The Huron Expositor, 1907-03-15, Page 6rt
tTl Brue1 h February let, law, 80 x
let lilac& e el door from Allierlean Hotel,
asletfloringe readymeeleclothinte etn,
iitDThW LOTS FOR SALE, — For sale, two
good building tots, on Beet William St., Sea-
pleasentiet situatsel, and planted with fruit
Apply to 31B.S. M. ROBERTSON, Seaforth.
"L_TOUSE FOR SALE. A comfortable frame houee
_ILL on James street containing 4 bedrefonis, sitting
roem, and parlor, a good /done _cellar all under the
ho so and a good stable. If not saki by the first of
April wilt be rented. It is at present ocoupled by
Mr. Aptneford. Apply to JAMES 310110LIAEL, 81L -
orb. 2047-tf tP. O.
0 LET—The undersigned will rent his hum on
the Lake Shore to a good tenant for a term of
five years. The farm consists of 210 acres of good
land, nearly all under cultivation and in good con-
dition. For full ternts and peiticulars apply at (ince.
DANIEL IMI, St. Joseph P. 0 108 tf
et. money on improved quarter sections of 160
acreeach at from &get° 10% per annum. Only first
inertgages taken. Ample eecuriey given, Torrens
le System is perfect. From 8.300 up can be lent
on farms worth- from 81,000 to $2,001. For further
particulars write to me. J. A. JAMISON, Barris-
ter, ete., Ponoka, Alberta. 10594f.
OR SALE, a comfortable frame house in Eg-
mondville seith three acres of iand, cellar and
a stable.. The house eontaine 1 bed room, par
or, dining room and kitelten downstairs and two
bed rooms and a large hall upstairs. There is plenty
of hard and soft water. The property is close to both
church and schooL Will be sold cheap. Apply to
JAMES S. BROWN, or box 357, Seaforth P. O.
FARM FOR SALE. --The shbecriber offers for sal
his farm of 103 acres, being tot 31, Ord conces-
eion, H. R. S. Tuckeesmith. Ad cleared and under
euItivation except a acres ; all but 18 acres in grass.
Frame house, bank barn, bay barn and other out-
ouildings, hearing orchard, good water, schoolhouse
on thepremises. It is withm six miles of Seaforth
and five from Clinten. Will be sold on easy terms.
WHITFIELD CRIOH, Clinton P. 0. 2009-x8tf
SALE.—For sale, the Commercial Hotel, Bay-
field. The hotel is a two-storeeeand-a-half brick
building, containing 4 large double bedrooms, and
9 single rooms, besider large dining room, sitting
roams, etc. There is also in connection, a large
etattles A good business is done both in summer and
winter. Hotel full of tourists every summer. The
hotel is centrally and pleasantly situated, Good
reasons for seeing. For further particulars apply on
the 'premises, or address Bey -field P. 0. ' -HARRY
DeettROOLT. 2043x8
ARGE FARM TO RENT.—To rent for a term of
years a 235 acre farm, four miles north of Sea -
forth at Winthrop, Melt:Mop township, Huroe O.
-khout 40 acres plowed, 15 acres stubble, 70 acres of
hay and balance pasture lands. Arrangements would
he made with tenant in respect to breaking- up pas-
ture and hay lands., Wind, mill and pleney of Water
on premises. Large barn, 60 x 80, with geed stabl-
ing underneath. Also other outbuildings and
good large frame house. R. D. GOVENLOCK, Win-
throp, Ontario.• 2047x4
-e—tee ARM FOR SALE.—For sale, a splendid farm in
3' the Township- of Tuckersmith, being Lot 5, on
the 3rd Concession, and containing 100 acres. This
farm is first-class in every particular. It is well
drained and has &large bank barn with frame base -
meat, 36 X 85, new Marne house and stone cellar, al-
so 8 acres of bush, a good orchard and a good well.
This farm is one and a quarter miles from Mensal!,
one of the best markets in the county. School on
the opposiee corner. For further particulars apply
on the premises or address J. 0. WOOD, Hansen
P. 0. 20474
ARM FOR SALE. --For sale, Lot 24, Concession 2,
Stanley, containing 100 acres. Ninety acres are
leered and in a good state of cultivation; there are
10 acres of good hardwood hush. The farrn is all
ell underdrained and well fenced. There is a two -
!storey brick house with state roof, a first-class farm
house. Bank.barn, 401t, x 801t., cement fillies pig pen,
arising house; There are two never -failing wells,
And an acre of orchard and small fruit. This excellent
farm is three miles from Brucefield and five miles
from, Clinton, with good gravel roads. For further
particulars apply on the premises or address ALBERT
Clinton P. 0 1948-tf
ARM FOR. SALE—For sale, Lot 5, Concession 14,
Mullett, contain ng 120 acres. The farm io alt
cleared and in a high state of cultivation. It is well
drained and well fenced. There is a large two-storey
hriek house with woodehect ahd kitchen. There is a
large bank barn and two smaller barns and driving
shed. Two good orchards. There are two never
failingeprings on the farrn,whieh make it an excel-
lent one for either stock or eroppIng. There is also
, pump at the barn, with windmill. This excellent,
farm is two miles from Harloek P. 0., four miles
front Elyth. Terme to suit. purchaser as the prop-
nietress wishes to leave the farm and, if not sold, it
will be rented. This is the farm of the late John
3fills. For further particulars Apply on the premisee
el -address, Harlock P. 0, MRS. JOHN MILTS.
• 2014xtf
I 00 A.71
arty known as Lot 0, Concession 1, Township' of
Bernehard, Perth Coonty. There are, on the prem-
ises, a, good brick house 32 x 24, with kitchen attach-
ed, 10 x 26, both in good repair; a large bank barn,
70 x 70, wieh good stone stabling underneath; one
first-class cement silo, 12 x 87, and other, useful
buildings'. The farm is well watered, both in front
and in the rear and is adapted both for grain alai
sterek raising and is in a higheetate of cultivation,
whieh is st ell known from the fact that the propriet-
or has resided thereon for nearly fifty years, being
one of the most successful fanners in the township.
It is centrally located, being. near both church and
school, and within easv reach of a good market. For
fprther particulars address eJOHN SUTHERLAND,
Rirkton P. 0, 2909-tf
Nowhere is It More Incumbent Upon
Men fe Walk Warily Than When
Some Sudden Great Temporal Suc-
cess Comes to Them -Dangers In
' Success Only Averted By Reliance
' Upon God's Guidance.
Metered according to Act of Parliament of Can-
ada, in the year 1907, by Frederick Diver, To-
ronto, at the Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa.
- Los Angeles, 3.--1.0 this
sermon on zne suciaen rise or J enu to
power the preacher shows us that God
sonietimes uses strange instruments to
accomplish his purposes and that un-
expected temporal success is often the
ca -use of a man's destruction. The text
is -II Kings ix, 20. :Tor he driveth
ious ye"
The world always makes way for
its intense men, whose hearts are
pumping arterial blood filled with red
corpuscles. Robert Hall, Richard Bax-
ter, Douglas Jerrold, Edward Payson,
Robert McCheyne, Sohn Keats and
'Alexander H. Stephens as valetudin-
arians may have won immortal fame,
but they started the battle of life
with an awful handicap. The world.
'pities the inmates of its hospitals. But
pity is not the arneor bearer stand-
ing by the chariots of war and wait -
mg to run to the bidding of its mili-
tary heroes. The stouter the fist, the
broader the lungs, the deeper, the
voice and the more flashing -the eye
of the king, the more inclined are his
subjects to kneel down and worship
him. When the lion tamer 'enters the
cage of the wild beasts his eye must
never quiver nor his hand which
holds the lash tremble even for an
instant or the powerful beasts Will be
If he tells you to take. Ayer's
Cherry Pectorzl for your
severe cough or bronchial
trouble, then take it: If he has
anything better, then take that.
We have great confidence in
this medicine. So will you,
; when you once know it.
1' The,best kind of a testimonial-
" Sold for over sizt7 Years,"
Weide by 3.0. Ayer 0o., Zowell, ii)100
A.Iso manufsoturers of
We have no eeoretst We publieb,
the ronnulaa of gai our medicines.
Keep the bowels open with one of
Ayer's PIM: tst bedtime, just one.
upon 1:11.0111/trraltte. -We-liEftily 'ever
think of him •except as the- infidel,
the blaspheraer and the enemy of so-
ciety. But amid your excoriations of
this- book do you redall the fact"that
Paine the infidel was also Paine, one
of the great leaders and most power-
ful factors in .the etruggle for Ameri-
can liberty7 In the darkest days
which preceded the preparations of
.....„. ... Myrtle 'nuptida".' dierrisi tokilly as fffe
and other offfcerslir dfiaite. W.120EI Divine King is standing by your side
we enter the -officers' quarters we ready to lead you to a throne far
see a conncil of war. Here are all greater than any human ithrone, Oh,
the generals or chief officers in earn- my .brother; my sister, 9,8 jehu was
est convereation. In the midst of anointed for kingship by the human
them is a strong, powerful face with hand, -so you have been artointed for
set jaws and a physique of iron. "Who your divine throne by the hands of
,your Ohristian loved ones of the past.
ifi that mate I ask one of the sol-
diers. "That is Captain John," "Why, Will you to -day put your hand in
I never hard of him before. Who is Christ's hand, as the bride puts her
he? What great battles has he fought hand into the band of the bridegroom
at the wedding altarP
and won? Is he a Goliath or a Da-
vid?" "Well," says the soldier by
S PRI N G Ba00 ) 1 ROUB ES.
my sitle,, "Ips might be if he had the
chance, but he never held anything Means Clear the Skin o Pimples
but a subordinate position. He has
been doing barrack duty for a long Humors and Impurities in the
time.. He is one of those men whose blood force their way to the surface
names tire not known by the world in the Springtime and cause eruptions
outside of *tbeir own company." Just and unsightly sores. Nature has pro -
then some one knocks at the door. vided a remedy in Bileara, which are
Then this eicovarful soldier, Jehu, calls, Pleasant to take, not unpleasant La
operation, and are purely vegetable in:
"Come in." In walks a young pro -
he eomposition, Women with skin blotcnes
phet, "Is captain John here?"
and eteptions should prove how speed -
asks. "I would like to see him alone
• ily Means , remove Itheria One or
two Bileans taken jug t before retir-
ing for' the night -that le all 1 Morn-
ing sickness, debility, indigestion, bil-
iousnesS, heartourn, headache,. e0110ti-
pa,tion piles, and female ailments all
disappear oefore a "Short -course of
Bileans. All druggists andstores at
50 cents a box, or from Bilean Cca,
Toronto, for price. 6 'boxes sent for
$2.50. Send le. stamp for free sam-
a moment." No sooner aro the twain
alone than the prophet lifts his hand
end begins to pour the anointing oil
urfon the soldier's head as he says;
"Captain Jehu, thus saith the Lord
God of Isr 1. I have anointed thee
king over t people of the Lord, even
Over. Israel. In an instant opportun-
ity was given him. Thus it is with
'most stroni men. They muet 'labor
in obscUri y for years. They must
do barrac duty in Ramoth-gilead.
They mus pave their way for sue
(less by t e hardeik th.e bitterest,
the most/ grinding, work, and then
when the! opportunity comes they
must graSp it at the instant, else it
Will be g ne from them forever.
But asj we hear the onrushing that city, to local speculators, tor
the Declaration, of Independence his wheels o
pen was busy. He published a book another
at that time called "Common Sense." furious d
It was a plea for national independe horses
• ence. It was written in simple lan- more ste
guage and was read everywhere. Dare that cha
any nean, s
declare that God did not forge out of
the blasphemous pen of a scoffing in -
lea in at leis throat. The world has fidel gol.den wand to
Iguide the Am -
Manitoba and North West 'Notes
-William Wilsoa, of Brandon, was
recently fined $300 for ;selling liquor
to an Indian.
, -Mr. A. Isfeintym, of Winnipeg,. re-
cently sold 240 acres of land adjoining
• this war chariot. theradis $40,000. Mr. McIntyre purchased the
esson we learn from. this wad land three years ago,, for $28 per
ver. At every plunge of Ins
see the driver's face become• '
and set. As I climb into
*at and stand beside him I
hear Jehu mutter: "Yes, I will grasp
that thro
it will b
I will Id
Then I raust kill all the princes of
the royal blood. Then will kill all
the leading' men of this country who.
were friends of the late king. Yes;
a mena e to my throne I will slay."
will kill3 them all! All who might be
"But," ,one may ask, "Jehu, is that
right? Does God want thee to do
thus?" With that the flashing eyed
charioteer turns upon us a look of
scorn as he answers: "God? Who is
God? God may place me upon the
throne., but it will be my right arm
and word that will keep me there.
• Now, what do I learn from the mur-
ders and crimes of this ancieiat Jehu,
who would slay men and women and
facingthehi torical facts
P g erican people into Independence hall
but little -use for weaklings. t achnires
contemporaries in the athletic arena Study the life of ,......edict Arnold.
chiefly the man who can lead all his cif old Philadelphia•
? "
and. strike the hardest bloats in the Benedict Arnold did. not attempt to
b t West Point until 1779 or un -
every emer enc. and conquer or, d e. til. the Revolutionary war was half
battlefield and who is ready to f ce e ray
g y
uch a man was the hero of my over. • Daring all the preliminary
text. What he attempted to do he did • struggle and during the three years
with his whole body, mind and soul. " of carnage his was a naine to con-
Jeha's spirit was like a floodgate. jure :with, and no man was braver,
When he attempted to do anything he no man truer, to the American flag
'opened his -floodgate and let all the than he. We find the same apparent
waters of his eneries rush forth in incongruity in the character of Oath-
one terrific onwardeffort. When he
erine the Great of Russia, whom his -
eyed he played with his whole t re- ards ai one of the greatest
gut. When he worked he worked in 1and wisest rulers Russia ever had,
children if thereby he thought he
the same way. 11 lfi h
caa.evil domestic
ne. will get it at once. But
necessary to make it secure.
the king and his mother.
This life of jehn reminds me a although her own cart was a se s could hold his crown. with more ease?
great deal in its intensity of the great. ea ° s
' English diplomat, Sir Charles Ewan- life the symbol of all that is base and
Smith. Some years ago he represented imPure•
his queen at the capital of Fez, in 1 Stedy the life of Napoleon. Bona -
the empire of Morocco. While there a parte. Who will say that .even his
great Moorish uprising against the cru.el, selfish life was not used by
WIARMS FOR SALE.—Lot 15, .Concession 2; Lot,
.1.• 15, Concession 3; S. le Lot 14, Concession 1;
. end 8 Lot 15, Concession 1, Huron Road Survey,
Township of Tuckersmith, County of Iheron, contain-
ing e00 acres, situated within two miles of the thriv-
ing town of Seaforth, one of the best markets in Wes-
tern Ontario. This farm was awarded the gold
medal in uhe farm competition of 1883. The farms
have been all pastured for the past ten years and
would now be in excellent shape for general •farming.
Soil good clay loana—two-storey brick dwelling house
and kitchen with brick woodshed—hot air furnace—
bard and sae water in kitchen—fine grounds with
shruhbery, evergreens; and cedar hedges—orchard ,
with sproce windbreak on west and north ---good
barrel; with stone stabling -30 acres of hardwood bush,
reapessand beech—well watered with spring creek
fuel river. Will sell altogether or would divide pro-
perty. NO better prdperty in thc County of Huron.
• JOHN T. DICKSON. Seaforth. 20264!
X' The undersigned oiler for Sale Lot 10, Oonces-
Mom I, Tuckersmith. being part of the estate of the
tat Benjamin Smillie. This farm contains 100 acres,
t' -res of good hardwood bush and 85 acres cleared,
We 1 t,*need, thoroughly under drained with (Ale and
in an excellent state of cultivation, consietine of 8
aeon; of wheat, titere orchard, 30 acres ploughed for
crop end the remaining 45 aeres seeded to grass.
Tli:re is. on the premises, a gond large briek house
with large kitehen and excellent new bank barn, 50
x 70, also a concrete silo. a per pen and driving shed.
-711..te are three never -failing wells. This is im very
desirable property and is situated one mile north of
th--. village of Bewail. WILI1A51 MOIR & BEN-
JAMIN 831E (JAE, Exreutors, Hansen,. 0.
PRMS4 P011•
F0sAix 011 rrt) RENT.—Lot 14, on
3rd Coneessian, and Seuth nom 14, 41.h Conce.s-
sion, in the Township of Iluilett, are offered for sale
or tn rent. They consist of 15e wires, all in grass ex-
cept istacres in bush. A goal twe - storey frame
hone-, good bank barn, 50 x 70with. power emit', a
(vie ing shed, 30 x 51, and sheen boast.% go x 30. The
Vete! is well vsatered by a sprii42,-, a drilled well awl
the river. It im situated 31 miles from (Minton and
w adaptefl foe stook or grain. Ms.) Lot 12, on
the ilth Onneession, consistinrr of 100 acres, twelve
a rt.4 bush, the rest ser,s1cd down. A neverfailing
spring with the wind mill rot! pltuping. Thnse
•he soti togaher or separately and on
terms to suit the -ietreilaser. If not sold will be
rented. 11. J. :1111.1,E1t, Inx 25, Clinton. 23Ill-tf
There are many people in the east who are
interested in learning how their falende wh°
have rnoveti to Western Canada t.tre getting
on. who are anxious to know what Winnipeg
and weatern Canada are like. There are also
large numbers of persons in this Province
who are anxious to obtain reliable information
°neer/Ana the west, and are at a loss to know
n".ir to procure it. In like manner there are
1»1'Y in the east who have friends in the
.vsest who would welcome news f rom their old
lautne. Present these friends with a- copy of
the Expositor.
The Huron Expositor has arranged to
satisfy these wants by entering a cLubbing ar-
rangement with the "Manitoba, Free Press."
of tesirmipeg, the oldest and leading ne-wspaper
of Western Canada. The "Manitoba. Free
Press," daily edition, will tell you all about
'the wonderful growth of the city of Winnipeg,
the conditions existing in that city, the cli
ate, the chances for employment, the east
aa inv. house rent, etet, the opportunities of
bchiners openings, and wen also furnish you
;with full information on the =MO subjects in
regard to other cities and rising towns of the
The Manitoba Free press prints every day
from thtee to tour full columns of "Situations
Vacant,' over a column of "Business _OPVer:
es," d usnsily two coltmma of "Board
and Room" adveririsemertts, likiterY resident a
tr.g..steca Canada. who is contemplating remov-
Ine to the west uId end it of the greatest
advantage to tbe for the Pres Press for
im sheet thne for the purpose of faraftierising
tameidt with the actual conditions beteg.s leav
he e
TClutiblrig Offer tit the Enron lagPositor
neverileed oge anotber zone, atteccde you 921
OurrOrInalt, saormins 1330 snstitacattee sad the
aeree et a rps1440 as. . 0
Christians took place. A movement God as a means of ultimate good?
like the Boxers' uprising in China Mme de Steel denounced his inhu-
.. .
Amanities In these words: "Far from
African shores. The Sultan hastily
was about to be enacted upon the
selish gaining aisurance in meeting BoTta
nt his messengers to the Eng
embassy, saying: "Come quickly I parte' oftener, he intimidated me ,daily
Come to my palace, or I cannot pro- , more and more. I confusedly felt that
tect you! Then in the morning I will no emotion of the heart could possi-'
send my troops to escort you and
the coast." Sir Charles upon a human being as a fact or as
your family to
calmly replied: " I do not intend to a thing, but not as a fellow creature.
leave; neither do I intend to come to He does not hate any- more than he
your ptdace for protectibm 'Tis true, loves. There is nothing for him but
I raay be killed, and my wife and himself. All other beings are so many,.
children may be you g *
bly take effect upon him., Ile looks
killed.but ciphers. The -force of his will lies in
bac14 an teli y
th im rturbable calculation of his
am killed within one month there selfishness." And yet this man, talus man going up the hill of prosperity of material are arriving every day
will be another British minister in characierfzed by the far-sighted meets his soul coming down." Mr.. for the construction of the new Grand
the capital elf Fez, and he will be ace Frenehwoman„ this selfish monster, Spurgeon teaches this truth by the ope Trunk Pacific hotel and other build-
companied by a British army, and this human Frankenstein, who eon- posite symbol: "Many hors fall at ings.
when that British army comes- there quered and betrayed millions of homes the bottom of the hill because the -Del Ghent!, an Italian operating
will be no Moorish Sultan in Fez." with no more compunction than a driver thinks the danger is past and , a picking machine in one of the mines
The Sultan realized he was dealing cook would break a few eggs to make the need. of holding the reins with near Lethbridge, Alberta, had his
firm grip less pressing. So it is often toe taken off by the machine and was
with a giant. At the royal command
the. Mohammedan uprising against an omelette for byeakfast, was the
with us when we are not specially, remTovheed Ctaonatdhiewnhposapciltfaiel. Railway de_
the Christians in Morocco instantly man who stopped the horrors of the
French revolution and. demolished the tempted to overt sin." That simile in
pot at Swift Current, was destroyed
• plain. English means: Many marSai
by fire at an early hour on Saturday
of last week. The cause of the fire
is unknown.
-Mr. L. Muse, a well. known and
highly :respected resident, who has
been living near Midale for two
years, died at his home last week. Mr.
Bun, who formerly lived in Minnee.
sota and Dakta, came into Sasktch-
+Swan in 1905 and settled on a f9sTTIT
less then' half a mile from, Midale.
Mr. Bunee is survived by his widow
a:nd twelve -children.
-The proprietors of twenty niilles
in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al-
berta have entered Into an agreement
for the immediate amalgamation. of
their- mills. The corporation. will
have its headquarters in Winnipeg.
Each owner will retain a two-thirds
interest, and the other third will be
placed upon the, market for sale. The
combine will apply for a charter with
$2,000,000 capital.
-Th.e Western Hotel, of Saskatcxen,
Sask., has been sold. - Miller, and Rob-
inson, lumber merchants and hotel
men, of Lloydminster, were the 3,113" -
era. The deal consummated gives Jas.
Flanagan $175,000 for the hotel pro-
perty and 239 lots in the Wilson mil, -
division. The hotel, with equiVnent,
and five lots over whith it spread,
went for $85,000. The 239 lotsbrought
Why, simply this -the higher a man
goes in life the greater temptations he
has to bear. Unless we take Christ
with us n our temporal prosperitiea yee
shall su ly fail spiritually. As far as
I can ake out, Jehu was a square,
' true man until he was anointed king
of Israel, but no sooner did prospeeity-
come to him than he was swept bY
temptation off his feet. 0 man, erdes
who are now doing barrack duty in
Ramoth-gilead, beware if you attempt
to go to .the royal palaces of Sezreel
without Christ! Beware when you be-
gin to win financial and temporal sue -
cess! If you do not cling close -to
Jesus, your s,piritial. fall will be as
eomplete as was that of Jehu.
Oh, the awful temptations of sues
cess! Who in his own strength can
- withstand them? / Not one, not one.
An old proverb tells us that "many a
-W. Berkman, a prominent
manufacturer, of Seattle, and a young
lady were married in a Great North-
ern railway baggage oar between Van-
couver and Seattle, in order tot do
something originalr
-Travellers froth the south report
that the mild weather of a few days
ago melted a large portion of the
snow 'and that with th.e opening of
spring there le little likelihood. of
exceptionally high water in tie 'I Red
river. •
-The Royal Northwest MounE d po-
lice made a round -up of loose charac-
ters in Lethbridge, Alberta, the oth-
• er night. Three women were fined
$50 each, and seven others who lived
with them were fined $25 each. Four
of the women were Japanese: Eleven
irmn also found themselves in the
-The Indians and half-breeds on
the Crooked Lake reserves, north of
Broadview, Manitoba, have relinquish-
ed upwards of 60,000 acres of ,their
land, to the government.- It is under-
stood that this land will be survey-
ed in, the early spring and will be
sold by auction in half -sections in the
very enar future.
t, -John Burley died in the Hospital
in Calgary, Alberta, last week frorni
• blood poisoning. .about three months
ago Burley and a men named Sloone
fought in; a- livery stable. Burley's
hand was badly bitten and, he died
from the effects. Sloane le etill at
large but a warrant has been Issued
for his arrest.
-At Prince Rupert, British. Colum-
• bia, the Western 'terminus of the
Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, the
greatest activity prevails. Nurnberg
are flocking hi on each boat which
arrives, fine temporary wharf has
been completed and large quantities
ceased. What Sir • Charles • Ewan-Smi•th guillotine with one stroke of his sword.
did in Morocco, Jehu, the mighty sol-
dier, did in Samaria. When God se- , Dare we state that God does not at
lected him as king to succeed the in- times use even the sins of his Jehus
famous joram, who was the son of , for a good purpose?
the infamous Ahab, he immediately ! ' In your lifi4 and mine we may be
entered his chariot. He gathered his doing good ir0 a way. We may be
army. He swept on to battle. He helping some men. We may be kind
gaineed the throne, scattering all op- to some people, But a good deed
position before him even as the winds here and there does not make us chit -
scatter the chaff from off the thrash- i dren of God. Jehu was able to avenge
ing floors of the east.. , the death of Nabotk Ifi, the nimbi -
Ah, yes, Jehu was a man of intense ing of his chariot wheels we can see
energy. When he attempted to do any- the tall, gaunt form of Elijah the
thing, he was like an -exploding car- Tishbite • bending over a bleeding
tridge burning up every grain of pow- corpse and pointing his condemning
der which it had stored behind the thlffer au the am' hgiling and cowering
ban. Thus to -day the figure of my le -
Jong an mieen 1Nr e he says, "Thus
text is Jehu lashing his horses into a, s ith the Lord, In the place where
foam. On comes the future king - to-' clogs licked the blood of Naboth shall
ward the royal palace of Jezreel. As;
he rushes on the watchman in the dogs lick thy blood -even thine." And
royal tower carefully scans the ap-i
proaching cavalcade. He says to the ing,""The dogs shall eat Jezebe
anxious king beside him, who is soon, wall of jezreel." But because
to be murdered. "The driving is like . was commissioned to fulfill El
the driving of Jehu, for he drivetle prophecy that did not make J
when going through the financi -
struggles. of. obscurity, many a man
doing the daily tasks of ordinar
work, may be Outwardly honest an
true. But give jehu a throne -what
then? Let him move his chariot and
drive from. Ramoth-gilead to jezreel,
then that man, intoxicated by fame
or success, throws all his integrity
and purity and justice to the four
winds. 0 ye men who are moving out
of your cottages la° your mansions!
O'ye inerchants who are now coining
your gold! 0 ye women who are push-,
ing into the front ranks of social suc-
cess! Read the tragedy of Jehu! Read
about the .. brusque soldier who be-
came a 'temporal king, but a spiritual
There is still one more lesson which
we should learn from this swift chari-
oteer. When God called John to the.
'Israelitish throne, God anointed him
king of Israel by the hand of a bum-
ble Man. Ile did not call Jehu to be
the king f the Hebrew people, as
Saul on tb. Damascus road. was sum-
moned to he apostleship by a divine
voice from! the -clouds. Jehu never
talked with God face to face, as Moses
talked with him. Jehu was called to,
his greatest opportunity of life by the
anointing hand of a cornmon man.,
Thus God has called us in the past to
our highest thrones of spiritual life
by the anointing hand of a mother,'
fJezebel 1 salethe
rd, say -
y the
j ah'e
furiously." So the king assembled his child of God. po not deceive
army and went forth to meet John. selves. Not all God's instrnmentd
And Joram was slain. near to. the vine- are his Wicked men, to
yard of Naboth, which his father had' serve their own interests, may do
stolen by conniving at the murder of things which fulfill God's purposes,
its late owner. Such is the story of but he does not reward them by mak-
the advent of John to Israel's throne, ing them his children. Let no man
from whose life we are going to learn think that he is necessarily a child of
our sermonic lessons . of this Lord's God because he. has done him Service.
day. - Jehu executed vengeance on Ahab,
This biographical sketch, in the first but he WEIS a murderer.
place, teaches us that sometimes God .
We can find helpful lessons from a
uf3es a very bad man to -work Out his
bad man's life as well as from the
purposes. He sometimes says to his
• d f 1 life of a good man. Thus to -day, as
luster a
to Mothers
Te is His Wife's Experience forthe
• Sane of Other Sufferers.
The following, letier has been seni
to Dr. T. A. Slocum, Ltd., for pub.
• lication.
Dr. T. a, Slocum, Limited 1—Dear Sire: Willits
the Ifist two years my wife (who is of a delleati
constitution) hos had two severe attavirs of in
gee,usbeetloifohlvvehgnheh nIxebfutenv,$)/sienegitapirrifirs::
eiency our remedies that S-4 a family w.
use no other. For toning up a debilitated syrtem
however run down, restorfng to healthy nettot-
the heart and lungs, and as a specific for all wit -t
Ing discases,,Your t'sychine and Oxomuleiten
simply peerless. Yours sincerely, Rev, J. J. Rice
61 Walker Avenue, Toronto.
, PSYCHINE, Pronounced Si -keen,
is a scientific preparation, havinv
wonderful tonic properties acting
directly upon the Stomach-, Blood
and weak organs of the body.
quickly restoring them to strone
and healthy action. It is especiall3
adapted for people who are run
down from any cause, especially
Coughs, Colds, .Catarrh, La.Grippe,
Pneumonia, Consumption and all
stomach or organic troubles. It
has no substitute.
is for sale at all dealers, at 50c and
$1.00 per bottle, or write direct to
Dr. T. A. Slocure, Limited, 179
King $t. W., Toronto.
There is no other remedy Just
as Good" as PSYCHINE.
Dr. Roes Itidnev Pins are a sure and
permanent cure for /Theumatism, Bright's
Disease, Pain in the Back and all forms
of Kidney Trouble. 2.5c per box, at all
a father, a humble village mu:luster, a -The drifting snow has paralysed
wife or a ehild. the Varcoe branch of the C. P. R. for .
My brother, are you willing to let the past week. A freight train was
the anointing hand of a dear Chris- there on Saturday, Fen, 23rd, and. a
e us. OU, B tian loved one of the past lead you snow plow sent to the rescue shared
men, are to be the agencies by which we see the revolving wheelsof Jehu 's to day to your smntual throne, as the same fate. A second snow plow
1 will execute my warninge. You are chariot rushing on toward Jezreel, we Jelin was raised to Israel's throne by was derailed near 13rookdale, neces-
to carry my chalices even though your learn that when success dimes to a the touch of a prophet's hand? Some sitating the presence of the wrecking
hands are,einfdl. You are to un- great, 'strong life it generally comes time ago I read a beautiful story of crew. In, the meantime neither
sheathe My avenging sword even suddenly. It is not a gradual corn- a young college lad who spent a sum- mails nor express have been received
though you have evil hearts. You are ing. It is a sudden change. A man mer in one of the little fishing vil- for some time, an. inconvenience at
to run my errands even though you -wins fame, as a rule, suddenly. A
are answering the calls_ of greed and man goes to work as a youth. He
crime." Thus all doer d of good are not works and labors year in and year
necessarily disciples or God's child- out, for the most part in comparative
ren. Though we to -day find Jehu top- •obscurity. Then, after he has gath-
piing over the throne of an infamous erecl all the Material and dug the
king, yet Jehu himself was just as foundations for the terseple of fa,me, it
heartless, as merciless and as much •
• • seems as though that temple comes to -
rages of Massachusetts. While there • any thee, end now a serious loss.
he became very fond of a little girl _While discharging his duties at
baby only a fe,w montlas old. He said Sask.,, recently, License In-
to the mother, laughing, one day, spector, William Drain, of Roethern,
"Will you giete that baby to Inc fo,r, it is alleged, was feloniously aesault-
my wife if I wait f.'or her to growfup? ed by Thomas Craig, proprietor,. of an,
The mother laughingly. replied, 'Yes, hotel there. Drain was retiring for
if you will wait." 'Line passed on, the night, when Craig went to hie
gether- and takes ..
form in the twinke Summer after summer the young man
of a criminal as Ahabor eze e , rooan, locked the door, and threaten -
who slew Naboth in order that they went back to that little town. There, ed to kill him. A sharp scuffle' en -
might annex his vineyards to the ling of an eye. Opportunity knockS year after year, he played with the Sued, but Drain, a wiry man, rnanag-
royal domain. at the man's door, crying: "Wake up 1 to come out winner. Next day
The sinful life of Jehu as a fulfiller I am here! Follow me at once!" into a young woman, and then he
little girl until in. time she grew up ed
proceedings were entered against Craig
ot Elijah's prophecies finds its dupli- The man leaps from his - couch and married her. A pretty story in the se- but the case was adjourned, Crown
cate in,the lives of many sinful men follows Opportunity, and, lo, in au
. .,,, quel. Yes, but it ought not to be any Prosecutor Turgeon.not being able to
whom God at times has used for cer- hour his success is won! Such was
tain purposes. Study, for instance, the the meteoric career of our John.
lite of' 'Thomas Paine. Most of the • Let 'us hunt up this Jehu a few
present generation never think of days before he steps into his :chariot
Thomas Paine except as a blasphemer .c) ride to the royal palaces in jez-
and an enemy of Jesus. When we men- ' reg. He was at Ramoth-gilead fight -
tion his -name there rises before us ing the Syrians. Ramoth-gilead was a
his book, "The Age of Reason," which frontier town, sometimes belonging to
has done as much damage as any Israel and' sometimes belonging to Sy -
book ever penned by man, if not more. ria. .,11-t this time -it belonged to Is -
He sent forth his "Age of Reason" rag., but the King of Syria was try -
on its raission of spiritual and moral ing to regain it. . joram, King of
and physical destruction. That book Israel, had been flihting and had
brought down a hurrinane, of odium been wounded, so he retired to Jez-
. zee/ ..till. his wounds healed- leaving
more beautiful in its sequel than the get there. The attorney -general's de -
biography of your own life. When you patarnent has taken the matter up
were a little child your Christian and the case will be :rigorously, in -
mother and father gave you to Christ. ve,stigated.
All these years he has waited for yon.
You were- aneinted by them. for the I -The residence !d
esidence of !dna Wm. Weeks,
•Stratford, was the scene of ai very
TERsows pretty wedding on March 7th, when
their eldest daughter, Ida, became
the bride of Mr, Grenville Clark, of
Toronto, formerly of that city. The
ceremony was performed ty Rev. A,
Y. Heist, and was witnessed by a
large number of guests. Mr. Clark
was formerly on the staff of the Bea-
The Coup Drop
That Cures
AitIP Demand t e three -cornered
6 kind is thgredandydllowboL
rhe McKillop Mutual Fire
-ameepe asimplitale
J. B. MoLean, president, KiPPen
P. 0., Thomas IT'xaser, vioevresi'-
dent, Brumfield P. 0.; Thomas E.
Says, secretary -treasurer, Seaforth
William Chesuey„ Beaforth ; John
G. Grieve, Winthrop ; George bale
Seaforth ; John Bennewels, Dublin.
James Evans, 13eeohwood ; John
Watt, Harlook ; Thos. Eraser, Brum-
field ; John B. Melees, Kippen.; Jas.
Qonnally, Clinton.
BOA. Smith, Oarlock ; B. Hisch-
Seaforth ; James Clamming, Eg-
mondville ; J. W. Yea, Holmesville
P. 0.; Geo. litardie and Geo. Steph-
'won, auditors.
WEAKHow mallY "men.
there are that get no re-
TIRED freshment from sleep.
They wake in the mom -
WOMEN ing and feel tireder than
when they went to bed.
They have a dizzy sensation in the head,
the heart palpitates; they are irritable
and nervous, weak and worn out, and
the lightest household duties during the
day seem to be a drag and a burden.
are the very. remedy that weak, nervous,
tired out, sickly women need to restore
them the blessings of good health.
They give sound, restful sleep, tone up
the nerves, strengthen the heart, and
make rich blood. Mrs. C. McDonald,
Portage la Prairie Mann writes: "1 was
troubled with shortness of breath, palpi-
tation of the heart and weak spells.
got four boxes of Milburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills, and after taking them 1 was
completely cured.
• Price 50 cents per box or three boxes
'for $1.25, all dealers or the The T. Mil-
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
_ =
P4ta in the head -pain anywhere, has its WM%
P$ la Is congestion, pain is blood pressure -nothing
1:40 Usually. At least, !Pe says Dr. Shoop, and to
prove it he has created a little pink tablet. That
teblete-ealled Dr. Shoop's Headache Tablet -
telexes blood pressure away frompain centers.
f I-3 effectis tharrning, pleasingly delightful. Gently,
ttsough safely, it surely equalizes the blood circle.
If you have a headache, it's blood prows.
If It's painful periods with. women, same came.
If you are sleepless, nervous, it's blood
oneeL.:tioe-blood Pressure. That surely is a
certainty-, for Dr. Shoop's Headache Tabl stop
it in 50 Minutes, and the tablets simply d ribute
tele unnatural blood pressure:
Bruise your finger, and doesn't it get rel. and
swell, and pain you? Of course it does. Its eon-
gestion, blood pressure, You'll find itwhere rain
is—always. It's Simply Conernon'Sense.
We sell at 25 cents, and cheerfully recommere.:
Dr. Shoop's
Notice to Oreditort.
In the estate of John Purcell, late of the Toweehip
of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer,
Notice Is hereby given pursuant tO R. S. O., 'Chap.
120, Section 88, that all persons having clainia age.1 n t
the estate of the said John Purcell, who died on the
lat day of Govember, 1906, are required on or before
the 22n4 day of March, 1007, to send by post prepaid
or deliver to J. L. Killoran, Seaforth, Ontario, eolici-
tor for Thomas Purcell, the adminietrator, their
names and addressee, fill partleulare of their claims
itfieed,,aad the nature of the security (if any)
-And notice N further given that after tire oid
te the administrator will proceed to distribute the
ets of the said wt -ate among the per.sens entitled
hereto, having regard only to the °learns of evhich
hey shall then have nOtiee.
Seaforth, Ontario,
Solicitor for the Adininlateator
s 261h day of February, 1007. 2040-3
'or Settle
flow Made and How Reached
Write for -free copies of
SETTLERS' GUIDEtringt°111382
ars of special
train service forsettlers travelling withlivs
stock and erects to the Northwest in isfe.rott
and April; wall passenger and freightrates.
WESTERN CANADA crytth-dat4de,-
• p on of the
:west and western oonditions. 80 pe4s, ne
information invaluable to settlers. Useful
maps and statisties.
TIME TABLES showing double daily'
• pasactigor train service
to Winnipeg and Ciliary.
/soave Toronto WIT, Comfortable, Teo
berths at moderate rates, Fully'eardp
with beddingt000king range and every can
venience. Berths should be reserrm
(throUgla nearest 0.P.14. Agent) atleasttwo
weeks before departure.
Write to -day for free books and anytblng
von want to haler?' about the west and ho
to reachit. Address
Dist. Pass. Aut., C.P.R., Toronto
• others
ii who-.
bowPis —
lid -eve:
nre the n
It is jfist
ones appl
the medi
the c
500. a -bo:
1.31II3M, FOB
heEntecir and
cut to order.
e. suitable
_ Con
om J
fe fo
Dyspepsia, Boils,
Loss of Appetit
Salt Rheum*
and all trouble"
arising from the
Stomach, Livery
Bowels or Blood.
Mrs, A.
Pr Ballyd
writes: "I belle*
• would have besot&
T57 grave long
had. it not been10
Burdock Blood OW
tem Ivragrundoerst -
to such an extra*
that I -could scare*
-move about the -
house. 'was
to severe h
backaches and
Mee; MY
Wag gone
unable to 40iscir
housework. .aftes
using two bottles at
B. B. B. .1 found
I warmly
it to all
worn out wow*.
both sexes. Ad
Mill Read,
'1H0RT�0EN e.
bate _ults, 2m
and en
lieifei» also or sate.
440d 40 yeet the
Farm Laborers
• Domestics.
„r*iei nows E
tors welcome.
*fled <Mere
• Mimed township,
term with esdveaat 1
mediate smiee,si
Tete above, *tock are
br,dekReeiVels. Pri
• aeheorne, DAVID
nave been appointed by the Dominion Gee
!Tient to place unmigrants from the United Kingdom
in positions as farmlaborers and dome -tic wrvania.
Any person requiring zuch help should notify me Iv'
letter dating fully the kind 'of help required,Wilen
wanted and the wages offered. The numbers arrilre
ingmaynot be sufficient to supply all requette,
very effort will he made to provide each appliee4
with help required.
One -Way Second Class
(Doionist Tickets
OA sale daily until April 3011u, to
In British Colerabia. CAlifornia, Waeb
• ton, Oregon, Color:ides Montana.
Special. Train to North -
Will leave Toronto every Tuesday a
March aod. April, at 9 p. m., with eel
tioPper for sceoniodation of settlers trav
ling with live stook. Pafsengers travel-
ling without live stook should take train
leaVivg Toronto daily at 1,46 or 11 30 p.
1/0(at and through tickets issued at toga
office previous night for early (rain.
For ticskets snd full information call
A. F. KILLIAN, Demob Ticket Aged
rders ior neN‘
of firm name
firesses, 01
should be 1
Manager At