HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-03-08, Page 2e:
hants Tfor the Peop e,
,00ppagaimaalaaaaaalalaalataaa. .-!avaraanaastattrata,
G oceries Only
19 Ihs.„ of Epsom -Salter, for-. ...... . •••••••••• 444 ..25e
8 Iba, of SulpItur, for 25o
- 9 lbs of Rolled Oat, 25c
ednesday and Thursday, gar. 6 and 7-
4:* • • a
D.ry Goods -Only
Union Grey Flannel, ati,........., . .
White and Grey Flannel Sheeting,
double fold, at..
Ladies' Fleeced Vests, at, ..,....
...3cPer yard
....50c per yard
• • •• 26e each
Wriclay and Saturday Mar. 8 and 9—
Clothing Only
Men's rweeed Pants, regular $2.0D, at. ...$L19 a pair
Youth's Odd Ooats, sizes 32 and 33, at.. ,..$1..00 each
Youth's Odd Veste, sizes 30 to 34, at..,... ...50c each
Successors to B. B. GUNN
entertaintng or amusing a crowd at
n Ospooito& faille" People require to be enter-
• 4$OLTH, FRIDAY, Mar, ,8, 190q.
Racing at Fairs
f. The chief subject of discussion at
elle Fairs convention held in Toron-
to leert week, was that of eacin.g at
Eventually, by an overwhelm -
ng vote, It was recommended tha,t the
zenciple of local optionbe applied -
*hat it be left for each fair board
to. decide whether racing shall •be al-
2owed or not. The real mine, m the
ee.aerte wa overlooked *els in. the dis-
tebeedon and the conclueion acrived
et. The point is not whether horse
XAcing Shall be permitted at fail
&sirs, but whether public money is
to Iv appropriated for the purpose of
eeetieting in the prorreelea of euell
ring. The Ontario Le'gistature wili
this -year he asked to vote nearly
470,000 rot' distribution among fall
/air boards in thePravinee, This
;money is to he voted "for the pur-
Toes of ;prompting •agriculture." Is
etriculturale Progress aided by the
bolding of a, hews rave of the Mess
'usually seen at our fall fairs I to
these, race e tend to improve the qual-
ley oZ horsh flesh, or are they intend-
ed merely for purposes of entertain -
=eat V On the answer to them
teuestions should depend the decision
.whether public aid shall go to fairs
which have racing as part of their
programme. Public money may very
properly be granted to stimulain im-
proverr.ent in the quality of grain.
live 'stock, dairy products, or fruit;
ut It le a case of misappropriation
when funds *are'taken from the Pro-
vincial treasury 17 to, defray the coet
et entertaining or amusing a crowd
at a fair.
The above Is from the Toronto Fer-
firers' $ure It is quite evident the
*tun does not properly appreciate the
isituatibre The same may be ;said of
Some of these more prominent °fel-
vials of the Agricultural. Department.
The hard headed, practical men who
t ompose the Pairs Associatioa know
from experience what is required to
Snake a fair successful. The bac bone
of every local society is the ga e re-
ceipts on eshow day. As these are de-
creased or diminished the society proe-
pert) or wanes. Any feature, there-
fore, that tends to increase_ .the gate
receipts on ehow day and that Is not
injurioue to the morals of ahe pub-
lic Is aft advantage to the show and
is an aid to agricult\tral education in
the first place by I proving the ft-
-helices of the societ and in tire sec-
Prld place by increasing the attend -
nee of spectatore who come tesiew
other departrr.ents of the show as
Neil as the horee races. And we do
hot think any reasonable person will
say that horse racing in itself, with-
out any of the evil associations, as
it is practiced at our courxtry shows,
Is in any sense an injury or a men-
ace to public morals. Besides this the
Government grant to most of the 307 .
eleties is but e fraction of the in-
eome of these societies and hence it
IS absurd to say as the Sun does, that
Provincial funds are misappropriated
when given to !societies that permit
alorree racing at their fairs. Nor are
Ave sure that the Sun is comet in its
conclusion when, it says that it is a
misappropriation! of Provincial funds
to use thorn "ti) defray the coat of
tained and amused as well as :in-
structed and they usually absorb In-
struttion all the more readily by
haying it judiciously, mixed• with a-
musemeat so long as that amuseme,nt
Is not hurtful. The °bent ot many who
attend these shows, with the exeep-
tion of the actual exhioitors, i� to
see and to learn anct g a greater
number can be brought out for this
purpose by 4.fi1nge in, a iittie amuse-
ment,. surelyg It can not be considered
e misapproprietion of public money
to mee it to secure this result. Be-
sides this a great many societies „do
not use one, copper of the 'society's
money In promoting• and 'providing
• races for the show. The znoneY is all
subwribed by private individuals who
are interested in having their show a
success and a large crowd attend it.
For the Agricultural Department to
• say that moieties who get up races in
this way shall not ;be allowed, to do
so an pain of losing the Government
grant to which they are otherwise
• justly entitled, is autocratic and un-
just in, the extreme. The proper thing
• for the department to do in' ties mat-
• ter, is to follow the advice of the
practical and experienced • men who
compwe :the . Pairs Association and
leave it open for each society to do
1 as may seem to it besh in Its own
Editorial Notes and Comments
, Those who are clamoring for the
' repeat of the three-fifths clause in
the local option law should bears in
mind that the same vote is required
' to 'repeal the aaw. that ' ler required/
to earry it. So that while the three-,
. fifths clause makes . it more diffi-
Icult to carry a ;local option by-law
It also make's it very mucb more dif-
: float to repeal it. It thus lendestee;
bilitritto the Ilaw and we are not
fArre but that _ in this respect it is
more beneficial than harmful. This,
1 also, seems to be ,the view taken. by
Mr- Whitney and his colleagues.
As is shown by the public' accounts,
recently eubmitted to the Legisla-
ture to the Provincial Treasurer, the
Ontario 'railway and municipal board
are generously treated, the chairman.
,getting 'within $1,000 a year of the
Prime Minister, while the other two
members rank with Cabinet Ministers.
The railway board is ,put down: for
$80,000 in all. This body is as ex-
pensive as it is useless. It was .1 es-
teblished ,by the 4present Govern-
ment to do work which should te
done and could, oe done by the (overnment 'itself.
Hon. Nelsen Monteith, the Ontario
Minister of Agriculture • 10 reported
as saying -in lhis address at the meet-
ing of the ' Fairs Association held
last week in Toronto: " r have someg
times been told by fair maneghrerthat
if certain things were done, their
gate teceipts would decline. I am
not sure it is a wise thing to mease
arse the success of a fair by the vol-
ume of its gate receipts. This may
not give a correct et.timate or ;the
value of - the work done eiy, the so-
ciety ie agricultural education." This
may be in a manner true. But no so-
ciety or show can get .alang without
the gate receipts. They 'are the
mainspring of the whole institution,
the life blood of the body and any
society that !neglects the 'gate ire-
celpts will hot have a long or a
useful age and the more liberal the
Most people know that if they have
been sick they need Scott's Etna,-
siz,n to bring back health and strength.
But the strongest point about ...Fc•ote..ir
Efrialsior2 is that you don't have to be
sick to get results from it.
It keeps up the athlete's strength, puts fat
on thin peOple, makes a fretful baby happy,
brings color to a pale girl's cheeks, and pre.
vents coughs, colds and consumption.
Food in concentrated form for sick and
well, young and old, rich and poor.
And it contains no drugs and no alcohol.
ALL DRUGGISTS; 50e. AND $1.00.
etpt &re The Mere asociety
able rte do ,foirl agr1ou1turaI.
go, which continet
•ce, still' pro
bealthy and. senatbIe ideees ,on many
toreidtions. It strikes the. :right aultef
In the following clause in Its: 'code
of resolutione Passed at its annual
mooting Toroato laSt week. n
says: i# We look upott the Senate as
still being what it was one de.;
scribed as being, a mere refuge for
wore oat nealticians. What fve would
like to see Is the ;total abolition of
this expeneive and Useless house 04
refuge, But failing this, 'the Senate'
Should be madeelective, with lareS;
coestitttencies as a basis of repreeene
Young Sweet ran for
cauht by a little Be
wenty years of
Atiand* wAsterlir editorfal
ntative of the Glebe at Whi-
ts.* !been appointed secretary
the labor departrnatet. - The posi-
tion, is a neer One in connection,
withs the department and Mr. Acland
will act practically ae stlfsiStant de -
pity minister,
Per Catarrh, let us s*nd you free,
just to prove merit, a Trial. size 'Box,
of Dr. Riroop's Catarrh Remedy. It lel
a Snow white, maray, healing antle-
'optic ;balm that gives- instant re-
lief to Catarrh: of the nese and throat.
Make the free test and •ttee. Address
iDr, Shoop, Retiree, Wis. Large Jere
60 cents, Sold by C. Aberhart, drug-
gist, Seafeeth. ,f
Mry lames liciawing, of Wellingtene
President of the Ontario itia.rmbis'
Association in ea). excellent ancl
thoughtful address before the an-
nual meeting of the Provincial Grange
_last week made the fealowing re-
marks; 'One .thing tlia;t1 :has often
struck me is that 'with so. many agri-
cultural 'constituencies it iseems very
'strange we shotild have to sends se
scatty deputations to Ottawa and To-
ronto for -tile purpose of explaining
to Parliament . and the Legislature
*hat farrners want. If WO were more
careful to select men in etottchi vetth
,agricultere as our repreeentatives
this Nould not be necessary."
The old Dominion •Grainge at Rio re,
cent annualemeeting makes the fol-
lowing very sensiele deliverance on
the Ontario school question which is
• Creating so much interest. th the cowl -
try atethe present time We desire
to plaoe on,vecord our approval of the
prom's'sof the Government to amend
the roew sehool law in two particulars.
-first in withdrawhig the clause
under which a minimum salary for
:teachers is based on the ,assessed Value
of the eeheol section; and, Isecond,,
in largely increasing the, grants ,to
rural' schools. ..We do not , object, we
rather approve, ot a, higher lever of
salaries for teachers than that new
-ruling. We recognize that' these sal-
aries have boon too low In the Past
and we desire to See pi.b1bo. etelleCa
tes,chetse-sons and daughters of the
tillers of the sail, as 'they e are -fairly
remunerated for the service render-
ed by them. But we feel et the same
time :that the rate of municipal - tax-
ation, added as it Is to the still heav-
ier levies imposed by the Dominion
Government under the easterly tariff,
Is about ,as high as we should have
to near. \We belieee, toce that we
can and ;should get all, the gdyantages
In the way of lbetter schooland better
Toe& that -the needs of rthe times
call for without adding to local. tax-
ation. This can be provided for by
the levying of a, fair ProVinbial tat
on the output of mines, bY aPP1Ying
the principle of equal • taxation, to
railway and financial coeporatiens,
by the careful administration of the
provincial estate in forests, and by
the application of a, reasoea,ble por-
tion of the revenue so raised to pub-
lic school and road purposes, We con-
gratulate the Ontario Government on
gone so far along this eine, and we
hope it will go further still."
.0.0 ...... ..../I I
Mr. Pringle, of Cornwall, has intro-
duced a. motion in the Dominion, -Par-
Hamra, ' favoring the establishment
in the Dominion of a. system of old
age pensions. This is, thee ainy eite-
zen of. the Dominion, after :reselling a
certain age, and. in, impecuelous cir-
cumstances, shall receive a certain
sum annually from the punlic treas-
ury, Although the preposition was re-
ceived with some favor by , members
on both sides of the House,: theg is
not likely anything to come of it. as
such a system is besetwith difficel-
vest and fraught with dangers. This
is what Dr. Goldwin Smitheseys about
It: • '`‘ The' scheme of old age pensions,
though not without liebiliti , touches
the heart, and in a settled and eta-
tinery population, such as that of
England, it may be administ red with
the neceesary strictness. In the case
of e poPhiation so shifting as ours,
strict administration would 0 hardly
possible. • Theee, would aIwa s be ' a
liability to ambiguous eases and tic-
titious claims. To what the pension
system in political hands mr.y,• corne
we have had striking proof in the case
of the military pension illst at the
United States. The current estimate in
that ease originally Wag $25,000,000 a
year, with prospect of a speedy de-
crease. Forty years- after the close
of the last great war the an ual ex-
penditure in 'pensions was *moo,-
no. It has been well kn.own all along
that monstrous fraud was being work-
ed through the pension attorney's;')
but fear of • the soldiers' vote .Was
upon everybody, and nobody, no poli-
tician at least, tiered, • ,say a word.
Now/tto be a,dcled,, under the name
of "service pensions," a, eyetern of
pensions for mere .service in the war
without ;regard to disability. ' Every-
body knows that this is sheet( spolia-
tion of the people to -purcha.se, the
soldiers' vote. Still, all the polite.
clans are mute, and the bill goes
•through Congres:e unopposed. I Should
we ;not , run a risk of something of
the same kind, if we introduced the
pension system here V " • ;
C:341. 'TY (Ce let. ege,
Bears tho 1lhB Kiod You Have Alwavs BIRght
New Notes.
-AA important collection of ancient
and modern pictures was eold at
Christie's, in London, England, a
few •day e ago. It realized $152,600. A-
mong the pictures was "A , Dutch
Farm," by. Cuyp, which brought $19,-
950; portrait of Miss West, ,by Law-
rence, $21,000; portrait of Charles
Oldfield Bowdes, by Hopper, $11,-
550. and Morland's " Happy Cottagers,"
• r -Together inlife as husband and
wife for fifty-seven years, Edward
Sheffler, of Port Huron; Michigan,
;wed 24 _years, could .not ,bear to bel
Darted from his wife, who dieci near
there on Saturday, The. funera was
set for the following afternoore Mr.
SI:Oiler arose that!' morning in ap-
parent health. Just before her pa.sket
was closed her aged husband lookect
upon her face, fell back upon a couch;
and expired. ,
-An accident with fatal resultsoc-
curred. at Violetabout seven miles
frorn lqapanee, last week, in which
Edward. Sweet, son of Thomas Sweet,
of Morvin, met instant death. He was
working in the woods, on the Jarm
of Fred Perry, felling trees. A tree
was sawed through, when a gust of
wind taught the tree and 'brought it
down in an oppseite direction to
IVIantoba and Northwest Notes
--A: $75,000 mill eleyaltor are
to 'be ,built In leethimidge, Aberta, this
corning* sum intr.
-The farm of T. H. Vernon, near
Boissevain, Mane 'hoes 1)eett purehas--
ed . by James Scott, a neighbor, for
080 an acre.
-St. Andrew's chureh congregation,
Indian Head, Sask., have about ceme.
pleted *arrangement e for 'the erec-
tion) of a, $21,000 buildings
-Three grey gophers were eeen
the vicinity of Lethbridge, Mb., e.,-
-buot a, week ago., The appearance of
these animals is taken': as e sighde
-John Andersen', of West Sett
kirk, Mate rbecame caught under the
wheats of an 'electric car, and the;
towel of his *right foo t were es) bad-
ly crushed that they had to be am-
put ate d. •
----A new Dornintnn Londe office has
been opened' In Moose Jaw, Saralreand
Mr. John Rutherford, who has been
a resident of the 'town for 22 years,
has been appointed agent.
-Fine SatIlipieff of coal are being
brought into Be,w1f, Alb., by the far-
mers in the vieinity of the Battle
eiver. The quality can not be sur-
paseed. The local demand is more
than being met.
-The coal famine throughout 'the
Provincee has 'now been: broken and
liberal ;supplies are corning in from
Tabor, Lethbridge, Banff and tied -
'tinter Hat asi well as 'from theeast.
All danger ;seems to be over for this
-Alberta is eertainay 'the cow
province of Canada. There are in
that province, nearly Rig many cattle
as in either ontario or Quebec-, and
more than twice as many as in ay
of the other provinces in Canada.
-A blodk of 820 acres about]
mile north of the site of the Grand
Trunk Paelfic shops in Winnipeg, has
been purchased by local speculators
for $80,080 and it will 'be divided up
into Iota.
-Alexander Monkman and family
have arrived in Edmenton from Grand
Prairie. They made the 600 mile trip
In an open sleigh. The journey took
from January let until February
21st. All enjoyed good health and
none suffered from frost bites.
-While 'walking to Selkirk, Alex-
ander McLean, veil° had 'been put off
a train which he had boarded without
titket, had both his feet frozein
and was brought from that plate to
the Winnipeg general hospital.
-The-oguviss, Flour Mills CompanY
lest week- !shipped 16,000 bags of flour
%from' Virionipeg to °Mae. This firm
have disposed of about 60,000 bags to
Chine during the past fortnight, at
advancing prices.
-James H. Bartlett, jeweller, of
Souris, his wife and eldest da,ughteri
narrowly escaped death from metthi-
poison. They partook of canned
tomatoes for 'dinner and -.soon after
beeame ill and their lives were sav-
ed only by prompt medical attention.
-The rapid Increase in the price
of lumber in the west is illustrated
by the following; Common hoards,
which five 'years ago were $10 at
the mill, and ere now $25, will go
to $30 this . summer. Ship -lap aumber,
which five 'years ago- was $11 at
the mitt is 'now $19, and heavy' di-
mension lumber which was $ ig is
now $28.
-Speaking to the Iteall-d of Trade
at Edmonton, recently, Mr. T. A.
'Cushing, retiring President, said that
the price of, real estate int Edmonton
was altogether to6"Thigh, and that a
relapse would . surely follow, in which
a good many workingmen will surely
loete their savings.
-it. J. Fields, real estate dealer,
Edmonton, has purchased froth Dr.
Hinman the *well known trotter,
Dalton McCarthy and Sunbeam, a
beautiful team of bay geldings. Dal-
ton McCarthy has- a record of 2.18 1-4
and Sunbeam 1,12 1-4, They are not
only the handsomest pair of gelid-
ings in the province but combine spsece
with their 'beauty. The pribe paid
was $2,000.
-A fatal tire oeurred in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Horn, who live near
Tyndall, Manitoba, resulting In 'the
de6.,th of their three-year-old son,and
severe a;nd probable* fatal InJurles to
their little baby. Mrs. Horn went
to a store about 60 'yards from her
house, !leaving the three ehiedreer,
girl about five, a boy three years
and a baby alone. In her absence the
boy found some matches and struCk
them, setting fire to the bedclothes.
-Among the passengers leaving
Winnipeg recently over the Canadian
Northern for the far west was lit-
tle six year old Dora Stevens,' who
arrived in the city the previous
night from the east . over the Cana-
dian Pacific from Montreal. The lit-
tle 0401 goes through to: thei wesb
to Join her mother in Vermilion, Alta.
She is making the long journe3r. en-
tirely alone, under the special pro-
tection of the officials of the raid -
way 'company. When leaving Mon-
treal she was placed under ,the care
of he conducter by ! "the passe/10o
deparment, and waS passed oh to
the/ successive conductors as the var-
lous divisions were passed. On ar-
rival at Winnipeg the ;little !girl was
taken in charge by an official of the
.cotflPailY,. who placed her on the Can-
adian Northern • train with 11104.11C-
t1ons to deliver her in eatety to'her
n other, Mee. U. S. Stevens, of Veer.
ir Ilion.
Ursa* ik-iv-ISNP17137 UV(!MtiMV7iTS4Ct7g011.,!...4.7.17 2t91
Dear Mother
Your little ones are a constant care in
Fall and 'Winter weather. They will
catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's
Consumption Ono, the Lung Tonic, and
whet it has done for to manP it is said
to be the only reliable remedy for all
diseases of the air passages in children,
his absolutely hannicos and pleasant to
take. It is guaranteed to CUM or your money,
is returned: 'The price is 25c. per bat
and all dealers in medicine sell 344
This remedy should be in every howitokl.
ble MI The Time?
es -back a hes-low apted-hate
-dealt sleep well -all tired out in
o heart for work?
Your ki
are =kin
your old f
take Pin
receift of
gate you well
eys ere affected -either through over -
e or disease. It is the Kidneys that
ou. feel so wretched. Gin Pilis curesick '
-e you will and strong-giveet ou all
energy and vitality. Cheer and
, 5oc. a box -6 for $4.5.. Sent ou
ce if your dealer does not handle them.
NtThe past is dead. e live
"Pro t resil
For settlers
HOW Made and-Howleached
Write for tree copies or
SE TLERS'• 614D1 .11,1=a 0
tealeeterviee forse estraveUlflg'Wbth live
atoblO and effects to tballorthweetimgarob,
and April, with passenger and treight =des.
(nip on of the
weseand weetern canditions. se meg or
1nforatloninveleable to settlers, Useful
map and statiaties. .
TIME TABLES .0811°E,onvring double daily
innipeg and 06117arY.ger train 5e lea
Clothi g
is for progressive *en who want—not
the clothing that was best 20 years
ago but the c lothing THAT IS
BEST TODA Do you wear
Horse -Power Spramotor
- -
• 44.11 1,
47:111 tha
,f1 .1,3* • T.,'" i, .4
Will pay for itself thrst season
In remoldng wild mustard , from
your gelds.
Automatic in action throughout;
everything under control of driver
without stopping,.
Machine automatically atopat
125 lbs. pressure, starting again a
100 lbs.
Tell us your needs: You will
get expert advice:
Our 86,,page Tr ties D free.
Agents wanted.
OUFriti.O. N.V. 7OH0O, CAN
V mother hab the prettiebt
Of any laly on our street '
317e's 172(0; particuiar .ac
tkr rubber shoo wheR sh 0e6 ou
re' jot the ones iforpt ket
Dere are tw? 5pecial
as June
1 and it is more vital that it
I fl.
i should be good than
other food. any
WHITE CLOVER BREA6 is made of the highest quality
of flour and other ingredient, and Milk, is used instead of
water, These are combined'ty the highest baker's skill, and
the result is the PERFECT LOA, . Its crust is light and crisp,
its texture fine and even. 11 It is healthful, nourishing,
digestible, and TASTES CON. 'I Do not any longer be content
with the old dry crumbly b46ad made of cheap flour and
water, but insist on having
The Best Bread That Can Be Made.
f L •
CRICiff EA.o. S 0
id -winter lothing.
.That about this time Of par th cold winds find the kinks in. your 1
Winter clothing. You don't w nt ;o invest io a full new outfit, but
you do require a little renewing' COW to us and eee what wo ean do
for you, and at fk price that will surprise you. We do not blow about
our alter Christmas bargains Dur clothes are always bargains. We
give you big value for your mc4ley every time.
In Furnishings and the small things 4r men's wear, we carry a fall and cunt
plete line. We can please you Oall and see.- -
e9.70 Toronto daily. Comfortable, roomy*
bertha at moderate rates. rune -equipped.
vrith bedding, cooking range and every ton-
venienoe. -Berths abould be reserved
(tbrengh nearest C.P.R. Agent) atieset two
Weeks 'before departure.
Wrlte to -day for tree books and anything
youwant to know about the west e,nd ho
hit, Address
Mb. Pass. Aga, CeLe.R., To
Ii a harpii
uha, within a
• allele% per ac
- s1,400 toll
100 tames plot;
being summer
• lull particula
Stops the irritating cough, loos.
enc -the phlegm, soothes the in.
fla ;• ed tissues of the lungs and
bronchial tubes, and produces a
quickand permanenteure in all
eases of Coughs, Colds, Br m-
ehitis, Asthma, Hoa,rseness,
Th Ai*at and the grst stages of
Mrs. Nertne, Swanstion, Cargill, Oak...,
writes: "I take greab pleasure in ream.
raendieg Dr. Wood's yorway Pine Serum :
I had a very bad cold, could not sleep at:,
night for the coughing and bad pains in -1
my chest and. Julies. I only used half -ate
bottle of Dr. Wools Netway Pine Sy tailtfr,
and was terfeetly well again."
Price a.& canis a bails.
Is a hlgh grade Commereial School
Three Courece
COMMer a - Stenography • Telegraph
Wh n the food is iraperfectl
the full benefit is not derived y 1
tile body and the purpose of eat de -I
hated no matter how good the ood or,
how carefully adapted -to Vie wants of the
body it may be. Thus tbe'dyepeptie ofte
become? thin, weak and debilitated, energ
is lacking,, brightness, snap andrtirra are
lost, and n theirplace come dullness, losi
appetite, depreisson and. lanolin. It takei
no great knowledge to know when one hal
indigestion, some of the following esup
toms generally exist, viz.: constipation,
sour sternach, variable appetite, headach*
heartburn, gas in the stomach., ete.,
The great point is to cure it, to get bad.
bounding health and vigor.
constantly eftbeting, cures of dy�pep
because it sets in a natural yet cativo
W5 y upon all the organs involved in the
process of digestion, removing all e
impurities and making easy the w
digestion and. assiniilation.
lin R G. Harvey, .Ameliaibur,
writes:j have been troubled, with ds.y
pepsia for several years and after using
three' bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters
, was iaimpletely cured. 1 cannot praise
Pa B. enough for what it has done for
me. I have not had a, sip of dyspepsia
Do not accept a substitute for B.B.R.
Th./.1 nothinl 44 ItMt ftSgood."
You cannot
a better
ssibly have
oa than
A delicious drink and a su
food. Fragrant,, nutritious and
economical. This excellent Cocoa
maintains the system in robust
health, and enables it4‘tp resist
winter's extreme cold.
Soid by Thocers and storekeepe
and Tins.
Farm Laborers and'
have been ,ppoint-aa by the Dominion liovern.
rz,ent to place immigrants from the United Kingdom
in pohitions as tarot laborers and dometdie servant&
ny lierhon requiring finch help ahould notify me by
ter, stating fully the hind of help nrquired, when
ntiki and the 1V4Mil offered. Om numbers 4rriv
myna, be effileirot to suppli All requests bee
effort will be made to provide each a nu
wth the help required.
Itt even/ 100r447
II thrupghOUt 1-44.4. et,s... and Cantolla to.
civiinfaa oar goodg, e.g.eUng up 0014 uo.rsta
cn mg, fumes, bilt.01, And tqjtyxxx,kicuourri pittecx
'ITV 102--.1116dVen'44-at'llittSr. .COOOrdiolan Or =law
ingAth and upeasaa IN.An a 47.--tRea4V empnir--
Imoot to good renews mem we Iv ant roar AOrk Air
"116 RO exPetiance mitelori. Writcbrpirticultiro.
8ALli2 NEOMNAL 00.. London Ontario, 041404111
wood F.
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Man, Be
Owned 1
The wed'
tierast. or
%Med buip
store. Peso
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