HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-15, Page 81122
TRE }LN :Eft
be o
We here a few heating Stoves lef
in ate* and these, together with a
large number of cookina steves, must
be cleaned out to male room for
Spring goo&
Winter is not yet over, so come at
a—prices are cut away • down.
Our stoci of Mitts, Skates, Hockey
ticket Sleigh Belle and Childreree
Sleighs, must also go at bargain
Chesney tE Archibald,
Hardware, StOvea and Coal.
iSavings Balk
Deposits of $1.00 and up-
wards received and int•3rest
paid at highest current rates.
Withdrawals may be made
any time.
James Watson,
erticCessor to W. N. Watson
- General, Fire, Lite and. Accidene Insur-
ance agent, Real Fntate and ,LO•P
turing Sewing Maohlues and 'Gretna
Separators, vie
New Itaymorid lied White Sewing
Machreee, and' Netional and
oda Cream Separators,.
Mao sowieg machine needles* oil, attach -
menet, repeite and eundeiee for all
kinde pi sewing machines
Wien., over 25 years experience in the above
bUelnees eon cam rest seemed ef prices
right, square dealieg and sateen:eine
nenrance Agent, S!Ifi dealer in 'Sewing Meeltitia
and Bicyclee. North Main tract, Seaforth.
The leading commercial school of Western Ontario.
Our courses are thorough and prat:tic-al, -while the
teaching is done by ahle instructors. Thdambitious
young men and women, who desire to get the best
possible commercial training, patronize this school,
while biteinese men are in seam!' of our graduates to
fin responsible pomitione. The best thne to enter our
classea is NOW. Beautiful catalogue free.
- Principals,
Send us a Hqrse
Ifim with the hest blanket for the money-
- Wool, Jute and Kersey,.
Clalloway, Bishop, Coat, Ilona- and Imitation
Buffalo. We guarantee the qusitity. Com-
pare prices.
*Our own make ef genuine Rubber T.rimineil
gametes. It is the best value in Canada. Ask
your neighbor about them.
reee—Trunineralien— Suit Cates—
Plush and Wool limp, Etc.
Inspect our etook before purcliaeing.
200 Cedar Fence PostS
8 and 9 feet long
of good sfee, whieh must ;be numal at
once to make room for lumber. Any
one having fencing to do will find it to
their intereat to tea: theae posts aud get
our price.
Planing Mill and Lumbei Yards
Watch Need
(tatlionalls. 11 watt!) haslet
certain that it need, s.tteati,.a.
IVe use :lie be -,r unit erials mid
bare all the faenidea for flne eateli
tion in the Mid
jeweller nit Optician
Issuer of Marriage Lieeesta.
TravellereeneThe following were
ticleeted, -tct distant points this, wee*,
by W. Somerville, railway end eteaerie
Ship agent: Miss Krauskope Due -
lin to Sanfeencisco, Ca.lifornien -wee
Mr. al. Mre. 'Moodie to their hornet in
Curl' ge—A rink from -the neaforth
Curling Club. le in Guelph this week
cornpeti g :fon. the Sleeman trophy.
At the time of going to prase they
were 111 in the competition haying
won three games: The rink is com-
Weed on F. Kling, 3. DeelteJ. C. nbeele
and Wei McDougall, okip.
again. cne Weeneaday a. friendly
gems, and were again defeated by
the home players -These Clinton
games sere 'getting to be a joke.
Darnon and Pytnias.—The beautiful
drama, Damen' and Pythias, as pre-
sented' in Cardnone'halI, on Thirrsdar
evening of leek week, by a company' of
Clinton amateurs, was an entertain,-
ment of more than ordinary merit.
The attendance was fairly. good, le ut
had peeple :realized tne merits. of the
comps, 7 we ate sure 'the hall would
beate en crowded. The various char-
ta• ket, th acting wee „good arid 'the
piece well stagbd. The Clinton'
people, ha e realecin. to be proud; Of
their dra atio 'talent. The pixy was
under he auepices of the Knignts of
Ma ed Int Teronto.—The follow-
ing ei ich a,ppeared in the Toronto
papers will be of intereat :to newly
of our. readers. The bride is a daugh-
inerlY of Seaforth and a, granddaugh-
ter of the lete Hon. A. M. Ross, for-
meely of Goderich: "The marriage
took place Monday' afbernoon at St.
Alba,n'e Cathedral, Toronto, of Mile
Edith Gretchen Meyer to Mr. W.
Cromwell Gurney, of ,Toronto. The'
bride, who was given away by her
Miele, Mr. Charles Ross, wore a white
lace 'veva mounted on chiffon. and
ducheeee oath., Her long tulle veil
was f ettened with a little coronet of
bea,uti ul bouquet of lillies of, -the
valley; end 'bride'e roses."
Neaniy A Fire.—Mrs. Harry- Town,
of 'this piece, had. an exciting time
on Thunsda.7 evening 'ant She was
sitting et a small table on which
was e, coal oil lamp. By name means
the lamp wan upset off the table on-
to the floor. The oll in the lamp
taugbt fire. and set fire to the( car-
pet, eurtaine and some ot the furnie
ture in the roorn. Mrs. Town was ae
lone in—the . house at the time. For-
tuniately there were two ., pails of
water ire the house and with great
peesence of mind' she secured the wat-
er and with it extbaguished 'the fire
'before it rreeie much headway. Not
much, damage was done, but it was ei
diose, ihave.- Mrs. Town had her
handa slighti.y, but not seriously burn-
ed. nhe has none fully 'recovered both
from the shock and her iniuries.
awry servioes in conneetion with,
Egmendville' Presbyterian church were
held, on! nundey and Monday last. Con-
eidering the cold stormy weather
the attendants at the Sunday servece
was good. Rev. Dr. Murray, of Kin-
cardine, preached at both services,
delivering eloquent and intereeting
discourses, W'hile the eburch choir
eende,red epecial music. On Monday
evening the weather was again cold
gooSI: The old, time oa meeting wes
dis sed with and in its place Rev.
Dr. Murray delivered a graphie and
into sting. lecture on " Yellowatone
Good music was furniened by Mr. J.
Scott, of Roxboro, and hie daughter,
Mink) Isabel Scott, and others. The
net Proceecte of the services exceed-
.We,dding Bells.—St. James' church,
Tuesday of last week, vvhen Miss
Tessiie Dever ux, daughter of Mr.
Robert Devere x, of the . Huron road
east, Tuckers ithe was united in
marriage to Mr. ', Joseph Cerpenter,
son cif An. Johh 'Carpenter, of Logan.
The church Wes well fined with
friends to.witness the ceremony, which
WEne performed at ten o'clock in the
Morning, 'oy Rev. Father Corcoran.
The °ride's gown was of grey silk
eollenne over taffeta and trimmed with
silk ealencennes. She was attended
by leer sister, Miss Margaret Dever-
eaux, who wore lemon eoliertne over
yeliew_taffeta end both wore white
picture hats. The groom was es -
!Steen ny Mr. Joseph Dorsey:, of Sea,
fortie Miss Margaret Daly played the
wedding merche white excelleat solos
Were, rendered by Mies Margaret Mc--
Quade and Mr. Frank Devereux. After
the ereremony' a sumptuous wedding
lareanfast was served at the home of
held at five o'crock in tae afternoon
a, tr:00A pleasant social time at the
comfortable residence of Mr. Dever-
eux. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter went
fmlnediebely to :their home in Loga,n.
The :wedding gifts: were .exceptionally
numerous end neatrtiful as well. as
usefel. The, young couple have the
very 'best wishes • or a very large air-
cle of friends for their future happi-
ness and Pre/verily. The guests pre-
sent from . outt of town were ,Mrs.
Cerey, Oehe•wah, Mies Anna Connor,
Toronto, and Mize Icatie Carlin, of
Town Council.—The regular meet-
ing of the town. council was, held on
Monday evening. A communication
was read from a gentleman ie To -
town will offer top a! person starting
a knitting factory here to commence
wine at least 20 hands -with a pros-
pect of employing double that num-
ber evithie a year. The clerk wes in-
structed to correspond with the gen-
tleman and aeeertain further particu-
lare. A communication was also read
from the , Canadian Association for
the prevention of tuberculosis, asking
that a 'representative .be aent to
the annual n-.eeting to be held, in! Ote
in 'behalf ef,the town aud a'sking him
to attend the said meeting. ler. Wm.
Harley wae appointed as member of
the public library board /in place of
Mr. Brown, who has removed from
the town. The town band was grant-
ed $100 with the understanding 'that
they fernishee outdoor ccmceres in
tee eerie tiring the Menne, =Or, the
direetion of, the Mayor and 'tlfat they
'their disiburaerneets et 'the. end a
that at 'the next regular meeting he
gancling the .keeping a dons. The fi-
nance committee reported recommend -
leg lthe pa meet of atcotents- to the
eminent of 426 erid it waS adopted.
Mr. John • neer, ',ire 'was ,apponeted
town 'engineer for tee current year.
The council, adjourned to meet a,t 'tile
Lean, who receritly irivented and lean
patented am! adjustable, radiating
tering them) in Bengali. The device
is a, ve.ry aimple one, but is entirely
adapted ,to 'the purposes for which ib
le made. It is quits gnomic ilk 481lin,-;
etructiort and is so -arranged that
thin beat can 'be conveyed from one
room -to the next ane de away entire-
ly withi the old.time Unsightly drums.
They ,are set in the wall or fieon and
9..Te, consequently, not in the Way of
furniture, etc.- Mr. McLean is ale°
the , patentee of the machine which
nea•keet them. Ile has !recently sold a
:number for use in the eitation houses
_of the Terniskaareng Railway and the
invention then eeen tavorably come
men,ted on ley tine authorities of the
Gteend Tr1111.jc and C. Pr R.,
.A, ,Visiter.—Tir* Expositor bad a
*meant visit frone Mr. Alexander Dale
petty, on 'Gilbert Plains, Manitoba,
'formerly of MclCillop and an old
thee Stanley boy, one day thee week.
efr. and: Mrs. Dalgetty were the guents
villet this 'weak, . Mr. Dalgetty is a,
'brother or Mre. Make. He sold hie
farm int McKillop and went out wat
18 'yeses' ago and like moat of the
early settlers in Manitoba, while
they hen their hardships and discour-
age/newts, 'have prospered./ Mr. Dal -
petty eecured a lot of lend for hime
self -and 'his Sons, when he wen.b out
there and they have all comtorteble
hOrneelea,d9 0.0W and Me. Dalgetty
'himself is able to take life eesy
he feels disposed to do so. He and; his
eons axe located within a few miles
of Gilbert 'Plains, a smart and grow-
ing little, town about the isiee of
Henerani. Mr. lealgetty says that good
farming landa in 'his locality are
now neerly as valuable as they are in
the county' of Huron and teeny of the
farmers. are nearly its comfortably
situated. This is Mr. Dal/genes first
-visit to the Old home aed friends
since he leet 18 yeave ago and he does
'riot appear rauch older or the worse
of the wear than :he did then. They
expect te leave 'foe their western
home lie about , three weeks or a
re STILL paying the highest priee for bUtter,
eggs, dried,apples and fowl, and I have a nice new
stock of Prints, Flannelettee, eto" and my Orocieriee
are always fresh at the Maple Leaf store. P. Dill,
PIANO BARGAINS,—Sligiltly tlfied Dominion
Plano, regular pries 8850.00, on sale 82a0.00.—GOod
Dominion Organ, a snap at 820,00, Had walnut
case.—Goderich Organ, piano ease, six octave, snap
at -840.50, good as neW. R. IL Peck & Co. Sea -
forth. 2d44-1
WANTED.—All kinds of seed grain, clover and
timothy seed, for which we will pay the highest
market price. W. E. Kerslake, Seatorth. 2044-1
CHEAP SIIOES.—For children, 20e and 30e
air ; for girls and youtim, 07o a pair ,• for men and
POCKET BOOK YOUND,—Found on North blain,
etreet, on Saul -cloy, January 2fith, a purse contain-
ing vomit sum of money. The owner can have the
same on applying to Wm. Duggan, Seaforth. 2044.1
COWS FOB SALE, —Two milk cows and a calf
twZ months old, Apply at residence of 2A0144ra,xiM.
O'Keefe, Louise street, Seaford).
- MIKADO FOR SA LE.—For sale a new mikado, or
will oxehange for a horse. S, Barton & eon, Sea-
17ir'ilt'hf.).(ILD YOU like to Fne the nicest lace in town ?
rt 80, call In the "Mapleetieat Store," where yon aro I
always welcome, and a p.leasure to show you what 1
Bighest paces paid for flea -elms clover and tim-
othy seed. Send samples. Beattie Bros., S2e0a4to4.111.
„mos. O'CONNELL—Musical instruction, pupils in
pianoforte and voice culture taken. Terms on ap- •
I New Dressmaking. -5115F1 A. Gaffney has opened up
a dressmaking establishment in the rooms over the .
dye works, one doer north of the •Dominion Bank. -
She will: be pleased to excente all orders eetrusted to
her and will do her best to give aatistaetion. A trial
is respeetfully Prices reasonable. •
BOWER -AND E008.—A, G. Ault, Seaford', win
pay the very highest prices either in eaah or trade
for goodsbetter and fresh eggs. 2043-tf
Who died so` suadenln in Myth last
Seaforth. .She had mahy relatives and
lefty, 'being a 'native of the town-
ship of McKillop, and the only claiugh- I
ter of the late Mr. atd, Mrs. Rich-
ard, Thompson.—Ove,r twenty em-
Playeas for th.e Woollen, Mills are
rived here. from Berlin on Monday.—,
Mr. Thomas Smithers, while playing
hocleey in, London leet week, had
'the misfortune to slip and. hurt his
keee and ,hae since been laid up.— I
ler, David Stoddard, of Egmondville, 1
who had his nose. -injured at the '
beekey maech here, is getting along 1
an well as cotild be expected under
the circurnstarites.—The Hard Times
Dance, elven by th.e young, men- of ,
this town in the town hall on Mon- 1
day evening, was well attended and ,,,
was as enjonable -as it Was unique. ; "4 -
The coetinnes of many of the ladies 's
/and gentlemen Were really funny and it
considerable ingenuity. ust . have
been Ibsen in their conetruetion.—We .
ender,stand that. the Mowbtay snow-
plow, which was taken to the west 4.
Canadian ;Northern Railway between v
Winnipeg, and, Edmonton and has _
proven very satisfactory, ' having ne
cut its way through snow drifts . in r
which 'the ordinary plows in wee got e
port mey prove true, as the enterpris- i
eueoess.--Mr. Peter McKay, of Tuck- ' e
eremith, left 'this week not' Oxford t
county to visit friends a,nd eelatiyes I
there. Hie uncle and aunt, .4t. and
Mrs. Wm. MoKay, of Embro, int -end, S
oelebrating their golden wedding on 3
Saturday and at, the same time their p
'youngest daughter is to be married. o
Mr. McKay intends taking in the fes- t
gue, is the guest of the Misses( Hen- s
atom of Sunday last filled up some le
of the country roads and made them t
bevy for a day or two, but the a
sleighing is mow better .then ever. It y
is many nate' since we haye had so b
much good eleighing- with so little i
snow as this winter.—The doctors n
are being over worked. La grirpe is
the prevailing trouble. It es not ao
Severe as some former sea.sons but
more persistent, —Mr. I. V. Fear is e
confined to tbe houee with an at- m
tack of erysi las in bin face, .-e Mr. 1
couple of dap the end of last week
with Mr. Alex. Stewart. Mr. Shep-
herd wan on his way frorn a driving
Fancy China.
During February we will
G per cent. discotult
We -do this to clear up our. stock
left ,over after the holiday trade,
Big bargainsi/so came early to se-
cure the best choice.
Agent) for up-tonlate Trusses, Syringee
Hot Water Bottles, Shpopn remedies,
Cooke, Cotton Root Clompoluid and
_Wood's. Phornhedine.
Miteheil And other places, It is not
often that M.T. Shepherd noes off- on
been teller in the Dominion Brink for
the past three or four years, has beere
transferred to, the Fort :William
branch, where he has been promoted;
to the positlere of accountant. He
left on laondnn. tie assume' bis new •
dutieee-A fancy dress carnival will
he' hold in, the Panitee Rink this, Fri-
dey, evening. A good list of prizes
are being offered and the band will
turnish .rnusic,—..The price 'paid ley
Mr. Wm. Turney for Mr. Alex. Gore
-eon's house was e1,008 and not n1,600
Cellegiate Institute, has eesigned, his
position as teacher in Walkerton, and
has accepted a lucrative position, in;
loo, * visiting this week with Mrs.
D. W. nohntsone—Mises Carlyle, of
Herman, is speeding the winter with
her sister, Mrs. Richard 'Wright, of
Seaforttle—Mrs. T. Meters, profession-
al nurse of Seginaw, Michigan, is ab
preeent renewing (Ad acquaintances
in! the vicinity of .Winthrop and in'
Tublreremith.—Mr. ane Mrs. George
Sellars, oe Ponoke, Alberta, father
and mother! of Mre. J, Carroll,
Etre vislting Mr. efeClincheyes,
North. Maint street. —Mrs. John Beat-.
tie, of Egmondville, l'has been on the
sick' listi for the past week.—Mrs4
Scott, of Brueefield, has been visiting
ville.—Mr. Marla, Brodie received
word on Wednesnay of ehe death in
Toronto • on Mr, Ramsay Holman, his
Sonein-law, after an ilbiess of five
cleys from prieurnonea. The deceased
is a son of UT. Isaiah Holman, form-
etly of_ &snorter. He was an Indus-
trioUs and well doing young man
and leaves a widow and one son. Mr.
Charles Brodie, jr., went to Toronto
on Wednesday.—Postmester Dickson
and Deputy Sutherland, with their as-
isistants ba,d- a busy time of it Tues-
day eight and Wednesday morning':
The !railway' blockade in Manitoba end
the west was raised by fine wealthein
a few deys previously and there was
en immense avara;nche of delayed mail
Metter from that quarter. whieh made
:the °rush as bad as at Christmas em-
ir it did eot lest as long.—There
will "'be a, gospel song service in the
Methodist church next Sunday even-
Ing.—The new clothing factory in Sae
forth, under the new mana•gernent of
Mr. Sceithgath; started full opera-
tions on Thursday morning at nine
o'clock. We 'hope for it a long and
prosperous career.—Mrs. 'John Wan-
less, of Varna, is 'here visiting her
daughter, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull.—Mr.
Robt 'Bell has been confined to his
'residence for several- days with a
severe cold—Mr. David Cra,*ford,
who has purchased 'his father's farm
MeKillop, has returned from Nel-
soh, Bennett Columbia, where he has
been- eye some time. Ile Iikee Brit-
ten Columbia and 'the west, but he
he likes old Huron better.—Mr: F.
eforrey, of !the Union Publishing Co.,
Ingerefoll, wag in town this week.
The convener' ,publish directories for
every county in the Province and Mr.
Morrey was- 'here in the interests of
the directory. for the counties of
Middlesex, Huron' nend Perth,— The
London Advertieer has this to say
of a fonmet pantor of the Methodist
chureh here: "At a, meeting of the
board, 'held Onl Saturday night, a un-
animous invitation. was extended to
a foueth 'year. The board felt that
hat have a preecber -of rare ability
n Mr. Waliwin, and, they do not want
him Ito leave until he has 'remained for
be longest period possible."—hliss
Evelyn Darwin, who has been book-
keeper -foe the R. McKie Buggy On, of
Pletteville, -has restgnen' her poen'
ion there for a, more lucrative one
rith the firm of the W.
Willi/Et Shoe Cp., of this town, a. cl
esubees •har new duties on February
5th.—Mr. John Staplee, who has beeri
n Toeonto for the pest three mantes,'
as returned. home.
B. It. IIICOINS. Bruceti&ld, n.nd Lite Inset --
o loan. private or company funds at lowett Tates of
Skigh Ride—The mernoers of 'the
ens of Temperance, Division No.
arty on. Mondi,y nig.ht—They drove
ver 'to Varna to hear the -play en -
Med " The World," givee by the
members of Trinity ehurch choir, of
They all enjoyed_ them -
elves though the night was stormy
xid -cold. The load was gotten up by
r. Wm. McKenzie, who always does.
hinge up in right style. The temper -
nee society began a Mile over a
ear ago with 15 members now they
ave about 50 members.- The society
ntends holding. a box social in the
eer future.
Notes.—Rev. Mr.' Tiffin, of Trow -
rid e, ill , missionary Ger-
ms in the ethodist ehurch a,
Seek from Sunday, February 24th.—
Rae. Me. Maunders, of Beussels, gave
two splendid aferlYielIS here on Sun-
day lest. while Rey. Mr. Currie
preaeited Wiltort.—A number' from
he:re tool( in the concert _given by
needle IfeLamgralini in' Clinton on Moil -
thought e Ann note* from. a Adams
eed flee black &Ivor from Mr. W.
not impreve -much.
You never saw euch bargains in dregs geode as now
flared at F. A. Edwards' Stock elearing Bale. All
wool cardinal serge, regular' 25e a yard, for ire ;
fancy blaek lustre, reg. 250;ftir 15e blank serge 2,0c,
$3,80 these lengths fer .2.50 ; hoineepuns in Week,
grey and brOwn, regular 75c) a yard, for 50o. Lots
of other equally big reduations. This is the best
sale you have yet seen, F. A. Edwards, 20444 •
Miller,- is! the gueet of Miss Pareoas.
-neer. Henry, of St,. Marys wale wee
visiting Mess. W. Parsone, ias return -
Manitoba is the guest a bis brother,
Wm. Attwood.—The Glee Club' held
another daece in the 'towe hall on,
met with a. very painful „accident laet
week he Mr. Moore* bush!. He was
Working when a log- slipped ° and
caught hirse breaking one of his legs.
It was. 'badly smenned and it. Is -doubt,-
ful if it Will bean—Miss Marye Porte
Sinter, lets, names Ferguson.—Geo.
ewer:, wen the guest of his sieter,
Mrs (Dre Smith, Satureay.—Mr, R.
Ropatt, of London, is visiting there.—
Miss 'Lerma GOvenlock, of Seafortlf,
ttheng•ulesti or Miss Lerina, Erwin.
WINTER FOOTWhAlt. Lumbermen'a rubbers,
felt boots, overshoes, slippers, and all winter. foot-
wear at cost price, Robert Willis, opposite Exposi-
tor -Office, Seaforth, 204-1
Heartily Receiven—We' Made menn
tion neceetre of the nfavriage of
Mr. -Douglad McCormick, of Parkhill
to Mien 'Margaret Jordan, of ithis
townenip. The young -couple en thele
arrival -their home town were
their friendgn there as 'the following'
'the `bridal patty arrived at the groom'e
home e large 'nurnber of friends were
ous dinner was nerved at winch Rev.
Father Dunn_ proposed the health -of.
the bride end groom, a toent w.hich.
breeent, responded most heartily.
Atterwarne the floor 4- was olea,red
sent a mann enjoyable -dance held..
T -furnished by Mr. a
MeNiehol, or St Charles. -Michigan)
who planed tb.e plpea, and Mr. Angus
Currie oe the violin with organ ace
compeniment. Some fancy daecing
was indulgen in to the delight of ail.
There were teeny guente present from
Tuesdays, Thuradays end Saturdays, 2020-tf
Tenders will be received for the carpenter work of
the Methodist chureh shed, Mimi], up eo Febniary
20th. Plans and specifications can be seen- at E.
Itannie's store, 5, RANN'IE, Secretary of Truetee
Board. 2043-2
BUGGIEg PATNTED.—Parties having buggies or
-vehicles of any kind that need*painting, noW ie the
time to get them painted up for spring. I guarantee
a first -clues job, bring them along. C. S. .2II0u4i130.2on,
A Masonic Evening.—T,he At-home
given by' the Masonic lodge in. the on -
era. hall on Monday 'evening last was
"the event the season, reflecting
much credit upon the order and the
committee inf charge. qnn the early
part oe the evening 'a eplen.did: liter-
ary, end musical programme was giv-
eh, excellent eolos and duets being
given ty' irirofessor George Cline, of
Wingha,m, and Mies Coates and Mr.
Stewart Jeckfson, of Clinton. Miss
Hoover of Cliaton, accompanied them
on too piano and rendering 81030 in -
lighted the audience. elise Joynt; of
Lucknow, .gave 'readings that added
much to the a,ttractive programme.
At the close of the pnegramme invi-
tenors' were given to repair to Me-
Eevenee 'hall, adjoining, where tables
were spread with all the tempting
viands, that could be desired and which
epokee -volumes for Mr. T. Palmer, of
ehe Mascot. The hall -was erettily
decorated with bunting, pictures, etc.,
end prezenten a pleasing appearance,
After supper the guests, numbering
about 200, returnsd to the opera hall
and epent a pleasant couple ef hours
in games and social intercourse, while
ir.any took• advantage of the fine
floor spa.oe to trip the light fantas-
tie.. The pleasures of all were min-
letered to and on departing the rneMe
bees end their guests felt they had
repent a, most enjoyable time.
Briefs.-1Viiss Ethel Teoyer, of Sea -
forte, was in 'the village last, week
and thee on a, visit. —Mies Mentyre,
of', 'this village, While kindly' assist-
fing Men Hart at the parsonage, who
bas 'been for somentime in 111 health
had the intsfertune on Monday ev-
ening. to ,slip on the stairwa,y and
in falling' broke her arm below the
elbovv.—Mre. R. H. Collins and little
daughter, Mies Kate, and Yeas Kate
Bon'tbron. all of Exeter, were in
the village: this week *renewing ac-
quaintaneee.—Mr. T. W. Palmer, of
the Mascot restaurant, Wee rented Mr.
Rannien shop formerly occupied hy
Mies, Carlisle and intends rnoellig
from -elite' present 'premises -in the
Bell !node—Miro; Joyn,t, of Luck -
new ne in the village this week vieit-
ing 'relatives and friends,—Mr. F.
Colemaxe a son of Mrs. WM. Cole-
man, a the townehip let Hay, is in
Clinton lemming railroading and tei-
rgraphy and is applying himself with
an ea,rnatness an d at tea tion that
bids fair to Insure NS huccess and
promotion.—The eleighing continues
good and the farmers le 'this section
aro taking advantage of it in the
way oe, bringing in large quantities
of grain, weed and logs.—Rev. Dr.
Medd preached to large congregatious
in the Methodiat church both moen-
ing and evening on Sabbath last ,de-
spite the very unfavorable "state 'of
tee weather and his anniversary ser-
vices for the Epworth League Were
V•CrY fnliCh enjoyed and highly spoken.
of and his many triends in this, his
former charge, oefore going to. For-
est, hisp tesent field tif labor, were
pleased to haveet an opportunity of
meeting and lietening to him again,—
We are pleased to learn that Mr.
John McArthur, hardware thercha.nt,
intends erecting a new residence on.
the lot ne owns ariejelning his own
fine dwelling and es getting material
on ethe ground.—Miss Ida, • Peart was
here . from' Inndon this week visit-
ing 'her parents.—Quito a number from
Hensall end vicinity attended 'the Re-
form •meeting held at Brueefield
Monday lest.—Mise A: Hart and erns
Beatrice Urquhart were la Glencoe
part of last week and this visiting
friends,—The funeral service of the
la:be Joseph Harvy, held in the Meth -
odiet church on: Friday afternoon a,
lent week, was very largely attend -1
ed, 'the spacious charch being filled
and the service was conducted by
the pastor, Rev. Mr. Toll, arenated
Faure 'church and Rev. Mr. Hart, ore
reingins, were afterwards interred in
This Store Gan Inform u
VEgY WOMAN likes to know what will.
be worn this coming sprink season, even, .
ifsbe is unready to buy. -An. inspec–
tion ef the new goeds in our store these days,
is an inexpeilsive pleasure—yes, a liberal ed–
As yet, of course, sprin stocks are far.
from complete, yet the' advance couriers are
here with tidings of what will soon follow.
Come, look around, learn fashions' trend,
and this without the slightest obligation to
buy a cent's worth of anything.
We are always desirous to' do bum. e
but only at such tlierieS as may best suit you. .
Persian Lawn
India Linen)
Victoria Lawn
Tweed s
Bat stes
Dress 1,...inen
ally mor
low prices
another •th
you for an
between y
e Will Soon Show
A great array. of the
newest styles in wo-
men's -wearing ap-
Already We Have to and
in good Variety
—New tilk Waists
—New Lawn Waists
- —New Separate Waists
Plentiful Supplies in the Follow
Goods are Coming to Hand
Linoleums 40i1 Cloths :Curtains Draft
Art Muslins Linens Cottons Sateens Lawns
the Exeter cemetery and were fol-
lowed by a large number of relatives
and triencle, as a mark of theiri es-
teem far the -deceesed and aympithy
ter this bereaved family.—A few dere
ago James Smillie had a car of good
young horees snipped from Wooe-
etc).* and has opened a sale staele
Mr. White's old stand.—The mallY
friends ge Rev. Mr, Shaw, of Lyons
circuit, and formerly of this villa:K.0,
wil oe pleased to learn that bis quar-
terly board 'have -cordially end un-
ahimously ievitee him to 'return to
the circuit for another year, and
many kindly thinge were said of the
week under his successful pastorate'
Ifigheat priece paid for first.Aasa clover and Um.
othy seed. Send samples. Beattie Bros., Seaford).
Gordan, of Aelnield, were visiting
with Mr. end Mrs. Thomas Baird, of
the 2nd concession lent week. • Mrs,
Gordon is a sister of Mr. Baird.—Miss
Mary Campbell of the 2nd, who has
beeree in' Chicago for some time has
-returned home.—Mr. John Pepper re-
cently sole a good mare at -a very
good figuee.—Mn Hug% McKenzie,
of Mown jeW, is entertaining his
lady friends of the second concession,
this ween in making a number of
quil.to to take weat with hint You
will maket no mistake Hugh is select-
ing one of the fair ones to adorn
your rinet home in the wAst, tor 'then,
'housekeeping qualities ate swims -
none. --Mr. joini - Baird and Mr
gen) raling, both old and younge
having it0 keep in tbe house nor az
few daYea—The young people spent_
Tuesday evening at the home of Me.
nohn A. Moffat and report -having -a
good time.
are called upon to report the death le
; anotner of the old settlers, in the-
nparted tits- life on Monday last, an
the, tipn age of seventy-two years-
; The deceased, some two months ago,. .
was -etricken with panalysis,
together with weakness of the heart,
gradually soexeausted his vital emerge'
that medical aid Wa$ of no avail. Hie
departure removee an elder of the
church here, and the superintendents
of the Sunday Sefinol, toth of whielt
offices he held for 'many years. He
leaves behind to mourn his loss,.
widow ann five children.' They are
Sheppard Galt Mrs J Dou las Pair',
son line, and William at nome. Tirn
renutins were laid to rest in Bayfield
cemetery on Tuesday last, whites&
they veere followed by a large cene
coin* of friends. The pail-bearem.
were Davie Tough, George Sparks,
;Walter Stevens, John Douglas, jriho