HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1907-02-15, Page 2te.
General Merchants for
eette see
he Peopie.
1)4 18 and 19 -
d Thesdav,
Groceries Only
10 Ibi. tpsom Saltal for. .2c
8 lbs. of Sulphur, for
9 lbs. of Rolled Oats:, for.......,. ..........25c
Wdnesday and
Feb, 20 21 -
......Dry Goods
Union Grey Flannel, per yard
White and Grey Flannel Sheeting,
double fold, .at... .....500 per yard :
Ladles' Fleeced Vests, at26e each
Friday and Saturday, Feb:.' 22 Etna 23-
...... Clothing .
Tweeed Pants regular 82.00, at..,.$1.19 a pair
Youth's Odd Ooats, s'izes 32 and 33, each
Youth'e Odd Vests, sizes 30 to 34, at .. . . . ...600 each
Successors to B. B. GUNN
Mt Pan expooitur
SEAFORTII, FRIDAY, %"eb. 16, 1907.
The Apple Trdde. '
Thoasends a dollaree, worth of :ap-
ples go to waste every year in this
toonty of Huron alone, because, the
owners of t orchards think it does not
pay to. incur the; labor of packing
Thein and gettleg thernieeady for mar-
ket Tne requirement2 for successiu
this line seem. to be 1 -Keep only
such It/vet as wni produce the best
bast and the most merchantable
fruit; ,2 -Thorough, systematic and
scientific 13pray1rig se as to destroy
eat fungus and insect pests which in-
jure the quality of the fruit; 3 -
so -operation in packing and selling.
These are the three main; element
of success. This has ;been tried and
proven, if not in this; in a.dJOin-
countiee, Orchards, which under
the ordinary treatment proved so un-
profitable that the owners had all
Sat determined to cut them down and
devote the land they- occupied to other
purposes, hive been made by the
means indicated, the moet profitable
department oe, the farm. :What has
been done elsewhere, can, ;with
equalsuccess be done right here in
the county of Huron. Why should
not Our orchard owner.s make the
trial ta;m1 reap the profit7
' Mr. R. IT codas, a the Labor Ga-
zette at Ottawa, has an article in a
recent number of the Quarterly Jour-
nal of Econorriose published for Har-
vard Univereity, dealing with the de-
velopment of the Canadian •apple in-
dustry. Mr. Coats, we may sae is
sa old, Huron boy, .being a native of
Clinton, and a brother of Registrar
Goatee, of Goderiere By virtue of
this connection with the Depaetraent
of Labor, he is 'familiar with the
conditions of Canadian trade and lab-
or and states_ that the employ:trent., of
the co-operative method has tra.ne-
farmed -toe Canadian apple incluetry,
eveh.erever it has been tried. Less
than eeight years ago the average
farmer's orchard was worse than
prefitlees; now ire has made it, If
are has assayed' co-operation, one of
the most paying departments of the
Mr., Coats traces the histozy of the
Canadian orchard, beginning with the
original planting of apple trees' in
Ontario for the personal use of the
farmer and the local market. The
orchard censieted, then of three or
four acme. The trees were bought
in varieties which would yield, each
in it turn, throughout - the summer
and autumn. There were few eppor-
trinities for ;armors to become
peet orchardists. An. early period of
prosperity WaS follo-wed by a decline.
By 1S66, over -production had made
maty On.tarlo oreharcla
This was succeeded ey an impulse
from the British market Orchards
planted during the ensuing ' period
covered from twenty to thirty acres.
Three or four varieties of- apples,
krown to be favorites, were chosen
earefully. But again; over-produetion
followed, and in 1896, a prienenenai
year, it was estimated that seven
lr%Llllon- barreels of 0app1a in Ontar-
io alone gave rib immediate 'return to
the grower. The era had arrived of
the buyer who hadj brought his own
gang of pickers and packers. •But
smaller orchards ehd those in in-
cOnvealerft districts were crowded
It was to solve the problem of tale
oirdherd that cooperation; came
in. A number of farmers conceived
the Idea of combining. One of their
'number arranged for shipment and a
market. Gradually the necessity for
a central packing house became evi-
dent. Incorporation followed, in the
,ease of Ontario under an act passed
Lin 1900 for co-operative cold stor-
age assoelations. By 1906 twenty co-
operative apple picking and shipplag-
aissobiations existed in Canaria With;
an approximate memberdhlp of 1,800.
In that 'year ten Tieicent. of the
-apple Shipments from Canada bore
the Stamp of the co-operative aiOcia,-.
'Lions. With :regard to their stand-
ing in tne market Mr. Coats writes
"on rtit, rare ocOasiens on whtch
"Shipments have lbeen sent by the
" associations on consignment 'they
'shave detisively beaten all conrpetit-
'I ors lin the open Market" *-
Put' oreifly, the objects of the co-
operative iussociationee are: Uniformity
in peeking; economical methods ;
tending each vaelety to market at
its "nest; manufacture or wholessle
purchase of packing material; mane
a.gerr.ent by competent men whose in-
tereste are identical with those of
the other members; irnproverneet itt
product; elle of fruit at point of
shipment; and utilizetion or surplus
or inferior -product.
A- good beginding has, no doubt,
been made r in the way of co-opera-
tion, but there is inuah yet to be
done., Tire whole Province eirouId be
covered. Mr. Coats shoed have his
article put in such shape that it
could lae placed in the hands of evdrY
farmer and apple grower hi Ontario.
-It would help on the good work.:
A Redistribution Bill.
There are rumors about the lobbies
in the legislative at Toron-
to of a eedistelpution. of Ontario con-,
Stituencles. The Premier was ques-
tioned about the matter in tare Legis-
laiture a few days ago end his reply
wale that tire iiabjeet had not yell 'en-
gaged, the- attention of the Govern-
ment., This, h "sever, has not vita -
ed the rutnore. d the general impres-
sion ite 'that, 'whether anything will
be done in tha.t direction or net this
eession, there will be a, redistribu-
tion tbefore the close of the presort
legislative term and in the ordinary
course there wiLl he only one more
session left' after ethe presetit one.
Under the propoited new bill it is
sald Toronto, is: to 'have eight mem-
bers, Illiamillton three, Ottawa three,
and London two, This will be an. in-
crease of four new members -in To-
ronto and one in each of the Other,
cities. There will also, likely, be con-
siderable diaturbanee in the rural
constituencies . as new `; Ontario is
crying out for increased repreSenta-;
tion. In so far as/ Huron is con-
cerned we do not think it h.as rr,uch
to fear from a Liberal. stand point.
We do not know of any !reasohanle
redistribution that° would make it
much more favorable to the Govern-
ment 'than it now is. If the portion:
of Goderich itovenehip now in the
South riding were put in the west, the
West- would be rhade .solidly Conner-
vatiye, but tire South would suffer.'
proportionately and Mr. Eilber eras
eat' much to spare in that riding.). He
may succeed in holding it as it is
but he eer-tainly could not hold it
without Goderich township and the
Don't negltect your cough.
Statistics s1:10W that in
alone over 230 people die
New York City
every 'itvek from
And most of these consumptives plight
be living, now if they had nOt neglected the
warning cough.
You know how qiick1y Scott ',6"
_ Erna -1-610n lenabies you to throw off a
cough or cold.
04ALL DRUGGISTS; e. .AND $1.00.
:6004. M0000404400001.104°.
- rntnent are not likely to do any- Dinsdase Si. IV -Walter
;Meg- Met Weida injure hina„ By Refloat*. Jr. ID -Anna 1400.d. Second
plating ithe whole of kIullett in the Part -W. '1,10Beath. -
est. and Wingifam in the East ride, Beeehwoodt-The follevVinge is a. re -
lag fttke'Y Would" make the West hope- port of tteis Marks obtained by the
letssly Liberal and the Bast more pupils a .ocbea SectiOre No. 5, Io -
doubtfully Liberal than it is now, Killop, 'for the". Month of lantierert
tett the probable gain would scarcely based on attendance, general conduct
be worth, the change. On 'the Whole and weekly exaralnatiOns : IV elass
We -do not sea that the Conservativm Willie :Curtin 82, DSO 1-1011111111 700 Geo.
have -very much to hope from any re- Holland 134, XIV blOASS-Aunie Klein!
distribution changeo 'that can be 83, Vincent Dillon 60, joe Klein 6e,
made ,Ita 'this county. It le ',true that Violet Mannerly 60, Sr. 11 clrees-
nnder the: laet D orsinion redietribue -Maggie Sloan /1, May Nolan 68, Fran -
tion three Conservatives were re- Os Nolan 48. jr, XI c1ase-4Yeerge See -
turned from Huron,- . but that is no bees; 112, Loretto Corti* 70, Willie
ornerier) to go by. That Moult WaS Kerr 60, Lilly Gordan 61, Mare Sloan
due to very special , 'oireenistances 58, MaejoHe Nolan 56, Floesie Ken -
Which. are !mit,. likely to occur again. nedy 38, jimmy Sloan 37. Part XI -
The eenetittrencies as laid out for Gordon 'Kennedy 15, Norman Dillon 70,
Dominion purposes are more favorable Tom PwrclU. OD. Sr. r, John: Kerr
to the Liberals than they are as they 78, Jcildrny Murray 54, Jr, 1, Georgie
now exidli for Provincial parposee KFeln ' - PEARL R. ANDERSONe
and if the new Provincial redietelou- Teacher.
tion bill 'adopts the . Dorninionedie
visions the Liberals will have no Piles got quick relief from Dr.
cause for complatht, as they will, Shoop's Magic ointment Remember
certainly, be, no worele that they are it 10 made alone for Dils - and it
now and. should be betterworks with certainty and satisfaction.
Itching,_ painful, protruding, or blind
If you are Constipated, dull, orpiles disanrsar like magic by its; 'u.se.
bilious, or have a sallow lifeless, Try it and see I -Sold by C. Aber-.
complexion, try Lax-ets Just once to brut, dugg1ot, Seaforth.
see 'what they will do for you, Lax-
ete are llttle toothsome, -Candy tab-
lets -nice to eat, nice in effect. Np
griping, no pain. Juet a gentle lax-
ative effect that is pleasingly desir-
able. Handy for the vest pocket or The llowing circular has teen.
purse, Lax-ets meet every desireaddressed to the directors of Agri-
Lax-ets come to you la beautiful _cultural, Societies by the Superintend -
lithographed metal boxes. at 6 cents eat,- Ur. J. Lockie -Wilson: "
and 25 cents7 Sold by a. Aberhart, The Ontario Department of Agri,.
Druggist, Seafor th. riculture is anxious at as early a
date WES possible to know if 'you'd so -
School Reports
clay intends holding a, spring stall -
No 3, Usborne.-The folloWing la. ion and , bull tsho-W, or seed fdir, or
. e
- . both combined. Section 21- of the
:report of the _percentage obtained by new _
Act, sub-section (b) . end
the pripils in erection No. 3, ITeborne, (e) Is follows :-" Societies that
for the month of January. Glaze V bold a owing Stallion Show, a spring
-Gilbert Duncan 92, Earl tGardiner IV -Alberta Bull Show, or a, , combined spring
63, Wm.' Roach 66. Sr.
Ray °Stallion and Bull Show, shall recei-va
Doupe 76, Milton McCurdy 72' a went; -
Franels equal to one beef the aura 68, Bertie Doupe 61, Laura expended in the holding of such ,shoW,
Clarke 55, Carrie Copeland 44, Wit- but auca SUM shall not exceed fifty
fred Doupe 44, John Ballantyne 40, dollars. 1Soeletiee that hold a spring
Ada McCurdy 34, Myrtle Stinson 26. Seed Fair shall receive a great equal!
Jr. IV -Victor MeCrirdy 72, • Norman) to one half the sum expended in the
Francis 60, Jessie McCurdy 52, Louie -holding Of such fair, -such sum not to
Martin 81, Ethel Shier 10, Alvin Mc"- exeeed twenty-five dollar's".
Curdy 30, Clues MoLocklin, 39. Senior ;
Agritcultural societies can if theY
III -H. McCurdy 86, 0. McCurdy 74, J.: wieh hold a, combined spring seed fair
Francie 74, Roy McClocklin 63, and cattle !slow. The maximum gov-
bell Turnbull 580 Rita, Shier ;0, Arlon.' errirnent grant will .be $75 where a
-Copeland 0. Sr. II -Leonard Harris combined show is held. It is of great
73, Elea,nor Doupe 60. Jr. II -Janie importanee that th.ese spring shows
areCullogh 75, Reggie Doupe- 50, Ida
'should be held, and the Department
Irvine 46, Omar Copeland 46. Part n all,XIOusi to further in every way
-Grant Duncan, Fern Francis. Part poealble ethe holding of these fairs.
1-Teanie McCurdy, Lester McCurdy, If :you decide to have a seed fair r
John MeClocklin, George Harrow, 'Ger-
bores and cattle show under the se
don Copeland.-ISABELLA M. GARDe
INER, Teacheruons quoted, above we can arm e
. i to send„You expert judges for yo r
• No, le, Gederldie and Hullett-The clock. At these epeing fairs fartne
following is the report for school sec- are given every opportunity t o
tion No. 12, Gocleric.h and' HuIlett,' see and examine carefully and s
for the month of January. The names lect the ;stallions that will be. us d
nr-H. Hill, Sr. McLaughlin,
are in order o f merit: Sr. IV -A.
S. Challenger, Annie Ball. Jr• ed and offered°for pale, and agriet
trill:sits who have seed grain to se
in the locality. Dune can be eihibi
G. Johnstone Jr. Miller, le will find, purchasers.
Meer and, G. Draper Qcpial, L. Chal-, The Department is willing to Sexi-,1
linger, J. Lovett, Bigstre Etta, yore without cost to your sciety, lec-
McBrien, McBrien. sr. II --.A. John- turene on! the different Jitarietles of
eten. Yr. II -C. Lovett, J. Miller, S grain, seed, potatoes, etc. that es-
Mel3rien, F. Lovett. Sr. Mair, perts consider would be best suited
Johneton. Jr. I -Fred Johnston. to 'your eon and climate. With. this
The 'Wet spellers are: Sr. IV, -A* end in view the officers a the Seed
Mair,' Jr. IV, H. Hill ; Sr. III, A. Mc- Division of the Department of Agri -
Laughlin; Jr. III, L. Maar and E. dultuee !have agreed to furnlitt
Beller equal; Sr. II, A. Johnston ; .numbeer of expert lecturers to at
Jr. II, S. MeBrien and J. Miller, equal. t tend our; Spring Seed Fairs.
%Wirethrop.-The following is the It will ,be 'necessary for Your Board
January monthly report for school
section No. 10, McKillop. It la based of Direectore to decide as soon ai
' r intent on ti)
on regularity-, good conduct and pasible f take up this valuable agricultural 'ad-
620weekly eXarninatiOnS Sr. IV-TotalJoe Somers. 871, Gertie Carnk" , utational , work in your vicinity, So-
. s -
bell 329, Su,ele MeSpadden 268, Hir°totemitst notify. this Department
am not later than the first of ,Mareh
Blanchard 282, Mary McKee 192 .
Srif they decide to hold such fairs. We
. III -Total, 420Willie. Pethick 277, will furnish; wry information that
Neleon Govenlock 273, Roiss alumna a,
267; Lily Pethick 253, ' wanmy be required
e MeSpad- Trusting' that your officers will
den 203, Ada. Pethick 188, Harry- War- act promptly/ in this most important
den 96, John. Pethick 59, Pearl Hart matter, reinain,
, SpOng Pairs.
;What the Superintendent Says.
25.1 Jr. III-Tetal, - 220. Belle Bul-
hird 186,- jennie Hart 159, Walter Cran-
field' 147. Jr. II -Annie Pettack 170,
Edith .Q.ovenlock 163, Willie Dodds
157, Hugh, Campbell 59, Violet Broom
33, Qharlie Warden 32, Caesar BrOOM
23. Pert II Sr-Tetal, 190. Etta Riley
-114. Pert II Jr. -Marion Scarlet 136,
Ton -my Blanchard 123, Johnny ' Rol-
land 106, Bessie Blanchard 72. Part
I-Dalbast Riley 111, Harry Hart 91,
Fergus Bullard 89.-C, DURAND', Tea-
cher. .
No. 14, Hay. -The following is the
report of school section- No. 14, _Hay,
for the n:onth of Ja,nuary, 200 meeks
being glyen for eaoh class: Class V
-Eliza, Mulholland 180, .Nell MeAr-
th.ar .180, Sarah Peaty la Class. IV
Faithfully you, --
3. Leckie Wileon,
-Superintendent. 1.
Itching Piles.
If you are acquainted with anyone
who is troubled with the distressing
ailment you can do him no greater
favor than to tell hina o tryl Cham-
berlain's Salve. It gives instant re-
lief. Price 25, cents per box.. Sold by
all druggists.
-The following Statistics of the
prison work of the Salvation Army
throughout the Dominion give some
_Eliza Thompson 182, George Petty- little Idea of the work that mod*,
122.. Claes III Sr. -Larne, Fee 198, ation is doing on, behalf of the prison -
George Mulholland 179, Greta lei -
eon 174, Sidneya-MeArther 151, Cler-
enee McConnell ,183. Clasei III Jr_
Maggie Fee 175, Emily Ivisort 149,
Cla.rence Datare.' 142, Willie Petty ea.
Claes II Sr. -Elmore Ditars 154, Rae
McArthur 131, Orval McConnel 111.
Class II Jr: -Anna . Deters' 163, Sam-
uel Thomson 186, Janie McConnel 184,
Robert Card 74. Part II, -Lizzie Thom-
son. Part I-7Daris Graham, Aneta
Graham, Jean Iviton,' Frank McCon-
nel. Isabel Tilomprian, Teacher.
Blake. -The following report shows
the 4.re1ative standing of the pupils of
Union echooli section. No. 9, Stanley,
Lor the month of January. The re-
port le based on marks assigned daily
for regular and. punctual attendanee,
preparation of legeens end -general
demeanor. The three itt each class
attaining the "highest aggregate are
reported in order of -merit. Claes V
-Roth Keys, Maggie Esler, ' Thomas
Meyers. Class IV -Flossy Capling, I.
Manton, Pearl Zapfe. Class- III -M.
DouglaS, Gordon, Manaan, Albert Keys.
Sr. II -Mary Jane Itileyers, Jake Bren-
nerman, Jo Ines Eslf.N.r. Jr. II-Odwill
Nicholson, Pearl McBride, Annie Bran--
nerman. Sr. Part II -John -Aaron
Meyers. Sophia, Oesche Porcy ZIrk.
Jr. Part II -Lorne Manson, Watley
era: Interviews with prisoners, 18-
971; prisoners met on discharge, 637;
discharged prisoners given employe
_meat, 685;' prisoners expressed desire
to live new lives, asking our help;
1,372; number of meals supplied to ex -
prisoners, 1,011; 'number a garments
glyen to ex -prisoners, 886; 'number of
'railway fares or part fares paid for
ex -prisoners, 373.
-The Shorthorn Breeder'a Associa-
tion et its :regular meeting in To -
Tonto last week, decided to give
$450 and f(301)to the Winnipeg aed
Brandon Faire, respectively. The
executive committee showed that in
1906 the kunount paid in prizes fee
Shorthorn cattle amounted to $8,998.60.
Ontario gate $2,000 of this and Man-
itoba $750. The receipts of the As--
tociation fori last year were $23;-
188.52, and the expenditures $23,188,52.
The membership in Ontario is 1,476,
and in Manitoba 284.
-A young :homesteader named
Stull, living about 15 miles south Of
Gull Lake, was severely frozen, one
day last week, and is in al precar-
ious condition. It is' suppoisd that,
being at the stable when the bilz-
ezard !started, he made for his shack,
which IS about 40 rods away, and
bewildered in the storm, got lost.
Brennerms,n, Roy McBride. Part 'I- The poor fellow wandered a.round for
Clarence Hall, Pearl Moyer. Number a day and a night, and fnally„reach-
en roll, 69, average attendant°. 40. i ed a neighbor's hotree in an, exhaust -
Parents are earneetly requesthd to ed condition., and with his hands and
coo that their children are Bent to
cohcol regularly and punctually. How
can they otherwise be kept abreast
with their elassinatese-G. S. How-
ard, Teacher. •
No.14, Stanley.-Ve, following is
the January report cf sohool section
No. 14, Stanley. Ti-- names are iitt
otder of inerit. Cie OD Vs -Norman
• Jones, Eleanor Hood. Edwin Gem -
mall, Sr. IV -Rena Mc:Beath, Mur-
ray Fisher, Aggie Gernmoll. Jr. IV -
Herbert Jenes, Oda McReath and Jas.
Gemmell equal, John Kehl, Sr. III -
Sarah Rathwell, Hannah Dinsdalee
Jr. III-Lols, Rat invel„4„ Arthur Jones.
Sr, IT -Frank Gernmell, Herbert Kehl,
Allan Fisher. Jr. II -Ano '400d, Ida
RethWell. Second Paet-Alei. Me -
Merle, W.' MeReath. First, Part -
Gladstone McKay, Nelson Hood, Anna
Fieher, The test spellers fa the
monthly opening matches were ;Claes
v -Eleanor Hood. Sr. IV -Murray
Fisher. Jr. IV -Ode; MeBeata, Sr. III
fest and logs up to his knees, and
also on side of hie face -frozen sol-
id. He Is likely to lose both his
hands and h1:3 feet. His comrade
who lived witli him had gone to
Gull Lake for supplies.
i4ever rubel what the Doctor says. if yon
have Bladder Trouble, ICidney Disease or
you can get well if you take
The Cende Kidney PK
sec, a large box. At Druggists, or by
mail direct postpaid. 65
The Marlin Chemical Oa., Ltd., Windsor, Ont.
331111 headarim-baci schwa low spiritede-hate
the sight of food-4,01ft sleep well -all tired out
tile morning -4m 'hear!, tor work?
• i
‘vvill snake vow well
Your kidneys are affected -either through over-
work, exposure or disease. It is the Kidneys that
are making you feel so wretched. Gin Pilfs cure sick
kidneys -make you well and strong -give yoiLall
your old time energy and vitality. Cheer up -and
take Gin Pills. soc, a box -6 for $2.50. Sent on
receipt of price if your dealer does net handle there,
-the brand that made Canada
famous for its durable, well
made clothing.
Do you kn,ow "PROGRESS
BRAND"? Do you wear it?
Look for the label that
„„ typifies progress.
i • -
Tie 100 Year ,O/d Cough, cure
If the throat is "Taw,'/T.---chest sore --bad cough'
'-and you ache "all over "bake
• II
Best thing you ever tried. It eases the throat -heals the lungs -breaks up a add -
and cures a cough in no time.
Prepared hy the largest wholesale drug house in the werld from the formula in
i.se.for over a century. 334 bottle, zse. At dru ts. ' 32
Bole's Preparation of
,21 irgriar's Cough Balsam
rivPromnyT07.01,&A a.) tough 114-1.--6z.%)e;
,GRANBY RUBF.115 in a aifferent Ni4y,
They're tough an goo, 1ntough arab
But toughlor(ot.6 a GRANBY
Sow le look almost club foote& becelise of the
ugly •ers they wear. 61?AllEY RUBBERS al ifr= have
t.neat,clean cut appearavce,amithey WEAR LIKE RON, j
s June
and it is more vital that it
should be good than any
other food.
HITE CLOVER BREAD is made of the highest quality
0 flour and other ingredients, and Milk is used instead of
w ter. These are combined by the highest baker's skill, and
ale result is the PERFECT LOAF. Its crust is light and crisp,
its texture fine and even. It is healthful, nourishing,
di estible, and TASTES GOOD. Do not any longer be content
w th the old dry crumbly bread made of cheap flour and
w ter, but insist on haiing
. The Best Bread That Can Be Made.
LOBS Of Appeate.,
Salt Rheum,
and all troubles
arising from the,.
Stopiaeh, Liver,
Bowcle or Blood.
Mr. .A.
of Beilydufr,
write: 'I beileve
would have been iu
ley grave long
bad it not been for
Burdock Inoed Bit, -
fere, I was run down
tx• Such an extent
that 1 could Scarce,-
Iy move about the
house, I was subj0ct.
to covcre beadaelics„
backaches and dizzi-
ness; rny appetite
vras one and I was
unable to do my
houzework. After
using two bottles of
13.13.13, I found rny
henna fully r
It to all tired and.
worn Oa WOMO/14"
South Huron Farmers' Institute
for 16,07.
will be held as follows, viz: -
ELThivrI,LE, Township Hall, Thursday, Feb, it.
Mtenioon Meeting -Major Shepherd, of Queen.
-don willspeak on Propagating, fruitgrafting, bud --
ding, etc.," and Dr. D. J. Reed, of Oeolvetoi,vn, will
peak on " Principles and practice in *tack breed-
ing." .Addresses also by It. B. McLean, Kipp, and
F. O'Brien, Obiselburst. Evening Meeting.- Major
Sheppard, 'Three historic days on Niagara .Itive.e• ;
Dr. 11. •T Reed, " Breeding Horses for profit."
CREDITON, Town Hall, Friday, February 15
fternoon Meeting.- Addresses by Major am --
pa , Propoptin„1 fruit grafting„ budding, etc.";
Dr. H. J. Reed, "Diseases of digestive 35-3..s1ern of
eat le." Also addresses bv M.1'. McLean, Sealer -lb,
R. . McLean, Kippen. Evening Meeting.- Major
Sh ppaid, "Three historio days on the Niagara Riv-
er'; Dr. H. J. Reed, Horse breeding and care in
re Um to -diseases."
'RAND BEND, Publiellaii, Saturday, Feb. 10
ftemoon lleeting.--Major Sheppard, "The im.-
pro ..ernent ofCountry R-008 ; II. JRed," 0rse breeding for profit," and addresses by R.
Me erin, Kippen, and Paul Madge, Thtnies Road.
ning- Meeting. -Major Sheppard., " Opyortunities
on median Farms " ; Dr. 11.1. Reed, 'Principle's
and practice of stock breeding."
ZURICH, Town Hall, Monday, February 18
A ternoon Meeting. -Major Sheppard, " Planting
and care of fruit trees " Dr. Reed ,
, 'Ilorse brewing
for roilt," and addresses by It. B. McLean and Pant
e. Evening3ieeting.-Major Shcppard,"Thre
ric days on Niagara Elver " . Dr. Reed, " Diva.es f digestive system in cattle."
11 NSALL, Hall, Tuesday, February 10
M ernoon Meeting. -Major Sheppard, V gamine
for ertility and moisture " ; Dr. Reed, " Hone
bree ling and carein relation to diseases." Address-
es b3 T. Fraser, Brucelleld, and A. Mustard, Brum-
geld. Evening Meeting. -Major Sheppard, "Oppor-
tunities on Canadian Farins " ; Dr. Reed, "The
brs • mare and foal."
XERSMITH, Strong's Hall, Wednesday, Yeb.29
.M ernoon Meeting.-Mnjortheppattl,
for roisture and fertility " ; Dr. Reed, " Horse
bree ing and care in relation to diseases." Address -
b R. Hunter, Elimville, J. T. Allison. Manx&
need and H. Horton, Hensall. Evening Meeting. -
Map Sheppard, "Opportunities on Canadian
Farm " ; Dr. Reed, " Principles and practice in
stook breeding."
BA 'FIELD, Public Hall, Thursday, February 21
Aft 'moon Meeting,-.Majar Sheppard, "Soil tillage
for le ility and moisture " ; Dr. Reed, " Principiee.
of st k breeding." Addresses by R. B. MeLe,103
Kipp n, and A. O. Smillie Hensall. Evening Meet: '
ing. Hajar 'Sheppard, Three historic days on Nia-
gara iver " ; Dr. Reid, "Horses for profit." -
; A ceting\orthe directors of the Institute will be •
held n the fOrenoon of the meeting at Hensall, Feb-
ruary 191h, at 11 o'clock.
The afternoon meetings will commence at 2 o'clock
sharp and the evening meetings at 7.110.
An scellent.program consittingof music and liter-
ary s lections will be given at evening meetings.
All terested in Farmers' Institute meetings am -
cord' ily invited to attend.
W. . SANDERS, President.
204 -2 R. GARDINER', See.
Picture Framing -
At this time of year you nearly alwayir
1?ave a number of piatutes you wish 'barn -
ed. But you keep puttirg it off, often be-
eaus you fear the expenee. Picture fram-
ing ab us la a specially, and we every*
Ate° of frames end reouldinp that are
(tea and neat., pretty but net expand -ie.
Li. us frame a pioture for you, and WO
Win 0mA/we you of the truth of what we,
' Tr no for your next Photo.
JA .1(80N BR98, Seafogrth.
Logs Wanted.
The indersigned i prepared to pay the highest
:ash p co for an unlimited quantity of first -claw
Soft El 1, 'Rook Elm, Ba.mswood, Maple, Beech, Ash.
Icnilo k and Oak Logs, delivered at the Seaforth
saw • Serz3sioilftl.sisiTteobelc'e1.ex-
Vill - buy Basswood needing Bolts, 40 inches 1
ong, a Sa.50 per cord delivered. Will also bur
leasurement or by bulkyjp bush. Special at-
te.tion paid to custom sawing,SIthifaction. pitman- •
2080. 0 WAP. AMENT,_Seaforth.
d -winter Clothing.
Just about this time of year the eold winds find the
Winter clothing. You don't want lo invest in a full
You do require a little renewing. Come to Lts and see
or you, and at a price that will surprise you. We do
(Ihr after Oluistmas ba.rgains. Onr clothee are always
give you big value for your money every time.
FurnWiings and the small things for men's wear, we carry
Oete line, We can please you. Call and see.
kinks in you
new o' utfit, but
what we can do
not blow about
bargains, W
a fall ard cern' -
I a
- Pine
'V Li p
is the medicine yon need. It strikes at
the ve y foundstion of all throat or lung
camel 'tuts, relieving or curing Coughs,
Colds, Bronchitis, Afehma, Croup, Sone'
Throat and preventing -Pneumonia and:
.Constu ption.
It stood the tnst for many years, and
is now ore generally used than ever. It,
contain all the lung healing virtues of tho..
pine trio abinbined with Wild Cherry Bark
and oth rpeotoral remedies. it stimulatos.
the w slotted bronchial organs,., allay*,
irritation and subdues Inflammation,.
soothers .and heals the irritated parte,
loosens the phlegm and mucous, and aids!
cumulat'ons. Don't be atunbrigged info.'
nature ;,.o easily dilodge the morbid ac-
accepting 94 imitation of 1)r. Wood's Nor-
way ?int Syrup. It is put up hi a yellow
wrapper three pine trees the trade mark,
and price 25 ets.
Mr. J lian47. LeBlanc, Belle Cote, NS..
writes : "1 was troubled with a bad eelt
and see re cough, wfiiell Deemed sueh an,
attitude as to keep ,no conflued to my
house. I tried several remedies advertised.
but they wero of no avail. As a Iaae rest
I tried De. Wood's llorway Pine Syrup, -
and ono bottle cured me completely.' .
Tb ands liavo said this v7hen they
Caught cold. Thoesa,nde have neglected.
to cure the cold.• Thousands have filled ep
Consumptives grave through neglect.
Never neglect a, trough or cold. It eau have
but gee result. It leaves the throat �r
Naga, or both, affected.
, At a barpin*:
o Ube, Wit1110 A
bushels per at.
- SiSeeto-in,130-3-
-, 100 acres piong
-. being Bummer ;
: gall particulars 1
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4,1 ;
Do it not
7.4m7edy to on
-0-11-..1 to take t.
Ir. cures'
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every brtil,
=eat, It is
Those oin
tendency find
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I have been
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.Any person non
lifter stating in
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may not be sti
very effort will
h help
Swise srt.
oardOult- -
good sumit
We huynoth
Pork *tad IA
man, sawn,
- Corned Beet
fresh and g -v
Are you
And snow
44 TAM of I
Tourist ti
routed vi
For atekoes *
7 Sealed tendei
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'erection of arm"
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