HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-03-08, Page 8.e 4 4 _• _ Isposittni • AVehM•re a few heating EtteareS 10ft beats* and thee°, together with a laxge- number of *cooking steveff, must he *leaned out to make room for Spring goods. Wintei is not yet over, so come at olice-eprices are out away down. Our stock of Mitts, Skates, Hockey, Sticks,. Sleigh Bells and Chilareteri Sleigttee7intott also go at hargain OW - GIVE US A St egg. see-eas Chesney ct Archibald, SEAFORTH, Harfdware, Stoves and Coal. Dominion 'Ban k • Head Office TOROK TO asaamommeamoo0 TI Savings Bank temp *mi....0j' Deposits of $1.00 and up- wards received and intexest paid at highest current rates. 4" Withdrawals may be made at any time. DIStRICIT MATTERS. Mravellerte -- The following werf ticketed to different placethIswetI by W. Somerville, Railway and Stern - ship agent: Mr. and Mrs. W. O'Brien to Holmfield, Manitoba; -,Mr. McCon- nell, John street, to Louirealilia 'Ken- tucky ; Ur. and Mrs. Henry Kraus- kopt and Mee. Berle°, of Logan, to Ar- lington, Washington; MT.- and Alex.- McTavish to MedOra Martitonae ffr. ,W. F. Thompson to betrolt end bittern. SE_AYORTII BRANCH , A. B. GIBSON, Manager 8. AYR, Solicitor • I • • • • • mm•inlms • I • • • James Watson, Successor to W. N.Watson NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General Fire, Life end Aeoident Nets - ants agent, Real Estate and Lose Agent. Dealer in first-olaes family and Manufare taring Sewing Machines and Cream Separators, : WewRaymond and White Sewing hiaehiees andg National and Una oda dream Separators,. Also stewing machine needles, eil, attach- ,. men*, repairs ond sundries for all kinds of sewing machines. With over 25 years experience in tbe above bushiest you can rest assuied of prices' right, square deadieg and satisfaotion guaranteed. JAMES WATSON, narikance Agent, and dealer In Sewing Machine and.Bleyoles. North Maio street, Seaforth. -----r Collegiate Ex ror;, - The following , pupils obtained hrtners in the Febru- ary examinations at the Seaforth Col- legiate InistitOte: Form 1.a.E. Leitch, K. Kerr, H. boleGianis, L. Snider. Form 2-11, rear, 111. Teo, R. Birks. PPM, 0,-E„ Campbell, We Peck, M. t.,oweer, F. Roberta, Q. Rose, E. Tay- lor. Form 3B -M. ,Tolineitcd; J. Bu- ehanan, D. McLachlan, R. Keys, J. Carter, C. Horan. Form 4-R. Hr - try, :W. Cameron, W. H. Birke, J. El- liott, A. earning'', R. Scott, E.Whit- taker. ' • Hockey. -Mount ,,,,,,FOrest and Sea - forth played an exhibitiOn Atom on the rink here on Thursday everting last, which reautled In a tie, each scoring eight goals. The game Was a hot One, although 'the home teem had the beat of the game. Mount Fore est are champions of their distriet and had a reputation to ustain and with a defeat almoet certain, the re- feree, e, Mount Forest man, lent his aid to ihis friend's. His decisions were most partial and at one or two stages In the game it looke& as though they might cauee trouble, With a square\ referee the htime boys, who .were putting up a good article of boekey, Would have piled up a( big score. McDonald, of Goderich, who was playing for Mount Forest, was the star of the visitors ttikmt and did most of the scoring. a • The Spring Fair. -At a meeting of the directors of the South Huron Ag- ricultural Society held at Bruoefield en Friday hest it was decided, to hold' the annual entire stock 'show at Bruce - timid on Friday, March nth and to add to it a Ef.eed show for the exhibi- tion of all kinds of grains and seeds and for which liberal prizes will be offered. This department ' of 'the show will ire !held' in BossenberrY's hall and it is expected an expert from the ,Agricultural Department will be present as judge end to deliver a lecture on the seed question. ' It is intended to make this the .besU and moat interesting and profitable show ever held under the auspices .ot the society and it le to ,be hoped the en- terprising farmers of the district will Show Their appreciation of the efforts being put forth by turning out in large numbers both as exhibit- ors and spectatora. Local' Briefs. -Mee. George Dale, jr., of the Heron Road . West, recently siold a very fine four year, old geld- ing to 1Messrs. Mcfriann, for $260. He weighs about 1,700 lbs. -The rig- mondville Presbyterians are hav- ing their chtirch and mese lighted by electricity. - Mrs. Hugh Stephensoa was at Exeter last week, visiting her mother, ' who was quite 111, -Mr. A. E. Gibson:, who has been . manager of the Dominion Bank here, for the past three years, has received 'notice of his promotion to the 'position of Inspector of Agencies in Manitoba and the Northwest with headquarteng at Winnipeg and he expects to move from 'here in a couple of weeks."' The people of Seaforth will part with Mr. and lare. Gibson with mach regret as they both fully identified themeeives with all the 'beneficial interests of the town. The patrons of the bank also, while they are !regretting Mt. Gibsoras removal, will be pleas- ed to learn that his ability and fidelity to business have been recog- nized and 'rewarded by his euperlors in office. air. Gibson's successor here Is Mr. Coulson, at present agena at Hespeler.-Mr. Peter Dill made a shipment of White Rock chickens to Calgary, Alberta, this week. Mr. Dill has madeseveral shipments to the west for breeding purposes this winter. -Mr. Robert McGavin, of Grey, was in 'town on Monday. Mr. McGav- in 'has been a continuous suiescriber of the Expositor -since its 'first issue now 38 years ago and' he repeated to us ,a, selection of poetry which ap- peared in the second issue and which he has carried fresh in his memory ever isince.-Mrs. Peter Daley has been confined to her bed this week with an attack tee grip. -Mrs: Sloan and her daughter left on •Thursday for Victoria, 13ritish Columba', where. they .will reside in future If they like the , place. Mrs. Sloan has a daukhter rcalcling in VictOrla.-Mr. E. Daley tea purchased a 'ouilding lot on Centre street, adjoining the rel- dence of Miss Crosble, •ancl will er- ect a residence oa it during the corn- ing suremen-The promotion examin- ations for the Huron public schools will be held on March 21s1 and 22nd. -Mr. • James McMichael is, offering his comfortable residence on James street. at present occupied 'by Mr. A. Appleford, for sale. -The Ladies' .Aid of the Presbyterian church intend have tn,g an afternoon tea on Wednesday next. Tea will be reerved _ in the school room of the church from f6ur to seven o'cloek.-Mr. S. Dickson spent Sunday last with friends in .Wingham. -The Irish concert, given by the Bible class of the Peesbyterian -church, in the scheol rooar of the church, on Tuesday evening last, was most suc- cessful. The large audience was very appreciative of the programme, which consisted of vocal and instrumebtal so- los. a quartette, readings and a dia- logue. The refreshments Consisted of the Irishman's favorite, the potato, served in a most appetizing way. It Is the intention of the committee to have another platicinal concert next month. The ,silver collection amount- ed to something over twenty dollars. Master Peareon Grieve, son of Mr. John Grieve, V. S., le recover- ing from a . Very severe attack of pfeurisy.-We learn 'Tthat the fine, colt, /recently sold by , Mr. Alex. Sin- alair, of Tuckersmith, to Mr. Wm. McKay, of Oxford. and of which we made mention last week, was ibred by Mr. James'Green, west of Hensel, on the Parr line, Hay, and it reillects much credit, on him as a breeder of the good ones. --The Collegiate Insti- tute Board have engaged Miss E. A. Teskey, B. A, of Essex .high school, as suecessor to Mr, McLean who re- cently :resigned. Miss Teskey com- mences her -duties here after the Easter holidays. -Mr. Will McLeod, who has been touring the west for the past four months, with a con- cert company, returned home Satur- day evening last. -At the annual On- tario_ me 1.0soclation meeting 'held Mar „ In Toaonto on Tuesday, 'Major Alex, I , WileOra, of this town, wee electea a member 1.01 the council. -Mr. Robert Willis; has Bald the residence el pre- -,sent eccapied by Me. W. 'Cudmore to Mi. Richard Hothana of Constance, Who is coming to town to reside. -- .We are glad to learn that the two eaiughteris of Mr. John' McLellan, a TuckeOmith, who have been ill With typhoid fever are illOW 00 the way to :recovery. Mr, McLellan' and fam- ily have been sorely afflicted re- cently and they have the ISYMPEtthi of mainsatriends.-Mre. John Derma. son, of 1±4eXil1op, wee visiting her mother, MTS.INVIltee'CelitTe Street, and other friend: "mit week. -Miss Mabel Bell, of McKillop, who is at insole/it *residing in Seaforth, spent Stmaa* with her parente.-Mr. Robt. Beatr tad one a his thumbe badly Mar el by a sa.w in the furniture fac- ture one day last ' week. -Mr. and Mrs. !Alfred Dennison intend, aeaving ohortlier for Sturgeon Falls, where they !will make their future home. - The ;F,rerileytery of Huron met in Clinten an -Tuesday last and .disposed of a good deal of 'business. The re - Piot will appear 'tleStft week. -Two rinks <if Xeter eUriefil Were in Goderich I on Wednesdas.-Mr. John Horan net „With a painful accideut in the Bell Engine ;Works on Tuesday last, ;by 'having his foot oevertly burn- ed. He was assietbag in poll:Ong in the hot Metal hit° a mould, when the bore buret, letting the metal out. Under medical care be la pregressiag as Well as can be expected, though It will be one time before he is abl4to lute his' toot agains-Band- ni r H. Clark, of Stratford, form- erly of Seaforth, will be ptesent at the- meetings held in the Salvation Artny barracks. -On Saturday evening and all day Sunday. He will be ae- cm anted by bits daughter and Mr. .Denkin. All are good musicians and a good time is expected. • • Bil lding Lots For Sale. ---In firetelass locality, sit- uate( an north side of Centre street, between cIweII iiigi ot John Morrison and J. Y. Smiley ; also first (doss lot on North Main Street, adjoining office o Jannis Watson. The property is desirable and wil be so d on easy terms. For full liar:toilers apply t Jam s Watson, Seaforth. swat/ S clot lot Sweet Navel Oranges, from 20c to 6 per oxen. Sweet Cream and Ice Orem always o hand. Fresh Roasted Peabuts daily, at the Kand Kitevien, Seaforth, 2047,1 Fla Sam -Cutters, harness, 1 gin& buggy, I. two seated carriajte,1 set single harness, 1 mare, quiet, fl ohild can di rive t. Aleo a nimfber of building I for Sale on Mein St., South. For further particular apply to T. P. Coleman, seventh, ' 2040-2i Ok:DAE- Pos.--Tho undereigned has just reeelylei' Zan loa,ds of first-elass highland cedar posts, 8 and faet long which will be solft at a small advance 011 cost. A. Stewart, Seaforth. 2046= llouse for Sale. --Dwelling house on east side f Wilson St. Stone foundation and cellar under Wh house. Lasge stable. Price reaeonable, APPIY WI C. Sheffield, Canada Furniture alanufactur Seaforth. 9OEI-if W. .T. Harvey, PresidentEmpire Collegeof 0 d :. thalmology, Toronto, will visit Seaforth, Thursd March 14th, till Saturday. March 10th, and ean ecinsulted free at Daly's je•velry and optieal pan Hours 10 to 12 and 2 to 6, or by appointment. doctor straightens eyes that have been crossed chverged for years without pain or operation an tr ats all defects of sight with great skill. 2047x A FAMOUS SCHOOL STRATFORR, ,ONTARIO. Ifirrecognized to lie olio et VIM leading commercial isehoele of Weetern Ontario. f Ohr coursee are titor- Jargh and praetifial. Each department is in the lisands of experienced instructors. Our' graduates are in demand and aremeeting with great succese. Allary leading business eolleges employour graduates as teachers,. Write for freeasta/ogue. you ram en- terat an) time. ELLIOTT & McLACIILAN , Principals. Send us a Horse — AND WE WILL — BLANKET Him with the best blanket for the money-, Wool, jutc.and Kersey. RIR E S— Galloisay, Bishop, +boat, Home and Iinitation Buffalo. We guarantee the Quality. Com- pare prices. HARNESS -7 Our own make of genuine Rubber Trimmed Hareem. It is the beet value in Canada. Ask your neighbor about theta. MITTS & CLOVES— • 4100palr of samples at wholesale prices — A Snap. 130.118--Trunks—Valises — Suit Cans- -11mb and Wool Rugs, Et. Inspect our stock before purehasilig, - ida 13roderick„ OPPOSITE COMMERCIAL 110TEL, Seaforth. 2034 The Confidence - Of the People IS OM proudest pm•ession. We: ger:air- ed that uonfldenee by honest, strais:bt- : forward dealing — I dopting- as our business creed Reliable Goods Moderate Prices Truthful Representation We are of Li the plain people ;nal do not try to fool the publie all the tin. or 1119- of the time. .1f you c•-itrit the hest value yon can get for the money- ou eau spend in jewelery. watches, et.— in owls or workmanship—pall on its J. F. DALY Jeweller & Optician Issuer of Marriage Lieen-es, OARDNO BLOCK EAFORTH The Winthrop Creamery. A meeting of the Winthrop (reallorv will be held In the half there on Mei:flay, Uftreh lath, at 2 e'rlaek p. In., for the purpire et arranging the business for thp coming BODERT AllPHISA1.1,. President, 2047-2- A.. A. CUTHILI„ Keeretary. • 10,000 Bushels Wheat Wanted. *atoms airmie We pa• OU th hir-10.1 market priee. It v, ill fay y:-.11 to call and see us before Noit sell elsewhere. %ire art selling our hest VaialIc Flour at 81.85 ; Five • Hoses I lour at $?..40 To!' 11)0 We fitin have about 2,000 Iszoliels of Yellov. Ameriean Corn which we are offering at 820 per ton; Nan aud shorts at, SW per ton ; chopping, 22 hags :or $1 or 11 ha.fe for 60e. COOK Ea t4UNS, Kalars, Ben sat • l• HURON EXPOSITOR e Rest Our claim to rim approval • entirely upon the character of OUP Drugs and Medicines • We ask your trade because -11010W what you buy here will never prove disappoint- ing. ' We have earned a repu- tation for selling pure drugs at moderate' prices. White Pine Cough Syrup 26o a bottle Nye° Stone Root - for weak, aching back 60o a bottle Never Fail Corn Cure • 10o a box ,Nyalia Spring ionic - a vegetable tonics for the agetem after the effeets of Grippe $1 ce bottle We carry all the leading med- icines. Our stock is fresh. Come in and see tie whether be Ile , I 1 Turnberry .leudden Death. -In Turnbeery Sanday of last week the home of i. and MTS. John Honeuth was dee , saddened by the death Of their bright little ',girl. She had apparently been In good health, 'but -had, taken suckleh- ly ill early that morning with pnt monia anedespite all that medic 1 -skill and kind hands could do, elite passed away early the same afternooe. The funeral took place on Tuesday to Wingharn cemetery. Muca sympathy Is felt for the bereaved parents. a Winthrop • ,the future. The- good 'wishes 0 boat of friends go with then for their future suceees in their w st- ern' home -Mr Robert Livingston of Hamilton, 10 ispend1ng a coup -it oe weeks with hie parents in 'the eel go. -Mr. Wen. ()liver is making pre a ations for the' erectien of s. • Inc brick residende on the farm opp ite his homeetead. This will be a g eat lniprovement when completed -On rie dal evening of lea weak, bouI 40 young • people were entertaine at the home of Mr. G. Miller, den ing tieing the chief amusement of the ev- ening. The party dispensed earlstItt the morning all speaking in the highest terms of the evening's enlea- ment.-We are sorry to hear that Mrs. Feeeey ie suffering from an attack of pneumonia, but hope She may ioon be restored to her usual health. - Quite a "nuniber Of young. people epent a very pleasant evening last weelt at the hOree of Mre R. Hoggarthi-A nutribe, r of Our citizens intend 'taking in the lecec social in. Cromartit on Mondey night. -Mr. James Berrli 10 busy moving tbis week to his farm which he purchased recently in Tack- ., you buy or not, ertamitb. 0. ABE:1-FIAR-i., DRUGGIST, pARDIsTO'S BLOCK .A.B" 0 IVIIIEE Agent for up-to.date Trusses, Syrieges Hot Watet Bottles, Shoop's remedies, Cook's Cotton Root Compound and Wood's Phosnhedine. • katchewale He watt in: the Arndt's- taking Wetness in Inclien Head; for four yearo but sold out and intends§ starting in the isamelbusiness in Sas- katoon. He 'has' purcha„sed this 'team for use on his hearse. •They make a very handsome and: showy pair. • • Tuokersneith. A Goad R. Smillie, a the Londan toad, last week delivered eto Hagan Rms., of Hills Green, a fine 'young Hereford bull oflas ewn :raising. This 'animal is reeiste ered in the American herd lbook. He should prove valuable to the Messrs. Hagan and alteo to the neighborhood. Mr. SmIllie intends purchasing an- other buil of the same breea to head his herd, of thoroughbred Here - Note. -At Milton Place," the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charters', on February 26th, a very pleasant even- ing was spent, the occasion toeing the • birthday of Miss Margaret, and was observed by a very pleasant party • given to a, number, of 'relatives and friends. One of (the eneighboes took the opportunity of showing his ap- preciation of Mrs. Charters' sr. kind - peas to their family, to present her with a loeautiful Morris chair. Such pleasant occasions make life all the brighter to 'those who entertain and those enterathed.-Mr� W. 13. Mc- Lean and Mise Chesney, of Hensall, spent a few days visiting ,at Mrs. R. Charters' last week. ; New Church and School House. -The ood people Of Cavan churchthe contract ter their tnew churc have le t Which is to lbe erected during tit eming summer. The church is to b ea !brick with basement of cemen blocks. The contract price is $3,800 and the congregation famish the brick, gravel and sand, laid dow and also provide the seating an 'glass. The entire edifice when read for occupancy,,,will 'probably cost be- tween' five and siX thousand dollars. In will lbe a neat, comfortable and commodious , place of worship and vvill be a credit' to ethe zeal andl generosity of the congregation an the worthy and faithful_ pastor. -The contract for the new school house has also 'been awarded. It is to be of brick with a cement block easement and to be up -,to -date in ev- ery respect. The contract price is $2,135 an'd 'the truedees -furnish the brick, 'gravel and sand laid down. Both, contracts were awarded to Mr.' Parry, of Listowel. .Winthrop will look spiff and will commence to put on 'town airs w'hen it gets, its new church and school house. 4. • 13rucefield. . Notes. -Mr. -McCully hag purcbasel the Jamieson property here. It con- sists of a large frame 'house, astable and four, lobe. The purthase price was $400. Mr. McCully intends tear- ing down the old house and, using the materialin the erection of a new modern residence. -The old Plewes farm, on the end con., of Tuckersmith, on the and concession of Tuckeremith, and recently owned and occupied- ,by Mr. Strong, has been purchased by Mr. John Daman for $6,600. It ie an excellent 'farm and .good value for Thee money. Mr. ,DaYman is now the owner of 275 acres of as good farming land as .the ;sutt shines on. ,-Mr, George Swan • has now got coMfortably settled In the aesidence which he recently purchased from Mr. Hart.-Mesers. 'Thomas and William Laing, of Winnipeg, while on their way, home from Scotland, where they had been spending a few months 'clo- tting the scenes of their youth, vis- ited their sister, Mrs. James Pater- son, of Maple Lawn Farm, near here. The aleasrs. Laing fcirmerly resided M the townshi pof Hay, 'but it is over 35 years since they left Huron for the west. It goes without saying that they have prospered there and although both are still comparative- ly young men, they are enjoying a comfortable retirement in the city. They left for home last Week. -The directors of the South Huron Agri- cultural, Society, who met here on Friday, fixed the date for the Bruce - field spring show for Friday, April 26th. They also decided to add a aced show. for Which liberal prizes will be offered. This Is a new but im- portant feature and the progressive farmers of the district should give it their encouragement by bringing out ea.mries of some of their best grains. -Mr. George Hamilton, aate of ane clian Head, Sasketchewan, who has been frf this vicinity purchasing horses,'tbought a, matched' 'team of black horses from Mr. Harry ,Char- ters, of the Mill road, and Mr. Wm. Berry, of this _place. They are ris- 4. A. Norris, 'Oro/Party, and presented iss Ethel .with a handsome gold roe& as a mark of the esteem! la 'hich she is held in the Institute of rbich she is a meniber. Mr. 'Norris d &rally !leave rihortly fOr the exit yehere they, intend to eeeide in Etensall. Noma -Ail adeounts due MO rand ITB sattledbitit- er hy mai or note on or before March 15th. R. llobitirk, 2 x2 m of 2 GLADMAN & STAMM; Barristera, Ete„ at n asall Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 20 • A GloOd Ho. -Mr. Theta. Mur Of this place, has purchased fro Mr. Arthur Brown, of Leamington, e 8 year old pactn.g colt, Road/neater um - tor, sired by Roadmaster, the site of Harold H., with a recerdi a 243-4, and three others in 'the 10 list. iThe dant of this fine colt is by LouisliNa- poleori and 'has to her credit on in the 10 list, one in, the 15 aist and three or more with marker of 11 or better and she has proven to be one of the 'best breeding mares in tbat section. Mr. Murdock has done Much fibr the improvement of the stock, of light hoes in this eon/meaty and his last purchase bids fair to be the 'beet yet and we 'hope his enterprise ;Will meet with the liberal 'reward it, de - 11, Cook at Sons, llensall, want 10,000 bush wheat. See ad. on 6th page, DeShWooa. Sad News.-Muoia and sincere sym- pathy is felt for Mr. and airs. Jonas Hartleib, of this place, on account of the death of their sae, ;Waldo, L., a, bright and promising 1a.d of -15 years, who paseed peacefully away on Sun- day, February 24th. He had not been enaoying 'good health since Chris- t/vas, but was able to attend school, until within a.few days of his death, when an attaek of 'brain fever,which defied the !best medical Biala was what finally did the fatal work. His demise is a severe affliction, hot on- ly to 'his *rents, but is deeply :tee ;vetted by all who knew him, as his ;bright disposition and obliging man- ner made !him a •'tease/sal favorite.; -Another very sad death occurred in London, over a week ago. This was the death of Mr. Philip a. Baatard, a ;much respected 'young man, a nativ,6 of this viclntty, and who resided here until about four mantles ago, When he !removed to London with hie ,par - eats. He was oply 25 years oa age. He was a viceim of consumption: Everything that medical skill could, suggest was done for hint, aue is vain, the terribly fatal disease did its work all too ;soon. He was great- ly pected here, being a. young man of ex'Btplary character, anti one who was mu liked. Bayfielde If you want t4 save money on Dress Goods see what Ir. A. Edw rds is offering during hie special sale, Black Wool Soliel, ma yard for 85o; all 'Wool Homesputis, bliwk, brown and grey, 76e for 69e; all wool Cardinal Serge, 250 for Hie. Also Dressarengthe at very special pnces. F. A. Edwarde, Hayfield. Women% Meeting. -The March Meet- ing of the Woman's Institute will be held on Thursday afternoon, the 141h inst., at the home of Mrs. S. Cleave, Sauble line. In addition to the usual business, a short pregrain will be given 'and a very interesting and helpful meeting is - expected. The subject for discussion will be the "Curing Of Meats." ows.-Mr. Rebert Penhale, of anley, has opened a butcher shop in the ‚store between J. Praiser's and T. A. Stinson's, directly opposite F. A. Edward's. The residents of this community will surely appreciate hav- ing_ a butcher shop 'in the village as during 'the past 'year or more the ac- commodative in that way was alto- gether unsatisfactory. We have 'no doubt but.that Mr. Penhale will be successful. -On Friday evening, March 15th, the Ladies' Aid of St. Andrew's church, purpose holding in the base- ment, an Irish 'social. The program will ,be a g000d one and refresh - will be served. serves. , Briefs. -Mr. Rapt. Higgins left ;here last week on his annual trip to :gam- itooa, where he likes the co try and feels quite at borne.. --Mr, Thomp- son, of Toronto, was in, the eeesge this ireek visiting relatives, -Rev. Dr. Daniels, of London, lectured in the Methodist ehurch on' Monday' ev- ening last, his subject being 'Un - drowned Kings." The attendanee was very good and the lecture most en- joyable.-Mieks M. Sparks, WhO wao 'here as +nurse for the late Miss IL L. Shuart for nearly three month* re- turned to her home itis Blake' this week. -Mr. Ruben. Cudrnore and, Mr. Wm. Shepperd left here for the] far farmed west, with Edmonton as their objective point. We widie then* all success. -We have to chrenicle ,, this ` L week the death of Mise Mar. . Shuatt, of this village, who has been Confined to her roam through 11 ness since last summer. The deceased was very well and favorably knosen in Hensall and vicinity and previohe to I coming to Hensel was keeping t ouse for her brOther-in-law, the late John Granger, of the township of Hay, near Fansville.' While never Strong or robust, she was possessed of a kindly and cheerful disposition which made her quite a favorite an0 !she was always :ready and williik to show any act of kindness witbit ; her i power. The funeral service wa held in the Methodist church an fia, bath afternoon and was largely attended the :remains !being interred ii the - FansviIle cemetery. The de eased 'via a . Dr. y of anted • Statra. Notes. -Mr. T. M. Hamilton was in Blyth recently attending the funeral of 'his sister -In -law. -Mr. , Robert Deans, Ayr, and Mr. Wallace, of Ox- bow, who have been_ visiting rela- tives here have returned, to their home in the west. -Miss May Car- michael, w -ho has been visiting in Chiselhurst for the past two weeks, is home ' again. -Mr. George Clemin- shave and hiseerothee Ben, Mr. Robt, Sivel and Mr. Wm. Battle, of Sas- katchewan, called at the home of Miss Heron this week. -Mrs. Fleury, sr., who has 'been sick, le getting better slowly. -Mr. William Robins, who has 'been visiting friends in Chicago, has returned home. -Miss M. etslake has gone out west.-tiessra. m. Fell and Thomas Drove, V. S., ere at home to a number of their ady friends on Tuesday everanglast nd, all enjoyed themselves. -On Tues - ay evening the 'Inerrant's of the omen's Institute and a nuraber* herr friends met at the home of Mr. I Ing four. years cild and weesired by Electric13. The price paid for thorn was in the neighborhood of 000. Mr. Hamilton who Is :a native of :the township of McKillop, is IrlOW one of the proven:Nis lbusiness men of Sas-'; a a e 'Name, f ThisStciie MARCII a 1907 Is synonymous with the high standard of merchandise sold in it, and is an assur- ance that the prices are at all times the low -est that could reasonably be quoted on qualities in goods of equal merit. ' *-14-1*Ft A Big Display of Stylish leaves a 'nurnner of brothers sister to 'mune her loss. -Re Medd of Forest , and former this village, was !recently pr with a purse by the members of his congregation at the close of a series of apecial meetings. -On Tuesday morning of this week the 'remains of Was Christena Kerr, of Leaden, were b-rought here for inter/peat and on Wednesday afternoon a funeral ser- vice was held at the home of her' sister, Miss Janet Kerr, of thie vil- lage. The deceased was the third 'daughter of the late William' Kerr and has been in the asylum at Lon - doe for over 20 'years and was much esteemed by the asylum authorities for the faithful services she rendered. The deceased was possessed of many good qualities and had attained the age of 62 'yea'rs. %The funeral ;service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Smith and was quite largely attended. -Miss B. Chesney returned home last week from Seaforth where she had ceen spending a couple of weeks with relatives/ and frleads.-Mr. John Meta Fansville, whe was assisting last week to draw grvel for the new Metkodist church sheds, had the mis- fortune to get one of the bones of his leg brokerr by tist pit falling in on 'him. -Members of the family of the late Joseph Harvy, of this vilige, desire us, to express their ,heartfelt gratitude to the friends in Henaall and surrounding 'country who extend- ed so much kindness. to them during their father's iliness.-A son of Mr. Fred. Arnold, of Buffalo, formerly or Hensall. 'has taken a position he the Sovereign bank here.-Theret will be an election for three more Rders for Carmel Presbyterian church, the last two Sunda:ye of this month. - Mrs. Thomas Cameron 'is in Cranbrook this week visiting her mother. -We re- gret to learn that Mrs. John Scott has been -confined to her room through illness for tha past two weeks. She Is 'now improving. -Mrs. M. J. Hurley who has been spending the past few months with her father, Mr. Ber- nard Thompson. ,has returned to her home in La Cananea, Mexico. -Mr. Wm. Moore was in the village Iast week combining businees with a visit with" his relatives and friends and Intends returning here from London In the course of a month or two, as he has a decided preference for life in Heneal • 33ileb1ert • North aide, Notes.-Mesers. Daniel Barry and James Doyle, who have been on the sick list fer the past two weeks are getting better. -Mr. John E. Roach had s successful, sale on Thursday of last week. -Mr. D. Cronin intends§ going west. -Mises May Evans was visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph Atkinson last weelc-Mr. John Downey , delivered two fine pianos here last week, one at the home of MT. P. J. Ryan and the other to Mr. Robert Watson. -Mr. Thomas Burns, who has been visiting friends here for same weeks has returned te his home fa the west, Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cairns entertained a mnaber or their friends last Thursday evening. -Mr. Robert Deane has 'returned to his Mena in Ayr, after ispending a few weeks in visiting Ws Hiebert friends. - Mr. Wm. Robbins Ine asturned home af- ter opextatar a few weeks with friends pring Dress Good .1 What will be correct for ' sluing wear in dress fabrias ? This questi;n will be com- • pletely and atithoratatiVely anewered at , our Dress Goods Departi4flent, At it you will see a most ciomprehimaive exhibit of • Dame Fashion's Selections in weavis andi colors for the spring seasOn of 1907. Call. and look through the collection while• . everything is fresh and new. The Very Latest eaves Include Khantona " Clothsg French. Taffetas Wool Crepilles Chiffon Voiles Worsted Panarttas ,Worsted Tweeds Lustrous Eoliennes Chiffon. Venetians Vtpile Vigoreaux Foule Cloths ur Tweeds at 50e, 60e, 75e & $1 are UnexeeJled. Women's New Raincoats, Separate Skirts and Shirt Waists In the Ready-to-wear de partment tb.ere is an all satis- ing variety of garments to - select from Raincoats, $3 to $15, Top- Skirts (perfect fits) Underskirts (special • at $1) 75e to -New Waists (big assortment) 50c to $7. , loONIONONEMONIOINMO, 411, -moat DRY 600DSIGIL sgAfoRTnzoN in Chicago and Saginaw. -Mr. and Mts. George Miller entertained „a nuir;ber of their friends from the 1th and 8W concessions of Hibbert on Friday evening last. The evening was chiefly spent in dancing. All report a, most enjoyable Fisher, of near Kipper', who has Peen visiting -her friend, allsa Mabel Batoour, 'has returned th her home. - A new clock has 'peen placed in No. 8 echool. This school, mow has Arnoet a complete equipment ca school sup- plies.-lear. John Wallace, of Oattow, Sask., who has been visiting his Hit- bert friends, has now started on hie way home. On his eetarn journey he Is going to visit the Experimental Farm at Guelpb and fiend's around Galt and Ayr. It is 15 years since Ivir. Wallace was in Ontario. He says that he likes this part of the count, try very well 'but would rather faro/ In the west.--Mestars. John Cairns and Thomas Oliver are 'building new brick residences. The cage will like- ly bring the bird. Brussels. Briefs, -Ben. Driver, of Rochester, N. Y., has been in towel *during the past "week. He was a former well known Brasselsite.-F. i. McKinnon, of Winnipeg, was ill town fer a, few days beet week calling on old friends. -Mr. Fawcett, of Calgary, Alberta, IS here on a visit with his brother, W. J. Faweett, of the Metropolitan laanX. -Ela Moore, Who has spent the past, few months in the west. Waal a 'delta or he town last week.-eit a special meeting of the council, he en Trues, day evening Of this *0204E, it as de- cided to vote On a by-law, the obe ject of Whioli is to do away with the present town hall and reeirket plaee and an the site erect a Canrue :ram 04 ;ire, ia1i, 11t VIINsig, will take place on Monday, Marc 5i H. Ilerr, of the Bruosele F was the Aar/I/nous ehoice a the . Huron Liberal nominating voevent* for the Legislature, held in Bru on.gojarepeedareeeY eta' itthilac67;rferoetm. Tahll°eperwtrili the MP. Joseph Katiffilte old and respected, resident of towndhip ot arer, died on Satuedellir last, •the end butt. He had. readied; good age ef asars,-We are to learn of the very serious of Mise Anderson, -daughter Quinton Anderson, Of Morrie, -_ of Bruseels, but the numerous fel of the family throughout the will hope for her recoverY. _ Ile Got His Land. -ler, Hugh B. liott, of this place, has eeceived deed for his land in New Onter40; Is situated in the township or B This land has been granted in "ration of Mr-. Elliott's elsrvicee ing the Fenian raid of 1866. Ile Deisl- ed In Toronto, Cobourg and Kin He belonged to the Leith volun ' Lieutenant Col. Hunter, of IC has located the land for Mr and we bope„.he has made a goo ketion, and that Mr. Elliott Taal find a 'rich silver mine 011 it. o -Dr. Oronhyatekha, the and head of the Independent of Foresters, died on Sunday 1 Seven -43.h, Georgia, where Ire '- been staying since the beginn the year for the fbenefit ct his Kidney trouble fend tout 't were t4e causeof death.. as :ertivaertY. oeePeneewasofttowthe onterneth: eat bzdiaZ eose"?eheuthe;vitdegbreeleeevratliaro:nlytatewerarprkwItnactriratiwitnbe°17raitiedi'elfratie7ddcui:::tee: effleetwetety,ctedyeawlathiegot ite _ WOOLF r Tailoringi and read)Vade Clothing tttese garme tiers- The eompass. and TO °the's, an solutely or „ pr Oh ch Be jus in selectin be keeps hat. Ther your hat, face—he e "Carter,' Buckley • -e—let's • Our from .,only Select fro They- poss, isfaction hirts olla