HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-15, Page 3A Dyspepsia, Pimples, eadaeheS, .stipatien,. - of Appetitet. rpeltts, St3mitzia, and all trim. arising' from the Stemaelt, Liver, Bowels on Mood. Nee. A. I.atlee Of i!e neel WI', Out verl'e 5: " believe iravo l•cen in rey grave long etar /IA tt not beeen feta. Lae -Joel,: Mood Bit- ters. I weer= deVert to auelt art extent th;et 1 could scarce. ly move about the bore e. levas subject to ; ever" heeedeaterte4 hu and dizsi- urea; ; rey apPetite was gone and 1waa unable to do ner houeessork. A f ter- Uteirlfe. to bottica of 11.11;13. I found my hPalth fully restored. v:aa. •reeerarriend it to 1t tired send Wornaut,111e4.1:' entaiy Meetings (11.' uron Farmers! Institute for 1907. be held as follow, viz , Town -hip Thursday, Feb-. 14. patine; --Major Shepherd, of Queen- Propegating, fruitgralting, bud- . II. .1. Reed, or reeorgetown, will nuiples and practice. in stock breed.. ee also by R. te. McLean, Kippert, and hure. Evening lfeetinge- Major tree Idetorie (lees on Niagara.River " ; 1. "Birer Horees for profit." „ , Teten Ilan, Friday, February 15 .fteetiree.- Addresses by Major Shop. etting irut grafting, budding, ete." , " Diseasee of daaestive system or addreease by M. Y. Mel.ean, Seaforthe leippert. Eteninr, Meeting.- Major kre e hi-torie days on the Niagara Riv- e Reed, Horse breed -Mg and care in easee. END, Pula's:Hll, Seturday, Feb. 16 teeting.-3fajor Sheppard. "The len- ;Penne,* Reade Pre H. J. Reed, ins, for eeolit." and addreaies by R. B. bo, and Paul Madge, Themes Road.: - lIa;nr Sheppard, " Opportnnitiete arms " n. J. Reed, lLmc1p1es stoek breeding - Town Ife.4.1, Manday, February 18 teetintr.-..‘laior Sheppard, " Planting ,it trees " ; Or. Reed, "Horse breeding i addressee by R. B. McLean and Paul ingMeeting.-Major Sheppard," Three, n Niagara River' ; Dr. Reed, "Maui- .Feystent in eattle." 31il1er's Ifall, Tuesday. February 19 'tee ting. -Major Sheppard, t` Soil tillage moietttre • Dr. Reed, " Horse .are in relation to dieeases." Address- ., Brueefield, and A. 31ustard, Bruee- : Meeting. -.Major Sheppard, " Oppor- -median Ferule " ; Dr. Reed, "The ti foal." Strong's Ifall, Wednesday, Feb.20 eetxi,.- - Ole jor'Sheppard, "oil tillage . end fertility- " ; Dr. Reed, " Horse ere In relation to riieeases." Athirees- Elimeilie, J. T. Allison, Thames.... eerteir, Hensel!. , F,venine• Meeting. - era, 4 -opportunities on Canadian Reed, " Prire.iplee and praatttco in PuVie hall, Thursilaa , February at eeting. -MajterShenpard, " tillage 5 e emleture ' ; Dr, 'Reed, ter." Addreesee le• It. B. Mcan, t.Smilli lieneall. Evening Meet- -avatar!, " Three historie da-ee on Nie - 1 ee PaSti. " 13or'' for profit." i the director.: of the Instatrie will be .enoon of the meeting at Hensel!, Yehe 11 o'clue.k. revetinee ii! eommence at- 2 o'clock ‘a. irg meet bees at 7.:.?0, prormcon,istirr4.ef music anti liter- , ill be given at ec ening meetinge, 1 in Farmers' feetiture ineetiaga are 1 tu atteini. Preeid€ It. GARDINER, Seca Framing. eeo yr you nearly always er of pietales you wieh fram- x keep teeth if it og, often be- lle expense " Ihoturo ham- etail er, and we carry -S. stes and Ifioa1dinga that are protty but reo..., expeneive. nee picture for yon, anti we you of the truth of whab we yonr next Photo. I BROS, 0 aforth. „ anted. 01•••••map..••••• eel prerared to pay the highest 'i lhtitt1I quantity of first-class 31a,Itle, Beech, Ash,. feee,„ deSivereti at the Seaforth Ti lie eitL in even length, ex - Cm to lee ent 11, 13 and 16 feet- vood ifead:ter Brae, 40 inches r cool dercil. Will also buy tint - at or lcv bt, in bush_ tipt-cial at- satifactiori guaran- WM. AMENT. Seafortla r pc -47 rs1125 ir :i-irben they- - 1.11tteeeatteie 'lave eterleetert La va iilled a. e • re ve fti „rot ogloc t. ..a*tiaaa• oetia. It (:an haver L. 1‘ -sae L'ats tiatoat ottr, g P:74 73 si It, strikes: at. cr all tIt re tie; ex lung .'•e; :o; rt. Ct. rit.f, Coughs., e,rae, 6ore, "%tea uktenia anal ; for meny year, an& t:tan over. It 'w• ens; eirtef.e of ths %tete \Vila Cherry Bark Itmeliee. ttetimolatea leesteitial orgens, allays+ euedues inflammation, ele tha irritated parte, eteee end raucous, and aide eeeitelee tho merbid aa - D:% be humhueged into; mita/. ftle of Dr. Wood's Nor - t. Li put up in yellow e la:no treee the trade marks, 7e J. Iahnenet Dello Cote, Ndas treubled, welt a bed sea steet aeonned ItaT. ILO te ray eei rf•atedies advert ;.:ete.. n eaaol. ake a I reefort. N'orway Pine rope • .".1 lite corapletel.y. examine the growth a The Sovereign Ba *In 4Y2 years, ending 31it Ociober, 1906. $25 843,401 6,278,557 15,5781920 have =teased to . of assets over Liabilities to the Public increased to . a * * • • Deposits have increased to 4 .00 opens an account in the Savings Department. terest paid 4 times a year. The Sovereign Bank of C ada. ENSALL A N D r RIEL For Sale. At a berme in, one half seotion in Sonthern Mani- taba, within a half a mile of a good railroad town. Improvements cost over 0,000, wheat averaged 34 eutiheiR per acre est year, pain sales amount to from $1,400 to $1,00o each, year, beeides, cattle, bogs, oto. 100peres ploughed re.tdy for spring crop, BO tteree being summer fallow. This is a money maker. Get lull particulars at once from A, A. WATT, 2040-t1 Brucelleld, Ont. Established :879 Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria creseseue is a boon to Asthmatics Does it not seem more effective to breathe n remedy to cure disease of the breathing organs than to take the remedy into the stomachs' Itcures because the air rendered strongly natl. =pee is carried over the diseased surface with every breath, giving prolonged ancl constant treat- ment. It ta nevaluabie to mothers with small children. Thoseof a consumptive tendeocy find, immediate relief from cou hs or Ifiamed coudinohs of the lthroat. Sold by druggists. Smici postai for booklet. e,„ ameettero, eireas mited, Agents, Mont - Canada. 307 Farm Laborers and Domestics. , 1 hove been appointed by the Dominion_ rlovern- merit to place in from the United Kingdom . in positions se farm laborers and domest'ee servants. rs Aoy peon requiring such help should n tify ma by ' letter stetibg fully the kind ot help re(tb uired, when wanted and the wages offered. The nui ers arrir- lug may not. be sufficient to supply all requests, Nit very effort will be made to provide each applicant /With help required. GEORGE MURDIE, 2042-13 Seaforth. The New Store For New -Good FRU IT - nese are arriving daily, and the quality is with - 4t1 tdoubt the very hest. Our prices are the o Nest. $8:1- kinnan Iladdie, Ciscoes, Whitefish, Mackerel and Trout. These are very scarce, but are extra good quality. VEGETABLES - Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Carrots, Beets, Par snips and Turnips always on band. •FRESII MEATS - We buy nothireg but the best quality in Beef, Pork and, Lamb in this department. We have extra -line prices. ,CURED MEATS - Hain, Bacon, Breakfast. Bacon and Rolls always on hand. • 'COOKED' MEATS -- Corned. Beef, Head Cheese, Bologna and New England Ham. 'GROCERIES - Our grocery department is complete. le Alwaye fresh and good. KRUSE tROS., COMMERCE BLOCK PHONE 98 SEAFORTH. Do You . • INI,sh to Visit MEXICO CALIFORNIA kiondoA. or the "SUNNY SOUTH" Are you anxious to escape the cold weather and snow, and spend the winter in the , "Land of Fruit and Floaters." Tourist tickets -ere on sale daily, and if you're • eoutemplating a trip see that your tickets are routed via Grand Trunk. . For ticomix fed full information call ore W. liONIERVIfeLhl, Town Agent. • A. i. MILIAN, Depot Tieket Agent. Woocrs PhOSA0aine The Great English. .Beinedn Tones and invigorates the whore nervous system, naakos now Blood in old. Veins. Cures Nero ous Vebility, 'Mental and Brain Worry, Des- Pandortoy, SexaalTVeakness, Emissions, Sper. Inatorrhcea, and .PITects of -Abuse or Excesses., Price n per box sh.e. f. or $5. One will please, six Will cure. Sobtsby all druggists or mailed in Plain pkg, on reternot of price. New pamphlet 'nailed free. Tio Wood ilifereliolne Co. (formerly Windsor) Toronto, Ont TO CONTRASTORS. 7 -Sealed fenders will be received by the undersigned t "up to saturday, February 22rd, at 1 p. in., for the erection of a cement and brick school house atWal- ton. Plans and specifications Inv be seen at. the restdenee ef the undersigned • The briek i. furnieh. „red and delivered on the ground by the trustees. 1 The lowest or any tender not neeessarily accepted, THOMAS H. BOLGER, Secretate -Treasurer • V. S. S. No. 11, Morris, Grey and McKillop, 204e-3 Walton. TRONG HEA AND SKILLED HANDS TO THE FRONT 1 .Xttend the fatuous • TORONTO, ONT. And be properly prepared for bteelness posit- ions, We deal only in High Grade Business Ed- ' ueation-the kind every young man and woman should have. Our school has now* the largest attendance in its Metope Commence naw, Prepare well and steams Is certain. No trouble for our graduates to get emeltiona. Catalogue free. W. 3.4 ELLIOTT, Principal Con Yonge and Alexander Ste 202241 The First Day. Tho first day of ouriwinter term be January 2nd, 1907. We will then re -open with undoubted0y the largest sla,s in thehistory of this school. If you 10ant the edu- cation that prepares for good posi- tions) write for our catalog—costs nothing. AU Gradustes get Positions. TEM BERLIN BUSINESS COLLEGE, W. D. EULER, Principal. 2018 .0100. eitatinerasermsereserazole .,••••••••••••••••••,1/1/0=1100/1/4100NNINAl Only One Best In die line of Ruttiness Training Insti- tutes in Canada, and that ,one is tbe well-known Central Business College, OF TORONTO. Best in courses of study, best In num - hers and experience of teachers, best in securing positions for graduates. Have you read our catalogue? It explains our methods. Get it before you decide which school you will attend. Winter term from Jan. 2n1. •You w;11 be welcome. Ener any time. W. II. SHAW, Principal Yonge and Gerrard streets, Toronto I 2018-20 -anci all stoliasch Stops andb:pwetil:ydisorders.Make - plump and rosy. 1 Proved COliC l3gre'5?2:Icir°sul:. f71:84gutsfIll for it - Nurses' and Mothers' Treasure 1 Lumberman's Friend All -travellers, and those en- gaged isn outdoor work, should always have a bottle of Hirst's *ain Exterminator at hand. It is the most powerful liniment manufac- tured and gives instant, relief in eases of Wrenches, Bruises and Sprains. kt also cures Strains, Rheumatism, Neuralgia and all kindred troubles. 25c. at all dealers. Try Birsrs Little Liver Pills for indigestion and dyspepsia. Ask your deal& or send us 25c. direct. A handsome souvenir card free. THE F. F. DALLEY CO., Limited Hamilton, Ont. 107 e THE LONDON LIFE'S Honest Dealing, .Sound Inne.stments'Realized Estimates and a Eileen Record, are some Of the features that make this pre- eminently the •Policyholders' Company. 6.78% Was the average rate of interest earned -on the mean in- vested assets for 1906. The average rate for the past twenty .vears is the highest of all the companies ler thug for that length of time, NO LOSSES ON IN V'ESTA: ..-NTS. • W. II ROBINSON. Inspector, Seaforth 0100 xposito DISTRICT IIIIA.TTORS. attnost.atihtifttrout*.. Durharh Cement CoMehrle-The annual meeting of the National Part - land Oement Company, Of Dttrtharre Ontario, inivehich many of our read - 'eta are interested, was held In To- mato recently. There was quite a difference .between this meeting and the One held a year ago. The pay - Inca of two five per cent dividends during the year did much to make the stock holde-rs satisfied. ?resi- dent explained to the stookholderse preOnt that the mill was now on a good paykig balite, as evi- denced ,b'y elle two dividends, and the payment of a large legacy of debt handed down from the Dreviouio man- agement. Het pointed out also that cOrteiderable improvement had been made during the year, that a neW cold tutorage 'building had been con- structed ondi that the• management had great expectations fox' the fee ture euccess of the mill. He also re- ferred to the eargery Increased output of 1906 over any previous year, and gave it as his opinion that the magni- ficent mill is capable of still great- er results, He also thtimated that the 'board had been able -to secure •large additional marl bed, and that the k had +entered into negotiations for the purthase of; the ,same and ex- pected the deal to be ratified by the stockholdertl•at this meeting. Though some objections were made the deal was ratified unanimously. X Good Candidate. -The :Winnipeg Free Press says: One of the strong - et ta,ndidaterr for provincial honors, nominated at the recent Liberal con- ventions in Manitoba is Adam Forbes, of Rethwell, who will cantett • the constituency of Cyprease Mr. Forbes was born September 15, 1856, in the townsMp of Morris, colinty of Hur- on, near Brussels, .Ontario. Ha came W -Oat in March, 1882, and en- tered fOr the homestead l and pre- emption' on which he lives at= pre- sent, south 1-2 18-8-8, weft, adjein- ing the vlllage of Rathewell. He 'Cure EveryFor. 11 • I After you have daten a m al, the stomach should do tvvo things—pour out a. dissolvng anid to digest the food— nd churn the food until ccrn- pietely digested and liquifi d. %Sour Stomach, Belching G ,s, Indigestion, Dyspeps a, simply mean that the stomach . is not doing its work properly. 'l2-a-tives " strengthen • the stomach and increase lowf -1-`c o Juke "Miff -a -fives" m ake the Eyler active and regulate the bowels. There will be an end to tho *e, Bilious Headaches, too, as soon as you start curing yolir Dyspepsia and ConstipatiOn with Fruit-a-dves, Fruit-a-tives " contain tie wcruderful medicinal prtj- p'! ties of fruit—in an acti e curative form. 5oc. a-boix - • -6 for 2 .5o. At all dealers eP ate/ 0 seal - On (FRUIT LIVEriVABLETS,/ 17 barn 'this spring. -Mr. Fred Kibl Ltstowel, an old Dashwood boy oall here" ast week to visit his broth In-law, ,Mr. Jacob Kellerman. Cotten, colds, hoarseness, and other tbr t silmente are quickly relieved by Crew .1b1ets. tett cents per box. All druggists ' • Blvt h. Death. -There passed, away at late residence, 278 Palmerston even Toronto, on She 31st of Janua r, r- er Y. Witie elected as councillor for the rr,u- 1 Jane- MacQualter, widow of the te nicipality of Elm River in th.e year Wm: Drummond, formerly merebalrit 1886 and AS reeve in 1887. Mr. Forbes of Blyth, Ontario. Mrs. Drilmtno d In 1889 'built the first ,store in the was 'born .in Kelso, Scotland, in village of Rathwelf and started in- 1826 and tame to London, Canada, in to the general store 'business in 1890. 1854, where a few year later she He is now.. in the hardware and lum- Wee married. Her husbaad pre bet' busina In Bothwell as well as ceased her five years 'ago. I toncluctthg farming clperationi.Ile mediately after their enarrlege was elected .Yeeye of themunicipality Drummond began bun e in Blyl ortollt for the year 1894 where they resided un 11 eighte ice held that hanorabie po- 1 years ago, when they renoved to' freroes has always been ?onto. Mrs. Drummond; was ve 'opiates! and 'his many much beloved by a large circle or South' and 'has eittett, a Li 9- r. h, o- Iip of iriendsrOare looking forward to ,h,"is friends. A little over a year ago s e election' the next rrember for Cy- muffered from a stroke of pa,raly is press. from which he never fully recov r- ed, although in possession of her The Ueborne and HIbbert Irfaur- Mental faculties until the last, Al of ance Company. -The thirty -$1t an- Drummond was the beloved mother nual meeting of the members of the Mrs. A C. VanEgmond, Mr. R. Dru Usborne and Hibbert Mutual Fire In- mond and Miss H. D. Drummond, outer/ice Company Wale -held in the Toronto. he also eaves four gra public 'hall, Farquhar, on eloriday, the 4th inst. There was a good at- tendance of rrembers and a lively in- terest shcown. in the eorppany. •Mr. John A. Norrie, of Hibbert, presided. The financial report of the treasurer Showed the assets to be $112,500, with a caah, balance on hand of $6,645, thus showing the eornpany to be in a very satisfactory position financially. •The increased insurance of this year over • Seaforth, July 24, 1874 last year exceeded $150,000. Messrs. Rev. Mr. Greheln, of Egmondvil W. H. Passmore a'nd Robert Norris wiU preach his farewell sermon were eleeted directors for the en- his own congregation on Sund suing three years and Mr. W. Brock morning nett. for the ensuing two years. Mr. W. J B. Smith, Of Landon', has purch .A. Turnbull, who had acted very effi- ed from Mr. Campbell .the half lot clently- as auditor for thirteen years. Main steeet adjoining Mr. Stewar •asked to be relieved and the meetieg blacksmith iihop. Hei intends erect' reluctantly consented to -!his retire- onit a large brick building, ment. Messrs. JOint Kay and Joshua which he' intends establishing Johns were appointed auditors for .hheetet and confectionery manufa this year. At a meeting of the new tory. A special meeting of the Hu board of directors subsequently held set Presbytery was 'held in this vi Mi.. W. H. Passmore was *appointed lage on Wednesday last, to consid president; Mr. J. L. Ruseall, viceepres- they call' to Rev. Wm. Graham, • ident and Mr. R. W. F. Beavers, sec- Egroondville to the congregation children, and .one reat grandchild • • • In The Olden Days. Pritie 01.••• of cj- Interesting sketches of the early days of Seaforth and vicinity-, taken from the files of- The Ex- positor. retary treasurer. Croup can positively be stopped' in 20 minutes. No vomiting -nothing to sicken. or distress your child. A oweet, pleasant, and safe Syrup, call- Other day and fractured his arm. ed Dr. Shoop's Croup Cure. does the --- work and does it quickly-. Dr. . • Seamen', July 21, 1874, Shoopei Croup _Cure is for Croup a- The members qf 33ritannia Mama lone. remember. It's for Croup, that's Lodge', of this village, have lease all, It doeen't claim' to cure et, dozen thet second flat of the new buildin ailments. Sold by C. Aberhart, Sea- inoW in' gl-ourse of erection by el forth. Counter, and intend fitting it up fo 0 a lodge room. - l • Beechwood The by-law to raise by way of James v. loan the sum of $5,500 for the pur Notes. -Mr. ani Mrs. .chase of a steam; fire engine for Sea Ryan and Miss M. E. McFadden at- • forth, was voted on, on Saturday las tended the wedding of a cothein of and was defeated by a majority o Mrs. Ryan's, in the township of Wa- wanosh last week. -Last week a ICarr. Mes. Grieve, wife of Mr. Haig picture of Mr. Me J. Phelan, poet - Grieve, of the first concession, Mc master of St. Columben, Quebec, re- - Killop, died on Friday last. Mr presenting Ihirre ea the oldest post- Grieeve was tee secoed daughter o master in Canadier being in- his 84th the late Joh& Geventock, esrid was year end fiftyl-first Of service. •It is native of, Scotland. She camel to th a peculiar coincidence that J. J. country with her parents le 183 Holland, Toastmaster at St. Colum - add they mated in McKillop, about 'ban, Ontario, 'holds the palm. for the mile and a half from where Seafor youngest postmester in Canada, , be - now stands. She was married to b ing only one-fourth of Mr. Phelan'a Grieve in 1846. She leaves ,a fam •age. -Our merchant is selling the of three eons and five dau liters, bal-ance of 'his winter goods. very On Friday night last the sash cheap. -McKillop council are prepar- door indeatry of Walter Cook, C ing to build se'v'eral -new cement ton, was destroyed by fird Loss bridges next sea,son. • su bout $1,500. e, Pnae. River, idlifield township. M •Graham has- accepted the call. -Abner cowgirls, the 13 year oid eon of Mr. N. COUsibee, of Tucker - smith, fell from a ch,erry tree tle , Dashwoon. Seaforth, Aug. Notes, -Johnnie Stier, the little . lad The new gait block er Wh.o was so seriously Injured a cou- the 'railway track by Mr. et.and •Mr. W. M. Gray, ful•l ope•ration. 1 troue after effecte with this same •• ' MT. 3. H. Benson has sold to 'Mc.! f`fedlcifie. Theee Pine protect you, Pillmen, the' lot on Main Street op- they curet you, they up -build you; posite the foundry. The price pale thoy banish all evil after effects, Dr. for the lot and building. was $1,400, j Willit&ns' Pink .Pills ward off *ell Mr. Pillman's sons intending erecting ' wnter ailments. They cure all blood a carriage factory andblacksmite 1, and nerve disorders. They are t -he shop oni the lot. . 1 greatest blood builder and nerve ' On .Tuesday_evening last the melee ; tonic ecience 'has yet discovered. Ask matter where you :bers a the Orange lodge and the . your ne• ighbOrs, .no you will learn of someone Orpreaerleg'ent e .dYbRullevg. JB. irWitc.11C4u•tfierS,eapfa°;ttekl.t: 1 live, haaaneat been cured by Dr. Williams' ofi the Methodiet •eleurch, with a Pink Pllareaftee other• medielnee leave hanclsofn• e gold ring. ., failed. It 14 on the unbiased evi- - Mr. Wm. Donnelly has eommenced denee or your .nelghbors that we ask to Irttn: a daily stage between Sea-, Tr ,ytoduuelyearetbessicek Poilil„sziannrg.a.ir mtrrifesi. forth and • Zich ur. ; Mr. Edward Turner, sr., an old res- Emma Doucet, St. Eulalle, Quebec Went' of Tucker-smithdid at the sa" Words can hardly exerea residence of 'his son, Edward, on the ys: ' my gratitude for what Dr. Waliarne .. e . resident of the 2nd eonceesion of Phik Pills have done for me. I had an attaevim k of la grippe ,tilch left e 27th ult. Tb.e deceased had beeh e Tuckerernith since, 1834. , 1 a elufferer from headaShe2 and pain pie of weeks ago, by being dragged by a cow, continues to improve, although progrees is, 'naturally, slow, but hopes are now entertained/ for his recovery. -Phe ent ertainment under the auepices of the young people of the Lutheran church on Tuesday ev- „ening in Zirnmerie hall waseevell at- tended and was a "yew silent:134.N1 and enjoyable affair showing that there is 'talent ' among the young people of Theihwood equal, if not superior to that of many much larger and more pretentious places. -Another business change has taken place in town. Mr. Jonas Ilartleib has sold his hardware steck and buSiness to Mr..David Tier - man, who is a good business man and is well and favor,a;bly known through- out the whole district and who win we have no doubt, do a good and le - creasing business. -Mr. D. Geiger has been given' the contract i of attending to the street lighting ft3er this year. -Jozeph Ziler, sr., has disposed of this 60 acre farm on the 13th concese sion of Stephen, to Jacob Zeller, who takes possession in the spring. Mr. Ziler iritends buying a larger farm. - Mr. and Mrs. G. Nadiger have return- ed from a very pleasant visit of sev- er' weeks with friends ha 'Michi e,gan -Mies Mary Winkenwader has gone to New York where she takes'a- good • positon as dressmaker in a large es- tablishment there.—Mr. Jacob Wadi - ger, of the town line, is making, pre- parations for the erection of a new a r. ly nd in- a - 7, 1874, cted near Cart- e now in hewedthestore • now be1ng butit by Fidelity Lodge! I,- 0. 0, F., at an an nes' Tents]; Of ,$460. • On Monday Iast, A, deputation_ eon- sistirfg of eleetare. McDermott, Cash, Dewar and. Lunreeden, of Seafertie waited on Bev. W. dralta,ra at jaio re, !dente in Egmandville, and, in be- half of -a 'number of friends in Sea- -forth and vicinity, presented the rev- erend gentleman with an RdfireteS, ac- companied byea purse containing $134. Mr. Graham and farnilY left fox their new home hi Pine Itiver on Tuesdax. Typhoid fever Of a, Malignant kind is now prevalent in Tu.ckersmitle. Mr, George Walker 'has been. suffering with it for aortae time. Seaforth, Aug. 21, 1814. For a week pee bush fires have been raging in Several: plates in this vicinity. A swamp in tne Tear of Harpurhey has been. on 'fire for some time, and the residents in the vi - chitty are in ,nightly terror a hav- ing their property dfttroyed. The residence of Rev. M. Barr has bean sehlously threatened several times. 'On Monday last,, Dr. King, of this village met with an accident while out in' McKillop, which caused hi4 death. While leaving the residence of Mr, Jetta Horan in .McKillop, ba homes ran away aid the. doctor was dragged for over a mile under the 'hugge. Ile was taken to .the residence of W.. J. Shannon, but he neverf re- gained conscioueness and died short- ly after, medical aesistance arrived from Seaforth. He was only 28 years pf age: ' ,Mr. 011 -ver Mills, of Hullstt, riall on the blade of a grain cradle, the othoi+ day and cut a bad gash in. • his hip. Hfe .nearly bled to death be- fore medical assistance arrived. Gas in the Stomach. Belching end that sense of fullness so often experienced after eating le caused bythe formation of gas. The atomach. fails to perform, its func- tiona,- and. the food ferments. Ohara- berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets will corked the disorder. They aid digestion, encli strengthen and Invig- orate the stomach and bowels. For eale by all druggietko. *-gto. Canada. -The present high prices of lumber are said to be largely -due to the great esareity of logs and labor, and, a shortage of cars in British Columbia. Ordere ready laet, fall are still wait- ing for transportation at Vancouver. Prices 'Judi to be advanced, as logs have doubled in price, an'd eabor is also 'high and hard to get. • —Frank Chaatler, cattle buyer, of London, was blatantly killed early Thursday morning as theresultof a dloote with a hack driver. Chant - ler insisted Oh driving the hack and In .attempting to turn around at the rear of a timed, upset the vehicle and was naught beneath it. His neck was beeken. -A fish car which was left at Hamilton station for some weeks and was then' ordered to London for re - Oars has been found to contain a mail bag, having letters and papers for Southampton and northern parts. The bag was stolen on the bight or January 6th, and is said to have been the second rnailb ag rifled at Hamilton within a short time. The thief left nothing unopened, and what he carried off is unknown. -Frederick Tunnecliffe, son of the late FrOd Tannecliffe, hotel -keeper, near =Trenton Station, was accident- ally killed 01111 Saturday,, while drive Ing home from hunting. Two loaded guns Were in the rig, and when was taking- them out one of then i Was discharged, 'blowing off a portion of his head. Tunnecliffe was 24 years of age, anti married. -A very distressing accident oc- curred at Piceadilla, a hamlet im the Tear', of Frontenac county, , whent a young sou -of John Salisbury had his eye torn out. The lad lel ,111 the General Hotpital at Kingston. He was eliding down a hill, Oni Oziel of hire trips the sleigh 'became un- tr.anagea,ble, and ran into a thorny bush, with the result that his eye was torte out by one of the stout branches. -A broken leg on his wedding day did not prevent the bridegroom, Thos. Gingras, an employe of the Cavell- dieh Lnanberl Company, of Lakefield, Peterboro county, from being mar- ried to Miss Queen, a popular 'young lady at Young's Point, in the same district. Gingras was driving from LakefleId to the Roman Catholic church at You'ng's Point, when 'the sleigh was upset and his leg frac- tured nean trie thigh. He heroically continued his Journey and went through the ceremony in 'the pres- ence of a, large number ef guests. After thee:nuptials he was taken to St. Joseph's Hospital, in Peterboro. DEADLY LA GRIPPE, Canada Again Being Ravished by an Epidemic of This Disease. Winter after Whiter Canada is swept from ocean to ocean by -813 epidemic of la grippe or • influenza,. It le one of the deadliest trouedes known to our climate. It etarts with I sneeze -and ends with a corn- plicetion. It lays the strong man on hie barec, it tortures him with fever and Chills, headaches and baek- aches. Itl eaves the sufferer an. sa,sy prey to pneureanie, bronchitis, con- numption and other deadly diseases. You cat! avoid la grippe by fortif y- in& your eystene with Dr. Williams' Pink Pelee You can cure the disas- ' i in the storreteb. I es -ed Several meth- Seafoeth, Aug. 14, 1874, [ choke • but found nothing- to help m.a iyihnehs. Legalt k Jamieson ha‘ve -until 1 took Dr. Williams' Pink ,e......... Pillel When I 'began 'them I was , week and very 'down, The meeh ruCI TERsoN,s pills hav not only .fully reetored ity health, but I gained in flesh while d them - to - COUGH lost -ors ilitulo by an old recipe that has cured coughs and colds for two generations. go.for Ai= t=a8 0.itiroPYpreeamesodig At WAG too. Demand tbi threo•ownercd Idnd. in tin, red and yellow box. 2 THEY WILL CURE • taking thern. I recommen all sufferers." • You can get these pillo from any rr.edicine .dealer or by ntail at 50 tents a box or oix boxes for $2.60' from the Dr. William's' Medicine Co, Mreckville, Ont. f Satis action or your Money Back.” 8111.0401.1163111.ArtAIMMtIMMIMIIMISINAlit:10111.4411010101.tilifIREMEMINFIMMatillet, powtwoisoikowevoliskfweiwk"" r FEE best possiole business for you, for us, for every-. 1 body, is one in which the advantage to the buyer and seller is mutual, in whi.ch the profit on the transaction is on both sides, in whichhe seller can say to the buyer, 15 "if we don't sell you. the e goods, we both loose moue This is the real core of good business; out of it grows the great success in the business world. . To -day we say to you, if we don't seli you the goods below, WE BOTEI LOOSE MONEY. We loose because we cannot afford to carry god s from one season to another. You loose because you will never buy them as cheap again,. ••• Two Good Wogs in 9othing. • MEN SUITS CLEARING A 15 choices and each suit, well lined, well, made, reason for redwing these s be here shortly, and we are suits and broken lines; Afl 9.nd $10 suis. $5.00 Suit a first -e ass tw a or serge ra guaranteed to wear. 0 ts is, that our Spring stock will aerations to dispose of all odd of these are regular $7.50, $9 • - •$ppoial Price $5.00 Men's Overcoats pay you to b at, prices that y for next year Men's Ulster Overcoats storm coiiac, double breatea Irish frieze—black, grey and brown,—first-clasS re- gular $8 and. $8.50 coats. • pecicta Price S333 Men's Dress Overcoats, fine black, grey and striped Overcoats, italitut lInillg8, velvat collars, stylish make; this lot includes all of our very latest coats. HALF PRICE Men 00masteamsameassamattasama Underwear for Small Amounts These lines are here eeause they escaped our notice before stock -taking, but th.e prices they'bear now means: tley will not be here long. • UNDER8HIRTS-7-Me s pure wool ribbed, double breasted, fancy trimmed, alt sizes: shirts oaly, regular 75e line, for 49c. Men's ribbederey and made, good weight, 35c Men's. heavy Cashin -lined, blue and black, regu nk Underwear, pure l re knit Wdrking shirts, fleee ar 750 line, for 59e. Heavy Reductioii on Heavy Mitts. Our these incluc Mule skin, heavy wool knit lining Pig skin faced, heavy wool lined - .0aLf skin, none better to wear -Genuine pinto shell mitts, regular $1 . • Heavy Sox, pure wool 'ribbed sox, fancy wor 'regular 2:5c lines • tire stock of Mitts goes on sale -.until eleared the famous Hudson Bay Compaars makes. 350- 60o 60c 753 190 Furs 25 per cent. discount. SPECIAL 3 ONLY black dog coats, storm cuffs . $3 in sleeves leather bound under arms, first- class lining, high epllar or -Butter and Eggs taken as Cash, aesse-e-o-o-o-e-o-e-4-4.--4-4-4-4-4-4-reseseee-asee0 STEWART BRaa SEAFORTH • r.