HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-03-08, Page 641.•
•A Meal in a Momen
Bovril will do jt for you
meal prepared with the help of a chafing
dish,has a gmat fascination for many. 9
But the woman who uses a chafing dish and
hasn't tried what the addition of a few drops
of Bovril will do, has yet to find out how
delightfully piquant and apktising, a chaf-
ing dish preparation cad be made.
Not only does "Bovril" add to the richness:.
and taste, but also very materially to the
nourishing qualities, and that's best of all.
A Household Necessity
Fen0 RENT in Brussels by Fein -nary let, 1007 80 k %MU tiNOTHER
1 22 ft., in block 2nd door from Amerwan Hotel,
lately occupied as tailoring, readymade clothing, etcwoNDERFoi vicToRy
DR. 31cKELVEY, Brussels. 2041-tf
lepUILDING LOTS FOR, SALE. - For- sale, two
elsa good building lots, on East William Se, Sea -
forth, pleasantly situated, and planted With fruit
treme Apply to MRS. M. ROBERTSON, Settforth. .
rpo LET -The undersigned will rent his hem on
1. the Lake Shore to a- good tenant for a term of
five years. The farm consists of 210 aores of good
land, nvirly all under cultivation and in good con-
dition- For full terms and particulars apply at once.
DANIEL SMITH, St. Joseph P. 0 108 tf
J. money on improved quarter sectione of 160
acres each at from Bee to len, per annum. Only. first
mortgages taken. Ansple security given. Torrens
title System w perfect. From $300 tip cevn be lent
,.in farms worth from $1,000 to $2,00e. For further
particulars write to me. J. A. Soeir.80S, Barris-
ter, etc., Ponoka, Alberta. . I959-tf.
eVOR SALE, a comfortabje frame house in Eg-
mondvilie, with three acres of 'mid, cellar and
else a etable. The home contains 3 bed room, par-
lor, dining room and kitchen downstairs and two
bed rooms and a large hall upstairs. There is plenty
of hard and soft water. The property is close to both
ehumh and school. Will be sold cheap Apply to,
JAMES 8. BROWN-, or box 357, Seafortla P. O.
`LURE FOR SALE OR TO RENT. -For sale or to
X' rent, Lot 5, Concession 5, Mullett, containing
100 perm all cleared and seeded to grass. There is a
geed barn, 1 acre of orchard and a never -failing
spring running through the pilule. It is within tine
mile of Constance, where there are ehurehes,
stores, post office and blacksmith shop, and about 6
miles from Seaforth. It is a good place and will be
sold on easy terms. Apply to the underainned, Clon-
stance P. 0, MRS. C. nem -2044x4
InIARM FOR SALE. -The subecriber offers for sale
hie farm a 103 acres, being lea 31, ard conces.
aiont H. R. S. Tuckersmith. Ati cleared and under
eultivetion except 8 acme ; all but 18 acres in grass.
• larante home, bank barn, hay barn and other out-
ouilclinge, bearing orchard, good water, schoolhouse
on the erernises. 1t le within six miles (if Seaforth
and five from Clinten. Will be sold on easy terms.
WHITFIELD MICH. Clinton P. 0. 2009-x8tf
• SALE. --For sale, the Commercial Hotel, Bay
field. The hotel la a two -storey -and -a -half brick
building, containing 4 large double bedrooms, and
if single rooms, besides large dining room, sitting
rooms, ete. There is also in connection, a large
stable. A geed businese is clone both in summer and
• winter. Hotel full of tourists every summer. The
hotel is centrally and pleasantly vibrated, Good
reasons for tiedinge For further,partioularsapply on
the premises, or address Bayfleal IP. os •MARRT •
DARROCIL • 2043x8
'LURE FOR SALE.-Fer sate, Lot 24, Concession 2,
Stanley, containing 100 acres. Ninety acres are
'cartel and in &good state of Cultivation, there are
'0 acres of good hardwood bush. The farm is all
nen underdrained atid well fenced. ' There is a two-
etorey brick house with slate roof, a first -ekes farm
house. Bank barn, 401t, x 80ft., cement silo, pig pen,
„irking house; There are two never -failing wells,
end an acre et orchard and small fruit. This excellent
fern is three miles from Brueefield and five miles
from Cllinton, with good gravel roads. For further
particulars apply on the premises or address ALBERT
NOTT, Clinton P. 0
1)r. Root's Kidne Pills tirc a sure and
One 'Fiore Added to the Long List of
Cores Effected' by Payehine.
• This young lady, who lives in Browns-
ville, near Woodstock, `Ont., tells her own
story in a few effective words of hew slie
obtained deliverance from the 4rrible
grip of weakness and disease.
I have to thank Psychins for my present health:
Two years RV I was going into it decline. I could
hardly drag myself aeroes the floor. I could not
*weep the carpet.
If I went for a
driye I had to lie
down when I
came back, If I
went for a mile
on two on rny
wheel / was too
weak to lift it
throughthe gat*
way, and last
time I came in
from having A
in I dropped
terly help e -ss
from fatigue. My
:ether would give
me no peace until
I procured Psy-
ehine, knowing:It
wee excellent for
decline or weak-
ness. I must say
the reignite are
wonderful, an d
people remarked
my improvement. Instead of a little, pale, hollow
checked. ilatlees, melancholy girl. I tem to -day
full of ille, ready for a aleigh ride, a skating
match, or an evening party with Anyone, and a
few months ago I could not struggle to chureh,
40 roads from my home. I have never had the
slightest mule to fear any return of the disease.
Brownsville, Ont.
Thousands of women are using PSY-
CHINE, because they know from exper-
ience that in it they have a safe friend
and deliverer. Psychine is &wonderful
• tonic, purifaing the blood, driving out
disease germs, gives a ravenous appetite,
aids digestion and assirnilatien of food,
and is a positive and, absolute cure for
disease of throat, chest, lungs,stomach
and other organs. It quickly builds up
the entire systerce making sick people
well and weak people strong.
(enotiouNcto 31-KLEN)
for sale at all druggists at 50c. and $1.00
per bottle, or at Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited,
Laboratory, 179 King St, West, Toronto.
1MARM FOR SALE -For silk, Lot 5,0oncess1on 14,
1: Mullett, contain ng 120 acres. The farm is all
tieared and in a high state of coltivation. It is well
<leaned ad well fenced. There isa large two-storey
brick house with woodshed and kitchen. There is a
large bank barn and two smaller barns and driving
shed. Two good orchard. There are tied never
failing springs on the farm, which make it an excel-
lent one for either stook of eropping. There is also
e pump at the been, with windmill. This excellent
farm is two miles from Harlock P. 0, four miles
from Illyth. Terms to suit purchaser as the prop -
Actress whilles to leave the farm and, if not sold, it
will be rented. Thi e is the farm of the late John
For further particulars apply ott the premises
er address, Harlock P. 0., MRS. JOHN MILLS.
• ria ACRE Feats FOR SALE. -The undersign-
/ ed offers for sale that most desirable prop-
( arty known as Lot 6, Concession 1, Township of
Manshard, Perth County. There are, on the prem.
,Ises, a good brick house 32 x 24, with kitchen attach
ad, 16 x 2ff, both in good repair, a large bank barn,
70 x 70, with good stone stabling underneath; one
first-class cement slice 12 x 37, and other useful
buildings. The farm is well watered, both in front
and in the rear and is adapted both for grain and
stook raising and is int a high state of cultivatien,
which is v ell known tient the fact that the propriet-
or has resided thereon for nearly fifty years, being
one of the most, successful farniers in the .townehtp.
It is eentmlly lewated, being near both church and
school, and within (WV reach of tweed market. For
further particulars eddress JOHN SUTHERLAND,
Kirkton P. 0. '• 2900-tf
'ElARMS FOR SALE.-Lbt 15, Concession Lot
15, Concession 3 ; S. n Lot 14, Concession a,
end 8 e Lot 15, Concession e. Huron Road Survey,
Township of Tuokersmitit, County of Huron, contain-
ing 300 acres, situated within two miles of the thriv-
ing town of Seaforth, one of the best markets in Wes-
tern Ontario. This farm wits awarded the gold
medal in the fann competition of 18e3, The farms
heve been MI pastured for the pate ten years and
W6ald now be in excellent shape tor general farming.
Soil good (-lay Inane -two-storey brick dwelling house
and kitehen with brick woodshed -hot air furnace -
hard and soft water in lcitchen-fine grounds with
ehrubbery, evergreens and ce,dar hedges--orchard-
with senate windbreak on west and north -good ;
barns with st nue stabling -30 acres of hardwood bush,
maple and beec•hetivell watered with spring creek
end river. Mel' sell altogether or would divide pro-
perty. No better 1,troperty in the County of Huron.
JOHN T. DICIthOte, Senforth, 2026-tf
- -
el: The undersigned offer for sale Lot 10, Corms -
Rion Tuckeremith, being part of the estate of the
late Benjamin Sennaie. This farm certifier's 100 acres,
15 acres of good hardwood hush and 85 acres cleared,
well fenced, thoroughly under drained with bite and
in an excellent state of cultivation, consisting of 8
acres of wheat, 2 acre orehard, 31) (tures ploughe•d for
erop and the remaining 45 execs seeded to erase
There is, on the premises, e good large brick house
with large kitchen and excellent HEW bank barn, 50
x 70, also a concrete silo, a pig pen and driving shed.
There are three never -failing wells, This is a very
desirable property and is situated one mile north of
the village ot Mensal'. WILLIAM MOIR -Ss BEN-
JAMIN SMLI,LIE, Exeoutorte Hertel P. 0.
• 20,38-tf
FARMS Fon 8ALE Olt TO RENT. -tot 14, on
erd comet -new and South Half 14, 4th Coneete
sloe, in tle- Township of Hallett, are offered for Sale
et- to rent. They wiliest of Mures, all M grass ex-
cept 12 aetd;s 'Wile A geed two- storey frame
!louse, good bank babe x 70. with power mill, a
driving shed, 30 x 50, and sheep house, 20 x 36. The
vim* is well watered le a liming, edified well and
the river. It is situated miles fron Clinton and
it well adapted for steek or grain. Also Lot 12, on
tile 6th Concession, consisting of 100 acres, twelve
•res bush, the rest seeded down. A never failing
hieing with the wind mill for pumping. These
terms wilebe sold together or sepanotely and on
t erms to oult the purchaser. --ft not sold will be
netted. R. J. BULLER., bone.% Clinton. 2046-te
permanent cure for Itheumattem, Bright's,
Disease Pain in the Back and all forms
of Kidney Trouble. 25c per box, at All
Establiske? 1879
Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis
Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria,
Cresolene is a boon to Asthmatics
Does it not teem more effective to breathe in n
remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs
• than to take the remedy into the stomach?
It cures because the air rendered strongly anti.
septic is carried over the diseased surface rith
every breath, giving prolonged and constant treat-
' meet.. It is invaluable to mothers with small
Thoseof a, consumptive
tendency find immediate
relief from coughs or in-
flamed conditions of the
• throat.
a• Sold by druggists.
• Send postal for booldet.
temente, Mites Co.,
reimited, Agents, Mont -
pd, Canada. 307 •
Many.Women Suffer
Very oftea they think it is from so-ealled
"Female Disease." There is less female trould‘
than they think. *Women suffer from backache,
sleepletisness, nervousness, irritability, and tit
dragging -down feeling in the loin. So do mein
and they do not have "female' trouble." Why,
,then. blame all your trouble to Female Disease
With healthy kidneys, few women will evett
have "female disorders." The kidneys are se
closely connected with all the internal organs
that when the kidneys go wrong, everything
goes wrong. Much distress would be saved SI
women would only take •
at stated intervals.
• Price 50 cents per box or three boxes for $1.25,
all dealers or sent direct on receipt af mica
Tho Dean Kidney Pill Co., Toronto, Ont.
Story �f & Veteran
e 7. --
Eighty yea.es lee age the last day of
!tile .pat month, ' Rev. Father La -
come, of Pincher Creek, Alberta, is
still hale and hearty, and as actively
interested in the work of bin church,
as he wars inS the year 1850, when be
Met drove a dog _teainatross the
plains of the west •to Visit remota
settlements' a white people or the
Still more remote encampments a In -
diens. In company with hi ' old
friend and companiene Rev. other
Ledue, of St. Alberti, Rev. Fath r La-
combe has !recently been Visiting in
Montreal. To a newspaper interview-
er. he smoke quite freely, making spec-
ial reference to and giving nitiott use-
fui information concerning the Galic-
iancolonists in Alberta, Father La-
combe said: Ireaw ths Galacian peo-
ple in their own homes in• the old
country not ao, long ago. I learned
much !regarding their situation at
Phome, and aseartained what the pro -
'liabilities were for their 'success in:
Canada. We met all the people who '
are concerned in the Government of
that portion dr Europe,' end: we re-
ceived from them all tokens or kind-
neatt and interest. Among 'those whom
we haa the honor to meet were the
Emperor Francis Joseph, 'the Prime ,
Minister, and the Archbishop of Rue)
tlieniain churdh, whom- we tiet ta
Stenislatt, Galicia,. The Emperor Jos-
eph is rrinch devoted to the Catholic
church and eapreseed much interest in '
bis people- Who in recent years have
come to Canada. He is a fine old, man
end shows great interest in all, the '
affeirs that relate to his country.'
When I met the Prime Ministerhe
made very careful inquiry regarding
ir.y tt*vels in Canada, arnong the. Gal-
ician beople, and regarding my work
in Europe on their behalt. I sxelained
fully to himthat we *were anxious'
that the Galician people in Canada
Should. have -SriOts from: their own
eountry, who would minister - unto
theme and that my object wasi to pure
siuttle some of the educatedp-riesfis in,
that :country to come here and fake
U p the work.
•.The Emperors Munificence.
- After he had learned all that i I
could tell him ° regarding Canadian
Galicia:me and my work in endeavor-
ing to get priesta from! Galicia, he
Said that it would 'require -omen money
to melee the journey •through the Em-
pire, wridatha.t I was an old mon, and'
Itbiait If/night 'be ill. He called; hee"seo-
eetarY and talked. with him, and,•then
gave me a large roll oe bills to pay
all my expenses in fulfilling my mis-
sion,. I ,had written to the. Archbis-
hop at Stan:Islam that 1.- was to visit
:him,- and when 1 errivedhe met me
at the depot and 'brought me to his
palaceThe next day We attended the
services in the _cathedral, which was
crowded with people. "The rite in -
these slchurch ..ts very different from
that with which we are acquainted._
There are no seats, the people 'either
standing or kneeling-. All the men
were one oide "of the eltereif asid
the . women, on the other. Galicia is
'ire:SY mountainous- In . parts, abut is
very 'beautiful, and the people are of
a desirable class. We secured a num-
ter of priests to come direct to Can-
ada and there will no doubt be more
immigration from there from time to
time. '
In! Alberta the people find: them-
selveie - in, s country very different)
In' many- !respects from their own.
When they arrived we endeavored to
assist -them 'to get homesteads tieldi to
get located on the 'land. One of those
whom 1 mssela took out to his 'new
homeetead expressed the feeling of all
those Galleons who get the posseee
sion, of lentil of -their own in Canada.
I took him witherthe wife and pointed
out to him r the surveyor's, stakes
'which tr.arked out his lona, and ex-
plained to 'him that as; 0ong as he
slayed on it no one he the -world cduad
take it from him or his children.
When he isnderstooa that this lend
was his, 'by the goodness of the gov-
ernment of Canada, he kneeled down
on. the 'grounf, took up the soil in his
hands and. kissed it.
Galicians- as Homesteaders.
• No one • who . knows these people
could toke expeption to them. They
are atntiag the hardest working of our
colonists, and the women work equaa-
ly witthe men. This is what I said
to the qamperor Joseph in reply to his
Thy a,re doing well, our govern-
ment -glass the land to theta and
they are Igreat workers. What we
now want foe them is efeiests of
their 'own rite."' -
.When I met the reechbishOp, heale
so promised to aid me, The ;priests of
that. country "are all ,well educate,d
and well * prepared for the work to
which • they are called. • The arch-
bishop also I •found -to be a inaer or
the widest education,' He ,speaks all
the • languaeos • of !continental Eur-
It was a pilgrimage which we joie -
ed• at the city of Marseilles. There
were about four hundred ladies and
gentlemen in the party, eighty of the
rhen being priests of the church. The
steamer in which we sailed was spec-
ially prepared for theensiyage. .The
upper -deck was all fitted up as a
church, and services were held there
daily as though we 'were on! shore.
We 'spent twelve days- h Jerusalem,
three days in Nazareth, two days in
Bethlehem; and one doe and, two
'nights on the Jordan and the Dead
sea: The: weather was eelightful.
In Borne we spent 20 days aind were
on three days received ny the pope.
The pope spoke to us Latin very
slowly and dietinctly. It is unneces-
sary that I 'should refer !to' the great
esteem in which the pope is held in
Rome. Many people go -to him, poor
people,- old people, coramdn • people,
and. he boars and *receives them! all.
He is kind to eyeryone and is trusted
and esteemed by all. '
Father Lacombe and Father Leduc
will spend ;several days in Montreal;
and in the east generally (before re-
turning Co 'their home tn the hew
western' Province.
!CI „LA. SS 111' e=e 71.
-TN./19,11/d Vii nnrA7..lwavs Might
•"-• -tiezre
-Senator Gowan, wbor is 92 years
of age and. In poor health has resign-
ed. He thus ehowe his good sense
add has set a erecenent which might
be followed by others.
-Hon. J. B. Snowball, Lieutenant
Governor, of .New Brunswfck, drop-
ped -dead: on the street itt Binder-
ickton, New Brunswick, while on his
way to -church last Sunday night.
He entertained a number of guests nt
his hotel Saturday night, attended
church Sunday forenoon and seemed
to be in the enjoyment of hie motet
good health. He was 70 years of age
and haa' 'been prominent in politics
Bears the
tneethess tier a greet meny -Year. .
He Was appointed Lieutenant Gave -se-
c* in 1902,•
• The News -No Pure Drug Cough
Cure laws would be needed, it all
Cough Cures Werre like Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure JO -and ' has been for
20 years. The National law now re-
quires that if any poisoner. enter in-
to a 001101 mixture it must iee
ed on the label or package.
For this reason mothers and others
Should insist on having Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure. No poison marks a Dr.
Shoop's labels -and tone in the medi-
cine, else it trust by law be on the
label. And it's not only safe,but it Is
said to be, by those who know it
best, a truly -remarkable cough rem-
edy. Take no chance, particularly
with !stoop children. Insist on having
Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. Compare
carefully the Dr, Shoop 'package with
others and see. No poison, marks
there 1 You can always be on the
sere side by derna,nding Dr. Shoop's
Cough Cure. Simply refuse to ac-
cept any other. Sold by C, Aberhart,
druggist, Seaforth.
-)4. John allcalortry has been ap-
pointed postmaster at Bowtnonville.
-Mr. &urinal. John Dempsey hoe
teen appointed sheriff of the county
a Renfrew.
-The • Toronto Presbyterial Wo-
w:en/la Foreign Missionary Society
raised last. year for Foreign min -
stens 'the sinu of $1,980e
-Sir Wilfrid Laurier ahd Sir Fred-
erick Borden have booked passage to
England on ,the Empress of Britain,
Sailing from- St, John April 5th. -
- Peter Verigen, the Doukhober lead-
er, has :returned from- Russia, and re-
ports that he has secured permis-
sion for more Doukhobors 'to leave
the country. He announces that a-
lbout: a thousand will come thia spring
-Mr. James Dundass, the well
known cittle buyer of Ingersoll, But-
tered a stroke of parelysis at an
early 'hour Sunday morning, and is
in a. very critical condttion.
-Children, playing with matches
caused a tragedy in the home or Mr.
end( Mrs. O'Hern, at Tyndall, Mane.,
toba, The house was burned, a little
son,• aged three, lost his life, and
the baby was so badly burned that
it recovery is scarcely anticipated._
-Dr. G. W. Ross, son of Senator
Ross, will be added to the staff: of
the Toronto General Hospital al Ap-
ril. He' has Just returned- from a
post graduate course in the old coun-
try, sod is a .specialist in lung, di-
-The Young Men's Christian As-
sociation:, of Woodstock, will erect a
magnificent new 'building, at a cost
of a25,000, during the coming sum-
mer. The cost has been subscribed. by
prominent citizens and others, and
lacks but 5$2,000 of reaching the re-
quired, amount. •
-Earl Grey, Goverhor General of
Canada litho purchased, a fruit ranch
in Okanagan, British Columbia, be-
coming owner 0T.- the Applegarth and
Speer properties tie the White Tal-
ley adjoining the Coldstream ranch
owned by Earl Aberdeen. The pur-
chase price was $4.2,5e0.
- On Saturday morning hest when!
'boring at a depth of 230 feet on a
wellon! the northwest 'corner of
lot 21, !concession, 4, Romney town-
ship, Kent coun,ty, the tools disap-
peared cant" a, gush of oil overflowed
the. field for acres. Thousands of
barrels of oil were lost. 'Experts gay
an oil aake has 'been entered. :
-Mm A. Prin.:eau was instantly
killed at a 'railway crossing in Lind-
say, on Friday night. Mr., . and Mrs.
Frit -man were driving borne in a
cutter and were struck 'by the
coming C. In R. train from Teronto.
Mrs. Primeau was killed and Mr.
Prirneau so !badly hurt that he may
die. The horse was killed and the
cutter smashed to .splinters.
Men and youths are not the only
• fines to migrate from the older coun-
tries to the new. Says The St. John
' Sun: "A ' considerable migration of
girls from the garitime Provinces to
the 'United States goes on constantly.
It does not attract as much atten-
tion as the emigration of young men.
At the present time the larger nuro.ber
of the latter who leave their homes
move to the Canadian Northwest. But
yourg women go in considerable num-
bers Ito the New England or Middle
State's. They seek various forms of
employment. The most popular form
is that of ..hospital ,kork. . . The
migration is not confined to the Pro-
vinces. Apparently those who go from
these PrOVineefe displace others from
the Eastern States, The Kennebec
Itairnal a few days ago noted the fact
• that 60 girls belonging. originally to
Maine left Boston in one company
for Pasadena, California, where they
take winter employment in the hotels.
. If the young men -leave in
numbers ,it is but ;natural that wo-
men will not remainewhere their prob-
abilities of obtaining husbands are
consequently reduced." -
Zam-Buk the favorite household
balm, and salve, is now. adopted as
!" the doctor" by leading parties en-
gaged tn surveying varimia parts of
the Dominion lands.. -
Mr, Henry Hall, writingsfrom Fort
William, says: " Havieg proved 'how
beneficial Zam-Buk is in cases of cuts,
skin injuries and diseases,' determined
to keep a upply hand. Being en-
gaged to go On a teurveyo I 'thought it
would be a most Useful thing to take
along. • I obtained a supply in Fort
end very well it -was I did
so. I may say that '.pretty. 'needy
e -very day it was called into- requiate
ion by one or .other of the party for
cuts, bruises, burns, or some injury or
other. It is wonderful how quickly
Zam-Buk takes the soreness out of
cuts, 'bruises, burns and InJuries';
and on our survey it -.earned! golden!
opinions from- all who had occasion
to try it. I have found it 'very fine
for skin diseaee, and 1 cant strongly
`recommend it as a household balm."
Mr. Lascelles Scott,. one .of ithe lead-
ing Government analysiets, says:
have ne hesitation in certifying the
'entire petty of Zam-Buk, • which,
my opinion, is excellently adapted- for
skin injuries and diseases.". Zan-Buk
cures cuts, scalds; borne, bruises
eczerna, scalp sores, rIngwOrm, ulcers,
abscesses, chapped places, Seeing laim-
pies, blood poison, ehronic abscesses,
etc. As an embrocation it relieves
rheumatism, neuralgia and sciatica.
All druggists, and stores isell lb at
506.' a (box, or 'from Zam-Buk Co., .Tor-
ontee for price.- Six 'boxes sent for
a2.50. Send- le. stamp,- and- we will
send you free sample 130X.
oven Cure
stomach doqs
two things.
xst-gives u
enough gasti
juice to digest food -a
-2nd-churns food,
means of its musctilE*
action, until digestive
juice and
food are
ly mixed.
An un-
is either too weak to properl
churn the food or it does t3
zive up enough gastric juice
to make digestion complete.
Then you have Indigesti
-Heartburn-Distress aft r
Eating -Sour Stomach
Headaches -and finall
chronic Dyspepsia.
"Fruit-a-tives" cure In
geStion and_Dyspepsia becau
they give you a healthy
" Fruit-a-tives " actually
strengthen the muscles of the
stomach ---increase the power
of the churning movement-,,
and also enable the stomach
to excrete sufficient gastric
juice to completely digest
• every
Thousand's lure been cured of meal
Indigestion ndDspepsta by
"Fruit -a -tales alone. -
a tives "
also cure
the Con-
and Biliousness with which
so many Dyspeptics siiffer.
are intensified
fruit juices, combined with tonics
and antiseptics -and are an fain-
ible cure for all Stomas:1i Troubles.
Try them. eoc. a box -6 for $2.50.
At all dealers or from
Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa.
cupt,teRv FREE
"Iesa MiM VP ABET'?" ,R.,
Our 19 / Catalogue will tell
you how to get, Absolutely Free,
a beautiful Carving Set of
Celluloiel Handles and
Sterling Sliver Mounts,
encloge in a handsome
plush ad silk lined
ease. he outside be-
ing covered with leatherette.
Our handeome Catalogue and
Guide Book is Wchly iliustra.ted and
is free to ever4one who asks for it
and contains dellails of other special offers,
etc., also gives full rtetails of new and standard
varieties of Seeds, „ lants and Bulbs.
Write toed ay.
7.-c•Nr:1+N, Ce..riaades.
xs Ees es x.
felses for 2, 3,
and hors**
The only Disk thee does Twice Ike
Work while half easier on honws--e,
Record Not Equalled by angthing else
huile for cultivating. A. Success for mak-
ing Seed Red en Fall Flowed Laud.
For Summer Fellows or Stubble Nelda .
after ha,rvest. Look for the Deane "Bra- -
SELL." Nene genuine; -without ite For •
Sale by .Agents and Menufactured by
Drop a post card for Booklet "E."
•Boles Preparation of
rriOrS Cough Balsam
•\I Cures Coughs
Stop10 them right Off. The first teaspoonful
1 . e -a----- does gid. In a few hours you notice that
"tight .eling " disappear -the coughing spells
grow farther and farther apart -the throat is easier -and the soreness gone.
Cure yourself at home -for ne--with Boles's Preparation of Friar's
Cough Balsam. Sold by all druggiSts.
"%T. -hat We Claim for . Ferrol
FERROL is an Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, and if
it were nothing more_it Would take front rank because
of the quality and quantity of the oil used and the
scientific method of proparation. But FERROL has
special claims which take it .out of the ordinary class
of Emulsion altogether.- For instance:
FERROL combines Iron and Phosphorus with- the
oil, and no otheremulsioh. contains these ingredients,
although it is well known that they -should always be
administered together, as each is the complement ot
the other.
FERROL is so scientific
processes of digestion ar
process of manufacture,
for instant absorption int
utmost importance to pe
Hy' prepared that the first
actually performed in the
nd the emulsion is ready
• the bloOds This is of the
ons with delicate stomachs.
unlike other emulsions, is positively palatable, and
not one in a thousand fit d any difficulty in taking it.
FERROL contains the lthree essentials of life, viz.:
Fat,'Iron and Phus-they have never been
combinei ospho before.
FERROL holds the recolrd for increasing the weight
FERROL has receied1 more endorsations from
medical men than any oth,er preparation on the
FERROL will cure any as of Consumption that is
capable of cure.
FERROL is an absolu e specific for Colds, Croup,
Bronchitis and all kindre troubles.
FERROL is an unfailin remedy for nervous pros-
tration, Chronic Rheurna ism and Neuralgia.
Finally, the formula s freely published, and in
taking FERROL you "Kn4w what you take
I. V. FEAR, Drug id, 8eaforth, Ontario.
=ION SALE of Fenn Stock and implementee
-James Jones bas reeeived inetructione her*
eau. Medi* to eell by public amnion on Lot 1, eleee
Tuokersmithaon Tueaiday, March 12, at 1 Vele*
p. me the following : Ilorses,-1 mate 7 ooars old,
r.00d trerking marc, aged. Cattle.- 2 mileh cows
One siipPosed to be ln emit, 2 steere tieing 3 peers
1 dry cow, 4 heiferrising V, years old, 3 calves,
ao hens. Implements. --I eteeoey-Itarris tender with
ruck and sheaf carrier. 1 MeCormick mower new, 1
wagon, t set dkanond barrows new, I home rake, 3.
land roller, 1 springtooth cultivator, 1 semi drill,1
hay raok, 1 fanning mill, 1 bag truck, 1 eeufiler,
walkingplows, I set team harness new, I set whiffle- -
treee, 1 neckyoke, I pair horse blankots, 1 mater, I
pair collars,shovels forks, 2 dozen ;;in hag, e
eross-cat sew, e nuAer of eteve pipes and a lot of
other articies. Everything win be sold without re-
serve as the proprietor has rented hie farm. Terme
of Sale. --All sums of e5 and under, melt '- over that
amount, 8 months' credit on furniehing approved
endoreed notes. A discount of 4 cents on the dolew
allowed for cash en credit 'amounts. WILLIAM
ftLeTCLAIR, Prop. ; JA8. JONES, e.uctioneer.
Cr...BARING AUCTION SALE of Farin Stock and
Implements. -James Jones has received ine
tructions :rem Mr. Dennis ornninto sell by publie
uetion, on Lot 74, Concession 3, Hilibert, on Thum -
day, efarett 14th, the following ; ' I1orsee-1 di -Aught
mere 8 years old in foal to Lord Wolsely, 1 honie 7
'dors old, 1 draught mare 4 years old, 1. firsteelatet
driving mare 5 years old, 2 draught filliee rising two
years old, 1 light elly rising term got by Wilder Lee;
two fillies rising 1 year old. Cattle -Five first -clue
cows to calve in Marsh, 2 newly (laved cows, twa
cows to celve in April, 12 steers rising a year old,
steers rising 2 years old, -6 heifers rising 3 years onl,
1 heifer I year old. Home -I sow ,tith litter,at foot,
1 sow to litter won, 18 pig e 3 months old, 50 henr
Implements -1 lumbar wagon, I pair bobsleighs, one
7:: tetra' isehttigl:r. onwe4rs, 1:n"lee2k-#4u1rrio2w-liQgean
'fiiner7lespvIlatee );etaarn'itl, °3.c'wleaniter"trsoteeugh,1 roallefar,BonninegaZit
execepi)otivirritill settrese.
wheelbarrow, 1 grinding stone, I set double har-
ness, I set !Angle harness, I mower, 1 puiper, be -
rack, gravel box, robe, home blankets, neekyot ,
whillletrent, Mot, of household furniture, and re - s
other articles. Sale at 12 o'clock, noon,
Terms -Sums of $10 and under, cash ; ovo*
amount 8 months' credit will be given on fe,
approved joint notes. Feur per COIL off f • t
credit amounts. No outside deck allow, .
premises for sale. No reserve, as the i• • - •
going West. DENNIS CRONIN, pro' et&
-JONES, auctioneer. ••. -et•
A eierfole save of a valuable le e - ..11111 in.
.L-A._ the townshis of Tuckftemith . ••• ;Jetty At
nate on Main street, Seaforth.-Tb el be offertd
for sale by public a.uction at the i e • eche Hot
Seaforth, on Saturday, eth of ele- :- ....1, at leer p.
• m., the following Mods, vdrich s• ee offered in the
following parcels: First.-Farir . s No. 4, in the 5th '
• concession, Huron Read, Sure( e, of said Townthipof
Tuckersmith, eontaining 100 eeres of land, be the
seine more or less. Becond.-Teens Lot No. 43, in
• Jarvis Survey, en the west side of Main Street,in the
raid Town of Seeforth, Third. -Town Lot No. 49, in
Jarvis Survey, atid on the west side of Main Streeteet
the said Town of Seafortb. The farm is a valuable
one. is eituated about 3 miles from the Ootniehieg
town of Seafortle which is reached by first-ela_os gra- .
vet roads. There are erected upon the premises *
comfortable brick dwelling house and large barn, 60
x 00. There is a good hardwood bush Ion the land,
and a large orchard. On parcel No. 2 there is x
large frame building, divided into four stores, with
dwelling rooms above, and, as the building is view
to the Grand Trunk Railway, it offers a splendid op-
porbunity to an ane wishing to engage in manufac-
turing or 'mercantile lnisiness in the ' progressive '
town of Seat:nth. Parcel No. 3 eonsists of a Vacant
building lot on Main street, and, being immediately I
adjoining the Grand Trunk Railway lends, is very
advantageously situates' for the erection of either
business tor manufacturing premises. Terms of gales
-Twenty per cent. of the purchase money to be -
paid cash en the day of sale to the Vendor's Solicitor ,
and. the balance, witheirt Interest, 'within SO days
thereafter, when the purehneer will be entatled to a
oonveyance and posser,sion. The properties will be ,
offered subject to reserved bids. 'Purl:her partien-
lars and terms of sale will be made known at the
time of sale, and may be haden the eneautime from
1 the undersigned, Dated at Seaforth this 15th day
of February, 1907. R. S. HAYS, Vendor's Solicitor.
A UCTION SALE of Farm Stockand Impletneoloa
etn„ -Thos. Brown hail been instructed by George
8, Dever to sell by public auctian .m Lot 3, Con. et,
i Mullett, on Margit 12, 1907, at one one okelock p. m.,
1 the following ,-. Horses. -1 general purpose mare le
years old supposed to he in foal, 1 agricultural 3133M)
16 Year84C1 in foal, 3. agrkultural mare 16 years ele,
1 driving mare 10 yeam old, 1 driving mare tieing *
years brA
oken ngle or double, 1, roadster gelding•eole
tering 2 years old, 1 roadster filly rising 2. Cettle.-
1 cow due to take May 8, 7 fat steers nvereittr
1,200 lbs.'2 f path colved cows, 1 milking cow not
calf, I fatcow, 1 dry cow, 1 two year old steer, 1 two int
year old heifer, 5 calves, 1 brood Yorkshire sow due .
to pig Apria20, 1 brood Berkshire sow due to erg ,
April 23, 10 Yorkshire pigs 3 menthe old, 70:Ply
mouth rock hens, 3 turkeys (1 gobbler et• 2 hens), 7
tons hay. Implements. -1 eoniplete tteesey - Harris
6 foot cut binder nearly new, 1 McCormick: mower, I
Wiesen land roller, 1 disc haerow, I Frost & Wood 1.2.-
hoed drillwith gives seeder attached neogy new, 1
horse rake, 1 fanning mill nearly new, 1 pair track
weigh scales (2,0e0 lbs. cap.), 1 wagon and box, 1
truck wagon and grevel box, i pair bobsleighs neat-
ly new, 2 -buggies one nearly new, 2 cuttere one near-
ly new, 3. pulper, 3, smeller, 1 Imperial jr, two s fur-
row plow, lsod ielow, 2 general purpose plows, I set
Iran harrows, 1 awn mower, I whelbarrow, 1 incubi'.
. tor Hamilton /rake (180 eggs cap.), 1 hay reek, I set
heavy double harness, 2 sets double plow harness, I
, set single harness, 3 sets whifilettees and neek,yokes,
e 2 troughs, 1 box carpenter's tools, 1 Buffalo robe, 1
goatrobe, 1 Daisy churn 1 Amerericen cream
ator'a lot of household ffects, forks shovels, one
and many other articles too numerous to mention.
Terms. -All stuns of in10 and under, cash ; over the:.
amount, 8 months' eredit on approved joint notes.
A discount of Sine allowed for-eash onereditainounts.
Hey cash. GEO. S. DEVER, Proprietor; THOMAS
BROWN, Auctioneer. 2046-2
- - - -
A UCTION SALE of Farm Stock, inapiemente,
Etc. -Mr. Brown has been instructed by
Mr. John A. M y to sell by public auction On Lon
1, Concession 4, Mullett, tyro miles north of the Hu-
ron road, on Monday, March 11, 1007, at one ()Week
p. m., the following : Horses. -1 general purpose -
mare 7 years okl, 1 general purpose mare supposed
to be in foal, 1 heavy horse rising S years old, 1 good
driving maree3 yeitte, 1. driving mare 5 years o
driving horse rising 5 years old, 1 heavy gelding
3, 1 heavy filly rising 2, I bleed milt rising 2, I
blood colt coining 1, 1 heavy draft fille risingete
Cattle. -5 cows supposed to be in Wel newlyealved
cow, 1 dry cow, 8 fat heifers rising 3, 4 fat heifer*
rising 2, 6 steers coming 2,2 heifers coming 2, 4 We
yes, 4 thorobred Durham bulls with pedigree, 2 eons
and 2 =Ives, 7 store pigs, 8 -small edge, 3 tureseseal
3 geese. Implentents.-I new straw cutter No. 50
Bell, of St, George ; 3 horse rake, 1 12.beed send
drill, 1 3 -horse Massey -Harris cultivator, I steel lend
roller, 1 low wagon, 3 eels trucks, 1 Chathamfarming
mill with bagger, 1 seaweed scales (2,00011m. cap.),
walking plows, 2 sets doable bigness, 1 set 4-seen-oie
borrows, 1 has rack, 1 waler trough, some
some seed oats, some seed peate and some
potato* 1 set bobsleighs, 1 long sleigh, I
box, 1 engine frame for loading portable engine _
sleigh, some good hay in the barn, 1 rubleer tired
buggy nearly new, 1 eovered buggy nearly new, -e
Tatter nearly new, I set Angle bainess rubber mount-
ed nearly new, also some robes and ruga, etc. The
whole will positively be sold without teoerve es the
proprietor is leaving the farm. Terms of sale. -The •
nay and thegrain will be cosh. On the other proper- .
ty, alt sums of $5 and under, cash ; over that =omit
10 months' credit on furnishing approved joint
notes. A discount of 4 cents on the dollar -allowed
for eash on credit amounts. JOHN A. MURRAY,.
Proprietor; THOS. BROWNeAuctioneen
N. B.. -The farm will Also lit offered for sale en
the same day and at the 88.1110 place. Terms made
known at the time. It is one of the belie farms in
Mullett and will be sold on easy terms, 046-2
A UCTION SALE of Pure Bred Horses, Farm, Fenn
.elf Stook and implementee-The Executors of the -
estate of the late Mts. Jane Swink helm instre
Jiunes Jones to sell by public auction on lot 10, Con,
1, Tuekersmith, one mile north of Herman, on the
London Road, an Friday, Merck 22, nt 12,30 °thee
the following : Horses. -1 brood mare 11 yeara old,
brood mare 5 years old supposed to be in foal,
breed mare 4 years old supposed to be in foal, 1 filly
'rising 2 years_ old, 2 fillies rising 1 jeer old. The a-
bove registered aniillitIS are bred from Imported
stock, have massive Mee, letsef quality and true
tion., Pedigree givereon application. 1 pair of d
geldings tieing 3 yeate old, 1 agricultural filly ri Ong
3 years, 1 blood eolt 2 years eld sired by Wilder Lee.
Cattle. -2 fretili tows, 1 tow due to naive at tfrite of -
sale, I mulch cow 3 yeam old, 1 fat tow, 6 fat seee*
3 neck steers, 1 heifer 2 ?Tare Old 2 eteers 1 year old, -
3 heifers 1 year led, 3 Calves, also 3 pigs and 00 pure
bred Barred Rea* hens. impianente-i Deering
binder 5 foot, 1 Prost &Wood mower, 1 sulky rake,.
1 seed drill, 1 ditto barrow, 1 land roller. 1 set die
mond harrows, enscuiller, 2 Angle plows, 1 gangplo% '
2 lumber wagons, 3 sets bobsleighs, 1 wagen boe.1
gravel box, 1 hay rack, 1 cutter, 1 single bnggy run
one season, 1 Chatham fanning mill with bagger at-
tached, 1 pulper, 1 set settles, 1 grain ernsher, I ten,
horse horse power, 1 good set brass mounted double
team harness, I set plow harness, 1 set single hero
tress, 1 dozen horse collars, 2 sets wbifiletre.es, neense
yokes, shovele, chains, etc. Ain> one heating eteve
and one weshing tneebine. The fawn on which the
tale takes place will also be eoId.lt contains 100aeter,
10 acres good bush, a lane brick Muse, bank bent,.
silo, and all %tete improvements. It is one t:d the
best and best equipped farms in the County of Hue
ron. Terms of Saie.-All MIMS of $10 and undero
mesh ;
over thatmount, 9 menthe orient will be giv-
et on furnishing approved joint • notes. A diecourit.
of 5 cents on the dollar allowed for (esti our credit
amounts. Terms of real estate made known on day
of stele. The above is exeellent property and will he
sold to the. highest 'bidder as the executors wish to
witul up the estate. WILLIAM 'Milt At BENJA,
SMILI.IE, Executors ; JAS. JONES, =teem.
eer. 2046-4
To close up an estate, farm Lot No. 20, Cre.
cession 2, Township of Maine% one bundred Acres
with toMforteble frame bouse large bank barn end
other improvemente is offered for tale. The land k
in a good state -of tultivation and well fenced and
drained and is within 2 miles of Steaforth. Immed-
iate poesmelon can be_giVen. Terms easy. ,AppIntri
THOMAS re HAYS, Seaforth p. a, Executer nd
will of John H. Ila,ys. •WM-
, suitable it
f seed oato
in 11, Ribber.'
rom sel
g- • r,o1ior p4
g barn tileber
her paetieulars1
7, Conceeteon 13, e
diep foe eigvice
tlieranith, it then
both imported
ee, of Woodd
g returning
AT, Brumfield
. MI:LE:Aare
ed fireproof ete
eing s heat
apparatus. I
fuel. BeS4
on his farm, north
Manschurie Bare
liftable for teed.
at Thembred Lelmeste
of both text% Address
At farm, Mill Road, Tire
)Y bulit, 2 from import
on easy te
lseifeu, niso for sale. Ail
mimed the herd
lepbone fe
et/ , erezer.
different ages for se
. Pekes reason*
tsylvenus" (5690Q
bred interbreed a
lor, and well set
tows 5inp
welcome. J011
bbOrtdiatn: for
ws "la9
l astook real
Drds.e.V. IDPrHiclesLLn,
DiVisien Cour
or vale or to
ng Mt, the feout
Wands. in Georg
'Ube eold on reds
, debtstoileeted a
urity at reessorteble
inced. Late