HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-03-01, Page 3•
eryone needs something
create and maintain
.ength for the daily
mei of duties.
There is nothing better
Ln an Ale or Porter, the
lity and merit of which
•i been attested by
:mists, physicians and
e..-t-te at the great exhib-
sure and safe, and are t
ir of tho system.
'gently unlocic the accretions, clear
eEeto Anil waste matter from this.
'and give tone and vitality to this
ntestinai tract, curing ConsUpa-,
ileadeche,•Bilionsmess: D.TEPeP-.
1.ted Tongue, Foul Breath, Jana.
lartburn, and Water Brash. Mrs.
n, Woodstock, N.B., writsa
abaud and myself have used Me),..,
Laxa-Liver Pills for a number of
To think we cannot do without,
ey are the only pills we ever
cents or five bottles fer,41.00,4
alms or direct, on receipt of price
rMilbirrnCo, likaited, Toronto"!
h grade Commereial School
Three Courses
ial Stenography - Telegraph
rids of woman suffer untold minty -
day with aching backs that really
rusiness to ache. A worha "s hada
Lade lo Ache. Under ordinary
s iv-m:0A to he str4ng and ready
1r bear the burdens of life.
rd to do housework with an ask.
Hoare of misery at leisure or
If women only knew the cense.
comes from sick kidneys, awl
of trouble sick kidneys cause in
can't help it. If more work is-
m than they can stand it's not
Jered that they got out Of ord.
is simply their cry for help.
Du. They're helping sick, over-
kIneye—all over the world—
= strortg, healthy and vigorous.
an, Douglas, Ont., writes: "For
onths I was troubled with Limo
Wa unable to zn.ovei without.
ied all kinds of plasters am!
ht they were no use. At last I
Don's. Kidney Pills and
,r7tkee.1 Earters of the box
pa as strong and well as ever."
b-rx or three boxes for
E.-2.pr= r 113 Wan Kidney PiJi
cannot possibly have
a better Cocoa than
Das drink and a sustaining
Fragrant, nutritious and
Ica This excellent Cocoa
is the system in robust
and enables it to resist.
Inter's extreme cold..
rocers and Storekeepers
'b. and This.
Laborers and.
flifiiitted by the Dominion Coverrfr
niiigrants frein the i rafted KillgdallV
fLIVI domestic servants,
such help shOUla Txot,ity int by
the kind of help re(ptired, whom
‘t.r.a.f4 offered. The numbers arriv
50lieient Lei supply; ati requests. but
iJe made to provnie each applicnnt
A. A. ALLAN. Vice-Pretildent, '
D. M. STEWART, General Mager.
Oapital Subacribed.•••-•• 20-110 * •-• ** •:•••*••••••e.4.1,•• •
Capital Fully Paide,4164 **•••••••••••••••••••00 **
1t3SerVe Fulad••••••••••••te • • •b•••••• Ig • • • • • • • •
Assets •0••
* * • • •
$ 4,000.000
1,255, 000
25,00 0,000
'General Banking Satins Department Interest credited quarterly
At a bargain, clue half section in Southern Mani-
-tuba, within rt halt a mile of a good ritilroed town.
Improvements cost over 0,000, wheat averaged 84
bushels per acre last ye.ar, pain sakes amount to front
13.„400 to $1,900 each year, besides, cattle, hogs, etc.
100 sores ploughed reAdy for spring crop, 60 acres
being- summer fallow. this is a money maker. Get
full particulars at once from
2040-tf Brucelleld, Ont.
gott free
and poet*
of 5 nen
Colonial Art Centrepiece POPPIES, HOLLY,
trite to -day enclosing 23 cents ial
tamps or coin and state design wasted
"This fie the biggest offer we- ever =an. Ws
do it to convince every woman that the HOME
JOURNAL is the grIttst magazine published
le Canada. contain' g Health and Beauty De*
saatsot Cookirrt, Household High Wit_ond
or, fe‘hon Notes, important rarefy, news
l rind Short Stories end Latest Patterns.
Bend ZS cents for one year's subeeriptioa to
ihe Boum Journal and the centrepiece. • s
Horne Journal:,),,r°
McKillop Directory for 1907
13pHN- M. GOTENLOCK, Reeve,
Winthrop P. O.
TAMES COWAN, Councillor, Seaforth
P. O.
WORN MCDOWELL, Counci1lor, Sea-
RON P. 0.
(ALEX. ROSS; coutenior, ;Winthrop
P. 04
OAKES 'RYAN, Councillor; BeeChwood
MICHAEL MUrtME, C1ek, Ninthrep
' 0-r
0. K. HOLLAND, Treasurer, Beedb.r.
wood P. 0.
/10140MON SHANNON, J. P., Sanitary
C Ineeecter, Winthrop P. O.
For abitte,sf. bed -time."
what .couid -he 'better than a
,giam cir milk and
-sSf.'1/ -
Cream Sodas
Canada's finest crackers,
from Canada's &nest bakery.
Cthp„ inviting, deiciotm in
the air -tight boxes, that keep
them in faukiess
'Your racer
rift( ellAw
Perfect Protection
Longest Service
Low in Price
fIliirr —
au the very best. Our prices are the
TN are arriving daily, and the quality is with. 1
Fill1104 }addle, Ciscoes, Whitefish, Mackerel
and Trout: These are vety scarce, but are extra
good quality-.
Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, 'Carrots, Beets, Par
- snips and Turnips always on hand.
We buy nothing, but the best quality in Beef,
Pork and Lamb in this department. Wo have
extra fine prices.
Hari, Bacon; Breakfast Bacon and Rolls always
on bend.
Corned Beef, Head Cheese, Bologna and New
England Ham.
Our grocery department is complete. TAlways
fresh and good..
Farm Laborers and
nave been appointed by the Dominion Gdifernr
ment to place immigrants from the •United Kingdom
in positions as farmlaborerif and domestic servants.'
Any person requirink such help should notify me by
letter stating fully the kind of help required, when
wanted and the wages offered, The numbere arriv-
ing may not be sufficient to supply all requests, but
very effort will be made to provide each applicant
With help required.
2012-13 Seaforth.
Store to Rent.
The west store of the Bell Block, in the Village of
Hensel!. This is suitable for a general store, res-
taurant, or any business requiring a large, well -
fitted building. A comfortable dwelling aboVe the
store. Possession can be given at once. Apply to
ROBERT BELL, SeaforthiOut. 2045-tf
Id Everywhere
•vCs, V1.41.0440 twat*
, •
A simple sad effective remedy for
', They combine -the gerrnicrklal value of Oresolene
with the soothing properties of slippery elm and Lico-
rice. Your druggists or frere us, 10c in stamp&
Lanz% man Co., Limit, Agents, Montreal. rlez
are saved anilering—and mothers
given rest—when one uses
Nurses'and Mothers' Treasure
Qtdckly relieves—regulates the
towels — prevents convulsions.
Used so years. Absolutely safe.
At drogustores,,26e. F 6 bottles, $1.25.
Nationaijorag&Chetniesi Co., Tiftrilfed,
soie Proprietors, Montreal.
To weak and ailing women, there is at least one
WarY to help. But with that way, two treatments,
must be comblited: One is local, one is constitu.
Lanai. but both are imp rtant, both essential.
Dr. Shoop's Night Cure 4s tbe Local.
Dr. Shoop's Restorative the Constitutional.
• The forzner—Dr. Shoop' Night Cure—is a toPical
mucous membrane sup's() itory remedy. while Dr.
hoop's Restorative is w olly an internal trea
xnent. The Restorative ieacbes throughout the
er4ire system. seeking tile raper of all nerve.
all 'tissue, and all blood a11ment4,.
The "Night Cure",,as its name implies, does its
work while you sleep. It soothes sore and inflam-
ed mucous surfaces, bea13 local weaknessea and
diecbarges, while the Re$orative, eases nervouS
exciternen,t, gives renew*d vigor and ambition,
builds up wasted tissues,
strength. vigor, and ene
Restorative—Tabiets or Li
ringing about renewed
. Take Dr. Shooil's
uid--as a general tonic
to the system. For posit' elocalbelp, use as well
owe Debility, Mental
pendent% ,9 exited W
snatorrAcea„and Aired
Price $1 per box, sixfo
will cure. Sold by all
pla»z pkg. on receipt o
nsailec1.tee. Tho
(f by Windsor)
PhOnPhOailie g
Rngliela Bentediy,
d invigorates the whole
system, makes new
old Will& Coxes Nero.
nd Brain. Worry, Dee-
se, Emisirkons, ,Sper.
of Abuse or Excesses.
$5. One will please, six
druggists or mailed In
rice. New panvplaell
Medicine Oe•
-• Torentosent
A home company, because of its (Inviable record for 3conomical manage-
inent,aa is evidenced by comparing the coat of management with any'other
company engaged in "ordinary" and "industrial" insurance. The expense
eost of carrying on the industrial branch Is fully 157: higher than the "or-
dinary branch. - As bo94 branches, however, are kept separate, for the pure
pose of equitable distributson ot profits the public a' e warned againSt
• ous cemparisOne, made by competitors, showing the combined expense ratio, of
the London Life as greater than their own.
W El ROBINSON IIrspector, Seaforth.
, .
Parting Gifts—we notice by the
St. Mane paper e that 'Rev. A. Me-
iWilliams and Mrs. McWilliams were
oubstantially and kindly remembered
by the congregation of Firat Presby-
terian church, of that town, of which
Mr. McWilliaens had been Paetor for
several years mid whith charge' he
resigned to accept a call in Calgery,
Alberta,. Mr. McWilliams is an ft
Huron boy and has many friends a-
mong our readers. Mr. and Mr,s. efe-
tWilliams were each presented with 9.
Vomplimentary address and the ladies
of the[ congregation presented, Mrs.
VloWillierns with a very handsome
sable stole and mute Mr. McWilliams
also, although absent, was not forgot-
ten and the gentlemen of the congre-
gation accompanied their address by
a substantial cheque. Mrs. McWil-
liams, ;says the report, "he her hus-
band's absence, accepted the gift, and
thamkee1 'the donors' for the good
will thus tangibly expreesed. The
ladies had 'bre/light a:supply a good
things and served a dainty tea. Mrs.
Johnston and Mr McWilliams ad-
ded to the enjoyment by singing sev-
eral Scoteh selecticms, after which
all joined in singing "Auld Lang
Syne," 43.411,1 "God be -with you till we
meet again." By . these gifts Rev.
and Mrs. MacWilliams are essured of
the warm place they occupy in the
hearts ot many in and around $t.
A Sad Case,—News has reaelied us
a the death of a former residenjt, .c(A
this county, in the Person of Mrs.
Edison; who at one time -resided inear
Whitechurch, in the township of
East Wawa:nosh, but who several
years ago removed to the west and
settled_ etorne 60 miles north of Ed-
monton, where the family still re-
sides. The following are the par tic-,
ulars as given: It was evening and
some of the occupants had retired to
zest, when the two story house was.
found to be on fire. T.pe inmates who
had gone to bed were aroused, and
Jack was the last to deseend, the
stair S with,his mother, but the srnoke
was so dense lefts. Edison' stumbled
at the foot -of the stairs and fell,
Where. visitor, Mr. Cameron, was
standing. He assisted her to the
yard, and then ran lbahk for some
clothing. In the meantime -Mes. .0d -
'son must have re-entered the 'burn-
ing building,for she was found a
few minutes later lying on her face
in the kitchen., with the flames cir-
cling around her. She was terribly
burned, and as quickly as possible a
horse was hitched and she was driv-
en to a. neighbor's, a mile , away.
Her face' was burned beyond _recogni-
tion, and She died the next evening.
The hos of the faerely, clad only in
their trousers, tramped 1n the Snow in
-bare feet with the thermometer be -
love zero. The house, in a Abort time
was 'burned to the ground. The, sad-
dest piece of the tale is ;that, inside
the putt couple of weeks two deaths
have occurred in the familY. Mr. Ed -
bra, the head of the district, whose
nail* the postoffice tears died a
week ibeford and the next d'aly his
grandchild, the child of Jack Edison,
also died, arid the two were 'buriAdi
together Oft the Same day, lbehig the
ffndt to to laid to) the new family
iburing iground. The passing of Mr.
and MT. Edison removes a eotiple that
are perhaps better known in the Ed -
Manton district than many people
who have spent their years in the
west. They were first to settle is
the place which nowbears their name
and both lived to see a thriving and
ever growing community spring up
around their pioneer home. Their
dwelling has always been a cheerful
resting place to many travellers in
the north coUstrY, and the open, hos-
pitality ' of the couple .veas known
throughout the aiStrict.
You will hasten recovery by tee-
! ng ot of Ayer's Pills at bedtime.
: spirit hospitality and ready willing-
•, lend a helping hand to any
in treed. She, leaves her husband, three
evens and four daughters.
A duoctor9 s
lAyer, s Cherry Pectoral is not
a simple cough Syrupit is a
strong medicine, a doctor's
medicine. It cures hard CMS',
severe and desperate Cases,
chronic cases of asthma, pleu-
risy, bronchitis, consumption.
Ask your doctor about this.
The beet kind of a testimonial.
"Sold for over sixty years."
Nada by 0-.0, Arai. 0o., Lowell, Tias
Also nutaufaottirors of
We have no secrete 1 We publish
the formulas of all our medleines.
• --
"Preventios" will promptly check a,
cold or the. grippe when taken early,
ar at the "sneeze-stagte."1 Prevent-
icei cure seated colds its 'well. Pre-'
vendee are little candy cold cure
tablets and Dr. Shoop Racine Wis
gladle- mail you samples and a
• book on Colds free, if you will -write
him. The samples prove their merit.
Check early colds with Preventics and
stop Pneumonia. Sold in 5c arid 25e
boxes by C. .Abeehart, druggist, Sea -
Notes.—Mr. John. Schnell of the
14th ea:109844Jan, had a clearing out
sele on Thursday. Mr. Schnell in-
tends retirirg from farming and will
come to town to reside. Mr. August
Wolper of the 14th concession, west
of Dashwood, having sold, his farm to
Mr. Restemeir, intends. removing with
his fa,mily to Fort Warne, Indiana,
in a few weeks.—Mr. Alexander,
lelenes, -oe Edmonton, and 'brother of
our townsman., Mr. August Mines, is
here visiting friends. --Mr. J. Kochens
has returned to his home in North
Dakota,. after a pleasant visit with
old friends he this vicinity.—Mr. r.
Carriveau, who recently came here
from Michigan, has purclueeed the
HOwald property on the Zurich road
for $1,000 and will occupy it—Our
worthy townsman, M.r. Ed, ..pp41 has
purchased the handsome new resi-
dence of Mr. 3. J. Merner Ind is
having it fitted up C. 'Hest-
' leib with hot and cold water jand a,
complete/ System of bath room roper -
sites. It Is one of the tnic b and
mbat complete residences in town
and Mr. Appel and family r111 oc-
ell& it as soOre as It is linished.
They will hive a pretty end =torte
able home.—The proceeds of M.Henry
Lebeau's auction sale emu lied to
over $2,800. Mr, Lebeau and farnily
have gone to Texas, where the good
wishes of ratty friends Will fol-
low them.—eir, D. S. Faust has the
alterations and improvements In the
interior of his office completed, and
ie now ready for the telephone switch
board, which it is expected will. be
installed shortly, and this cannot be
finished too toesto please the. pate
Tones of the company here.
Cusps, adds, hoarseness, and ether threat
Illments are quickly relieved by Cresolinte
liblets. ten cents per box. All druggists
Disorders of the stomach produce a
!nervous condition, and often' prevent
sleep. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liv-
er Tablets stimulate 'the digestive or-
ga:ns, restore the system to a healthy
condition, and make sleep possible.
For ;sale by all druggists.
_ Morris
Tovenghip Finances.—The annual
financial sta,tement of the township
14 Morris shows tha,t last year was
commenced with a taiance of $7,785
hz e reasury, and closedw
'balance of $7,714. The' taxes colleat-
ed amounted to $13,762, and the total
:receipts to $17,596. There was ex-
pended on roads and bridges, $2,551;
off1ere'' teea, . ; drainage, $1,064;
law costs, $1,213; schools, $5,242.
The liabilities of the township are:
County Irate, $4,485; Lamont drake
$546; railway debentures, $257 and
Guelph and Goderleh Railway Co„ $3,-
500, making a total of $8,199; while
the assets amount to $10,288.
Greer "
In The Olden Days.
Iteteresting sketches of the early
e days of Seaforth and vicinity,
taken from the files of The Ex-
memex011ili Ogler
Sea.forth, Sept. 25, 1874.
'At the tiesidence of Mr. Andrew
Morphy, London dn. September 9th,
! - -
741 Wm, Pi 0r Exeter,
,united in marriage to Miss Emma,
• Charlotte Morphy, by Rev. James Han -
Rev. Mr. Milis, of Norwich, has been
appointed rector of St. Thomas church.
In this village; as successor: to Rey.
eMe.. Starr.
Mrs. Ramsay has sold 50 acres on
the 3rd comsesion, Tuckerernith, to
Mr. John Fortune for $1,800. z'
—Mr. Wm. Cooper, of the London) depreesed; they are tortured with
road, Tuekersmith, recently sold to headaches and ;backaches, fever and
Mr. John McG11ire; of Kincardine, a ' chills. It leaves the sufferer an easy,
Notes.—Mr. Peter McDonald, of the
concession, filitS leased his farm to
Mr. R. Lindsay and will remove his -
family to Saskatchewan, near Moose
Jaw, in the spring. Mr.*MeDonald and
his, sons we're up there 'last 'Hummel..
—The 100 acre farm of John Savage,
lot 15, concession 3, has ;peen per -
chased by Joseph Raynard, of the
same line for. the sum of 01,200, aind
he will get possessiors next month.
• Mr. Savage has bought a fella near
Dungannon and will remove there.—
The fine 100 acre farm of Albert Car-
ter,, concession 11', has been Sold to
Richard Mitchell, also of this local-
ity, for the surn of 16,500. PossessiOni
will ibe given; hi April. Mr. Carter
and family will likely go westwhere
Mr. .Carter spent last summer.—A
quiet wedding ' took place on Thurs-1,
day, February 14th, at the residence,
(4 -Wm. King, Maitlandbank Farm,
'when his adopted daughter, Miss LH- -
Ian Robinson, of Portage la Prairie, '
Manitoba, was united hi marriage to t
John: Forrest of the same place. After,
spending their .honeymoon with friends
ln Totonto and the east, Mr. and Mrs.
Forrest ,will /start for their ',western
home where, Mr. Forrest has a good
pasition oil the Canadian .Ncathern I
Rairway.—Mrs. John Bishop a much
:beloved and respected resident of
the 5th concession died on. Friday, •
February 15th, atter a 'brief 'illness
of pneitmonia and heart failure, her
conititution- having lbeen • wakenedi -
by a previous . illness of about five
menths. Deceased maidee name was •
"Eliza Welsh. She was a native of
York county and was 74 years of age.
She came to Grey in the earlydays-
of 1857 and in 1860 was married; to ,
Mr. Bishop and from' then until her -
death resided on the 5th coecession
vehere. they ha.d one of the Most Com-
fortable homesteads in the town- I,
ship. She was noted, for hec kindly i
work in his new mill at 71nthrep
Saturday lat. ,s -
.4 team belonging to Messrs. Thos.
lend John Thorp, of the 2nd concese
Won of Tudkerarnith, drew from their
been to Fair's mill in Clinton, 103
bushels of wheat in one load.
;While threshing at the farm of NUL;
tar Hannah, alth 'concession, Hule
lett, the other deer, 10 hersee
twchied to the heriss power :became
frightened and ran around the traek
at e mad rate. Hugh Campbell was
on the horse power driving, but es-
caped Unhurt,
Seaforth, Oct. 16, 1874.
Tlie !brick mill formerly owned by
Sheaseon, & Co„ bas been purchased
by the Meagre. Ogilvie, of Montreal.
Mews. Coleman & Goulnloclehave
purchased the zaw mill adjoining
their salt works from Mr/. James
Mr. James Logan, of Stanley, has
purchased the store, dwelling and
lots of Mr. James McLeod, at Hills
'Green for e500. One of Mr. Logan's
sons intends starting 121 the mer-
cantile butiness at that place. Mr.
McLeod intends going to Iowa.
• SenfOrth, Oct, 23, 1874.
1 At the 'residence of the bride's feel-
er, in Tuckersmith, on October' 16th,
Mr. John' Cumming, of Tuckersmith,
and Jemima, ,-teueneest daughter of Mr.
John Finlayson, were unitecl 1 mar-,
riage by Bev. Mr. Bogs.
The tax rite for this year in Sea -
forth has been fixed at 25 mills on
the dollar..
Mr. Rebert Carmlehael has' re-
turned from his trip to Scotland.
On Sunday night last Mr. Robert
Turnbull, of alicKillop; had several,
sheep worried by dogs. -
Mr. Appleton Elcoat, of Tuckersmith
hes purchased 50 acres from hisneighe
hor, Mr. James Davidson!. -
Mr. Donald McKay has sold' his 50
wore farm on the 13th concession of
Tuckeremith to Mr. Wen. Papple, for
The following were the prize win-
nere in the root crop coireeetition
of the 1uckered-111th Agricultural So-
ciety: Turnips, Mrs. Henry Ches-
ney, Hugh, Chesney, Tuckersmith, and
D4v1d Youll, Stanley-; carrots, David
Mmpbell, James Dickson! and James
Chesney, Tuckersmith; mangolds, D.
Youll, James Dickson; potatoes, Jas.
Landsborough, James Chesney, Wm.
• Eczema, Totter, Salt Rheum,
Itch, Ring Worm, Herpes,- Bar-
bers' Itch.
.41.1 of these diseases are attendee by
intense itching, 'which is almost in-,
stantly 'relieved by applying Clhara-
berlain's Salve, and by its continued
use ta. perir.airnt cure may be effect,
ed. it has, In feet, cured many cases
which had ;resisted allother trait-
ment. Price 25 cents a, box. For. sale
by all driggIsts.
—One of the pioneer residents of
the township of Mornington, Mrs John
Freeborn, died at the home a her BOIS
at Freeborn last week. Mr. and Mn.
F,reehorn settled in the early fifties
where Mill:bask now stands Mr.Free-
born. ,built the first nal in Inlet
bip, hence the name Milliemk. He
died about a year ago. ,
When DuneaniRoss was Young
(From The Toronto News.)
When Duncan Ross was young and fair,
Before he even learned to swear,
We went.to school with him.
He seemed a decent Bort of lad;
Not very good, not very bad,
And alwaysneat and trim.
We „studied Latin side by side,
His yawns, like ours were very wide,
And oftbe =uttered "Maw."
J. Caesar's Belli are too slow,
1 won't need Latin when 1,go
To Parliament like Paw,'
But still he toiled along the pike
Of knowledge—stubborn little. tyke
And after many a year
He won a 'Varsity degree.
As proud a Lucifer was he,
And grinned from ear to ear.
But then—Ah, how we grieve te say,
He left the straight and narrovi way,
With tears the sight we saw.
He scorned advice, the foolish man,
A course of sin he soon began,
Pock Dano.—He studied Law.
Of course at that we cut him dead,
And eftentintes in sorrow said,
Alu.s. poor Duncan 0.°
But down, and ever down he goes,
(A tear -drop glistens on our nose),
He's now an M. P. P.
Health and Strength Regained Through
Dr. ;Williams' Pilk Pills.
NIMOktMle•Ellall -
The, after effects of la grippe are
more serious than the disease itself.
Irs victims are left low spirited and
spring colt for $%O.
prey to bronchitis, pneinnonla,
On Sunday, September 20th, the new rheumatism, and often that most
Catholic church at Drysdale was con- dreaded ot all diseases, consumption.
se -crated by Rev. Dr. Walsh, Bishop Thar the after effects of la, griPlIel*
of London. • there is absolutely -no medicine can
At the provinelal fair, Toronto, G.' equal Dr: Williams' Pink Pille. Every,
Kaiser, of Tuckersmith, got 3rd prize dose helps make neverich, red blood
for three year old carriage _stallion; that drives disease from the system,
and Alex. Dennis, of Stanley, got and realms weak despondent men!'
let for two year old carriage stal- and women bright, cheerful, and
Ityred by Thomas Hills, Egmond- strong. Mies Eugenie Dohaideoh. oL
11,11M• ••••••• =010
ISt. Jerome, Quebec, 'found a cure
through these pills after other rem-
Seaforth., Oct. 2, 1874. edies had failed to help her. She
On ,account of a portion of the refs says: "I took la grippe and did
idents of Egmondville hewing petition- not seem able to shake it off. It
ed the Government not to incorporate developed ,into bronchitis ;- I coughed
that village with Seatorth, the GOY- day and, night, and grew so weak
ernment have refused to do so unless that I could hardly move about. I
a counter petition represisaing a trwd remedy after remedy, but as
large number of the property hold- nothing seemed to help me I began
ere wes presented in favor of it. This to dread that consumption' was de -
could not be obtained and the Sea- veloping and that my case was in -
forth council have withdrawn the ap- eutable. A friend urged me to try
plication to lia.ve Egmondville incor- Dr. :Williams' Pink Pills and follow-
porated with Seaforth. ; ing tlia,t advise! I got a. supply. (For
Mr. R. Ferguson who for several two months "I took the pills faith -
years has been engaged as teacher of , fully, following the directions given.
the Roxboro seh001, has resigned and for their use. I am (thankful I did
has acdepted a position as assistant so, for they fully, restored. • my
editor of the Stratford Beaconstrength, land I have since enjoyed
Mr. Alex. McLagen, has sold his perfect 'health. I will always advise
farm on the Landon read., Tucker- hick and ailing people to give Dr.
smith, to Mee James DaVidson, who Williams' Phik Pills a trial, for
lives niear him. The farm contains firmly believe that they will find great
100 aereS, and the price paid togethe: ;bent;it from their use
er, with the stock and implements Rich, red 'blood, is the one thing
was 010,000.
needed" to maintain health and
strength. Dr. :Williams' Pink Pills
: . &earth!, Oct. 9, 1974aetually make etch, red blood. That
,We were shown the other deer a is the reason; of their great popular -
very handsome gold= watch made to it -y in every 'country in the world.
a;er, delorr olifr. 3.1t.Copunotreter,r;ofbySeaa-Te . That *is
era weakness, matism, neural-
why they cure apaernia, gen-
nglish firm. In addition to giving gia4 indigestion,, Vitus' dance,
the St
d the Ills of
- time and secohds, it gives' the Par .1) 1 I
with 11
Greenwich, New York . and Toronto girlhood. ami - Nsf
time, also a monthly calendarits distressing headathes sideachea I
The salt rock was struck in Kidd's and )haeleaches. • See that you get the'
silt well, near Seaforth, on Friday seunine -piles with the full- name a i
night laed, at a depth of 1,045 feet. " Dr. VIlliatnte Pink Pills for Pale 1 .
Mr. Alexander McLennan, of Sea- People" on the wrapper around. each I
-forth, had two valuable cows, which b9x. Sold by all medicine dealers i
were pasturing on the cornmons oir by 'Wail at 50 cents a box or siX I
scalded by some heartless pereionboxes for 10,22.50 from the Dr. Wil -
Mr. Andrew Govenlock commenced llama Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont._ I
'Satisfaction or your
perhaps you know, perhaps you don't know. that this
store has enjoyed the largest business this winter in its his-
tory. Goods were never_ sold so cheap, yet it has been a
most successful year. We have hacreased our business,
consequently could afford
To Decrease our Profits.
Hence the moderate prices for which we are becoming
known, and which is the best advertising we are doing to-
day. The winter trade is -just about finished, and
we are going to return profits 'TO YOU. If you have ever
heard of prices like those which will prevail here for the
next 6 days, we never have. If you fail to take advantage of
them, it will not be our fault.: There is no need of explain
ations. Here are the testing prices :
Astrachan, Bocharan, plain and trimmed; Near Seal, -
plain and trimmed; Fur Lined, &c. Space will not permit
our listing here. All we he to say is if you buy without
seeing these coats and gettig OUT prices, you will be doing
yourself an injustice.
PRICES, $10 to $40
If there is a man who thinks of buying a far coat this
season or next, we will show him by our prices that it will
pay him to buy now, even if he had to borrow the money.
PRICES $8 to $40
Any Overcoat in the
store Hail Price
Any Suit in the store $8.50
Winter Caps Hall Price
Men's odd Tweed Pants 990
Men's odd working Vests
Men's Underwear, heavy
ribbed, regular 75c line
Fleece tined
Wool Sox
Heavy leather Mitts, wool
Boys' Dress Overcoats
Boys' Heavy Overcoats
Boys' Winter Caps
Boys' Mitts
Boys' Wool Gloves
Boys' Fleece Underwear
Boys' Wool Underwear
Boys' Knickers (lined)
Boys' Toque Caps
Boys' Caps
44, 44
44. 44,
44 ' 44
0 -Butter and Eggs taken as Ca,311.-
18 cents
30 cents
80 cents
50 cents ;
20 cents
10 cents