The Huron Expositor, 1907-03-29, Page 324, 1207
Lae and How Re_achftl,
-zoipagtfilt mice et
and Impiernentf.
eivcd instruction
&11 h public auction on
ion 4, /1. R. S.. Tnekersmith, about a.
-oreoaJlotel, on Tuegiay, April Snd,
• the foliowing : Horses — 1 drat'h
: 1 general purpole, horse ; 1 draft
1. Cattle -1 calved eow ;
'by; I coy,. to calve in NoreMber ;
2 steers r6ine., 2 : 1 'heifer rising 3:
; 2 pigs but; two months old ; about
Implements -1 Massey - Harris
Prost& Wood mower, near4- new, 1
&agora with double box and spring-
iker, 1 straw cutter, 1 seed drill,
io.farrow plow, I walking plow, I seh
I fanning mill, Clinton make, 1 hay
-.v. 1 sugar kettle, chains, forkl and.
es. Everything will be sold with -
the firm has been renttd. Tenns—
Ir• d under. cash ; over that amount;
ill be given on fundshing approv.
A diseount of 4 cents on the dollar
4-iN lummox, Proprietor ; THOS.
Queer. 2049.2
of Horses and Cattle.—Mr. Tho.
been instructed to sell by pub-
s. Concession I, Tuckermulth,
"ippefl 09 Friday, March 29, at
tollowins,.. Holtres.-1 agricul-
sound and a first-elass
• rising 3, sound, broke to
gZ yea n; old; I filly foal
roadster filly 2 years old,
e.-7two.yeateo1d steers;
' 10 yearling steers; 5 year
void heifer in calf; 3 farrow
Ive in April; 3 calves. No
a of e.—Allsums of 85 and under,
t amount, 7 monthscredit will be
t-hing approved joint notes. 5 per
u oft for cash on credit amounts. R.
Proprietors ; THOS. DROWN
&I -F. of Farm Stock, Implements no4
Fornituie.—Mr. James Jones has
by Mr. John Trtylor to sett bv public
25, coro-ession 10, Harbert, near
7Frida 3lareh 29, at one &108kp.m.,
fors. —1 team of well matched gen-
ey mare-. rising 0 and seven years
pony, quiet and reliable. Cattle,
,2aire April Ist ; I cow to wive in
„Ltd t -ow ;1 one-year-o:d steer -
2 Young pigs about 100 thoroVred
bite Wandotte and Vrown Leghorn
rt from prize winners. Implements
•-.1 new we-.„....ou, double box complete.;
1 good top buggy 1 Massey -Hama
ohm ; I set dianionit harrows; I hay
tor rarrying dock; 1 sickle grinder-
okes ; I new wheelbarrow; 2 good'
rarncss ; 1 set single harness ; I set
1 good robe ; horse blankets, whip,
eekyokess crowbars. shovels, forks,
tea ; 1 er.tenNion table, 1 sideboard,. -
es, springs, bedstead, 1 new wash-
. barrel churn and other artieles too .
L•ntion. Everythingwifl be sokl with- '
he farm has been rented. Terms of
:of *lit and under, cash; over that
Al; eredit will be given on furnishing
notes. A iii,mouut of 3 per cent. per
for eash on eredit amount -I. JOHN
ri.tor ; JAMES Auctioneer.
11fON SALE of Vann Stock and
r4.- -AIMS jig*, and .I.o.eph White
1-tntotiore4 from the under•=io-ned to
r-tion4gI.ot Crpnoesbm o, Town-
-, on Wedne,,lay, April :;rd, 11,1417, the
draft g, ;dings rising ,• ,,a1-4 old, 1
t; years old; 1 diaft gelding. rising 3
eId;Mies 2 aid :; respectively
• I filly colt sired by Electric B.
• standard bred. 1 wt114,red cow
, ▪ 1 row foippmed to be in calf, 1
;-‘ wkplo_imit to ire in calf, I steer
1 steer two years old, 10heavy-
:.-L-„ 4 st4_,ceNI good graks cattle, 5 brood
a'r•oot time of sale, 1 sow to litter
7: '4? r 4Na-fp 1 Maxv.ell mower
pop:bit:ill drill. I disc harrow, I
bo‘, 1 Fhotry plow, 1 -ft. stoek
1 re*el box, 1 wagon, I pair
1. straw eutter, 1 grain crusher
b -r, 1 grooble buggy, I open buggy, 1
▪ 1 wheelbarrow, 9 stone boats, 1
otehine, I set scales (1.11(10
-23..v• a onantity of lumber. 200 sal,
r.2 milk earls, 1 cauldron. a Iot of lst-
e, grain bag% forks, riming, shove/s,_
vostalb found on ZE. farm, 1.;
hair4. Sale at 12 Weloek sharP.
of *Pi and under. vak,lt ; over' that
roettit, iiH be els en on furnish--
' not es. F-nir per Ifent, off for eaoh
No e as rhe proprietor
.1f;NLS .10sEPII WHITT, Alio-
1 ear
f.ed -Ifingh-s-
• for baf.1,-r. 'faro Ina.
fr. S. .M4 ti /RI, 1:a; t-4 r.
1 -r -1t r.E1:1 1( 1:. The on-
. r-, f.n 1,,-, efiffee-p.
;'•‘• krt h,a Tle,r,rld
• fir,t. lot I., r. • Vw• Int
'V.; • 11. I I X:: 120:!ilt
..r. rr-i.t for the
t 44. 1311', PI-AlfIrt •
; 1lf,•`nr.4 6rr,..good
*woot LOCK-
. ;. • me. tort
• •
_• =1 ;:rain
• I White
; • t the
- •s
'1 grtat.
▪ flue•t
to.o laV-
4.' 7. t‘ 1-,7is,t;ttg• attl
• .. r and save -
i orr;V,•t•-,
,t- •I,
s Thomas
Dotriirel.on Ltc-
f.,,.c•sur png! finz*teer for
v. kirk. Elei•trio Rat. roads.
rt are arriving daily, and the quality Is with.
VI the very best. Our prices are the
Ciscoes, Whitefish, Mackerel
and Trout. These are very scarce, but are extra
good quality.
. Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Beets, Par
snips and Turnips alwayo on hind.
We buy nothing hut the best quality in Beef,
Pork and Lamb In this department. We have
_ extra fine prices.
itiRED ¥E/1T8—
Ham, Bacon, Brdakfast Bacon andpolls always
• n hand.
COrned Beef, Head:Cheese, Bologna and "Sew
England Ham.
Our grocery department is complete.rAlways
fresh and •,„"ood.
ItAND01,11 MA.CDONALD, Presideiet,
A. A. ALLAN. Vice -President.
D. M. STEWART, General Manager.
Oapital Subscribed-
• T • • • • $ 4,000.000
Capital Fully 3,998,000
Reserve Fund.... t• a• * a a 1,266,000
Meets] . ....... . .......... ....... .....• 26,000,000
ral Banking Savings Department Interest credited quarterly
icLure Fran -ling.
Ab this time of veer you needy alwaye-
Nave numbeeof pietures you wish fram-
Bat you keep puttieg ib off, often be -
Mee you fear the expense. Picture fram-
ing with us is a epeetalty, and we carry a
gook of frames and mouldings that ace
ebeep and neat, pretty but not expensive.
Let us trainee picture for yen, and we
will convince you of the truth of, what we
Try us for your next Photo.
JACKSON BROS, Secifo.rtiz.
=This Centrepiece
said thin
pedlainch , CARNATIONS,
Colonial Art Centrepiece POPPIES, HOLLY,
of 5 arit
kl:/tflite to -day enclosing 25 cents in
nips or coin and state desists waittedi
This is tiro biggest offer we s?rer made. 'Ws
dolt to convince every woMan ths1 the ROW
;OURNAL is the greatest magenta. published
Canada, containing Neal* end Beauty 11...
aartment, Coolant., tlausehotri Hints, Wit and
fayhion Notes. Important roreign News
3erial and Short StoOes end tatest Patterns.
Bend 2$ cents for ape year's subscription to
.the Home Journal and the centrepiece. s
Home Journal
McKillop Directory for 1907
Winthrop 0,
VAMEE TOWAN, Councillor, Seaforth
'-P• O.
ZOHN efelDOWELL, Councillor, Sea -
1 forth P. O.
ALEX. ROSS, Councillor, Winthrop
LAMES RYAN, Councillor, Beechwood
P. 04
MITRDIE, Clerk, ;Winthrop
K. HOLLAND, Treaeurer, Beech -
!wood P. 0.
Inspector, ;Winthrop P. 0.
. aa*
The New Store
For New Goods
• r
toil cannot possibly have
a better Cocoa than
A delicious drink and a sustaining
. food. Fragrant, nutritious and
economical. This excellent Cocoa
maintains the system in robust
ealth, and enables it to resist
winter's extreme cold.
Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers
1-1b. and f -lb Tins,
There is
all the
the world
eating bis-
cuits and
biscuit eat-
ing. One
may eat a biscuit and not taste
it but when you think of bis-
cuit eating you think instantly of
oone0 Perfection
Cream Soda
Crisp, delicious and tasty.
Absolutely and distindtly
superior to any other rnalce.
Say "Mooney's.' to your grocer.
ron ijpoiitoi
Statacts 'the Test. -The Minter" New
Bra a last week, referring to Sea-
forth's main street, says: When: the
council undertook aaelt suremer to
pave pa Irani eltripet with asphalt
!lark* and cement, there were not, a,
few Who entertained and expressed
grave doubts a0 Ito ,tbel Wisdoml
the undertaking. It was costly, 0-
mounting- to about $.25,000, and Tears
we're expressed that theapring would
pee late fine street heaved with froet,
Up lie 'the 'present time teere is not
the elightest sign of upheava in, any
part of th.e street. On the cc.ntrarY,
the town tan lay chew to a piltreat
equal to enything. in Canada.
Ne* Books. -The following new
books have been ;received at the Sea -
'forth Public Library: ,With. Rifle and
Bayonet,the Kinglet Serviee, A
Galland • Grenadier, One of 'the
Fighting &Quits, With'. the Dyaks or
Borneo, all iby 33rereton ; By The
Light or the Soul, Freeman; The
Great Refusal, Gray; • Call of the
Blood, 'lichens; Abu Boyd, Herten;
Squireis Deughter, Hocking; Flaming
Sword, Reeking; Up Among the Ice
Floes, Oxley, r When. 'Wilderness Was
King, Pa:relish; Roughing It, Tevaia;
Fahey Worboise; Heirs . of
Errington, Worboise.
Legisia.tors Ill.-The,.people a South
Huron will 'regret to learn a ;the ill-
ness a their repres,entative in the
Ontario Legislature, Mr. Henry Eil-
iber, M. P. P., and will hope that he
may goon be !restored tb his wonted,
good health. The Toronto Mail of
•Thursday or last. week says; Two
members of the Legislature have been
forced to Teat from their labors he'
attacks of illnese. Henry Eilber
ef South Huron, suffered a cellapie
and was forced to leave work on the
prdere of this physician. Mr. A. E.
McColg, .West Kent, was taken ill on
Tuesday. He has what is 'thought to
be an mute attack of 'grippe, and the,
developm.ent of pnenenonia is feered.
Both inembers are renting easily, al-
, lehough confined' to their rooms:
, •
The I.ste Mrs. Thompson.-Wentade
brief reference last weeic to the
death: ot MTS. Welter Thompsate, of
Mitchell. The Advocate of that town
refers to elle deceased lady as fel-
lows; The deceased whose maiden
. name was Christina! H. 'Elder, was
• Ibo at Huntingden, Quebec, and
Make it
First Choice
or the mart
Who Knows
• drafiltRAIVO, DONT
• MN VET .ThWif OR sem)
30.50 imAreir og YELLow
A:404W CO .1.1.0”IrD
Ica,me with her parents to Stretford: 1il
the yeer 1850. Loiter she earns to
Mitchell as a 'teacher in our public
school and pursued 'this work with
-marked success for three 'year's. Since
bet marriage she has always rebid -
ed 'here and•has occupied so large e
place in 'the at ot oun community
that it is difficult to describe or
estimate the varied and helpful forms
her activity assurnee. Under her di-
rection Inglewood, has alweys been a
centre of light and sweetness, and a
Feynortym for hospitality as -gracious
as it was uhstinted. Though devoted
to home and familr duties, the de-
ceased ever maletained an intelligent
aed 'helpful intereet in civic, batten -
al and ;religious affairs. Possessed
of truly remarkable powers of insight,
and dtscrimination, • end constantly
cultivating Melee by wide !reading and
'by association with the leaders in dif-
fort linen of thonght, she was able
'to discuss and estimate current ques-
tione in a Way that carried convic-
tion and her 'opinions were always
worthy of Tehovelt and consideration.
Our sympathy goes out to the fam-
ily who suffer ',in her removal; a
second- ihereavemerit within a few
weeks- We MAY assure them that
Thone,ands of women suffer untold miser- ithe community ie also 'beirea,ved, A
lee every day with aehirg backs that really Ms so eichly !gifted and; so deveted
have no business to ache. A W OlUall° 5 back;to the general ,good 121 amongst our
.,. Most precioua poseseeslons, and Mit-
wasn't made to ache. Under orame,ry ehen is usu./idly poorer by the re-
sonditions M. ought to be strong and ready enoval of one whose example end in -
lo kelp her bear the burdens of life. fluence we will always remember
with 'gratitude 'e,nd love.
It is hard to do housework with an mem• aosseos....................... c
Ing hater Hours of misery at leisure or• e
'et work, If women only. kcnew the oause. The Willis Seot: Factory.-ei m et-
BiAkaohe comes from seek kidneys, and ing of the evertors of. the Wi lie
what a lot of trouble sick kidneys cause in Shoe Factory was 11..4d in the private
the orld. Wire! of jttic company on Friday al-
• -'bernoon. There WaS -a fair repre-
' - But they cen't help it. If more work is le'entation of the creditors. Mr. R. S.
put on them than they caa stand it's nob Rees, assignee, presided end Mr.
M be wondered that they get out of order. Cleorge Chesney, of the Pirtle of
Backache simply their ory for Chesney end Archibald,, acted as sec-
retary. A Statement of the affairs,
Which was 'submitted at the meeting,
tihows the 'estate to be in a much
better shape t an was generally sup-
eesed. ,There ra� a clear surplus of
assets -over 1 abilities amounting to
about seven th usand dollars. The only
difficulty seemed- to be in the lack
of emelt capital to carry OTII the bust -
ewes until the returns. from the man-
ufacture,d goods could be available.
There is said to be an ramose un-
limited demarid for the goods made.
After due consideration of the whole
position', the meeting passed a, :reso-
lution' to the effect that the cred-
itors ehould form 'themselves into a
limited joint stoee company, with a
suescribed capital of $40,000, in
hares of 1$25 each, and theit- • each
creditor take stock in the company
.to the amourtt at leest or his claims;
that Mr. 'Milts be given stock in the
company to the amount of $0,000, his
will help you. They're helping'siek, over-
worked kidneys ----ill OVIT the world --:-
making them strong, healthy and vigorous,
Mrs. P. Ryan`, Douglas, Out., writes: "For
over five months I was troubled with lame-
back- and was unable to move without
help. I. tried all kinds of plasters and
limmepts but they were no use. At last I
heard tell of Doan's Kidney Pills and
after I had used three-Citiftrtera of the box
my back was as strong and well as ever."
Price 61,% cents per box or three boxes for
$1.25, all dealers or The Doan Kidney Pill
Co., Toronto, Ont.
A simple and effective remedy for
They combine the germicidal value of Cresolone
with the soothing properties of slippery elm and NW
rim. Your druggist or from us, 10e in stamps.
LssilUte,M0au; Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 40z
is a high grade Commercial School
Terse Courses
r ,
Commercial - Sitenography • Telegraph
1...101\1 -1301sT 1.1IPM
• In 1906 the LcMdon Life Insurance Company broke all previous reoords
Pe the amount of business issued. In even figures the total amounts to
• $3,400,090
• against $2,360,000 in 1905, or an increase of 44 per cent.
This record is all the aore remarkable in view of 11 e fact tbat,Its a rule,
companies are showing little or no increase in New Busi ess this year.
W. H. ROBINSON Inspector, Seaforth.
Does Your
Heart Beat
Yes., A00,000 timeS each day.
Does\it send out good blood
or bad blood? You know, for
good blood is good health
bad blood, bad health. And
you know precisely what to
take for bad blood—Ayer'
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for GO years.
tan: flTlerrpi=sofcobetliiltar
substances are then absorbed Into the blood.
Keep tho bowels open with Ayer's Pills.
Nada by'. 0. ATer CC., Lowell, ?ass.
Aiso manufacturers of
41 HAIR, VP -dm
We have no secrets! Wo publish •
tho formulas of all our median's.
low, of 'rharnes Retie, tleborne.-Mr.
John mm disposed of his 10e twee
farm te Mr. Thomas Earl, for the
sum ce 17,200.
For Catarrh, let us send you free,
just to prove merit, a. Trial size Box
of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is
a snow white, crewel', healing antis -
epee balm that gives instant Te -
lief to Catarrh of the nose and threat.
)//ake the free test and see. Address
Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars
60 eents. Sold by C. 'Aberhart, drug-
gist, Seaforth.
The Councie-The following is the
concluding portion of the 'report of the
Tuckersmith council meeting deterred
from last week : gr. 3. Lewis
Thomas, a E., of London* Waa en-
gaged engineer under the Ditch-
es and Watereourees Act, • insteali of
J. Rogers, O. L. S., of Mitchell. The
Seaforth Electric Light Co. were
granted permission to erect the neces-
sary poles and wires te carry` light
to the Eemondville _ Presbyterian:
church. The tollowing changes were
made. in the list of palthmasterel: Di-
vision 20, M. .Whitmore inetead of
Thomas Lane; div. 28, Reot. McGon-
nigIe trusteed oe J. lenliston;
88, Jcilm Torrance instead otR. Rates -
ford ; div. 67, John Storey inetea.c1 of
Peter McKay; cliv Samuse(i OEToi
ton, instead eie A. A,rchittald; .cliv. 70,
Thos. Paterson instead of Wm. Sin-
clair; die. 33, .Wm. Aitehison thettead
of Robt. A. &oft; div. 18, 'A. Bell,
jr., insteed of Geo. Fairbairn; div.
82, J. G. Doherty ineitead of .F Bure
geed. The next meeting will be .held
in Seaforth, on April 20th, tet ten oe
clock. -A. G. SMILLIE, !Cleric.
The News -No Pure Drug Cough
Cure laws 'would be 'needed, if all
Cough Cures were like Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure is -and has been fee
20 rea'ne. The Niitiona,1 law now re-
quires that if any poisons enter `in-
, to s cough mixture it must be print-
ed on! the label or package. -
For this reason mothers and ethers
should insist on having Dr. Snoop's
Cough Cure. No poison marks of Dr.
Shoop's labels -and tone in the medi-
cine, else it must 'by law be en the
label. And it's not onlysa,fe,but itis
said to be, by those who know it
best, a truly 'remarkable cough rem-
edy. Take no chance,, particularly'
with ;your cbildren. Insist on having
Dr. Shoop' e Cough Cure. Compare
carefully the Dr. Shoop package with
others and see. No poison marks
there i You can always be on the
sate side by demanding Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure. Simply - refuse to ac-
cept any other. Sold by C. Aberhart,
druggist, Seagorth.
surplus, that he be aalowed to pur-
chase the etock of the creditors at
par any time within four years from
the ,formation- of the company and
that he !be engaged as manager at
-a salary of 000 per year to tart
With. Five provisional directors were
also appoiited, two from the :local
• creditor's and ehree from the outside
creditors. Arrangements were. also
made to secure the foment of the
creditors who were net represented
alt thiei meeting to this proprosed ar-
ransement As semi as this assent
is procured., application will be made
for a' charter and the. company will
be finally formed, and will take ov-
er the property. In the meantime Mr.
R. S. Hays was appointed permanent
assignee and arrangements were made
to keep the factory running so as to
supply the ;trade- until such time as
the company is farmed.
Sleeplessness ,
Disorders of the stomach produce a
nervous condition, and often prevent
sleep. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv-
er Tablets stimulate the digestive or-
gans, restore •the system to a healthy.
condition, and make *sleep possible.
For pale by all druggists.
. Bornholm.
Notes. -Miss Sarah Hicks is visit-
ing friends in this vicinity, - Mrs.
Thomas Coppine of the 8rd concession
visited her daughter, Mrs. G. Rogers,
for a fevr days last week. -Mr., Dee
Leary is busy these days hauling
timber for a new barn. -Mr. Thomas
Hicks sold a, team Of harses for 'the
In The Olden .Days.
Interesting sketches of the early
days of Seaforth and vicinity,
taken from the files of The 'Ex-
Buchomare of Zurich and MISS
Lee Zeller, of Hay, were united in mar-
riage .by Rev. IL Cameron.
At a meeting of the town council
on Tuesday evening, the fee ho-
tel licenses was fixed at 006, and shop
licenses at 05.
eir. M. R. Counter, Jeweller, has
just meved into the new store, lately
erected or him on Main street. The
lower floor in to be occupied by Mr.
Counter, while the upper story wili
be 'used as a Masonic lodge room'.
The eterm oe laet week was the oc-
casion' of a stale of things whioh it
is ;said has not been seen for 'twenty:,
years in this section. The railwer
was blocked f.rom Wednesday till Mon-
day. During that time only one
mail was received end 'thee was
brought by train' from Stratford to
Goderich and 'rehire.
Mr. Dunc,a'n McMillan has sold his
farm, lot 27, concession 14, McKil-
lop, to Mr. Richard Pollard, tor $13,-
000. The farm contains 76 acres.
Me. John Elliott and Mr. Walter
Cowan, of McKillop, left Seafoeth this,
Friday mornieg for their new homes
in Illinois. They took with them
number of 'horses, cattle and farm
•••••••• .I•••••• 0,0
Mr. John Grieve has sold
his farm, lot 27, concession 4, ere-
Killop, to his sore A. ;Wm. Grieve,
for ffk5,600. The farm 9ontains 100
"Ore:•Saturday, 13th inst., Mrs. Jas..
;Houston, of Tuckersznith, called at
the residence of her bretber, Mr. D.
Sproat, and While there was sudden-
ly seized with a. violent headache
and a, fit of vomiting. She was at
once :Placed in bed and in a few houre
aftervearcis she had a paralytic stroke.
Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat
silmeats are quickly relieved by Cresolenc
eiblets. ten cents per box.. All druggists
-Col. J. M. Gibson, of Hamilton, has
been appointed to the command of ties
year's Bisley teem,
-Charles B. Masson, the Ottawa_
hockey player, has 'Dem committed for I
triaf for manslaughter in connection!
with the death of youtag McCeurt, of
Cornwall. •
-The large 'new 'brick residence of
Mr. 3. N .Darby, le Griroisby, was
burned Sunday night, eutailing a, lose
of $5,000. ,The family wao jltet /WV -
ink in. f
-.The recount in Morris, Manitoba,
confirmed A.ttoeney. General Camp-
bell le his seat by the *returning of-
ficer's casting vote. A „, ciose shave
for a Cabinet minister.
-On Sunday fire destroyed :the rear
part oe the blacksmith and carriage
Shop of J. Wilson, Listowel, with
its contents. The loss is $1,200, cov-
eted by insurance.
-Mr. R. H. lecElroy, the Conserva-
tive party candidate In the Provincial
bye -election in Carlton, has been el-
ected by a meiority of about one
thousand over the Independent Con-
servative candidate.
--Triplets, all girls, were 'bore to
Mgr. and Mrs. Wm, Manley, a the v11-,
lege Of Staples, eix miles from Com-
ber, 33%sex county, on Sunday. The
mother and her little tots are all do-
ing wen,.
-The oldest man th: near Ot-
tawa, Firmin Richard, aged 96 years
11 months, is dead. His descendants
include 19 grandchildren.„ 43 great-
grandchildren and one great -great-,
grandchild. His son and three daugh-
ters also OLITIfive.
-Under the provisioris of the hew
act governing the granting of Pro-
vincial subsidies by the Dominion, of
which 'notice beet 'been given bs Sir
Wilfrid Laurier, the increaen to the
YEI,T10118 prOVIIICefl, ithe !oasis of
the last censiis returns will nei
follows: Ontario, $789,05 ; Que.e$1
$599,866; Nova. Scotia, 4.77,669; New
B-renswicke $180,000; 'Manitoba, $142,-
630, Brit's& Coluiebie,$216,000; Prince
Edward Island, $66,345; Atherta„
329; So.skatchewaa, $136,210..
-The Dominion Railway Commission
have issued an_ order to the effect
• that the maximum paesenger rate on
the C. P, R., east of the Rocky Moun-
tains mist be three cents per mile.
The rate therefore charged in the
Provinces of Alberta and Saskatche-
wan has 'been three and a half cents
per mile, The same order applies to
the Grand Trunk east of Toroeto,
where the 'rate has been three ana
third cents per mile.
-A very serious ate:Went occurred
on Tuesday at a crossing 'between
Hespeler end Preston„ Fisher's
Mills, in Waterloo county, on the G.
T. R., when a team drawing a heav-
ily laden wagon of steel Tangos was
struck by e passiehger train. The
horses were kIlled and the 'two men
on the wagon 'were thrown out. The
driver, Ben ecifineton, of Berlin, was
brought to Galt, He has a. dislocated
shoulder., a tad cut over the right
eye end Con,CUSSIOTI of the tinnier. tr.
Leyburn, of Toronto, 'escaped.
• Seaforth, 3=26, 1816,
At the last meeting of the Seaforth
council, Mr.. S. Stark -W840 appointed
aseesser, Mr. • darnels; Hatt, collector,
and Mr. 3, Duncan, !treasurer.
..The concert in the, Oddtellows new
hall, under the auselees of Fidelity
Lodge, Seaforth, on! Wednesdar even-
ing lase was a success in. every re-
spect. The hall was, crowded to the
doors. Th.e dedicatory services were
conducted by 1,1r, John Gibe,on, Grand
Representative, after, whleh the chair
was taken by Rev, M.r. Goldsmith,
and a good programme was given.
On the, 22nd inet.,1 the members of
Berne Presbyteriar. Church called on
Rev. Mr. Denby at his home in Varna
and presented him with a coon coat
and Mrs, Denby with a. handsome
Seaforth, Feb. 5, 1876.
At a, meeting of the town cOuncri
"Satisfaction or Troll Money
Do Not Dose With Purga.tivez and
• Weakening Medicines -What People
-Need at This .Seasort is a Tdille.
Not exa,ctly sick -but not feeling
quite well, That's -the epring feeling.
You are easily -tired, appetite vari-
able, sometimes 'headaches and a
on Tuesday evening., Mr.- Wm. Dor- feeling of depression. Or, perhaps,
Tame was appointed 'market clerk, and pimples and eruptions appear on the
Mr. James Dolmage, of St. Marys, was feu, or you have twinges of rheum-
. his farm. dicate that the blood le out of or-
' seism or neuralgia. Any of these in -
I attam apuporrejoleptotiw ii.lakceontlatas
lot 8, concession 8, Tuckersmith, to der, that the indoor life of welter
MT. John, Cowan for 1 fh3,920. The Parra has left the mark upon youeend may
easily develop into more serious
cpitIntl!insA. 140. aA'cireepse.eirell has cligilosed trouble. Don't dose 'yourself with
of his intereet in the Brucefield cheese purgative medicinesen the bope that
iey, for ($2,600, , , I waives gallop through the isystem
you can put your blood right. Pur -
factory to Mr. Wm. Baird, of Stan-
' and they weaken ineitead of giving
Seaforth, Feb. 12,- 1875. strength. What you need is a, tonie
The tremendous stock of Spring Progress
Brand Clothing that has recently arrived at
our store. Giving a selection of, dozens of
suit's in every size equal to what you get in
the majority of city stores.
If You Only Knew
The unequalled elegance, the perfeetion
of the fit, the extreme beauty of the pat-
terns and the cleverness of the make of
these Progress Brand Suits.
If You Only Knew
The wearing atillity of aim s the 11 es ntial. property of natal, n=
ing their shape, the substantial ubborn ing quality of the lining a*
If You Only Knew
The nomination tor South Huron medicine, that will make, new, tieh.
was held at Varna on Thursday last. red blood, build up the weakened
Thomas Greenway was the only per- nerves, and thus give you new health
clared elected by eccla,metion. to do 'this speedily and surely is Dr.
and stre.ngth. And the one medicine
son nominated and Was, therefore, de -
Mr. _Wm. Newman' has disposed of Williams' Pink Pills. Every dose a
his house arid let, adeeilline UT* this, medicine make new, rich blood
Variety's residence, 'to Mr, John which mnakes weak, eseily tired and
Thompson, 'cr. lecleillop, for 000. ailing men and women feel 'eright,
About six o'clock,' oe- Wednesday active and etrong, If you need
morning. lest is, oitate en thef rear et a medicine tees/ides. try Dr.Williarnsl
Mr, eV. Campbell's 'Ettore, was deetree- Pink Pills and you will never regret
ed by fire. 1
! it. This medicine has cured thous -
The - annual congeegational meeting ands in every part or the world, and
of the Canada Peesbrterian church ;what it has done for others- it can
was 'held on Mcmday evening a2.0t. The easily do foe 701e •
contributed during The headquarters for the genuine
ecided to enlarge Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
yof 'tilltee routtbwhae9set Peo-ceopalleledin pCinankadpaiilstE5oBffremtekdvilbiyel cOobmt--.
panies located in tither 'pieces in
lot 7, _concession le; H. R, S., Tuck- tended to deceive. If your 'dealer does
Canada are frauduleet imitations in -
Mr. Philip Aubree-eas sold his term
ersmith, to Mr. Peter 'Cooper, of not Wee the genuine Dr, Williams'
Kippen, for lett4,586. The , farm can-. Pink Pine for Pale Peeple, eend to
Brockville. Ont. end the Dr. Wil -
tains 100 acres. ,
That every suit is sold under the double guarantee of aker and,
ourselves. Of " Satisfaction or your money back."
You Only Knew
sum of $4,000 was
the year. It. was
the church ground
from Mr. Edw. C
of the church, for
Of the tb.ouPands of me who are wearing Progress Brand
year after year, causing the great increase in the buoinese
merchant handling this clothing in Canada.
If You Only Knew
All the above facts, as a self pro ting, long h
you would buy Progress Brand Clothing in, preference to -st
with other new hatched brands. You are cordially invitecf to inspect
our stock, for we always have the good e at the back of our e
Leading Prices $7.50F 1010, *12
liams' Medicine Co. will Man the pills
Seaeorth, Feb. 19, 1875, to 'you aft 50 centea beet, or six
hand,sorne eum of *400, to Mr. Yet- e At Kippen, on February leth, Drt taxes for i$.2.50.
WE have at a considerable expense eve ins' a long -felt want in Sea -
forth, in the installation of a magnificent new glass hat case, 24
feet long. It is interesting to you in as much as it exhibits for your immed-
iate inspection every style, make and size of hat in our monstrous stock, thus
insuring your getting with a convenience, promptness ane Eatiefaction, the hat
most becoming and adapted tc$ your general appearance.
Atilk to See Our King Hat.
0 -Butter and Eggs taken as 0 la,
Canadian Pacific Railway
Every Tuesday curing March and April
Leave Toronto at 9 p in. for settlers taking live stock.
Special Ooast Rates daily liar,„ st ;to April 30th—$42 75—Seaforth to
Vancouver Victoria estnneeter, 0.; Utak!, Tacoma
Washing,ton. and ! Portland, Oregon. • -
For maps, folders and tickets pply to
0. P. R. Tickete, Telegraph and, Dominion •Express. -