The Huron Expositor, 1907-03-15, Page 8list he We have a few halting stoves left large number of cooking staves, must be cleaned out to make room for Sring pods. Winter is not yet over, SG come at once---Trices are cut away down. Onr stock of Mitts, Skates, Hockey Sticka, Sleigh Bells and Children s Sleighs, must also go at bargain GIVE US A CALL * Chesney & Archibald Mar are, StOyeS and Coal. DISTRICT terian +church will. give an enter- tainment in the chaech on Tuesdar evening next, when they will be as - slated „by Mrs. MeIvor-Creig, Scot - testi slayer, and .fieeprarto 0010114t, of Sherhourne street Methodist church, tar Toronto Cters. C, Grate, reader, and Mr. T. 3. Palmer, organbat or St. This wtll he an ,excelleat entertain- ment Odclfellowe" Night. --There were big doings in Oddfellow circles on Wed- needay night, For Some time Seek Fidelity' lodge has been experiencing a. boom and a number a new mem- bora 'have been* enrolled. On Wed- -alglisle.y night Clinton degree teams visited the lodge here; and conferred the degrees on a number of condi- ant time was spent in the lodge room; arid after the le:boro of the evening khad:..cothpleted there., an adjourn - °minion Ban wont was made to the Qtseen's hotel, where an excellent supper wasserv- pionwmpo........ ed, which wan thoroughly) eejoyed Head Office T 0 R 0 T 0 ticketed to distant points this week 43"` Nis. Somerville, ral/way andwitearn- Ship emit Russel Istelzitosh, to -New Liskeard, New Ontario; Christepher C. Dale, Buron read, west,' to Pilot Mound; Misises Bose and Mary Smith, McKillop, to Regina ; Mr. end leirs. Robert Smith, Melcillop, -to Sheldon', North Dakota. —The following . were ticketed out _J. MeKtinzte, Beu.cefield, to Red Deer, to Tattaten., Setskatcheymn; Kr. and Mrs. Alfred bentnieon, Sea,fortn, to Sturgeon. Valls. Travellers.—The, following were twassiimiNOINIMINNIRIENIO Savings Bank Deposits of $1.00 and up- wards received and interest paid at highest current rates. Withdrawals may be made at any tiMe. akINIMIMNIMP SEAFORT11 .BRANCH Manager' James Watson, si • THE. HURON ExF(l W e Rest deration at 'a epecial meeting of the council to 'be called -4;W the Mare - Or. The fire and water committer reported, giving en estimate Of the as to afferd pretentien to a larger portion ot the town. - The -following 'am the figures: North ward, 8A00 feet $8,2251 East ward; 1,800 feeb 01,400 ; South; Ward; 117.00 fe4, *2000 Making- a total expenditure of 625; The !report was received and the coMmittee were inekructed to sub- mit their Scheme to a celnpetent ene gineen to ascertain whether or not it can ca,rried out efficiently with the' iteee of the present =mains and the efficacy a the proposed, lay out and. to report to the council eel eoon as passible. The clerk was Instructed to ealvertise for tenders for street wat- ering for the icemen' season; tenders to pee received .until the 28rd of 'March. All petitions for cement walks trluiet tbe handed to 'the 'clerk by the 15th of Apria The, fire and water corn- rnittee were indtructed to have all defeets we eet forth int the insurance inspecter's report remedied as soon ao possible. The' cc:quell adjourned to meet et the call of the Mayor. Successor to W. N. Watson WORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General. Fire, Lire *rat Accident Neuss arse sgent, peal Estate and Isar erc;aier in first-clasti family and Manufac- turing Sewing Machines and Crown f3eparators, viz. NewRaymond and White Sewing Machines, and National and rine ada Cream Separators. Also sewing maeldne needles, oil, attach - manta, repairs end aundries for all kinds of @swing mactinett, With over 2fi years experience in-tbe above bushiest): you carereat assutecrof prices JAMES WATSON, nutmeg Agent, end dealer in Sewittnr Machine , and BloyeIes. North Main street, El folorth. A FAMOUS SCHOOL' STRATFORD, ONTARIO. is recognized to be one of tee leading commercial .schools of Western Ontario. Our courses are thor- ' ough and practical, Each department, is in the Ilan& of experienced instructors. Our gradtlates IWO in demand hnd are meeting with great success. _Many leading business colleges employ our graduates teachen. Write for free eatalogue. You mita en- ter at ana time. Send us a Horse _AND WE ItVILL BLANKET Him with the best blanket Wool, Jute and Kersey. for the money— Galloway, Bishop, Geat, Itorse and Imitation Buffalo, We guarentee the Quality. Com- pare prices. HARNESS— Out own make of genuine- Rubber 'Trimmed Harness. It is the beet value in Canada.. Ask your neighbor about thenk. MITTS & CLOVES - 200 pair of samples at wholesale prices. — A Plush and Wool Rugs, ;Etta. Inspect eur stook before purchasing. M. Broderick, - OPPOSITE 00MMERCIAL HOTEL, 2034 The Confidence' Of the People our proudest poe-vssion. We secur- forward dealing — by adopting as our business creed Reliable Goods Moderate Prkes Trethful Representation We are of the plain people " and do' not try to fool the public all the time or any of the time. • If you emit the best ' value you Can get for the money you J. F. DALY Jeweller Si Optician rawer of Marriage Licenses. Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Eetate of Itobert A Seott, The House of Refuge.—The House of Refuge committee a the County Coun- cil, compoeed of the Warden, 'Coun- ty blerk Lane end Meanie. Middle" - tone Geiger• end M. Y. ivle- Lean,, met at 'Clinton on triday last. They visited the, home and made a tiataTOugh inspection of the entire pre - raises from basement to attic and found everything elepee tidy and well kept. and the inmates very comfort- ably. penvided .for. They also found -the tarns 'buildings irt first class order. The -printipel defect found was the continued difficulty in pro - meting a sufficient and contint.ous supply of water for the tnstitution. Since the new addition has beeni in ues much, more water is required 'than formerly and while there an; abundanee or water in the well, the problem with which the, committee lei now wrestling is to 'have the Water harried to the main, tank withr the present eppliancee. Some additioss arid 'changes will have to be -made ize this respect as soon, as possible. There are at present 90 inmates in the home 36 females and 55 males. Of ;these six have been admitted since Decem- ber lst a:nd one 'has been, discharged, 'while there have been six death% neatly from old! age. Accounts a- mounting to $1,309- were passed by the coramittee. The committee also considered the advisability of giddlieg to the present farm, The farm _is too email to furnish protitatele employ- rr.ent for the Itnmates• who eke atle to work, during the summer knontba It is thought that it additional land were secured making the farm from 100 to 150 acres int extent in- stead of only 50 acres- as now, profi- taiyle employment. wourd be afforded for much of the labor which it is noe possible to utilize on tile small farm and the institutien could be made in this *ey almost self supperting and it would he better for the ,Inrnates, giving them occupation for *both body ,and mind. It is possibike therefore.,, that the committee -will nave a prop- osition with this end in view, to lay before the council at the June meet - 'The Councile=-The regular- meeting of tile town council WaiS1 held on Mon- day -evening last. All the n-Rmeera were present. The clerk was Instruct- ed to write. to Mr. Carnegie, the Amer- ican millionaire philanthropist, with the view of ascertaining the condit- lQ118 upon wilich he 'will aid in the construction of a Public Linrary build- ing Seaforth. A motion was adopt- ed for the amendment of the clog tax ty-law, fixing the tax at one dollar 'ale dogs lend three dollars for Property Changes.—Bir. Thomas W. Adams hes disposed of ,his resi- dence on Chalk street, .te Mrs. Mc- Connell, of Johrt•street for $850. )4r. Adams intends 'haring a, sale • of his household effects on, March 28rd and ein this 26th he and leis family go their home in future. We regret rery -Much losing isuch ;gooel.eitizens nut e—Mr. Jemes Weir has dimmed of hfs handsome's:residential property on the corner of lila& Goderieh and Chalk. streets, to MT. Patrick Welsh, .of MCICillop. The 'price paid was $2,- 900. Mtr. Weisel has got a very neat and comfortable property end we ex- tedn a 'hearty' welcome to him as! a resident of Seaforth. CHOIR CONOEItT in the Presbyterian Ohirreh, Seaforth, Tuesday, Mandl 19th. The clAir assisted by Airs, Meteor Craig, Scot,ish flinger aud soprano soloist, of Sherbourne street Methodiet church, To- rento ; Mrs. J. 0. Greig, reader, and Mr. T. J. Palm- er, organist of St. Paul's Episcopal client, Toronto. Admission, 26c ; children, 10o, 2048-1 Take notice that, purtmant to It. S. 0„ Cap, 129, Seetion 38, all persona *who are or claim to be creditor; of 'Robert A. Seett, late of the township of Titeheramith, in the Comity of Huron, Farmer, de- ceased, mho died on or about the 27th day of NOVent- ber, 1900, are gequired on or before the 1.0th day of Mar, '1007. to 9i4111 peezr, paid or deliver to &Km Scott, the Administratrix of the estate of the .said deceased, addressed to Box 333, Seafotth P. 0., er the undersigned, full part ieulatii of Weir (debits, with their respeetive names, aurnainee. addresses and de, And take notice that atter the said date, lest piens Moiled, the istid Adridit:stratrix will proceed to 'dis- ribute the assets of the mid. eatate, among the parties :entitled thereto, having regard only to the tonne of which she shall then have notice, Dakd this 2fith dat of January, 1907. - 1.1, Flier Strest, West, Toronto. Solicitor tor the edmieistretris MARCH 1907 Our claim to your approval entirely upon the character of our Drugs and Medicines We ask your trade because we know what you buy here will never prove disappoint. ing. We have earned a, repu- tation for selling pure drugs at moderate prices. White Pine Cough Syrup 26o a bottle liyaPs Stone Root— for weak, aching back 50c a bottle Never Fail Corn Cure 100 a box a uegetable tonic for the syeten vafter the effects , of Grippe #11 a bottle We carry all the leading med- icines. Onr stock is fresh. Come in and see us whether you 'buy or not, )3011ding Lots For Sale.—ln &Antos locality, sit uated on north side of Centre street, between dwell- ings of John Morrison and J. Y.. Smiley ', also ilist- class lot on North Maio StreetOuljoining office of James Watson. The pr perty la deshible and Will be sold on easy terms. For full parsiculars apply to House for Sale.—Dwelling house on east side of, Wilson St. Stone foundation and cellar under whole house. Large stable. Price reeeonable, Apply to w. a Sheffield, Canada Furniture 6Ianufaeturers, O. ABERHART, Agent for up-io.date Trusses, Syringee Hot Water potties, Shoop's remedies, Cook's Oetton Root Compound' and Wood's Phosobedine, The splendid sleighing o; the 'past. three racial* is about all gone and the country roads in many places are was with feelings of much surprise end deep regret that our citizens learned On Tuesday that Mr. W. H. Willie, of the new Shoe -factery, had made alfe a,ssignment fort :the benefit of +his creditors.. •The {business re- quired more capital to run it thaw Mr. Willis counted on and more than he had available end hems the col- lapse. Nre hope, however, that a,r- rangements will shertly be made to have the factory placed on a firm and -vine ibasia. The tewn is amplys aecured for its loan, of $40,000.—Mr. Herbert Robertbon, a. pr eroult far- mer or Nestle Dakota, a ,forth toy, who has bee couple a weeks, visiting - left for his home t ear loads of cattle, on his farm, and when so near he could' not *resist the temptation, to visit hie old friends and the haunts of= his '..youfh In this vicinity. His 'brothers, John and Charles, are both in Vancouver,Brit- ish Columbia, and are doing well.— There is talk of an, early morning train. tgbilie. emit, during the summer months, on 'this line of the, G. T. R. .This train would leave Goderich a- !bolit six o'clock, connecting at Strat- fOrd with the train getting into Tor - Onto about ten in the morning. A movement is also on foot to have the morning train vest, held at Strat- -ford for the, first Toronto train. If this were done we would receive the Toronto papers about half past ten, instead of et One as 210W.—Messra. John McGrath end John Watson, the, well known horse dealers of Hibberti are now down • east, picking us a load of good heiriry horses, which they purpose/bringing up here to sell.—Mr. ,W. D. Iran Befriend, of Toronto, *as in toern this week calling on old friends. lvIr. Van 'Remand leaves next we'dk for Regina where his ,son now is, end where he intends spend- ing the su.mmer. If he likes the city he mas reside there permanently.— Mr. 'McDonald, an artist, of Tbessal- a studio in the store in the Carmich- ael 'block, -recently leccupled by E. Latimer, for the sale of his peintings. —Mr. Fred Zeigler, of Ca.difee, Mich- igan', and a former resident of• Sea - forth, was calling on old friends in town this week.—Mr. Hugh Murphy has returned from Sault Ste'. Marie. He wsis- head 'biackernith in a lumber- ing icamp in that vicinity. end made big wages, but he does. not Ora much for thwt kind of life. He saye labot Is so scarce that it is almotst impossible to 'get men 'enough to men the ca;mps at any wage.—Mr. John Broderick, of Chicago, is visit- ing his Parents, Mayor and Mrs. Brod- eriek.—Miss Nettie Grieve is spend- ing a couple a weeks with her faii- A. W. Stobie showed 'us this week a twig taken' etrom a lilac bush in his gardea which was4fully leafed out. How is this for, climate I—At a Meeting Of the London -Presbytery held on Tuesday, Rev. W. J, Clark, London„ decided to accept the call extended to biro by St. Andrew's Pnesibyterlaai church, at Westmount, Montreal. He 'had beetn pastor of his London congregation for 17 years, his OSA and onlr charge.—A lot of draft horse, fillies and° geldings will be, sold by auction. by Me. T. Brown, at Dickies Stock yards, Seaforth, on. Saturday trext, March 16th, for Mr. John Caanolly. • Married Int lEdmontele—The yoeng lady who took the leading part in the important cererrenly described in the &Mowing paragraph furnished by the Bdir.onton correspondent of the W'innipeg Free Press, is a -native of Edmonton, and the soungest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Robertson, for- merly of this town The marriage took place on: ,February 27, of Miss Grace Robertaon, daughter of Mr. Shetiff Robertson., to Mr. Henry Napier Lane. The ceremeny took place In the Finst Presbyterian church Rev. Dr. McQueen offielatling. The bride, Who wee given away ,by' her Unice. Apply at Toronto -Sargent Store.. 2048-1 . LOST on Monday afternoon, March ilth, on Main *reek Seaforth, between the Commercial Hotel and Godrich Street, a bleak purse containing, a sum of money, also a pair of gold rimmed spectacles, and a pair of mitts. 'The tinder will be rewarded on leav- ing them at TIM EXPOSITOR- OYFU.SE, Seaforth. 2048x1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE, a well-bred carriage mare, splendid traveller„ in foal to Sidney ; would - exchange for a nice tidy gentle driVer. W. limner- Seafttrth. 2048-1 OUR OAR Redpath Granulated Sugat due to ar- rive this week, when we can supply Mir many owe totnen'with sugar at the right price. Oardno Bros., seatorth. 200-2 WE HAVE ANOTHER OAR of Manitoba Flour to arrive. Thie fancy grade of Manitoba Flour is -at- tracting attention. Oardno Bros., Seaforth. 2048-2 11' BICYCLE STOOK FOR SALE. AT ONOE.-Con- Wats of bioples; bicycle parts and repairing tools and outfit. Apply to James Scott, Seafortb. 2048-2 820 REWARD will be paid for the arrest and con- viction of the parties who stole a counter film the vacant store in Campbells block, Seatortlf. William Campbell. 2048x1 he saw a trobbin a, fewi days ago, as the sorb was ;rising, which he says is a sure. steel of an earlyr spring.— Mr. 0. 11, Broadfoot Who ha.d-the fortune to slip and fall cmi the steps at his,zesidenee and -fracture his col- lar lbone and two of his ribs, is get- ting around again all right, although he has IlOt intICh use of his arm. yet. .—Mrs. McFaul was in Tosente this week visiting friends.—Miss Alma Reid has return.ed to Walle,ceeurg to rewires ,her doties as head -milliner in an ,establishment there—Mr. Fred Morrison hap gone • to New Liskeard Nell, from Toronto, hgus, one of the stores in M. Williams' 'block and • is having it neatly fitted, up for a new millinery. store apd will eoon be in a 'position to ishow, the ladies of Seaforth and vicliiity something nice in the line of head gear.—Mrs. James Scott ppent Sunday last with friends in. Lucknow.—A horse belong- ing to Mr. John Bell, .of the Seaforth Laundry, made things lively on Main street on Monday forenoon, by tak- ing a run on itte own book. -When oppesite Mr. Ault's store it 'took to the sidewalk end left the [largest part of the sleigh in front of The Exposi- females a;nd regiiiring the owners of tor office and went on' with) the dogs to pu.rehase a tag end have; it shafts. It was captured further down displayed on the theimal. It als-o pro- street and, no serious damage was, done, although there - were - some narrow tescases.—A. E. Gibson, late manager of the Dominion bank here,' is, to be entertained at a, compli- mentary nenquet by the business men credit of the eeiblic Ilbraryt, board. of. Seaforth this, Friday, .evening, The auditors' financial statement was the Commercial hotel, prior to his submitted and the tabstrect ordered to departure for Winnipeg.—We regret be publiShed as required by law. A I -1-N learn of the continued illness of deputation Seem the town band was Mese George Patereon and that she is. present and handed, over to the coun- confined to bed most 'ofetb.et tifnee— cil the bend instraments the proper- MISS Murdeck, of . Brucefield, spent ty of the town and stated, that the the fore pert of this week in town, 'band had reeolved to disband erovid- the guest of Miss Ross.—Mr. John ing the council will not in future feS- Murraerrs sale on the Wm. McMichael eume the entire expense of mainten-1 farm In Hullettron Monday last, was ance, receiving in tu.rn the band in- I largely attended end- good peices were come. This would entail en annual rearized, the whole sale amounting outlay. of ebout $300 a sear, being to Over $2,460, The farm :was not $100 a yeas more than: the terssent sold, the up-sek price not having peert grant to ths 'bend. A committee con- reached.—We notice with, pleasure sisting of tbe. Mayor and Councillors that' the firm of Storey & VanBg- Greig and McCallum WM. appointed to mond, architects, of Regita, have confer with the band and, if passible, been selected from. -seven com,peti- arrange for a continuance of the or- tors to prepare the plants for the- *genization. The etreet committee sub- new Young Men's Christian Aseocia- mitted a specirl repOrt relating to tion Building to be ereeted in. Re - the proposed improvements to Gode- gina. 'The 'buildtng te to be 100. by etch and North Main streets. The fol- 65 feet, three storeys; JO to be coa- lowing propositions were submitted: structed or red pressed brick end Is No. 1,--Goderich street from Main to cost $65,000. Mr. Bert Yanagmond, atreet to the torth side a -Adams the junior member of the firm, is an steeet, and Main street from thenorth old Seaforth boy, being a !son- of Mr. side of Godericb. street to the 'north W. D. VanEgenond, formerly of Eg- Side of rranklin street: For' Tar Mac- rni`.indville, and now of Torento.—The adarn„ 24 feet wide, with cement curb- McGinnis. eroperty, on Main - street, ofr either aide wnd sewer with 10 inch was offered for eale thy subtle' auc- tiles and cross drains to each alternate tion cyn Satarday last, but wee riot lot, will dost about $10,600`. No. 2,— sold.—Ars 'Harry Puroell, Galt, was Plain Maca,dern with same -curb end here this week on 'a visit to his sewer facilities Probable cost, a- father, Yer. James Purcell, sr., and 400. No. 3,—Pla,in Mecadam without other friends.—Mr. A, E. Colson, the curbs or sewers1 probable cost, - $4e new manager of the Dominien Bank, 600. Of these three schemea the coin- has been here this week and., has now father, was Sharer -tingly attired fir treant Satin With rich. lace bertha and Carried a bouquet of White reales aed lilies of the' -valley. She wore 0, turie Veil. bridasnmid, Mies etatheseen, low ohm= and taffeta with ihroveht tat. The tgrannernall was Mr. Fred Robertson and Mr. Helliwall" and Mr. ceremony p, reception .was *lheld at young couple 3eaving afterward on their honeynloort trip Ito *the coast, The ibridal. bouquet was caught by Woe Grace jelenstone. Mrs. Report - son, mother a the, !bride, wore a reale gown a black net over taffeta; Mrs. W. H. Cooper wore grey 'silk eolienne With white chiffeel, Sod lace garniture; Mrs. Robert Itobertsoni wote a cream, satin 'gown with; lace cago mothert friends, Mr. Rob- ith several vides for kennel liceases of $5i for each: kennel of pedigreed animals, an- imals to be kept confined, except when in Charge of some competent eerson. The sum of $100 was eilaced to the most durable, satisfactory and in the Shanahan, the ehd the cheapest. The work ina either men, has ente case to be doee on the frontage tax with Me. .3'a system, the town paying one half and and granite 'buietness. They will make the pri ate property the other half. a strorg team and should, do we41. The tar, Macadam will cost $800 a —Mr. George Bates has disposed of year fo interest and sinking fund, his grecery -business hi Egrnondville half to be paid by the town-. The to Mr. James Cumming, who has al - cost to will be 20 years EvtiftTri tO the was ell known Mplementi ed into partnership NerIlle in th,e marble -the private pebperty owpers 'ready taken possession. — Bx-mayor bout $4, per illst per ,year tor John, Keonedy, Or Guelph, spent Sun - For this they get a tar Mast day with his Son, Mr.. T. G. Ken - et and. cellar drainage to nedy, of the Bank of Commerce.—Mr. tan town sewer. The report Fred Beattie, of Seattle, ,Washing- eived and laid ever for con- ton, is here on a visit to 'friends,— Notea,—If the party who took a whip from a cutbn in the jba,rn yard of MT. Ileggarth, the day of Roger Riee's ',sale; would. kindly return the same, 'he would confer a jailor. ent the owner end at the same time.save himself from further trouble,—IAr. ;Wm. Ryckman starts this week for intends ternaining out there for the_ bullough's hall, on) Mondesr evening', under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor; wao a decided success. The hall wale filled to the door and a; very nice' time was epent.—mr. and Mrs. David Allison, who have beert spending the winter month* in -this etarted for their home, Ro- week.—Rev. Mt. CranSton is .again threatened with another attack of typhoid fever. .We hope that the same may prove to be untrue.--ReV. C. Fletcher, of the Thames oc- cupied pulpit of -the Preebyter- Ian church here on 'Sebbath evening Concert By the Choir of the FIRST PRESBYTERIAN UR 0 IT, SE_AFORTII assisted by MRS. McIVOR, CRAIG, Scottish Singer and Soprano Soloist of Sherbourne Street Methodist Church, Toronto MRS, 3. 0. GREIG, Reader ganist of St. Paul's Episcopal Chureh, Toronto. First Presbyterian Church, SE A.FORTII, on Tuesday, March 19th Admission 25e Children, 100 eady-t9wwWear Bull Solcl.—Mr. Herbert Crich, of the west end, !recently sold a very hand- some 'Young bull; 'about a 'year old, to Mr. John Walkinshaw, of near Har - Tinton. Mils was sired by the well known stook bull, Trumpeter, owned ty Messrs. Broadfoot Bros. He is a nice roan color and is in ev- ery respect a very superior animai and brought considerably over $109. Notett—The many friends of Mrs. Joseph Atkieeon will :regret to learn that she is still very M.—Another of the respected 'residents of this tovrn- ship has .passed from our midst.41r. Neil .Kennedy died on Saturday last atter a 'brief illness. He was never married, but lived "on tbe old; home-, stead with his mother and sister. He was an honest,. upright, good living man who was greatly respected by all who knew him. The funeral took place on 14ondat, the services held in, St. James' church, Seaforth, and interment Made in rite James? pemetery, •He was just ire the prim.e of life, 'being 55 years( o6 age. ments ar„ 4 That are Not Expensive illaWiesgMemanzammisagrasisiditagerar Three Things 1.—Waists 31 Raincoats OLADmAx„t SUNBURY, Barristers, Etc,* at Benefit' Tuesdays, Thursday; and Saturdays. 2029-tf Norice,—All amounts due me must be eettledeith- er by eash or note on or before March 15th. J., R. Hobirirk, 2046x2 well loidera horseman, of this vMage last week disposed or three draught stallions, r one of 'these being the noted horse; Gartly Gold. Thie fine animal wee purchased by Mr. Need- ham, of Gleamorris. Gaitly Gold, is pronounced by all th.e ae.ading horse- men of Ontario to.. 'be the best draft horse ever imported tinto this coun- try. Foals by Gartly Gold have won' a great meny prizeo in the old laud. Last .yea -r was the first year his colts were in the show( 'ring here. and they won first prize in the draft class at Exeter, 'Zurich and liensall, the only places shown. Briefs.—Our meretants are getting - In fine spring eitocks,—Our milliners have returned from attending the spring openhigs in the cities And are preparing. for thalr openings.— Ur. and Mrs. Louis Walper•, • of the London road, near here, very pleas- antly e.ntertained about one hundred guests a few evenings ago and the nurrber would 'have been much larg- er but for the very inclemerit weath- er. As it was one of the annual en- tertainments that Mr. and Mrs. Wal - per and their hoepitable and happy - family are In' the habit of giving and, as they ate 'noted ror their gifts as en.tertainers and their readiness to make their gaests feel at home and enjoy themselves, it is !not surpris- in.g that migny desired to ibe present and an this occasion criot only were their' neighbors and friends near at hand present, but also many from distence including Grand Bend, Exe- ter, Clinton Brueefield and- Kipper» and that 'they thoroughly enjoyed themselves was evidenced y the fact tha,t it was well on to ive o'elock in the morning before the disperead, all feeling that they had s ent a most enjoyable time.—Miss Ma gie Bell, daughter of the late Rober Bell, was In ,Blyth :recently , friends.— Miss Perkins, of Wroxeter, is,, the guest of MTS. C. Cooks -Mr, John Stoneman was in Toronto fats, week. ,—Mr. Nelson- Blatehford ha* been eon - 'fined to his room through illness but is tow improving nioely.-11/11.0. Geo. Moir is in Ingersoll visiting. her son. —Mr. and Mrs. E. Rohner moved to Varna this week.—We wete freased to see Mr. Duncan B. McEWen, of the London road, in our Village ;this week arter his Illness and to ;learn- that he is rapidly regaining his old time health and :rigor.—Mr. Jolla Blatch- ford has not been eo well during the past week but we hone he Imay soon experience another change for the better.—Mrs. George Joynt r,eived. on Monday afternoon and evening fn her newhorr.e.—Two of Mr. D. Urquhart's brothers from Chatham vietted. him this week.—Mrs. T. J. Berry very pleasantly entertained a number of her friends on Friday evening last. —We ars pleased to see Mr. William McDougall, who hes been cerifined to the house for several weeka through illness, able to go around again.— Mrs. Shirray, of this village ver,y plewisantly entertained a -number of friends on Friday evening lest.—Mise M. Carlisle returned franc London recehtly, where she had been spend- ing a couple of weeks with her bro- therse-A 'number who were here from the west, spending the winter months with their relatives and friends. re- turned during 'the past: weelr—Mr. G. ROSSi who has ibeen in Hyde Park for some time, with his son, Dr. Rosa, is at the homestead:, on. the London Road, and his many friends aro plear-- ed to see 'hien again, looking so and apparently renewing his youth.— ar. end Mrs. balyrrnple, Who spent the winter here with their yelattves, returned -to the West last wbek,—The Rev. W. E, Kerre of Clinton, former - BITYMTG really good things is not necessarily an ex. pensive luxury. In the ordinary course of business, persons expect to pay well' for newness and novelty, but in this town trade is so centralized that we can buy on such * basis as cnables us to give teeny eur prises in the way of prices to our 'ca.- Sesforth women leave never be. fore been able to buy such stylish well made garments for so little moner as they can now, and, while We do not claim. all the credit for this, we think we have had a great deal to do with FORM OLEB Tailoring ymade thing To -day call your attention to s few leaders, and, even if the prides are not high, the garments certainly do net:, look out of place among the more-. costly things with which. they are' At $1,.Q0 WHITE LAWN WAISTS, prettily tei need with embroidery insertion and tucks, either full or three-- / quarter sleeves and open front or back. At $3.50 STYLISH TWEED 81C. IRTS ; also black, and green :Venetian skirts, tucked, strapped an ° button trimmed, At MO CRAVENETTE and Light Tweed Raincoats ; inch lengths. Garments that answer e ually well for eunshine as they do for rain. Dress Goods There is no reason why we should not have a great exhibit of handsome dress - We endeavored to procure the prettiest ations of the fashion makers, and we have got them. For 8 TweedS FOtlie Cloths Panamas Roxanits Khantonas Voiles Eoeliennes n The House -Furnishing Departm We Now Show Ilew Spring Goods CARPETS RUGS MATS LINOLEUMS FLOOR OILS MATTINGS CURTAINS DRAPRRTE OGUNTERR. NES - And sermons in the Methodist church Sun- With their brother John, Who 10 day first, morning end evening. -11r. *teal 'engineer at the power John R. Ilabltirk, of this village, has there. .We are .gladt to learn' that Wire - engaged in the Seaforth foundry and best is able to be about gfealla—Mre will make, a good machinist—We re- and Mrs. John Hunkin entertained JO gret to state that Mr. Samuel Smil- number of the youth tend beanty; lie has teen quite ill durino the past the neighborhood to a pleasant • 1 vicinity the ether day. The 'wen fel passed authorizing the borrowing' of 1,450101:n:heaacairtdesttsao:m—miMelyteianeanifttdhoelitnrwTsast.uesbaartegiolle. money on the ElimvIlle drain account. A by-law 'was also passed for the ed topy Is te be furnished to each IlitenHuttihiesiTtrAial:r12:eusa'rewwPies.hneToa,tss,hlgenoeTy:bthrswoetwethnorelniecritaciereniciosrmwbiwapig,abthnomiwinetTede: officer. It was decided to build ,a b'ridge, 40 foot ispan, on Quinton'e Wit guidence of pound keepers and a print- Tpvisraditt,e' onciaontet*Boniise;less°11anio:n'saiv33.9:2, wanfitat:ellit3h,e caaPulp-: n...0faitLinangdonelaswaalsra_e. grts vilaexggiitsee siva er will soon bring round the zy a bridge on the Usborne and Blau - shard boundary near Vbalen. The toencil will meet again on the rth - Notes.—Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Oh= Lumley. " were the guests of NT. Noah lior and family,--Mios Maggie Slavin Exeter, spent the past weer with Maud Gleam—Quite a number front_ this vicinity attended the parte' P. Case's, Sexarnith.—Mr. Gebriri KeRslake had the Misfortune to lose a valuable horse last week.—Meser, Jack Glenn and Fred Simmons spent Sunday last -renewing aequaintentee. in Sodone—Mies Annie Horton and brother, Wm., of Sea.forth, visited' their . aunt, Mrs. James Norton, is steadily improving fTt health. Mary Broadfoot, of Brumfield, here the fintt di the week.--Mra. vieit to relatives en Guelph: ton and Plarretton.—Mr. and Mrs. kdeirlawesree-theffatigu7.est of 1Irs. James ,Ase of April at cave o'clock. Notes.—The many friends Of Mr. Charles Monteith, who had. his ankle fractured a, Short time ago will be pleased to learn that he Is now suf- Mr. Robert Robinson, of Mirincheisia, who hater been very ill lik otsiskr es- covering.—Charles Godboall ties rent- ed his farm to Wm. Snell for anoth- er year.—The Ladies' Aid of the Elim- ville church had decided iito hold a tea meeting at Pester.—Mr. Oreery, 'formerly of Whaehelsea, has removed to St Marye.—While Philip Hern, of Elirnville district, was driv- ing on the toad a few day* ago, his horse took fright Ge dog -end jumped into a ditch, cutting Itself 'badly. Another of Mr. leeka's horses was kicked in, Bieter eagle time age and has been Mid e0t . Thames Road Notes.—Yir. W. PASS - more slid his brother Percy spent a couple of days in Stratford ltint week, iS TA it wes growing int problem earliest pull This rix take look w square woo= for in t