will give you a nue and tidy job, and
'we will be pleased to show you our goods, whether you wish to
billy or not,
Agent for Gendron Baby Carriages Express Wagons
iFitelitt*444.: .+44e-ff4.**4+1.44+44.4.+4i .
This season is indicative '.of very early house cleaning, ' Wall pape
hvae already been sold; the early buyer secures the best selection; oat
riety is numerous in patterns and colorings. The prices range from 3e a siugl8
roll to 25c. Especially do we wish tot mention the notable patterns, the Vk
toria, Wild Rose, the Three Sisters, 'English Snowdrop, the Landscape.
The caapet departmebt has again been replenished with Heraps, U
and Wool Carpets, Tapestry and Brussels Carpets; old prices prevail throng
out. Good -Union Carpets at 25c, Me,' 40e and .50e; good wool carpet a at
65e, 75e, 85e, and 81; good tapestry carpets at 35e, 40e, 45c, 50e, 5r);
and 75o; good Brussels 'carpet at 81; good herap carpet at 15e, 17e, 18o
' FLOOR OILS AND LINOLEUM in 1 yard, li yards) Li yard; t
yards and 4 yards wide. At present We have in stock four pieces of 4
wide Linoleuran in block, mosaic flor4designs, ranging in price from $1.
$2,25, full -width.
and 50c.Underwear at 5e„ 60, 7e, 8c, 10e, 121e, 15e, 18e, 420e, 25o)
400 0
Men's Underwear in Pants and Shirts at each 25e, 35e, 40e, 0
y ad $1.
Shaker Blankets in grey and, white at 79c, 90e, $1,25 and $1,50 a pair
- ,
itialtirm, Illt , ONTARION
at 5 to Se
l 50to
o spring b
etraof-san5socopto:Hwdbssps.aire;.2643a,e; ton
-f-Z4W.C.601861.20 V
e In
utockers and 1
Z:uglier ;r1
tiVe and 82 tel8
- close to Faster.
cows and syringe
41.5.50 to 0,130 for,
few of them w
Oty.25nioll; sheseltocr, k
s1 -8 ---one lExi"cad aX4r8516'
el.twt.6.5 toBute2;00e72
e v i t LILI oti x e dfs De wrlierae drati;f4, -t :t
,.. 10,11110.i."'nnePrioegi‘i'bredlaraoirr*Ilriltorrpicatkrtn,..
:Iambs were firme
te *7 t
Mrs. G. F.
Mrs. John
Mrs. Lou'
McASR-At -
and Mn,.
and Mr.
and Mrs.
ARP -Ink