HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-15, Page 5•Isaroweesnesimeiessevaaaisweemarensusemiew Ot. ST FL ON** paaee a are thro- o -make roo: , the „weather ween you and o try longer. he peaple et with winter our new man says E07 50 liue3 for or $1 90 2 26 2 00 1 10 1 20 Sa 35 rue "Queen Qutiity ver shoes for men. are Im attend-- „pa . Donald Stewar A. and Mr. Jarreas t, of visited at Duff's e.—The Farm*'• institute in. the Foreste These moon and .ning were 'eded and so- - good, addrese given.—Mr. end Mrs. Chase nd daughter, or Morris, vie - P. B. Scott' e on-. TuesdaY. byteriere congregation will rsary services on Februe [ and the following evening • a tea meeting.—r. Erne ke -returned to Forest on Sate ter a visit to Mr. S. Pauree itice Paul accompanied her Forest. he will also vise Brussels. -Mr. and Mrs. D. Ronald on a visit with old friends. le here from Stratford, where been or some time.—J. W4 MI& has been teller in the r bank here for the past year, Nveek for Toronto, where he into the head office.—Mr. from near Fordwich, move ken Iast week, and hag lease. 'ouaee. belonging to the leetee lvalker. Mr. 'Johnston will be agent for the Deering Mart-, e Co —A convention, a the roil Liberals is called for March 5th, for the purpose. t• ing a standard "bearer or 1 Legislature. — A special of the council was held ont evening of this week to fure dder the question or theprie, rnagle Library for the town. progrees is being made hi direction.— We regret ta repore this week the death • Greta, the infant daughter el Mrs. .3:aine's Fox, which oce St Monday morning, after a less, from pneumonia. She 'months and seven days old. ral took pia.c.e on Wednesday .—The. remains of Henry a former resident of Bruer. e brought here from! Wing- Wedeieeday of this week, and M. Brussels cemetery. pea rho was 72 years of age, 'my on Monday, after a ee- k of la grippe. Mr. Burgess earlier dayS in Morris town- ig on the gravel road., two th, of Brussels for quite a Year.—James Ferguson, of s purchased the residence to the. late George Steiner., possession about the 1st, ef e-4 o1.1 bi , concentrated animal tonic Food, pronounced by many previously used. Money a will find it right. We .--;tock_ food on the marketa at you are paying for it lawavpmeameimems etaarmraowrroteoa SON ITARTO. ots-ds elatetaerice :awe L'a Co. fer crepe de oheneer orge Cert. & Co.) for beautiful slacee aermile ; Milligan, Forbes iave eterprieed tab With their ex. Left effect, an, beet of am, 6 cirel.s goods BM we have for ;•-epture the lion'e ellen of the ed of lovely combination color' or 3 reseee, at ale. Black Pop- : in aleKeez-e, Small 42No. - Granite eatin cloths in blecks bl'ae peer(' cheeks at 20c. 1:1, at 50o. Pi dfic Sergea, leek, navy, navy and white, e, dark red and myrtle, at 500, 're 511. Crepe de Chene 'grey, at 50e. Kkercenba Satin and $1. Mirror Poplin, dye and reversible. at 75a.. and $1.25. 79e. iikEta at a very low price to us 'ow price we can't put them en lase Thee !-"r-telet pVII D- Lit vi !Ai ti _ ON & OO.} NTARI EBREA 15 1907 HURON EXPOSITOR E CANA tIANA OF COMME CE 0 ' Exe r dis of digging a ley Itobert or4, n he tam of areeron, a tinhorns. Hell or $97.60 the valanee of pa % at 6 pall' foot. The well was dug f and neither party Vralif pleas- - the lifariply Of we:ter. However, at noon they were surprihed water fe.liing on water in well It was -found that 'a good .tatipply was miming. at .a. depth of feet. Mr. Cameron claimed that eie should not be required to pay for 1 eees *hole -210 reet, Bell claimed i.otherwies nd ths Judge ruled In his -favor, giving, judgment for $85, and *nes. ex, imegsmwasseimis SLE REGISTER. On Tuesday, February 10th, at one °Meek p.M.,on lot 15, Concession 11, Mullett, Horses and Cattle. JanweLeiper, proprietor ; Thomas. Brown, a2i0m42ti-osn- eer, . On -Friday, FebruaryI5, at one o'clock p.me . on the premises, in the Vfllnge of Leadbury, n- units izerth et Seatorth, Blaoksmith Shop, Stook & Tools, Dwelling iind Lot. A. McGregor, propriecor ; Thee -meg Brown, auctioneer. 10414 On Wednesday, Pebrueesv 20th,rit one (eelook Pan., an Lae 28, Concession 3. Farm Stock and Loplem- eats., Wm. Tumey, proprietor; Thinelea Brown, 2048-2 -auctioneer. • , On Monday, February 13, 1907, at 1 o'olook p. m., ass Lot 12, Concession 8aTuckersmithe Farm Stook & elinpIenents. Walter &Ceorge Fairlawn, exe2cutorst; Thos. Brown, auctionee . ou4 -enLot 25, Concession 1,1Ilibberte Farm F Stock. . On Friday, February • 2. 1007, et one oeelook p.m., MaCanneproprietor ; Ti os. Brown, auceloner. . 2044.2 MARKETS. SNAFORTn, Februery 14, 1007. Fall Wheat.... a, ..... . .. . ea$0 68 to e0 68 Oats,. per bushel. 0 85 to; •0 25 pew, per bushel ... . 0 75 to ' 075 13ariey, per bushei.............. .. 0 46 to 0 45 • ce'-.B ran, per ton . 20 00 to 20 00 Shorts, per ten 20 00 to 20 00 SfecarGrade Flour, per ton. , . 23 00 to 28 00 Flour, per 100 lbs . ..... . 2 10 to 2 75 Batter, No. 1, loose.. . 022 to 024 Minter, cub • e 0 rep, per dozen - 0 22 to 0 25 /Corn 60 to 65 Ha' per ton. .. a . 10 00 ta 10 00 ieneep skins, .. .. . .. 0 75 to 1 00 ' Potatoes a er bushel 0 40 to 0 60 Salt, retail) per barrel... - 3. 25 te 1 35 Woml per cord(long)...... .. . -...„ 6 00 to 7 00 Wood per cord (short). . . .. 2 74 to 8 75 :lover Seed . .. , 8 00 te 0 00 •lamothy .. .. .. . 1 50 te 2 50 • Dairy Markets. Tomearce, Feb. l9 -Butter -The market' is fairly •steady,and receipts are plentiful, Creamery ,prints, 26 to 27e • solids, 280 to 240 : dairy prints, 21 to 23c ; tubs,ife to Ma. Clieme-The market main - nee very fins. Quotations are unchanged at 130 for large end 14e for twins in job lots here. Eel:re- alm market for nevielaid ie firmer, as the Old wea- ther is stopping receipts. New laid, 29 to 80e ; se - leets, 25 to 200 ;storage 24e; limeoi, 220. Honey -The market is steedysee 11 to 12o per pound for pails, and $2 to 82.50 for combs. Maxerteere Feb. 12 -Butter -Market was very firm, to -day. Butter has been quoted for the lase deer ot• twat 24c, but adviees to -day go to show that this is on the low side, and that quotatioes of 24 ta 25e will cover it better. Prices are quoted as follows :- Fresh made creamery, 24e ;ro1b,in baskets' or half - •barrels, 2.e. to 220 : Western dairy, selected, 220 ; Manitoba, dairy, 20 to alc. Receipts this morning were four packages. Eggs -No new developments In the egg market are shown today. Prices are steady and unahange1. Prices are quoted :-New. laid, See s selected stock, 20 to 200- ; No. 1 cold *Eitorage, 21. to 22e ; linieti, 21e. No receipts this 'naming- Reeeipts last week were 175 casee. Grain. etc. TORONTO, Feb. 12 -Wheat -Fall, 74 to 76e ; red, 730 ; goose, 691 ; oats, 4-2c ; barley, 550 ; peas, 73 to 80e. Dressed Hogs -The market :steady at 69.50 for lightweights and 9.for heavies. Potatees-On- tarios are quiet at 70 tojlie per bag ; eastern, 75 to 80(), in car lots here. Baled flay -The marks:, shows little change; prices are fairly steady at $11 to 811.50 for No. 1 thnothy, and $3.50 to $9 for No. e in ear Jots on track here. Baled Straw --The Market is steady at trl to 87.50 in cal' lots on track here. Poultry. Tommie, Feb. 12 -The market keep; ye* quiet; there is little demand, and prices show no change. Chickens, fresh killed, 100 to lie ; inferior, frozen stock, 85; fowl, 8c ; ducks, 10 to 12e. I e Horse Market. TORONTO, Feb. 12. --The following is Bums & Shepo rd's weekly report of prevailing prices :- Single roadsters, 15 to la hands, 8125 to $3.40 ; sing e cobs and carriage horses, 15 to 16,1 hands, $130 to 8150 ; matched pairs and carriege horses, 15 to 16./ hands, MO to $600 ; delivery horses, 1,10 to 1,200 pounds,. $125 to $160 ; general purpose and /express horses, 1,200 to 1,850 pounds, 816(i to $200 ; &alight horses, 1,350 to 1,750 pounds, 8175 to $210 ; serviceable second-hand workers, 840 to $76 ; -serviceable second-hand drivers, $50 to $80. Live Stook Markets,' LONDON* England,Feb.12-Liverpool and London tables are steady at 11 to /210 . per lb., dressed weght ; refrigerator beef is quoted at tie to 90 per lb- John Rogers & Co., Liverpool, cable: Canad- ian steers, Ilea, with supplies heavy and trade slow. GeesooW, February 12. -Edward Watson & Pet- aaie report rather better trade and smaller', numbers offered ; top price is 12 to 120 ; secondary, 11 to 221e • bulls, Ric) per lb. Ta,ONTO Juxorunc, Feb. 32: -The quality of fat 'tattle with few exemptions was not good, both in the. export and butcher's classes. Exporters -The ben loads of exporters gold at $5.85 to 85.50, bat only a few brought the latter figure. The bulk of the ex- porters sold at $5:25 to e5.135. Common to medium exporter)) sold at 84,85 to $5 per cwt., but the bulk of these cattle, although mile exportera should really be dassed as feeders, and as such should be sent back to the farmers to finish. But they are being shipped, nevertheless. Export brills solcl froni mu to 34.50 per cwt. Butchers -A few picked butchers, and they were few indeed, raid at $4.80 to $5 per cwt. Two or three of the best loads on the market,m - "and that is not saying much for them» sold at 34.25 to 34.50; medium mixed sold at $3.90 to 34.20; commowbutders and cows, mixed, $3.65 to 83.80; cows sold all the way from $13 to Se per cat. ; can- ners, el to $2. Mitch Cows -There were a few god cows, which sold et $45 to $60 each, and one at 31); and another that was bought in a lair was worth $75. Veal Calves -Calves sold at 35 to $6.60 per cwt., but none of prime quality were offered. Sheep and Lambs -Export sheep sold at $4.76 per cwt., but good ewes are worth $5.25 per cwt. No lambs were -on sale. Ilogs-II. P. Kenned,v quoted prices et 86.80 for select a and $6.55 forllehts and fats. Drov- ars front several points stated that thee• were act: ling $0.60 and eeele 1. o. b. cars at counery points and that hogs were scarce at these prices. efoareretre Feb. 12 -Cables from Liverpool and London reported the markets for Canadian cattle weaker and noted a cieeline in prices of ea per lb.,? With trade very slow at, 110. Adviees from Glasgow stated that the market wee better for prime deers and reported seles at e17 to :els pet head. Exports from Portland and St. John, N. B„ last ?Week were 8,213 cattle, %NU sheep. A feature of the market was the adeance in prices for hogs of 15e to 20e per, cwt. Demand from packers was good mid sales of !se- lected lots were made at $7.30 to $7.40 per cwt., Weighed off care. There was a good attendance of the butehers. Good cattle were rather scarce and 'brought firm rates, hut the common Stock were slow of eale owing to near approach of the Lenten emote Prime beeves sold at tic,. pretty good cattle; 4o to ge, and the common stoek, 2c to $ie per lb. There were slvemi superforinfich cows on the mar- ket, which saki ae e50 to $60 each ; the others sold at $25 to e-45 each, but some of them were rather poor specimens of nulk-producers. BUFFALO, Feb. 12 -Cattle -Fairly active ; steady to 10e lower ; prime ;steam, 85.50 to $6.15 shipping, 55 to 35.65; butchers' $4.25 to $5.36 ,• heifers, 83.50 to 35.25; cows, $3, to $4.6.0 ; bulls, $:3.26 to 34.75 ; atockere and feeders, $3 to e4.25 ; stock heifers, 22.50 to $3 ; fresh cows and springer; steady at $18 to 355. Hogs -Fairly active and it shade lower ; heavy, mixed, and Yorkers, $7.45 '• pigs, b7.95; roughs, ee,60 to $0.80 ; stags, 84.50 to $5,25. Sheep and Lambs. -Sheep active and steady, Iambs slow and fie to 10e lower ; lamas, 85 to $7.05 ; year- lings, en.25 to $0.60 ; wether, 85.50 to 35.75 ; ewes, 84.75 to 85.25 : sheep, nixed, $3 to $5.25. Tintoaro, Feb. 13. --The quality ef the cattle offer- ed today was no better than for some thne paste Owing to light deliveries, trade was inolined to be better than en Thurscley last at this market, and ail, offeringe sold readily. Exportere-One load of ex -Porters, 1,377 Ilia each, of prime quality, were sold a135.45 per eat. for butchers; purposes be- Mabee, Wilson & Hall. A few odd lots of cattle sold all the -Way train e4.60 te $5 per cwt. for export purposeir. Bete:here --There was a, scarcity of good cattle. The beet offered mold from 84.25 to 84.70 per cwt. for loads : medium mixed lots at $3,50 to $4.10 per cwt.; common at 0.25 to $3.50 ; canners, $1.00 to $2.00. Peedere and Steckers-Not enough in these claims were offered to make a rnarket. Harry Murby re- ports having bought (About one load, 700 to 900 lbs, eacen, at $3.50 to 83.80 per cwt. Mach Cows -Prices rangedfroto 830 to $80 ettoh, Veal 0.alvea - Calves Old ittee.50 to e7 per cert„ but not many -at the lat. ter priest.. Sheep and Lambe -Export sheep mold at *4,11.0,5initt;!e5.25 ; Imam at$0,50 to $7 for -good to priMe , common lambs sold at $5 to .$0 per cwt. Hogs -Ma Herris tpaotes hop at e6.80 for selects and 35.65 for lights and fats. - _ linettlef cellItEasOn Tanialay, Ian. 29th, to M. and MrS. H. IL MoCaure, of Umg Bow Rentals Lethbridge, Alberta, a YAM -tee -ENE -At %mend, on rob. 7th, to Mr, and Mrs. 4. Vanhome, a daughter. FREE -In Winghion, on Feb. 5th, to Mr. and IDS; J. II. Free, (1. daughter. TENNANT-In Wingbam, on ?eh. 2nd, to Mr: and ! Mrslee:shard Tilant, a eon. MoDONALD-In Wi hem, on Feb. Bit, to gr. and. . . Mi, T. MaDonel a 4 on. LACICHALL-In Wilighem, On January eleleto Mr. and Mrs. B. Blackhallea (laughter. MURCH-In Wirigheen, on Feb, 2nd, to lifr. and Mrs. Robert Merela a son, . DODDS-aIn Bruesels, On Jan. 80th, to Mr. arid Mrs. Charles Dodds, 4 son. • LAIGIIT-elit Throat°, on Fea, lee, to Ma and Mrs. George Laight, (nee Aifgratit B. Taylor, former-. ly or Clinton,) a son. k• BLAIR edn Gotierld, on Feb, 3rd, to Mr. and 431re. G. P. Blair, a eore-Frederick Oookburn died on Monday, Feb. 4th. liarrieares. , KRAU8KOPF----Q.U1GLEY-4,1 St. Joseph's (thumb, Clinton, on Feb. 6th, by Rev. Father Hanlon, Miss -Emma Quigley, of Hallett, to elr. 0. Know - kept, of Theban, ' Deaths. BURGESS -In Wingham, on Feb, lith, Henry Bur- gess, formerly of Morris, aged 72 years. , Braseels, on Feb. llth, Harriet Greta, in- faut daughter of Ma and Mrs. jams Fox, aged 10 months and 1 days. . GOVENLOOK-In Neepawa, Man., on Fab. 011e d• Douglae Govehlock, only son of the late James B. Govenlock, and grand -son of Mr. Robere Leetherland, Tuokeremith, aged 6 yeare and 'months. eloGAW-In Goderich, on Fete ilnd, -Mary Allan, wife et Ma 8, A. eleGaw, aged 53 pare and 7 months. GORDON-In Brussels, on Feb. 5th, Delea,nea Mun- roe, relict of the late Itotiert Gordon, aged. 87 • yeare, 8 menthe and 12 stays. DN -In CilintOn, on Feb. lst, 0. B. Doan, in his •86thyear.. EfARTNELL-In the Huron Houie of Refuge, on - Feb. 1st, Mrs. 0. Harem -11, aged 80 yaws. . OARTER-In Olintsin, on Feb. Sid, Thomas Oarter, • aged 87 years and 10 worths. CARDER -In Blyth, on Feb. tith, the wife of Dr. Carder, erneeeeecierar Your Savings Asa-- are Safe When deposited in r HE ----- Western Bank of Canada Iriterest paid or Compound.- ' ed. twice a year. OWE NO MAN ANYTHMC Borrow Your Requirements from us and pay cash. FRANK MeCIONNELL, Manager DUBLIN BRANCH. AUCTION SALES. A 1.70TION SALE of Brood Marc; Fillies and Geld- ings. -,Tames Jones has received instructions from Messrs. John E. RoachandPatrick Rowland to sell by public auction at the Village of Dublin, on Thursday, February 23th, 1907, the following : 1 heavy -draft brood mare le years oldan foal to Bis - mark, 1 limey draft brood mare El years old, in foal to Osirnbrogie Pride ; 1 heavy draft brood mare in foal, 4 :mare old ; 3 heavy draft geldings rising 5 years old ; 2 heavy dmfb reelding-s rising four years old ; 2 heavy draft fillies rising 4 years old : 2 heavy draft geldings rising 3 years old ; 7 heavy draft -geld- ings rising 2 years old ; 8 heavy draft geldings rising- ' year old ; 2 general purpose horses 6 years old; 1 driving horse 7 years old. Sale at one o'olook. Terms. -8 months' credit will be `given on furnishing approved joint notes. 4X off for sottish, JOHN E. Boa= & PATRIOK ROWLAND,• Proprietors ; JAMES JONES, Auctioneer for Perth and Huron. 204e-2 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock. -,Mr. Thomas Brown has been inseructe.d by Mr. Prank *- Chinn to sell by publki auttion on Lot 25, Concession . 1, Ifibbert, on Friday, February 22nd, at one o'clock" p. m., the following ; Ilorses.--1 heavy draft mare eo years old, in foal ; 1 generaispurpose mare rising 6 years old ; 1 driving mare 3oming 3, very quiet, sired by Wilder Lee ; 1 heavy draft mare ecmung 3 years old; 5 heavy draft geldings coming 2oceirs old; 1 mare coming 2 yeere oldo 2 aged horses good to work. Cattle. -2 mileh cows supposed to be in calf ; 4 cows to -calve about tiine of sale ; 1 cow to calve, in April ; 2 (steers coining, 3 years old ; 0 steers coming years old ; 2 heifers coming 2 years' old ; 4 stook heifers ; 6 pigs 8 months old. , The whole will posi- tively be sold as the proprietor hi shore of feed. Terms of Sale. -Nine months' credit will begiven on furnishing approved endorsed notes. A discount ab the mte of 5 per eerie. per amour! will be allowed for cash. FRANK eleCIANNee Proprietor ; THOMAS BROWN, Auctioneer. 2044-2 A UOTIOX SALE of Farm Stock and Implements. -Mr. Thomas Brown has been instructed by Messrs. Walter and George Fairbairn to sell by pub- lic auction on Lot 12, Concession 3, Tuekersinith, on Monday, Februory 18, 1907, at one o'clock p. he, the following; 1 generil purpose horse 5 years old ; 1 geneml purpose mare .6 years old ; 1 driving mare 6 years old ; 1 general purpose mare foal. Cattle. -2 two-year-old heifers, 1 brood BOW supposed to be in pig ; also about two dozen hens. Implements. -1 Massey -Harris mower; 1 Massey -Harris cultiv- ator; 3_ good disc harrow ; 1 set of diamond harrows; 1 Fleury walking plow.; 1 gang plow; 1 seed drilla 1 wagon ; 1 set bobsleighs ; 1 bay rack; 1 cutter; 1 top huggy : 1 stone boat ; 1 set double harness 1 set single harness; 1 Saskatchewan robe ; about litons firstarass timothy hay; 80 sap buc- eke,' ;I cook stove ; 1 table ; 1 bedlam melte ; doz, ohairs and rockers and other articles too nrtmerous to mention. Terms of Sale. -All sums of 85 and un- der, cash; over that amount, 9 months' credit on ap- proved joint notes. A discount of 4 per cent. allow- ed for cash An credit amounts. Hay to be cash. WALTER & GEORGE FAIRBAIRN, Executors.; THOS. BROWN, Auctioneer. 2044-1 _AUCTION SALE of Farm Stook and Implements. -James Jones has received instructions from Henry S. Drake to sell by public: auction on Lot 22, Concession 3; Township -of Hibbert, on Friday, Feb- ruary 22nd, 1907, the following : 1 general parpose mere rising: 5 years old Percheron mare rising 6 years old, in eoal to Lord Wolesley ; 1 brood mara,32 years old, in ft.1 to Wilder Lee ; 1 driving mare ten years old in foal to Wilder Lee ,• one general purpose horse twelve years old • 1 Wilder Lee gelding rising 2 years old ; 1 Wilder' Lee colt rising 1 year old ; 1 general purpose cote rising i ear old; 1 cow 5 years old, supposed to be in calf; 1 cow 3 years old, supposed to be in calf; 2 cows due to calve in March ; Ifarrow cow ; a calves 2 months old ; 2 steers 2 years old ; .2 heifers 2 years old ; 1 steer 1 year old ; 3 fat heifers ; 8 spring calves ; fall calves ; 5 sows clue to litter at time of sale, 26 store hogs ; 8 well-bred sheep ; 1 Massey -Harris manure spreader nearly new; 3. Perrin two -furrow riding plow nearly new ; 1 two -furrow gang plow ; 1 wallcing plow t 1 four -section diamond harrow • 1 .pea harvester, Sale at one o'clock. Terrus.-"Alt sums of $3.0 aaid under, cash ; over that amoutit, 8 months' credit a111 be given on furnishing approved joule notes 47 off for cash on credit amounts. No reserve ae the propfietor is giving up the farin he had rented. HENRY S. DRAKE, Proprietr '• JAS. JONES, Auctioneer. 2044-2 A UCTION' SALE of Farm Stook and Implement% 111.. -Messrs White & Cerneron have been instruct- ed to sell bsepublio auctioa on Lot 25, S. T. R., 'Os- borne, on Wedrieede,y, February 27, 1907, commen- cing at 12..30 o'clock ehaap, the following property ; Horses. --3 draught geldings 4 years old, 3 draft geld- ingh 3 years old, 6 draft geldings 2 years olcl, 3 draft geldings 1 year old, 3 draft fillies 1 year old; 8 'draft fillies 2 years old, 2 draft fillies 3 years old, 1 draft mare 4 years old, 3. brood mare 5 years old wibh foal, 1 draft mare 6 years old from imparted stock and wieh foal to iinported Olyde horse, 1 imporbed Olyde filly 13 years old, 4 imported Clyde fillies 2 years old, 1 drivihg mare 8 years old with foal, 1 driving mare 6 years old, 1 driving mare e years old, 1 two-year- old roadstea colt ; one yearling roadster colt. Cattle,-Ifive steers two years old, three heif- ers ,2 years old, 8 steers 1 year old, 6 heifers one year old, 4 good grade cows with calf, 2 heifers two email MI with calf. Registered Cattle. -5 registered Shorthorn cows a ith calf at foot, 8 registered Shore - horn cows due to e.alve in April, 2 registered Short. horn heifers 2 years old with calf, 3 registsred Short- horn heifers 1 year old, 6 bull calves, 1 esarling bull, 1 aged bull, .A.bOut 80 pure bred Barred Rock hens. Implements.- 1 binder, 1 mower, 1 seed drill, 1 spring -tooth cultivator, 1. disc harrow, 3 roller, 3. set iron harrows, 1 scufflerj single plows, 1 grain grind- erel straw cutter, 1 twining mill, 1 manure spreeder, 1 side delivery hay rake, 1 hay loncler, 1 top buggy, 3 spindle bar road buggy, 1 cook stove, 2 heating -itoves, 3 churn. 1 wheelbarrow, 2 sets ferm-barnesit, 2 sets single Farness, whifiletrees, neekyokee, 1 car, rope, slings and hayfork, crowbar, forks, shovels,and numerous other tools and kitchen utensils. Farm for Sale. -There will be sold at the tame time, a fifty acre term, being the east half of Lot 8, Oonoession 1, .Bianshar4. This is a splendid pasture farm. The farm is all in grass. The place is lso well water- ed. -Terms of Sale. -All sums of 85 and under, cash ; over that amount, 0 months' redit will be given on furnishing approved loint notes. A discount- id 6% per annum in lieu oi notes: Terms of real 'estate made known on day ft sale. The above is it oboice lot of property and 111 positively be soldwithout re- serve, as the propriorar has leased his farm and is moving away ORA& E. HACXNEY, Proprietor ; NV-111TP & CAMERON, Auctioneers. 2044-1 ?GRUNT OTICES. 910 REN1.-200-fiere famt Mil rig llic tetvivstif J. wingham. "Oood briok, awe and noceaary . olitbulidings. Excellent iiktItl or cattle dealer or dairymen as le has over 45 aares ef river flats, which Are unfintpaited for pas um. Ne ill rent all or part. Apply to J. S. DUOKETT, Wing nen, OntariO. -- 20442 BOARS FOR, SERVICE. -T keep for serylciron Lot 85 8., Tinecersmith, a thorobred large English Berkshire, The s York aro beta 1 mnporl-ed, and h H. O. Davis' of oodetocke privilege ofreturning if nee ELOOAT, BrUcefield P. O. e Undensigneti will Coaceesion 3, L. It. rkshire 'hoer, alifb Lt re and daan Of the weds purchased frora erros, $1, with tbe ry. APPLETON 2044x4 bis, madlating dust himbles are the lat. n, sale and durable, trig, regulating ard d comfort and save 1 used. Orders 113' or retail. WM. R. otarer. 2044-1f M.Be litoLEAN'S reditiet and fireproof stovepipe est in that line. economical, ole as well as being it heat eonve ventilating apperatioe They a expense in feel. Beef inat,eri mail promptly filled, wholesala 1101, 'FAN, Hensel', Ont., Matsui' riATTIAE FOR sarg.—For s lac -bred Aberdeen Polled Rex." No. 74,428, calved Febru teea sure stoolt getter and bi! a good drivingliorse, safe foe lac work either single or double. or on time. Apply on Lot BO, nonnar G. AtURDIE, S le, the noted Vlore- ague- Bull, " Caesar re. 9th, 1904eguaran- d true to eolor. Also y to drive and will ill sell either for eash onceesion 2, Malin - aloft P. 0; 2048-tf MIAMI FOR SALE Olt TO ele tent, Lot 5, PonoeSsion 6, 100 mires all cleared and seeded good barn, 1 acre of orohard spring running ehrouga the pie mile of Oonstanee where there stores, pest °Mee and blacaemi miles from Seaforeh. It is it ge seed cin easy terms. Apply to stance T. 0.aMRS. 0! DALE. ENT. -For sale or to Hallett, containing to gram!. There is a and it never -failing e. Ibiuwithin one re tlhurehes," h shop, and about 6 1 place and will be le undersigned, 00n - 20'44x4 FOR SAG ULL• 8 Fon --- SALE.43ix Sh from 9 to 17 months old. H1SLOP, Lot 2, Concession le, BULLS FOR SALE--The eele on Lot 25, Correa:isle smith, four thorobred Durham 1 and ranging in age 1ret-1112 mon prize winners alt the leading IfER13ERT 0RI0B, Seaforth P Ahern bulls for sale, Apply to ANDREW Grey. • 2037x8 mdersigned has for 4, IL R. S., Tucker. as, all red in oolor, hs to 2 years old, all aim in the county. 0. 204S-tf 1- =ESTER SHEEP AND S ORTTIORNOAITLE • FOR, SALE, -The undersi bed has for sale ROV- oral Thorobred Leicester Sheep nd Durham (tattle of both :seam Address Egenon Alto P. O., or apply at farm, Mill Itonel, Tuckesinit . R013ERT CHAR TERS & e0NS. • 13774.1 QHORTHORN OATTLE-Seven, firsteolass young kJ bulls, 2 from itimorted cow)), for sale at wieder - ate priees and on ettsy terms ; good young 00W9 and heifers also for sale. All interested are cordially in. vited to inspect the herd, Farm adjoins town, long distance telephone to farm. Write for catalogue. H. SMITH', Exeter. 1993-1f Tel ROISTERED STOCK FOR SALE, -The under •.1.4 signed offers for tale on Lot 27, Conceesion 8, Ifibbert township, it !lumbar of heifers and young cows with calves at foot, 4 Shorthorn balls fit for im- mediate servioe, sioad by imported Prince of Banff. The above stook are allfregistered in the National Stock Records, Prices mmierate, terms easy., visitor weiconn. DAM! HILL, Steffy. 1'. 0, 1096-x52 osorereroaNs.--Oholoe bred bulls and females ot JO different ages for sale, about two dozen to Wee froire Prices reasonable. Herd now headed by " Countsylvanue" (50900) He is got by • the best scotch bred imported stook on both sides, glossy dark red in color, and well set on short legs. Terms --- melded cows $5 insured • others on application Wilton welcome. .301-111' ELDER, Hensall P. O. and. Station. • 1986-11 Farm to Rent. 100 Aeree of First Class Lead, with a, good set of buildhigs, to rent for a term of years at a reasOnable rental. • A. A. WATT, Real Estate Agent • 2014.3• Bruceffeld, Ont, Farm Laborers and Domestics. , I have been appointed by the Dominion Govern- ment to place immigrants from the 'Milted Kingdomi in posibions as farm laborers arid domestic servants. Any person requiring such help should notify -me by letter, stating fully the kind of help required, when wanted, and the wages offered. The numbers arriv- ing may not be sufficient to supply all regimes, but every effort will be made to -provide mai applicant With heti) required. JOHN SNIDER, Brnceifield. 2044 13 Don'tBuy Your Fence Until You Enquire into the Merits of our Practical Anchor Brand Comider it machine -made feneing ai. ready woven. Its greatest attrihntes aro easy and rapid location. As an offset to this, however, remember the wire ia not coiled spring, but kinked steel, and, con- sequently, leaking the vital power of con- traction and expansion. Its defectiveness dates from its ere°. tion. Each sueoceding winter finds it sag- ging more and more, and time eaved itt ereeting Li easily lost each year in lighten- ing. If a feneiog could be had of coiled spring body wires, uprights of sufficient rigidity to withstand the snow, and looke with no tendency to injure the wire; then one Might be %allured of a pried Num Now, what grounds have we for ad- vancing the Anchor Ft.nee ? Just these : The lateral wires are coiled spring. The uprights are No. 7 hard steel gel. vaniz - The looks - are nonenjurious, and wrapped—not bettere&—into place. Yon put it all together yourself, and when the work is over you are assured, as we are, thee• Aephor Fence is the fence that las te. GEO. A. SILLS, SEAFORTH. A ccuracy Cleanliness Integrity ilre the Wateh-Words of lhis Store. ffe :Handle— PURE DRUGS PATENT MEDICINES RUBBER GOODS TOILET ARTICLES PERFUMES • LEATHER GOODS GANONG'S OHOOOLATES CIGARS, PIPES, • TOBAGO() TRUSSES, ALL STYLES 3TOOK FOODS Give ue a call. We appreciate ib even 0 you don't buy, The J. S. ROBERTS DRUG STORE W. M. MoKAY, Alanagett 'READ OFFICE. TORONTO WALKER, President AL X. LAIRD, General Manager A. it. IRELAND, Superintendent of Branches Branches throughout Canada, and in the United States and England ESTABLLSIIED 180/ Paid-up Capital, $10,9o0,000. Rest, — - 5,000,000 Total Assets, 113,000,000 BANKING BY 'MAIL 85 Business may be transazted by mail with any branch of the Bank. Accounts may be opened and deposits made or withdrawn by mail. Every attention is paid to out-of-town acommts. SEAFORTH BRANCH. F. OLMESTED Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager. Which Kind for Yo are two fee' Stip ami vs-separators—the largeSimple "back breakers" on each side, inches tall. 1 handle Tubulars ly cans 'and other advantages over e the Tubular, 9 If you don't like lifting, get la a Sharpies Tubuler, Here Dairy Tabular in the middle, and Which kind for you 1 The girl is five xelusively. Tabulars have waist kw 11 other separators. Call and ex. SEAFORTH One door North of Richard on & McInnis' Shoe Store, TIORONT +++++++4elelelefeleleitelefiel44444++. Saving Departmenta Store. 0 BA GAIN 1101SE Cornet and Marklat Siraat* S•afarth Ontar10.. ar 1. Dry Gacsda ' and Clethirm *natant la; ICatartties imual Stook ak- jug Sale eb 1 to We are nearing the end of our business year. ,±± you havot visited this store at stook -tak- ing you have missed the great- est values of the year. Clearing lin, odd lots and ends appear daily, and go on SSIC re gardiess of priOe. Amigasiowismunarasiftritremoxy , In answer to the demand, we make speolal preparations for telling. and we are ewe that you will save money by coming to this store. These are our epeeist price offers ; Coffee:Pot?, regular 50.3 are sold this week for... ...... . . ... 250 - All,otger granits'ware at half price. Velet Rugs, the bait patterne, 29x60;heive been sold at $5, on sale for. - . • $2 85 Wrapperette Wrapper', good ffttmg, we'l made, regular $1:25, on gels ate.-- IW4 ••• .. • ... ••• 4 .0••••••••• illf 0 • 40,, 85e Furs of all kinds, worth from 45 to ,87, for.., . . ... .... — ., $225 Velvet Cushion Tops, elegant patterns. regular 50e, for., ,...... . 25c Wrapperettee, all patterns, regular 12-0 per yard, for...... 8ic Ribbons in all colors, in plain, stripes and checks, worth 35c to 50,3 per yard, for. ., 19c „Ladies' Panov Collars, worth 'irnm 25o to 35e,, for ........ .. — 19a Flannelette Shirting, regular 50o, tor. Batting in half packages, regular 8ce for • . , , .....,. Ole Flerineleete Embrolderiee. regular 83 to 12 -ie, on sale... .... — 5o Door Mete in diffarent patron:fa worth 26o, for..........., ..,. 133 Very speeial prices in Beets and Sheer. Call and examine, we are sure you will ea e money by buying them, Merles and' Boys' Caps at half prase. Call and 808 our Li oleumn and Oil Oloth, ell new etoek. Moues Sox, worth 25o, for 14e. J" E2"Vtir E3 M.1 IR, in our our jewelry department we are offering for this week only eight day American clneks, regular $3.75, for $2 25. In all other lines of jewelry, prices have been one in twe. Duet forget, to bring your watoh for repair& All repairing done promptly and at eeasoneble prices. Butter and EgET taken as cash. D 0 L GOFF and I SAA 0 QON Opposite the Royal Hotel, Seafortle. February Sale. ior 1 VIT7ek Only ail COMMENCING Friday, Feb. 15, 1907, aaffesov40.1.1", We never let the anniverpary of the opening of our store in Seaforth slip by without giving our patrons a benefit. It'e the best way we know of to fittingly celebrate our birthday, e shal! be pleased to 830 all our fr ends during this sale, ,arid we shall appreciate a friendly call. Our anniversary sale will last for orie week only. As a slight token of ceirappreciation of the liberal patron- age -extended to us during the past year, we offer the following unusual bargains : All Yien's $4 shoes $3.60 shoes $2,50 shoes All women's $4 shoes 11 C C $3,50 shoes $2.50 shaks ear mows oats( $3,60 3.00 2.00 3.60 3.00 2.00 Richardson& M'Innis SEAFORTH, Sele Agents for the Hagar, Just Wright and Derby Shoes. PdelCillop Directory for 1907 JoHN M. GOVENLOCK, Reeve, •Winthrop P. 0. . JiUIES COWAN, Councillor, Seaforele P. O. J HN MeDOWELL, Councillor, Sea- foethi P. 0. , ALEX. ROSS, Councillor, Winthrop 'P. 0.i *MES RYAN, Councillor, BeeChwood P. Oe MICHAEL MURDIE, Clerk, ;Winthrop P, 01 . G. K. HOLLAND, Treasurer, Beech- wood P. O. J S LOMON SHANNON, 3. P., Banners" Inspector, ;Winthrop P. 0. JOHN BEATTIE Late Division Court Clerk, has a number of prop erttes for sale or to Ant, among which is a good b 'Iding lot, the South East Half of Town Lot No 4 East Ward, in George gparling's Survey, Seaforth le id will be sold on reasonable ternui. Insurance ted, debts collected and loans made on eatisfac o 3, aeonity at reasonable rate& Call and see me a (I be convinced. Late Division Court Office, Sea firth ' 1 201841 1 1 0 z 1 • 0 Girls Wanted. For the several departments of an upet-o-data Knitting MM. Rooms bright and glean, work light and pleasant, goed board at low figures. Pay by day or piecework ab the highest rates, a Apply at once to Pc°N MANS Limited PARIS, ONTARIO 2043-2 "LTIR, Great Clearing Pricestin For the next sixteen days the greatest values ever offered will be found in Furs. thi$1 stere Fifty Men's Fur Coats ira1l to clear—ut coon, waliaby, wombat, Rus- sian calf and dog goats. Get our ,priees—the irony ol stock -taking; they must be sold within the next sixteen days. Twenty-five per centoff all men's small fus-.eape, gauntlets, ollars, 1.14110Aesiel*AfeifeleAlefelWeVeAte Ladies'.f Ladies' Plain Astrachan Jae regulaf r king prices $20 to 825 All other coats, in fur lined -and trimmed, at 26 per cent. off Twenty-five per cent, off all Caperines, Collarettes Muffs, ruffs, &e Stocktaking prices on Ladies'. Misses' and Children's Cloth 0.oats. 7or sixteen days we offer this stook at me -third less than regular price A bargain lot of Cloth Skirts, regular prices from $2,90 to 5.9L ..o one.fifty A table of Ladies' and Children's Coate. For sixteen days your choice for$150 Twenty.five per centoff all'Fiannelette Wrappers A pile of Wrappers, worth from $1.25 to $2.25, on sal A bargain lot of Ousllion Tops, worth 25o. 35e and .50e, on sale at 19c Black and colored Kid Gloves, regular prices $1 and $1.25 r 75c 4t, StO res- Goods Depar All Remnants and Ends at half, plicefor sixteen days See our 25e table of Dress Goods for the next sixteen days Dress Trimmings worth 12ic to $1 a yard, on sale at 10c a yam -MitiraWeerWieggeMeetila topic Dry. Goods Twenty-five per cent. off all Wrapperettes Twenty-6.ve per cent, off all Grey Blankets Fifteen pieces of Oxford Shirting, regular 13; for 91-o Fifteen pieces Flannelette; worth 7c, for So Ten pieces Towelling, worth 7e, for Sc Twelve and one-half per cent. off all Flannelettes et*************3144413feletelliter ie Men s and Boys Clotinn Twenty-five per cent. off all men's, youths' and Boys' Overcoats A pile of Men's Overcoats, worth ftora $10 to $12, for eixteen days at five dollars pile of Boys' and Youths' Vesta at 250 each Two hundred pairs of *Yenta, worth from $1.75 to $2, for sixteen days at 81.25 each A pile of Boys' and Youths' Sweaters; worth 69; on sale at 39e Special clearing pripa on all men's and boys' Underwear In addition to the above lines, odd lots will be brought out daily .i1e1e141-44+4+04.4144+4+444.1144 Highest Prices paid for Butter Eggs and Wool. DRIED APPLES W NTEDw .PICKAIRD & SO DIRECT ITO LINT °tee Town Building, Corner MA,J.h aid Market SLree, Sforth.