HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-03-08, Page 3• " • ' • ;\`• ICH 8, 1907 • HURON EXPOSITOR g000100*&*00.000ge*ji0000/00000W0' 44. - '"." • - , " . - - • - • ••,_•••••• • For Settlers 1 iN I WESTERN ONTARIO I MANITOBA - SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA ° Le- and How Reached Et o for i'reocopies a GUIDE giving fsu partk. - ulara ot specdal o c_ir settlers traYolliog with Roo oto to the Northwe4 in Marco z ▪ p000enger and freight rotoo. 41kfl( rp-toolatetes. e etne -ten eription oe the e l!ern 47:011411t10-119. SO pexes of - o.r.oiliablo to settleva. Useful eiit =I Fe. showina double deAly r000to, pl000rnocr train FoOorice and Co.. lgary. SLEEPING CARS (1-'1o. 0 ?t Toroomy I olorate ratoo. FullY cOldPotd coot:Jilt; ratige and evory con - Berths should ba re_served fest (*.POO Agent) alesottwo _departure. fez free books and anything now About< thewc and how kddross C. B. FOSTER. p-tcN..., C.P.R., Toronto eite dirtUreqtrt Al& ifLog 74-4r a 21%0 treitett:eg eOugh, 100e- h1egra, soothes the in - sales ett the lunge and tubes, need produeeS eetrene zent cure in all ° Couens, Colds, Br en - ria Ft&arseness., k ere ad the ilret Stages of :tont Swaoston,CargiiI,Ontl.,„ ko grea-i, pleasure in reconi- Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. bad c,.old, could not. sleep at cmighing and bad pains in ; i lung -vs. I only used half a- ; Wood's Norway Pine Syrup; ectly well again. a 25 oexls n ham. ittsiness College munereial Schooi Three Courses : encgr,aphy - Telern-aph :ORGE SPOT TON, Prinp et 0 fofd is imperfectly digl-asti riot -,-.1t.rived from rt by rairp,).T.:& of eating is de- iltt,-;:r how t.food the food o 1a,pted to the wants of the n Thus the dyspeptic often -weak and debilitated, energy Ti tixo7-,.4, snap a,nd wim. are O, if.* place come dullness, lost o.,olorn and langour. It takes .'i,[oloe to know hen one ha! :[ortie of tlie following syrap y exist, viz.: coostipation, variable appetite, heal:lac-hi:A 3 in the stomach, hint is to cure it, to get beet- th and vigor. R D 0 C tete DTT se Fief DI I illina° effecting cares of dyspepsia • in a natural yet effective the organs involved in the -stion, removing- all clogging Inaking easy the work of if trvey, Ameliasburg, Ont., Trzen trOliblPa sloth dys-- ;col years and after nem if nutcloi•l: Blood Bitters, oured. 1 eanoot praise for o lost ft, leo; done for giou of dyspoosia ft,r D.T` taitnOt peeSibly haee better Coeoa than drink and a sustalaing raerant, nrtIws deed al. This excellent Coma 5 Vie seetern in robust e d efia:elele U to reeint ttrt'S eetreele tepid, rr e re and Stereke • arni 1, -lb Tine. 7es' 4:.,N C4, . and • L,,.. it tit-A.0MP; ire0'; !- 'jig! hilt:4110M 4i ,..1- •t'.. 11•41:.,"- ante. oo owl.' hi -if 141144404 L4 41 if THU by- ', OW 11, tplifired, whets •,ittresi. Tin% arriv Es-rinealth but. t(.#i4it• 41,14111"..atit• 201 ILL I NTE D ZEXLLC n. hauts team. States and Caxrzda 7e3 onr It0f,413, twain ee twee tee° ige_a, and au conspicuous x•tae; �; d Ls+ edging matter, Commission or s,,tiurr rPigWee $3.60 a day. Ready ernottri• ram. We lay ono your work. tor • needed, Write for porticulern. 1. Oa,. London. Ontario, Canada • ereig - HEAD OFFICE, RANDOLPH MA,CDONA.LD, President. .A. ALLAN. Viee-Prssident, . D. M. STriVART, General Manager. nada :TORONTO. Oapital 04Pitat Pal ty serve Fund..4•VO • • • ••• 4 • • 4 1 • It• • Apsets over... .4 4 4 .. enerai Banking Savings Department # • it* e, 4,000.000 4,000,000 1,255,000 44tif ow. 44 o• • 259000,000 Interest credited quarterly HENSALL AND BRUCEFTELD. For Sale. 1111.1,•••••••••.•••••••••• At abaron, in, one half section in Southern Mani- - tabs, within a half a mile of a good railroad town. Improvements"colt over $3,000, wheat averaged 84 btishels per a,cre last year, pain su.les omount to from 11,4.00 to $1,O00 eilch year, besides, cattle, bogs, eV3. ledacreS ploughed reAdy for spring crop, 50 aeiies being Rummer fallow. This is a money maker. Get - full particulars at once from A. A. WAT2, ' 2-0-40-tf •,„Brucefield, Ont. - This Uentroptece rR- WRITOR ET TO -DAY Size ' 18x/S incite* We jii *end 000n free -;ond post- 4iaid this --betiutifulh- uestsmpcd 144nch CoIoniat Art GenlrePiete 1/10l_fTS or AMERICAN Yong choic4 s nee designs CARNATIONS POPPiES, HOLLY, BEALITY ROSES Write to -day enclosing 2S cents tea:peer coin 4od state design wanted Tiet la tbe biggest offer, we ever made. Ws do it to convince every woman that the 110Mt :40UP.NAI., is the greatest magazine published kt Canada. eOntabling fleallh and Beauty De- -Sartment. Cookine, Hoosehold Mots, Wit anti Rumor. achion Notes. liroortant Foreign Newe Serial andShort Stories and Latest Patterns,. Send 25 cents- Cr one year's subscription to s Borne Journal anti the centrepiece. s Addrea DEPAliTMENT--EIE TORO Journal ONT. N1 ° McKillop Directory for 1907 -DOHN M. GOVENLOCK, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. MAIMS COWAN, Councillor, Seaforte • P. O. 4OHN MoDOWELLt Councillor, Sea- forett P. O. neetniX. ROSS, Councillor, Nintirolt P. Ot „VANES RYAN. Councillor, Beechwood 1'.04 MICHAEL IIIIRDeel, Clerk, WinthroP P. 0: Ke HOLLAND, Treasurer, Beeehe woocl P.- 0. e SOLOMON SHANNON, J. P., SanitatY Inspector, Winthrop P. P. The New Store EcEs New Goods PRIV' r - / T1 om arriving daily, and the quality is with - he very best. Our prices are the Finnan Haddie, Ciscoes, Whitefish, Mackerel and Trout. These are very scarce, but are extra good quality. 1. YEGET A &ES— Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Beets, Par snips and Turnips always on hand. FRESH MEATS -- We buy nothing but the best quality in Beef, Pork and Lomb in this department. We have extra fine prices. C1/REO MEATS— than, Bacon, Breakfast Bacon andlitolls always . on hand, , COOKED MEATS.;— • Oorned Beef, Ifeol Cheese, Bologna and New Reginald Ilam. GROOERIE8— Our grocery department is complete. Always fresh and good. KRUSE. BROS., CJMIVIERCE BLOCK --"..r.PHoNE 96 SEAFORTii. Farm Laborers and Domestics. '41,0tOrtliftett, PERFECTION- Cleth 'all, f.EMtHT)NI PERTEC.TION rAh rte %ft tfici.”•“,wor 5 or 500 or 5,000,000 --they ne all alike. Each biscuit as light as if made by fairy hands. Baied to a golden russet brown. 0 So fresh, - and crlsp, and tempting, that just cipening the box is teasing the appetite. And you find a new delight in every one you eat. Yon get perfection when you get ey's Perfection Cream Sodas • eit nave been appointed by the Dominion` Govern. ment to place inunigrant5 from the United. Kingdom. irt positions as farmlaborers and domestic servants.. Any person requiring such help should notify me by letter stating fully the kind of help required, when - Nvanteit and the wages offered. The numbers arriv- ing may not he sufficient to. supply all requests„but very effort will be made to provide each applicant :With help required. . GEORGE Iv117RDIE, 2042-13 Seaforth. Store to ,Rent. The west store of the Bell Block, in the Village of Hansa. ThiS i$ suitable for a general store, res- taurant, or any business requiring ft large, well. fitted buikling. A comfortable dwelling above the etore. Possession can be given at once. Apply to ROBERT 13ELL, Seaforth Ont. 2045-tf Ile Knows 1, /7 the kind of • tOiIei:eirir;olioli - that stands the hardett service DOVUKUOW. 459rEks. 40.42 g.14,i62091 Hade fo.a1t kinds of wet work or sport/ SOLDEVERYWHERE /V, Totifut GAHM:me:04 C.A.Urnito TOitowro., CAN. 50t, CRESOLENE ',ANTISEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remedy for . ORE THROATS AND COLJOHS They combine the germicidal value of Cresolen with the soothing properties of slippery elm and lico. rif.xl. Your druggist or from us, 100 in stamps. Lasxmo, Mums Co,„ Limited, Agents, Montreal.. 40r Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure -safest regulator for baby. Prevents colic and vomiting -gives healthful rest -cures diarrhoea without the harmful effects of medicines containing opium or other injurious drugs. Cures 25c. ---at drug -stores. Natcnal Drug & Chem - M• ar r11- cal Co., "Amite& 0ea Montreal. 42 DISTRICT, MA TERS. South Perth Liberate..me annual meeting a the South Perth Reforrie Association was l'seld a litatellell, OD WednesdaY of late Wee . The folleWe ing officers; were I elect d; PreOldellt, Thornas Ryan, Hibbert; first vice. president, W. Ferree er, Mitchell; eecond ince-eresiden.t, Wme Roy, Lo- gan, seereta,ry-treneur, r, N. M. Ap- pel, Tanistocn; execut ve committee, St. Marys, A. MeGoric c, 'R. S. Box-; Fullerton, George Mil s and J. W. ,Woodley; Downie, Geo ge Kastner, R. 3. Payton; Mitchell, , vi . Elliott, J. L. W. te Hoheon ; Hibbert, W. Daira5r1me,sTe: RO: Hoggarth, Jr.; Logatat J. E. Stacey, M. Haggerty; South asthom John Pietecle S. Zurbrigg. Reeolutions of confidence in Sir Will id Laurier, Gle P. Cerata,ra and G.H. Meintyre vitro paSee d. _, . i Downey; Ela,nchard, . The Township Wine A case of considerable interest to •municipall- ties was tried at th Perth aosizee, in. Stratford, last weel Thie was a ease brough by John ha,pmen, a far- mer of Elmo, townsin against tha,t Corporation, for daarea for the loss 'of his teem. The ce.s was 'tried. by a; Jury_ Chapman. had, 'been in Listo- wel, and While he ww making' a call at Britton, on bis w7 home, his. teem' ran away. Be di not find them That night, tut next Iday they wera! found dead, standing' in an open ditelei mired in mud and water. He sued on the ground that the tciwnship had, ne right to leave an unwotected open, ditch on the 'roadside. The .detencei took tbe ground of . CO tributary neg-li ligence on Chapmen'e pbrt Mr. Man claimed that the I roadway WS/El- Out of con,dition end the ditch un- guarded, end that the ' township was responsiole for the los of tee Jury was Ire fav ship, upon the ground man was guilty- of con To prove or, goestionahltoia nd beyond am - doubt that Catorrh of the nose and throat be cured. I am urnishing patient,s through dreggIsts, small free Trial Boxes of Dr. Shoop's Caturrh Cure. o this horn ;no ram ce-ptaln. that Dr. Shoop's Catorrh Cure will bridg aetual substantial help. Nothli ig cern i!, le so convincing as a physical , test of any flat le of real, genuine merit. -But that article must j) 4i14 true merit, else the test will condemn, rather than advance it. Dr. Shoop's Catorrli Cure is a snow white, healing antiseptic balm, put up fti beautiful rii31:01 capped glass Jars at 50e. Such soothing age,its as Oil Eucalyptus, Thymol, Menthol, etc., are Incorporated into o VelvetO, coeam like Petrolatono imported by Dr. 'Shoop from. Europe. Catanah of the nose And throat has extonded to the stomach, then bY all . means also um internally, Dr. Shoop's Restorative. Stomr.ch distress. a lack of -getieral strength, bloating, belching, biliousness, bad taste, ote. Surely can for Dr. Shoop's Restorative. For unecnnolicat 4 catarrh only of the noses nd throat nothing else, however, need he used but . The verdict r of the town-, hat lar. Chap- ibutory,tegil- gence in not taking proper care of his team, and that •t • en got away owing to his own fau t. Judgment was therefore, upon) t e verdict of the Jury, directed to ibe entered in favor of the clefendan ,townehneand Obapman's settee as dismissed with costs. Had core hutory negli- gence not been proven on .the part of the plaintiff, the to' ship would, 'certainly, have been , for damage. "Preventics" willtpr raptly check a. cold or the grippe wh n taken early, on at the "sneeze-stageee Prevent- Iest eure seated colds as well. nee ventics ,are little cenett cold cure tablets, and Dr. Shaine Racine, Wis. •will gladly mail yoe samples and .a book on Colds free, If you will write him. The samples peeve their, merit. Check early golds with Preventics and stop Pneunrania. Sold in 6c and 25e boxes by C. .Aberhart, druggist, Sea - forth. Motion; of Condolence. -The. ' fol- lowing :resolution was !passed by Loyal Orange Lodge, No. 827, Hilbert, at heir regular meeting on Februere -20th; Whereas the -*eat and Su - 'Warne -Ruler of the. e 'verse has tri Ilite infinite -wisdom' _ mane' us one of our esteemed brethren, : larrh C CHAS. ABERHART. Wood's Phoophbd,40, The Great Ifinglish Remedy, Tones and invigorates the who're nervous s.ystem, makes new lood in old Veins. Cares Nerv. ous .Menta2 ancli Brain Worry, Des - 'pendency, Sexual Weakness, Emissions, 'gm.. onatorrkcect, and Effects of Abuse or Excesses, Price $1 per bal. six for 85. One willpleargkein will cure. eola by B.11 druggists or mailed in plain pkg. on.reeeipt of price. New pamphleii The weed l'Aediolno Co. (formerly winclear)-- Toronto* ant •••••••.• YOU SHOULD,- INSURE IN TEIE, 'Ma= T.JOINT1303Sr ( HOME COMPANY) Because of its enviable, -record for economical tnanagem'nt, as is evidemeed by comparing the cost of management with any othe com- pany engaged in " ordinary " and " industrial" insurance. The extent° cost of carrying on the industrial branch" Is fully 15% higher than the "or. dinary branch. As both branches, however, are kept seParate, for the pur- pose of equitable distributson ot profits, the public a e viarped against fineidi- ems ecraparisone, made by.competitors, showing the torn -biped expense ratio of the London Life as greater than their own. W. ROBINSON Inspector, &Worth. oved. from a- t worthy and . •White, end whereas the long and intimate re- lation 'held with hint 11Ira the faithftil discbarge 'of his dirtiest in the Or- ange Lodge, 'makeef it eminently %be- fitting that we record our apprecia- tion of him; therefore be, it resolved that the wisdom= and ability which he - has exercised in the aid of our organ- ization by eervicn contributiene arid counsel, will 'be held in. grateful re- membrance. Be it also, resolved that the sudden iremOvat of stitch , life from among us, leave a vacancy and a shadow that will be deeply' realized by all the members and friends of this lodge and will peeve a serious loss to the comrnity a,nd the pub,- lic. Itesolved so that with deep Sympathy with the bereaved relatives of the, departed we express our hope that even so great a loss to us all may be over -ruled for goon by Him who doeth all things well. Also' be it resolved that 'a 'copy of -these re- sblutions be spread tipesr the records of this L. 0. L. No. 827, a copy printe ed he the local papers and a cope forwarded to the bereeved family. 3. A. Linton, W. M.; Da,Vid Gray, D. M. Lakelei. Then your bleed must be in; a very bad condition. You I certainly know what to take, then take it—.Ayer's Sarsa.1 parilla. If you doubt, then , consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. This le the first question your doctor would ask: "Aro your bowels regular ?" Re knows that daily action 9f tbe bowels Is abisolUtaly esktintial tr? recTry. Aeep your liver getivo lalOtsLeaYsgrd.y-reSillsre. gula"Y "'King la :Ludo by 3. O. Ayer 0o., Lowell, Yff Also manuihoturers of / HAIR VIGOR. rAGUE CURPo CHERRY PECTORAL. We havo secrets ! We publish, the formulas of all our medicines, Iengaged about a, th fling mechinet he I met with a painf accident. Hie riglat arro got eaut in the eprIndle, breaking and crus g it. mi -- Death. of Atad her Pioneer. i The Winghaeo Ti es makes the tole lowing 'reference o3 the death a a well known plane ot this comity, It Dale : Deatb. came sudd L ly to our old and reepected , frien.d, Mr. James Coch- leae, shortly at atx o'clock on Friday, February "8rd, and the -an-, nouncemeet a hiS 1 death came es a surprise to his timeroue friends. Deceased had not sen In the best of health since -an at'ack of pneumonia lest aurnmer, but as able ;to be a- bout the house as !usual and on. the day a his death a ',peered to be much 'brighter tend in b tter health than Lor some dais. He passed pea-cefully eway sitting ,k is chair shortly after parta,k g a TAB evening meal. Mr. Coehrane 'was se man who was un- iversally respecte •1 for his many virtuee end his cir le of friends was one a the sturdy' very arge. pioneere, who a.ssie el in rna.king oue Ontario what it 1 to -day wen he went through all the trials and 'hardships of pionee life. Be Wile a native of Scotland the land of his bi ene resentenn,,----, = Scotland, on the 5 , I was been in Rost in the meantime Mr. Walker cad al- being the young ready gem the terrible news. Me. Cochrene. He rema iWnganofstfigo wGuireelph";dleitiavrniniglIbiwnterbeehginG'd t' ror t difanrbmuragtieSiva for a day In Toronto. In addition to of age, when. he the girl, wht$ was killed, his Doy of on. a sailing vessel :WfiveelltYerea"hadwbaOsth'ba,arrnedly Ilbruorkt'ena.nd. Mrs. . world," as it was first worked with a Sleepleesness and later secured e Disorders at the stomach produce a merchant at Berlin treervous ecnidition, end often prevent Berlin and Hamill ber of years team er Tablets stimulate the digestlye ore chased, a bush lot 1 North Easthope, ne sleep. Chemberlaires Stoma,ch end Live condition, end make sleep possible. eer life. Money via endured all the genet restore the system to a healthy he low. For th first ed he chopped ,me drew it three miles coil olnge15,dothlaer iliteor; jeer days of Seafortb and vioinity, erented his farm i Interesting sketches of the early taken from the files of The Mx- . and came to East positor. . ing the farm one fleafortin Oct. 30, 1874. -I' cherea6aringilimuptalhisjan It south of Wile: hhaaam. M. namtei Clark has liTOld. his fa,rne ,ears sghteargol Mrs. 33. on, the 10th. eonceesion Tuckersmitie the fire; line of to Mr. John Sinclair., lor $2,500. The vane wan an ,enth farm contains 50 acres. Mr. Sin- Joining the Order elate has also purchased the adJoining yearis ago, and as 'brother,, for $2,000, farm' of 50 acres from Mr. Clark's permitted attended took an active trite Breezen-The ehairrnen 'of the dif- ferent pollieg subdivielons have re- ceiyed instrtietions to • call meeting& to rap -Wet delegates to attend the -nominating' convention; at Brtissels. on Tue day next. It is. a long drive 1 from' h re to kirussels and a round- about ay to =go by trein.-Last week Wm. J. Strong, who tives south of here went .to Taf;tre, iand 'bought a brood mare In . fo - - for $225. He brought her home M one day end next morning 4he was found dead in the stable. It is thought the drive wee toe much for her. It is astonishing ir, the prices that are eing paid for hoes in this comrnu nye Ally kind of a fair bowie is wor h $200 now a days -The Orangemen , had a box social le Busbfield's nett on Friday evening but owing to counter at- tractione there were tot many out.. Rev. Mr. Eddy, of Clifford, w WS pre- sent. -Messrs. J. Gregg and H. Day of Walkerton, bought two ear leads of horses And intended leaving for Francis, Sask.-, last Wedr.esday, but they can get but one care The horses are all in Walkerton, end it takes money. to pay their daily feeding, - D. Vogan, of Huntingfield, and Henry Schauss, of Alsfeldt, will draw the tream from' Howick to the Alsfeldt factory next surnmer,i-lvliss Maggie Johnston, of Fordwich,1 visited at Mr. E. B..Ruttan's last week, -Thos. Ing - DS is hauling sand for his wail from Geo. Hubbard's pit. It' is setting a, difficult matter to set eand around heree-Invitations are °tit for the wedding of Wm, Wright and Jame Bell on March 6the-Miss Janet 'Ritchie, of the .17th concession, visited a, sick aunt at Ayr last week.-beo. Her-. ton,. otre local. butcher, has done quite DJ business this winter selling beef, principally by the quarter. Mrs. An- derson moved her effects the other day to her Were 'Jame in Bluevale. • e— . &sem colds, hoarseness, anti other throve eibnerns are quickly relieved by Orosoleno Ibletsottn centsper box. .All druggists For sale by all druggists. In The Olden Days. .11•11••••••T.SW • , week of both the Seaeoeth, Nov. 6, 1874. ' trent. Daring the Oa Monday of last week el& N. vlieited his native Shirray, of Hay, met with an acci- found many eliange dent -while driving to Exeter. While Mg one of his ol on the; ;bridge at Francistown the seventy yeare ago. 'home became frightened and backed well epent. He wa off. The ;rig horse and lady all went ent all his deal down a distance of about 4.2 feet. inueh missed in the The horse was not injured ebut Mr4. 43?' ids numerous f Shirray was bruised. . I 'Ale was Presbyte At the residence- of the 'bride's fan- tics a. lAberal. ' As er, on October 10th, Mr. John E. said, "Though he Aitchesont of McKillop, was united tie he was always yo marriage to Mary, eldest daughter ar of a, very cheerful, nd was proud of th. Mr. Cochrane near Bdirtbolrgh, of June, 1828, son of Matthew. ed with hie Lathe efordi sa few rrliJeg til twenty years brked his passage out to; the "new 'then called. He termer near Galt, position with a and for a, num- goods betvieea n. Ile then pure the township of Hamburg. Here rdships of pion - scarce and prices ow he ever own - le cordwood and selling the wood d, In the spring of this sketeb North Eaethope, wanosh, pirrehas- net al bait roiles His wife predee 1874, and ohne me, Borne few lived -with his g11. Ca,mpbell, onj rri0, Mr. Coat- i/lane Oddfellow, over thirty -live g an 'his health Iie rneetinge, and t in the degree dge nen En.campe mer of 1906 he land and there and only meet - school mates of His was a life 1 upright and hcine ngs, will 'be family circler and end* In. religion lane . and in . pole - one, friend truly as !old in years ng in spirit, and disPositien." Mr. Alex. Sparks, of Staneey. The eere- Coehrane wet; er Of the roaehe irony was performed, by nee. MT. t'aPriff, and his het membership Denby. with a ,curling cher dates back to the Mr, Thou -rad Hills has purcb.ased the 16th of January, 18 3, when he Joined property south of G. & H. Jaeksores a, club near Edinb rgh. He was a stole, jn Eger,ondrille, ;belonging to man who Was well s a sted ore all quese the Carter estate., for $700tee tions, and spent a .great deal of his A brass band has been formed' in time of late yea in reading; the Seafortb, to -be called, the Independe newspapers. He is survived by four ent Band of Seaforth. The band Is Isons end faux dau hters, viz.; Wile composed of the, following members; liana in Briteth C hirable; Matthew, J.L Foster, A. B. Campbell, J. J. at Gle,n; Ewen, 8 k.; John, on the Jordan, R. Killenbeck, J. Spailing, W. homestead, in Wa enosh; Robert, In Carmichael, W.. Fowier, 3 Oremus, Grey township; Mr .Rfrz, at Dryden; J. Ainent, N. Klinktia,mmer, R. lion. Mrs. D. H. Caar.p e es in Morels, Mrs. rell and en Baden T. is Powell, and, les Dot Cochrane, Mr. John Govenlock has tented his, -et Ox Drift, Ont saw mill in McKillop to Mr. Andrew. Govenlock, for a term of six years.. SALT RHE : 0 -F. C. Walker, of Peterboro, fath- er:of the litble girl killed in the .Guelph railway accident last week, was a, guest at the Grand. Un.1011, Tor- onto, and fle,w the news of the death of les little daughter in the wreek evb,ele he bought a paper onl the street. The news had teen telegraphed t� the betel, antherrangements had been made to )break the TAMS "lomtly to him', but • am. •••••••• no.* Seaforth, Nov. 18, 1874. By Dr. Williams' On Tuesday morning last, a melon-. Doctors' Treatm tholy Accident occurred in Varna, • which resulted ire the sudden' death Seel treuble of a, man named .Wm. Wagoner; Mr, blood is ixi a. poi Wagoner was he the employ of Mr. the poison in the Oolwell,ibtaelcentithe and about eight blotches, pimples, o'clock in the morning started out to -rheum or bad corn a field with a team- of horses and 'llama' Pink Pills wagon. Nothieg more was aeon of blood, and batileh him .'tentil he was found dead, close- Mrs. Osborne, wife to a fence in a field where he had borne, clerk of the gone to work. 'It stipposed that he 'lichee, Fronten M CURED. Pink Pills After, nit Had, Failed. dicatee that the ed state. lb is ineod ithae causes eenut, boils, salt - lexical. Dr. Wil - Make !richt red thew troubles. f Mr. Andrewt.Ose township of. Ken-. e county, Ont., got out of the wagon; to open the writes: cannot , epeak too 'highly gate and while 'getting in again* the of P horses started and. threw, bine a- did for me what gainst the fence. do. Some yeaes• Rev. Met Thornpsoa his accepted the by saltrheum In t call extended to hire by Duff's church by a run down in efeleillop, and the induction will blood. I !endured take plate on Sueday, 29th inst. - this terrible dise -Mrs. /townie, relict of the tate John and only those wh Downie, MeKillop, died on the 8ed la.rly affliced can inst. Deceased was a native of Ire- Mg. At times nee' land, but about 80 years ago settled that II could not on the farre 121 efeKillop, adjoining was helpless the Irishtown church. but his treatment At the recent examination under me -my case seem the auspices; of the Ontario Phar- in this condition I k PEAS, for they doctors failed td I was attacked e hands, caused! mention a la' the- tortures of for some time, have been simie eailze - ray suffere ends were so bad Prdb Thee hair. 1 nsulted a doctor, failed to benefit incurable. While read a Dr. Wil - ftt: macentical Society, 'held in Hanel- Dams" Pink Pillet and decided to ton, tee nest prize he a class of give them a. trial Soon I !began to over No, was obtained by Mr, Alex. improve,- and by the time I had Wilson, Jr., son of Mr. Alex. Wilson, taken about a dozen boxes I wan Silver ,Creek. cempletely cured, end I have not About • half past eight On Sunday eines had the slig test return of the night last F.' Seegmlllerte oat meat trouble, I an h artily recommend mill was destroyed by fire. Mr. Dr. Williams' Pink p1lls to all shni- Seeginiller's IMS Is heavy, but we are lay sufferers." glad to learn' that he intendte to re- You cannot cure oczerna,, metals= build next spring, - , and skin eruptions: with salves and "Satisfaction or yo ev -- 4 *kJ ral un ,•,•• ••••••••••••1•• ; outward: appLicatio . These troub- . Seaforth, Nov. 20, 1874les are rooted in ne blood, and can Messrs. Armitage, Carter and Gray only be cured thro gli the- rich, red Intend erecting a saw mill on the lot blood Dr. Walla ' Pink Pills ac - south of ka-my, Young & Sparling's ually melee. Thie, eirnple -medical Sant block. to everyone' Messrs. Belfry & May, of thie vil- Dr. fait Inhould be 1{11 WTI Williarne' Pin Pills not only tends 0 i lage, have dissolved partnerehip, tut cure snin. diseases, but ail other the =business will hereafter be e_ trouble e caused by feienddsont.bnyg Mtor. tMheayiT zMiter.d Bsetlaftroys. in- 1 nsatheserrearnnida,,bwacikthacih , Mews. Jonathan and Richard Car- ' ton, indigestion, ter have sold their farm on the Hur- ' ralgia, St. Vitus' d on road, ,Tuckersmith, to Mr. James ial ailments that Crich for $7,800. The farm contains women And growin 145 acres. I get these pine fro A meeting of farmers; was ',held' at ' dealer or by mail the school house, near ,Jaanes Broad- or six boxes for $ bad blood, such - headaches, side- s, heart palpita- heumatism, neu- Ince, and the #3pec- Vflipt so many goes. You can your medicine( t 60 -cents a box, .50, from The Dr. foot's, on Friday tight east, for the Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, reorganization of the Farmers' One- Ontario. for the winter. he of cers e ec, are as fellows; President, John Han- nah, Jr.; eecretary, James Lands - borough, jr;- treasurer, James Lands - borough; committee, Appleton El - coat. Chas. Roptiedge. ennein f ;nee- d J C el.+444.44.44.14++ All the type and all the space we could use would not adequately de- scribe to you the beauty and excellence of our stock of Tweeds, Worsteds anal Serges, for men's made -t� -order Suits, representing the latest achievements in the Ine arts of manufacturing, that have just arrived Direct froth tke 014 ntry Buying direct as we do from the lar est e-.61 ort house in Great Britain, places us in a position to ia before you the finest selections from the world's best weaves, carefully sued by the most expert buyers who have attained, by genuine experience, the knack of weeding out The best ----and only the best—at the most advantageous price. Again buying direct as we do, you are sure of getting the very lalest designs and patterns, and we save for you. the wholesalers' profit, We show you patterns and fabrics that are not shown by domestic -dealers until late in the sea- son. And last, but not least, we can assure you unlimited satisfaction in the wear, for the sun does not shine on the land that can out class England for Worsteds Scotland for Tweeds and Ireland for Serges. bell.. Thos. Thorp an a amp- -John R. McDon 604 living two red Craig, was found, barn one 'morning evidently been h night. He lea,ves - bell. . children. One day last week, as Thee. Keyse treasurer of Stanley townshtp, was Id, a farmer, aged et west of Ails& banging in his recently. He had nging there all widow and three Eczema, Tette , Salt Rheum, Itch Rin Wor Herpes, 'Bar- bers' Xtch. • All a these discattes are attended by intense ibehleg, which is alniest In- stantly velleved by applying Cham- berlain's Salve. ante by Its continued g arS111111===.1011.11InglinrialliMil*se"."-4"-- PATERSON'S COUGH DROPS itramone when you feel tbe odd coming ms,-talte onewhen that e-suids troubles, i - • ,—they give throat comfort and they CM Rmensmandod by the medical pro- ton. Ask for the three -cornered kind In the red and yollorebox. 5 TREY WILL CURE usc• a permanent c ed. It have In fact, which had resiete matt. Price 25 con by all driggists. 40000:00000,000000. omm0070001100000004010R Our 81)111 to give Absolute Satisfaction in exact style and unquestionable ,fit has been so clearly demonstrated in the past year ,by the tremendous increase in our trade, and is now so generally conceded. that we hardly think it necessary to say ,auything in this connection farther than that this department is in the hands of the same Expert Cutter of 15 yearss prdctical experience, assisted by clever tailors who bow to no superior talent in the tailoring business. If you are satisfie and can affo to pay long prices for ordinary Canadian goods, made in au ordinary way, then it makes no difference who makes your clothes, but if you are koking for a suit to give you. the limit of wear, to be perfection in style and fit, and to be sold at import prices, then you oughb to find some reasons above why you should buy your Spriug Suit at re /nee inn effect,. cured many cases all other trette a box. For sale SEAFORTH pr'Butter and -Eggs taken as Cash. Canadian Pacific Railway. SETTLERS' TRAINS Every Tuesday during March and Aprii Leave Toronto at 9. p. m. for settlers taking live gook. Spec1ai Coast Rates daily March 1st to April 30th—S42 75—Sseforth Vancouver, Victoria, Westminster, -II, a; Seattle, Tacoma. Washington and Portland, Oregon. For maps, folders and tickets, apply to STEWART BROS. Agents 0. P. R. Tickets, Telegraph and Dominion Express.