The Huron Expositor, 1907-02-22, Page 3tRY 22. 1907 id I err -le Agony M PAIN ACROSS NL KIDNEYS DAN'S ILLS E worda of praise, Mr. M. A. 11 Trude, IreT. N.S. has for Doan's Kidney trites us): " For the past three years- 7ed eeeeSteee agony from 'min antes% I was se had I could r.ot stoop foonsulted and lead several doctor% could get no relief. Ou the advker I procured a box a our valuab/e, mealy (Dean's Rielney Pills), and ti. s and delight. I immediately got •es- epreeor ;Jean-• Kidney Pills have any form of kidney trouble." Lay Pills are fiD mita per box ers-- for $1.25. Can be procured at la i11 bmailed direct on receipt of Than Kidney rill eo... Toratne.f ceot epurious substitute but be; Doan's.' UCTION SALES. E of Brood Mares, Filliesand Gelds - Jones has i•eceived instructions. ,r.... Itoach and Patrick Rowland to oa at the Village of Dublin, on. nary 28th, ,1907, the following : es. re It years okl,in foal to Iia - rood mare 6 years- ad, in foal - 1 heavy draft brood mare ha rvy draft geldings rising im5- eavy dra t geldee rising four yearn - raft fillies rising 4 years oide 2 hm,vy rising 3 years old ; Theavy draft geld. re old ; 8 heavy draft geldings rising .neral purpose horses' 6 years e $ 7 years eke Saleat one o'clook„ S it will be given on furnishing C-! off for :cash. JOHN E„ PATRICK ' ROWLAND, Proprietors; :14, Auctioneer for Perth and Huron. .- • 2044-2 4ALE of Farm Stock. -Mr. Thomas Las been instructed by Mr. Frank Me - pie auction on Lot 25, Conceerelon Friday, February 22nd, at one o'clock owing ; Horses. --1 heavy draft 'ewe- ri foal ; 1 general pnrpose mare ming E driving mare Jointnir 3, very quiet, e• Le • ; 1 heavy draft, mare ceming 3. theft geldings coming 2 years. old ; : 2 years old ; 2 aged horses good to nuhil f,toWN supped to be in calf ; e alma time of sale ; 1 eow to calve ia e eomine 3 yeare old ; 6 steers coming e. lfeni corning 2 years old ; 4 stock e e months. °a The whole will posi- d as the proprietor is short of feed. -Nine booths redit will be given on jiroved endorsed :nbtes. A diseount at er tentper anniun will be allowed for .aK MecANN, Proprietor ; THOIVIAS :ioneer.,• 2044-2 ALE of Fariii Stoeit and Implements- . L- Jones 1ia received instructions frora le to sell by public auction en Lot 22, TeWnship of Ilibbert, on Friday, Fele- a7, the following : 1 general purpose ear 14 Old : 1 Peri•heroit mare rising eal to lewd. Wolesley ; 1 brood mare 12 'real to Wilder Lee : 1 driving mare in feel to Wilder Lee one eriee hove twelve years old ; 1 Ming rising 2 year old ; 1 Wilder Leo :ear old : 1 general purpose colt rising eev 5 year'-o1d.stipposed to be in calf ; eepp.s.ed to betn (Alf ; co.ve due ret; 1 farrow cow : 5 valves 2 months r year& old :2 heifer., 2 years old ; 1 ;3 ft heifer.; ; 8 spring ealvee ; feeto litter et One of sale, 26 a -en -bred sh-(p ; 1 alaseey-Hanis der nearly new; 1 Perrin two -furrow 'tarry new ; 1 tweefurrav; gang plow ; 1 1 fou'r-seetion dianinnd barrow : 1 e Sale at one o'cleele Terme.----:All d under. eaeh ; ru er that amount, a 'fen be given on ferniehing approved off for eaeli on credit amounts. No 11rnPristor k els in up the farm he DRARE, Proprietr JAS., :oneer. 2i)44-2 s ALE of Farm Stoeir. and ImpTemente. 1, White & Cameron bare been inetnert- Patine auetien on Lot 25, S. T. R. Us- 4i.eedey, l'oeriiezs a7, cominen- e-teleeL :_o•iarp, the following property -e•erla geldings 4 years okl, 3 draft geld- l•l, 5 dt•aft geldines e years old. 3 draft old, e draft fillies 1 year old, 3 draft e draft Mike 3 years old, 1 draft 1 hoed mare 5 years oid with foal, 6 'ear e old- from imported stock and iireneed Clyde horse, 1 imported Clyde E, 4 imported Clyde fillies9 years old, 3 eats o1i wit fi foal, 1 (hieing. mare ving mare 4 tars old, 1 two -year - Pelt one 3 eliding road:4er colt. eteers two e care old, three hell - steers 1 year old, 3 heifers one eeel grade re-eae ith calf, 2 heifers two (Pall. Reeieten .1 Cattle. -5 registered ealf at foot, 3 registered Short- ie to velve in April, reeistered Short - nit!' calf, 3 registered Short- e:kr s vaives, 1 s grannie ball, rSiieut pen le el Barred Rock hens. S 1 binder. 1 inewer, 1 seed drill, 2 teithator, 1 (Ilse harrow, 1 roller, 1 set Huffier, e single plows, I grain grind - toe., 1 Soiling mill, 1 manure spreader, hay rake, 1 hay folder, 1 top buggy, 1 Isogg.y. 1 cool,: stove. 2 heating n. 1 wheelbarrow, 9 eete farm harness, 'ericees, hifiletreee, nertityokes, I car, iia3 forh. (10Scb:Er, fork, ehovelseind teols and kitchen riteneilie Frans re will iie fiOld at the tame time, a ilftY :If the cat hall of Lot a, Coneeesion 1, hce ie a s-pleisdid pasture farm. The • Tho plaeo 1.14 air* well water - .111 - sas of and un- ler, ete3h ; ont, ttI00th5e redit will he given oni row! Joint notee. A diseount of fl`K ra TPIII.S Of -real estate dse.•, of Nile. The titic» e is a ehotee aria, 11, iLl pouaivOy be sold without re- „prsistm• has; 14..a.N1 hi', farm arid is - I HA'. Es 11.10ENEY, Proprietor ; '.R' 'N, 3044-1,1 }WC ANT N()TfOES. [e Bra. eel-. le it's Isrtsary 1st, 1967. &0 x l*. -s.(1 door tis :.. American Hotel, tellorbee, neeiy made elothing, ete„ 1r • 2ell-tf r al.7 ,ittiler the. tewn ef 11",;e14 ns•e.• and necessary ,4-1;cot frolo tor (retie dealer or 'ie.,' e,' -r er flat. whioli 1 tor 1, ,,!•nr . \Val rent all or p3r1- 11-11:tio. ontario. -20-11x2 de est I.E.-Oil Lot 3, Conemion 14, 0, in l.. l.' tillalititieStV der prate (;ht e:ght and a half tom issrisa; size. Any periion re- 'Ar,1111! 410 N4e11 to inquire early- :, eeesee ,en, to Joffe”, alerfileRSONe 12,;-, 3 Li ;Wintry 24;15-tf ,,1-11` V WE -Tso sispler-signofl wilL t inn 3, b. R. oeeeeieed 1 -or% 3i k• tn, Jb,..t ;• • :e r :rid dant of the. • r. 1, ;,•,ar•lia,-411 frour r• •1. u ith the • • '21 i 4%-€ . . _ dtlat •1 r • e. , • 1 • e s• s'," the Fat- - ,S s •. ri • s - s• ;en 1 tItIcablc•, : e, at (I 11 save i irdere by a e • rir WM. it. Mee s • er r. e-tit-te - i.L. t • s.s• thorri- ks'e " (*are4ar --1 1'- rrnt r if 19 01. 4,14C.L11- • u ra i to • 1 1r1 • t.,) • 4or. Ir.:. • :01,1 fer relic c .!`prt t :1.1-11:;•tt F(}1C • ie. ;Ix I ilay- .: briek ; s,s,:st;:s bedrooms:, and • -: Is • esitting :tt :I tet/0-l1, O. large let Writ in saintlier and ' (lotsgi _ Fos u / sor ft:ert it ulat,ariply. elan liuy field 1'. 0. liA11Y :f.043,Nti rkt A NI TE D BE'Lz rc in every localitr roughout 'United States and Canada tc. aertbe oar good, tucking up shovr eureka bridges, and all conspicuous pluceo ; sdvertirsing rciattree. .Commisaion or BP jArr 40P02.401i. VA/ a dey. Steady employ - pliable men. Wo ley out yonr work anc., naednd. Write tsr pazticulara. UNA 00.. London. Ontario. Canada .14 ali Safe Ofltbr Ombina on • alig years the Assets Sovereign Bank of Canada have increased to over 25 millions, and exceed the liabilities to the public by over 5 millions. Deposits have increased to over 15 millions. Your account—large or small—is invited: • $1.00 opens an account in our Savings Dept. • Interest paid 4 times a year. The Sovereign Bank of Canada. HENSALL AND 13RUCEFIEL D. Bargains in Farms aeres, all cleared except 1 acre bush, large barn •-fm stone wall, drive house, pig pen, eta., 14 storey Inane house, situated within three miles of Seaforth. lerice only 85,500, part .assli. - 100 acres, all cleared except 10 acres of valuable hush, medium sized frame house, barn onposts, large -drive shed, situated witnin 8 miles of Drucelipld. • Price, 34,800. Terms 82,000 cash. Also 20 others that cannot be duplicated for price terms in the county. • For further particulars apply at residence, Mill Read, or addrese A. A: WATT, 20394f BruC'efield, Th'rk mat fOR 17. TO -DAY ppatiecfn 441.• 4re' .`"}".-7P• -We will venni von free and poei- paid this oeautifully Itarapesi 13,inch s CARNATIONS Colonial art Cittftrz*Ce POPP(VS, ttettY, VICieSIS ei AltiellfCAN BEAUTY ROSES •- - ite to-dey =closing 25 cents in stamps or coin and state design wanted . . /Yon, cit(Ac..4 9 of 5 nevi • des ens — - Thie t he niegest offer we ever ErVide. Wt do it re t'onv,tv:ne%ftry woman that the fiOlIelt • °URN At re the frreeteae magazine pnhlibed m Caneda, :not Wirier; lieerini eiersteeeee De. artment, Omit:tee. Household An,. Wit end eater, geeblea. Neteskora:lama !Green Plews tecial enel 511er/ Ct.-Irks and ; axes' Patterns. Hon i Z5 eteets for one year..., euhaeriotion the non,e Jot4tquett fAncl cite co ncrerimet, &dares C tt LA. rioN Fe'PA ft TM EN9 HE nome loalirrrv.! rTORONose McKillop Directory for 1907' imEtx GOVENLOCK, Reeve, • Winthrop P. 0. ITAMES COWAN, Councillor, geafortit P. O. McDOWELL, Councillor, Seae forth P. O. ALEX. ROSS, Councillor, Nintlirop 04 CI:AMES RYAN, Councillor', Beta:wood 041CHAEL MURDIE, Clerk, Winthrop if P. 0: K. HOLLAND, Treasurer, 13eeehe wood P. O. SOLOMON SHANNON, J. it, Sanitary t Inspector, Winthrop.P. 0. -, The New Store For New Goods fRU IT— nese are arriving daily, and the quality is with - on tdoubt the very best. Our prices are the o Neat. 1871— _ Finnan iraddie, Oiscoes, Whitefish, Mackerel :and Trout. These are Very scarce, but are extra good quality. VEGETABLES- - Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Bede, Par snips and Turnips always on hand. FRESH MEAT S— We buy nothing but the best quality in Beef, Pork and Lamb in this department. We have extra fine prices. CURED MEATS -- Ham, Bacon, Breakfast Bacon and Rolls, always • on hand. VOOKED MEATS -- Corned Beef, Head Cheese, Bologna and New England Ham. 'CROCE RIES— Our groeery department is complete. Always freek and good. USE BROS. 14,3 0.)114N1EFICE . BLOCK PHONE 96 SEAFORTH. tivctir RUT' "4.11'w" Do You . . Wish to Visit The Fiist Day. The first day of our winter term will be January 2nd, 1907. We will then re -open with undocbtedly the largest elaPS in the history of this school. If you want the edu- cation that prepares for good posi- tion% write for our cata)vg---rksts nothing. All Graduotes get Positions. THE BERLIN BUSINESS COLLEGE, W. D. EULER, Principal. 2018 ANCE=MEDI Only One Best' in the line of Business Training, Insti- tutes in Canada, and that one is.'the well-known • Central Business College, OF TORONTO, Best in courses of litudy, best in num- bers and experience of teachers, best In secering positions for graduates. Have you read our catalogue? 14 explains our methods. Get it before you decide which school you will attend. • Winter term from Jan. 2nd. You wdl be welcome. Eneer any time. W. H. SHAW, Principal Yonge and Gerrard streets, Toronto I 2018-20 Nurses' & Mothers' Treasure —most reliable medicine for baby. Used over 50 years. First compounded by Dr. P. E. Picault in 11355. - Makes Baby Strong Restores the little organs to perfect • health. Gives sound sleep, without resort -to opium or other injurious drugs. ea At elnergia, 25e. 6 bouka ;1.25. National Drug es Chemical Co. Ltd., Mewed e rt Sten ih Heart Strenit1i. or Heart Weakness, means Nerve Strength, or le erve Weakness -nothing nore. Pos. it,ivoly. not one weak heart in a hundred is, in it - coif, actually diseased.e It is almost always a hidCon tiny little nerve that really is all at fault. This obscuie nerve -the Cardiac, or Heart Nerve ncede, and must have. more power, more stabil' ? y more conerolling, more ,governing streneren. Without that the Heart Must continue to fail, and the stomach and leidneys also have these sone controllIng nerves. This clearly explains wby, as a -medicine, Dr. Shoop's Restorative has in the past done so muelt for weak and ailing Hearts. Dr. Shoop first wog lit the cause of all this painful, palpitating, suffoeat- ing heart distress. Dr. Shoop's Restomtive-tb le popular prescription -is alone directed to timers weak and wasting nerve centers. It buiblei I t strengthens; it'offers real, genuine heart help. If yon Would have strong Hearts, strong di- gestion, strengthen these nerves -re-establish there as n.eeded, with MEXICO CALIFORNIA FLORIDA or the e "SUNNY SOUTH" Are you anxious to escape the cold weather and enow, and spend the winter in the "Land of Fruit and Flowers." • Tourist tickets are on sale daily, and if you're contemplating- a trip *lee that your tickets are routed. via Grand Trunk. For tieketa sod full information call on • W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent,. • A. F. PRILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent, r. Shoop' (1111rEltiv Logs Wanted. ,soso.ermIsssmis The undersigned is prepared to 'slay the highest :ash price for an unlimited quantity of first-class Soft Elm, Rock Elm, Basswood, Maple, Beech, Ash, ifemlook and Oak Logs, delivered at the Seaforth awand Strive Mill. To be out in even length, ex - soft elm ; soft elm to be cut 11, 13 and 16 feet. Will also buy. Basswood Heading Bolts, 40 incites ong, at 83.30 per cord delivered.. Will also buy tim- e' i•Ity measurement or by bulk In bush. Special et. te. tion paid to custom sawing, eatisfaction guaran- teed. • 2036-10 WM. AMENT. Seaforth. Farm to Rent. 100 -Acres of First Claes Land, with a good ea of buildings, to rent for a term of years at a reasonable rental. 2044 3 A. A. WATT, Real Estate Agent Brucefield, Ont. W Ogle Pb.03Phodbio The Great Englisk .Reme Tones and invigorates the wholo nervous system, makes new lood in old "Veins. CIOV8 Nene one Debilii Mental and Brain Worry, Des- pandenev, vat Weakness, Emissions, Sper- matarrh.cea, and Effects -of 4busear ,EXCe88e8„ Price $1 per box, six for $5. One willplease, eix will cure. Sold by all druggiate or Mailed in plain pkgon receipt of price. New pamvplaet mailedfree. The W,wd Medlcino Cog • Toronto, Mit (larmerlia Windsor) DI TRICT MATTERS. Died ini Neepawa, Manitoint.-A par- ticularly tired death occurred on'Tuese day, February 5th, at Union, near Neepa,wa' when Mrs.. M. Is Goven- lock lest'her young hely and only son, James Douglas B., aged 5 years, 4 months and 20 days. j The little fel- low was a very bright boy, and had only been siek a, short time. The funeral, which ttook plaee the fole lowing Thursday to Riverside Ceme- •tery, was largely attended r Mrs. GOV- enlook is a "daughter of Mr. Robert Leatherland, of Tuckersmith, and her meny friends will rernember the sud- den death a her husband, only about two years ago, and extend their em- pathy to herself and daughter. In Its New Home. -Tilt Stratford Beacon has taken another long •step in its upward and onward progress. It has been located in its beautiful and commodious new home, just completed andprovided for it by itsenterpris- ing proprietor, Mr. W. M. O'Beirne, ahd will now be one Of the best equip, - ped 'newspaper esta,blishrnents in the Province outside. the larger cities. The Beacon, under its preeent man- agernent, hase kept pace with the growth and progress of the growing and enterprising eitr it represents, and is a credit and advantage to it. We 'hope its progress may continue, that its 1pf1uence w111 increase, and the purse of its worthy proprietor grow heavier year by year, • E3orrtho Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Hill entertain- ed a. 'number of their friends last Fri- days evening. -Mf. .Angus and Mize Lottie Sinclair spent a few days in $t. Marys last Week. -Miss Georgina Victor Wald the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Gardner, in Mitchell, last week. - Mrs. Thomas Hicks visited' her daugh- 4er, Mies LA1a, of Palmerston, last week. = THE LONDON LIFE'S Honest Dealing, Sound Innestments'Realized Estimates and a Clean Record, are some of the features that make this pre - • eminently the Policyholders' Company. 5.78% ' Was the average rate of interest earned on the mean in- -Vested assets for 1908. ,The average rate for the pag twenty irears is the highest of all the companies opertting for that :length a time, NO LOSSES ON IN VESTMLSTS. • ROBINSON. Inspector,- Seaforth. • Usborne. School ReportalThefollovring is the ;report of the examination held in February in tschool section No. A, Usborne ; Class IT -Total 854 -Fos ,r Bray, 282, Lindsay Gardiner 271, Kay 260, Al -mer Stewart 252. Sr. IV' -Total 815 -Wm. Monteith 285, A. Allison 271, Flossie Passmore 211, 13. Brown 166, John Turnbull 162. Jr. IV -Total 290 -May Desch 261, Ethel Hunkin• 240, Garnet Passmore 229: Sr. III -Total 225 -Kenneth McNicol 174. Jr. III -Total 225-Coursay Brown 211, Annie Turnbull 195, Charles Al- lison 193, Chrissie Riley 187, Milton Hodgert 174, Viola, Hunkin 174, Wm. Jeffrey 184. Jr. III, No. 2 -Total - 215, Jean Allison 246. JeWe A. Ham- ilton, teacher. 0 Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. Remember It is made alone for Piles - and it works with certainty and satisfaction. Itching, parnful, protruding, or blind piles disappear like* magic by its use. Trk it and see I -Sold by" C. Aber - hart, druggist, Seaforth. ' Emit End Notes. -Buying and chang- ing farms is the order of the day in this locality. Now, that the weather Is 'getting fine, moving will soon com- mence. Mr. M. McLaughlin will be moving onto the fine farm he pur- chased from Mr. J. Eckert; Mr. Au*. gust Hignold will be moving onto the farm he purchased, from Mr. John Shine, the price p a,id being $5,500. We congratulate Mr. Hignold in securing rguch a 'beautiful home for himself and family. Mr. and ),Irs. Shine go back to !reside in Seaferth egain, with the best wishes of their many friends in, McKillop. Mr. Hignold sold his farm to Mr. J. Murray, for the sant of ga,500. MT. MUTTItY is a hustler ; 11 is a young- maar .yet, and he will soon' 'oe the largest land owner in Mc- Killop. Mr. M. Maloney bought a fine hundred acre farm down east, where he will move in the near future, nnd the beet wishes of his many friencli go with him to his new home. ° Belmore. Death of Mr. Dustove-It is our 'gad duty this week to chronicle the death or Mr. Thomas Dustow, which took place on. February 4th. A few weeks ago Mr. DtistOw was taken ill with a partial stroke of :paralysis, from which he 'never recovered, de - 'spite the best n:edical aid. Mr. Due: tow was born, in the city of Hamilton, In the year 1846. While quite young the family moved to Huron, county, settling in the township of Tucker - smith. He was married in the year 1873, to' Miss*Mason, of the same place. They moved, up to the township or Carrick, Settling on the 2nd conces- sion. Mr. •Duertow was an 'honest, ahrewd mon, who was beloved and honored by all 'Who knew *him His remains were laid to rest in thet Me- Xtozh cemetery. The funeral was under the auspices of .the AVroxetert Masonic lodge. It was one of ;the lergeet funerals ever seen in this section of the country, The deceased leaves a widow and ten children, six - boys and four girls, to mouen the loss of a true end affectionate 'husband, and a kind and loving father, and who have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community. . • • , Stephen Notes. -Mr. Dan. McCurdy, of Step- • hen, near Centralia, has purchased from Mr. Nelson Bricker his 100 acre Is It Your OlazHair? Do you pin your, hat to your own hair? Can't do it? Haven't enough hair? It must be you do not know Ayer's • Hair Vigor! .Here's an intro- duction 1 May the acquaint- ance result in a heavy growth of rich; thick, glossy hair! Use this splendid hair -foods, stop your falling hair, and get rid of your dandruff. The beat kind of a teatimonial- "Sold for over sixty years." mese LoweflMum Aln0 Inatrifaotarere er Web SARSAPARILLA tiwCUI3RRY PECTORAL. ,mtmeta-- end re et have come, as a happy re- lease. f'o the parents, brother asid sister the sympathy a a wide' circle of fr:rnds la extended. . Unlawful .Wbunding.-On Friday john Houlahan, of Stephen, was brought before His Honor Judge Holt at C4oderich, on a ckarge of wound- ing with intent. He had pleaded not guilty to the charge, but on Friday his solicitor, Mr. Stanbury, offered to to plead guilty to unlawful wound- ing, an offer the, -county attorney ac- cepted. The ;plaintiff and defendant are brOthers-in-la.w, and were al- ways good friends, but on the occas - skin they had been drinking, and while passing from some sheds to the hotel Houlahan staobed O'Neil in the neck with a, small jack knife that defendant kept for 'tobacco eating. The Wound just penetrated the, flesh and *drew blood. Mr. gtanbury made a, very strong plea for a light sen- tence, as, he claimed, the assault was not premeditated, and. held that the knife used could not inflict a severe wound. He also presented a petition signed by every resident within three miles of defendant's residence, asking for a lenient sentence.- Mr. Seeger stated that he had received, a letter m from an ex -M. P. which entioned the defendant's generally good char- acter. His Honor addressed defend- ant at Some length, pointing out that it was necessary to stop the use of the knife and pistol, but in this case, which 'might even have beea an accident, be could not help consid- ering the very large and Influential petition presented to the court. He then sentenced Houtahtta to pay a fine of $80, which includes coats, and find two ;securities in $5131) each, to keep the peace for two years. To stop a Old with "Preventics" is safer than to let It run and cure It afterwards. Taken at the "sneeze citage," Preventics will head off all colds and Grippe, and, perhaps save you from Pneumonia or Bronchitis. Preventics are 'little toothsome candy coed cure tablets, selling in 5 cent and 26 cent boxes. If you are chilly, if you begin to sneeze, tret Preventics. They will surely check the cold, and please yoke Sold by C. Abertiart,drug- glet, Seatoith. 10. In The 014 , Days. Interesting sketches of the early days of Seaforth and vicinity, taken from the files of The Exs positor. • --- Seaferth, August 28, 1874. The Governor General, Lord Duf- ferin and. Lady Dufferin vieted in Goderich on Friday Lae. They were driven about the town, then enter- tained at a luncheon, and in the ev- ening a ball was held. They left the following morning. Mr. JohniCampbell, late of the 'Com- mercial Hotel, has purchased the stage line between Seaforth and Brussels. 10.•• ••••• ONSIMI Seaforth, Sept. 4, 1874. home, in Seeforth, on August Oth, lliter. Wm. Dorranoct died at cher from typhoid fever, which she con- tracted .while watching over a son. Deceased was 45 years of age, and leaves a, husband and large family of email children to mourn her loss. Mr. James A. Benson, reeve, leaves for Toronto next week, •for the pur- pose er making applicatken to have Seaforth proclaimed a awn, all the necessary formalities having been - complied with. ' Mr. Chas. Mason, of Tuckerigmith, arrived home on Saturday last, from the old country, 'with another im- ported horse. • Mr. David Geiger has sold his farm in the township of Hay to Joseph Settle, of Mount Clemens. The farm canteens 70 acres and the price paid Wasp $3,000. Mr. Geiger has purchas- ed a 170 acre fartn in the county' of Waterloo. •. Mr. Philip Belfry has sold his 50 aerc farm on the 2nd concession of Hullett, to J. Brickenden, of Clinton, for $2,600. - c A young daughter of Mr. Daniel Campbell, of Winthrop, -was severely scalded the other day. Mr. Campbell left a crock of boiling water an a bench and the child pulled it overt on tierself. The s tanley township council have farm, on !the 9th concession of Step- passed the by-law granting $10,000 hen. -Mr. John McIssac, who has con- for the improvement of Hayfield har- ducted a . hotel business in Crediton, - 'bor. for the past two years, has sold out I David Morgan, of Goderich 'town - his interest to ' Henry Redfern, •of ship, fell from the mow in his barn Lakeport. Possession is to ba given,' the other day and fractured his on the let of Mart -Chas. Farmer, one : thigh. - of the most pyopillar young farmers 1 John Ballantyne 4as sold hisfarm of. Stephen, was,- on Tuesday of last on the 5th concession of Usborne, week, united in marriage to Miss to. his brother, Thomas, and Mr. Lydia Schroeder, -ithe pleasing' event Hardy, of Francestown. The farm taking place at this home of the bride's contains 100 acres and sold for f0,000. mother in Dash ood.-The hope of Mr. Ballantyne has also sold his farm Mr. Joseph Hai, of Crediton, was on the same concession to Thomas the scene of a peasant gathering on Cudmore for $4,500. This farm also Saturday; February 9th. About sixty , contains 100 acre,s. guests were preterit to help cele- i twee* ' Seaforth, Sept. 11, 1874. bra,te the 80411birthday of Mr. Heist. I His three sons, gam, Noah and Jots:eel At a special meeting of the Sea - of Sebewaing, Michigan, were also forth council on Tuesday evening present. Mr. Heist is still quite lost, the reeve was instructed to se - active. -Mr. Francie M. Shapton, BM cure the services of a coispetent,per- of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shapton, of ion to take the census of Egmontl- the second concession of Stephen, died ville. This to , ascertain whether or on the 6th inzt.'' after a. long and try- ing illness of asthma. He was 36 pATERsows years' of age. He spent foar years in the Northwest, hoping that the cli- mate of that countrylwould afford him relief, but the experiment proved a, failure. The deceased was an exem- plary young man, an earnest. Christ- ian' and always bore his sufferings in a cairn and patient,‘ even 'might and cheerful "Ipirit, although to hlnr the ,COUGH DROP 49) S Mit SCOW thrOati;;r6Ore OMR* SUSI c oughs, taw eplds,--acouglepensly that Sway does cam Physicians -comma # tirtIr use In au Irritations of the mucous 44'• Pulases. Nice to take. Demand the three - cornered Idnd in the reduad yellow box. 5 THEY WILL C.I/IIZ not Eginondville has sufficient popu- lation for a town ward, in the event of incorporation. •About one o'clock on Wednesday' last, the 'boiler • at Grey, Young .8e Sparling's salt works exploded. The derrick and engine house were shat- tered and the engine deetroyed, but • fortunately no person was earound. The cause of °the explosion Is Un- known. A petition is being circulated in Egmondville opposing the incorpor- ation ef Egmondville with &Worth. Alex. Stewart, a, young unmarried man, who has a farm 011 the 6th concession a West Wawanosin met with a, painful accident. He was lifting a, gun, which he had laid a- gainst a log, when the trigger caught a:rid the tontenhe lodged in Stewart's body. He was terribly injured. ••••-oss.s.s.s. gegorth, Sept. 18, 1874. At the residence of Thomas Phil- Orillia, on September 8th, Mies I Emma, youngest daughter of Mr. T. Knox'of Seaforth, was 'united In marriage to E. 3. Hicks, • of the Hicks House, Mitchell. At the 'residence of the bride's fath- er, James Sperling, Seaforth, on Sep- tember 17, Elizabeth Sporting and Mr. Joseph Marshall were united:in marriage. - 'Bush fires have been raging 'tithe vicinity of Seaforth for the past cou- ple of weeks. Mr. Wm. Dorrance net with a painful accident the other da'y. fle was driving over a culvert veith a. load of sugar barrels, when, the eta- vertsgave way, Mr: Dorranee was *thrown off the load and considerably injured. MT. Be L. Doyle, of Goderich, has opened a branch law office over Mr. Kidd's stare. Mr. A. Calder, jr., has opened a new photograph gallery in his premises nearly opposite the Mansion hotel, on Main street. The barn of Jelin Walton, 14th con - McKillop, Was destroyed ny fire on Friday afternoon hist, to- gether with his season's crop and a numoer of Implements. A threshing machine belonging to Duncan Camp- bell and Alex. McCartney, which had been used the previous day and left In the barn, was also destroyed. A short time' ago, a valuable breed- ing mare belonging to Mr. Christopher Dale, of the Huron road, Tuckeramitie got on to the railway track and was killed bet a passing train. •1 • Itching Piles. If you are acquainted with anyone who is troubled with the distressing ailment 'you, can do hirn no greater favor than to tell him to try! Cham- berlain's Salve. It gives instant re- lief. Price 25 cents per box. Sold by all druggists. • 49 -A. W. •Canscallen, ex -M, P. for North Hastings, _died at his residence in Marmora,, last week. Deceased had a paralytic stroke from which he never recovered. He leaves, a widow and son, Frank, pf Weyourn, Sask., and a daughter, Mra. James Parker, of Montreal. coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat lilme;rits are quickly relieved by Oresolen* ablets. ten cents per box. All druggists • In the Master's Flock. (The gifted author of 'the follow- ing verses, which we take from the Scottish-Ameeican, is Miss C. 1Kyle Anderson, who is known t� rnanY- Of our readers, having been: for several 'years a resident .of. Turn.berry and. Wingham, and is a eiSter of MrsfeWm. Iebister, of )Morris.) - BY C. KYLE ANDERSON, MELVILLE, MONT. The' just a bit lamb in the flock o' the Master, There's tuntlit be wanting whatever: Sae happy am I, isle green is the pasture, And bonny the calm flowingeiver. The voice o' the Master sae gladly Ihear, " Saying, "Thirsty ones drink 3.e and live,- Tab the bine gray shade of the rock keep near, Frae the Son's scorching rays tae relieve." He bids us tae rest on the braes ever green ; Ile gres tae his loved ones sweet sleep; Tee far in thedistance fieree wolves may be seen, Ile sees that far distant they keep. When 1 frae the richt road o truant wad Amy, Tae follow the wrang, which I take, Ile in his great love brings me back tae. the way; Ay, even for His ain name's sake. Ile wt' stande naething guid ef all I desire, ea a richt forenent o' my foes ; At His table I taste of trim Jaye atilt higher, • Where my cup 17' love's wine overflows. A promise He gree Inc supply Wry need. ° 0' His flock till their day here is o'er Then they Inc the gran' foul& He will feed, Tae bide wi' Him there evermore: , else - Ay thOldielemis thrimgh The valley of nicht, I'll followhim close all the way; The great roaring lion cannot harri or affricht, ForMagter's crook is ray etay. Co ru trust,10 Ilia word P11 doot not nor fear The strength of Ilisiltalf and Hie rod ; By grace tae the great Rook of rocks ru keep near, Near tae ifiroliepherd, my God, TORTURED BY INDIGESTION limos swam imalr Dr. ,Williarnre Pink Pills Cured Af- ter Doctors- Had Failed. • Mrs.T. J. jobln, 368 King street; Quebec, wige of the circulation man- ager of 12 Evenement, is one of the 'mat known and most estimable ladies in the city, and her statement that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cured her for a very severe attack of indi- gestiort will bring hope to similar sufferers. ,Mrs. Jobin seYs: "About a year ago I was seized With indi- gestion which had an alarming effect upon my health. Day ay day my strength grew less. I suffered from terrible headaches, dizziness, palpi- tation of the heart and sleepleasneska. I was in this condition for abouC, six months. I consulted two doctors, and although I followed their treat- ment carefully it did not help me( in the least. Last October, seeing that instead of regaining my health I was growing worse, I decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. After I had taken the second box there wau a. change for the better, and after tak- ing the pills for a month longer' the trouble entirely disappeared, and I am again enjoying the nest of health. I have so nruch confidence in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills that I al- ways keep them in the house and take them occasionally as a safe- guard." Just as surely as Dr, Williams' Pink Pills cured .Mrs. Jordn's indi- gestion they can cure all the -other aliments which come from bad blood. Dr: Williams' Pink Pills actualy make new red blood. That Is the one thing they do -but they do it well. In making this new rich blood this medieine strikes straight it the root of such C0/11111011 ailments as anaemia; headaches and backaches, general weakness, nervous debility, neuralgia, rheumatism and the tor- turing weakening ailments that afflict women and growing girls. You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail St 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 front The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brodkvine, Ont, • 6 ( SatiSfae on o your ey B- OLLA 14S .OUBLE UTY: 4444444.447+46*144+++++++++++ Price and price only is what talks wh-en it cemes to a sale, that ih a sale in a store like this, where nothing but goods of the very best quality is ever permitted to enter. Only one more week in February to dispose of Winter goods. That week we inteni to make a memorable week to our customers, by clearing out our Winter goods at PRICES • 'THAT TALK convincingly, emphatically and profitably to you. Remem— ber the store that has the best stock at regular prices, always has the best bargains when -those prices are -reamed. TiTTIZS. • To those who have been waiting for the reuced prioe8 here is yourchance : LADIES' COATS. Astrachan Bocharan Mink*Trimmed Seal. Trimmed Par Lined, MEN'S GOATS. Men's Fur Lined Coon Coats , Calf Coats Dog Coats Wombat Coats $10 to $30 18 to 40 " 50 30 to 40 30 to 40 $32 to $48 37to 50 19 to 241 8 to 16 17 to 25 Small Furs at 33 1-3 to 50 per cent d s. Men's 4i '5 MEN'S WEAR. Heavy Overceats HAL Dress Overcoats Caps (winter weight) Fine Dress Gloves Cashmere eleece Lined Shirts Odd Pants Oddlirests Odd Suits Pure wool, heavy ribbed. Under eltr " Fleece Underwear 46 it Sox - Heavy Mitts (wool lined) BOYS' WEAR. Boys' Dress Overcoats )3oys' Heavy Overcoats Boys' Winter Caps Boys' Mitts Boys' Wool Gloves Boys' Fleece Underwear Boys' Wool Underwear Boys' Knickers (lined) Boys' Toque Caps Boys' Caps 3 el riAtiF PRI -14 CX 44 18 cents 30 cents 30 cents 50 cents 20 cents 10 cents Ladies' Mantles Ladies' Vack Cheviot and • Tweed Coats, new sleeve, lined throrghout. a pod serviceable dressy looking coat to clear at regular $10 and $12 coats or -Butter and Eggs taken as Cash. 4.4.4.-+++.4-4,40.4-044.444,444.40 $2.00 SEANORTH