HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-03-29, Page 1011 e)e e 90 t -n ein exier*IzaOsi oommoOtOioilev-rsgIlao.." 'owisiw;ieB-snrmgwoliiioog---T77' e a co. plete dis - o a creditable hate, coupled with capable designers, otlish effects, rich - has never been eur- 'ECIIIIMEINVES904;i1.5*-091. Wo ert wel1 make special effort tce _ things which pertain to wo- lowitg things ; 9505. Above cut represents our $5 Bieck VENETIAN MIENS tivity .in . The. • Department goods attraetivdy LAOE CURTAINS ART DRAPERIES COUNTERPANES We tlave Them cornmerteed making- _ rnaP1P Promisee to be a good seae Tne address delivered irt tate -tinier; cnurcie Wednesdaar bY Anna nose was very much aed „led by :none privileged tc3 hear,' :tete 'toss hes stilt a, Vert nett, in her heart for dear old Peter McGregor.' ree a telegram Isom Mr. A. rce 'era .--dceleato minister' of agricule niaa. alining- him to go eat :net act as judge for the pre"t stunt Ethow being held ther44 nk. conmenceng the 20th. art or. owing to delicate healthe abit to gr.). -Our doctor Is kehot presribng for the coughs art hat“r<. so plentiful junt nowt, tn. MeIntoeh, hie wife an& r.eire. tree:well, Who have bent {,101:4iritais vicinity durd she t !rine Int this week fade et" *in the west . -Nearly rietters have returnea heneer.i.tt. McCartney intendn, h;t4. cc:nein, Mr. Reit:pert tf.rtrietr, jr., who has been span te inter here, hoc ic to MOU TNT siert on Monday and talc tr horst s with therm, oe. Maggie 'Wiseman. daughter guano of Clinton, vi fl been npd in the Knitting tarr ha z received ant alt4 ;tmeht as steno,grapher and t tberth. the Government officeen FORTIE H TEAR WOMB NIIMBER. 2,050 1 SEAFORTH, FRIDAY MARCH 29, 1907. Tailoring and cibthingSrnade LOTELI 'SA DI STOE he GR111 1 FURS AND i FURNISH \ ' INGS • Spring Suits Ready Spring Overcoats Ready. Spring Hats Ready. • n the Gold Fields fornia 50 Years NM= WINS MI. THE ADVENTURES OF A. YOUNG MAN. „moo. or. Metall • of Cal- 'bound civer with , hint. 1 -le wan only paid 25 cents a day and hut to keep Ago. his family on 'that or ;else get deeper into dent and as they had no educe- mciaLLop t tion they never iceew when they were out of debt, 0 eequently - they jut lived and did as little work an pos- sible. There were some very wealthy people there 'but there were aloe some very very' Door meg. I do not suppose it co* them mote than & dellan a year foe. cloth,es. , We Stoyed a few dens ler thie vile lane, lateen continued .our journey to Doreen°. The country wan 6, little better settled, but the people lead to live together in little villagee on ac- count of the Indians, The Government had rangers ortro ted pollee keep- ing Inland 'betwe n 'the settlements; and The Indium. I was offered; two hundred dance; a month and fifty dollans a scalp it 1 would join ithe rangem but 1 did not do eci as I did tot retail", the thought a "scalping anyone. - One day we caught a wild- horse. He was a neaut.ful grey one. We tied 'him to a tree, then put the,.rope er lasso around " his hind tlegn and drew him up 'to Ithe tree an closeas possible, Then We buckled a Spanish saddle on him, put a., bridle on and I mounted 'him. My companions untied him and let us go. There, wan- a mounted man on each side of him, holding on to hist bridle. We started at full gallop on the open prairie, the horsemen holding the !bridle as long as they could. I was all :right as long ate he kept T unning but be Boon stop- ped and began to °kick and 'Plemga and try in evelty way to get me off his 'bock. He kept This up 'foe at least 'half au hour and I 'thought he would have killed me but 1 etuck to him and fairly conquered tim at %eat. Shortly after this we got into Durango, a large city where they coined money. We rented, a room in the hotel there. The botel was tlUilt in a large square with a court 'yard in the 'centre, the Tomlin all op- ening into 'this court 'yard. There was a paved sidewalk riming oround in front of the doors. There was very little furniture in the room but one could bay aerything wanted very cheap there. We boarded ourselves -well for - about *a dollar a week. We *hayed there a week 'before Starting' on our journey over 'the moualtains to the comet. it wan] about three hundred Miles to Maed13.and, cm the Pacific Coe*. I 1 . (To 1?e continued.) (Written by Robert Govenlock, Seaforthe •••••. awes ma. (Continued from _last Week.) JuSt the day before they had sent away a train of pack mules, each one carrying three hundred pounds of sil- ver. They had soot it to Durango, a State town, towaeds the coat, for which we were 'bound, to be coined at 'the 'mint there. It never 'get to Durango however, although They had an arrr,ed ,guard of 25 men. 'They' had halted at a watering place for din- ner when they were isurprieed, "by, a panty of Indian ribber% led bert White moo. The guard had net erne to ftre a Shot, 'before they were die - termed and all their silver and pulled were teken from 'them.. The robbers were in tstedir a hu'rry to get away with their plunder that they did pot take time to scalp the others' for which they were very glad. They soon made their, way home again and warned us not to go! 'that 'road as Allem were only ten of lin and they dought we would never get through. However we thought it would be a very good time to make the attempt as the robbers would be busy; getting away with their treasure, So we started at once. We were all well armed with 'rifles and revolvers and were prepared to give anyone who at- tacked un, a very warm recerition. We *kept a sharp look oat and camped on the epot whe're the others had been robbed, but we were not molested. We alwann kept one, adi least, one guard night and day and arrivedsafe- tly at the 'next town which happened to lbe a pretty large one. :While we were here, Mr. Fowler took sick and we had to rant a small house. on the outektrts oft the towae eould not leave blmt an there' were no 'Americans in this part of Mexico. We had. to stay here two or three weeks before we were ante to Start again. One 'night when I was trying to start, a fire I heard a great row 'between Bosley, the Frenchman, and John O'Maaa. It enema that B.oeley had bought a piece of !meat wadi had laid it 'down* in an open shed. When he went to get ,it was gone and he said our dog had taken; it, al- though he had not seen tan do it. They got so hot over it wt-lat that Bosley said he would shoot he dog in the "rr,orning. I cpuld stand it ...no, longer then, als the! deg Wala very 1 Week 'before' r. Justice Magee. There dean to teeth John and rape so I guest* wale a pretty lengthy docket, contain - 1 spoke en the epur of the moment Ing eleven cases, nine of whieb, were and told B,osley if he shcib my dog; set down' for trial by Jury. The fol - there would be shooting going. He lowing are the principal cases dispoeh knew what 'that meant so there was en ot: volowwwwww0AAAANwwww Every clothier and hatter in the country has the same story to tell -his Spring clothing and hats have arrived, and he is after your order. But mitke a note of this. Every store cannot offer you the celebrated 20th Century. Brand Clothes OR THE RENOWNED Buckley and Christy, and Wilkinson and Carter 'Hats, If Your Eyes are Sound t„ 4.h.N. •••• Nos It wand bs a pleasure to you to be told' so after a searching examination, wouldn't it ? But, in case there should be some Blight trouble or other which you may have hardly noticed, it would he worth a, good deal to you to know that too, wouldn't it? Weill Our Services are at Your Command. We ean give you an examination -ac. cording to the Vier= of optics of to - And for all the ailments of vision, re- lief is certain and quick by the aid of right glasses. John Jeweitnr, Bulger, - Seaforth Marriage Licenses Issued. te'VerWWWITIMMICIIIIMete 'Mein in the 'evening. Earl Sunday morning be was seized with severe pains, but did net tiehnk it worth while to call he a doeter until four p. m. It Waal then decided that the only chance fon )3aYing his 0.ifri was tit an operation.. The Huron Assizes. e spring assizes for the county Th of Harter we e held in Goderichlast because they are sold by only one, merchant in eaeh town. We are exclusive agents for this town and vicinity, and we have just placed in stock large shipments of the above nam- ed stylish clothing, and also an enormous range of styles in 116W Spring Hats of these acknowledged begt hat makers in the world. If you are particular about your Suit and tSpring Hat, our splendid sto4k will appeal to you for this reason : it will help you out of the usual difficulty you find with most _stores who haven't got just what you are looking for. It is easy choosing from our stock because 'have styles that suit yoir, and you'll have n?, grumble to offer about the price. Early choosing is away' the best. Suit Prices, $7.50 to $15. Hat Prices, $1.00 to $3.00 • Ladies' Spring Coats. ; 'nothing more said tbat night but I Dinsdale Va. Coltatit,-The plaintiff Huron Note. -A Ladles' Aid. has been organized in connection. with the Presbyterian church, Clinton. -KT'. Warren McGill, of Farquhar, Usborne, recently sold a fine draft horse to Mr. Coursey, of Lenora for Aso. J. S. Metz 'has fold his 'farm on 'the 41th concessicm of Stephen, to Nfr. Henry Sweitzer, of the Creditor' flour' mills. -Miss Gertie Asquith; of Auburn, the 16 year old daughter ot Inspec- tor Asquith, died last week after, a Shed illness. -Mr. W., H. Green', manager of 'the dttlingham pleetric Ingtit Works, has resigned,, and MT. W. J. Sirylet has been appointed in his place. -Albert Michel and bride, also John CamPbell and, Peter, H. McNeil, of Grey, left for ;the Weist %est week. Crossfield, Alberta, was their des- tination. -Mr. :Walter Irwin, son of Mr. 3. W. Irwin, of' 0,1inton, who has been laid up for twelve weeks at Regina, with typhoid fever, is home on a visit. -Miss Dot Baker, of Clinton, %eft this week fer ,Wintipeg where she will he married to Mr- Runes' And- rews, publisher of the Herald, Cupar. Saltitanchew an. -The house of Charles Morrish and occupied by Wm. Pickering, one mile south of Grand Bend, was 'burned, to- gether with The contents oh Sunday mornipg, March 17th. -Mtn Frank Bell, of Turnberry, died recently of typhoid fever. The deceased, before her marriage, was a Miss Cloaketr, and :resided on the 4tb. line of Morris, -The 70 acre farm, -belonging to John B. Smith, of the 4th nmeeseion of Grey, hate been purchased bet R. Peterson, the figure paid 'pang $3,100. Mr. Smith eitill has 100 acres. -Rev. Mr. Winchester, a Toronto, conducted anniversary services he the Preebyterian church, Clinton, lent Sun- day and the choir gave special music assisted by Miss Iva Dodds, a Sea - forth. -Mr. R. Govien, of the base line, Mullett, sold a fine 'heavy draught .gelding !last week to hit. 'Jas. Ar- chibald., of Seaforth, for the sum: of $215. I -le alsie ibought a othree-year- old from Jas. Ranson. -John McEwant son of Mr. Mal- colm nicaeran, of the ard concession of Stanley, who is attending Knox Col- lege, has been appointed to work in Southwood, in Northern Onta,rio, for the summer. -Miss Florence D. Ball, daughter of Mr. H. W. Ball, of Godcrich, who bast been teaching school at Frank, Albeeta, was married, there on the lath or March, to Mr; Henry Percival Cleaelhue, a young 'business man of that town. -The effects of Mr. Josh Hill, o Hullett, which were sold ny auc- tionetthe other day, were well sold, the proceeds-- being, in the neighbor- hood of ;$2,000. Mr. Hill expects to go .West this summer, where he has two sops residing. ..The choir of the Thames 'road Presbyterian, church, lleborne, have a,rranged for a grand concert on 'the evening' of Monday, April 1st. Mr. A. Greenlaw, 'basso „soloist will as- sist; The concert p:romises to be the musical event of 'the seateon. years been a member of the firm of tapper 85 `Tisdall who carry on a wholesale and manufacturing bueinees. His private bulldog business has been taken over by the Molsons Bank and the office he has occupied has, been rented to Mr. Rem Rumford. -Ancith.er, old and respeete,d resident or Credit= .ha n been called home in the pe -neon of Mrs. Kuhn, relict of the late John Kuhn, who diedi at Crediton en Manch 14th, at the age of 13 year.. The deceanld beerr ill and helpless fon some! time; She had 'been twice morried her first husband being the late Michael Sehwartz,_ to whom she wan married in Buffalo and who died 35 'years ago. She had, reeided iiji Stephen for over 40 years. -One night -recently, while Pat. Kelly, of the 7th concession of More :Os township, was returning home from Bruseels, he met with an aCei- dent by colliding with a cutter be- longing 'to G. Robb' livery, Bil.130813. Pribliebers a Year in Advance, Ing her wt and she will Wely be , Purchased by Bente of the lane longs of that great country. -Bin, ;teen Dechs, er has also sold his prize teem of bay general purpose horere Le Mr, Wallis, of Cltutegn, for $M. They are a. very handsome and w'll put together tearo and will bneg big money in some of the large cries. Notes. -Mr. Goner Koehler, eree sides near here had two creret kil- led last week by the ititraW ottek fal- ling on th.erre The lone will te aboat. n4100. -The directors of the Ilay Ag- ricultural Socnety are taking time by the forelock this year. 4111 r had a, meeting last veeek, revised erel im- proved the prize list for Ito next ohow and made .ether , arraneements for the good and welfare ce! the vete clety.-Confirmation servicee were held in the Lletheran church ,If-ee Sun- day. afternoon. There was a large congregation and the servie s were interesting and inneressive.-tie. J&C.'0120 Kipfer, of the Babylon lino. has ree The ele hwoorsedrie vrerean waewraeyt.hritoowbab,southoarnsde moved to town. -Mn. Wm. Enker. of made for 'home, but Mr. Kelly's horse the Goshen line, north, fell from hie was net hea.rd oft for two days, when, wagon a few, days ago and ecceived It was located at Mr. Campbell', on a severe shaking up but is ann. warty al nigh again. -A ladies All hag the 16th 'concession of Grey. I t • ' -Wm, Kens has sold las 10 acre been organized in connectice with Um Evangelical church with the fole farm, lot 23, 6th of Morris, to lowing officers: President, alto. (neve Wm. Pipe, of the same line, for the Gischler; vice, Miss Lydia Faust;' BUM of ke4,600. He gets immediate poseenilon. This farm was formerly- eorrespondlog secretary, Mitt' ,drrtes owned by the puenhanerts father, Mr, Kaercher; recording isecretarMtn. David Pipe, vino sold It to Alexander C. Welker; treasurer, Mre. 3 Ort; Grant, and he in tont dipposed of it argent*, MISS 14111a, ort. rthethers to Mr. Keys ;six years ago. Mr, will be held once montle-hrhe Her - Keys will likely ;return next month aid learns othat Mr. F. KlItfleiath Battleford district, Sake where he . intends moying his flax milt from the 14th ebneetaiOn to this vi -ten this has land, and where he pent lent: , spring. The planing mill 'will not be year. moved bere -until rnett fall 0.7 Winter. - -A quiet w.edding took place at art Mr. Kalbfleisch intends ereeltee the the Baptist parsonage, Clinton, Tuesday evening, March 1Dth, when mills on the Zurich road, ire: 'west of the village. -There is a movement Mr. James Tucker and Miss Bella :Williamson were united in the betide ore foot to induce the police trustees to purchase Rent. erect at to we weigh of ma.trimony. Mr. Thomas Watt and Miss F. Pennenaker acted as grooms- scales. The iclEa, is a good en^. Now each ofethe betels have a ecase. But a man and "bridesmaid respectively. ,The knew there could be no drawing back Inthis case is MT. trhomale Dinsdale., for me. My firmness, saved me. 1 of the township of Stanley, who le had a sleepless 'night as I knew 1 'the executor ef the estate of the late could not Show the white feather, ite 'Mr. Coltart, the school teacher who we got up in the morning we . found w--.3*1 made his honee with NIT. Dirtedale for sett many 'years and who, when he died they say in' that 'country, 'butt w1 in Frenchmen gone. They had left was possessed of considerable bre- dog for which I was very glad as I_ , perty. The xenon' was for the, set- tiernent of certain. accounts for ' which in 'the ,night without shooting the was determined to stand firm. the court arranged as follows : By consent of patties let udgment 'be j had no desire to shoot anyone; but I to us and said that he had seen two entered for the defendant upon hie to counter claim for the sum of $2,000, One day a Mextcon came running up deer on the prairie, just outside the to ;be payed, by the plaintiff within town. John and I caught up our 'rifles 30 days from this date, without costs,; and ran out. There were some bluffs and declare that the same when paid. three-quarters of two mortgages in the pleadi deer not more than. ehall De in full patir3faetion of the ngs men - and a ravine so we got sight ot the and 'brought down a fine 'buck and notes in the defendant's counter- tioned, and or the two promisory s mile from the town. I got a shot other. We brought them into the thereof on payment that the said notes and mort- O'Mara was not long in neittine ,the claim mentioned, and up them for the skins. A crowd soon , gages be delivered up to th.e plain- tiff and the defenda.nt to reconvey to town and got Some Mexicans to skin gatinend around and teld us ore bad the plaintiff the mortgaged .and free Shot the priest's tame deer. When, from any ineurnbra.nce. deer would ibe taken from tion broughby Mr. T. 3. Berry, o us and ' Berry vs, hlorton,-This was an ao- t f we heard this we were afraid the In an appearance Herman, again* MT. Nicholas Horton priest did not put i of Seafortie anti formerly of Tucker - that we would be peniened but the sent US after the deer, had cleared ;smith, for damages for injurious statements made by defendant a - although the poor fellow who had pgain* a 'Stallion owned by the plain- riest would have his scalp, The vene tiff. It was settled out of court by out, as he knew if he <did 'not the been fed on corp. We were detain- the parties,the the deeendant paying all emits. -Ison was splendid as the deetnnad ed here over two weeks, ond then Dean vs. the G. T. 11.-Th1s was an started on for Dura.ngo. There was action by a widow, with three small a trail. One time we got off our childher huren, to recover for the Close of Sband, who was killed near no regular road on the prairie, just of two days, Sometimee there was a 13elleville neat December, by the ex- plosion" tthe boiler of an e ;n,gine on road and ceuld get no water for about places. . . fireman'. By consent of plaintiff and which the deceased was engaged as long stretch. 'between the watering ',pout 500 inhabitants. It was built in th defendants, judgment' Was entered for e sued of th2,100 damages and $200 ' Finally we got to a village of a- a Isquort, the houses forming a wall for plaintiffe costs of action between all around. The doom and window e patty and party, the distribution of were all 'built of clay, dried: in . the by the said damges to be hereafter made the court.. 1 were all inside the town. The houses Min and as they scarcely ever had Champion vs. Moore, an action for airy :rain it seemed all right. They *ander., a jury was sworn in, but hoot His Lordship non-suiteed the after the case had ,proceeded for an top of the wall to scare the Indians. c had some old, rusty cannons on the There was only one entrance, a huge plaintiff. gate which they 'hauled up and drop- Williams ers. Pigott, et al, was an ped down. They always nut It down' action for damages, to recover for the They* had a well inside 'which they lose of an amen anby the d otheveturni r, bodily in- juries, caused 'orng of at nights and' in times ,of danger. the watet up in leather ia gravel car oa the C. P. R. track, nuckets at - in the township of Colbotne, lost said was 500 feet deep. Thdy drew into a lenge efteine basin and 'bitched jury and a verdict given for plain - August. The action was tried by a bathed to a chain. They emptied it mules 'to the chain and made them tiff for 0,500 and costs. draw the buckets up. Our styles in Spring Jackets are' all particularly new in design, and are receiving most favorable comment from all quarters. If you haven't called to see these coats, and if you fail to do so you'll DABS seeing the finest collectieu of this Spring's stiles shown anywhere. How do we know this? Because we've been told. so by most every one who has " looked around," and we have no reason to doubt any one's word.. We shall be glad to see you. happy couple were employees of the .Jacleson Manufactu-ring Co., of, Clin- ton, !their fellow employees *rowing their good -will towards therri by pre- senting them with a handsome couch and , jartlinere. - - -Mr. .101 -fit Corning, of the lgth eon - tension of Hallett,. son of the late John Curninge died from enyitipelas and 'brain fever, after a. short illneiss on Saturday, March 16th. Deceased' re- sided with his metber on tae home - Stead, and was a popular young wan, who was held in the bighetit esteem. He suffered a great deal during his illness. Ile was - merriher of the Sons of England, under Whose au -spices he was 'buried. He leaves. six broth- ers, all living Saskatchewan. Prices --Short Jackets $7.50 to 12 Three-quarter 5.00 to 15 Full length 5.00 to 15 A. number of odd coats to clear at .41.00,000~0A, itirHighest price for Butter and Eggs, 4-4-1-144-144.4.44444-H++++4444+ $5.00 The GIREIG CLOTIIING CO., 'East Side: Main Street, one door South of the Dominion Bank, ST.3.A.HOIRFTEE. toWn) WO.Uld 4give boner satin- fa.ction to the nahrons of the 'village. a Co rstance. Florae Died, -Mr. Fred Martin who lives near this village bad the mis- fortune to 'One a very valueble horse on Monday la*, frorrg pa:rale:els. The death of a good berme now a dahrs is a serious matter. Hensall. GIADMAN & STAIIBURY, BareSterS, Rte., Tuesdays, Thuwdays and seen -atm 2O tf V. J. Sutherland, conveyancer., has ta.1 1.):aeed in his hands for sale neat stnall w'th good lot and stable, at acpriee so low that camn4 fail to sell. quickly. Mao a good tholes of oti•e. 41.W.ellings • In frame and brick. Apply at the Po 011102e, lien- . sall. , 2.G49-4-1 Opening of Rippeu NeW Store. -The foenal open - lug of our new store will take place MondaY next, Canada. Aoperilbalt.tia::e zineviadte sur taodoe.nbeaaunottl; lg., acsahiadreweV, tar-ytt:eaSCIttlarrerleSofFtatigee DellSlel ielespeticorne; Kipper,. 20504 Ed. Note. -The items in 'Inn; depart - Company' Wenn its incorperotion 27 yearS ago, died in Montreal on Sun- day. . -Mrs. Eliza F. Lett died very 'suddenly*" at her' residence in Coiling - wood early an Monday mottling. Mac Lett was the livlove of the late Rev. Stephen Lett, r ctor of All Saints' Ch.anch there. She had !been a resi- dent of Collingwood for over thirty years, and was seventy-five years of ans. -Joseph Phillips, the need of ltbe York Loan Company, pleaded guilty to the change of making rase re- ports to the Government comer -102w the Standhig of his company rend wan sentenced by Judge Winchenten to five •yeare in 'the Kingston. pent- be/Ataxy. It is 'expedted the other charges preferred again*. him will be withdrawn. . -While moving about the kitchen at the home of his 'brother, in Belle- ville, on Monday, John Avery, living' near Mallorytown, was -etricken with apoplexy and died almost inStantly. He fen across a hot, stove, and the body was elightly burned-- before Members of the household noticed him. He'madeoutery. Mr. Avery was about 66 yeaes of age. -What is known as the Weir farm, on the Bayfield road, an short dis- tance from °Melton, has been sold to MT'. S. H. Smith, tbh well known cat- tle buyen, for the sum oe $3.1,350. contains 235 earns. Mr. Smith has now 850 flares of choice land, nearly in a block. -Mrs. Canninghamt one of 'the ear, *neat settlers in Morrie township, died at 'the Ilbuse of Refuge, Clinton, -The nix months' old infers; of Nathan Nifineberg, Toronto, was kill- ed in Ita cradle by it e brother Hy- man, aged six, in whose rave it was left by the parents while they went ceit to the synagogue. Its skull was -crushed in by e stove lifter, with which the boy had struck it repeat- edly 'beeause it cried and would not - go to sleep. -The Dominion Government have puecheeed the site of the =Ctatzette newspaper 'building in on t real. The property adjoins the postoffice. Ing and is :required for contemPlat- ed additions to that building. It is in one of the 'best ,business parts of "the city. The lot rrleanu.res. 1-0,000 square feet and was purchased for N00,000. The 'Wilding on it is old and will be torn down. -James Anacreon, of London, , who was frightfully burned while working under at iceoneetive at Guelph -last Sentenlber, died at Victoria Hospital Sunday night. About two months a- go, his brether, William Anderson, submitted to & akin grafting opera- tion in !the hope of saving. his broth- er's life. For a time there was ev- ery hope 'that the victim would, re- cever, but lant week erysipelas de- veloped., and the patient sank very rapidly. 'Tient last week, relating to Ber- ry's imported horses, emu ?en Ber- ry-Ilorton law SUit Were not writ- ten by our regular corrmecedent, arid he is net :responsible for them. Briefs. -The fine show -ere of thie week, ;coupled with the werm ()aye, is shearing itself in vegetatioe and the wheat is looking vent? promis- ing. -The Reform eonv:.31;:on held here on Tuesday Was We I ntended and tire meeting was a vcre harmoni- ous oriel and sa.tisfactory lo tee par- ty. --Rev. Mr. -Smith, paetne °arm -- el Presbyterian church, ie edding to the appearance of the menet property by pairning the etable. MI% Snlith net only an eloquent and '1::1'! p,rettein but is also a methodicel and able manager hi connection tenth the -church property. -Mrs. ate2tea Bon- thron, jr., very pleasantly tritertain- ed a number of friends On nadtley ev- e/Ong laet.-Mr. Gordon :*.drinne end femily moved from here to leeeter on Monday laSt, where Mr., 1denne' has taken. a.position.-Mre.11 i Cofll is and daughter, Katie, anti tree Kate Bonithron, of Exeter, were in the vil- lage part of lezt week rine tine, re- newing acquaintances.-Qeh a large nuinber from Hensel' and v;:lnliy, at- tended the auction sale at Mro. Srnit- lies, on the Loption road, rertb of the village on Friday 'mg. The bidding for the horses- was very relrited. The fine farm, was purchased 1.y Mr. Jas. Smillie. -Mr. Calvin Noivell, of Chia- elharrot, moved into our e'llahe on :Wednesday last in P t' s brick block.-Mr.t.W. R. Hotiglee ins -Alined last week -from Ilidulph, an: re he had been spehding a few wecin with hie brotters.-Mrs. C. A. 'Metenell, re- turned this week from loceect where she had been spending 2. Wee's with her father, Dr. Hutton. -..t. v ny se- vere lightning storm' parte a over our . village on Tuesday reoen/ng last, knockhig the chimney off tar. Arthur Blotchferdne dwelling at ill.° weet end of the village and s fen" shingles off Idr. James Sparks' dwelling on Queen le:treet, opposite St. Paul's church. Fortunately no ether dam- age was done. -We reg- to learn that Mies Mary Buchauen. daughter of or. Alex. Buchanan. of Tucker - smith, and who is in Tonto attend- ing the busineee college. has bean •clUtte ill for the past enter or so but we' hope Will SOGII b einfieientin recovered to return home for P.. vaca- tion. -The friends of Mr. Seeloal &Mi- lle and also of Mr. jobn Illalchford will be pleased to leave. .t they are better considerably' 1111pp-A .• 1 and we hope with fine mild sprie tree weath- er to see them out ignie -rf.r. John: When they saw us coming they -The Oakville Board of Education where she had gone a abort time ago dropped the gate and. we could get no owing to 'the increased numbers of as a. paying inmate, on Saturday, water *!so we threatened to !storm the High School pupils attending the March 16th, of pneumonia. Mrs. Call - place az we had to have water or die. Oakville High School, and the demand ningliam ' leaves four children, her I really thought our poor dog -would for better accomodatione presented a husband having predeceased- her. die for want of a drink. We tarried petItion to the Town Council to raise -Mr. Christopher Coates, an old and a libtle for ourselves but could not the sum of 4,5,000, for 'the erection' respeeted resident of reborn% near npare much for the dog. Finally the Of a fireiteclass High School. The Elinnillet died he. London on the 18t1t people of the village came Ito terms Council submitted a leynlaw, and it inst. Deceased was in his 81tit year. and we paid theta for the water when was carrieci. ber. 139 majority, very Derrhig his long residence in Usborne they opened the gate for us and we few voting again( ithe wael highly; inspected. Ile leaves stayed a day or so until we were -Hon. J. W. St. John, Speaker of a widow, two sons, Rebut and Henry well tented. he ,Senoritas, with the Ontario Legislature, was taken both merchants of London, and three *one Jars on -their shoulders, came Oaddenly ill on Sunday and elb 11 e- daughters., Bessie, Annie and Joie. to the stone troughs in the evenings clock Sunday night he WW0 operated ' -The Clinton Collegiate foetball club for water. :We salt at the well and on for appendicitis. At an early ita.s been reorganized with the follow - watched them as they came in hun- hour Monday morning he was still un- ing officers: President, A. P. Gundry, dredsconscious, but the operation was be- B, A.; vice, J. .W. Treleaven, B. A.; The village was owned by one man lieved to have been a successful one. secretary and treasurer, .1. Pa Burn - and 'the villagers were 'moettly all His condition, 'however, is still erit- bail ; captain, Bobert Mackenzie; corn - herders, the only thing raised. 'being nal. Hon. Mr. St. John presided over rnittee, W. Taylor, L. Iiirtnning, C. a little corn. It cost them about five the Legislature on Fehlay, as usual, Copp. The London; Collegiate has sent cents a day to live. There were no and on Friday night wade the pressen-, in a challenge for 'the Houghcup. slaves there but there was 13ornething tations at tbe banquet tendered by -Mr. J. P. Tiodall, who has been he just as 'bad. If a "nen get Lute an- the citizen?! Of Toronto junction to the private banking business. in Can - other's debt to the amount of twelve the Sha trOock lacroarte. team. Ile was Clinton for 27 years, and Wild is moot dollars, he could be tound over as apparentlY in the !belt of health and the oldest private bankeri in the his creditor's 'Peon Or servant until spirits. He was at Ns ogtice *Sate COUrityhaat deciftd to leave that town the debt was paid. Ills fa:MilS", ;Was 14947, egd filleti: a nodal Ongaga-, UM Buffalo where he has tor. several -Thomas Ilenry Vann, of Bowman- ville, dropped dead in the office a Mark D. Nirilliams & Son on MondaY. Ile was found lying on the floor bY Markham and wife and the Gcodings, Bailiff Mallory and Police Magistrate - all of Sunderland, Engl- '. are here -visiting Mr. John D. Se: -eart and other relatives in this e; 3. Pinkney, carriage mak has mov- ed into Mies Sturgeon'- n.at brick dwelling nearly oppce" - tee, poet - office. -Mr. John Thornrere. who re- cently sold Iris farm neer Blake, haa. moved into our village : is enjoy - Beg a. well eanned are pleas- ed to see Mrs, James :rntlartin suf- ficiently recovered fromr 1 n long ill - nes to be out again.- Thomas Welsh's hands -owe tren honse. on Main Street is nearing (=plaon.- Mr. George 33rowen of net firm of Brown and Clark, inn Malting Chang'e:5 and innerovem- :4 connected ment last week we learn a tile fel- with his carriage -shop -‘ nil dwelling , lowing: Ur. Chris Eilber has sold this spring -We believe oer counell hJs trotting mare, "Lucy Gray," to intend makIng some go -a" end need - Mr. John Sparrow, of Varna, for NW. ed improvements mi riVi. '1' in street Mz!nither purchased this mare nyear from Ituchatan"s 'block nard' the ago from Mr. D. Webb, of Stephen, j Londe/t, road and also o aer streets for *15-0. Mr. Sparrow, intends tak- will 'receive their best encntion. Horsily, who called to make Goole parchases. He was chief accountant in the office of the Upper Canada Furniture Company for ManY Years and later in the Northumberiend Pa- pe t Company at Campbellford. He was born in England about 74 years ago. He wan a. wiclowerere and leaves one daughter and one son. Zurich. Opening of Nipper). New Store. --The formal open. g of our new store will take place Monday next, April 1st. We invite you to 4:olue and get a share of the bargains. Read our ad. Balfour Z.: ealewell, Rippen. sena M.oreelloree Sales. -Ire addition' to -the horse sales noted in this depart,