The Huron Expositor, 1907-03-15, Page 31.4) 1907
Uld find nothing
hem any real, lasting
hey tried
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the urine;
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ap:7for they
Kus them —
c -ou. Take
rantee thctt they muet-eumeene
box -6 for,
plat ,_tees
and unm tch-
d thing to look
good thing to
6 -
erri:, 4ed'z'S.
UU 1be
I be Cured?
kience, to prove that
r.f.ter the symptoms,
aiiy involved.
1,.ays been a point
_considered incur --
Fate this point had a
lalady, but modern
1, -sense methods of
the hopeless point
the Consumptive
last stage of the
ie so much to irn-
3, as the advent of
of fresh air, sun --
:rigs, FERROL has.
ilt, that, is to say,
a are very slim
s of Consumption
the patient), but
the wziste tissue,
es, in short, by
Is enabling nature
hg Consumption is
is the only perfect-
Jata.ble and easily
1ife-011, Iron and
Sling that FERgot
hnisunderstood, but
in stating that it is,
ilding up the run-
Vatkont an equal.
forth, Ontario.
ds find the kinks in your' -
est in a full new outfit, but
,to us and see what we can do
We do'not blow about
s are always bargains. We
year, we carry a full and eom-
d see.
ICeepE•ft—alrocF4 SOF roe toe
e•h. Atei 3,ct, if nieeit iU
iiiappeal to ewe, and. We
our TIEnditi new stock
relay calle erase -led at the-
!oeite tIi Methralist ameba
Cotten R.00ti,Compounit
r.,..Th4gr:aaft ugierizaTanie.. 21;4_
eulatoron which women eau
depend, Sold in three doeoreew
o etrength—No. 31, $1; No. So
10 degreerogerr &dal eases, per bocce
s stnr No. 3,0
So]d by all druggeitek or sonU
on receipt of prime
pamphlet. AMIreo. r
MONT. (forme/ow-
DOLPH MAODOls.TALD, President,
A• ALLAN, Vice -President,
1:), M. STEWART, General Manager.
foR NTO.
Oapital Subscribed-. • • 4 4 • • • • • • ....
Capital Fully Paid-- .. . ..... .
Raserve Pt.rnd ,. . • • — •
•• 0 4,000.000
.. . YIP a** • 3,998,000
.. • . • . Oil"( 25,000,000
Interest credited quarterly
,.sets over-, . . . • • •• st..4 6.).•• •
ral Banking Savings Department
At tide time of year you nearly alwaye
kave a number of pictures you wish -frarn-
sel. Bat you keep putting it off, often be.
,04010 you fear the expense. Picture fram-
ing with us is a specialty, and we carry a
etepok of frames and mouldings that are
elbeep and neat, pretty but not expensive.
Let us frame a picture for you, and we
()wince you of the truth of what we
us for your next Photo.
JACKSON BROS Seaforth. •
eon free
end po,ir,
d this
stamped Bench
Camila Art Centrepiece
of 5
Wrte enclosing 25 cents hi
:poser coin and state design wanted
Thirt is the biggest offer we over made. Ws
dolt tn convince ever7 woman that the HOW
,FOURNAL is the greatest magazine published
Canada, containing Health and Beauty De.
rtment, Cool'anz, Household Hints, Wit and
Faqhien Notes, Important roreIwn News
erisi and Short Stories and Latest Patterns.
Send 25 cents for one year'a subscription to
the Howe JOUCIMI1 and the centrepiece. s
ose Journal oNT.
IffeKillop Directory for 1907
i Winthrop P. 0.
Timms COWAN, Councillor, Seafortti
! P. O.
efOHN KcDOWELL, Councillor, Sea-
, fortie P. 0.
pa. %
/evROSS, Councillor, Ninthrop
P. 0:
JAMES RYAN, _Councillor, Beecliwood
i P. Oe
MICHAEL MIIRDIE, Clerk, Winthrop
Vle K. HOLLAND, Treasurer, Beeche
wood P. O.
r Itespector, ;Winthrop P. 0.
The New Store
For New Goods
Ti are arriving daily, and the quality is with -
o0 the very best. Our prices are the
Finnan Meddle, Ciscoes, Whitefish, Mackerel
and Trout. These are very scarce, but are extra
. good quality.
Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage arras, Beets, Par
snips and Turnips always on hand.
We buy nothing, but the best quality in Bee,
Pork and Lamb in this department. We have,
extra fine prices.
Hain, Bacon, Breakfast Bacon andlltolls always
on hand.
Corned Beef, Heae.:Oheese, Bologna and New
England Ham.
Our grocery department is complete.6-A1way8
fresh and good.
You cannot possibly have
a better Cocoa than
A delicious drink and a sustaining
-food. Fragrant, nutritious and
economical. This excellent Cocoa
maintains the, system in robust
health, and enables it to resist
winter's extreme cold.
Sold by Grocers and Storekeepers
14b. and ! Tins.
L. I I a 4°40 4r4j= -50
II- 0 OiEllY GeNC/Ye, C
To • His.
Pleased Customers
The wise grocer studies
his customers—knows their
likes and dislikes !mows
that his best trade want
Mooney's Perfection
Cream Sodas
He lets them know that
he has their favorite biscuits
—and sees that they aremot
asked to buy something "just
as good," which is NOT
as good, "
Grocers who yogi; to please their
patrons always have MI:mei: Pere
fection Cream Sodas. In their
hygienic pachiges—air-tigIst
and mcistureeprocf.
it storms -
dont confine. •
by wearing
Ekrery Garment
Good enouakto last years
Low In Price ca. 44.rsa
Thousands have said this when they
caught cold. Thousands have neglected
to cure the cold. Thousands have filled a
Conisumptives ,grave through neglec t.
Never neglect a cough or cold. It can have
but one result. It leaves the throat or
Sags, or both, affected. -
Dr. Wood's
Pine Syrup
is the 'medicine you need. If strikes at
the very foundation of all throat or lung
complaints, relieving or curing Coughs,
Colds Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Sore
Throat, and. preventing Pneenaoma and
It has stood the test for many years, and
is now' more generally used than ever. It
contains all the lung b.ealing virtues of the
pine tree combined with Wild Cherry Bark
and other pectoral remedies. It etimulates
the weakened bronchial organs, allays
irritation and subdues inflammation,
Boothe' and heals the irritated parts
loosens the plalegm and mucous, and aid;
nature to eeedly dislodge the .morbid ace
cumulations. Don't be humbugged into
accepting an imitation of Dee Wood's Nor-
way Pine Syrup. It is put up in a yellow
wrapper, three pine trees the trade mark,
and price 25 ots.
'Mr. Julian J. LeBlanc, Belle Cote, N.S:,
writes: "1 was troubled with a bad cold
• and severe cough, which assumed such an
attitude as to keep me confined to my
house. I tried several remedies advertised
• but they wero of no avail. As a last resort
I tried Dr. NII_,00d's Norway Pine Syrup
and one bottle -tired me completely."
A Gored Bull Bought.—YEr. Albert Dun -
day, of Leadleury, MeKillop, recentlye
parshased, from Ivir, Peter McKay. lof
Tuokenernith, a very fine 9 months'
old Shorthorn bull, or which he paid
a handsome figure. This calf is roan
in lor, ist from • ,straight imported
stock enr both sides His daht was by
imported Royal Don and his sire( is
Loyalty, Mr. MeKteyda well known
stock bull frem the herd oe Sen*r
Edwards, a Rockland, near Otta,Wa,
and oth his air $ — aind dam were 'im-
port° . Mr. Dundee has got a very
pp* •animal a exceptional nreed:
ing, which will be a very great ad-
vantage not only to hi t§ own herd hut
to the herds or his neighborhood. Mr.
MeKay stili has two. Cabrefl fronS the
filato,e sire which he can dispose of.
One or these is from ad excepittiOns
ally good milking strata.
• _ e _
Not a-otteg to be Baulked.—The Street -
fore' and St. Joseph Radial RailWay
Cods ,12,111 for Incorporation, met ,, be-
ing entertained by the Senate on the
ground that the enterprise caehe ex -
clued -vele- within the juriediction of
the Ontario Government, the com-
pany have "applied to th,e Ontario
Legislature at, its presen.t session for
an incotporation act, under the same
name. The poWers asked are: ", Tp
construct, equip, maintain amd oper-
ate a line Or lines of 'railway of Stan-
dard ,or other guage with electribitre
gasoline or E1tny other motive power
for the conve,yance of passengers ,and
freight from a point or points at, in,
or near the city of Stratford, in , the
ceunted of Perth, thence westerli 0
or, near Aventon, te the township of
Downie, thence to or near Fullerton
and Ruseeldale, In the said county or
Perth, through the township of Ful-
lerton, thence to or near Familiar,
in the township of Uelboene, theme
to or near Exeter, in 'the township,
of.. Stephen, thence in a northerly
direction to or near Hensall, in thei
township of Hay, thence westerly
to oe near 'Zurich and St. Joseph, in
the said township of Hay, thence*
southerly to Grand Bend, in the town-
ship of Stephen; or from Exeter west-
erly through the moat convenient
places to St. Joseph and from St. Jogs
eelh to Grand Bond,, thence to Park-
hill, in the township of Weal Wil-
liarneell-drhe company also seek mattfy
other powers, inoludtng the construc-
tion or oglich lines. The app/icants
for the charter are Messrs. 3. M. Vin-
cent, J. M. -Lawrie and, A. A. Tallion,
of Ottawa.
A simple and effective remedy for
They combine the germicidal value of 'Cresolene
with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico-
rice. Your druggist or from ns, Mc in stamps.
Lesintie, MiLes Co., Limited, Agents, Montreal. 4or
is a high grade Commercial &hoot
Three Courses :
Commercial - Stenography - Telegraph
• E a
Death of a Format -Seaforthite.—We
take the following from 'the Pilot
Mound Sentinel of a receeit date. The
gentlemanseeferred to was some thirtY
year ago a leading citizen a Sea -
forth; 'being among the pioneer mer-
chants bind he ,was a meal/ter or the
first village council. .When he re-
ineved from Seaforth, he went 'to
Paisley, in the county of Bruce, and
evad in =shwas „there for Several
years before rembving to Manitoba.
The Sentinel says: One of the old
seSidents of .Pilot Mound, and robab-
lY the oldest supporter of the 14,lberal
party he the west, died; a,t hi 'resi-
• dence Yesterday, in the person of A.
McDougall, who pa,ssed away in his
87th year. He came to the( west in
1881, and since that time has peen a
firm _believer 1211 the policy oe the
• Liberal party. He was one of the en-
ergetic pioneers or the 'provinde, who
earned for the west 'the rep -titan=
of its 'being inhahlted by a virile race
of men, while at the same -time he had
intereeted himeelf In lte puillic af-
fairs and :helped shape its deetinies.
Of late Years, having pissed the al-
loted span of life, he eetireelt after
he had fulfilled. his duty in ferward-
ing the interests of the educational,
municipal and provincial systeins or
the country en which he livec.. He
leaves two sores and one daught*—
Frederick, who has settled near
Clareeiholne Alberta, and Archie; late
of the D. R. Dingwalls, Ltd., and Miss
A.reniee who has 'resided at hornIe with
Because of its enviable record for economical management, as is
evidenced by comparing Ghe cost of management With any other com-
pany engaged in " ordinary " and I "industrial" ineurance. The expense
test of carrying on the " industrial branch" is fully 15% higher than the " or-
. dinary " branch. As both branches, however, are kept separate, for the pur-
pose of equitable distribution ot profits, the public sie warned against invidi-
ous comparisons, made by competitors, showing the ounbined expense ratio of
the -London Life as greater than their own.
W. H. ROBINSON Inspector Seaforth.
PreSbytery of Iluron.—This Pres-
bytery met in • Clinton on the 5th
of March. There was a large latte:nd-
since of ministers and elders. The
reports on Sabbath Schools, Christian -
Endeavor, and Church Life and Work,
were submitted by Messrs. Davidsoa,
Urquhart and: Sewers respectively, all
giving evidence of life and progress.
The Presbytery approved of holding
Sabbath School Institutes within the
bounds, the arranging of dates to; be
left with the conveners, a,nd the
Rev. J. C. Robertson, B. D., the As-
sembly's Secretary of Sabbath Schools.
Sabbath Schools were recommended
to keep a' general.' roll, in addition(
to the ordinary class lists, contain-
ing the names of all children in at-
tendance. On motion of Mr. ' Urqu-
hart, duly sebonded, it -was agreed to
otganize a Presbyterial Young 'Peo-
ple's Society. Mr. Lecki e submitted
the program, of the conference to 'oe
held at the May meetin,g in Clinton.
Suoject, "The Atonement,' to i be in-
troduced by Mr. Larkin. Mr. Shaw
presented a tabulate d statement, of
the returns ,of congregations tor the
past year, Showing a satisfactory
condition of congregational work.
Messrs. Martin a;nd McKay were ap-
pointed members of the Synod's Com-
mitee of Bills and Overtures, and
Mr. Anderson a member de the As-
serribly s Committee. The following
were *appointed Commissioners 1 to the
General Asspreibly to meet in Mb/Areal
next June—MeSsrs. Shaw, Anderson
and Fletcher, ministers; ,and James
Gemmell, Richard Somers and_ Jamas
Hillen, elders. Mr. Small, Moderator
of the Session of St. Andrew s churele
Blyth, reported that at a congrega-
tional meeting to moderate in at all
to a !minister, the vote waS _very
largely inr his own favor, and` aSked
that 'under the circumstances the,
Presbytery appoint' another Moderat-
or ire his place, when Mr. Leckie was
accordingly appointed to proceed with
the matter. Mr. W. I: McLean, M. A.,
was licensed to preach the gospel.
• Mr. Marttn was (nominated for Mod-
erator of he Synod of Hamilton and
London and Dr. Murray, ,Of Kincard-
ine, for Moderator of Assembly. The
next meeting of Presoytery will be
held ine Clinton on the 14th of May
at 10.30 a. m.
eke Meyer, Emanuel Moyer, Wil-
bert Hall. Sr. -part II—John .A. May -
• Sophia oesoh, itaiR Oesch. Jr.
part IT—Lorne Manson, Naney Bran-
eierreeen, .13idiriond Erb, Part -4—Clar-
unce Hall•—(1. S. HOWARD, Teacher.
etorghs, colds, hoarseness, and other throet
jamer.te Bre quickly relieved by Oresoleue
Wets, ten cel_ttooer box.
• Stanley
School Reit—The following' iu the
February* monthly report Of Wheel.
section NO. 14, Stanley. The names
are in order of merit: Fifth—Elea-
nor Hood, Edwin Gemmel', Etta Jar-
trott. Senior Fourth — M. m. Fisher,
Rena McBeath, jam Jarrott. J-unior
fourth—Jas. Gemmel', N. Jones, Ode,
MeBeath. Senior third—Hannah Dins -
dale, Sarah Bothwell. Junior third—
Lola Rathwell, Arthur, Jones. Senior
second—P. Gemmell, A.. Fisher, H.
Kehl. J-unior ueeond—Anna W. Hood,
Icla Rath:Weil. Second part Wallie
McBeath, Allie McMurtrie. First part
—G. MeNay, 3. Hood, Anna Fisher.
The following are the best spellers
In 'the encintlily spelling matches:
Fifth—Edwin Gemmell: Senior fourth
—Murray Junior fourth—John
Kehl, Senior third—Hannah Dins -
dale. junior third and Senior sect
ond—Herbert Kehl. Second—Ida Bath -
well. Second Part—Wallie McBereth.
—W. IT. JOHNSTON, Teacher.
• Deaf: or a Former Resident.—Word
has ben. received here ea the death
of Me. ILorenzo Spackman, which os:
curre at Walla Walla Hospital, in,
Washington State., on February 4th.
Mr. Spackman was born in tbe village
of Talbotville, 62 years asn. His death
followed an operation performed in the
above mentioned hospital. In 1866,
With hes patents, Robert and Annie
Spankrran, removed to Stanley, and
settled on the Saitole line, near Bay-
field. .About 21 years ago the subject
of this sketch went. to Minitteba,
and from there, the following- year,
to Washington Territory, where he
engaged in farming and stock rais-
ing. Hi wasman of great energy
and w very. successful in 'eusiness.
In religion he was a Methodist, and
lived up to the requirements of his
church and his .conscience. He leaves
a widow and one daughter, Mrs. Bad-
gley, of Idaho, U. S., who mourn the
loss of' a kind husownd and father.
0 '
"Preventics" will promptly check a
cold. or the grippe when taken early,
or',at the r sneeze -stage."! Prevent -1
iced sure seated colds as well. Peen
venetics ,are little candy cold cure
tablets, and Dr. Shoop, Racine, Wis.
will gladly mail you samples and a
book on Colds free, if you will write
him. The samples prove their merit.
Check early colds with, Preventics and
opPneumonia. Sold in 60 arid 25e
boxes -by C. Aberharte druggist, See,-
School Report.—The following is th4r
report of the February examinations
In Union school section No. 1, Mc-
Killop. Total, 400 marks. Honor
list—Class 1V—Joseph McGreath 363,
Mary Curtin 360. Class III—Jose-
phine Kale 341, Vincent Murphy 317,
Annie Curtin 344. Class 11—Thomas
Downey 317, Pass list—Jas. Murphy,
class IV, 294; Agnes Murphy, class
III, 298; Myrtle Heffernan, class II,
290. Class .I—Total 100, honors 75
nrarks—Annle McGrath 102, Loretto
Heffernan 96, John Murphy 82,—N.S.
DEVEREUX, Teacher.
—The following 'reports the per
centage obtained by the pupils of S.
S. No. 5, McKillop, for the month of
February: Class IV—Wm. Curtin 80,
Class III—Annie Klein '78, Vincent
Dillon 62, Joe Klein 56, :Violet Ken-
nedy 43. Sr. II—Maggie Sloan 64,
May Nolen 51, Frances Nolan 44. Jr.
II—Loretta ourtin 78, George See -
haver 78, Lilly Gordon 57, WM.
Ken' 55, May Nolan 50, Mary Sloan
49, Flossie Kennedy 43, Jas. Sloan
30. Part II—Gordon Kenhedy 78, T.
Purcell 61, No5rnan Dillon 56. Class
1—George Klein 76, Jam! Kerr • 69, J.
MUrray 41, Pearl R. Anderson, Teach-
—Th err following- LS a 'report of the
pupils it' S. S. No. 2,, McKillop,t, for
the months of February. Marks, giv-
er' for examinations and good 'behav-
ior 5th Clase—Ethele- Kerr '793.
4th Class—Brenton Ker e 984; Percy
McMichael 758, Jean MeMichael .727,
Aileen Scott 669, Sameei Storey ,661,
Frank Hunt 539, Homer 'Hunt 383, S.
Dolmage 218, J. McElroy 217. 3rd
Class—Mabel Dormice 7544 W. Storey
739, C. Hunt 739, R. McElroy 696, 3.
nut's, 6911, J. Wilson 689, M. Dolmage
640, Lorna, Harn 632, Omer Ander-
ersorr 357. 2nd Class—Edith Hunt
544, Ethel Harm 422, David Durie 833.
let Class—Edith Dolmage 412.—HEL-
EN MeMILLAN, Teacher.
Qur School,—The eollowing shows
'the relative standing of the Pupils of
8611001 section No. • 9; for the month
ot February Class V---Rutte- Keys,
Thomas Meyers, Roy Capling. Class
IV—Isabel Manson, Pearl Zapfe, Flos-
sie Capling. Class HI—Gordon Man-
son, Albert Keys, Ethel 'URN. Sr.
II class—Jake Brerinerneate Mike Xen--
nel, Peter Oingerieh. Jr: II class—
dant Supply pf pied thing S Ito t
tea meeting Monday .night and ao
Much was left over ,that -Wee
invited the School children to takS,
dinner at the hall on Tneada,y, which
they did. •
Notes.—Rev. W. J. West preadried
in Brussels. on Sunday.—Mr. Martin
Masters returned to Calgary la,st
week.—Mrs. Kersie Jackson, of Cal-
gary, formerly of Bluevale, visited
Mends here last week. Mrs. Jack-
son spent the winter with he par-
ents at Trowbridge.
Schdoi Repo-rt.—The following Is the
(report for the month cif Feeruary* of
the school in section No. 7, Hibbert:
Class V—Cael Stoneman, Elwyn Riv-
ers, Class IV—Thomas Drover, Wai-
ter O'Brien., Lester Regans, Thomas
Ween, Alla Hoggarth, Maggie Han -
kirk ; Sr. III—Thomas Smale, Wil-
fred O'Brien., Annie Westlake, Wm.
Brintnell. Jr. „MI — C. Brintnell,
Wilbert Parker and Bert Wren are
equal. Arthur Parker, Russell Maud. -
John Maudson. Sr. II — Bella,
Brintnell, Flossie Westlake, James
Broadfoot, Pearl llycleman, Bertha,
Melick, Wesley Deaner, Jr. II—
Gordon Wren and Roswell Melick are
equal, Nell Smale and Rae Horton are
equal. Part II—Cecil O'Brien, John
Swan, Ruby Ityclunan. Part I—Frank
Smale, Willie Meleck, Willie Parker,
Arnold Westlake.—PHEMIA GOVEN-
LOCK, Teacher.
—The following le the report of
the pupils of school section' No. 6,
Hibbert, for the month of February -
It is based on -regularity-, punctual-
ity, good conduct, general profici-
ency and weekly examinations: Class
V—Nellie Dow. Sr. class IV—Andrew
Hamilton, Neil McKellar. Jr. IV—
Ethel Dalrymple, Laura. Hocking, Aso -
ries Hamilton, Stanley Dow, Warren
McKellar, Sr. III—Mamie Scott, Sohn:
Hocking, Annie Christie, Jennie Mc-
Gill. 3r. III—Thomas Scott, Margie
Graham, Roy Dow, Thomas Lan.
Sr. II—Hugh Dalrymple. Jr. II—Roy
He:Acing, Malcolm, Norris, Stanley
Dow. Part II—Donald Balfour, El-
mer Scott. Sr. I—Bessie Dow, G.
Scott. Jr. 1—Stirling Grahame Miss
Lizzie Lawrence, Teacher.
For Catarrh, let us send 'you free,
just to prove merit, a Trial size I3ox
of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Remedy. It is
a snow white, creamy, healing antis -
optic balm that gives instant 're-
lief to Catarrh of the nose and throat.
Make the free test and see. Address
D. Shoop, Racine, Wis. Large jars
60 cents. Sold by C. Aberhart, drug-
gist, Seaforth.
-:Meeserrs, Burns & Sheppard, of the
Horse Repository ire Toronto, have
purchased the Canadian Horse Ex-
change in the same elty. nesting.
Burns & Sheppard. are now the pro-
prietors of both the horse sales es-
tablishments in the city. They pur-
pose running both places, as the busi-
ness heretofore done by •therre at the
Repository has- been so :large as to
warrant them 'taking °seer the Caned-
la'n, Horse Excliang-e and conducting
It as an annex of the Repository.
—A terrible affair occurred in a,
palate horse car on the Grand Trunk
Railway between' Ilderton and Strath -
Toy on. Thursday of last week. A
man named Fred Paisley shipped two
valuable heavy draught stallions at
Ildertate, Wending' 'to • -take them
through to Buffalo. The horses -ware
• tied ire opposite ends of the car,
and Paisley s.tragiged. 'himself a lit-
tle bunk in the corner. Ats*.the freight
train; pulled out of London, shortly
after dusk, Paisley Shut the door;
and sat down for the run' to Buffalo.
One of the chaegt became :restive,
and after tugging ,for e few! min-
utes, Alipped his halter and savagely
attacked the other horse. Before Pais-
ley could interfere, both horses were
loose. There eorennenced a battle 'that
lasted until The train drew intoStrath-
roy. The horSes 'bit and kicked and
fought all over the ter. It was pitch
dark and Paisley could fleet InOthing.
Twice he tried to operil the door and
Jump out, but teeth times he failed.
Again and again he' was knocked
down and kicked. Then one or the
horses dropped dead, killed Sy a ter-
rible kick. The surviving horse, in-
jured and frightened, plunged around
the car, and it was not till Paisley
got out that be. was( safe. Thei car
was cut off at Strathroy, the dead'
horse 'removed and buried, and' Pais-
ley placed 'himself under the care of
a doctor. His injuries, though pain-
ful, were not,serious. The surviving
horse, although badly torn, will re-
Disorders of the stomash produce a
nbryous condition, and often prevent
sleep. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv-
er Tablets stimulate the digestive or-
gans, restore the system to a healthy
condition, and . make sleep 'possible.
For Sale by all druggists.
(Intended for last week.)
An.niversa,ry.—The tenth anniver-
sary of the induction of Rev. W. J.
West, M. A., as minister to the Pres-
byterian congregations cif Bluevale
and Eadies, was marked by special
services on Sunday, February 28th,
when Rev. Mr. Wishart, of Brussels,
preached morning and evening in
Bluevale and at Herne& in the after-
noon. Large congregations were pre-
sent and Mr. Wishart . won for bim!
self a warm, place in the estimation
of Bluevale people. On Monday even-
ing the church was comfortably fil-
led at the tea meeting. Owing to
the roads being blocked a large num-
ber were kept from attending. The
ladies, as usual, served an excellent
supper of cold meats, salads, cake,
pie, tea and ccerfee M the Forester's
hall. A good programme was pre-
sented in the church with Mr. West
as chairman. • Rev. Mr. Perrin, of
of Wroxeter, Rev. Mr. Burnett, of
Molesworth, and Rev. George Baker
of Bluevale, delivered bright and
pointed 'addresses. The choir did ex-
cellently, the quartettes were highly
appreciated; Miss Nettie McNaughton
*rendered a violin .solo; Mrs. -Alex.
Moffat sang a sacred solo and Mr.
Melville and M. Duff recited. The
proceeds amounted •to nearly fifty
dollars and the collections on Sun-
day to $23. On' Tuesday evening the
Bluevale Preribyterian choir and a
'number of others, drove over to
Basile& 'church to assist at the tea
meeting there. The programme was
almost the same as at Bluevale. Rev.
Mr,. Radford, of Delmore, and Rev.,
Mr. Mumma of Whitechurch,- were
the speakers. The Hullos' people very -
pleasantly surprised Mr. West by pre-
senting 'him with a complimentary
address accompanied by a fur cap,
ter mitts and a gold watchguard.
The ladles brought ouch en 0,:buri-:
"Satisfaction or you Money
ur Preparations
or -Eas
Of course you expect this store to make the best dis
play of Men's wear for Easter, to show variety and designs
out of the ordinary, to give you larger selections to choose
from, and, as we are anxious to win your praise and ap
predation, we do our utmost to deserve it:
It would, be short-sighted on our part to hazard our
position as Seaforth's leading men's store, by submitting
for your criticism and approval anything except goods that
are truly leaders in their re'spective lines.
We are leaders in Men's Furnishings because you ex
pea it, and. because we always have that object in view.
• Every reatenai man7s
fancy calls for, every fabrie
that the fashion centres have
pinned their preference to
here, and not an extravagans
-price in the whole gabh ering
3775c, MAO $1s25
In regard to Neckwear, We
_take the initative. We are for
-ever inaproving our sto0, and
we want you to know it.: The
best is always a stepping stone
to a better, and we always keep
pace with everything to Make a
neckwear business • thoroughly
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Give New
Strength to Overworked Women.
• The life of a domestic is a hard
one. She tollfront early morning
*till ate at night, her work is 'never
done. Often She is too ious-y to get
out of doors for a breath of fresh
air. Unless her blood is kept rich
and pure this close confinement wears
on her health. Her strength will
fail.; She may lose her appetite, be -
*erne pale and dyspeptic. In fact elle
Is in danger of a general' break-
down. Such wad the eindition of
Miss Marie Anne Fleury, of Ste.
Anne de in Perade, Que., before she
used Dr. -Williams' Pink Pills, She
says: "For a number of year I
have been a servant. Up to a year
ago I always enjoyed the teat of
health, but suddenly 'I was seized
with .pains in niy sdel ; my. appetite
left Me, I became dyspeptic and,
all strength. I consulted a, doctor,
who told me I Was suffering from
general debility. I was forced to
stop work, and for three months I
followed the doctor's treatment, but
withcatt any benefit. I wale advised to
try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills-, and as
I had often read of the cases they
cuted, I decided to do so. I only
took eight 'boxes before I- was cured
and to -day I am stronger than I ever
was. My digestion is good and
can now go about ms work without
fatigue. I owe a debt of gratitude
to Dr. Williams' Pink Pillfor *hat
they have done for me and, I streng-
ly advise other weak, sickly girle to
give them a. trial."
Miss Fleury's case is one of many
that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have
cured after doctors' help had failed.
The success of these pills lies in the
fact that they strike right at the
root of the trouble—the blood. Othe• r
medicines simply, act on the symp-
toms of a trouble—and mas, relieve
but they do not cure. Dri Williams'
Pink Pills make new 'rich blood—
and that is why they cure dyepepsia,
rheumatism. anaemia, heart palpi-
tation. Jaeadashe, backache, and the
ills of women ;a,11 these are caused by
bad blood—Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
onee tbene all because they make new
blood. -For sale at druggists or by,
mail ati 50 cents a box or six boxes
• for $2.60, from the • Dr. Williams'
Medicine co., Brockville, ,Onte
Our Spring stock of the
has just arrived; and of all the
nobby styles in men'shats nonB
CEIn be mentioned. in the same
breath with the number of smart
and dressy shapes we are show-
ing in the King Hat. This is,
without exception, the highest
value in Canada and the enor-
• mous call for this hat last sea-.
son testifies to its well deserved
popularity. Be sure your next
hat is a King Hat;
TEwART afloat
w'Butter and Eggs taken as Oa3h,
Canadian Pacific, Railway.
Every Tuesday during March and April
Leave Toronto MI 9 p, in. for settlers taking* live stock.
Specia,1 Coast Rates daily March ist to April. 30th -142 75—Seaforth t�
Vancouver, Vitoria, Westminster, 13 0.; Sesztle,. Taeema,
• Washiugton and. Portland, Oregon.
:For maps, folders and tiekets, apply to •
0. P. R. Tickets, Telegraph and Dominion Express..
_ _ _