The Huron Expositor, 1907-03-22, Page 6•
ie Bold only in sealed lead packetei whioh preserve its original delicious flavot
a Never sold in bulk.
25e, 30c, 40ci 600 and, 60c per pound.
Ask your Grocer for Saab) and insist apon getting it, si
0 ItMIT infBrusseis by February let, 1007,80 x
i.=ft., in block 2nd door from American Hotel,
lately occupied tailoring, readymade °lathing, etc.
DR. McKELVEY, Brussels. 204141 '
good building lots, on East William Se., Sea -
forth, pleasantly situated, and planted with fruit
trees. Apply to AIRS, M. ROBERTSON, Seaferth.
IsTOUSE FOR, SALE.—A comfortable frame house
Al. on James Arcot containing 4 bedrooms, sitting
i.ltn, and parlor, a good stone cellar all Under the
holm, and a good stable. If not sald by the firet of
April will be rented. It is at present:occupied by
Mr. Appleford. Apply to JAMES MoMICHARL, Sea -
forth, P. O. 204741
0 LET—The undersigned will rent his fatm an
the -Lake Shore to a good tenant for a terra a
live years. The Kann consists of 210 acres of good
land, nearly all -under cultivation and in good con-
dition. For full terms and pv.rtictilars apply at once.
DANIEL SMITH, St. Joseph P. 0 198 tf
1. money on improved quarter sections of 160
are ftch at from S>' to 10%, per annum. Only firet
mortgages takers. lunple security given. Torrens
aide System is perfect. Frem 8300 up,ean be lent
on farms worth from $1,000 to $2,0(Y). For further
particulars write to me.' J. A. JACKSON, Barris-
ter, etc., Ponoka, Alberta. 19594f.
VOR SALE, a comfortable frame house in Eg-
mondville, with three acres of land, cellar and
elect a stable. The house contains i bed room, par-
lor. dining room and kitchen downstairs and two
bed rooms and. a Iarge hall upstairs. There is plenty
of hard and soft water. The property is close to both
ehurch and school. Will be sold cheap. Apply to
JAMES S. BROWN, or box 857, Seaforth P. O.
ARM FOR SALE.—The sUbscriber offers for sal
his farm of 103 acres, being lot 31, 3rd conces-
ant IL U. S. Tuckersnalth. Ad cleared and under
eultivation except 8 e.cres • all but 18 ares in grass.
Frame house, bank barn, Lay harm and other out-
eutidings, hearing orchard, good water, schoolhouse
on the prendees. It is within six miles' ef Seaforth
and five from Clintan. Will be sold on easy terms.
WHITFIELD CRUM, Olinton P. O. 2009-x8tf ,
SALE ---For sale, the Commercial Hotel, Bay.
OW. The hotel is a two-storeasand,aehalf brick
, building, ebittaining 4 large double bedroonst and
9 single rootne, besides kirge dining room, sitting
rooms, ete. There is also in connection, a large
steble. A good business is done botli In summer and
winter. Hotel full of tourists every glimmer. The
hotel is centrally and pleaeantly situated. Good
reasons for eding. For further particulars apply on
the premiSes, or address Ra,yfieki P. O. HARRY
„it.AR,GE FARM TO RENT.—To rent for a term of
.t years a 235 acre farm, four miles north of Sea -
forth, at Winthrop, McKillop township, Huroe C.,.
About 40 acres plowed, 15 acres stubble, 70 a.ores or
hay and balance pasture lands. Arrangements would
be made with tenant In respeot to breaking up pee-
ture and hay lands. Wind mill and plenty of water
on premises. Large barn. 60 x 80, with goad stabl-
ing underneath. Also other outbuildings and
good large frame house. R. D. GOVENLOCE, Win-
throp, Ontario. 2047x4
'LIAR)! FOR SALE.—For sale, a splendid farm in
the Townshie of Tuckersinith, being Lot 5, on
the 3rd Concession, and containing 100 acres. This
farna is first-clase in every particular. It is well
drained and has a large bank barn with frame base-
-euent, 36 x 85, new blame house and stone cellar. al-
so 8 acres of bush, a good orchard and a good well.
This farm is one and a quarter miles from Mensal,
one of the best markets In the county. School on
the opposite corner. For further particulars apply
on the premises or address J. C. WOOD, Hensail
P. O. . 2047x4
eltM FOR SALE.—For sale, Lot 24, Concession 2,
Stanley, containing 100 acres. Ninety acres are
leered and in a good state of cultivation ; there are
10 acmes 0* good hardwood hush. The farm. is all
e, ell underdmined and well fenced. There Ill a two-
storey brick house with slate roof, a first-class farm
house. Bank barn, 401 t, x 801t., cement silo, pig pen,
ativingbouee; There are two never -failing- wells,
and en acre of orchard and small fruit. This excellent
farnt is three miles from Brucefleld and five miles
from Clinton, with good gravel made. For further
particulars apply on the premises or address ALBERT
Norr, Clinton P. 0 194841
"VAUNT FOR, SALE—For sale, Lot 5, Concession 14, 4
Hallett, contain ng 190 acres. The farm is all
cleared and in a high state of Oultivation. It is well
drained and well fenced. There is a large two-utorey
hriek house with woodshed and kitchen. There is a
-large bank barn and two smaller barns and driving
shed. Two good orchards. There are two never
failing epilogs on the farm, which make it an excel-
lent one for either Stook or -mopping. There is also
a pump at the barn, with windmill. This excellent
farm is two miles from Harlook I'. 0., four miles
front Blyth. Terms to Kilt purchaser as the prop-'
nietreas wishes to leave the tarn] and, if not sold, it
will be rented. This is the farm of the late John
Mille. For further particulars apply on the premises
tiaddreso, Harlook P. 0., MRS. JOHN MILLS.
1 na ACRE FARM FOR SALE.—The undersign-
V`V ed offers for sale that most desirable prop-
ert,v known as Lot 0, Coticeosion 1, Township of
Blanshard, Perth County. There are, on the prem -
lees, it good brick hone° 32 x 24, with kitchen attach-
ed, 10 x 96, both in good repair; a large hank barn,
70 x 70, with good stone stabling underneath ; •one
firet•elass cement silo, 19 x 37, and other useful
buildings. The farm is well watered, both in front
and in the rear and is adapted both for grain at.d
stoelc raising and Is in a high state of cultivation,
whieh is v ell known from the fact that, the propriet-
or has resided thereon for nearly Mita, yeets, being
onw of the most successful -farmers in the township.
It is centrally located, being near both church and
sehool, and within catty resell of egotist market. For
further particulars addreee JOHN SUTHERLAND,
Kirton P. O. 2909-tf
FARMci FOR SALE,—Lot 15, Concession 2; Lot
15, Concession 3 ; S. Lot 14, Concession 1,
and 8 Lot 15, Concession 1, Huron Road Survey,
Township of Tuckereinith, County of Huron, contain-
ing 300 acres, eituat ed within two miles of the thriv-
ing town ef Seaforth, one of the best markets in Wes-
tern Ontario. This farm was awarded the gold
medal in the farm contpetition of 1883. The farms
have been all pastured for the pest ten yeare and
weilld now be in excelhint shape for general farming.
Sell good clay loans -two-storey brick dwelling house
anti kitchen with brick woodshed—hot air furnace -L
bent and soft water in kitchen—finc grounds with
91truirbe6., evergreens and cedar hedges—orchard
with spruce windbreak on west and north --good
teens with stone stabling -30 acres of hardwood bush,
meek. and beech—well watered lwith spring i:rook
end river. Will eell altogether or would divide pro•
pee' e. No better property in the County of Huron.
JOHN T. stsICKSON, Seaforth. 2020-tf
1: The undersigned offer for sale Lot 10, Conces-
sion 1, Tuekeremith. being part of the -estate of the
luta Benjamin Minillie. This farm Coalmine 100 LICIT%
15 aeree of Inset hardwood bush and 85 acres cleared,
we'l fenced, thoroughly under drained with, elle and
ie an eeeellent state of cultivation, consisting of 8
aeres of wheels 2 aere orehard, 30 acres ploughed for
(-nip and the remaining- 4r, nom! Heeded to grass.
There is, on the premises, a gooil large brick house
•a•Ith large kitehen and exoellent new bank barn, 50
x 7tsititio a oonerete On, a pig pen and driving shed.
There are three never -falling Thits is a very
dc.,:rable property and is eituated one mile north of
the village of Ileneall. 'WILLIAM MOIR & BEN-
JAMIN SMILLIE, Exeentors, Hensel! 1'. 0.
1.,"‘.5.11.31S FOR SALE Olt To RENT.-- Lot 14, on
1: itrd.Conceesion, and South italf 14, 4th Conces•
seat. in the Townithip of 1 tuilett, are offe_red for sale
4ir to rent, They (.6(1hird. of 150 armee, all in gra-go ex -
cep; Ie acres 111 teeth. A gel -el two • storey frame
lure..., good bank lyarn, 50 x 70. with Power ll•
41, i, shed, 30 x 50, and sheep home!, 20 x 86. 'The
place ie well watered by a mitring, drilled well and
th river. it 14 situated 3,i 'Whet from Clinton and
it -11 adapted for stoek dr grain. A1:14 LOt 12, on
ri, h Cencession, ernoll4ting of 100 acres, twelve
a rue Irish, the refit Heeded down, A .never failing
Miring with the wind mill for pumping. These
1:14 ,,M will be Held toeether or separately and on
terns.; te milt the pouvluce.9'. If not sold wi il be
rented. It. J. MILIElt, box 2.5, Clinton. , 20411-11
CWIeg Cottoil Root Compound:
The great Uterine Tonic, and
only safe effectual Monthly
Regulator onwhich women can
depend. Sold in three degreea
of strength -No. 1, *1 No. 2,
10 degrees stronger, t-.3; No. 3,
Sold by all drug ate, or sent
for special ca.ece,If 5 per box.
repaid, en race pt of price,
rce pamphlet. Address : TE:
Ura IC ft HI CO ,T01:01iTOML (furawly' Wind nor) I
A Marvellous and Thumphant Record
of Victory Over Disease. ,
No medicine has ever effected as large
a number of wonderful and almost mar -
venous curee as Psychine. It has hadone
continuous record of victories over diseas-
es of the throat, chest, lungs and etoteach.
Where doctors have pronounced cases
incurable frotu coneumption and other
wasting diseases Psychine steps in and
rescues num.bezless people even from the
very verge of the grave. Coughs Colds,
Catarrh, Bronchitis, Chin's,' NightSweats,
La Grippe, Pneumonia, and other like
troubles; all of which are forerunners of
Consumption, yield guickly to the cure-
tive powers of Psychme.
Mrs. Campbell, one of the many cured,
ma,kes the iollownig stateraent
I cannot refrain from telling all who suffer
of my remarkable recovery with Psychine. In
April, 1902, I caught a heavy cold which settled
on ray lungs and gradually, led to consumption.
I could not sleep, was subject to night sweats.
My lungs were so diseased, nty doctor conedered
me incurable. 'Rev. Mr. Mahaffy, Port Elgin
Presbyterian Church, recommended Dr. Bloom's
Per:thine to me, when 1 was living in Ontario.
After using Psychine for a short time 1 ate and
elent well, the night sweats and cough ceased.
Blonths ago I stopped taking Psychine, as I was
perfectly restored to health and to -day X never
felt better in my life. Psychine has been a god-
send to me. ME.B. ANnnsW CAMPBELL,
; Cottonwood, N.W.T.
PSYCHINE never disappoint.
PSYCHINE has no substitute.
There is no other medicine "Just as
At se dealers, SOc, hl $1.00 per bottle.
If not write to
OR. T. A. SLOCUM, Liebe in tang St W., TORONTO
Dr, Root's Kidney Pills are a sure
aiid ptermatient cure for Rheumatism,'
Bright's Dieease, Pain in the Back and
all forms of Kidney Trouble. 25c por
box, at ail dealers.
Perry Seeds
are not an expert.
ment, but with proper cattle
vation, they assure success
from the start. Users have no
doubts at planting nor disap-_.
pointments at harvest. Get
for biggest, surest, best crops --
at all d,ealers. Famous for over
so years. 1907 Seed Attuned
free on request.
D. M. FERRY & CO.,
Windsor. Ont.;
Nurses' & Methers9 Treasure
—most reliable medicine for baby.
Used over 50 years. Fed compounded
by Dr. P. E.,Iticault in 1855.
Makes Baby Strong
Restores the little organs to pdect
health. Gives sound sleep, without..
resort to opium or other injurious drugs.
44 At &neat% 25c. 6 bottles $1.25.
NationalDnts& awaical Co. Ltd., Montreal
In a Class
by Itself
It is quite true FERROL is an emulsion
of Cod Liver Oil and a particularly
good one at that. But it cornbines
Iron and Phosphorus with the Oil, and
these are just what are needed to make'
the emulsion perfect and they are.iust
what all other emulsions lack.
is unictue because
It combines Iron and Phosphorus with
Cod Liver Oil.
It is pleasant to take and easy to digest.
It holds the record for increasing the
weight (95i lbs from the use of 25
The formula is freely exposed and its
bona -fides are vouched for by emi-
nent analysts in Canada, the United
States and Great Britain.
It is endorsed by prominent physi-
cians of all schools.
It is used in all the leading Hospitals,
Sanitariums and other Public Insti-
The London (Eng.) Lancet, after care-.
ful analysis in its own laboratory,
fully endorses it. ,
We are prepared to substantiate all
the above statements.
FERROL is the embodiment of health,
strength and vitality, arid
I6 6 YOL1 kritoawke hpt you
:NT 0 T1 d
Town of Seaforth.
• Notice is hereby given that petitions for the con.
struction of CMENT SIDEWALKS zust be
handed in to the Clerk by April 15th, 1907.
By order of the Council.
2048-4 • TOWn Clerk,
J Lewis Thomas
Civil Engineer, Architeeketc Late Dominion De.
partment Public! Works. Oensulting Engineer for
Municipal or County worki. Electrie Rail roads
Sewerage or Waterworks Systems, wharves, Brides,
Ite-enforced Concrete, Puma:2220,
20284. LONDON, Ottr.
Perth Itenas
-The Elma cheats company are
building a cold curing' room.
-Mr. Wm. Vorreater 'shipped 76
heed of „tine, cat,tle to Engleret last
.lefte Alex. B. Creighton, oe Bien -
shard, has bean:elite:tinted lieeUrse in-
spector for, South 'Perth.
-Atter a long. and ouccessful bus- Mantoba ad NOrtheeresh Notes
inertia caveat. Mr.- Thomas tfeLareni
Kra -of Mitchell, hen decided to roe 1 """" "
tire, 44 5;
—mtg. /win, Hendry, og chitago, ,The amount th
old Mitchell resident has been renew- IIIIiO w
-Lest week ttn 'tdichael Hagratst, o'Litt ih4011°IcekeeYaiii:vbarcotkfcee hilm
airing absence
toantre4p teem: afteli Saskatoon', 3. U. Truesdale, the city
o Lcigani had his collar bone broken
new Presbyterian church veill be
a'ig,b.t arm
07 being cruelhed against the stall. In
bis table
erected in Indian. Head next, eumMeln
-Rev. P McLeod, a former pastor Whi°11 le to cost $20,000. A sidendid
eite has been, secured in the best sec -
of Knox church, Stratford, died at his tion of the town.
At present a pipe line in Sun out.
a couple of hundred 'feet to relieve
the pressure. Tree gas is burning all
the time and sending up a ;lama' that
lights .the Surrounding hills. The
well is down about 1,200 feet and
work is being contineed in order to
get through the gas area to the 011
that is believed to be 'beyond, it.
gime err Upper Tooting, England, a
short time ago.
-Mr. A,. H. Carroll, a, brother -la-
in -law ot Me. A. Dent, Iditchell, was
elected at the la,te Manitoba, blectioa
for South Braindcm. He is a. sup-. ,
porter of 'the Roblin Government.
-The Witte Packing' 00. lost one of
their driving horses last week. While
Standing in the stable it was kicked
lby one of :the working horses and :the
result 'vas a broken leg.
-IVIrs. James O'Grady, daughter of
MTS. James Cleary, tv.ho was well '
known Jn Logen township died on
March 1st at Bay dity, Michigan. De-
ceased leaves three little sons. Her
husband died not long ago.
-Mr. D. Dempsey, a Stretford, watt
knoeked clovna en *run over by a runa-
way noise the other day. He received
$ome bad cuts on, his face and Wal3
OtherWiee eeverely injured.
-Rev. Frederick Langford, B. A., Bi
D., of Calgary, and son of itet. Dr..
Lengford, of Stratford, died, in Cal-
gary last week. Deceased wait 87
years of age and leaves a widow. and
Lour young sons.
-Rev. R. J. Garbutt, pastor a the
Methodist church, Mitchell, Dr. Bur -
lett and Masers. R. T. Couch and W.
F. May have been appointed a, commit -
e to try to secure 01000 in order
t -free the new parsonage from debt
and to purchase a new organ.
.-Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Corrigan, eof
the Minto and Maryborough town line
-after 53 years residence on the same
farm are 'about Iewye for Ware
male Saskatchewan. One evening last
week, a Sumner of their friends_ went
to their home and presented Mr. Cor -
algae" with a tur cap and gauntlets
and Mr. •Wilbert Corrigan with a.
goldwatch chalet
--One night ;recently a large nunt-
'ber of friends and neighbors gathered
at the home' of Mr. James Byre, lot
10, conceseion 2, Downie, to 'bid tare -
well to B Yera and his sister, Mrs.
brosier, who for over 40 years have'
been favorably known :in thait dila-
trice During the 'evening Mr. By-
ers wan presented with a. gold watch.
He intends making hie horne with Mr.
and Men. Crosier en La jutnitat Col-
orado, whereletr. Criosier has a, large
wood and told business.
-The hierie of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Kennedy, of St. Marys, was 'the scene
of a very Pleasant event on Wane*
day March 6th, when their second
daughter, Nora Ettle, was united in
marriage to Mr. Burton Crozier, 8t1'
line, ellanshand. Just et the hour of
six ()clock the bride, leaning' on the
atm of her .ther, eetered the parlor
to the strains of Mendelssohn s wed-
ding march played by Miss 'Ethel
Sem, of York, who is a cousin of the
'bride. The ceremony was PerTormed
he' Rey. J. Veale, of Kirkton:
. -Mr. Henry Zino, or Listowel, the
breeder of 'high clase show horses,
trade two very successtul sales !re-
cently. One WAS a,`•th.ree sea.? old
Oliver Wilkes colt sold to Henry
Young, of Gowanstown for $600 and
the other one wait ,an Oliver Wilkes
rising five years old, sold Ito go to
the weet., for e400. Mr. Zinn ha sA a
very valuable brood -are from WhICh
in] the past 17 yeardeteke has rased:
16 colt, and all ot +them have intent
high class and a considerable por-
tion, of them firitt prize winners at
Toronto, London, and other .exhi-
bitions in Ontario. jrhio brood mare
is now 21 years of age and .was by
Baron Rothschild.
-The Stratford 13eacoo of last week
says : Death came with sta'rtling' sud-
denness to Jeanette Young Wood,
wife of Mr. John Wood, of Dow.nie,
yeStorday afternoon. Coming from
the hoopital, where she had been ill
for the past four weeke, to 'the home
of Me. and Mrs. R. Frarrie„ Elizabeth
street, the deceased had just reached
the door and was walking 'beside Mrs.
Prairie when with a sudden cry she
fell forward, expiring tamest immed-
iately. Medical assistance was hastily
summoned 'but proved of no avail. The
late Mrs. Wood was well knewn in
Stratford, 'being the daughter of the
late James Armeitrcing. She is sur-
vived by her hueband, her mother,
MM. James Armstrong; and two bro-
thern, 'James of Montana, and Edward
of Chieago.
„ „
Baby's smile indicates that he is
well and happy. It lit ohly the sick
child who is cross and restless ,,And
the mother can depend upon it that
when her baby cries he is, not crying.
shriplyi to be ugly -that Is not his
nature -he is crytng because he is in
pain -most 'probably his little stom-
ach is out of order. The mother will
fire.Bay's Own Tablets a never fail-
• le 'It cure for all 'the minor ailments
or little ones. In the homes where
the Taolets axe used there are no
crosii crying tabies - nothing but
brighl., happy and playful babies -
the kind that are a Joy to the home.
Mrs. Joeeph Legree, Caraquet, NI B.,
says "At the time I sent •fof Baby's
Own Tablets my little one was weak
and failieg. He would cry 'night and
anythin-g to help him. Aft r giving
day, and/ did not 'seem abr to get
him the 'Tablets there was a great
change and he has since thrived fine-
ly," The Tablets are sold by drug -
eats or by rnail at 25, cents a box
from the Dr. William's? eleilleine Co.,
Brockville, Ontario.
.-Out a.toond Dunmore Junction, in
Alberta, the entire country is 11t ap
at -night by the glare of burning gas.
The men on the oil well outfit he,ve
struck a tremendous flow of gas, as
great, las any in Medicine Hat. So
great es the pressure that some fears
are expressed that they will be un-
able to work in it if it increase.
For Infants and Children..
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signatur‘;) of
-R. .A.. Jones, a native of Oxford
county and a prominent business man
in Calgary for 21 years, died. in Los
Angeles, California, last week. He
was a prominent Methodist.
-Hon. Walter Scott, Premier ot
Saskatchewan, who le now in Iain -
Ilton, Bermuda, recuperating from his
recent severe illness Is said, tO be
recovering rapidly and .hopeo to re-
turn, home soon, fully restored.,
-An outbreak of typhoid fever flail
occurred in one of . the leading educa-
tional institutions of Winnipeg.' The
steam of the inteetion has keen trac-
ed to the milk supply a the institu-
-Mr. A. E. Malone, 'who luta been
agent of .the Union, Bank, Mocsomin,
Sask., hes been, moved to Brandon.
Beton leaving Moosomin he was ban-
queted `b y the business men. off that
-Mr. T. Yellowlees'of Toronto, ex-
tension secretary of the Ontario Sun-
day School Association, has received
and accepted an invitation to organ-
ize a house to house visitation, move-
ment in Winnipeg, and will vsle the
city about the beginning a May next
for that purpose.
--Josiah Gilbert, 'the old mart who
Is lying in Regina jail under sentence
of death for murdering Barrett Hen -
demon, and who was to have been
hanged on the 8th hint., has teiell
granted another reprieve until Fri-
day, April 5th. Rio friende are still
hopeful that his ,sehtence wili be
-:When driving across the C.N. R.
track tnear Neepawa, lifainitOoa, two
sons of James Walker had a marvel-
lous escape from death. The locomo-
tive struck the cutter, smashing it to
fragetenbit and killing ths home and
hurling the boys nearly 80 One. I
Neither was eyelet seriouely hurt.
The „Alberta Hotel in the city a
Edmonton has been sold 'to York and
Seacord for $1251000. The lend, build-
ingsi business and furniture are in -
eluded in the deal. The propertei oc-
cupies one De the best business centres
ih the city and the land was valued
at $80 per foot frontege.
-The old Taggart faxen, 'neer El-
gin, Manitoba'has been ,sold by the
Owner, Wm. McCulloch, to Mrs. Dr.
Watson, 'better known as tA.zinie S.
Swam, the -authoreies. The considera-
tion was $42 per acre, eba Alex.
Swan, a b;rother, lately farming
.Souris, will occupy it.
-Joseola Wilson, of Maple Creek, Al-
berta, went out to the woods for a
load of wood twenty miles from his
home. He did not ;return for three
day, and was fotmd dead, in a cou-.
lee. He leaves a wite and two chil-
dren. He was born in Ontario
his _relatives reside.
-Important medical examinations
were in progress la-st week in Cal-
gary and Regina. Fourteen doctors
were examined in Calgary and six-
teen in Regina,. All the doctors were
from other ,provinces and were seek-
ing diplomas einpowertng them to
practise in Alberta and Saskatehe-
-Mr. James Masson, one of the old --
est and most successful farmers in
Wood Day district, Manitoba, died
very _suddenly. Alr. Masson 'had bean
In the 'Islet of health and at the time
of his death he and- his hired mato
were tying some bags of oats in the
barn. The cause of death was apo-
plexy. The deceased was 64 yeairs of
, --A proposal is on foot in Regina for
the erection of a 60 -bed hospital to
.be under the care of 'the Grey Nuns.
The local Catholioa who are behind
the proposition, are asktng the cite
council for a free alto. An expendi-
ture of close upon $100,000 is contem-
plated on the :building and itei equip-
ment, which it is proposed to make
the best of its kind.
-P. Burns & o„ Of ,Calgary, have
purchased 200 head of. cattle on foot at
Tour and a half cents a p6und and
they expect the price will 'reach six
cents before May. This increase is
'not due to the severe winter, but to
the big export of last year, which de-
clmated the ranges and was foretold
by cattle berm 79,st fall.
-Negotiations aro under way for
the establishment of extensive car
works tn Coleridge, six miles east of
Medicine Hat. The industry will be
owned by a private firm, vvideln eon -
tracts with the C. P. R. whereby the
latter will take over the eritire out-
put. In addition a heundry will be
built. Use will be niade of the gas
from the well at Dunmore 'Junction
which is flowing in suffi lent ,glia,n-
titles for this purpose. n addition
plane are already i drawn for large
freight yards at that point in order
to sae the baulins of heavy freight
from the Crow into Medicine Hat. 1
The News -No Pure ' Drug Cough
Cure laws would be needed, if all
Cough Ouree were like Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure is -and hag; been foe
20 'years. The National law now re-
quires that if any poisons enter in-
to a cough mixture it must be print-
ed on the label. or package.
For this reason mothers and others
should insist on having Dr. Shoopie
Cough Cure. No poison marks of Dr.
Shoop' s labels -and none in the ir edi-
eine, else it trust by law be on thei
label. And it's not only safe,but it is
said to be, by those who know it
best, a truly remarkable cough' rem-
edy. Take no chance, particularly
with your children. Insist on having
Dr. Shoop' s Cough Cure. Compare
carefully the Dr. Shoop patkage with
others and isee. No poison marks
there 1 You can always be on the
safe side by demanding Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure. Simply refuse to ex-
'cept any other. Sold by C. Aberhart,
, druggist, Seittorth.
/Quick miler and certain cure for
colds, sore threat and all 40144
o f the mueous membrane.
licioaa nem. Physicians .reeenneend
then Ara for the three.eernsrea Wad, in
the red and yellow box. 1
ARCH 22 1907
e skin rtds the system
more urea than the kidneys?
Nearly one fifth of the waste products of the body is
eliminated by the skin. Suppose there is some unsuspected,
unseen skin trouble—the pores are closed—the skin is unable
to rid the system of its share of the waste. I
Then the blood carries this waste product to the kidneys—
immediately they are overworked—they strain to throw off the
extra, load. What the kidneys can't possibly eliminate, the
blood takes upl again and deposits on the nerves.
Then come the dull aches in back, hips and head—the
nerves unstrung and irritated—the urine charged with impuritiei
and highly colored—and you fear you have" Kidney Trouble."
Nonsense. Your kidneys are overworked -f -not diseased.
What you need is "RRUIT-A-TIVES" to act on the skin.
(or Fruit Liver 'Tablets)
open the clogged pores—start up healthy skin action—and
the skiff perform its natural function. This instantly reli—
the kidneys of overwork—the back -aches stop and the complf t
is beiutified. There is no excessive waste matter in the .wod
to bring dull headaches—the urine is cleared ---the bow are
opened and regulated—and the kidneys strengthened.
" FRUIT-A-TWES " act directly on the three great eliminating
organs—Skin, Kidneys and Bowels—make them well and keep them well.
That is why ce FRUIT-A-TIVES " cure so many cases of apparent kidney
disease that are really skin troubles.
,,FRUIT-A-TIVES" are fruit juices --in which the natural medi-
cinal action of fniit is many times increased by the secret procss of
making them. Valuable tonics and antiseptics are added and the
whole made into tablets—the finest formula kno-0vit to medicine.
I3uy them—try them—and cure yourself at home. goc.
box -6 boxes for $z. 5o. At all druggists or sent oats
receipt of price.
FRUIT'A-27VES Linzited, 0274 WL
" There are 'Maple Leaf' Itub-
bars to fit allele -es and shapes of
inert's. woolen's and claildren'm
shoos." -Wireless from the old
woman who lived in a X1108."
Fit neatly, snugly and
seeurately, too,
Leave no openings for
the water to sneak in at
the sides.
1:)10 Le
Geb a pair
and keep your
feet dry.
v i LUNG TROUBLES. Miss Florence
e ' Mailman, New Germany, N.S., ivn
. I had a cold which left me with a. vsry
1 bad cough. I was afraid I wasgoing
Iinto consumption. I was advised to Uni
I had little faith in it, but before I lis.a
taken one bottle I began to feel better,
and after the second I., felt as well as
I eVer. My cough has completely diaap-
all want
St. George's
Baking Powder."
"I never in my life
saw an article make
Heeds like St. George's."
"It seems as if every order
, get calls for this Baking -Powder"
"And no wonder!
St. George's
Baiting owder
is made of Cream of Tartar that is eneort pure—it keeps
its full strength till the cau is empty, R never disappoints -but
always makes the baking light and white."
"` Look at the result -everyone delighted, and ordering 'this genuine
Cream of Tartar Baking -Powder again and again."
May we mail you a copy of our new Cook Book? All the newest
recipes of famous ehefs-with _practical suggestions, weights,
measures, etc, Sent FP-UU, if you write to 'run NATIoNaL
DRUG & LilitXtiCALL CO. OF CargA.DA, aimited, Montreal. 9
3E3 I gig eg 1131 XM
IS a illantiy Ialek. Frame locks to the
Gangs with a simple half -turn. Straper
Knives combined with Cleaner Mars keep
plateafreo of all sods or trash. Ban near.
ings. 40 anti -friction balls make draught
very light. Flexible. Will fill furrows or
fit uneven ground. Plates tbo correct
shape, turns and pulverizes the Mil. Other
Disko and cultivators tested against the
"BISSELL" get a surprise. Sold by our
Agents. Manafactured by
[35] " Write for Booklet E."
Farm Laborers and
- Domestics5
nave been appointed by the ,Dominion Govern-
ment to place inimigrants from the United Kinwlom
in positione os farnalaborere and domestic servants.
Any person requiting such help should notify MO by
letter Stating fully the kind of help required, when
ivantelt and the wages offered. The numbers arriv.
ing may not he sufficient to supply all requests, but
very effort wIll be made to provide eaoh applicant
with help required.
2042-13 Settforth.
isse•w E•srmss*teprevezi.ise4MORINOISHIPINVEgos_
1Farm Laborers and
I have been appointed by the Dominion Govern-
inent to placd InunigrantS from theNuited Kingdom
In positionas farm labarer6 and domestic Berrante.
Any person requiting such help should notify me by
letter, Stating fully the kind of help required) when
wanted, and the wyee offered. The numbers arriv.
ing may not be sufficient toeupl ail requeete. but
'every effort will be Made to provi e eaeh applicant
with help required.
JOHN SNIDER, Bruceileld.
Don't Buy
Your Fence
Ihrtil Vow Law re into the
Merits of our
Consider a machine -made fenole
ready wover. Its sreateat ateribateet are
y and zapid loeakion. As an offset to
le however, remember the wire is wit
oiled spring, but kinked steel, and, eon.
sfquentiy, lacking the vital power of cone
irtiotioa and expansion.
Its defectiveness dates from its ereai
Each Eneeeeding winter finde ie sag.
ng more and more, and time saved In
reciting is easily kit °soh year in tignten.
If a fencing could be hied of cot
sprirg body wires, uprights of suffielest
rigidity to withstand the anew, and IN -
with no tendency to injure the wire, then
one might he assured of a -perfect -tenon
Now, what grounds have we for
vancine the Ariohor Ft use Just there t
The lateral wires are celled spring..
`The uprights ere Nc' 7 hard steel.
The Tooke are nonanturiatta ar
vs rapped -not inttered -into piste. Yee -
put it all together yourself, and when the
work is or you aro asturedt as we sr
that Anchor Fence is the fenee thIP
0,y Second
On sale dejly until April Wth, to paito
in British Columbia, California, Wash'
ten, Oregon Colorado, Montana,
Special Traiu to North-vr
Will leave Toronto every Tuescley durier
March and April, at 0 p. m,, .wItia tolerate
Plesper for arcotnodation of settlers trent-
ling with live -stock. Passengers twig'.
ling without live stock should take
leaving Toronto daily at L4 eg. 11 30p.
Local and through tiokete feinted et tors
office previouo night for eerly train.
For tiekete end full informelitedeell
W. SO .eiERVILLEI Town_ Agent.
A, F. PHILLIPS Demi ticket
rary g
of t
by t
1 EvArt,Ster#
wager, Itotar
the Ganadian
Willey to lea
toe in Seat
*Worn i
Offloe a
fgraity of at
lege of phy
ottrio p
trhicago Olint
Revd gpht
Nnglana ;
over Stewart
ter t
*et otiti
J tL Seott
Anst Ann Ar
t&etario Oolle
pee of Hare,
nift. at A. Xi
ersres-ro mane
iter Off
ideaiewkd atm
te of Human putt of t
rates and
larders len
Wm, or es
I, B.M
0;1 T
!lent, Brno
ewe, secret